path: root/compiler
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
1 files changed, 275 insertions, 275 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs b/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
index 934755d1b1..a5362aa7a2 100644
--- a/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/SysTools.lhs
@@ -15,29 +15,29 @@
-- for details
module SysTools (
- -- Initialisation
- initSysTools,
- -- Interface to system tools
- runUnlit, runCpp, runCc, -- [Option] -> IO ()
- runPp, -- [Option] -> IO ()
- runMangle, runSplit, -- [Option] -> IO ()
- runAs, runLink, -- [Option] -> IO ()
- runMkDLL,
+ -- Initialisation
+ initSysTools,
+ -- Interface to system tools
+ runUnlit, runCpp, runCc, -- [Option] -> IO ()
+ runPp, -- [Option] -> IO ()
+ runMangle, runSplit, -- [Option] -> IO ()
+ runAs, runLink, -- [Option] -> IO ()
+ runMkDLL,
- touch, -- String -> String -> IO ()
- copy,
+ touch, -- String -> String -> IO ()
+ copy,
- -- Temporary-file management
- setTmpDir,
- newTempName,
- cleanTempDirs, cleanTempFiles, cleanTempFilesExcept,
- addFilesToClean,
- Option(..)
+ -- Temporary-file management
+ setTmpDir,
+ newTempName,
+ cleanTempDirs, cleanTempFiles, cleanTempFilesExcept,
+ addFilesToClean,
+ Option(..)
) where
@@ -69,18 +69,18 @@ import Data.List
import qualified System.Posix.Internals
#else /* Must be Win32 */
import Foreign
-import CString ( CString, peekCString )
+import CString ( CString, peekCString )
-import System.Process ( runInteractiveProcess, getProcessExitCode )
+import System.Process ( runInteractiveProcess, getProcessExitCode )
import Control.Concurrent( forkIO, newChan, readChan, writeChan )
import FastString
import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc, mkSrcLoc, noSrcSpan, mkSrcSpan )
- The configuration story
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ The configuration story
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
GHC needs various support files (library packages, RTS etc), plus
various auxiliary programs (cp, gcc, etc). It finds these in one
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ of two places:
* When running *in-place* in a build tree, GHC finds most of this support
stuff in the build tree. The path to the build tree is, again passed
- to GHC via -B.
+ to GHC via -B.
GHC tells which of the two is the case by seeing whether package.conf
is in TopDir [installed] or in TopDir/ghc/driver [inplace] (what a hack).
@@ -105,16 +105,16 @@ file containing variables whose value is figured out by the build system.
Config.hs contains two sorts of things
- cGCC, The *names* of the programs
- cCPP e.g. cGCC = gcc
- cUNLIT cCPP = gcc -E
- etc They do *not* include paths
+ cGCC, The *names* of the programs
+ cCPP e.g. cGCC = gcc
+ cUNLIT cCPP = gcc -E
+ etc They do *not* include paths
cUNLIT_DIR_REL The *path* to the directory containing unlit, split etc
cSPLIT_DIR_REL *relative* to the root of the build tree,
- for use when running *in-place* in a build tree (only)
+ for use when running *in-place* in a build tree (only)
@@ -137,180 +137,180 @@ Package
Which would have the advantage that we get to collect together in one
place the path-specific package stuff with the path-specific tool
- End of NOTES
+ End of NOTES
-%* *
+%* *
-%* *
+%* *
-initSysTools :: Maybe String -- Maybe TopDir path (without the '-B' prefix)
+initSysTools :: Maybe String -- Maybe TopDir path (without the '-B' prefix)
- -> DynFlags
- -> IO DynFlags -- Set all the mutable variables above, holding
- -- (a) the system programs
- -- (b) the package-config file
- -- (c) the GHC usage message
+ -> DynFlags
+ -> IO DynFlags -- Set all the mutable variables above, holding
+ -- (a) the system programs
+ -- (b) the package-config file
+ -- (c) the GHC usage message
initSysTools mbMinusB dflags
= do { (am_installed, top_dir) <- findTopDir mbMinusB
- -- top_dir
- -- for "installed" this is the root of GHC's support files
- -- for "in-place" it is the root of the build tree
- -- NB: top_dir is assumed to be in standard Unix
- -- format, '/' separated
+ -- top_dir
