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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - GHCi</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - GHCi</h1>
+ This isn't a coherent description of how GHCi works, sorry. What
+ it is (currently) is a dumping ground for various bits of info
+ pertaining to GHCi, which ought to be recorded somewhere.
+ <h2>Debugging the interpreter</h2>
+ The usual symptom is that some expression / program crashes when
+ running on the interpreter (commonly), or gets wierd results
+ (rarely). Unfortunately, finding out what the problem really is
+ has proven to be extremely difficult. In retrospect it may be
+ argued a design flaw that GHC's implementation of the STG
+ execution mechanism provides only the weakest of support for
+ automated internal consistency checks. This makes it hard to
+ debug.
+ <p>
+ Execution failures in the interactive system can be due to
+ problems with the bytecode interpreter, problems with the bytecode
+ generator, or problems elsewhere. From the bugs seen so far,
+ the bytecode generator is often the culprit, with the interpreter
+ usually being correct.
+ <p>
+ Here are some tips for tracking down interactive nonsense:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Find the smallest source fragment which causes the problem.
+ <p>
+ <li>Using an RTS compiled with <code>-DDEBUG</code> (nb, that
+ means the RTS from the previous stage!), run with <code>+RTS
+ -D2</code> to get a listing in great detail from the
+ interpreter. Note that the listing is so voluminous that
+ this is impractical unless you have been diligent in
+ the previous step.
+ <p>
+ <li>At least in principle, using the trace and a bit of GDB
+ poking around at the time of death, you can figure out what
+ the problem is. In practice you quickly get depressed at
+ the hopelessness of ever making sense of the mass of
+ details. Well, I do, anyway.
+ <p>
+ <li><code>+RTS -D2</code> tries hard to print useful
+ descriptions of what's on the stack, and often succeeds.
+ However, it has no way to map addresses to names in
+ code/data loaded by our runtime linker. So the C function
+ <code>ghci_enquire</code> is provided. Given an address, it
+ searches the loaded symbol tables for symbols close to that
+ address. You can run it from inside GDB:
+ <pre>
+ (gdb) p ghci_enquire ( 0x50a406f0 )
+ 0x50a406f0 + -48 == `PrelBase_Czh_con_info'
+ 0x50a406f0 + -12 == `PrelBase_Izh_static_info'
+ 0x50a406f0 + -48 == `PrelBase_Czh_con_entry'
+ 0x50a406f0 + -24 == `PrelBase_Izh_con_info'
+ 0x50a406f0 + 16 == `PrelBase_ZC_con_entry'
+ 0x50a406f0 + 0 == `PrelBase_ZMZN_static_entry'
+ 0x50a406f0 + -36 == `PrelBase_Czh_static_entry'
+ 0x50a406f0 + -24 == `PrelBase_Izh_con_entry'
+ 0x50a406f0 + 64 == `PrelBase_EQ_static_info'
+ 0x50a406f0 + 0 == `PrelBase_ZMZN_static_info'
+ 0x50a406f0 + 48 == `PrelBase_LT_static_entry'
+ $1 = void
+ </pre>
+ In this case the enquired-about address is
+ <code>PrelBase_ZMZN_static_entry</code>. If no symbols are
+ close to the given addr, nothing is printed. Not a great
+ mechanism, but better than nothing.
+ <p>
+ <li>We have had various problems in the past due to the bytecode
+ generator (<code>compiler/ghci/ByteCodeGen.lhs</code>) being
+ confused about the true set of free variables of an
+ expression. The compilation scheme for <code>let</code>s
+ applies the BCO for the RHS of the let to its free
+ variables, so if the free-var annotation is wrong or
+ misleading, you end up with code which has wrong stack
+ offsets, which is usually fatal.
+ <p>
+ <li>The baseline behaviour of the interpreter is to interpret
+ BCOs, and hand all other closures back to the scheduler for
+ evaluation. However, this causes a huge number of expensive
+ context switches, so the interpreter knows how to enter the
+ most common non-BCO closure types by itself.
+ <p>
+ These optimisations complicate the interpreter.
+ If you think you have an interpreter problem, re-enable the
+ define <code>REFERENCE_INTERPRETER</code> in
+ <code>ghc/rts/Interpreter.c</code>. All optimisations are
+ thereby disabled, giving the baseline
+ I-only-know-how-to-enter-BCOs behaviour.
+ <p>
+ <li>Following the traces is often problematic because execution
+ hops back and forth between the interpreter, which is
+ traced, and compiled code, which you can't see.
