path: root/docs/core-spec/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/core-spec/')
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/docs/core-spec/ b/docs/core-spec/
index 578d200b6b..b11730c276 100644
--- a/docs/core-spec/
+++ b/docs/core-spec/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ embed {{ tex-preamble
metavar x, c ::= {{ com Term-level variable names }}
+metavar p ::= {{ com Labels }}
metavar alpha {{ tex \alpha }}, beta {{ tex \beta }} ::=
{{ com Type-level variable names }}
metavar N ::= {{ com Type-level constructor names }}
@@ -45,6 +46,10 @@ n, m, aname {{ tex \alpha }}, xname {{ tex x }} :: 'Var_' ::= {{ com Variable na
| z $ :: M :: NoSupScript {{ com Name without an explicit type/kind }}
| K :: M :: DataCon {{ com Data constructor }}
+l :: 'Label_' ::= {{ com Labels for join points, also \coderef{basicTypes/Var.lhs}{Var} }}
+ | p / I _ t :: :: Label {{ com Label with join arity and type }}
+ {{ tex {[[p]]}_{[[I]]}^{[[t]]} }}
vars :: 'Vars_' ::= {{ com List of variables }}
| </ ni // , // i /> :: :: List
| fv ( t ) :: M :: fv_t
@@ -55,12 +60,18 @@ vars :: 'Vars_' ::= {{ com List of variables }}
| vars1 \inter vars2 :: M :: intersection
{{ tex [[vars1]] \cap [[vars2]] }}
+labels :: 'Labels_' ::= {{ com List of labels }}
+ | </ li // , // i /> :: :: List
+ | empty :: M :: empty
e, u :: 'Expr_' ::= {{ com Expressions, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{Expr} }}
| n :: :: Var {{ com \ctor{Var}: Variable }}
| lit :: :: Lit {{ com \ctor{Lit}: Literal }}
| e1 e2 :: :: App {{ com \ctor{App}: Application }}
+ | jump l </ ui // i /> :: :: Jump {{ com \ctor{App}: Jump }}
| \ n . e :: :: Lam {{ com \ctor{Lam}: Abstraction }}
| let binding in e :: :: Let {{ com \ctor{Let}: Variable binding }}
+ | join jbinding in e :: :: Join {{ com \ctor{Let}: Join binding }}
| case e as n return t of </ alti // | // i /> :: :: Case {{ com \ctor{Case}: Pattern match }}
| e |> g :: :: Cast {{ com \ctor{Cast}: Cast }}
| e { tick } :: :: Tick {{ com \ctor{Tick}: Internal note }}
@@ -78,6 +89,10 @@ binding :: 'Bind_' ::= {{ com Let-bindings, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{Bind}
| n = e :: :: NonRec {{ com \ctor{NonRec}: Non-recursive binding }}
| rec </ ni = ei // ;; // i /> :: :: Rec {{ com \ctor{Rec}: Recursive binding }}
+jbinding :: 'JoinBind_' ::= {{ com Join bindings, also \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{Bind} }}
+ | l </ ni // i /> = e :: :: NonRec {{ com \ctor{NonRec}: Non-recursive binding }}
+ | rec </ li </ nij // j /> = ei // i /> :: :: Rec {{ com \ctor{Rec}: Recursive binding }}
alt :: 'Alt_' ::= {{ com Case alternative, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{Alt} }}
| Kp </ ni // i /> -> e :: :: Alt {{ com Constructor applied to fresh names }}
