path: root/compiler
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
32 files changed, 1166 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/.hlint.yaml b/compiler/.hlint.yaml
index 14a5ec1164..4b821ffd27 100644
--- a/compiler/.hlint.yaml
+++ b/compiler/.hlint.yaml
@@ -24,3 +24,11 @@
- ignore: {name: Use fewer imports, within: [GHC.Parser, GHC.Cmm.Parser ] }
- ignore: {name: Redundant return, within: [GHC.Data.FastString] }
- ignore: {within: [GHC.Parser, GHC.Parser.Lexer, GHC.Parser.HaddockLex] }
+## Restricted modules
+- warn: {name: Avoid restricted module}
+# see comments in affected modules
+- modules:
+ - {name: [GHC.Driver.Backend.Internal], within: [GHC.Driver.Backend], message: "This module is for clients of the GHC API only. Do not use it within the compiler."}
diff --git a/compiler/GHC.hs b/compiler/GHC.hs
index b532a2fa97..5d57c0d2fa 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ module GHC (
-- * Flags and settings
- DynFlags(..), GeneralFlag(..), Severity(..), Backend(..), gopt,
+ DynFlags(..), GeneralFlag(..), Severity(..), Backend, gopt,
+ ncgBackend, llvmBackend, viaCBackend, interpreterBackend, noBackend,
GhcMode(..), GhcLink(..),
parseDynamicFlags, parseTargetFiles,
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Switch.hs b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Switch.hs
index f8c6c674ef..b0f22ce1b3 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Switch.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Cmm/Switch.hs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module GHC.Cmm.Switch (
switchTargetsToList, eqSwitchTargetWith,
- backendSupportsSwitch,
+ backendHasNativeSwitch,
) where
@@ -312,13 +312,6 @@ and slowed down all other cases making it not worthwhile.
--- | Does the backend support switch out of the box? Then leave this to the
--- backend!
-backendSupportsSwitch :: Backend -> Bool
-backendSupportsSwitch ViaC = True
-backendSupportsSwitch LLVM = True
-backendSupportsSwitch _ = False
-- | This function creates a SwitchPlan from a SwitchTargets value, breaking it
-- down into smaller pieces suitable for code generation.
createSwitchPlan :: SwitchTargets -> SwitchPlan
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Base.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Base.hs
index 338aa3a927..f72411c4ec 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Base.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Base.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
@@ -35,8 +34,6 @@ module GHC.CmmToLlvm.Base (
aliasify, llvmDefLabel
) where
-#include "ghc-llvm-version.h"
import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Utils.Panic
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Config.hs b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Config.hs
index f516b9787b..649a33c2f6 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Config.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CmmToLlvm/Config.hs
@@ -133,4 +133,3 @@ llvmVersionStr = intercalate "." . map show . llvmVersionList
llvmVersionList :: LlvmVersion -> [Int]
llvmVersionList = NE.toList . llvmVersionNE
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/ConstantFold.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/ConstantFold.hs
index 8c372d3396..1904344788 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/ConstantFold.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/Opt/ConstantFold.hs
@@ -1415,8 +1415,8 @@ as follows:
in ...
This was originally done in the fix to #16449 but this breaks the let-can-float
-invariant (see Note [Core let-can-float invariant] in GHC.Core) as noted in
-#16742. For the reasons discussed in Note [Checking versus non-checking
+invariant (see Note [Core let-can-float invariant] in GHC.Core) as noted in #16742.
+For the reasons discussed in Note [Checking versus non-checking
primops] (in the PrimOp module) there is no safe way to rewrite the argument of I#
such that it bottoms.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backend.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backend.hs
index 2642a2a9af..a27a2e7b4a 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backend.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backend.hs
@@ -1,95 +1,205 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
--- | Code generation backends
+Module : GHC.Driver.Backend
+Description : Back ends for code generation
+This module exports the `Backend` type and all the available values
+of that type. The type is abstract, and GHC assumes a "closed world":
+all the back ends are known and are known here. The compiler driver
+chooses a `Backend` value based on how it is asked to generate code.
+A `Backend` value encapsulates the knowledge needed to take Cmm, STG,
+or Core and write assembly language to a file. A back end also
+provides a function that enables the compiler driver to run an
+assembler on the code that is written, if any (the "post-backend
+pipeline"). Finally, a back end has myriad /properties/. Properties
+mediate interactions between a back end and the rest of the compiler,
+especially the driver. Examples include the following:
+ * Property `backendValidityOfCImport` says whether the back end can
+ import foreign C functions.
+ * Property `backendForcesOptimization0` says whether the back end can
+ be used with optimization levels higher than `-O0`.
+ * Property `backendCDefs` tells the compiler driver, "if you're using
+ this back end, then these are the command-line flags you should add
+ to any invocation of the C compiler."
+These properties are use elsewhere in GHC, primarily in the driver, to
+fine-tune operations according to the capabilities of the chosen back
+end. You might use a property to make GHC aware of a potential
+limitation of certain back ends, or a special feature available only
+in certain back ends. If your client code needs to know a fact that
+is not exposed in an existing property, you would define and export a
+new property. Conditioning client code on the /identity/ or /name/ of
+a back end is Not Done.
+For full details, see the documentation of each property.
module GHC.Driver.Backend
- ( Backend (..)
+ ( -- * The @Backend@ type
+ Backend -- note: type is abstract
+ -- * Available back ends
+ , ncgBackend
+ , llvmBackend
+ , viaCBackend
+ , interpreterBackend
+ , noBackend
+ , allBackends
+ -- * Types used to specify properties of back ends
+ , PrimitiveImplementation(..)
+ -- ** Properties that stand for functions
+ -- *** Back-end function for code generation
+ , DefunctionalizedCodeOutput(..)
+ -- *** Back-end functions for assembly
+ , DefunctionalizedPostHscPipeline(..)
+ , DefunctionalizedAssemblerProg(..)
+ , DefunctionalizedAssemblerInfoGetter(..)
+ -- *** Other back-end functions
+ , DefunctionalizedCDefs(..)
+ -- ** Names of back ends (for API clients of version 9.4 or earlier)
+ , BackendName
+ -- * Properties of back ends
+ , backendDescription
+ , backendWritesFiles
+ , backendPipelineOutput
+ , backendCanReuseLoadedCode
+ , backendGeneratesCode
+ , backendSupportsInterfaceWriting
+ , backendRespectsSpecialise
+ , backendWantsGlobalBindings
+ , backendHasNativeSwitch
+ , backendPrimitiveImplementation
+ , backendSimdValidity
+ , backendSupportsEmbeddedBlobs
+ , backendNeedsPlatformNcgSupport
+ , backendSupportsUnsplitProcPoints
+ , backendSwappableWithViaC
+ , backendUnregisterisedAbiOnly
+ , backendGeneratesHc
+ , backendSptIsDynamic
+ , backendWantsBreakpointTicks
+ , backendForcesOptimization0
+ , backendNeedsFullWays
+ , backendSpecialModuleSource
+ , backendSupportsHpc
+ , backendSupportsCImport
+ , backendSupportsCExport
+ , backendAssemblerProg
+ , backendAssemblerInfoGetter
+ , backendCDefs
+ , backendCodeOutput
+ , backendPostHscPipeline
+ , backendNormalSuccessorPhase
+ , backendName
+ , backendValidityOfCImport
+ , backendValidityOfCExport
+ -- * Other functions of back ends
, platformDefaultBackend
, platformNcgSupported
- , backendProducesObject
- , backendRetainsAllBindings
import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Driver.Backend.Internal (BackendName(..))
+import GHC.Driver.Phases
+import GHC.Utils.Error
+import GHC.Utils.Panic
+import GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Monad
import GHC.Platform
--- | Code generation backends.
--- GHC supports several code generation backends serving different purposes
--- (producing machine code, producing ByteCode for the interpreter) and
--- supporting different platforms.
-data Backend
- = NCG -- ^ Native code generator backend.
- --
- -- Compiles Cmm code into textual assembler, then relies on
- -- an external assembler toolchain to produce machine code.
- --
- -- Only supports a few platforms (X86, PowerPC, SPARC).
- --
- -- See "GHC.CmmToAsm".
- | LLVM -- ^ LLVM backend.
- --
- -- Compiles Cmm code into LLVM textual IR, then relies on
- -- LLVM toolchain to produce machine code.
- --
- -- It relies on LLVM support for the calling convention used
- -- by the NCG backend to produce code objects ABI compatible
- -- with it (see "cc 10" or "ghccc" calling convention in
- --
- --
- -- Support a few platforms (X86, AArch64, s390x, ARM).
- --
- -- See "GHC.CmmToLlvm"
- | ViaC -- ^ Via-C backend.
- --
- -- Compiles Cmm code into C code, then relies on a C compiler
- -- to produce machine code.
- --
- -- It produces code objects that are *not* ABI compatible
- -- with those produced by NCG and LLVM backends.
- --
- -- Produced code is expected to be less efficient than the
- -- one produced by NCG and LLVM backends because STG
- -- registers are not pinned into real registers. On the
- -- other hand, it supports more target platforms (those
- -- having a valid C toolchain).
- --
- -- See "GHC.CmmToC"
- | Interpreter -- ^ ByteCode interpreter.
- --
- -- Produce ByteCode objects (BCO, see "GHC.ByteCode") that
- -- can be interpreted. It is used by GHCi.
- --
- -- Currently some extensions are not supported
- -- (foreign primops).
- --
- -- See "GHC.StgToByteCode"
- | NoBackend -- ^ No code generated.
- --
- -- Use this to disable code generation. It is particularly
- -- useful when GHC is used as a library for other purpose
- -- than generating code (e.g. to generate documentation with
- -- Haddock) or when the user requested it (via -fno-code) for
- -- some reason.
- deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)
--- | Default backend to use for the given platform.
+-- The `Backend` type is made abstract in order to make it possible to
+-- add new back ends without having to inspect or modify much code
+-- elsewhere in GHC. Adding a new back end would be /easiest/ if
+-- `Backend` were represented as a record type, but in peer review,
+-- the clear will of the majority was to use a sum type. As a result,
+-- when adding a new back end it is necessary to modify /every/
+-- function in this module that expects `Backend` as its first argument.
+-- **By design, these functions have no default/wildcard cases.** This
+-- design forces the author of a new back end to consider the semantics
+-- in every case, rather than relying on a default that may be wrong.
+-- The names and documentation of the functions defined in the `Backend`
+-- record are sufficiently descriptive that the author of a new back
+-- end will be able to identify correct result values without having to go
+-- spelunking throughout the compiler.
+-- While the design localizes /most/ back-end logic in this module,
+-- the author of a new back end will still have to make changes
+-- elsewhere in the compiler:
+-- * For reasons described in Note [Backend Defunctionalization],
+-- code-generation and post-backend pipeline functions, among other
+-- functions, cannot be placed in the `Backend` record itself.
+-- Instead, the /names/ of those functions are placed. Each name is
+-- a value constructor in one of the algebraic data types defined in
+-- this module. The named function is then defined near its point
+-- of use.
+-- The author of a new back end will have to consider whether an
+-- existing function will do or whether a new function needs to be
+-- defined. When a new function needs to be defined, the author
+-- must take two steps:
+-- - Add a value constructor to the relevant data type here
+-- in the `Backend` module
+-- - Add a case to the location in the compiler (there should be
+-- exactly one) where the value constructors of the relevant
+-- data type are used
+-- * When a new back end is defined, it's quite possible that the
+-- compiler driver will have to be changed in some way. Just because
+-- the driver supports five back ends doesn't mean it will support a sixth
+-- without changes.
+-- The collection of functions exported from this module hasn't
+-- really been "designed"; it's what emerged from a refactoring of
+-- older code. The real design criterion was "make it crystal clear
+-- what has to be done to add a new back end."
