path: root/distrib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'distrib')
6 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/distrib/compare/FilenameDescr.hs b/distrib/compare/FilenameDescr.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5952058639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/compare/FilenameDescr.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+module FilenameDescr where
+import Data.Either
+import Utils
+import Tar
+-- We can't just compare plain filenames, because versions numbers of GHC
+-- and the libaries will vary. So we use FilenameDescr instead, which
+-- abstracts out the version numbers.
+type FilenameDescr = [FilenameDescrBit]
+data FilenameDescrBit = VersionOf String
+ | FP String
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+normalise :: FilenameDescr -> FilenameDescr
+normalise [] = []
+normalise [x] = [x]
+normalise (FP x1 : FP x2 : xs) = normalise (FP (x1 ++ x2) : xs)
+normalise (x : xs) = x : normalise xs
+-- Mapping from thing (e.g. "Cabal") to version (e.g. "")
+type ThingVersionMap = [(String, String)]
+addThingVersion :: ThingVersionMap -> String -> String -> Maybe ThingVersionMap
+addThingVersion mapping thing version
+ = case lookup thing mapping of
+ Just version' ->
+ if version == version'
+ then Just mapping
+ else Nothing
+ Nothing ->
+ Just ((thing, version) : mapping)
+-- Sanity check that the FilenameDescr matches the filename in the tar line
+checkContent :: ThingVersionMap -> (FilenameDescr, TarLine) -> Errors
+checkContent mapping (fd, tl)
+ = let fn = tlFileName tl
+ in case flattenFilenameDescr mapping fd of
+ Right fn' ->
+ if fn' == fn
+ then []
+ else ["checkContent: Can't happen: filename mismatch: " ++ show fn]
+ Left errs ->
+ errs
+flattenFilenameDescr :: ThingVersionMap -> FilenameDescr
+ -> Either Errors FilePath
+flattenFilenameDescr mapping fd = case partitionEithers (map f fd) of
+ ([], strs) -> Right (concat strs)
+ (errs, _) -> Left (concat errs)
+ where f (FP fp) = Right fp
+ f (VersionOf thing)
+ = case lookup thing mapping of
+ Just v -> Right v
+ Nothing -> Left ["Can't happen: thing has no version in mapping"]
diff --git a/distrib/compare/Makefile b/distrib/compare/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3099bc9cc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/compare/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+GHC = ghc
+compare: *.hs
+ "$(GHC)" --make -Wall -Werror $@
+.PHONY: clean
+ rm -f *.o
+ rm -f *.hi
+ rm -f compare compare.exe
diff --git a/distrib/compare/Problem.hs b/distrib/compare/Problem.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f80c8567ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/compare/Problem.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+module Problem where
+data FileProblem = First Problem
+ | Second Problem
+ | Change Problem
+data Problem = DuplicateFile FilePath
+ | ExtraFile FilePath
+ | PermissionsChanged FilePath FilePath String String
+ | FileSizeChanged FilePath FilePath Integer Integer
+pprFileProblem :: FileProblem -> String
+pprFileProblem (First p) = "First " ++ pprProblem p
+pprFileProblem (Second p) = "Second " ++ pprProblem p
+pprFileProblem (Change p) = "Change " ++ pprProblem p
+pprProblem :: Problem -> String
+pprProblem (DuplicateFile fp) = "Duplicate file: " ++ show fp
+pprProblem (ExtraFile fp) = "Extra file: " ++ show fp
+pprProblem (PermissionsChanged fp1 fp2 p1 p2)
+ = "Permissions changed:\n"
+ ++ " " ++ show fp1
+ ++ " " ++ show fp2
+ ++ " " ++ p1 ++ " -> " ++ p2
+pprProblem (FileSizeChanged fp1 fp2 s1 s2)
+ = "Size changed:\n"
+ ++ " " ++ show fp1 ++ "\n"
+ ++ " " ++ show fp2 ++ "\n"
+ ++ " " ++ show s1 ++ " -> " ++ show s2
diff --git a/distrib/compare/Tar.hs b/distrib/compare/Tar.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50b238a9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/compare/Tar.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+module Tar where
