path: root/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler/utils/Util.lhs')
1 files changed, 1029 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/utils/Util.lhs b/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e692ff1aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/utils/Util.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@
+% (c) The University of Glasgow 1992-2002
+\section[Util]{Highly random utility functions}
+module Util (
+ -- general list processing
+ zipEqual, zipWithEqual, zipWith3Equal, zipWith4Equal,
+ zipLazy, stretchZipWith,
+ mapFst, mapSnd,
+ mapAndUnzip, mapAndUnzip3,
+ nOfThem, filterOut,
+ lengthExceeds, lengthIs, lengthAtLeast, listLengthCmp, atLength,
+ isSingleton, only, singleton,
+ notNull, snocView,
+ isIn, isn'tIn,
+ -- for-loop
+ nTimes,
+ -- sorting
+ sortLe, sortWith,
+ -- transitive closures
+ transitiveClosure,
+ -- accumulating
+ mapAccumL, mapAccumR, mapAccumB,
+ foldl2, count, all2,
+ takeList, dropList, splitAtList, split,
+ -- comparisons
+ isEqual, eqListBy, equalLength, compareLength,
+ thenCmp, cmpList, prefixMatch, suffixMatch, maybePrefixMatch,
+ removeSpaces,
+ -- strictness
+ foldl', seqList,
+ -- pairs
+ unzipWith,
+ global, consIORef,
+ -- module names
+ looksLikeModuleName,
+ toArgs,
+ -- Floating point stuff
+ readRational,
+ -- IO-ish utilities
+ createDirectoryHierarchy,
+ doesDirNameExist,
+ modificationTimeIfExists,
+ later, handleDyn, handle,
+ -- Filename utils
+ Suffix,
+ splitFilename, suffixOf, basenameOf, joinFileExt,
+ splitFilenameDir, joinFileName,
+ splitFilename3,
+ splitLongestPrefix,
+ replaceFilenameSuffix, directoryOf, filenameOf,
+ replaceFilenameDirectory,
+ escapeSpaces, isPathSeparator,
+ parseSearchPath,
+ normalisePath, platformPath, pgmPath,
+ ) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+import Panic ( panic, trace )
+import FastTypes
+import EXCEPTION ( Exception(..), finally, throwDyn, catchDyn, throw )
+import qualified EXCEPTION as Exception
+import DYNAMIC ( Typeable )
+import DATA_IOREF ( IORef, newIORef )
+import UNSAFE_IO ( unsafePerformIO )
+import DATA_IOREF ( readIORef, writeIORef )
+import qualified List ( elem, notElem )
+#ifndef DEBUG
+import List ( zipWith4 )
+import Monad ( when )
+import IO ( catch, isDoesNotExistError )
+import Directory ( doesDirectoryExist, createDirectory )
+import Char ( isUpper, isAlphaNum, isSpace, ord, isDigit )
+import Ratio ( (%) )
+import Time ( ClockTime )
+import Directory ( getModificationTime )
+infixr 9 `thenCmp`
+%* *
+\subsection{The Eager monad}
+%* *
+The @Eager@ monad is just an encoding of continuation-passing style,
+used to allow you to express "do this and then that", mainly to avoid
+space leaks. It's done with a type synonym to save bureaucracy.
+type Eager ans a = (a -> ans) -> ans
+runEager :: Eager a a -> a
+runEager m = m (\x -> x)
+appEager :: Eager ans a -> (a -> ans) -> ans
+appEager m cont = m cont
+thenEager :: Eager ans a -> (a -> Eager ans b) -> Eager ans b
+thenEager m k cont = m (\r -> k r cont)
+returnEager :: a -> Eager ans a
+returnEager v cont = cont v
+mapEager :: (a -> Eager ans b) -> [a] -> Eager ans [b]
+mapEager f [] = returnEager []
+mapEager f (x:xs) = f x `thenEager` \ y ->
+ mapEager f xs `thenEager` \ ys ->
+ returnEager (y:ys)
+%* *
+\subsection{A for loop}
+%* *
+-- Compose a function with itself n times. (nth rather than twice)
+nTimes :: Int -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
+nTimes 0 _ = id
+nTimes 1 f = f
+nTimes n f = f . nTimes (n-1) f
+%* *
+\subsection[Utils-lists]{General list processing}
+%* *
+filterOut :: (a->Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+-- Like filter, only reverses the sense of the test
+filterOut p [] = []
+filterOut p (x:xs) | p x = filterOut p xs
+ | otherwise = x : filterOut p xs
+A paranoid @zip@ (and some @zipWith@ friends) that checks the lists
+are of equal length. Alastair Reid thinks this should only happen if
+DEBUGging on; hey, why not?
