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diff --git a/docs/comm/exts/ndp.html b/docs/comm/exts/ndp.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c94c3960b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/comm/exts/ndp.html
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Parallel Arrays</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Parallel Arrays</h1>
+ <p>
+ This section describes an experimental extension by high-performance
+ arrays, which comprises special syntax for array types and array
+ comprehensions, a set of optimising program transformations, and a set
+ of special purpose libraries. The extension is currently only partially
+ implemented, but the development will be tracked here.
+ <p>
+ Parallel arrays originally got their name from the aim to provide an
+ architecture-independent programming model for a range of parallel
+ computers. However, since experiments showed that the approach is also
+ worthwhile for sequential array code, the emphasis has shifted to their
+ parallel evaluation semantics: As soon as any element in a parallel
+ array is demanded, all the other elements are evaluated, too. This
+ makes parallel arrays more strict than <a
+ href="">standard Haskell 98
+ arrays</a>, but also opens the door for a loop-based implementation
+ strategy that leads to significantly more efficient code.
+ <p>
+ The programming model as well as the use of the <em>flattening
+ transformation</em>, which is central to the approach, has its origin in
+ the programming language <a
+ href="">Nesl</a>.
+ <h2>More Sugar: Special Syntax for Array Comprehensions</h2>
+ <p>
+ The option <code>-fparr</code>, which is a dynamic hsc option that can
+ be reversed with <code>-fno-parr</code>, enables special syntax for
+ parallel arrays, which is not essential to using parallel arrays, but
+ makes for significantly more concise programs. The switch works by
+ making the lexical analyser (located in <a
+ href=""><code>Lex.lhs</code></a>)
+ recognise the tokens <code>[:</code> and <code>:]</code>. Given that
+ the additional productions in the parser (located in <a
+ href=""><code>Parser.y</code></a>)
+ cannot be triggered without the lexer generating the necessary tokens,
+ there is no need to alter the behaviour of the parser.
+ <p>
+ The following additional syntax is accepted (the non-terminals are those
+ from the <a href="">Haskell 98 language
+ definition</a>):
+ <p>
+ <blockquote><pre>
+atype -> '[:' type ':] (parallel array type)
+aexp -> '[:' exp1 ',' ... ',' expk ':]' (explicit array, k >= 0)
+ | '[:' exp1 [',' exp2] '..' exp3 ':]' (arithmetic array sequence)
+ | '[:' exp '|' quals1 '|' ... '|' qualsn ':]' (array comprehension, n >= 1)
+quals -> qual1 ',' ... ',' qualn (qualifier list, n >= 1)
+apat -> '[:' pat1 ',' ... ',' patk ':]' (array pattern, k >= 0)
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ Moreover, the extended comprehension syntax that allows for <em>parallel
+ qualifiers</em> (i.e., qualifiers separated by "<code>|</code>") is also
+ supported in list comprehensions. In general, the similarity to the
+ special syntax for list is obvious. The two main differences are that
+ (a) arithmetic array sequences are always finite and (b)
+ <code>[::]</code> is not treated as a constructor in expressions and
+ patterns, but rather as a special case of the explicit array syntax.
+ The former is a simple consequence of the parallel evaluation semantics
+ of parallel arrays and the latter is due to arrays not being a
+ constructor-based data type.
+ <p>
+ As a naming convention, types and functions that are concerned with
+ parallel arrays usually contain the string <code>parr</code> or
+ <code>PArr</code> (often as a prefix), and where corresponding types or
+ functions for handling lists exist, the name is identical, except for
+ containing the substring <code>parr</code> instead of <code>list</code>
+ (possibly in caps).
+ <p>
+ The following implications are worth noting explicitly:
+ <ul>
+ <li>As the value and pattern <code>[::]</code> is an empty explicit
+ parallel array (i.e., something of the form <code>ExplicitPArr ty
+ []</code> in the AST). This is in contrast to lists, which use the
+ nil-constructor instead. In the case of parallel arrays, using a
+ constructor would be rather awkward, as it is not a constructor-based
+ type. (This becomes rather clear in the desugarer.)
+ <li>As a consequence, array patterns have the general form <code>[:p1,
+ p2, ..., pn:]</code>, where <code>n</code> >= 0. Thus, two array
+ patterns overlap iff they have the same length -- an important property
+ for the pattern matching compiler.
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Prelude Support for Parallel Arrays</h2>
+ <p>
+ The Prelude module <a
+ href=""><code>PrelPArr</code></a>
+ defines the standard operations and their types on parallel arrays and
+ provides a basic implementation based on boxed arrays. The interface of
+ <code>PrelPArr</code> is oriented by H98's <code>PrelList</code>, but
+ leaving out all functions that require infinite structures and adding
+ frequently needed array operations, such as permutations. Parallel
+ arrays are quite unqiue in that they use an entirely different
+ representation as soon as the flattening transformation is activated,
+ which is described further below. In particular, <code>PrelPArr</code>
+ defines the type <code>[::]</code> and operations to create, process,
+ and inspect parallel arrays. The type as well as the names of some of
+ the operations are also hardwired in <a
+ href=""><code>TysWiredIn</code></a>
+ (see the definition of <code>parrTyCon</code> in this module) and <a
+ href=""><code>PrelNames</code></a>.
+ This is again very much like the case of lists, where the type is
+ defined in <a
+ href=""><code>PrelBase</code></a>
+ and similarly wired in; however, for lists the entirely
+ constructor-based definition is exposed to user programs, which is not
+ the case for parallel arrays.
+ <h2>Desugaring Parallel Arrays</h2>
+ <p>
+ The parallel array extension requires the desugarer to replace all
+ occurrences of (1) explicit parallel arrays, (2) array patterns, and (3)
+ array comprehensions by a suitable combination of invocations of
+ operations defined in <code>PrelPArr</code>.
+ <h4>Explicit Parallel Arrays</h4>
+ <p>
+ These are by far the simplest to remove. We simply replace every
+ occurrence of <code>[:<i>e<sub>1</sub></i>, ...,
+ <i>e<sub>n</sub></i>:]</code> by
+ <blockquote>
+ <code>
+ toP [<i>e<sub>1</sub></i>, ..., <i>e<sub>n</sub></i>]
+ </code>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ i.e., we build a list of the array elements, which is, then, converted
+ into a parallel array.
+ <h4>Parallel Array Patterns</h4>
+ <p>
+ Array patterns are much more tricky as element positions may contain
+ further patterns and the <a
+ href="../the-beast/desugar.html#patmat">pattern matching compiler</a>
+ requires us to flatten all those out. But before we turn to the gory
+ details, here first the basic idea: A flat array pattern matches exactly
+ iff it's length corresponds to the length of the matched array. Hence,
+ if we have a set of flat array patterns matching an array value
+ <code>a</code>, it suffices to generate a Core <code>case</code>
+ expression that scrutinises <code>lengthP a</code> and has one
+ alternative for every length of array occuring in one of the patterns.
+ Moreover, there needs to be a default case catching all other array
+ lengths. In each alternative, array indexing (i.e., the functions
+ <code>!:</code>) is used to bind array elements to the corresponding
+ pattern variables. This sounds easy enough and is essentially what the
+ parallel array equation of the function <a
+ href=""><code>DsUtils</code></a><code>.mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult</code>
+ does.
+ <p>
+ Unfortunately, however, the pattern matching compiler expects that it
+ can turn (almost) any pattern into variable patterns, literals, or
+ constructor applications by way of the functions <a
+ href=""><code>Match</code></a><code>.tidy1</code>.
+ And to make matters worse, some weird machinery in the module <a
+ href=""><code>Check</code></a>
+ insists on being able to reverse the process (essentially to pretty
+ print patterns in warnings for incomplete or overlapping patterns).
+ <p>
+ The solution to this is an (unlimited) set of <em>fake</em> constructors
+ for parallel arrays, courtesy of <a
+ href=""><code>TysWiredIn</code></a><code>.parrFakeCon</code>.
+ In other words, any pattern of the form <code>[:<i>p<sub>1</sub></i>,
+ ..., <i>p<sub>n</sub></i>:]</code> is transformed into
+ <blockquote>
+ <code>
+ MkPArray<i>n</i> <i>p<sub>1</sub></i> ... <i>p<sub>n</sub></i>
+ </code>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ by <code>Match.tidy1</code>, then, run through the rest of the pattern
+ matching compiler, and finally, picked up by
+ <code>DsUtils.mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult</code>, which converts it into a
+ <code>case</code> expression as outlined above.
+ <p>
+ As an example consider the source expression
+ <blockquote><pre>
+case v of
+ [:x1:] -> e1
+ [:x2, x3, x4:] -> e2
+ _ -> e3</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ <code>Match.tidy1</code> converts it into a form that is equivalent to
+ <blockquote><pre>
+case v of {
+ MkPArr1 x1 -> e1;
+ MkPArr2 x2 x3 x4 -> e2;
+ _ -> e3;
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ which <code>DsUtils.mkCoAlgCaseMatchResult</code> turns into the
+ following Core code:
+ <blockquote><pre>
+ case lengthP v of
+ Int# i# ->
+ case i# of l {
+ DFT -> e3
+ 1 -> let x1 = v!:0 in e1
+ 3 -> let x2 = v!:0; x2 = v!:1; x3 = v!:2 in e2
+ }</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <h4>Parallel Array Comprehensions</h4>
+ <p>
+ The most challenging construct of the three are array comprehensions.
+ In principle, it would be possible to transform them in essentially the
+ same way as list comprehensions, but this would lead to abysmally slow
+ code as desugaring of list comprehensions generates code that is
+ optimised for sequential, constructor-based structures. In contrast,
+ array comprehensions need to be transformed into code that solely relies
+ on collective operations and avoids the creation of many small
+ intermediate arrays.
+ <p>
+ The transformation is implemented by the function <a
+ href=""><code>DsListComp</code></a><code>.dsPArrComp</code>.
+ In the following, we denote this transformation function by the form
+ <code>&lt;&lt;<i>e</i>&gt;&gt; pa ea</code>, where <code><i>e</i></code>
+ is the comprehension to be compiled and the arguments <code>pa</code>
+ and <code>ea</code> denote a pattern and the currently processed array
+ expression, respectively. The invariant constraining these two
+ arguments is that all elements in the array produced by <code>ea</code>
+ will <em>successfully</em> match against <code>pa</code>.
+ <p>
+ Given a source-level comprehensions <code>[:e | qss:]</code>, we compile
+ it with <code>&lt;&lt;[:e | qss:]&gt;&gt; () [:():]</code> using the
+ rules
+ <blockquote><pre>
+<<[:e' | :]>> pa ea = mapP (\pa -> e') ea
+<<[:e' | b , qs:]>> pa ea = <<[:e' | qs:]>> pa (filterP (\pa -> b) ea)
+<<[:e' | p <- e, qs:]>> pa ea =
+ let ef = filterP (\x -> case x of {p -> True; _ -> False}) e
+ in
+ <<[:e' | qs:]>> (pa, p) (crossP ea ef)
+<<[:e' | let ds, qs:]>> pa ea =
+ <<[:e' | qs:]>> (pa, (x_1, ..., x_n))
+ (mapP (\v@pa -> (v, let ds in (x_1, ..., x_n))) ea)
+ {x_1, ..., x_n} = DV (ds) -- Defined Variables
+<<[:e' | qs | qss:]>> pa ea =
+ <<[:e' | qss:]>> (pa, (x_1, ..., x_n))
+ (zipP ea <<[:(x_1, ..., x_n) | qs:]>>)
+ {x_1, ..., x_n} = DV (qs)</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ We assume the denotation of <code>crossP</code> to be given by
+ <blockquote><pre>
+crossP :: [:a:] -> [:b:] -> [:(a, b):]
+crossP a1 a2 = let
+ len1 = lengthP a1
+ len2 = lengthP a2
+ x1 = concatP $ mapP (replicateP len2) a1
+ x2 = concatP $ replicateP len1 a2
+ in
+ zipP x1 x2</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ For a more efficient implementation of <code>crossP</code>, see
+ <a
+ href=""><code>PrelPArr</code></a>.
+ <p>
+ Moreover, the following optimisations are important:
+ <ul>
+ <li>In the <code>p &lt;- e</code> rule, if <code>pa == ()</code>, drop
+ it and simplify the <code>crossP ea e</code> to <code>e</code>.
+ <li>We assume that fusion will optimise sequences of array processing
+ combinators.
+ <li>FIXME: Do we want to have the following function?
+ <blockquote><pre>
+mapFilterP :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [:a:] -> [:b:]</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ Even with fusion <code>(mapP (\p -&gt; e) . filterP (\p -&gt;
+ b))</code> may still result in redundant pattern matching
+ operations. (Let's wait with this until we have seen what the
+ Simplifier does to the generated code.)
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Doing Away With Nested Arrays: The Flattening Transformation</h2>
+ <p>
+ On the quest towards an entirely unboxed representation of parallel
+ arrays, the flattening transformation is the essential ingredient. GHC
+ uses a <a
+ href="">substantially
+ improved version</a> of the transformation whose original form was
+ described by Blelloch &amp; Sabot. The flattening transformation
+ replaces values of type <code>[:a:]</code> as well as functions
+ operating on these values by alternative, more efficient data structures
+ and functions.
+ <p>
+ The flattening machinery is activated by the option
+ <code>-fflatten</code>, which is a static hsc option. It consists of
+ two steps: function vectorisation and array specialisation. Only the
+ first of those is implemented so far. If selected, the transformation
+ is applied to a module in Core form immediately after the <a
+ href="../the-beast/desugar.html">desugarer,</a> before the <a
+ href="../the-beast/simplifier.html">Mighty Simplifier</a> gets to do its
+ job. After vectorisation, the Core program can be dumped using the
+ option <code>-ddump-vect</code>. The is a good reason for us to perform
+ flattening immediately after the desugarer. In <a
+ href=""><code>HscMain</code></a><code>.hscRecomp</code>
+ the so-called <em>persistent compiler state</em> is maintained, which
+ contains all the information about imported interface files needed to
+ lookup the details of imported names (e.g., during renaming and type
+ checking). However, all this information is zapped before the
+ simplifier is invoked (supposedly to reduce the space-consumption of
+ GHC). As flattening has to get at all kinds of identifiers from Prelude
+ modules, we need to do it before the relevant information in the
+ persistent compiler state is gone.
+ <p>
+ As flattening generally requires all libraries to be compiled for
+ flattening (just like profiling does), there is a <em>compiler way</em>
+ <code>"ndp"</code>, which can be selected using the way option code
+ <code>-ndp</code>. This option will automagically select
+ <code>-fparr</code> and <code>-fflatten</code>.
+ <h4><code>FlattenMonad</code></h4>
+ <p>
+ The module <a
+ href=""><code>FlattenMonad</code></a>
+ implements the monad <code>Flatten</code> that is used during
+ vectorisation to keep track of various sets of bound variables and a
+ variable substitution map; moreover, it provides a supply of new uniques
+ and allows us to look up names in the persistent compiler state (i.e.,
+ imported identifiers).
+ <p>
+ In order to be able to look up imported identifiers in the persistent
+ compiler state, it is important that these identifies are included into
+ the free variable lists computed by the renamer. More precisely, all
+ names needed by flattening are included in the names produced by
+ <code>RnEnv.getImplicitModuleFVs</code>. To avoid putting
+ flattening-dependent lists of names into the renamer, the module
+ <code>FlattenInfo</code> exports <code>namesNeededForFlattening</code>.
+ [FIXME: It might be worthwhile to document in the non-Flattening part of
+ the Commentary that the persistent compiler state is zapped after
+ desugaring and how the free variables determined by the renamer imply
+ which names are imported.]
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Tue Feb 12 01:44:21 EST 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
diff --git a/docs/comm/exts/th.html b/docs/comm/exts/th.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbb168aa0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/comm/exts/th.html
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Template Haskell</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Template Haskell</h1>
+ <p>
+ The Template Haskell (TH) extension to GHC adds a meta-programming
+ facility in which all meta-level code is executed at compile time. The
+ design of this extension is detailed in "Template Meta-programming for
+ Haskell", Tim Sheard and Simon Peyton Jones, <a
+ href="">ACM
+ SIGPLAN 2002 Haskell Workshop,</a> 2002. However, some of the details
+ changed after the paper was published.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Meta Sugar</h2>
+ <p>
+ The extra syntax of TH (quasi-quote brackets, splices, and reification)
+ is handled in the module <a
+ href=""><code>DsMeta</code></a>.
+ In particular, the function <code>dsBracket</code> desugars the four
+ types of quasi-quote brackets (<code>[|...|]</code>,
+ <code>[p|...|]</code>, <code>[d|...|]</code>, and <code>[t|...|]</code>)
+ and <code>dsReify</code> desugars the three types of reification
+ operations (<code>reifyType</code>, <code>reifyDecl</code>, and
+ <code>reifyFixity</code>).
+ </p>
+ <h3>Desugaring of Quasi-Quote Brackets</h3>
+ <p>
+ A term in quasi-quote brackets needs to be translated into Core code
+ that, when executed, yields a <em>representation</em> of that term in
+ the form of the abstract syntax trees defined in <a
+ href=""><code>Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax</code></a>.
+ Within <code>DsMeta</code>, this is achieved by four functions
+ corresponding to the four types of quasi-quote brackets:
+ <code>repE</code> (for <code>[|...|]</code>), <code>repP</code> (for
+ <code>[p|...|]</code>), <code>repTy</code> (for <code>[t|...|]</code>),
+ and <code>repTopDs</code> (for <code>[d|...|]</code>). All four of
+ these functions receive as an argument the GHC-internal Haskell AST of
+ the syntactic form that they quote (i.e., arguments of type <a
+ href=""><code>HsExpr</code></a><code>.HsExpr
+ Name</code>, <a href=""><code>HsPat</code></a><code>.HsPat Name</code>,
+ <a
+ href=""><code>HsType</code></a><code>.HsType
+ Name</code>, and <a
+ href=""><code>HsDecls</code></a><code>.HsGroup
+ Name</code>, respectively).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ To increase the static type safety in <code>DsMeta</code>, the functions
+ constructing representations do not just return plain values of type <a
+ href=""><code>CoreSyn</code></a>
+ <code>.CoreExpr</code>; instead, <code>DsMeta</code> introduces a
+ parametrised type <code>Core</code> whose dummy type parameter indicates
+ the source-level type of the value computed by the corresponding Core
+ expression. All construction of Core fragments in <code>DsMeta</code>
+ is performed by smart constructors whose type signatures use the dummy
+ type parameter to constrain the contexts in which they are applicable.
+ For example, a function that builds a Core expression that evaluates to
+ a TH type representation, which has type
+ <code>Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.Type</code>, would return a value of
+ type
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+Core Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax.Type</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <h3>Desugaring of Reification Operators</h3>
+ <p>
+ The TH paper introduces four reification operators:
+ <code>reifyType</code>, <code>reifyDecl</code>,
+ <code>reifyFixity</code>, and <code>reifyLocn</code>. Of these,
+ currently (= 9 Nov 2002), only the former two are implemented.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The operator <code>reifyType</code> receives the name of a function or
+ data constructor as its argument and yields a representation of this
+ entity's type in the form of a value of type
+ <code>TH.Syntax.Type</code>. Similarly, <code>reifyDecl</code> receives
+ the name of a type and yields a representation of the type's declaration
+ as a value of type <code>TH.Syntax.Decl</code>. The name of the reified
+ entity is mapped to the GHC-internal representation of the entity by
+ using the function <code>lookupOcc</code> on the name.
+ </p>
+ <h3>Representing Binding Forms</h3>
+ <p>
+ Care needs to be taken when constructing TH representations of Haskell
+ terms that include binding forms, such as lambda abstractions or let
+ bindings. To avoid name clashes, fresh names need to be generated for
+ all defined identifiers. This is achieved via the routine
+ <code>DsMeta.mkGenSym</code>, which, given a <code>Name</code>, produces
+ a <code>Name</code> / <code>Id</code> pair (of type
+ <code>GenSymBind</code>) that associates the given <code>Name</code>
+ with a Core identifier that at runtime will be bound to a string that
+ contains the fresh name. Notice the two-level nature of this
+ arrangement. It is necessary, as the Core code that constructs the
+ Haskell term representation may be executed multiple types at runtime
+ and it must be ensured that different names are generated in each run.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Such fresh bindings need to be entered into the meta environment (of
+ type <a
+ href=""><code>DsMonad</code></a><code>.DsMetaEnv</code>),
+ which is part of the state (of type <code>DsMonad.DsEnv</code>)
+ maintained in the desugarer monad (of type <code>DsMonad.DsM</code>).
+ This is done using the function <code>DsMeta.addBinds</code>, which
+ extends the current environment by a list of <code>GenSymBind</code>s
+ and executes a subcomputation in this extended environment. Names can
+ be looked up in the meta environment by way of the functions
+ <code>DsMeta.lookupOcc</code> and <code>DsMeta.lookupBinder</code>; more
+ details about the difference between these two functions can be found in
+ the next subsection.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ NB: <code>DsMeta</code> uses <code>mkGenSym</code> only when
+ representing terms that may be embedded into a context where names can
+ be shadowed. For example, a lambda abstraction embedded into an
+ expression can potentially shadow names defined in the context it is
+ being embedded into. In contrast, this can never be the case for
+ top-level declarations, such as data type declarations; hence, the type
+ variables that a parametric data type declaration abstracts over are not
+ being gensym'ed. As a result, variables in defining positions are
+ handled differently depending on the syntactic construct in which they
+ appear.
+ </p>
+ <h3>Binders Versus Occurences</h3>
+ <p>
+ Name lookups in the meta environment of the desugarer use two functions
+ with slightly different behaviour, namely <code>DsMeta.lookupOcc</code>
+ and <code>lookupBinder</code>. The module <code>DsMeta</code> contains
+ the following explanation as to the difference of these functions:
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+When we desugar [d| data T = MkT |]
+we want to get
+ Data "T" [] [Con "MkT" []] []
+and *not*
+ Data "Foo:T" [] [Con "Foo:MkT" []] []
+That is, the new data decl should fit into whatever new module it is
+asked to fit in. We do *not* clone, though; no need for this:
+ Data "T79" ....
+But if we see this:
+ data T = MkT
+ foo = reifyDecl T
+then we must desugar to
+ foo = Data "Foo:T" [] [Con "Foo:MkT" []] []
+So in repTopDs we bring the binders into scope with mkGenSyms and addBinds,
+but in dsReify we do not. And we use lookupOcc, rather than lookupBinder
+in repTyClD and repC.</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ This implies that <code>lookupOcc</code>, when it does not find the name
+ in the meta environment, uses the function <code>DsMeta.globalVar</code>
+ to construct the <em>original name</em> of the entity (cf. the TH paper
+ for more details regarding original names). This name uniquely
+ identifies the entity in the whole program and is in scope
+ <em>independent</em> of whether the user name of the same entity is in
+ scope or not (i.e., it may be defined in a different module without
+ being explicitly imported) and has the form &lt;module&gt;:&lt;name&gt;.
+ <strong>NB:</strong> Incidentally, the current implementation of this
+ mechanisms facilitates breaking any abstraction barrier.
+ </p>
+ <h3>Known-key Names for Template Haskell</h3>
+ <p>
+ During the construction of representations, the desugarer needs to use a
+ large number of functions defined in the library
+ <code>Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax</code>. The names of these functions
+ need to be made available to the compiler in the way outlined <a
+ href="../the-beast/prelude.html">Primitives and the Prelude.</a>
+ Unfortunately, any change to <a
+ href=""><code>PrelNames</code></a>
+ triggers a significant amount of recompilation. Hence, the names needed
+ for TH are defined in <code>DsMeta</code> instead (at the end of the
+ module). All library functions needed by TH are contained in the name
+ set <code>DsMeta.templateHaskellNames</code>.
+ </p>
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed Nov 13 18:01:48 EST 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Feedback</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>Feedback</h1>
+ <p>
+ <a href="">I</a> welcome any feedback on the
+ material and in particular would appreciated comments on which parts of
+ the document are incomprehensible or miss explanation -- e.g., due to
+ the use of GHC speak that is explained nowhere (words like infotable or
+ so). Moreover, I would be interested to know which areas of GHC you
+ would like to see covered here.
+ <p>
+ For the moment is probably best if feedback is directed to
+ <p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <a
+ href=""><code></code></a>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ However, if there is sufficient interest, we might consider setting up a
+ mailing list.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed Aug 8 00:11:42 EST 2001
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Outline of the Genesis</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Outline of the Genesis</h1>
+ <p>
+ Building GHC happens in two stages: First you have to prepare the tree
+ with <code>make boot</code>; and second, you build the compiler and
+ associated libraries with <code>make all</code>. The <code>boot</code>
+ stage builds some tools used during the main build process, generates
+ parsers and other pre-computed source, and finally computes dependency
+ information. There is considerable detail on the build process in GHC's
+ <a
+ href="">Building Guide.</a>
+ <h4>Debugging the Beast</h4>
+ <p>
+ If you are hacking the compiler or like to play with unstable
+ development versions, chances are that the compiler someday just crashes
+ on you. Then, it is a good idea to load the <code>core</code> into
+ <code>gdb</code> as usual, but unfortunately there is usually not too
+ much useful information.
+ <p>
+ The next step, then, is somewhat tedious. You should build a compiler
+ producing programs with a runtime system that has debugging turned on
+ and use that to build the crashing compiler. There are many sanity
+ checks in the RTS, which may detect inconsistency before they lead to a
+ crash and you may include more debugging information, which helps
+ <code>gdb.</code> For a RTS with debugging turned on, add the following
+ to <code></code> (see also the comment in
+ <a
+ href=""><code></code></a> that you find when searching for
+ <code>GhcRtsHcOpts</code>):
+EXTRA_LD_OPTS=-lbfd -liberty</pre></blockquote>
+ <p>
+ Then go into <code>fptools/ghc/rts</code> and <code>make clean boot &&
+ make all</code>. With the resulting runtime system, you have to re-link
+ the compiler. Go into <code>fptools/ghc/compiler</code>, delete the
+ file <code>hsc</code> (up to version 4.08) or
+ <code>ghc-&lt;version&gt;</code>, and execute <code>make all</code>.
+ <p>
+ The <code>EXTRA_LD_OPTS</code> are necessary as some of the debugging
+ code uses the BFD library, which in turn requires <code>liberty</code>.
+ I would also recommend (in 4.11 and from 5.0 upwards) adding these linker
+ options to the files <code>package.conf</code> and
+ <code>package.conf.inplace</code> in the directory
+ <code>fptools/ghc/driver/</code> to the <code>extra_ld_opts</code> entry
+ of the package <code>RTS</code>. Otherwise, you have to supply them
+ whenever you compile and link a program with a compiler that uses the
+ debugging RTS for the programs it produces.
+ <p>
+ To run GHC up to version 4.08 in <code>gdb</code>, first invoke the
+ compiler as usual, but pass it the option <code>-v</code>. This will
+ show you the exact invocation of the compiler proper <code>hsc</code>.
+ Run <code>hsc</code> with these options in <code>gdb</code>. The
+ development version 4.11 and stable releases from 5.0 on do no longer
+ use the Perl driver; so, you can run them directly with gdb.
+ <p>
+ <strong>Debugging a compiler during building from HC files.</strong>
+ If you are boot strapping the compiler on new platform from HC files and
+ it crashes somewhere during the build (e.g., when compiling the
+ libraries), do as explained above, but you may have to re-configure the
+ build system with <code>--enable-hc-boot</code> before re-making the
+ code in <code>fptools/ghc/driver/</code>.
+ If you do this with a compiler up to version 4.08, run the build process
+ with <code>make EXTRA_HC_OPTS=-v</code> to get the exact arguments with
+ which you have to invoke <code>hsc</code> in <code>gdb</code>.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Sun Apr 24 22:16:30 CEST 2005
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Mindboggling Makefiles</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Mindboggling Makefiles</h1>
+ <p>
+ The size and structure of GHC's makefiles makes it quite easy to scream
+ out loud - in pain - during the process of tracking down problems in the
+ make system or when attempting to alter it. GHC's <a
+ href="">Building
+ Guide</a> has valuable information on <a
+ href="">the
+ makefile architecture.</a>
+ <h4>A maze of twisty little passages, all alike</h4>
+ <p>
+ The <code>fptools/</code> toplevel and the various project directories
+ contain not only a <code>Makefile</code> each, but there are
+ subdirectories of name <code>mk/</code> at various levels that contain
+ rules, targets, and so on specific to a project - or, in the case of the
+ toplevel, the default rules for the whole system. Each <code>mk/</code>
+ directory contains a file <code></code> that ties the
+ various other makefiles together. Files called <code></code>,
+ <code></code>, and <code></code> contain make targets,
+ definitions of variables containing paths, and suffix rules,
+ respectively.
+ <p>
+ One particularly nasty trick used in this hierarchy of makefiles is the
+ way in which the variable <code>$(TOP)</code> is used. AFAIK,
+ <code>$(TOP)</code> always points to a directory containing an
+ <code>mk/</code> subdirectory; however, it not necessarily points to the
+ toplevel <code>fptools/</code> directory. For example, within the GHC
+ subtree, <code>$(TOP)</code> points to <code>fptools/ghc/</code>.
+ However, some of the makefiles in <code>fptools/ghc/mk/</code> will then
+ <em>temporarily</em> redefine <code>$(TOP)</code> to point a level
+ higher (i.e., to <code>fptools/</code>) while they are including the
+ toplevel boilerplate. After that <code>$(TOP)</code> is redefined to
+ whatever value it had before including makefiles from higher up in the
+ hierarchy.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed Aug 22 16:46:33 GMT Daylight Time 2001
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - The Marvellous Module Structure of GHC </title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - The Marvellous Module Structure of GHC </h1>
+ <p>
+GHC is built out of about 245 Haskell modules. It can be quite tricky
+to figure out what the module dependency graph looks like. It can be
+important, too, because loops in the module dependency graph need to
+be broken carefully using <tt>.hi-boot</tt> interface files.
+This section of the commentary documents the subtlest part of
+the module dependency graph, namely the part near the bottom.
+<li> The list is given in compilation order: that is,
+module near the top are more primitive, and are compiled earlier.
+<li> Each module is listed together with its most critical
+dependencies in parentheses; that is, the dependencies that prevent it being
+compiled earlier.
+<li> Modules in the same bullet don't depend on each other.
+<li> Loops are documented by a dependency such as "<tt>loop Type.Type</tt>".
+This means tha the module imports <tt>Type.Type</tt>, but module <tt>Type</tt>
+has not yet been compiled, so the import comes from <tt>Type.hi-boot</tt>.
+Compilation order is as follows:
+<strong>First comes a layer of modules that have few interdependencies,
+and which implement very basic data types</strong>:
+<tt> <ul>
+<li> Util
+<li> OccName
+<li> Pretty
+<li> Outputable
+<li> StringBuffer
+<li> ListSetOps
+<li> Maybes
+<li> etc
+</ul> </tt>
+<li> <strong> Now comes the main subtle layer, involving types, classes, type constructors
+identifiers, expressions, rules, and their operations.</strong>
+<li> Name <br> PrimRep
+ PrelNames
+ Var (Name, loop IdInfo.IdInfo,
+ loop Type.Type, loop Type.Kind)
+ VarEnv, VarSet, ThinAir
+ Class (loop TyCon.TyCon, loop Type.Type)
+ TyCon (loop Type.Type, loop Type.Kind, loop DataCon.DataCon, loop Generics.GenInfo)
+ TypeRep (loop DataCon.DataCon, loop Subst.substTyWith)
+ Type (loop PprType.pprType, loop Subst.substTyWith)
+ FieldLabel(Type) <br>
+ TysPrim(Type) <br>
+ Literal (TysPrim, PprType) <br>
+ DataCon (loop PprType, loop Subst.substTyWith, FieldLabel.FieldLabel)
+ TysWiredIn (loop MkId.mkDataConIds)
+ TcType( lots of TysWiredIn stuff)
+ PprType( lots of TcType stuff )
+ PrimOp (PprType, TysWiredIn)
+ CoreSyn [does not import Id]
+ IdInfo (CoreSyn.Unfolding, CoreSyn.CoreRules)
+ Id (lots from IdInfo)
+ CoreFVs <br>
+ PprCore
+ CoreUtils (PprCore.pprCoreExpr, CoreFVs.exprFreeVars,
+ CoreSyn.isEvaldUnfolding CoreSyn.maybeUnfoldingTemplate)
+ CoreLint( CoreUtils ) <br>
+ OccurAnal (CoreUtils.exprIsTrivial) <br>
+ CoreTidy (CoreUtils.exprArity ) <br>
+ CoreUnfold (OccurAnal.occurAnalyseGlobalExpr)
+ Subst (CoreUnfold.Unfolding, CoreFVs) <br>
+ Generics (CoreUnfold.mkTopUnfolding) <br>
+ Rules (CoreUnfold.Unfolding, PprCore.pprTidyIdRules)
+ MkId (CoreUnfold.mkUnfolding, Subst, Rules.addRule)
+ PrelInfo (MkId) <br>
+ HscTypes( Rules.RuleBase )
+<p><li> <strong>That is the end of the infrastructure. Now we get the
+ main layer of mdoules that perform useful work.</strong>
+ CoreTidy (HscTypes.PersistentCompilerState)
+HsSyn stuff
+<li> HsPat.hs-boot
+<li> HsExpr.hs-boot (loop HsPat.LPat)
+<li> HsTypes (loop HsExpr.HsSplice)
+<li> HsBinds (HsTypes.LHsType, loop HsPat.LPat, HsExpr.pprFunBind and others)
+ HsLit (HsTypes.SyntaxName)
+<li> HsPat (HsBinds, HsLit)
+ HsDecls (HsBinds)
+<li> HsExpr (HsDecls, HsPat)
+<h2>Library stuff: base package</h2>
+<li> GHC.Base
+<li> Data.Tuple (GHC.Base), GHC.Ptr (GHC.Base)
+<li> GHC.Enum (Data.Tuple)
+<li> GHC.Show (GHC.Enum)
+<li> GHC.Num (GHC.Show)
+<li> GHC.ST (GHC.Num), GHC.Real (GHC.Num)
+<li> GHC.Arr (GHC.ST) GHC.STRef (GHC.ST)
+<li> GHC.IOBase (GHC.Arr)
+<li> Data.Bits (GHC.Real)
+<li> Data.HashTable (Data.Bits, Control.Monad)
+<li> Data.Typeable (GHC.IOBase, Data.HashTable)
+<li> GHC.Weak (Data.Typeable, GHC.IOBase)
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed Aug 22 16:46:33 GMT Daylight Time 2001
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - The Beast Explained</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) Commentary [v0.17]</h1>
+ <p>
+ <!-- Contributors: Whoever makes substantial additions or changes to the
+ document, please add your name and keep the order alphabetic. Moreover,
+ please bump the version number for any substantial modification that you
+ check into CVS.