+ Particularly annoying is when the stack looks OK in the
+ interpreter, then compiled code runs for a while, and later
+ we arrive back in the interpreter, with the stack corrupted,
+ and usually in a completely different place from where we
+ left off.
+ <p>
+ If this is biting you baaaad, it may be worth copying
+ sources for the compiled functions causing the problem, into
+ your interpreted module, in the hope that you stay in the
+ interpreter more of the time. Of course this doesn't work
+ very well if you've defined
+ <code>ghc/rts/Interpreter.c</code>.
+ <p>
+ <li>There are various commented-out pieces of code in
+ <code>Interpreter.c</code> which can be used to get the
+ stack sanity-checked after every entry, and even after after
+ every bytecode instruction executed. Note that some
+ bytecodes (<code>PUSH_UBX</code>) leave the stack in
+ an unwalkable state, so the <code>do_print_stack</code>
+ local variable is used to suppress the stack walk after
+ them.
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Useful stuff to know about the interpreter</h2>
+ The code generation scheme is straightforward (naive, in fact).
+ <code>-ddump-bcos</code> prints each BCO along with the Core it
+ was generated from, which is very handy.
+ <ul>
+ <li>Simple lets are compiled in-line. For the general case, let
+ v = E in ..., E is compiled into a new BCO which takes as
+ args its free variables, and v is bound to AP(the new BCO,
+ free vars of E).
+ <p>
+ <li><code>case</code>s as usual, become: push the return
+ continuation, enter the scrutinee. There is some magic to
+ make all combinations of compiled/interpreted calls and
+ returns work, described below. In the interpreted case, all
+ case alts are compiled into a single big return BCO, which
+ commences with instructions implementing a switch tree.
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <b>ARGCHECK magic</b>
+ <p>
+ You may find ARGCHECK instructions at the start of BCOs which
+ don't appear to need them; case continuations in particular.
+ These play an important role: they force objects which should
+ evaluated to BCOs to actually be BCOs.
+ <p>
+ Typically, there may be an application node somewhere in the heap.
+ This is a thunk which when leant on turns into a BCO for a return
+ continuation. The thunk may get entered with an update frame on
+ top of the stack. This is legitimate since from one viewpoint
+ this is an AP which simply reduces to a data object, so does not
+ have functional type. However, once the AP turns itself into a
+ BCO (so to speak) we cannot simply enter the BCO, because that
+ expects to see args on top of the stack, not an update frame.
+ Therefore any BCO which expects something on the stack above an
+ update frame, even non-function BCOs, start with an ARGCHECK. In
+ this case it fails, the update is done, the update frame is
+ removed, and the BCO re-entered. Subsequent entries of the BCO of
+ course go unhindered.
+ <p>
+ The optimised (<code>#undef REFERENCE_INTERPRETER</code>) handles
+ this case specially, so that a trip through the scheduler is
+ avoided. When reading traces from <code>+RTS -D2 -RTS</code>, you
+ may see BCOs which appear to execute their initial ARGCHECK insn
+ twice. The first time it fails; the interpreter does the update
+ immediately and re-enters with no further comment.
+ <p>
+ This is all a bit ugly, and, as SimonM correctly points out, it
+ would have been cleaner to make BCOs unpointed (unthunkable)
+ objects, so that a pointer to something <code>:: BCO#</code>
+ really points directly at a BCO.
+ <p>
+ <b>Stack management</b>
+ <p>
+ There isn't any attempt to stub the stack, minimise its growth, or
+ generally remove unused pointers ahead of time. This is really
+ due to lazyness on my part, although it does have the minor
+ advantage that doing something cleverer would almost certainly
+ increase the number of bytecodes that would have to be executed.
+ Of course we SLIDE out redundant stuff, to get the stack back to
+ the sequel depth, before returning a HNF, but that's all. As
+ usual this is probably a cause of major space leaks.
+ <p>
+ <b>Building constructors</b>
+ <p>
+ Constructors are built on the stack and then dumped into the heap
+ with a single PACK instruction, which simply copies the top N
+ words of the stack verbatim into the heap, adds an info table, and zaps N
+ words from the stack. The constructor args are pushed onto the
+ stack one at a time. One upshot of this is that unboxed values
+ get pushed untaggedly onto the stack (via PUSH_UBX), because that's how they
+ will be in the heap. That in turn means that the stack is not
+ always walkable at arbitrary points in BCO execution, although
+ naturally it is whenever GC might occur.
+ <p>
+ Function closures created by the interpreter use the AP-node
+ (tagged) format, so although their fields are similarly
+ constructed on the stack, there is never a stack walkability
+ problem.
