path: root/compiler
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
29 files changed, 1414 insertions, 905 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs b/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
index 01197061bb..cfba3ebab3 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Core/TyCon.hs
@@ -2131,13 +2131,13 @@ isOpenFamilyTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
_ -> False
| otherwise = False
--- | Is this a synonym 'TyCon' that can have may have further instances appear?
+-- | Is this a type family 'TyCon' (whether open or closed)?
isTypeFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isTypeFamilyTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
| FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav } <- details = not (isDataFamFlav flav)
| otherwise = False
--- | Is this a synonym 'TyCon' that can have may have further instances appear?
+-- | Is this a data family 'TyCon'?
isDataFamilyTyCon :: TyCon -> Bool
isDataFamilyTyCon (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
| FamilyTyCon { famTcFlav = flav } <- details = isDataFamFlav flav
@@ -2158,14 +2158,14 @@ isClosedSynFamilyTyConWithAxiom_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe BuiltInSynFamily
isBuiltInSynFamTyCon_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
- | FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = BuiltInSynFamTyCon ops } <- details = Just ops
- | otherwise = Nothing
+ | FamilyTyCon {famTcFlav = BuiltInSynFamTyCon ops} <- details = Just ops
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | Extract type variable naming the result of injective type family
tyConFamilyResVar_maybe :: TyCon -> Maybe Name
tyConFamilyResVar_maybe (TyCon { tyConDetails = details })
| FamilyTyCon {famTcResVar = res} <- details = res
- | otherwise = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Nothing
-- | @'tyConInjectivityInfo' tc@ returns @'Injective' is@ if @tc@ is an
-- injective tycon (where @is@ states for which 'tyConBinders' @tc@ is
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
index 042d0fe021..9ca39b68ae 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Backpack.hs
@@ -139,9 +139,9 @@ computeUnitId (L _ unit) = (cid, [ (r, mkHoleModule r) | r <- reqs ])
cid = hsComponentId (unLoc (hsunitName unit))
reqs = uniqDSetToList (unionManyUniqDSets (map (get_reqs . unLoc) (hsunitBody unit)))
- get_reqs (DeclD HsigFile (L _ modname) _) = unitUniqDSet modname
get_reqs (DeclD HsSrcFile _ _) = emptyUniqDSet
get_reqs (DeclD HsBootFile _ _) = emptyUniqDSet
+ get_reqs (DeclD HsigFile (L _ modname) _) = unitUniqDSet modname
get_reqs (IncludeD (IncludeDecl (L _ hsuid) _ _)) =
unitFreeModuleHoles (convertHsComponentId hsuid)
@@ -857,9 +857,9 @@ hsModuleToModSummary home_keys pn hsc_src modname
(unpackFS unit_fs </>
moduleNameSlashes modname)
(case hsc_src of
- HsigFile -> "hsig"
+ HsigFile -> "hsig"
HsBootFile -> "hs-boot"
- HsSrcFile -> "hs")
+ HsSrcFile -> "hs")
-- DANGEROUS: bootifying can POISON the module finder cache
let location = case hsc_src of
HsBootFile -> addBootSuffixLocnOut location0
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
index b7bc05f74a..a8187074fe 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Make.hs
@@ -1681,8 +1681,10 @@ downsweep hsc_env old_summaries excl_mods allow_dup_roots
k = NodeKey_Module (msKey ms)
- | HsBootFile <- ms_hsc_src ms = Just $ ((ms_unitid ms), NoPkgQual, (GWIB (noLoc $ ms_mod_name ms) NotBoot))
- | otherwise = Nothing
+ | HsBootFile <- ms_hsc_src ms
+ = Just $ ((ms_unitid ms), NoPkgQual, (GWIB (noLoc $ ms_mod_name ms) NotBoot))
+ | otherwise
+ = Nothing
-- This loops over each import in each summary. It is mutually recursive with loopSummaries if we discover
@@ -2207,9 +2209,9 @@ summariseModule hsc_env' home_unit old_summary_map is_boot (L _ wanted_mod) mb_p
-- annotation, but we don't know if it's a signature or a regular
-- module until we actually look it up on the filesystem.
let hsc_src
- | is_boot == IsBoot = HsBootFile
+ | is_boot == IsBoot = HsBootFile
| isHaskellSigFilename src_fn = HsigFile
- | otherwise = HsSrcFile
+ | otherwise = HsSrcFile
when (pi_mod_name /= wanted_mod) $
throwE $ singleMessage $ mkPlainErrorMsgEnvelope pi_mod_name_loc
@@ -2534,7 +2536,7 @@ executeCompileNode k n !old_hmi hug mrehydrate_mods mod = do
-- compiling a signature requires an knot_var for that unit.
-- If you remove this then a lot of backpack tests fail.
HsigFile -> Just []
- _ -> mrehydrate_mods
+ _ -> mrehydrate_mods
{- Rehydration, see Note [Rehydrating Modules] -}
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
index f22a4a8655..cb4aa6d8a2 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline.hs
@@ -869,9 +869,8 @@ foreignJsPipeline pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn = do
use (T_ForeignJs pipe_env hsc_env location input_fn)
hscPostBackendPipeline :: P m => PipeEnv -> HscEnv -> HscSource -> Backend -> Maybe ModLocation -> FilePath -> m (Maybe FilePath)
-hscPostBackendPipeline _ _ HsBootFile _ _ _ = return Nothing
-hscPostBackendPipeline _ _ HsigFile _ _ _ = return Nothing
-hscPostBackendPipeline pipe_env hsc_env _ bcknd ml input_fn =
+hscPostBackendPipeline _ _ (HsBootOrSig _) _ _ _ = return Nothing
+hscPostBackendPipeline pipe_env hsc_env HsSrcFile bcknd ml input_fn =
applyPostHscPipeline (backendPostHscPipeline bcknd) pipe_env hsc_env ml input_fn
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs
index 84113df8eb..fb3de7925a 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Driver/Pipeline/Execute.hs
@@ -1040,9 +1040,8 @@ llvmOptions llvm_config dflags =
-- | What phase to run after one of the backend code generators has run
hscPostBackendPhase :: HscSource -> Backend -> Phase
-hscPostBackendPhase HsBootFile _ = StopLn
-hscPostBackendPhase HsigFile _ = StopLn
-hscPostBackendPhase _ bcknd = backendNormalSuccessorPhase bcknd
+hscPostBackendPhase (HsBootOrSig _) _ = StopLn
+hscPostBackendPhase HsSrcFile bcknd = backendNormalSuccessorPhase bcknd
compileStub :: HscEnv -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs
index 5305a97623..16f4b900b5 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Load.hs
@@ -1142,8 +1142,8 @@ pprModIface unit_state iface@ModIface{ mi_final_exts = exts }
pp_hsc_src HsBootFile = text "[boot]"
- pp_hsc_src HsigFile = text "[hsig]"
- pp_hsc_src HsSrcFile = Outputable.empty
+ pp_hsc_src HsigFile = text "[hsig]"
+ pp_hsc_src HsSrcFile = Outputable.empty
When printing export lists, we print like this:
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Syntax.hs b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Syntax.hs
index 71b87cb19c..84603e9399 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Syntax.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Syntax.hs
@@ -748,27 +748,6 @@ filtering of method signatures. Instead we just check if anything at all is
filtered and hide it in that case.
-data ShowSub
- = ShowSub
- { ss_how_much :: ShowHowMuch
- , ss_forall :: ShowForAllFlag }
--- See Note [Printing IfaceDecl binders]
--- The alternative pretty printer referred to in the note.
-newtype AltPpr = AltPpr (Maybe (OccName -> SDoc))
-data ShowHowMuch
- = ShowHeader AltPpr -- ^Header information only, not rhs
- | ShowSome [OccName] AltPpr
- -- ^ Show only some sub-components. Specifically,
- --
- -- [@\[\]@] Print all sub-components.
- -- [@(n:ns)@] Print sub-component @n@ with @ShowSub = ns@;
- -- elide other sub-components to @...@
- -- May 14: the list is max 1 element long at the moment
- | ShowIface
- -- ^Everything including GHC-internal information (used in --show-iface)
Note [Printing IfaceDecl binders]
@@ -782,11 +761,6 @@ When printing an interface file (--show-iface), we want to print
everything unqualified, so we can just print the OccName directly.
-instance Outputable ShowHowMuch where
- ppr (ShowHeader _) = text "ShowHeader"
- ppr ShowIface = text "ShowIface"
- ppr (ShowSome occs _) = text "ShowSome" <+> ppr occs
showToHeader :: ShowSub
showToHeader = ShowSub { ss_how_much = ShowHeader $ AltPpr Nothing
, ss_forall = ShowForAllWhen }
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs
index 2b45a712e6..1796539cd5 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module GHC.Iface.Type (
IfaceTvBndr, IfaceIdBndr, IfaceTyConBinder,
IfaceForAllBndr, ForAllTyFlag(..), FunTyFlag(..), ShowForAllFlag(..),
+ ShowSub(..), ShowHowMuch(..), AltPpr(..),
ifaceForAllSpecToBndrs, ifaceForAllSpecToBndr,
@@ -1317,6 +1318,32 @@ pprIfaceForAllCoBndr (tv, kind_co)
-- or when compiling with -fprint-explicit-foralls.
data ShowForAllFlag = ShowForAllMust | ShowForAllWhen
+data ShowSub
+ = ShowSub
+ { ss_how_much :: ShowHowMuch
+ , ss_forall :: ShowForAllFlag }
+-- See Note [Printing IfaceDecl binders]
+-- The alternative pretty printer referred to in the note.
+newtype AltPpr = AltPpr (Maybe (OccName -> SDoc))
+data ShowHowMuch
+ = ShowHeader AltPpr -- ^Header information only, not rhs
+ | ShowSome [OccName] AltPpr
+ -- ^ Show only some sub-components. Specifically,
+ --
+ -- [@\[\]@] Print all sub-components.
+ -- [@(n:ns)@] Print sub-component @n@ with @ShowSub = ns@;
+ -- elide other sub-components to @...@
+ -- May 14: the list is max 1 element long at the moment
+ | ShowIface
+ -- ^Everything including GHC-internal information (used in --show-iface)
+instance Outputable ShowHowMuch where
+ ppr (ShowHeader _) = text "ShowHeader"
+ ppr ShowIface = text "ShowIface"
+ ppr (ShowSome occs _) = text "ShowSome" <+> ppr occs
pprIfaceSigmaType :: ShowForAllFlag -> IfaceType -> SDoc
pprIfaceSigmaType show_forall ty
= hideNonStandardTypes (ppr_sigma show_forall topPrec) ty
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs-boot
index 9c10f29ed5..e8cbd62158 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Iface/Type.hs-boot
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module GHC.Iface.Type
( IfaceType, IfaceTyCon, IfaceBndr
, IfaceCoercion, IfaceTyLit, IfaceAppArgs
+ , ShowSub
@@ -15,3 +16,4 @@ data IfaceTyCon
data IfaceTyLit
data IfaceCoercion
data IfaceBndr
+data ShowSub
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Linker/Loader.hs b/compiler/GHC/Linker/Loader.hs
index f6caa18a9d..a3e7af02a8 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Linker/Loader.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Linker/Loader.hs
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ getLinkDeps hsc_env pls replace_osuf span mods
let iface = (hm_iface hmi)
mmod = case mi_hsc_src iface of
HsBootFile -> link_boot_mod_error (mi_module iface)
- _ -> return $ Just (mi_module iface)
+ _ -> return $ Just (mi_module iface)
in (mkUniqDSet $ Set.toList $ dep_direct_pkgs (mi_deps iface),) <$> mmod
Nothing ->
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Rename/Bind.hs b/compiler/GHC/Rename/Bind.hs
index 503e56bd57..73af997a2e 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Rename/Bind.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Rename/Bind.hs
@@ -26,7 +26,10 @@ module GHC.Rename.Bind (
rnMethodBinds, renameSigs,
rnMatchGroup, rnGRHSs, rnGRHS, rnSrcFixityDecl,
makeMiniFixityEnv, MiniFixityEnv,
- HsSigCtxt(..)
+ HsSigCtxt(..),
+ -- Utility for hs-boot files
+ rejectBootDecls
) where
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -56,6 +59,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Types.Name.Env
import GHC.Types.Name.Set
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader ( RdrName, rdrNameOcc )
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc as SrcLoc
import GHC.Data.List.SetOps ( findDupsEq )
import GHC.Types.Basic ( RecFlag(..), TypeOrKind(..) )
@@ -199,10 +203,20 @@ rnTopBindsLHSBoot fix_env binds
= do { topBinds <- rnTopBindsLHS fix_env binds
; case topBinds of
ValBinds x mbinds sigs ->
- do { mapM_ bindInHsBootFileErr mbinds
+ do { rejectBootDecls HsBoot BootBindsPs (bagToList $ mbinds)
; pure (ValBinds x emptyBag sigs) }
_ -> pprPanic "rnTopBindsLHSBoot" (ppr topBinds) }
+rejectBootDecls :: HsBootOrSig
+ -> (NonEmpty (LocatedA decl) -> BadBootDecls)
+ -> [LocatedA decl]
+ -> TcM ()
+rejectBootDecls _ _ [] = return ()
+rejectBootDecls hsc_src what (decl@(L loc _) : decls)
+ = addErrAt (locA loc)
+ $ TcRnIllegalHsBootOrSigDecl hsc_src
+ (what $ decl :| decls)
rnTopBindsBoot :: NameSet -> HsValBindsLR GhcRn GhcPs
-> RnM (HsValBinds GhcRn, DefUses)
-- A hs-boot file has no bindings.
@@ -1384,9 +1398,6 @@ misplacedSigErr :: LSig GhcRn -> RnM ()
misplacedSigErr (L loc sig)
= addErrAt (locA loc) $ TcRnMisplacedSigDecl sig
-bindInHsBootFileErr :: LHsBindLR GhcRn GhcPs -> RnM ()
-bindInHsBootFileErr (L loc _) = addErrAt (locA loc) TcRnBindInBootFile
nonStdGuardErr :: (Outputable body,
Anno (Stmt GhcRn body) ~ SrcSpanAnnA)
=> [LStmtLR GhcRn GhcRn body] -> TcRnMessage
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Rename/Utils.hs b/compiler/GHC/Rename/Utils.hs
index 5c23ee60cb..33c418fead 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Rename/Utils.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Rename/Utils.hs
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ warnUnusedTopBinds :: [GlobalRdrElt] -> RnM ()
warnUnusedTopBinds gres
= whenWOptM Opt_WarnUnusedTopBinds
$ do env <- getGblEnv
- let isBoot = tcg_src env == HsBootFile
+ let isBoot = isHsBootFile $ tcg_src env
let noParent gre = case gre_par gre of
NoParent -> True
_ -> False
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
index 5a1485c1da..bf92125405 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Ppr.hs
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ module GHC.Tc.Errors.Ppr
import GHC.Prelude
+import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import GHC.Builtin.Names
import GHC.Builtin.Types ( boxedRepDataConTyCon, tYPETyCon, filterCTuple )
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ import GHC.Core.Unify ( tcMatchTys )
import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Core.Class
import GHC.Core.DataCon
-import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom (coAxiomTyCon, coAxiomSingleBranch)
+import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom (CoAxBranch, coAxiomTyCon, coAxiomSingleBranch)
import GHC.Core.ConLike
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv ( FamInst(..), famInstAxiom, pprFamInst )
import GHC.Core.InstEnv
@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ import GHC.Hs
import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types
import GHC.Tc.Types.Constraint
-import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Types( getLclEnvLoc, lclEnvInGeneratedCode, TcTyThing )
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Types( getLclEnvLoc, lclEnvInGeneratedCode, TcTyThing, pprTcTyThingCategory )
import GHC.Tc.Types.Origin
import GHC.Tc.Types.Rank (Rank(..))
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
@@ -71,14 +73,20 @@ import GHC.Types.Id.Info ( RecSelParent(..) )
import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Types.Name.Env
import GHC.Types.Name.Set
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.TyThing
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Types.TyThing.Ppr ( pprTyThingInContext )
import GHC.Types.Unique.Set ( nonDetEltsUniqSet )
import GHC.Types.Var
import GHC.Types.Var.Set
import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Types.Fixity (defaultFixity)
+import GHC.Iface.Errors.Types
+import GHC.Iface.Errors.Ppr
+import GHC.Iface.Syntax ( ShowSub(..), ShowForAllFlag(..), showToHeader )
import GHC.Unit.State
import GHC.Unit.Module
@@ -102,10 +110,7 @@ import Data.List ( groupBy, sortBy, tails
, partition, unfoldr )
import Data.Ord ( comparing )
import Data.Bifunctor
-import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
-import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Types (pprTcTyThingCategory)
-import GHC.Iface.Errors.Types
-import GHC.Iface.Errors.Ppr
data TcRnMessageOpts = TcRnMessageOpts { tcOptsShowContext :: !Bool -- ^ Whether we show the error context or not
, tcOptsIfaceOpts :: !IfaceMessageOpts
@@ -302,9 +307,24 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> mkSimpleDecorated $
text "Predicate type of `ifThenElse' depends on result type"
- TcRnIllegalHsBootFileDecl
+ TcRnIllegalHsBootOrSigDecl boot_or_sig decls
-> mkSimpleDecorated $
- text "Illegal declarations in an hs-boot file"
+ text "Illegal" <+> what <+> text "in" <+> whr <> dot
+ where
+ what = case decls of
+ BootBindsPs {} -> text "binding"
+ BootBindsRn {} -> text "binding"
+ BootInstanceSigs {} -> text "instance body"
+ BootFamInst {} -> text "family instance"
+ BootSpliceDecls {} -> text "splice"
+ BootForeignDecls {} -> text "foreign declaration"
+ BootDefaultDecls {} -> text "default declaration"
+ BootRuleDecls {} -> text "RULE pragma"
+ whr = case boot_or_sig of
+ HsBoot -> text "an hs-boot file"
+ Hsig -> text "a backpack signature file"
+ TcRnBootMismatch boot_or_sig err ->
+ mkSimpleDecorated $ pprBootMismatch boot_or_sig err
TcRnRecursivePatternSynonym binds
-> mkSimpleDecorated $
hang (text "Recursive pattern synonym definition with following bindings:")
@@ -1265,9 +1285,6 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
2 (hang (pprPrefixName name)
2 (dcolon <+> ppr hs_ty))
- TcRnBadBootFamInstDecl {}
- -> mkSimpleDecorated $
- text "Illegal family instance in hs-boot file"
TcRnIllegalFamilyInstance tycon
-> mkSimpleDecorated $
vcat [ text "Illegal family instance for" <+> quotes (ppr tycon)
@@ -1392,8 +1409,6 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
TcRnUnexpectedDefaultSig sig -> mkSimpleDecorated $
hang (text "Unexpected default signature:")
2 (ppr sig)
- TcRnBindInBootFile -> mkSimpleDecorated $
- text "Bindings in hs-boot files are not allowed"
TcRnDuplicateMinimalSig sig1 sig2 otherSigs -> mkSimpleDecorated $
vcat [ text "Multiple minimal complete definitions"
, text "at" <+> vcat (map ppr $ sortBy leftmost_smallest $ map getLocA sigs)
@@ -1864,6 +1879,37 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition reason inst_ty
-> mkSimpleDecorated $
pprNonCanonicalDefinition inst_ty reason
+ TcRnUnexpectedDeclarationSplice {}
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ text "Declaration splices are not permitted" <+>
+ text "inside top-level declarations added with" <+>
+ quotes (text "addTopDecls") <> dot
+ TcRnImplicitImportOfPrelude
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ text "Module" <+> quotes (text "Prelude") <+> text "implicitly imported."