+ -->
+ <strong>Manuel M. T. Chakravarty</strong><br>
+ <strong>Sigbjorn Finne</strong><br>
+ <strong>Simon Marlow</strong><br>
+ <strong>Simon Peyton Jones</strong><br>
+ <strong>Julian Seward</strong><br>
+ <strong>Reuben Thomas</strong><br>
+ &nbsp;<br>
+ <p>
+ This document started as a collection of notes describing what <a
+ href="">I</a> learnt when poking around in
+ the <a href="">GHC</a> sources. During the
+ <i>Haskell Implementers Workshop</i> in January 2001, it was decided to
+ put the commentary into
+ <a href="">GHC's CVS
+ repository</a>
+ to allow the whole developer community to add their wizardly insight to
+ the document.
+ <p>
+ <strong>The document is still far from being complete - help it
+ grow!</strong>
+ <h2>Before the Show Begins</h2>
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="feedback.html">Feedback</a>
+ <li><a href="others.html">Other Sources of Wisdom</a>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Genesis</h2>
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="genesis/genesis.html">Outline of the Genesis</a>
+ <li><a href="genesis/makefiles.html">Mindboggling Makefiles</a>
+ <li><a href="genesis/modules.html">GHC's Marvellous Module Structure</a>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>The Beast Dissected</h2>
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/coding-style.html">Coding style used in
+ the compiler</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/driver.html">The Glorious Driver</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/prelude.html">Primitives and the Prelude</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/syntax.html">Just Syntax</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/basicTypes.html">The Basics</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/modules.html">Modules, ModuleNames and
+ Packages</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/names.html">The truth about names: Names and OccNames</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/vars.html">The Real Story about Variables, Ids,
+ TyVars, and the like</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/data-types.html">Data types and constructors</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/renamer.html">The Glorious Renamer</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/types.html">Hybrid Types</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/typecheck.html">Checking Types</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/desugar.html">Sugar Free: From Haskell To Core</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/simplifier.html">The Mighty Simplifier</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/mangler.html">The Evil Mangler</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/alien.html">Alien Functions</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/stg.html">You Got Control: The STG-language</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/ncg.html">The Native Code Generator</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/ghci.html">GHCi</a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/fexport.html">Implementation of
+ <code>foreign export</code></a>
+ <li><a href="the-beast/main.html">Compiling and running the Main module</code></a>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>RTS &amp; Libraries</h2>
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="rts-libs/coding-style.html">Coding Style Guidelines</a>
+ <li><a href="rts-libs/stgc.html">Spineless Tagless C</a>
+ <li><a href="rts-libs/primitives.html">Primitives</a>
+ <li><a href="rts-libs/prelfound.html">Prelude Foundations</a>
+ <li><a href="rts-libs/prelude.html">Cunning Prelude Code</a>
+ <li><a href="rts-libs/foreignptr.html">On why we have <tt>ForeignPtr</tt></a>
+ <li><a href="rts-libs/non-blocking.html">Non-blocking I/O for Win32</a>
+ <li><a href="rts-libs/multi-thread.html">Supporting multi-threaded interoperation</a>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Extensions, or Making a Complicated System More Complicated</h2>
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><a href="exts/th.html">Template Haskell</a>
+ <li><a href="exts/ndp.html">Parallel Arrays</a>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>The Source</h2>
+ <p>
+ The online master copy of the Commentary is at
+ <blockquote>
+ <a href=""></a>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ This online version is updated
+ <a
+ href="">from
+ CVS</a>
+ daily.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Thu May 12 19:03:42 EST 2005
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Other Sources of Wisdom</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>Other Sources of Wisdom</h1>
+ <p>
+ Believe it or not, but there are other people besides you who are
+ masochistic enough to study the innards of the beast. Some of the have
+ been kind (or cruel?) enough to share their insights with us. Here is a
+ probably incomplete list:
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>The <a
+ href="">STG
+ Survival Sheet</a> has -- according to its header -- been written by
+ `a poor wee soul',<sup><a href="#footnote1">1</a></sup> which
+ probably has been pushed into the torments of madness by the very
+ act of contemplating the inner workings of the STG runtime system.
+ This document discusses GHC's runtime system with a focus on
+ support for parallel processing (aka GUM).
+ <li>Instructions on <a
+ href="">Adding
+ an Optimisation Pass to the Glasgow Haskell Compiler</a>
+ have been compiled by <a
+ href="">Olaf Chitil</a>.
+ Unfortunately, this document is already a little aged.
+ <li><a href="">Andrew Tolmach</a> has defined
+ <a href="">an external
+ representation of
+ GHC's <em>Core</em> language</a> and also implemented a GHC pass
+ that emits the intermediate form into <code>.hcr</code> files. The
+ option <code>-fext-core</code> triggers GHC to emit Core code after
+ optimisation; in addition, <code>-fno-code</code> is often used to
+ stop compilation after Core has been emitted.
+ <!-- Add references to other background texts listed on the GHC docu
+ page
+ -->
+ </ul>
+ <p><hr><p>
+ <sup><a name="footnote1">1</a></sup>Usually reliable sources have it that
+ the poor soul in question is no one less than GUM hardcore hacker <a
+ href="">Hans-Wolfgang Loidl</a>.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Tue Nov 13 10:56:57 EST 2001
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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index 0000000000..58f5b4f9bb
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Style Guidelines for RTS C code</title>
+ </head>
+<H1>The GHC Commentary - Style Guidelines for RTS C code</h1>
+<p>These coding style guidelines are mainly intended for use in
+<tt>ghc/rts</tt> and <tt>ghc/includes</tt>.
+<p>NB These are just suggestions. They're not set in stone. Some of
+them are probably misguided. If you disagree with them, feel free to
+modify this document (and make your commit message reasonably
+informative) or mail someone (eg. <a
+href="">The GHC mailing list</a>)
+If you haven't read them already, you might like to check the following.
+Where they conflict with our suggestions, they're probably right.
+The C99 standard. One reasonable reference is <a
+Writing Solid Code, Microsoft Press. (Highly recommended. Possibly
+the only Microsoft Press book that's worth reading.)
+Autoconf documentation.
+See also <a href="">The autoconf macro archive</a> and
+<a href="">Cyclic Software's description</a>
+<p><li> <a
+Hill C Style and Coding Standards</a>.
+<a href="">A list of C programming style links</a>
+<a href="">A very large list of C programming links</a>
+<a href="">A list of Unix programming links</a>
+<h2>Portability issues</h2>
+<p><li> We try to stick to C99 where possible. We use the following
+C99 features relative to C89, some of which were previously GCC
+extensions (possibly with different syntax):
+<p><li>Variable length arrays as the last field of a struct. GCC has
+a similar extension, but the syntax is slightly different: in GCC you
+would declare the array as <tt>arr[0]</tt>, whereas in C99 it is
+declared as <tt>arr[]</tt>.
+<p><li>Inline annotations on functions (see later)
+<p><li>Labeled elements in initialisers. Again, GCC has a slightly
+different syntax from C99 here, and we stick with the GCC syntax until
+GCC implements the C99 proposal.
+<p><li>C++-style comments. These are part of the C99 standard, and we
+prefer to use them whenever possible.
+<p>In addition we use ANSI-C-style function declarations and
+prototypes exclusively. Every function should have a prototype;
+static function prototypes may be placed near the top of the file in
+which they are declared, and external prototypes are usually placed in
+a header file with the same basename as the source file (although there
+are exceptions to this rule, particularly when several source files
+together implement a subsystem which is described by a single external
+header file).
+<p><li>We use the following GCC extensions, but surround them with
+<tt>#ifdef __GNUC__</tt>:
+<p><li>Function attributes (mostly just <code>no_return</code> and
+<p><li>Inline assembly.
+char can be signed or unsigned - always say which you mean
+<p><li>Our POSIX policy: try to write code that only uses POSIX (IEEE
+Std 1003.1) interfaces and APIs. We used to define
+<code>POSIX_SOURCE</code> by default, but found that this caused more
+problems than it solved, so now we require any code that is
+POSIX-compliant to explicitly say so by having <code>#include
+"PosixSource.h"</code> at the top. Try to do this whenever possible.
+<p><li> Some architectures have memory alignment constraints. Others
+don't have any constraints but go faster if you align things. These
+macros (from <tt>ghcconfig.h</tt>) tell you which alignment to use
+ /* minimum alignment of unsigned int */
+ /* minimum alignment of long */
+ #define ALIGNMENT_LONG 4
+ /* minimum alignment of float */
+ /* minimum alignment of double */
+<p><li> Use <tt>StgInt</tt>, <tt>StgWord</tt> and <tt>StgPtr</tt> when
+reading/writing ints and ptrs to the stack or heap. Note that, by
+definition, <tt>StgInt</tt>, <tt>StgWord</tt> and <tt>StgPtr</tt> are
+the same size and have the same alignment constraints even if
+<code>sizeof(int) != sizeof(ptr)</code> on that platform.
+<p><li> Use <tt>StgInt8</tt>, <tt>StgInt16</tt>, etc when you need a
+certain minimum number of bits in a type. Use <tt>int</tt> and
+<tt>nat</tt> when there's no particular constraint. ANSI C only
+guarantees that ints are at least 16 bits but within GHC we assume
+they are 32 bits.
+<p><li> Use <tt>StgFloat</tt> and <tt>StgDouble</tt> for floating
+point values which will go on/have come from the stack or heap. Note
+that <tt>StgDouble</tt> may occupy more than one <tt>StgWord</tt>, but
+it will always be a whole number multiple.
+Use <code>PK_FLT(addr)</code>, <code>PK_DBL(addr)</code> to read
+<tt>StgFloat</tt> and <tt>StgDouble</tt> values from the stack/heap,
+and <code>ASSIGN_FLT(val,addr)</code> /
+<code>ASSIGN_DBL(val,addr)</code> to assign StgFloat/StgDouble values
+to heap/stack locations. These macros take care of alignment
+Heap/Stack locations are always <tt>StgWord</tt> aligned; the
+alignment requirements of an <tt>StgDouble</tt> may be more than that
+of <tt>StgWord</tt>, but we don't pad misaligned <tt>StgDoubles</tt>
+because doing so would be too much hassle (see <code>PK_DBL</code> &
+co above).
+Avoid conditional code like this:
+ #ifdef solaris_host_OS
+ // do something solaris specific
+ #endif
+Instead, add an appropriate test to the script and use
+the result of that test instead.
+ #ifdef HAVE_BSD_H
+ // use a BSD library
+ #endif
+<p>The problem is that things change from one version of an OS to another
+- things get added, things get deleted, things get broken, some things
+are optional extras. Using "feature tests" instead of "system tests"
+makes things a lot less brittle. Things also tend to get documented
+<h2>Debugging/robustness tricks</h2>
+Anyone who has tried to debug a garbage collector or code generator
+will tell you: "If a program is going to crash, it should crash as
+soon, as noisily and as often as possible." There's nothing worse
+than trying to find a bug which only shows up when running GHC on
+itself and doesn't manifest itself until 10 seconds after the actual
+cause of the problem.
+<p>We put all our debugging code inside <tt>#ifdef DEBUG</tt>. The
+general policy is we don't ship code with debugging checks and
+assertions in it, but we do run with those checks in place when
+developing and testing. Anything inside <tt>#ifdef DEBUG</tt> should
+not slow down the code by more than a factor of 2.
+<p>We also have more expensive "sanity checking" code for hardcore
+debugging - this can slow down the code by a large factor, but is only
+enabled on demand by a command-line flag. General sanity checking in
+the RTS is currently enabled with the <tt>-DS</tt> RTS flag.
+<p>There are a number of RTS flags which control debugging output and
+sanity checking in various parts of the system when <tt>DEBUG</tt> is
+defined. For example, to get the scheduler to be verbose about what
+it is doing, you would say <tt>+RTS -Ds -RTS</tt>. See
+<tt>includes/RtsFlags.h</tt> and <tt>rts/RtsFlags.c</tt> for the full
+set of debugging flags. To check one of these flags in the code,
+ IF_DEBUG(gc, fprintf(stderr, "..."));
+would check the <tt>gc</tt> flag before generating the output (and the
+code is removed altogether if <tt>DEBUG</tt> is not defined).
+<p>All debugging output should go to <tt>stderr</tt>.
+Particular guidelines for writing robust code:
+Use assertions. Use lots of assertions. If you write a comment
+that says "takes a +ve number" add an assertion. If you're casting
+an int to a nat, add an assertion. If you're casting an int to a char,
+add an assertion. We use the <tt>ASSERT</tt> macro for writing
+assertions; it goes away when <tt>DEBUG</tt> is not defined.
+Write special debugging code to check the integrity of your data structures.
+(Most of the runtime checking code is in <tt>rts/Sanity.c</tt>)
+Add extra assertions which call this code at the start and end of any
+code that operates on your data structures.
+When you find a hard-to-spot bug, try to think of some assertions,
+sanity checks or whatever that would have made the bug easier to find.
+When defining an enumeration, it's a good idea not to use 0 for normal
+values. Instead, make 0 raise an internal error. The idea here is to
+make it easier to detect pointer-related errors on the assumption that
+random pointers are more likely to point to a 0 than to anything else.
+typedef enum
+ { i_INTERNAL_ERROR /* Instruction 0 raises an internal error */
+ , i_PANIC /* irrefutable pattern match failed! */
+ , i_ERROR /* user level error */
+ ...
+<p><li> Use <tt>#warning</tt> or <tt>#error</tt> whenever you write a
+piece of incomplete/broken code.
+<p><li> When testing, try to make infrequent things happen often.
+ For example, make a context switch/gc/etc happen every time a
+ context switch/gc/etc can happen. The system will run like a
+ pig but it'll catch a lot of bugs.
+<h2>Syntactic details</h2>
+<p><li><b>Important:</b> Put "redundant" braces or parens in your code.
+Omitting braces and parens leads to very hard to spot bugs -
+especially if you use macros (and you might have noticed that GHC does
+this a lot!)
+In particular:
+Put braces round the body of for loops, while loops, if statements, etc.
+even if they "aren't needed" because it's really hard to find the resulting
+bug if you mess up. Indent them any way you like but put them in there!
+When defining a macro, always put parens round args - just in case.
+For example, write:
+ #define add(x,y) ((x)+(y))
+instead of
+ #define add(x,y) x+y
+<p><li> Don't declare and initialize variables at the same time.
+Separating the declaration and initialization takes more lines, but
+make the code clearer.
+Use inline functions instead of macros if possible - they're a lot
+less tricky to get right and don't suffer from the usual problems
+of side effects, evaluation order, multiple evaluation, etc.
+<p><li>Inline functions get the naming issue right. E.g. they
+ can have local variables which (in an expression context)
+ macros can't.
+<p><li> Inline functions have call-by-value semantics whereas macros
+ are call-by-name. You can be bitten by duplicated computation
+ if you aren't careful.
+<p><li> You can use inline functions from inside gdb if you compile with
+ -O0 or -fkeep-inline-functions. If you use macros, you'd better
+ know what they expand to.
+However, note that macros can serve as both l-values and r-values and
+can be "polymorphic" as these examples show:
+ // you can use this as an l-value or an l-value
+ #define PROF_INFO(cl) (((StgClosure*)(cl))->header.profInfo)
+ // polymorphic case
+ // but note that min(min(1,2),3) does 3 comparisions instead of 2!!
+ #define min(x,y) (((x)<=(y)) ? (x) : (y))
+Inline functions should be "static inline" because:
+gcc will delete static inlines if not used or theyre always inlined.
+ if they're externed, we could get conflicts between 2 copies of the
+ same function if, for some reason, gcc is unable to delete them.
+ If they're static, we still get multiple copies but at least they don't conflict.
+OTOH, the gcc manual says this
+so maybe we should use extern inline?
+ When a function is both inline and `static', if all calls to the
+function are integrated into the caller, and the function's address is
+never used, then the function's own assembler code is never referenced.
+In this case, GNU CC does not actually output assembler code for the
+function, unless you specify the option `-fkeep-inline-functions'.
+Some calls cannot be integrated for various reasons (in particular,
+calls that precede the function's definition cannot be integrated, and
+neither can recursive calls within the definition). If there is a
+nonintegrated call, then the function is compiled to assembler code as
+usual. The function must also be compiled as usual if the program
+refers to its address, because that can't be inlined.
+ When an inline function is not `static', then the compiler must
+assume that there may be calls from other source files; since a global
+symbol can be defined only once in any program, the function must not
+be defined in the other source files, so the calls therein cannot be
+integrated. Therefore, a non-`static' inline function is always
+compiled on its own in the usual fashion.
+ If you specify both `inline' and `extern' in the function
+definition, then the definition is used only for inlining. In no case
+is the function compiled on its own, not even if you refer to its
+address explicitly. Such an address becomes an external reference, as
+if you had only declared the function, and had not defined it.
+ This combination of `inline' and `extern' has almost the effect of a
+macro. The way to use it is to put a function definition in a header
+file with these keywords, and put another copy of the definition
+(lacking `inline' and `extern') in a library file. The definition in
+the header file will cause most calls to the function to be inlined.
+If any uses of the function remain, they will refer to the single copy
+in the library.
+Don't define macros that expand to a list of statements.
+You could just use braces as in:
+ #define ASSIGN_CC_ID(ccID) \
+ { \
+ ccID = CC_ID; \
+ CC_ID++; \
+ }
+(but it's usually better to use an inline function instead - see above).
+Don't even write macros that expand to 0 statements - they can mess you
+up as well. Use the doNothing macro instead.
+ #define doNothing() do { } while (0)
+This code
+int* p, q;
+looks like it declares two pointers but, in fact, only p is a pointer.
+It's safer to write this:
+int* p;
+int* q;
+You could also write this:
+int *p, *q;
+but it is preferrable to split the declarations.
+Try to use ANSI C's enum feature when defining lists of constants of
+the same type. Among other benefits, you'll notice that gdb uses the
+name instead of its (usually inscrutable) number when printing values
+with enum types and gdb will let you use the name in expressions you
+ typedef enum { /* N.B. Used as indexes into arrays */
+ } ProfilingFlags;
+instead of
+ # define NO_HEAP_PROFILING 0 /* N.B. Used as indexes into arrays */
+ # define HEAP_BY_CC 1
+ # define HEAP_BY_MOD 2
+ # define HEAP_BY_GRP 3
+ # define HEAP_BY_DESCR 4
+ # define HEAP_BY_TYPE 5
+ # define HEAP_BY_TIME 6
+ typedef enum {
+ CCchar = 'C',
+ MODchar = 'M',
+ GRPchar = 'G',
+ DESCRchar = 'D',
+ TYPEchar = 'Y',
+ TIMEchar = 'T'
+ } ProfilingTag;
+instead of
+ # define CCchar 'C'
+ # define MODchar 'M'
+ # define GRPchar 'G'
+ # define DESCRchar 'D'
+ # define TYPEchar 'Y'
+ # define TIMEchar 'T'
+<p><li> Please keep to 80 columns: the line has to be drawn somewhere,
+and by keeping it to 80 columns we can ensure that code looks OK on
+everyone's screen. Long lines are hard to read, and a sign that the
+code needs to be restructured anyway.
+<p><li> When commenting out large chunks of code, use <code>#ifdef 0
+... #endif</code> rather than <code>/* ... */</code> because C doesn't
+have nested comments.
+<p><li>When declaring a typedef for a struct, give the struct a name
+as well, so that other headers can forward-reference the struct name
+and it becomes possible to have opaque pointers to the struct. Our
+convention is to name the struct the same as the typedef, but add a
+leading underscore. For example:
+ typedef struct _Foo {
+ ...
+ } Foo;
+<p><li>Do not use <tt>!</tt> instead of explicit comparison against
+<tt>NULL</tt> or <tt>'\0'</tt>; the latter is much clearer.
+<p><li> We don't care too much about your indentation style but, if
+you're modifying a function, please try to use the same style as the
+rest of the function (or file). If you're writing new code, a
+tab width of 4 is preferred.
+<h2>CVS issues</h2>
+Don't be tempted to reindent or reorganise large chunks of code - it
+generates large diffs in which it's hard to see whether anything else
+was changed.
+If you must reindent or reorganise, don't include any functional
+changes that commit and give advance warning that you're about to do
+it in case anyone else is changing that file.
diff --git a/docs/comm/rts-libs/foreignptr.html b/docs/comm/rts-libs/foreignptr.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..febe9fe422
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/comm/rts-libs/foreignptr.html
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - why we have <tt>ForeignPtr</tt></title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>On why we have <tt>ForeignPtr</tt></h1>
+ <p>Unfortunately it isn't possible to add a finalizer to a normal
+ <tt>Ptr a</tt>. We already have a generic finalization mechanism:
+ see the Weak module in package lang. But the only reliable way to
+ use finalizers is to attach one to an atomic heap object - that
+ way the compiler's optimiser can't interfere with the lifetime of
+ the object.
+ <p>The <tt>Ptr</tt> type is really just a boxed address - it's
+ defined like
+ <pre>
+data Ptr a = Ptr Addr#
+ <p>where <tt>Addr#</tt> is an unboxed native address (just a 32-
+ or 64- bit word). Putting a finalizer on a <tt>Ptr</tt> is
+ dangerous, because the compiler's optimiser might remove the box
+ altogether.
+ <p><tt>ForeignPtr</tt> is defined like this
+ <pre>
+data ForeignPtr a = ForeignPtr ForeignObj#
+ <p>where <tt>ForeignObj#</tt> is a *boxed* address, it corresponds
+ to a real heap object. The heap object is primitive from the
+ point of view of the compiler - it can't be optimised away. So it
+ works to attach a finalizer to the <tt>ForeignObj#</tt> (but not
+ to the <tt>ForeignPtr</tt>!).
+ <p>There are several primitive objects to which we can attach
+ finalizers: <tt>MVar#</tt>, <tt>MutVar#</tt>, <tt>ByteArray#</tt>,
+ etc. We have special functions for some of these: eg.
+ <tt>MVar.addMVarFinalizer</tt>.
+ <p>So a nicer interface might be something like
+class Finalizable a where
+ addFinalizer :: a -> IO () -> IO ()
+instance Finalizable (ForeignPtr a) where ...
+instance Finalizable (MVar a) where ...
+ <p>So you might ask why we don't just get rid of <tt>Ptr</tt> and
+ rename <tt>ForeignPtr</tt> to <tt>Ptr</tt>. The reason for that
+ is just efficiency, I think.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed Sep 26 09:49:37 BST 2001
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
diff --git a/docs/comm/rts-libs/multi-thread.html b/docs/comm/rts-libs/multi-thread.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..67a544be85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/comm/rts-libs/multi-thread.html
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+<title>The GHC Commentary - Supporting multi-threaded interoperation</title>
+<h1>The GHC Commentary - Supporting multi-threaded interoperation</h1>
+Date: April 2002
+This document presents the implementation of an extension to
+Concurrent Haskell that provides two enhancements:
+<li>A Concurrent Haskell thread may call an external (e.g., C)
+function in a manner that's transparent to the execution/evaluation of
+other Haskell threads. Section <a href="#callout">Calling out"</a> covers this.
+OS threads may safely call Haskell functions concurrently. Section
+<a href="#callin">"Calling in"</a> covers this.
+<!---- *************************************** ----->
+<h2 id="callout">The problem: foreign calls that block</h2>
+When a Concurrent Haskell(CH) thread calls a 'foreign import'ed
+function, the runtime system(RTS) has to handle this in a manner
+transparent to other CH threads. That is, they shouldn't be blocked
+from making progress while the CH thread executes the external
+call. Presently, all threads will block.
+Clearly, we have to rely on OS-level threads in order to support this
+kind of concurrency. The implementation described here defines the
+(abstract) OS threads interface that the RTS assumes. The implementation
+currently provides two instances of this interface, one for POSIX
+threads (pthreads) and one for the Win32 threads.
+<!---- *************************************** ----->
+<h3>Multi-threading the RTS</h3>
+A simple and efficient way to implement non-blocking foreign calls is like this:
+<li> Invariant: only one OS thread is allowed to
+execute code inside of the GHC runtime system. [There are alternate
+designs, but I won't go into details on their pros and cons here.]
+We'll call the OS thread that is currently running Haskell threads
+the <em>Current Haskell Worker Thread</em>.
+The Current Haskell Worker Thread repeatedly grabs a Haskell thread, executes it until its
+time-slice expires or it blocks on an MVar, then grabs another, and executes
+that, and so on.
+When the Current Haskell Worker comes to execute a potentially blocking 'foreign
+import', it leaves the RTS and ceases being the Current Haskell Worker, but before doing so it makes certain that
+another OS worker thread is available to become the Current Haskell Worker.
+Consequently, even if the external call blocks, the new Current Haskell Worker
+continues execution of the other Concurrent Haskell threads.
+When the external call eventually completes, the Concurrent Haskell
+thread that made the call is passed the result and made runnable
+A pool of OS threads are constantly trying to become the Current Haskell Worker.
+Only one succeeds at any moment. If the pool becomes empty, the RTS creates more workers.
+The OS worker threads are regarded as interchangeable. A given Haskell thread
+may, during its lifetime, be executed entirely by one OS worker thread, or by more than one.
+There's just no way to tell.
+<p><li>If a foreign program wants to call a Haskell function, there is always a thread switch involved.
+The foreign program uses thread-safe mechanisms to create a Haskell thread and make it runnable; and
+the current Haskell Worker Thread exectutes it. See Section <a href="#callin">Calling in</a>.
+The rest of this section describes the mechanics of implementing all
+this. There's two parts to it, one that describes how a native (OS) thread
+leaves the RTS to service the external call, the other how the same
+thread handles returning the result of the external call back to the
+Haskell thread.
+<!---- *************************************** ----->
+<h3>Making the external call</h3>
+Presently, GHC handles 'safe' C calls by effectively emitting the
+following code sequence:
+ thread state...
+ t = suspendThread();
+ r = foo(arg1,...,argn);
+ resumeThread(t);
+ ...restore thread state...
+ return r;
+After having squirreled away the state of a Haskell thread,
+<tt>Schedule.c:suspendThread()</tt> is called which puts the current
+thread on a list [<tt>Schedule.c:suspended_ccalling_threads</tt>]
+containing threads that are currently blocked waiting for external calls
+to complete (this is done for the purposes of finding roots when
+garbage collecting).
+In addition to putting the Haskell thread on
+<tt>suspended_ccalling_threads</tt>, <tt>suspendThread()</tt> now also
+does the following:
+<li>Instructs the <em>Task Manager</em> to make sure that there's a
+another native thread waiting in the wings to take over the execution
+of Haskell threads. This might entail creating a new
+<em>worker thread</em> or re-using one that's currently waiting for
+more work to do. The <a href="#taskman">Task Manager</a> section
+presents the functionality provided by this subsystem.
+<li>Releases its capability to execute within the RTS. By doing
+so, another worker thread will become unblocked and start executing
+code within the RTS. See the <a href="#capability">Capability</a>
+section for details.
+<li><tt>suspendThread()</tt> returns a token which is used to
+identify the Haskell thread that was added to
+<tt>suspended_ccalling_threads</tt>. This is done so that once the
+external call has completed, we know what Haskell thread to pull off
+the <tt>suspended_ccalling_threads</tt> list.
+Upon return from <tt>suspendThread()</tt>, the OS thread is free of
+its RTS executing responsibility, and can now invoke the external
+call. Meanwhile, the other worker thread that have now gained access
+to the RTS will continue executing Concurrent Haskell code. Concurrent
+'stuff' is happening!
+<!---- *************************************** ----->
+<h3>Returning the external result</h3>
+When the native thread eventually returns from the external call,
+the result needs to be communicated back to the Haskell thread that
+issued the external call. The following steps takes care of this:
+<li>The returning OS thread calls <tt>Schedule.c:resumeThread()</tt>,
+passing along the token referring to the Haskell thread that made the
+call we're returning from.
+The OS thread then tries to grab hold of a <em>returning worker
+capability</em>, via <tt>Capability.c:grabReturnCapability()</tt>.
+Until granted, the thread blocks waiting for RTS permissions. Clearly we
+don't want the thread to be blocked longer than it has to, so whenever
+a thread that is executing within the RTS enters the Scheduler (which
+is quite often, e.g., when a Haskell thread context switch is made),
+it checks to see whether it can give up its RTS capability to a
+returning worker, which is done by calling
+If a returning worker is waiting (the code in <tt>Capability.c</tt>
+keeps a counter of the number of returning workers that are currently
+blocked waiting), it is woken up and the given the RTS execution
+priviledges/capabilities of the worker thread that gave up its.
+The thread that gave up its capability then tries to re-acquire
+the capability to execute RTS code; this is done by calling
+The returning worker that was woken up will continue execution in
+<tt>resumeThread()</tt>, removing its associated Haskell thread
+from the <tt>suspended_ccalling_threads</tt> list and start evaluating
+that thread, passing it the result of the external call.
+<!---- *************************************** ----->
+<h3 id="rts-exec">RTS execution</h3>
+If a worker thread inside the RTS runs out of runnable Haskell
+threads, it goes to sleep waiting for the external calls to complete.
+It does this by calling <tt>waitForWorkCapability</tt>
+The availability of new runnable Haskell threads is signalled when:
+<li>When an external call is set up in <tt>suspendThread()</tt>.</li>
+<li>When a new Haskell thread is created (e.g., whenever
+<tt>Concurrent.forkIO</tt> is called from within Haskell); this is
+signalled in <tt>Schedule.c:scheduleThread_()</tt>.
+<li>Whenever a Haskell thread is removed from a 'blocking queue'
+attached to an MVar (only?).
+<!---- *************************************** ----->
+<h2 id="callin">Calling in</h2>
+Providing robust support for having multiple OS threads calling into
+Haskell is not as involved as its dual.
+<li>The OS thread issues the call to a Haskell function by going via
+the <em>Rts API</em> (as specificed in <tt>RtsAPI.h</tt>).
+<li>Making the function application requires the construction of a
+closure on the heap. This is done in a thread-safe manner by having
+the OS thread lock a designated block of memory (the 'Rts API' block,
+which is part of the GC's root set) for the short period of time it
+takes to construct the application.
+<li>The OS thread then creates a new Haskell thread to execute the
+function application, which (eventually) boils down to calling
+Evaluation is kicked off by calling <tt>Schedule.c:scheduleExtThread()</tt>,
+which asks the Task Manager to possibly create a new worker (OS)
+thread to execute the Haskell thread.
+After the OS thread has done this, it blocks waiting for the
+Haskell thread to complete the evaluation of the Haskell function.
+The reason why a separate worker thread is made to evaluate the Haskell
+function and not the OS thread that made the call-in via the
+Rts API, is that we want that OS thread to return as soon as possible.
+We wouldn't be able to guarantee that if the OS thread entered the
+RTS to (initially) just execute its function application, as the
+Scheduler may side-track it and also ask it to evaluate other Haskell threads.
