path: root/compiler/utils/StringBuffer.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/utils/StringBuffer.lhs')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/utils/StringBuffer.lhs b/compiler/utils/StringBuffer.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e52e7e78da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/utils/StringBuffer.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+% (c) The University of Glasgow, 1997-2006
+\section{String buffers}
+Buffers for scanning string input stored in external arrays.
+module StringBuffer
+ (
+ StringBuffer(..),
+ -- non-abstract for vs\/HaskellService
+ -- * Creation\/destruction
+ hGetStringBuffer,
+ hGetStringBufferBlock,
+ appendStringBuffers,
+ stringToStringBuffer,
+ -- * Inspection
+ nextChar,
+ currentChar,
+ prevChar,
+ atEnd,
+ -- * Moving and comparison
+ stepOn,
+ offsetBytes,
+ byteDiff,
+ -- * Conversion
+ lexemeToString,
+ lexemeToFastString,
+ -- * Parsing integers
+ parseInteger,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Encoding
+import FastString ( FastString,mkFastString,mkFastStringBytes )
+import Foreign
+import System.IO ( hGetBuf, hFileSize,IOMode(ReadMode), hClose
+ , Handle, hTell )
+import GHC.Ptr ( Ptr(..) )
+import GHC.Exts
+import GHC.IOBase ( IO(..) )
+import GHC.Base ( unsafeChr )
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 601
+import System.IO ( openBinaryFile )
+import IOExts ( openFileEx, IOModeEx(..) )
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 601
+openBinaryFile fp mode = openFileEx fp (BinaryMode mode)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- The StringBuffer type
+-- |A StringBuffer is an internal pointer to a sized chunk of bytes.
+-- The bytes are intended to be *immutable*. There are pure
+-- operations to read the contents of a StringBuffer.
+-- A StringBuffer may have a finalizer, depending on how it was
+-- obtained.
+data StringBuffer
+ = StringBuffer {
+ buf :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(ForeignPtr Word8),
+ len :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- length
+ cur :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int -- current pos
+ }
+ -- The buffer is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded, and furthermore
+ -- we add three '\0' bytes to the end as sentinels so that the
+ -- decoder doesn't have to check for overflow at every single byte
+ -- of a multibyte sequence.
+instance Show StringBuffer where
+ showsPrec _ s = showString "<stringbuffer("
+ . shows (len s) . showString "," . shows (cur s)
+ . showString ">"
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Creation / Destruction
+hGetStringBuffer :: FilePath -> IO StringBuffer
+hGetStringBuffer fname = do
+ h <- openBinaryFile fname ReadMode
+ size_i <- hFileSize h
+ let size = fromIntegral size_i
+ buf <- mallocForeignPtrArray (size+3)
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr -> do
+ r <- if size == 0 then return 0 else hGetBuf h ptr size
+ hClose h
+ if (r /= size)
+ then ioError (userError "short read of file")
+ else do
+ pokeArray (ptr `plusPtr` size :: Ptr Word8) [0,0,0]
+ -- sentinels for UTF-8 decoding
+ return (StringBuffer buf size 0)
+hGetStringBufferBlock :: Handle -> Int -> IO StringBuffer
+hGetStringBufferBlock handle wanted
+ = do size_i <- hFileSize handle
+ offset_i <- hTell handle
+ let size = min wanted (fromIntegral $ size_i-offset_i)
+ buf <- mallocForeignPtrArray (size+3)
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr ->
+ do r <- if size == 0 then return 0 else hGetBuf handle ptr size
+ if r /= size
+ then ioError (userError $ "short read of file: "++show(r,size,fromIntegral size_i,handle))
+ else do pokeArray (ptr `plusPtr` size :: Ptr Word8) [0,0,0]
+ return (StringBuffer buf size 0)
+appendStringBuffers :: StringBuffer -> StringBuffer -> IO StringBuffer
+appendStringBuffers sb1 sb2
+ = do newBuf <- mallocForeignPtrArray (size+3)
+ withForeignPtr newBuf $ \ptr ->
