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diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
index aa77592ef0..348179d460 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CoreUtils.hs
@@ -1556,25 +1556,28 @@ app_ok primop_ok fun args
-- Often there is a literal divisor, and this
-- can get rid of a thunk in an inner loop
- | SeqOp <- op -- See Note [seq# and expr_ok]
- -> all (expr_ok primop_ok) args
+ | SeqOp <- op -- See Note [exprOkForSpeculation and SeqOp/DataToTagOp]
+ -> False -- for the special cases for SeqOp and DataToTagOp
+ | DataToTagOp <- op
+ -> False
| otherwise
-> primop_ok op -- Check the primop itself
- && and (zipWith arg_ok arg_tys args) -- Check the arguments
+ && and (zipWith primop_arg_ok arg_tys args) -- Check the arguments
_other -> isUnliftedType (idType fun) -- c.f. the Var case of exprIsHNF
|| idArity fun > n_val_args -- Partial apps
- || (n_val_args == 0 &&
- isEvaldUnfolding (idUnfolding fun)) -- Let-bound values
+ -- NB: even in the nullary case, do /not/ check
+ -- for evaluated-ness of the fun;
+ -- see Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables]
n_val_args = valArgCount args
(arg_tys, _) = splitPiTys (idType fun)
- arg_ok :: TyBinder -> CoreExpr -> Bool
- arg_ok (Named _) _ = True -- A type argument
- arg_ok (Anon ty) arg -- A term argument
+ primop_arg_ok :: TyBinder -> CoreExpr -> Bool
+ primop_arg_ok (Named _) _ = True -- A type argument
+ primop_arg_ok (Anon ty) arg -- A term argument
| isUnliftedType ty = expr_ok primop_ok arg
| otherwise = True -- See Note [Primops with lifted arguments]
@@ -1638,14 +1641,34 @@ But we restrict it sharply:
* We restrict it to exhaustive alternatives. A non-exhaustive
- case manifestly isn't ok-for-speculation. Consider
+ case manifestly isn't ok-for-speculation. for example,
+ this is a valid program (albeit a slightly dodgy one)
+ let v = case x of { B -> ...; C -> ... }
+ in case x of
+ A -> ...
+ _ -> ...v...v....
+ Should v be considered ok-for-speculation? Its scrutinee may be
+ evaluated, but the alternatives are incomplete so we should not
+ evaluate it strictly.
+ Now, all this is for lifted types, but it'd be the same for any
+ finite unlifted type. We don't have many of them, but we might
+ add unlifted algebraic types in due course.
+----- Historical note: Trac #15696: --------
+ Previously SetLevels used exprOkForSpeculation to guide
+ floating of single-alternative cases; it now uses exprIsHNF
+ Note [Floating single-alternative cases].
+ But in those days, consider
case e of x { DEAFULT ->
...(case x of y
A -> ...
_ -> ...(case (case x of { B -> p; C -> p }) of
I# r -> blah)...
- If SetLevesls considers the inner nested case as ok-for-speculation
- it can do case-floating (see Note [Floating cases] in SetLevels).
+ If SetLevels considers the inner nested case as
+ ok-for-speculation it can do case-floating (in SetLevels).
So we'd float to:
case e of x { DEAFULT ->
case (case x of { B -> p; C -> p }) of I# r ->
@@ -1654,19 +1677,6 @@ But we restrict it sharply:
_ -> ...blah...)...
which is utterly bogus (seg fault); see Trac #5453.
- Similarly, this is a valid program (albeit a slightly dodgy one)
- let v = case x of { B -> ...; C -> ... }
- in case x of
- A -> ...
- _ -> ...v...v....
- Should v be considered ok-for-speculation? Its scrutinee may be
- evaluated, but the alternatives are incomplete so we should not
- evaluate it strictly.
- Now, all this is for lifted types, but it'd be the same for any
- finite unlifted type. We don't have many of them, but we might
- add unlifted algebraic types in due course.
----- Historical note: Trac #3717: --------
foo :: Int -> Int
foo 0 = 0
@@ -1699,27 +1709,54 @@ evaluate them. Indeed, in general primops are, well, primitive
and do not perform evaluation.
Bottom line:
- * in exprOkForSpeculation we simply ignore all lifted arguments.
- * except see Note [seq# and expr_ok] for an exception
+ * In exprOkForSpeculation we simply ignore all lifted arguments.
