path: root/docs/users_guide/exts/roles.rst
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diff --git a/docs/users_guide/exts/roles.rst b/docs/users_guide/exts/roles.rst
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+.. _roles:
+.. index::
+ single: roles
+Using :extension:`GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving`
+(:ref:`newtype-deriving`), a programmer can take existing
+instances of classes and "lift" these into instances of that class for a
+newtype. However, this is not always safe. For example, consider the
+ newtype Age = MkAge { unAge :: Int }
+ type family Inspect x
+ type instance Inspect Age = Int
+ type instance Inspect Int = Bool
+ class BadIdea a where
+ bad :: a -> Inspect a
+ instance BadIdea Int where
+ bad = (> 0)
+ deriving instance BadIdea Age -- not allowed!
+If the derived instance were allowed, what would the type of its method
+``bad`` be? It would seem to be ``Age -> Inspect Age``, which is
+equivalent to ``Age -> Int``, according to the type family ``Inspect``.
+Yet, if we simply adapt the implementation from the instance for
+``Int``, the implementation for ``bad`` produces a ``Bool``, and we have
+The way to identify such situations is to have *roles* assigned to type
+variables of datatypes, classes, and type synonyms.
+Roles as implemented in GHC are a from a simplified version of the work
+described in `Generative type abstraction and type-level
+computation <>`__,
+published at POPL 2011.
+.. _nominal-representational-and-phantom:
+Nominal, Representational, and Phantom
+.. index::
+ single: representational; role
+ single: nominal; role
+ single: phantom; role
+The goal of the roles system is to track when two types have the same
+underlying representation. In the example above, ``Age`` and ``Int``
+have the same representation. But, the corresponding instances of
+``BadIdea`` would *not* have the same representation, because the types
+of the implementations of ``bad`` would be different.
+Suppose we have two uses of a type constructor, each applied to the same
+parameters except for one difference. (For example, ``T Age Bool c`` and
+``T Int Bool c`` for some type ``T``.) The role of a type parameter says
+what we need to know about the two differing type arguments in order to
+know that the two outer types have the same representation (in the
+example, what must be true about ``Age`` and ``Int`` in order to show
+that ``T Age Bool c`` has the same representation as ``T Int Bool c``).
+GHC supports three different roles for type parameters: nominal,
+representational, and phantom. If a type parameter has a nominal role,
+then the two types that differ must not actually differ at all: they
+must be identical (after type family reduction). If a type parameter has
+a representational role, then the two types must have the same
+representation. (If ``T``\'s first parameter's role is representational,
+then ``T Age Bool c`` and ``T Int Bool c`` would have the same
+representation, because ``Age`` and ``Int`` have the same
+representation.) If a type parameter has a phantom role, then we need no
+further information.
+Here are some examples: ::
+ data Simple a = MkSimple a -- a has role representational
+ type family F
+ type instance F Int = Bool
+ type instance F Age = Char
+ data Complex a = MkComplex (F a) -- a has role nominal
+ data Phant a = MkPhant Bool -- a has role phantom
+The type ``Simple`` has its parameter at role representational, which is
+generally the most common case. ``Simple Age`` would have the same
+representation as ``Simple Int``. The type ``Complex``, on the other
+hand, has its parameter at role nominal, because ``Complex Age`` and
+``Complex Int`` are *not* the same. Lastly, ``Phant Age`` and
+``Phant Bool`` have the same representation, even though ``Age`` and
+``Bool`` are unrelated.
+.. _role-inference:
+Role inference
+What role should a given type parameter should have? GHC performs role
+inference to determine the correct role for every parameter. It starts
+with a few base facts: ``(->)`` has two representational parameters;
+``(~)`` has two nominal parameters; all type families' parameters are
+nominal; and all GADT-like parameters are nominal. Then, these facts are
+propagated to all places where these types are used. The default role
+for datatypes and synonyms is phantom; the default role for classes is
+nominal. Thus, for datatypes and synonyms, any parameters unused in the
+right-hand side (or used only in other types in phantom positions) will
+be phantom. Whenever a parameter is used in a representational position
+(that is, used as a type argument to a constructor whose corresponding
+variable is at role representational), we raise its role from phantom to
+representational. Similarly, when a parameter is used in a nominal
+position, its role is upgraded to nominal. We never downgrade a role
+from nominal to phantom or representational, or from representational to
+phantom. In this way, we infer the most-general role for each parameter.
