path: root/docs/users_guide/8.4.1-notes.rst
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 142 deletions
diff --git a/docs/users_guide/8.4.1-notes.rst b/docs/users_guide/8.4.1-notes.rst
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--- a/docs/users_guide/8.4.1-notes.rst
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-.. _release-8-4-1:
-Release notes for version 8.4.1
-The significant changes to the various parts of the compiler are listed in the
-following sections. There have also been numerous bug fixes and performance
-improvements over the 8.2.1 release.
-The highlights, since the 8.2.1 release, are:
-- Many, many bug fixes.
-Full details
-- The ``configure`` script now no longer accepts ``--with-TOOL`` flags (e.g.
- ``--with-nm``, ``--with-ld``, etc.). Instead, these are taken from environment
- variables, as is typical in ``autoconf`` scripts. For instance,
- ``./configure --with-nm=/usr/local/bin/nm`` turns into
- ``./configure NM=/usr/local/bin/nm``.
-- Derived ``Functor``, ``Foldable``, and ``Traversable`` instances are now
- optimized when their last type parameters have phantom roles.
- Specifically, ::
- fmap _ = coerce
- traverse _ x = pure (coerce x)
- foldMap _ _ = mempty
- These definitions of ``foldMap`` and ``traverse`` are lazier than the ones we
- would otherwise derive, as they may produce results without inspecting their
- arguments at all.
- See also :ref:`deriving-functor`, :ref:`deriving-foldable`, and
- :ref:`deriving-traversable`.
-- Derived ``Functor``, ``Foldable``, ``Traversable``, ``Generic``, and
- ``Generic1`` instances now have better, and generally better-documented,
- behaviors for types with no constructors. In particular, ::
- fmap _ x = case x of
- foldMap _ _ = mempty
- traverse _ x = pure (case x of)
- to x = case x of
- to1 x = case x of
- from x = case x of
- from1 x = case x of
- The new behavior generally leads to more useful error messages than the
- old did, and lazier semantics for ``foldMap`` and ``traverse``.
-- Derived ``Foldable`` instances now derive custom definitions for ``null``
- instead of using the default one. This leads to asymptotically better
- performance for recursive types not shaped like cons-lists, and allows ``null``
- to terminate for more (but not all) infinitely large structures.
-- Derived instances for types with no constructors now have appropriate
- arities: they take all their arguments before producing errors. This may not
- be terribly important in practice, but it seems like the right thing to do.
- Previously, we generated ::
- (==) = error ...
-Now we generate ::
- _ == _ = error ...
-- `-fsplit-sections` is now supported on x86_64 Windows and is on by default.
- See :ghc-ticket:`12913`.
-- Configure on Windows now supports ``--enable-distro-toolchain`` which can be
- used to build a GHC using compilers on your ``PATH`` instead of using the
- bundled bindist. See :ghc-ticket:`13792`
-- The optional ``instance`` keyword is now usable in type family instance
- declarations. See :ghc-ticket:`13747`
-- Lots of other bugs. See `Trac <>`_
- for a complete list.
-Runtime system
-- Function ``hs_add_root()`` was removed. It was a no-op since GHC-7.2.1
- where module initialisation stopped requiring a call to ``hs_add_root()``.
-- Proper import library support added to GHC which can handle all of the libraries produced
- by dlltool. The limitation of them needing to be named with the suffix .dll.a is also removed.
- See :ghc-ticket:`13606`, :ghc-ticket:`12499`, :ghc-ticket:`12498`
-- The GHCi runtime linker on Windows now supports the `big-obj` file format.
-Template Haskell
-``ghc`` library
-- hsSyn Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is now extensible via the mechanism described in `Trees that Grow <>`_
- The main change for users of the GHC API is that the AST is no longer indexed
- by the type used as the identifier, but by a specific index type, ::
- type GhcPs = GhcPass 'Parsed -- Old 'RdrName' type param
- type GhcRn = GhcPass 'Renamed -- Old 'Name' type param
- type GhcTc = GhcPass 'Typechecked -- Old 'Id' type para,
- type GhcTcId = GhcTc -- Old 'TcId' type param
- The simplest way to support the current GHC as well as earlier ones is to define ::
- #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,3,0)
- type ParseI = GhcPs
- type RenameI = GhcRn
- type TypecheckI = GhcTc
- #else
- type ParseI = RdrName
- type RenameI = Name
- type TypecheckI = Var
- #endif
- and then replace all hardcoded index types accordingly. For polymorphic types,
- the constraint ::
- #if MIN_VERSION_ghc(8,3,0)
- -- |bundle up the constraints required for a trees that grow pass
- type IsPass pass = (DataId pass, OutputableBndrId pass, SourceTextX pass)
- else
- type IsPass pass = (DataId pass, OutputableBndrId pass)
- #endif
- can be used.