+ -- for "installed" this is the root of GHC's support files
+ -- for "in-place" it is the root of the build tree
+ -- NB: top_dir is assumed to be in standard Unix
+ -- format, '/' separated
- ; let installed, installed_bin :: FilePath -> FilePath
+ ; let installed, installed_bin :: FilePath -> FilePath
installed_bin pgm = top_dir </> pgm
- installed file = top_dir </> file
- inplace dir pgm = top_dir </> dir </> pgm
+ installed file = top_dir </> file
+ inplace dir pgm = top_dir </> dir </> pgm
- ; let pkgconfig_path
- | am_installed = installed "package.conf"
- | otherwise = inplace cGHC_DRIVER_DIR_REL "package.conf.inplace"
+ ; let pkgconfig_path
+ | am_installed = installed "package.conf"
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_DRIVER_DIR_REL "package.conf.inplace"
- ghc_usage_msg_path
- | am_installed = installed "ghc-usage.txt"
- | otherwise = inplace cGHC_DRIVER_DIR_REL "ghc-usage.txt"
+ ghc_usage_msg_path
+ | am_installed = installed "ghc-usage.txt"
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_DRIVER_DIR_REL "ghc-usage.txt"
- ghci_usage_msg_path
- | am_installed = installed "ghci-usage.txt"
- | otherwise = inplace cGHC_DRIVER_DIR_REL "ghci-usage.txt"
+ ghci_usage_msg_path
+ | am_installed = installed "ghci-usage.txt"
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_DRIVER_DIR_REL "ghci-usage.txt"
- -- For all systems, unlit, split, mangle are GHC utilities
- -- architecture-specific stuff is done when building Config.hs
- unlit_path
- | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_UNLIT_PGM
- | otherwise = inplace cGHC_UNLIT_DIR_REL cGHC_UNLIT_PGM
+ -- For all systems, unlit, split, mangle are GHC utilities
+ -- architecture-specific stuff is done when building Config.hs
+ unlit_path
+ | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_UNLIT_PGM
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_UNLIT_DIR_REL cGHC_UNLIT_PGM
- -- split and mangle are Perl scripts
- split_script
- | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_SPLIT_PGM
- | otherwise = inplace cGHC_SPLIT_DIR_REL cGHC_SPLIT_PGM
+ -- split and mangle are Perl scripts
+ split_script
+ | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_SPLIT_PGM
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_SPLIT_DIR_REL cGHC_SPLIT_PGM
- mangle_script
- | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_MANGLER_PGM
- | otherwise = inplace cGHC_MANGLER_DIR_REL cGHC_MANGLER_PGM
+ mangle_script
+ | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_MANGLER_PGM
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_MANGLER_DIR_REL cGHC_MANGLER_PGM
- | am_installed = installed_bin "bin/windres"
- | otherwise = "windres"
+ | am_installed = installed_bin "bin/windres"
+ | otherwise = "windres"
- ; let dflags0 = defaultDynFlags
+ ; let dflags0 = defaultDynFlags
; tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
; let dflags1 = setTmpDir tmpdir dflags0
- -- Check that the package config exists
- ; config_exists <- doesFileExist pkgconfig_path
- ; when (not config_exists) $
- throwDyn (InstallationError
- ("Can't find package.conf as " ++ pkgconfig_path))
+ -- Check that the package config exists
+ ; config_exists <- doesFileExist pkgconfig_path
+ ; when (not config_exists) $
+ throwDyn (InstallationError
+ ("Can't find package.conf as " ++ pkgconfig_path))
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
- -- On Windows, gcc and friends are distributed with GHC,
- -- so when "installed" we look in TopDir/bin
- -- When "in-place" we look wherever the build-time configure
- -- script found them
- -- When "install" we tell gcc where its specs file + exes are (-B)
- -- and also some places to pick up include files. We need
- -- to be careful to put all necessary exes in the -B place
- -- (as, ld, cc1, etc) since if they don't get found there, gcc
- -- then tries to run unadorned "as", "ld", etc, and will
- -- pick up whatever happens to be lying around in the path,
- -- possibly including those from a cygwin install on the target,
- -- which is exactly what we're trying to avoid.
