path: root/compiler
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7 files changed, 400 insertions, 244 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs
index dc14f2dcc3..e95e68441f 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/DataCon.hs
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ module GHC.Core.DataCon (
dataConInstArgTys, dataConOrigArgTys, dataConOrigResTy,
dataConInstOrigArgTys, dataConRepArgTys,
+ dataConInstUnivs,
dataConFieldLabels, dataConFieldType, dataConFieldType_maybe,
dataConSourceArity, dataConRepArity,
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ import GHC.Core.Type as Type
import GHC.Core.Coercion
import GHC.Core.Unify
import GHC.Core.TyCon
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Subst
import GHC.Core.Multiplicity
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Types.TyThing
import GHC.Types.FieldLabel
@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Builtin.Names
import GHC.Core.Predicate
import GHC.Types.Var
+import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Types.Basic
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Unit.Types
@@ -1489,6 +1492,59 @@ dataConInstOrigArgTys dc@(MkData {dcOrigArgTys = arg_tys,
tyvars = univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs
subst = zipTCvSubst tyvars inst_tys
+-- | Given a data constructor @dc@ with /n/ universally quantified type
+-- variables @a_{1}@, @a_{2}@, ..., @a_{n}@, and given a list of argument
+-- types @dc_args@ of length /m/ where /m/ <= /n/, then:
+-- @
+-- dataConInstUnivs dc dc_args
+-- @
+-- Will return:
+-- @
+-- [dc_arg_{1}, dc_arg_{2}, ..., dc_arg_{m}, a_{m+1}, ..., a_{n}]
+-- @
+-- That is, return the list of universal type variables with
+-- @a_{1}@, @a_{2}@, ..., @a_{m}@ instantiated with
+-- @dc_arg_{1}@, @dc_arg_{2}@, ..., @dc_arg_{m}@. It is possible for @m@ to
+-- be less than @n@, in which case the remaining @n - m@ elements will simply
+-- be universal type variables (with their kinds possibly instantiated).
+-- Examples:
+-- * Given the data constructor @D :: forall a b. Foo a b@ and
+-- @dc_args@ @[Int, Bool]@, then @dataConInstUnivs D dc_args@ will return
+-- @[Int, Bool]@.
+-- * Given the data constructor @D :: forall a b. Foo a b@ and
+-- @dc_args@ @[Int]@, then @@dataConInstUnivs D dc_args@ will return
+-- @[Int, b]@.
+-- * Given the data constructor @E :: forall k (a :: k). Bar k a@ and
+-- @dc_args@ @[Type]@, then @@dataConInstUnivs D dc_args@ will return
+-- @[Type, (a :: Type)]@.
+-- This is primarily used in @GHC.Tc.Deriv.*@ in service of instantiating data
+-- constructors' field types.
+-- See @Note [Instantiating field types in stock deriving]@ for a notable
+-- example of this.
+dataConInstUnivs :: DataCon -> [Type] -> [Type]
+dataConInstUnivs dc dc_args = chkAppend dc_args $ map mkTyVarTy dc_args_suffix
+ where
+ (dc_univs_prefix, dc_univs_suffix)
+ = -- Assert that m <= n
+ assertPpr (dc_args `leLength` dataConUnivTyVars dc)
+ (text "dataConInstUnivs"
+ <+> ppr dc_args
+ <+> ppr (dataConUnivTyVars dc)) $
+ splitAt (length dc_args) $ dataConUnivTyVars dc
+ (_, dc_args_suffix) = substTyVarBndrs prefix_subst dc_univs_suffix
+ prefix_subst = mkTvSubst prefix_in_scope prefix_env
+ prefix_in_scope = mkInScopeSet $ tyCoVarsOfTypes dc_args
+ prefix_env = zipTyEnv dc_univs_prefix dc_args
-- | Returns the argument types of the wrapper, excluding all dictionary arguments
-- and without substituting for any type variables
dataConOrigArgTys :: DataCon -> [Scaled Type]
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv.hs
index 708239c0ba..bf95f5c58f 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
@@ -1241,11 +1242,13 @@ mk_deriv_inst_tys_maybe fam_envs cls_tys inst_ty =
-- Find the instance of a data family
-- Note [Looking up family instances for deriving]
let (rep_tc, rep_tc_args, _co) = tcLookupDataFamInst fam_envs tc tc_args
- in DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , dit_tc = tc
- , dit_tc_args = tc_args
- , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc
- , dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args }
+ dc_inst_arg_env = buildDataConInstArgEnv rep_tc rep_tc_args
+ in DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
+ , dit_tc = tc
+ , dit_tc_args = tc_args
+ , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc
+ , dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args
+ , dit_dc_inst_arg_env = dc_inst_arg_env }
Note [Looking up family instances for deriving]
@@ -1327,7 +1330,7 @@ mk_eqn_from_mechanism mechanism
dfun_name <- lift $ newDFunName cls inst_tys loc
case deriv_ctxt of
InferContext wildcard ->
- do { (inferred_constraints, tvs', inst_tys')
+ do { (inferred_constraints, tvs', inst_tys', mechanism')
<- inferConstraints mechanism
; return $ InferTheta $ DS
{ ds_loc = loc
@@ -1336,7 +1339,7 @@ mk_eqn_from_mechanism mechanism
, ds_theta = inferred_constraints
, ds_overlap = overlap_mode
, ds_standalone_wildcard = wildcard
- , ds_mechanism = mechanism } }
+ , ds_mechanism = mechanism' } }
SupplyContext theta ->
return $ GivenTheta $ DS
@@ -1351,12 +1354,10 @@ mk_eqn_from_mechanism mechanism
mk_eqn_stock :: DerivInstTys -- Information about the arguments to the class
-> DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
mk_eqn_stock dit
- = do DerivEnv { denv_cls = cls
- , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
- dflags <- getDynFlags
+ = do dflags <- getDynFlags
let isDeriveAnyClassEnabled =
deriveAnyClassEnabled (xopt LangExt.DeriveAnyClass dflags)
- case checkOriginativeSideConditions dflags deriv_ctxt cls dit of
+ checkOriginativeSideConditions dit >>= \case
CanDeriveStock gen_fn -> mk_eqn_from_mechanism $
DerivSpecStock { dsm_stock_dit = dit
, dsm_stock_gen_fn = gen_fn }
@@ -1430,8 +1431,6 @@ mk_eqn_no_strategy = do
mk_eqn_originative :: DerivInstTys -> DerivM EarlyDerivSpec
mk_eqn_originative dit@(DerivInstTys { dit_tc = tc
, dit_rep_tc = rep_tc }) = do
- DerivEnv { denv_cls = cls
- , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
dflags <- getDynFlags
let isDeriveAnyClassEnabled =
deriveAnyClassEnabled (xopt LangExt.DeriveAnyClass dflags)
@@ -1443,7 +1442,7 @@ mk_eqn_no_strategy = do
| otherwise
= DerivErrNotStockDeriveable isDeriveAnyClassEnabled
- case checkOriginativeSideConditions dflags deriv_ctxt cls dit of
+ checkOriginativeSideConditions dit >>= \case
NonDerivableClass -> derivingThingFailWith NoGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving dac_error
StockClassError why -> derivingThingFailWith NoGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving why
CanDeriveStock gen_fn -> mk_eqn_from_mechanism $
@@ -1474,8 +1473,7 @@ mkNewTypeEqn newtype_strat dit@(DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
, dit_rep_tc = rep_tycon
, dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args })
-- Want: instance (...) => cls (cls_tys ++ [tycon tc_args]) where ...
