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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Parallel Arrays</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Parallel Arrays</h1>
+ <p>
+ This section describes an experimental extension by high-performance
+ arrays, which comprises special syntax for array types and array
+ comprehensions, a set of optimising program transformations, and a set
+ of special purpose libraries. The extension is currently only partially
+ implemented, but the development will be tracked here.
+ <p>
+ Parallel arrays originally got their name from the aim to provide an
+ architecture-independent programming model for a range of parallel
+ computers. However, since experiments showed that the approach is also
+ worthwhile for sequential array code, the emphasis has shifted to their
+ parallel evaluation semantics: As soon as any element in a parallel
+ array is demanded, all the other elements are evaluated, too. This
+ makes parallel arrays more strict than <a
+ href="">standard Haskell 98
+ arrays</a>, but also opens the door for a loop-based implementation
+ strategy that leads to significantly more efficient code.
+ <p>
+ The programming model as well as the use of the <em>flattening
+ transformation</em>, which is central to the approach, has its origin in
+ the programming language <a
+ href="">Nesl</a>.
+ <h2>More Sugar: Special Syntax for Array Comprehensions</h2>
+ <p>
+ The option <code>-fparr</code>, which is a dynamic hsc option that can
+ be reversed with <code>-fno-parr</code>, enables special syntax for
+ parallel arrays, which is not essential to using parallel arrays, but
+ makes for significantly more concise programs. The switch works by
+ making the lexical analyser (located in <a
+ href=""><code>Lex.lhs</code></a>)
+ recognise the tokens <code>[:</code> and <code>:]</code>. Given that
+ the additional productions in the parser (located in <a
+ href=""><code>Parser.y</code></a>)
+ cannot be triggered without the lexer generating the necessary tokens,
+ there is no need to alter the behaviour of the parser.
+ <p>
+ The following additional syntax is accepted (the non-terminals are those
+ from the <a href="">Haskell 98 language
+ definition</a>):
+ <p>
+ <blockquote><pre>
+atype -> '[:' type ':] (parallel array type)
+aexp -> '[:' exp1 ',' ... ',' expk ':]' (explicit array, k >= 0)
+ | '[:' exp1 [',' exp2] '..' exp3 ':]' (arithmetic array sequence)
+ | '[:' exp '|' quals1 '|' ... '|' qualsn ':]' (array comprehension, n >= 1)
+quals -> qual1 ',' ... ',' qualn (qualifier list, n >= 1)
+apat -> '[:' pat1 ',' ... ',' patk ':]' (array pattern, k >= 0)
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ Moreover, the extended comprehension syntax that allows for <em>parallel
+ qualifiers</em> (i.e., qualifiers separated by "<code>|</code>") is also
+ supported in list comprehensions. In general, the similarity to the
+ special syntax for list is obvious. The two main differences are that
+ (a) arithmetic array sequences are always finite and (b)
+ <code>[::]</code> is not treated as a constructor in expressions and
+ patterns, but rather as a special case of the explicit array syntax.
+ The former is a simple consequence of the parallel evaluation semantics
+ of parallel arrays and the latter is due to arrays not being a
+ constructor-based data type.
+ <p>
+ As a naming convention, types and functions that are concerned with
+ parallel arrays usually contain the string <code>parr</code> or
+ <code>PArr</code> (often as a prefix), and where corresponding types or
+ functions for handling lists exist, the name is identical, except for
+ containing the substring <code>parr</code> instead of <code>list</code>
+ (possibly in caps).
+ <p>
+ The following implications are worth noting explicitly:
+ <ul>
+ <li>As the value and pattern <code>[::]</code> is an empty explicit
+ parallel array (i.e., something of the form <code>ExplicitPArr ty
+ []</code> in the AST). This is in contrast to lists, which use the
+ nil-constructor instead. In the case of parallel arrays, using a
+ constructor would be rather awkward, as it is not a constructor-based
+ type. (This becomes rather clear in the desugarer.)