- ; let gcc_b_arg = Option ("-B" ++ installed "gcc-lib/")
- (gcc_prog,gcc_args)
- | am_installed = (installed_bin "gcc", [gcc_b_arg])
- | otherwise = (cGCC, [])
- -- The trailing "/" is absolutely essential; gcc seems
- -- to construct file names simply by concatenating to
- -- this -B path with no extra slash We use "/" rather
- -- than "\\" because otherwise "\\\" is mangled
- -- later on; although gcc_args are in NATIVE format,
- -- gcc can cope
- -- (see comments with declarations of global variables)
- perl_path | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_PERL
- | otherwise = cGHC_PERL
- -- 'touch' is a GHC util for Windows, and similarly unlit, mangle
- ; let touch_path | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_TOUCHY_PGM
- | otherwise = inplace cGHC_TOUCHY_DIR_REL cGHC_TOUCHY_PGM
- -- On Win32 we don't want to rely on #!/bin/perl, so we prepend
- -- a call to Perl to get the invocation of split and mangle
- ; let (split_prog, split_args) = (perl_path, [Option split_script])
- (mangle_prog, mangle_args) = (perl_path, [Option mangle_script])
- ; let (mkdll_prog, mkdll_args)
- | am_installed =
- (installed "gcc-lib/" </> cMKDLL,
- [ Option "--dlltool-name",
- Option (installed "gcc-lib/" </> "dlltool"),
- Option "--driver-name",
- Option gcc_prog, gcc_b_arg ])
- | otherwise = (cMKDLL, [])
+ -- On Windows, gcc and friends are distributed with GHC,
+ -- so when "installed" we look in TopDir/bin
+ -- When "in-place" we look wherever the build-time configure
+ -- script found them
+ -- When "install" we tell gcc where its specs file + exes are (-B)
+ -- and also some places to pick up include files. We need
+ -- to be careful to put all necessary exes in the -B place
+ -- (as, ld, cc1, etc) since if they don't get found there, gcc
+ -- then tries to run unadorned "as", "ld", etc, and will
+ -- pick up whatever happens to be lying around in the path,
+ -- possibly including those from a cygwin install on the target,
+ -- which is exactly what we're trying to avoid.
+ ; let gcc_b_arg = Option ("-B" ++ installed "gcc-lib/")
+ (gcc_prog,gcc_args)
+ | am_installed = (installed_bin "gcc", [gcc_b_arg])
+ | otherwise = (cGCC, [])
+ -- The trailing "/" is absolutely essential; gcc seems
+ -- to construct file names simply by concatenating to
+ -- this -B path with no extra slash We use "/" rather
+ -- than "\\" because otherwise "\\\" is mangled
+ -- later on; although gcc_args are in NATIVE format,
+ -- gcc can cope
+ -- (see comments with declarations of global variables)
+ perl_path | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_PERL
+ | otherwise = cGHC_PERL
+ -- 'touch' is a GHC util for Windows, and similarly unlit, mangle
+ ; let touch_path | am_installed = installed_bin cGHC_TOUCHY_PGM
+ | otherwise = inplace cGHC_TOUCHY_DIR_REL cGHC_TOUCHY_PGM
+ -- On Win32 we don't want to rely on #!/bin/perl, so we prepend
+ -- a call to Perl to get the invocation of split and mangle
+ ; let (split_prog, split_args) = (perl_path, [Option split_script])
+ (mangle_prog, mangle_args) = (perl_path, [Option mangle_script])
+ ; let (mkdll_prog, mkdll_args)
+ | am_installed =
+ (installed "gcc-lib/" </> cMKDLL,
+ [ Option "--dlltool-name",
+ Option (installed "gcc-lib/" </> "dlltool"),
+ Option "--driver-name",
+ Option gcc_prog, gcc_b_arg ])
+ | otherwise = (cMKDLL, [])
- -- On Unix, the "standard" tools are assumed to be
- -- in the same place whether we are running "in-place" or "installed"
- -- That place is wherever the build-time configure script found them.