+-- One issue remains unresolved: some of the error messages and
+-- warning messages used in the driver assume a "closed world": they
+-- think they know all the back ends that exist, and they are not shy
+-- about enumerating them. Just one set of error messages has been
+-- ported to have an open-world assumption: these are the error
+-- messages associated with type checking of foreign imports and
+-- exports. To allow other errors to be issued with an open-world
+-- assumption, use functions `backendValidityOfCImport` and
+-- `backendValidityOfCExport` as models, and have a look at how the
+-- 'expected back ends' are used in modules "GHC.Tc.Gen.Foreign" and
+-- "GHC.Tc.Errors.Ppr"
platformDefaultBackend :: Platform -> Backend
platformDefaultBackend platform = if
- | platformUnregisterised platform -> ViaC
- | platformNcgSupported platform -> NCG
- | otherwise -> LLVM
+ | platformUnregisterised platform -> viaCBackend
+ | platformNcgSupported platform -> ncgBackend
+ | otherwise -> llvmBackend
-- | Is the platform supported by the Native Code Generator?
platformNcgSupported :: Platform -> Bool
@@ -106,26 +216,706 @@ platformNcgSupported platform = if
ArchAArch64 -> True
_ -> False
--- | Will this backend produce an object file on the disk?
-backendProducesObject :: Backend -> Bool
-backendProducesObject ViaC = True
-backendProducesObject NCG = True
-backendProducesObject LLVM = True
-backendProducesObject Interpreter = False
-backendProducesObject NoBackend = False
--- | Does this backend retain *all* top-level bindings for a module,
--- rather than just the exported bindings, in the TypeEnv and compiled
--- code (if any)?
--- Interpreter backend does this, so that GHCi can call functions inside a
--- module.
--- When no backend is used we also do it, so that Haddock can get access to the
--- GlobalRdrEnv for a module after typechecking it.
-backendRetainsAllBindings :: Backend -> Bool
-backendRetainsAllBindings Interpreter = True
-backendRetainsAllBindings NoBackend = True
-backendRetainsAllBindings ViaC = False
-backendRetainsAllBindings NCG = False
-backendRetainsAllBindings LLVM = False
+-- | A value of type @Backend@ represents one of GHC's back ends.
+-- The set of back ends cannot be extended except by modifying the
+-- definition of @Backend@ in this module.
+-- The @Backend@ type is abstract; that is, its value constructors are
+-- not exported. It's crucial that they not be exported, because a
+-- value of type @Backend@ carries only the back end's /name/, not its
+-- behavior or properties. If @Backend@ were not abstract, then code
+-- elsewhere in the compiler could depend directly on the name, not on
+-- the semantics, which would make it challenging to create a new back end.
+-- Because @Backend@ /is/ abstract, all the obligations of a new back
+-- end are enumerated in this module, in the form of functions that
+-- take @Backend@ as an argument.
+-- The issue of abstraction is discussed at great length in #20927 and !7442.
+newtype Backend = Named BackendName
+ -- Must be a newtype so that it has no `Eq` instance and
+ -- a different `Show` instance.
+-- | The Show instance is for messages /only/. If code depends on
+-- what's in the string, you deserve what happens to you.
+instance Show Backend where
+ show = backendDescription
+ncgBackend, llvmBackend, viaCBackend, interpreterBackend, noBackend
+ :: Backend
+-- | The native code generator.
+-- Compiles Cmm code into textual assembler, then relies on
+-- an external assembler toolchain to produce machine code.
+-- Only supports a few platforms (X86, PowerPC, SPARC).
+-- See "GHC.CmmToAsm".
+ncgBackend = Named NCG
+-- | The LLVM backend.
+-- Compiles Cmm code into LLVM textual IR, then relies on
+-- LLVM toolchain to produce machine code.
+-- It relies on LLVM support for the calling convention used
+-- by the NCG backend to produce code objects ABI compatible
+-- with it (see "cc 10" or "ghccc" calling convention in
+-- Supports a few platforms (X86, AArch64, s390x, ARM).
+-- See "GHC.CmmToLlvm"
+llvmBackend = Named LLVM
+-- | Via-C ("unregisterised") backend.
+-- Compiles Cmm code into C code, then relies on a C compiler
+-- to produce machine code.
+-- It produces code objects that are /not/ ABI compatible
+-- with those produced by NCG and LLVM backends.
+-- Produced code is expected to be less efficient than the
+-- one produced by NCG and LLVM backends because STG
+-- registers are not pinned into real registers. On the
+-- other hand, it supports more target platforms (those
+-- having a valid C toolchain).
+-- See "GHC.CmmToC"
+viaCBackend = Named ViaC
+-- | The ByteCode interpreter.
+-- Produce ByteCode objects (BCO, see "GHC.ByteCode") that
+-- can be interpreted. It is used by GHCi.
+-- Currently some extensions are not supported
+-- (foreign primops).
+-- See "GHC.StgToByteCode"
+interpreterBackend = Named Interpreter
+-- | A dummy back end that generates no code.
+-- Use this back end to disable code generation. It is particularly
+-- useful when GHC is used as a library for other purpose than
+-- generating code (e.g. to generate documentation with Haddock) or
+-- when the user requested it (via `-fno-code`) for some reason.
+noBackend = Named NoBackend
+-- | This enumeration type specifies how the back end wishes GHC's
+-- primitives to be implemented. (Module "GHC.StgToCmm.Prim" provides
+-- a generic implementation of every primitive, but some primitives,
+-- like `IntQuotRemOp`, can be implemented more efficiently by
+-- certain back ends on certain platforms. For example, by using a
+-- machine instruction that simultaneously computes quotient and remainder.)
+-- For the meaning of each alternative, consult
+-- "GHC.StgToCmm.Config". (In a perfect world, type
+-- `PrimitiveImplementation` would be defined there, in the module
+-- that determines its meaning. But I could not figure out how to do
+-- it without mutual recursion across module boundaries.)
+data PrimitiveImplementation
+ = LlvmPrimitives -- ^ Primitives supported by LLVM
+ | NcgPrimitives -- ^ Primitives supported by the native code generator
+ | GenericPrimitives -- ^ Primitives supported by all back ends
+ deriving Show
+-- | Names a function that runs the assembler, of this type:
+-- > Logger -> DynFlags -> Platform -> [Option] -> IO ()
+-- The functions so named are defined in "GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Execute".
+data DefunctionalizedAssemblerProg
+ = StandardAssemblerProg
+ -- ^ Use the standard system assembler
+ | DarwinClangAssemblerProg
+ -- ^ If running on Darwin, use the assembler from the @clang@
+ -- toolchain. Otherwise use the standard system assembler.
+-- | Names a function that discover from what toolchain the assembler
+-- is coming, of this type:
+-- > Logger -> DynFlags -> Platform -> IO CompilerInfo
+-- The functions so named are defined in "GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Execute".
+data DefunctionalizedAssemblerInfoGetter
+ = StandardAssemblerInfoGetter
+ -- ^ Interrogate the standard system assembler
+ | DarwinClangAssemblerInfoGetter
+ -- ^ If running on Darwin, return `Clang`; otherwise
+ -- interrogate the standard system assembler.
+-- | Names a function that generates code and writes the results to a
+-- file, of this type:
+-- > Logger
+-- > -> DynFlags
+-- > -> Module -- ^ module being compiled
+-- > -> ModLocation
+-- > -> FilePath -- ^ Where to write output
+-- > -> Set UnitId -- ^ dependencies
+-- > -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a -- results from `StgToCmm`
+-- > -> IO a
+-- The functions so named are defined in "GHC.Driver.CodeOutput".
+-- We expect one function per back end—or more precisely, one function
+-- for each back end that writes code to a file. (The interpreter
+-- does not write to files; its output lives only in memory.)
+data DefunctionalizedCodeOutput
+ = NcgCodeOutput
+ | ViaCCodeOutput
+ | LlvmCodeOutput
+-- | Names a function that tells the driver what should happen after
+-- assembly code is written. This might include running a C compiler,
+-- running LLVM, running an assembler, or various similar activities.
+-- The function named normally has this type:
+-- > TPipelineClass TPhase m
+-- > => PipeEnv
+-- > -> HscEnv
+-- > -> Maybe ModLocation
+-- > -> FilePath
+-- > -> m (Maybe FilePath)
+-- The functions so named are defined in "GHC.Driver.Pipeline".
+data DefunctionalizedPostHscPipeline
+ = NcgPostHscPipeline
+ | ViaCPostHscPipeline
+ | LlvmPostHscPipeline
+ | NoPostHscPipeline -- ^ After code generation, nothing else need happen.
+-- | Names a function that tells the driver what command-line options
+-- to include when invoking a C compiler. It's meant for @-D@ options that
+-- define symbols for the C preprocessor. Because the exact symbols
+-- defined might depend on versions of tools located in the file
+-- system (/cough/ LLVM /cough/), the function requires an `IO` action.
+-- The function named has this type:
+-- > Logger -> DynFlags -> IO [String]
+data DefunctionalizedCDefs
+ = NoCDefs -- ^ No additional command-line options are needed
+ | LlvmCDefs -- ^ Return command-line options that tell GHC about the
+ -- LLVM version.
+-- | An informal description of the back end, for use in
+-- issuing warning messages /only/. If code depends on
+-- what's in the string, you deserve what happens to you.
+backendDescription :: Backend -> String
+backendDescription (Named NCG) = "native code generator"
+backendDescription (Named LLVM) = "LLVM"
+backendDescription (Named ViaC) = "compiling via C"
+backendDescription (Named Interpreter) = "byte-code interpreter"
+backendDescription (Named NoBackend) = "no code generated"
+-- | This flag tells the compiler driver whether the back
+-- end will write files: interface files and object files.
+-- It is typically true for "real" back ends that generate
+-- code into the filesystem. (That means, not the interpreter.)
+backendWritesFiles :: Backend -> Bool
+backendWritesFiles (Named NCG) = True
+backendWritesFiles (Named LLVM) = True
+backendWritesFiles (Named ViaC) = True
+backendWritesFiles (Named Interpreter) = False
+backendWritesFiles (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | When the back end does write files, this value tells
+-- the compiler in what manner of file the output should go:
+-- temporary, persistent, or specific.
+backendPipelineOutput :: Backend -> PipelineOutput
+backendPipelineOutput (Named NCG) = Persistent
+backendPipelineOutput (Named LLVM) = Persistent
+backendPipelineOutput (Named ViaC) = Persistent
+backendPipelineOutput (Named Interpreter) = NoOutputFile
+backendPipelineOutput (Named NoBackend) = NoOutputFile
+-- | This flag tells the driver whether the back end can
+-- reuse code (bytecode or object code) that has been
+-- loaded dynamically. Likely true only of the interpreter.
+backendCanReuseLoadedCode :: Backend -> Bool
+backendCanReuseLoadedCode (Named NCG) = False
+backendCanReuseLoadedCode (Named LLVM) = False
+backendCanReuseLoadedCode (Named ViaC) = False
+backendCanReuseLoadedCode (Named Interpreter) = True
+backendCanReuseLoadedCode (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | It is is true of every back end except @-fno-code@
+-- that it "generates code." Surprisingly, this property
+-- influences the driver in a ton of ways. Some examples:
+-- * If the back end does not generate code, then the
+-- driver needs to turn on code generation for
+-- Template Haskell (because that code needs to be
+-- generated and run at compile time).
+-- * If the back end does not generate code, then the
+-- driver does not need to deal with an output file.
+-- * If the back end /does/ generated code, then the
+-- driver supports `HscRecomp`. If not, recompilation
+-- does not need a linkable (and is automatically up
+-- to date).