+import Data.Either
+import Data.List
+import System.Exit
+import System.Process
+import Utils
+readTarLines :: FilePath -> IO [TarLine]
+readTarLines fp
+ = do (ec, out, err) <- readProcessWithExitCode "tar" ["-jtvf", fp] ""
+ case (ec, err) of
+ (ExitSuccess, []) ->
+ case parseTarLines fp out of
+ Left errs -> die errs
+ Right tls -> return tls
+ _ ->
+ die ["Failed running tar -jtvf " ++ show fp,
+ "Exit code: " ++ show ec,
+ "Stderr: " ++ show err]
+parseTarLines :: FilePath -> String -> Either Errors [TarLine]
+parseTarLines fp xs
+ = case partitionEithers (zipWith (parseTarLine fp) [1..] (lines xs)) of
+ ([], tls) -> Right tls
+ (errss, _) -> Left (intercalate [""] errss)
+data TarLine = TarLine {
+ tlPermissions :: String,
+ tlUser :: String,
+ tlGroup :: String,
+ tlSize :: Integer,
+ tlDateTime :: String,
+ tlFileName :: FilePath
+ }
+parseTarLine :: FilePath -> Int -> String -> Either Errors TarLine
+parseTarLine fp line str
+ = case re "^([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/([^ ]+) +([0-9]+) ([^ ]+ [^ ]+) ([^ ]+)$"
+ str of
+ Just [perms, user, grp, sizeStr, dateTime, filename] ->
+ case maybeRead sizeStr of
+ Just size ->
+ Right $ TarLine {
+ tlPermissions = perms,
+ tlUser = user,
+ tlGroup = grp,
+ tlSize = size,
+ tlDateTime = dateTime,
+ tlFileName = filename
+ }
+ _ -> error "Can't happen: Can't parse size"
+ _ ->
+ Left ["In " ++ show fp ++ ", at line " ++ show line,
+ "Tar line doesn't parse: " ++ show str]
diff --git a/distrib/compare/Utils.hs b/distrib/compare/Utils.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58298c12dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/compare/Utils.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+module Utils where
+import System.Exit
+import System.IO
+import Text.Regex.Posix
+die :: Errors -> IO a
+die errs = do mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) errs
+ exitFailure
+dieOnErrors :: Either Errors a -> IO a
+dieOnErrors (Left errs) = die errs
+dieOnErrors (Right x) = return x
+type Errors = [String]
+maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
+maybeRead str = case reads str of
+ [(x, "")] -> Just x
+ _ -> Nothing
+re :: String -> String -> Maybe [String]
+re r str = case matchM r' str :: Maybe (String, String, String, [String]) of
+ Just (_, _, _, ms) -> Just ms
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ where r' = makeRegex r :: Regex
diff --git a/distrib/compare/compare.hs b/distrib/compare/compare.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58f914c261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/distrib/compare/compare.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
+module Main (main) where
+import Control.Monad.State
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List
+import System.Environment
+import FilenameDescr
+import Problem
+import Utils
+import Tar
+-- TODO:
+-- * Check installed trees too
+-- * Check hashbangs
+-- Only size changes > sizeAbs are considered an issue
+sizeAbs :: Integer
+sizeAbs = 1000
+-- Only a size change of sizePercentage% or more is considered an issue
+sizePercentage :: Integer
+sizePercentage = 150
+main :: IO ()
+main = do args <- getArgs
+ case args of
+ [bd1, bd2] -> doit bd1 bd2
+ _ -> die ["Bad args. Need 2 bindists."]
+doit :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+doit bd1 bd2
+ = do tls1 <- readTarLines bd1
+ tls2 <- readTarLines bd2
+ content1 <- dieOnErrors $ mkContents tls1
+ content2 <- dieOnErrors $ mkContents tls2
+ let mySort = sortBy (compare `on` fst)
+ sortedContent1 = mySort content1
+ sortedContent2 = mySort content2
+ (nubProbs1, nubbedContent1) = nubContents sortedContent1
+ (nubProbs2, nubbedContent2) = nubContents sortedContent2
+ differences = compareContent nubbedContent1
+ nubbedContent2
+ allProbs = map First nubProbs1 ++ map Second nubProbs2