+ TcRnMissingMain explicit_export_list main_mod main_occ
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ text "The" <+> ppMainFn main_occ
+ <+> text "is not" <+> defOrExp <+> text "module"
+ <+> quotes (ppr main_mod)
+ where
+ defOrExp :: SDoc
+ defOrExp | explicit_export_list = text "exported by"
+ | otherwise = text "defined in"
+ TcRnGhciUnliftedBind id
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ sep [ text "GHCi can't bind a variable of unlifted type:"
+ , nest 2 (pprPrefixOcc id <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType id)) ]
+ TcRnGhciMonadLookupFail ty lookups
+ -> mkSimpleDecorated $
+ hang (text "Can't find type" <+> pp_ty <> dot $$ ambig_msg)
+ 2 (text "When checking that" <+> pp_ty <>
+ text "is a monad that can execute GHCi statements.")
+ where
+ pp_ty = quotes (text ty)
+ ambig_msg = case lookups of
+ Just (_:_:_) -> text "The type is ambiguous."
+ _ -> empty
diagnosticReason = \case
TcRnUnknownMessage m
@@ -1943,7 +1989,9 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
- TcRnIllegalHsBootFileDecl
+ TcRnIllegalHsBootOrSigDecl {}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnBootMismatch {}
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
@@ -2240,8 +2288,6 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> WarningWithFlag (Opt_WarnMissingMethods)
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
- TcRnBadBootFamInstDecl{}
- -> ErrorWithoutFlag
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
@@ -2292,8 +2338,6 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
- TcRnBindInBootFile{}
- -> ErrorWithoutFlag
-> ErrorWithoutFlag
@@ -2493,7 +2537,16 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonoidInstances
TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition (NonCanonicalMonad _) _
-> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnNonCanonicalMonadInstances
+ TcRnUnexpectedDeclarationSplice {}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnImplicitImportOfPrelude {}
+ -> WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude
+ TcRnMissingMain {}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnGhciUnliftedBind {}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
+ TcRnGhciMonadLookupFail {}
+ -> ErrorWithoutFlag
diagnosticHints = \case
TcRnUnknownMessage m
@@ -2573,8 +2626,18 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> noHints
-> noHints
- TcRnIllegalHsBootFileDecl
+ TcRnIllegalHsBootOrSigDecl {}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnBootMismatch boot_or_sig err
+ | Hsig <- boot_or_sig
+ , BootMismatch _ _ (BootMismatchedTyCons _boot_tc real_tc tc_errs) <- err
+ , any is_synAbsData_etaReduce (NE.toList tc_errs)
+ -> [SuggestEtaReduceAbsDataTySyn real_tc]
+ | otherwise
-> noHints
+ where
+ is_synAbsData_etaReduce (SynAbstractData SynAbsDataTySynNotNullary) = True
+ is_synAbsData_etaReduce _ = False
-> noHints
@@ -2881,8 +2944,6 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> noHints
-> [suggestExtension LangExt.InstanceSigs]
- TcRnBadBootFamInstDecl{}
- -> noHints
-> noHints
@@ -2938,8 +2999,6 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> noHints
-> [suggestExtension LangExt.DefaultSignatures]
- TcRnBindInBootFile{}
- -> noHints
-> noHints
TcRnLoopySuperclassSolve wtd_loc wtd_pty
@@ -3157,6 +3216,16 @@ instance Diagnostic TcRnMessage where
-> noHints
TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition reason _
-> suggestNonCanonicalDefinition reason
+ TcRnUnexpectedDeclarationSplice {}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnImplicitImportOfPrelude {}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnMissingMain {}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnGhciUnliftedBind {}
+ -> noHints
+ TcRnGhciMonadLookupFail {}
+ -> noHints
diagnosticCode :: TcRnMessage -> Maybe DiagnosticCode
diagnosticCode = constructorCode
@@ -3318,6 +3387,7 @@ ppr_opfix (op, fixity) = pp_op <+> brackets (ppr fixity)
pprBindings :: [Name] -> SDoc
pprBindings = pprWithCommas (quotes . ppr)
injectivityErrorHerald :: SDoc
injectivityErrorHerald =
text "Type family equation violates the family's injectivity annotation."
@@ -5565,3 +5635,250 @@ suggestNonCanonicalDefinition reason =
doc_monad =
+-- hs-boot mismatch errors
+pprBootMismatch :: HsBootOrSig -> BootMismatch -> SDoc
+pprBootMismatch boot_or_sig = \case
+ MissingBootThing nm err ->
+ let def_or_exp = case err of
+ MissingBootDefinition -> text "defined in"
+ MissingBootExport -> text "exported by"
+ in quotes (ppr nm) <+> text "is exported by the"
+ <+> ppr_boot_or_sig <> comma
+ <+> text "but not"
+ <+> def_or_exp <+> text "the implementing module."
+ MissingBootInstance boot_dfun ->
+ hang (text "instance" <+> ppr (idType boot_dfun))
+ 2 (text "is defined in the" <+> ppr ppr_boot_or_sig <> comma <+>
+ text "but not in the implementing module.")
+ BadReexportedBootThing name name' ->
+ withUserStyle alwaysQualify AllTheWay $ vcat
+ [ text "The" <+> ppr_boot_or_sig
+ <+> text "(re)exports" <+> quotes (ppr name)
+ , text "but the implementing module exports a different identifier" <+> quotes (ppr name')
+ ]
+ BootMismatch boot_thing real_thing err ->
+ vcat
+ [ ppr real_thing <+>
+ text "has conflicting definitions in the module"
+ , text "and its" <+> ppr_boot_or_sig <> dot,
+ text "Main module:" <+> real_doc
+ , (case boot_or_sig of
+ HsBoot -> text " Boot file:"
+ Hsig -> text " Hsig file:") <+> boot_doc
+ , pprBootMismatchWhat boot_or_sig err
+ ]
+ where
+ to_doc
+ = pprTyThingInContext $
+ showToHeader
+ { ss_forall =
+ case boot_or_sig of
+ HsBoot -> ShowForAllMust
+ Hsig -> ShowForAllWhen }
+ real_doc = to_doc real_thing
+ boot_doc = to_doc boot_thing
+ where
+ ppr_boot_or_sig = case boot_or_sig of
+ HsBoot -> text "hs-boot file"
+ Hsig -> text "hsig file"
+pprBootMismatchWhat :: HsBootOrSig -> BootMismatchWhat -> SDoc
+pprBootMismatchWhat boot_or_sig = \case
+ BootMismatchedIdTypes {} ->
+ text "The two types are different."
+ BootMismatchedTyCons tc1 tc2 errs ->
+ vcat $ map (pprBootTyConMismatch boot_or_sig tc1 tc2) (NE.toList errs)
+pprBootTyConMismatch :: HsBootOrSig -> TyCon -> TyCon
+ -> BootTyConMismatch -> SDoc
+pprBootTyConMismatch boot_or_sig tc1 tc2 = \case
+ TyConKindMismatch ->
+ text "The types have different kinds."
+ TyConRoleMismatch sub_type ->
+ if sub_type
+ then
+ text "The roles are not compatible:" $$
+ text "Main module:" <+> ppr (tyConRoles tc1) $$
+ text " Hsig file:" <+> ppr (tyConRoles tc2)
+ else
+ text "The roles do not match." $$
+ if boot_or_sig == HsBoot
+ then text "NB: roles on abstract types default to" <+>
+ quotes (text "representational") <+> text "in hs-boot files."
+ else empty
+ TyConSynonymMismatch {} -> empty -- nothing interesting to say
+ TyConFlavourMismatch fam_flav1 fam_flav2 ->
+ whenPprDebug $
+ text "Family flavours" <+> ppr fam_flav1 <+> text "and" <+> ppr fam_flav2 <+>
+ text "do not match"
+ TyConAxiomMismatch ax_errs ->
+ pprBootListMismatches (text "Type family equations do not match:")
+ pprTyConAxiomMismatch ax_errs
+ TyConInjectivityMismatch {} ->
+ text "Injectivity annotations do not match"
+ TyConMismatchedClasses _ _ err ->
+ pprBootClassMismatch boot_or_sig err
+ TyConMismatchedData _rhs1 _rhs2 err ->
+ pprBootDataMismatch err
+ SynAbstractData err ->
+ pprSynAbstractDataError err
+ TyConsVeryDifferent ->
+ empty -- should be obvious to the user what the problem is
+pprSynAbstractDataError :: SynAbstractDataError -> SDoc
+pprSynAbstractDataError = \case
+ SynAbsDataTySynNotNullary ->
+ text "Illegal parameterized type synonym in implementation of abstract data."
+ SynAbstractDataInvalidRHS bad_sub_tys ->
+ let msgs = mapMaybe pprInvalidAbstractSubTy (NE.toList bad_sub_tys)
+ in case msgs of
+ [] -> herald <> dot
+ msg:[] -> hang (herald <> colon)
+ 2 msg
+ _ -> hang (herald <> colon)
+ 2 (vcat $ map (<+> bullet) msgs)
+ where
+ herald = text "Illegal implementation of abstract data"
+ pprInvalidAbstractSubTy = \case
+ TyConApp tc _
+ -> assertPpr (isTypeFamilyTyCon tc) (ppr tc) $
+ Just $ text "Invalid type family" <+> quotes (ppr tc) <> dot
+ ty@(ForAllTy {})
+ -> Just $ text "Invalid polymorphic type" <> colon <+> ppr ty <> dot
+ ty@(FunTy af _ _ _)
+ | not (af == FTF_T_T)
+ -> Just $ text "Invalid qualified type" <> colon <+> ppr ty <> dot
+ _ -> Nothing
+pprTyConAxiomMismatch :: BootListMismatch CoAxBranch BootAxiomBranchMismatch -> SDoc
+pprTyConAxiomMismatch = \case
+ MismatchedLength ->
+ text "The number of equations differs."
+ MismatchedThing i br1 br2 err ->
+ hang (text "The" <+> speakNth (i+1) <+> text "equations do not match.")
+ 2 (pprCoAxBranchMismatch br1 br2 err)
+pprCoAxBranchMismatch :: CoAxBranch -> CoAxBranch -> BootAxiomBranchMismatch -> SDoc
+pprCoAxBranchMismatch _br1 _br2 err =
+ text "The" <+> what <+> text "don't match."
+ where
+ what = case err of
+ MismatchedAxiomBinders -> text "variables bound in the equation"
+ MismatchedAxiomLHS -> text "equation left-hand sides"
+ MismatchedAxiomRHS -> text "equation right-hand sides"
+pprBootListMismatches :: SDoc -- ^ herald
+ -> (BootListMismatch item err -> SDoc)
+ -> BootListMismatches item err -> SDoc
+pprBootListMismatches herald ppr_one errs =
+ hang herald 2 msgs
+ where
+ msgs = case errs of
+ err :| [] -> ppr_one err
+ _ -> vcat $ map ((bullet <+>) . ppr_one) $ NE.toList errs
+pprBootClassMismatch :: HsBootOrSig -> BootClassMismatch -> SDoc
+pprBootClassMismatch boot_or_sig = \case
+ MismatchedMethods errs ->
+ pprBootListMismatches (text "The class methods do not match:")
+ pprBootClassMethodListMismatch errs
+ MismatchedATs at_errs ->
+ pprBootListMismatches (text "The associated types do not match:")
+ (pprATMismatch boot_or_sig) at_errs
+ MismatchedFunDeps ->
+ text "The functional dependencies do not match."
+ MismatchedSuperclasses ->
+ text "The superclass constraints do not match."
+ MismatchedMinimalPragmas ->
+ text "The MINIMAL pragmas are not compatible."
+pprATMismatch :: HsBootOrSig -> BootListMismatch ClassATItem BootATMismatch -> SDoc
+pprATMismatch boot_or_sig = \case
+ MismatchedLength ->
+ text "The number of associated type defaults differs."
+ MismatchedThing i at1 at2 err ->
+ pprATMismatchErr boot_or_sig i at1 at2 err
+pprATMismatchErr :: HsBootOrSig -> Int -> ClassATItem -> ClassATItem -> BootATMismatch -> SDoc
+pprATMismatchErr boot_or_sig i (ATI tc1 _) (ATI tc2 _) = \case
+ MismatchedTyConAT err ->
+ hang (text "The associated types differ:")
+ 2 $ pprBootTyConMismatch boot_or_sig tc1 tc2 err
+ MismatchedATDefaultType ->
+ text "The types of the" <+> speakNth (i+1) <+>
+ text "associated type default differ."
+pprBootClassMethodListMismatch :: BootListMismatch ClassOpItem BootMethodMismatch -> SDoc
+pprBootClassMethodListMismatch = \case
+ MismatchedLength ->
+ text "The number of class methods differs."
+ MismatchedThing _ op1 op2 err ->
+ pprBootClassMethodMismatch op1 op2 err
+pprBootClassMethodMismatch :: ClassOpItem -> ClassOpItem -> BootMethodMismatch -> SDoc
+pprBootClassMethodMismatch (op1, _) (op2, _) = \case
+ MismatchedMethodNames ->
+ text "The method names" <+> quotes pname1 <+> text "and"
+ <+> quotes pname2 <+> text "differ."
+ MismatchedMethodTypes {} ->
+ text "The types of" <+> pname1 <+> text "are different."
+ MismatchedDefaultMethods subtype_check ->
+ if subtype_check
+ then
+ text "The default methods associated with" <+> pname1 <+>
+ text "are not compatible."
+ else
+ text "The default methods associated with" <+> pname1 <+>
+ text "are different."
+ where
+ nm1 = idName op1
+ nm2 = idName op2
+ pname1 = quotes (ppr nm1)
+ pname2 = quotes (ppr nm2)
+pprBootDataMismatch :: BootDataMismatch -> SDoc
+pprBootDataMismatch = \case
+ MismatchedNewtypeVsData ->
+ text "Cannot match a" <+> quotes (text "data") <+>
+ text "definition with a" <+> quotes (text "newtype") <+>
+ text "definition."
+ MismatchedConstructors dc_errs ->
+ pprBootListMismatches (text "The constructors do not match:")
+ pprBootDataConMismatch dc_errs
+ MismatchedDatatypeContexts {} ->
+ text "The datatype contexts do not match."
+pprBootDataConMismatch :: BootListMismatch DataCon BootDataConMismatch
+ -> SDoc
+pprBootDataConMismatch = \case
+ MismatchedLength ->
+ text "The number of constructors differs."
+ MismatchedThing _ dc1 dc2 err ->
+ pprBootDataConMismatchErr dc1 dc2 err
+pprBootDataConMismatchErr :: DataCon -> DataCon -> BootDataConMismatch -> SDoc
+pprBootDataConMismatchErr dc1 dc2 = \case
+ MismatchedDataConNames ->
+ text "The names" <+> pname1 <+> text "and" <+> pname2 <+> text "differ."
+ MismatchedDataConFixities ->
+ text "The fixities of" <+> pname1 <+> text "differ."
+ MismatchedDataConBangs ->
+ text "The strictness annotations for" <+> pname1 <+> text "differ."
+ MismatchedDataConFieldLabels ->
+ text "The record label lists for" <+> pname1 <+> text "differ."
+ MismatchedDataConTypes ->
+ text "The types for" <+> pname1 <+> text "differ."
+ where
+ name1 = dataConName dc1
+ name2 = dataConName dc2
+ pname1 = quotes (ppr name1)
+ pname2 = quotes (ppr name2)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs
index cd80a3dbc9..4f0d961a3d 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors/Types.hs
@@ -119,6 +119,21 @@ module GHC.Tc.Errors.Types (
, NonCanonicalDefinition(..)
, NonCanonical_Monoid(..)
, NonCanonical_Monad(..)
+ -- * Errors for hs-boot and signature files
+ , BadBootDecls(..)
+ , MissingBootThing(..), missingBootThing
+ , BootMismatch(..)
+ , BootMismatchWhat(..)
+ , BootTyConMismatch(..)
+ , BootAxiomBranchMismatch(..)
+ , BootClassMismatch(..)
+ , BootMethodMismatch(..)
+ , BootATMismatch(..)
+ , BootDataMismatch(..)
+ , BootDataConMismatch(..)
+ , SynAbstractDataError(..)
+ , BootListMismatch(..), BootListMismatches
) where
import GHC.Prelude
@@ -142,6 +157,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Id.Info ( RecSelParent(..) )
import GHC.Types.Name (Name, OccName, getSrcLoc, getSrcSpan)
import qualified GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence as OccName
import GHC.Types.Name.Reader
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile (HsBootOrSig(..))
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.TyThing (TyThing)
import GHC.Types.Var (Id, TyCoVar, TyVar, TcTyVar, CoVar, Specificity)
@@ -149,16 +165,16 @@ import GHC.Types.Var.Env (TidyEnv)
import GHC.Types.Var.Set (TyVarSet, VarSet)
import GHC.Unit.Types (Module)
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
-import GHC.Core.Class (Class, ClassMinimalDef)
+import GHC.Core.Class (Class, ClassMinimalDef, ClassOpItem, ClassATItem)
import GHC.Core.Coercion (Coercion)
import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom (CoAxBranch)
import GHC.Core.ConLike (ConLike)
import GHC.Core.DataCon (DataCon, FieldLabel)
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv (FamInst)
-import GHC.Core.InstEnv (LookupInstanceErrReason, ClsInst)
+import GHC.Core.InstEnv (LookupInstanceErrReason, ClsInst, DFunId)
import GHC.Core.PatSyn (PatSyn)
import GHC.Core.Predicate (EqRel, predTypeEqRel)
-import GHC.Core.TyCon (TyCon, Role)
+import GHC.Core.TyCon (TyCon, Role, FamTyConFlav, AlgTyConRhs)
import GHC.Core.Type (Kind, Type, ThetaType, PredType, ErrorMsgType)
import GHC.Driver.Backend (Backend)
import GHC.Unit.State (UnitState)
@@ -775,14 +791,62 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnArrowIfThenElsePredDependsOnResultTy :: TcRnMessage
- {-| TcRnIllegalHsBootFileDecl is an error that occurs when an hs-boot file
+ {-| TcRnIllegalHsBootOrSigDecl is an error that occurs when an hs-boot file
contains declarations that are not allowed, such as bindings.