@@ -98,8 +113,8 @@ t {{ tex \tau }}, k {{ tex \kappa }}, s {{ tex \sigma }}, phi {{ tex \phi }}
| n :: :: TyVarTy {{ com \ctor{TyVarTy}: Variable }}
| t1 t2 :: :: AppTy {{ com \ctor{AppTy}: Application }}
| T </ ti // i /> :: :: TyConApp {{ com \ctor{TyConApp}: Application of type constructor }}
- | t1 -> t2 :: :: FunTy {{ com \ctor{ForAllTy (Anon ...) ...}: Function }}
- | forall n . t :: :: ForAllTy {{ com \ctor{ForAllTy (Named ...) ...}: Type and coercion polymorphism }}
+ | t1 -> t2 :: :: FunTy {{ com \ctor{FunTy}: Function }}
+ | forall n . t :: :: ForAllTy {{ com \ctor{ForAllTy}: Type and coercion polymorphism }}
| lit :: :: LitTy {{ com \ctor{LitTy}: Type-level literal }}
| t |> g :: :: CastTy {{ com \ctor{CastTy}: Kind cast }}
| g :: :: CoercionTy {{ com \ctor{CoercionTy}: Coercion used in type }}
@@ -123,8 +138,10 @@ t {{ tex \tau }}, k {{ tex \kappa }}, s {{ tex \sigma }}, phi {{ tex \phi }}
%% COERCIONS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
g {{ tex \gamma }}, h {{ tex \eta }} :: 'Coercion_' ::= {{ com Coercions, \coderef{types/TyCoRep.lhs}{Coercion} }}
- | < t > _ R :: :: Refl {{ com \ctor{Refl}: Reflexivity }}
- {{ tex {\langle [[t]] \rangle}_{[[R]]} }}
+ | < t > :: :: Refl {{ com \ctor{Refl}: Nominal Reflexivity }}
+ {{ tex {\langle [[t]] \rangle} }}
+ | < t > R mg :: :: GRefl {{ com \ctor{GRefl}: Generalized Reflexivity }}
+ {{ tex {\langle [[t]] \rangle}^{[[mg]]}_{[[R]]} }}
| T RA </ gi // i /> :: :: TyConAppCo {{ com \ctor{TyConAppCo}: Type constructor application }}
| g1 g2 :: :: AppCo {{ com \ctor{AppCo}: Application }}
| forall z : h . g :: :: ForAllCo {{ com \ctor{ForAllCo}: Polymorphism }}
@@ -137,11 +154,10 @@ g {{ tex \gamma }}, h {{ tex \eta }} :: 'Coercion_' ::= {{ com Coercions, \coder
| g1 ; g2 :: :: TransCo {{ com \ctor{TransCo}: Transitivity }}
| mu </ ti // i /> $ </ gj // j />
:: :: AxiomRuleCo {{ com \ctor{AxiomRuleCo}: Axiom-rule application (for type-nats) }}
- | nth I g :: :: NthCo {{ com \ctor{NthCo}: Projection (0-indexed) }}
- {{ tex \textsf{nth}^{[[I]]}\,[[g]] }}
+ | nth R I g :: :: NthCo {{ com \ctor{NthCo}: Projection (0-indexed) }}
+ {{ tex \textsf{nth}^{[[I]]}_{[[R]]}\,[[g]] }}
| LorR g :: :: LRCo {{ com \ctor{LRCo}: Left/right projection }}
| g @ h :: :: InstCo {{ com \ctor{InstCo}: Instantiation }}
- | g |> h :: :: CoherenceCo {{ com \ctor{CoherenceCo}: Coherence }}
| kind g :: :: KindCo {{ com \ctor{KindCo}: Kind extraction }}
| sub g :: :: SubCo {{ com \ctor{SubCo}: Sub-role --- convert nominal to representational }}
| ( g ) :: M :: Parens {{ com Parentheses }}
@@ -155,6 +171,11 @@ prov :: 'UnivCoProvenance_' ::= {{ com \ctor{UnivCo} provenance, \coderef{types/
| ProofIrrelProv :: :: ProofIrrelProv {{ com From proof irrelevance }}
{{ tex \mathsf{irrel} }}
+mg {{ tex m }} :: 'MCoercion_' ::= {{ com A possibly reflexive coercion , \coderef{types/TyCoRep.lhs}{MCoercion} }}