- = do DerivEnv { denv_cls = cls
- , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
+ = do DerivEnv{denv_cls = cls} <- ask
dflags <- getDynFlags
let newtype_deriving = xopt LangExt.GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving dflags
@@ -1567,7 +1565,7 @@ mkNewTypeEqn newtype_strat dit@(DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
&& ((newtype_deriving && not deriveAnyClass)
|| std_class_via_coercible cls)
then mk_eqn_newtype dit rep_inst_ty
- else case checkOriginativeSideConditions dflags deriv_ctxt cls dit of
+ else checkOriginativeSideConditions dit >>= \case
StockClassError why
-- There's a particular corner case where
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Functor.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Functor.hs
index 204c8ce88d..1f781398ca 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Functor.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Functor.hs
@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ gen_Functor_binds loc (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon})
fmap_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs fmap_name
-gen_Functor_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
- , dit_rep_tc_args = tycon_args })
+gen_Functor_binds loc dit@(DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
+ , dit_rep_tc_args = tycon_args })
= (listToBag [fmap_bind, replace_bind], emptyBag)
data_cons = getPossibleDataCons tycon tycon_args
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ gen_Functor_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
fmap_eqn con = flip evalState bs_RDRs $
match_for_con fmap_match_ctxt [f_Pat] con parts
- parts = foldDataConArgs ft_fmap con
+ parts = foldDataConArgs ft_fmap con dit
fmap_eqns = map fmap_eqn data_cons
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ gen_Functor_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
replace_eqn con = flip evalState bs_RDRs $
match_for_con replace_match_ctxt [z_Pat] con parts
- parts = foldDataConArgs ft_replace con
+ parts = foldDataConArgs ft_replace con dit
replace_eqns = map replace_eqn data_cons
@@ -553,10 +553,10 @@ deepSubtypesContaining tv
, ft_forall = \v xs -> filterOut ((v `elemVarSet`) . tyCoVarsOfType) xs })
-foldDataConArgs :: FFoldType a -> DataCon -> [a]
+foldDataConArgs :: FFoldType a -> DataCon -> DerivInstTys -> [a]
-- Fold over the arguments of the datacon
-foldDataConArgs ft con
- = map foldArg (map scaledThing $ dataConOrigArgTys con)
+foldDataConArgs ft con dit
+ = map foldArg (derivDataConInstArgTys con dit)
= case getTyVar_maybe (last (tyConAppArgs (dataConOrigResTy con))) of
@@ -798,8 +798,8 @@ gen_Foldable_binds loc (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon})
foldMap_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs foldMap_name
-gen_Foldable_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
- , dit_rep_tc_args = tycon_args })
+gen_Foldable_binds loc dit@(DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
+ , dit_rep_tc_args = tycon_args })
| null data_cons -- There's no real point producing anything but
-- foldMap for a type with no constructors.
= (unitBag foldMap_bind, emptyBag)
@@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ gen_Foldable_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
foldr_eqn con
= evalState (match_foldr z_Expr [f_Pat,z_Pat] con =<< parts) bs_RDRs
- parts = sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_foldr con
+ parts = sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_foldr con dit
foldr_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs foldr_name
foldMap_name = L (noAnnSrcSpan loc) foldMap_RDR
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ gen_Foldable_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
foldMap_eqn con
= evalState (match_foldMap [f_Pat] con =<< parts) bs_RDRs
- parts = sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_foldMap con
+ parts = sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_foldMap con dit
foldMap_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs foldMap_name
-- Given a list of NullM results, produce Nothing if any of
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ gen_Foldable_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
null_eqns = map null_eqn data_cons
null_eqn con
= flip evalState bs_RDRs $ do
- parts <- sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_null con
+ parts <- sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_null con dit
case convert parts of
Nothing -> return $
mkMatch null_match_ctxt [nlParPat (nlWildConPat con)]
@@ -1033,8 +1033,8 @@ gen_Traversable_binds loc (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon})
(nlHsApps pure_RDR [nlHsApp coerce_Expr z_Expr])]
traverse_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs traverse_name
-gen_Traversable_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
- , dit_rep_tc_args = tycon_args })
+gen_Traversable_binds loc dit@(DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
+ , dit_rep_tc_args = tycon_args })
= (unitBag traverse_bind, emptyBag)
data_cons = getPossibleDataCons tycon tycon_args
@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ gen_Traversable_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
traverse_eqn con
= evalState (match_for_con [f_Pat] con =<< parts) bs_RDRs
- parts = sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_trav con
+ parts = sequence $ foldDataConArgs ft_trav con dit
traverse_match_ctxt = mkPrefixFunRhs traverse_name
-- Yields 'Just' an expression if we're folding over a type that mentions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generate.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generate.hs
index 79843eb77f..e3856765ec 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generate.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generate.hs
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ module GHC.Tc.Deriv.Generate (
ordOpTbl, boxConTbl, litConTbl,
mkRdrFunBind, mkRdrFunBindEC, mkRdrFunBindSE, error_Expr,
- getPossibleDataCons, tyConInstArgTys,
- DerivInstTys(..)
+ getPossibleDataCons,
+ DerivInstTys(..), buildDataConInstArgEnv,
+ derivDataConInstArgTys, substDerivInstTys
) where
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -68,11 +69,12 @@ import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom ( coAxiomSingleBranch )
import GHC.Builtin.Types.Prim
import GHC.Builtin.Types
import GHC.Core.Type
-import GHC.Core.Multiplicity
import GHC.Core.Class
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM ( lookupUFM )
import GHC.Types.Var.Set
import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Utils.Misc
+import GHC.Types.Unique.FM ( listToUFM )
import GHC.Types.Var
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Utils.Panic
@@ -214,8 +216,8 @@ produced don't get through the typechecker.
gen_Eq_binds :: SrcSpan -> DerivInstTys -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
-gen_Eq_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
- , dit_rep_tc_args = tycon_args }) = do
+gen_Eq_binds loc dit@(DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
+ , dit_rep_tc_args = tycon_args }) = do
return (method_binds, emptyBag)
all_cons = getPossibleDataCons tycon tycon_args
@@ -260,9 +262,9 @@ gen_Eq_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
con_arity = length tys_needed
as_needed = take con_arity as_RDRs
bs_needed = take con_arity bs_RDRs
- tys_needed = dataConOrigArgTys data_con
+ tys_needed = derivDataConInstArgTys data_con dit
- ([con1_pat, con2_pat], nested_eq_expr (map scaledThing tys_needed) as_needed bs_needed)
+ ([con1_pat, con2_pat], nested_eq_expr tys_needed as_needed bs_needed)
nested_eq_expr [] [] [] = true_Expr
nested_eq_expr tys as bs
@@ -391,8 +393,8 @@ gtResult OrdGT = true_Expr
gen_Ord_binds :: SrcSpan -> DerivInstTys -> TcM (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
-gen_Ord_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
- , dit_rep_tc_args = tycon_args }) = do
+gen_Ord_binds loc dit@(DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
+ , dit_rep_tc_args = tycon_args }) = do
return $ if null tycon_data_cons -- No data-cons => invoke bale-out case
then ( unitBag $ mkFunBindEC 2 loc compare_RDR (const eqTag_Expr) []
, emptyBag)
@@ -510,7 +512,7 @@ gen_Ord_binds loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
-- Returns a case alternative Ki b1 b2 ... bv -> compare (a1,a2,...) with (b1,b2,...)