+ <li>As a consequence, array patterns have the general form <code>[:p1,
+ p2, ..., pn:]</code>, where <code>n</code> >= 0. Thus, two array
+ patterns overlap iff they have the same length -- an important property
+ for the pattern matching compiler.
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Prelude Support for Parallel Arrays</h2>
+ <p>
+ The Prelude module <a
+ href=""><code>PrelPArr</code></a>
+ defines the standard operations and their types on parallel arrays and
+ provides a basic implementation based on boxed arrays. The interface of
+ <code>PrelPArr</code> is oriented by H98's <code>PrelList</code>, but
+ leaving out all functions that require infinite structures and adding
+ frequently needed array operations, such as permutations. Parallel
+ arrays are quite unqiue in that they use an entirely different
+ representation as soon as the flattening transformation is activated,
+ which is described further below. In particular, <code>PrelPArr</code>
+ defines the type <code>[::]</code> and operations to create, process,
+ and inspect parallel arrays. The type as well as the names of some of
+ the operations are also hardwired in <a
+ href=""><code>TysWiredIn</code></a>
+ (see the definition of <code>parrTyCon</code> in this module) and <a
+ href=""><code>PrelNames</code></a>.
+ This is again very much like the case of lists, where the type is
+ defined in <a
+ href=""><code>PrelBase</code></a>
+ and similarly wired in; however, for lists the entirely
+ constructor-based definition is exposed to user programs, which is not
+ the case for parallel arrays.
+ <h2>Desugaring Parallel Arrays</h2>
+ <p>
+ The parallel array extension requires the desugarer to replace all
+ occurrences of (1) explicit parallel arrays, (2) array patterns, and (3)
+ array comprehensions by a suitable combination of invocations of
+ operations defined in <code>PrelPArr</code>.
+ <h4>Explicit Parallel Arrays</h4>
+ <p>
+ These are by far the simplest to remove. We simply replace every
+ occurrence of <code>[:<i>e<sub>1</sub></i>, ...,
+ <i>e<sub>n</sub></i>:]</code> by
+ <blockquote>
+ <code>
+ toP [<i>e<sub>1</sub></i>, ..., <i>e<sub>n</sub></i>]
+ </code>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ i.e., we build a list of the array elements, which is, then, converted
+ into a parallel array.
+ <h4>Parallel Array Patterns</h4>
+ <p>
+ Array patterns are much more tricky as element positions may contain
+ further patterns and the <a
+ href="../the-beast/desugar.html#patmat">pattern matching compiler</a>
+ requires us to flatten all those out. But before we turn to the gory
+ details, here first the basic idea: A flat array pattern matches exactly
+ iff it's length corresponds to the length of the matched array. Hence,
+ if we have a set of flat array patterns matching an array value
+ <code>a</code>, it suffices to generate a Core <code>case</code>
+ expression that scrutinises <code>lengthP a</code> and has one
+ alternative for every length of array occuring in one of the patterns.
+ Moreover, there needs to be a default case catching all other array
+ lengths. In each alternative, array indexing (i.e., the functions
+ <code>!:</code>) is used to bind array elements to the corresponding
+ pattern variables. This sounds easy enough and is essentially what the
+ parallel array equation of the function <a
+ href=""><code>DsUtils</code></a><code>.mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult</code>
+ does.
+ <p>
+ Unfortunately, however, the pattern matching compiler expects that it
+ can turn (almost) any pattern into variable patterns, literals, or
+ constructor applications by way of the functions <a
+ href=""><code>Match</code></a><code>.tidy1</code>.
+ And to make matters worse, some weird machinery in the module <a
+ href=""><code>Check</code></a>
+ insists on being able to reverse the process (essentially to pretty
+ print patterns in warnings for incomplete or overlapping patterns).
+ <p>
+ The solution to this is an (unlimited) set of <em>fake</em> constructors
+ for parallel arrays, courtesy of <a
+ href=""><code>TysWiredIn</code></a><code>.parrFakeCon</code>.