- ; let gcc_prog = cGCC
- gcc_args = []
- touch_path = "touch"
- mkdll_prog = panic "Can't build DLLs on a non-Win32 system"
- mkdll_args = []
- -- On Unix, scripts are invoked using the '#!' method. Binary
- -- installations of GHC on Unix place the correct line on the front
- -- of the script at installation time, so we don't want to wire-in
- -- our knowledge of $(PERL) on the host system here.
- ; let (split_prog, split_args) = (split_script, [])
- (mangle_prog, mangle_args) = (mangle_script, [])
+ -- On Unix, the "standard" tools are assumed to be
+ -- in the same place whether we are running "in-place" or "installed"
+ -- That place is wherever the build-time configure script found them.
+ ; let gcc_prog = cGCC
+ gcc_args = []
+ touch_path = "touch"
+ mkdll_prog = panic "Can't build DLLs on a non-Win32 system"
+ mkdll_args = []
+ -- On Unix, scripts are invoked using the '#!' method. Binary
+ -- installations of GHC on Unix place the correct line on the front
+ -- of the script at installation time, so we don't want to wire-in
+ -- our knowledge of $(PERL) on the host system here.
+ ; let (split_prog, split_args) = (split_script, [])
+ (mangle_prog, mangle_args) = (mangle_script, [])
- -- cpp is derived from gcc on all platforms
+ -- cpp is derived from gcc on all platforms
-- HACK, see setPgmP below. We keep 'words' here to remember to fix
-- Config.hs one day.
- ; let cpp_path = (gcc_prog, gcc_args ++
- (Option "-E"):(map Option (words cRAWCPP_FLAGS)))
- -- For all systems, copy and remove are provided by the host
- -- system; architecture-specific stuff is done when building Config.hs
- ; let cp_path = cGHC_CP
- -- Other things being equal, as and ld are simply gcc
- ; let (as_prog,as_args) = (gcc_prog,gcc_args)
- (ld_prog,ld_args) = (gcc_prog,gcc_args)
- ; return dflags1{
+ ; let cpp_path = (gcc_prog, gcc_args ++
+ (Option "-E"):(map Option (words cRAWCPP_FLAGS)))
+ -- For all systems, copy and remove are provided by the host
+ -- system; architecture-specific stuff is done when building Config.hs
+ ; let cp_path = cGHC_CP
+ -- Other things being equal, as and ld are simply gcc
+ ; let (as_prog,as_args) = (gcc_prog,gcc_args)
+ (ld_prog,ld_args) = (gcc_prog,gcc_args)
+ ; return dflags1{
ghcUsagePath = ghc_usage_msg_path,
ghciUsagePath = ghci_usage_msg_path,
topDir = top_dir,
systemPackageConfig = pkgconfig_path,
- pgm_L = unlit_path,
- pgm_P = cpp_path,
- pgm_F = "",
- pgm_c = (gcc_prog,gcc_args),
- pgm_m = (mangle_prog,mangle_args),
- pgm_s = (split_prog,split_args),
- pgm_a = (as_prog,as_args),
- pgm_l = (ld_prog,ld_args),
- pgm_dll = (mkdll_prog,mkdll_args),
+ pgm_L = unlit_path,
+ pgm_P = cpp_path,
+ pgm_F = "",
+ pgm_c = (gcc_prog,gcc_args),
+ pgm_m = (mangle_prog,mangle_args),
+ pgm_s = (split_prog,split_args),
+ pgm_a = (as_prog,as_args),
+ pgm_l = (ld_prog,ld_args),
+ pgm_dll = (mkdll_prog,mkdll_args),
pgm_T = touch_path,
pgm_sysman = top_dir ++ "/ghc/rts/parallel/SysMan",
pgm_windres = windres_path
- -- Hans: this isn't right in general, but you can
- -- elaborate it in the same way as the others
+ -- Hans: this isn't right in general, but you can
+ -- elaborate it in the same way as the others