+ * In the rare case of primops that /do/ evaluate their arguments,
+ (namely DataToTagOp and SeqOp) return False; see
+ Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables]
+Note [exprOkForSpeculation and SeqOp/DataToTagOp]
+Most primops with lifted arguments don't evaluate them
+(see Note [Primops with lifted arguments]), so we can ignore
+that argument entirely when doing exprOkForSpeculation.
+But DataToTagOp and SeqOp are exceptions to that rule.
+For reasons described in Note [exprOkForSpeculation and
+evaluated variables], we simply return False for them.
+Not doing this made #5129 go bad.
+Lots of discussion in #15696.
+Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables]
+Recall that
+ seq# :: forall a s. a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
+ dataToTag# :: forall a. a -> Int#
+must always evaluate their first argument.
+Now consider these examples:
+ * case x of y { DEFAULT -> ....y.... }
+ Should 'y' (alone) be considered ok-for-speculation?
-Note [seq# and expr_ok]
-Recall that
- seq# :: forall a s . a -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
-must always evaluate its first argument. So it's really a
-counter-example to Note [Primops with lifted arguments]. In
-the case of seq# we must check the argument to seq#. Remember
-item (d) of the specification of exprOkForSpeculation:
+ * case x of y { DEFAULT -> ....f (dataToTag# y)... }
+ Should (dataToTag# y) be considered ok-for-spec?
+You could argue 'yes', because in the case alternative we know that
+'y' is evaluated. But the binder-swap transformation, which is
+extremely useful for float-out, changes these expressions to
+ case x of y { DEFAULT -> ....x.... }
+ case x of y { DEFAULT -> ....f (dataToTag# x)... }
- -- Precisely, it returns @True@ iff:
- -- a) The expression guarantees to terminate,
- ...
- -- d) without throwing a Haskell exception
+And now the expression does not obey the let/app invariant! Yikes!
+Moreover we really might float (f (dataToTag# x)) outside the case,
+and then it really, really doesn't obey the let/app invariant.
-The lack of this special case caused Trac #5129 to go bad again.
-See comment:24 and following
+The solution is simple: exprOkForSpeculation does not try to take
+advantage of the evaluated-ness of (lifted) varaibles. And it returns
+False (always) for DataToTagOp and SeqOp.
+Note that exprIsHNF /can/ and does take advantage of evaluated-ness;
+it doesn't have the trickiness of the let/app invariant to worry about.
* *
@@ -1781,6 +1818,8 @@ exprIsHNFlike is_con is_con_unf = is_hnf_like
-- and (e.g.) primops that don't have unfoldings
|| is_con_unf (idUnfolding v)
-- Check the thing's unfolding; it might be bound to a value
+ -- or to a guaranteed-evaluated variable (isEvaldUnfolding)
+ -- Contrast with Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables]
-- We don't look through loop breakers here, which is a bit conservative
-- but otherwise I worry that if an Id's unfolding is just itself,
-- we could get an infinite loop
@@ -1800,8 +1839,8 @@ exprIsHNFlike is_con is_con_unf = is_hnf_like
is_hnf_like (Let _ e) = is_hnf_like e -- Lazy let(rec)s don't affect us
is_hnf_like _ = False
- -- There is at least one value argument
- -- 'n' is number of value args to which the expression is applied
+ -- 'n' is the number of value args to which the expression is applied
+ -- And n>0: there is at least one value argument
app_is_value :: CoreExpr -> Int -> Bool
app_is_value (Var f) nva = id_app_is_value f nva
app_is_value (Tick _ f) nva = app_is_value f nva
@@ -1809,7 +1848,7 @@ exprIsHNFlike is_con is_con_unf = is_hnf_like
app_is_value (App f a) nva
| isValArg a = app_is_value f (nva + 1)
| otherwise = app_is_value f nva
- app_is_value _ _ = False
+ app_is_value _ _ = False
id_app_is_value id n_val_args
= is_con id
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/MkCore.hs b/compiler/coreSyn/MkCore.hs
index 73c2e7c134..4fa824a7dc 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/MkCore.hs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/MkCore.hs
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ data FloatBind
= FloatLet CoreBind
| FloatCase CoreExpr Id AltCon [Var]
-- case e of y { C ys -> ... }
- -- See Note [Floating cases] in SetLevels
+ -- See Note [Floating single-alternative cases] in SetLevels
instance Outputable FloatBind where
ppr (FloatLet b) = text "LET" <+> ppr b
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/PrelRules.hs b/compiler/prelude/PrelRules.hs
index ce269e36f6..cd04074545 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/PrelRules.hs
+++ b/compiler/prelude/PrelRules.hs
@@ -1042,7 +1042,36 @@ dataToTagRule = a `mplus` b
ASSERT( not (isNewTyCon (dataConTyCon dc)) ) return ()
return $ mkIntVal dflags (toInteger (dataConTagZ dc))
+{- Note [dataToTag# magic]
+The primop dataToTag# is unusual because it evaluates its argument.
