path: root/compiler/typecheck/TcTyDecls.hs
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+(c) The University of Glasgow 2006
+(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1999
+Analysis functions over data types. Specficially, detecting recursive types.
+This stuff is only used for source-code decls; it's recorded in interface
+files for imported data types.
+module TcTyDecls(
+ calcRecFlags, RecTyInfo(..),
+ calcSynCycles, calcClassCycles,
+ RoleAnnots, extractRoleAnnots, emptyRoleAnnots, lookupRoleAnnots
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import TypeRep
+import HsSyn
+import Class
+import Type
+import Kind
+import HscTypes
+import TyCon
+import DataCon
+import Var
+import Name
+import NameEnv
+import VarEnv
+import VarSet
+import NameSet
+import Coercion ( ltRole )
+import Avail
+import Digraph
+import BasicTypes
+import SrcLoc
+import Outputable
+import UniqSet
+import Util
+import Maybes
+import Data.List
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
+import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..))
+import Control.Monad
+* *
+ Cycles in class and type synonym declarations
+* *
+Checking for class-decl loops is easy, because we don't allow class decls
+in interface files.
+We allow type synonyms in hi-boot files, but we *trust* hi-boot files,
+so we don't check for loops that involve them. So we only look for synonym
+loops in the module being compiled.
+We check for type synonym and class cycles on the *source* code.
+Main reasons:
+ a) Otherwise we'd need a special function to extract type-synonym tycons
+ from a type, whereas we already have the free vars pinned on the decl
+ b) If we checked for type synonym loops after building the TyCon, we
+ can't do a hoistForAllTys on the type synonym rhs, (else we fall into
+ a black hole) which seems unclean. Apart from anything else, it'd mean
+ that a type-synonym rhs could have for-alls to the right of an arrow,
+ which means adding new cases to the validity checker
+ Indeed, in general, checking for cycles beforehand means we need to
+ be less careful about black holes through synonym cycles.
+The main disadvantage is that a cycle that goes via a type synonym in an
+.hi-boot file can lead the compiler into a loop, because it assumes that cycles
+only occur entirely within the source code of the module being compiled.
+But hi-boot files are trusted anyway, so this isn't much worse than (say)
+a kind error.
+[ NOTE ----------------------------------------------
+If we reverse this decision, this comment came from tcTyDecl1, and should
+ go back there
+ -- dsHsType, not tcHsKindedType, to avoid a loop. tcHsKindedType does hoisting,
+ -- which requires looking through synonyms... and therefore goes into a loop
+ -- on (erroneously) recursive synonyms.
+ -- Solution: do not hoist synonyms, because they'll be hoisted soon enough
+ -- when they are substituted
+We'd also need to add back in this definition
+synonymTyConsOfType :: Type -> [TyCon]
+-- Does not look through type synonyms at all
+-- Return a list of synonym tycons
+synonymTyConsOfType ty
+ = nameEnvElts (go ty)
+ where
+ go :: Type -> NameEnv TyCon -- The NameEnv does duplicate elim
+ go (TyVarTy v) = emptyNameEnv
+ go (TyConApp tc tys) = go_tc tc tys
+ go (AppTy a b) = go a `plusNameEnv` go b
+ go (FunTy a b) = go a `plusNameEnv` go b
+ go (ForAllTy _ ty) = go ty
+ go_tc tc tys | isTypeSynonymTyCon tc = extendNameEnv (go_s tys)
+ (tyConName tc) tc
+ | otherwise = go_s tys
+ go_s tys = foldr (plusNameEnv . go) emptyNameEnv tys
+---------------------------------------- END NOTE ]
+mkSynEdges :: [LTyClDecl Name] -> [(LTyClDecl Name, Name, [Name])]
+mkSynEdges syn_decls = [ (ldecl, name, nameSetElems fvs)
+ | ldecl@(L _ (SynDecl { tcdLName = L _ name
+ , tcdFVs = fvs })) <- syn_decls ]
+calcSynCycles :: [LTyClDecl Name] -> [SCC (LTyClDecl Name)]
+calcSynCycles = stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVertices . mkSynEdges
+Note [Superclass cycle check]
+We can't allow cycles via superclasses because it would result in the
+type checker looping when it canonicalises a class constraint (superclasses
+are added during canonicalisation). More precisely, given a constraint
+ C ty1 .. tyn
+we want to instantiate all of C's superclasses, transitively, and
+that set must be finite. So if
+ class (D b, E b a) => C a b
+then when we encounter the constraint
+ C ty1 ty2
+we'll instantiate the superclasses
+ (D ty2, E ty2 ty1)
+and then *their* superclasses, and so on. This set must be finite!