+ ++ differences
+ mapM_ (putStrLn . pprFileProblem) allProbs
+mkContents :: [TarLine] -> Either Errors [(FilenameDescr, TarLine)]
+mkContents tls = case runState (mapM f tls) [] of
+ (xs, mapping) ->
+ case concat $ map (checkContent mapping) xs of
+ [] -> Right xs
+ errs -> Left errs
+ where f tl = do fnd <- mkFilePathDescr (tlFileName tl)
+ return (fnd, tl)
+nubContents :: [(FilenameDescr, TarLine)]
+ -> ([Problem], [(FilenameDescr, TarLine)])
+nubContents [] = ([], [])
+nubContents [x] = ([], [x])
+nubContents (x1@(fd1, tl1) : xs@((fd2, _) : _))
+ | fd1 == fd2 = (DuplicateFile (tlFileName tl1) : ps, xs')
+ | otherwise = (ps, x1 : xs')
+ where (ps, xs') = nubContents xs
+mkFilePathDescr :: FilePath -> State ThingVersionMap FilenameDescr
+mkFilePathDescr fp
+ | Just [ghcVersion, _, middle, filename]
+ <- re ("^ghc-" ++ versionRE ++ "(/.*)?/([^/]*)$") fp
+ = do ghcVersionDescr <- do mapping <- get
+ case addThingVersion mapping "ghc" ghcVersion of
+ Just mapping' ->
+ do put mapping'
+ return (VersionOf "ghc")
+ Nothing ->
+ return (FP ghcVersion)
+ filename' <- mkFileNameDescr filename
+ let fd = FP "ghc-" : ghcVersionDescr : FP middle : FP "/" : filename'
+ return $ normalise fd
+ | otherwise = return [FP fp]
+mkFileNameDescr :: FilePath -> State ThingVersionMap FilenameDescr
+mkFileNameDescr filename
+ | Just [thing, thingVersion, _, ghcVersion, _]
+ <- re ("^libHS(.*)-" ++ versionRE ++ "-ghc" ++ versionRE ++ "\\.so$")
+ filename
+ = do mapping <- get
+ case addThingVersion mapping "ghc" ghcVersion of
+ Just m ->
+ case addThingVersion m thing thingVersion of
+ Just m' ->
+ do put m'
+ return [FP "libHS", FP thing, FP "-", VersionOf thing,
+ FP "-ghc", VersionOf "ghc", FP ".so"]
+ _ -> unchanged
+ _ -> unchanged
+ | Just [way, thingVersion, _]
+ <- re ("^libHSrts(_.*)?-ghc" ++ versionRE ++ "\\.so$")
+ filename
+ = do mapping <- get
+ case addThingVersion mapping "ghc" thingVersion of
+ Just mapping' ->
+ do put mapping'
+ return [FP "libHSrts", FP way, FP "-ghc", VersionOf "ghc",
+ FP ".so"]
+ _ -> unchanged
+ | Just [thing, thingVersion, _, way]
+ <- re ("^libHS(.*)-" ++ versionRE ++ "(_.*)?\\.a$")
+ filename
+ = do mapping <- get
+ case addThingVersion mapping thing thingVersion of
+ Just mapping' ->
+ do put mapping'
+ return [FP "libHS", FP thing, FP "-", VersionOf thing,
+ FP way, FP ".a"]
+ _ -> unchanged
+ | Just [thing, thingVersion, _]
+ <- re ("^HS(.*)-" ++ versionRE ++ "\\.o$")
+ filename
+ = do mapping <- get
+ case addThingVersion mapping thing thingVersion of
+ Just mapping' ->
+ do put mapping'
+ return [FP "HS", FP thing, FP "-", VersionOf thing,
+ FP ".o"]
+ _ -> unchanged
+ | otherwise = unchanged
+ where unchanged = return [FP filename]
+compareContent :: [(FilenameDescr, TarLine)] -> [(FilenameDescr, TarLine)]
+ -> [FileProblem]
+compareContent [] [] = []
+compareContent xs [] = map (First . ExtraFile . tlFileName . snd) xs
+compareContent [] ys = map (Second . ExtraFile . tlFileName . snd) ys
+compareContent xs1@((fd1, tl1) : xs1') xs2@((fd2, tl2) : xs2')
+ = case fd1 `compare` fd2 of
+ EQ -> map Change (compareTarLine tl1 tl2) ++ compareContent xs1' xs2'
+ LT -> First (ExtraFile (tlFileName tl1)) : compareContent xs1' xs2
+ GT -> Second (ExtraFile (tlFileName tl2)) : compareContent xs1 xs2'
+compareTarLine :: TarLine -> TarLine -> [Problem]
+compareTarLine tl1 tl2
+ = [ PermissionsChanged fn1 fn2 perms1 perms2 | perms1 /= perms2 ]
+ ++ [ FileSizeChanged fn1 fn2 size1 size2 | sizeChanged ]
+ where fn1 = tlFileName tl1
+ fn2 = tlFileName tl2
+ perms1 = tlPermissions tl1
+ perms2 = tlPermissions tl2
+ size1 = tlSize tl1
+ size2 = tlSize tl2
+ sizeChanged = abs (size1 - size2) > sizeAbs
+ && (((100 * size1) `div` size2) > sizePercentage ||
+ ((100 * size2) `div` size1) > sizePercentage)
+versionRE :: String
+versionRE = "([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*)"