+Only `SeqOp` shares that property. (Other primops do not do anything
+as fancy as argument evaluation.) The special handling for dataToTag#
+* CoreUtils.exprOkForSpeculation has a special case for DataToTagOp,
+ (actually in app_ok). Most primops with lifted arguments do not
+ evaluate those arguments, but DataToTagOp and SeqOp are two
+ exceptions. We say that they are /never/ ok-for-speculation,
+ regardless of the evaluated-ness of their argument.
+ See CoreUtils Note [exprOkForSpeculation and SeqOp/DataToTagOp]
+* There is a special case for DataToTagOp in StgCmmExpr.cgExpr,
+ that evaluates its argument and then extracts the tag from
+ the returned value.
+* An application like (dataToTag# (Just x)) is optimised by
+ dataToTagRule in PrelRules.
+* A case expression like
+ case (dataToTag# e) of <alts>
+ gets transformed t
+ case e of <transformed alts>
+ by PrelRules.caseRules; see Note [caseRules for dataToTag]
+See Trac #15696 for a long saga.
* *
\subsection{Rules for seq# and spark#}
@@ -1097,7 +1126,7 @@ Implementing seq#. The compiler has magic for SeqOp in
- StgCmmExpr.cgExpr, and cgCase: special case for seq#
- CoreUtils.exprOkForSpeculation;
- see Note [seq# and expr_ok] in CoreUtils
+ see Note [exprOkForSpeculation and SeqOp/DataToTagOp] in CoreUtils
- Simplify.addEvals records evaluated-ness for the result; see
Note [Adding evaluatedness info to pattern-bound variables]
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp b/compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp
index bf69776166..eb635fb215 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp
+++ b/compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp
@@ -3150,65 +3150,12 @@ section "Tag to enum stuff"
primop DataToTagOp "dataToTag#" GenPrimOp
a -> Int# -- Zero-indexed; the first constructor has tag zero
- can_fail = True -- See Note [dataToTag#]
strictness = { \ _arity -> mkClosedStrictSig [evalDmd] topRes }
+ -- See Note [dataToTag# magic] in PrelRules
primop TagToEnumOp "tagToEnum#" GenPrimOp
Int# -> a
--- Note [dataToTag#]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- The primop dataToTag# is unusual because it evaluates its argument.
--- Only `SeqOp` shares that property. (Other primops do not do anything
--- as fancy as argument evaluation.) The special handling for dataToTag#
--- is:
--- * CoreUtils.exprOkForSpeculation has a special case for DataToTagOp,
--- (actually in app_ok). Most primops with lifted arguments do not
--- evaluate those arguments, but DataToTagOp and SeqOp are two
--- exceptions. We say that they are /never/ ok-for-speculation,
--- regardless of the evaluated-ness of their argument.
--- See CoreUtils Note [PrimOps that evaluate their arguments]
--- * There is a special case for DataToTagOp in StgCmmExpr.cgExpr,
--- that evaluates its argument and then extracts the tag from
--- the returned value.
--- * An application like (dataToTag# (Just x)) is optimised by
--- dataToTagRule in PrelRules.
--- * A case expression like
--- case (dataToTag# e) of <alts>
--- gets transformed t
--- case e of <transformed alts>
--- by PrelRules.caseRules; see Note [caseRules for dataToTag]
--- See Trac #15696 for a long saga.
--- Note [dataToTag# hack]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- (This a temporary hack: see Trac #15696 commment:60.)
--- dataToTag# evaluates its argument, so we don't want to float it out.
--- Consider:
--- \z. case x of y -> let v = dataToTag# y in ...
--- To improve floating, the FloatOut pass (deliberately) does a
--- binder-swap on the case, to give
--- \z. case x of y -> let v = dataToTag# x in ...
--- Now FloatOut might float that v-binding outside the \z
--- let v = dataToTag# x in \z. case x of y -> ...
--- But that is bad because that might mean x gets evaluated much too early!