- Example(s): None
+ Examples:
- Test cases: None
+ -- A.hs-boot
+ f :: Int -> Int
+ f x = 2 * x -- binding not allowed
+ -- B.hs-boot
+ type family F a where { F Int = Bool }
+ -- type family equations not allowed
+ -- C.hsig
+ bar :: Int -> Int
+ {-# RULES forall x. bar x = x #-} -- RULES not allowed
+ Test cases:
+ - bindings: T19781
+ - class instance body: none
+ - type family instance: HsBootFam
+ - splice: none
+ - foreign declaration: none
+ - default declaration: none
+ - RULEs: none
- TcRnIllegalHsBootFileDecl :: TcRnMessage
+ TcRnIllegalHsBootOrSigDecl :: !HsBootOrSig -> !BadBootDecls -> TcRnMessage
+ {-| TcRnBootMismatch is a family of errors that occur when there is a
+ mismatch between the hs-boot and hs files.
+ Examples:
+ -- A.hs-boot
+ foo :: Int -> Bool
+ data D = MkD
+ -- A.hs
+ foo :: Int -> Char
+ foo = chr
+ data D = MkD Int
+ Test cases:
+ - missing export: bkpcabal06, bkpfail{01,05,09,16,35}, rnfail{047,055}
+ - missing definition: none
+ - missing instance: T14075
+ - mismatch in exports: bkpfail{03,19}
+ - conflicting definitions: bkpcabal02,
+ bkpfail{04,06,07,10,12,133,14,15,17,22,23,25,26,27,41,42,45,47,50,52,53,54},
+ T19244{a,b}, T23344, ClosedFam3, rnfail055
+ -}
+ TcRnBootMismatch :: !HsBootOrSig -> !BootMismatch -> TcRnMessage
{-| TcRnRecursivePatternSynonym is an error that occurs when a pattern synonym
is defined in terms of itself, either directly or indirectly.
@@ -1524,7 +1588,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnFieldUpdateInvalidType :: [(FieldLabelString,TcType)] -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnMissingStrictFields is an error occurring when a record field marked
+ {-| TcRnMissingStrictFields is an error occurring when a record field marked
as strict is omitted when constructing said record.
@@ -1586,7 +1650,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
-- ^ the reason this record update was rejected
-> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnStaticFormNotClosed is an error pertaining to terms that are marked static
+ {-| TcRnStaticFormNotClosed is an error pertaining to terms that are marked static
using the -XStaticPointers extension but which are not closed terms.
@@ -1921,7 +1985,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
-- (so we should give a Template Haskell hint)
-> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnForeignImportPrimExtNotSet is an error occurring when a foreign import
+ {-| TcRnForeignImportPrimExtNotSet is an error occurring when a foreign import
is declared using the @prim@ calling convention without having turned on
the -XGHCForeignImportPrim extension.
@@ -1932,7 +1996,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnForeignImportPrimExtNotSet :: ForeignImport GhcRn -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnForeignImportPrimSafeAnn is an error declaring that the safe/unsafe
+ {-| TcRnForeignImportPrimSafeAnn is an error declaring that the safe/unsafe
annotation should not be used with @prim@ foreign imports.
@@ -1942,7 +2006,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnForeignImportPrimSafeAnn :: ForeignImport GhcRn -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnForeignFunctionImportAsValue is an error explaining that foreign @value@
+ {-| TcRnForeignFunctionImportAsValue is an error explaining that foreign @value@
imports cannot have function types.
@@ -1952,7 +2016,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnForeignFunctionImportAsValue :: ForeignImport GhcRn -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnFunPtrImportWithoutAmpersand is a warning controlled by @-Wdodgy-foreign-imports@
+ {-| TcRnFunPtrImportWithoutAmpersand is a warning controlled by @-Wdodgy-foreign-imports@
that informs the user of a possible missing @&@ in the declaration of a
foreign import with a 'FunPtr' return type.
@@ -1963,7 +2027,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnFunPtrImportWithoutAmpersand :: ForeignImport GhcRn -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnIllegalForeignDeclBackend is an error occurring when a foreign import declaration
+ {-| TcRnIllegalForeignDeclBackend is an error occurring when a foreign import declaration
is not compatible with the code generation backend being used.
Example(s): None
@@ -1976,7 +2040,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
-> ExpectedBackends
-> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnUnsupportedCallConv informs the user that the calling convention specified
+ {-| TcRnUnsupportedCallConv informs the user that the calling convention specified
for a foreign export declaration is not compatible with the target platform.
It is a warning controlled by @-Wunsupported-calling-conventions@ in the case of
@stdcall@ but is otherwise considered an error.
@@ -1989,7 +2053,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
-> UnsupportedCallConvention
-> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnIllegalForeignType is an error for when a type appears in a foreign
+ {-| TcRnIllegalForeignType is an error for when a type appears in a foreign
function signature that is not compatible with the FFI.
Example(s): None
@@ -2007,7 +2071,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnIllegalForeignType :: !(Maybe ArgOrResult) -> !IllegalForeignTypeReason -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnInvalidCIdentifier indicates a C identifier that is not valid.
+ {-| TcRnInvalidCIdentifier indicates a C identifier that is not valid.
foreign import prim safe "not valid" cmm_test2 :: Int# -> Int#
@@ -2016,7 +2080,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnInvalidCIdentifier :: !CLabelString -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnExpectedValueId is an error occurring when something that is not a
+ {-| TcRnExpectedValueId is an error occurring when something that is not a
value identifier is used where one is expected.
Example(s): none
@@ -2025,7 +2089,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnExpectedValueId :: !TcTyThing -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnRecSelectorEscapedTyVar is an error indicating that a record field selector
+ {-| TcRnRecSelectorEscapedTyVar is an error indicating that a record field selector
containing an existential type variable is used as a function rather than in
a pattern match.
@@ -2038,7 +2102,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnRecSelectorEscapedTyVar :: !OccName -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnPatSynNotBidirectional is an error for when a non-bidirectional pattern
+ {-| TcRnPatSynNotBidirectional is an error for when a non-bidirectional pattern
synonym is used as a constructor.
@@ -2051,7 +2115,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnPatSynNotBidirectional :: !Name -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnSplicePolymorphicLocalVar is the error that occurs when the expression
+ {-| TcRnSplicePolymorphicLocalVar is the error that occurs when the expression
inside typed template haskell brackets is a polymorphic local variable.
@@ -2061,7 +2125,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnSplicePolymorphicLocalVar :: !Id -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnIllegalDerivingItem is an error for when something other than a type class
+ {-| TcRnIllegalDerivingItem is an error for when something other than a type class
appears in a deriving statement.
@@ -2071,7 +2135,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnIllegalDerivingItem :: !(LHsSigType GhcRn) -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnUnexpectedAnnotation indicates the erroroneous use of an annotation such
+ {-| TcRnUnexpectedAnnotation indicates the erroroneous use of an annotation such
as strictness, laziness, or unpacking.
@@ -2083,7 +2147,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnUnexpectedAnnotation :: !(HsType GhcRn) -> !HsSrcBang -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnIllegalRecordSyntax is an error indicating an illegal use of record syntax.
+ {-| TcRnIllegalRecordSyntax is an error indicating an illegal use of record syntax.
data T = T Int { field :: Int }
@@ -2093,7 +2157,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnIllegalRecordSyntax :: Either (HsType GhcPs) (HsType GhcRn) -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnUnexpectedTypeSplice is an error for a typed template haskell splice
+ {-| TcRnUnexpectedTypeSplice is an error for a typed Template Haskell splice
appearing unexpectedly.
Example(s): none
@@ -2102,7 +2166,16 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnUnexpectedTypeSplice :: !(HsType GhcRn) -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnInvalidVisibleKindArgument is an error for a kind application on a
+ {-| TcRnUnexpectedDeclarationSplice is an error that occurs when a Template Haskell
+ splice appears inside top-level declarations added with 'addTopDecls'.
+ Example(s): none
+ Test cases: none
+ -}
+ TcRnUnexpectedDeclarationSplice :: TcRnMessage
+ {-| TcRnInvalidVisibleKindArgument is an error for a kind application on a
target type that cannot accept it.
@@ -2124,7 +2197,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
-> !Type -- ^ Target of the kind application
-> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnTooManyBinders is an error for a type constructor that is declared with
+ {-| TcRnTooManyBinders is an error for a type constructor that is declared with
more arguments then its kind specifies.
@@ -2135,7 +2208,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnTooManyBinders :: !Kind -> ![LHsTyVarBndr () GhcRn] -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnDifferentNamesForTyVar is an error that indicates different names being
+ {-| TcRnDifferentNamesForTyVar is an error that indicates different names being
used for the same type variable.
@@ -2150,7 +2223,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnDifferentNamesForTyVar :: !Name -> !Name -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnInvalidReturnKind is an error for a data declaration that has a kind signature
+ {-| TcRnInvalidReturnKind is an error for a data declaration that has a kind signature
with an invalid result kind.
@@ -2197,7 +2270,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
-> Bool -- ^ Whether enabling -XPolyKinds should be suggested
-> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnClassKindNotConstraint is an error for a type class that has a kind that
+ {-| TcRnClassKindNotConstraint is an error for a type class that has a kind that
is not equivalent to Constraint.
@@ -2208,7 +2281,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnClassKindNotConstraint :: !Kind -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnUnpromotableThing is an error that occurs when the user attempts to
+ {-| TcRnUnpromotableThing is an error that occurs when the user attempts to
use the promoted version of something which is not promotable.
@@ -2243,7 +2316,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnUnpromotableThing :: !Name -> !PromotionErr -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnMatchesHaveDiffNumArgs is an error occurring when something has matches
+ {-| TcRnMatchesHaveDiffNumArgs is an error occurring when something has matches
that have different numbers of arguments
@@ -2295,7 +2368,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnDataKindsError :: TypeOrKind -> HsType GhcPs -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnCannotBindScopedTyVarInPatSig is an error stating that scoped type
+ {-| TcRnCannotBindScopedTyVarInPatSig is an error stating that scoped type
variables cannot be used in pattern bindings.
@@ -2305,7 +2378,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnCannotBindScopedTyVarInPatSig :: !(NE.NonEmpty (Name, TcTyVar)) -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnCannotBindTyVarsInPatBind is an error for when type
+ {-| TcRnCannotBindTyVarsInPatBind is an error for when type
variables are introduced in a pattern binding
@@ -2316,7 +2389,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnCannotBindTyVarsInPatBind :: !(NE.NonEmpty (Name, TcTyVar)) -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnTooManyTyArgsInConPattern is an error occurring when a constructor pattern
+ {-| TcRnTooManyTyArgsInConPattern is an error occurring when a constructor pattern
has more than the expected number of type arguments
@@ -2331,7 +2404,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
-> !Int -- ^ Actual number of args
-> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnMultipleInlinePragmas is a warning signifying that multiple inline pragmas
+ {-| TcRnMultipleInlinePragmas is a warning signifying that multiple inline pragmas
reference the same definition.
@@ -2348,7 +2421,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
-> !(NE.NonEmpty (LocatedA InlinePragma)) -- ^ Other pragmas
-> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnUnexpectedPragmas is a warning that occurs when unexpected pragmas appear
+ {-| TcRnUnexpectedPragmas is a warning that occurs when unexpected pragmas appear
in the source.
@@ -2357,7 +2430,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnUnexpectedPragmas :: !Id -> !(NE.NonEmpty (LSig GhcRn)) -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnNonOverloadedSpecialisePragma is a warning for a specialise pragma being
+ {-| TcRnNonOverloadedSpecialisePragma is a warning for a specialise pragma being
placed on a definition that is not overloaded.
@@ -2370,7 +2443,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnNonOverloadedSpecialisePragma :: !(LIdP GhcRn) -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnSpecialiseNotVisible is a warning that occurs when the subject of a
+ {-| TcRnSpecialiseNotVisible is a warning that occurs when the subject of a
SPECIALISE pragma has a definition that is not visible from the current module.
Example(s): none
@@ -2379,7 +2452,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnSpecialiseNotVisible :: !Name -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnPragmaWarning is a warning that can happen when usage of something
+ {-| TcRnPragmaWarning is a warning that can happen when usage of something
is warned or deprecated by pragma.
Test cases:
@@ -2695,7 +2768,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnCannotRepresentType :: !UnrepresentableTypeDescr -> !Type -> TcRnMessage
- {-| TcRnRunSpliceFailure is an error indicating that a template haskell splice
+ {-| TcRnRunSpliceFailure is an error indicating that a Template Haskell splice
failed to be converted into a valid expression.
@@ -2738,7 +2811,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
-> !String -- Error body
-> TcRnMessage
- {- | TcRnUnsatisfiedMinimalDef is a warning that occurs when a class instance
+ {-| TcRnUnsatisfiedMinimalDef is a warning that occurs when a class instance
is missing methods that are required by the minimal definition.
@@ -2779,7 +2852,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnUnsatisfiedMinimalDef :: ClassMinimalDef -> TcRnMessage
- {- | 'TcRnMisplacedInstSig' is an error that happens when a method in
+ {-| 'TcRnMisplacedInstSig' is an error that happens when a method in
a class instance is given a type signature, but the user has not
enabled the @InstanceSigs@ extension.
@@ -2787,21 +2860,14 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnMisplacedInstSig :: Name -> (LHsSigType GhcRn) -> TcRnMessage
- {- | 'TcRnBadBootFamInstDecl' is an error that is triggered by a
- type family instance being declared in an hs-boot file.
- Test case:
- testsuite/tests/indexed-types/should_fail/HsBootFam
- -}
- TcRnBadBootFamInstDecl :: {} -> TcRnMessage
- {- | 'TcRnIllegalFamilyInstance' is an error that occurs when an associated
+ {-| 'TcRnIllegalFamilyInstance' is an error that occurs when an associated
type or data family is given a top-level instance.
Test case:
TcRnIllegalFamilyInstance :: TyCon -> TcRnMessage
- {- | 'TcRnMissingClassAssoc' is an error that occurs when a class instance
+ {-| 'TcRnMissingClassAssoc' is an error that occurs when a class instance
for a class with an associated type or data family is missing a corresponding
family instance declaration.
@@ -2809,7 +2875,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnMissingClassAssoc :: TyCon -> TcRnMessage
- {- | 'TcRnNotOpenFamily' is an error that is triggered by attempting to give
+ {-| 'TcRnNotOpenFamily' is an error that is triggered by attempting to give
a top-level (open) type family instance for a closed type family.
Test cases:
@@ -2945,7 +3011,7 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnSectionWithoutParentheses :: HsExpr GhcPs -> TcRnMessage
- {- TcRnBindingOfExistingName is an error triggered by an attempt to rebind
+ {-| TcRnBindingOfExistingName is an error triggered by an attempt to rebind
built-in syntax, punned list or tuple syntax, or a name quoted via Template Haskell.
@@ -3095,17 +3161,6 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnUnexpectedDefaultSig :: Sig GhcPs -> TcRnMessage
- {-| TcRnBindInBootFile is an error triggered by a binding in hs-boot file.
- Example:
- -- in an .hs-boot file:
- x = 3
- Test cases: rename/should_fail/T19781
- -}
- TcRnBindInBootFile :: TcRnMessage
{-| TcRnDuplicateMinimalSig is an error triggered by two or more minimal
signatures for one type class.
@@ -4053,6 +4108,65 @@ data TcRnMessage where
TcRnNonCanonicalDefinition :: !NonCanonicalDefinition -- ^ Specifics
-> !(LHsSigType GhcRn) -- ^ The instance type
-> TcRnMessage
+ {-| TcRnImplicitImportOfPrelude is a warning, controlled by @Wimplicit-prelude@,
+ that is triggered upon an implicit import of the @Prelude@ module.
+ Example:
+ {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-implicit-prelude #-}
+ module M where {}
+ Test case: rn055
+ -}
+ TcRnImplicitImportOfPrelude :: TcRnMessage
+ {-| TcRnMissingMain is an error that occurs when a Main module does
+ not define a main function (named @main@ by default, but overridable
+ with the @main-is@ command line flag).
+ Example:
+ module Main where {}
+ Test cases:
+ T414, T7765, readFail021, rnfail007, T13839b, T17171a, T16453E1, tcfail030,
+ T19397E3, T19397E4
+ -}
+ TcRnMissingMain
+ :: !Bool -- ^ whether the module has an explicit export list
+ -> !Module
+ -> !OccName -- ^ the expected name of the main function
+ -> TcRnMessage
+ {-| TcRnGhciUnliftedBind is an error that occurs when a user attempts to
+ bind an unlifted value in GHCi.
+ Example (in GHCi):
+ let a = (# 1#, 3# #)
+ Test cases: T9140, T19035b
+ -}
+ TcRnGhciUnliftedBind :: !Id -> TcRnMessage
+ {-| TcRnGhciMonadLookupFail is an error that occurs when the user sets
+ the GHCi monad, using the GHC API 'setGHCiMonad' function, but GHC
+ can't find which monad the user is referring to.
+ Example:
+ import GHC ( setGHCiMonad )
+ ... setGHCiMonad "NoSuchThing"
+ Test cases: none
+ -}
+ TcRnGhciMonadLookupFail
+ :: String -- ^ the textual name of the monad requested by the user
+ -> Maybe [GlobalRdrElt] -- ^ lookup result
+ -> TcRnMessage
deriving Generic
@@ -4492,6 +4606,185 @@ instance Outputable Exported where
ppr IsNotExported = text "IsNotExported"
ppr IsExported = text "IsExported"
+-- | What declarations were not allowed in an hs-boot or hsig file?
+data BadBootDecls
+ = BootBindsPs !(NE.NonEmpty (LHsBindLR GhcRn GhcPs))
+ | BootBindsRn !(NE.NonEmpty (LHsBindLR GhcRn GhcRn))
+ | BootInstanceSigs !(NE.NonEmpty (LSig GhcRn))
+ | BootFamInst !TyCon
+ | BootSpliceDecls !(NE.NonEmpty (LocatedA (HsUntypedSplice GhcPs)))
+ | BootForeignDecls !(NE.NonEmpty (LForeignDecl GhcRn))
+ | BootDefaultDecls !(NE.NonEmpty (LDefaultDecl GhcRn))
+ | BootRuleDecls !(NE.NonEmpty (LRuleDecls GhcRn))
+-- | A mismatch between an hs-boot or signature file and its implementing module.
+data BootMismatch
+ -- | Something defined or exported by an hs-boot or signature file
+ -- is missing from the implementing module.
+ = MissingBootThing !Name !MissingBootThing
+ -- | A typeclass instance is declared in the hs-boot file but
+ -- it is not present in the implementing module.
+ | MissingBootInstance !DFunId -- ^ the boot instance 'DFunId'
+ -- NB: we never trigger this for hsig files, as in that case we do
+ -- a full round of constraint solving, and a missing instance gets reported
+ -- as an unsolved Wanted constraint with a 'InstProvidedOrigin' 'CtOrigin'.
+ -- See GHC.Tc.Utils.Backpack.check_inst.
+ -- | A mismatch between an hsig file and its implementing module
+ -- in the 'Name' that a particular re-export refers to.
