path: root/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Global.hs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 237 deletions
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index cd642f37b6..0000000000
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Monad/Global.hs
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--- Operations on the global state of the vectorisation monad.
-module Vectorise.Monad.Global (
- readGEnv,
- setGEnv,
- updGEnv,
- -- * Configuration
- isVectAvoidanceAggressive,
- -- * Vars
- defGlobalVar, undefGlobalVar,
- -- * Vectorisation declarations
- lookupVectDecl,
- -- * Scalars
- globalParallelVars, globalParallelTyCons,
- -- * TyCons
- lookupTyCon,
- defTyConName, defTyCon, globalVectTyCons,
- -- * Datacons
- lookupDataCon,
- defDataCon,
- -- * PA Dictionaries
- lookupTyConPA,
- defTyConPAs,
- -- * PR Dictionaries
- lookupTyConPR
-) where
-import Vectorise.Monad.Base
-import Vectorise.Env
-import CoreSyn
-import Type
-import TyCon
-import DataCon
-import DynFlags
-import NameEnv
-import NameSet
-import Name
-import VarEnv
-import VarSet
-import Var as Var
-import Outputable
--- Global Environment ---------------------------------------------------------
--- |Project something from the global environment.
-readGEnv :: (GlobalEnv -> a) -> VM a
-readGEnv f = VM $ \_ genv lenv -> return (Yes genv lenv (f genv))
--- |Set the value of the global environment.
-setGEnv :: GlobalEnv -> VM ()
-setGEnv genv = VM $ \_ _ lenv -> return (Yes genv lenv ())
--- |Update the global environment using the provided function.
-updGEnv :: (GlobalEnv -> GlobalEnv) -> VM ()
-updGEnv f = VM $ \_ genv lenv -> return (Yes (f genv) lenv ())
--- Configuration --------------------------------------------------------------
--- |Should we avoid as much vectorisation as possible?
--- Set by '-f[no]-vectorisation-avoidance'
-isVectAvoidanceAggressive :: VM Bool
-isVectAvoidanceAggressive = readGEnv global_vect_avoid
--- Vars -----------------------------------------------------------------------
--- |Add a mapping between a global var and its vectorised version to the state.
-defGlobalVar :: Var -> Var -> VM ()
-defGlobalVar v v'
- = do { traceVt "add global var mapping:" (ppr v <+> text "-->" <+> ppr v')
- -- check for duplicate vectorisation
- ; currentDef <- readGEnv $ \env -> lookupVarEnv (global_vars env) v
- ; case currentDef of
- Just old_v' ->
- do dflags <- getDynFlags
- cantVectorise dflags "Variable is already vectorised:" $
- ppr v <+> moduleOf v old_v'
- Nothing -> return ()
- ; updGEnv $ \env -> env { global_vars = extendVarEnv (global_vars env) v v' }
- }
- where
- moduleOf var var' | var == var'
- = text "vectorises to itself"
- | Just mod <- nameModule_maybe (Var.varName var')
- = text "in module" <+> ppr mod
- | otherwise
- = text "in the current module"
--- |Remove the mapping of a variable in the vectorisation map.
-undefGlobalVar :: Var -> VM ()
-undefGlobalVar v
- = do
- { traceVt "REMOVING global var mapping:" (ppr v)
- ; updGEnv $ \env -> env { global_vars = delVarEnv (global_vars env) v }
- }
--- Vectorisation declarations -------------------------------------------------
--- |Check whether a variable has a vectorisation declaration.
--- The first component of the result indicates whether the variable has a 'NOVECTORISE' declaration.
--- The second component contains the given type and expression in case of a 'VECTORISE' declaration.
-lookupVectDecl :: Var -> VM (Bool, Maybe (Type, CoreExpr))
-lookupVectDecl var
- = readGEnv $ \env ->
- case lookupVarEnv (global_vect_decls env) var of
- Nothing -> (False, Nothing)
- Just Nothing -> (True, Nothing)
- Just vectDecl -> (False, vectDecl)
--- Parallel entities -----------------------------------------------------------
--- |Get the set of global parallel variables.