+zipEqual :: String -> [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
+zipWithEqual :: String -> (a->b->c) -> [a]->[b]->[c]
+zipWith3Equal :: String -> (a->b->c->d) -> [a]->[b]->[c]->[d]
+zipWith4Equal :: String -> (a->b->c->d->e) -> [a]->[b]->[c]->[d]->[e]
+#ifndef DEBUG
+zipEqual _ = zip
+zipWithEqual _ = zipWith
+zipWith3Equal _ = zipWith3
+zipWith4Equal _ = zipWith4
+zipEqual msg [] [] = []
+zipEqual msg (a:as) (b:bs) = (a,b) : zipEqual msg as bs
+zipEqual msg as bs = panic ("zipEqual: unequal lists:"++msg)
+zipWithEqual msg z (a:as) (b:bs)= z a b : zipWithEqual msg z as bs
+zipWithEqual msg _ [] [] = []
+zipWithEqual msg _ _ _ = panic ("zipWithEqual: unequal lists:"++msg)
+zipWith3Equal msg z (a:as) (b:bs) (c:cs)
+ = z a b c : zipWith3Equal msg z as bs cs
+zipWith3Equal msg _ [] [] [] = []
+zipWith3Equal msg _ _ _ _ = panic ("zipWith3Equal: unequal lists:"++msg)
+zipWith4Equal msg z (a:as) (b:bs) (c:cs) (d:ds)
+ = z a b c d : zipWith4Equal msg z as bs cs ds
+zipWith4Equal msg _ [] [] [] [] = []
+zipWith4Equal msg _ _ _ _ _ = panic ("zipWith4Equal: unequal lists:"++msg)
+-- zipLazy is lazy in the second list (observe the ~)
+zipLazy :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
+zipLazy [] ys = []
+zipLazy (x:xs) ~(y:ys) = (x,y) : zipLazy xs ys
+stretchZipWith :: (a -> Bool) -> b -> (a->b->c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
+-- (stretchZipWith p z f xs ys) stretches ys by inserting z in
+-- the places where p returns *True*
+stretchZipWith p z f [] ys = []
+stretchZipWith p z f (x:xs) ys
+ | p x = f x z : stretchZipWith p z f xs ys
+ | otherwise = case ys of
+ [] -> []
+ (y:ys) -> f x y : stretchZipWith p z f xs ys
+mapFst :: (a->c) -> [(a,b)] -> [(c,b)]
+mapSnd :: (b->c) -> [(a,b)] -> [(a,c)]
+mapFst f xys = [(f x, y) | (x,y) <- xys]
+mapSnd f xys = [(x, f y) | (x,y) <- xys]
+mapAndUnzip :: (a -> (b, c)) -> [a] -> ([b], [c])
+mapAndUnzip f [] = ([],[])
+mapAndUnzip f (x:xs)
+ = let
+ (r1, r2) = f x
+ (rs1, rs2) = mapAndUnzip f xs
+ in
+ (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
+mapAndUnzip3 :: (a -> (b, c, d)) -> [a] -> ([b], [c], [d])
+mapAndUnzip3 f [] = ([],[],[])
+mapAndUnzip3 f (x:xs)
+ = let
+ (r1, r2, r3) = f x
+ (rs1, rs2, rs3) = mapAndUnzip3 f xs
+ in
+ (r1:rs1, r2:rs2, r3:rs3)
+nOfThem :: Int -> a -> [a]
+nOfThem n thing = replicate n thing
+-- 'atLength atLen atEnd ls n' unravels list 'ls' to position 'n';
+-- specification:
+-- atLength atLenPred atEndPred ls n
+-- | n < 0 = atLenPred n
+-- | length ls < n = atEndPred (n - length ls)
+-- | otherwise = atLenPred (drop n ls)
+atLength :: ([a] -> b)
+ -> (Int -> b)
+ -> [a]
+ -> Int
+ -> b
+atLength atLenPred atEndPred ls n
+ | n < 0 = atEndPred n
+ | otherwise = go n ls
+ where
+ go n [] = atEndPred n
+ go 0 ls = atLenPred ls
+ go n (_:xs) = go (n-1) xs
+-- special cases.