mkInnerEqAlt op data_con
= mkHsCaseAlt (nlConVarPat data_con_RDR bs_needed) $
- mkCompareFields op (map scaledThing $ dataConOrigArgTys data_con)
+ mkCompareFields op (derivDataConInstArgTys data_con dit)
data_con_RDR = getRdrName data_con
bs_needed = take (dataConSourceArity data_con) bs_RDRs
@@ -1021,7 +1023,7 @@ we want to be able to parse (Left 3) just fine.
gen_Read_binds :: (Name -> Fixity) -> SrcSpan -> DerivInstTys
-> (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
-gen_Read_binds get_fixity loc (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon})
+gen_Read_binds get_fixity loc dit@(DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon})
= (listToBag [read_prec, default_readlist, default_readlistprec], emptyBag)
@@ -1110,7 +1112,7 @@ gen_Read_binds get_fixity loc (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon})
is_infix = dataConIsInfix data_con
is_record = labels `lengthExceeds` 0
as_needed = take con_arity as_RDRs
- read_args = zipWithEqual "gen_Read_binds" read_arg as_needed (map scaledThing $ dataConOrigArgTys data_con)
+ read_args = zipWithEqual "gen_Read_binds" read_arg as_needed (derivDataConInstArgTys data_con dit)
(read_a1:read_a2:_) = read_args
prefix_prec = appPrecedence
@@ -1205,8 +1207,8 @@ Example
gen_Show_binds :: (Name -> Fixity) -> SrcSpan -> DerivInstTys
-> (LHsBinds GhcPs, BagDerivStuff)
-gen_Show_binds get_fixity loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
- , dit_rep_tc_args = tycon_args })
+gen_Show_binds get_fixity loc dit@(DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
+ , dit_rep_tc_args = tycon_args })
= (unitBag shows_prec, emptyBag)
data_cons = getPossibleDataCons tycon tycon_args
@@ -1226,7 +1228,7 @@ gen_Show_binds get_fixity loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
data_con_RDR = getRdrName data_con
con_arity = dataConSourceArity data_con
bs_needed = take con_arity bs_RDRs
- arg_tys = dataConOrigArgTys data_con -- Correspond 1-1 with bs_needed
+ arg_tys = derivDataConInstArgTys data_con dit -- Correspond 1-1 with bs_needed
con_pat = nlConVarPat data_con_RDR bs_needed
nullary_con = con_arity == 0
labels = map flLabel $ dataConFieldLabels data_con
@@ -1254,7 +1256,7 @@ gen_Show_binds get_fixity loc (DerivInstTys{ dit_rep_tc = tycon
nm = wrapOpParens (unpackFS l)
- show_args = zipWithEqual "gen_Show_binds" show_arg bs_needed (map scaledThing arg_tys)
+ show_args = zipWithEqual "gen_Show_binds" show_arg bs_needed arg_tys
(show_arg1:show_arg2:_) = show_args
show_prefix_args = intersperse (nlHsVar showSpace_RDR) show_args
@@ -2646,36 +2648,31 @@ newAuxBinderRdrName loc parent occ_fun = do
getPossibleDataCons :: TyCon -> [Type] -> [DataCon]
getPossibleDataCons tycon tycon_args = filter isPossible $ tyConDataCons tycon
- isPossible = not . dataConCannotMatch (tyConInstArgTys tycon tycon_args)
+ isPossible dc = not $ dataConCannotMatch (dataConInstUnivs dc tycon_args) dc
--- | Given a type constructor @tycon@ of arity /n/ and a list of argument types
--- @tycon_args@ of length /m/,
+-- | Information about the arguments to the class in a stock- or
+-- newtype-derived instance. For a @deriving@-generated instance declaration
+-- such as this one:
-- @
--- tyConInstArgTys tycon tycon_args
+-- instance Ctx => Cls cls_ty_1 ... cls_ty_m (TC tc_arg_1 ... tc_arg_n) where ...
-- @
--- returns
--- @
--- [tycon_arg_{1}, tycon_arg_{2}, ..., tycon_arg_{m}, extra_arg_{m+1}, ..., extra_arg_{n}]
--- @
+-- * 'dit_cls_tys' corresponds to @cls_ty_1 ... cls_ty_m@.
--- where @extra_args@ are distinct type variables.
+-- * 'dit_tc' corresponds to @TC@.
--- Examples:
+-- * 'dit_tc_args' corresponds to @tc_arg_1 ... tc_arg_n@.
--- * Given @tycon: Foo a b@ and @tycon_args: [Int, Bool]@, return @[Int, Bool]@.
+-- See @Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism]@ in "GHC.Tc.Deriv.Utils" for a
+-- more in-depth explanation, including the relationship between
+-- 'dit_tc'/'dit_rep_tc' and 'dit_tc_args'/'dit_rep_tc_args'.
--- * Given @tycon: Foo a b@ and @tycon_args: [Int]@, return @[Int, b]@.
-tyConInstArgTys :: TyCon -> [Type] -> [Type]
-tyConInstArgTys tycon tycon_args = chkAppend tycon_args $ map mkTyVarTy tycon_args_suffix
- where
- tycon_args_suffix = drop (length tycon_args) $ tyConTyVars tycon
--- | Information about the arguments to the class in a stock- or
--- newtype-derived instance.
--- See @Note [DerivEnv and DerivSpecMechanism]@.
+-- A 'DerivInstTys' value can be seen as a more structured representation of
+-- the 'denv_inst_tys' in a 'DerivEnv', as the 'denv_inst_tys' is equal to
+-- @dit_cls_tys ++ ['mkTyConApp' dit_tc dit_tc_args]@. Other parts of the
+-- instance declaration can be found in the 'DerivEnv'. For example, the @Cls@
+-- in the example above corresponds to the 'denv_cls' field of 'DerivEnv'.
data DerivInstTys = DerivInstTys
{ dit_cls_tys :: [Type]
-- ^ Other arguments to the class except the last
@@ -2690,17 +2687,68 @@ data DerivInstTys = DerivInstTys
, dit_rep_tc_args :: [Type]
-- ^ The representation types for 'dit_tc_args'
-- (for data family instances). Otherwise the same as 'dit_tc_args'.
+ , dit_dc_inst_arg_env :: DataConEnv [Type]
+ -- ^ The cached results of instantiating each data constructor's field
+ -- types using @'dataConInstUnivs' data_con 'dit_rep_tc_args'@.
+ -- See @Note [Instantiating field types in stock deriving]@.