+ | MRefl :: :: MRefl {{ com \ctor{MRefl}: A trivial reflexive coercion }}
+ | MCo g :: :: MCo {{ com \ctor{MCo}: Other coercions }}
+ {{ tex [[g]] }}
LorR :: 'LeftOrRight_' ::= {{ com left or right deconstructor, \coderef{types/TyCoRep.lhs}{LeftOrRight} }}
| Left :: :: CLeft {{ com \ctor{CLeft}: Left projection }}
| Right :: :: CRight {{ com \ctor{CRight}: Right projection }}
@@ -214,6 +235,12 @@ G {{ tex \Gamma }} :: 'LintM_Bindings_' ::= {{ com List of bindings, \coderef{co
| </ Gi // , // i /> :: :: Concat {{ com Context concatenation }}
| vars_of binding :: M :: VarsOf {{ com \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{bindersOf} }}
+D {{ tex \Delta }} :: 'LintM_JoinBindings_' ::= {{ com List of join bindings, \coderef{coreSyn/CoreLint.lhs}{LintM} }}
+ | l :: :: Binding {{ com Single binding }}
+ | </ Di // , // i /> :: :: Concat {{ com Context concatenation }}
+ | empty :: M :: Empty {{ com Empty context }}
+ | labels_of binding :: M :: LabelsOf {{ com \coderef{coreSyn/CoreSyn.lhs}{bindersOf} }}
O {{ tex \Omega }} :: 'VarEnv_Role_' ::= {{ com Mapping from type variables to roles }}
| </ ni : Ri // i /> :: :: List {{ com List of bindings }}
| O1 , O2 :: M :: Concat {{ com Concatenate two lists }}
@@ -254,6 +281,10 @@ ind, I {{ tex i }} :: 'Ind_' ::= {{ com Indices, numbers }}
| 0 :: M :: zero
| 1 :: M :: one
| 2 :: M :: two
+ | 3 :: M :: three
+terms :: 'Terms_' ::= {{ com List of terms }}
+ | </ ei // i /> :: :: List
types :: 'Types_' ::= {{ com List of types }}
| </ ti // i /> :: :: List
@@ -294,9 +325,11 @@ role_list {{ tex {\overline{\rho_j} }^j }} :: 'RoleList_' ::= {{ com List of rol
terminals :: 'terminals_' ::=
| \ :: :: lambda {{ tex \lambda }}
| let :: :: let {{ tex \keyword{let} }}
+ | join :: :: join {{ tex \keyword{join} }}
| in :: :: key_in {{ tex \keyword{in} }}
| rec :: :: rec {{ tex \keyword{rec} }}
| and :: :: key_and {{ tex \keyword{and} }}
+ | jump :: :: jump {{ tex \keyword{jump} }}
| case :: :: case {{ tex \keyword{case} }}
| of :: :: of {{ tex \keyword{of} }}
| -> :: :: arrow {{ tex \to }}
@@ -317,8 +350,9 @@ terminals :: 'terminals_' ::=
| ok :: :: ok {{ tex \textsf{ ok} }}
| no_duplicates :: :: no_duplicates {{ tex \textsf{no\_duplicates } }}
| vars_of :: :: vars_of {{ tex \textsf{vars\_of } }}
+ | split :: :: split {{ tex \mathop{\textsf{split} } }}
| not :: :: not {{ tex \neg }}
- | isUnLiftedTyCon :: :: isUnLiftenTyCon {{ tex \textsf{isUnLiftedTyCon} }}
+ | isUnLiftedTyCon :: :: isUnLiftedTyCon {{ tex \textsf{isUnLiftedTyCon} }}
| compatibleUnBoxedTys :: :: compatibleUnBoxedTys {{ tex \textsf{compatibleUnBoxedTys} }}
| false :: :: false {{ tex \textsf{false} }}
| true :: :: true {{ tex \textsf{true} }}
@@ -361,11 +395,16 @@ terminals :: 'terminals_' ::=