+ | BadReexportedBootThing !Name !Name
+ -- | A mismatch between the declaration of something in the hs-boot or
+ -- signature file and its implementation, e.g. a type mismatch or
+ -- a type family implemented as a class.
+ | BootMismatch
+ !TyThing -- ^ boot thing
+ !TyThing -- ^ real thing
+ !BootMismatchWhat
+ deriving Generic
+-- | Something from the hs-boot or signature file is missing from the
+-- implementing module.
+data MissingBootThing
+ -- | Something defined in the hs-boot or signature file is not defined in the
+ -- implementing module.
+ = MissingBootDefinition
+ -- | Something exported by the hs-boot or signature file is not exported by the
+ -- implementing module.
+ | MissingBootExport
+ deriving Generic
+missingBootThing :: HsBootOrSig -> Name -> MissingBootThing -> TcRnMessage
+missingBootThing src nm thing =
+ TcRnBootMismatch src (MissingBootThing nm thing)
+-- | A mismatch of two 'TyThing's between an hs-boot or signature file
+-- and its implementing module.
+data BootMismatchWhat
+ -- | The 'Id's have different types.
+ = BootMismatchedIdTypes !Id -- ^ boot 'Id'
+ !Id -- ^ real 'Id'
+ -- | Two 'TyCon's aren't compatible.
+ | BootMismatchedTyCons !TyCon -- ^ boot 'TyCon'
+ !TyCon -- ^ real 'TyCon'
+ !(NE.NonEmpty BootTyConMismatch)
+ deriving Generic
+-- | An error in the implementation of an abstract datatype using
+-- a type synonym.
+data SynAbstractDataError
+ -- | The type synony was not nullary.
+ = SynAbsDataTySynNotNullary
+ -- | The type synonym RHS contained invalid types, e.g.
+ -- a type family or a forall.
+ | SynAbstractDataInvalidRHS !(NE.NonEmpty Type)
+-- | Mismatched implementation of a 'TyCon' in an hs-boot or signature file.
+data BootTyConMismatch
+ -- | The 'TyCon' kinds differ.
+ = TyConKindMismatch
+ -- | The 'TyCon' 'Role's aren't compatible.
+ | TyConRoleMismatch !Bool -- ^ True <=> role subtype check
+ -- | Two type synonyms have different RHSs.
+ | TyConSynonymMismatch !Kind !Kind
+ -- | The two 'TyCon's are of a different flavour, e.g. one is
+ -- a data family and the other is a type family.
+ | TyConFlavourMismatch !FamTyConFlav !FamTyConFlav
+ -- | The equations of a type family don't match.
+ | TyConAxiomMismatch !(BootListMismatches CoAxBranch BootAxiomBranchMismatch)
+ -- | The type family injectivity annotations don't match.
+ | TyConInjectivityMismatch
+ -- | The 'TyCon's are both datatype 'TyCon's, but they have diferent 'DataCon's.
+ | TyConMismatchedData !AlgTyConRhs !AlgTyConRhs !BootDataMismatch
+ -- | The 'TyCon's are both 'Class' 'TyCon's, but the classes don't match.
+ | TyConMismatchedClasses !Class !Class !BootClassMismatch
+ -- | The 'TyCon's are something completely different.
+ | TyConsVeryDifferent
+ -- | An abstract 'TyCon' is implemented using a type synonym in an invalid
+ -- manner. See 'SynAbstractDataError'.
+ | SynAbstractData !SynAbstractDataError
+-- | Utility datatype to record errors when checking compatibity
+-- between two lists of things, e.g. class methods, associated types,
+-- type family equations, etc.
+data BootListMismatch item err
+ -- | Different number of items.
+ = MismatchedLength
+ -- | The item at the given position in the list differs.
+ | MismatchedThing !Int !item !item !err
+type BootListMismatches item err =
+ NE.NonEmpty (BootListMismatch item err)
+data BootAxiomBranchMismatch
+ -- | The quantified variables in an equation don't match.
+ --
+ -- Example: the quantification of @a@ in
+ --
+ -- @type family F a where { forall a. F a = Maybe a }@
+ = MismatchedAxiomBinders
+ -- | The LHSs of an equation don't match.
+ | MismatchedAxiomLHS
+ -- | The RHSs of an equation don't match.
+ | MismatchedAxiomRHS
+-- | A mismatch in a class, between its declaration in an hs-boot or signature
+-- file, and its implementation in a source Haskell file.
+data BootClassMismatch
+ -- | The class methods don't match.
+ = MismatchedMethods !(BootListMismatches ClassOpItem BootMethodMismatch)
+ -- | The associated types don't match.
+ | MismatchedATs !(BootListMismatches ClassATItem BootATMismatch)
+ -- | The functional dependencies don't match.
+ | MismatchedFunDeps
+ -- | The superclasses don't match.
+ | MismatchedSuperclasses
+ -- | The @MINIMAL@ pragmas are not compatible.
+ | MismatchedMinimalPragmas
+-- | A mismatch in a class method, between its declaration in an hs-boot or signature
+-- file, and its implementation in a source Haskell file.
+data BootMethodMismatch
+ -- | The class method names are different.
+ = MismatchedMethodNames
+ -- | The types of a class method are different.
+ | MismatchedMethodTypes !Type !Type
+ -- | The default method types are not compatible.
+ | MismatchedDefaultMethods !Bool -- ^ True <=> subtype check
+-- | A mismatch in an associated type of a class, between its declaration
+-- in an hs-boot or signature file, and its implementation in a source Haskell file.
+data BootATMismatch
+ -- | Two associated types don't match.
+ = MismatchedTyConAT !BootTyConMismatch
+ -- | Two associated type defaults don't match.
+ | MismatchedATDefaultType
+-- | A mismatch in a datatype declaration, between an hs-boot file or signature
+-- file and its implementing module.
+data BootDataMismatch
+ -- | A datatype is implemented as a newtype or vice-versa.
+ = MismatchedNewtypeVsData
+ -- | The constructors don't match.
+ | MismatchedConstructors !(BootListMismatches DataCon BootDataConMismatch)
+ -- | The datatype contexts differ.
+ | MismatchedDatatypeContexts
+-- | A mismatch in a data constrcutor, between its declaration in an hs-boot
+-- file or signature file, and its implementation in a source Haskell module.
+data BootDataConMismatch
+ -- | The 'Name's of the 'DataCon's differ.
+ = MismatchedDataConNames
+ -- | The fixities of the 'DataCon's differ.
+ | MismatchedDataConFixities
+ -- | The strictness annotations of the 'DataCon's differ.
+ | MismatchedDataConBangs
+ -- | The 'DataCon's have different field labels.
+ | MismatchedDataConFieldLabels
+ -- | The 'DataCon's have incompatible types.
+ | MismatchedDataConTypes
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Bind.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Bind.hs
index cee24aa395..74f05a7b2c 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Bind.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Gen/Bind.hs
@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Rename.Bind ( rejectBootDecls )
import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types
import GHC.Tc.Gen.Sig
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Concrete ( hasFixedRuntimeRep_syntactic )
@@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Var.Env( TidyEnv, TyVarEnv, mkVarEnv, lookupVarEnv )
import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Types.Name.Set
import GHC.Types.Name.Env
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Utils.Error
@@ -231,9 +234,10 @@ tcCompleteSigs sigs =
tcHsBootSigs :: [(RecFlag, LHsBinds GhcRn)] -> [LSig GhcRn] -> TcM [Id]
-- A hs-boot file has only one BindGroup, and it only has type
--- signatures in it. The renamer checked all this
+-- signatures in it. The renamer checked all this.
tcHsBootSigs binds sigs
- = do { checkTc (null binds) TcRnIllegalHsBootFileDecl
+ = do { unless (null binds) $
+ rejectBootDecls HsBoot BootBindsRn (concatMap (bagToList . snd) binds)
; concatMapM (addLocMA tc_boot_sig) (filter isTypeLSig sigs) }
tc_boot_sig (TypeSig _ lnames hs_ty) = mapM f lnames
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs
index 5c381f9e70..0783608bd5 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs
@@ -44,9 +44,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Module (
-- More private...
- badReexportedBootThing,
- missingBootThing,
getRenamedStuff, RenamedStuff
) where
@@ -82,12 +80,12 @@ import GHC.Tc.Gen.Foreign
import GHC.Tc.TyCl.Instance
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcMType
import GHC.Tc.Utils.TcType
-import GHC.Tc.Utils.Instantiate (tcGetInsts)
import GHC.Tc.Solver
import GHC.Tc.TyCl
import GHC.Tc.Instance.Typeable ( mkTypeableBinds )
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Backpack
+import GHC.Rename.Bind ( rejectBootDecls )
import GHC.Rename.Splice ( rnTopSpliceDecls, traceSplice, SpliceInfo(..) )
import GHC.Rename.HsType
import GHC.Rename.Expr
@@ -99,8 +97,6 @@ import GHC.Rename.Doc
import GHC.Rename.Utils ( mkNameClashErr )
import GHC.Iface.Decl ( coAxiomToIfaceDecl )
-import GHC.Iface.Syntax ( ShowSub(..), showToHeader )
-import GHC.Iface.Type ( ShowForAllFlag(..) )
import GHC.Iface.Env ( externaliseName )
import GHC.Iface.Load
@@ -108,20 +104,19 @@ import GHC.Builtin.Types ( mkListTy, anyTypeOfKind )
import GHC.Builtin.Names
import GHC.Builtin.Utils
-import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Hs hiding ( FunDep(..) )
import GHC.Hs.Dump
import GHC.Core.PatSyn
import GHC.Core.Predicate ( classMethodTy )
import GHC.Core.InstEnv
import GHC.Core.TyCon
-import GHC.Core.ConLike
import GHC.Core.DataCon
+import GHC.Core.TyCo.Rep
import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Core.Class
import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
import GHC.Core.Reduction ( Reduction(..) )
-import GHC.Core.RoughMap( RoughMatchTc(..) )
import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr( debugPprType )
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv
( FamInst, pprFamInst, famInstsRepTyCons, orphNamesOfFamInst
@@ -156,7 +151,6 @@ import GHC.Types.Basic hiding( SuccessFlag(..) )
import GHC.Types.Annotations
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.SourceFile
-import GHC.Types.TyThing.Ppr ( pprTyThingInContext )
import GHC.Types.PkgQual
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
@@ -177,8 +171,10 @@ import GHC.Data.List.SetOps
import GHC.Data.Bag
import qualified GHC.Data.BooleanFormula as BF
+import Control.Arrow ( second )
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.CPS
import Data.Data ( Data )
import Data.Functor.Classes ( liftEq )
import Data.List ( sortBy, sort )
@@ -186,6 +182,7 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty (..) )
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Set as S
+import Data.Foldable ( for_ )
import Data.Traversable ( for )
@@ -271,9 +268,7 @@ tcRnModuleTcRnM hsc_env mod_sum
implicit_prelude import_decls }
; when (notNull prel_imports) $ do
- let msg = mkTcRnUnknownMessage $
- mkPlainDiagnostic (WarningWithFlag Opt_WarnImplicitPrelude) noHints (implicitPreludeWarn)
- addDiagnostic msg
+ addDiagnostic TcRnImplicitImportOfPrelude
; -- TODO This is a little skeevy; maybe handle a bit more directly
let { simplifyImport (L _ idecl) =
@@ -319,17 +314,19 @@ tcRnModuleTcRnM hsc_env mod_sum
; setGblEnv tcg_env1
$ do { -- Rename and type check the declarations
traceRn "rn1a" empty
- ; tcg_env <- if isHsBootOrSig hsc_src
- then do {
- ; tcg_env <- tcRnHsBootDecls hsc_src local_decls
- ; traceRn "rn4a: before exports" empty
- ; tcg_env <- setGblEnv tcg_env $
- rnExports explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
- ; traceRn "rn4b: after exports" empty
- ; return tcg_env
- }
- else {-# SCC "tcRnSrcDecls" #-}
- tcRnSrcDecls explicit_mod_hdr export_ies local_decls
+ ; tcg_env <-
+ case hsc_src of
+ HsBootOrSig boot_or_sig ->
+ do { tcg_env <- tcRnHsBootDecls boot_or_sig local_decls
+ ; traceRn "rn4a: before exports" empty
+ ; tcg_env <- setGblEnv tcg_env $
+ rnExports explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
+ ; traceRn "rn4b: after exports" empty
+ ; return tcg_env
+ }
+ HsSrcFile ->
+ {-# SCC "tcRnSrcDecls" #-}
+ tcRnSrcDecls explicit_mod_hdr export_ies local_decls
; whenM (goptM Opt_DoCoreLinting) $
lintGblEnv (hsc_logger hsc_env) (hsc_dflags hsc_env) tcg_env
@@ -370,10 +367,6 @@ tcRnModuleTcRnM hsc_env mod_sum
-implicitPreludeWarn :: SDoc
- = text "Module `Prelude' implicitly imported"
* *
@@ -633,18 +626,15 @@ tc_rn_src_decls ds
; case th_group_tail of
{ Nothing -> return ()
; Just (SpliceDecl _ (L loc _) _, _) ->
- setSrcSpanA loc
- $ addErr (mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $ text
- ("Declaration splices are not "
- ++ "permitted inside top-level "
- ++ "declarations added with addTopDecls"))
+ setSrcSpanA loc $ addErr $
+ TcRnUnexpectedDeclarationSplice
-- Rename TH-generated top-level declarations
; (tcg_env, th_rn_decls) <- setGblEnv tcg_env
$ rnTopSrcDecls th_group
-- Dump generated top-level declarations
- ; let msg = "top-level declarations added with addTopDecls"
+ ; let msg = "top-level declarations added with 'addTopDecls'"
; traceSplice
$ SpliceInfo { spliceDescription = msg
, spliceIsDecl = True
@@ -693,8 +683,8 @@ tc_rn_src_decls ds
-tcRnHsBootDecls :: HscSource -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> TcM TcGblEnv
-tcRnHsBootDecls hsc_src decls
+tcRnHsBootDecls :: HsBootOrSig -> [LHsDecl GhcPs] -> TcM TcGblEnv
+tcRnHsBootDecls boot_or_sig decls
= do { (first_group, group_tail) <- findSplice decls
-- Rename the declarations
@@ -716,11 +706,11 @@ tcRnHsBootDecls hsc_src decls
-- Check for illegal declarations
; case group_tail of
- Just (SpliceDecl _ d _, _) -> badBootDecl hsc_src "splice" d
+ Just (SpliceDecl _ d _, _) -> rejectBootDecls boot_or_sig BootSpliceDecls [d]
Nothing -> return ()
- ; mapM_ (badBootDecl hsc_src "foreign") for_decls
- ; mapM_ (badBootDecl hsc_src "default") def_decls
- ; mapM_ (badBootDecl hsc_src "rule") rule_decls
+ ; rejectBootDecls boot_or_sig BootForeignDecls for_decls
+ ; rejectBootDecls boot_or_sig BootDefaultDecls def_decls
+ ; rejectBootDecls boot_or_sig BootRuleDecls rule_decls
-- Typecheck type/class/instance decls
; traceTc "Tc2 (boot)" empty
@@ -754,17 +744,6 @@ tcRnHsBootDecls hsc_src decls
; traceTc "boot" (ppr lie); return gbl_env }
-badBootDecl :: HscSource -> String -> LocatedA decl -> TcM ()
-badBootDecl hsc_src what (L loc _)
- = addErrAt (locA loc) $ mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- (char 'A' <+> text what
- <+> text "declaration is not (currently) allowed in a"
- <+> (case hsc_src of
- HsBootFile -> text "hs-boot"
- HsigFile -> text "hsig"
- _ -> panic "badBootDecl: should be an hsig or hs-boot file")
- <+> text "file")
Once we've typechecked the body of the module, we want to compare what
we've found (gathered in a TypeEnv) with the hi-boot details (if any).
@@ -1005,7 +984,7 @@ checkHiBootIface'
-- that the hs-boot file exports.
[] -> do
addErrAt (nameSrcSpan missing_name)
- (missingBootThing True missing_name "exported by")
+ (missingBootThing HsBoot missing_name MissingBootExport)
return Nothing
-- If the boot module does not *define* the thing, we are done
@@ -1017,11 +996,11 @@ checkHiBootIface'
-- then compare the definitions
| Just real_thing <- lookupTypeEnv local_type_env name,
Just boot_thing <- mb_boot_thing
- = do checkBootDeclM True boot_thing real_thing
+ = do checkBootDeclM HsBoot boot_thing real_thing
return Nothing
| otherwise
- = do addErrTc (missingBootThing True name "defined in")
+ = do addErrTc (missingBootThing HsBoot name MissingBootDefinition)
return Nothing
name = availName boot_avail
@@ -1069,7 +1048,8 @@ checkHiBootIface'
vcat (map (ppr . idType . instanceDFunId) local_insts)
, text "boot_dfun_ty" <+> ppr (idType boot_dfun) ]
- ; addErrTc (instMisMatch boot_dfun)
+ ; addErrTc $ TcRnBootMismatch HsBoot
+ $ MissingBootInstance boot_dfun
; return Nothing }
find_real_dfun :: DFunId -> [DFunId]
@@ -1091,13 +1071,18 @@ checkHiBootIface'
-- | Compares two things for equivalence between boot-file and normal code,
-- reporting an error if they don't match up.
-checkBootDeclM :: Bool -- ^ True <=> an hs-boot file (could also be a sig)
- -> TyThing -> TyThing -> TcM ()
-checkBootDeclM is_boot boot_thing real_thing
- = whenIsJust (checkBootDecl is_boot boot_thing real_thing) $ \ err ->
- addErrAt span
- (bootMisMatch is_boot err real_thing boot_thing)
+checkBootDeclM :: HsBootOrSig
+ -> TyThing -- ^ boot thing
+ -> TyThing -- ^ real thing
+ -> TcM ()
+checkBootDeclM boot_or_sig boot_thing real_thing
+ = for_ boot_errs $ \ boot_err ->
+ addErrAt span $
+ TcRnBootMismatch boot_or_sig $
+ BootMismatch boot_thing real_thing boot_err
+ boot_errs = execWriter $ checkBootDecl boot_or_sig boot_thing real_thing
-- Here we use the span of the boot thing or, if it doesn't have a sensible
-- span, that of the real thing,
@@ -1107,69 +1092,77 @@ checkBootDeclM is_boot boot_thing real_thing
| otherwise
= nameSrcSpan (getName real_thing)
+-- | Writer monad for accumulating errors when comparing an hs-boot or
+-- signature file with its implementing module.
+type BootErrsM err = Writer [err] ()
+-- | If the test in the first parameter is True, succeed.
+-- Otherwise, record the given error.
+check :: Bool -> err -> BootErrsM err
+check True _ = checkSuccess
+check False err = bootErr err
+-- | Record an error.
+bootErr :: err -> BootErrsM err
+bootErr err = tell [err]
+-- | A convenience synonym for a lack of errors, for @checkBootDecl@ and friends.
+checkSuccess :: BootErrsM err
+checkSuccess = return ()
+-- | Map over the error types in an error-accumulating computation.