+ --
+ -- This field is only used for stock-derived instances and goes unused
+ -- for newtype-derived instances. It is put here mainly for the sake of
+ -- convenience.
instance Outputable DerivInstTys where
ppr (DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys, dit_tc = tc, dit_tc_args = tc_args
- , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc, dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args })
+ , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc, dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args
+ , dit_dc_inst_arg_env = dc_inst_arg_env })
= hang (text "DerivInstTys")
- 2 (vcat [ text "dit_cls_tys" <+> ppr cls_tys
- , text "dit_tc" <+> ppr tc
- , text "dit_tc_args" <+> ppr tc_args
- , text "dit_rep_tc" <+> ppr rep_tc
- , text "dit_rep_tc_args" <+> ppr rep_tc_args ])
+ 2 (vcat [ text "dit_cls_tys" <+> ppr cls_tys
+ , text "dit_tc" <+> ppr tc
+ , text "dit_tc_args" <+> ppr tc_args
+ , text "dit_rep_tc" <+> ppr rep_tc
+ , text "dit_rep_tc_args" <+> ppr rep_tc_args
+ , text "dit_dc_inst_arg_env" <+> ppr dc_inst_arg_env ])
+-- | Look up a data constructor's instantiated field types in a 'DerivInstTys'.
+-- See @Note [Instantiating field types in stock deriving]@.
+derivDataConInstArgTys :: DataCon -> DerivInstTys -> [Type]
+derivDataConInstArgTys dc dit =
+ case lookupUFM (dit_dc_inst_arg_env dit) dc of
+ Just inst_arg_tys -> inst_arg_tys
+ Nothing -> pprPanic "derivDataConInstArgTys" (ppr dc)
+-- | @'buildDataConInstArgEnv' tycon arg_tys@ constructs a cache that maps
+-- each of @tycon@'s data constructors to their field types, with are to be
+-- instantiated with @arg_tys@.
+-- See @Note [Instantiating field types in stock deriving]@.
+buildDataConInstArgEnv :: TyCon -> [Type] -> DataConEnv [Type]
+buildDataConInstArgEnv rep_tc rep_tc_args =
+ listToUFM [ (dc, inst_arg_tys)
+ | dc <- tyConDataCons rep_tc
+ , let (_, _, inst_arg_tys) =
+ dataConInstSig dc $ dataConInstUnivs dc rep_tc_args
+ ]
+-- | Apply a substitution to all of the 'Type's contained in a 'DerivInstTys'.
+-- See @Note [Instantiating field types in stock deriving]@ for why we need to
+-- substitute into a 'DerivInstTys' in the first place.
+substDerivInstTys :: TCvSubst -> DerivInstTys -> DerivInstTys
+substDerivInstTys subst
+ dit@(DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys, dit_tc_args = tc_args
+ , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc, dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args })
+ | isEmptyTCvSubst subst
+ = dit
+ | otherwise
+ = dit{ dit_cls_tys = cls_tys'
+ , dit_tc_args = tc_args'
+ , dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args'
+ , dit_dc_inst_arg_env = buildDataConInstArgEnv rep_tc rep_tc_args'
+ }
+ where
+ cls_tys' = substTys subst cls_tys
+ tc_args' = substTys subst tc_args
+ rep_tc_args' = substTys subst rep_tc_args
Note [Auxiliary binders]
@@ -2971,4 +3019,82 @@ Classes that do not currently filter constructors may do so in the future, if
there is a valid use-case and we have requirements for how they should work.
See #16341 and the T16341.hs test case.
+Note [Instantiating field types in stock deriving]
+Figuring out what the types of data constructor fields are in `deriving` can
+be surprisingly tricky. Here are some examples (adapted from #20375) to set
+the scene:
+ data Ta = MkTa Int#
+ data Tb (x :: TYPE IntRep) = MkTb x
+ deriving instance Eq Ta -- 1.
+ deriving instance Eq (Tb a) -- 2.
+ deriving instance Eq (Tb Int#) -- 3.
+Example (1) is accepted, as `deriving Eq` has a special case for fields of type
+Int#. Example (2) is rejected, however, as the special case for Int# does not
+extend to all types of kind (TYPE IntRep).
+Example (3) ought to typecheck. If you instantiate the field of type `x` in
+MkTb to be Int#, then `deriving Eq` is capable of handling that. We must be
+careful, however. If we naïvely use, say, `dataConOrigArgTys` to retrieve the
+field types, then we would get `b`, which `deriving Eq` would reject. In
+order to handle `deriving Eq` (and, more generally, any stock deriving
+strategy) correctly, we /must/ instantiate the field types as needed.
+Not doing so led to #20375 and #20387.
+In fact, we end up needing to instantiate the field types in quite a few
+* When performing validity checks for stock deriving strategies (e.g., in
+ GHC.Tc.Deriv.Utils.cond_stdOK)
+* When inferring the instance context in
+ GHC.Tc.Deriv.Infer.inferConstraintStock
+* When generating code for stock-derived instances in
+ GHC.Tc.Deriv.{Functor,Generate,Generics}
+Repeatedly performing these instantiations in multiple places would be
+wasteful, so we build a cache of data constructor field instantiations in
+the `dit_dc_inst_arg_env` field of DerivInstTys. Specifically:
+1. When beginning to generate code for a stock-derived instance
+ `T arg_1 ... arg_n`, the `dit_dc_inst_arg_env` field is created by taking
+ each data constructor `dc`, instantiating its field types with
+ `dataConInstUnivs dc [arg_1, ..., arg_n]`, and mapping `dc` to the
+ instantiated field types in the cache. The `buildDataConInstArgEnv` function
+ is responsible for orchestrating this.
+2. When a part of the code in GHC.Tc.Deriv.* needs to look up the field
+ types, we deliberately avoid using `dataConOrigArgTys`. Instead, we use
+ `derivDataConInstArgTys`, which looks up a DataCon's instantiated field
+ types in the cache.
+StandaloneDeriving is one way for the field types to become instantiated.
+Another way is by deriving Functor and related classes, as chronicled in
+Note [Inferring the instance context] in GHC.Tc.Deriv.Infer. Here is one such
+ newtype Compose (f :: k -> Type) (g :: j -> k) (a :: j) = Compose (f (g a))
+ deriving Generic1
+This ultimately generates the following instance:
+ instance forall (f :: Type -> Type) (g :: j -> Type).
+ Functor f => Generic1 (Compose f g) where ...
+Note that because of the inferred `Functor f` constraint, `k` was instantiated
+to be `Type`. GHC's deriving machinery doesn't realize this until it performs
+constraint inference (in GHC.Tc.Deriv.Infer.inferConstraintsStock), however,
+which is *after* the initial DerivInstTys has been created. As a result, the
+`dit_dc_inst_arg_env` field might need to be updated after constraint inference,
+as the inferred constraints might instantiate the field types further.
+This is accomplished by way of `substDerivInstTys`, which substitutes all of
+the fields in a `DerivInstTys`, including the `dit_dc_inst_arg_env`.