+It is OK for superclasses to be type synonyms for other classes, so
+must "look through" type synonyms. Eg
+ type X a = C [a]
+ class X a => C a -- No! Recursive superclass!
+We want definitions such as:
+ class C cls a where cls a => a -> a
+ class C D a => D a where
+to be accepted, even though a naive acyclicity check would reject the
+program as having a cycle between D and its superclass. Why? Because
+when we instantiate
+ D ty1
+we get the superclas
+ C D ty1
+and C has no superclasses, so we have terminated with a finite set.
+More precisely, the rule is this: the superclasses sup_C of a class C
+are rejected iff:
+ C \elem expand(sup_C)
+Where expand is defined as follows:
+(1) expand(a ty1 ... tyN) = expand(ty1) \union ... \union expand(tyN)
+(2) expand(D ty1 ... tyN) = {D}
+ \union sup_D[ty1/x1, ..., tyP/xP]
+ \union expand(ty(P+1)) ... \union expand(tyN)
+ where (D x1 ... xM) is a class, P = min(M,N)
+(3) expand(T ty1 ... tyN) = expand(ty1) \union ... \union expand(tyN)
+ where T is not a class
+Eqn (1) is conservative; when there's a type variable at the head,
+look in all the argument types. Eqn (2) expands superclasses; the
+third component of the union is like Eqn (1). Eqn (3) happens mainly
+when the context is a (constraint) tuple, such as (Eq a, Show a).
+Furthermore, expand always looks through type synonyms.
+calcClassCycles :: Class -> [[TyCon]]
+calcClassCycles cls
+ = nubBy eqAsCycle $
+ expandTheta (unitUniqSet cls) [classTyCon cls] (classSCTheta cls) []
+ where
+ -- The last TyCon in the cycle is always the same as the first
+ eqAsCycle xs ys = any (xs ==) (cycles (tail ys))
+ cycles xs = take n . map (take n) . tails . cycle $ xs
+ where n = length xs
+ -- No more superclasses to expand ==> no problems with cycles
+ -- See Note [Superclass cycle check]
+ expandTheta :: UniqSet Class -- Path of Classes to here in set form
+ -> [TyCon] -- Path to here
+ -> ThetaType -- Superclass work list
+ -> [[TyCon]] -- Input error paths
+ -> [[TyCon]] -- Final error paths
+ expandTheta _ _ [] = id
+ expandTheta seen path (pred:theta) = expandType seen path pred . expandTheta seen path theta
+ expandType seen path (TyConApp tc tys)
+ -- Expand unsaturated classes to their superclass theta if they are yet unseen.
+ -- If they have already been seen then we have detected an error!
+ | Just cls <- tyConClass_maybe tc
+ , let (env, remainder) = papp (classTyVars cls) tys
+ rest_tys = either (const []) id remainder
+ = if cls `elementOfUniqSet` seen
+ then (reverse (classTyCon cls:path):)
+ . flip (foldr (expandType seen path)) tys
+ else expandTheta (addOneToUniqSet seen cls) (tc:path)
+ (substTys (mkTopTvSubst env) (classSCTheta cls))
+ . flip (foldr (expandType seen path)) rest_tys
+ -- For synonyms, try to expand them: some arguments might be
+ -- phantoms, after all. We can expand with impunity because at
+ -- this point the type synonym cycle check has already happened.
