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diff --git a/docs/backpack/backpack-impl.tex b/docs/backpack/backpack-impl.tex
index ecf047c8ca..b26ee0c723 100644
--- a/docs/backpack/backpack-impl.tex
+++ b/docs/backpack/backpack-impl.tex
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
The purpose of this document is to describe an implementation path
-for Backpack~\cite{Kilpatrick:2014:BRH:2535838.2535884} in GHC\@.
+for Backpack in GHC\@.
We start off by outlining the current architecture of GHC, ghc-pkg and Cabal,
which constitute the existing packaging system. We then state what our subgoals
@@ -402,9 +402,9 @@ or \verb|libHSbase-|. Dependencies between packages translate simply
into dependencies between system libraries.
Interestingly enough, Paper Backpack specifies dependency tracking at
-the \emph{module} level, which is a finer granularity than we have been
-tracking previously. Here is a Backpack package which demonstrates the
+the \emph{module} level, which is a finer granularity than previously
+implemented by GHC\@. Here is a Backpack package which demonstrates
+this type of module-level dependency:
package a where
@@ -424,21 +424,15 @@ package y where
include a
-Here, we have a package \verb|a| which probably should have been defined
-as two separate packages (since \verb|A| only relies on \verb|P| and
-\verb|B| only relies on \verb|Q|), but the functionality has been
-glommed together. Then, the downstream packages \verb|x| and \verb|y|
-fill in the holes using the same implementation of \verb|P|, but
-differing implementations of \verb|Q|. (For more explanation about how
-we would go about compiling this set of packages, please see
-Section~\ref{sec:compiling-definite}.) The operant question: is module
+The operant question: is module
\verb|A| from package \verb|x| the same as module \verb|A| from package
\verb|y|? In Paper Backpack, the answer is yes.
From an end-user perspective, why is this desirable? One answer is that
it permits users to modularize third-party packages which were not
-packaged with modularity in mind, but happen to be modular. For
-example, when libraries ship with test-cases, they currently have to
+packaged with modularity in mind, but happen to be modular. In this
+case, package \verb|a| could have been implemented as two separate
+packages. More generally, when libraries ship with test-cases, they currently have to
split these test-cases to separate packages, so as to not introduce
spurious dependencies with various test frameworks, which the user may
not have or care about. If dependencies are done on a per-module basis,
@@ -457,7 +451,7 @@ From an implementation perspective, however, this answer is quite distressing:
\verb|y|, what should happen to the installed module files for
\verb|A|? Currently, the installed package database organizes
these files at the package level, so it is not clear where these
- files should live---we might even accidentally duplicate them!
+ files should live; surely they shouldn't be duplicated!
Similarly, when I typecheck, I need to ensure that the original
name for \verb|x:A| and \verb|y:A| are the same: thus, the
PackageId I assign cannot be \verb|x| or \verb|y|.
@@ -473,7 +467,7 @@ From an implementation perspective, however, this answer is quite distressing:
The first problem can be solved by ``flattening'' the package database,
so that instead of organizing object files by library, the database
is just a directory of physical module identities to objects/interfaces.
-Instaled packages are now represented as (possibly overlapping) sets over
+Installed packages are now represented as (possibly overlapping) sets over
this store of modules. However, the second problem is far more persistent:
if a package is a dynamic library, we still are unable to get the sharing of
object files necessary. (This problem isn't present for static linking, where
@@ -495,176 +489,251 @@ package p where
package q where
A = [ a = False ]
include p
- D = [ import C; d = c ]
- E = [ import C; e = c ]
+ D = [ import A; import C; d = a && c ]
+ E = [ import D; import C; e = c && d ]
+ F = [ import B; f = b ]
As a notational convenience, we'll omit the full physical identity of a
-module when it's clear from context. We'll start by recapping the
-finest granularity, and coarsen.
+module when it's clear from context. We'll start by recapping Paper Backpack,
+which has the finest granularity and coarsen.
\subsection{One library per physical module identity}
-In this world, we generate a library per physical module identity.
-Briefly, the physical module identities for our running example
-are \verb|q:A|, \verb|p:B(q:A)|, \verb|p:C|, \verb|q:D(p:C)| and \verb|q:E(p:C)|.