+It is important to do this in inferConstraintsStock, as the
+deriving/should_compile/T20387 test case will not compile otherwise.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generics.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generics.hs
index db7bf0fc8b..a6969170c9 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generics.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Generics.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types
import GHC.Core.DataCon
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( FamInst, FamFlavor(..), mkSingleCoAxiom )
-import GHC.Core.Multiplicity
import GHC.Tc.Instance.Family
import GHC.Unit.Module ( moduleName, moduleNameFS
, moduleUnit, unitFS, getModule )
@@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ canDoGenerics :: DerivInstTys -> Validity' [DeriveGenericsErrReason]
-- It returns IsValid if deriving is possible. It returns (NotValid reason)
-- if not.
-canDoGenerics (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tc})
+canDoGenerics dit@(DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tc})
= mergeErrors (
-- Check (b) from Note [Requirements for deriving Generic and Rep].
(if (not (null (tyConStupidTheta tc)))
@@ -178,7 +177,7 @@ canDoGenerics (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tc})
-- it relies on instantiating *polymorphic* sum and product types
-- at the argument types of the constructors
bad_con :: DataCon -> Validity' DeriveGenericsErrReason
- bad_con dc = if any bad_arg_type (map scaledThing $ dataConOrigArgTys dc)
+ bad_con dc = if any bad_arg_type (derivDataConInstArgTys dc dit)
then NotValid $ DerivErrGenericsMustNotHaveExoticArgs dc
else if not (isVanillaDataCon dc)
then NotValid $ DerivErrGenericsMustBeVanillaDataCon dc
@@ -258,7 +257,7 @@ canDoGenerics1 dit@(DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = rep_tc}) =
data_cons = tyConDataCons rep_tc
check_con con = case check_vanilla con of
j@(NotValid {}) -> [j]
- IsValid -> _ccdg1_errors `map` foldDataConArgs (ft_check con) con
+ IsValid -> _ccdg1_errors `map` foldDataConArgs (ft_check con) con dit
check_vanilla :: DataCon -> Validity' DeriveGenericsErrReason
check_vanilla con | isVanillaDataCon con = IsValid
@@ -331,7 +330,7 @@ gk2gkDC Gen1_{} d = Gen1_DC $ last $ dataConUnivTyVars d
-- Bindings for the Generic instance
mkBindsRep :: DynFlags -> GenericKind -> DerivInstTys -> (LHsBinds GhcPs, [LSig GhcPs])
-mkBindsRep dflags gk (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon}) = (binds, sigs)
+mkBindsRep dflags gk dit@(DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon}) = (binds, sigs)
binds = unitBag (mkRdrFunBind (L loc' from01_RDR) [from_eqn])
@@ -378,7 +377,7 @@ mkBindsRep dflags gk (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon}) = (binds, sigs)
-- Recurse over the sum first
from_alts, to_alts :: [Alt]
- (from_alts, to_alts) = mkSum gk_ (1 :: US) datacons
+ (from_alts, to_alts) = mkSum gk_ (1 :: US) dit datacons
where gk_ = case gk of
Gen0 -> Gen0_
Gen1 -> assert (tyvars `lengthAtLeast` 1) $
@@ -406,8 +405,6 @@ tc_mkRepFamInsts gk inst_tys dit@(DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon}) =
Gen0 -> tcLookupTyCon repTyConName
Gen1 -> tcLookupTyCon rep1TyConName
- ; fam_envs <- tcGetFamInstEnvs
; let -- If the derived instance is
-- instance Generic (Foo x)
-- then:
@@ -422,19 +419,10 @@ tc_mkRepFamInsts gk inst_tys dit@(DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon}) =
(Gen1, [arg_k, inst_t]) -> (arg_k, inst_t)
_ -> pprPanic "tc_mkRepFamInsts" (ppr inst_tys)
- ; let mbFamInst = tyConFamInst_maybe tycon
- -- If we're examining a data family instance, we grab the parent
- -- TyCon (ptc) and use it to determine the type arguments
- -- (inst_args) for the data family *instance*'s type variables.
- ptc = maybe tycon fst mbFamInst
- (_, inst_args, _) = tcLookupDataFamInst fam_envs ptc $ snd
- $ tcSplitTyConApp inst_ty
- ; let -- `tyvars` = [a,b]
- (tyvars, gk_) = case gk of
- Gen0 -> (all_tyvars, Gen0_)
+ gk_ = case gk of
+ Gen0 -> Gen0_
Gen1 -> assert (not $ null all_tyvars)
- (init all_tyvars, Gen1_ $ last all_tyvars)
+ Gen1_ $ last all_tyvars
where all_tyvars = tyConTyVars tycon
-- `repTy` = D1 ... (C1 ... (S1 ... (Rec0 a))) :: * -> *
@@ -447,19 +435,14 @@ tc_mkRepFamInsts gk inst_tys dit@(DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon}) =
rep_occ = case gk of Gen0 -> mkGenR tc_occ; Gen1 -> mkGen1R tc_occ
; rep_name <- newGlobalBinder mod rep_occ loc
- -- We make sure to substitute the tyvars with their user-supplied
- -- type arguments before generating the Rep/Rep1 instance, since some
- -- of the tyvars might have been instantiated when deriving.
- -- See Note [Generating a correctly typed Rep instance].
- ; let (env_tyvars, env_inst_args)
- = case gk_ of
- Gen0_ -> (tyvars, inst_args)
- Gen1_ last_tv
- -- See the "wrinkle" in
- -- Note [Generating a correctly typed Rep instance]
- -> ( last_tv : tyvars
- , anyTypeOfKind (tyVarKind last_tv) : inst_args )
- env = zipTyEnv env_tyvars env_inst_args
+ -- If deriving Generic1, make sure to substitute the last type variable
+ -- with Any in the generated Rep1 instance. This avoids issues like what
+ -- is documented in the "wrinkle" section of
+ -- Note [Generating a correctly typed Rep instance].
+ ; let env = case gk_ of
+ Gen0_ -> emptyTvSubstEnv
+ Gen1_ last_tv
+ -> zipTyEnv [last_tv] [anyTypeOfKind (tyVarKind last_tv)]
in_scope = mkInScopeSet (tyCoVarsOfTypes inst_tys)
subst = mkTvSubst in_scope env
repTy' = substTyUnchecked subst repTy
@@ -550,7 +533,7 @@ tc_mkRepTy :: -- Gen0_ or Gen1_, for Rep or Rep1
-> Kind
-- Generated representation0 type
-> TcM Type
-tc_mkRepTy gk_ (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon}) k =
+tc_mkRepTy gk_ dit@(DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon}) k =
d1 <- tcLookupTyCon d1TyConName
c1 <- tcLookupTyCon c1TyConName
@@ -600,8 +583,7 @@ tc_mkRepTy gk_ (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = tycon}) k =
mkD a = mkTyConApp d1 [ k, metaDataTy, sumP (tyConDataCons a) ]
mkC a = mkTyConApp c1 [ k
, metaConsTy a
- , prod (map scaledThing . dataConInstOrigArgTys a
- . mkTyVarTys . tyConTyVars $ tycon)
+ , prod (derivDataConInstArgTys a dit)
(dataConSrcBangs a)
(dataConImplBangs a)
(dataConFieldLabels a)]
@@ -732,41 +714,43 @@ mkBoxTy uAddr uChar uDouble uFloat uInt uWord rec0 k ty
mkSum :: GenericKind_ -- Generic or Generic1?
