path: root/compiler
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3 files changed, 271 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs
index 5bfbe51ad6..9ff82eee84 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcDerivUtils.hs
@@ -968,7 +968,7 @@ cond_functorOK allowFunctions allowExQuantifiedLastTyVar _ _ rep_tc
, ft_fun = \x y -> if allowFunctions then x `andValid` y
else NotValid (badCon con functions)
, ft_tup = \_ xs -> allValid xs
- , ft_ty_app = \_ x -> x
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ _ x -> x
, ft_bad_app = NotValid (badCon con wrong_arg)
, ft_forall = \_ x -> x }
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs
index 6cc3642b8b..adb7b6c369 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcGenFunctor.hs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ The deriving code for the Functor, Foldable, and Traversable classes
(equivalent to the code in TcGenDeriv, for other classes)
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
@@ -18,13 +19,15 @@ module TcGenFunctor (
gen_Functor_binds, gen_Foldable_binds, gen_Traversable_binds
) where
+#include "HsVersions.h"
import GhcPrelude
import Bag
import DataCon
import FastString
import GHC.Hs
-import Panic
+import Outputable
import PrelNames
import RdrName
import SrcLoc
@@ -83,50 +86,66 @@ However, we have special cases for
- functions
More formally, we write the derivation of fmap code over type variable
-'a for type 'b as ($fmap 'a 'b). In this general notation the derived
+'a for type 'b as ($fmap 'a 'b x). In this general notation the derived
instance for T is:
instance Functor T where
fmap f (T1 x1 x2) = T1 ($(fmap 'a 'b1) x1) ($(fmap 'a 'a) x2)
fmap f (T2 x1) = T2 ($(fmap 'a '(T a)) x1)
- $(fmap 'a 'b) = \x -> x -- when b does not contain a
- $(fmap 'a 'a) = f
- $(fmap 'a '(b1,b2)) = \x -> case x of (x1,x2) -> ($(fmap 'a 'b1) x1, $(fmap 'a 'b2) x2)
- $(fmap 'a '(T b1 b2)) = fmap $(fmap 'a 'b2) -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
- $(fmap 'a '(b -> c)) = \x b -> $(fmap 'a' 'c) (x ($(cofmap 'a 'b) b))
+ $(fmap 'a 'b x) = x -- when b does not contain a
+ $(fmap 'a 'a x) = f x
+ $(fmap 'a '(b1,b2) x) = case x of (x1,x2) -> ($(fmap 'a 'b1 x1), $(fmap 'a 'b2 x2))
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 a) x) = fmap f x -- when a only occurs directly as the last argument of T
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(fmap 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+ $(fmap 'a '(tb -> tc) x) = \(y:tb[b/a]) -> $(fmap 'a' 'tc' (x $(cofmap 'a 'tb y)))
For functions, the type parameter 'a can occur in a contravariant position,
which means we need to derive a function like:
cofmap :: (a -> b) -> (f b -> f a)
-This is pretty much the same as $fmap, only without the $(cofmap 'a 'a) case:
- $(cofmap 'a 'b) = \x -> x -- when b does not contain a
- $(cofmap 'a 'a) = error "type variable in contravariant position"
- $(cofmap 'a '(b1,b2)) = \x -> case x of (x1,x2) -> ($(cofmap 'a 'b1) x1, $(cofmap 'a 'b2) x2)
- $(cofmap 'a '[b]) = map $(cofmap 'a 'b)
- $(cofmap 'a '(T b1 b2)) = fmap $(cofmap 'a 'b2) -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
- $(cofmap 'a '(b -> c)) = \x b -> $(cofmap 'a' 'c) (x ($(fmap 'a 'c) b))
-Note that the code produced by $(fmap _ _) is always a higher order function,
-with type `(a -> b) -> (g a -> g b)` for some g. When we need to do pattern
-matching on the type, this means create a lambda function (see the (,) case above).
-The resulting code for fmap can look a bit weird, for example:
- data X a = X (a,Int)
- -- generated instance
- instance Functor X where
- fmap f (X x) = (\y -> case y of (x1,x2) -> X (f x1, (\z -> z) x2)) x
-The optimizer should be able to simplify this code by simple inlining.