+lengthExceeds :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
+-- (lengthExceeds xs n) = (length xs > n)
+lengthExceeds = atLength notNull (const False)
+lengthAtLeast :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
+lengthAtLeast = atLength notNull (== 0)
+lengthIs :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
+lengthIs = atLength null (==0)
+listLengthCmp :: [a] -> Int -> Ordering
+listLengthCmp = atLength atLen atEnd
+ where
+ atEnd 0 = EQ
+ atEnd x
+ | x > 0 = LT -- not yet seen 'n' elts, so list length is < n.
+ | otherwise = GT
+ atLen [] = EQ
+ atLen _ = GT
+singleton :: a -> [a]
+singleton x = [x]
+isSingleton :: [a] -> Bool
+isSingleton [x] = True
+isSingleton _ = False
+notNull :: [a] -> Bool
+notNull [] = False
+notNull _ = True
+snocView :: [a] -> Maybe ([a],a)
+ -- Split off the last element
+snocView [] = Nothing
+snocView xs = go [] xs
+ where
+ -- Invariant: second arg is non-empty
+ go acc [x] = Just (reverse acc, x)
+ go acc (x:xs) = go (x:acc) xs
+only :: [a] -> a
+#ifdef DEBUG
+only [a] = a
+only (a:_) = a
+Debugging/specialising versions of \tr{elem} and \tr{notElem}
+isIn, isn'tIn :: (Eq a) => String -> a -> [a] -> Bool
+# ifndef DEBUG
+isIn msg x ys = elem__ x ys
+isn'tIn msg x ys = notElem__ x ys
+--these are here to be SPECIALIZEd (automagically)
+elem__ _ [] = False
+elem__ x (y:ys) = x==y || elem__ x ys
+notElem__ x [] = True
+notElem__ x (y:ys) = x /= y && notElem__ x ys
+# else /* DEBUG */
+isIn msg x ys
+ = elem (_ILIT 0) x ys
+ where
+ elem i _ [] = False
+ elem i x (y:ys)
+ | i ># _ILIT 100 = trace ("Over-long elem in " ++ msg) $
+ x `List.elem` (y:ys)
+ | otherwise = x == y || elem (i +# _ILIT(1)) x ys
+isn'tIn msg x ys
+ = notElem (_ILIT 0) x ys
+ where
+ notElem i x [] = True
+ notElem i x (y:ys)
+ | i ># _ILIT 100 = trace ("Over-long notElem in " ++ msg) $
+ x `List.notElem` (y:ys)
+ | otherwise = x /= y && notElem (i +# _ILIT(1)) x ys
+# endif /* DEBUG */
+%* *
+\subsubsection[Utils-Carsten-mergesort]{A mergesort from Carsten}
+%* *
+Date: Mon, 3 May 93 20:45:23 +0200
+From: Carsten Kehler Holst <>
+Subject: natural merge sort beats quick sort [ and it is prettier ]
+Here is a piece of Haskell code that I'm rather fond of. See it as an
+attempt to get rid of the ridiculous quick-sort routine. group is
+quite useful by itself I think it was John's idea originally though I
+believe the lazy version is due to me [surprisingly complicated].
