path: root/compiler
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1 files changed, 41 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/prelude/PrelRules.lhs b/compiler/prelude/PrelRules.lhs
index d3657f54e1..2555dcc3eb 100644
--- a/compiler/prelude/PrelRules.lhs
+++ b/compiler/prelude/PrelRules.lhs
@@ -15,13 +15,6 @@ ToDo:
-{-# OPTIONS -w #-}
--- The above warning supression flag is a temporary kludge.
--- While working on this module you are encouraged to remove it and fix
--- any warnings in the module. See
--- for details
module PrelRules ( primOpRules, builtinRules ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -186,7 +179,7 @@ primOpRules op op_name = primop_rule op
primop_rule WordEqOp = relop (==)
primop_rule WordNeOp = relop (/=)
- primop_rule other = []
+ primop_rule _ = []
@@ -227,7 +220,7 @@ cmpOp cmp l1 l2
go (MachWord64 i1) (MachWord64 i2) = done (i1 `compare` i2)
go (MachFloat i1) (MachFloat i2) = done (i1 `compare` i2)
go (MachDouble i1) (MachDouble i2) = done (i1 `compare` i2)
- go l1 l2 = Nothing
+ go _ _ = Nothing
@@ -237,23 +230,23 @@ negOp (MachFloat f) = Just (mkFloatVal (-f))
negOp (MachDouble 0.0) = Nothing
negOp (MachDouble d) = Just (mkDoubleVal (-d))
negOp (MachInt i) = intResult (-i)
-negOp l = Nothing
+negOp _ = Nothing
intOp2 :: (Integer->Integer->Integer) -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr
intOp2 op (MachInt i1) (MachInt i2) = intResult (i1 `op` i2)
-intOp2 op l1 l2 = Nothing -- Could find LitLit
+intOp2 _ _ _ = Nothing -- Could find LitLit
intOp2Z :: (Integer->Integer->Integer) -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr
-- Like intOp2, but Nothing if i2=0
intOp2Z op (MachInt i1) (MachInt i2)
| i2 /= 0 = intResult (i1 `op` i2)
-intOp2Z op l1 l2 = Nothing -- LitLit or zero dividend
+intOp2Z _ _ _ = Nothing -- LitLit or zero dividend
intShiftOp2 :: (Integer->Int->Integer) -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr
-- Shifts take an Int; hence second arg of op is Int
intShiftOp2 op (MachInt i1) (MachInt i2) = intResult (i1 `op` fromInteger i2)
-intShiftOp2 op l1 l2 = Nothing
+intShiftOp2 _ _ _ = Nothing
shiftRightLogical :: Integer -> Int -> Integer
-- Shift right, putting zeros in rather than sign-propagating as Bits.shiftR would do
@@ -266,41 +259,51 @@ shiftRightLogical x n = fromIntegral (fromInteger x `shiftR` n :: Word)
wordOp2 :: (Integer->Integer->Integer) -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr
wordOp2 op (MachWord w1) (MachWord w2)
= wordResult (w1 `op` w2)
-wordOp2 op l1 l2 = Nothing -- Could find LitLit
+wordOp2 _ _ _ = Nothing -- Could find LitLit
wordOp2Z :: (Integer->Integer->Integer) -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr
wordOp2Z op (MachWord w1) (MachWord w2)
| w2 /= 0 = wordResult (w1 `op` w2)
-wordOp2Z op l1 l2 = Nothing -- LitLit or zero dividend
+wordOp2Z _ _ _ = Nothing -- LitLit or zero dividend
-wordBitOp2 op l1@(MachWord w1) l2@(MachWord w2)
+wordBitOp2 :: (Integer->Integer->Integer) -> Literal -> Literal
+ -> Maybe CoreExpr
+wordBitOp2 op (MachWord w1) (MachWord w2)
= wordResult (w1 `op` w2)
-wordBitOp2 op l1 l2 = Nothing -- Could find LitLit
+wordBitOp2 _ _ _ = Nothing -- Could find LitLit
wordShiftOp2 :: (Integer->Int->Integer) -> Literal -> Literal -> Maybe CoreExpr
-- Shifts take an Int; hence second arg of op is Int
wordShiftOp2 op (MachWord x) (MachInt n)
= wordResult (x `op` fromInteger n)
-- Do the shift at type Integer
-wordShiftOp2 op l1 l2 = Nothing
+wordShiftOp2 _ _ _ = Nothing
+floatOp2 :: (Rational -> Rational -> Rational) -> Literal -> Literal
+ -> Maybe (Expr CoreBndr)
floatOp2 op (MachFloat f1) (MachFloat f2)
= Just (mkFloatVal (f1 `op` f2))
-floatOp2 op l1 l2 = Nothing
+floatOp2 _ _ _ = Nothing