+ <p>
+ <b>Unpacking constructors</b>
+ <p>
+ At the start of a case continuation, the returned constructor is
+ unpacked onto the stack, which means that unboxed fields have to
+ be tagged. Rather than burdening all such continuations with a
+ complex, general mechanism, I split it into two. The
+ allegedly-common all-pointers case uses a single UNPACK insn
+ to fish out all fields with no further ado. The slow case uses a
+ sequence of more complex UPK_TAG insns, one for each field (I
+ think). This seemed like a good compromise to me.
+ <p>
+ <b>Perspective</b>
+ <p>
+ I designed the bytecode mechanism with the experience of both STG
+ hugs and Classic Hugs in mind. The latter has an small
+ set of bytecodes, a small interpreter loop, and runs amazingly
+ fast considering the cruddy code it has to interpret. The former
+ had a large interpretative loop with many different opcodes,
+ including multiple minor variants of the same thing, which
+ made it difficult to optimise and maintain, yet it performed more
+ or less comparably with Classic Hugs.
+ <p>
+ My design aims were therefore to minimise the interpreter's
+ complexity whilst maximising performance. This means reducing the
+ number of opcodes implemented, whilst reducing the number of insns
+ despatched. In particular there are only two opcodes, PUSH_UBX
+ and UPK_TAG, which deal with tags. STG Hugs had dozens of opcodes
+ for dealing with tagged data. In cases where the common
+ all-pointers case is significantly simpler (UNPACK) I deal with it
+ specially. Finally, the number of insns executed is reduced a
+ little by merging multiple pushes, giving PUSH_LL and PUSH_LLL.
+ These opcode pairings were determined by using the opcode-pair
+ frequency profiling stuff which is ifdef-d out in
+ <code>Interpreter.c</code>. These significantly improve
+ performance without having much effect on the uglyness or
+ complexity of the interpreter.
+ <p>
+ Overall, the interpreter design is something which turned out
+ well, and I was pleased with it. Unfortunately I cannot say the
+ same of the bytecode generator.
+ <h2><code>case</code> returns between interpreted and compiled code</h2>
+ Variants of the following scheme have been drifting around in GHC
+ RTS documentation for several years. Since what follows is
+ actually what is implemented, I guess it supersedes all other
+ documentation. Beware; the following may make your brain melt.
+ In all the pictures below, the stack grows downwards.
+ <p>
+ <b>Returning to interpreted code</b>.
+ <p>
+ Interpreted returns employ a set of polymorphic return infotables.
+ Each element in the set corresponds to one of the possible return
+ registers (R1, D1, F1) that compiled code will place the returned
+ value in. In fact this is a bit misleading, since R1 can be used
+ to return either a pointer or an int, and we need to distinguish
+ these cases. So, supposing the set of return registers is {R1p,
+ R1n, D1, F1}, there would be four corresponding infotables,
+ <code>stg_ctoi_ret_R1p_info</code>, etc. In the pictures below we
+ call them <code>stg_ctoi_ret_REP_info</code>.
+ <p>
+ These return itbls are polymorphic, meaning that all 8 vectored
+ return codes and the direct return code are identical.
+ <p>
+ Before the scrutinee is entered, the stack is arranged like this:
+ <pre>
+ | |
+ +--------+
+ | BCO | -------> the return contination BCO
+ +--------+
+ | itbl * | -------> stg_ctoi_ret_REP_info, with all 9 codes as follows:
+ +--------+
+ BCO* bco = Sp[1];
+ push R1/F1/D1 depending on REP
+ push bco
+ yield to sched
+ </pre>
+ On entry, the interpreted contination BCO expects the stack to look
+ like this:
+ <pre>
+ | |
+ +--------+
+ | BCO | -------> the return contination BCO
+ +--------+
+ | itbl * | -------> ret_REP_ctoi_info, with all 9 codes as follows:
+ +--------+
+ : VALUE : (the returned value, shown with : since it may occupy
+ +--------+ multiple stack words)
+ </pre>
+ A machine code return will park the returned value in R1/F1/D1,
+ and enter the itbl on the top of the stack. Since it's our magic
+ itbl, this pushes the returned value onto the stack, which is
+ where the interpreter expects to find it. It then pushes the BCO
+ (again) and yields. The scheduler removes the BCO from the top,
+ and enters it, so that the continuation is interpreted with the
+ stack as shown above.