+backendGeneratesCode :: Backend -> Bool
+backendGeneratesCode (Named NCG) = True
+backendGeneratesCode (Named LLVM) = True
+backendGeneratesCode (Named ViaC) = True
+backendGeneratesCode (Named Interpreter) = True
+backendGeneratesCode (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | When set, this flag turns on interface writing for
+-- Backpack. It should probably be the same as
+-- `backendGeneratesCode`, but it is kept distinct for
+-- reasons described in Note [-fno-code mode].
+backendSupportsInterfaceWriting :: Backend -> Bool
+backendSupportsInterfaceWriting (Named NCG) = True
+backendSupportsInterfaceWriting (Named LLVM) = True
+backendSupportsInterfaceWriting (Named ViaC) = True
+backendSupportsInterfaceWriting (Named Interpreter) = True
+backendSupportsInterfaceWriting (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | When preparing code for this back end, the type
+-- checker should pay attention to SPECIALISE pragmas. If
+-- this flag is `False`, then the type checker ignores
+-- SPECIALISE pragmas (for imported things?).
+backendRespectsSpecialise :: Backend -> Bool
+backendRespectsSpecialise (Named NCG) = True
+backendRespectsSpecialise (Named LLVM) = True
+backendRespectsSpecialise (Named ViaC) = True
+backendRespectsSpecialise (Named Interpreter) = False
+backendRespectsSpecialise (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | This back end wants the `mi_globals` field of a
+-- `ModIface` to be populated (with the top-level bindings
+-- of the original source). True for the interpreter, and
+-- also true for "no backend", which is used by Haddock.
+-- (After typechecking a module, Haddock wants access to
+-- the module's `GlobalRdrEnv`.)
+backendWantsGlobalBindings :: Backend -> Bool
+backendWantsGlobalBindings (Named NCG) = False
+backendWantsGlobalBindings (Named LLVM) = False
+backendWantsGlobalBindings (Named ViaC) = False
+backendWantsGlobalBindings (Named Interpreter) = True
+backendWantsGlobalBindings (Named NoBackend) = True
+-- | The back end targets a technology that implements
+-- `switch` natively. (For example, LLVM or C.) Therefore
+-- it is not necessary for GHC to ccompile a Cmm `Switch`
+-- form into a decision tree with jump tables at the
+-- leaves.
+backendHasNativeSwitch :: Backend -> Bool
+backendHasNativeSwitch (Named NCG) = False
+backendHasNativeSwitch (Named LLVM) = True
+backendHasNativeSwitch (Named ViaC) = True
+backendHasNativeSwitch (Named Interpreter) = False
+backendHasNativeSwitch (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | As noted in the documentation for
+-- `PrimitiveImplementation`, certain primitives have
+-- multiple implementations, depending on the capabilities
+-- of the back end. This field signals to module
+-- "GHC.StgToCmm.Prim" what implementations to use with
+-- this back end.
+backendPrimitiveImplementation :: Backend -> PrimitiveImplementation
+backendPrimitiveImplementation (Named NCG) = NcgPrimitives
+backendPrimitiveImplementation (Named LLVM) = LlvmPrimitives
+backendPrimitiveImplementation (Named ViaC) = GenericPrimitives
+backendPrimitiveImplementation (Named Interpreter) = GenericPrimitives
+backendPrimitiveImplementation (Named NoBackend) = GenericPrimitives
+-- | When this value is `IsValid`, the back end is
+-- compatible with vector instructions. When it is
+-- `NotValid`, it carries a message that is shown to
+-- users.
+backendSimdValidity :: Backend -> Validity' String
+backendSimdValidity (Named NCG) = NotValid $ unlines ["SIMD vector instructions require the LLVM back-end.","Please use -fllvm."]
+backendSimdValidity (Named LLVM) = IsValid
+backendSimdValidity (Named ViaC) = NotValid $ unlines ["SIMD vector instructions require the LLVM back-end.","Please use -fllvm."]
+backendSimdValidity (Named Interpreter) = NotValid $ unlines ["SIMD vector instructions require the LLVM back-end.","Please use -fllvm."]
+backendSimdValidity (Named NoBackend) = NotValid $ unlines ["SIMD vector instructions require the LLVM back-end.","Please use -fllvm."]
+-- | This flag says whether the back end supports large
+-- binary blobs. See Note [Embedding large binary blobs]
+-- in "GHC.CmmToAsm.Ppr".
+backendSupportsEmbeddedBlobs :: Backend -> Bool
+backendSupportsEmbeddedBlobs (Named NCG) = True
+backendSupportsEmbeddedBlobs (Named LLVM) = False
+backendSupportsEmbeddedBlobs (Named ViaC) = False
+backendSupportsEmbeddedBlobs (Named Interpreter) = False
+backendSupportsEmbeddedBlobs (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | This flag tells the compiler driver that the back end
+-- does not support every target platform; it supports
+-- only platforms that claim NCG support. (It's set only
+-- for the native code generator.) Crufty. If the driver
+-- tries to use the native code generator /without/
+-- platform support, the driver fails over to the LLVM
+-- back end.
+backendNeedsPlatformNcgSupport :: Backend -> Bool
+backendNeedsPlatformNcgSupport (Named NCG) = True
+backendNeedsPlatformNcgSupport (Named LLVM) = False
+backendNeedsPlatformNcgSupport (Named ViaC) = False
+backendNeedsPlatformNcgSupport (Named Interpreter) = False
+backendNeedsPlatformNcgSupport (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | This flag is set if the back end can generate code
+-- for proc points. If the flag is not set, then a Cmm
+-- pass needs to split proc points (that is, turn each
+-- proc point into a standalone procedure).
+backendSupportsUnsplitProcPoints :: Backend -> Bool
+backendSupportsUnsplitProcPoints (Named NCG) = True
+backendSupportsUnsplitProcPoints (Named LLVM) = False
+backendSupportsUnsplitProcPoints (Named ViaC) = False
+backendSupportsUnsplitProcPoints (Named Interpreter) = False
+backendSupportsUnsplitProcPoints (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | This flag guides the driver in resolving issues about
+-- API support on the target platform. If the flag is set,
+-- then these things are true:
+-- * When the target platform supports /only/ an unregisterised API,
+-- this backend can be replaced with compilation via C.
+-- * When the target does /not/ support an unregisterised API,
+-- this back end can replace compilation via C.
+backendSwappableWithViaC :: Backend -> Bool
+backendSwappableWithViaC (Named NCG) = True
+backendSwappableWithViaC (Named LLVM) = True
+backendSwappableWithViaC (Named ViaC) = False
+backendSwappableWithViaC (Named Interpreter) = False
+backendSwappableWithViaC (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | This flag is true if the back end works *only* with
+-- the unregisterised ABI.
+backendUnregisterisedAbiOnly :: Backend -> Bool
+backendUnregisterisedAbiOnly (Named NCG) = False
+backendUnregisterisedAbiOnly (Named LLVM) = False
+backendUnregisterisedAbiOnly (Named ViaC) = True
+backendUnregisterisedAbiOnly (Named Interpreter) = False
+backendUnregisterisedAbiOnly (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | This flag is set if the back end generates C code in
+-- a @.hc@ file. The flag lets the compiler driver know
+-- if the command-line flag @-C@ is meaningful.
+backendGeneratesHc :: Backend -> Bool
+backendGeneratesHc (Named NCG) = False
+backendGeneratesHc (Named LLVM) = False
+backendGeneratesHc (Named ViaC) = True
+backendGeneratesHc (Named Interpreter) = False
+backendGeneratesHc (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | This flag says whether SPT (static pointer table)
+-- entries will be inserted dynamically if needed. If
+-- this flag is `False`, then "GHC.Iface.Tidy" should emit C
+-- stubs that initialize the SPT entries.
+backendSptIsDynamic :: Backend -> Bool
+backendSptIsDynamic (Named NCG) = False
+backendSptIsDynamic (Named LLVM) = False
+backendSptIsDynamic (Named ViaC) = False
+backendSptIsDynamic (Named Interpreter) = True
+backendSptIsDynamic (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | If this flag is set, then "GHC.HsToCore.Coverage"
+-- inserts `Breakpoint` ticks. Used only for the
+-- interpreter.
+backendWantsBreakpointTicks :: Backend -> Bool
+backendWantsBreakpointTicks (Named NCG) = False
+backendWantsBreakpointTicks (Named LLVM) = False
+backendWantsBreakpointTicks (Named ViaC) = False
+backendWantsBreakpointTicks (Named Interpreter) = True
+backendWantsBreakpointTicks (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | If this flag is set, then the driver forces the
+-- optimization level to 0, issuing a warning message if
+-- the command line requested a higher optimization level.
+backendForcesOptimization0 :: Backend -> Bool
+backendForcesOptimization0 (Named NCG) = False
+backendForcesOptimization0 (Named LLVM) = False
+backendForcesOptimization0 (Named ViaC) = False
+backendForcesOptimization0 (Named Interpreter) = True
+backendForcesOptimization0 (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | I don't understand exactly how this works. But if
+-- this flag is set *and* another condition is met, then
+-- @ghc/Main.hs@ will alter the `DynFlags` so that all the
+-- `hostFullWays` are asked for. It is set only for the interpreter.
+backendNeedsFullWays :: Backend -> Bool
+backendNeedsFullWays (Named NCG) = False
+backendNeedsFullWays (Named LLVM) = False
+backendNeedsFullWays (Named ViaC) = False
+backendNeedsFullWays (Named Interpreter) = True
+backendNeedsFullWays (Named NoBackend) = False
+-- | This flag is also special for the interpreter: if a
+-- message about a module needs to be shown, do we know
+-- anything special about where the module came from? The
+-- Boolean argument is a `recomp` flag.
+backendSpecialModuleSource :: Backend -> Bool -> Maybe String
+backendSpecialModuleSource (Named NCG) = const Nothing
+backendSpecialModuleSource (Named LLVM) = const Nothing
+backendSpecialModuleSource (Named ViaC) = const Nothing
+backendSpecialModuleSource (Named Interpreter) = \b -> if b then Just "interpreted" else Nothing
+backendSpecialModuleSource (Named NoBackend) = const (Just "nothing")
+-- | This flag says whether the back end supports Haskell
+-- Program Coverage (HPC). If not, the compiler driver
+-- will ignore the `-fhpc` option (and will issue a
+-- warning message if it is used).
+backendSupportsHpc :: Backend -> Bool
+backendSupportsHpc (Named NCG) = True
+backendSupportsHpc (Named LLVM) = True
+backendSupportsHpc (Named ViaC) = True
+backendSupportsHpc (Named Interpreter) = False
+backendSupportsHpc (Named NoBackend) = True
+-- | This flag says whether the back end supports foreign
+-- import of C functions. ("Supports" means "does not
+-- barf on," so @-fno-code@ supports foreign C imports.)
+backendSupportsCImport :: Backend -> Bool
+backendSupportsCImport (Named NCG) = True
+backendSupportsCImport (Named LLVM) = True
+backendSupportsCImport (Named ViaC) = True
+backendSupportsCImport (Named Interpreter) = True
+backendSupportsCImport (Named NoBackend) = True
+-- | This flag says whether the back end supports foreign
+-- export of Haskell functions to C.
+backendSupportsCExport :: Backend -> Bool
+backendSupportsCExport (Named NCG) = True
+backendSupportsCExport (Named LLVM) = True
+backendSupportsCExport (Named ViaC) = True
+backendSupportsCExport (Named Interpreter) = False
+backendSupportsCExport (Named NoBackend) = True
+-- | This (defunctionalized) function runs the assembler
+-- used on the code that is written by this back end. A
+-- program determined by a combination of back end,
+-- `DynFlags`, and `Platform` is run with the given
+-- `Option`s.