+floatOp2Z :: (Rational -> Rational -> Rational) -> Literal -> Literal
+ -> Maybe (Expr CoreBndr)
floatOp2Z op (MachFloat f1) (MachFloat f2)
| f2 /= 0 = Just (mkFloatVal (f1 `op` f2))
-floatOp2Z op l1 l2 = Nothing
+floatOp2Z _ _ _ = Nothing
+doubleOp2 :: (Rational -> Rational -> Rational) -> Literal -> Literal
+ -> Maybe (Expr CoreBndr)
doubleOp2 op (MachDouble f1) (MachDouble f2)
= Just (mkDoubleVal (f1 `op` f2))
-doubleOp2 op l1 l2 = Nothing
+doubleOp2 _ _ _ = Nothing
+doubleOp2Z :: (Rational -> Rational -> Rational) -> Literal -> Literal
+ -> Maybe (Expr CoreBndr)
doubleOp2Z op (MachDouble f1) (MachDouble f2)
| f2 /= 0 = Just (mkDoubleVal (f1 `op` f2))
-doubleOp2Z op l1 l2 = Nothing
+doubleOp2Z _ _ _ = Nothing
@@ -334,7 +337,7 @@ litEq op_name is_eq
rule_fn [Lit lit, expr] = do_lit_eq lit expr
rule_fn [expr, Lit lit] = do_lit_eq lit expr
- rule_fn other = Nothing
+ rule_fn _ = Nothing
do_lit_eq lit expr
= Just (Case expr (mkWildId (literalType lit)) boolTy
@@ -400,11 +403,16 @@ convFloating (MachDouble d) | not opt_SimplExcessPrecision =
MachDouble (toRational ((fromRational d) :: Double))
convFloating l = l
+trueVal, falseVal :: Expr CoreBndr
trueVal = Var trueDataConId
falseVal = Var falseDataConId
+mkIntVal :: Integer -> Expr CoreBndr
mkIntVal i = Lit (mkMachInt i)
+mkWordVal :: Integer -> Expr CoreBndr
mkWordVal w = Lit (mkMachWord w)
+mkFloatVal :: Rational -> Expr CoreBndr
mkFloatVal f = Lit (convFloating (MachFloat f))
+mkDoubleVal :: Rational -> Expr CoreBndr
mkDoubleVal d = Lit (convFloating (MachDouble d))
@@ -416,6 +424,7 @@ mkDoubleVal d = Lit (convFloating (MachDouble d))
+tagToEnumRule :: [Expr CoreBndr] -> Maybe (Expr CoreBndr)
tagToEnumRule [Type ty, Lit (MachInt i)]
= ASSERT( isEnumerationTyCon tycon )
case filter correct_tag (tyConDataCons_maybe tycon `orElse` []) of
@@ -429,7 +438,7 @@ tagToEnumRule [Type ty, Lit (MachInt i)]
tag = fromInteger i
tycon = tyConAppTyCon ty
-tagToEnumRule other = Nothing
+tagToEnumRule _ = Nothing
For dataToTag#, we can reduce if either
@@ -438,6 +447,7 @@ For dataToTag#, we can reduce if either
(b) the argument is a variable whose unfolding is a known constructor
+dataToTagRule :: [Expr CoreBndr] -> Maybe (Arg CoreBndr)
dataToTagRule [Type ty1, Var tag_to_enum `App` Type ty2 `App` tag]
| tag_to_enum `hasKey` tagToEnumKey
, ty1 `coreEqType` ty2
@@ -448,7 +458,7 @@ dataToTagRule [_, val_arg]
= ASSERT( not (isNewTyCon (dataConTyCon dc)) )
Just (mkIntVal (toInteger (dataConTag dc - fIRST_TAG)))
-dataToTagRule other = Nothing
+dataToTagRule _ = Nothing
@@ -501,6 +511,7 @@ builtinRules
-- The rule is this:
-- unpackFoldrCString# "foo" c (unpackFoldrCString# "baz" c n) = unpackFoldrCString# "foobaz" c n
+match_append_lit :: [Expr CoreBndr] -> Maybe (Expr CoreBndr)
match_append_lit [Type ty1,
Lit (MachStr s1),
@@ -517,19 +528,20 @@ match_append_lit [Type ty1,
`App` c1
`App` n)
-match_append_lit other = Nothing
+match_append_lit _ = Nothing
-- The rule is this:
-- eqString (unpackCString# (Lit s1)) (unpackCString# (Lit s2) = s1==s2
+match_eq_string :: [Expr CoreBndr] -> Maybe (Expr CoreBndr)
match_eq_string [Var unpk1 `App` Lit (MachStr s1),
Var unpk2 `App` Lit (MachStr s2)]
| unpk1 `hasKey` unpackCStringIdKey,
unpk2 `hasKey` unpackCStringIdKey
= Just (if s1 == s2 then trueVal else falseVal)
-match_eq_string other = Nothing
+match_eq_string _ = Nothing
@@ -545,10 +557,11 @@ match_eq_string other = Nothing
-- programmer can't avoid
-- Also, don't forget about 'inline's type argument!
+match_inline :: [Expr CoreBndr] -> Maybe (Expr CoreBndr)
match_inline (Type _ : e : _)
| (Var f, args1) <- collectArgs e,
Just unf <- maybeUnfoldingTemplate (idUnfolding f)
= Just (mkApps unf args1)
-match_inline other = Nothing
+match_inline _ = Nothing