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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Data types and data constructors</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Data types and data constructors</h1>
+ <p>
+This chapter was thoroughly changed Feb 2003.
+<h2>Data types</h2>
+Consider the following data type declaration:
+ data T a = MkT !(a,a) !(T a) | Nil
+ f x = case x of
+ MkT p q -> MkT p (q+1)
+ Nil -> Nil
+The user's source program mentions only the constructors <tt>MkT</tt>
+and <tt>Nil</tt>. However, these constructors actually <em>do</em> something
+in addition to building a data value. For a start, <tt>MkT</tt> evaluates
+its arguments. Secondly, with the flag <tt>-funbox-strict-fields</tt> GHC
+will flatten (or unbox) the strict fields. So we may imagine that there's the
+<em>source</em> constructor <tt>MkT</tt> and the <em>representation</em> constructor
+<tt>MkT</tt>, and things start to get pretty confusing.
+GHC now generates three unique <tt>Name</tt>s for each data constructor:
+ ---- OccName ------
+ String Name space Used for
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The "source data con" MkT DataName The DataCon itself
+ The "worker data con" MkT VarName Its worker Id
+ aka "representation data con"
+ The "wrapper data con" $WMkT VarName Its wrapper Id (optional)
+Recall that each occurrence name (OccName) is a pair of a string and a
+name space (see <a href="names.html">The truth about names</a>), and
+two OccNames are considered the same only if both components match.
+That is what distinguishes the name of the name of the DataCon from
+the name of its worker Id. To keep things unambiguous, in what
+follows we'll write "MkT{d}" for the source data con, and "MkT{v}" for
+the worker Id. (Indeed, when you dump stuff with "-ddumpXXX", if you
+also add "-dppr-debug" you'll get stuff like "Foo {- d rMv -}". The
+"d" part is the name space; the "rMv" is the unique key.)
+Each of these three names gets a distinct unique key in GHC's name cache.
+<h2>The life cycle of a data type</h2>
+Suppose the Haskell source looks like this:
+ data T a = MkT !(a,a) !Int | Nil
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil -> Nil
+ MkT p q -> MkT p (q+1)
+When the parser reads it in, it decides which name space each lexeme comes
+from, thus:
+ data T a = MkT{d} !(a,a) !Int | Nil{d}
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil{d} -> Nil{d}
+ MkT{d} p q -> MkT{d} p (q+1)
+Notice that in the Haskell source <em>all data contructors are named via the "source data con" MkT{d}</em>,
+whether in pattern matching or in expressions.
+In the translated source produced by the type checker (-ddump-tc), the program looks like this:
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil{d} -> Nil{v}
+ MkT{d} p q -> $WMkT p (q+1)
+Notice that the type checker replaces the occurrence of MkT by the <em>wrapper</em>, but
+the occurrence of Nil by the <em>worker</em>. Reason: Nil doesn't have a wrapper because there is
+nothing to do in the wrapper (this is the vastly common case).
+Though they are not printed out by "-ddump-tc", behind the scenes, there are
+also the following: the data type declaration and the wrapper function for MkT.
+ data T a = MkT{d} a a Int# | Nil{d}
+ $WMkT :: (a,a) -> T a -> T a
+ $WMkT p t = case p of
+ (a,b) -> seq t (MkT{v} a b t)
+Here, the <em>wrapper</em> <tt>$WMkT</tt> evaluates and takes apart the argument <tt>p</tt>,
+evaluates the argument <tt>t</tt>, and builds a three-field data value
+with the <em>worker</em> constructor <tt>MkT{v}</tt>. (There are more notes below
+about the unboxing of strict fields.) The worker $WMkT is called an <em>implicit binding</em>,
+because it's introduced implicitly by the data type declaration (record selectors
+are also implicit bindings, for example). Implicit bindings are injected into the code
+just before emitting code or External Core.
+After desugaring into Core (-ddump-ds), the definition of <tt>f</tt> looks like this:
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil{d} -> Nil{v}
+ MkT{d} a b r -> let { p = (a,b); q = I# r } in
+ $WMkT p (q+1)
+Notice the way that pattern matching has been desugared to take account of the fact
+that the "real" data constructor MkT has three fields.
+By the time the simplifier has had a go at it, <tt>f</tt> will be transformed to:
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil{d} -> Nil{v}
+ MkT{d} a b r -> MkT{v} a b (r +# 1#)
+Which is highly cool.