+ | Just (tvs, rhs) <- synTyConDefn_maybe tc
+ , let (env, remainder) = papp tvs tys
+ rest_tys = either (const []) id remainder
+ = expandType seen (tc:path) (substTy (mkTopTvSubst env) rhs)
+ . flip (foldr (expandType seen path)) rest_tys
+ -- For non-class, non-synonyms, just check the arguments
+ | otherwise
+ = flip (foldr (expandType seen path)) tys
+ expandType _ _ (TyVarTy {}) = id
+ expandType _ _ (LitTy {}) = id
+ expandType seen path (AppTy t1 t2) = expandType seen path t1 . expandType seen path t2
+ expandType seen path (FunTy t1 t2) = expandType seen path t1 . expandType seen path t2
+ expandType seen path (ForAllTy _tv t) = expandType seen path t
+ papp :: [TyVar] -> [Type] -> ([(TyVar, Type)], Either [TyVar] [Type])
+ papp [] tys = ([], Right tys)
+ papp tvs [] = ([], Left tvs)
+ papp (tv:tvs) (ty:tys) = ((tv, ty):env, remainder)
+ where (env, remainder) = papp tvs tys
+* *
+ Deciding which type constructors are recursive
+* *
+Identification of recursive TyCons
+The knot-tying parameters: @rec_details_list@ is an alist mapping @Name@s to
+Identifying a TyCon as recursive serves two purposes
+1. Avoid infinite types. Non-recursive newtypes are treated as
+"transparent", like type synonyms, after the type checker. If we did
+this for all newtypes, we'd get infinite types. So we figure out for
+each newtype whether it is "recursive", and add a coercion if so. In
+effect, we are trying to "cut the loops" by identifying a loop-breaker.
+2. Avoid infinite unboxing. This has nothing to do with newtypes.
+Suppose we have
+ data T = MkT Int T
+ f (MkT x t) = f t
+Well, this function diverges, but we don't want the strictness analyser
+to diverge. But the strictness analyser will diverge because it looks
+deeper and deeper into the structure of T. (I believe there are
+examples where the function does something sane, and the strictness
+analyser still diverges, but I can't see one now.)
+Now, concerning (1), the FC2 branch currently adds a coercion for ALL
+newtypes. I did this as an experiment, to try to expose cases in which
+the coercions got in the way of optimisations. If it turns out that we
+can indeed always use a coercion, then we don't risk recursive types,
+and don't need to figure out what the loop breakers are.
+For newtype *families* though, we will always have a coercion, so they
+are always loop breakers! So you can easily adjust the current
+algorithm by simply treating all newtype families as loop breakers (and
+indeed type families). I think.
+For newtypes, we label some as "recursive" such that
+ INVARIANT: there is no cycle of non-recursive newtypes
+In any loop, only one newtype need be marked as recursive; it is
+a "loop breaker". Labelling more than necessary as recursive is OK,
+provided the invariant is maintained.
+A newtype M.T is defined to be "recursive" iff
+ (a) it is declared in an hi-boot file (see RdrHsSyn.hsIfaceDecl)
+ (b) it is declared in a source file, but that source file has a
+ companion hi-boot file which declares the type
+ or (c) one can get from T's rhs to T via type
+ synonyms, or non-recursive newtypes *in M*
+ e.g. newtype T = MkT (T -> Int)
+(a) is conservative; declarations in hi-boot files are always
+ made loop breakers. That's why in (b) we can restrict attention
+ to tycons in M, because any loops through newtypes outside M
+ will be broken by those newtypes
+(b) ensures that a newtype is not treated as a loop breaker in one place
+and later as a non-loop-breaker. This matters in GHCi particularly, when
+a newtype T might be embedded in many types in the environment, and then
+T's source module is compiled. We don't want T's recursiveness to change.
+The "recursive" flag for algebraic data types is irrelevant (never consulted)
+for types with more than one constructor.
+An algebraic data type M.T is "recursive" iff
+ it has just one constructor, and
+ (a) it is declared in an hi-boot file (see RdrHsSyn.hsIfaceDecl)
+ (b) it is declared in a source file, but that source file has a
+ companion hi-boot file which declares the type
+ or (c) one can get from its arg types to T via type synonyms,
+ or by non-recursive newtypes or non-recursive product types in M
+ e.g. data T = MkT (T -> Int) Bool
+Just like newtype in fact
+A type synonym is recursive if one can get from its
+right hand side back to it via type synonyms. (This is
+reported as an error.)
+A class is recursive if one can get from its superclasses
+back to it. (This is an error too.)