+gamma [used to be called] is called gamma because I got inspired by
+the Gamma calculus. It is not very close to the calculus but does
+behave less sequentially than both foldr and foldl. One could imagine
+a version of gamma that took a unit element as well thereby avoiding
+the problem with empty lists.
+I've tried this code against
+ 1) insertion sort - as provided by haskell
+ 2) the normal implementation of quick sort
+ 3) a deforested version of quick sort due to Jan Sparud
+ 4) a super-optimized-quick-sort of Lennart's
+If the list is partially sorted both merge sort and in particular
+natural merge sort wins. If the list is random [ average length of
+rising subsequences = approx 2 ] mergesort still wins and natural
+merge sort is marginally beaten by Lennart's soqs. The space
+consumption of merge sort is a bit worse than Lennart's quick sort
+approx a factor of 2. And a lot worse if Sparud's bug-fix [see his
+fpca article ] isn't used because of group.
+have fun
+group :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
+-- Given a <= function, group finds maximal contiguous up-runs
+-- or down-runs in the input list.
+-- It's stable, in the sense that it never re-orders equal elements
+-- Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 15:09:41 +0000
+-- From: Andy Gill <>
+-- Here is a `better' definition of group.
+group p [] = []
+group p (x:xs) = group' xs x x (x :)
+ where
+ group' [] _ _ s = [s []]
+ group' (x:xs) x_min x_max s
+ | x_max `p` x = group' xs x_min x (s . (x :))
+ | not (x_min `p` x) = group' xs x x_max ((x :) . s)
+ | otherwise = s [] : group' xs x x (x :)
+ -- NB: the 'not' is essential for stablity
+ -- x `p` x_min would reverse equal elements
+generalMerge :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+generalMerge p xs [] = xs
+generalMerge p [] ys = ys
+generalMerge p (x:xs) (y:ys) | x `p` y = x : generalMerge p xs (y:ys)
+ | otherwise = y : generalMerge p (x:xs) ys
+-- gamma is now called balancedFold
+balancedFold :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> a
+balancedFold f [] = error "can't reduce an empty list using balancedFold"
+balancedFold f [x] = x
+balancedFold f l = balancedFold f (balancedFold' f l)
+balancedFold' :: (a -> a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
+balancedFold' f (x:y:xs) = f x y : balancedFold' f xs
+balancedFold' f xs = xs
+generalNaturalMergeSort p [] = []
+generalNaturalMergeSort p xs = (balancedFold (generalMerge p) . group p) xs
+generalMergeSort p [] = []
+generalMergeSort p xs = (balancedFold (generalMerge p) . map (: [])) xs
+mergeSort, naturalMergeSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
+mergeSort = generalMergeSort (<=)
+naturalMergeSort = generalNaturalMergeSort (<=)
+mergeSortLe le = generalMergeSort le
+sortLe :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
+sortLe le = generalNaturalMergeSort le
+sortWith :: Ord b => (a->b) -> [a] -> [a]
+sortWith get_key xs = sortLe le xs
+ where
+ x `le` y = get_key x < get_key y
+%* *
+\subsection[Utils-transitive-closure]{Transitive closure}
+%* *
+This algorithm for transitive closure is straightforward, albeit quadratic.
+transitiveClosure :: (a -> [a]) -- Successor function
+ -> (a -> a -> Bool) -- Equality predicate
+ -> [a]
+ -> [a] -- The transitive closure
+transitiveClosure succ eq xs
+ = go [] xs
+ where
+ go done [] = done
+ go done (x:xs) | x `is_in` done = go done xs
+ | otherwise = go (x:done) (succ x ++ xs)
+ x `is_in` [] = False
+ x `is_in` (y:ys) | eq x y = True
+ | otherwise = x `is_in` ys
+%* *
+%* *
+@mapAccumL@ behaves like a combination
+of @map@ and @foldl@;
+it applies a function to each element of a list, passing an accumulating
+parameter from left to right, and returning a final value of this
+accumulator together with the new list.
+mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -- Function of elt of input list
+ -- and accumulator, returning new
+ -- accumulator and elt of result list
+ -> acc -- Initial accumulator
+ -> [x] -- Input list
+ -> (acc, [y]) -- Final accumulator and result list
+mapAccumL f b [] = (b, [])
+mapAccumL f b (x:xs) = (b'', x':xs') where
+ (b', x') = f b x
+ (b'', xs') = mapAccumL f b' xs
+@mapAccumR@ does the same, but working from right to left instead. Its type is
+the same as @mapAccumL@, though.
+mapAccumR :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -- Function of elt of input list
+ -- and accumulator, returning new
+ -- accumulator and elt of result list
+ -> acc -- Initial accumulator
+ -> [x] -- Input list
+ -> (acc, [y]) -- Final accumulator and result list
+mapAccumR f b [] = (b, [])
+mapAccumR f b (x:xs) = (b'', x':xs') where
+ (b'', x') = f b' x
+ (b', xs') = mapAccumR f b xs
+Here is the bi-directional version, that works from both left and right.
+mapAccumB :: (accl -> accr -> x -> (accl, accr,y))
+ -- Function of elt of input list
+ -- and accumulator, returning new
+ -- accumulator and elt of result list
+ -> accl -- Initial accumulator from left
+ -> accr -- Initial accumulator from right
+ -> [x] -- Input list
+ -> (accl, accr, [y]) -- Final accumulators and result list
+mapAccumB f a b [] = (a,b,[])
+mapAccumB f a b (x:xs) = (a'',b'',y:ys)
+ where
+ (a',b'',y) = f a b' x
+ (a'',b',ys) = mapAccumB f a' b xs
+A strict version of foldl.
+foldl' :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
+foldl' f z xs = lgo z xs
+ where
+ lgo z [] = z
+ lgo z (x:xs) = (lgo $! (f z x)) xs
+A combination of foldl with zip. It works with equal length lists.
+foldl2 :: (acc -> a -> b -> acc) -> acc -> [a] -> [b] -> acc
+foldl2 k z [] [] = z
+foldl2 k z (a:as) (b:bs) = foldl2 k (k z a b) as bs
+all2 :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> [a] -> [b] -> Bool
+-- True if the lists are the same length, and
+-- all corresponding elements satisfy the predicate
+all2 p [] [] = True
+all2 p (x:xs) (y:ys) = p x y && all2 p xs ys
+all2 p xs ys = False
+Count the number of times a predicate is true
+count :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
+count p [] = 0
+count p (x:xs) | p x = 1 + count p xs
+ | otherwise = count p xs
+@splitAt@, @take@, and @drop@ but with length of another
+list giving the break-off point:
+takeList :: [b] -> [a] -> [a]
+takeList [] _ = []
+takeList (_:xs) ls =
+ case ls of
+ [] -> []
+ (y:ys) -> y : takeList xs ys
+dropList :: [b] -> [a] -> [a]
+dropList [] xs = xs
+dropList _ xs@[] = xs
+dropList (_:xs) (_:ys) = dropList xs ys
+splitAtList :: [b] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
+splitAtList [] xs = ([], xs)
+splitAtList _ xs@[] = (xs, xs)
+splitAtList (_:xs) (y:ys) = (y:ys', ys'')
+ where
+ (ys', ys'') = splitAtList xs ys
+split :: Char -> String -> [String]
+split c s = case rest of
+ [] -> [chunk]
+ _:rest -> chunk : split c rest
+ where (chunk, rest) = break (==c) s
+%* *
+%* *
+isEqual :: Ordering -> Bool
+-- Often used in (isEqual (a `compare` b))
+isEqual GT = False
+isEqual EQ = True
+isEqual LT = False