--- Solution: make dataToTag# into a can_fail primop. That will stop it floating
--- (see Note [PrimOp can_fail and has_side_effects] in PrimOp). It's a bit of
--- a hack but never mind.
section "Bytecode operations"
{Support for manipulating bytecode objects used by the interpreter and
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.hs b/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.hs
index 2593b1d7a1..e8c7ef2460 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.hs
@@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ fiExpr :: DynFlags
-> CoreExprWithFVs -- Input expr
-> CoreExpr -- Result
-fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnLit lit) = ASSERT( null to_drop ) Lit lit
+fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnLit lit) = wrapFloats to_drop (Lit lit)
+ -- See Note [Dead bindings]
fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnType ty) = ASSERT( null to_drop ) Type ty
fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnVar v) = wrapFloats to_drop (Var v)
fiExpr _ to_drop (_, AnnCoercion co) = wrapFloats to_drop (Coercion co)
@@ -202,7 +203,15 @@ fiExpr dflags to_drop ann_expr@(_,AnnApp {})
(arg_ty, res_ty) = splitFunTy fun_ty
+{- Note [Dead bindings]
+At a literal we won't usually have any floated bindings; the
+only way that can happen is if the binding wrapped the literal
+/in the original input program/. e.g.
+ case x of { DEFAULT -> 1# }
+But, while this may be unusual it is not actually wrong, and it did
+once happen (Trac #15696).
Note [Do not destroy the let/app invariant]
Watch out for
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.hs b/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.hs
index a63ed27407..c3802bec71 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/SetLevels.hs
@@ -460,13 +460,12 @@ lvlCase :: LevelEnv -- Level of in-scope names/tyvars
-> [CoreAltWithFVs] -- Input alternatives
-> LvlM LevelledExpr -- Result expression
lvlCase env scrut_fvs scrut' case_bndr ty alts
+ -- See Note [Floating single-alternative cases]
| [(con@(DataAlt {}), bs, body)] <- alts
- , exprOkForSpeculation (deTagExpr scrut')
- -- See Note [Check the output scrutinee for okForSpec]
+ , exprIsHNF (deTagExpr scrut') -- See Note [Check the output scrutinee for okForSpec]
, not (isTopLvl dest_lvl) -- Can't have top-level cases
, not (floatTopLvlOnly env) -- Can float anywhere
- = -- See Note [Floating cases]
- -- Always float the case if possible
+ = -- Always float the case if possible
-- Unlike lets we don't insist that it escapes a value lambda
do { (env1, (case_bndr' : bs')) <- cloneCaseBndrs env dest_lvl (case_bndr : bs)
; let rhs_env = extendCaseBndrEnv env1 case_bndr scrut'
@@ -492,15 +491,15 @@ lvlCase env scrut_fvs scrut' case_bndr ty alts
(new_env, bs') = substAndLvlBndrs NonRecursive alts_env incd_lvl bs
-Note [Floating cases]
+{- Note [Floating single-alternative cases]
Consider this:
data T a = MkT !a
f :: T Int -> blah
f x vs = case x of { MkT y ->
let f vs = ...(case y of I# w -> e)...f..
in f vs
Here we can float the (case y ...) out, because y is sure
to be evaluated, to give
f x vs = case x of { MkT y ->
@@ -512,13 +511,28 @@ That saves unboxing it every time round the loop. It's important in
some DPH stuff where we really want to avoid that repeated unboxing in
the inner loop.
-Things to note
+Things to note:
+ * The test we perform is exprIsHNF, and /not/ exprOkForSpeculation.
+ - exrpIsHNF catches the key case of an evaluated variable
+ - exprOkForSpeculaion is /false/ of an evaluated varaible;
+ See Note [exprOkForSpeculation and evaluated variables] in CoreUtils
+ So we'd actually miss the key case!
+ - Nothing is gained from the extra generality of exprOkForSpeculation
+ since we only consider floating a case whose single alternative
+ is a DataAlt K a b -> rhs
* We can't float a case to top level
* It's worth doing this float even if we don't float
the case outside a value lambda. Example
case x of {
MkT y -> (case y of I# w2 -> ..., case y of I# w2 -> ...)
If we floated the cases out we could eliminate one of them.
* We only do this with a single-alternative case
Note [Check the output scrutinee for okForSpec]
@@ -535,7 +549,7 @@ speculation here, but the former is not -- and indeed we can't float
the inner case out, at least not unless x is also evaluated at its
binding site. See Trac #5453.
-That's why we apply exprOkForSpeculation to scrut' and not to scrut.
+That's why we apply exprIsHNF to scrut' and not to scrut.
lvlNonTailMFE :: LevelEnv -- Level of in-scope names/tyvars