- -> US -- Base for generating unique names
- -> [DataCon] -- The data constructors
- -> ([Alt], -- Alternatives for the T->Trep "from" function
- [Alt]) -- Alternatives for the Trep->T "to" function
+ -> US -- Base for generating unique names
+ -> DerivInstTys -- Information about the last type argument to Generic(1)
+ -> [DataCon] -- The data constructors
+ -> ([Alt], -- Alternatives for the T->Trep "from" function
+ [Alt]) -- Alternatives for the Trep->T "to" function
-- Datatype without any constructors
-mkSum _ _ [] = ([from_alt], [to_alt])
+mkSum _ _ _ [] = ([from_alt], [to_alt])
from_alt = (x_Pat, nlHsCase x_Expr [])
to_alt = (x_Pat, nlHsCase x_Expr [])
-- These M1s are meta-information for the datatype
-- Datatype with at least one constructor
-mkSum gk_ us datacons =
+mkSum gk_ us dit datacons =
-- switch the payload of gk_ to be datacon-centric instead of tycon-centric
- unzip [ mk1Sum (gk2gkDC gk_ d) us i (length datacons) d
+ unzip [ mk1Sum (gk2gkDC gk_ d) us i (length datacons) dit d
| (d,i) <- zip datacons [1..] ]
-- Build the sum for a particular constructor
mk1Sum :: GenericKind_DC -- Generic or Generic1?
- -> US -- Base for generating unique names
- -> Int -- The index of this constructor
- -> Int -- Total number of constructors
- -> DataCon -- The data constructor
- -> (Alt, -- Alternative for the T->Trep "from" function
- Alt) -- Alternative for the Trep->T "to" function
-mk1Sum gk_ us i n datacon = (from_alt, to_alt)
+ -> US -- Base for generating unique names
+ -> Int -- The index of this constructor
+ -> Int -- Total number of constructors
+ -> DerivInstTys -- Information about the last type argument to Generic(1)
+ -> DataCon -- The data constructor
+ -> (Alt, -- Alternative for the T->Trep "from" function
+ Alt) -- Alternative for the Trep->T "to" function
+mk1Sum gk_ us i n dit datacon = (from_alt, to_alt)
gk = forgetArgVar gk_
-- Existentials already excluded
- argTys = dataConOrigArgTys datacon
+ argTys = derivDataConInstArgTys datacon dit
n_args = dataConSourceArity datacon
- datacon_varTys = zip (map mkGenericLocal [us .. us+n_args-1]) (map scaledThing argTys)
+ datacon_varTys = zip (map mkGenericLocal [us .. us+n_args-1]) argTys
datacon_vars = map fst datacon_varTys
datacon_rdr = getRdrName datacon
@@ -924,59 +908,55 @@ details on why URec is implemented the way it is.
Note [Generating a correctly typed Rep instance]
tc_mkRepTy derives the RHS of the Rep(1) type family instance when deriving
-Generic(1). That is, it derives the ellipsis in the following:
- instance Generic Foo where
- type Rep Foo = ...
+Generic(1). For example, given the following data declaration:
-However, tc_mkRepTy only has knowledge of the *TyCon* of the type for which
-a Generic(1) instance is being derived, not the fully instantiated type. As a
-result, tc_mkRepTy builds the most generalized Rep(1) instance possible using
-the type variables it learns from the TyCon (i.e., it uses tyConTyVars). This
-can cause problems when the instance has instantiated type variables
-(see #11732). As an example:
+ data Foo a = MkFoo a
+ deriving stock Generic
- data T a = MkT a
- deriving instance Generic (T Int)
- ==>
- instance Generic (T Int) where
- type Rep (T Int) = (... (Rec0 a)) -- wrong!
+tc_mkRepTy would generate the `Rec0 a` portion of this instance:
--XStandaloneDeriving is one way for the type variables to become instantiated.
-Another way is when Generic1 is being derived for a datatype with a visible
-kind binder, e.g.,
+ instance Generic (Foo a) where
+ type Rep (Foo a) = Rec0 a
+ ...
- data P k (a :: k) = MkP k deriving Generic1
- ==>
- instance Generic1 (P *) where
- type Rep1 (P *) = (... (Rec0 k)) -- wrong!
+(The full `Rep` instance is more complicated than this, but we have simplified
+it for presentation purposes.)
-See Note [Unify kinds in deriving] in GHC.Tc.Deriv.
+`tc_mkRepTy` figures out the field types to use in the RHS by inspecting a
+DerivInstTys, which contains the instantiated field types for each data
+constructor. (See Note [Instantiating field types in stock deriving] for a
+description of how this works.) As a result, `tc_mkRepTy` "just works" even
+when dealing with StandaloneDeriving, such as in this example:
-In any such scenario, we must prevent a discrepancy between the LHS and RHS of
-a Rep(1) instance. To do so, we create a type variable substitution that maps
-the tyConTyVars of the TyCon to their counterparts in the fully instantiated
-type. (For example, using T above as example, you'd map a :-> Int.) We then
-apply the substitution to the RHS before generating the instance.
+ deriving stock instance Generic (Foo Int)
+ ===>
+ instance Generic (Foo Int) where
+ type Rep (Foo Int) = Rec0 Int -- The `a` has been instantiated here
-A wrinkle in all of this: when forming the type variable substitution for
-Generic1 instances, we map the last type variable of the tycon to Any. Why?
-It's because of wily data types like this one (#15012):
+A wrinkle in all of this: what happens when deriving a Generic1 instance where
+the last type variable appears in a type synonym that discards it? That is,
+what should happen in this example (taken from #15012)?
- data T a = MkT (FakeOut a)
- type FakeOut a = Int
+ type FakeOut a = Int
+ data T a = MkT (FakeOut a)
+ deriving Generic1
-If we ignore a, then we'll produce the following Rep1 instance:
+MkT is a particularly wily data constructor. Although the last type variable
+`a` technically appears in `FakeOut a`, it's just a smokescreen, as `FakeOut a`
+simply expands to `Int`. As a result, `MkT` doesn't really *use* the last type
+variable. Therefore, T's `Rep` instance would use Rec0 to represent MkT's
+field. But we must be careful not to produce code like this:
instance Generic1 T where
- type Rep1 T = ... (Rec0 (FakeOut a))
+ type Rep1 T = Rec0 (FakeOut a)
-Oh no! Now we have `a` on the RHS, but it's completely unbound. Instead, we
-ensure that `a` is mapped to Any:
+Oh no! Now we have `a` on the RHS, but it's completely unbound. This can cause
+issues like what was observed in #15012. To avoid this, we ensure that `a` is
+instantiated to Any:
instance Generic1 T where
- type Rep1 T = ... (Rec0 (FakeOut Any))
+ type Rep1 T = Rec0 (FakeOut Any)
And now all is good.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Infer.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Infer.hs
index 2466931219..f5f9e9d9ba 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Infer.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Infer.hs
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
inferConstraints :: DerivSpecMechanism
- -> DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
+ -> DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType], DerivSpecMechanism)
-- inferConstraints figures out the constraints needed for the
-- instance declaration generated by a 'deriving' clause on a
-- data type declaration. It also returns the new in-scope type
@@ -80,11 +80,13 @@ inferConstraints mechanism
, denv_cls = main_cls
, denv_inst_tys = inst_tys } <- ask
; wildcard <- isStandaloneWildcardDeriv
- ; let infer_constraints :: DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
+ ; let infer_constraints :: DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType], DerivSpecMechanism)
infer_constraints =
case mechanism of
DerivSpecStock{dsm_stock_dit = dit}
- -> inferConstraintsStock dit
+ -> do (thetas, tvs, inst_tys, dit') <- inferConstraintsStock dit
+ pure ( thetas, tvs, inst_tys
+ , mechanism{dsm_stock_dit = dit'} )
-> infer_constraints_simple inferConstraintsAnyclass
DerivSpecNewtype { dsm_newtype_dit =
@@ -104,10 +106,10 @@ inferConstraints mechanism
-- Note [Inferring the instance context].