-This results in the following libraries (and their respective
-dependencies): \\
+To truly implement a Backpack design, we must generate a library per
+physical module identity. The physical module identities for
+our running example are:
+ expanded unexpanded
+A -> q:A q:A
+B -> p:B(q:A) p:B($A)
+C -> p:C p:C
+D -> q:D(q:A,p:C) q:D($A,$C)
+E -> q:E(q:D(q:A,p:C),p:C) q:E($D,$C)
+F -> q:F(p:B(q:A)) q:F($B)
+This results in the following
+libraries (and their respective dependencies): \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=6cm,
\node[m] (1) {};
- \node[m] (2) [left of=1] {};
- \node[m] (3) [below=0.3cm of 1] {};
+ \node[m] (2) [left of=1,fill=blue!20] {libHSp:B(q:A).so};
+ \node[m] (3) [below=0.5cm of 1,fill=blue!20] {};
\node[m] (4) [left of=3] {};
- \node[m] (5) [below=0.3cm of 4] {};
+ \node[m] (5) [below=0.5cm of 4] {};
+ \node[m] (6) [left of=2] {};
(2) edge node {} (1)
+ (4) edge node {} (1)
(4) edge node {} (3)
(5) edge node {} (3)
+ (5) edge node {} (4)
+ (6) edge node {} (2)
Notice that there is no ``ordering'' that the packages could have been
built in; rather, we walk the package tree, building modules as we encounter
-them (thus, the instantiated package \verb|p| is fully built before \verb|q|).
-\subsection{One library per package identity}
-In this world, we simplify physical module identities in the following
-way: we the module names and only consider the package components of
-physical module identities to identify what library a package should
-live in. In the running example, the simplified physical module identities
-are as follows: \verb|q|, \verb|p(q)|, \verb|p| and \verb|q(p)|. This
-results in a very similar module graph: \\
-\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=6cm,
- thick,m/.style={rectangle,draw,font=\sffamily\Large\bfseries}]
- \node[m] (1) { (A)};
- \node[m] (2) [left of=1] {libHSp(q).so (B)};
- \node[m] (3) [below=0.5cm] { (C)};
- \node[m] (4) [left of=3] {libHSq(p).so (D,E)};
- \path
- (2) edge node [right] {} (1)
- (4) edge node [right] {} (3);
+them (thus, the instantiated package \verb|p| in light blue is fully built before all
+the modules of \verb|q| are finished).
-The primary difference seen here is that modules \verb|q:D(p:C)| and \verb|q:E(p:C)| have
-been placed in the same library, \verb|libHSq(p).so|, since they both erase
-to \verb|q(p)|.
-This scheme preserves all of the type-level sharing properties that Backpack
-requires, since modules with identical physical identities are guaranteed
-to be placed into the same library. However, there are a few cases where
-one might need to add extra code to a library ``after the fact'', usually
-when renaming is involved:
+Also, note that in the case of module \verb|B|, we had to include its
+dependency in the name of the library. This is because package \verb|p| could
+be instantiated a different implementation of logical module \verb|A|: the
+library must specify which one it's compiled with! Otherwise, in the following situation:
-package p where
+package x where
A :: [ a :: Bool ]
B = [ import A; b = a ]
-package q where
+package y where
A1 = [ a = True ]
A2 = [ a = False ]
package linker1 where
- include q
- include p (A as A1, B as B1)
+ include y
+ include x (A as A1, B as B1)
+package linker2 where
+ include y
+ include x (A as A2, B as B2)
-Installing \verb|linker1| results in libraries \verb|| (A1 and A2)
-as well as \verb|libHSp(q).so| (physical identity \verb|p:B(q:A1)|---note the 1).
+both instantiations of \verb|B| (\verb|x:B(y:A1)| and \verb|x:B(y:A2)|)
+would be given the same name \verb|x:B|.
+Technically, all of the other
+modules should also record this information, but as an optimization, only
+recording the assignments for \emph{holes} is necessary.
-However, now, suppose we install this package:
+\subsection{One library per package identity}
-package linker2 where
- include q
- include p (A as A2, B as B2)
+In this world, we simplify physical module identities to ``only contain
+package information'', and not full physical module identities. These
+simplified identities we call \emph{package identities}. One perspective
+is that we're coalescing together the libraries created from the
+previous scheme. However, another perspective is we are taking our
+packages and \emph{slicing} them into pieces which are actually
+considered libraries.
-We get a new module B with physical identity \verb|p:B(q:A2)|.
-Unfortunately, this erases to \verb|p(q)|, so we are obligated to also
-place it in \verb|libHSq(p).so|.