+Hi-boot types
+A data type read from an hi-boot file will have an AbstractTyCon as its AlgTyConRhs
+and will respond True to isAbstractTyCon. The idea is that we treat these as if one
+could get from these types to anywhere. So when we see
+ module Baz where
+ import {-# SOURCE #-} Foo( T )
+ newtype S = MkS T
+then we mark S as recursive, just in case. What that means is that if we see
+ import Baz( S )
+ newtype R = MkR S
+then we don't need to look inside S to compute R's recursiveness. Since S is imported
+(not from an hi-boot file), one cannot get from R back to S except via an hi-boot file,
+and that means that some data type will be marked recursive along the way. So R is
+unconditionly non-recursive (i.e. there'll be a loop breaker elsewhere if necessary)
+This in turn means that we grovel through fewer interface files when computing
+recursiveness, because we need only look at the type decls in the module being
+compiled, plus the outer structure of directly-mentioned types.
+data RecTyInfo = RTI { rti_promotable :: Bool
+ , rti_roles :: Name -> [Role]
+ , rti_is_rec :: Name -> RecFlag }
+calcRecFlags :: ModDetails -> Bool -- hs-boot file?
+ -> RoleAnnots -> [TyThing] -> RecTyInfo
+-- The 'boot_names' are the things declared in M.hi-boot, if M is the current module.
+-- Any type constructors in boot_names are automatically considered loop breakers
+calcRecFlags boot_details is_boot mrole_env tyclss
+ = RTI { rti_promotable = is_promotable
+ , rti_roles = roles
+ , rti_is_rec = is_rec }
+ where
+ rec_tycon_names = mkNameSet (map tyConName all_tycons)
+ all_tycons = mapMaybe getTyCon tyclss
+ -- Recursion of newtypes/data types can happen via
+ -- the class TyCon, so tyclss includes the class tycons
+ is_promotable = all (isPromotableTyCon rec_tycon_names) all_tycons
+ roles = inferRoles is_boot mrole_env all_tycons
+ ----------------- Recursion calculation ----------------
+ is_rec n | n `elemNameSet` rec_names = Recursive
+ | otherwise = NonRecursive
+ boot_name_set = availsToNameSet (md_exports boot_details)
+ rec_names = boot_name_set `unionNameSet`
+ nt_loop_breakers `unionNameSet`
+ prod_loop_breakers
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ -- NOTE
+ -- These edge-construction loops rely on
+ -- every loop going via tyclss, the types and classes
+ -- in the module being compiled. Stuff in interface
+ -- files should be correctly marked. If not (e.g. a
+ -- type synonym in a hi-boot file) we can get an infinite
+ -- loop. We could program round this, but it'd make the code
+ -- rather less nice, so I'm not going to do that yet.
+ single_con_tycons = [ tc | tc <- all_tycons
+ , not (tyConName tc `elemNameSet` boot_name_set)
+ -- Remove the boot_name_set because they are
+ -- going to be loop breakers regardless.
+ , isSingleton (tyConDataCons tc) ]
+ -- Both newtypes and data types, with exactly one data constructor
+ (new_tycons, prod_tycons) = partition isNewTyCon single_con_tycons
+ -- NB: we do *not* call isProductTyCon because that checks
+ -- for vanilla-ness of data constructors; and that depends
+ -- on empty existential type variables; and that is figured
+ -- out by tcResultType; which uses tcMatchTy; which uses
+ -- coreView; which calls coreExpandTyCon_maybe; which uses
+ -- the recursiveness of the TyCon. Result... a black hole.