-An older version of the deriving code tried to avoid these applied
-lambda functions by producing a meta level function. But the function to
-be mapped, `f`, is a function on the code level, not on the meta level,
-so it was eta expanded to `\x -> [| f $x |]`. This resulted in too much eta expansion.
-It is better to produce too many lambdas than to eta expand, see ticket #7436.
+This is pretty much the same as $fmap, only without the $(cofmap 'a 'a x) and
+$(cofmap 'a '(T b1 a) x) cases:
+ $(cofmap 'a 'b x) = x -- when b does not contain a
+ $(cofmap 'a 'a x) = error "type variable in contravariant position"
+ $(cofmap 'a '(b1,b2) x) = case x of (x1,x2) -> ($(cofmap 'a 'b1) x1, $(cofmap 'a 'b2) x2)
+ $(cofmap 'a '(T b1 a) x) = error "type variable in contravariant position" -- when a only occurs directly as the last argument of T
+ $(cofmap 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(cofmap 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+ $(cofmap 'a '(tb -> tc) x) = \(y:tb[b/a]) -> $(cofmap 'a' 'tc' (x $(fmap 'a 'tb y)))
+Note that the code produced by $(fmap _ _ _) is always a higher order function,
+with type `(a -> b) -> (g a -> g b)` for some g.
+Note that there are two distinct cases in $fmap (and $cofmap) that match on an
+application of some type constructor T (where T is not a tuple type
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 a) x) = fmap f x -- when a only occurs directly as the last argument of T
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(fmap 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+While the latter case technically subsumes the former case, it is important to
+give special treatment to the former case to avoid unnecessary eta expansion.
+See Note [Avoid unnecessary eta expansion in derived fmap implementations].
+We also generate code for (<$) in addition to fmap—see Note [Deriving <$] for
+an explanation of why this is important. Just like $fmap/$cofmap above, there
+is a similar algorithm for generating `p <$ x` (for some constant `p`):
+ $(replace 'a 'b x) = x -- when b does not contain a
+ $(replace 'a 'a x) = p
+ $(replace 'a '(b1,b2) x) = case x of (x1,x2) -> ($(replace 'a 'b1 x1), $(replace 'a 'b2 x2))
+ $(replace 'a '(T b1 a) x) = p <$ x -- when a only occurs directly as the last argument of T
+ $(replace 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(replace 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+ $(replace 'a '(tb -> tc) x) = \(y:tb[b/a]) -> $(replace 'a' 'tc' (x $(coreplace 'a 'tb y)))
+ $(coreplace 'a 'b x) = x -- when b does not contain a
+ $(coreplace 'a 'a x) = error "type variable in contravariant position"
+ $(coreplace 'a '(b1,b2) x) = case x of (x1,x2) -> ($(coreplace 'a 'b1 x1), $(coreplace 'a 'b2 x2))
+ $(coreplace 'a '(T b1 a) x) = error "type variable in contravariant position" -- when a only occurs directly as the last argument of T
+ $(coreplace 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(coreplace 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+ $(coreplace 'a '(tb -> tc) x) = \(y:tb[b/a]) -> $(coreplace 'a' 'tc' (x $(replace 'a 'tb y)))
gen_Functor_binds :: SrcSpan -> TyCon -> (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
@@ -154,30 +173,34 @@ gen_Functor_binds loc tycon
fmap_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs fmap_name
fmap_eqn con = flip evalState bs_RDRs $
- match_for_con fmap_match_ctxt [f_Pat] con =<< parts
+ match_for_con fmap_match_ctxt [f_Pat] con parts
- parts = sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_fmap con
+ parts = foldDataConArgs ft_fmap con
fmap_eqns = map fmap_eqn data_cons
- ft_fmap :: FFoldType (State [RdrName] (LHsExpr GhcPs))
- ft_fmap = FT { ft_triv = mkSimpleLam $ \x -> return x
- -- fmap f = \x -> x
- , ft_var = return f_Expr
- -- fmap f = f
- , ft_fun = \g h -> do
- gg <- g
- hh <- h
- mkSimpleLam2 $ \x b -> return $
- nlHsApp hh (nlHsApp x (nlHsApp gg b))
- -- fmap f = \x b -> h (x (g b))
- , ft_tup = \t gs -> do
- gg <- sequence gs
- mkSimpleLam $ mkSimpleTupleCase (match_for_con CaseAlt) t gg
- -- fmap f = \x -> case x of (a1,a2,..) -> (g1 a1,g2 a2,..)