+Before we jump in earnest into specifying how package identities are
+computed, it's useful to first specify what some desirable properties
+of any such slicing scheme are:
-\subsection{One library per package identity (more aggressive)}
-(ToDo: Remember what this did)
+ \item \emph{No junk.} Given an assignment of a module to a library,
+ loading that library minimize the number of transitive
+ dependencies which were irrelevant for the module. A good
+ heuristic is that it's OK to load unused code from the same
+ package (after all, the whole point is to have multiple modules
+ in a single library), but it's not OK to cause unused external packages to
+ be loaded.
-\subsection{One library per definite package}
+ \item \emph{Caching.} When compiling a package, we compile libraries
+ for a set of package identifiers. Compilation of any other
+ packages which produce overlapping identifiers must be able to
+ reuse the libraries from the original compilation.
+ \item \emph{Economy.} Subject to the previous two constraints, we
+ should minimize the number of package identifiers required
+ to compile any given package (otherwise, per physical module
+ identifier is a valid solution.)
+Here is an example mapping of package identities:
+ physical mod identity pkg identity
+A -> q:A q
+B -> p:B(q:A) p(q:A)
+C -> p:C p
+D -> q:D(q:A,p:C) q(p)
+E -> q:E(q:D(q:A,p:C),p:C) q(p)
+F -> q:F(p:B(q:A)) q(p(q:A))
+Just as in the previous section, we still have to record the explicit
+module choice for holes. However, it's worth noting that the
+\verb|include| induced dependency for \verb|q(p)| has \emph{not} been
+refined, since \verb|C| is not a hole in package \verb|q|. It is not
+possible for another package to generate a compiled module that should
+be placed in \verb|q(p)|, since \verb|q| can't be reinstantiated and a
+new package would have a different package name.
+The process also calculates a dependency list for the package
+identities, which does not necessarily coincide with the tree structure
+of the package identities. Here is the resulting library graph: \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=6cm,
- \node[m] (1) { (A,B,C,D,E)};
+ \node[m] (1) { (A)};
+ \node[m] (2) [left of=1,fill=blue!20] {libHSp(q:A).so (B)};
+ \node[m] (3) [below=0.5cm of 1,fill=blue!20] { (C)};
+ \node[m] (4) [left of=3] {libHSq(p).so (D,E)};
+ \node[m] (5) [left of=2] {libHSq(p(q:A)).so (F)};
+ \path
+ (2) edge node [right] {} (1)
+ (4) edge node [right] {} (3)
+ (4) edge node [right] {} (1)
+ (5) edge node [right] {} (2)
+ ;
+We can observe the following changes that \verb|D| and \verb|E| have
+been placed in the same library. This is because they both have a
+dependency on library \verb|p|, internal dependencies not withstanding.
+\paragraph{So what's the algorithm?} While intuitively, it seems like
+one could simply erase module names from physical module identities and
+get package identities, things are a bit trickier than that: internal
+dependencies could cause us to fail to place two modules together which
+should be in the same package. So\ldots I don't actually know what the
+algorithm to be used here is.
+\subsection{One library per definite package}
In this world, we create a dynamic library per definite package (package with
no holes). Indefinite packages don't get compiled into libraries, the code
is duplicated and type equality is only seen if a type came from the same
definite package. In the running example, we only generate \verb||
which exports all of the modules (\verb|p| is indefinite), and if another
package instantiates \verb|p|, the instances of \verb|C| will be considered
-(ToDo: Why is this world problematic?)
-\paragraph{Operating system linking} When the package database is flattened
-into a collection of modules, it becomes less clear how to generate library
-files corresponding to a package. One possibility is to simply take the
-set of files corresponding to a package and wrap it up into a library.
-If an end-user links against two libraries which include the same object file,
-the linker needs to suppress the symbols associated with one of the instances
-of the object file (it's identical, right?)\footnote{It may not actually be
-possible to do this in the static linking case: one must refer to the actual object
-If your modules are truly applicative, this might even work OK\@. However, you will
-be a sad panda if there is any unsafe, mutable global state in the shared
-object (since the object files will each get separate data segments for this
-global state): a generative semantics.\footnote{Even if we did get this right,
-which would be possible when statically linking these modules together, the
-interaction could still be surprising: Backpack can remodularize modules, but
-it can't remodularize values inside a module, so if a module has a dependency
-but some global state in the module doesn't, the resulting behavior can be
-surprising. Perhaps the moral of the story really is, ``Don't do side effects
-in an applicative module system! No really!''} \\
-\subsection{Alternatives to flattening package DB}
-Flattening can be seen as one of four different representations of packages
-at the OS/library level. While it promotes maximal sharing of identical
-modules, it is perhaps too fine-grained for most purposes.