:: DerivM [ThetaOrigin]
- -> DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
+ -> DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType], DerivSpecMechanism)
infer_constraints_simple infer_thetas = do
thetas <- infer_thetas
- pure (thetas, tvs, inst_tys)
+ pure (thetas, tvs, inst_tys, mechanism)
-- Constraints arising from superclasses
-- See Note [Superclasses of derived instance]
@@ -120,13 +122,14 @@ inferConstraints mechanism
cls_subst = assert (equalLength cls_tvs inst_tys) $
zipTvSubst cls_tvs inst_tys
- ; (inferred_constraints, tvs', inst_tys') <- infer_constraints
+ ; (inferred_constraints, tvs', inst_tys', mechanism')
+ <- infer_constraints
; lift $ traceTc "inferConstraints" $ vcat
[ ppr main_cls <+> ppr inst_tys'
, ppr inferred_constraints
; return ( sc_constraints ++ inferred_constraints
- , tvs', inst_tys' ) }
+ , tvs', inst_tys', mechanism' ) }
-- | Like 'inferConstraints', but used only in the case of the @stock@ deriving
-- strategy. The constraints are inferred by inspecting the fields of each data
@@ -152,12 +155,12 @@ inferConstraints mechanism
-- 'TyVar's/'TcType's, /not/ @[k]@/@[k, f, g]@.
-- See Note [Inferring the instance context].
inferConstraintsStock :: DerivInstTys
- -> DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
-inferConstraintsStock (DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
- , dit_tc = tc
- , dit_tc_args = tc_args
- , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc
- , dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args })
+ -> DerivM ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType], DerivInstTys)
+inferConstraintsStock dit@(DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
+ , dit_tc = tc
+ , dit_tc_args = tc_args
+ , dit_rep_tc = rep_tc
+ , dit_rep_tc_args = rep_tc_args })
= do DerivEnv { denv_tvs = tvs
, denv_cls = main_cls
, denv_inst_tys = inst_tys } <- ask
@@ -176,7 +179,7 @@ inferConstraintsStock (DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
:: (CtOrigin -> TypeOrKind
-> Type
-> [([PredOrigin], Maybe TCvSubst)])
- -> ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType])
+ -> ([ThetaOrigin], [TyVar], [TcType], DerivInstTys)
con_arg_constraints get_arg_constraints
= let -- Constraints from the fields of each data constructor.
(predss, mbSubsts) = unzip
@@ -184,13 +187,13 @@ inferConstraintsStock (DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
| data_con <- tyConDataCons rep_tc
, (arg_n, arg_t_or_k, arg_ty)
<- zip3 [1..] t_or_ks $
- dataConInstOrigArgTys data_con all_rep_tc_args
+ derivDataConInstArgTys data_con dit
-- No constraints for unlifted types
-- See Note [Deriving and unboxed types]
- , not (isUnliftedType (irrelevantMult arg_ty))
+ , not (isUnliftedType arg_ty)
, let orig = DerivOriginDC data_con arg_n wildcard
, preds_and_mbSubst
- <- get_arg_constraints orig arg_t_or_k (irrelevantMult arg_ty)
+ <- get_arg_constraints orig arg_t_or_k arg_ty
-- Stupid constraints from DatatypeContexts. Note that we
-- must gather these constraints from the data constructors,
@@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ inferConstraintsStock (DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
-- See Note [The stupid context] in GHC.Core.DataCon.
stupid_theta =
[ substTyWith (dataConUnivTyVars data_con)
- all_rep_tc_args
+ (dataConInstUnivs data_con rep_tc_args)
| data_con <- tyConDataCons rep_tc
, stupid_pred <- dataConStupidTheta data_con
@@ -220,9 +223,10 @@ inferConstraintsStock (DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
substTheta subst' stupid_theta
preds' = map (substPredOrigin subst') preds
inst_tys' = substTys subst' inst_tys
+ dit' = substDerivInstTys subst' dit
tvs' = tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped inst_tys'
in ( [stupid_theta_origin, mkThetaOriginFromPreds preds']
- , tvs', inst_tys' )
+ , tvs', inst_tys', dit' )
is_generic = main_cls `hasKey` genClassKey
is_generic1 = main_cls `hasKey` gen1ClassKey
@@ -270,14 +274,6 @@ inferConstraintsStock (DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
rep_tc_tvs = tyConTyVars rep_tc
last_tv = last rep_tc_tvs
- -- When we first gather up the constraints to solve, most of them
- -- contain rep_tc_tvs, i.e., the type variables from the derived
- -- datatype's type constructor. We don't want these type variables
- -- to appear in the final instance declaration, so we must
- -- substitute each type variable with its counterpart in the derived
- -- instance. rep_tc_args lists each of these counterpart types in
- -- the same order as the type variables.
- all_rep_tc_args = tyConInstArgTys rep_tc rep_tc_args
-- Extra Data constraints
-- The Data class (only) requires that for
@@ -310,7 +306,7 @@ inferConstraintsStock (DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
if -- Generic constraints are easy
| is_generic
- -> return ([], tvs, inst_tys)
+ -> return ([], tvs, inst_tys, dit)
-- Generic1 needs Functor
-- See Note [Getting base classes]
@@ -324,19 +320,14 @@ inferConstraintsStock (DerivInstTys { dit_cls_tys = cls_tys
-- The others are a bit more complicated
| otherwise
- -> -- See the comment with all_rep_tc_args for an explanation of
- -- this assertion
- assertPpr (equalLength rep_tc_tvs all_rep_tc_args)
- ( ppr main_cls <+> ppr rep_tc
- $$ ppr rep_tc_tvs $$ ppr all_rep_tc_args) $
- do { let (arg_constraints, tvs', inst_tys')
- = con_arg_constraints get_std_constrained_tys
- ; lift $ traceTc "inferConstraintsStock" $ vcat
- [ ppr main_cls <+> ppr inst_tys'
- , ppr arg_constraints
- ]
- ; return ( extra_constraints ++ arg_constraints
- , tvs', inst_tys') }
+ -> do { let (arg_constraints, tvs', inst_tys', dit')
+ = con_arg_constraints get_std_constrained_tys
+ ; lift $ traceTc "inferConstraintsStock" $ vcat
+ [ ppr main_cls <+> ppr inst_tys'
+ , ppr arg_constraints
+ ]
+ ; return ( extra_constraints ++ arg_constraints
+ , tvs', inst_tys', dit' ) }
-- | Like 'inferConstraints', but used only in the case of @DeriveAnyClass@,
-- which gathers its constraints based on the type signatures of the class's
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Utils.hs
index a65dcca956..1737ae2e50 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Utils.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Deriv/Utils.hs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- | Error-checking and other utilities for @deriving@ clauses or declarations.