+-- The function's type is
+-- @
+-- Logger -> DynFlags -> Platform -> [Option] -> IO ()
+-- @
+-- This field is usually defaulted.
+backendAssemblerProg :: Backend -> DefunctionalizedAssemblerProg
+backendAssemblerProg (Named NCG) = StandardAssemblerProg
+backendAssemblerProg (Named LLVM) = DarwinClangAssemblerProg
+backendAssemblerProg (Named ViaC) = StandardAssemblerProg
+backendAssemblerProg (Named Interpreter) = StandardAssemblerProg
+backendAssemblerProg (Named NoBackend) = StandardAssemblerProg
+-- | This (defunctionalized) function is used to retrieve
+-- an enumeration value that characterizes the C/assembler
+-- part of a toolchain. The function caches the info in a
+-- mutable variable that is part of the `DynFlags`.
+-- The function's type is
+-- @
+-- Logger -> DynFlags -> Platform -> IO CompilerInfo
+-- @
+-- This field is usually defaulted.
+backendAssemblerInfoGetter :: Backend -> DefunctionalizedAssemblerInfoGetter
+backendAssemblerInfoGetter (Named NCG) = StandardAssemblerInfoGetter
+backendAssemblerInfoGetter (Named LLVM) = DarwinClangAssemblerInfoGetter
+backendAssemblerInfoGetter (Named ViaC) = StandardAssemblerInfoGetter
+backendAssemblerInfoGetter (Named Interpreter) = StandardAssemblerInfoGetter
+backendAssemblerInfoGetter (Named NoBackend) = StandardAssemblerInfoGetter
+-- | When using this back end, it may be necessary or
+-- advisable to pass some `-D` options to a C compiler.
+-- This (defunctionalized) function produces those
+-- options, if any. An IO action may be necessary in
+-- order to interrogate external tools about what version
+-- they are, for example.
+-- The function's type is
+-- @
+-- Logger -> DynFlags -> IO [String]
+-- @
+-- This field is usually defaulted.
+backendCDefs :: Backend -> DefunctionalizedCDefs
+backendCDefs (Named NCG) = NoCDefs
+backendCDefs (Named LLVM) = LlvmCDefs
+backendCDefs (Named ViaC) = NoCDefs
+backendCDefs (Named Interpreter) = NoCDefs
+backendCDefs (Named NoBackend) = NoCDefs
+-- | This (defunctionalized) function generates code and
+-- writes it to a file. The type of the function is
+-- > Logger
+-- > -> DynFlags
+-- > -> Module -- ^ module being compiled
+-- > -> ModLocation
+-- > -> FilePath -- ^ Where to write output
+-- > -> Set UnitId -- ^ dependencies
+-- > -> Stream IO RawCmmGroup a -- results from `StgToCmm`
+-- > -> IO a
+backendCodeOutput :: Backend -> DefunctionalizedCodeOutput
+backendCodeOutput (Named NCG) = NcgCodeOutput
+backendCodeOutput (Named LLVM) = LlvmCodeOutput
+backendCodeOutput (Named ViaC) = ViaCCodeOutput
+backendCodeOutput (Named Interpreter) = panic "backendCodeOutput: interpreterBackend"
+backendCodeOutput (Named NoBackend) = panic "backendCodeOutput: noBackend"
+-- | This (defunctionalized) function tells the compiler
+-- driver what else has to be run after code output.
+-- The type of the function is
+-- >
+-- > TPipelineClass TPhase m
+-- > => PipeEnv
+-- > -> HscEnv
+-- > -> Maybe ModLocation
+-- > -> FilePath
+-- > -> m (Maybe FilePath)
+backendPostHscPipeline :: Backend -> DefunctionalizedPostHscPipeline
+backendPostHscPipeline (Named NCG) = NcgPostHscPipeline
+backendPostHscPipeline (Named LLVM) = LlvmPostHscPipeline
+backendPostHscPipeline (Named ViaC) = ViaCPostHscPipeline
+backendPostHscPipeline (Named Interpreter) = NoPostHscPipeline
+backendPostHscPipeline (Named NoBackend) = NoPostHscPipeline
+-- | Somewhere in the compiler driver, when compiling
+-- Haskell source (as opposed to a boot file or a sig
+-- file), it needs to know what to do with the code that
+-- the `backendCodeOutput` writes to a file. This `Phase`
+-- value gives instructions like "run the C compiler",
+-- "run the assembler," or "run the LLVM Optimizer."
+backendNormalSuccessorPhase :: Backend -> Phase
+backendNormalSuccessorPhase (Named NCG) = As False
+backendNormalSuccessorPhase (Named LLVM) = LlvmOpt
+backendNormalSuccessorPhase (Named ViaC) = HCc
+backendNormalSuccessorPhase (Named Interpreter) = StopLn
+backendNormalSuccessorPhase (Named NoBackend) = StopLn
+-- | Name of the back end, if any. Used to migrate legacy
+-- clients of the GHC API. Code within the GHC source
+-- tree should not refer to a back end's name.
+backendName :: Backend -> BackendName
+backendName (Named NCG) = NCG
+backendName (Named LLVM) = LLVM
+backendName (Named ViaC) = ViaC
+backendName (Named Interpreter) = Interpreter
+backendName (Named NoBackend) = NoBackend
+-- | A list of all back ends. They are ordered as we wish them to
+-- appear when they are enumerated in error messages.
+allBackends :: [Backend]
+allBackends = [ ncgBackend
+ , llvmBackend
+ , viaCBackend
+ , interpreterBackend
+ , noBackend
+ ]
+-- | When foreign C import or export is invalid, the carried value
+-- enumerates the /valid/ back ends.
+backendValidityOfCImport, backendValidityOfCExport :: Backend -> Validity' [Backend]
+backendValidityOfCImport backend =
+ if backendSupportsCImport backend then
+ IsValid
+ else
+ NotValid $ filter backendSupportsCImport allBackends
+backendValidityOfCExport backend =
+ if backendSupportsCExport backend then
+ IsValid
+ else
+ NotValid $ filter backendSupportsCExport allBackends
+Note [Backend Defunctionalization]
+I had hoped to include code-output and post-hsc-pipeline functions
+directly in the `Backend` record itself. But this agenda was derailed
+by mutual recursion in the types:
+ - A `DynFlags` record contains a back end of type `Backend`.
+ - A `Backend` contains a code-output function.
+ - A code-output function takes Cmm as input.
+ - Cmm can include a `CLabel`.
+ - A `CLabel` can have elements that are defined in
+ `GHC.Driver.Session`, where `DynFlags` is defined.
+There is also a nasty issue in the values: a typical post-backend
+pipeline function both depends on and is depended upon by functions in
+I'm cut the Gordian not by removing the function types from the
+`Backend` record. Instead, a function is represented by its /name/.
+This representation is an example of an old trick called
+/defunctionalization/, which has been used in both compilers and
+interpreters for languages with first-class, nested functions. Here,
+a function's name is a value of an algebraic data type. For example,
+a code-output function is represented by a value of this type:
+ data DefunctionalizedCodeOutput
+ = NcgCodeOutput
+ | ViaCCodeOutput
+ | LlvmCodeOutput
+Such a function may be applied in one of two ways:
+ - In this particular example, a `case` expression in module
+ "GHC.Driver.CodeOutput" discriminates on the value and calls the
+ designated function.
+ - In another example, a function of type `DefunctionalizedCDefs` is
+ applied by calling function `applyCDefs`, which has this type:
+ @
+ applyCDefs :: DefunctionalizedCDefs -> Logger -> DynFlags -> IO [String]
+ @
+ Function `applyCDefs` is defined in module "GHC.Driver.Pipeline.Execute".
+I don't love this solution, but defunctionalization is a standard
+thing, and it makes the meanings of the enumeration values clear.
+Anyone defining a new back end will need to extend both the
+`DefunctionalizedCodeOutput` type and the corresponding apply
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backend/Internal.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backend/Internal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99484b752e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backend/Internal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+Module : GHC.Driver.Backend.Internal
+Description : Interface for migrating legacy clients of the GHC API
+In versions of GHC up through 9.2, a `Backend` was represented only by
+its name. This module is meant to aid clients written against the GHC
+API, versions 9.2 and older. The module provides an alternative way
+to name any back end found in GHC 9.2. /Code within the GHC source
+tree should not import this module./ (#20927).
+Only back ends found in version 9.2 have names.
+module GHC.Driver.Backend.Internal
+ ( -- * Name of a back end
+ BackendName(..)
+ )
+import GHC.Prelude
+data BackendName
+ = NCG -- ^ Names the native code generator backend.
+ | LLVM -- ^ Names the LLVM backend.
+ | ViaC -- ^ Names the Via-C backend.
+ | Interpreter -- ^ Names the ByteCode interpreter.
+ | NoBackend -- ^ Names the `-fno-code` backend.
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
index a5fb1dc168..06fdbb34e8 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ module GHC.Driver.Backpack (doBackpack) where
import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Driver.Backend
-- In a separate module because it hooks into the parser.
import GHC.Driver.Backpack.Syntax
import GHC.Driver.Config.Finder (initFinderOpts)
@@ -188,7 +189,7 @@ withBkpSession cid insts deps session_type do_this = do
hscUpdateFlags (\dflags -> mk_temp_dflags (hsc_units hsc_env) dflags) hsc_env
mk_temp_dflags unit_state dflags = dflags
{ backend = case session_type of
- TcSession -> NoBackend
+ TcSession -> noBackend
_ -> backend dflags
, ghcLink = case session_type of
TcSession -> NoLink
@@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ withBkpSession cid insts deps session_type do_this = do
-- Make sure to write interfaces when we are type-checking
-- indefinite packages.
- | backend dflags /= NoBackend
+ | backendSupportsInterfaceWriting $ backend dflags
-> EnumSet.insert Opt_WriteInterface (generalFlags dflags)
_ -> generalFlags dflags
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs
index c073c40323..5b3f614d8e 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/CodeOutput.hs
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ import GHC.Utils.TmpFs
import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
-import GHC.Utils.Panic
import GHC.Utils.Logger
import GHC.Utils.Exception (bracket)
import GHC.Utils.Ppr (Mode(..))