+ --------------- Newtypes ----------------------
+ nt_loop_breakers = mkNameSet (findLoopBreakers nt_edges)
+ is_rec_nt tc = tyConName tc `elemNameSet` nt_loop_breakers
+ -- is_rec_nt is a locally-used helper function
+ nt_edges = [(t, mk_nt_edges t) | t <- new_tycons]
+ mk_nt_edges nt -- Invariant: nt is a newtype
+ = [ tc | tc <- nameEnvElts (tyConsOfType (new_tc_rhs nt))
+ -- tyConsOfType looks through synonyms
+ , tc `elem` new_tycons ]
+ -- If not (tc `elem` new_tycons) we know that either it's a local *data* type,
+ -- or it's imported. Either way, it can't form part of a newtype cycle
+ --------------- Product types ----------------------
+ prod_loop_breakers = mkNameSet (findLoopBreakers prod_edges)
+ prod_edges = [(tc, mk_prod_edges tc) | tc <- prod_tycons]
+ mk_prod_edges tc -- Invariant: tc is a product tycon
+ = concatMap (mk_prod_edges1 tc) (dataConOrigArgTys (head (tyConDataCons tc)))
+ mk_prod_edges1 ptc ty = concatMap (mk_prod_edges2 ptc) (nameEnvElts (tyConsOfType ty))
+ mk_prod_edges2 ptc tc
+ | tc `elem` prod_tycons = [tc] -- Local product
+ | tc `elem` new_tycons = if is_rec_nt tc -- Local newtype
+ then []
+ else mk_prod_edges1 ptc (new_tc_rhs tc)
+ -- At this point we know that either it's a local non-product data type,
+ -- or it's imported. Either way, it can't form part of a cycle
+ | otherwise = []
+new_tc_rhs :: TyCon -> Type
+new_tc_rhs tc = snd (newTyConRhs tc) -- Ignore the type variables
+getTyCon :: TyThing -> Maybe TyCon
+getTyCon (ATyCon tc) = Just tc
+getTyCon _ = Nothing
+findLoopBreakers :: [(TyCon, [TyCon])] -> [Name]
+-- Finds a set of tycons that cut all loops
+findLoopBreakers deps
+ = go [(tc,tc,ds) | (tc,ds) <- deps]
+ where
+ go edges = [ name
+ | CyclicSCC ((tc,_,_) : edges') <- stronglyConnCompFromEdgedVerticesR edges,
+ name <- tyConName tc : go edges']
+* *
+ Promotion calculation
+* *
+See Note [Checking whether a group is promotable]
+We only want to promote a TyCon if all its data constructors
+are promotable; it'd be very odd to promote some but not others.
+But the data constructors may mention this or other TyCons.
+So we treat the recursive uses as all OK (ie promotable) and
+do one pass to check that each TyCon is promotable.
+Currently type synonyms are not promotable, though that
+could change.
+isPromotableTyCon :: NameSet -> TyCon -> Bool
+isPromotableTyCon rec_tycons tc
+ = isAlgTyCon tc -- Only algebraic; not even synonyms
+ -- (we could reconsider the latter)
+ && ok_kind (tyConKind tc)
+ && case algTyConRhs tc of
+ DataTyCon { data_cons = cs } -> all ok_con cs
+ NewTyCon { data_con = c } -> ok_con c
+ AbstractTyCon {} -> False
+ DataFamilyTyCon {} -> False
+ where
+ ok_kind kind = all isLiftedTypeKind args && isLiftedTypeKind res
+ where -- Checks for * -> ... -> * -> *
+ (args, res) = splitKindFunTys kind
+ -- See Note [Promoted data constructors] in TyCon
+ ok_con con = all (isLiftedTypeKind . tyVarKind) ex_tvs
+ && null eq_spec -- No constraints
+ && null theta
+ && all (isPromotableType rec_tycons) orig_arg_tys
+ where
+ (_, ex_tvs, eq_spec, theta, orig_arg_tys, _) = dataConFullSig con
+isPromotableType :: NameSet -> Type -> Bool
+-- Must line up with DataCon.promoteType
+-- But the function lives here because we must treat the
+-- *recursive* tycons as promotable
+isPromotableType rec_tcs con_arg_ty
+ = go con_arg_ty
+ where
+ go (TyConApp tc tys) = tys `lengthIs` tyConArity tc
+ && (tyConName tc `elemNameSet` rec_tcs
+ || isJust (promotableTyCon_maybe tc))
+ && all go tys
+ go (FunTy arg res) = go arg && go res
+ go (TyVarTy {}) = True
+ go _ = False
+* *
+ Role annotations
+* *
+type RoleAnnots = NameEnv (LRoleAnnotDecl Name)
+extractRoleAnnots :: TyClGroup Name -> RoleAnnots
+extractRoleAnnots (TyClGroup { group_roles = roles })
+ = mkNameEnv [ (tycon, role_annot)
+ | role_annot@(L _ (RoleAnnotDecl (L _ tycon) _)) <- roles ]
+emptyRoleAnnots :: RoleAnnots
+emptyRoleAnnots = emptyNameEnv
+lookupRoleAnnots :: RoleAnnots -> Name -> Maybe (LRoleAnnotDecl Name)
+lookupRoleAnnots = lookupNameEnv
+* *
+ Role inference
+* *
+Note [Role inference]
+The role inference algorithm datatype definitions to infer the roles on the
+parameters. Although these roles are stored in the tycons, we can perform this
+algorithm on the built tycons, as long as we don't peek at an as-yet-unknown
+roles field! Ah, the magic of laziness.