+ withForeignPtr (buf sb1) $ \sb1Ptr ->
+ withForeignPtr (buf sb2) $ \sb2Ptr ->
+ do copyArray (sb1Ptr `advancePtr` cur sb1) ptr (calcLen sb1)
+ copyArray (sb2Ptr `advancePtr` cur sb2) (ptr `advancePtr` cur sb1) (calcLen sb2)
+ pokeArray (ptr `advancePtr` size) [0,0,0]
+ return (StringBuffer newBuf size 0)
+ where calcLen sb = len sb - cur sb
+ size = calcLen sb1 + calcLen sb2
+stringToStringBuffer :: String -> IO StringBuffer
+stringToStringBuffer str = do
+ let size = utf8EncodedLength str
+ buf <- mallocForeignPtrArray (size+3)
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr -> do
+ utf8EncodeString ptr str
+ pokeArray (ptr `plusPtr` size :: Ptr Word8) [0,0,0]
+ -- sentinels for UTF-8 decoding
+ return (StringBuffer buf size 0)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Grab a character
+-- Getting our fingers dirty a little here, but this is performance-critical
+{-# INLINE nextChar #-}
+nextChar :: StringBuffer -> (Char,StringBuffer)
+nextChar (StringBuffer buf len (I# cur#)) =
+ inlinePerformIO $ do
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \(Ptr a#) -> do
+ case utf8DecodeChar# (a# `plusAddr#` cur#) of
+ (# c#, b# #) ->
+ let cur' = I# (b# `minusAddr#` a#) in
+ return (C# c#, StringBuffer buf len cur')
+currentChar :: StringBuffer -> Char
+currentChar = fst . nextChar
+prevChar :: StringBuffer -> Char -> Char
+prevChar (StringBuffer buf len 0) deflt = deflt
+prevChar (StringBuffer buf len cur) deflt =
+ inlinePerformIO $ do
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \p -> do
+ p' <- utf8PrevChar (p `plusPtr` cur)
+ return (fst (utf8DecodeChar p'))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Moving
+stepOn :: StringBuffer -> StringBuffer
+stepOn s = snd (nextChar s)
+offsetBytes :: Int -> StringBuffer -> StringBuffer
+offsetBytes i s = s { cur = cur s + i }
+byteDiff :: StringBuffer -> StringBuffer -> Int
+byteDiff s1 s2 = cur s2 - cur s1
+atEnd :: StringBuffer -> Bool
+atEnd (StringBuffer _ l c) = l == c
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Conversion
+lexemeToString :: StringBuffer -> Int {-bytes-} -> String
+lexemeToString _ 0 = ""
+lexemeToString (StringBuffer buf _ cur) bytes =
+ inlinePerformIO $
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr ->
+ utf8DecodeString (ptr `plusPtr` cur) bytes
+lexemeToFastString :: StringBuffer -> Int {-bytes-} -> FastString
+lexemeToFastString _ 0 = mkFastString ""
+lexemeToFastString (StringBuffer buf _ cur) len =
+ inlinePerformIO $
+ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr ->
+ return $! mkFastStringBytes (ptr `plusPtr` cur) len
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Parsing integer strings in various bases
+byteOff :: StringBuffer -> Int -> Char
+byteOff (StringBuffer buf _ cur) i =
+ inlinePerformIO $ withForeignPtr buf $ \ptr -> do
+ w <- peek (ptr `plusPtr` (cur+i))
+ return (unsafeChr (fromIntegral (w::Word8)))
+-- | XXX assumes ASCII digits only
+parseInteger :: StringBuffer -> Int -> Integer -> (Char->Int) -> Integer
+parseInteger buf len radix to_int
+ = go 0 0
+ where go i x | i == len = x
+ | otherwise = go (i+1) (x * radix + toInteger (to_int (byteOff buf i)))
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- under the carpet
+-- Just like unsafePerformIO, but we inline it.
+{-# INLINE inlinePerformIO #-}
+inlinePerformIO :: IO a -> a
+inlinePerformIO (IO m) = case m realWorld# of (# _, r #) -> r
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 600
+mallocForeignPtrArray :: Storable a => Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
+mallocForeignPtrArray = doMalloc undefined
+ where
+ doMalloc :: Storable b => b -> Int -> IO (ForeignPtr b)
+ doMalloc dummy size = mallocForeignPtrBytes (size * sizeOf dummy)
+mallocForeignPtrBytes :: Int -> IO (ForeignPtr a)
+mallocForeignPtrBytes n = do
+ r <- mallocBytes n
+ newForeignPtr r (finalizerFree r)
+foreign import ccall unsafe "stdlib.h free"
+ finalizerFree :: Ptr a -> IO ()