-\emph{ToDo: Describe the alternatives.}
-\paragraph{Package slicing} Instead of changing the package database,
-we automatically
-slice a single package into multiple packages, so that the sliced
-packages have dependencies which accurately reflect their constitutent
-modules. For a well modularized package, the slicing operation should
-be a no-op. This would also be useful in some other situations (see the
-\verb|-module-env| discussion in Section~\ref{sec:compiling-definite}).
-In fact, which slice a module should be placed in can be automatically
-calculated by taking the package name with the regular tree
-associated with the module (Section~\ref{sec:ipi}).
-A minor downside of package slicing is in a dynamically linked environment,
-we pay a performance cost when we have to jump from one dynamic library
-to another, and slicing could introduce are large number of separate
-dynamic libraries which need to be switched between each other.
-Edward likes this proposal.
-\paragraph{Changing Backpack to disallow fine-grained dependencies}
-Another perspective is that we fell into a trap when we decided that
-dependencies should be calculated per-module. What if, instead, we
-expanded the dependency of each module to cover \emph{all signatures}
-in the package? Then the dependency tree would always be the same and
-the package would be shared only if all holes were precisely the same.
-Our motivating example, then, would fail to witness sharing.
-This might be the simplest thing to do, but it is a change in the
-Backpack semantics, and rules out modularization without splitting a package
-into multiple packages. Maybe Scott can give other reasons why this
-would not be so good. SPJ is quite keen on this plan.
+different. \\
+\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=6cm,
+ thick,m/.style={rectangle,draw,font=\sffamily\Large\bfseries}]
+ \node[m] (1) { (A,B,C,D,E)};
+As a refinement, if the instantiations of an indefinite package's holes
+live in libraries which do not have a mutually recursive dependency on
+the indefinite package, then it can be instantiated. In the previous
+example, this was not true: hole \verb|A| in package \verb|p| was
+instantiated with \verb|q:A|, but package \verb|q| has a dependency
+on \verb|p|. However, we could break the dependence by separating \verb|A|
+into another package:
+package a where
+ A = [ a = False ]
+package q where
+ include a
+ include p
+ D = [ import C; d = c ]
+ E = [ import C; e = c ]
+Now the library dependencies look like: \\
+\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=6cm,
+ thick,m/.style={rectangle,draw,font=\sffamily\Large\bfseries}]
+ \node[m] (1) { (A)};
+ \node[m] (2) [below=1cm, left of=1, fill=blue!20] {libHSp(a:a).so (B,C)};
+ \node[m] (3) [above=1cm, left of=2] { (D,E)};
+ \path
+ (2) edge node [right] {} (1)
+ (3) edge node [right] {} (1)
+ (3) edge node [right] {} (2);
+Intuitively, indefinite packages can share code, if all of the holes are
+placed in standalone packages. Otherwise, the indefinite package is
+generatively created. Notice, as was the case in the previous section,
+that we have to keep information about specific modules in the names
+of instantiated modules.
+A library per physical module identity obviously won't work for real systems,
+so the primary choice is between a library per package identity or
+definite package. The benefits of package identities:
+ \item More programs type-check (since type equality holds when packages
+ are reinstantiated),
+ \item Packages are automatically sliced into their most modular form,
+ allowing package writers to avoid having to manually split up modules.
+The benefits of definite packages:
+ \item We actually know how to implement it (the algorithm in the other
+ case is not worked out, and we haven't even begun to talk about
+ mutual recursion),
+ \item It is the smallest delta with GHC today: e.g., \verb|cabal install|
+ always results in the installation of one library,
+ \item Monolithic library files mean that we pay less cost of
+ crossing the boundaries of dynamic libraries,
+ \item Requiring users to place hole instantiations in separate packages
+ to be shared is not a wholly unreasonable stipulation.
+One major open question which could be empirically tested is this: for the
+current package ecosystem, how many subpackages would slicing create?
+This is an important experiment to run on any proposed slicing algorithm.
\section{Exposed modules should allow external modules}\label{sec:reexport}
@@ -1636,7 +1705,4 @@ hashing out.