-globalParallelVars :: VM DVarSet
-globalParallelVars = readGEnv global_parallel_vars
--- |Get the set of all parallel type constructors (those that may embed parallelism) including both
--- both those parallel type constructors declared in an imported module and those declared in the
--- current module.
-globalParallelTyCons :: VM NameSet
-globalParallelTyCons = readGEnv global_parallel_tycons
--- TyCons ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- |Determine the vectorised version of a `TyCon`. The vectorisation map in the global environment
--- contains a vectorised version if the original `TyCon` embeds any parallel arrays.
-lookupTyCon :: TyCon -> VM (Maybe TyCon)
-lookupTyCon tc
- = readGEnv $ \env -> lookupNameEnv (global_tycons env) (tyConName tc)
--- |Add a mapping between plain and vectorised `TyCon`s to the global environment.
--- The second argument is only to enable tracing for (mutually) recursively defined type
--- constructors, where we /must not/ pull at the vectorised type constructors (because that would
--- pull too early at the recursive knot).
-defTyConName :: TyCon -> Name -> TyCon -> VM ()
-defTyConName tc nameOfTc' tc'
- = do { traceVt "add global tycon mapping:" (ppr tc <+> text "-->" <+> ppr nameOfTc')
- -- check for duplicate vectorisation
- ; currentDef <- readGEnv $ \env -> lookupNameEnv (global_tycons env) (tyConName tc)
- ; case currentDef of
- Just old_tc' ->
- do dflags <- getDynFlags
- cantVectorise dflags "Type constructor or class is already vectorised:" $
- ppr tc <+> moduleOf tc old_tc'
- Nothing -> return ()
- ; updGEnv $ \env ->
- env { global_tycons = extendNameEnv (global_tycons env) (tyConName tc) tc' }
- }
- where
- moduleOf tc tc' | tc == tc'
- = text "vectorises to itself"
- | Just mod <- nameModule_maybe (tyConName tc')
- = text "in module" <+> ppr mod
- | otherwise
- = text "in the current module"
--- |Add a mapping between plain and vectorised `TyCon`s to the global environment.
-defTyCon :: TyCon -> TyCon -> VM ()
-defTyCon tc tc' = defTyConName tc (tyConName tc') tc'
--- |Get the set of all vectorised type constructors.
-globalVectTyCons :: VM (NameEnv TyCon)
-globalVectTyCons = readGEnv global_tycons
--- DataCons -------------------------------------------------------------------
--- |Lookup the vectorised version of a `DataCon` from the global environment.
-lookupDataCon :: DataCon -> VM (Maybe DataCon)
-lookupDataCon dc
- | isTupleTyCon (dataConTyCon dc)
- = return (Just dc)
- | otherwise
- = readGEnv $ \env -> lookupNameEnv (global_datacons env) (dataConName dc)
--- |Add the mapping between plain and vectorised `DataCon`s to the global environment.
-defDataCon :: DataCon -> DataCon -> VM ()
-defDataCon dc dc' = updGEnv $ \env ->
- env { global_datacons = extendNameEnv (global_datacons env) (dataConName dc) dc' }
--- 'PA' dictionaries ------------------------------------------------------------
--- |Lookup the 'PA' dfun of a vectorised type constructor in the global environment.
-lookupTyConPA :: TyCon -> VM (Maybe Var)
-lookupTyConPA tc
- = readGEnv $ \env -> lookupNameEnv (global_pa_funs env) (tyConName tc)
--- |Associate vectorised type constructors with the dfun of their 'PA' instances in the global
--- environment.
-defTyConPAs :: [(TyCon, Var)] -> VM ()
-defTyConPAs ps = updGEnv $ \env ->
- env { global_pa_funs = extendNameEnvList (global_pa_funs env)
- [(tyConName tc, pa) | (tc, pa) <- ps] }
--- PR Dictionaries ------------------------------------------------------------
-lookupTyConPR :: TyCon -> VM (Maybe Var)
-lookupTyConPR tc = readGEnv $ \env -> lookupNameEnv (global_pr_funs env) (tyConName tc)