- }
+ }
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
foreign import stdcall unsafe "GetTempPathA" getTempPath :: Int -> CString -> IO Int32
@@ -319,20 +319,20 @@ foreign import stdcall unsafe "GetTempPathA" getTempPath :: Int -> CString -> IO
-- Find TopDir
--- for "installed" this is the root of GHC's support files
--- for "in-place" it is the root of the build tree
+-- for "installed" this is the root of GHC's support files
+-- for "in-place" it is the root of the build tree
-- Plan of action:
-- 1. Set proto_top_dir
--- if there is no given TopDir path, get the directory
--- where GHC is running (only on Windows)
+-- if there is no given TopDir path, get the directory
+-- where GHC is running (only on Windows)
-- 2. If package.conf exists in proto_top_dir, we are running
--- installed; and TopDir = proto_top_dir
+-- installed; and TopDir = proto_top_dir
-- 3. Otherwise we are running in-place, so
--- proto_top_dir will be /...stuff.../ghc/compiler
--- Set TopDir to /...stuff..., which is the root of the build tree
+-- proto_top_dir will be /...stuff.../ghc/compiler
+-- Set TopDir to /...stuff..., which is the root of the build tree
-- This is very gruesome indeed
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ findTopDir :: Maybe String -- Maybe TopDir path (without the '-B' prefix).
findTopDir mbMinusB
= do { top_dir <- get_proto
-- Discover whether we're running in a build tree or in an installation,
- -- by looking for the package configuration file.
+ -- by looking for the package configuration file.
; am_installed <- doesFileExist (top_dir </> "package.conf")
; return (am_installed, top_dir)
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ findTopDir mbMinusB
Just minusb -> return (normalise minusb)
-> do maybe_exec_dir <- getBaseDir -- Get directory of executable
- case maybe_exec_dir of -- (only works on Windows;
+ case maybe_exec_dir of -- (only works on Windows;
-- returns Nothing on Unix)
Nothing -> throwDyn (InstallationError "missing -B<dir> option")
Just dir -> return dir
@@ -362,32 +362,32 @@ findTopDir mbMinusB
-%* *
+%* *
\subsection{Running an external program}
-%* *
+%* *
runUnlit :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runUnlit dflags args = do
+runUnlit dflags args = do
let p = pgm_L dflags
runSomething dflags "Literate pre-processor" p args
runCpp :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runCpp dflags args = do
+runCpp dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_P dflags
args1 = args0 ++ args
mb_env <- getGccEnv args1
runSomethingFiltered dflags id "C pre-processor" p args1 mb_env
runPp :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runPp dflags args = do
+runPp dflags args = do
let p = pgm_F dflags
runSomething dflags "Haskell pre-processor" p args
runCc :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runCc dflags args = do
+runCc dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_c dflags
args1 = args0 ++ args
mb_env <- getGccEnv args1
@@ -450,7 +450,7 @@ xs `isContainedIn` ys = any (xs `isPrefixOf`) (tails ys)
-- a bug in gcc on Windows Vista where it can't find its auxiliary
-- binaries (see bug #1110).