+Classes have their roles default to nominal to promote coherence of
+class instances. If a ``C Int`` were stored in a datatype, it would be
+quite bad if that were somehow changed into a ``C Age`` somewhere,
+especially if another ``C Age`` had been declared!
+There is one particularly tricky case that should be explained: ::
+ data Tricky a b = MkTricky (a b)
+What should ``Tricky``'s roles be? At first blush, it would seem that
+both ``a`` and ``b`` should be at role representational, since both are
+used in the right-hand side and neither is involved in a type family.
+However, this would be wrong, as the following example shows: ::
+ data Nom a = MkNom (F a) -- type family F from example above
+Is ``Tricky Nom Age`` representationally equal to ``Tricky Nom Int``?
+No! The former stores a ``Char`` and the latter stores a ``Bool``. The
+solution to this is to require all parameters to type variables to have
+role nominal. Thus, GHC would infer role representational for ``a`` but
+role nominal for ``b``.
+.. _role-annotations:
+Role annotations
+.. extension:: RoleAnnotations
+ :shortdesc: Enable role annotations.
+ :since: 7.8.1
+ Allow role annotation syntax.
+Sometimes the programmer wants to constrain the inference process. For
+example, the base library contains the following definition: ::
+ data Ptr a = Ptr Addr#
+The idea is that ``a`` should really be a representational parameter,
+but role inference assigns it to phantom. This makes some level of
+sense: a pointer to an ``Int`` really is representationally the same as
+a pointer to a ``Bool``. But, that's not at all how we want to use
+``Ptr``\ s! So, we want to be able to say ::
+ type role Ptr representational
+ data Ptr a = Ptr Addr#
+The ``type role`` (enabled with :extension:`RoleAnnotations`) declaration
+forces the parameter ``a`` to be at role representational, not role
+phantom. GHC then checks the user-supplied roles to make sure they don't
+break any promises. It would be bad, for example, if the user could make
+``BadIdea``\'s role be representational.
+As another example, we can consider a type ``Set a`` that represents a
+set of data, ordered according to ``a``\'s ``Ord`` instance. While it
+would generally be type-safe to consider ``a`` to be at role
+representational, it is possible that a ``newtype`` and its base type
+have *different* orderings encoded in their respective ``Ord``
+instances. This would lead to misbehavior at runtime. So, the author of
+the ``Set`` datatype would like its parameter to be at role nominal.
+This would be done with a declaration ::
+ type role Set nominal
+Role annotations can also be used should a programmer wish to write a
+class with a representational (or phantom) role. However, as a class
+with non-nominal roles can quickly lead to class instance incoherence,
+it is necessary to also specify :extension:`IncoherentInstances` to allow
+non-nominal roles for classes.
+The other place where role annotations may be necessary are in
+``hs-boot`` files (:ref:`mutual-recursion`), where the right-hand sides
+of definitions can be omitted. As usual, the types/classes declared in
+an ``hs-boot`` file must match up with the definitions in the ``hs``
+file, including down to the roles. The default role for datatypes is
+representational in ``hs-boot`` files, corresponding to the common use
+Role annotations are allowed on data, newtype, and class declarations. A
+role annotation declaration starts with ``type role`` and is followed by
+one role listing for each parameter of the type. (This parameter count
+includes parameters implicitly specified by a kind signature in a
+GADT-style data or newtype declaration.) Each role listing is a role
+(``nominal``, ``representational``, or ``phantom``) or a ``_``. Using a
+``_`` says that GHC should infer that role. The role annotation may go
+anywhere in the same module as the datatype or class definition (much
+like a value-level type signature). Here are some examples: ::
+ type role T1 _ phantom
+ data T1 a b = MkT1 a -- b is not used; annotation is fine but unnecessary
+ type role T2 _ phantom
+ data T2 a b = MkT2 b -- ERROR: b is used and cannot be phantom
+ type role T3 _ nominal
+ data T3 a b = MkT3 a -- OK: nominal is higher than necessary, but safe
+ type role T4 nominal
+ data T4 a = MkT4 (a Int) -- OK, but nominal is higher than necessary
+ type role C representational _ -- OK, with -XIncoherentInstances
+ class C a b where ... -- OK, b will get a nominal role
+ type role X nominal
+ type X a = ... -- ERROR: role annotations not allowed for type synonyms