- , ft_ty_app = \_ g -> nlHsApp fmap_Expr <$> g
- -- fmap f = fmap g
- , ft_forall = \_ g -> g
+ ft_fmap :: FFoldType (LHsExpr GhcPs -> State [RdrName] (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ ft_fmap = FT { ft_triv = \x -> pure x
+ -- fmap f x = x
+ , ft_var = \x -> pure $ nlHsApp f_Expr x
+ -- fmap f x = f x
+ , ft_fun = \g h x -> mkSimpleLam $ \b -> do
+ gg <- g b
+ h $ nlHsApp x gg
+ -- fmap f x = \b -> h (x (g b))
+ , ft_tup = mkSimpleTupleCase (match_for_con CaseAlt)
+ -- fmap f x = case x of (a1,a2,..) -> (g1 a1,g2 a2,..)
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ arg_ty g x ->
+ -- If the argument type is a bare occurrence of the
+ -- data type's last type variable, then we can generate
+ -- more efficient code.
+ -- See Note [Avoid unnecessary eta expansion in derived fmap implementations]
+ if tcIsTyVarTy arg_ty
+ then pure $ nlHsApps fmap_RDR [f_Expr,x]
+ else do gg <- mkSimpleLam g
+ pure $ nlHsApps fmap_RDR [gg,x]
+ -- fmap f x = fmap g x
+ , ft_forall = \_ g x -> g x
, ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in ft_fmap"
, ft_co_var = panic "contravariant in ft_fmap" }
@@ -189,53 +212,157 @@ gen_Functor_binds loc tycon
replace_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs replace_name
replace_eqn con = flip evalState bs_RDRs $
- match_for_con replace_match_ctxt [z_Pat] con =<< parts
+ match_for_con replace_match_ctxt [z_Pat] con parts
- parts = traverse (fmap replace) $ foldDataConArgs ft_replace con
+ parts = foldDataConArgs ft_replace con
replace_eqns = map replace_eqn data_cons
- ft_replace :: FFoldType (State [RdrName] Replacer)
- ft_replace = FT { ft_triv = fmap Nested $ mkSimpleLam $ \x -> return x
- -- (p <$) = \x -> x
- , ft_var = fmap Immediate $ mkSimpleLam $ \_ -> return z_Expr
- -- (p <$) = const p
- , ft_fun = \g h -> do
- gg <- replace <$> g
- hh <- replace <$> h
- fmap Nested $ mkSimpleLam2 $ \x b -> return $
- nlHsApp hh (nlHsApp x (nlHsApp gg b))
- -- (<$) p = \x b -> h (x (g b))
- , ft_tup = \t gs -> do
- gg <- traverse (fmap replace) gs
- fmap Nested . mkSimpleLam $
- mkSimpleTupleCase (match_for_con CaseAlt) t gg
- -- (p <$) = \x -> case x of (a1,a2,..) -> (g1 a1,g2 a2,..)
- , ft_ty_app = \_ gm -> do
- g <- gm
- case g of
- Nested g' -> pure . Nested $
- nlHsApp fmap_Expr $ g'
- Immediate _ -> pure . Nested $
- nlHsApp replace_Expr z_Expr
- -- (p <$) = fmap (p <$)
- , ft_forall = \_ g -> g
+ ft_replace :: FFoldType (LHsExpr GhcPs -> State [RdrName] (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ ft_replace = FT { ft_triv = \x -> pure x
+ -- p <$ x = x
+ , ft_var = \_ -> pure z_Expr
+ -- p <$ _ = p
+ , ft_fun = \g h x -> mkSimpleLam $ \b -> do
+ gg <- g b
+ h $ nlHsApp x gg
+ -- p <$ x = \b -> h (x (g b))
+ , ft_tup = mkSimpleTupleCase (match_for_con CaseAlt)
+ -- p <$ x = case x of (a1,a2,..) -> (g1 a1,g2 a2,..)
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ arg_ty g x ->
+ -- If the argument type is a bare occurrence of the
+ -- data type's last type variable, then we can generate
+ -- more efficient code.