+embedErrs :: (err1 -> err2) -> BootErrsM err1 -> BootErrsM err2
+embedErrs f = mapWriter (second (fmap f))
+-- | Wrap up a list of errors into a single message.
+wrapErrs :: (NE.NonEmpty err1 -> err2) -> BootErrsM err1 -> BootErrsM err2
+wrapErrs f w =
+ case execWriter w of
+ [] -> checkSuccess
+ err : errs -> bootErr (f $ err :| errs)
-- | Compares the two things for equivalence between boot-file and normal
-- code. Returns @Nothing@ on success or @Just "some helpful info for user"@
-- failure. If the difference will be apparent to the user, @Just empty@ is
-- perfectly suitable.
-checkBootDecl :: Bool -> TyThing -> TyThing -> Maybe SDoc
+checkBootDecl :: HsBootOrSig -> TyThing -> TyThing -> BootErrsM BootMismatchWhat
checkBootDecl _ (AnId id1) (AnId id2)
= assert (id1 == id2) $
check (idType id1 `eqType` idType id2)
- (text "The two types are different")
-checkBootDecl is_boot (ATyCon tc1) (ATyCon tc2)
- = checkBootTyCon is_boot tc1 tc2
-checkBootDecl _ (AConLike (RealDataCon dc1)) (AConLike (RealDataCon _))
- = pprPanic "checkBootDecl" (ppr dc1)
-checkBootDecl _ _ _ = Just empty -- probably shouldn't happen
+ (BootMismatchedIdTypes id1 id2)
--- | Combines two potential error messages
-andThenCheck :: Maybe SDoc -> Maybe SDoc -> Maybe SDoc
-Nothing `andThenCheck` msg = msg
-msg `andThenCheck` Nothing = msg
-Just d1 `andThenCheck` Just d2 = Just (d1 $$ d2)
-infixr 0 `andThenCheck`
+checkBootDecl boot_or_sig (ATyCon tc1) (ATyCon tc2)
+ = wrapErrs (BootMismatchedTyCons tc1 tc2) $
+ checkBootTyCon boot_or_sig tc1 tc2
--- | If the test in the first parameter is True, succeed with @Nothing@;
--- otherwise, return the provided check
-checkUnless :: Bool -> Maybe SDoc -> Maybe SDoc
-checkUnless True _ = Nothing
-checkUnless False k = k
+checkBootDecl _ t1 t2
+ = pprPanic "checkBootDecl" (ppr t1 $$ ppr t2)
-- | Run the check provided for every pair of elements in the lists.
--- The provided SDoc should name the element type, in the plural.
-checkListBy :: (a -> a -> Maybe SDoc) -> [a] -> [a] -> SDoc
- -> Maybe SDoc
-checkListBy check_fun as bs whats = go [] as bs
+-- Records an error:
+-- - when any two items at the same position in the two lists don't match
+-- according to the given function,
+-- - when the lists are of different lengths.
+checkListBy :: (a -> a -> BootErrsM err) -> [a] -> [a]
+ -> (BootListMismatches a err -> err2)
+ -> BootErrsM err2
+checkListBy check_fun as bs mk_err = wrapErrs mk_err $ go 1 as bs
- herald = text "The" <+> whats <+> text "do not match"
- go [] [] [] = Nothing
- go docs [] [] = Just (hang (herald <> colon) 2 (vcat $ reverse docs))
- go docs (x:xs) (y:ys) = case check_fun x y of
- Just doc -> go (doc:docs) xs ys
- Nothing -> go docs xs ys
- go _ _ _ = Just (hang (herald <> colon)
- 2 (text "There are different numbers of" <+> whats))
--- | If the test in the first parameter is True, succeed with @Nothing@;
--- otherwise, fail with the given SDoc.
-check :: Bool -> SDoc -> Maybe SDoc
-check True _ = Nothing
-check False doc = Just doc
--- | A more perspicuous name for @Nothing@, for @checkBootDecl@ and friends.
-checkSuccess :: Maybe SDoc
-checkSuccess = Nothing
+ go _ [] [] = checkSuccess
+ go !i (x:xs) (y:ys) =
+ do { embedErrs (MismatchedThing i x y) $ check_fun x y
+ ; go (i+1) xs ys }
+ go _ _ _ = bootErr MismatchedLength
-checkBootTyCon :: Bool -> TyCon -> TyCon -> Maybe SDoc
-checkBootTyCon is_boot tc1 tc2
+checkBootTyCon :: HsBootOrSig -> TyCon -> TyCon -> BootErrsM BootTyConMismatch
+checkBootTyCon boot_or_sig tc1 tc2
| not (eqType (tyConKind tc1) (tyConKind tc2))
- = Just $ text "The types have different kinds" -- First off, check the kind
+ -- First off, check the kind
+ = bootErr TyConKindMismatch
| Just c1 <- tyConClass_maybe tc1
, Just c2 <- tyConClass_maybe tc2
@@ -1178,383 +1171,407 @@ checkBootTyCon is_boot tc1 tc2
(clas_tvs2, clas_fds2, sc_theta2, _, ats2, op_stuff2)
= classExtraBigSig c2
, Just env <- eqVarBndrs emptyRnEnv2 clas_tvs1 clas_tvs2
- = let
- eqSig (id1, def_meth1) (id2, def_meth2)
- = check (name1 == name2)
- (text "The names" <+> pname1 <+> text "and" <+> pname2 <+>
- text "are different") `andThenCheck`
- check (eqTypeX env op_ty1 op_ty2)
- (text "The types of" <+> pname1 <+>
- text "are different") `andThenCheck`
- if is_boot
- then check (liftEq eqDM def_meth1 def_meth2)
- (text "The default methods associated with" <+> pname1 <+>
- text "are different")
- else check (subDM op_ty1 def_meth1 def_meth2)
- (text "The default methods associated with" <+> pname1 <+>
- text "are not compatible")
- where
- name1 = idName id1
- name2 = idName id2
- pname1 = quotes (ppr name1)
- pname2 = quotes (ppr name2)
- op_ty1 = classMethodTy id1
- op_ty2 = classMethodTy id2
- eqAT (ATI tc1 def_ats1) (ATI tc2 def_ats2)
- = checkBootTyCon is_boot tc1 tc2 `andThenCheck`
- check (eqATDef def_ats1 def_ats2)
- (text "The associated type defaults differ")
- eqDM (_, VanillaDM) (_, VanillaDM) = True
- eqDM (_, GenericDM t1) (_, GenericDM t2) = eqTypeX env t1 t2
- eqDM _ _ = False
- -- NB: first argument is from hsig, second is from real impl.
- -- Order of pattern matching matters.
- subDM _ Nothing _ = True
- subDM _ _ Nothing = False
- -- If the hsig wrote:
- --
- -- f :: a -> a
- -- default f :: a -> a
- --
- -- this should be validly implementable using an old-fashioned
- -- vanilla default method.
- subDM t1 (Just (_, GenericDM gdm_t1)) (Just (_, VanillaDM))
- = eqType t1 gdm_t1 -- Take care (#22476). Both t1 and gdm_t1 come
- -- from tc1, so use eqType, and /not/ eqTypeX
- -- This case can occur when merging signatures
- subDM t1 (Just (_, VanillaDM)) (Just (_, GenericDM t2))
- = eqTypeX env t1 t2
- subDM _ (Just (_, VanillaDM)) (Just (_, VanillaDM)) = True
- subDM _ (Just (_, GenericDM t1)) (Just (_, GenericDM t2))
- = eqTypeX env t1 t2
- -- Ignore the location of the defaults
- eqATDef Nothing Nothing = True
- eqATDef (Just (ty1, _loc1)) (Just (ty2, _loc2)) = eqTypeX env ty1 ty2
- eqATDef _ _ = False
- eqFD (as1,bs1) (as2,bs2) =
- liftEq (eqTypeX env) (mkTyVarTys as1) (mkTyVarTys as2) &&
- liftEq (eqTypeX env) (mkTyVarTys bs1) (mkTyVarTys bs2)
- in
- checkRoles roles1 roles2 `andThenCheck`
- -- Checks kind of class
- check (liftEq eqFD clas_fds1 clas_fds2)
- (text "The functional dependencies do not match") `andThenCheck`
- checkUnless (isAbstractTyCon tc1) $
- check (liftEq (eqTypeX env) sc_theta1 sc_theta2)
- (text "The class constraints do not match") `andThenCheck`
- checkListBy eqSig op_stuff1 op_stuff2 (text "methods") `andThenCheck`
- checkListBy eqAT ats1 ats2 (text "associated types") `andThenCheck`
- check (classMinimalDef c1 `BF.implies` classMinimalDef c2)
- (text "The MINIMAL pragmas are not compatible")
+ = do { check_roles
+ ; embedErrs (TyConMismatchedClasses c1 c2) $
+ do { -- Checks kind of class
+ ; check (liftEq (eqFD env) clas_fds1 clas_fds2)
+ MismatchedFunDeps
+ ; unless (isAbstractTyCon tc1) $
+ do { check (liftEq (eqTypeX env) sc_theta1 sc_theta2)
+ MismatchedSuperclasses
+ ; checkListBy (compatClassOp env boot_or_sig) op_stuff1 op_stuff2
+ MismatchedMethods
+ ; checkListBy (compatAT env boot_or_sig) ats1 ats2
+ MismatchedATs
+ ; check (classMinimalDef c1 `BF.implies` classMinimalDef c2)
+ MismatchedMinimalPragmas
+ } } }
| Just syn_rhs1 <- synTyConRhs_maybe tc1
, Just syn_rhs2 <- synTyConRhs_maybe tc2
, Just env <- eqVarBndrs emptyRnEnv2 (tyConTyVars tc1) (tyConTyVars tc2)
= assert (tc1 == tc2) $
- checkRoles roles1 roles2 `andThenCheck`
- check (eqTypeX env syn_rhs1 syn_rhs2) empty -- nothing interesting to say
+ do { check_roles
+ ; check (eqTypeX env syn_rhs1 syn_rhs2) $
+ TyConSynonymMismatch syn_rhs1 syn_rhs2 }
-- This allows abstract 'data T a' to be implemented using 'type T = ...'
-- and abstract 'class K a' to be implement using 'type K = ...'
-- See Note [Synonyms implement abstract data]
- | not is_boot -- don't support for hs-boot yet
+ | Hsig <- boot_or_sig -- don't support for hs-boot yet
, isAbstractTyCon tc1
, Just (tvs, ty) <- synTyConDefn_maybe tc2
- , Just (tc2', args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty
- = checkSynAbsData tvs ty tc2' args
- -- TODO: When it's a synonym implementing a class, we really
- -- should check if the fundeps are satisfied, but
- -- there is not an obvious way to do this for a constraint synonym.
- -- So for now, let it all through (it won't cause segfaults, anyway).
- -- Tracked at #12704.
- -- This allows abstract 'data T :: Nat' to be implemented using
- -- 'type T = 42' Since the kinds already match (we have checked this
- -- upfront) all we need to check is that the implementation 'type T
- -- = ...' defined an actual literal. See #15138 for the case this
- -- handles.
- | not is_boot
- , isAbstractTyCon tc1
- , Just (_,ty2) <- synTyConDefn_maybe tc2
- , isJust (isLitTy ty2)
- = Nothing
+ = checkSynAbsData tc1 tc2 tvs ty
| Just fam_flav1 <- famTyConFlav_maybe tc1
, Just fam_flav2 <- famTyConFlav_maybe tc2
= assert (tc1 == tc2) $
- let eqFamFlav OpenSynFamilyTyCon OpenSynFamilyTyCon = True
- eqFamFlav (DataFamilyTyCon {}) (DataFamilyTyCon {}) = True
- -- This case only happens for hsig merging:
- eqFamFlav AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon = True
- eqFamFlav AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon {}) = True
- eqFamFlav (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon {}) AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon = True
- eqFamFlav (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon ax1) (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon ax2)
- = eqClosedFamilyAx ax1 ax2
- eqFamFlav (BuiltInSynFamTyCon {}) (BuiltInSynFamTyCon {}) = tc1 == tc2
- eqFamFlav _ _ = False
- injInfo1 = tyConInjectivityInfo tc1
- injInfo2 = tyConInjectivityInfo tc2
- in
- -- check equality of roles, family flavours and injectivity annotations
- -- (NB: Type family roles are always nominal. But the check is
- -- harmless enough.)
- checkRoles roles1 roles2 `andThenCheck`
- check (eqFamFlav fam_flav1 fam_flav2)
- (whenPprDebug $
- text "Family flavours" <+> ppr fam_flav1 <+> text "and" <+> ppr fam_flav2 <+>
- text "do not match") `andThenCheck`
- check (injInfo1 == injInfo2) (text "Injectivities do not match")
+ do { let injInfo1 = tyConInjectivityInfo tc1
+ injInfo2 = tyConInjectivityInfo tc2
+ ; -- check equality of roles, family flavours and injectivity annotations
+ -- (NB: Type family roles are always nominal. But the check is
+ -- harmless enough.)
+ ; check_roles
+ ; compatFamFlav fam_flav1 fam_flav2
+ ; check (injInfo1 == injInfo2) TyConInjectivityMismatch }
| isAlgTyCon tc1 && isAlgTyCon tc2
, Just env <- eqVarBndrs emptyRnEnv2 (tyConTyVars tc1) (tyConTyVars tc2)
= assert (tc1 == tc2) $
- checkRoles roles1 roles2 `andThenCheck`
- check (liftEq (eqTypeX env)
+ do { check_roles
+ ; let rhs1 = algTyConRhs tc1
+ rhs2 = algTyConRhs tc2
+ ; embedErrs (TyConMismatchedData rhs1 rhs2) $
+ do { check (liftEq (eqTypeX env)
(tyConStupidTheta tc1) (tyConStupidTheta tc2))
- (text "The datatype contexts do not match") `andThenCheck`
- eqAlgRhs tc1 (algTyConRhs tc1) (algTyConRhs tc2)
+ MismatchedDatatypeContexts
+ ; compatAlgRhs rhs1 rhs2 } }
- | otherwise = Just empty -- two very different types -- should be obvious
+ | otherwise = bootErr TyConsVeryDifferent
+ -- two very different types;
+ -- should be obvious to the user what the problem is
- roles1 = tyConRoles tc1 -- the abstract one
- roles2 = tyConRoles tc2
- roles_msg = text "The roles do not match." $$
- (text "Roles on abstract types default to" <+>
- quotes (text "representational") <+> text "in boot files.")
- roles_subtype_msg = text "The roles are not compatible:" $$
- text "Main module:" <+> ppr roles2 $$
- text "Hsig file:" <+> ppr roles1
- checkRoles r1 r2
- | is_boot || isInjectiveTyCon tc1 Representational -- See Note [Role subtyping]
- = check (r1 == r2) roles_msg
- | otherwise = check (r2 `rolesSubtypeOf` r1) roles_subtype_msg
- -- Note [Role subtyping]
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- In the current formulation of roles, role subtyping is only OK if the
- -- "abstract" TyCon was not representationally injective. Among the most
- -- notable examples of non representationally injective TyCons are abstract
- -- data, which can be implemented via newtypes (which are not
- -- representationally injective). The key example is
- -- in this example from #13140:
- --
- -- -- In an hsig file
- -- data T a -- abstract!
- -- type role T nominal
- --
- -- -- Elsewhere
- -- foo :: Coercible (T a) (T b) => a -> b
- -- foo x = x
- --
- -- We must NOT allow foo to typecheck, because if we instantiate
- -- T with a concrete data type with a phantom role would cause
- -- Coercible (T a) (T b) to be provable. Fortunately, if T is not
- -- representationally injective, we cannot make the inference that a ~N b if
- -- T a ~R T b.
- --
- -- Unconditional role subtyping would be possible if we setup
- -- an extra set of roles saying when we can project out coercions
- -- (we call these proj-roles); then it would NOT be valid to instantiate T
- -- with a data type at phantom since the proj-role subtyping check
- -- would fail. See #13140 for more details.
- --
- -- One consequence of this is we get no role subtyping for non-abstract
- -- data types in signatures. Suppose you have:
- --
- -- signature A where
- -- type role T nominal
- -- data T a = MkT
- --
- -- If you write this, we'll treat T as injective, and make inferences
- -- like T a ~R T b ==> a ~N b (mkSelCo). But if we can
- -- subsequently replace T with one at phantom role, we would then be able to
- -- infer things like T Int ~R T Bool which is bad news.
+ check_roles = checkRoles boot_or_sig tc1 (tyConRoles tc2)
+emptyRnEnv2 :: RnEnv2
+emptyRnEnv2 = mkRnEnv2 emptyInScopeSet
+-- | Check that two class methods have compatible type signatures.
+compatClassOp :: RnEnv2 -> HsBootOrSig -> ClassOpItem -> ClassOpItem -> BootErrsM BootMethodMismatch
+compatClassOp env boot_or_sig (id1, def_meth1) (id2, def_meth2)
+ = do { check (name1 == name2) $
+ MismatchedMethodNames
+ ; check (eqTypeX env op_ty1 op_ty2) $
+ MismatchedMethodTypes op_ty1 op_ty2
+ ; case boot_or_sig of
+ HsBoot ->
+ check (liftEq eqDM def_meth1 def_meth2) $
+ MismatchedDefaultMethods False
+ Hsig ->
+ check (subDM op_ty1 def_meth1 def_meth2) $
+ MismatchedDefaultMethods True }
+ where
+ name1 = idName id1
+ name2 = idName id2
+ op_ty1 = classMethodTy id1
+ op_ty2 = classMethodTy id2
+ eqDM (_, VanillaDM) (_, VanillaDM) = True
+ eqDM (_, GenericDM t1) (_, GenericDM t2) = eqTypeX env t1 t2
+ eqDM _ _ = False
+ -- NB: first argument is from hsig, second is from real impl.
+ -- Order of pattern matching matters.
+ subDM _ Nothing _ = True
+ subDM _ _ Nothing = False
+ -- If the hsig wrote:
- -- We could allow role subtyping here if we didn't treat *any* data types
- -- defined in signatures as injective. But this would be a bit surprising,
- -- replacing a data type in a module with one in a signature could cause
- -- your code to stop typechecking (whereas if you made the type abstract,
- -- it is more understandable that the type checker knows less).
+ -- f :: a -> a
+ -- default f :: a -> a
- -- It would have been best if this was purely a question of defaults
- -- (i.e., a user could explicitly ask for one behavior or another) but
- -- the current role system isn't expressive enough to do this.
- -- Having explicit proj-roles would solve this problem.
+ -- this should be validly implementable using an old-fashioned
+ -- vanilla default method.
+ subDM t1 (Just (_, GenericDM gdm_t1)) (Just (_, VanillaDM))
+ = eqType t1 gdm_t1 -- Take care (#22476). Both t1 and gdm_t1 come
+ -- from tc1, so use eqType, and /not/ eqTypeX
+ -- This case can occur when merging signatures
+ subDM t1 (Just (_, VanillaDM)) (Just (_, GenericDM t2))
+ = eqTypeX env t1 t2
+ subDM _ (Just (_, VanillaDM)) (Just (_, VanillaDM)) = True
+ subDM _ (Just (_, GenericDM t1)) (Just (_, GenericDM t2))
+ = eqTypeX env t1 t2
+-- | Check that two associated types are compatible.