+First, we choose appropriate initial roles. For families and classes, roles
+(including initial roles) are N. For datatypes, we start with the role in the
+role annotation (if any), or otherwise use Phantom. This is done in
+The function irGroup then propagates role information until it reaches a
+fixpoint, preferring N over (R or P) and R over P. To aid in this, we have a
+monad RoleM, which is a combination reader and state monad. In its state are
+the current RoleEnv, which gets updated by role propagation, and an update
+bit, which we use to know whether or not we've reached the fixpoint. The
+environment of RoleM contains the tycon whose parameters we are inferring, and
+a VarEnv from parameters to their positions, so we can update the RoleEnv.
+Between tycons, this reader information is missing; it is added by
+There are two kinds of tycons to consider: algebraic ones (excluding classes)
+and type synonyms. (Remember, families don't participate -- all their parameters
+are N.) An algebraic tycon processes each of its datacons, in turn. Note that
+a datacon's universally quantified parameters might be different from the parent
+tycon's parameters, so we use the datacon's univ parameters in the mapping from
+vars to positions. Note also that we don't want to infer roles for existentials
+(they're all at N, too), so we put them in the set of local variables. As an
+optimisation, we skip any tycons whose roles are already all Nominal, as there
+nowhere else for them to go. For synonyms, we just analyse their right-hand sides.
+irType walks through a type, looking for uses of a variable of interest and
+propagating role information. Because anything used under a phantom position
+is at phantom and anything used under a nominal position is at nominal, the
+irType function can assume that anything it sees is at representational. (The
+other possibilities are pruned when they're encountered.)
+The rest of the code is just plumbing.
+How do we know that this algorithm is correct? It should meet the following
+Let Z be a role context -- a mapping from variables to roles. The following
+rules define the property (Z |- t : r), where t is a type and r is a role:
+Z(a) = r' r' <= r
+------------------------- RCVar
+Z |- a : r
+---------- RCConst
+Z |- T : r -- T is a type constructor
+Z |- t1 : r
+Z |- t2 : N
+-------------- RCApp
+Z |- t1 t2 : r
+forall i<=n. (r_i is R or N) implies Z |- t_i : r_i
+roles(T) = r_1 .. r_n
+---------------------------------------------------- RCDApp
+Z |- T t_1 .. t_n : R
+Z, a:N |- t : r
+---------------------- RCAll
+Z |- forall a:k.t : r
+We also have the following rules:
+For all datacon_i in type T, where a_1 .. a_n are universally quantified
+and b_1 .. b_m are existentially quantified, and the arguments are t_1 .. t_p,
+then if forall j<=p, a_1 : r_1 .. a_n : r_n, b_1 : N .. b_m : N |- t_j : R,
+then roles(T) = r_1 .. r_n
+roles(->) = R, R
+roles(~#) = N, N
+With -dcore-lint on, the output of this algorithm is checked in checkValidRoles,
+called from checkValidTycon.
+Note [Role-checking data constructor arguments]
+ data T a where
+ MkT :: Eq b => F a -> (a->a) -> T (G a)
+Then we want to check the roles at which 'a' is used
+in MkT's type. We want to work on the user-written type,
+so we need to take into account
+ * the arguments: (F a) and (a->a)
+ * the context: C a b
+ * the result type: (G a) -- this is in the eq_spec
+type RoleEnv = NameEnv [Role] -- from tycon names to roles
+-- This, and any of the functions it calls, must *not* look at the roles
+-- field of a tycon we are inferring roles about!