+ -- See [Deriving <$]
+ if tcIsTyVarTy arg_ty
+ then pure $ nlHsApps replace_RDR [z_Expr,x]
+ else do gg <- mkSimpleLam g
+ pure $ nlHsApps fmap_RDR [gg,x]
+ -- p <$ x = fmap (p <$) x
+ , ft_forall = \_ g x -> g x
, ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in ft_replace"
, ft_co_var = panic "contravariant in ft_replace" }
-- Con a1 a2 ... -> Con (f1 a1) (f2 a2) ...
- match_for_con :: HsMatchContext GhcPs
- -> [LPat GhcPs] -> DataCon -> [LHsExpr GhcPs]
- -> State [RdrName] (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ match_for_con :: Monad m
+ => HsMatchContext GhcPs
+ -> [LPat GhcPs] -> DataCon
+ -> [LHsExpr GhcPs -> m (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
match_for_con ctxt = mkSimpleConMatch ctxt $
- \con_name xs -> return $ nlHsApps con_name xs -- Con x1 x2 ..
+ \con_name xsM -> do xs <- sequence xsM
+ pure $ nlHsApps con_name xs -- Con x1 x2 ..
+Note [Avoid unnecessary eta expansion in derived fmap implementations]
+For the sake of simplicity, the algorithm that derived implementations of
+fmap used to have a single case that dealt with applications of some type
+constructor T (where T is not a tuple type constructor):
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(fmap 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+This generated less than optimal code in certain situations, however. Consider
+this example:
+ data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) deriving Functor
+This would generate the following Functor instance:
+ instance Functor List where
+ fmap f Nil = Nil
+ fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap (\y -> f y) xs)
+The code `fmap (\y -> f y) xs` is peculiar, since it eta expands an application
+of `f`. What's worse, this eta expansion actually degrades performance! To see
+why, we can trace an invocation of fmap on a small List:
+ fmap id $ Cons 0 $ Cons 0 $ Cons 0 $ Cons 0 Nil
+ Cons (id 0) $ fmap (\y -> id y)
+ $ Cons 0 $ Cons 0 $ Cons 0 Nil
+ Cons (id 0) $ Cons ((\y -> id y) 0)
+ $ fmap (\y' -> (\y -> id y) y')
+ $ Cons 0 $ Cons 0 Nil
+ Cons (id 0) $ Cons ((\y -> id y) 0)
+ $ Cons ((\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') 0)
+ $ fmap (\y'' -> (\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') y'')
+ $ Cons 0 Nil
--- See Note [Deriving <$]
-data Replacer = Immediate {replace :: LHsExpr GhcPs}
- | Nested {replace :: LHsExpr GhcPs}
+ Cons (id 0) $ Cons ((\y -> id y) 0)
+ $ Cons ((\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') 0)
+ $ Cons ((\y'' -> (\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') y'') 0)
+ $ fmap (\y''' -> (\y'' -> (\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') y'') y''')
+ $ Nil
-{- Note [Deriving <$]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Cons (id 0) $ Cons ((\y -> id y) 0)
+ $ Cons ((\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') 0)
+ $ Cons ((\y'' -> (\y' -> (\y -> id y) y') y'') 0)
+ $ Nil
+Notice how the number of lambdas—and hence, the number of closures—one
+needs to evaluate grows very quickly. In general, a List with N cons cells will
+require (1 + 2 + ... (N-1)) beta reductions, which takes O(N^2) time! This is
+what caused the performance issues observed in #7436.
+But hold on a second: shouldn't GHC's optimizer be able to eta reduce
+`\y -> f y` to `f` and avoid these beta reductions? Unfortunately, this is not
+the case. In general, eta reduction can change the semantics of a program. For
+instance, (\x -> ⊥) `seq` () converges, but ⊥ `seq` () diverges. It just so
+happens that the fmap implementation above would have the same semantics
+regardless of whether or not `\y -> f y` or `f` is used, but GHC's optimizer is
+not yet smart enough to realize this (see #17881).
+To avoid this quadratic blowup, we add a special case to $fmap that applies
+`fmap f` directly:
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 a) x) = fmap f x -- when a only occurs directly as the last argument of T
+ $(fmap 'a '(T b1 b2) x) = fmap (\y. $(fmap 'a 'b2 y)) x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
+With this modified algorithm, the derived Functor List instance becomes:
+ instance Functor List where
+ fmap f Nil = Nil
+ fmap f (Cons x xs) = Cons (f x) (fmap f xs)
+No lambdas in sight, just the way we like it.