+thenCmp :: Ordering -> Ordering -> Ordering
+{-# INLINE thenCmp #-}
+thenCmp EQ any = any
+thenCmp other any = other
+eqListBy :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+eqListBy eq [] [] = True
+eqListBy eq (x:xs) (y:ys) = eq x y && eqListBy eq xs ys
+eqListBy eq xs ys = False
+equalLength :: [a] -> [b] -> Bool
+equalLength [] [] = True
+equalLength (_:xs) (_:ys) = equalLength xs ys
+equalLength xs ys = False
+compareLength :: [a] -> [b] -> Ordering
+compareLength [] [] = EQ
+compareLength (_:xs) (_:ys) = compareLength xs ys
+compareLength [] _ys = LT
+compareLength _xs [] = GT
+cmpList :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> [a] -> Ordering
+ -- `cmpList' uses a user-specified comparer
+cmpList cmp [] [] = EQ
+cmpList cmp [] _ = LT
+cmpList cmp _ [] = GT
+cmpList cmp (a:as) (b:bs)
+ = case cmp a b of { EQ -> cmpList cmp as bs; xxx -> xxx }
+prefixMatch :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+prefixMatch [] _str = True
+prefixMatch _pat [] = False
+prefixMatch (p:ps) (s:ss) | p == s = prefixMatch ps ss
+ | otherwise = False
+maybePrefixMatch :: String -> String -> Maybe String
+maybePrefixMatch [] rest = Just rest
+maybePrefixMatch (_:_) [] = Nothing
+maybePrefixMatch (p:pat) (r:rest)
+ | p == r = maybePrefixMatch pat rest
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+suffixMatch :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+suffixMatch pat str = prefixMatch (reverse pat) (reverse str)
+removeSpaces :: String -> String
+removeSpaces = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace
+%* *
+%* *
+The following are curried versions of @fst@ and @snd@.
+cfst :: a -> b -> a -- stranal-sem only (Note)
+cfst x y = x
+The following provide us higher order functions that, when applied
+to a function, operate on pairs.
+applyToPair :: ((a -> c),(b -> d)) -> (a,b) -> (c,d)
+applyToPair (f,g) (x,y) = (f x, g y)
+applyToFst :: (a -> c) -> (a,b)-> (c,b)
+applyToFst f (x,y) = (f x,y)
+applyToSnd :: (b -> d) -> (a,b) -> (a,d)
+applyToSnd f (x,y) = (x,f y)
+unzipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [(a, b)] -> [c]
+unzipWith f pairs = map ( \ (a, b) -> f a b ) pairs
+seqList :: [a] -> b -> b
+seqList [] b = b
+seqList (x:xs) b = x `seq` seqList xs b
+Global variables:
+global :: a -> IORef a
+global a = unsafePerformIO (newIORef a)
+consIORef :: IORef [a] -> a -> IO ()
+consIORef var x = do
+ xs <- readIORef var
+ writeIORef var (x:xs)
+Module names:
+looksLikeModuleName [] = False
+looksLikeModuleName (c:cs) = isUpper c && go cs
+ where go [] = True
+ go ('.':cs) = looksLikeModuleName cs
+ go (c:cs) = (isAlphaNum c || c == '_') && go cs
+Akin to @Prelude.words@, but sensitive to dquoted entities treating
+them as single words.
+toArgs :: String -> [String]
+toArgs "" = []
+toArgs s =
+ case break (\ ch -> isSpace ch || ch == '"') (dropWhile isSpace s) of -- "
+ (w,aft) ->
+ (\ ws -> if null w then ws else w : ws) $
+ case aft of
+ [] -> []
+ (x:xs)
+ | x /= '"' -> toArgs xs
+ | otherwise ->
+ case lex aft of
+ ((str,rs):_) -> stripQuotes str : toArgs rs
+ _ -> [aft]
+ where
+ -- strip away dquotes; assume first and last chars contain quotes.