getGccEnv :: [Option] -> IO (Maybe [(String,String)])
-getGccEnv opts =
+getGccEnv opts =
#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 603
return Nothing
@@ -462,32 +462,32 @@ getGccEnv opts =
(b_dirs, _) = partitionWith get_b_opt opts
get_b_opt (Option ('-':'B':dir)) = Left dir
- get_b_opt other = Right other
+ get_b_opt other = Right other
- mangle_path (path,paths) | map toUpper path == "PATH"
+ mangle_path (path,paths) | map toUpper path == "PATH"
= (path, '\"' : head b_dirs ++ "\";" ++ paths)
mangle_path other = other
runMangle :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runMangle dflags args = do
+runMangle dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_m dflags
runSomething dflags "Mangler" p (args0++args)
runSplit :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runSplit dflags args = do
+runSplit dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_s dflags
runSomething dflags "Splitter" p (args0++args)
runAs :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runAs dflags args = do
+runAs dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_a dflags
args1 = args0 ++ args
mb_env <- getGccEnv args1
runSomethingFiltered dflags id "Assembler" p args1 mb_env
runLink :: DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runLink dflags args = do
+runLink dflags args = do
let (p,args0) = pgm_l dflags
args1 = args0 ++ args
mb_env <- getGccEnv args1
@@ -505,9 +505,9 @@ runWindres dflags args = do
let (gcc,gcc_args) = pgm_c dflags
windres = pgm_windres dflags
mb_env <- getGccEnv gcc_args
- runSomethingFiltered dflags id "Windres" windres
+ runSomethingFiltered dflags id "Windres" windres
-- we must tell windres where to find gcc: it might not be on PATH
- (Option ("--preprocessor=" ++
+ (Option ("--preprocessor=" ++
unwords (map quote (gcc : map showOpt gcc_args ++
["-E", "-xc", "-DRC_INVOKED"])))
-- -- use-temp-file is required for windres to interpret the
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ copyWithHeader dflags purpose maybe_header from to = do
h <- openFile to WriteMode
ls <- readFile from -- inefficient, but it'll do for now.
- -- ToDo: speed up via slurping.
+ -- ToDo: speed up via slurping.
maybe (return ()) (hPutStr h) maybe_header
hPutStr h ls
hClose h
@@ -548,9 +548,9 @@ getExtraViaCOpts dflags = do
-%* *
+%* *
\subsection{Managing temporary files
-%* *
+%* *
@@ -629,27 +629,27 @@ addFilesToClean files = mapM_ (consIORef v_FilesToClean) files
removeTmpDirs :: DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
removeTmpDirs dflags ds
= traceCmd dflags "Deleting temp dirs"
- ("Deleting: " ++ unwords ds)
- (mapM_ (removeWith dflags removeDirectory) ds)
+ ("Deleting: " ++ unwords ds)
+ (mapM_ (removeWith dflags removeDirectory) ds)
removeTmpFiles :: DynFlags -> [FilePath] -> IO ()
removeTmpFiles dflags fs
= warnNon $
- traceCmd dflags "Deleting temp files"
- ("Deleting: " ++ unwords deletees)
- (mapM_ (removeWith dflags removeFile) deletees)
+ traceCmd dflags "Deleting temp files"
+ ("Deleting: " ++ unwords deletees)
+ (mapM_ (removeWith dflags removeFile) deletees)
-- Flat out refuse to delete files that are likely to be source input
-- files (is there a worse bug than having a compiler delete your source
-- files?)
- --
+ --
-- Deleting source files is a sign of a bug elsewhere, so prominently flag
-- the condition.
