path: root/compiler
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Diffstat (limited to 'compiler')
5 files changed, 54 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Types.hs b/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Types.hs
index a4b025ce92..a100e72085 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Types.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/ByteCode/Types.hs
@@ -23,12 +23,10 @@ import GHC.Prelude
import GHC.Data.FastString
import GHC.Data.SizedSeq
-import GHC.Types.Id
import GHC.Types.Name
import GHC.Types.Name.Env
import GHC.Utils.Outputable
import GHC.Builtin.PrimOps
-import GHC.Core.Type
import GHC.Types.SrcLoc
import GHCi.BreakArray
import GHCi.RemoteTypes
@@ -41,10 +39,10 @@ import Data.Array.Base ( UArray(..) )
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
-import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified GHC.Exts.Heap as Heap
import GHC.Stack.CCS
import GHC.Cmm.Expr ( GlobalRegSet, emptyRegSet, regSetToList )
+import GHC.Iface.Syntax
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Compiled Byte Code
@@ -174,18 +172,22 @@ instance NFData BCONPtr where
rnf x = x `seq` ()
-- | Information about a breakpoint that we know at code-generation time
+-- In order to be used, this needs to be hydrated relative to the current HscEnv by
+-- 'hydrateCgBreakInfo'. Everything here can be fully forced and that's critical for
+-- preventing space leaks (see #22530)
data CgBreakInfo
= CgBreakInfo
- { cgb_vars :: [Maybe (Id,Word16)]
- , cgb_resty :: Type
+ { cgb_tyvars :: ![IfaceTvBndr] -- ^ Type variables in scope at the breakpoint
+ , cgb_vars :: ![Maybe (IfaceIdBndr, Word16)]
+ , cgb_resty :: !IfaceType
-- See Note [Syncing breakpoint info] in GHC.Runtime.Eval
--- Not a real NFData instance because we can't rnf Id or Type
seqCgBreakInfo :: CgBreakInfo -> ()
seqCgBreakInfo CgBreakInfo{..} =
- rnf (map snd (catMaybes (cgb_vars))) `seq`
- seqType cgb_resty
+ rnf cgb_tyvars `seq`
+ rnf cgb_vars `seq`
+ rnf cgb_resty
instance Outputable UnlinkedBCO where
ppr (UnlinkedBCO nm _arity _insns _bitmap lits ptrs)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/CoreToIface.hs b/compiler/GHC/CoreToIface.hs
index 98595f0403..bf713aae53 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/CoreToIface.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/CoreToIface.hs
@@ -43,12 +43,18 @@ module GHC.CoreToIface
, toIfaceVar
-- * Other stuff
, toIfaceLFInfo
+ -- * CgBreakInfo
+ , dehydrateCgBreakInfo
) where
import GHC.Prelude
+import Data.Word
import GHC.StgToCmm.Types
+import GHC.ByteCode.Types
import GHC.Core
import GHC.Core.TyCon hiding ( pprPromotionQuote )
import GHC.Core.Coercion.Axiom
@@ -685,6 +691,16 @@ toIfaceLFInfo nm lfi = case lfi of
LFLetNoEscape ->
panic "toIfaceLFInfo: LFLetNoEscape"
+-- Dehydrating CgBreakInfo
+dehydrateCgBreakInfo :: [TyVar] -> [Maybe (Id, Word16)] -> Type -> CgBreakInfo
+dehydrateCgBreakInfo ty_vars idOffSets tick_ty =
+ CgBreakInfo
+ { cgb_tyvars = map toIfaceTvBndr ty_vars
+ , cgb_vars = map (fmap (\(i, offset) -> (toIfaceIdBndr i, offset))) idOffSets
+ , cgb_resty = toIfaceType tick_ty
+ }
{- Note [Inlining and hs-boot files]
Consider this example (#10083, #12789):
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/IfaceToCore.hs b/compiler/GHC/IfaceToCore.hs
index a69cc34a73..fa714448ac 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/IfaceToCore.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/IfaceToCore.hs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Type checking of type signatures in interface files