+ stripQuotes :: String -> String
+ stripQuotes ('"':xs) = init xs
+ stripQuotes xs = xs
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Floats
+readRational__ :: ReadS Rational -- NB: doesn't handle leading "-"
+readRational__ r = do
+ (n,d,s) <- readFix r
+ (k,t) <- readExp s
+ return ((n%1)*10^^(k-d), t)
+ where
+ readFix r = do
+ (ds,s) <- lexDecDigits r
+ (ds',t) <- lexDotDigits s
+ return (read (ds++ds'), length ds', t)
+ readExp (e:s) | e `elem` "eE" = readExp' s
+ readExp s = return (0,s)
+ readExp' ('+':s) = readDec s
+ readExp' ('-':s) = do
+ (k,t) <- readDec s
+ return (-k,t)
+ readExp' s = readDec s
+ readDec s = do
+ (ds,r) <- nonnull isDigit s
+ return (foldl1 (\n d -> n * 10 + d) [ ord d - ord '0' | d <- ds ],
+ r)
+ lexDecDigits = nonnull isDigit
+ lexDotDigits ('.':s) = return (span isDigit s)
+ lexDotDigits s = return ("",s)
+ nonnull p s = do (cs@(_:_),t) <- return (span p s)
+ return (cs,t)
+readRational :: String -> Rational -- NB: *does* handle a leading "-"
+readRational top_s
+ = case top_s of
+ '-' : xs -> - (read_me xs)
+ xs -> read_me xs
+ where
+ read_me s
+ = case (do { (x,"") <- readRational__ s ; return x }) of
+ [x] -> x
+ [] -> error ("readRational: no parse:" ++ top_s)
+ _ -> error ("readRational: ambiguous parse:" ++ top_s)
+-- Create a hierarchy of directories
+createDirectoryHierarchy :: FilePath -> IO ()
+createDirectoryHierarchy dir = do
+ b <- doesDirectoryExist dir
+ when (not b) $ do
+ createDirectoryHierarchy (directoryOf dir)
+ createDirectory dir
+-- Verify that the 'dirname' portion of a FilePath exists.
+doesDirNameExist :: FilePath -> IO Bool
+doesDirNameExist fpath = doesDirectoryExist (directoryOf fpath)
+-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Exception utils
+later = flip finally
+handleDyn :: Typeable ex => (ex -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
+handleDyn = flip catchDyn
+handle :: (Exception -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a
+#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 501
+handle = flip Exception.catchAllIO
+handle h f = f `Exception.catch` \e -> case e of
+ ExitException _ -> throw e
+ _ -> h e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------
+-- check existence & modification time at the same time
+modificationTimeIfExists :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe ClockTime)
+modificationTimeIfExists f = do
+ (do t <- getModificationTime f; return (Just t))
+ `IO.catch` \e -> if isDoesNotExistError e
+ then return Nothing
+ else ioError e
+-- --------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Filename manipulation
+-- Filenames are kept "normalised" inside GHC, using '/' as the path
+-- separator. On Windows these functions will also recognise '\\' as
+-- the path separator, but will generally construct paths using '/'.
+type Suffix = String
+splitFilename :: String -> (String,Suffix)
+splitFilename f = splitLongestPrefix f (=='.')
+basenameOf :: FilePath -> String
+basenameOf = fst . splitFilename
+suffixOf :: FilePath -> Suffix
+suffixOf = snd . splitFilename
+joinFileExt :: String -> String -> FilePath
+joinFileExt path "" = path
+joinFileExt path ext = path ++ '.':ext
+-- "foo/bar/xyzzy.ext" -> ("foo/bar", "xyzzy.ext")
+splitFilenameDir :: String -> (String,String)
+splitFilenameDir str
+ = let (dir, rest) = splitLongestPrefix str isPathSeparator
+ (dir', rest') | null rest = (".", dir)
+ | otherwise = (dir, rest)
+ in (dir', rest')
+-- "foo/bar/xyzzy.ext" -> ("foo/bar", "xyzzy", ".ext")
+splitFilename3 :: String -> (String,String,Suffix)
+splitFilename3 str
+ = let (dir, rest) = splitFilenameDir str
+ (name, ext) = splitFilename rest
+ in (dir, name, ext)
+joinFileName :: String -> String -> FilePath
+joinFileName "" fname = fname
+joinFileName "." fname = fname
+joinFileName dir "" = dir
+joinFileName dir fname = dir ++ '/':fname
+-- split a string at the last character where 'pred' is True,
+-- returning a pair of strings. The first component holds the string
+-- up (but not including) the last character for which 'pred' returned
+-- True, the second whatever comes after (but also not including the
+-- last character).