+This special case does not prevent all sources quadratic closure buildup,
+however. In this example:
+ data PolyList a = PLNil | PLCons a (PolyList (PolyList a))
+ deriving Functor
+We would derive the following code:
+ instance Functor PolyList where
+ fmap f PLNil = PLNil
+ fmap f (PLCons x xs) = PLCons (f x) (fmap (\y -> fmap f y) xs)
+The use of `fmap (\y -> fmap f y) xs` builds up closures in much the same way
+as `fmap (\y -> f y) xs`. The difference here is that even if we eta reduced
+to `fmap (fmap f) xs`, GHC would /still/ build up a closure, since we are
+recursively invoking fmap with a different argument (fmap f). Since we end up
+paying the price of building a closure either way, we do not extend the special
+case in $fmap any further, since it wouldn't buy us anything.
+The ft_ty_app field of FFoldType distinguishes between these two $fmap cases by
+inspecting the argument type. If the argument type is a bare type variable,
+then we can conclude the type variable /must/ be the same as the data type's
+last type parameter. We know that this must be the case since there is an
+invariant that the argument type in ft_ty_app will always contain the last
+type parameter somewhere (see Note [FFoldType and functorLikeTraverse]), so
+if the argument type is a bare variable, then that must be exactly the last
+type parameter.
+Note that the ft_ty_app case of ft_replace (which derives implementations of
+(<$)) also inspects the argument type to generate more efficient code.
+See Note [Deriving <$].
+Note [Deriving <$]
We derive the definition of <$. Allowing this to take the default definition
can lead to memory leaks: mapping over a structure with a constant function can
@@ -298,9 +425,15 @@ Then we want to define
x <$ Nes q = Nes (fmap (x <$) q)
-We use the Replacer type to tag whether the expression derived for applying
-<$ to the last type variable was the ft_var case (immediate) or one of the
-others (letting ft_forall pass through as usual).
+We inspect the argument type in ft_ty_app
+(see Note [FFoldType and functorLikeTraverse]) to distinguish between these
+two cases. If the argument type is a bare type variable, then we know that it
+must be the same variable as the data type's last type parameter.
+This is very similar to a trick that derived fmap implementations
+use in their own ft_ty_app case.
+See Note [Avoid unnecessary eta expansion in derived fmap implementations],
+which explains why checking if the argument type is a bare variable is
+the right thing to do.
We could, but do not, give tuples special treatment to improve efficiency
in some cases. Suppose we have
@@ -342,9 +475,12 @@ data FFoldType a -- Describes how to fold over a Type in a functor like way
, ft_fun :: a -> a -> a
-- ^ Function type
, ft_tup :: TyCon -> [a] -> a
- -- ^ Tuple type
- , ft_ty_app :: Type -> a -> a
- -- ^ Type app, variable only in last argument
+ -- ^ Tuple type. The @[a]@ is the result of folding over the
+ -- arguments of the tuple.
+ , ft_ty_app :: Type -> Type -> a -> a
+ -- ^ Type app, variable only in last argument. The two 'Type's are
+ -- the function and argument parts of @fun_ty arg_ty@,
+ -- respectively.
, ft_bad_app :: a
-- ^ Type app, variable other than in last argument
, ft_forall :: TcTyVar -> a -> a
@@ -375,7 +511,7 @@ functorLikeTraverse var (FT { ft_triv = caseTrivial, ft_var = caseVar
where (xr,xc) = go (not co) x
(yr,yc) = go co y
go co (AppTy x y) | xc = (caseWrongArg, True)
- | yc = (caseTyApp x yr, True)
+ | yc = (caseTyApp x y yr, True)
where (_, xc) = go co x
(yr,yc) = go co y
go co ty@(TyConApp con args)
@@ -384,8 +520,8 @@ functorLikeTraverse var (FT { ft_triv = caseTrivial, ft_var = caseVar
-- and at least one xr is True
| isTupleTyCon con = (caseTuple con xrs, True)
| or (init xcs) = (caseWrongArg, True) -- T (..var..) ty
- | Just (fun_ty, _) <- splitAppTy_maybe ty -- T ( var..) ty
- = (caseTyApp fun_ty (last xrs), True)
+ | Just (fun_ty, arg_ty) <- splitAppTy_maybe ty -- T ( var..) ty
+ = (caseTyApp fun_ty arg_ty (last xrs), True)
| otherwise = (caseWrongArg, True) -- Non-decomposable (eg type function)
-- When folding over an unboxed tuple, we must explicitly drop the
@@ -409,7 +545,7 @@ deepSubtypesContaining tv
, ft_var = []
, ft_fun = (++)
, ft_tup = \_ xs -> concat xs
- , ft_ty_app = (:)
+ , ft_ty_app = \t _ ts -> t:ts
, ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in deepSubtypesContaining"
, ft_co_var = panic "contravariant in deepSubtypesContaining"
, ft_forall = \v xs -> filterOut ((v `elemVarSet`) . tyCoVarsOfType) xs })
@@ -464,10 +600,10 @@ mkSimpleLam2 lam =
-- and its arguments, applying an expression (from @insides@) to each of the
-- respective arguments of @con@.