warnNon act
| null non_deletees = act
| otherwise = do
putMsg dflags (text "WARNING - NOT deleting source files:" <+> hsep (map text non_deletees))
- act
+ act
(non_deletees, deletees) = partition isHaskellUserSrcFilename fs
@@ -668,14 +668,14 @@ removeWith dflags remover f = remover f `IO.catch`
-- Running an external program
runSomething :: DynFlags
- -> String -- For -v message
- -> String -- Command name (possibly a full path)
- -- assumed already dos-ified
- -> [Option] -- Arguments
- -- runSomething will dos-ify them
- -> IO ()
-runSomething dflags phase_name pgm args =
+ -> String -- For -v message
+ -> String -- Command name (possibly a full path)
+ -- assumed already dos-ified
+ -> [Option] -- Arguments
+ -- runSomething will dos-ify them
+ -> IO ()
+runSomething dflags phase_name pgm args =
runSomethingFiltered dflags id phase_name pgm args Nothing
@@ -685,32 +685,32 @@ runSomethingFiltered
runSomethingFiltered dflags filter_fn phase_name pgm args mb_env = do
let real_args = filter notNull (map showOpt args)
traceCmd dflags phase_name (unwords (pgm:real_args)) $ do
- (exit_code, doesn'tExist) <-
+ (exit_code, doesn'tExist) <-
IO.catch (do
rc <- builderMainLoop dflags filter_fn pgm real_args mb_env
- case rc of
- ExitSuccess{} -> return (rc, False)
- ExitFailure n
+ case rc of
+ ExitSuccess{} -> return (rc, False)
+ ExitFailure n
-- rawSystem returns (ExitFailure 127) if the exec failed for any
-- reason (eg. the program doesn't exist). This is the only clue
-- we have, but we need to report something to the user because in
-- the case of a missing program there will otherwise be no output
-- at all.
- | n == 127 -> return (rc, True)
- | otherwise -> return (rc, False))
- -- Should 'rawSystem' generate an IO exception indicating that
- -- 'pgm' couldn't be run rather than a funky return code, catch
- -- this here (the win32 version does this, but it doesn't hurt
- -- to test for this in general.)
- (\ err ->
- if IO.isDoesNotExistError err
+ | n == 127 -> return (rc, True)
+ | otherwise -> return (rc, False))
+ -- Should 'rawSystem' generate an IO exception indicating that
+ -- 'pgm' couldn't be run rather than a funky return code, catch
+ -- this here (the win32 version does this, but it doesn't hurt
+ -- to test for this in general.)
+ (\ err ->
+ if IO.isDoesNotExistError err
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 604
- -- the 'compat' version of rawSystem under mingw32 always
- -- maps 'errno' to EINVAL to failure.
- || case (ioeGetErrorType err ) of { InvalidArgument{} -> True ; _ -> False}
+ -- the 'compat' version of rawSystem under mingw32 always
+ -- maps 'errno' to EINVAL to failure.
+ || case (ioeGetErrorType err ) of { InvalidArgument{} -> True ; _ -> False}
- then return (ExitFailure 1, True)
- else IO.ioError err)
+ then return (ExitFailure 1, True)
+ else IO.ioError err)
case (doesn'tExist, exit_code) of
(True, _) -> throwDyn (InstallationError ("could not execute: " ++ pgm))
(_, ExitSuccess) -> return ()
@@ -753,9 +753,9 @@ builderMainLoop dflags filter_fn pgm real_args mb_env = do
else return Nothing
case mb_code of
Just code -> loop chan hProcess t (p-1) code
- Nothing
- | t > 0 -> do
- msg <- readChan chan
+ Nothing
+ | t > 0 -> do
+ msg <- readChan chan
case msg of
BuildMsg msg -> do
log_action dflags SevInfo noSrcSpan defaultUserStyle msg
@@ -769,37 +769,37 @@ builderMainLoop dflags filter_fn pgm real_args mb_env = do
readerProc chan hdl filter_fn =
(do str <- hGetContents hdl
- loop (linesPlatform (filter_fn str)) Nothing)
+ loop (linesPlatform (filter_fn str)) Nothing)
writeChan chan EOF
- -- ToDo: check errors more carefully
- -- ToDo: in the future, the filter should be implemented as
- -- a stream transformer.
+ -- ToDo: check errors more carefully
+ -- ToDo: in the future, the filter should be implemented as
+ -- a stream transformer.