@@ -120,13 +119,11 @@ codeOutput logger tmpfs llvm_config dflags unit_state this_mod filenm location g
; emitInitializerDecls this_mod stubs
; return (stubs, a) }
- ; (stubs, a) <- case backend dflags of
- NCG -> outputAsm logger dflags this_mod location filenm
- final_stream
- ViaC -> outputC logger dflags filenm final_stream pkg_deps
- LLVM -> outputLlvm logger llvm_config dflags filenm final_stream
- Interpreter -> panic "codeOutput: Interpreter"
- NoBackend -> panic "codeOutput: NoBackend"
+ ; (stubs, a) <- case backendCodeOutput (backend dflags) of
+ NcgCodeOutput -> outputAsm logger dflags this_mod location filenm
+ final_stream
+ ViaCCodeOutput -> outputC logger dflags filenm final_stream pkg_deps
+ LlvmCodeOutput -> outputLlvm logger llvm_config dflags filenm final_stream
; stubs_exist <- outputForeignStubs logger tmpfs dflags unit_state this_mod location stubs
; return (filenm, stubs_exist, foreign_fps, a)
@@ -313,8 +310,7 @@ outputForeignStubs logger tmpfs dflags unit_state mod location stubs
cplusplus_ftr = "#if defined(__cplusplus)\n}\n#endif\n"
--- Don't use doOutput for dumping the f. export stubs
--- since it is more than likely that the stubs file will
+-- It is more than likely that the stubs file will
-- turn out to be empty, in which case no file should be created.
outputForeignStubs_help :: FilePath -> String -> String -> String -> IO Bool
outputForeignStubs_help _fname "" _header _footer = return False
@@ -392,5 +388,3 @@ ipInitCode do_info_table platform this_mod ents
| ipe <- ipes
] ++ [text "NULL"])
<> semi
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Cmm.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Cmm.hs
index 38bab62048..5e7ebf72dd 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Cmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Cmm.hs
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module GHC.Driver.Config.Cmm
) where
import GHC.Cmm.Config
-import GHC.Cmm.Switch (backendSupportsSwitch)
import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Driver.Backend
@@ -21,8 +20,8 @@ initCmmConfig dflags = CmmConfig
, cmmOptSink = gopt Opt_CmmSink dflags
, cmmGenStackUnwindInstr = debugLevel dflags > 0
, cmmExternalDynamicRefs = gopt Opt_ExternalDynamicRefs dflags
- , cmmDoCmmSwitchPlans = not . backendSupportsSwitch . backend $ dflags
- , cmmSplitProcPoints = (backend dflags /= NCG)
+ , cmmDoCmmSwitchPlans = not . backendHasNativeSwitch . backend $ dflags
+ , cmmSplitProcPoints = not (backendSupportsUnsplitProcPoints (backend dflags))
|| not (platformTablesNextToCode platform)
|| usingInconsistentPicReg
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/StgToCmm.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/StgToCmm.hs
index 7ec80f24d3..b0b28bf158 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/StgToCmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/StgToCmm.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import GHC.Driver.Backend
import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Platform
import GHC.Platform.Profile
+import GHC.Utils.Error
import GHC.Unit.Module
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
@@ -60,9 +61,11 @@ initStgToCmmConfig dflags mod = StgToCmmConfig
} where profile = targetProfile dflags
platform = profilePlatform profile
bk_end = backend dflags
- ncg = bk_end == NCG
- llvm = bk_end == LLVM
b_blob = if not ncg then Nothing else binBlobThreshold dflags
+ (ncg, llvm) = case backendPrimitiveImplementation bk_end of
+ GenericPrimitives -> (False, False)
+ NcgPrimitives -> (True, False)
+ LlvmPrimitives -> (False, True)
x86ish = case platformArch platform of
ArchX86 -> True
ArchX86_64 -> True
@@ -71,6 +74,6 @@ initStgToCmmConfig dflags mod = StgToCmmConfig
ArchPPC -> True
ArchPPC_64 _ -> True
_ -> False
- vec_err = case backend dflags of
- LLVM -> Nothing
- _ -> Just (unlines ["SIMD vector instructions require the LLVM back-end.", "Please use -fllvm."])
+ vec_err = case backendSimdValidity (backend dflags) of
+ IsValid -> Nothing
+ NotValid msg -> Just msg
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Tidy.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Tidy.hs
index d7ad76fc87..89bdf31b2c 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Tidy.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Config/Tidy.hs
@@ -62,12 +62,8 @@ initStaticPtrOpts hsc_env = do
-- If we are compiling for the interpreter we will insert any necessary
-- SPT entries dynamically, otherwise we add a C stub to do so
- , opt_gen_cstub = case backend dflags of
- Interpreter -> False
- _ -> True
+ , opt_gen_cstub = backendWritesFiles (backend dflags)
, opt_mk_string = mk_string
, opt_static_ptr_info_datacon = static_ptr_info_datacon
, opt_static_ptr_datacon = static_ptr_datacon
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
index ddc86ac3e3..36dcf24237 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Main.hs
@@ -824,24 +824,24 @@ hscRecompStatus
return $ HscRecompNeeded $ fmap (mi_iface_hash . mi_final_exts) mb_checked_iface
UpToDateItem checked_iface -> do
let lcl_dflags = ms_hspp_opts mod_summary
- case backend lcl_dflags of
- -- No need for a linkable, we're good to go
- NoBackend -> do
- msg $ UpToDate
- return $ HscUpToDate checked_iface Nothing
+ if not (backendGeneratesCode (backend lcl_dflags)) then
+ -- No need for a linkable, we're good to go
+ do msg $ UpToDate
+ return $ HscUpToDate checked_iface Nothing
+ else
-- Do need linkable
- _ -> do
+ do
-- Check to see whether the expected build products already exist.
-- If they don't exists then we trigger recompilation.
recomp_linkable_result <- case () of
-- Interpreter can use either already loaded bytecode or loaded object code
- _ | Interpreter <- backend lcl_dflags -> do
+ _ | backendCanReuseLoadedCode (backend lcl_dflags) -> do
let res = checkByteCode old_linkable
case res of
UpToDateItem _ -> pure res
_ -> liftIO $ checkObjects lcl_dflags old_linkable mod_summary
-- Need object files for making object files
- | backendProducesObject (backend lcl_dflags) -> liftIO $ checkObjects lcl_dflags old_linkable mod_summary
+ | backendWritesFiles (backend lcl_dflags) -> liftIO $ checkObjects lcl_dflags old_linkable mod_summary
| otherwise -> pprPanic "hscRecompStatus" (text $ show $ backend lcl_dflags)
case recomp_linkable_result of
UpToDateItem linkable -> do
@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@ hscDesugarAndSimplify summary (FrontendTypecheck tc_result) tc_warnings mb_old_h
-- interface file.
case mb_desugar of
-- Just cause we desugared doesn't mean we are generating code, see above.
- Just desugared_guts | bcknd /= NoBackend -> do
+ Just desugared_guts | backendGeneratesCode bcknd -> do
plugins <- liftIO $ readIORef (tcg_th_coreplugins tc_result)
simplified_guts <- hscSimplify' plugins desugared_guts
@@ -1088,10 +1088,7 @@ hscMaybeWriteIface
-> IO ()
hscMaybeWriteIface logger dflags is_simple iface old_iface mod_location = do
let force_write_interface = gopt Opt_WriteInterface dflags
- write_interface = case backend dflags of
- NoBackend -> False
- Interpreter -> False
- _ -> True
+ write_interface = backendWritesFiles (backend dflags)
write_iface dflags' iface =
let !iface_name = if dynamicNow dflags' then ml_dyn_hi_file mod_location else ml_hi_file mod_location
@@ -2397,4 +2394,4 @@ showModuleIndex (i,n) = text "[" <> pad <> int i <> text " of " <> int n <> text
writeInterfaceOnlyMode :: DynFlags -> Bool
writeInterfaceOnlyMode dflags =
gopt Opt_WriteInterface dflags &&
- NoBackend == backend dflags
+ not (backendGeneratesCode (backend dflags))
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
index dfc0af7e38..efaefd84f5 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
@@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ enableCodeGenWhen logger tmpfs staticLife dynLife unit_env mod_graph =
enable_code_gen ms = return ms
nocode_enable ms@(ModSummary { ms_hspp_opts = dflags }) =
- backend dflags == NoBackend &&
+ not (backendGeneratesCode (backend dflags)) &&
-- Don't enable codegen for TH on indefinite packages; we
-- can't compile anything anyway! See #16219.
isHomeUnitDefinite (ue_unitHomeUnit (ms_unitid ms) unit_env)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
index 89a4329745..e988979df2 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
@@ -251,10 +251,7 @@ compileOne' mHscMessage
input_fn = expectJust "compile:hs" (ml_hs_file location)
input_fnpp = ms_hspp_file summary
- pipelineOutput = case bcknd of
- Interpreter -> NoOutputFile
- NoBackend -> NoOutputFile
- _ -> Persistent
+ pipelineOutput = backendPipelineOutput bcknd
logger = hsc_logger hsc_env0
tmpfs = hsc_tmpfs hsc_env0
@@ -278,7 +275,10 @@ compileOne' mHscMessage
-- was set), force it to generate byte-code. This is NOT transitive and
-- only applies to direct targets.
| loadAsByteCode
- = (Interpreter, gopt_set (lcl_dflags { backend = Interpreter }) Opt_ForceRecomp)
+ = ( interpreterBackend
+ , gopt_set (lcl_dflags { backend = interpreterBackend }) Opt_ForceRecomp
+ )
| otherwise
= (backend dflags, lcl_dflags)
-- See Note [Filepaths and Multiple Home Units]
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ compileFile hsc_env stop_phase (src, _mb_phase) = do
-- When linking, the -o argument refers to the linker's output.
-- otherwise, we use it as the name for the pipeline's output.
- | NoBackend <- backend dflags, notStopPreprocess = NoOutputFile
+ | not (backendGeneratesCode (backend dflags)), notStopPreprocess = NoOutputFile
-- avoid -E -fno-code undesirable interactions. see #20439
| NoStop <- stop_phase, not (isNoLink ghc_link) = Persistent
-- -o foo applies to linker
@@ -728,19 +728,19 @@ hscPipeline pipe_env (hsc_env_with_plugins, mod_sum, hsc_recomp_status) = do
hscBackendPipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> ModSummary -> HscBackendAction -> m (ModIface, Maybe Linkable)
hscBackendPipeline pipe_env hsc_env mod_sum result =
- case backend (hsc_dflags hsc_env) of
- NoBackend ->
- case result of
- HscUpdate iface -> return (iface, Nothing)
- HscRecomp {} -> (,) <$> liftIO (mkFullIface hsc_env (hscs_partial_iface result) Nothing) <*> pure Nothing
- -- TODO: Why is there not a linkable?
- -- Interpreter -> (,) <$> use (T_IO (mkFullIface hsc_env (hscs_partial_iface result) Nothing)) <*> pure Nothing
- _ -> do
+ if backendGeneratesCode (backend (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) then
+ do
res <- hscGenBackendPipeline pipe_env hsc_env mod_sum result
when (gopt Opt_BuildDynamicToo (hsc_dflags hsc_env)) $ do
let dflags' = setDynamicNow (hsc_dflags hsc_env) -- set "dynamicNow"
() <$ hscGenBackendPipeline pipe_env (hscSetFlags dflags' hsc_env) mod_sum result
return res
+ else
+ case result of
+ HscUpdate iface -> return (iface, Nothing)
+ HscRecomp {} -> (,) <$> liftIO (mkFullIface hsc_env (hscs_partial_iface result) Nothing) <*> pure Nothing
+ -- TODO: Why is there not a linkable?