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module GHC.IfaceToCore (
@@ -25,10 +26,15 @@ module GHC.IfaceToCore (
tcIfaceExpr, -- Desired by HERMIT (#7683)
tcIfaceOneShot, tcTopIfaceBindings,
+ hydrateCgBreakInfo
) where
import GHC.Prelude
+import GHC.ByteCode.Types
+import Data.Word
import GHC.Driver.Env
import GHC.Driver.Session
import GHC.Driver.Config.Core.Lint ( initLintConfig )
@@ -2166,3 +2172,12 @@ bindIfaceTyConBinderX :: (IfaceBndr -> (TyCoVar -> IfL a) -> IfL a)
bindIfaceTyConBinderX bind_tv (Bndr tv vis) thing_inside
= bind_tv tv $ \tv' ->
thing_inside (Bndr tv' vis)
+-- CgBreakInfo
+hydrateCgBreakInfo :: CgBreakInfo -> IfL ([Maybe (Id, Word16)], Type)
+hydrateCgBreakInfo CgBreakInfo{..} = do
+ bindIfaceTyVars cgb_tyvars $ \_ -> do
+ result_ty <- tcIfaceType cgb_resty
+ mbVars <- mapM (traverse (\(if_gbl, offset) -> (,offset) <$> bindIfaceId if_gbl return)) cgb_vars
+ return (mbVars, result_ty)
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Eval.hs b/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Eval.hs
index 74eba30421..7ee9b07050 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Eval.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/Runtime/Eval.hs
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ import GHC.Tc.Solver (simplifyWantedsTcM)
import GHC.Tc.Utils.Monad
import GHC.Core.Class (classTyCon)
import GHC.Unit.Env
+import GHC.IfaceToCore
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- running a statement interactively
@@ -562,12 +563,19 @@ bindLocalsAtBreakpoint hsc_env apStack_fhv (Just BreakInfo{..}) = do
breaks = getModBreaks hmi
info = expectJust "bindLocalsAtBreakpoint2" $
IntMap.lookup breakInfo_number (modBreaks_breakInfo breaks)
- mbVars = cgb_vars info
- result_ty = cgb_resty info
occs = modBreaks_vars breaks ! breakInfo_number
span = modBreaks_locs breaks ! breakInfo_number
decl = intercalate "." $ modBreaks_decls breaks ! breakInfo_number
+ -- Rehydrate to understand the breakpoint info relative to the current environment.
+ -- This design is critical to preventing leaks (#22530)
+ (mbVars, result_ty) <- initIfaceLoad hsc_env
+ $ initIfaceLcl breakInfo_module (text "debugger") NotBoot
+ $ hydrateCgBreakInfo info
+ let
-- Filter out any unboxed ids by changing them to Nothings;
-- we can't bind these at the prompt
mbPointers = nullUnboxed <$> mbVars
diff --git a/compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs b/compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
index de37d987cb..02c5e5aa7b 100644
--- a/compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
+++ b/compiler/GHC/StgToByteCode.hs
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ import Data.Either ( partitionEithers )
import GHC.Stg.Syntax
import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
+import GHC.CoreToIface
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Generating byte code for a complete module
@@ -370,10 +371,8 @@ schemeER_wrk d p (StgTick (Breakpoint tick_ty tick_no fvs) rhs)
this_mod <- moduleName <$> getCurrentModule
platform <- profilePlatform <$> getProfile
let idOffSets = getVarOffSets platform d p fvs
- let breakInfo = CgBreakInfo
- { cgb_vars = idOffSets
- , cgb_resty = tick_ty
- }
+ ty_vars = tyCoVarsOfTypesWellScoped (tick_ty:map idType fvs)
+ let breakInfo = dehydrateCgBreakInfo ty_vars idOffSets tick_ty
newBreakInfo tick_no breakInfo
hsc_env <- getHscEnv
let cc | Just interp <- hsc_interp hsc_env