- loop [] Nothing = return ()
- loop [] (Just err) = writeChan chan err
- loop (l:ls) in_err =
- case in_err of
- Just err@(BuildError srcLoc msg)
- | leading_whitespace l -> do
- loop ls (Just (BuildError srcLoc (msg $$ text l)))
- | otherwise -> do
- writeChan chan err
- checkError l ls
- Nothing -> do
- checkError l ls
- checkError l ls
- = case parseError l of
- Nothing -> do
- writeChan chan (BuildMsg (text l))
- loop ls Nothing
- Just (file, lineNum, colNum, msg) -> do
- let srcLoc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString file) lineNum colNum
- loop ls (Just (BuildError srcLoc (text msg)))
- leading_whitespace [] = False
- leading_whitespace (x:_) = isSpace x
+ loop [] Nothing = return ()
+ loop [] (Just err) = writeChan chan err
+ loop (l:ls) in_err =
+ case in_err of
+ Just err@(BuildError srcLoc msg)
+ | leading_whitespace l -> do
+ loop ls (Just (BuildError srcLoc (msg $$ text l)))
+ | otherwise -> do
+ writeChan chan err
+ checkError l ls
+ Nothing -> do
+ checkError l ls
+ checkError l ls
+ = case parseError l of
+ Nothing -> do
+ writeChan chan (BuildMsg (text l))
+ loop ls Nothing
+ Just (file, lineNum, colNum, msg) -> do
+ let srcLoc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString file) lineNum colNum
+ loop ls (Just (BuildError srcLoc (text msg)))
+ leading_whitespace [] = False
+ leading_whitespace (x:_) = isSpace x
parseError :: String -> Maybe (String, Int, Int, String)
parseError s0 = case breakColon s0 of
@@ -839,44 +839,44 @@ traceCmd :: DynFlags -> String -> String -> IO () -> IO ()
-- a) trace the command (at two levels of verbosity)
-- b) don't do it at all if dry-run is set
traceCmd dflags phase_name cmd_line action
- = do { let verb = verbosity dflags
- ; showPass dflags phase_name
- ; debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text cmd_line)
- ; hFlush stderr
- -- Test for -n flag
- ; unless (dopt Opt_DryRun dflags) $ do {
- -- And run it!
- ; action `IO.catch` handle_exn verb
- }}
+ = do { let verb = verbosity dflags
+ ; showPass dflags phase_name
+ ; debugTraceMsg dflags 3 (text cmd_line)
+ ; hFlush stderr
+ -- Test for -n flag
+ ; unless (dopt Opt_DryRun dflags) $ do {
+ -- And run it!
+ ; action `IO.catch` handle_exn verb
+ }}
handle_exn verb exn = do { debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (char '\n')
- ; debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (ptext (sLit "Failed:") <+> text cmd_line <+> text (show exn))
- ; throwDyn (PhaseFailed phase_name (ExitFailure 1)) }
+ ; debugTraceMsg dflags 2 (ptext (sLit "Failed:") <+> text cmd_line <+> text (show exn))
+ ; throwDyn (PhaseFailed phase_name (ExitFailure 1)) }
-%* *
+%* *
\subsection{Support code}
-%* *
+%* *
--- Define getBaseDir :: IO (Maybe String)
+-- Define getBaseDir :: IO (Maybe String)
getBaseDir :: IO (Maybe String)
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
-- Assuming we are running ghc, accessed by path $()/bin/ghc.exe,
-- return the path $(stuff). Note that we drop the "bin/" directory too.
getBaseDir = do let len = (2048::Int) -- plenty, PATH_MAX is 512 under Win32.
- buf <- mallocArray len
- ret <- getModuleFileName nullPtr buf len
- if ret == 0 then free buf >> return Nothing
- else do s <- peekCString buf
- free buf
- return (Just (rootDir s))
+ buf <- mallocArray len
+ ret <- getModuleFileName nullPtr buf len
+ if ret == 0 then free buf >> return Nothing
+ else do s <- peekCString buf
+ free buf
+ return (Just (rootDir s))
rootDir s = case splitFileName $ normalise s of
(d, "ghc.exe") ->
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ linesPlatform :: String -> [String]
linesPlatform ls = lines ls
linesPlatform "" = []
-linesPlatform xs =
+linesPlatform xs =
case lineBreak xs of
(as,xs1) -> as : linesPlatform xs1