+<h2> The constructor wrapper functions </h2>
+The wrapper functions are automatically generated by GHC, and are
+really emitted into the result code (albeit only after CorePre; see
+The wrapper functions are inlined very
+vigorously, so you will not see many occurrences of the wrapper
+functions in an optimised program, but you may see some. For example,
+if your Haskell source has
+ map MkT xs
+then <tt>$WMkT</tt> will not be inlined (because it is not applied to anything).
+That is why we generate real top-level bindings for the wrapper functions,
+and generate code for them.
+<h2> The constructor worker functions </h2>
+Saturated applications of the constructor worker function MkT{v} are
+treated specially by the code generator; they really do allocation.
+However, we do want a single, shared, top-level definition for
+top-level nullary constructors (like True and False). Furthermore,
+what if the code generator encounters a non-saturated application of a
+worker? E.g. <tt>(map Just xs)</tt>. We could declare that to be an
+error (CorePrep should saturate them). But instead we currently
+generate a top-level defintion for each constructor worker, whether
+nullary or not. It takes the form:
+ MkT{v} = \ p q r -> MkT{v} p q r
+This is a real hack. The occurrence on the RHS is saturated, so the code generator (both the
+one that generates abstract C and the byte-code generator) treats it as a special case and
+allocates a MkT; it does not make a recursive call! So now there's a top-level curried
+version of the worker which is available to anyone who wants it.
+This strange defintion is not emitted into External Core. Indeed, you might argue that
+we should instead pass the list of <tt>TyCon</tt>s to the code generator and have it
+generate magic bindings directly. As it stands, it's a real hack: see the code in
+<h2> External Core </h2>
+When emitting External Core, we should see this for our running example:
+ data T a = MkT a a Int# | Nil{d}
+ $WMkT :: (a,a) -> T a -> T a
+ $WMkT p t = case p of
+ (a,b) -> seq t (MkT a b t)
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil -> Nil
+ MkT a b r -> MkT a b (r +# 1#)
+Notice that it makes perfect sense as a program all by itself. Constructors
+look like constructors (albeit not identical to the original Haskell ones).
+When reading in External Core, the parser is careful to read it back in just
+as it was before it was spat out, namely:
+ data T a = MkT{d} a a Int# | Nil{d}
+ $WMkT :: (a,a) -> T a -> T a
+ $WMkT p t = case p of
+ (a,b) -> seq t (MkT{v} a b t)
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil{d} -> Nil{v}
+ MkT{d} a b r -> MkT{v} a b (r +# 1#)
+<h2> Unboxing strict fields </h2>
+If GHC unboxes strict fields (as in the first argument of <tt>MkT</tt> above),
+it also transforms
+source-language case expressions. Suppose you write this in your Haskell source:
+ case e of
+ MkT p t -> ..p..t..
+GHC will desugar this to the following Core code:
+ case e of
+ MkT a b t -> let p = (a,b) in ..p..t..
+The local let-binding reboxes the pair because it may be mentioned in
+the case alternative. This may well be a bad idea, which is why
+<tt>-funbox-strict-fields</tt> is an experimental feature.
+It's essential that when importing a type <tt>T</tt> defined in some
+external module <tt>M</tt>, GHC knows what representation was used for
+that type, and that in turn depends on whether module <tt>M</tt> was
+compiled with <tt>-funbox-strict-fields</tt>. So when writing an
+interface file, GHC therefore records with each data type whether its
+strict fields (if any) should be unboxed.
+<h2> Labels and info tables </h2>
+<em>Quick rough notes: SLPJ March 2003</em>.
+Every data constructor <tt>C</tt>has two info tables:
+<li> The static info table (label <tt>C_static_info</tt>), used for statically-allocated constructors.
+<li> The dynamic info table (label <tt>C_con_info</tt>), used for dynamically-allocated constructors.
+Statically-allocated constructors are not moved by the garbage collector, and therefore have a different closure
+type from dynamically-allocated constructors; hence they need
+a distinct info table.
+Both info tables share the same entry code, but since the entry code is phyiscally juxtaposed with the
+info table, it must be duplicated (<tt>C_static_entry</tt> and <tt>C_con_entry</tt> respectively).
+ </body>