+<strong>Note:</strong> As of 20020413, the implementation of the RTS API
+only serializes access to the allocator between multiple OS threads wanting
+to call into Haskell (via the RTS API.) It does not coordinate this access
+to the allocator with that of the OS worker thread that's currently executing
+within the RTS. This weakness/bug is scheduled to be tackled as part of an
+overhaul/reworking of the RTS API itself.
+<!---- *************************************** ----->
+<h2>Subsystems introduced/modified</h2>
+These threads extensions affect the Scheduler portions of the runtime
+system. To make it more manageable to work with, the changes
+introduced a couple of new RTS 'sub-systems'. This section presents
+the functionality and API of these sub-systems.
+<!---- *************************************** ----->
+<h3 id="#capability">Capabilities</h3>
+A Capability represent the token required to execute STG code,
+and all the state an OS thread/task needs to run Haskell code:
+its STG registers, a pointer to its TSO, a nursery etc. During
+STG execution, a pointer to the capabilitity is kept in a
+register (BaseReg).
+Only in an SMP build will there be multiple capabilities, for
+the threaded RTS and other non-threaded builds, there is only
+one global capability, namely <tt>MainCapability</tt>.
+The Capability API is as follows:
+/* Capability.h */
+extern void initCapabilities(void);
+extern void grabReturnCapability(Mutex* pMutex, Capability** pCap);
+extern void waitForWorkCapability(Mutex* pMutex, Capability** pCap, rtsBool runnable);
+extern void releaseCapability(Capability* cap);
+extern void yieldToReturningWorker(Mutex* pMutex, Capability* cap);
+extern void grabCapability(Capability** cap);
+<li><tt>initCapabilities()</tt> initialises the subsystem.
+<li><tt>grabReturnCapability()</tt> is called by worker threads
+returning from an external call. It blocks them waiting to gain
+permissions to do so.
+<li><tt>waitForWorkCapability()</tt> is called by worker threads
+already inside the RTS, but without any work to do. It blocks them
+waiting for there to new work to become available.
+<li><tt>releaseCapability()</tt> hands back a capability. If a
+'returning worker' is waiting, it is signalled that a capability
+has become available. If not, <tt>releaseCapability()</tt> tries
+to signal worker threads that are blocked waiting inside
+<tt>waitForWorkCapability()</tt> that new work might now be
+<li><tt>yieldToReturningWorker()</tt> is called by the worker thread
+that's currently inside the Scheduler. It checks whether there are other
+worker threads waiting to return from making an external call. If so,
+they're given preference and a capability is transferred between worker
+threads. One of the waiting 'returning worker' threads is signalled and made
+runnable, with the other, yielding, worker blocking to re-acquire
+a capability.
+The condition variables used to implement the synchronisation between
+worker consumers and providers are local to the Capability
+implementation. See source for details and comments.
+<!---- *************************************** ----->
+<h3 id="taskman">The Task Manager</h3>
+The Task Manager API is responsible for managing the creation of
+OS worker RTS threads. When a Haskell thread wants to make an
+external call, the Task Manager is asked to possibly create a
+new worker thread to take over the RTS-executing capability of
+the worker thread that's exiting the RTS to execute the external call.
+The Capability subsystem keeps track of idle worker threads, so
+making an informed decision about whether or not to create a new OS
+worker thread is easy work for the task manager. The Task manager
+provides the following API:
+/* Task.h */
+extern void startTaskManager ( nat maxTasks, void (*taskStart)(void) );
+extern void stopTaskManager ( void );
+extern void startTask ( void (*taskStart)(void) );
+<li><tt>startTaskManager()</tt> and <tt>stopTaskManager()</tt> starts
+up and shuts down the subsystem. When starting up, you have the option
+to limit the overall number of worker threads that can be
+created. An unbounded (modulo OS thread constraints) number of threads
+is created if you pass '0'.
+<li><tt>startTask()</tt> is called when a worker thread calls
+<tt>suspendThread()</tt> to service an external call, asking another
+worker thread to take over its RTS-executing capability. It is also
+called when an external OS thread invokes a Haskell function via the
+<em>Rts API</em>.
+<!---- *************************************** ----->
+<h3>Native threads API</h3>
+To hide OS details, the following API is used by the task manager and
+the scheduler to interact with an OS' threads API:
+/* OSThreads.h */
+typedef <em>..OS specific..</em> Mutex;
+extern void initMutex ( Mutex* pMut );
+extern void grabMutex ( Mutex* pMut );
+extern void releaseMutex ( Mutex* pMut );
+typedef <em>..OS specific..</em> Condition;
+extern void initCondition ( Condition* pCond );
+extern void closeCondition ( Condition* pCond );
+extern rtsBool broadcastCondition ( Condition* pCond );
+extern rtsBool signalCondition ( Condition* pCond );
+extern rtsBool waitCondition ( Condition* pCond,
+ Mutex* pMut );
+extern OSThreadId osThreadId ( void );
+extern void shutdownThread ( void );
+extern void yieldThread ( void );
+extern int createOSThread ( OSThreadId* tid,
+ void (*startProc)(void) );
+<!---- *************************************** ----->
+<h2>User-level interface</h2>
+To signal that you want an external call to be serviced by a separate
+OS thread, you have to add the attribute <tt>threadsafe</tt> to
+a foreign import declaration, i.e.,
+foreign import "bigComp" threadsafe largeComputation :: Int -> IO ()
+The distinction between 'safe' and thread-safe C calls is made
+so that we may call external functions that aren't re-entrant but may
+cause a GC to occur.
+The <tt>threadsafe</tt> attribute subsumes <tt>safe</tt>.
+<!---- *************************************** ----->
+<h2>Building the GHC RTS</h2>
+The multi-threaded extension isn't currently enabled by default. To
+have it built, you need to run the <tt>fptools</tt> configure script
+with the extra option <tt>--enable-threaded-rts</tt> turned on, and
+then proceed to build the compiler as per normal.
+<!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: Wed Apr 10 14:21:57 Pacific Daylight Time 2002 <!-- hhmts end -->
+</body> </html>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Non-blocking I/O on Win32</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Non-blocking I/O on Win32</h1>
+ <p>
+This note discusses the implementation of non-blocking I/O on
+Win32 platforms. It is not implemented yet (Apr 2002), but it seems worth
+capturing the ideas. Thanks to Sigbjorn for writing them.
+<h2> Background</h2>
+GHC has provided non-blocking I/O support for Concurrent Haskell
+threads on platforms that provide 'UNIX-style' non-blocking I/O for
+quite a while. That is, platforms that let you alter the property of a
+file descriptor to instead of having a thread block performing an I/O
+operation that cannot be immediately satisfied, the operation returns
+back a special error code (EWOULDBLOCK.) When that happens, the CH
+thread that made the blocking I/O request is put into a blocked-on-IO
+state (see Foreign.C.Error.throwErrnoIfRetryMayBlock). The RTS will
+in a timely fashion check to see whether I/O is again possible
+(via a call to select()), and if it is, unblock the thread & have it
+re-try the I/O operation. The result is that other Concurrent Haskell
+threads won't be affected, but can continue operating while a thread
+is blocked on I/O.
+Non-blocking I/O hasn't been supported by GHC on Win32 platforms, for
+the simple reason that it doesn't provide the OS facilities described
+<h2>Win32 non-blocking I/O, attempt 1</h2>
+Win32 does provide something select()-like, namely the
+WaitForMultipleObjects() API. It takes an array of kernel object
+handles plus a timeout interval, and waits for either one (or all) of
+them to become 'signalled'. A handle representing an open file (for
+reading) becomes signalled once there is input available.
+So, it is possible to observe that I/O is possible using this
+function, but not whether there's "enough" to satisfy the I/O request.
+So, if we were to mimic select() usage with WaitForMultipleObjects(),
+we'd correctly avoid blocking initially, but a thread may very well
+block waiting for their I/O requests to be satisified once the file
+handle has become signalled. [There is a fix for this -- only read
+and write one byte at a the time -- but I'm not advocating that.]
+<h2>Win32 non-blocking I/O, attempt 2</h2>
+Asynchronous I/O on Win32 is supported via 'overlapped I/O'; that is,
+asynchronous read and write requests can be made via the ReadFile() /
+WriteFile () APIs, specifying position and length of the operation.
+If the I/O requests cannot be handled right away, the APIs won't
+block, but return immediately (and report ERROR_IO_PENDING as their
+status code.)
+The completion of the request can be reported in a number of ways:
+ <li> synchronously, by blocking inside Read/WriteFile(). (this is the
+ non-overlapped case, really.)
+ <li> as part of the overlapped I/O request, pass a HANDLE to an event
+ object. The I/O system will signal this event once the request
+ completed, which a waiting thread will then be able to see.
+ <li> by supplying a pointer to a completion routine, which will be
+ called as an Asynchronous Procedure Call (APC) whenever a thread
+ calls a select bunch of 'alertable' APIs.
+ <li> by associating the file handle with an I/O completion port. Once
+ the request completes, the thread servicing the I/O completion
+ port will be notified.
+The use of I/O completion port looks the most interesting to GHC,
+as it provides a central point where all I/O requests are reported.
+Note: asynchronous I/O is only fully supported by OSes based on
+the NT codebase, i.e., Win9x don't permit async I/O on files and
+pipes. However, Win9x does support async socket operations, and
+I'm currently guessing here, console I/O. In my view, it would
+be acceptable to provide non-blocking I/O support for NT-based
+OSes only.
+Here's the design I currently have in mind:
+<li> Upon startup, an RTS helper thread whose only purpose is to service
+ an I/O completion port, is created.
+<li> All files are opened in 'overlapping' mode, and associated
+ with an I/O completion port.
+<li> Overlapped I/O requests are used to implement read() and write().
+<li> If the request cannot be satisified without blocking, the Haskell
+ thread is put on the blocked-on-I/O thread list & a re-schedule
+ is made.
+<li> When the completion of a request is signalled via the I/O completion
+ port, the RTS helper thread will move the associated Haskell thread
+ from the blocked list onto the runnable list. (Clearly, care
+ is required here to have another OS thread mutate internal Scheduler
+ data structures.)
+<li> In the event all Concurrent Haskell threads are blocked waiting on
+ I/O, the main RTS thread blocks waiting on an event synchronisation
+ object, which the helper thread will signal whenever it makes
+ a Haskell thread runnable.
+I might do the communication between the RTS helper thread and the
+main RTS thread differently though: rather than have the RTS helper
+thread manipluate thread queues itself, thus requiring careful
+locking, just have it change a bit on the relevant TSO, which the main
+RTS thread can check at regular intervals (in some analog of
+awaitEvent(), for example).
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed Aug 8 19:30:18 EST 2001
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Prelude Foundations</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Prelude Foundations</h1>
+ <p>
+ The standard Haskell Prelude as well as GHC's Prelude extensions are
+ constructed from GHC's <a href="primitives.html">primitives</a> in a
+ couple of layers.
+ <h4><code>PrelBase.lhs</code></h4>
+ <p>
+ Some most elementary Prelude definitions are collected in <a
+ href=""><code>PrelBase.lhs</code></a>.
+ In particular, it defines the boxed versions of Haskell primitive types
+ - for example, <code>Int</code> is defined as
+ <blockquote><pre>
+data Int = I# Int#</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ Saying that a boxed integer <code>Int</code> is formed by applying the
+ data constructor <code>I#</code> to an <em>unboxed</em> integer of type
+ <code>Int#</code>. Unboxed types are hardcoded in the compiler and
+ exported together with the <a href="primitives.html">primitive
+ operations</a> understood by GHC.
+ <p>
+ <code>PrelBase.lhs</code> similarly defines basic types, such as,
+ boolean values
+ <blockquote><pre>
+data Bool = False | True deriving (Eq, Ord)</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ the unit type
+ <blockquote><pre>
+data () = ()</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ and lists
+ <blockquote><pre>
+data [] a = [] | a : [a]</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ It also contains instance delarations for these types. In addition,
+ <code>PrelBase.lhs</code> contains some <a href="prelude.html">tricky
+ machinery</a> for efficient list handling.
+ <p><small>
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+Last modified: Wed Aug 8 19:30:18 EST 2001
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+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Cunning Prelude Code</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Cunning Prelude Code</h1>
+ <p>
+ GHC's uses a many optimsations and GHC specific techniques (unboxed
+ values, RULES pragmas, and so on) to make the heavily used Prelude code
+ as fast as possible.
+ <hr>
+ <h4>Par, seq, and lazy</h4>
+ In GHC.Conc you will dinf
+ pseq a b = a `seq` lazy b
+ What's this "lazy" thing. Well, <tt>pseq</tt> is a <tt>seq</tt> for a parallel setting.
+ We really mean "evaluate a, then b". But if the strictness analyser sees that pseq is strict
+ in b, then b might be evaluated <em>before</em> a, which is all wrong.
+Solution: wrap the 'b' in a call to <tt>GHC.Base.lazy</tt>. This function is just the identity function,
+except that it's put into the built-in environment in MkId.lhs. That is, the MkId.lhs defn over-rides the
+inlining and strictness information that comes in from GHC.Base.hi. And that makes <tt>lazy</tt> look
+lazy, and have no inlining. So the strictness analyser gets no traction.
+In the worker/wrapper phase, after strictness analysis, <tt>lazy</tt> is "manually" inlined (see WorkWrap.lhs),
+so we get all the efficiency back.
+This supersedes an earlier scheme involving an even grosser hack in which par# and seq# returned an
+Int#. Now there is no seq# operator at all.
+ <hr>
+ <h4>fold/build</h4>
+ <p>
+ There is a lot of magic in <a
+ href=""><code>PrelBase.lhs</code></a> -
+ among other things, the <a
+ href="">RULES
+ pragmas</a> implementing the <a
+ href="">fold/build</a>
+ optimisation. The code for <code>map</code> is
+ a good example for how it all works. In the prelude code for version
+ 5.03 it reads as follows:
+ <blockquote><pre>
+map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
+map _ [] = []
+map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
+-- Note eta expanded
+mapFB :: (elt -> lst -> lst) -> (a -> elt) -> a -> lst -> lst
+{-# INLINE [0] mapFB #-}
+mapFB c f x ys = c (f x) ys
+{-# RULES
+"map" [~1] forall f xs. map f xs = build (\c n -> foldr (mapFB c f) n xs)
+"mapList" [1] forall f. foldr (mapFB (:) f) [] = map f
+"mapFB" forall c f g. mapFB (mapFB c f) g = mapFB c (f.g)
+ #-}</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ Up to (but not including) phase 1, we use the <code>"map"</code> rule to
+ rewrite all saturated applications of <code>map</code> with its
+ build/fold form, hoping for fusion to happen. In phase 1 and 0, we
+ switch off that rule, inline build, and switch on the
+ <code>"mapList"</code> rule, which rewrites the foldr/mapFB thing back
+ into plain map.
+ <p>
+ It's important that these two rules aren't both active at once
+ (along with build's unfolding) else we'd get an infinite loop
+ in the rules. Hence the activation control using explicit phase numbers.
+ <p>
+ The "mapFB" rule optimises compositions of map.
+ <p>
+ The mechanism as described above is new in 5.03 since January 2002,
+ where the <code>[~</code><i>N</i><code>]</code> syntax for phase number
+ annotations at rules was introduced. Before that the whole arrangement
+ was more complicated, as the corresponding prelude code for version
+ 4.08.1 shows:
+ <blockquote><pre>
+map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
+map = mapList
+-- Note eta expanded
+mapFB :: (elt -> lst -> lst) -> (a -> elt) -> a -> lst -> lst
+mapFB c f x ys = c (f x) ys
+mapList :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
+mapList _ [] = []
+mapList f (x:xs) = f x : mapList f xs
+{-# RULES
+"map" forall f xs. map f xs = build (\c n -> foldr (mapFB c f) n xs)
+"mapFB" forall c f g. mapFB (mapFB c f) g = mapFB c (f.g)
+"mapList" forall f. foldr (mapFB (:) f) [] = mapList f
+ #-}</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ This code is structured as it is, because the "map" rule first
+ <em>breaks</em> the map <em>open,</em> which exposes it to the various
+ foldr/build rules, and if no foldr/build rule matches, the "mapList"
+ rule <em>closes</em> it again in a later phase of optimisation - after
+ build was inlined. As a consequence, the whole thing depends a bit on
+ the timing of the various optimsations (the map might be closed again
+ before any of the foldr/build rules fires). To make the timing
+ deterministic, <code>build</code> gets a <code>{-# INLINE 2 build
+ #-}</code> pragma, which delays <code>build</code>'s inlining, and thus,
+ the closing of the map. [NB: Phase numbering was forward at that time.]
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Mon Feb 11 20:00:49 EST 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Primitives</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Primitives</h1>
+ <p>
+ Most user-level Haskell types and functions provided by GHC (in
+ particular those from the Prelude and GHC's Prelude extensions) are
+ internally constructed from even more elementary types and functions.
+ Most notably, GHC understands a notion of <em>unboxed types,</em> which
+ are the Haskell representation of primitive bit-level integer, float,
+ etc. types (as opposed to their boxed, heap allocated counterparts) -
+ cf. <a
+ href="">"Unboxed
+ Values as First Class Citizens."</a>
+ <h4>The Ultimate Source of Primitives</h4>
+ <p>
+ The hardwired types of GHC are brought into scope by the module
+ <code>PrelGHC</code>. This modules only exists in the form of a
+ handwritten interface file <a
+ href=""><code>PrelGHC.hi-boot</code>,</a>
+ which lists the type and function names, as well as instance
+ declarations. The actually types of these names as well as their
+ implementation is hardwired into GHC. Note that the names in this file
+ are z-encoded, and in particular, identifiers ending on <code>zh</code>
+ denote user-level identifiers ending in a hash mark (<code>#</code>),
+ which is used to flag unboxed values or functions operating on unboxed
+ values. For example, we have <code>Char#</code>, <code>ord#</code>, and
+ so on.
+ <h4>The New Primitive Definition Scheme</h4>
+ <p>
+ As of (about) the development version 4.11, the types and various
+ properties of primitive operations are defined in the file <a
+ href=""><code>primops.txt.pp</code></a>.
+ (Personally, I don't think that the <code>.txt</code> suffix is really
+ appropriate, as the file is used for automatic code generation; the
+ recent addition of <code>.pp</code> means that the file is now mangled
+ by cpp.)
+ <p>
+ The utility <a
+ href=""><code>genprimopcode</code></a>
+ generates a series of Haskell files from <code>primops.txt</code>, which
+ encode the types and various properties of the primitive operations as
+ compiler internal data structures. These Haskell files are not complete
+ modules, but program fragments, which are included into compiler modules
+ during the GHC build process. The generated include files can be found
+ in the directory <code>fptools/ghc/compiler/</code> and carry names
+ matching the pattern <code>primop-*.hs-incl</code>. They are generate
+ during the execution of the <code>boot</code> target in the
+ <code>fptools/ghc/</code> directory. This scheme significantly
+ simplifies the maintenance of primitive operations.
+ <p>
+ As of development version 5.02, the <code>primops.txt</code> file also allows the
+ recording of documentation about intended semantics of the primitives. This can
+ be extracted into a latex document (or rather, into latex document fragments)
+ via an appropriate switch to <code>genprimopcode</code>. In particular, see <code>primops.txt</code>
+ for full details of how GHC is configured to cope with different machine word sizes.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Mon Nov 26 18:03:16 EST 2001
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+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Spineless Tagless C</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Spineless Tagless C</h1>
+ <p>
+ The C code generated by GHC doesn't use higher-level features of C to be
+ able to control as precisely as possible what code is generated.
+ Moreover, it uses special features of gcc (such as, first class labels)
+ to produce more efficient code.
+ <p>
+ STG C makes ample use of C's macro language to define idioms, which also
+ reduces the size of the generated C code (thus, reducing I/O times).
+ These macros are defined in the C headers located in GHC's <a
+ href=""><code>includes</code></a>
+ directory.
+ <h4><code>TailCalls.h</code></h4>
+ <p>
+ <a
+ href=""><code>TailCalls.h</code></a>
+ defines how tail calls are implemented - and in particular - optimised
+ in GHC generated code. The default case, for an architecture for which
+ GHC is not optimised, is to use the mini interpreter described in the <a
+ href="">STG paper.</a>
+ <p>
+ For supported architectures, various tricks are used to generate
+ assembler implementing proper tail calls. On i386, gcc's first class
+ labels are used to directly jump to a function pointer. Furthermore,
+ markers of the form <code>--- BEGIN ---</code> and <code>--- END
+ ---</code> are added to the assembly right after the function prologue
+ and before the epilogue. These markers are used by <a
+ href="../the-beast/mangler.html">the Evil Mangler.</a>
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed Aug 8 19:28:29 EST 2001
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - The Multi-threaded runtime, and multiprocessor execution</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - The Multi-threaded runtime, and multiprocessor execution</h1>
+ <p>This section of the commentary explains the structure of the runtime system
+ when used in threaded or SMP mode.</p>
+ <p>The <em>threaded</em> version of the runtime supports
+ bound threads and non-blocking foreign calls, and an overview of its
+ design can be found in the paper <a
+ href="">Extending
+ the Haskell Foreign Function Interface with Concurrency</a>. To
+ compile the runtime with threaded support, add the line
+<pre>GhcRTSWays += thr</pre>
+ to <tt>mk/</tt>. When building C code in the runtime for the threaded way,
+ the symbol <tt>THREADED_RTS</tt> is defined (this is arranged by the
+ build system when building for way <tt>thr</tt>, see
+ <tt>mk/</tt>). To build a Haskell program
+ with the threaded runtime, pass the flag <tt>-threaded</tt> to GHC (this
+ can be used in conjunction with <tt>-prof</tt>, and possibly
+ <tt>-debug</tt> and others depending on which versions of the RTS have
+ been built.</p>
+ <p>The <em>SMP</em> version runtime supports the same facilities as the
+ threaded version, and in addition supports execution of Haskell code by
+ multiple simultaneous OS threads. For SMP support, both the runtime and
+ the libraries must be built a special way: add the lines
+ <pre>
+GhcRTSWays += thr
+GhcLibWays += s</pre>
+ to <tt>mk/</tt>. To build Haskell code for
+ SMP execution, use the flag <tt>-smp</tt> to GHC (this can be used in
+ conjunction with <tt>-debug</tt>, but no other way-flags at this time).
+ When building C code in the runtime for SMP
+ support, the symbol <tt>SMP</tt> is defined (this is arranged by the
+ compiler when the <tt>-smp</tt> flag is given, see
+ <tt>ghc/compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs</tt>).</p>
+ <p>When building the runtime in either the threaded or SMP ways, the symbol
+ <tt>RTS_SUPPORTS_THREADS</tt> will be defined (see <tt>Rts.h</tt>).</p>
+ <h2>Overall design</h2>
+ <p>The system is based around the notion of a <tt>Capability</tt>. A
+ <tt>Capability</tt> is an object that represents both the permission to
+ execute some Haskell code, and the state required to do so. In order
+ to execute some Haskell code, a thread must therefore hold a
+ <tt>Capability</tt>. The available pool of capabilities is managed by
+ the <tt>Capability</tt> API, described below.</p>
+ <p>In the threaded runtime, there is only a single <tt>Capabililty</tt> in the
+ system, indicating that only a single thread can be executing Haskell
+ code at any one time. In the SMP runtime, there can be an arbitrary
+ number of capabilities selectable at runtime with the <tt>+RTS -N<em>n</em></tt>
+ flag; in practice the number is best chosen to be the same as the number of
+ processors on the host machine.</p>
+ <p>There are a number of OS threads running code in the runtime. We call
+ these <em>tasks</em> to avoid confusion with Haskell <em>threads</em>.
+ Tasks are managed by the <tt>Task</tt> subsystem, which is mainly
+ concerned with keeping track of statistics such as how much time each
+ task spends executing Haskell code, and also keeping track of how many
+ tasks are around when we want to shut down the runtime.</p>
+ <p>Some tasks are created by the runtime itself, and some may be here
+ as a result of a call to Haskell from foreign code (we
+ call this an in-call). The
+ runtime can support any number of concurrent foreign in-calls, but the
+ number of these calls that will actually run Haskell code in parallel is
+ determined by the number of available capabilities. Each in-call creates
+ a <em>bound thread</em>, as described in the FFI/Concurrency paper (cited
+ above).</p>
+ <p>In the future we may want to bind a <tt>Capability</tt> to a particular
+ processor, so that we can support a notion of affinity - avoiding
+ accidental migration of work from one CPU to another, so that we can make
+ best use of a CPU's local cache. For now, the design ignores this
+ issue.</p>
+ <h2>The <tt>OSThreads</tt> interface</h2>
+ <p>This interface is merely an abstraction layer over the OS-specific APIs
+ for managing threads. It has two main implementations: Win32 and
+ POSIX.</p>
+ <p>This is the entirety of the interface:</p>
+/* Various abstract types */
+typedef Mutex;
+typedef Condition;
+typedef OSThreadId;
+extern OSThreadId osThreadId ( void );
+extern void shutdownThread ( void );
+extern void yieldThread ( void );
+extern int createOSThread ( OSThreadId* tid,
+ void (*startProc)(void) );
+extern void initCondition ( Condition* pCond );
+extern void closeCondition ( Condition* pCond );
+extern rtsBool broadcastCondition ( Condition* pCond );
+extern rtsBool signalCondition ( Condition* pCond );
+extern rtsBool waitCondition ( Condition* pCond,
+ Mutex* pMut );
+extern void initMutex ( Mutex* pMut );
+ </pre>
+ <h2>The Task interface</h2>
+ <h2>The Capability interface</h2>
+ <h2>Multiprocessor Haskell Execution</h2>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Alien Functions</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Alien Functions</h1>
+ <p>
+ GHC implements experimental (by now it is actually quite well tested)
+ support for access to foreign functions and generally the interaction
+ between Haskell code and code written in other languages. Code
+ generation in this context can get quite tricky. This section attempts
+ to cast some light on this aspect of the compiler.
+ <h4>FFI Stub Files</h4>
+ <p>
+ For each Haskell module that contains a <code>foreign export
+ dynamic</code> declaration, GHC generates a <code>_stub.c</code> file
+ that needs to be linked with any program that imports the Haskell
+ module. When asked about it <a
+ href="">Simon Marlow</a> justified the
+ existence of these files as follows:
+ <blockquote>
+ The stub files contain the helper function which invokes the Haskell
+ code when called from C.
+ <p>
+ Each time the foreign export dynamic is invoked to create a new
+ callback function, a small piece of code has to be dynamically
+ generated (by code in <a
+ href=""><code>Adjustor.c</code></a>). It is the address of this dynamically generated bit of
+ code that is returned as the <code>Addr</code> (or <a
+ href=""><code>Ptr</code></a>).
+ When called from C, the dynamically generated code must somehow invoke
+ the Haskell function which was originally passed to the
+ f.e.d. function -- it does this by invoking the helper function,
+ passing it a <a
+ href=""><code>StablePtr</code></a>
+ to the Haskell function. It's split this way for two reasons: the
+ same helper function can be used each time the f.e.d. function is
+ called, and to keep the amount of dynamically generated code to a
+ minimum.
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ The stub code is generated by <a
+ href=""><code>DSForeign</code></a><code>.fexportEntry</code>.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Fri Aug 10 11:47:41 EST 2001
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - The Basics</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - The Basics</h1>
+ <p>
+ The directory <a
+ href=""><code>fptools/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/</code></a>
+ contains modules that define some of the essential types definition for
+ the compiler - such as, identifiers, variables, modules, and unique
+ names. Some of those are discussed in the following. See elsewhere for more
+ detailed information on:
+ <ul>
+ <li> <a href="vars.html"><code>Var</code>s, <code>Id</code>s, and <code>TyVar</code>s</a>
+ <li> <a href="renamer.html"><code>OccName</code>s, <code>RdrName</code>s, and <code>Names</code>s</a>
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Elementary Types</h2>
+ <h4><code>Id</code>s</h4>
+ <p>
+ An <code>Id</code> (defined in <a
+ href=""><code>Id.lhs</code></a>
+ essentially records information about value and data constructor
+ identifiers -- to be precise, in the case of data constructors, two
+ <code>Id</code>s are used to represent the worker and wrapper functions
+ for the data constructor, respectively. The information maintained in
+ the <code>Id</code> abstraction includes among other items strictness,
+ occurrence, specialisation, and unfolding information.
+ <p>
+ Due to the way <code>Id</code>s are used for data constructors,
+ all <code>Id</code>s are represented as variables, which contain a
+ <code>varInfo</code> field of abstract type <code><a
+ href="">IdInfo</a>.IdInfo</code>.
+ This is where the information about <code>Id</code>s is really stored.
+ The following is a (currently, partial) list of the various items in an
+ <code>IdInfo</code>:
+ <p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt><a name="occInfo">Occurence information</a>
+ <dd>The <code>OccInfo</code> data type is defined in the module <a
+ href=""><code>BasicTypes.lhs</code></a>.
+ Apart from the trivial <code>NoOccInfo</code>, it distinguishes
+ between variables that do not occur at all (<code>IAmDead</code>),
+ occur just once (<code>OneOcc</code>), or a <a
+ href="simplifier.html#loopBreaker">loop breakers</a>
+ (<code>IAmALoopBreaker</code>).
+ </dl>
+ <h2>Sets, Finite Maps, and Environments</h2>
+ <p>
+ Sets of variables, or more generally names, which are needed throughout
+ the compiler, are provided by the modules <a
+ href=""><code>VarSet.lhs</code></a>
+ and <a
+ href=""><code>NameSet.lhs</code></a>,
+ respectively. Moreover, frequently maps from variables (or names) to
+ other data is needed. For example, a substitution is represented by a
+ finite map from variable names to expressions. Jobs like this are
+ solved by means of variable and name environments implemented by the
+ modules <a
+ href=""><code>VarEnv.lhs</code></a>
+ and <a
+ href=""><code>NameEnv.lhs</code></a>.
+ <h4>The Module <code>VarSet</code></h4>
+ <p>
+ The Module <code>VarSet</code> provides the types <code>VarSet</code>,
+ <code>IdSet</code>, and <code>TyVarSet</code>, which are synonyms in the
+ current implementation, as <code>Var</code>, <code>Id</code>, and
+ <code>TyVar</code> are synonyms. The module provides all the operations
+ that one would expect including the creating of sets from individual
+ variables and lists of variables, union and intersection operations,
+ element checks, deletion, filter, fold, and map functions.
+ <p>
+ The implementation is based on <a
+ href=""><code>UniqSet</code></a>s,
+ which in turn are simply <a href=""><code>UniqFM</code></a>s
+ (i.e., finite maps with uniques as keys) that map each unique to the
+ variable that it represents.
+ <h4>The Module <code>NameSet</code></h4>
+ <p>
+ The Module <code>NameSet</code> provides the same functionality as
+ <code>VarSet</code> only for <a
+ href=""><code>Name</code></a>s.
+ As for the difference between <code>Name</code>s and <code>Var</code>s,
+ a <code>Var</code> is built from a <code>Name</code> plus additional
+ information (mostly importantly type information).
+ <h4>The Module <code>VarEnv</code></h4>
+ <p>
+ The module <code>VarEnv</code> provides the types <code>VarEnv</code>,
+ <code>IdEnv</code>, and <code>TyVarEnv</code>, which are again
+ synonyms. The provided base functionality is similar to
+ <code>VarSet</code> with the main difference that a type <code>VarEnv
+ T</code> associates a value of type <code>T</code> with each variable in
+ the environment, thus effectively implementing a finite map from
+ variables to values of type <code>T</code>.
+ <p>
+ The implementation of <code>VarEnv</code> is also by <a
+ href=""><code>UniqFM</code></a>,
+ which entails the slightly surprising implication that it is
+ <em>not</em> possible to retrieve the domain of a variable environment.
+ In other words, there is no function corresponding to
+ <code>VarSet.varSetElems :: VarSet -> [Var]</code> in
+ <code>VarEnv</code>. This is because the <code>UniqFM</code> used to
+ implement <code>VarEnv</code> stores only the unique corresponding to a
+ variable in the environment, but not the entire variable (and there is
+ no mapping from uniques to variables).
+ <p>
+ In addition to plain variable environments, the module also contains
+ special substitution environments - the type <code>SubstEnv</code> -
+ that associates variables with a special purpose type
+ <code>SubstResult</code>.
+ <h4>The Module <code>NameEnv</code></h4>
+ <p>
+ The type <code>NameEnv.NameEnv</code> is like <code>VarEnv</code> only
+ for <code>Name</code>s.
+ <p><hr><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Tue Jan 8 18:29:52 EST 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Coding Style Guidelines</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Coding Style Guidelines</h1>
+ <p>This is a rough description of some of the coding practices and
+ style that we use for Haskell code inside <tt>ghc/compiler</tt>.