+ <p>
+ An interpreted return will create the value to return at the top
+ of the stack. It then examines the return itbl, which must be
+ immediately underneath the return value, to see if it is one of
+ the magic <code>stg_ctoi_ret_REP_info</code> set. Since this is so,
+ it knows it is returning to an interpreted contination. It
+ therefore simply enters the BCO which it assumes it immediately
+ underneath the itbl on the stack.
+ <p>
+ <b>Returning to compiled code</b>.
+ <p>
+ Before the scrutinee is entered, the stack is arranged like this:
+ <pre>
+ ptr to vec code 8 ------> return vector code 8
+ | | ....
+ +--------+ ptr to vec code 1 ------> return vector code 1
+ | itbl * | -- Itbl end
+ +--------+ \ ....
+ \ Itbl start
+ ----> direct return code
+ </pre>
+ The scrutinee value is then entered.
+ The case continuation(s) expect the stack to look the same, with
+ the returned HNF in a suitable return register, R1, D1, F1 etc.
+ <p>
+ A machine code return knows whether it is doing a vectored or
+ direct return, and, if the former, which vector element it is.
+ So, for a direct return we jump to <code>Sp[0]</code>, and for a
+ vectored return, jump to <code>((CodePtr*)(Sp[0]))[ - ITBL_LENGTH
+ - vector number ]</code>. This is (of course) the scheme that
+ compiled code has been using all along.
+ <p>
+ An interpreted return will, as described just above, have examined
+ the itbl immediately beneath the return value it has just pushed,
+ and found it not to be one of the <code>ret_REP_ctoi_info</code> set,
+ so it knows this must be a return to machine code. It needs to
+ pop the return value, currently on the stack, into R1/F1/D1, and
+ jump through the info table. Unfortunately the first part cannot
+ be accomplished directly since we are not in Haskellised-C world.
+ <p>
+ We therefore employ a second family of magic infotables, indexed,
+ like the first, on the return representation, and therefore with
+ names of the form <code>stg_itoc_ret_REP_info</code>. (Note:
+ <code>itoc</code>; the previous bunch were <code>ctoi</code>).
+ This is pushed onto the stack (note, tagged values have their tag
+ zapped), giving:
+ <pre>
+ | |
+ +--------+
+ | itbl * | -------> arbitrary machine code return itbl
+ +--------+
+ : VALUE : (the returned value, possibly multiple words)
+ +--------+
+ | itbl * | -------> stg_itoc_ret_REP_info, with code:
+ +--------+
+ pop myself (stg_itoc_ret_REP_info) off the stack
+ pop return value into R1/D1/F1
+ do standard machine code return to itbl at t.o.s.
+ </pre>
+ We then return to the scheduler, asking it to enter the itbl at
+ t.o.s. When entered, <code>stg_itoc_ret_REP_info</code> removes
+ itself from the stack, pops the return value into the relevant
+ return register, and returns to the itbl to which we were trying
+ to return in the first place.
+ <p>
+ Amazingly enough, this stuff all actually works! Well, mostly ...
+ <p>
+ <b>Unboxed tuples: a Right Royal Spanner In The Works</b>
+ <p>
+ The above scheme depends crucially on having magic infotables
+ <code>stg_{itoc,ctoi}_ret_REP_info</code> for each return
+ representation <code>REP</code>. It unfortunately fails miserably
+ in the face of unboxed tuple returns, because the set of required
+ tables would be infinite; this despite the fact that for any given
+ unboxed tuple return type, the scheme could be made to work fine.
+ <p>
+ This is a serious problem, because it prevents interpreted
+ code from doing <code>IO</code>-typed returns, since <code>IO
+ t</code> is implemented as <code>(# t, RealWorld# #)</code> or
+ thereabouts. This restriction in turn rules out FFI stuff in the
+ interpreter. Not good.
+ <p>
+ Although we have no way to make general unboxed tuples work, we
+ can at least make <code>IO</code>-types work using the following
+ ultra-kludgey observation: <code>RealWorld#</code> doesn't really
+ exist and so has zero size, in compiled code. In turn this means
+ that a type of the form <code>(# t, RealWorld# #)</code> has the
+ same representation as plain <code>t</code> does. So the bytecode
+ generator, whilst rejecting code with general unboxed tuple
+ returns, recognises and accepts this special case. Which means
+ that <code>IO</code>-typed stuff works in the interpreter. Just.
+ <p>
+ If anyone asks, I will claim I was out of radio contact, on a
+ 6-month walking holiday to the south pole, at the time this was
+ ... er ... dreamt up.
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Thursday February 7 15:33:49 GMT 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>