| validDcRoles :: :: validDcRoles {{ tex \textsf{validDcRoles} }}
| --> :: :: steps {{ tex \longrightarrow }}
| coercionKind :: :: coercionKind {{ tex \textsf{coercionKind} }}
+ | coercionRole :: :: coercionRole {{ tex \textsf{coercionRole} }}
| take :: :: take {{ tex \textsf{take}\! }}
| coaxrProves :: :: coaxrProves {{ tex \textsf{coaxrProves} }}
| Just :: :: Just {{ tex \textsf{Just} }}
| \\ :: :: newline {{ tex \\ }}
| classifiesTypeWithValues :: :: ctwv {{ tex \textsf{classifiesTypeWithValues} }}
+ | 0 :: :: zero {{ tex 0 }}
+ | +1 :: :: succ {{ tex +1 }}
+ | MRefl :: :: mrefl {{ tex \cdot }}
+ | MCo :: :: mco
%% Formulae %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@@ -375,6 +414,7 @@ formula :: 'formula_' ::=
| judgement :: :: judgement
| formula1 ... formulai :: :: dots
| G1 = G2 :: :: context_rewrite
+ | D1 = D2 :: :: join_context_rewrite
| t1 = t2 :: :: type_rewrite
| t1 /= t2 :: :: type_inequality
| e1 /=e e2 :: :: expr_inequality
@@ -384,6 +424,7 @@ formula :: 'formula_' ::=
| g1 = g2 :: :: co_rewrite
| no_duplicates </ zi // i /> :: :: no_duplicates_name
| no_duplicates </ bindingi // i /> :: :: no_duplicates_binding
+ | no_duplicates </ li // i /> :: :: no_duplicates_label
| not formula :: :: not
| isUnLiftedTyCon T :: :: isUnLiftedTyCon
| compatibleUnBoxedTys t1 t2 :: :: compatibleUnBoxedTys
@@ -395,6 +436,7 @@ formula :: 'formula_' ::=
}{\quad [[formula2]]} \end{array} }}
| ( formula ) :: :: parens
| n elt G :: :: context_inclusion
+ | l elt D :: :: join_context_inclusion
| vars1 = vars2 :: :: vars_rewrite
| </ Gi $ // i /> = inits ( </ nj // j /> ) :: :: context_folding
| </ substi $ // i /> = inits ( </ [ nj |-> tj ] // j /> ) :: :: subst_folding
@@ -421,6 +463,8 @@ formula :: 'formula_' ::=
| role_list1 = role_list2 :: :: eq_role_list
| R1 /= R2 :: :: role_neq
| R1 = R2 :: :: eq_role
+ | R1 <= R2 :: :: lte_role
+ {{ tex [[R1]] \leq [[R2]] }}
| </ Ki // i /> = tyConDataCons T :: :: tyConDataCons
| O ( n ) = R :: :: role_lookup
| R elt role_list :: :: role_elt
@@ -431,11 +475,14 @@ formula :: 'formula_' ::=
| no other case matches :: :: no_other_case
{{ tex \text{no other case matches} }}
| t = coercionKind g :: :: coercionKind
+ | R = coercionRole g :: :: coercionRole
| Just ( t1 , t2 ) = coaxrProves mu </ si // i /> </ ( s'j , s''j ) // j />
:: :: coaxrProves
| mu1 = mu2 :: :: mu_rewrite
| classifiesTypeWithValues k :: :: classifies_type_with_values
| z elt vars :: :: in_vars
+ | split _ I s = types :: :: split_type
+ {{ tex \mathop{\textsf{split} }_{[[I]]} [[s]] = [[types]] }}
%% Subrules and Parsing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@@ -461,6 +508,7 @@ Subst_TyMapping <= Type_TySubstListPost
Subst_TmMapping <= Type_TySubstListPost
Expr_Type <= formula_e_rewrite
+Expr_Jump <= Expr_Apps
Coercion_TyConAppCo <= Coercion_AppCo