+ <p>The general rule is to stick to the same coding style as is
+ already used in the file you're editing. If you must make
+ stylistic changes, commit them separately from functional changes,
+ so that someone looking back through the change logs can easily
+ distinguish them.
+ <h2>To literate or not to literate?</h2>
+ <p>In GHC we use a mixture of literate (<tt>.lhs</tt>) and
+ non-literate (<tt>.hs</tt>) source. I (Simon M.) prefer to use
+ non-literate style, because I think the
+ <tt>\begin{code}..\end{code}</tt> clutter up the source too much,
+ and I like to use Haddock-style comments (we haven't tried
+ processing the whole of GHC with Haddock yet, though).
+ <h2>To CPP or not to CPP?</h2>
+ <p>We pass all the compiler sources through CPP. The
+ <tt>-cpp</tt> flag is always added by the build system.
+ <p>The following CPP symbols are used throughout the compiler:
+ <dl>
+ <dt><tt>DEBUG</tt></dt>
+ <dd>Used to enables extra checks and debugging output in the
+ compiler. The <tt>ASSERT</tt> macro (see <tt>HsVersions.h</tt>)
+ provides assertions which disappear when <tt>DEBUG</tt> is not
+ defined.
+ <p>All debugging output should be placed inside <tt>#ifdef
+ DEBUG</tt>; we generally use this to provide warnings about
+ strange cases and things that might warrant investigation. When
+ <tt>DEBUG</tt> is off, the compiler should normally be silent
+ unless something goes wrong (exception when the verbosity level
+ is greater than zero).
+ <p>A good rule of thumb is that <tt>DEBUG</tt> shouldn't add
+ more than about 10-20% to the compilation time. This is the case
+ at the moment. If it gets too expensive, we won't use it. For
+ more expensive runtime checks, consider adding a flag - see for
+ example <tt>-dcore-lint</tt>.
+ </dd>
+ <dt><tt>GHCI</tt></dt>
+ <dd>Enables GHCi support, including the byte code generator and
+ interactive user interface. This isn't the default, because the
+ compiler needs to be bootstrapped with itself in order for GHCi
+ to work properly. The reason is that the byte-code compiler and
+ linker are quite closely tied to the runtime system, so it is
+ essential that GHCi is linked with the most up-to-date RTS.
+ Another reason is that the representation of certain datatypes
+ must be consistent between GHCi and its libraries, and if these
+ were inconsistent then disaster could follow.
+ </dd>
+ </dl>
+ <h2>Platform tests</h2>
+ <p>There are three platforms of interest to GHC:
+ <ul>
+ <li>The <b>Build</b> platform. This is the platform on which we
+ are building GHC.</li>
+ <li>The <b>Host</b> platform. This is the platform on which we
+ are going to run this GHC binary, and associated tools.</li>
+ <li>The <b>Target</b> platform. This is the platform for which
+ this GHC binary will generate code.</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>At the moment, there is very limited support for having
+ different values for buil, host, and target. In particular:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>The build platform is currently always the same as the host
+ platform. The build process needs to use some of the tools in
+ the source tree, for example <tt>ghc-pkg</tt> and
+ <tt>hsc2hs</tt>.</li>
+ <li>If the target platform differs from the host platform, then
+ this is generally for the purpose of building <tt>.hc</tt> files
+ from Haskell source for porting GHC to the target platform.
+ Full cross-compilation isn't supported (yet).</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>In the compiler's source code, you may make use of the
+ following CPP symbols:</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><em>xxx</em><tt>_TARGET_ARCH</tt></li>
+ <li><em>xxx</em><tt>_TARGET_VENDOR</tt></li>
+ <li><em>xxx</em><tt>_TARGET_OS</tt></li>
+ <li><em>xxx</em><tt>_HOST_ARCH</tt></li>
+ <li><em>xxx</em><tt>_HOST_VENDOR</tt></li>
+ <li><em>xxx</em><tt>_HOST_OS</tt></li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>where <em>xxx</em> is the appropriate value:
+ eg. <tt>i386_TARGET_ARCH</tt>.
+ <h2>Compiler versions</h2>
+ <p>GHC must be compilable by every major version of GHC from 5.02
+ onwards, and itself. It isn't necessary for it to be compilable
+ by every intermediate development version (that includes last
+ week's CVS sources).
+ <p>To maintain compatibility, use <tt>HsVersions.h</tt> (see
+ below) where possible, and try to avoid using <tt>#ifdef</tt> in
+ the source itself.
+ <h2>The source file</h2>
+ <p>We now describe a typical source file, annotating stylistic
+ choices as we go.
+{-# OPTIONS ... #-}
+ <p>An <tt>OPTIONS</tt> pragma is optional, but if present it
+ should go right at the top of the file. Things you might want to
+ put in <tt>OPTIONS</tt> include:
+ <ul>
+ <li><tt>-#include</tt> options to bring into scope prototypes
+ for FFI declarations</li>
+ <li><tt>-fvia-C</tt> if you know that
+ this module won't compile with the native code generator.
+ </ul>
+ <p>Don't bother putting <tt>-cpp</tt> or <tt>-fglasgow-exts</tt>
+ in the <tt>OPTIONS</tt> pragma; these are already added to the
+ command line by the build system.
+module Foo (
+ T(..),
+ foo, -- :: T -> T
+ ) where
+ <p>We usually (99% of the time) include an export list. The only
+ exceptions are perhaps where the export list would list absolutely
+ everything in the module, and even then sometimes we do it anyway.
+ <p>It's helpful to give type signatures inside comments in the
+ export list, but hard to keep them consistent, so we don't always
+ do that.
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+ <p><tt>HsVersions.h</tt> is a CPP header file containing a number
+ of macros that help smooth out the differences between compiler
+ versions. It defines, for example, macros for library module
+ names which have moved between versions. Take a look.
+-- friends
+import SimplMonad
+-- GHC
+import CoreSyn
+import Id ( idName, idType )
+import BasicTypes
+-- libraries
+import DATA_IOREF ( newIORef, readIORef )
+-- std
+import List ( partition )
+import Maybe ( fromJust )
+ <p>List imports in the following order:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Local to this subsystem (or directory) first</li>
+ <li>Compiler imports, generally ordered from specific to generic
+ (ie. modules from <tt>utils/</tt> and <tt>basicTypes/</tt>
+ usually come last)</li>
+ <li>Library imports</li>
+ <li>Standard Haskell 98 imports last</li>
+ </ul>
+ <p>Import library modules from the <tt>base</tt> and
+ <tt>haskell98</tt> packages only. Use <tt>#defines</tt> in
+ <tt>HsVersions.h</tt> when the modules names differ between
+ versions of GHC (eg. <tt>DATA_IOREF</tt> in the example above).
+ For code inside <tt>#ifdef GHCI</tt>, don't need to worry about GHC
+ versioning (because we are bootstrapped).
+ <p>We usually use import specs to give an explicit list of the
+ entities imported from a module. The main reason for doing this is
+ so that you can search the file for an entity and find which module
+ it comes from. However, huge import lists can be a pain to
+ maintain, so we often omit the import specs when they start to get
+ long (actually I start omitting them when they don't fit on one
+ line --Simon M.). Tip: use GHC's <tt>-fwarn-unused-imports</tt>
+ flag so that you get notified when an import isn't being used any
+ more.
+ <p>If the module can be compiled multiple ways (eg. GHCI
+ vs. non-GHCI), make sure the imports are properly <tt>#ifdefed</tt>
+ too, so as to avoid spurious unused import warnings.
+ <p><em>ToDo: finish this</em>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Data types and data constructors</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Data types and data constructors</h1>
+ <p>
+This chapter was thoroughly changed Feb 2003.
+<h2>Data types</h2>
+Consider the following data type declaration:
+ data T a = MkT !(a,a) !(T a) | Nil
+ f x = case x of
+ MkT p q -> MkT p (q+1)
+ Nil -> Nil
+The user's source program mentions only the constructors <tt>MkT</tt>
+and <tt>Nil</tt>. However, these constructors actually <em>do</em> something
+in addition to building a data value. For a start, <tt>MkT</tt> evaluates
+its arguments. Secondly, with the flag <tt>-funbox-strict-fields</tt> GHC
+will flatten (or unbox) the strict fields. So we may imagine that there's the
+<em>source</em> constructor <tt>MkT</tt> and the <em>representation</em> constructor
+<tt>MkT</tt>, and things start to get pretty confusing.
+GHC now generates three unique <tt>Name</tt>s for each data constructor:
+ ---- OccName ------
+ String Name space Used for
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The "source data con" MkT DataName The DataCon itself
+ The "worker data con" MkT VarName Its worker Id
+ aka "representation data con"
+ The "wrapper data con" $WMkT VarName Its wrapper Id (optional)
+Recall that each occurrence name (OccName) is a pair of a string and a
+name space (see <a href="names.html">The truth about names</a>), and
+two OccNames are considered the same only if both components match.
+That is what distinguishes the name of the name of the DataCon from
+the name of its worker Id. To keep things unambiguous, in what
+follows we'll write "MkT{d}" for the source data con, and "MkT{v}" for
+the worker Id. (Indeed, when you dump stuff with "-ddumpXXX", if you
+also add "-dppr-debug" you'll get stuff like "Foo {- d rMv -}". The
+"d" part is the name space; the "rMv" is the unique key.)
+Each of these three names gets a distinct unique key in GHC's name cache.
+<h2>The life cycle of a data type</h2>
+Suppose the Haskell source looks like this:
+ data T a = MkT !(a,a) !Int | Nil
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil -> Nil
+ MkT p q -> MkT p (q+1)
+When the parser reads it in, it decides which name space each lexeme comes
+from, thus:
+ data T a = MkT{d} !(a,a) !Int | Nil{d}
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil{d} -> Nil{d}
+ MkT{d} p q -> MkT{d} p (q+1)
+Notice that in the Haskell source <em>all data contructors are named via the "source data con" MkT{d}</em>,
+whether in pattern matching or in expressions.
+In the translated source produced by the type checker (-ddump-tc), the program looks like this:
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil{d} -> Nil{v}
+ MkT{d} p q -> $WMkT p (q+1)
+Notice that the type checker replaces the occurrence of MkT by the <em>wrapper</em>, but
+the occurrence of Nil by the <em>worker</em>. Reason: Nil doesn't have a wrapper because there is
+nothing to do in the wrapper (this is the vastly common case).
+Though they are not printed out by "-ddump-tc", behind the scenes, there are
+also the following: the data type declaration and the wrapper function for MkT.
+ data T a = MkT{d} a a Int# | Nil{d}
+ $WMkT :: (a,a) -> T a -> T a
+ $WMkT p t = case p of
+ (a,b) -> seq t (MkT{v} a b t)
+Here, the <em>wrapper</em> <tt>$WMkT</tt> evaluates and takes apart the argument <tt>p</tt>,
+evaluates the argument <tt>t</tt>, and builds a three-field data value
+with the <em>worker</em> constructor <tt>MkT{v}</tt>. (There are more notes below
+about the unboxing of strict fields.) The worker $WMkT is called an <em>implicit binding</em>,
+because it's introduced implicitly by the data type declaration (record selectors
+are also implicit bindings, for example). Implicit bindings are injected into the code
+just before emitting code or External Core.
+After desugaring into Core (-ddump-ds), the definition of <tt>f</tt> looks like this:
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil{d} -> Nil{v}
+ MkT{d} a b r -> let { p = (a,b); q = I# r } in
+ $WMkT p (q+1)
+Notice the way that pattern matching has been desugared to take account of the fact
+that the "real" data constructor MkT has three fields.
+By the time the simplifier has had a go at it, <tt>f</tt> will be transformed to:
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil{d} -> Nil{v}
+ MkT{d} a b r -> MkT{v} a b (r +# 1#)
+Which is highly cool.
+<h2> The constructor wrapper functions </h2>
+The wrapper functions are automatically generated by GHC, and are
+really emitted into the result code (albeit only after CorePre; see
+The wrapper functions are inlined very
+vigorously, so you will not see many occurrences of the wrapper
+functions in an optimised program, but you may see some. For example,
+if your Haskell source has
+ map MkT xs
+then <tt>$WMkT</tt> will not be inlined (because it is not applied to anything).
+That is why we generate real top-level bindings for the wrapper functions,
+and generate code for them.
+<h2> The constructor worker functions </h2>
+Saturated applications of the constructor worker function MkT{v} are
+treated specially by the code generator; they really do allocation.
+However, we do want a single, shared, top-level definition for
+top-level nullary constructors (like True and False). Furthermore,
+what if the code generator encounters a non-saturated application of a
+worker? E.g. <tt>(map Just xs)</tt>. We could declare that to be an
+error (CorePrep should saturate them). But instead we currently
+generate a top-level defintion for each constructor worker, whether
+nullary or not. It takes the form:
+ MkT{v} = \ p q r -> MkT{v} p q r
+This is a real hack. The occurrence on the RHS is saturated, so the code generator (both the
+one that generates abstract C and the byte-code generator) treats it as a special case and
+allocates a MkT; it does not make a recursive call! So now there's a top-level curried
+version of the worker which is available to anyone who wants it.
+This strange defintion is not emitted into External Core. Indeed, you might argue that
+we should instead pass the list of <tt>TyCon</tt>s to the code generator and have it
+generate magic bindings directly. As it stands, it's a real hack: see the code in
+<h2> External Core </h2>
+When emitting External Core, we should see this for our running example:
+ data T a = MkT a a Int# | Nil{d}
+ $WMkT :: (a,a) -> T a -> T a
+ $WMkT p t = case p of
+ (a,b) -> seq t (MkT a b t)
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil -> Nil
+ MkT a b r -> MkT a b (r +# 1#)
+Notice that it makes perfect sense as a program all by itself. Constructors
+look like constructors (albeit not identical to the original Haskell ones).
+When reading in External Core, the parser is careful to read it back in just
+as it was before it was spat out, namely:
+ data T a = MkT{d} a a Int# | Nil{d}
+ $WMkT :: (a,a) -> T a -> T a
+ $WMkT p t = case p of
+ (a,b) -> seq t (MkT{v} a b t)
+ f x = case x of
+ Nil{d} -> Nil{v}
+ MkT{d} a b r -> MkT{v} a b (r +# 1#)
+<h2> Unboxing strict fields </h2>
+If GHC unboxes strict fields (as in the first argument of <tt>MkT</tt> above),
+it also transforms
+source-language case expressions. Suppose you write this in your Haskell source:
+ case e of
+ MkT p t -> ..p..t..
+GHC will desugar this to the following Core code:
+ case e of
+ MkT a b t -> let p = (a,b) in ..p..t..
+The local let-binding reboxes the pair because it may be mentioned in
+the case alternative. This may well be a bad idea, which is why
+<tt>-funbox-strict-fields</tt> is an experimental feature.
+It's essential that when importing a type <tt>T</tt> defined in some
+external module <tt>M</tt>, GHC knows what representation was used for
+that type, and that in turn depends on whether module <tt>M</tt> was
+compiled with <tt>-funbox-strict-fields</tt>. So when writing an
+interface file, GHC therefore records with each data type whether its
+strict fields (if any) should be unboxed.
+<h2> Labels and info tables </h2>
+<em>Quick rough notes: SLPJ March 2003</em>.
+Every data constructor <tt>C</tt>has two info tables:
+<li> The static info table (label <tt>C_static_info</tt>), used for statically-allocated constructors.
+<li> The dynamic info table (label <tt>C_con_info</tt>), used for dynamically-allocated constructors.
+Statically-allocated constructors are not moved by the garbage collector, and therefore have a different closure
+type from dynamically-allocated constructors; hence they need
+a distinct info table.
+Both info tables share the same entry code, but since the entry code is phyiscally juxtaposed with the
+info table, it must be duplicated (<tt>C_static_entry</tt> and <tt>C_con_entry</tt> respectively).
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Sugar Free: From Haskell To Core</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Sugar Free: From Haskell To Core</h1>
+ <p>
+ Up until after type checking, GHC keeps the source program in an
+ abstract representation of Haskell source without removing any of the
+ syntactic sugar (such as, list comprehensions) that could easily be
+ represented by more primitive Haskell. This complicates part of the
+ front-end considerably as the abstract syntax of Haskell (as exported by
+ the module <a
+ href=""><code>HsSyn</code></a>)
+ is much more complex than a simplified representation close to, say, the
+ <a href="">Haskell
+ Kernel</a> would be. However, having a representation that is as close
+ as possible to the surface syntax simplifies the generation of clear
+ error messages. As GHC (quite in contrast to "conventional" compilers)
+ prints code fragments as part of error messages, the choice of
+ representation is especially important.
+ <p>
+ Nonetheless, as soon as the input has passed all static checks, it is
+ transformed into GHC's principal intermediate language that goes by the
+ name of <em>Core</em> and whose representation is exported by the
+ module <a
+ href=""><code>CoreSyn</code></a>.
+ All following compiler phases, except code generation operate on Core.
+ Due to Andrew Tolmach's effort, there is also an <a
+ href="">external
+ representation for Core.</a>
+ <p>
+ The conversion of the compiled module from <code>HsSyn</code> into that
+ of <code>CoreSyn</code> is performed by a phase called the
+ <em>desugarer</em>, which is located in
+ <a
+ href=""><code>fptools/ghc/compiler/deSugar/</code></a>.
+ It's operation is detailed in the following.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Auxilliary Functions</h2>
+ <p>
+ The modules <a
+ href=""><code>DsMonad</code></a>
+ defines the desugarer monad (of type <code>DsM</code>) which maintains
+ the environment needed for desugaring. In particular, it encapsulates a
+ unique supply for generating new variables, a map to lookup standard
+ names (such as functions from the prelude), a source location for error
+ messages, and a pool to collect warning messages generated during
+ desugaring. Initialisation of the environment happens in the function <a
+ href=""><code>Desugar</code></a><code>.desugar</code>,
+ which is also the main entry point into the desugarer.
+ <p>
+ The generation of Core code often involves the use of standard functions
+ for which proper identifiers (i.e., values of type <code>Id</code> that
+ actually refer to the definition in the right Prelude) need to be
+ obtained. This is supported by the function
+ <code>DsMonad.dsLookupGlobalValue :: Name -> DsM Id</code>.
+ <h2><a name="patmat">Pattern Matching</a></h2>
+ <p>
+ Nested pattern matching with guards and everything is translated into
+ the simple, flat case expressions of Core by the following modules:
+ <dl>
+ <dt><a
+ href=""><code>Match</code></a>:
+ <dd>This modules contains the main pattern-matching compiler in the form
+ of a function called <code>match</code>. There is some documentation
+ as to how <code>match</code> works contained in the module itself.
+ Generally, the implemented algorithm is similar to the one described
+ in Phil Wadler's Chapter ? of Simon Peyton Jones' <em>The
+ Implementation of Functional Programming Languages</em>.
+ <code>Match</code> exports a couple of functions with not really
+ intuitive names. In particular, it exports <code>match</code>,
+ <code>matchWrapper</code>, <code>matchExport</code>, and
+ <code>matchSimply</code>. The function <code>match</code>, which is
+ the main work horse, is only used by the other matching modules. The
+ function <code>matchExport</code> - despite it's name - is merely used
+ internally in <code>Match</code> and handles warning messages (see
+ below for more details). The actual interface to the outside is
+ <code>matchWrapper</code>, which converts the output of the type
+ checker into the form needed by the pattern matching compiler (i.e., a
+ list of <code>EquationInfo</code>). Similar in function to
+ <code>matchWrapper</code> is <code>matchSimply</code>, which provides
+ an interface for the case where a single expression is to be matched
+ against a single pattern (as, for example, is the case in bindings in
+ a <code>do</code> expression).
+ <dt><a
+ href=""><code>MatchCon</code></a>:
+ <dd>This module generates code for a set of alternative constructor
+ patterns that belong to a single type by means of the routine
+ <code>matchConFamily</code>. More precisely, the routine gets a set
+ of equations where the left-most pattern of each equation is a
+ constructor pattern with a head symbol from the same type as that of
+ all the other equations. A Core case expression is generated that
+ distinguihes between all these constructors. The routine is clever
+ enough to generate a sparse case expression and to add a catch-all
+ default case only when needed (i.e., if the case expression isn't
+ exhaustive already). There is also an explanation at the start of the
+ modules.
+ <dt><a
+ href=""><code>MatchLit</code></a>:
+ <dd>Generates code for a set of alternative literal patterns by means of
+ the routine <code>matchLiterals</code>. The principle is similar to
+ that of <code>matchConFamily</code>, but all left-most patterns are
+ literals of the same type.
+ <dt><a
+ href=""><code>DsUtils</code></a>:
+ <dd>This module provides a set of auxilliary definitions as well as the
+ data types <code>EquationInfo</code> and <code>MatchResult</code> that
+ form the input and output, respectively, of the pattern matching
+ compiler.
+ <dt><a
+ href=""><code>Check</code></a>:
+ <dd>This module does not really contribute the compiling pattern
+ matching, but it inspects sets of equations to find whether there are
+ any overlapping patterns or non-exhaustive pattern sets. This task is
+ implemented by the function <code>check</code>, which returns a list of
+ patterns that are part of a non-exhaustive case distinction as well as a
+ set of equation labels that can be reached during execution of the code;
+ thus, the remaining equations are shadowed due to overlapping patterns.
+ The function <code>check</code> is invoked and its result converted into
+ suitable warning messages by the function <code>Match.matchExport</code>
+ (which is a wrapper for <code>Match.match</code>).
+ </dl>
+ <p>
+ The central function <code>match</code>, given a set of equations,
+ proceeds in a number of steps:
+ <ol>
+ <li>It starts by desugaring the left-most pattern of each equation using
+ the function <code>tidy1</code> (indirectly via
+ <code>tidyEqnInfo</code>). During this process, non-elementary
+ pattern (e.g., those using explicit list syntax <code>[x, y, ...,
+ z]</code>) are converted to a standard constructor pattern and also
+ irrefutable pattern are removed.
+ <li>Then, a process called <em>unmixing</em> clusters the equations into
+ blocks (without re-ordering them), such that the left-most pattern of
+ all equations in a block are either all variables, all literals, or
+ all constructors.
+ <li>Each block is, then, compiled by <code>matchUnmixedEqns</code>,
+ which forwards the handling of literal pattern blocks to
+ <code>MatchLit.matchLiterals</code>, of constructor pattern blocks to
+ <code>MatchCon.matchConFamily</code>, and hands variable pattern
+ blocks back to <code>match</code>.
+ </ol>
+ <p><hr><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Mon Feb 11 22:35:25 EST 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
diff --git a/docs/comm/the-beast/driver.html b/docs/comm/the-beast/driver.html
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index 0000000000..fbf65e33e7
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - The Glorious Driver</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - The Glorious Driver</h1>
+ <p>
+ The Glorious Driver (GD) is the part of GHC that orchestrates the
+ interaction of all the other pieces that make up GHC. It supersedes the
+ <em>Evil Driver (ED),</em> which was a Perl script that served the same
+ purpose and was in use until version 4.08.1 of GHC. Simon Marlow
+ eventually slayed the ED and instated the GD. The GD is usually called
+ the <em>Compilation Manager</em> these days.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The GD has been substantially extended for GHCi, i.e., the interactive
+ variant of GHC that integrates the compiler with a (meta-circular)
+ interpreter since version 5.00. Most of the driver is located in the
+ directory
+ <a
+ href=""><code>fptools/ghc/compiler/main/</code></a>.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Command Line Options</h2>
+ <p>
+ GHC's many flavours of command line options make the code interpreting
+ them rather involved. The following provides a brief overview of the
+ processing of these options. Since the addition of the interactive
+ front-end to GHC, there are two kinds of options: <em>static
+ options</em> and <em>dynamic options.</em> The former can only be set
+ when the system is invoked, whereas the latter can be altered in the
+ course of an interactive session. A brief explanation on the difference
+ between these options and related matters is at the start of the module
+ <a
+ href=""><code>CmdLineOpts</code></a>.
+ The same module defines the enumeration <code>DynFlag</code>, which
+ contains all dynamic flags. Moreover, there is the labelled record
+ <code>DynFlags</code> that collects all the flag-related information
+ that is passed by the compilation manager to the compiler proper,
+ <code>hsc</code>, whenever a compilation is triggered. If you like to
+ find out whether an option is static, use the predicate
+ <code>isStaticHscFlag</code> in the same module.
+ <p>
+ The second module that contains a lot of code related to the management
+ of flags is <a
+ href=""><code>DriverFlags.hs</code></a>.
+ In particular, the module contains two association lists that map the
+ textual representation of the various flags to a data structure that
+ tells the driver how to parse the flag (e.g., whether it has any
+ arguments) and provides its internal representation. All static flags
+ are contained in <code>static_flags</code>. A whole range of
+ <code>-f</code> flags can be negated by adding a <code>-f-no-</code>
+ prefix. These flags are contained in the association list
+ <code>fFlags</code>.
+ <p>
+ The driver uses a nasty hack based on <code>IORef</code>s that permits
+ the rest of the compiler to access static flags as CAFs; i.e., there is
+ a family of toplevel variable definitions in
+ <a
+ href=""><code>CmdLineOpts</code></a>,
+ below the literate section heading <i>Static options</i>, each of which
+ contains the value of one static option. This is essentially realised
+ via global variables (in the sense of C-style, updatable, global
+ variables) defined via an evil pre-processor macro named
+ <code>GLOBAL_VAR</code>, which is defined in a particularly ugly corner
+ of GHC, namely the C header file
+ <a
+ href=""><code>HsVersions.h</code></a>.
+ <h2>What Happens When</h2>
+ <p>
+ Inside the Haskell compiler proper (<code>hsc</code>), a whole series of
+ stages (``passes'') are executed in order to transform your Haskell program
+ into C or native code. This process is orchestrated by
+ <code>main/HscMain.hscMain</code> and its relative
+ <code>hscReComp</code>. The latter directly invokes, in order,
+ the parser, the renamer, the typechecker, the desugarer, the
+ simplifier (Core2Core), the CoreTidy pass, the CorePrep pass,
+ conversion to STG (CoreToStg), the interface generator
+ (MkFinalIface), the code generator, and code output. The
+ simplifier is the most complex of these, and is made up of many
+ sub-passes. These are controlled by <code>buildCoreToDo</code>,
+ as described below.
+ <h2>Scheduling Optimisations Phases</h2>
+ <p>
+ GHC has a large variety of optimisations at its disposal, many of which
+ have subtle interdependencies. The overall plan for program
+ optimisation is fixed in <a
+ href=""><code>DriverState.hs</code></a>.
+ First of all, there is the variable <code>hsc_minusNoO_flags</code> that
+ determines the <code>-f</code> options that you get without
+ <code>-O</code> (aka optimisation level 0) as well as
+ <code>hsc_minusO_flags</code> and <code>hsc_minusO2_flags</code> for
+ <code>-O</code> and <code>-O2</code>.
+ <p>
+ However, most of the strategic decisions about optimisations on the
+ intermediate language Core are encoded in the value produced by
+ <code>buildCoreToDo</code>, which is a list with elements of type
+ <code>CoreToDo</code>. Each element of this list specifies one step in
+ the sequence of core optimisations executed by the <a
+ href="simplifier.html">Mighty Simplifier</a>. The type
+ <code>CoreToDo</code> is defined in <a
+ href=""><code>CmdLineOpts.lhs</code></a>.
+ The actual execution of the optimisation plan produced by
+ <code>buildCoreToDo</code> is performed by <a
+ href=""><code>SimpleCore</code></a><code>.doCorePasses</code>.
+ Core optimisation plans consist of a number of simplification phases
+ (currently, three for optimisation levels of 1 or higher) with
+ decreasing phase numbers (the lowest, corresponding to the last phase,
+ namely 0). Before and after these phases, optimisations such as
+ specialisation, let floating, worker/wrapper, and so on are executed.
+ The sequence of phases is such that the synergistic effect of the phases
+ is maximised -- however, this is a fairly fragile arrangement.
+ <p>
+ There is a similar construction for optimisations on STG level stored in
+ the variable <code>buildStgToDo :: [StgToDo]</code>. However, this is a
+ lot less complex than the arrangement for Core optimisations.
+ <h2>Linking the <code>RTS</code> and <code>libHSstd</code></h2>
+ <p>
+ Since the RTS and HSstd refer to each other, there is a Cunning
+ Hack to avoid putting them each on the command-line twice or
+ thrice (aside: try asking for `plaice and chips thrice' in a
+ fish and chip shop; bet you only get two lots). The hack involves
+ adding
+ the symbols that the RTS needs from libHSstd, such as
+ <code>PrelWeak_runFinalizzerBatch_closure</code> and
+ <code>__stginit_Prelude</code>, to the link line with the
+ <code>-u</code> flag. The standard library appears before the
+ RTS on the link line, and these options cause the corresponding
+ symbols to be picked up even so the linked might not have seen them
+ being used as the RTS appears later on the link line. As a result,
+ when the RTS is also scanned, these symbols are already resolved. This
+ avoids the linker having to read the standard library and RTS
+ multiple times.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This does, however, leads to a complication. Normal Haskell
+ programs do not have a <code>main()</code> function, so this is
+ supplied by the RTS (in the file
+ <a href=""><code>Main.c</code></a>).
+ It calls <code>startupHaskell</code>, which
+ itself calls <code>__stginit_PrelMain</code>, which is therefore,
+ since it occurs in the standard library, one of the symbols
+ passed to the linker using the <code>-u</code> option. This is fine
+ for standalone Haskell programs, but as soon as the Haskell code is only
+ used as part of a program implemented in a foreign language, the
+ <code>main()</code> function of that foreign language should be used
+ instead of that of the Haskell runtime. In this case, the previously
+ described arrangement unfortunately fails as
+ <code>__stginit_PrelMain</code> had better not be linked in,
+ because it tries to call <code>__stginit_Main</code>, which won't
+ exist. In other words, the RTS's <code>main()</code> refers to
+ <code>__stginit_PrelMain</code> which in turn refers to
+ <code>__stginit_Main</code>. Although the RTS's <code>main()</code>
+ might not be linked in if the program provides its own, the driver
+ will normally force <code>__stginit_PrelMain</code> to be linked in anyway,
+ using <code>-u</code>, because it's a back-reference from the
+ RTS to HSstd. This case is coped with by the <code>-no-hs-main</code>
+ flag, which suppresses passing the corresonding <code>-u</code> option
+ to the linker -- although in some versions of the compiler (e.g., 5.00.2)
+ it didn't work. In addition, the driver generally places the C program
+ providing the <code>main()</code> that we want to use before the RTS
+ on the link line. Therefore, the RTS's main is never used and
+ without the <code>-u</code> the label <code>__stginit_PrelMain</code>
+ will not be linked.
+ </p>
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Tue Feb 19 11:09:00 UTC 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
diff --git a/docs/comm/the-beast/fexport.html b/docs/comm/the-beast/fexport.html
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index 0000000000..956043bafb
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - foreign export</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - foreign export</h1>
+ The implementation scheme for foreign export, as of 27 Feb 02, is
+ as follows. There are four cases, of which the first two are easy.
+ <p>
+ <b>(1) static export of an IO-typed function from some module <code>MMM</code></b>
+ <p>
+ <code>foreign export foo :: Int -> Int -> IO Int</code>
+ <p>
+ For this we generate no Haskell code. However, a C stub is
+ generated, and it looks like this:
+ <p>
+ <pre>
+extern StgClosure* MMM_foo_closure;
+HsInt foo (HsInt a1, HsInt a2)
+ SchedulerStatus rc;
+ HaskellObj ret;
+ rc = rts_evalIO(
+ rts_apply(rts_apply(MMM_foo_closure,rts_mkInt(a1)),
+ rts_mkInt(a2)
+ ),
+ &ret
+ );
+ rts_checkSchedStatus("foo",rc);
+ return(rts_getInt(ret));
+ <p>
+ This does the obvious thing: builds in the heap the expression
+ <code>(foo a1 a2)</code>, calls <code>rts_evalIO</code> to run it,
+ and uses <code>rts_getInt</code> to fish out the result.
+ <p>
+ <b>(2) static export of a non-IO-typed function from some module <code>MMM</code></b>
+ <p>
+ <code>foreign export foo :: Int -> Int -> Int</code>
+ <p>
+ This is identical to case (1), with the sole difference that the
+ stub calls <code>rts_eval</code> rather than
+ <code>rts_evalIO</code>.
+ <p>
+ <b>(3) dynamic export of an IO-typed function from some module <code>MMM</code></b>
+ <p>
+ <code>foreign export mkCallback :: (Int -> Int -> IO Int) -> IO (FunPtr a)</code>
+ <p>
+ Dynamic exports are a whole lot more complicated than their static
+ counterparts.
+ <p>
+ First of all, we get some Haskell code, which, when given a
+ function <code>callMe :: (Int -> Int -> IO Int)</code> to be made
+ C-callable, IO-returns a <code>FunPtr a</code>, which is the
+ address of the resulting C-callable code. This address can now be
+ handed out to the C-world, and callers to it will get routed
+ through to <code>callMe</code>.