+ -- Interpreter -> (,) <$> use (T_IO (mkFullIface hsc_env (hscs_partial_iface result) Nothing)) <*> pure Nothing
hscGenBackendPipeline :: P m
=> PipeEnv
@@ -811,12 +811,19 @@ hscPostBackendPipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> HscSource -> Backend -> Ma
hscPostBackendPipeline _ _ HsBootFile _ _ _ = return Nothing
hscPostBackendPipeline _ _ HsigFile _ _ _ = return Nothing
hscPostBackendPipeline pipe_env hsc_env _ bcknd ml input_fn =
- case bcknd of
- ViaC -> viaCPipeline HCc pipe_env hsc_env ml input_fn
- NCG -> Just <$> asPipeline False pipe_env hsc_env ml input_fn
- LLVM -> Just <$> llvmPipeline pipe_env hsc_env ml input_fn
- NoBackend -> return Nothing
- Interpreter -> return Nothing
+ applyPostHscPipeline (backendPostHscPipeline bcknd) pipe_env hsc_env ml input_fn
+ :: TPipelineClass TPhase m
+ => DefunctionalizedPostHscPipeline
+ -> PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)
+applyPostHscPipeline NcgPostHscPipeline =
+ \pe he ml fp -> Just <$> asPipeline False pe he ml fp
+applyPostHscPipeline ViaCPostHscPipeline = viaCPipeline HCc
+applyPostHscPipeline LlvmPostHscPipeline =
+ \pe he ml fp -> Just <$> llvmPipeline pe he ml fp
+applyPostHscPipeline NoPostHscPipeline = \_ _ _ _ -> return Nothing
-- Pipeline from a given suffix
pipelineStart :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs
index 58bc1e6907..86ba305461 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ import GHC.Utils.TmpFs
import GHC.Platform
import Data.List (intercalate, isInfixOf)
import GHC.Unit.Env
-import GHC.SysTools.Info
import GHC.Utils.Error
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.CmmToLlvm.Mangler
@@ -287,13 +286,11 @@ runAsPhase with_cpp pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn = do
-- LLVM from version 3.0 onwards doesn't support the OS X system
-- assembler, so we use clang as the assembler instead. (#5636)
- let (as_prog, get_asm_info) | backend dflags == LLVM
- , platformOS platform == OSDarwin
- = (GHC.SysTools.runClang, pure Clang)
- | otherwise
- = (GHC.SysTools.runAs, getAssemblerInfo logger dflags)
- asmInfo <- get_asm_info
+ let (as_prog, get_asm_info) =
+ ( applyAssemblerProg $ backendAssemblerProg (backend dflags)
+ , applyAssemblerInfoGetter $ backendAssemblerInfoGetter (backend dflags)
+ )
+ asmInfo <- get_asm_info logger dflags platform
let cmdline_include_paths = includePaths dflags
let pic_c_flags = picCCOpts dflags
@@ -313,6 +310,7 @@ runAsPhase with_cpp pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn = do
= withAtomicRename outputFilename $ \temp_outputFilename ->
logger dflags
+ platform
(local_includes ++ global_includes
-- See Note [-fPIC for assembler]
++ map GHC.SysTools.Option pic_c_flags
@@ -340,6 +338,29 @@ runAsPhase with_cpp pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn = do
return output_fn
+ :: DefunctionalizedAssemblerInfoGetter
+ -> Logger -> DynFlags -> Platform -> IO CompilerInfo
+applyAssemblerInfoGetter StandardAssemblerInfoGetter logger dflags _platform =
+ getAssemblerInfo logger dflags
+applyAssemblerInfoGetter DarwinClangAssemblerInfoGetter logger dflags platform =
+ if platformOS platform == OSDarwin then
+ pure Clang
+ else
+ getAssemblerInfo logger dflags
+ :: DefunctionalizedAssemblerProg
+ -> Logger -> DynFlags -> Platform -> [Option] -> IO ()
+applyAssemblerProg StandardAssemblerProg logger dflags _platform =
+ runAs logger dflags
+applyAssemblerProg DarwinClangAssemblerProg logger dflags platform =
+ if platformOS platform == OSDarwin then
+ runClang logger dflags
+ else
+ runAs logger dflags
runCcPhase :: Phase -> PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
runCcPhase cc_phase pipe_env hsc_env input_fn = do
@@ -501,28 +522,10 @@ runHscBackendPhase pipe_env hsc_env mod_name src_flavour location result = do
hscs_partial_iface = partial_iface,
hscs_old_iface_hash = mb_old_iface_hash
- -> case backend dflags of
- NoBackend -> panic "HscRecomp not relevant for NoBackend"
- Interpreter -> do
- -- In interpreted mode the regular codeGen backend is not run so we
- -- generate a interface without codeGen info.
- final_iface <- mkFullIface hsc_env partial_iface Nothing
- hscMaybeWriteIface logger dflags True final_iface mb_old_iface_hash location
- (hasStub, comp_bc, spt_entries) <- hscInteractive hsc_env cgguts mod_location
- stub_o <- case hasStub of
- Nothing -> return []
- Just stub_c -> do
- stub_o <- compileStub hsc_env stub_c
- return [DotO stub_o]
- let hs_unlinked = [BCOs comp_bc spt_entries]
- unlinked_time <- getCurrentTime
- let !linkable = LM unlinked_time (mkHomeModule (hsc_home_unit hsc_env) mod_name)
- (hs_unlinked ++ stub_o)
- return ([], final_iface, Just linkable, panic "interpreter")
- _ -> do
+ -> if not (backendGeneratesCode (backend dflags)) then
+ panic "HscRecomp not relevant for NoBackend"
+ else if backendWritesFiles (backend dflags) then
+ do
output_fn <- phaseOutputFilenameNew next_phase pipe_env hsc_env (Just location)
(outputFilename, mStub, foreign_files, mb_cg_infos) <-
hscGenHardCode hsc_env cgguts mod_location output_fn
@@ -542,6 +545,27 @@ runHscBackendPhase pipe_env hsc_env mod_name src_flavour location result = do
-- is in TPipeline and in this branch we can invoke the rest of the backend phase.
return (fos, final_iface, Nothing, outputFilename)
+ else
+ -- In interpreted mode the regular codeGen backend is not run so we
+ -- generate a interface without codeGen info.
+ do
+ final_iface <- mkFullIface hsc_env partial_iface Nothing
+ hscMaybeWriteIface logger dflags True final_iface mb_old_iface_hash location
+ (hasStub, comp_bc, spt_entries) <- hscInteractive hsc_env cgguts mod_location
+ stub_o <- case hasStub of
+ Nothing -> return []
+ Just stub_c -> do
+ stub_o <- compileStub hsc_env stub_c
+ return [DotO stub_o]
+ let hs_unlinked = [BCOs comp_bc spt_entries]
+ unlinked_time <- getCurrentTime
+ let !linkable = LM unlinked_time (mkHomeModule (hsc_home_unit hsc_env) mod_name)
+ (hs_unlinked ++ stub_o)
+ return ([], final_iface, Just linkable, panic "interpreter")
runUnlitPhase :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
runUnlitPhase hsc_env input_fn output_fn = do
@@ -991,7 +1015,7 @@ doCpp logger tmpfs dflags unit_env raw input_fn output_fn = do
[ "-D__AVX512F__" | isAvx512fEnabled dflags ] ++
[ "-D__AVX512PF__" | isAvx512pfEnabled dflags ]
- backend_defs <- getBackendDefs logger dflags
+ backend_defs <- applyCDefs (backendCDefs $ backend dflags) logger dflags
let th_defs = [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_TH__" ]
-- Default CPP defines in Haskell source
@@ -1043,8 +1067,9 @@ doCpp logger tmpfs dflags unit_env raw input_fn output_fn = do
, GHC.SysTools.FileOption "" output_fn
-getBackendDefs :: Logger -> DynFlags -> IO [String]
-getBackendDefs logger dflags | backend dflags == LLVM = do
+applyCDefs :: DefunctionalizedCDefs -> Logger -> DynFlags -> IO [String]
+applyCDefs NoCDefs _ _ = return []
+applyCDefs LlvmCDefs logger dflags = do
llvmVer <- figureLlvmVersion logger dflags
return $ case fmap llvmVersionList llvmVer of
Just [m] -> [ "-D__GLASGOW_HASKELL_LLVM__=" ++ format (m,0) ]
@@ -1052,23 +1077,15 @@ getBackendDefs logger dflags | backend dflags == LLVM = do
_ -> []
format (major, minor)
- | minor >= 100 = error "getBackendDefs: Unsupported minor version"
- | otherwise = show $ (100 * major + minor :: Int) -- Contract is Int
+ | minor >= 100 = error "backendCDefs: Unsupported minor version"
+ | otherwise = show (100 * major + minor :: Int) -- Contract is Int
-getBackendDefs _ _ =
- return []
-- | What phase to run after one of the backend code generators has run
hscPostBackendPhase :: HscSource -> Backend -> Phase
hscPostBackendPhase HsBootFile _ = StopLn
hscPostBackendPhase HsigFile _ = StopLn
-hscPostBackendPhase _ bcknd =
- case bcknd of
- ViaC -> HCc
- NCG -> As False
- LLVM -> LlvmOpt
- NoBackend -> StopLn
- Interpreter -> StopLn
+hscPostBackendPhase _ bcknd = backendNormalSuccessorPhase bcknd
compileStub :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
index 0f1a4b6e02..f765bb44ce 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Session.hs
@@ -2295,9 +2295,9 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-s-files"
(NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepSFiles))
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-llvm-file"
- (NoArg $ setObjBackend LLVM >> setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepLlvmFiles)
+ (NoArg $ setObjBackend llvmBackend >> setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepLlvmFiles)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-llvm-files"
- (NoArg $ setObjBackend LLVM >> setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepLlvmFiles)
+ (NoArg $ setObjBackend llvmBackend >> setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepLlvmFiles)
-- This only makes sense as plural
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "keep-tmp-files"
(NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_KeepTmpFiles))
@@ -2473,7 +2473,7 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-asm-stats"
(setDumpFlag Opt_D_dump_asm_stats)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-llvm"
- (NoArg $ setObjBackend LLVM >> setDumpFlag' Opt_D_dump_llvm)
+ (NoArg $ setObjBackend llvmBackend >> setDumpFlag' Opt_D_dump_llvm)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-c-backend"
(NoArg $ setDumpFlag' Opt_D_dump_c_backend)
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "ddump-deriv"
@@ -2902,20 +2902,20 @@ dynamic_flags_deps = [
(NoArg (setGeneralFlag Opt_InfoTableMap))
------ Compiler flags -----------------------------------------------
- , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fasm" (NoArg (setObjBackend NCG))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fasm" (NoArg (setObjBackend ncgBackend))
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fvia-c" (NoArg
(deprecate $ "The -fvia-c flag does nothing; " ++
"it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
, make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fvia-C" (NoArg
(deprecate $ "The -fvia-C flag does nothing; " ++
"it will be removed in a future GHC release"))
- , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fllvm" (NoArg (setObjBackend LLVM))
+ , make_ord_flag defGhcFlag "fllvm" (NoArg (setObjBackend llvmBackend))
, make_ord_flag defFlag "fno-code" (NoArg ((upd $ \d ->
- d { ghcLink=NoLink }) >> setBackend NoBackend))
+ d { ghcLink=NoLink }) >> setBackend noBackend))
, make_ord_flag defFlag "fbyte-code"
(noArgM $ \dflags -> do
- setBackend Interpreter
+ setBackend interpreterBackend
pure $ gopt_set dflags Opt_ByteCode)
, make_ord_flag defFlag "fobject-code" $ NoArg $ do
dflags <- liftEwM getCmdLineState
@@ -4415,7 +4415,7 @@ addReexportedModule p =
-- code are allowed (requests for other target types are ignored).
setBackend :: Backend -> DynP ()
setBackend l = upd $ \ dfs ->
- if ghcLink dfs /= LinkBinary || backendProducesObject l
+ if ghcLink dfs /= LinkBinary || backendWritesFiles l
then dfs{ backend = l }
else dfs
@@ -4427,7 +4427,7 @@ setObjBackend :: Backend -> DynP ()
setObjBackend l = updM set
set dflags
- | backendProducesObject (backend dflags)
+ | backendWritesFiles (backend dflags)
= return $ dflags { backend = l }
| otherwise = return dflags
@@ -4774,30 +4774,33 @@ makeDynFlagsConsistent dflags
-- Via-C backend only supports unregisterised ABI. Switch to a backend
-- supporting it if possible.
- | backend dflags == ViaC &&
+ | backendUnregisterisedAbiOnly (backend dflags) &&
not (platformUnregisterised (targetPlatform dflags))
- = case platformDefaultBackend (targetPlatform dflags) of
- NCG -> let dflags' = dflags { backend = NCG }
- warn = "Target platform doesn't use unregisterised ABI, so using native code generator rather than compiling via C"
- in loop dflags' warn
- LLVM -> let dflags' = dflags { backend = LLVM }
- warn = "Target platform doesn't use unregisterised ABI, so using LLVM rather than compiling via C"
- in loop dflags' warn
- _ -> pgmError "Compiling via C only supports unregisterised ABI but target platform doesn't use it."