+ In other words, any pattern of the form <code>[:<i>p<sub>1</sub></i>,
+ ..., <i>p<sub>n</sub></i>:]</code> is transformed into
+ <blockquote>
+ <code>
+ MkPArray<i>n</i> <i>p<sub>1</sub></i> ... <i>p<sub>n</sub></i>
+ </code>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ by <code>Match.tidy1</code>, then, run through the rest of the pattern
+ matching compiler, and finally, picked up by
+ <code>DsUtils.mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult</code>, which converts it into a
+ <code>case</code> expression as outlined above.
+ <p>
+ As an example consider the source expression
+ <blockquote><pre>
+case v of
+ [:x1:] -> e1
+ [:x2, x3, x4:] -> e2
+ _ -> e3</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ <code>Match.tidy1</code> converts it into a form that is equivalent to
+ <blockquote><pre>
+case v of {
+ MkPArr1 x1 -> e1;
+ MkPArr2 x2 x3 x4 -> e2;
+ _ -> e3;
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ which <code>DsUtils.mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult</code> turns into the
+ following Core code:
+ <blockquote><pre>
+ case lengthP v of
+ Int# i# ->
+ case i# of l {
+ DFT -> e3
+ 1 -> let x1 = v!:0 in e1
+ 3 -> let x2 = v!:0; x2 = v!:1; x3 = v!:2 in e2
+ }</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <h4>Parallel Array Comprehensions</h4>
+ <p>
+ The most challenging construct of the three are array comprehensions.
+ In principle, it would be possible to transform them in essentially the
+ same way as list comprehensions, but this would lead to abysmally slow
+ code as desugaring of list comprehensions generates code that is
+ optimised for sequential, constructor-based structures. In contrast,
+ array comprehensions need to be transformed into code that solely relies
+ on collective operations and avoids the creation of many small
+ intermediate arrays.
+ <p>
+ The transformation is implemented by the function <a
+ href=""><code>DsListComp</code></a><code>.dsPArrComp</code>.
+ In the following, we denote this transformation function by the form
+ <code>&lt;&lt;<i>e</i>&gt;&gt; pa ea</code>, where <code><i>e</i></code>
+ is the comprehension to be compiled and the arguments <code>pa</code>
+ and <code>ea</code> denote a pattern and the currently processed array
+ expression, respectively. The invariant constraining these two
+ arguments is that all elements in the array produced by <code>ea</code>
+ will <em>successfully</em> match against <code>pa</code>.
+ <p>
+ Given a source-level comprehensions <code>[:e | qss:]</code>, we compile
+ it with <code>&lt;&lt;[:e | qss:]&gt;&gt; () [:():]</code> using the
+ rules
+ <blockquote><pre>
+<<[:e' | :]>> pa ea = mapP (\pa -> e') ea
+<<[:e' | b , qs:]>> pa ea = <<[:e' | qs:]>> pa (filterP (\pa -> b) ea)
+<<[:e' | p <- e, qs:]>> pa ea =
+ let ef = filterP (\x -> case x of {p -> True; _ -> False}) e
+ in
+ <<[:e' | qs:]>> (pa, p) (crossP ea ef)
+<<[:e' | let ds, qs:]>> pa ea =
+ <<[:e' | qs:]>> (pa, (x_1, ..., x_n))
+ (mapP (\v@pa -> (v, let ds in (x_1, ..., x_n))) ea)
+ {x_1, ..., x_n} = DV (ds) -- Defined Variables
+<<[:e' | qs | qss:]>> pa ea =
+ <<[:e' | qss:]>> (pa, (x_1, ..., x_n))
+ (zipP ea <<[:(x_1, ..., x_n) | qs:]>>)
+ {x_1, ..., x_n} = DV (qs)</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ We assume the denotation of <code>crossP</code> to be given by
+ <blockquote><pre>
+crossP :: [:a:] -> [:b:] -> [:(a, b):]
+crossP a1 a2 = let
+ len1 = lengthP a1
+ len2 = lengthP a2
+ x1 = concatP $ mapP (replicateP len2) a1
+ x2 = concatP $ replicateP len1 a2
+ in
+ zipP x1 x2</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ For a more efficient implementation of <code>crossP</code>, see
+ <a
+ href=""><code>PrelPArr</code></a>.