+compatAT :: RnEnv2 -> HsBootOrSig -> ClassATItem -> ClassATItem
+ -> BootErrsM BootATMismatch
+compatAT env boot_or_sig (ATI tc1 def_ats1) (ATI tc2 def_ats2)
+ = do { embedErrs MismatchedTyConAT $
+ checkBootTyCon boot_or_sig tc1 tc2
+ ; check (compatATDef def_ats1 def_ats2)
+ MismatchedATDefaultType }
+ where
+ -- Ignore the location of the defaults
+ compatATDef Nothing Nothing = True
+ compatATDef (Just (ty1, _loc1)) (Just (ty2, _loc2)) = eqTypeX env ty1 ty2
+ compatATDef _ _ = False
+-- | Check that two functional dependencies are the same.
+eqFD :: RnEnv2 -> FunDep TyVar -> FunDep TyVar -> Bool
+eqFD env (as1,bs1) (as2,bs2) =
+ liftEq (eqTypeX env) (mkTyVarTys as1) (mkTyVarTys as2) &&
+ liftEq (eqTypeX env) (mkTyVarTys bs1) (mkTyVarTys bs2)
+-- | Check compatibility of two type family flavours.
+compatFamFlav :: FamTyConFlav -> FamTyConFlav -> BootErrsM BootTyConMismatch
+compatFamFlav OpenSynFamilyTyCon OpenSynFamilyTyCon
+ = checkSuccess
+compatFamFlav (DataFamilyTyCon {}) (DataFamilyTyCon {})
+ = checkSuccess
+compatFamFlav AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon
+ = checkSuccess -- This case only happens for hsig merging.
+compatFamFlav AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon {})
+ = checkSuccess
+compatFamFlav (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon {}) AbstractClosedSynFamilyTyCon
+ = checkSuccess
+compatFamFlav (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon ax1) (ClosedSynFamilyTyCon ax2)
+ = eqClosedFamilyAx ax1 ax2
+compatFamFlav (BuiltInSynFamTyCon {}) (BuiltInSynFamTyCon {})
+ = checkSuccess
+compatFamFlav flav1 flav2
+ = bootErr $ TyConFlavourMismatch flav1 flav2
+-- | Check that two 'AlgTyConRhs's are compatible.
+compatAlgRhs :: AlgTyConRhs -> AlgTyConRhs -> BootErrsM BootDataMismatch
+compatAlgRhs (AbstractTyCon {}) _rhs2 =
+ checkSuccess -- rhs2 is guaranteed to be injective, since it's an AlgTyCon
+compatAlgRhs tc1@DataTyCon{} tc2@DataTyCon{} =
+ checkListBy compatCon (data_cons tc1) (data_cons tc2) MismatchedConstructors
+compatAlgRhs tc1@NewTyCon{ data_con = dc1 } tc2@NewTyCon{ data_con = dc2 } =
+ embedErrs (MismatchedConstructors . NE.singleton . MismatchedThing 1 dc1 dc2) $
+ compatCon (data_con tc1) (data_con tc2)
+compatAlgRhs _ _ = bootErr MismatchedNewtypeVsData
+-- | Check that two 'DataCon's are compatible.
+compatCon :: DataCon -> DataCon -> BootErrsM BootDataConMismatch
+compatCon c1 c2
+ = do { check (dataConName c1 == dataConName c2)
+ MismatchedDataConNames
+ ; check (dataConIsInfix c1 == dataConIsInfix c2)
+ MismatchedDataConFixities
+ ; check (liftEq eqHsBang (dataConImplBangs c1) (dataConImplBangs c2))
+ MismatchedDataConBangs
+ ; check (map flSelector (dataConFieldLabels c1) == map flSelector (dataConFieldLabels c2))
+ MismatchedDataConFieldLabels
+ ; check (eqType (dataConWrapperType c1) (dataConWrapperType c2))
+ MismatchedDataConTypes }
+eqClosedFamilyAx :: Maybe (CoAxiom br) -> Maybe (CoAxiom br1)
+ -> BootErrsM BootTyConMismatch
+eqClosedFamilyAx Nothing Nothing = checkSuccess
+eqClosedFamilyAx Nothing (Just _) = bootErr $ TyConAxiomMismatch $ NE.singleton MismatchedLength
+eqClosedFamilyAx (Just _) Nothing = bootErr $ TyConAxiomMismatch $ NE.singleton MismatchedLength
+eqClosedFamilyAx (Just (CoAxiom { co_ax_branches = branches1 }))
+ (Just (CoAxiom { co_ax_branches = branches2 }))
+ = checkListBy eqClosedFamilyBranch branch_list1 branch_list2
+ TyConAxiomMismatch
+ where
+ branch_list1 = fromBranches branches1
+ branch_list2 = fromBranches branches2
+eqClosedFamilyBranch :: CoAxBranch -> CoAxBranch -> BootErrsM BootAxiomBranchMismatch
+eqClosedFamilyBranch (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs1, cab_cvs = cvs1
+ , cab_lhs = lhs1, cab_rhs = rhs1 })
+ (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs2, cab_cvs = cvs2
+ , cab_lhs = lhs2, cab_rhs = rhs2 })
+ | Just env1 <- eqVarBndrs emptyRnEnv2 tvs1 tvs2
+ , Just env <- eqVarBndrs env1 cvs1 cvs2
+ = do { check (liftEq (eqTypeX env) lhs1 lhs2) MismatchedAxiomLHS
+ ; check (eqTypeX env rhs1 rhs2) MismatchedAxiomRHS }
+ | otherwise
+ = bootErr MismatchedAxiomBinders
+{- Note [Role subtyping]
+In the current formulation of roles, role subtyping is only OK if the
+"abstract" TyCon was not representationally injective. Among the most
+notable examples of non representationally injective TyCons are abstract
+data, which can be implemented via newtypes (which are not
+representationally injective). The key example is
+in this example from #13140:
+ -- In an hsig file
+ data T a -- abstract!
+ type role T nominal
+ -- Elsewhere
+ foo :: Coercible (T a) (T b) => a -> b
+ foo x = x
+We must NOT allow foo to typecheck, because if we instantiate
+T with a concrete data type with a phantom role would cause
+Coercible (T a) (T b) to be provable. Fortunately, if T is not
+representationally injective, we cannot make the inference that a ~N b if
+T a ~R T b.
+Unconditional role subtyping would be possible if we setup
+an extra set of roles saying when we can project out coercions
+(we call these proj-roles); then it would NOT be valid to instantiate T
+with a data type at phantom since the proj-role subtyping check
+would fail. See #13140 for more details.
+One consequence of this is we get no role subtyping for non-abstract
+data types in signatures. Suppose you have:
+ signature A where
+ type role T nominal
+ data T a = MkT
+If you write this, we'll treat T as injective, and make inferences
+like T a ~R T b ==> a ~N b (mkSelCo). But if we can
+subsequently replace T with one at phantom role, we would then be able to
+infer things like T Int ~R T Bool which is bad news.
+We could allow role subtyping here if we didn't treat *any* data types
+defined in signatures as injective. But this would be a bit surprising,
+replacing a data type in a module with one in a signature could cause
+your code to stop typechecking (whereas if you made the type abstract,
+it is more understandable that the type checker knows less).
+It would have been best if this was purely a question of defaults
+(i.e., a user could explicitly ask for one behavior or another) but
+the current role system isn't expressive enough to do this.
+Having explicit proj-roles would solve this problem.
+checkRoles :: HsBootOrSig -> TyCon -> [Role] -> BootErrsM BootTyConMismatch
+checkRoles boot_or_sig tc1 r2
+ | boot_or_sig == HsBoot
+ || isInjectiveTyCon tc1 Representational -- See Note [Role subtyping]
+ = check (r1 == r2) (TyConRoleMismatch False)
+ | otherwise
+ = check (r2 `rolesSubtypeOf` r1) (TyConRoleMismatch True)
+ where
+ r1 = tyConRoles tc1
rolesSubtypeOf [] [] = True
-- NB: this relation is the OPPOSITE of the subroling relation
rolesSubtypeOf (x:xs) (y:ys) = x >= y && rolesSubtypeOf xs ys
rolesSubtypeOf _ _ = False
- -- Note [Synonyms implement abstract data]
- -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- -- An abstract data type or class can be implemented using a type synonym,
- -- but ONLY if the type synonym is nullary and has no type family
- -- applications. This arises from two properties of skolem abstract data:
- --
- -- For any T (with some number of parameters),
- --
- -- 1. T is a valid type (it is "curryable"), and
- --
- -- 2. T is valid in an instance head (no type families).
- --
- -- See also 'HowAbstract' and Note [Skolem abstract data].
- -- Given @type T tvs = ty@, where @ty@ decomposes into @tc2' args@,
- -- check that this synonym is an acceptable implementation of @tc1@.
- -- See Note [Synonyms implement abstract data]
- checkSynAbsData :: [TyVar] -> Type -> TyCon -> [Type] -> Maybe SDoc
- checkSynAbsData tvs ty tc2' args =
- check (null (tcTyFamInsts ty))
- (text "Illegal type family application in implementation of abstract data.")
- `andThenCheck`
- check (null tvs)
- (text "Illegal parameterized type synonym in implementation of abstract data." $$
- text "(Try eta reducing your type synonym so that it is nullary.)")
- `andThenCheck`
- -- Don't report roles errors unless the type synonym is nullary
- checkUnless (not (null tvs)) $
- assert (null roles2) $
- -- If we have something like:
- --
- -- signature H where
- -- data T a
- -- module H where
- -- data K a b = ...
- -- type T = K Int
- --
- -- we need to drop the first role of K when comparing!
- checkRoles roles1 (drop (length args) (tyConRoles tc2'))
- -- Hypothetically, if we were allow to non-nullary type synonyms, here
- -- is how you would check the roles
- if length tvs == length roles1
- then checkRoles roles1 roles2
- else case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
- Just (tc2', args) ->
- checkRoles roles1 (drop (length args) (tyConRoles tc2') ++ roles2)
- Nothing -> Just roles_msg
+{- Note [Synonyms implement abstract data]
+An abstract data type or class can be implemented using a type synonym,
+but ONLY if:
- eqAlgRhs _ (AbstractTyCon {}) _rhs2
- = checkSuccess -- rhs2 is guaranteed to be injective, since it's an AlgTyCon
- eqAlgRhs _ tc1@DataTyCon{} tc2@DataTyCon{} =
- checkListBy eqCon (data_cons tc1) (data_cons tc2) (text "constructors")
- eqAlgRhs _ tc1@NewTyCon{} tc2@NewTyCon{} =
- eqCon (data_con tc1) (data_con tc2)
- eqAlgRhs _ _ _ = Just (text "Cannot match a" <+> quotes (text "data") <+>
- text "definition with a" <+> quotes (text "newtype") <+>
- text "definition")
- eqCon c1 c2
- = check (name1 == name2)
- (text "The names" <+> pname1 <+> text "and" <+> pname2 <+>
- text "differ") `andThenCheck`
- check (dataConIsInfix c1 == dataConIsInfix c2)
- (text "The fixities of" <+> pname1 <+>
- text "differ") `andThenCheck`
- check (liftEq eqHsBang (dataConImplBangs c1) (dataConImplBangs c2))
- (text "The strictness annotations for" <+> pname1 <+>
- text "differ") `andThenCheck`
- check (map flSelector (dataConFieldLabels c1) == map flSelector (dataConFieldLabels c2))
- (text "The record label lists for" <+> pname1 <+>
- text "differ") `andThenCheck`
- check (eqType (dataConWrapperType c1) (dataConWrapperType c2))
- (text "The types for" <+> pname1 <+> text "differ")
- where
- name1 = dataConName c1
- name2 = dataConName c2
- pname1 = quotes (ppr name1)
- pname2 = quotes (ppr name2)
- eqClosedFamilyAx Nothing Nothing = True
- eqClosedFamilyAx Nothing (Just _) = False
- eqClosedFamilyAx (Just _) Nothing = False
- eqClosedFamilyAx (Just (CoAxiom { co_ax_branches = branches1 }))
- (Just (CoAxiom { co_ax_branches = branches2 }))
- = numBranches branches1 == numBranches branches2
- && (and $ zipWith eqClosedFamilyBranch branch_list1 branch_list2)
- where
- branch_list1 = fromBranches branches1
- branch_list2 = fromBranches branches2
+ 1. T, as a standalone occurrence, is a valid type
+ (T is "curryable"), and
- eqClosedFamilyBranch (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs1, cab_cvs = cvs1
- , cab_lhs = lhs1, cab_rhs = rhs1 })
- (CoAxBranch { cab_tvs = tvs2, cab_cvs = cvs2
- , cab_lhs = lhs2, cab_rhs = rhs2 })
- | Just env1 <- eqVarBndrs emptyRnEnv2 tvs1 tvs2
- , Just env <- eqVarBndrs env1 cvs1 cvs2
- = liftEq (eqTypeX env) lhs1 lhs2 &&
- eqTypeX env rhs1 rhs2
+ 2. T is valid in an instance head.
- | otherwise = False
+This gives rise to the following conditions under which we can implement
+an abstract data declaration @data T@ using a type synonym @type T tvs = rhs@:
-emptyRnEnv2 :: RnEnv2
-emptyRnEnv2 = mkRnEnv2 emptyInScopeSet
+ 1. The type synonym T is nullary (tvs is null).
-missingBootThing :: Bool -> Name -> String -> TcRnMessage
-missingBootThing is_boot name what
- = mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- quotes (ppr name) <+> text "is exported by the"
- <+> (if is_boot then text "hs-boot" else text "hsig")
- <+> text "file, but not"
- <+> text what <+> text "the module"
-badReexportedBootThing :: Bool -> Name -> Name -> TcRnMessage
-badReexportedBootThing is_boot name name'
- = mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- withUserStyle alwaysQualify AllTheWay $ vcat
- [ text "The" <+> (if is_boot then text "hs-boot" else text "hsig")
- <+> text "file (re)exports" <+> quotes (ppr name)
- , text "but the implementing module exports a different identifier" <+> quotes (ppr name')
- ]
-bootMisMatch :: Bool -> SDoc -> TyThing -> TyThing -> TcRnMessage
-bootMisMatch is_boot extra_info real_thing boot_thing
- = mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- pprBootMisMatch is_boot extra_info real_thing real_doc boot_doc
+ 2. The rhs must not contain any foralls, quantified types, or type family
+ applications.
+ See 'invalidAbsDataSubTypes' which computes a collection of
+ invalid subtypes.
+See also 'HowAbstract' and Note [Skolem abstract data].
+-- | We are implementing an abstract data declaration of the form @data T@
+-- in a signature file, with a type synonym @type T tvs = rhs@ in the
+-- implementing module.
+-- This function checks that the implementation is valid:
+-- 1. the type synonym T is nullary, i.e. tvs is null,
+-- 2. rhs doesn't contain any type families, foralls, or qualified types.
+-- See Note [Synonyms implement abstract data]
+checkSynAbsData :: TyCon -- ^ @tc1@, the abstract data 'TyCon' we are implementing
+ -> TyCon -- ^ @tc2@, a type synonym @type T tvs = ty@
+ -- we are using to implement @tc1@
+ -> [TyVar] -- ^ @tvs@
+ -> Type -- ^ @ty@
+ -> BootErrsM BootTyConMismatch
+checkSynAbsData tc1 tc2 syn_tvs syn_rhs
+ -- We are implementing @data T@ with @type T tvs = rhs@.
+ -- Check the conditions of Note [Synonyms implement abstract data].
+ = do { -- (1): T is nullary.
+ ; check (null syn_tvs) $
+ SynAbstractData SynAbsDataTySynNotNullary
+ -- (2): the RHS of the type synonym is valid.
+ ; case invalidAbsDataSubTypes syn_rhs of
+ [] -> checkSuccess
+ err:errs -> bootErr $ SynAbstractData $
+ SynAbstractDataInvalidRHS (err :| errs)
+ -- NB: this allows implementing e.g. @data T :: Nat@ with @type T = 3@.
+ -- See #15138.
+ -- TODO: When it's a synonym implementing a class, we really
+ -- should check that the fundeps are satisfied, but
+ -- there is not an obvious way to do this for a constraint synonym.
+ -- So for now, let it all through (it won't cause segfaults, anyway).
+ -- Tracked at #12704.
+ -- ... we also need to check roles.
+ ; if | Just (tc2', args) <- tcSplitTyConApp_maybe syn_rhs
+ , null syn_tvs -- Don't report role errors unless the type synonym is nullary
+ -> assert (null (tyConRoles tc2)) $
+ -- If we have something like:
+ --
+ -- signature H where
+ -- data T a
+ -- module H where
+ -- data K a b = ...
+ -- type T = K Int
+ --
+ -- we need to drop the first role of K when comparing!
+ checkRoles Hsig tc1 (drop (length args) (tyConRoles tc2'))
+ | otherwise
+ -> checkSuccess
+ }
+ -- Hypothetically, if we were allow to non-nullary type synonyms, here
+ -- is how you would check the roles
+ if length tvs == length roles1
+ then checkRoles roles1 roles2
+ else case tcSplitTyConApp_maybe ty of
+ Just (tc2', args) ->
+ checkRoles Hsig tc1 (drop (length args) (tyConRoles tc2') ++ roles2)
+ Nothing -> Just roles_msg
+-- | Is this type a valid implementation of abstract data?
+-- Returns a list of invalid sub-types encountered.
+invalidAbsDataSubTypes :: Type -> [Type]
+invalidAbsDataSubTypes = execWriter . go
- to_doc
- = pprTyThingInContext $ showToHeader { ss_forall =
- if is_boot
- then ShowForAllMust
- else ShowForAllWhen }
- real_doc = to_doc real_thing
- boot_doc = to_doc boot_thing
- pprBootMisMatch :: Bool -> SDoc -> TyThing -> SDoc -> SDoc -> SDoc
- pprBootMisMatch is_boot extra_info real_thing real_doc boot_doc
- = vcat
- [ ppr real_thing <+>
- text "has conflicting definitions in the module",
- text "and its" <+>
- (if is_boot
- then text "hs-boot file"
- else text "hsig file"),
- text "Main module:" <+> real_doc,
- (if is_boot
- then text "Boot file: "
- else text "Hsig file: ")
- <+> boot_doc,
- extra_info
- ]
-instMisMatch :: DFunId -> TcRnMessage
-instMisMatch dfun
- = mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- hang (text "instance" <+> ppr (idType dfun))
- 2 (text "is defined in the hs-boot file, but not in the module itself")
+ go :: Type -> Writer [Type] ()
+ go ty
+ | Just ty' <- coreView ty
+ = go ty'
+ go TyVarTy{}
+ = ok -- We report an error at the binding site of type variables,
+ -- e.g. in the TySyn LHS or in the forall.