mkSimpleConMatch :: Monad m => HsMatchContext GhcPs
- -> (RdrName -> [LHsExpr GhcPs] -> m (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ -> (RdrName -> [a] -> m (LHsExpr GhcPs))
-> [LPat GhcPs]
-> DataCon
- -> [LHsExpr GhcPs]
+ -> [LHsExpr GhcPs -> a]
-> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
mkSimpleConMatch ctxt fold extra_pats con insides = do
let con_name = getRdrName con
@@ -477,7 +613,7 @@ mkSimpleConMatch ctxt fold extra_pats con insides = do
then bare_pat
else nlParPat bare_pat
rhs <- fold con_name
- (zipWith (\i v -> i `nlHsApp` nlHsVar v) insides vars_needed)
+ (zipWith (\i v -> i $ nlHsVar v) insides vars_needed)
return $ mkMatch ctxt (extra_pats ++ [pat]) rhs
(noLoc emptyLocalBinds)
@@ -730,7 +866,7 @@ gen_Foldable_binds loc tycon
mkSimpleTupleCase (match_foldr z) t gg x
return (Just lam)
-- foldr f = (\x z -> case x of ...)
- , ft_ty_app = \_ g -> do
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ _ g -> do
gg <- g
mapM (\gg' -> mkSimpleLam2 $ \x z -> return $
nlHsApps foldable_foldr_RDR [gg',z,x]) gg
@@ -740,11 +876,12 @@ gen_Foldable_binds loc tycon
, ft_fun = panic "function in ft_foldr"
, ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in ft_foldr" }
- match_foldr :: LHsExpr GhcPs
+ match_foldr :: Monad m
+ => LHsExpr GhcPs
-> [LPat GhcPs]
-> DataCon
-> [Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
- -> State [RdrName] (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
match_foldr z = mkSimpleConMatch2 LambdaExpr $ \_ xs -> return (mkFoldr xs)
-- g1 v1 (g2 v2 (.. z))
@@ -763,17 +900,18 @@ gen_Foldable_binds loc tycon
lam <- mkSimpleLam $ mkSimpleTupleCase match_foldMap t gg
return (Just lam)
-- foldMap f = \x -> case x of (..,)
- , ft_ty_app = \_ g -> fmap (nlHsApp foldMap_Expr) <$> g
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ _ g -> fmap (nlHsApp foldMap_Expr) <$> g
-- foldMap f = foldMap g
, ft_forall = \_ g -> g
, ft_co_var = panic "contravariant in ft_foldMap"
, ft_fun = panic "function in ft_foldMap"
, ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in ft_foldMap" }
- match_foldMap :: [LPat GhcPs]
+ match_foldMap :: Monad m
+ => [LPat GhcPs]
-> DataCon
-> [Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
- -> State [RdrName] (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
match_foldMap = mkSimpleConMatch2 CaseAlt $ \_ xs -> return (mkFoldMap xs)
-- mappend v1 (mappend v2 ..)