- | gopt Opt_Hpc dflags && backend dflags == Interpreter
+ = let b = platformDefaultBackend (targetPlatform dflags)
+ in if backendSwappableWithViaC b then
+ let dflags' = dflags { backend = b }
+ warn = "Target platform doesn't use unregisterised ABI, so using " ++
+ backendDescription b ++ " rather than " ++
+ backendDescription (backend dflags)
+ in loop dflags' warn
+ else
+ pgmError (backendDescription (backend dflags) ++
+ " supports only unregisterised ABI but target platform doesn't use it.")
+ | gopt Opt_Hpc dflags && not (backendSupportsHpc (backend dflags))
= let dflags' = gopt_unset dflags Opt_Hpc
- warn = "Hpc can't be used with byte-code interpreter. Ignoring -fhpc."
+ warn = "Hpc can't be used with " ++ backendDescription (backend dflags) ++
+ ". Ignoring -fhpc."
in loop dflags' warn
- | backend dflags `elem` [NCG, LLVM] &&
+ | backendSwappableWithViaC (backend dflags) &&
platformUnregisterised (targetPlatform dflags)
- = loop (dflags { backend = ViaC })
+ = loop (dflags { backend = viaCBackend })
"Target platform uses unregisterised ABI, so compiling via C"
- | backend dflags == NCG &&
+ | backendNeedsPlatformNcgSupport (backend dflags) &&
not (platformNcgSupported $ targetPlatform dflags)
- = let dflags' = dflags { backend = LLVM }
+ = let dflags' = dflags { backend = llvmBackend }
warn = "Native code generator doesn't support target platform, so using LLVM"
in loop dflags' warn
@@ -4810,15 +4813,17 @@ makeDynFlagsConsistent dflags
= loop (gopt_set dflags Opt_PIC)
"Enabling -fPIC as it is always on for this platform"
- | backend dflags == Interpreter
+ | backendForcesOptimization0 (backend dflags)
, let (dflags', changed) = updOptLevelChanged 0 dflags
, changed
- = loop dflags' "Optimization flags conflict with --interactive; optimization flags ignored."
+ = loop dflags' ("Optimization flags are incompatible with the " ++
+ backendDescription (backend dflags) ++
+ "; optimization flags ignored.")
| LinkInMemory <- ghcLink dflags
, not (gopt Opt_ExternalInterpreter dflags)
, hostIsProfiled
- , backendProducesObject (backend dflags)
+ , backendWritesFiles (backend dflags)
, ways dflags `hasNotWay` WayProf
= loop dflags{targetWays_ = addWay WayProf (targetWays_ dflags)}
"Enabling -prof, because -fobject-code is enabled and GHCi is profiled"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore.hs
index b95a5aebbe..b1a6e6f572 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore.hs
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ addExportFlagsAndRules bcknd exports keep_alive rules prs
-- isExternalName separates the user-defined top-level names from those
-- introduced by the type checker.
is_exported :: Name -> Bool
- is_exported | backendRetainsAllBindings bcknd = isExternalName
+ is_exported | backendWantsGlobalBindings bcknd = isExternalName
| otherwise = (`elemNameSet` exports)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs
index f2948cee5e..09cd86f952 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/HsToCore/Coverage.hs
@@ -1078,7 +1078,7 @@ coveragePasses dflags =
-- | Should we produce 'Breakpoint' ticks?
breakpointsEnabled :: DynFlags -> Bool
-breakpointsEnabled dflags = backend dflags == Interpreter
+breakpointsEnabled dflags = backendWantsBreakpointTicks (backend dflags)
-- | Tickishs that only make sense when their source code location
-- refers to the current file. This might not always be true due to
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Make.hs b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Make.hs
index 7cf782a18d..7a7b66b137 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Make.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Make.hs
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ mkIface_ hsc_env
-- scope available. (#5534)
maybeGlobalRdrEnv :: GlobalRdrEnv -> Maybe GlobalRdrEnv
maybeGlobalRdrEnv rdr_env
- | backendRetainsAllBindings (backend dflags) = Just rdr_env
+ | backendWantsGlobalBindings (backend dflags) = Just rdr_env
| otherwise = Nothing
ifFamInstTcName = ifFamInstFam
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs
index d6ee899794..1a978f9000 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Recomp.hs
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ check_old_iface hsc_env mod_summary maybe_iface
-- If the source has changed and we're in interactive mode,
-- avoid reading an interface; just return the one we might
-- have been supplied with.
- True | not (backendProducesObject $ backend dflags) ->
+ True | not (backendWritesFiles $ backend dflags) ->
return $ OutOfDateItem MustCompile maybe_iface
-- Try and read the old interface for the current module
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs
index 21a037aeee..4efcf69d18 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToCmm.hs
@@ -179,7 +179,8 @@ cgTopBinding logger tmpfs cfg = \case
StgTopStringLit id str -> do
let label = mkBytesLabel (idName id)
-- emit either a CmmString literal or dump the string in a file and emit a
- -- CmmFileEmbed literal.
+ -- CmmFileEmbed literal. If binary blobs aren't supported,
+ -- the threshold in `cfg` will be 0.
-- See Note [Embedding large binary blobs] in GHC.CmmToAsm.Ppr
let asString = case stgToCmmBinBlobThresh cfg of
Just bin_blob_threshold -> fromIntegral (BS.length str) <= bin_blob_threshold
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/SysTools/Tasks.hs b/compiler/GHC/SysTools/Tasks.hs
index 312ec7897a..a1846980a1 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/SysTools/Tasks.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/SysTools/Tasks.hs
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import System.Process
runUnlit :: Logger -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runUnlit logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "unlit" $ do
+runUnlit logger dflags args = traceSystoolCommand logger "unlit" $ do
let prog = pgm_L dflags
opts = getOpts dflags opt_L
runSomething logger "Literate pre-processor" prog
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ augmentImports dflags ("-include":fp:fps) = "-include" : augmentByWorkingDirecto
augmentImports dflags (fp1: fp2: fps) = fp1 : augmentImports dflags (fp2:fps)
runCpp :: Logger -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runCpp logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "cpp" $ do
+runCpp logger dflags args = traceSystoolCommand logger "cpp" $ do
let opts = getOpts dflags opt_P
modified_imports = augmentImports dflags opts
let (p,args0) = pgm_P dflags
@@ -72,14 +72,14 @@ runCpp logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "cpp" $ do
(args0 ++ args1 ++ args2 ++ args) Nothing mb_env
runPp :: Logger -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runPp logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "pp" $ do
+runPp logger dflags args = traceSystoolCommand logger "pp" $ do
let prog = pgm_F dflags
opts = map Option (getOpts dflags opt_F)
runSomething logger "Haskell pre-processor" prog (args ++ opts)
-- | Run compiler of C-like languages and raw objects (such as gcc or clang).
runCc :: Maybe ForeignSrcLang -> Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runCc mLanguage logger tmpfs dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "cc" $ do
+runCc mLanguage logger tmpfs dflags args = traceSystoolCommand logger "cc" $ do
let args1 = map Option userOpts
args2 = languageOptions ++ args ++ args1
-- We take care to pass -optc flags in args1 last to ensure that the
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ xs `isContainedIn` ys = any (xs `isPrefixOf`) (tails ys)
-- | Run the linker with some arguments and return the output
askLd :: Logger -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO String
-askLd logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "linker" $ do
+askLd logger dflags args = traceSystoolCommand logger "linker" $ do
let (p,args0) = pgm_l dflags
args1 = map Option (getOpts dflags opt_l)
args2 = args0 ++ args1 ++ args
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ askLd logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "linker" $ do
readCreateProcessWithExitCode' (proc p real_args){ env = mb_env }
runAs :: Logger -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runAs logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "as" $ do
+runAs logger dflags args = traceSystoolCommand logger "as" $ do
let (p,args0) = pgm_a dflags
args1 = map Option (getOpts dflags opt_a)
args2 = args0 ++ args1 ++ args
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ runAs logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "as" $ do
-- | Run the LLVM Optimiser
runLlvmOpt :: Logger -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runLlvmOpt logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "opt" $ do
+runLlvmOpt logger dflags args = traceSystoolCommand logger "opt" $ do
let (p,args0) = pgm_lo dflags
args1 = map Option (getOpts dflags opt_lo)
-- We take care to pass -optlo flags (e.g. args0) last to ensure that the
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ runLlvmOpt logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "opt" $ do
-- | Run the LLVM Compiler
runLlvmLlc :: Logger -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runLlvmLlc logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "llc" $ do
+runLlvmLlc logger dflags args = traceSystoolCommand logger "llc" $ do
let (p,args0) = pgm_lc dflags
args1 = map Option (getOpts dflags opt_lc)
runSomething logger "LLVM Compiler" p (args0 ++ args1 ++ args)
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ runLlvmLlc logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "llc" $ do
-- backend on OS X as LLVM doesn't support the OS X system
-- assembler)
runClang :: Logger -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runClang logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "clang" $ do
+runClang logger dflags args = traceSystoolCommand logger "clang" $ do
let (clang,_) = pgm_lcc dflags
-- be careful what options we call clang with
-- see #5903 and #7617 for bugs caused by this.
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ runClang logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "clang" $ do
-- | Figure out which version of LLVM we are running this session
figureLlvmVersion :: Logger -> DynFlags -> IO (Maybe LlvmVersion)
-figureLlvmVersion logger dflags = traceToolCommand logger "llc" $ do
+figureLlvmVersion logger dflags = traceSystoolCommand logger "llc" $ do
let (pgm,opts) = pgm_lc dflags
args = filter notNull (map showOpt opts)
-- we grab the args even though they should be useless just in
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ figureLlvmVersion logger dflags = traceToolCommand logger "llc" $ do
runLink :: Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runLink logger tmpfs dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "linker" $ do
+runLink logger tmpfs dflags args = traceSystoolCommand logger "linker" $ do
-- See Note [Run-time linker info]
-- `-optl` args come at the end, so that later `-l` options
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ ld: warning: symbol referencing errors
-- See Note [Merging object files for GHCi] in GHC.Driver.Pipeline.
runMergeObjects :: Logger -> TmpFs -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
runMergeObjects logger tmpfs dflags args =
- traceToolCommand logger "merge-objects" $ do
+ traceSystoolCommand logger "merge-objects" $ do
let (p,args0) = fromMaybe err (pgm_lm dflags)
err = throwGhcException $ UsageError $ unwords
[ "Attempted to merge object files but the configured linker"
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ runMergeObjects logger tmpfs dflags args =
runSomething logger "Merge objects" p args2
runAr :: Logger -> DynFlags -> Maybe FilePath -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runAr logger dflags cwd args = traceToolCommand logger "ar" $ do
+runAr logger dflags cwd args = traceSystoolCommand logger "ar" $ do
let ar = pgm_ar dflags
runSomethingFiltered logger id "Ar" ar args cwd Nothing
@@ -364,12 +364,12 @@ runInstallNameTool logger dflags args = do
runSomethingFiltered logger id "Install Name Tool" tool args Nothing Nothing
runRanlib :: Logger -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runRanlib logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "ranlib" $ do
+runRanlib logger dflags args = traceSystoolCommand logger "ranlib" $ do
let ranlib = pgm_ranlib dflags
runSomethingFiltered logger id "Ranlib" ranlib args Nothing Nothing
runWindres :: Logger -> DynFlags -> [Option] -> IO ()
-runWindres logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "windres" $ do
+runWindres logger dflags args = traceSystoolCommand logger "windres" $ do
let cc_args = map Option (sOpt_c (settings dflags))
windres = pgm_windres dflags
opts = map Option (getOpts dflags opt_windres)
@@ -377,17 +377,5 @@ runWindres logger dflags args = traceToolCommand logger "windres" $ do
runSomethingFiltered logger id "Windres" windres (opts ++ args) Nothing mb_env
touch :: Logger -> DynFlags -> String -> String -> IO ()
-touch logger dflags purpose arg = traceToolCommand logger "touch" $
+touch logger dflags purpose arg = traceSystoolCommand logger "touch" $
runSomething logger purpose (pgm_T dflags) [FileOption "" arg]
--- * Tracing utility
--- | Record in the eventlog when the given tool command starts
--- and finishes, prepending the given 'String' with
--- \"systool:\", to easily be able to collect and process
--- all the systool events.