+ -- It's not useful to report a second error for their occurrences
+ go (AppTy t1 t2)
+ = do { go t1; go t2 }
+ go ty@(TyConApp tc tys)
+ | isTypeFamilyTyCon tc
+ = invalid ty
+ | otherwise
+ = mapM_ go tys
+ go ty@(ForAllTy{})
+ = invalid ty
+ go ty@(FunTy af w t1 t2)
+ | af == FTF_T_T
+ = do { go w
+ ; go (typeKind t1) ; go t1
+ ; go (typeKind t2) ; go t2
+ }
+ | otherwise
+ = invalid ty
+ go LitTy{}
+ = ok
+ go ty@(CastTy{})
+ = invalid ty
+ go ty@(CoercionTy{})
+ = invalid ty
+ ok = pure ()
+ invalid ty = tell [ty]
@@ -1609,13 +1626,6 @@ tcTopSrcDecls (HsGroup { hs_tyclds = tycl_decls,
updLclEnv (\tcl_env -> tcl_env { tcl_th_bndrs = th_bndrs `plusNameEnv` tcl_th_bndrs tcl_env }) $
setGblEnv tcg_env $ do {
- -- Generate Applicative/Monad proposal (AMP) warnings
- traceTc "Tc3b" empty ;
- -- Generate Semigroup/Monoid warnings
- traceTc "Tc3c" empty ;
- tcSemigroupWarnings ;
-- Foreign import declarations next.
traceTc "Tc4" empty ;
(fi_ids, fi_decls, fi_gres) <- tcForeignImports foreign_decls ;
@@ -1689,196 +1699,6 @@ tcTopSrcDecls (HsGroup { hs_tyclds = tycl_decls,
tcTopSrcDecls _ = panic "tcTopSrcDecls: ValBindsIn"
-tcSemigroupWarnings :: TcM ()
-tcSemigroupWarnings = do
- mod <- getModule
- -- ghc-prim doesn't depend on base
- unless (moduleUnit mod == primUnit) $ do
- traceTc "tcSemigroupWarnings" empty
- let warnFlag = Opt_WarnSemigroup
- tcPreludeClashWarn warnFlag sappendName
- tcMissingParentClassWarn warnFlag monoidClassName semigroupClassName
--- | Warn on local definitions of names that would clash with future Prelude
--- elements.
--- A name clashes if the following criteria are met:
--- 1. It would is imported (unqualified) from Prelude
--- 2. It is locally defined in the current module
--- 3. It has the same literal name as the reference function
--- 4. It is not identical to the reference function
-tcPreludeClashWarn :: WarningFlag
- -> Name
- -> TcM ()
-tcPreludeClashWarn warnFlag name = do
- { warn <- woptM warnFlag
- ; when warn $ do
- { traceTc "tcPreludeClashWarn/wouldBeImported" empty
- -- Is the name imported (unqualified) from Prelude? (Point 4 above)
- ; rnImports <- fmap (map unLoc . tcg_rn_imports) getGblEnv
- -- (Note that this automatically handles -XNoImplicitPrelude, as Prelude
- -- will not appear in rnImports automatically if it is set.)
- -- Continue only the name is imported from Prelude
- ; when (importedViaPrelude name rnImports) $ do
- -- Handle 2.-4.
- { rdrElts <- fmap (concat . nonDetOccEnvElts . tcg_rdr_env) getGblEnv
- ; let clashes :: GlobalRdrElt -> Bool
- clashes x = isLocalDef && nameClashes && isNotInProperModule
- where
- isLocalDef = gre_lcl x == True
- -- Names are identical ...
- nameClashes = nameOccName (greName x) == nameOccName name
- -- ... but not the actual definitions, because we don't want to
- -- warn about a bad definition of e.g. <> in Data.Semigroup, which
- -- is the (only) proper place where this should be defined
- isNotInProperModule = greName x /= name
- -- List of all offending definitions
- clashingElts :: [GlobalRdrElt]
- clashingElts = filter clashes rdrElts
- ; traceTc "tcPreludeClashWarn/prelude_functions"
- (hang (ppr name) 4 (sep [ppr clashingElts]))
- ; let warn_msg x = addDiagnosticAt (nameSrcSpan (greName x)) $
- mkTcRnUnknownMessage $
- mkPlainDiagnostic (WarningWithFlag warnFlag) noHints $ (hsep
- [ text "Local definition of"
- , (quotes . ppr . nameOccName . greName) x
- , text "clashes with a future Prelude name." ]
- $$
- text "This will become an error in a future release." )
- ; mapM_ warn_msg clashingElts
- }}}
- where
- -- Is the given name imported via Prelude?
- --
- -- Possible scenarios:
- -- a) Prelude is imported implicitly, issue warnings.
- -- b) Prelude is imported explicitly, but without mentioning the name in
- -- question. Issue no warnings.
- -- c) Prelude is imported hiding the name in question. Issue no warnings.
- -- d) Qualified import of Prelude, no warnings.
- importedViaPrelude :: Name
- -> [ImportDecl GhcRn]
- -> Bool
- importedViaPrelude name = any importViaPrelude
- where
- isPrelude :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Bool
- isPrelude imp = unLoc (ideclName imp) == pRELUDE_NAME
- -- Implicit (Prelude) import?
- isImplicit :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Bool
- isImplicit = ideclImplicit . ideclExt
- -- Unqualified import?
- isUnqualified :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Bool
- isUnqualified = not . isImportDeclQualified . ideclQualified
- -- List of explicitly imported (or hidden) Names from a single import.
- -- Nothing -> No explicit imports
- -- Just (False, <names>) -> Explicit import list of <names>
- -- Just (True , <names>) -> Explicit hiding of <names>
- importListOf :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Maybe (ImportListInterpretation, [Name])
- importListOf = fmap toImportList . ideclImportList
- where
- toImportList (h, loc) = (h, map (ieName . unLoc) (unLoc loc))
- isExplicit :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Bool
- isExplicit x = case importListOf x of
- Nothing -> False
- Just (Exactly, explicit)
- -> nameOccName name `elem` map nameOccName explicit
- Just (EverythingBut, hidden)
- -> nameOccName name `notElem` map nameOccName hidden
- -- Check whether the given name would be imported (unqualified) from
- -- an import declaration.
- importViaPrelude :: ImportDecl GhcRn -> Bool
- importViaPrelude x = isPrelude x
- && isUnqualified x
- && (isImplicit x || isExplicit x)
--- Notation: is* is for classes the type is an instance of, should* for those
--- that it should also be an instance of based on the corresponding
--- is*.
-tcMissingParentClassWarn :: WarningFlag
- -> Name -- ^ Instances of this ...
- -> Name -- ^ should also be instances of this
- -> TcM ()
-tcMissingParentClassWarn warnFlag isName shouldName
- = do { warn <- woptM warnFlag
- ; when warn $ do
- { traceTc "tcMissingParentClassWarn" empty
- ; isClass' <- tcLookupClass_maybe isName
- ; shouldClass' <- tcLookupClass_maybe shouldName
- ; case (isClass', shouldClass') of
- (Just isClass, Just shouldClass) -> do
- { localInstances <- tcGetInsts
- ; let isInstance m = is_cls m == isClass
- isInsts = filter isInstance localInstances
- ; traceTc "tcMissingParentClassWarn/isInsts" (ppr isInsts)
- ; forM_ isInsts (checkShouldInst isClass shouldClass)
- }
- (is',should') ->
- traceTc "tcMissingParentClassWarn/notIsShould"
- (hang (ppr isName <> text "/" <> ppr shouldName) 2 (
- (hsep [ quotes (text "Is"), text "lookup for"
- , ppr isName
- , text "resulted in", ppr is' ])
- $$
- (hsep [ quotes (text "Should"), text "lookup for"
- , ppr shouldName
- , text "resulted in", ppr should' ])))
- }}
- where
- -- Check whether the desired superclass exists in a given environment.
- checkShouldInst :: Class -- Class of existing instance
- -> Class -- Class there should be an instance of
- -> ClsInst -- Existing instance
- -> TcM ()
- checkShouldInst isClass shouldClass isInst
- = do { instEnv <- tcGetInstEnvs
- ; let (instanceMatches, shouldInsts, _)
- = lookupInstEnv False instEnv shouldClass (is_tys isInst)
- ; traceTc "tcMissingParentClassWarn/checkShouldInst"
- (hang (ppr isInst) 4
- (sep [ppr instanceMatches, ppr shouldInsts]))
- -- "<location>: Warning: <type> is an instance of <is> but not
- -- <should>" e.g. "Foo is an instance of Monad but not Applicative"
- ; let instLoc = srcLocSpan . nameSrcLoc $ getName isInst
- warnMsg (RM_KnownTc name:_) =
- addDiagnosticAt instLoc $
- mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainDiagnostic (WarningWithFlag warnFlag) noHints $
- hsep [ (quotes . ppr . nameOccName) name
- , text "is an instance of"
- , (ppr . nameOccName . className) isClass
- , text "but not"
- , (ppr . nameOccName . className) shouldClass ]
- <> text "."
- $$
- hsep [ text "This will become an error in"
- , text "a future release." ]
- warnMsg _ = pure ()
- ; when (nullUnifiers shouldInsts && null instanceMatches) $
- warnMsg (is_tcs isInst)
- }
- tcLookupClass_maybe :: Name -> TcM (Maybe Class)
- tcLookupClass_maybe name = tcLookupImported_maybe name >>= \case
- Succeeded (ATyCon tc) | cls@(Just _) <- tyConClass_maybe tc -> pure cls
- _else -> pure Nothing
tcTyClsInstDecls :: [TyClGroup GhcRn]
-> [LDerivDecl GhcRn]
@@ -1996,13 +1816,7 @@ checkMain explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
-- in other modes, add error message and go on with typechecking.
noMainMsg main_mod main_occ
- = mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- text "The" <+> ppMainFn main_occ
- <+> text "is not" <+> text defOrExp <+> text "module"
- <+> quotes (ppr main_mod)
- defOrExp | explicit_export_list = "exported by"
- | otherwise = "defined in"
+ = TcRnMissingMain explicit_export_list main_mod main_occ
explicit_export_list = explicit_mod_hdr && isJust export_ies
-- | Get the unqualified name of the function to use as the \"main\" for the main module.
@@ -2010,17 +1824,7 @@ checkMain explicit_mod_hdr export_ies
getMainOcc :: DynFlags -> OccName
getMainOcc dflags = case mainFunIs dflags of
Just fn -> mkVarOccFS (mkFastString fn)
- Nothing -> mainOcc
-ppMainFn :: OccName -> SDoc
-ppMainFn main_occ
- | main_occ == mainOcc
- = text "IO action" <+> quotes (ppr main_occ)
- | otherwise
- = text "main IO action" <+> quotes (ppr main_occ)
-mainOcc :: OccName
-mainOcc = mkVarOccFS (fsLit "main")
+ Nothing -> mkVarOccFS (fsLit "main")
generateMainBinding :: TcGblEnv -> Name -> TcM TcGblEnv
-- There is a single exported 'main' function, called 'foo' (say),
@@ -2302,7 +2106,8 @@ tcRnStmt hsc_env rdr_stmt
-- None of the Ids should be of unboxed type, because we
-- cast them all to HValues in the end!
- mapM_ bad_unboxed (filter (mightBeUnliftedType . idType) zonked_ids) ;
+ mapM_ (addErr . TcRnGhciUnliftedBind) $
+ filter (mightBeUnliftedType . idType) zonked_ids ;
traceTc "tcs 1" empty ;
this_mod <- getModule ;
@@ -2315,10 +2120,6 @@ tcRnStmt hsc_env rdr_stmt
return (global_ids, zonked_expr, fix_env)
- where
- bad_unboxed id = addErr $ mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- (sep [text "GHCi can't bind a variable of unlifted type:",
- nest 2 (pprPrefixOcc id <+> dcolon <+> ppr (idType id))])
@@ -2675,9 +2476,7 @@ isGHCiMonad hsc_env ty
let userTy = mkTyConApp userTyCon []
_ <- tcLookupInstance ghciClass [userTy]
return name
- Just _ -> failWithTc $ mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $ text "Ambiguous type!"
- Nothing -> failWithTc $ mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $ text ("Can't find type:" ++ ty)
+ _ -> failWithTc $ TcRnGhciMonadLookupFail ty occIO
-- | How should we infer a type? See Note [TcRnExprMode]
data TcRnExprMode = TM_Inst -- ^ Instantiate inferred quantifiers only (:type)
@@ -2981,8 +2780,7 @@ tcRnLookupRdrName hsc_env (L loc rdr_name)
let rdr_names = dataTcOccs rdr_name
; names_s <- mapM lookupInfoOccRn rdr_names
; let names = concat names_s
- ; when (null names) (addErrTc $ mkTcRnUnknownMessage $ mkPlainError noHints $
- (text "Not in scope:" <+> quotes (ppr rdr_name)))
+ ; when (null names) (addErrTc $ mkTcRnNotInScope rdr_name NotInScope)
; return names }
tcRnLookupName :: HscEnv -> Name -> IO (Messages TcRnMessage, Maybe TyThing)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs-boot
index 40d89fe727..12a88ba72d 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs-boot
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Module.hs-boot
@@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
module GHC.Tc.Module where
-import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile(HsBootOrSig)
import GHC.Types.TyThing(TyThing)
-import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types (TcRnMessage)
import GHC.Tc.Types (TcM)
-import GHC.Types.Name (Name)
-checkBootDeclM :: Bool -- ^ True <=> an hs-boot file (could also be a sig)
- -> TyThing -> TyThing -> TcM ()
-missingBootThing :: Bool -> Name -> String -> TcRnMessage
-badReexportedBootThing :: Bool -> Name -> Name -> TcRnMessage
+checkBootDeclM :: HsBootOrSig -> TyThing -> TyThing -> TcM ()
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Instance.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Instance.hs
index f0bfb8b4da..a2d8a30c9c 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Instance.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/TyCl/Instance.hs
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ where
import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Hs
+import GHC.Rename.Bind ( rejectBootDecls )
import GHC.Tc.Errors.Types
import GHC.Tc.Gen.Bind
import GHC.Tc.TyCl
@@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ import GHC.Driver.Ppr
import GHC.Utils.Logger
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Types.Id
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile
import GHC.Types.SourceText
import GHC.Data.List.SetOps
import GHC.Types.Name
@@ -488,7 +490,7 @@ tcClsInstDecl (L loc (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = hs_ty, cid_binds = binds
, cid_sigs = uprags, cid_tyfam_insts = ats
, cid_overlap_mode = overlap_mode
, cid_datafam_insts = adts }))
- = setSrcSpanA loc $
+ = setSrcSpanA loc $
addErrCtxt (instDeclCtxt1 hs_ty) $
do { dfun_ty <- tcHsClsInstType (InstDeclCtxt False) hs_ty
; let (tyvars, theta, clas, inst_tys) = tcSplitDFunTy dfun_ty
@@ -555,11 +557,13 @@ tcClsInstDecl (L loc (ClsInstDecl { cid_poly_ty = hs_ty, cid_binds = binds
all_insts = tyfam_insts ++ datafam_insts
-- In hs-boot files there should be no bindings
- ; let no_binds = isEmptyLHsBinds binds && null uprags
- ; is_boot <- tcIsHsBootOrSig
- ; failIfTc (is_boot && not no_binds) TcRnIllegalHsBootFileDecl
- ; return ( [inst_info], all_insts, deriv_infos ) }
+ ; gbl_env <- getGblEnv;
+ ; case tcg_src gbl_env of
+ { HsSrcFile -> return ()
+ ; HsBootOrSig boot_or_sig ->
+ do { rejectBootDecls boot_or_sig BootBindsRn (bagToList binds)
+ ; rejectBootDecls boot_or_sig BootInstanceSigs uprags } }
+ ; return ([inst_info], all_insts, deriv_infos) }
defined_ats = mkNameSet (map (tyFamInstDeclName . unLoc) ats)
@@ -619,9 +623,13 @@ tcFamInstDeclChecks mb_clsinfo fam_tc
-- and can't (currently) be in an hs-boot file
; traceTc "tcFamInstDecl" (ppr fam_tc)
; type_families <- xoptM LangExt.TypeFamilies
- ; is_boot <- tcIsHsBootOrSig -- Are we compiling an hs-boot file?
+ ; hs_src <- tcHscSource -- Are we compiling an hs-boot file?
; checkTc type_families (TcRnTyFamsDisabled (TyFamsDisabledInstance fam_tc))
- ; checkTc (not is_boot) TcRnBadBootFamInstDecl
+ ; case hs_src of
+ HsBootOrSig boot_or_sig ->
+ addErrTc $ TcRnIllegalHsBootOrSigDecl boot_or_sig (BootFamInst fam_tc)
+ HsSrcFile ->
+ return ()
-- Check that it is a family TyCon, and that
-- oplevel type instances are not for associated types.
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Backpack.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Backpack.hs
index 5f76ba7e0c..4d93bf1aec 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Backpack.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Backpack.hs
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ checkHsigDeclM sig_iface sig_thing real_thing = do
let name = getName real_thing
-- TODO: Distinguish between signature merging and signature
-- implementation cases.
- checkBootDeclM False sig_thing real_thing
+ checkBootDeclM Hsig sig_thing real_thing
real_fixity <- lookupFixityRn name
let sig_fixity = case mi_fix_fn (mi_final_exts sig_iface) (occName name) of
Nothing -> defaultFixity
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ checkHsigIface tcg_env gre_env sig_iface
-- The hsig did NOT define this function; that means it must
-- be a reexport. In this case, make sure the 'Name' of the
- -- reexport matches the 'Name exported here.