@@ -50,7 +51,6 @@ import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
import GHC.Builtin.Names.TH (liftClassKey)
import GHC.Core.TyCon
-import GHC.Core.Multiplicity
import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Utils.Misc
import GHC.Types.Var.Set
@@ -303,12 +303,15 @@ Each deriving strategy imposes restrictions on arg_1 through arg_n as follows:
This extra structure is witnessed by the DerivInstTys data type, which stores
arg_1 through arg_(n-1) (dit_cls_tys), the algebraic type constructor
- (dit_tc), and its arguments (dit_tc_args). If dit_tc is an ordinary data type
- constructor, then dit_rep_tc/dit_rep_tc_args are the same as
- dit_tc/dit_tc_args. If dit_tc is a data family type constructor, then
- dit_rep_tc is the representation type constructor for the data family
- instance, and dit_rep_tc_args are the arguments to the representation type
- constructor in the corresponding instance.
+ (dit_tc), and its arguments (dit_tc_args). A DerivInstTys value can be seen
+ as a more structured representation of the denv_inst_tys field of DerivEnv.
+ If dit_tc is an ordinary data type constructor, then
+ dit_rep_tc/dit_rep_tc_args are the same as dit_tc/dit_tc_args. If dit_tc is a
+ data family type constructor, then dit_rep_tc is the representation type
+ constructor for the data family instance, and dit_rep_tc_args are the
+ arguments to the representation type constructor in the corresponding
+ instance.
* newtype (DerivSpecNewtype):
@@ -648,32 +651,34 @@ getDataConFixityFun tc
-- the data constructors - but we need to be careful to fall back to the
-- family tycon (with indexes) in error messages.
- :: DynFlags -> DerivContext -> Class -> DerivInstTys
- -> OriginativeDerivStatus
-checkOriginativeSideConditions dflags deriv_ctxt cls
- dit@(DerivInstTys{dit_cls_tys = cls_tys})
- -- First, check if stock deriving is possible...
- | Just cond <- stockSideConditions deriv_ctxt cls
- = case cond dflags dit of
- NotValid err -> StockClassError err -- Class-specific error
- IsValid | null (filterOutInvisibleTypes (classTyCon cls) cls_tys)
- -- All stock derivable classes are unary in the sense that
- -- there should be not types in cls_tys (i.e., no type args
- -- other than last). Note that cls_types can contain
- -- invisible types as well (e.g., for Generic1, which is
- -- poly-kinded), so make sure those are not counted.
- , Just gen_fn <- hasStockDeriving cls
- -> CanDeriveStock gen_fn
- | otherwise -> StockClassError (classArgsErr cls cls_tys)
- -- e.g. deriving( Eq s )
- -- ...if not, try falling back on DeriveAnyClass.
- | xopt LangExt.DeriveAnyClass dflags
- = CanDeriveAnyClass -- DeriveAnyClass should work
- | otherwise
- = NonDerivableClass -- Neither anyclass nor stock work
+checkOriginativeSideConditions :: DerivInstTys -> DerivM OriginativeDerivStatus
+checkOriginativeSideConditions dit@(DerivInstTys{dit_cls_tys = cls_tys}) =
+ do DerivEnv { denv_cls = cls
+ , denv_ctxt = deriv_ctxt } <- ask
+ dflags <- getDynFlags
+ if -- First, check if stock deriving is possible...
+ | Just cond <- stockSideConditions deriv_ctxt cls
+ -> case cond dflags dit of
+ NotValid err -> pure $ StockClassError err -- Class-specific error
+ IsValid | null (filterOutInvisibleTypes (classTyCon cls) cls_tys)
+ -- All stock derivable classes are unary in the sense that
+ -- there should be not types in cls_tys (i.e., no type args
+ -- other than last). Note that cls_types can contain
+ -- invisible types as well (e.g., for Generic1, which is
+ -- poly-kinded), so make sure those are not counted.
+ , Just gen_fn <- hasStockDeriving cls
+ -> pure $ CanDeriveStock gen_fn
+ | otherwise
+ -> pure $ StockClassError $ classArgsErr cls cls_tys
+ -- e.g. deriving( Eq s )
+ -- ...if not, try falling back on DeriveAnyClass.
+ | xopt LangExt.DeriveAnyClass dflags
+ -> pure CanDeriveAnyClass -- DeriveAnyClass should work
+ | otherwise
+ -> pure NonDerivableClass -- Neither anyclass nor stock work
classArgsErr :: Class -> [Type] -> DeriveInstanceErrReason
@@ -810,7 +815,7 @@ cond_stdOK deriv_ctxt permissive dflags
= bad DerivErrBadConHasExistentials
| not (null theta) -- 4.
= bad DerivErrBadConHasConstraints
- | not (permissive || all isTauTy (map scaledThing $ dataConOrigArgTys con)) -- 5.
+ | not (permissive || all isTauTy (derivDataConInstArgTys con dit)) -- 5.
= bad DerivErrBadConHasHigherRankType
| otherwise
= IsValid
@@ -851,13 +856,13 @@ cond_args :: Class -> Condition
-- by generating specialised code. For others (eg 'Data') we don't.
-- For even others (eg 'Lift'), unlifted types aren't even a special
-- consideration!
-cond_args cls _ (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = rep_tc})
+cond_args cls _ dit@(DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = rep_tc})
= case bad_args of
[] -> IsValid
(ty:_) -> NotValid $ DerivErrDunnoHowToDeriveForType ty
bad_args = [ arg_ty | con <- tyConDataCons rep_tc
- , Scaled _ arg_ty <- dataConOrigArgTys con
+ , arg_ty <- derivDataConInstArgTys con dit
, isLiftedType_maybe arg_ty /= Just True
, not (ok_ty arg_ty) ]
@@ -893,7 +898,7 @@ cond_functorOK :: Bool -> Bool -> Condition
-- (d) optionally: don't use function types
-- (e) no "stupid context" on data type
cond_functorOK allowFunctions allowExQuantifiedLastTyVar _
- (DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = rep_tc})
+ dit@(DerivInstTys{dit_rep_tc = rep_tc})
| null tc_tvs
= NotValid $ DerivErrMustHaveSomeParameters rep_tc
@@ -913,7 +918,7 @@ cond_functorOK allowFunctions allowExQuantifiedLastTyVar _
-- See Note [Check that the type variable is truly universal]
data_cons = tyConDataCons rep_tc
- check_con con = allValid (check_universal con : foldDataConArgs (ft_check con) con)
+ check_con con = allValid (check_universal con : foldDataConArgs (ft_check con) con dit)
check_universal :: DataCon -> Validity' DeriveInstanceErrReason
check_universal con