--- For those events to show up in the eventlog, you need
--- to run GHC with @-v2@ or @-ddump-timings@.
-traceToolCommand :: Logger -> String -> IO a -> IO a
-traceToolCommand logger tool = withTiming logger (text "systool:" <> text tool) (const ())
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
index 59bde4f0aa..b8ed303dd7 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import GHC.Core.Predicate
import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Driver.Flags
+import GHC.Driver.Backend
import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types
@@ -737,12 +737,9 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
text "possible missing & in foreign import of FunPtr"
TcRnIllegalForeignDeclBackend _decl _backend expectedBknds
- -> mkSimpleDecorated $ text "Illegal foreign declaration:" <+>
- case expectedBknds of
- COrAsmOrLlvm ->
- text "requires unregisterised, llvm (-fllvm) or native code generation (-fasm)"
- COrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp ->
- text "requires interpreted, unregisterised, llvm or native code generation"
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ fsep (text "Illegal foreign declaration: requires one of these back ends:" :
+ commafyWith (text "or") (map (text . backendDescription) expectedBknds))
TcRnUnsupportedCallConv _decl unsupportedCC
-> mkSimpleDecorated $
@@ -1481,6 +1478,18 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> noHints
+-- | Change [x] to "x", [x, y] to "x and y", [x, y, z] to "x, y, and z",
+-- and so on. The `and` stands for any `conjunction`, which is passed in.
+commafyWith :: SDoc -> [SDoc] -> [SDoc]
+commafyWith _ [] = []
+commafyWith _ [x] = [x]
+commafyWith conjunction [x, y] = [x <+> conjunction <+> y]
+commafyWith conjunction xs = addConjunction $ punctuate comma xs
+ where addConjunction [x, y] = [x, conjunction, y]
+ addConjunction (x : xs) = x : addConjunction xs
+ addConjunction _ = panic "commafyWith expected 2 or more elements"
deriveInstanceErrReasonHints :: Class
-> UsingGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
-> DeriveInstanceErrReason
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs
index b1f635325a..182818616a 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Errors.Types (
, CoercibleMsg(..)
, PotentialInstances(..)
, UnsupportedCallConvention(..)
- , ExpectedBackends(..)
+ , ExpectedBackends
, ArgOrResult(..)
) where
@@ -2008,11 +2008,8 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnUnpromotableThing :: !Name -> !PromotionErr -> TcRnMessage
--- | Specifies which backend code generators where expected for an FFI declaration
-data ExpectedBackends
- = COrAsmOrLlvm -- ^ C, Asm, or LLVM
- | COrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp -- ^ C, Asm, LLVM, or interpreted
- deriving Eq
+-- | Specifies which back ends can handle a requested foreign import or export
+type ExpectedBackends = [Backend]
-- | Specifies which calling convention is unsupported on the current platform
data UnsupportedCallConvention
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Foreign.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Foreign.hs
index 31f47227c8..819c66b2c2 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Foreign.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Foreign.hs
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ tcCheckFIType :: [Scaled Type] -> Type -> ForeignImport -> TcM ForeignImport
tcCheckFIType arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport (L lc cconv) safety mh l@(CLabel _) src)
-- Foreign import label
- = do checkCg (Right idecl) checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ = do checkCg (Right idecl) backendValidityOfCImport
-- NB check res_ty not sig_ty!
-- In case sig_ty is (forall a. ForeignPtr a)
check (isFFILabelTy (mkVisFunTys arg_tys res_ty))
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ tcCheckFIType arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport (L lc cconv) safety mh CWrapper src)
-- The type must be of the form ft -> IO (FunPtr ft), where ft is a valid
-- foreign type. For legacy reasons ft -> IO (Ptr ft) is accepted, too.
-- The use of the latter form is DEPRECATED, though.
- checkCg (Right idecl) checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ checkCg (Right idecl) backendValidityOfCImport
cconv' <- checkCConv (Right idecl) cconv
case arg_tys of
[Scaled arg1_mult arg1_ty] -> do
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ tcCheckFIType arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport (L lc cconv) safety mh CWrapper src)
tcCheckFIType arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport (L lc cconv) (L ls safety) mh
(CFunction target) src)
| isDynamicTarget target = do -- Foreign import dynamic
- checkCg (Right idecl) checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ checkCg (Right idecl) backendValidityOfCImport
cconv' <- checkCConv (Right idecl) cconv
case arg_tys of -- The first arg must be Ptr or FunPtr
[] ->
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ tcCheckFIType arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport (L lc cconv) (L ls safety) mh
dflags <- getDynFlags
checkTc (xopt LangExt.GHCForeignImportPrim dflags)
(TcRnForeignImportPrimExtNotSet idecl)
- checkCg (Right idecl) checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ checkCg (Right idecl) backendValidityOfCImport
checkCTarget idecl target
checkTc (playSafe safety)
(TcRnForeignImportPrimSafeAnn idecl)
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ tcCheckFIType arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport (L lc cconv) (L ls safety) mh
checkForeignRes nonIOok checkSafe (isFFIPrimResultTy dflags) res_ty
return idecl
| otherwise = do -- Normal foreign import
- checkCg (Right idecl) checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ checkCg (Right idecl) backendValidityOfCImport
cconv' <- checkCConv (Right idecl) cconv
checkCTarget idecl target
dflags <- getDynFlags
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ tcCheckFIType arg_tys res_ty idecl@(CImport (L lc cconv) (L ls safety) mh
-- that the C identifier is valid for C
checkCTarget :: ForeignImport -> CCallTarget -> TcM ()
checkCTarget idecl (StaticTarget _ str _ _) = do
- checkCg (Right idecl) checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
+ checkCg (Right idecl) backendValidityOfCImport
checkTc (isCLabelString str) (TcRnInvalidCIdentifier str)
checkCTarget _ DynamicTarget = panic "checkCTarget DynamicTarget"
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ tcFExport d = pprPanic "tcFExport" (ppr d)
tcCheckFEType :: Type -> ForeignExport -> TcM ForeignExport
tcCheckFEType sig_ty edecl@(CExport (L l (CExportStatic esrc str cconv)) src) = do
- checkCg (Left edecl) checkCOrAsmOrLlvm
+ checkCg (Left edecl) backendValidityOfCExport
checkTc (isCLabelString str) (TcRnInvalidCIdentifier str)
cconv' <- checkCConv (Left edecl) cconv
checkForeignArgs isFFIExternalTy arg_tys
@@ -497,32 +497,14 @@ checkSafe, noCheckSafe :: Bool
checkSafe = True
noCheckSafe = False
--- | Checking a supported backend is in use
-checkCOrAsmOrLlvm :: Backend -> Validity' ExpectedBackends
-checkCOrAsmOrLlvm ViaC = IsValid
-checkCOrAsmOrLlvm NCG = IsValid
-checkCOrAsmOrLlvm LLVM = IsValid
-checkCOrAsmOrLlvm _ = NotValid COrAsmOrLlvm
--- | Checking a supported backend is in use
-checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp :: Backend -> Validity' ExpectedBackends
-checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp ViaC = IsValid
-checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp NCG = IsValid
-checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp LLVM = IsValid
-checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp Interpreter = IsValid
-checkCOrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp _ = NotValid COrAsmOrLlvmOrInterp
checkCg :: Either ForeignExport ForeignImport -> (Backend -> Validity' ExpectedBackends) -> TcM ()
checkCg decl check = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
let bcknd = backend dflags
- case bcknd of
- NoBackend -> return ()
- _ ->
- case check bcknd of
- IsValid -> return ()
- NotValid expectedBcknd ->
- addErrTc $ TcRnIllegalForeignDeclBackend decl bcknd expectedBcknd
+ case check bcknd of
+ IsValid -> return ()
+ NotValid expectedBcknds ->
+ addErrTc $ TcRnIllegalForeignDeclBackend decl bcknd expectedBcknds
-- Calling conventions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
index 874870765f..95cb2f467f 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Sig.hs
@@ -858,12 +858,8 @@ tcImpPrags prags
-- when we aren't specialising, or when we aren't generating
-- code. The latter happens when Haddocking the base library;
-- we don't want complaints about lack of INLINABLE pragmas
- not_specialising dflags
- | not (gopt Opt_Specialise dflags) = True
- | otherwise = case backend dflags of
- NoBackend -> True
- Interpreter -> True
- _other -> False
+ not_specialising dflags =
+ not (gopt Opt_Specialise dflags) || not (backendRespectsSpecialise (backend dflags))
tcImpSpec :: (Name, Sig GhcRn) -> TcM [TcSpecPrag]
tcImpSpec (name, prag)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs
index 54c5ad47ec..4c651cc9c2 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Demand.hs
@@ -1940,9 +1940,9 @@ it preserved boxity in its argument. That was needed for code like
(# s', r) -> f x
which uses `x` *boxed*. If we `lub`bed it with `(DmdType emptyDmdEnv [] exnDiv)`
-we'd get an *unboxed* demand on `x` (because we let Unboxed win), which led to
-Nowadays with `lubBoxity = boxedWins` we don't need the complicated definition.
+we'd get an *unboxed* demand on `x` (because we let Unboxed win),
+which led to #20746. Nowadays with `lubBoxity = boxedWins` we don't need
+the complicated definition.
Note [Demand type Divergence]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Graph.hs b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Graph.hs
index 06f3fcdc68..c09d778086 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Graph.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Unit/Module/Graph.hs
@@ -271,10 +271,9 @@ showModMsg dflags recomp (ModuleNode _ mod_summary) =
mod_str = showPpr dflags mod ++ hscSourceString (ms_hsc_src mod_summary)
dyn_file = op $ msDynObjFilePath mod_summary
obj_file = op $ msObjFilePath mod_summary
- message = case backend dflags of
- Interpreter | recomp -> text "interpreted"
- NoBackend -> text "nothing"
- _ ->
+ message = case backendSpecialModuleSource (backend dflags) recomp of
+ Just special -> text special
+ Nothing ->
if gopt Opt_BuildDynamicToo dflags
then text obj_file <> comma <+> text dyn_file
else text obj_file
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs
index ef6dd4f07d..8c044c5af9 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Utils/Error.hs
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ module GHC.Utils.Error (
+ traceSystoolCommand,
) where
@@ -460,6 +461,20 @@ traceCmd logger phase_name cmd_line action = do
-- And run it!
action `catchIO` handle_exn
+-- * Tracing utility
+-- | Record in the eventlog when the given tool command starts
+-- and finishes, prepending the given 'String' with
+-- \"systool:\", to easily be able to collect and process
+-- all the systool events.
+-- For those events to show up in the eventlog, you need
+-- to run GHC with @-v2@ or @-ddump-timings@.
+traceSystoolCommand :: Logger -> String -> IO a -> IO a
+traceSystoolCommand logger tool = withTiming logger (text "systool:" <> text tool) (const ())
{- Note [withTiming]
diff --git a/compiler/ b/compiler/
index 153263cdda..392f0a4f84 100644
--- a/compiler/
+++ b/compiler/
@@ -379,6 +379,7 @@ Library
+ GHC.Driver.Backend.Internal