+ <p>
+ The generated Haskell function looks like this:
+ <p>
+mkCallback f
+ = do sp <- mkStablePtr f
+ r <- ccall "createAdjustorThunk" sp (&"run_mkCallback")
+ return r
+ <p>
+ <code>createAdjustorThunk</code> is a gruesome,
+ architecture-specific function in the RTS. It takes a stable
+ pointer to the Haskell function to be run, and the address of the
+ associated C wrapper, and returns a piece of machine code,
+ which, when called from the outside (C) world, eventually calls
+ through to <code>f</code>.
+ <p>
+ This machine code fragment is called the "Adjustor Thunk" (don't
+ ask me why). What it does is simply to call onwards to the C
+ helper
+ function <code>run_mkCallback</code>, passing all the args given
+ to it but also conveying <code>sp</code>, which is a stable
+ pointer
+ to the Haskell function to run. So:
+ <p>
+createAdjustorThunk ( StablePtr sp, CCodeAddress addr_of_helper_C_fn )
+ create malloc'd piece of machine code "mc", behaving thusly:
+ mc ( args_to_mc )
+ {
+ jump to addr_of_helper_C_fn, passing sp as an additional
+ argument
+ }
+ <p>
+ This is a horrible hack, because there is no portable way, even at
+ the machine code level, to function which adds one argument and
+ then transfers onwards to another C function. On x86s args are
+ pushed R to L onto the stack, so we can just push <code>sp</code>,
+ fiddle around with return addresses, and jump onwards to the
+ helper C function. However, on architectures which use register
+ windows and/or pass args extensively in registers (Sparc, Alpha,
+ MIPS, IA64), this scheme borders on the unviable. GHC has a
+ limited <code>createAdjustorThunk</code> implementation for Sparc
+ and Alpha, which handles only the cases where all args, including
+ the extra one, fit in registers.
+ <p>
+ Anyway: the other lump of code generated as a result of a
+ f-x-dynamic declaration is the C helper stub. This is basically
+ the same as in the static case, except that it only ever gets
+ called from the adjustor thunk, and therefore must accept
+ as an extra argument, a stable pointer to the Haskell function
+ to run, naturally enough, as this is not known until run-time.
+ It then dereferences the stable pointer and does the call in
+ the same way as the f-x-static case:
+HsInt Main_d1kv ( StgStablePtr the_stableptr,
+ void* original_return_addr,
+ HsInt a1, HsInt a2 )
+ SchedulerStatus rc;
+ HaskellObj ret;
+ rc = rts_evalIO(
+ rts_apply(rts_apply((StgClosure*)deRefStablePtr(the_stableptr),
+ rts_mkInt(a1)
+ ),
+ rts_mkInt(a2)
+ ),
+ &ret
+ );
+ rts_checkSchedStatus("Main_d1kv",rc);
+ return(rts_getInt(ret));
+ <p>
+ Note how this function has a purely made-up name
+ <code>Main_d1kv</code>, since unlike the f-x-static case, this
+ function is never called from user code, only from the adjustor
+ thunk.
+ <p>
+ Note also how the function takes a bogus parameter
+ <code>original_return_addr</code>, which is part of this extra-arg
+ hack. The usual scheme is to leave the original caller's return
+ address in place and merely push the stable pointer above that,
+ hence the spare parameter.
+ <p>
+ Finally, there is some extra trickery, detailed in
+ <code>ghc/rts/Adjustor.c</code>, to get round the following
+ problem: the adjustor thunk lives in mallocville. It is
+ quite possible that the Haskell code will actually
+ call <code>free()</code> on the adjustor thunk used to get to it
+ -- because otherwise there is no way to reclaim the space used
+ by the adjustor thunk. That's all very well, but it means that
+ the C helper cannot return to the adjustor thunk in the obvious
+ way, since we've already given it back using <code>free()</code>.
+ So we leave, on the C stack, the address of whoever called the
+ adjustor thunk, and before calling the helper, mess with the stack
+ such that when the helper returns, it returns directly to the
+ adjustor thunk's caller.
+ <p>
+ That's how the <code>stdcall</code> convention works. If the
+ adjustor thunk has been called using the <code>ccall</code>
+ convention, we return indirectly, via a statically-allocated
+ yet-another-magic-piece-of-code, which takes care of removing the
+ extra argument that the adjustor thunk pushed onto the stack.
+ This is needed because in <code>ccall</code>-world, it is the
+ caller who removes args after the call, and the original caller of
+ the adjustor thunk has no way to know about the extra arg pushed
+ by the adjustor thunk.
+ <p>
+ You didn't really want to know all this stuff, did you?
+ <p>
+ <b>(4) dynamic export of an non-IO-typed function from some module <code>MMM</code></b>
+ <p>
+ <code>foreign export mkCallback :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> IO (FunPtr a)</code>
+ <p>
+ (4) relates to (3) as (2) relates to (1), that is, it's identical,
+ except the C stub uses <code>rts_eval</code> instead of
+ <code>rts_evalIO</code>.
+ <p>
+ <h2>Some perspective on f-x-dynamic</h2>
+ The only really horrible problem with f-x-dynamic is how the
+ adjustor thunk should pass to the C helper the stable pointer to
+ use. Ideally we would like this to be conveyed via some invisible
+ side channel, since then the adjustor thunk could simply jump
+ directly to the C helper, with no non-portable stack fiddling.
+ <p>
+ Unfortunately there is no obvious candidate for the invisible
+ side-channel. We've chosen to pass it on the stack, with the
+ bad consequences detailed above. Another possibility would be to
+ park it in a global variable, but this is non-reentrant and
+ non-(OS-)thread-safe. A third idea is to put it into a callee-saves
+ register, but that has problems too: the C helper may not use that
+ register and therefore we will have trashed any value placed there
+ by the caller; and there is no C-level portable way to read from
+ the register inside the C helper.
+ <p>
+ In short, we can't think of a really satisfactory solution. I'd
+ vote for introducing some kind of OS-thread-local-state and passing
+ it in there, but that introduces complications of its own.
+ <p>
+ <b>OS-thread-safety</b> is of concern in the C stubs, whilst
+ building up the expressions to run. These need to have exclusive
+ access to the heap whilst allocating in it. Also, there needs to
+ be some guarantee that no GC will happen in between the
+ <code>deRefStablePtr</code> call and when <code>rts_eval[IO]</code>
+ starts running. At the moment there are no guarantees for
+ either property. This needs to be sorted out before the
+ implementation can be regarded as fully safe to use.
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Weds 27 Feb 02
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b893acdeb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/comm/the-beast/ghci.html
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - GHCi</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - GHCi</h1>
+ This isn't a coherent description of how GHCi works, sorry. What
+ it is (currently) is a dumping ground for various bits of info
+ pertaining to GHCi, which ought to be recorded somewhere.
+ <h2>Debugging the interpreter</h2>
+ The usual symptom is that some expression / program crashes when
+ running on the interpreter (commonly), or gets wierd results
+ (rarely). Unfortunately, finding out what the problem really is
+ has proven to be extremely difficult. In retrospect it may be
+ argued a design flaw that GHC's implementation of the STG
+ execution mechanism provides only the weakest of support for
+ automated internal consistency checks. This makes it hard to
+ debug.
+ <p>
+ Execution failures in the interactive system can be due to
+ problems with the bytecode interpreter, problems with the bytecode
+ generator, or problems elsewhere. From the bugs seen so far,
+ the bytecode generator is often the culprit, with the interpreter
+ usually being correct.
+ <p>
+ Here are some tips for tracking down interactive nonsense:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Find the smallest source fragment which causes the problem.
+ <p>
+ <li>Using an RTS compiled with <code>-DDEBUG</code> (nb, that
+ means the RTS from the previous stage!), run with <code>+RTS
+ -D2</code> to get a listing in great detail from the
+ interpreter. Note that the listing is so voluminous that
+ this is impractical unless you have been diligent in
+ the previous step.
+ <p>
+ <li>At least in principle, using the trace and a bit of GDB
+ poking around at the time of death, you can figure out what
+ the problem is. In practice you quickly get depressed at
+ the hopelessness of ever making sense of the mass of
+ details. Well, I do, anyway.
+ <p>
+ <li><code>+RTS -D2</code> tries hard to print useful
+ descriptions of what's on the stack, and often succeeds.
+ However, it has no way to map addresses to names in
+ code/data loaded by our runtime linker. So the C function
+ <code>ghci_enquire</code> is provided. Given an address, it
+ searches the loaded symbol tables for symbols close to that
+ address. You can run it from inside GDB:
+ <pre>
+ (gdb) p ghci_enquire ( 0x50a406f0 )
+ 0x50a406f0 + -48 == `PrelBase_Czh_con_info'
+ 0x50a406f0 + -12 == `PrelBase_Izh_static_info'
+ 0x50a406f0 + -48 == `PrelBase_Czh_con_entry'
+ 0x50a406f0 + -24 == `PrelBase_Izh_con_info'
+ 0x50a406f0 + 16 == `PrelBase_ZC_con_entry'
+ 0x50a406f0 + 0 == `PrelBase_ZMZN_static_entry'
+ 0x50a406f0 + -36 == `PrelBase_Czh_static_entry'
+ 0x50a406f0 + -24 == `PrelBase_Izh_con_entry'
+ 0x50a406f0 + 64 == `PrelBase_EQ_static_info'
+ 0x50a406f0 + 0 == `PrelBase_ZMZN_static_info'
+ 0x50a406f0 + 48 == `PrelBase_LT_static_entry'
+ $1 = void
+ </pre>
+ In this case the enquired-about address is
+ <code>PrelBase_ZMZN_static_entry</code>. If no symbols are
+ close to the given addr, nothing is printed. Not a great
+ mechanism, but better than nothing.
+ <p>
+ <li>We have had various problems in the past due to the bytecode
+ generator (<code>compiler/ghci/ByteCodeGen.lhs</code>) being
+ confused about the true set of free variables of an
+ expression. The compilation scheme for <code>let</code>s
+ applies the BCO for the RHS of the let to its free
+ variables, so if the free-var annotation is wrong or
+ misleading, you end up with code which has wrong stack
+ offsets, which is usually fatal.
+ <p>
+ <li>The baseline behaviour of the interpreter is to interpret
+ BCOs, and hand all other closures back to the scheduler for
+ evaluation. However, this causes a huge number of expensive
+ context switches, so the interpreter knows how to enter the
+ most common non-BCO closure types by itself.
+ <p>
+ These optimisations complicate the interpreter.
+ If you think you have an interpreter problem, re-enable the
+ define <code>REFERENCE_INTERPRETER</code> in
+ <code>ghc/rts/Interpreter.c</code>. All optimisations are
+ thereby disabled, giving the baseline
+ I-only-know-how-to-enter-BCOs behaviour.
+ <p>
+ <li>Following the traces is often problematic because execution
+ hops back and forth between the interpreter, which is
+ traced, and compiled code, which you can't see.
+ Particularly annoying is when the stack looks OK in the
+ interpreter, then compiled code runs for a while, and later
+ we arrive back in the interpreter, with the stack corrupted,
+ and usually in a completely different place from where we
+ left off.
+ <p>
+ If this is biting you baaaad, it may be worth copying
+ sources for the compiled functions causing the problem, into
+ your interpreted module, in the hope that you stay in the
+ interpreter more of the time. Of course this doesn't work
+ very well if you've defined
+ <code>ghc/rts/Interpreter.c</code>.
+ <p>
+ <li>There are various commented-out pieces of code in
+ <code>Interpreter.c</code> which can be used to get the
+ stack sanity-checked after every entry, and even after after
+ every bytecode instruction executed. Note that some
+ bytecodes (<code>PUSH_UBX</code>) leave the stack in
+ an unwalkable state, so the <code>do_print_stack</code>
+ local variable is used to suppress the stack walk after
+ them.
+ </ul>
+ <h2>Useful stuff to know about the interpreter</h2>
+ The code generation scheme is straightforward (naive, in fact).
+ <code>-ddump-bcos</code> prints each BCO along with the Core it
+ was generated from, which is very handy.
+ <ul>
+ <li>Simple lets are compiled in-line. For the general case, let
+ v = E in ..., E is compiled into a new BCO which takes as
+ args its free variables, and v is bound to AP(the new BCO,
+ free vars of E).
+ <p>
+ <li><code>case</code>s as usual, become: push the return
+ continuation, enter the scrutinee. There is some magic to
+ make all combinations of compiled/interpreted calls and
+ returns work, described below. In the interpreted case, all
+ case alts are compiled into a single big return BCO, which
+ commences with instructions implementing a switch tree.
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <b>ARGCHECK magic</b>
+ <p>
+ You may find ARGCHECK instructions at the start of BCOs which
+ don't appear to need them; case continuations in particular.
+ These play an important role: they force objects which should
+ evaluated to BCOs to actually be BCOs.
+ <p>
+ Typically, there may be an application node somewhere in the heap.
+ This is a thunk which when leant on turns into a BCO for a return
+ continuation. The thunk may get entered with an update frame on
+ top of the stack. This is legitimate since from one viewpoint
+ this is an AP which simply reduces to a data object, so does not
+ have functional type. However, once the AP turns itself into a
+ BCO (so to speak) we cannot simply enter the BCO, because that
+ expects to see args on top of the stack, not an update frame.
+ Therefore any BCO which expects something on the stack above an
+ update frame, even non-function BCOs, start with an ARGCHECK. In
+ this case it fails, the update is done, the update frame is
+ removed, and the BCO re-entered. Subsequent entries of the BCO of
+ course go unhindered.
+ <p>
+ The optimised (<code>#undef REFERENCE_INTERPRETER</code>) handles
+ this case specially, so that a trip through the scheduler is
+ avoided. When reading traces from <code>+RTS -D2 -RTS</code>, you
+ may see BCOs which appear to execute their initial ARGCHECK insn
+ twice. The first time it fails; the interpreter does the update
+ immediately and re-enters with no further comment.
+ <p>
+ This is all a bit ugly, and, as SimonM correctly points out, it
+ would have been cleaner to make BCOs unpointed (unthunkable)
+ objects, so that a pointer to something <code>:: BCO#</code>
+ really points directly at a BCO.
+ <p>
+ <b>Stack management</b>
+ <p>
+ There isn't any attempt to stub the stack, minimise its growth, or
+ generally remove unused pointers ahead of time. This is really
+ due to lazyness on my part, although it does have the minor
+ advantage that doing something cleverer would almost certainly
+ increase the number of bytecodes that would have to be executed.
+ Of course we SLIDE out redundant stuff, to get the stack back to
+ the sequel depth, before returning a HNF, but that's all. As
+ usual this is probably a cause of major space leaks.
+ <p>
+ <b>Building constructors</b>
+ <p>
+ Constructors are built on the stack and then dumped into the heap
+ with a single PACK instruction, which simply copies the top N
+ words of the stack verbatim into the heap, adds an info table, and zaps N
+ words from the stack. The constructor args are pushed onto the
+ stack one at a time. One upshot of this is that unboxed values
+ get pushed untaggedly onto the stack (via PUSH_UBX), because that's how they
+ will be in the heap. That in turn means that the stack is not
+ always walkable at arbitrary points in BCO execution, although
+ naturally it is whenever GC might occur.
+ <p>
+ Function closures created by the interpreter use the AP-node
+ (tagged) format, so although their fields are similarly
+ constructed on the stack, there is never a stack walkability
+ problem.
+ <p>
+ <b>Unpacking constructors</b>
+ <p>
+ At the start of a case continuation, the returned constructor is
+ unpacked onto the stack, which means that unboxed fields have to
+ be tagged. Rather than burdening all such continuations with a
+ complex, general mechanism, I split it into two. The
+ allegedly-common all-pointers case uses a single UNPACK insn
+ to fish out all fields with no further ado. The slow case uses a
+ sequence of more complex UPK_TAG insns, one for each field (I
+ think). This seemed like a good compromise to me.
+ <p>
+ <b>Perspective</b>
+ <p>
+ I designed the bytecode mechanism with the experience of both STG
+ hugs and Classic Hugs in mind. The latter has an small
+ set of bytecodes, a small interpreter loop, and runs amazingly
+ fast considering the cruddy code it has to interpret. The former
+ had a large interpretative loop with many different opcodes,
+ including multiple minor variants of the same thing, which
+ made it difficult to optimise and maintain, yet it performed more
+ or less comparably with Classic Hugs.
+ <p>
+ My design aims were therefore to minimise the interpreter's
+ complexity whilst maximising performance. This means reducing the
+ number of opcodes implemented, whilst reducing the number of insns
+ despatched. In particular there are only two opcodes, PUSH_UBX
+ and UPK_TAG, which deal with tags. STG Hugs had dozens of opcodes
+ for dealing with tagged data. In cases where the common
+ all-pointers case is significantly simpler (UNPACK) I deal with it
+ specially. Finally, the number of insns executed is reduced a
+ little by merging multiple pushes, giving PUSH_LL and PUSH_LLL.
+ These opcode pairings were determined by using the opcode-pair
+ frequency profiling stuff which is ifdef-d out in
+ <code>Interpreter.c</code>. These significantly improve
+ performance without having much effect on the uglyness or
+ complexity of the interpreter.
+ <p>
+ Overall, the interpreter design is something which turned out
+ well, and I was pleased with it. Unfortunately I cannot say the
+ same of the bytecode generator.
+ <h2><code>case</code> returns between interpreted and compiled code</h2>
+ Variants of the following scheme have been drifting around in GHC
+ RTS documentation for several years. Since what follows is
+ actually what is implemented, I guess it supersedes all other
+ documentation. Beware; the following may make your brain melt.
+ In all the pictures below, the stack grows downwards.
+ <p>
+ <b>Returning to interpreted code</b>.
+ <p>
+ Interpreted returns employ a set of polymorphic return infotables.
+ Each element in the set corresponds to one of the possible return
+ registers (R1, D1, F1) that compiled code will place the returned
+ value in. In fact this is a bit misleading, since R1 can be used
+ to return either a pointer or an int, and we need to distinguish
+ these cases. So, supposing the set of return registers is {R1p,
+ R1n, D1, F1}, there would be four corresponding infotables,
+ <code>stg_ctoi_ret_R1p_info</code>, etc. In the pictures below we
+ call them <code>stg_ctoi_ret_REP_info</code>.
+ <p>
+ These return itbls are polymorphic, meaning that all 8 vectored
+ return codes and the direct return code are identical.
+ <p>
+ Before the scrutinee is entered, the stack is arranged like this:
+ <pre>
+ | |
+ +--------+
+ | BCO | -------> the return contination BCO
+ +--------+
+ | itbl * | -------> stg_ctoi_ret_REP_info, with all 9 codes as follows:
+ +--------+
+ BCO* bco = Sp[1];
+ push R1/F1/D1 depending on REP
+ push bco
+ yield to sched
+ </pre>
+ On entry, the interpreted contination BCO expects the stack to look
+ like this:
+ <pre>
+ | |
+ +--------+
+ | BCO | -------> the return contination BCO
+ +--------+
+ | itbl * | -------> ret_REP_ctoi_info, with all 9 codes as follows:
+ +--------+
+ : VALUE : (the returned value, shown with : since it may occupy
+ +--------+ multiple stack words)
+ </pre>
+ A machine code return will park the returned value in R1/F1/D1,
+ and enter the itbl on the top of the stack. Since it's our magic
+ itbl, this pushes the returned value onto the stack, which is
+ where the interpreter expects to find it. It then pushes the BCO
+ (again) and yields. The scheduler removes the BCO from the top,
+ and enters it, so that the continuation is interpreted with the
+ stack as shown above.
+ <p>
+ An interpreted return will create the value to return at the top
+ of the stack. It then examines the return itbl, which must be
+ immediately underneath the return value, to see if it is one of
+ the magic <code>stg_ctoi_ret_REP_info</code> set. Since this is so,
+ it knows it is returning to an interpreted contination. It
+ therefore simply enters the BCO which it assumes it immediately
+ underneath the itbl on the stack.
+ <p>
+ <b>Returning to compiled code</b>.
+ <p>
+ Before the scrutinee is entered, the stack is arranged like this:
+ <pre>
+ ptr to vec code 8 ------> return vector code 8
+ | | ....
+ +--------+ ptr to vec code 1 ------> return vector code 1
+ | itbl * | -- Itbl end
+ +--------+ \ ....
+ \ Itbl start
+ ----> direct return code
+ </pre>
+ The scrutinee value is then entered.
+ The case continuation(s) expect the stack to look the same, with
+ the returned HNF in a suitable return register, R1, D1, F1 etc.
+ <p>
+ A machine code return knows whether it is doing a vectored or
+ direct return, and, if the former, which vector element it is.
+ So, for a direct return we jump to <code>Sp[0]</code>, and for a
+ vectored return, jump to <code>((CodePtr*)(Sp[0]))[ - ITBL_LENGTH
+ - vector number ]</code>. This is (of course) the scheme that
+ compiled code has been using all along.
+ <p>
+ An interpreted return will, as described just above, have examined
+ the itbl immediately beneath the return value it has just pushed,
+ and found it not to be one of the <code>ret_REP_ctoi_info</code> set,
+ so it knows this must be a return to machine code. It needs to
+ pop the return value, currently on the stack, into R1/F1/D1, and
+ jump through the info table. Unfortunately the first part cannot
+ be accomplished directly since we are not in Haskellised-C world.
+ <p>
+ We therefore employ a second family of magic infotables, indexed,
+ like the first, on the return representation, and therefore with
+ names of the form <code>stg_itoc_ret_REP_info</code>. (Note:
+ <code>itoc</code>; the previous bunch were <code>ctoi</code>).
+ This is pushed onto the stack (note, tagged values have their tag
+ zapped), giving:
+ <pre>
+ | |
+ +--------+
+ | itbl * | -------> arbitrary machine code return itbl
+ +--------+
+ : VALUE : (the returned value, possibly multiple words)
+ +--------+
+ | itbl * | -------> stg_itoc_ret_REP_info, with code:
+ +--------+
+ pop myself (stg_itoc_ret_REP_info) off the stack
+ pop return value into R1/D1/F1
+ do standard machine code return to itbl at t.o.s.
+ </pre>
+ We then return to the scheduler, asking it to enter the itbl at
+ t.o.s. When entered, <code>stg_itoc_ret_REP_info</code> removes
+ itself from the stack, pops the return value into the relevant
+ return register, and returns to the itbl to which we were trying
+ to return in the first place.
+ <p>
+ Amazingly enough, this stuff all actually works! Well, mostly ...
+ <p>
+ <b>Unboxed tuples: a Right Royal Spanner In The Works</b>
+ <p>
+ The above scheme depends crucially on having magic infotables
+ <code>stg_{itoc,ctoi}_ret_REP_info</code> for each return
+ representation <code>REP</code>. It unfortunately fails miserably
+ in the face of unboxed tuple returns, because the set of required
+ tables would be infinite; this despite the fact that for any given
+ unboxed tuple return type, the scheme could be made to work fine.
+ <p>
+ This is a serious problem, because it prevents interpreted
+ code from doing <code>IO</code>-typed returns, since <code>IO
+ t</code> is implemented as <code>(# t, RealWorld# #)</code> or
+ thereabouts. This restriction in turn rules out FFI stuff in the
+ interpreter. Not good.
+ <p>
+ Although we have no way to make general unboxed tuples work, we
+ can at least make <code>IO</code>-types work using the following
+ ultra-kludgey observation: <code>RealWorld#</code> doesn't really
+ exist and so has zero size, in compiled code. In turn this means
+ that a type of the form <code>(# t, RealWorld# #)</code> has the
+ same representation as plain <code>t</code> does. So the bytecode
+ generator, whilst rejecting code with general unboxed tuple
+ returns, recognises and accepts this special case. Which means
+ that <code>IO</code>-typed stuff works in the interpreter. Just.
+ <p>
+ If anyone asks, I will claim I was out of radio contact, on a
+ 6-month walking holiday to the south pole, at the time this was
+ ... er ... dreamt up.
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Thursday February 7 15:33:49 GMT 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
diff --git a/docs/comm/the-beast/main.html b/docs/comm/the-beast/main.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..332ffaa501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/comm/the-beast/main.html
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Compiling and running the Main module</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>Compiling and running the Main module</h1>
+GHC allows you to determine which module contains the "main" function, and
+what that function is called, via the <code>-fmain-is</code> flag. The trouble is
+that the runtime system is fixed, so what symbol should it link to?
+The current solution is this. Suppose the main function is <code></code>.
+Then, when compiling module <code>Foo</code>, GHC adds an extra definition:
+ :Main.main = runIO
+Now the RTS can invoke <code>:Main.main</code> to start the program. (This extra
+definition is inserted in TcRnDriver.checkMain.)
+Before starting the program, though, the RTS also initialises the module tree
+by calling <code>init_:Main</code>, so when compiling the main module (Foo in this case),
+as well as generating <code>init_Foo</code> as usual, GHC also generates
+ init_zcMain() { init_Foo; }
+This extra initialisation code is generated in CodeGen.mkModuleInit.
+ </body>
diff --git a/docs/comm/the-beast/mangler.html b/docs/comm/the-beast/mangler.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ad80f0d5c
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - The Evil Mangler</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - The Evil Mangler</h1>
+ <p>
+ The Evil Mangler (EM) is a Perl script invoked by the <a
+ href="driver.html">Glorious Driver</a> after the C compiler (gcc) has
+ translated the GHC-produced C code into assembly. Consequently, it is
+ only of interest if <code>-fvia-C</code> is in effect (either explicitly
+ or implicitly).
+ <h4>Its purpose</h4>
+ <p>
+ The EM reads the assembly produced by gcc and re-arranges code blocks as
+ well as nukes instructions that it considers <em>non-essential.</em> It
+ derives it evilness from its utterly ad hoc, machine, compiler, and
+ whatnot dependent design and implementation. More precisely, the EM
+ performs the following tasks:
+ <ul>
+ <li>The code executed when a closure is entered is moved adjacent to
+ that closure's infotable. Moreover, the order of the info table
+ entries is reversed. Also, SRT pointers are removed from closures that
+ don't need them (non-FUN, RET and THUNK ones).
+ <li>Function prologue and epilogue code is removed. (GHC generated code
+ manages its own stack and uses the system stack only for return
+ addresses and during calls to C code.)
+ <li>Certain code patterns are replaced by simpler code (eg, loads of
+ fast entry points followed by indirect jumps are replaced by direct
+ jumps to the fast entry point).
+ </ul>
+ <h4>Implementation</h4>
+ <p>
+ The EM is located in the Perl script <a
+ href=""><code>ghc-asm.lprl</code></a>.
+ The script reads the <code>.s</code> file and chops it up into
+ <em>chunks</em> (that's how they are actually called in the script) that
+ roughly correspond to basic blocks. Each chunk is annotated with an
+ educated guess about what kind of code it contains (e.g., infotable,
+ fast entry point, slow entry point, etc.). The annotations also contain
+ the symbol introducing the chunk of assembly and whether that chunk has
+ already been processed or not.
+ <p>
+ The parsing of the input into chunks as well as recognising assembly
+ instructions that are to be removed or altered is based on a large
+ number of Perl regular expressions sprinkled over the whole code. These
+ expressions are rather fragile as they heavily rely on the structure of
+ the generated code - in fact, they even rely on the right amount of
+ white space and thus on the formatting of the assembly.
+ <p>
+ Afterwards, the chunks are reordered, some of them purged, and some
+ stripped of some useless instructions. Moreover, some instructions are
+ manipulated (eg, loads of fast entry points followed by indirect jumps
+ are replaced by direct jumps to the fast entry point).
+ <p>
+ The EM knows which part of the code belongs to function prologues and
+ epilogues as <a href="../rts-libs/stgc.html">STG C</a> adds tags of the
+ form <code>--- BEGIN ---</code> and <code>--- END ---</code> the
+ assembler just before and after the code proper of a function starts.
+ It adds these tags using gcc's <code>__asm__</code> feature.
+ <p>
+ <strong>Update:</strong> Gcc 2.96 upwards performs more aggressive basic
+ block re-ordering and dead code elimination. This seems to make the
+ whole <code>--- END ---</code> tag business redundant -- in fact, if
+ proper code is generated, no <code>--- END ---</code> tags survive gcc
+ optimiser.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Sun Feb 17 17:55:47 EST 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
diff --git a/docs/comm/the-beast/modules.html b/docs/comm/the-beast/modules.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6655a68a7
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Modules, ModuleNames and Packages</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>Modules, ModuleNames and Packages</h1>
+ <p>This section describes the datatypes <code>ModuleName</code>
+ <code>Module</code> and <code>PackageName</code> all available
+ from the module <a
+ href=""><code>Module</code></a>.<p>
+ <h2>Packages</h2>
+ <p>A package is a collection of (zero or more) Haskell modules,
+ together with some information about external libraries, extra C
+ compiler options, and other things that this collection of modules
+ requires. When using DLLs on windows (or shared libraries on a
+ Unix system; currently unsupported), a package can consist of only
+ a single shared library of Haskell code; the reason for this is
+ described below.
+ <p>Packages are further described in the User's Guide <a
+ href="">here</a>.
+ <h2>The ModuleName type</h2>
+ <p>At the bottom of the hierarchy is a <code>ModuleName</code>,
+ which, as its name suggests, is simply the name of a module. It
+ is represented as a Z-encoded FastString, and is an instance of
+ <code>Uniquable</code> so we can build <code>FiniteMap</code>s
+ with <code>ModuleName</code>s as the keys.
+ <p>A <code>ModuleName</code> can be built from a
+ <code>String</code>, using the <code>mkModuleName</code> function.
+ <h2>The Module type</h2>
+ <p>For a given module, the compiler also needs to know whether the
+ module is in the <em>home package</em>, or in another package.
+ This distinction is important for two reasons:
+ <ul>
+ <li><p>When generating code to call a function in another package,
+ the compiler might have to generate a cross-DLL call, which is
+ different from an intra-DLL call (hence the restriction that the
+ code in a package can only reside in a single DLL).
+ <li><p>We avoid putting version information in an interface file
+ for entities defined in another package, on the grounds that other
+ packages are generally "stable". This also helps keep the size of
+ interface files down.
+ </ul>
+ <p>The <code>Module</code> type contains a <code>ModuleName</code>
+ and a <code>PackageInfo</code> field. The
+ <code>PackageInfo</code> indicates whether the given
+ <code>Module</code> comes from the current package or from another
+ package.
+ <p>To get the actual package in which a given module resides, you
+ have to read the interface file for that module, which contains
+ the package name (actually the value of the
+ <code>-package-name</code> flag when that module was built). This
+ information is currently unused inside the compiler, but we might
+ make use of it in the future, especially with the advent of
+ hierarchical modules, to allow the compiler to automatically
+ figure out which packages a program should be linked with, and
+ thus avoid the need to specify <code>-package</code> options on
+ the command line.
+ <p><code>Module</code>s are also instances of
+ <code>Uniquable</code>, and indeed the unique of a
+ <code>Module</code> is the same as the unique of the underlying
+ <code>ModuleName</code>.
+ </body>
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index 0000000000..061fae3ebf
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - The truth about names: OccNames, and Names</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - The truth about names: OccNames, and Names</h1>
+ <p>
+ Every entity (type constructor, class, identifier, type variable) has a
+ <code>Name</code>. The <code>Name</code> type is pervasive in GHC, and
+ is defined in <code>basicTypes/Name.lhs</code>. Here is what a Name
+ looks like, though it is private to the Name module.
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+data Name = Name {
+ n_sort :: NameSort, -- What sort of name it is
+ n_occ :: !OccName, -- Its occurrence name
+ n_uniq :: Unique, -- Its identity
+ n_loc :: !SrcLoc -- Definition site
+ }</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <ul>
+ <li> The <code>n_sort</code> field says what sort of name this is: see
+ <a href="#sort">NameSort below</a>.
+ <li> The <code>n_occ</code> field gives the "occurrence name" of the
+ Name; see
+ <a href="#occname">OccName below</a>.
+ <li> The <code>n_uniq</code> field allows fast tests for equality of
+ Names.
+ <li> The <code>n_loc</code> field gives some indication of where the
+ name was bound.
+ </ul>
+ <h2><a name="sort">The <code>NameSort</code> of a <code>Name</code></a></h2>
+ <p>
+ There are four flavours of <code>Name</code>:
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+data NameSort
+ = External Module (Maybe Name)
+ -- (Just parent) => this Name is a subordinate name of 'parent'
+ -- e.g. data constructor of a data type, method of a class
+ -- Nothing => not a subordinate
+ | WiredIn Module (Maybe Name) TyThing BuiltInSyntax
+ -- A variant of External, for wired-in things
+ | Internal -- A user-defined Id or TyVar
+ -- defined in the module being compiled
+ | System -- A system-defined Id or TyVar. Typically the
+ -- OccName is very uninformative (like 's')</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Here are the sorts of Name an entity can have:
+ <ul>
+ <li> Class, TyCon: External.
