path: root/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Closure.hs
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diff --git a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Closure.hs b/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Closure.hs
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index 49ef127975..0000000000
--- a/compiler/vectorise/Vectorise/Utils/Closure.hs
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--- |Utils concerning closure construction and application.
-module Vectorise.Utils.Closure
- ( mkClosure
- , mkClosureApp
- , buildClosures
- )
-import GhcPrelude
-import Vectorise.Builtins
-import Vectorise.Vect
-import Vectorise.Monad
-import Vectorise.Utils.Base
-import Vectorise.Utils.PADict
-import Vectorise.Utils.Hoisting
-import CoreSyn
-import Type
-import MkCore
-import CoreUtils
-import TyCon
-import DataCon
-import MkId
-import TysWiredIn
-import BasicTypes( Boxity(..) )
-import FastString
--- |Make a closure.
-mkClosure :: Type -- ^ Type of the argument.
- -> Type -- ^ Type of the result.
- -> Type -- ^ Type of the environment.
- -> VExpr -- ^ The function to apply.
- -> VExpr -- ^ The environment to use.
- -> VM VExpr
-mkClosure arg_ty res_ty env_ty (vfn,lfn) (venv,lenv)
- = do dict <- paDictOfType env_ty
- mkv <- builtin closureVar
- mkl <- builtin liftedClosureVar
- return (Var mkv `mkTyApps` [arg_ty, res_ty, env_ty] `mkApps` [dict, vfn, lfn, venv],
- Var mkl `mkTyApps` [arg_ty, res_ty, env_ty] `mkApps` [dict, vfn, lfn, lenv])
--- |Make a closure application.
-mkClosureApp :: Type -- ^ Type of the argument.
- -> Type -- ^ Type of the result.
- -> VExpr -- ^ Closure to apply.
- -> VExpr -- ^ Argument to use.
- -> VM VExpr
-mkClosureApp arg_ty res_ty (vclo, lclo) (varg, larg)
- = do vapply <- builtin applyVar
- lapply <- builtin liftedApplyVar
- lc <- builtin liftingContext
- return (Var vapply `mkTyApps` [arg_ty, res_ty] `mkApps` [vclo, varg],
- Var lapply `mkTyApps` [arg_ty, res_ty] `mkApps` [Var lc, lclo, larg])
--- |Build a set of 'n' closures corresponding to an 'n'-ary vectorised function. The length of
--- the list of types of arguments determines the arity.
--- In addition to a set of type variables, a set of value variables is passed during closure
--- /construction/. In contrast, the closure environment and the arguments are passed during closure
--- application.
-buildClosures :: [TyVar] -- ^ Type variables passed during closure construction.
- -> [Var] -- ^ Variables passed during closure construction.
- -> [VVar] -- ^ Variables in the environment.
- -> [Type] -- ^ Type of the arguments.
- -> Type -- ^ Type of result.
- -> VM VExpr
- -> VM VExpr
-buildClosures _tvs _vars _env [] _res_ty mk_body
- = mk_body
-buildClosures tvs vars env [arg_ty] res_ty mk_body
- = buildClosure tvs vars env arg_ty res_ty mk_body
-buildClosures tvs vars env (arg_ty : arg_tys) res_ty mk_body
- = do { res_ty' <- mkClosureTypes arg_tys res_ty
- ; arg <- newLocalVVar (fsLit "x") arg_ty
- ; buildClosure tvs vars env arg_ty res_ty'
- . hoistPolyVExpr tvs vars (Inline (length env + 1))
- $ do { lc <- builtin liftingContext
- ; clo <- buildClosures tvs vars (env ++ [arg]) arg_tys res_ty mk_body
- ; return $ vLams lc (env ++ [arg]) clo
- }
- }
--- Build a closure taking one extra argument during closure application.
--- (clo <x1,...,xn> <f,f^>, aclo (Arr lc xs1 ... xsn) <f,f^>)
--- where
--- f = \env v -> case env of <x1,...,xn> -> e x1 ... xn v
--- f^ = \env v -> case env of Arr l xs1 ... xsn -> e^ l x1 ... xn v
--- In addition to a set of type variables, a set of value variables is passed during closure
--- /construction/. In contrast, the closure environment and the closure argument are passed during
--- closure application.
-buildClosure :: [TyVar] -- ^Type variables passed during closure construction.
- -> [Var] -- ^Variables passed during closure construction.
- -> [VVar] -- ^Variables in the environment.
- -> Type -- ^Type of the closure argument.
- -> Type -- ^Type of the result.
- -> VM VExpr
- -> VM VExpr
-buildClosure tvs vars vvars arg_ty res_ty mk_body
- = do { (env_ty, env, bind) <- buildEnv vvars
- ; env_bndr <- newLocalVVar (fsLit "env") env_ty
- ; arg_bndr <- newLocalVVar (fsLit "arg") arg_ty
- -- generate the closure function as a hoisted binding
- ; fn <- hoistPolyVExpr tvs vars (Inline 2) $
- do { lc <- builtin liftingContext
- ; body <- mk_body
- ; return . vLams lc [env_bndr, arg_bndr]
- $ bind (vVar env_bndr)
- (vVarApps lc body (vvars ++ [arg_bndr]))
- }
- ; mkClosure arg_ty res_ty env_ty fn env
- }
--- Build the environment for a single closure.
-buildEnv :: [VVar] -> VM (Type, VExpr, VExpr -> VExpr -> VExpr)
-buildEnv []
- = do
- ty <- voidType
- void <- builtin voidVar
- pvoid <- builtin pvoidVar
- return (ty, vVar (void, pvoid), \_ body -> body)
-buildEnv [v]
- = return (vVarType v, vVar v,
- \env body -> vLet (vNonRec v env) body)
-buildEnv vs
- = do (lenv_tc, lenv_tyargs) <- pdataReprTyCon ty
- let venv_con = tupleDataCon Boxed (length vs)
- [lenv_con] = tyConDataCons lenv_tc
- venv = mkCoreTup (map Var vvs)
- lenv = Var (dataConWrapId lenv_con)
- `mkTyApps` lenv_tyargs
- `mkApps` map Var lvs
- vbind env body = mkWildCase env ty (exprType body)
- [(DataAlt venv_con, vvs, body)]
- lbind env body =
- let scrut = unwrapFamInstScrut lenv_tc lenv_tyargs env
- in
- mkWildCase scrut (exprType scrut) (exprType body)
- [(DataAlt lenv_con, lvs, body)]
- bind (venv, lenv) (vbody, lbody) = (vbind venv vbody,
- lbind lenv lbody)
- return (ty, (venv, lenv), bind)
- where
- (vvs, lvs) = unzip vs
- tys = map vVarType vs
- ty = mkBoxedTupleTy tys