path: root/compiler
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2 files changed, 44 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.hs b/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.hs
index 4943f525af..6c8b005d80 100644
--- a/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.hs
+++ b/compiler/simplStg/SimplStg.hs
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ stg2stg dflags module_name binds
; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_stg "Pre unarise:"
(pprStgTopBindings processed_binds)
- ; let un_binds = unarise us1 processed_binds
+ ; let un_binds = stg_linter True "Unarise"
+ $ unarise us1 processed_binds
; dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_stg "STG syntax:"
(pprStgTopBindings un_binds)
@@ -60,9 +61,9 @@ stg2stg dflags module_name binds
- stg_linter = if gopt Opt_DoStgLinting dflags
- then lintStgTopBindings
- else ( \ _whodunnit binds -> binds )
+ stg_linter unarised
+ | gopt Opt_DoStgLinting dflags = lintStgTopBindings unarised
+ | otherwise = \ _whodunnit binds -> binds
do_stg_pass (binds, us, ccs) to_do
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ stg2stg dflags module_name binds
= do -- report verbosely, if required
dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_verbose_stg2stg what
(vcat (map ppr binds2))
- let linted_binds = stg_linter what binds2
+ let linted_binds = stg_linter False what binds2
return (linted_binds, us2, ccs)
-- return: processed binds
-- UniqueSupply for the next guy to use
diff --git a/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.hs b/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.hs
index baceca2333..ac25ab5f50 100644
--- a/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.hs
+++ b/compiler/stgSyn/StgLint.hs
@@ -56,11 +56,12 @@ generation. Solution: don't use it! (KSW 2000-05).
@lintStgTopBindings@ is the top-level interface function.
-lintStgTopBindings :: String -> [StgTopBinding] -> [StgTopBinding]
+lintStgTopBindings :: Bool -- ^ have we run Unarise yet?
+ -> String -> [StgTopBinding] -> [StgTopBinding]
-lintStgTopBindings whodunnit binds
+lintStgTopBindings unarised whodunnit binds
= {-# SCC "StgLint" #-}
- case (initL (lint_binds binds)) of
+ case (initL unarised (lint_binds binds)) of
Nothing -> binds
Just msg -> pprPanic "" (vcat [
text "*** Stg Lint ErrMsgs: in" <+>
@@ -196,11 +197,16 @@ lintStgExpr (StgTick _ expr) = lintStgExpr expr
lintStgExpr (StgCase scrut bndr alts_type alts) = runMaybeT $ do
_ <- MaybeT $ lintStgExpr scrut
+ lf <- liftMaybeT getLintFlags
in_scope <- MaybeT $ liftM Just $
case alts_type of
AlgAlt tc -> check_bndr (tyConPrimRep tc) >> return True
PrimAlt rep -> check_bndr [rep] >> return True
- MultiValAlt _ -> return False -- Binder is always dead in this case
+ -- Case binders of unboxed tuple or unboxed sum type always dead
+ -- after the unariser has run. See Note [Post-unarisation invariants].
+ MultiValAlt _
+ | lf_unarised lf -> return False
+ | otherwise -> return True
PolyAlt -> return True
MaybeT $ addInScopeVars [bndr | in_scope] $
@@ -275,12 +281,17 @@ lintAlt scrut_ty (DataAlt con, args, rhs) = do
newtype LintM a = LintM
- { unLintM :: [LintLocInfo] -- Locations
+ { unLintM :: LintFlags
+ -> [LintLocInfo] -- Locations
-> IdSet -- Local vars in scope
-> Bag MsgDoc -- Error messages so far
-> (a, Bag MsgDoc) -- Result and error messages (if any)
+data LintFlags = LintFlags { lf_unarised :: !Bool
+ -- ^ have we run the unariser yet?