@@ -799,7 +937,7 @@ gen_Foldable_binds loc tycon
Just ggg ->
NullM <$> (mkSimpleLam $ mkSimpleTupleCase match_null t ggg)
-- null = \x -> case x of (..,)
- , ft_ty_app = \_ g -> flip fmap g $ \nestedResult ->
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ _ g -> flip fmap g $ \nestedResult ->
case nestedResult of
-- If e definitely contains the parameter,
-- then we can test if (G e) contains it by
@@ -818,10 +956,11 @@ gen_Foldable_binds loc tycon
, ft_fun = panic "function in ft_null"
, ft_bad_app = panic "in other argument in ft_null" }
- match_null :: [LPat GhcPs]
- -> DataCon
- -> [Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
- -> State [RdrName] (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ match_null :: Monad m
+ => [LPat GhcPs]
+ -> DataCon
+ -> [Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
match_null = mkSimpleConMatch2 CaseAlt $ \_ xs -> return (mkNull xs)
-- v1 && v2 && ..
@@ -920,7 +1059,7 @@ gen_Traversable_binds loc tycon
return (Just lam)
-- traverse f = \x -> case x of (a1,a2,..) ->
-- liftA2 (,,) (g1 a1) (g2 a2) <*> ..
- , ft_ty_app = \_ g -> fmap (nlHsApp traverse_Expr) <$> g
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ _ g -> fmap (nlHsApp traverse_Expr) <$> g
-- traverse f = traverse g
, ft_forall = \_ g -> g
, ft_co_var = panic "contravariant in ft_trav"
@@ -929,10 +1068,11 @@ gen_Traversable_binds loc tycon
-- Con a1 a2 ... -> liftA2 (\b1 b2 ... -> Con b1 b2 ...) (g1 a1)
-- (g2 a2) <*> ...
- match_for_con :: [LPat GhcPs]
+ match_for_con :: Monad m
+ => [LPat GhcPs]
-> DataCon
-> [Maybe (LHsExpr GhcPs)]
- -> State [RdrName] (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
+ -> m (LMatch GhcPs (LHsExpr GhcPs))
match_for_con = mkSimpleConMatch2 CaseAlt $
\con xs -> return (mkApCon con xs)
@@ -946,13 +1086,11 @@ gen_Traversable_binds loc tycon
-f_Expr, z_Expr, fmap_Expr, replace_Expr, mempty_Expr, foldMap_Expr,
+f_Expr, z_Expr, mempty_Expr, foldMap_Expr,
traverse_Expr, coerce_Expr, pure_Expr, true_Expr, false_Expr,
all_Expr, null_Expr :: LHsExpr GhcPs
f_Expr = nlHsVar f_RDR
z_Expr = nlHsVar z_RDR
-fmap_Expr = nlHsVar fmap_RDR
-replace_Expr = nlHsVar replace_RDR
mempty_Expr = nlHsVar mempty_RDR
foldMap_Expr = nlHsVar foldMap_RDR
traverse_Expr = nlHsVar traverse_RDR
@@ -1093,11 +1231,20 @@ a is the last type variable in a given datatype):
* ft_ty_app: A type is being applied to the last type parameter, where the
applied type does not mention the last type parameter (if it
- did, it would fall under ft_bad_app). The Type argument to
- ft_ty_app represents the applied type.
+ did, it would fall under ft_bad_app) and the argument type
+ mentions the last type parameter (if it did not, it would fall
+ under ft_triv). The first two Type arguments to
+ ft_ty_app represent the applied type and argument type,
+ respectively.
+ Currently, only DeriveFunctor makes use of the argument type.
+ It inspects the argument type so that it can generate more
+ efficient implementations of fmap
+ (see Note [Avoid unnecessary eta expansion in derived fmap implementations])
+ and (<$) (see Note [Deriving <$]) in certain cases.
Note that functions, tuples, and foralls are distinct cases
- and take precedence of ft_ty_app. (For example, (Int -> a) would
+ and take precedence over ft_ty_app. (For example, (Int -> a) would
fall under (ft_fun Int a), not (ft_ty_app ((->) Int) a).
Examples: Maybe a, Either b a
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcGenGenerics.hs b/compiler/typecheck/TcGenGenerics.hs
index 724da9f2e0..146b91dab4 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcGenGenerics.hs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcGenGenerics.hs
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ canDoGenerics1 rep_tc =
-- (ty arg), where head of ty is neither (->) nor a tuple constructor and
-- the parameter of interest does not occur in ty
- , ft_ty_app = \_ arg -> arg
+ , ft_ty_app = \_ _ arg -> arg
, ft_bad_app = bmbad con wrong_arg
, ft_forall = \_ body -> body -- polytypes are handled elsewhere