+ <p>
+ Moreover, the following optimisations are important:
+ <ul>
+ <li>In the <code>p &lt;- e</code> rule, if <code>pa == ()</code>, drop
+ it and simplify the <code>crossP ea e</code> to <code>e</code>.
+ <li>We assume that fusion will optimise sequences of array processing
+ combinators.
+ <li>FIXME: Do we want to have the following function?
+ <blockquote><pre>
+mapFilterP :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [:a:] -> [:b:]</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ Even with fusion <code>(mapP (\p -&gt; e) . filterP (\p -&gt;
+ b))</code> may still result in redundant pattern matching
+ operations. (Let's wait with this until we have seen what the
+ Simplifier does to the generated code.)
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Doing Away With Nested Arrays: The Flattening Transformation</h2>
+ <p>
+ On the quest towards an entirely unboxed representation of parallel
+ arrays, the flattening transformation is the essential ingredient. GHC
+ uses a <a
+ href="">substantially
+ improved version</a> of the transformation whose original form was
+ described by Blelloch &amp; Sabot. The flattening transformation
+ replaces values of type <code>[:a:]</code> as well as functions
+ operating on these values by alternative, more efficient data structures
+ and functions.
+ <p>
+ The flattening machinery is activated by the option
+ <code>-fflatten</code>, which is a static hsc option. It consists of
+ two steps: function vectorisation and array specialisation. Only the
+ first of those is implemented so far. If selected, the transformation
+ is applied to a module in Core form immediately after the <a
+ href="../the-beast/desugar.html">desugarer,</a> before the <a
+ href="../the-beast/simplifier.html">Mighty Simplifier</a> gets to do its
+ job. After vectorisation, the Core program can be dumped using the
+ option <code>-ddump-vect</code>. The is a good reason for us to perform
+ flattening immediately after the desugarer. In <a
+ href=""><code>HscMain</code></a><code>.hscRecomp</code>
+ the so-called <em>persistent compiler state</em> is maintained, which
+ contains all the information about imported interface files needed to
+ lookup the details of imported names (e.g., during renaming and type
+ checking). However, all this information is zapped before the
+ simplifier is invoked (supposedly to reduce the space-consumption of
+ GHC). As flattening has to get at all kinds of identifiers from Prelude
+ modules, we need to do it before the relevant information in the
+ persistent compiler state is gone.
+ <p>
+ As flattening generally requires all libraries to be compiled for
+ flattening (just like profiling does), there is a <em>compiler way</em>
+ <code>"ndp"</code>, which can be selected using the way option code
+ <code>-ndp</code>. This option will automagically select
+ <code>-fparr</code> and <code>-fflatten</code>.
+ <h4><code>FlattenMonad</code></h4>
+ <p>
+ The module <a
+ href=""><code>FlattenMonad</code></a>
+ implements the monad <code>Flatten</code> that is used during
+ vectorisation to keep track of various sets of bound variables and a
+ variable substitution map; moreover, it provides a supply of new uniques
+ and allows us to look up names in the persistent compiler state (i.e.,
+ imported identifiers).
+ <p>
+ In order to be able to look up imported identifiers in the persistent
+ compiler state, it is important that these identifies are included into
+ the free variable lists computed by the renamer. More precisely, all
+ names needed by flattening are included in the names produced by
+ <code>RnEnv.getImplicitModuleFVs</code>. To avoid putting
+ flattening-dependent lists of names into the renamer, the module
+ <code>FlattenInfo</code> exports <code>namesNeededForFlattening</code>.
+ [FIXME: It might be worthwhile to document in the non-Flattening part of
+ the Commentary that the persistent compiler state is zapped after
+ desugaring and how the free variables determined by the renamer imply
+ which names are imported.]
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Tue Feb 12 01:44:21 EST 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>