+ }
data LintLocInfo
= RhsOf Id -- The variable bound
| LambdaBodyOf [Id] -- The lambda-binder
@@ -303,20 +314,22 @@ pp_binders bs
pp_binder b
= hsep [ppr b, dcolon, ppr (idType b)]
-initL :: LintM a -> Maybe MsgDoc
-initL (LintM m)
- = case (m [] emptyVarSet emptyBag) of { (_, errs) ->
+initL :: Bool -> LintM a -> Maybe MsgDoc
+initL unarised (LintM m)
+ = case (m lf [] emptyVarSet emptyBag) of { (_, errs) ->
if isEmptyBag errs then
Just (vcat (punctuate blankLine (bagToList errs)))
+ where
+ lf = LintFlags unarised
instance Functor LintM where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative LintM where
- pure a = LintM $ \_loc _scope errs -> (a, errs)
+ pure a = LintM $ \_lf _loc _scope errs -> (a, errs)
(<*>) = ap
(*>) = thenL_
@@ -325,21 +338,21 @@ instance Monad LintM where
(>>) = (*>)
thenL :: LintM a -> (a -> LintM b) -> LintM b
-thenL m k = LintM $ \loc scope errs
- -> case unLintM m loc scope errs of
- (r, errs') -> unLintM (k r) loc scope errs'
+thenL m k = LintM $ \lf loc scope errs
+ -> case unLintM m lf loc scope errs of
+ (r, errs') -> unLintM (k r) lf loc scope errs'
thenL_ :: LintM a -> LintM b -> LintM b
-thenL_ m k = LintM $ \loc scope errs
- -> case unLintM m loc scope errs of
- (_, errs') -> unLintM k loc scope errs'
+thenL_ m k = LintM $ \lf loc scope errs
+ -> case unLintM m lf loc scope errs of
+ (_, errs') -> unLintM k lf loc scope errs'
checkL :: Bool -> MsgDoc -> LintM ()
checkL True _ = return ()
checkL False msg = addErrL msg
addErrL :: MsgDoc -> LintM ()
-addErrL msg = LintM $ \loc _scope errs -> ((), addErr errs msg loc)
+addErrL msg = LintM $ \_lf loc _scope errs -> ((), addErr errs msg loc)
addErr :: Bag MsgDoc -> MsgDoc -> [LintLocInfo] -> Bag MsgDoc
addErr errs_so_far msg locs
@@ -350,14 +363,17 @@ addErr errs_so_far msg locs
mk_msg [] = msg
addLoc :: LintLocInfo -> LintM a -> LintM a
-addLoc extra_loc m = LintM $ \loc scope errs
- -> unLintM m (extra_loc:loc) scope errs
+addLoc extra_loc m = LintM $ \lf loc scope errs
+ -> unLintM m lf (extra_loc:loc) scope errs
addInScopeVars :: [Id] -> LintM a -> LintM a
-addInScopeVars ids m = LintM $ \loc scope errs
+addInScopeVars ids m = LintM $ \lf loc scope errs
-> let
new_set = mkVarSet ids
- in unLintM m loc (scope `unionVarSet` new_set) errs
+ in unLintM m lf loc (scope `unionVarSet` new_set) errs
+getLintFlags :: LintM LintFlags
+getLintFlags = LintM $ \lf _loc _scope errs -> (lf, errs)
Checking function applications: we only check that the type has the
@@ -457,7 +473,7 @@ stgEqType orig_ty1 orig_ty2
-- Type variables in particular
checkInScope :: Id -> LintM ()
-checkInScope id = LintM $ \loc scope errs
+checkInScope id = LintM $ \_lf loc scope errs
-> if isLocalId id && not (id `elemVarSet` scope) then
((), addErr errs (hsep [ppr id, dcolon, ppr (idType id),
text "is out of scope"]) loc)
@@ -465,7 +481,7 @@ checkInScope id = LintM $ \loc scope errs
((), errs)
checkTys :: Type -> Type -> MsgDoc -> LintM ()
-checkTys ty1 ty2 msg = LintM $ \loc _scope errs
+checkTys ty1 ty2 msg = LintM $ \_lf loc _scope errs
-> if (ty1 `stgEqType` ty2)
then ((), errs)
else ((), addErr errs msg loc)