+ <li> Id: External, Internal, or System.
+ <li> TyVar: Internal, or System.
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>An <code>External</code> name has a globally-unique
+ (module name, occurrence name) pair, namely the
+ <em>original name</em> of the entity,
+ describing where the thing was originally defined. So for example,
+ if we have
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+module M where
+ f = e1
+ g = e2
+module A where
+ import qualified M as Q
+ import M
+ a = Q.f + g</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ then the RdrNames for "a", "Q.f" and "g" get replaced (by the
+ Renamer) by the Names "A.a", "M.f", and "M.g" respectively.
+ </p>
+ </li>
+ <li>An <code>InternalName</code>
+ has only an occurrence name. Distinct InternalNames may have the same
+ occurrence name; use the Unique to distinguish them.
+ </li>
+ <li>An <code>ExternalName</code> has a unique that never changes. It
+ is never cloned. This is important, because the simplifier invents
+ new names pretty freely, but we don't want to lose the connnection
+ with the type environment (constructed earlier). An
+ <code>InternalName</code> name can be cloned freely.
+ </li>
+ <li><strong>Before CoreTidy</strong>: the Ids that were defined at top
+ level in the original source program get <code>ExternalNames</code>,
+ whereas extra top-level bindings generated (say) by the type checker
+ get <code>InternalNames</code>. q This distinction is occasionally
+ useful for filtering diagnostic output; e.g. for -ddump-types.
+ </li>
+ <li><strong>After CoreTidy</strong>: An Id with an
+ <code>ExternalName</code> will generate symbols that
+ appear as external symbols in the object file. An Id with an
+ <code>InternalName</code> cannot be referenced from outside the
+ module, and so generates a local symbol in the object file. The
+ CoreTidy pass makes the decision about which names should be External
+ and which Internal.
+ </li>
+ <li>A <code>System</code> name is for the most part the same as an
+ <code>Internal</code>. Indeed, the differences are purely cosmetic:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Internal names usually come from some name the
+ user wrote, whereas a System name has an OccName like "a", or "t".
+ Usually there are masses of System names with the same OccName but
+ different uniques, whereas typically there are only a handful of
+ distince Internal names with the same OccName.
+ </li>
+ <li>Another difference is that when unifying the type checker tries
+ to unify away type variables with System names, leaving ones with
+ Internal names (to improve error messages).
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <h2><a name="occname">Occurrence names: <code>OccName</code></a></h2>
+ <p>
+ An <code>OccName</code> is more-or-less just a string, like "foo" or
+ "Tree", giving the (unqualified) name of an entity.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Well, not quite just a string, because in Haskell a name like "C" could
+ mean a type constructor or data constructor, depending on context. So
+ GHC defines a type <tt>OccName</tt> (defined in
+ <tt>basicTypes/OccName.lhs</tt>) that is a pair of a <tt>FastString</tt>
+ and a <tt>NameSpace</tt> indicating which name space the name is drawn
+ from:
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+data OccName = OccName NameSpace EncodedFS</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ The <tt>EncodedFS</tt> is a synonym for <tt>FastString</tt> indicating
+ that the string is Z-encoded. (Details in <tt>OccName.lhs</tt>.)
+ Z-encoding encodes funny characters like '%' and '$' into alphabetic
+ characters, like "zp" and "zd", so that they can be used in object-file
+ symbol tables without confusing linkers and suchlike.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The name spaces are:
+ </p>
+ <ul>
+ <li> <tt>VarName</tt>: ordinary variables</li>
+ <li> <tt>TvName</tt>: type variables</li>
+ <li> <tt>DataName</tt>: data constructors</li>
+ <li> <tt>TcClsName</tt>: type constructors and classes (in Haskell they
+ share a name space) </li>
+ </ul>
+ <small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed May 4 14:57:55 EST 2005
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - The Native Code Generator</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - The Native Code Generator</h1>
+ <p>
+ On some platforms (currently x86 and PowerPC, with bitrotted
+ support for Sparc and Alpha), GHC can generate assembly code
+ directly, without having to go via C. This can sometimes almost
+ halve compilation time, and avoids the fragility and
+ horribleness of the <a href="mangler.html">mangler</a>. The NCG
+ is enabled by default for
+ non-optimising compilation on supported platforms. For most programs
+ it generates code which runs only 1-3% slower
+ (depending on platform and type of code) than that
+ created by gcc on x86s, so it is well worth using even with
+ optimised compilation. FP-intensive x86 programs see a bigger
+ slowdown, and all Sparc code runs about 5% slower due to
+ us not filling branch delay slots.
+ <p>
+ The NCG has always been something of a second-class citizen
+ inside GHC, an unloved child, rather. This means that its
+ integration into the compiler as a whole is rather clumsy, which
+ brings some problems described below. That apart, the NCG
+ proper is fairly cleanly designed, as target-independent as it
+ reasonably can be, and so should not be difficult to retarget.
+ <p>
+ <b>NOTE!</b> The native code generator was largely rewritten as part
+ of the C-- backend changes, around May 2004. Unfortunately the
+ rest of this document still refers to the old version, and was written
+ with relation to the CVS head as of end-Jan 2002. Some of it is relevant,
+ some of it isn't.
+ <h2>Overview</h2>
+ The top-level code generator fn is
+ <p>
+ <code>absCtoNat :: AbstractC -> UniqSM (SDoc, Pretty.Doc)</code>
+ <p>
+ The returned <code>SDoc</code> is for debugging, so is empty unless
+ you specify <code>-ddump-stix</code>. The <code>Pretty.Doc</code>
+ bit is the final assembly code. Translation involves three main
+ phases, the first and third of which are target-independent.
+ <ul>
+ <li><b>Translation into the <code>Stix</code> representation.</b> Stix
+ is a simple tree-like RTL-style language, in which you can
+ mention:
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>An infinite number of temporary, virtual registers.
+ <li>The STG "magic" registers (<code>MagicId</code>), such as
+ the heap and stack pointers.
+ <li>Literals and low-level machine ops (<code>MachOp</code>).
+ <li>Simple address computations.
+ <li>Reads and writes of: memory, virtual regs, and various STG
+ regs.
+ <li>Labels and <code>if ... goto ...</code> style control-flow.
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ Stix has two main associated types:
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li><code>StixStmt</code> -- trees executed for their side
+ effects: assignments, control transfers, and auxiliary junk
+ such as segment changes and literal data.
+ <li><code>StixExpr</code> -- trees which denote a value.
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ Translation into Stix is almost completely
+ target-independent. Needed dependencies are knowledge of
+ word size and endianness, used when generating code to do
+ deal with half-word fields in info tables. This could be
+ abstracted out easily enough. Also, the Stix translation
+ needs to know which <code>MagicId</code>s map to registers
+ on the given target, and which are stored in offsets from
+ <code>BaseReg</code>.
+ <p>
+ After initial Stix generation, the trees are cleaned up with
+ constant-folding and a little copy-propagation ("Stix
+ inlining", as the code misleadingly calls it). We take
+ the opportunity to translate <code>MagicId</code>s which are
+ stored in memory on the given target, into suitable memory
+ references. Those which are stored in registers are left
+ alone. There is also a half-hearted attempt to lift literal
+ strings to the top level in cases where nested strings have
+ been observed to give incorrect code in the past.
+ <p>
+ Primitive machine-level operations will already be phrased in
+ terms of <code>MachOp</code>s in the presented Abstract C, and
+ these are passed through unchanged. We comment only that the
+ <code>MachOp</code>s have been chosen so as to be easy to
+ implement on all targets, and their meaning is intended to be
+ unambiguous, and the same on all targets, regardless of word
+ size or endianness.
+ <p>
+ <b>A note on <code>MagicId</code>s.</b>
+ Those which are assigned to
+ registers on the current target are left unmodified. Those
+ which are not are stored in memory as offsets from
+ <code>BaseReg</code> (which is assumed to permanently have the
+ value <code>(&MainCapability.r)</code>), so the constant folder
+ calculates the offsets and inserts suitable loads/stores. One
+ complication is that not all archs have <code>BaseReg</code>
+ itself in a register, so for those (sparc), we instead
+ generate the address as an offset from the static symbol
+ <code>MainCapability</code>, since the register table lives in
+ there.
+ <p>
+ Finally, <code>BaseReg</code> does occasionally itself get
+ mentioned in Stix expression trees, and in this case what is
+ denoted is precisely <code>(&MainCapability.r)</code>, not, as
+ in all other cases, the value of memory at some offset from
+ the start of the register table. Since what it denotes is an
+ r-value and not an l-value, assigning <code>BaseReg</code> is
+ meaningless, so the machinery checks to ensure this never
+ happens. All these details are taken into account by the
+ constant folder.
+ <p>
+ <li><b>Instruction selection.</b> This is the only majorly
+ target-specific phase. It turns Stix statements and
+ expressions into sequences of <code>Instr</code>, a data
+ type which is different for each architecture.
+ <code>Instr</code>, unsurprisingly, has various supporting
+ types, such as <code>Reg</code>, <code>Operand</code>,
+ <code>Imm</code>, etc. The generated instructions may refer
+ to specific machine registers, or to arbitrary virtual
+ registers, either those created within the instruction
+ selector, or those mentioned in the Stix passed to it.
+ <p>
+ The instruction selectors live in <code>MachCode.lhs</code>.
+ The core functions, for each target, are:
+ <p>
+ <code>
+ getAmode :: StixExpr -> NatM Amode
+ <br>getRegister :: StixExpr -> NatM Register
+ <br>assignMem_IntCode :: PrimRep -> StixExpr -> StixExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+ <br>assignReg_IntCode :: PrimRep -> StixReg -> StixExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+ </code>
+ <p>
+ The insn selectors use the "maximal munch" algorithm. The
+ bizarrely-misnamed <code>getRegister</code> translates
+ expressions. A simplified version of its type is:
+ <p>
+ <code>getRegister :: StixExpr -> NatM (OrdList Instr, Reg)</code>
+ <p>
+ That is: it (monadically) turns a <code>StixExpr</code> into a
+ sequence of instructions, and a register, with the meaning
+ that after executing the (possibly empty) sequence of
+ instructions, the (possibly virtual) register will
+ hold the resulting value. The real situation is complicated
+ by the presence of fixed registers, and is detailed below.
+ <p>
+ Maximal munch is a greedy algorithm and is known not to give
+ globally optimal code sequences, but it is good enough, and
+ fast and simple. Early incarnations of the NCG used something
+ more sophisticated, but that is long gone now.
+ <p>
+ Similarly, <code>getAmode</code> translates a value, intended
+ to denote an address, into a sequence of insns leading up to
+ a (processor-specific) addressing mode. This stuff could be
+ done using the general <code>getRegister</code> selector, but
+ would necessarily generate poorer code, because the calculated
+ address would be forced into a register, which might be
+ unnecessary if it could partially or wholly be calculated
+ using an addressing mode.
+ <p>
+ Finally, <code>assignMem_IntCode</code> and
+ <code>assignReg_IntCode</code> create instruction sequences to
+ calculate a value and store it in the given register, or at
+ the given address. Because these guys translate a statement,
+ not a value, they just return a sequence of insns and no
+ associated register. Floating-point and 64-bit integer
+ assignments have analogous selectors.
+ <p>
+ Apart from the complexities of fixed vs floating registers,
+ discussed below, the instruction selector is as simple
+ as it can be. It looks long and scary but detailed
+ examination reveals it to be fairly straightforward.
+ <p>
+ <li><b>Register allocation.</b> The register allocator,
+ <code>AsmRegAlloc.lhs</code> takes sequences of
+ <code>Instr</code>s which mention a mixture of real and
+ virtual registers, and returns a modified sequence referring
+ only to real ones. It is gloriously and entirely
+ target-independent. Well, not exactly true. Instead it
+ regards <code>Instr</code> (instructions) and <code>Reg</code>
+ (virtual and real registers) as abstract types, to which it has
+ the following interface:
+ <p>
+ <code>
+ insnFuture :: Instr -> InsnFuture
+ <br>regUsage :: Instr -> RegUsage
+ <br>patchRegs :: Instr -> (Reg -> Reg) -> Instr
+ </code>
+ <p>
+ <code>insnFuture</code> is used to (re)construct the graph of
+ all possible control transfers between the insns to be
+ allocated. <code>regUsage</code> returns the sets of registers
+ read and written by an instruction. And
+ <code>patchRegs</code> is used to apply the allocator's final
+ decision on virtual-to-real reg mapping to an instruction.
+ <p>
+ Clearly these 3 fns have to be written anew for each
+ architecture. They are defined in
+ <code>RegAllocInfo.lhs</code>. Think twice, no, thrice,
+ before modifying them: making false claims about insn
+ behaviour will lead to hard-to-find register allocation
+ errors.
+ <p>
+ <code>AsmRegAlloc.lhs</code> contains detailed comments about
+ how the allocator works. Here is a summary. The head honcho
+ <p>
+ <code>allocUsingTheseRegs :: [Instr] -> [Reg] -> (Bool, [Instr])</code>
+ <p>
+ takes a list of instructions and a list of real registers
+ available for allocation, and maps as many of the virtual regs
+ in the input into real ones as it can. The returned
+ <code>Bool</code> indicates whether or not it was
+ successful. If so, that's the end of it. If not, the caller
+ of <code>allocUsingTheseRegs</code> will attempt spilling.
+ More of that later. What <code>allocUsingTheseRegs</code>
+ does is:
+ <p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Implicitly number each instruction by its position in the
+ input list.
+ <p>
+ <li>Using <code>insnFuture</code>, create the set of all flow
+ edges -- possible control transfers -- within this set of
+ insns.
+ <p>
+ <li>Using <code>regUsage</code> and iterating around the flow
+ graph from the previous step, calculate, for each virtual
+ register, the set of flow edges on which it is live.
+ <p>
+ <li>Make a real-register committment map, which gives the set
+ of edges for which each real register is committed (in
+ use). These sets are initially empty. For each virtual
+ register, attempt to find a real register whose current
+ committment does not intersect that of the virtual
+ register -- ie, is uncommitted on all edges that the
+ virtual reg is live. If successful, this means the vreg
+ can be assigned to the realreg, so add the vreg's set to
+ the realreg's committment.
+ <p>
+ <li>If all the vregs were assigned to a realreg, use
+ <code>patchInstr</code> to apply the mapping to the insns themselves.
+ </ul>
+ <p>
+ <b>Spilling</b>
+ <p>
+ If <code>allocUsingTheseRegs</code> fails, a baroque
+ mechanism comes into play. We now know that much simpler
+ schemes are available to do the same thing and give better
+ results.
+ Anyways:
+ <p>
+ The logic above <code>allocUsingTheseRegs</code>, in
+ <code>doGeneralAlloc</code> and <code>runRegAllocate</code>,
+ observe that allocation has failed with some set R of real
+ registers. So they apply <code>runRegAllocate</code> a second
+ time to the code, but remove (typically) two registers from R
+ before doing so. This naturally fails too, but returns a
+ partially-allocated sequence. <code>doGeneralAlloc</code>
+ then inserts spill code into the sequence, and finally re-runs
+ <code>allocUsingTheseRegs</code>, but supplying the original,
+ unadulterated R. This is guaranteed to succeed since the two
+ registers previously removed from R are sufficient to allocate
+ all the spill/restore instructions added.
+ <p>
+ Because x86 is very short of registers, and in the worst case
+ needs three removed from R, a softly-softly approach is used.
+ <code>doGeneralAlloc</code> first tries with zero regs removed
+ from R, then if that fails one, then two, etc. This means
+ <code>allocUsingTheseRegs</code> may get run several times
+ before a successful arrangement is arrived at.
+ <code>findReservedRegs</code> cooks up the sets of spill
+ registers to try with.
+ <p>
+ The resulting machinery is complicated and the generated spill
+ code is appalling. The saving grace is that spills are very
+ rare so it doesn't matter much. I did not invent this -- I inherited it.
+ <p>
+ <b>Dealing with common cases fast</b>
+ <p>
+ The entire reg-alloc mechanism described so far is general and
+ correct, but expensive overkill for many simple code blocks.
+ So to begin with we use
+ <code>doSimpleAlloc</code>, which attempts to do something
+ simple. It exploits the observation that if the total number
+ of virtual registers does not exceed the number of real ones
+ available, we can simply dole out a new realreg each time we
+ see mention of a new vreg, with no regard for control flow.
+ <code>doSimpleAlloc</code> therefore attempts this in a
+ single pass over the code. It gives up if it runs out of real
+ regs or sees any condition which renders the above observation
+ invalid (fixed reg uses, for example).
+ <p>
+ This clever hack handles the majority of code blocks quickly.
+ It was copied from the previous reg-allocator (the
+ Mattson/Partain/Marlow/Gill one).
+ </ul>
+<h2>Complications, observations, and possible improvements</h2>
+<h3>Real vs virtual registers in the instruction selectors</h3>
+The instruction selectors for expression trees, namely
+<code>getRegister</code>, are complicated by the fact that some
+expressions can only be computed into a specific register, whereas
+the majority can be computed into any register. We take x86 as an
+example, but the problem applies to all archs.
+Terminology: <em>rreg</em> means real register, a real machine
+register. <em>vreg</em> means one of an infinite set of virtual
+registers. The type <code>Reg</code> is the sum of <em>rreg</em> and
+<em>vreg</em>. The instruction selector generates sequences with
+unconstrained use of vregs, leaving the register allocator to map them
+all into rregs.
+Now, where was I ? Oh yes. We return to the type of
+<code>getRegister</code>, which despite its name, selects instructions
+to compute the value of an expression tree.
+ getRegister :: StixExpr -> NatM Register
+ data Register
+ = Fixed PrimRep Reg InstrBlock
+ | Any PrimRep (Reg -> InstrBlock)
+ type InstrBlock -- sequence of instructions
+At first this looks eminently reasonable (apart from the stupid
+name). <code>getRegister</code>, and nobody else, knows whether or
+not a given expression has to be computed into a fixed rreg or can be
+computed into any rreg or vreg. In the first case, it returns
+<code>Fixed</code> and indicates which rreg the result is in. In the
+second case it defers committing to any specific target register by
+returning a function from <code>Reg</code> to <code>InstrBlock</code>,
+and the caller can specify the target reg as it sees fit.
+Unfortunately, that forces <code>getRegister</code>'s callers (usually
+itself) to use a clumsy and confusing idiom in the common case where
+they do not care what register the result winds up in. The reason is
+that although a value might be computed into a fixed rreg, we are
+forbidden (on pain of segmentation fault :) from subsequently
+modifying the fixed reg. This and other rules are record in "Rules of
+the game" inside <code>MachCode.lhs</code>.
+Why can't fixed registers be modified post-hoc? Consider a simple
+expression like <code>Hp+1</code>. Since the heap pointer
+<code>Hp</code> is definitely in a fixed register, call it R,
+<code>getRegister</code> on subterm <code>Hp</code> will simply return
+<code>Fixed</code> with an empty sequence and R. But we can't just
+emit an increment instruction for R, because that trashes
+<code>Hp</code>; instead we first have to copy it into a fresh vreg
+and increment that.
+With all that in mind, consider now writing a <code>getRegister</code>
+clause for terms of the form <code>(1 + E)</code>. Contrived, yes,
+but illustrates the matter. First we do
+<code>getRegister</code> on E. Now we are forced to examine what
+comes back.
+ getRegister (OnePlus e)
+ = getRegister e `thenNat` \ e_result ->
+ case e_result of
+ Fixed e_code e_fixed
+ -> returnNat (Any IntRep (\dst -> e_code ++ [MOV e_fixed dst, INC dst]))
+ Any e_any
+ -> Any (\dst -> e_any dst ++ [INC dst])
+This seems unreasonably cumbersome, yet the instruction selector is
+full of such idioms. A good example of the complexities induced by
+this scheme is shown by <code>trivialCode</code> for x86 in
+<code>MachCode.lhs</code>. This deals with general integer dyadic
+operations on x86 and has numerous cases. It was difficult to get
+An alternative suggestion is to simplify the type of
+<code>getRegister</code> to this:
+ getRegister :: StixExpr -> NatM (InstrBloc, VReg)
+ type VReg = .... a vreg ...
+and then we could safely write
+ getRegister (OnePlus e)
+ = getRegister e `thenNat` \ (e_code, e_vreg) ->
+ returnNat (e_code ++ [INC e_vreg], e_vreg)
+which is about as straightforward as you could hope for.
+Unfortunately, it requires <code>getRegister</code> to insert moves of
+values which naturally compute into an rreg, into a vreg. Consider:
+ 1 + ccall some-C-fn
+On x86 the ccall result is returned in rreg <code>%eax</code>. The
+resulting sequence, prior to register allocation, would be:
+ # push args
+ call some-C-fn
+ # move %esp to nuke args
+ movl %eax, %vreg
+ incl %vreg
+If, as is likely, <code>%eax</code> is not held live beyond this point
+for any other purpose, the move into a fresh register is pointless;
+we'd have been better off leaving the value in <code>%eax</code> as
+long as possible.
+The simplified <code>getRegister</code> story is attractive. It would
+clean up the instruction selectors significantly and make it simpler
+to write new ones. The only drawback is that it generates redundant
+register moves. I suggest that eliminating these should be the job
+of the register allocator. Indeed:
+<li>There has been some work on this already ("Iterated register
+ coalescing" ?), so this isn't a new idea.
+<li>You could argue that the existing scheme inappropriately blurs the
+ boundary between the instruction selector and the register
+ allocator. The instruction selector should .. well .. just
+ select instructions, without having to futz around worrying about
+ what kind of registers subtrees get generated into. Register
+ allocation should be <em>entirely</em> the domain of the register
+ allocator, with the proviso that it should endeavour to allocate
+ registers so as to minimise the number of non-redundant reg-reg
+ moves in the final output.
+<h3>Selecting insns for 64-bit values/loads/stores on 32-bit platforms</h3>
+Note that this stuff doesn't apply on 64-bit archs, since the
+<code>getRegister</code> mechanism applies there.
+The relevant functions are:
+ assignMem_I64Code :: StixExpr -> StixExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+ assignReg_I64Code :: StixReg -> StixExpr -> NatM InstrBlock
+ iselExpr64 :: StixExpr -> NatM ChildCode64
+ data ChildCode64 -- a.k.a "Register64"
+ = ChildCode64
+ InstrBlock -- code
+ VRegUnique -- unique for the lower 32-bit temporary
+<code>iselExpr64</code> is the 64-bit, plausibly-named analogue of
+<code>getRegister</code>, and <code>ChildCode64</code> is the analogue
+of <code>Register</code>. The aim here was to generate working 64
+bit code as simply as possible. To this end, I used the
+simplified <code>getRegister</code> scheme described above, in which
+<code>iselExpr64</code>generates its results into two vregs which
+can always safely be modified afterwards.
+Virtual registers are, unsurprisingly, distinguished by their
+<code>Unique</code>s. There is a small difficulty in how to
+know what the vreg for the upper 32 bits of a value is, given the vreg
+for the lower 32 bits. The simple solution adopted is to say that
+any low-32 vreg may also have a hi-32 counterpart which shares the
+same unique, but is otherwise regarded as a separate entity.
+<code>getHiVRegFromLo</code> gets one from the other.
+ data VRegUnique
+ = VRegUniqueLo Unique -- lower part of a split quantity
+ | VRegUniqueHi Unique -- upper part thereof
+Apart from that, 64-bit code generation is really simple. The sparc
+and x86 versions are almost copy-n-pastes of each other, with minor
+adjustments for endianness. The generated code isn't wonderful but
+is certainly acceptable, and it works.
+<h3>Shortcomings and inefficiencies in the register allocator</h3>
+<h4>Redundant reconstruction of the control flow graph</h4>
+The allocator goes to considerable computational expense to construct
+all the flow edges in the group of instructions it's allocating for,
+by using the <code>insnFuture</code> function in the
+<code>Instr</code> pseudo-abstract type.
+This is really silly, because all that information is present at the
+abstract C stage, but is thrown away in the translation to Stix.
+So a good thing to do is to modify that translation to
+produce a directed graph of Stix straight-line code blocks,
+and to preserve that structure through the insn selector, so the
+allocator can see it.
+This would eliminate the fragile, hacky, arch-specific
+<code>insnFuture</code> mechanism, and probably make the whole
+compiler run measurably faster. Register allocation is a fair chunk
+of the time of non-optimising compilation (10% or more), and
+reconstructing the flow graph is an expensive part of reg-alloc.
+It would probably accelerate the vreg liveness computation too.
+<h4>Really ridiculous method for doing spilling</h4>
+This is a more ambitious suggestion, but ... reg-alloc should be
+reimplemented, using the scheme described in "Quality and speed in
+linear-scan register allocation." (Traub?) For straight-line code
+blocks, this gives an elegant one-pass algorithm for assigning
+registers and creating the minimal necessary spill code, without the
+need for reserving spill registers ahead of time.
+I tried it in Rigr, replacing the previous spiller which used the
+current GHC scheme described above, and it cut the number of spill
+loads and stores by a factor of eight. Not to mention being simpler,
+easier to understand and very fast.
+The Traub paper also describes how to extend their method to multiple
+basic blocks, which will be needed for GHC. It comes down to
+reconciling multiple vreg-to-rreg mappings at points where control
+flow merges.
+<h4>Redundant-move support for revised instruction selector suggestion</h4>
+As mentioned above, simplifying the instruction selector will require
+the register allocator to try and allocate source and destination
+vregs to the same rreg in reg-reg moves, so as to make as many as
+possible go away. Without that, the revised insn selector would
+generate worse code than at present. I know this stuff has been done
+but know nothing about it. The Linear-scan reg-alloc paper mentioned
+above does indeed mention a bit about it in the context of single
+basic blocks, but I don't know if that's sufficient.
+<h3>x86 arcana that you should know about</h3>
+The main difficulty with x86 is that many instructions have fixed
+register constraints, which can occasionally make reg-alloc fail
+completely. And the FPU doesn't have the flat register model which
+the reg-alloc abstraction (implicitly) assumes.
+Our strategy is: do a good job for the common small subset, that is
+integer loads, stores, address calculations, basic ALU ops (+, -,
+and, or, xor), and jumps. That covers the vast majority of
+executed insns. And indeed we do do a good job, with a loss of
+less than 2% compared with gcc.
+Initially we tried to handle integer instructions with awkward
+register constraints (mul, div, shifts by non-constant amounts) via
+various jigglings of the spiller et al. This never worked robustly,
+and putting platform-specific tweaks in the generic infrastructure is
+a big No-No. (Not quite true; shifts by a non-constant amount are
+still done by a giant kludge, and should be moved into this new
+Fortunately, all such insns are rare. So the current scheme is to
+pretend that they don't have any such constraints. This fiction is
+carried all the way through the register allocator. When the insn
+finally comes to be printed, we emit a sequence which copies the
+operands through memory (<code>%esp</code>-relative), satisfying the
+constraints of the real instruction. This localises the gruesomeness
+to just one place. Here, for example, is the code generated for
+integer divison of <code>%esi</code> by <code>%ecx</code>:
+ # BEGIN IQUOT %ecx, %esi
+ pushl $0
+ pushl %eax
+ pushl %edx
+ pushl %ecx
+ movl %esi,% eax
+ cltd
+ idivl 0(%esp)
+ movl %eax, 12(%esp)
+ popl %edx
+ popl %edx
+ popl %eax
+ popl %esi
+ # END IQUOT %ecx, %esi
+This is not quite as appalling as it seems, if you consider that the
+division itself typically takes 16+ cycles, whereas the rest of the
+insns probably go through in about 1 cycle each.
+This trick is taken to extremes for FP operations.
+All notions of the x86 FP stack and its insns have been removed.
+Instead, we pretend, to the instruction selector and register
+allocator, that x86 has six floating point registers,
+<code>%fake0</code> .. <code>%fake5</code>, which can be used in the
+usual flat manner. We further claim that x86 has floating point
+instructions very similar to SPARC and Alpha, that is, a simple
+3-operand register-register arrangement. Code generation and register
+allocation proceed on this basis.
+When we come to print out the final assembly, our convenient fiction
+is converted to dismal reality. Each fake instruction is
+independently converted to a series of real x86 instructions.
+<code>%fake0</code> .. <code>%fake5</code> are mapped to
+<code>%st(0)</code> .. <code>%st(5)</code>. To do reg-reg arithmetic
+operations, the two operands are pushed onto the top of the FP stack,
+the operation done, and the result copied back into the relevant
+register. When one of the operands is also the destination, we emit a
+slightly less scummy translation. There are only six
+<code>%fake</code> registers because 2 are needed for the translation,
+and x86 has 8 in total.
+The translation is inefficient but is simple and it works. A cleverer
+translation would handle a sequence of insns, simulating the FP stack
+contents, would not impose a fixed mapping from <code>%fake</code> to
+<code>%st</code> regs, and hopefully could avoid most of the redundant
+reg-reg moves of the current translation.
+There are, however, two unforeseen bad side effects:
+<li>This doesn't work properly, because it doesn't observe the normal
+ conventions for x86 FP code generation. It turns out that each of
+ the 8 elements in the x86 FP register stack has a tag bit which
+ indicates whether or not that register is notionally in use or
+ not. If you do a FPU operation which happens to read a
+ tagged-as-empty register, you get an x87 FPU (stack invalid)
+ exception, which is normally handled by the FPU without passing it
+ to the OS: the program keeps going, but the resulting FP values
+ are garbage. The OS can ask for the FPU to pass it FP
+ stack-invalid exceptions, but it usually doesn't.
+ <p>
+ Anyways: inside NCG created x86 FP code this all works fine.
+ However, the NCG's fiction of a flat register set does not operate
+ the x87 register stack in the required stack-like way. When
+ control returns to a gcc-generated world, the stack tag bits soon
+ cause stack exceptions, and thus garbage results.
+ <p>
+ The only fix I could think of -- and it is horrible -- is to clear
+ all the tag bits just before the next STG-level entry, in chunks
+ of code which use FP insns. <code>i386_insert_ffrees</code>
+ inserts the relevant <code>ffree</code> insns into such code
+ blocks. It depends critically on <code>is_G_instr</code> to
+ detect such blocks.
+<li>It's very difficult to read the generated assembly and
+ reason about it when debugging, because there's so much clutter.
+ We print the fake insns as comments in the output, and that helps
+ a bit.
+<h3>Generating code for ccalls</h3>
+For reasons I don't really understand, the instruction selectors for
+generating calls to C (<code>genCCall</code>) have proven surprisingly
+difficult to get right, and soaked up a lot of debugging time. As a
+result, I have once again opted for schemes which are simple and not
+too difficult to argue as correct, even if they don't generate
+excellent code.
+The sparc ccall generator in particular forces all arguments into
+temporary virtual registers before moving them to the final
+out-registers (<code>%o0</code> .. <code>%o5</code>). This creates
+some unnecessary reg-reg moves. The reason is explained in a
+comment in the code.
+<h3>Duplicate implementation for many STG macros</h3>
+This has been discussed at length already. It has caused a couple of
+nasty bugs due to subtle untracked divergence in the macro
+translations. The macro-expander really should be pushed up into the
+Abstract C phase, so the problem can't happen.
+Doing so would have the added benefit that the NCG could be used to
+compile more "ways" -- well, at least the 'p' profiling way.
+<h3>How to debug the NCG without losing your sanity/hair/cool</h3>
+Last, but definitely not least ...
+The usual syndrome is that some program, when compiled via C, works,
+but not when compiled via the NCG. Usually the problem is fairly
+simple to fix, once you find the specific code block which has been
+mistranslated. But the latter can be nearly impossible, since most
+modules generate at least hundreds and often thousands of them.
+My solution: cheat.
+Because the via-C and native routes diverge only late in the day,
+it is not difficult to construct a 1-1 correspondence between basic
+blocks on the two routes. So, if the program works via C but not on
+the NCG, do the following:
+<li>Recompile <code>AsmCodeGen.lhs</code> in the afflicted compiler
+ with <code>-DDEBUG_NCG</code>, so that it inserts
+ <code>___ncg_debug_marker</code>s
+ into the assembly it emits.
+<li>Using a binary search on modules, find the module which is causing
+ the problem.
+<li>Compile that module to assembly code, with identical flags, twice,
+ once via C and once via NCG.
+ Call the outputs <code>ModuleName.s-gcc</code> and
+ <code>ModuleName.s-nat</code>. Check that the latter does indeed have
+ <code>___ncg_debug_marker</code>s in it; otherwise the next steps fail.
+<li>Build (with a working compiler) the program
+ <code>fptools/ghc/utils/debugNCG/diff_gcc_nat</code>.
+<li>Run: <code>diff_gcc_nat ModuleName.s</code>. This will
+ construct the 1-1 correspondence, and emits on stdout
+ a cppable assembly output. Place this in a file -- I always
+ call it <code>synth.S</code>. Note, the capital S is important;
+ otherwise it won't get cpp'd. You can feed this file directly to
+ ghc and it will automatically get cpp'd; you don't have to do so
+ yourself.