+ -- reexport matches the 'Name' exported here.
| [gre] <- lookupGRE_OccName (AllNameSpaces WantNormal) gre_env (nameOccName name) = do
let name' = greName gre
when (name /= name') $ do
@@ -174,11 +174,11 @@ checkHsigIface tcg_env gre_env sig_iface
-> getLocA e
_ -> nameSrcSpan name
addErrAt loc
- (badReexportedBootThing False name name')
+ (TcRnBootMismatch Hsig $ BadReexportedBootThing name name')
-- This should actually never happen, but whatever...
| otherwise =
addErrAt (nameSrcSpan name)
- (missingBootThing False name "exported by")
+ (missingBootThing Hsig name MissingBootExport)
-- Note [Fail before checking instances in checkHsigIface]
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@@ -917,9 +917,9 @@ exportOccs = concatMap (map nameOccName . availNames)
impl_msg :: UnitState -> Module -> InstantiatedModule -> SDoc
impl_msg unit_state impl_mod (Module req_uid req_mod_name)
= pprWithUnitState unit_state $
- text "while checking that" <+> ppr impl_mod <+>
- text "implements signature" <+> ppr req_mod_name <+>
- text "in" <+> ppr req_uid
+ text "While checking that" <+> quotes (ppr impl_mod) <+>
+ text "implements signature" <+> quotes (ppr req_mod_name) <+>
+ text "in" <+> quotes (ppr req_uid) <> dot
-- | Check if module implements a signature. (The signature is
-- always un-hashed, which is why its components are specified
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Monad.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Monad.hs
index 75b74cbb35..534e966b94 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Monad.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/Monad.hs
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad(
-- * Typechecker global environment
getIsGHCi, getGHCiMonad, getInteractivePrintName,
- tcIsHsBootOrSig, tcIsHsig, tcSelfBootInfo, getGlobalRdrEnv,
+ tcHscSource, tcIsHsBootOrSig, tcIsHsig, tcSelfBootInfo, getGlobalRdrEnv,
getRdrEnvs, getImports,
getFixityEnv, extendFixityEnv,
@@ -929,7 +929,10 @@ getInteractivePrintName :: TcRn Name
getInteractivePrintName = do { hsc <- getTopEnv; return (ic_int_print $ hsc_IC hsc) }
tcIsHsBootOrSig :: TcRn Bool
-tcIsHsBootOrSig = do { env <- getGblEnv; return (isHsBootOrSig (tcg_src env)) }
+tcIsHsBootOrSig = isHsBootOrSig <$> tcHscSource
+tcHscSource :: TcRn HscSource
+tcHscSource = do { env <- getGblEnv; return (tcg_src env)}
tcIsHsig :: TcRn Bool
tcIsHsig = do { env <- getGblEnv; return (isHsigFile (tcg_src env)) }
@@ -1324,7 +1327,7 @@ capture_constraints thing_inside
capture_messages :: TcM r -> TcM (r, Messages TcRnMessage)
-- capture_messages simply captures and returns the
--- errors arnd warnings generated by thing_inside
+-- errors and warnings generated by thing_inside
-- Precondition: thing_inside must not throw an exception!
-- Reason for precondition: an exception would blow past the place
-- where we read the msg_var, and we'd lose the constraints altogether
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs
index 481fa15570..00f6a73532 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Utils/TcType.hs
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ import GHC.Utils.Panic.Plain
import GHC.Utils.Error( Validity'(..) )
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
-import Data.IORef
+import Data.IORef ( IORef )
import Data.List.NonEmpty( NonEmpty(..) )
import Data.List ( partition, nub, (\\) )
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Validity.hs b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Validity.hs
index da51f7245f..59f18e5d74 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Tc/Validity.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Tc/Validity.hs
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Types.Var.Env
import GHC.Types.Var.Set
import GHC.Types.Var ( VarBndr(..), isInvisibleFunArg, mkTyVar )
+import GHC.Types.SourceFile
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHC.Types.Unique.Set( isEmptyUniqSet )
@@ -1436,9 +1437,8 @@ We can also have instances for functions: @instance Foo (a -> b) ...@.
checkValidInstHead :: UserTypeCtxt -> Class -> [Type] -> TcM ()
checkValidInstHead ctxt clas cls_args
= do { dflags <- getDynFlags
- ; is_boot <- tcIsHsBootOrSig
- ; is_sig <- tcIsHsig
- ; check_special_inst_head dflags is_boot is_sig ctxt clas cls_args
+ ; hsc_src <- tcHscSource
+ ; check_special_inst_head dflags hsc_src ctxt clas cls_args
; checkValidTypePats (classTyCon clas) cls_args
@@ -1468,15 +1468,15 @@ in hsig files, where `is_sig` is True.
-check_special_inst_head :: DynFlags -> Bool -> Bool
- -> UserTypeCtxt -> Class -> [Type] -> TcM ()
+check_special_inst_head :: DynFlags -> HscSource -> UserTypeCtxt
+ -> Class -> [Type] -> TcM ()
-- Wow! There are a surprising number of ad-hoc special cases here.
-- TODO: common up the logic for special typeclasses (see GHC ticket #20441).
-check_special_inst_head dflags is_boot is_sig ctxt clas cls_args
+check_special_inst_head dflags hs_src ctxt clas cls_args
- -- If not in an hs-boot file, abstract classes cannot have instances
+ -- Abstract classes cannot have instances, except in hs-boot or signature files.
| isAbstractClass clas
- , not is_boot
+ , hs_src == HsSrcFile
= failWithTc (TcRnAbstractClassInst clas)
-- Complain about hand-written instances of built-in classes
@@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@ check_special_inst_head dflags is_boot is_sig ctxt clas cls_args
-- allow a standalone deriving declaration: they are no-ops,
-- and we warn about them in GHC.Tc.Deriv.deriveStandalone.
| clas_nm == typeableClassName
- , not is_sig
+ , not (hs_src == HsigFile)
-- Note [Instances of built-in classes in signature files]
, hand_written_bindings
= failWithTc $ TcRnSpecialClassInst clas False
@@ -1495,7 +1495,7 @@ check_special_inst_head dflags is_boot is_sig ctxt clas cls_args
-- are forbidden outside of signature files (#12837).
-- Derived instances are forbidden completely (#21087).
| clas_nm `elem` [ knownNatClassName, knownSymbolClassName, knownCharClassName ]
- , (not is_sig && hand_written_bindings) || derived_instance
+ , (not (hs_src == HsigFile) && hand_written_bindings) || derived_instance
-- Note [Instances of built-in classes in signature files]
= failWithTc $ TcRnSpecialClassInst clas False
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Error/Codes.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Error/Codes.hs
index 5025ff022f..7bcafbe32e 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Error/Codes.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Error/Codes.hs
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ import GHC.Types.Error ( DiagnosticCode(..), UnknownDiagnostic (..), diagnostic
import GHC.Hs.Extension ( GhcRn )
+import GHC.Core.InstEnv (LookupInstanceErrReason)
+import GHC.Iface.Errors.Types
import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types ( DriverMessage )
import GHC.Parser.Errors.Types ( PsMessage, PsHeaderMessage )
import GHC.HsToCore.Errors.Types ( DsMessage )
@@ -37,8 +39,7 @@ import GHC.Exts ( proxy# )
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits ( Symbol, TypeError, ErrorMessage(..) )
import GHC.TypeNats ( Nat, KnownNat, natVal' )
-import GHC.Core.InstEnv (LookupInstanceErrReason)
-import GHC.Iface.Errors.Types
{- Note [Diagnostic codes]
@@ -359,7 +360,7 @@ type family GhcDiagnosticCode c = n | n -> c where
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnTagToEnumResTyNotAnEnum" = 49356
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnTagToEnumResTyTypeData" = 96189
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnArrowIfThenElsePredDependsOnResultTy" = 55868
- GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnIllegalHsBootFileDecl" = 58195
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnIllegalHsBootOrSigDecl" = 58195
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnRecursivePatternSynonym" = 72489
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnPartialTypeSigTyVarMismatch" = 88793
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnPartialTypeSigBadQuantifier" = 94185
@@ -507,7 +508,6 @@ type family GhcDiagnosticCode c = n | n -> c where
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnInterfaceLookupError" = 52243
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnUnsatisfiedMinimalDef" = 06201
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnMisplacedInstSig" = 06202
- GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnBadBootFamInstDecl" = 06203
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnIllegalFamilyInstance" = 06204
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnMissingClassAssoc" = 06205
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnNotOpenFamily" = 06207
@@ -522,7 +522,6 @@ type family GhcDiagnosticCode c = n | n -> c where
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnDuplicateSigDecl" = 31744
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnMisplacedSigDecl" = 87866
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnUnexpectedDefaultSig" = 40700
- GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnBindInBootFile" = 11247
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnDuplicateMinimalSig" = 85346
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnLoopySuperclassSolve" = 36038
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnIllegalInstanceHeadDecl" = 12222
@@ -600,6 +599,11 @@ type family GhcDiagnosticCode c = n | n -> c where
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnBindingNameConflict" = 10498
GhcDiagnosticCode "NonCanonicalMonoid" = 50928
GhcDiagnosticCode "NonCanonicalMonad" = 22705
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnUnexpectedDeclarationSplice" = 17599
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnImplicitImportOfPrelude" = 20540
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnMissingMain" = 67120
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnGhciUnliftedBind" = 17999
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnGhciMonadLookupFail" = 44990
-- PatSynInvalidRhsReason
GhcDiagnosticCode "PatSynNotInvertible" = 69317
@@ -773,6 +777,14 @@ type family GhcDiagnosticCode c = n | n -> c where
GhcDiagnosticCode "EmptyStmtsGroupInDoNotation" = 82311
GhcDiagnosticCode "EmptyStmtsGroupInArrowNotation" = 19442
+ -- HsBoot and Hsig errors
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "MissingBootDefinition" = 63610
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "MissingBootExport" = 91999
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "MissingBootInstance" = 79857
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "BadReexportedBootThing" = 12424
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "BootMismatchedIdTypes" = 11890
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "BootMismatchedTyCons" = 15843
-- To generate new random numbers:
@@ -784,6 +796,8 @@ type family GhcDiagnosticCode c = n | n -> c where
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnNameByTemplateHaskellQuote" = 40027
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnIllegalBindingOfBuiltIn" = 69639
GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnMixedSelectors" = 40887
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnBadBootFamInstDecl" = 06203
+ GhcDiagnosticCode "TcRnBindInBootFile" = 11247
{- *********************************************************************
* *
@@ -872,6 +886,11 @@ type family ConRecursInto con where
ConRecursInto "TcRnInterfaceError" = 'Just IfaceMessage
ConRecursInto "Can'tFindInterface" = 'Just MissingInterfaceError
+ -- HsBoot and Hsig errors
+ ConRecursInto "TcRnBootMismatch" = 'Just BootMismatch
+ ConRecursInto "MissingBootThing" = 'Just MissingBootThing
+ ConRecursInto "BootMismatch" = 'Just BootMismatchWhat
-- FFI errors
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Hint.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Hint.hs
index 7057925dea..69f98ba1da 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Hint.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Hint.hs
@@ -27,11 +27,12 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import qualified GHC.LanguageExtensions as LangExt
-import Data.Typeable
+import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import GHC.Unit.Module (ModuleName, Module)
import GHC.Hs.Extension (GhcTc, GhcRn)
import GHC.Core.Coercion
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv (FamFlavor)
+import GHC.Core.TyCon (TyCon)
import GHC.Core.Type (PredType)
import GHC.Types.Fixity (LexicalFixity(..))
import GHC.Types.Name (Name, NameSpace, OccName (occNameFS), isSymOcc, nameOccName)
@@ -453,6 +454,9 @@ data GhcHint
Name -- ^ method with non-canonical implementation
Name -- ^ possible other method to use as the RHS instead
String -- ^ Documentation URL
+ {-| Suggest eta-reducing a type synonym used in the implementation
+ of abstract data. -}
+ | SuggestEtaReduceAbsDataTySyn TyCon
-- | An 'InstantiationSuggestion' for a '.hsig' file. This is generated
-- by GHC in case of a 'DriverUnexpectedSignature' and suggests a way
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Hint/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Hint/Ppr.hs
index 4454d872cd..f6b995babc 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Hint/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Hint/Ppr.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import GHC.Parser.Errors.Basic
import GHC.Types.Hint
import GHC.Core.FamInstEnv (FamFlavor(..))
+import GHC.Core.TyCon
import GHC.Hs.Expr () -- instance Outputable
import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Tc.Types.Origin ( ClsInstOrQC(..) )
import GHC.Types.Id
@@ -245,6 +246,9 @@ instance Outputable GhcHint where
text "or define as" <+>
quotes (pprPrefixUnqual lhs <+> text "=" <+> pprPrefixUnqual rhs) $$
text "See also:" <+> text refURL
+ SuggestEtaReduceAbsDataTySyn tc
+ -> text "If possible, eta-reduce the type synonym" <+> ppr_tc <+> text "so that it is nullary."
+ where ppr_tc = quotes (ppr $ tyConName tc)
perhapsAsPat :: SDoc
perhapsAsPat = text "Perhaps you meant an as-pattern, which must not be surrounded by whitespace"
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Occurrence.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Occurrence.hs
index 964c313abd..316b3e911f 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Occurrence.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/Name/Occurrence.hs
@@ -104,6 +104,9 @@ module GHC.Types.Name.Occurrence (
unionOccSets, unionManyOccSets, elemOccSet,
+ -- * Dealing with main
+ mainOcc, ppMainFn,
-- * Tidying up
TidyOccEnv, emptyTidyOccEnv, initTidyOccEnv,
tidyOccName, avoidClashesOccEnv, delTidyOccEnvList,
@@ -1253,6 +1256,24 @@ tidyOccName env occ@(OccName occ_sp fs)
* *
+ Utilies for "main"
+* *
+mainOcc :: OccName
+mainOcc = mkVarOccFS (fsLit "main")
+ppMainFn :: OccName -> SDoc
+ppMainFn main_occ
+ | main_occ == mainOcc
+ = text "IO action" <+> quotes (ppr main_occ)
+ | otherwise
+ = text "main IO action" <+> quotes (ppr main_occ)
+* *
Binary instance
Here rather than in GHC.Iface.Binary because OccName is abstract
* *
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/SourceFile.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/SourceFile.hs
index 7a1898a51e..0d04a194de 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/SourceFile.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/SourceFile.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module GHC.Types.SourceFile
- ( HscSource(..)
+ ( HscSource(HsBootFile, HsigFile, ..)
+ , HsBootOrSig(..)
, hscSourceToIsBoot
, isHsBootOrSig
- , isHsigFile
+ , isHsBootFile, isHsigFile
, hscSourceString
@@ -11,45 +14,57 @@ import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Utils.Binary
import GHC.Unit.Types
--- Note [HscSource types]
--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
--- There are three types of source file for Haskell code:
--- * HsSrcFile is an ordinary hs file which contains code,
--- * HsBootFile is an hs-boot file, which is used to break
--- recursive module imports (there will always be an
--- HsSrcFile associated with it), and
--- * HsigFile is an hsig file, which contains only type
--- signatures and is used to specify signatures for
--- modules.
--- Syntactically, hs-boot files and hsig files are quite similar: they
--- only include type signatures and must be associated with an
--- actual HsSrcFile. isHsBootOrSig allows us to abstract over code
--- which is indifferent to which. However, there are some important
--- differences, mostly owing to the fact that hsigs are proper
--- modules (you `import Sig` directly) whereas HsBootFiles are
--- temporary placeholders (you `import {-# SOURCE #-} Mod).
--- When we finish compiling the true implementation of an hs-boot,
--- we replace the HomeModInfo with the real HsSrcFile. An HsigFile, on the
--- other hand, is never replaced (in particular, we *cannot* use the
--- HomeModInfo of the original HsSrcFile backing the signature, since it
--- will export too many symbols.)
--- Additionally, while HsSrcFile is the only Haskell file
--- which has *code*, we do generate .o files for HsigFile, because
--- this is how the recompilation checker figures out if a file
--- needs to be recompiled. These are fake object files which
--- should NOT be linked against.
+{- Note [HscSource types]
+There are three types of source file for Haskell code:
+ * HsSrcFile is an ordinary hs file which contains code,
+ * HsBootFile is an hs-boot file, which is used to break
+ recursive module imports (there will always be an
+ HsSrcFile associated with it), and
+ * HsigFile is an hsig file, which contains only type
+ signatures and is used to specify signatures for
+ modules.
+Syntactically, hs-boot files and hsig files are quite similar: they
+only include type signatures and must be associated with an
+actual HsSrcFile. isHsBootOrSig allows us to abstract over code
+which is indifferent to which. However, there are some important
+differences, mostly owing to the fact that hsigs are proper
+modules (you `import Sig` directly) whereas HsBootFiles are
+temporary placeholders (you `import {-# SOURCE #-} Mod).
+When we finish compiling the true implementation of an hs-boot,
+we replace the HomeModInfo with the real HsSrcFile. An HsigFile, on the
+other hand, is never replaced (in particular, we *cannot* use the
+HomeModInfo of the original HsSrcFile backing the signature, since it
+will export too many symbols.)
+Additionally, while HsSrcFile is the only Haskell file
+which has *code*, we do generate .o files for HsigFile, because
+this is how the recompilation checker figures out if a file
+needs to be recompiled. These are fake object files which
+should NOT be linked against.
+data HsBootOrSig
+ = HsBoot -- ^ .hs-boot file
+ | Hsig -- ^ .hsig file
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data HscSource
- = HsSrcFile -- ^ .hs file
- | HsBootFile -- ^ .hs-boot file
- | HsigFile -- ^ .hsig file
+ -- | .hs file
+ = HsSrcFile
+ -- | .hs-boot or .hsig file
+ | HsBootOrSig !HsBootOrSig
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+{-# COMPLETE HsSrcFile, HsBootFile, HsigFile #-}
+pattern HsBootFile, HsigFile :: HscSource
+pattern HsBootFile = HsBootOrSig HsBoot
+pattern HsigFile = HsBootOrSig Hsig
-- | Tests if an 'HscSource' is a boot file, primarily for constructing elements
-- of 'BuildModule'. We conflate signatures and modules because they are bound
-- in the same namespace; only boot interfaces can be disambiguated with
@@ -70,15 +85,18 @@ instance Binary HscSource where
_ -> return HsigFile
hscSourceString :: HscSource -> String
-hscSourceString HsSrcFile = ""
-hscSourceString HsBootFile = "[boot]"
-hscSourceString HsigFile = "[sig]"
+hscSourceString HsSrcFile = ""
+hscSourceString HsBootFile = "[boot]"
+hscSourceString HsigFile = "[sig]"
-- See Note [HscSource types]
isHsBootOrSig :: HscSource -> Bool
-isHsBootOrSig HsBootFile = True
-isHsBootOrSig HsigFile = True
-isHsBootOrSig _ = False
+isHsBootOrSig (HsBootOrSig _) = True
+isHsBootOrSig HsSrcFile = False
+isHsBootFile :: HscSource -> Bool
+isHsBootFile HsBootFile = True
+isHsBootFile _ = False
isHsigFile :: HscSource -> Bool
isHsigFile HsigFile = True
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/TyThing/Ppr.hs b/compiler/GHC/Types/TyThing/Ppr.hs
index 2982635815..3f0505e492 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Types/TyThing/Ppr.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/TyThing/Ppr.hs
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import GHC.Core.TyCo.Ppr ( pprUserForAll, pprTypeApp )
import GHC.Iface.Decl ( tyThingToIfaceDecl )
import GHC.Iface.Syntax ( ShowSub(..), ShowHowMuch(..), AltPpr(..)
- , showToHeader, pprIfaceDecl )
+ , showToHeader, pprIfaceDecl )
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Types/TyThing/Ppr.hs-boot b/compiler/GHC/Types/TyThing/Ppr.hs-boot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..388a21305c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Types/TyThing/Ppr.hs-boot
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+module GHC.Types.TyThing.Ppr (
+ pprTyThing,
+ pprTyThingInContext
+ ) where
+import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Iface.Type ( ShowSub )
+import GHC.Types.TyThing ( TyThing )
+import GHC.Utils.Outputable ( SDoc )
+pprTyThing :: ShowSub -> TyThing -> SDoc
+pprTyThingInContext :: ShowSub -> TyThing -> SDoc