+-- If 'pred' returns False for all characters in the string, the original
+-- string is returned in the first component (and the second one is just
+-- empty).
+splitLongestPrefix :: String -> (Char -> Bool) -> (String,String)
+splitLongestPrefix str pred
+ | null r_pre = (str, [])
+ | otherwise = (reverse (tail r_pre), reverse r_suf)
+ -- 'tail' drops the char satisfying 'pred'
+ where
+ (r_suf, r_pre) = break pred (reverse str)
+replaceFilenameSuffix :: FilePath -> Suffix -> FilePath
+replaceFilenameSuffix file suf = basenameOf file `joinFileExt` suf
+-- directoryOf strips the filename off the input string, returning
+-- the directory.
+directoryOf :: FilePath -> String
+directoryOf = fst . splitFilenameDir
+-- filenameOf strips the directory off the input string, returning
+-- the filename.
+filenameOf :: FilePath -> String
+filenameOf = snd . splitFilenameDir
+replaceFilenameDirectory :: FilePath -> String -> FilePath
+replaceFilenameDirectory path dir = dir `joinFileName` filenameOf path
+escapeSpaces :: String -> String
+escapeSpaces = foldr (\c s -> if isSpace c then '\\':c:s else c:s) ""
+isPathSeparator :: Char -> Bool
+isPathSeparator ch =
+#ifdef mingw32_TARGET_OS
+ ch == '/' || ch == '\\'
+ ch == '/'
+-- * Search path
+-- | The function splits the given string to substrings
+-- using the 'searchPathSeparator'.
+parseSearchPath :: String -> [FilePath]
+parseSearchPath path = split path
+ where
+ split :: String -> [String]
+ split s =
+ case rest' of
+ [] -> [chunk]
+ _:rest -> chunk : split rest
+ where
+ chunk =
+ case chunk' of
+#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
+ ('\"':xs@(_:_)) | last xs == '\"' -> init xs
+ _ -> chunk'
+ (chunk', rest') = break (==searchPathSeparator) s
+-- | A platform-specific character used to separate search path strings in
+-- environment variables. The separator is a colon (\":\") on Unix and Macintosh,
+-- and a semicolon (\";\") on the Windows operating system.
+searchPathSeparator :: Char
+#if mingw32_HOST_OS || mingw32_TARGET_OS
+searchPathSeparator = ';'
+searchPathSeparator = ':'
+-- Convert filepath into platform / MSDOS form.
+-- We maintain path names in Unix form ('/'-separated) right until
+-- the last moment. On Windows we dos-ify them just before passing them
+-- to the Windows command.
+-- The alternative, of using '/' consistently on Unix and '\' on Windows,
+-- proved quite awkward. There were a lot more calls to platformPath,
+-- and even on Windows we might invoke a unix-like utility (eg 'sh'), which
+-- interpreted a command line 'foo\baz' as 'foobaz'.
+normalisePath :: String -> String
+-- Just changes '\' to '/'
+pgmPath :: String -- Directory string in Unix format
+ -> String -- Program name with no directory separators
+ -- (e.g. copy /y)
+ -> String -- Program invocation string in native format
+#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
+--------------------- Windows version ------------------
+normalisePath xs = subst '\\' '/' xs
+pgmPath dir pgm = platformPath dir ++ '\\' : pgm
+platformPath p = subst '/' '\\' p
+subst a b ls = map (\ x -> if x == a then b else x) ls
+--------------------- Non-Windows version --------------
+normalisePath xs = xs
+pgmPath dir pgm = dir ++ '/' : pgm
+platformPath stuff = stuff