+-- See Note [Role inference]
+inferRoles :: Bool -> RoleAnnots -> [TyCon] -> Name -> [Role]
+inferRoles is_boot annots tycons
+ = let role_env = initialRoleEnv is_boot annots tycons
+ role_env' = irGroup role_env tycons in
+ \name -> case lookupNameEnv role_env' name of
+ Just roles -> roles
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "inferRoles" (ppr name)
+initialRoleEnv :: Bool -> RoleAnnots -> [TyCon] -> RoleEnv
+initialRoleEnv is_boot annots = extendNameEnvList emptyNameEnv .
+ map (initialRoleEnv1 is_boot annots)
+initialRoleEnv1 :: Bool -> RoleAnnots -> TyCon -> (Name, [Role])
+initialRoleEnv1 is_boot annots_env tc
+ | isFamilyTyCon tc = (name, map (const Nominal) tyvars)
+ | isAlgTyCon tc = (name, default_roles)
+ | isTypeSynonymTyCon tc = (name, default_roles)
+ | otherwise = pprPanic "initialRoleEnv1" (ppr tc)
+ where name = tyConName tc
+ tyvars = tyConTyVars tc
+ (kvs, tvs) = span isKindVar tyvars
+ -- if the number of annotations in the role annotation decl
+ -- is wrong, just ignore it. We check this in the validity check.
+ role_annots
+ = case lookupNameEnv annots_env name of
+ Just (L _ (RoleAnnotDecl _ annots))
+ | annots `equalLength` tvs -> map unLoc annots
+ _ -> map (const Nothing) tvs
+ default_roles = map (const Nominal) kvs ++
+ zipWith orElse role_annots (repeat default_role)
+ default_role
+ | isClassTyCon tc = Nominal
+ | is_boot = Representational
+ | otherwise = Phantom
+irGroup :: RoleEnv -> [TyCon] -> RoleEnv
+irGroup env tcs
+ = let (env', update) = runRoleM env $ mapM_ irTyCon tcs in
+ if update
+ then irGroup env' tcs
+ else env'
+irTyCon :: TyCon -> RoleM ()
+irTyCon tc
+ | isAlgTyCon tc
+ = do { old_roles <- lookupRoles tc
+ ; unless (all (== Nominal) old_roles) $ -- also catches data families,
+ -- which don't want or need role inference
+ do { whenIsJust (tyConClass_maybe tc) (irClass tc_name)
+ ; addRoleInferenceInfo tc_name (tyConTyVars tc) $
+ mapM_ (irType emptyVarSet) (tyConStupidTheta tc) -- See #8958
+ ; mapM_ (irDataCon tc_name) (visibleDataCons $ algTyConRhs tc) }}
+ | Just ty <- synTyConRhs_maybe tc
+ = addRoleInferenceInfo tc_name (tyConTyVars tc) $
+ irType emptyVarSet ty
+ | otherwise
+ = return ()
+ where
+ tc_name = tyConName tc
+-- any type variable used in an associated type must be Nominal
+irClass :: Name -> Class -> RoleM ()
+irClass tc_name cls
+ = addRoleInferenceInfo tc_name cls_tvs $
+ mapM_ ir_at (classATs cls)
+ where
+ cls_tvs = classTyVars cls
+ cls_tv_set = mkVarSet cls_tvs
+ ir_at at_tc
+ = mapM_ (updateRole Nominal) (varSetElems nvars)
+ where nvars = (mkVarSet $ tyConTyVars at_tc) `intersectVarSet` cls_tv_set
+-- See Note [Role inference]
+irDataCon :: Name -> DataCon -> RoleM ()
+irDataCon tc_name datacon
+ = addRoleInferenceInfo tc_name univ_tvs $
+ mapM_ (irType ex_var_set) (eqSpecPreds eq_spec ++ theta ++ arg_tys)
+ -- See Note [Role-checking data constructor arguments]
+ where
+ (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, eq_spec, theta, arg_tys, _res_ty) = dataConFullSig datacon
+ ex_var_set = mkVarSet ex_tvs
+irType :: VarSet -> Type -> RoleM ()
+irType = go
+ where
+ go lcls (TyVarTy tv) = unless (tv `elemVarSet` lcls) $
+ updateRole Representational tv
+ go lcls (AppTy t1 t2) = go lcls t1 >> mark_nominal lcls t2
+ go lcls (TyConApp tc tys)
+ = do { roles <- lookupRolesX tc