+<li>By messing with the <code>#define</code>s at the top of
+ <code>synth.S</code>, do a binary search to find the incorrect
+ block. Keep a careful record of where you are in the search; it
+ is easy to get confused. Remember also that multiple blocks may
+ be wrong, which also confuses matters. Finally, I usually start
+ off by re-checking that I can build the executable with all the
+ <code>#define</code>s set to 0 and then all to 1. This ensures
+ you won't get halfway through the search and then get stuck due to
+ some snafu with gcc-specific literals. Usually I set
+ <code>UNMATCHED_GCC</code> to 1 all the time, and this bit should
+ contain only literal data.
+ <code>UNMATCHED_NAT</code> should be empty.
+<code>diff_gcc_nat</code> was known to work correctly last time I used
+it, in December 01, for both x86 and sparc. If it doesn't work, due
+to changes in assembly syntax, or whatever, make it work. The
+investment is well worth it. Searching for the incorrect block(s) any
+other way is a total time waster.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Fri Feb 1 16:14:11 GMT 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+<h2> Architectural stuff </h2>
+New fields in the TSO:
+<li> New global speculation-depth register; always counts the number of specuation frames
+on the stack; incremented when
+starting speculation, decremented when finishing.
+<li> Profiling stuff
+<h2> Speculation frames </h2>
+The info table for a speculation frame points to the static spec-depth configuration
+for that speculation point. (Points to, because the config is mutable, and the info
+table has to be adjacent to the (immutable) code.)
+<h2> Abortion</h2>
+Abortion is modelled by a special asynchronous exception ThreadAbort.
+<li> In the scheduler, if a thread returns with ThreadBlocked, and non-zero SpecDepth, send it
+an asynchronous exception.
+<li> In the implementation of the <tt>catch#</tt> primop, raise an asynchonous exception if
+SpecDepth is nonzero.
+<li> Timeout, administered by scheduler. Current story: abort if a speculation frame lasts from
+one minor GC to the next. We detect this by seeing if there's a profiling frame on the stack --- a
+profiling frame is added at a minor GC in place of a speculation frame (see Online Profiling).
+When tearing frames off the stack, we start a new chunk at every speculation frame, as well as every
+update frame. We proceed down to the deepest speculation frame.
+The <tt>AP_STACK</tt> closure built for a speculation frame must be careful <em>not</em> to enter the
+next <tt>AP_STACK</tt> closure up, because that would re-enter a possible loop.
+Delivering an asynch exception to a thread that is speculating. Invariant: there can be no catch frames
+inside speculation (we abort in <tt>catch#</tt> when speculating. So the asynch exception just
+tears off frames in the standard way until it gets to a catch frame, just as it would usually do.
+Abortion can punish one or more of the speculation frames by decrementing their static config variables.
+<h3>Synchronous exceptions</h3>
+Synchronous exceptions are treated similarly as before. The stack is discarded up to an update frame; the
+thunk to be updated is overwritten with "raise x", and the process continues. Until a catch frame.
+When we find a spec frame, we allocate a "raise x" object, and resume execution with the return address
+in the spec frame. In that way the spec frame is like a catch frame; it stops the unwinding process.
+It's essential that every hard failure is caught, else speculation is unsafe. In particular, divide by zero
+is hard to catch using OS support, so we test explicitly in library code. You can shoot yourself in the foot
+by writing <tt>x `div#` 0</tt>, side-stepping the test.
+<h3> Online profiling </h3>
+Sampling can be more frequent than minor GC (by jiggling the end-of-block code) but cannot
+be less frequent, because GC doesn't expect to see profiling frames. \ No newline at end of file
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Primitives and the Prelude</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Primitives and the Prelude</h1>
+ <p>
+ One of the trickiest aspects of GHC is the delicate interplay
+ between what knowledge is baked into the compiler, and what
+ knowledge it gets by reading the interface files of library
+ modules. In general, the less that is baked in, the better.
+ Most of what the compiler has to have wired in about primitives and
+ prelude definitions is in
+ <a
+ href=""><code>fptools/ghc/compiler/prelude/</code></a>.
+ </p>
+GHC recognises these main classes of baked-in-ness:
+<dt><strong>Primitive types.</strong>
+<dd>Primitive types cannot be defined in Haskell, and are utterly baked into the compiler.
+They are notionally defined in the fictional module <tt>GHC.Prim</tt>. The <tt>TyCon</tt>s for these types are all defined
+in module <tt>TysPrim</tt>; for example,
+ intPrimTyCon :: TyCon
+ intPrimTyCon = ....
+<tt>Int#, Float#, Addr#, State#</tt>.
+<dt><strong>Wired-in types.</strong>
+<dd>Wired-in types can be defined in Haskell, and indeed are (many are defined in </tt>GHC.Base</tt>).
+However, it's very convenient for GHC to be able to use the type constructor for (say) <tt>Int</tt>
+without looking it up in any environment. So module <tt>TysWiredIn</tt> contains many definitions
+like this one:
+ intTyCon :: TyCon
+ intTyCon = ....
+ intDataCon :: DataCon
+ intDataCon = ....
+However, since a <tt>TyCon</tt> value contains the entire type definition inside it, it follows
+that the complete definition of <tt>Int</tt> is thereby baked into the compiler.
+Nevertheless, the library module <tt>GHC.Base</tt> still contains a definition for <tt>Int</tt>
+just so that its info table etc get generated somewhere. Chaos will result if the wired-in definition
+in <tt>TysWiredIn</tt> differs from that in <tt>GHC.Base</tt>.
+The rule is that only very simple types should be wired in (for example, <tt>Ratio</tt> is not,
+and <tt>IO</tt> is certainly not). No class is wired in: classes are just too complicated.
+Examples: <tt>Int</tt>, <tt>Float</tt>, <tt>List</tt>, tuples.
+<dt><strong>Known-key things.</strong>
+<dd>GHC knows of the existence of many, many other types, classes and values. <em>But all it knows is
+their <tt>Name</tt>.</em> Remember, a <tt>Name</tt> includes a unique key that identifies the
+thing, plus its defining module and occurrence name
+(see <a href="names.html">The truth about Names</a>). Knowing a <tt>Name</tt>, therefore, GHC can
+run off to the interface file for the module and find out everything else it might need.
+Most of these known-key names are defined in module <tt>PrelNames</tt>; a further swathe concerning
+Template Haskell are defined in <tt>DsMeta</tt>. The allocation of unique keys is done manually;
+chaotic things happen if you make a mistake here, which is why they are all together.
+All the <tt>Name</tt>s from all the above categories are used to initialise the global name cache,
+which maps (module,occurrence-name) pairs to the globally-unique <tt>Name</tt> for that
+thing. (See <tt>HscMain.initOrigNames</tt>.)
+The next sections elaborate these three classes a bit.
+ <h2>Primitives (module <tt>TysPrim</tt>)</h2>
+ <p>
+ Some types and functions have to be hardwired into the compiler as they
+ are atomic; all other code is essentially built around this primitive
+ functionality. This includes basic arithmetic types, such as integers,
+ and their elementary operations as well as pointer types. Primitive
+ types and functions often receive special treatment in the code
+ generator, which means that these entities have to be explicitly
+ represented in the compiler. Moreover, many of these types receive some
+ explicit treatment in the runtime system, and so, there is some further
+ information about <a href="../rts-libs/primitives.html">primitives in
+ the RTS section</a> of this document.
+ <p>
+ The module <a
+ href=""><code>TysPrim</code></a>
+ exports a list of all primitive type constructors as <code>primTyCons ::
+ [TyCon]</code>. All of these type constructors (of type
+ <code>TyCon</code>) are also exported as <code>intPrimTyCon</code>,
+ <code>stablePtrPrimTyCon</code>, and so on. In addition, for each
+ nullary type constructor the corresponding type (of type
+ <code>Type</code>) is also exported; for example, we have
+ <code>intPrimTy :: Type</code>. For all other type constructors, a
+ function is exported that constructs the type obtained by applying the
+ type constructors to an argument type (of type <code>Type</code>); for
+ example, we have <code>mkStablePtrPrimTy :: Type -> Type</code>.
+ <p>
+ As it is inconvenient to identify type that receive a special treatment
+ by the code generator by looking at their name, the module <a
+ href=""><code>PrimRep</code></a>
+ exports a data type <code>PrimRep</code>, which lists all
+ machine-manipulable implementation types. The module also exports a set
+ of query functions on <code>PrimRep</code> that define properties, such
+ as a type's byte size or whether a primitive type is a pointer type.
+ Moreover, the function <code>TysPrim.primRepTyCon :: PrimRep ->
+ TyCon</code> converts <code>PrimRep</code> values into the corresponding
+ type constructor.
+ <h2>Wired in types (module <tt>TysWiredIn</tt>)</h2>
+ <p>
+ In addition to entities that are primitive, as the compiler has to treat
+ them specially in the backend, there is a set of types, functions,
+ etc. that the Haskell language definition flags as essential to the
+ language by placing them into the special module <code>Prelude</code>
+ that is implicitly imported into each Haskell module. For some of these
+ entities it suffices to define them (by standard Haskell definitions) in
+ a <code>Prelude</code> module and ensuring that this module is treated
+ specially by being always imported .
+ <p>
+ However, there is a set of entities (such as, for example, the list type
+ and the corresponding data constructors) that have an inbetween status:
+ They are not truly primitive (lists, for example, can easily be defined
+ by a <code>data</code> declaration), but the compiler has to have extra
+ knowledge about them, as they are associated with some particular
+ features of the language (in the case of lists, there is special syntax,
+ such as list comprehensions, associated with the type). Another
+ example, for a special kind of entity are type classes that can be used
+ in a <code>deriving</code> clause. All types that are not-primitive,
+ but about which the compiler nonetheless has to have some extra
+ knowledge are defined in the module <a
+ href=""><code>TysWiredIn</code></a>.
+ <p>
+ All wired in type constructors are contained in <code>wiredInTyCons ::
+ [TyCon]</code>. In addition to that list, <code>TysWiredIn</code>
+ exports variables bound to representations of all listed type
+ constructors and their data constructors. So, for example, we have
+ <code>listTyCon</code> together with <code>nilDataCon</cons> and
+ </code>consDataCon</code>. There are also convenience functions, such
+ as <code>mkListTy</code> and <code>mkTupleTy</code>, which construct
+ compound types.
+ <p>
+ <h2>Known-key names (module <tt>PrelNames</tt>)</h2>
+ All names of types, functions, etc. known to the compiler are defined in
+ <a
+ href=""><code>PrelNames</code></a>.
+ This includes the names of types and functions exported from
+ <code>TysWiredIn</code>, but also others. In particular, this module
+ also fixes the names of all prelude modules; i.e., of the modules whose
+ name starts with <code>Prel</code>, which GHC's library uses to bring
+ some structure into the quite large number of <code>Prelude</code>
+ definitions.
+ <p>
+ <code>PrelNames.knownKeyNames :: [Name]</code> contains all names known
+ to the compiler, but the elements of the list are also exported
+ individually as variables, such as <code>floatTyConName</code> (having
+ the lexeme <code>Float</code>) and <code>floatDataConName</code> (having
+ the lexeme <code>F#</code>). For each of these names,
+ <code>PrelNames</code> derfines a unique key with a definition, such as
+ <p>
+floatPrimTyConKey = mkPreludeTyConUnique 11</pre>
+ <p>
+ that is, all unique keys for known prelude names are hardcoded into
+ <code>PrelNames</code> (and uniqueness has to be manually ensured in
+ that module). To simplify matching the types of important groups of
+ type constructors, <code>PrelNames</code> also exports lists, such as
+ <code>numericTyKeys</code> (keys of all numeric types), that contain the
+ unique keys of all names in that group. In addition, derivable type
+ classes and their structure is defined by
+ <code>derivableClassKeys</code> and related definitions.
+ <p>
+ In addition to names that have unique keys, <code>PrelNames</code> also
+ defines a set of names without uniqueness information. These names end
+ on the suffix <code>_RDR</code> and are of type <code>RdrName</code> (an
+ example, is <code>times_RDR</code>, which represents the lexeme
+ <code>*</code>). The names are used in locations where they pass
+ through the renamer anyway (e.g., special constructors encountered by
+ the parser, such as [], and code generated from deriving clauses), which
+ will take care of adding uniqueness information.
+ <p>
+<h2>Gathering it all together (module <tt>PrelInfo</tt>)</h2>
+ The module
+ <a href=""><code>PrelInfo</code></a>
+ in some sense ties all the above together and provides a reasonably
+ restricted interface to these definition to the rest of the compiler.
+ However, from what I have seen, this doesn't quite work out and the
+ earlier mentioned modules are directly imported in many places.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Tue Dec 11 17:54:07 EST 2001
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - The Glorious Renamer</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - The Glorious Renamer</h1>
+ <p>
+ The <em>renamer</em> sits between the parser and the typechecker.
+ However, its operation is quite tightly interwoven with the
+ typechecker. This is partially due to support for Template Haskell,
+ where spliced code has to be renamed and type checked. In particular,
+ top-level splices lead to multiple rounds of renaming and type
+ checking.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The main externally used functions of the renamer are provided by the
+ module <code>rename/RnSource.lhs</code>. In particular, we have
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+rnSrcDecls :: HsGroup RdrName -> RnM (TcGblEnv, HsGroup Name)
+rnTyClDecls :: [LTyClDecl RdrName] -> RnM [LTyClDecl Name]
+rnSplice :: HsSplice RdrName -> RnM (HsSplice Name, FreeVars)</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ All of which execute in the renamer monad <code>RnM</code>. The first
+ function, <code>rnSrcDecls</code> renames a binding group; the second,
+ <code>rnTyClDecls</code> renames a list of (toplevel) type and class
+ declarations; and the third, <code>rnSplice</code> renames a Template
+ Haskell splice. As the types indicate, the main task of the renamer is
+ to convert converts all the <tt>RdrNames</tt> to <a
+ href="names.html"><tt>Names</tt></a>, which includes a number of
+ well-formedness checks (no duplicate declarations, all names are in
+ scope, and so on). In addition, the renamer performs other, not
+ strictly name-related, well-formedness checks, which includes checking
+ that the appropriate flags have been supplied whenever language
+ extensions are used in the source.
+ </p>
+ <h2>RdrNames</h2>
+ <p>
+ A <tt>RdrName.RdrName</tt> is pretty much just a string (for an
+ unqualified name like "<tt>f</tt>") or a pair of strings (for a
+ qualified name like "<tt>M.f</tt>"):
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+data RdrName
+ = Unqual OccName
+ -- Used for ordinary, unqualified occurrences
+ | Qual Module OccName
+ -- A qualified name written by the user in
+ -- *source* code. The module isn't necessarily
+ -- the module where the thing is defined;
+ -- just the one from which it is imported
+ | Orig Module OccName
+ -- An original name; the module is the *defining* module.
+ -- This is used when GHC generates code that will be fed
+ -- into the renamer (e.g. from deriving clauses), but where
+ -- we want to say "Use dammit".
+ | Exact Name
+ -- We know exactly the Name. This is used
+ -- (a) when the parser parses built-in syntax like "[]"
+ -- and "(,)", but wants a RdrName from it
+ -- (b) when converting names to the RdrNames in IfaceTypes
+ -- Here an Exact RdrName always contains an External Name
+ -- (Internal Names are converted to simple Unquals)
+ -- (c) by Template Haskell, when TH has generated a unique name</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ The OccName type is described in <a href="names.html#occname">The
+ truth about names</a>.
+ </p>
+ <h2>The Renamer Monad</h2>
+ <p>
+ Due to the tight integration of the renamer with the typechecker, both
+ use the same monad in recent versions of GHC. So, we have
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+type RnM a = TcRn a -- Historical
+type TcM a = TcRn a -- Historical</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ with the combined monad defined as
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+type TcRn a = TcRnIf TcGblEnv TcLclEnv a
+type TcRnIf a b c = IOEnv (Env a b) c
+data Env gbl lcl -- Changes as we move into an expression
+ = Env {
+ env_top :: HscEnv, -- Top-level stuff that never changes
+ -- Includes all info about imported things
+ env_us :: TcRef UniqSupply, -- Unique supply for local varibles
+ env_gbl :: gbl, -- Info about things defined at the top level
+ -- of the module being compiled
+ env_lcl :: lcl -- Nested stuff; changes as we go into
+ -- an expression
+ }</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ the details of the global environment type <code>TcGblEnv</code> and
+ local environment type <code>TcLclEnv</code> are also defined in the
+ module <code>typecheck/TcRnTypes.lhs</code>. The monad
+ <code>IOEnv</code> is defined in <code>utils/IOEnv.hs</code> and extends
+ the vanilla <code>IO</code> monad with an additional state parameter
+ <code>env</code> that is treated as in a reader monad. (Side effecting
+ operations, such as updating the unique supply, are done with
+ <code>TcRef</code>s, which are simply a synonym for <code>IORef</code>s.)
+ </p>
+ <h2>Name Space Management</h2>
+ <p>
+ As anticipated by the variants <code>Orig</code> and <code>Exact</code>
+ of <code>RdrName</code> some names should not change during renaming,
+ whereas others need to be turned into unique names. In this context,
+ the two functions <code>RnEnv.newTopSrcBinder</code> and
+ <code>RnEnv.newLocals</code> are important:
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+newTopSrcBinder :: Module -> Maybe Name -> Located RdrName -> RnM Name
+newLocalsRn :: [Located RdrName] -> RnM [Name]</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ The two functions introduces new toplevel and new local names,
+ respectively, where the first two arguments to
+ <code>newTopSrcBinder</code> determine the currently compiled module and
+ the parent construct of the newly defined name. Both functions create
+ new names only for <code>RdrName</code>s that are neither exact nor
+ original.
+ </p>
+ <h3>Introduction of Toplevel Names: Global RdrName Environment</h3>
+ <p>
+ A global <code>RdrName</code> environment
+ <code>RdrName.GlobalRdrEnv</code> is a map from <code>OccName</code>s to
+ lists of qualified names. More precisely, the latter are
+ <code>Name</code>s with an associated <code>Provenance</code>:
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+data Provenance
+ = LocalDef -- Defined locally
+ Module
+ | Imported -- Imported
+ [ImportSpec] -- INVARIANT: non-empty
+ Bool -- True iff the thing was named *explicitly*
+ -- in *any* of the import specs rather than being
+ -- imported as part of a group;
+ -- e.g.
+ -- import B
+ -- import C( T(..) )
+ -- Here, everything imported by B, and the constructors of T
+ -- are not named explicitly; only T is named explicitly.
+ -- This info is used when warning of unused names.</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ The part of the global <code>RdrName</code> environment for a module
+ that contains the local definitions is created by the function
+ <code>RnNames.importsFromLocalDecls</code>, which also computes a data
+ structure recording all imported declarations in the form of a value of
+ type <code>TcRnTypes.ImportAvails</code>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The function <code>importsFromLocalDecls</code>, in turn, makes use of
+ <code>RnNames.getLocalDeclBinders :: Module -> HsGroup RdrName -> RnM
+ [AvailInfo]</code> to extract all declared names from a binding group,
+ where <code>HscTypes.AvailInfo</code> is essentially a collection of
+ <code>Name</code>s; i.e., <code>getLocalDeclBinders</code>, on the fly,
+ generates <code>Name</code>s from the <code>RdrName</code>s of all
+ top-level binders of the module represented by the <code>HsGroup
+ RdrName</code> argument.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ It is important to note that all this happens before the renamer
+ actually descends into the toplevel bindings of a module. In other
+ words, before <code>TcRnDriver.rnTopSrcDecls</code> performs the
+ renaming of a module by way of <code>RnSource.rnSrcDecls</code>, it uses
+ <code>importsFromLocalDecls</code> to set up the global
+ <code>RdrName</code> environment, which contains <code>Name</code>s for
+ all imported <em>and</em> all locally defined toplevel binders. Hence,
+ when the helpers of <code>rnSrcDecls</code> come across the
+ <em>defining</em> occurences of a toplevel <code>RdrName</code>, they
+ don't rename it by generating a new name, but they simply look up its
+ name in the global <code>RdrName</code> environment.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Rebindable syntax</h2>
+ <p>
+ In Haskell when one writes "3" one gets "fromInteger 3", where
+ "fromInteger" comes from the Prelude (regardless of whether the
+ Prelude is in scope). If you want to completely redefine numbers,
+ that becomes inconvenient. So GHC lets you say
+ "-fno-implicit-prelude"; in that case, the "fromInteger" comes from
+ whatever is in scope. (This is documented in the User Guide.)
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This feature is implemented as follows (I always forget).
+ <ul>
+ <li>Names that are implicitly bound by the Prelude, are marked by the
+ type <code>HsExpr.SyntaxExpr</code>. Moreover, the association list
+ <code>HsExpr.SyntaxTable</code> is set up by the renamer to map
+ rebindable names to the value they are bound to.
+ </li>
+ <li>Currently, five constructs related to numerals
+ (<code>HsExpr.NegApp</code>, <code>HsPat.NPat</code>,
+ <code>HsPat.NPlusKPat</code>, <code>HsLit.HsIntegral</code>, and
+ <code>HsLit.HsFractional</code>) and
+ two constructs related to code>do</code> expressions
+ (<code>HsExpr.BindStmt</code> and
+ <code>HsExpr.ExprStmt</code>) have rebindable syntax.
+ </li>
+ <li> When the parser builds these constructs, it puts in the
+ built-in Prelude Name (e.g. PrelNum.fromInteger).
+ </li>
+ <li> When the renamer encounters these constructs, it calls
+ <tt>RnEnv.lookupSyntaxName</tt>.
+ This checks for <tt>-fno-implicit-prelude</tt>; if not, it just
+ returns the same Name; otherwise it takes the occurrence name of the
+ Name, turns it into an unqualified RdrName, and looks it up in the
+ environment. The returned name is plugged back into the construct.
+ </li>
+ <li> The typechecker uses the Name to generate the appropriate typing
+ constraints.
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed May 4 17:16:15 EST 2005
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - The Mighty Simplifier</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - The Mighty Simplifier</h1>
+ <p>
+ Most of the optimising program transformations applied by GHC are
+ performed on an intermediate language called <em>Core,</em> which
+ essentially is a compiler-friendly formulation of rank-2 polymorphic
+ lambda terms defined in the module <a
+ href=""><code>CoreSyn.lhs</code>.</a>
+ The transformation engine optimising Core programs is called the
+ <em>Simplifier</em> and composed from a couple of modules located in the
+ directory <a
+ href=""><code>fptools/ghc/compiler/simplCore/</code>.</a>
+ The main engine of the simplifier is contained in <a
+ href=""><code>Simplify.lhs</code>.</a>
+ and its driver is the routine <code>core2core</code> in <a
+ href=""><code>SimplCore.lhs</code>.</a>
+ <p>
+ The program that the simplifier has produced after applying its various
+ optimisations can be obtained by passing the option
+ <code>-ddump-simpl</code> to GHC. Moreover, the various intermediate
+ stages of the optimisation process is printed when passing
+ <code>-dverbose-core2core</code>.
+ <h4><a name="loopBreaker">Recursive Definitions</a></h4>
+ <p>
+ The simplification process has to take special care when handling
+ recursive binding groups; otherwise, the compiler might loop.
+ Therefore, the routine <code>reOrderRec</code> in <a
+ href=""><code>OccurAnal.lhs</code></a>
+ computes a set of <em>loop breakers</em> - a set of definitions that
+ together cut any possible loop in the binding group. It marks the
+ identifiers bound by these definitions as loop breakers by enriching
+ their <a href="basicTypes.html#occInfo">occurence information.</a> Loop
+ breakers will <em>never</em> be inlined by the simplifier; thus,
+ guaranteeing termination of the simplification procedure. (This is not
+ entirely accurate -- see <a href="#rules">rewrite rules</a> below.)
+ The processes finding loop breakers works as follows: First, the
+ strongly connected components (SCC) of the graph representing all
+ function dependencies is computed. Then, each SCC is inspected in turn.
+ If it contains only a single binding (self-recursive function), this is
+ the loop breaker. In case of multiple recursive bindings, the function
+ attempts to select bindings where the decision not to inline them does
+ cause the least harm - in the sense of inhibiting optimisations in the
+ code. This is achieved by considering each binding in turn and awarding
+ a <em>score</em> between 0 and 4, where a lower score means that the
+ function is less useful for inlining - and thus, a better loop breaker.
+ The evaluation of bingings is performed by the function
+ <code>score</code> locally defined in <code>OccurAnal</code>.
+ Note that, because core programs represent function definitions as
+ <em>one</em> binding choosing between the possibly many equations in the
+ source program with a <code>case</code> construct, a loop breaker cannot
+ inline any of its possibly many alternatives (not even the non-recursive
+ alternatives).
+ <h4><a name="rules">Rewrite Rules</a></h4>
+ <p>
+ The application of rewrite rules is controlled in the module <a
+ href=""><code>Simplify.lhs</code></a>
+ by the function <code>completeCall</code>. This function first checks
+ whether it should inline the function applied at the currently inspected
+ call site, then simplifies the arguments, and finally, checks whether
+ any rewrite rule can be applied (and also whether there is a matching
+ specialised version of the applied function). The actual check for rule
+ application is performed by the function <code><a
+ href="">Rules</a>.lookupRule</code>.
+ <p>
+ It should be note that the application of rewrite rules is not subject
+ to the loop breaker check - i.e., rules of loop breakers will be applied
+ regardless of whether this may cause the simplifier to diverge.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed Aug 8 19:25:33 EST 2001
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - You Got Control: The STG-language</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - You Got Control: The STG-language</h1>
+ <p>
+ GHC contains two completely independent backends: the byte code
+ generator and the machine code generator. The decision over which of
+ the two is invoked is made in <a
+ href=""><code>HscMain</code></a><code>.hscCodeGen</code>.
+ The machine code generator proceeds itself in a number of phases: First,
+ the <a href="desugar.html">Core</a> intermediate language is translated
+ into <em>STG-language</em>; second, STG-language is transformed into a
+ GHC-internal variant of <a href="">C--</a>;
+ and thirdly, this is either emitted as concrete C--, converted to GNU C,
+ or translated to native code (by the <a href="ncg.html">native code
+ generator</a> which targets IA32, Sparc, and PowerPC [as of March '5]).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ In the following, we will have a look at the first step of machine code
+ generation, namely the translation steps involving the STG-language.
+ Details about the underlying abstract machine, the <em>Spineless Tagless
+ G-machine</em>, are in <a
+ href="">Implementing
+ lazy functional languages on stock hardware: the Spineless Tagless
+ G-machine</a>, SL Peyton Jones, Journal of Functional Programming 2(2),
+ Apr 1992, pp127-202. (Some details have changed since the publication of
+ this article, but it still gives a good introduction to the main
+ concepts.)
+ </p>
+ <h2>The STG Language</h2>
+ <p>
+ The AST of the STG-language and the generation of STG code from Core is
+ both located in the <a
+ href=""><code>stgSyn/</code></a>
+ directory; in the modules <a
+ href=""><code>StgSyn</code></a>
+ and <a
+ href=""><code>CoreToStg</code></a>,
+ respectively.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Conceptually, the STG-language is a lambda calculus (including data
+ constructors and case expressions) whose syntax is restricted to make
+ all control flow explicit. As such, it can be regarded as a variant of
+ <em>administrative normal form (ANF).</em> (C.f., <a
+ href="">The essence of compiling
+ with continuations.</a> Cormac Flanagan, Amr Sabry, Bruce F. Duba, and
+ Matthias Felleisen. <em>ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language
+ Design and Implementation,</em> ACM Press, 1993.) Each syntactic from
+ has a precise operational interpretation, in addition to the
+ denotational interpretation inherited from the lambda calculus. The
+ concrete representation of the STG language inside GHC also includes
+ auxiliary attributes, such as <em>static reference tables (SRTs),</em>
+ which determine the top-level bindings referenced by each let binding
+ and case expression.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ As usual in ANF, arguments to functions etc. are restricted to atoms
+ (i.e., constants or variables), which implies that all sub-expressions
+ are explicitly named and evaluation order is explicit. Specific to the
+ STG language is that all let bindings correspond to closure allocation
+ (thunks, function closures, and data constructors) and that case
+ expressions encode both computation and case selection. There are two
+ flavours of case expressions scrutinising boxed and unboxed values,
+ respectively. The former perform function calls including demanding the
+ evaluation of thunks, whereas the latter execute primitive operations
+ (such as arithmetic on fixed size integers and floating-point numbers).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The representation of STG language defined in <a
+ href=""><code>StgSyn</code></a>
+ abstracts over both binders and occurences of variables. The type names
+ involved in this generic definition all carry the prefix
+ <code>Gen</code> (such as in <code>GenStgBinding</code>). Instances of
+ these generic definitions, where both binders and occurences are of type
+ <a
+ href=""><code>Id</code></a><code>.Id</code>
+ are defined as type synonyms and use type names that drop the
+ <code>Gen</code> prefix (i.e., becoming plain <code>StgBinding</code>).
+ Complete programs in STG form are represented by values of type
+ <code>[StgBinding]</code>.
+ </p>
+ <h2>From Core to STG</h2>
+ <p>
+ Although, the actual translation from Core AST into STG AST is performed
+ by the function <a
+ href=""><code>CoreToStg</code></a><code>.coreToStg</code>
+ (or <a
+ href=""><code>CoreToStg</code></a><code>.coreExprToStg</code>
+ for individual expressions), the translation crucial depends on <a
+ href=""><code>CorePrep</code></a><code>.corePrepPgm</code>
+ (resp. <a
+ href=""><code>CorePrep</code></a><code>.corePrepExpr</code>),
+ which prepares Core code for code generation (for both byte code and
+ machine code generation). <code>CorePrep</code> saturates primitive and
+ constructor applications, turns the code into A-normal form, renames all
+ identifiers into globally unique names, generates bindings for
+ constructor workers, constructor wrappers, and record selectors plus
+ some further cleanup.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ In other words, after Core code is prepared for code generation it is
+ structurally already in the form required by the STG language. The main
+ work performed by the actual transformation from Core to STG, as
+ performed by <a
+ href=""><code>CoreToStg</code></a><code>.coreToStg</code>,
+ is to compute the live and free variables as well as live CAFs (constant
+ applicative forms) at each let binding and case alternative. In
+ subsequent phases, the live CAF information is used to compute SRTs.
+ The live variable information is used to determine which stack slots
+ need to be zapped (to avoid space leaks) and the free variable
+ information is need to construct closures. Moreover, hints for
+ optimised code generation are computed, such as whether a closure needs
+ to be updated after is has been evaluated.
+ </p>
+ <h2>STG Passes</h2>
+ <p>
+ These days little actual work is performed on programs in STG form; in
+ particular, the code is not further optimised. All serious optimisation
+ (except low-level optimisations which are performed during native code
+ generation) has already been done on Core. The main task of <a
+ href=""><code>CoreToStg</code></a><code>.stg2stg</code>
+ is to compute SRTs from the live CAF information determined during STG
+ generation. Other than that, <a
+ href=""><code>SCCfinal</code></a><code>.stgMassageForProfiling</code>
+ is executed when compiling for profiling and information may be dumped
+ for debugging purposes.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Towards C--</h2>
+ <p>
+ GHC's internal form of C-- is defined in the module <a
+ href=""><code>Cmm</code></a>.
+ The definition is generic in that it abstracts over the type of static
+ data and of the contents of basic blocks (i.e., over the concrete
+ representation of constant data and instructions). These generic
+ definitions have names carrying the prefix <code>Gen</code> (such as
+ <code>GenCmm</code>). The same module also instantiates the generic
+ form to a concrete form where data is represented by
+ <code>CmmStatic</code> and instructions are represented by
+ <code>CmmStmt</code> (giving us, e.g., <code>Cmm</code> from
+ <code>GenCmm</code>). The concrete form more or less follows the
+ external <a href="">C--</a> language.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Programs in STG form are translated to <code>Cmm</code> by <a
+ href=""><code>CodeGen</code></a><code>.codeGen</code>
+ </p>
+ <p><hr><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Sat Mar 5 22:55:25 EST 2005
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
diff --git a/docs/comm/the-beast/syntax.html b/docs/comm/the-beast/syntax.html
new file mode 100644
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Just Syntax</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Just Syntax</h1>
+ <p>
+ The lexical and syntactic analyser for Haskell programs are located in
+ <a
+ href=""><code>fptools/ghc/compiler/parser/</code></a>.
+ </p>
+ <h2>The Lexer</h2>
+ <p>
+ The lexer is a rather tedious piece of Haskell code contained in the
+ module <a
+ href=""><code>Lex</code></a>.
