path: root/docs/users_guide/exts/generics.rst
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+.. _generic-programming:
+Generic programming
+Using a combination of :extension:`DeriveGeneric`,
+:extension:`DefaultSignatures`, and :extension:`DeriveAnyClass`, you can
+easily do datatype-generic programming using the :base-ref:`GHC.Generics.`
+framework. This section gives a very brief overview of how to do it.
+Generic programming support in GHC allows defining classes with methods
+that do not need a user specification when instantiating: the method
+body is automatically derived by GHC. This is similar to what happens
+for standard classes such as ``Read`` and ``Show``, for instance, but
+now for user-defined classes.
+.. _generic-classes:
+.. note::
+ GHC used to have an implementation of generic classes as defined in the paper
+ "Derivable type classes", Ralf Hinze and Simon Peyton Jones, Haskell
+ Workshop, Montreal Sept 2000, pp. 94-105. These have been removed and
+ replaced by the more general support for generic programming.
+Deriving representations
+The first thing we need is generic representations. The ``GHC.Generics``
+module defines a couple of primitive types that are used to represent
+Haskell datatypes: ::
+ -- | Unit: used for constructors without arguments
+ data U1 p = U1
+ -- | Constants, additional parameters and recursion of kind Type
+ newtype K1 i c p = K1 { unK1 :: c }
+ -- | Meta-information (constructor names, etc.)
+ newtype M1 i c f p = M1 { unM1 :: f p }
+ -- | Sums: encode choice between constructors
+ infixr 5 :+:
+ data (:+:) f g p = L1 (f p) | R1 (g p)
+ -- | Products: encode multiple arguments to constructors
+ infixr 6 :*:
+ data (:*:) f g p = f p :*: g p
+The ``Generic`` and ``Generic1`` classes mediate between user-defined
+datatypes and their internal representation as a sum-of-products: ::
+ class Generic a where
+ -- Encode the representation of a user datatype
+ type Rep a :: Type -> Type
+ -- Convert from the datatype to its representation
+ from :: a -> (Rep a) x
+ -- Convert from the representation to the datatype
+ to :: (Rep a) x -> a
+ class Generic1 (f :: k -> Type) where
+ type Rep1 f :: k -> Type
+ from1 :: f a -> Rep1 f a
+ to1 :: Rep1 f a -> f a
+``Generic1`` is used for functions that can only be defined over type
+containers, such as ``map``. Note that ``Generic1`` ranges over types of kind
+``Type -> Type`` by default, but if the :extension:`PolyKinds` extension is
+enabled, then it can range of types of kind ``k -> Type``, for any kind ``k``.
+.. extension:: DeriveGeneric
+ :shortdesc: Enable deriving for the Generic class.
+ :since: 7.2.1
+ Allow automatic deriving of instances for the ``Generic`` typeclass.
+Instances of these classes can be derived by GHC with the
+:extension:`DeriveGeneric` extension, and are necessary to be able to define
+generic instances automatically.
+For example, a user-defined datatype of trees ::
+ data UserTree a = Node a (UserTree a) (UserTree a) | Leaf
+in a ``Main`` module in a package named ``foo`` will get the following
+representation: ::
+ instance Generic (UserTree a) where
+ -- Representation type
+ type Rep (UserTree a) =
+ M1 D ('MetaData "UserTree" "Main" "package-name" 'False) (
+ M1 C ('MetaCons "Node" 'PrefixI 'False) (
+ M1 S ('MetaSel 'Nothing
+ 'NoSourceUnpackedness
+ 'NoSourceStrictness
+ 'DecidedLazy)
+ (K1 R a)
+ :*: M1 S ('MetaSel 'Nothing
+ 'NoSourceUnpackedness
+ 'NoSourceStrictness
+ 'DecidedLazy)
+ (K1 R (UserTree a))
+ :*: M1 S ('MetaSel 'Nothing
+ 'NoSourceUnpackedness
+ 'NoSourceStrictness
+ 'DecidedLazy)
+ (K1 R (UserTree a)))
+ :+: M1 C ('MetaCons "Leaf" 'PrefixI 'False) U1)
+ -- Conversion functions
+ from (Node x l r) = M1 (L1 (M1 (M1 (K1 x) :*: M1 (K1 l) :*: M1 (K1 r))))
+ from Leaf = M1 (R1 (M1 U1))
+ to (M1 (L1 (M1 (M1 (K1 x) :*: M1 (K1 l) :*: M1 (K1 r))))) = Node x l r
+ to (M1 (R1 (M1 U1))) = Leaf
+This representation is generated automatically if a ``deriving Generic``
+clause is attached to the datatype. `Standalone
+deriving <#stand-alone-deriving>`__ can also be used.