+ ; zipWithM_ (go_app lcls) roles tys }
+ go lcls (FunTy t1 t2) = go lcls t1 >> go lcls t2
+ go lcls (ForAllTy tv ty) = go (extendVarSet lcls tv) ty
+ go _ (LitTy {}) = return ()
+ go_app _ Phantom _ = return () -- nothing to do here
+ go_app lcls Nominal ty = mark_nominal lcls ty -- all vars below here are N
+ go_app lcls Representational ty = go lcls ty
+ mark_nominal lcls ty = let nvars = tyVarsOfType ty `minusVarSet` lcls in
+ mapM_ (updateRole Nominal) (varSetElems nvars)
+-- like lookupRoles, but with Nominal tags at the end for oversaturated TyConApps
+lookupRolesX :: TyCon -> RoleM [Role]
+lookupRolesX tc
+ = do { roles <- lookupRoles tc
+ ; return $ roles ++ repeat Nominal }
+-- gets the roles either from the environment or the tycon
+lookupRoles :: TyCon -> RoleM [Role]
+lookupRoles tc
+ = do { env <- getRoleEnv
+ ; case lookupNameEnv env (tyConName tc) of
+ Just roles -> return roles
+ Nothing -> return $ tyConRoles tc }
+-- tries to update a role; won't ever update a role "downwards"
+updateRole :: Role -> TyVar -> RoleM ()
+updateRole role tv
+ = do { var_ns <- getVarNs
+ ; case lookupVarEnv var_ns tv of
+ { Nothing -> pprPanic "updateRole" (ppr tv)
+ ; Just n -> do
+ { name <- getTyConName
+ ; updateRoleEnv name n role }}}
+-- the state in the RoleM monad
+data RoleInferenceState = RIS { role_env :: RoleEnv
+ , update :: Bool }
+-- the environment in the RoleM monad
+type VarPositions = VarEnv Int
+data RoleInferenceInfo = RII { var_ns :: VarPositions
+ , name :: Name }
+-- See [Role inference]
+newtype RoleM a = RM { unRM :: Maybe RoleInferenceInfo
+ -> RoleInferenceState
+ -> (a, RoleInferenceState) }
+instance Functor RoleM where
+ fmap = liftM
+instance Applicative RoleM where
+ pure = return
+ (<*>) = ap
+instance Monad RoleM where
+ return x = RM $ \_ state -> (x, state)
+ a >>= f = RM $ \m_info state -> let (a', state') = unRM a m_info state in
+ unRM (f a') m_info state'
+runRoleM :: RoleEnv -> RoleM () -> (RoleEnv, Bool)
+runRoleM env thing = (env', update)
+ where RIS { role_env = env', update = update } = snd $ unRM thing Nothing state
+ state = RIS { role_env = env, update = False }
+addRoleInferenceInfo :: Name -> [TyVar] -> RoleM a -> RoleM a
+addRoleInferenceInfo name tvs thing
+ = RM $ \_nothing state -> ASSERT( isNothing _nothing )
+ unRM thing (Just info) state
+ where info = RII { var_ns = mkVarEnv (zip tvs [0..]), name = name }
+getRoleEnv :: RoleM RoleEnv
+getRoleEnv = RM $ \_ state@(RIS { role_env = env }) -> (env, state)
+getVarNs :: RoleM VarPositions
+getVarNs = RM $ \m_info state ->
+ case m_info of
+ Nothing -> panic "getVarNs"
+ Just (RII { var_ns = var_ns }) -> (var_ns, state)
+getTyConName :: RoleM Name
+getTyConName = RM $ \m_info state ->
+ case m_info of
+ Nothing -> panic "getTyConName"
+ Just (RII { name = name }) -> (name, state)
+updateRoleEnv :: Name -> Int -> Role -> RoleM ()
+updateRoleEnv name n role
+ = RM $ \_ state@(RIS { role_env = role_env }) -> ((),
+ case lookupNameEnv role_env name of
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "updateRoleEnv" (ppr name)
+ Just roles -> let (before, old_role : after) = splitAt n roles in
+ if role `ltRole` old_role
+ then let roles' = before ++ role : after
+ role_env' = extendNameEnv role_env name roles' in
+ RIS { role_env = role_env', update = True }
+ else state )