+ Its complexity partially stems from covering, in addition to Haskell 98,
+ also the whole range of GHC language extensions plus its ability to
+ analyse interface files in addition to normal Haskell source. The lexer
+ defines a parser monad <code>P a</code>, where <code>a</code> is the
+ type of the result expected from a successful parse. More precisely, a
+ result of type
+data ParseResult a = POk PState a
+ | PFailed Message</pre>
+ <p>
+ is produced with <code>Message</code> being from <a
+ href=""><code>ErrUtils</code></a>
+ (and currently is simply a synonym for <code>SDoc</code>).
+ <p>
+ The record type <code>PState</code> contains information such as the
+ current source location, buffer state, contexts for layout processing,
+ and whether Glasgow extensions are accepted (either due to
+ <code>-fglasgow-exts</code> or due to reading an interface file). Most
+ of the fields of <code>PState</code> store unboxed values; in fact, even
+ the flag indicating whether Glasgow extensions are enabled is
+ represented by an unboxed integer instead of by a <code>Bool</code>. My
+ (= chak's) guess is that this is to avoid having to perform a
+ <code>case</code> on a boxed value in the inner loop of the lexer.
+ <p>
+ The same lexer is used by the Haskell source parser, the Haskell
+ interface parser, and the package configuration parser.
+ <h2>The Haskell Source Parser</h2>
+ <p>
+ The parser for Haskell source files is defined in the form of a parser
+ specification for the parser generator <a
+ href="">Happy</a> in the file <a
+ href=""><code>Parser.y</code></a>.
+ The parser exports three entry points for parsing entire modules
+ (<code>parseModule</code>, individual statements
+ (<code>parseStmt</code>), and individual identifiers
+ (<code>parseIdentifier</code>), respectively. The last two are needed
+ for GHCi. All three require a parser state (of type
+ <code>PState</code>) and are invoked from <a
+ href=""><code>HscMain</code></a>.
+ <p>
+ Parsing of Haskell is a rather involved process. The most challenging
+ features are probably the treatment of layout and expressions that
+ contain infix operators. The latter may be user-defined and so are not
+ easily captured in a static syntax specification. Infix operators may
+ also appear in the right hand sides of value definitions, and so, GHC's
+ parser treats those in the same way as expressions. In other words, as
+ general expressions are a syntactic superset of expressions - ok, they
+ <em>nearly</em> are - the parser simply attempts to parse a general
+ expression in such positions. Afterwards, the generated parse tree is
+ inspected to ensure that the accepted phrase indeed forms a legal
+ pattern. This and similar checks are performed by the routines from <a
+ href=""><code>ParseUtil</code></a>. In
+ some cases, these routines do, in addition to checking for
+ wellformedness, also transform the parse tree, such that it fits into
+ the syntactic context in which it has been parsed; in fact, this happens
+ for patterns, which are transformed from a representation of type
+ <code>RdrNameHsExpr</code> into a representation of type
+ <code>RdrNamePat</code>.
+ <h2>The Haskell Interface Parser</h2>
+ <p>
+ The parser for interface files is also generated by Happy from <a href=""><code>ParseIface.y</code></a>.
+ It's main routine <code>parseIface</code> is invoked from <a href=""><code>RnHiFiles</code></a><code>.readIface</code>.
+ <h2>The Package Configuration Parser</h2>
+ <p>
+ The parser for configuration files is by far the smallest of the three
+ and defined in <a href=""><code>ParsePkgConf.y</code></a>.
+ It exports <code>loadPackageConfig</code>, which is used by <a href=""><code>DriverState</code></a><code>.readPackageConf</code>.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Wed Jan 16 00:30:14 EST 2002
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Checking Types</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Checking Types</h1>
+ <p>
+ Probably the most important phase in the frontend is the type checker,
+ which is located at <a
+ href=""><code>fptools/ghc/compiler/typecheck/</code>.</a>
+ GHC type checks programs in their original Haskell form before the
+ desugarer converts them into Core code. This complicates the type
+ checker as it has to handle the much more verbose Haskell AST, but it
+ improves error messages, as those message are based on the same
+ structure that the user sees.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ GHC defines the abstract syntax of Haskell programs in <a
+ href=""><code>HsSyn</code></a>
+ using a structure that abstracts over the concrete representation of
+ bound occurences of identifiers and patterns. The module <a
+ href=""><code>TcHsSyn</code></a>
+ defines a number of helper function required by the type checker. Note
+ that the type <a
+ href=""><code>TcRnTypes</code></a>.<code>TcId</code>
+ used to represent identifiers in some signatures during type checking
+ is, in fact, nothing but a synonym for a <a href="vars.html">plain
+ <code>Id</code>.</a>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ It is also noteworthy, that the representations of types changes during
+ type checking from <code>HsType</code> to <code>TypeRep.Type</code>.
+ The latter is a <a href="types.html">hybrid type representation</a> that
+ is used to type Core, but still contains sufficient information to
+ recover source types. In particular, the type checker maintains and
+ compares types in their <code>Type</code> form.
+ </p>
+ <h2>The Overall Flow of Things</h2>
+ <h4>Entry Points Into the Type Checker</h4>
+ <p>
+ The interface of the type checker (and <a
+ href="renamer.html">renamer</a>) to the rest of the compiler is provided
+ by <a
+ href=""><code>TcRnDriver</code></a>.
+ Entire modules are processed by calling <code>tcRnModule</code> and GHCi
+ uses <code>tcRnStmt</code>, <code>tcRnExpr</code>, and
+ <code>tcRnType</code> to typecheck statements and expressions, and to
+ kind check types, respectively. Moreover, <code>tcRnExtCore</code> is
+ provided to typecheck external Core code. Moreover,
+ <code>tcTopSrcDecls</code> is used by Template Haskell - more
+ specifically by <code>TcSplice.tc_bracket</code>
+ - to type check the contents of declaration brackets.
+ </p>
+ <h4>Renaming and Type Checking a Module</h4>
+ <p>
+ The function <code>tcRnModule</code> controls the complete static
+ analysis of a Haskell module. It sets up the combined renamer and type
+ checker monad, resolves all import statements, initiates the actual
+ renaming and type checking process, and finally, wraps off by processing
+ the export list.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The actual type checking and renaming process is initiated via
+ <code>TcRnDriver.tcRnSrcDecls</code>, which uses a helper called
+ <code>tc_rn_src_decls</code> to implement the iterative renaming and
+ type checking process required by <a href="../exts/th.html">Template
+ Haskell</a>. However, before it invokes <code>tc_rn_src_decls</code>,
+ it takes care of hi-boot files; afterwards, it simplifies type
+ constraints and zonking (see below regarding the later).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The function <code>tc_rn_src_decls</code> partitions static analysis of
+ a whole module into multiple rounds, where the initial round is followed
+ by an additional one for each toplevel splice. It collects all
+ declarations up to the next splice into an <code>HsDecl.HsGroup</code>
+ to rename and type check that <em>declaration group</em> by calling
+ <code>TcRnDriver.tcRnGroup</code>. Afterwards, it executes the
+ splice (if there are any left) and proceeds to the next group, which
+ includes the declarations produced by the splice.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The function <code>tcRnGroup</code>, finally, gets down to invoke the
+ actual renaming and type checking via
+ <code>TcRnDriver.rnTopSrcDecls</code> and
+ <code>TcRnDriver.tcTopSrcDecls</code>, respectively. The renamer, apart
+ from renaming, computes the global type checking environment, of type
+ <code>TcRnTypes.TcGblEnv</code>, which is stored in the type checking
+ monad before type checking commences.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Type Checking a Declaration Group</h2>
+ <p>
+ The type checking of a declaration group, performed by
+ <code>tcTopSrcDecls</code> starts by processing of the type and class
+ declarations of the current module, using the function
+ <code>TcTyClsDecls.tcTyAndClassDecls</code>. This is followed by a
+ first round over instance declarations using
+ <code>TcInstDcls.tcInstDecls1</code>, which in particular generates all
+ additional bindings due to the deriving process. Then come foreign
+ import declarations (<code>TcForeign.tcForeignImports</code>) and
+ default declarations (<code>TcDefaults.tcDefaults</code>).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Now, finally, toplevel value declarations (including derived ones) are
+ type checked using <code>TcBinds.tcTopBinds</code>. Afterwards,
+ <code>TcInstDcls.tcInstDecls2</code> traverses instances for the second
+ time. Type checking concludes with processing foreign exports
+ (<code>TcForeign.tcForeignExports</code>) and rewrite rules
+ (<code>TcRules.tcRules</code>). Finally, the global environment is
+ extended with the new bindings.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Type checking Type and Class Declarations</h2>
+ <p>
+ Type and class declarations are type checked in a couple of phases that
+ contain recursive dependencies - aka <em>knots.</em> The first knot
+ encompasses almost the whole type checking of these declarations and
+ forms the main piece of <code>TcTyClsDecls.tcTyAndClassDecls</code>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Inside this big knot, the first main operation is kind checking, which
+ again involves a knot. It is implemented by <code>kcTyClDecls</code>,
+ which performs kind checking of potentially recursively-dependent type
+ and class declarations using kind variables for initially unknown kinds.
+ During processing the individual declarations some of these variables
+ will be instantiated depending on the context; the rest gets by default
+ kind <code>*</code> (during <em>zonking</em> of the kind signatures).
+ Type synonyms are treated specially in this process, because they can
+ have an unboxed type, but they cannot be recursive. Hence, their kinds
+ are inferred in dependency order. Moreover, in contrast to class
+ declarations and other type declarations, synonyms are not entered into
+ the global environment as a global <code>TyThing</code>.
+ (<code>TypeRep.TyThing</code> is a sum type that combines the various
+ flavours of typish entities, such that they can be stuck into type
+ environments and similar.)
+ </p>
+ <h2>More Details</h2>
+ <h4>Types Variables and Zonking</h4>
+ <p>
+ During type checking type variables are represented by mutable variables
+ - cf. the <a href="vars.html#TyVar">variable story.</a> Consequently,
+ unification can instantiate type variables by updating those mutable
+ variables. This process of instantiation is (for reasons that elude me)
+ called <a
+ href="*">zonking</a>
+ in GHC's sources. The zonking routines for the various forms of Haskell
+ constructs are responsible for most of the code in the module <a
+ href=""><code>TcHsSyn</code>,</a>
+ whereas the routines that actually operate on mutable types are defined
+ in <a
+ href=""><code>TcMType</code></a>;
+ this includes the zonking of type variables and type terms, routines to
+ create mutable structures and update them as well as routines that check
+ constraints, such as that type variables in function signatures have not
+ been instantiated during type checking. The actual type unification
+ routine is <code>uTys</code> in the module <a
+ href=""><code>TcUnify</code></a>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ All type variables that may be instantiated (those in signatures
+ may not), but haven't been instantiated during type checking, are zonked
+ to <code>()</code>, so that after type checking all mutable variables
+ have been eliminated.
+ </p>
+ <h4>Type Representation</h4>
+ <p>
+ The representation of types is fixed in the module <a
+ href=""><code>TcRep</code></a>
+ and exported as the data type <code>Type</code>. As explained in <a
+ href=""><code>TcType</code></a>,
+ GHC supports rank-N types, but, in the type checker, maintains the
+ restriction that type variables cannot be instantiated to quantified
+ types (i.e., the type system is predicative). The type checker floats
+ universal quantifiers outside and maintains types in prenex form.
+ (However, quantifiers can, of course, not float out of negative
+ positions.) Overall, we have
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+sigma -> forall tyvars. phi
+phi -> theta => rho
+rho -> sigma -> rho
+ | tau
+tau -> tyvar
+ | tycon tau_1 .. tau_n
+ | tau_1 tau_2
+ | tau_1 -> tau_2</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ where <code>sigma</code> is in prenex form; i.e., there is never a
+ forall to the right of an arrow in a <code>phi</code> type. Moreover, a
+ type of the form <code>tau</code> never contains a quantifier (which
+ includes arguments to type constructors).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Of particular interest are the variants <code>SourceTy</code> and
+ <code>NoteTy</code> of <a
+ href=""><code>TypeRep</code></a>.<code>Type</code>.
+ The constructor <code>SourceTy :: SourceType -> Type</code> represents a
+ type constraint; that is, a predicate over types represented by a
+ dictionary. The type checker treats a <code>SourceTy</code> as opaque,
+ but during the translation to core it will be expanded into its concrete
+ representation (i.e., a dictionary type) by the function <a
+ href=""><code>Type</code></a>.<code>sourceTypeRep</code>.
+ Note that newtypes are not covered by <code>SourceType</code>s anymore,
+ even if some comments in GHC still suggest this. Instead, all newtype
+ applications are initially represented as a <code>NewTcApp</code>, until
+ they are eliminated by calls to <a
+ href=""><code>Type</code></a>.<code>newTypeRep</code>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The <code>NoteTy</code> constructor is used to add non-essential
+ information to a type term. Such information has the type
+ <code>TypeRep.TyNote</code> and is either the set of free type variables
+ of the annotated expression or the unexpanded version of a type synonym.
+ Free variables sets are cached as notes to save the overhead of
+ repeatedly computing the same set for a given term. Unexpanded type
+ synonyms are useful for generating comprehensible error messages, but
+ have no influence on the process of type checking.
+ </p>
+ <h4>Type Checking Environment</h4>
+ <p>
+ During type checking, GHC maintains a <em>type environment</em> whose
+ type definitions are fixed in the module <a
+ href=""><code>TcRnTypes</code></a> with the operations defined in
+ href=""><code>TcEnv</code></a>.
+ Among other things, the environment contains all imported and local
+ instances as well as a list of <em>global</em> entities (imported and
+ local types and classes together with imported identifiers) and
+ <em>local</em> entities (locally defined identifiers). This environment
+ is threaded through the type checking monad, whose support functions
+ including initialisation can be found in the module <a
+ href=""><code>TcRnMonad</code>.</a>
+ <h4>Expressions</h4>
+ <p>
+ Expressions are type checked by <a
+ href=""><code>TcExpr</code>.</a>
+ <p>
+ Usage occurences of identifiers are processed by the function
+ <code>tcId</code> whose main purpose is to <a href="#inst">instantiate
+ overloaded identifiers.</a> It essentially calls
+ <code>TcInst.instOverloadedFun</code> once for each universally
+ quantified set of type constraints. It should be noted that overloaded
+ identifiers are replaced by new names that are first defined in the LIE
+ (Local Instance Environment?) and later promoted into top-level
+ bindings.
+ <h4><a name="inst">Handling of Dictionaries and Method Instances</a></h4>
+ <p>
+ GHC implements overloading using so-called <em>dictionaries.</em> A
+ dictionary is a tuple of functions -- one function for each method in
+ the class of which the dictionary implements an instance. During type
+ checking, GHC replaces each type constraint of a function with one
+ additional argument. At runtime, the extended function gets passed a
+ matching class dictionary by way of these additional arguments.
+ Whenever the function needs to call a method of such a class, it simply
+ extracts it from the dictionary.
+ <p>
+ This sounds simple enough; however, the actual implementation is a bit
+ more tricky as it wants to keep track of all the instances at which
+ overloaded functions are used in a module. This information is useful
+ to optimise the code. The implementation is the module <a
+ href=""><code>Inst.lhs</code>.</a>
+ <p>
+ The function <code>instOverloadedFun</code> is invoked for each
+ overloaded usage occurence of an identifier, where overloaded means that
+ the type of the idendifier contains a non-trivial type constraint. It
+ proceeds in two steps: (1) Allocation of a method instance
+ (<code>newMethodWithGivenTy</code>) and (2) instantiation of functional
+ dependencies. The former implies allocating a new unique identifier,
+ which replaces the original (overloaded) identifier at the currently
+ type-checked usage occurrence.
+ <p>
+ The new identifier (after being threaded through the LIE) eventually
+ will be bound by a top-level binding whose rhs contains a partial
+ application of the original overloaded identifier. This papp applies
+ the overloaded function to the dictionaries needed for the current
+ instance. In GHC lingo, this is called a <em>method.</em> Before
+ becoming a top-level binding, the method is first represented as a value
+ of type <code>Inst.Inst</code>, which makes it easy to fold multiple
+ instances of the same identifier at the same types into one global
+ definition. (And probably other things, too, which I haven't
+ investigated yet.)
+ <p>
+ <strong>Note:</strong> As of 13 January 2001 (wrt. to the code in the
+ CVS HEAD), the above mechanism interferes badly with RULES pragmas
+ defined over overloaded functions. During instantiation, a new name is
+ created for an overloaded function partially applied to the dictionaries
+ needed in a usage position of that function. As the rewrite rule,
+ however, mentions the original overloaded name, it won't fire anymore
+ -- unless later phases remove the intermediate definition again. The
+ latest CVS version of GHC has an option
+ <code>-fno-method-sharing</code>, which avoids sharing instantiation
+ stubs. This is usually/often/sometimes sufficient to make the rules
+ fire again.
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Thu May 12 22:52:46 EST 2005
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>
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index 0000000000..383b71f054
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - Hybrid Types</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - Hybrid Types</h1>
+ <p>
+ GHC essentially supports two type systems: (1) the <em>source type
+ system</em> (which is a heavily extended version of the type system of
+ Haskell 98) and (2) the <em>Core type system,</em> which is the type system
+ used by the intermediate language (see also <a
+ href="desugar.html">Sugar Free: From Haskell To Core</a>).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ During parsing and renaming, type information is represented in a form
+ that is very close to Haskell's concrete syntax; it is defined by
+ <code>HsTypes.HsType</code>. In addition, type, class, and instance
+ declarations are maintained in their source form as defined in the
+ module <code>HsDecl</code>. The situation changes during type checking,
+ where types are translated into a second representation, which is
+ defined in the module <code>types/TypeRep.lhs</code>, as type
+ <code>Type</code>. This second representation is peculiar in that it is
+ a hybrid between the source representation of types and the Core
+ representation of types. Using functions, such as
+ <code>Type.coreView</code> and <code>Type.deepCoreView</code>, a value
+ of type <code>Type</code> exhibits its Core representation. On the
+ other hand, pretty printing a <code>Type</code> with
+ <code>TypeRep.pprType</code> yields the type's source representation.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ In fact, the <a href="typecheck.html">type checker</a> maintains type
+ environments based on <code>Type</code>, but needs to perform type
+ checking on source-level types. As a result, we have functions
+ <code>Type.tcEqType</code> and <code>Type.tcCmpType</code>, which
+ compare types based on their source representation, as well as the
+ function <code>coreEqType</code>, which compares them based on their
+ core representation. The latter is needed during type checking of Core
+ (as performed by the functions in the module
+ <code>coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs</code>).
+ </p>
+ <h2>Type Synonyms</h2>
+ <p>
+ Type synonyms in Haskell are essentially a form of macro definitions on
+ the type level. For example, when the type checker compares two type
+ terms, synonyms are always compared in their expanded form. However, to
+ produce good error messages, we like to avoid expanding type synonyms
+ during pretty printing. Hence, <code>Type</code> has a variant
+ <code>NoteTy TyNote Type</code>, where
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+data TyNote
+ = FTVNote TyVarSet -- The free type variables of the noted expression
+ | SynNote Type -- Used for type synonyms
+ -- The Type is always a TyConApp, and is the un-expanded form.
+ -- The type to which the note is attached is the expanded form.</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ In other words, a <code>NoteTy</code> represents the expanded form of a
+ type synonym together with a note stating its source form.
+ </p>
+ <h3>Creating Representation Types of Synonyms</h3>
+ <p>
+ During translation from <code>HsType</code> to <code>Type</code> the
+ function <code>Type.mkSynTy</code> is used to construct representations
+ of applications of type synonyms. It creates a <code>NoteTy</code> node
+ if the synonym is applied to a sufficient number of arguments;
+ otherwise, it builds a simple <code>TyConApp</code> and leaves it to
+ <code>TcMType.checkValidType</code> to pick up invalid unsaturated
+ synonym applications. While creating a <code>NoteTy</code>,
+ <code>mkSynTy</code> also expands the synonym by substituting the type
+ arguments for the parameters of the synonym definition, using
+ <code>Type.substTyWith</code>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The function <code>mkSynTy</code> is used indirectly via
+ <code>mkGenTyConApp</code>, <code>mkAppTy</code>, and
+ <code>mkAppTy</code>, which construct type representations involving
+ type applications. The function <code>mkSynTy</code> is also used
+ directly during type checking interface files; this is for tedious
+ reasons to do with forall hoisting - see the comment at
+ <code>TcIface.mkIfTcApp</code>.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Newtypes</h2>
+ <p>
+ Data types declared by a <code>newtype</code> declarations constitute new
+ type constructors---i.e., they are not just type macros, but introduce
+ new type names. However, provided that a newtype is not recursive, we
+ still want to implement it by its representation type. GHC realises this
+ by providing two flavours of type equality: (1) <code>tcEqType</code> is
+ source-level type equality, which compares newtypes and
+ <code>PredType</code>s by name, and (2) <code>coreEqType</code> compares
+ them structurally (by using <code>deepCoreView</code> to expand the
+ representation before comparing). The function
+ <code>deepCoreView</code> (via <code>coreView</code>) invokes
+ <code>expandNewTcApp</code> for every type constructor application
+ (<code>TyConApp</code>) to determine whether we are looking at a newtype
+ application that needs to be expanded to its representation type.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Predicates</h2>
+ <p>
+ The dictionary translation of type classes, translates each predicate in
+ a type context of a type signature into an additional argument, which
+ carries a dictionary with the functions overloaded by the corresponding
+ class. The <code>Type</code> data type has a special variant
+ <code>PredTy PredType</code> for predicates, where
+ </p>
+ <blockquote>
+ <pre>
+data PredType
+ = ClassP Class [Type] -- Class predicate
+ | IParam (IPName Name) Type -- Implicit parameter</pre>
+ </blockquote>
+ <p>
+ These types need to be handled as source type during type checking, but
+ turn into their representations when inspected through
+ <code>coreView</code>. The representation is determined by
+ <code>Type.predTypeRep</code>.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Representation of Type Constructors</h2>
+ <p>
+ Type constructor applications are represented in <code>Type</code> by
+ the variant <code>TyConApp :: TyCon -> [Type] -> Type</code>. The first
+ argument to <code>TyConApp</code>, namely <code>TyCon.TyCon</code>,
+ distinguishes between function type constructors (variant
+ <code>FunTyCon</code>) and algebraic type constructors (variant
+ <code>AlgTyCon</code>), which arise from data and newtype declarations.
+ The variant <code>AlgTyCon</code> contains all the information available
+ from the data/newtype declaration as well as derived information, such
+ as the <code>Unique</code> and argument variance information. This
+ includes a field <code>algTcRhs :: AlgTyConRhs</code>, where
+ <code>AlgTyConRhs</code> distinguishes three kinds of algebraic data
+ type declarations: (1) declarations that have been exported abstractly,
+ (2) <code>data</code> declarations, and (3) <code>newtype</code>
+ declarations. The last two both include their original right hand side;
+ in addition, the third variant also caches the "ultimate" representation
+ type, which is the right hand side after expanding all type synonyms and
+ non-recursive newtypes.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Both data and newtype declarations refer to their data constructors
+ represented as <code>DataCon.DataCon</code>, which include all details
+ of their signature (as derived from the original declaration) as well
+ information for code generation, such as their tag value.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Representation of Classes and Instances</h2>
+ <p>
+ Class declarations turn into values of type <code>Class.Class</code>.
+ They represent methods as the <code>Id</code>s of the dictionary
+ selector functions. Similar selector functions are available for
+ superclass dictionaries.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Instance declarations turn into values of type
+ <code>InstEnv.Instance</code>, which in interface files are represented
+ as <code>IfaceSyn.IfaceInst</code>. Moreover, the type
+ <code>InstEnv.InstEnv</code>, which is a synonym for <code>UniqFM
+ ClsInstEnv</code>, provides a mapping of classes to their
+ instances---<code>ClsInstEnv</code> is essentially a list of instance
+ declarations.
+ </p>
+ <p><small>
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Sun Jun 19 13:07:22 EST 2005
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small></p>
+ </body>
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+ <head>
+ <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
+ <title>The GHC Commentary - The Real Story about Variables, Ids, TyVars, and the like</title>
+ </head>
+ <h1>The GHC Commentary - The Real Story about Variables, Ids, TyVars, and the like</h1>
+ <p>
+The <code>Var</code> type, defined in <code>basicTypes/Var.lhs</code>,
+represents variables, both term variables and type variables:
+ data Var
+ = Var {
+ varName :: Name,
+ realUnique :: FastInt,
+ varType :: Type,
+ varDetails :: VarDetails,
+ varInfo :: IdInfo
+ }
+<li> The <code>varName</code> field contains the identity of the variable:
+its unique number, and its print-name. See "<a href="names.html">The truth about names</a>".
+<p><li> The <code>realUnique</code> field caches the unique number in the
+<code>varName</code> field, just to make comparison of <code>Var</code>s a little faster.
+<p><li> The <code>varType</code> field gives the type of a term variable, or the kind of a
+type variable. (Types and kinds are both represented by a <code>Type</code>.)
+<p><li> The <code>varDetails</code> field distinguishes term variables from type variables,
+and makes some further distinctions (see below).
+<p><li> For term variables (only) the <code>varInfo</code> field contains lots of useful
+information: strictness, unfolding, etc. However, this information is all optional;
+you can always throw away the <code>IdInfo</code>. In contrast, you can't safely throw away
+the <code>VarDetails</code> of a <code>Var</code>
+It's often fantastically convenient to have term variables and type variables
+share a single data type. For example,
+ exprFreeVars :: CoreExpr -> VarSet
+If there were two types, we'd need to return two sets. Simiarly, big lambdas and
+little lambdas use the same constructor in Core, which is extremely convenient.
+We define a couple of type synonyms:
+ type Id = Var -- Term variables
+ type TyVar = Var -- Type variables
+just to help us document the occasions when we are expecting only term variables,
+or only type variables.
+<h2> The <code>VarDetails</code> field </h2>
+The <code>VarDetails</code> field tells what kind of variable this is:
+data VarDetails
+ = LocalId -- Used for locally-defined Ids (see NOTE below)
+ LocalIdDetails
+ | GlobalId -- Used for imported Ids, dict selectors etc
+ GlobalIdDetails
+ | TyVar
+ | MutTyVar (IORef (Maybe Type)) -- Used during unification;
+ TyVarDetails
+<a name="TyVar">
+<h2>Type variables (<code>TyVar</code>)</h2>
+The <code>TyVar</code> case is self-explanatory. The <code>MutTyVar</code>
+case is used only during type checking. Then a type variable can be unified,
+using an imperative update, with a type, and that is what the
+<code>IORef</code> is for. The <code>TcType.TyVarDetails</code> field records
+the sort of type variable we are dealing with. It is defined as
+data TyVarDetails = SigTv | ClsTv | InstTv | VanillaTv
+<code>SigTv</code> marks type variables that were introduced when
+instantiating a type signature prior to matching it against the inferred type
+of a definition. The variants <code>ClsTv</code> and <code>InstTv</code> mark
+scoped type variables introduced by class and instance heads, respectively.
+These first three sorts of type variables are skolem variables (tested by the
+predicate <code>isSkolemTyVar</code>); i.e., they must <em>not</em> be
+instantiated. All other type variables are marked as <code>VanillaTv</code>.
+For a long time I tried to keep mutable Vars statically type-distinct
+from immutable Vars, but I've finally given up. It's just too painful.
+After type checking there are no MutTyVars left, but there's no static check
+of that fact.
+<h2>Term variables (<code>Id</code>)</h2>
+A term variable (of type <code>Id</code>) is represented either by a
+<code>LocalId</code> or a <code>GlobalId</code>:
+A <code>GlobalId</code> is
+<li> Always bound at top-level.
+<li> Always has a <code>GlobalName</code>, and hence has
+ a <code>Unique</code> that is globally unique across the whole
+ GHC invocation (a single invocation may compile multiple modules).
+<li> Has <code>IdInfo</code> that is absolutely fixed, forever.
+A <code>LocalId</code> is:
+<li> Always bound in the module being compiled:
+<li> <em>either</em> bound within an expression (lambda, case, local let(rec))
+<li> <em>or</em> defined at top level in the module being compiled.
+<li> Has IdInfo that changes as the simpifier bashes repeatedly on it.
+The key thing about <code>LocalId</code>s is that the free-variable finder
+typically treats them as candidate free variables. That is, it ignores
+<code>GlobalId</code>s such as imported constants, data contructors, etc.
+An important invariant is this: <em>All the bindings in the module
+being compiled (whether top level or not) are <code>LocalId</code>s
+until the CoreTidy phase.</em> In the CoreTidy phase, all
+externally-visible top-level bindings are made into GlobalIds. This
+is the point when a <code>LocalId</code> becomes "frozen" and becomes
+a fixed, immutable <code>GlobalId</code>.
+(A binding is <em>"externally-visible"</em> if it is exported, or
+mentioned in the unfolding of an externally-visible Id. An
+externally-visible Id may not have an unfolding, either because it is
+too big, or because it is the loop-breaker of a recursive group.)
+<h3>Global Ids and implicit Ids</h3>
+<code>GlobalId</code>s are further categorised by their <code>GlobalIdDetails</code>.
+This type is defined in <code>basicTypes/IdInfo</code>, because it mentions other
+structured types like <code>DataCon</code>. Unfortunately it is *used* in <code>Var.lhs</code>
+so there's a <code>hi-boot</code> knot to get it there. Anyway, here's the declaration:
+data GlobalIdDetails
+ = NotGlobalId -- Used as a convenient extra return value
+ -- from globalIdDetails
+ | VanillaGlobal -- Imported from elsewhere
+ | PrimOpId PrimOp -- The Id for a primitive operator
+ | FCallId ForeignCall -- The Id for a foreign call
+ -- These next ones are all "implicit Ids"
+ | RecordSelId FieldLabel -- The Id for a record selector
+ | DataConId DataCon -- The Id for a data constructor *worker*
+ | DataConWrapId DataCon -- The Id for a data constructor *wrapper*
+ -- [the only reasons we need to know is so that
+ -- a) we can suppress printing a definition in the interface file
+ -- b) when typechecking a pattern we can get from the
+ -- Id back to the data con]
+The <code>GlobalIdDetails</code> allows us to go from the <code>Id</code> for
+a record selector, say, to its field name; or the <code>Id</code> for a primitive
+operator to the <code>PrimOp</code> itself.
+Certain <code>GlobalId</code>s are called <em>"implicit"</em> Ids. An implicit
+Id is derived by implication from some other declaration. So a record selector is
+derived from its data type declaration, for example. An implicit Ids is always
+a <code>GlobalId</code>. For most of the compilation, the implicit Ids are just
+that: implicit. If you do -ddump-simpl you won't see their definition. (That's
+why it's true to say that until CoreTidy all Ids in this compilation unit are
+LocalIds.) But at CorePrep, a binding is added for each implicit Id defined in
+this module, so that the code generator will generate code for the (curried) function.
+Implicit Ids carry their unfolding inside them, of course, so they may well have
+been inlined much earlier; but we generate the curried top-level defn just in
+case its ever needed.
+The <code>LocalIdDetails</code> gives more info about a <code>LocalId</code>:
+data LocalIdDetails
+ = NotExported -- Not exported
+ | Exported -- Exported
+ | SpecPragma -- Not exported, but not to be discarded either
+ -- It's unclean that this is so deeply built in
+From this we can tell whether the <code>LocalId</code> is exported, and that
+tells us whether we can drop an unused binding as dead code.
+The <code>SpecPragma</code> thing is a HACK. Suppose you write a SPECIALIZE pragma:
+ foo :: Num a => a -> a
+ {-# SPECIALIZE foo :: Int -> Int #-}
+ foo = ...
+The type checker generates a dummy call to <code>foo</code> at the right types:
+ $dummy = foo Int dNumInt
+The Id <code>$dummy</code> is marked <code>SpecPragma</code>. Its role is to hang
+onto that call to <code>foo</code> so that the specialiser can see it, but there
+are no calls to <code>$dummy</code>.
+The simplifier is careful not to discard <code>SpecPragma</code> Ids, so that it
+reaches the specialiser. The specialiser processes the right hand side of a <code>SpecPragma</code> Id
+to find calls to overloaded functions, <em>and then discards the <code>SpecPragma</code> Id</em>.
+So <code>SpecPragma</code> behaves a like <code>Exported</code>, at least until the specialiser.
+<h3> ExternalNames and InternalNames </h3>
+Notice that whether an Id is a <code>LocalId</code> or <code>GlobalId</code> is
+not the same as whether the Id has an <code>ExternaName</code> or an <code>InternalName</code>
+(see "<a href="names.html#sort">The truth about Names</a>"):
+<li> Every <code>GlobalId</code> has an <code>ExternalName</code>.
+<li> A <code>LocalId</code> might have either kind of <code>Name</code>.
+<!-- hhmts start -->
+Last modified: Fri Sep 12 15:17:18 BST 2003
+<!-- hhmts end -->
+ </small>
+ </body>