+Writing generic functions
+A generic function is defined by creating a class and giving instances
+for each of the representation types of ``GHC.Generics``. As an example
+we show generic serialization: ::
+ data Bin = O | I
+ class GSerialize f where
+ gput :: f a -> [Bin]
+ instance GSerialize U1 where
+ gput U1 = []
+ instance (GSerialize a, GSerialize b) => GSerialize (a :*: b) where
+ gput (x :*: y) = gput x ++ gput y
+ instance (GSerialize a, GSerialize b) => GSerialize (a :+: b) where
+ gput (L1 x) = O : gput x
+ gput (R1 x) = I : gput x
+ instance (GSerialize a) => GSerialize (M1 i c a) where
+ gput (M1 x) = gput x
+ instance (Serialize a) => GSerialize (K1 i a) where
+ gput (K1 x) = put x
+A caveat: this encoding strategy may not be reliable across different versions
+of GHC. When deriving a ``Generic`` instance is free to choose any nesting of
+``:+:`` and ``:*:`` it chooses, so if GHC chooses ``(a :+: b) :+: c``, then the
+encoding for ``a`` would be ``[O, O]``, ``b`` would be ``[O, I]``, and ``c``
+would be ``[I]``. However, if GHC chooses ``a :+: (b :+: c)``, then the
+encoding for ``a`` would be ``[O]``, ``b`` would be ``[I, O]``, and ``c`` would
+be ``[I, I]``. (In practice, the current implementation tries to produce a
+more-or-less balanced nesting of ``:+:`` and ``:*:`` so that the traversal of
+the structure of the datatype from the root to a particular component can be
+performed in logarithmic rather than linear time.)
+Typically this ``GSerialize`` class will not be exported, as it only makes
+sense to have instances for the representation types.
+Unlifted representation types
+The data family ``URec`` is provided to enable generic programming over
+datatypes with certain unlifted arguments. There are six instances corresponding
+to common unlifted types: ::
+ data family URec a p
+ data instance URec (Ptr ()) p = UAddr { uAddr# :: Addr# }
+ data instance URec Char p = UChar { uChar# :: Char# }
+ data instance URec Double p = UDouble { uDouble# :: Double# }
+ data instance URec Int p = UInt { uInt# :: Int# }
+ data instance URec Float p = UFloat { uFloat# :: Float# }
+ data instance URec Word p = UWord { uWord# :: Word# }
+Six type synonyms are provided for convenience: ::
+ type UAddr = URec (Ptr ())
+ type UChar = URec Char
+ type UDouble = URec Double
+ type UFloat = URec Float
+ type UInt = URec Int
+ type UWord = URec Word
+As an example, this data declaration: ::
+ data IntHash = IntHash Int#
+ deriving Generic
+results in the following ``Generic`` instance: ::
+ instance 'Generic' IntHash where
+ type 'Rep' IntHash =
+ 'D1' ('MetaData "IntHash" "Main" "package-name" 'False)
+ ('C1' ('MetaCons "IntHash" 'PrefixI 'False)
+ ('S1' ('MetaSel 'Nothing
+ 'NoSourceUnpackedness
+ 'NoSourceStrictness
+ 'DecidedLazy)
+ 'UInt'))
+A user could provide, for example, a ``GSerialize UInt`` instance so that a
+``Serialize IntHash`` instance could be easily defined in terms of
+Generic defaults
+The only thing left to do now is to define a "front-end" class, which is
+exposed to the user: ::
+ class Serialize a where
+ put :: a -> [Bin]
+ default put :: (Generic a, GSerialize (Rep a)) => a -> [Bin]
+ put = gput . from
+Here we use a `default signature <#class-default-signatures>`__ to
+specify that the user does not have to provide an implementation for
+``put``, as long as there is a ``Generic`` instance for the type to
+instantiate. For the ``UserTree`` type, for instance, the user can just
+write: ::
+ instance (Serialize a) => Serialize (UserTree a)
+The default method for ``put`` is then used, corresponding to the
+generic implementation of serialization. If you are using
+:extension:`DeriveAnyClass`, the same instance is generated by simply attaching
+a ``deriving Serialize`` clause to the ``UserTree`` datatype
+declaration. For more examples of generic functions please refer to the
+`generic-deriving <>`__
+package on Hackage.
+More information
+For more details please refer to the `Haskell Wiki
+page <>`__ or the
+original paper [Generics2010]_.
+.. [Generics2010] Jose Pedro Magalhaes, Atze Dijkstra, Johan Jeuring, and Andres Loeh.
+ `A generic deriving mechanism for Haskell
+ <>`__. Proceedings of
+ the third ACM Haskell symposium on Haskell (Haskell'2010), pp. 37-48,
+ ACM, 2010.