path: root/docs/users_guide/exts/type_applications.rst
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diff --git a/docs/users_guide/exts/type_applications.rst b/docs/users_guide/exts/type_applications.rst
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+.. _visible-type-application:
+Visible type application
+.. extension:: TypeApplications
+ :shortdesc: Enable type application syntax in terms and types.
+ :since: 8.0.1
+ Allow the use of type application syntax.
+The :extension:`TypeApplications` extension allows you to use
+*visible type application* in expressions. Here is an
+example: ``show (read @Int "5")``. The ``@Int``
+is the visible type application; it specifies the value of the type variable
+in ``read``'s type.
+A visible type application is preceded with an ``@``
+sign. (To disambiguate the syntax, the ``@`` must be
+preceded with a non-identifier letter, usually a space. For example,
+``read@Int 5`` would not parse.) It can be used whenever
+the full polymorphic type of the function is known. If the function
+is an identifier (the common case), its type is considered known only when
+the identifier has been given a type signature. If the identifier does
+not have a type signature, visible type application cannot be used.
+GHC also permits visible kind application, where users can declare the kind
+arguments to be instantiated in kind-polymorphic cases. Its usage parallels
+visible type application in the term level, as specified above.
+.. _inferred-vs-specified:
+Inferred vs. specified type variables
+.. index::
+ single: type variable; inferred vs. specified
+GHC tracks a distinction between what we call *inferred* and *specified*
+type variables. Only specified type variables are available for instantiation
+with visible type application. An example illustrates this well::
+ f :: (Eq b, Eq a) => a -> b -> Bool
+ f x y = (x == x) && (y == y)
+ g x y = (x == x) && (y == y)
+The functions ``f`` and ``g`` have the same body, but only ``f`` is given
+a type signature. When GHC is figuring out how to process a visible type application,
+it must know what variable to instantiate. It thus must be able to provide
+an ordering to the type variables in a function's type.
+If the user has supplied a type signature, as in ``f``, then this is easy:
+we just take the ordering from the type signature, going left to right and
+using the first occurrence of a variable to choose its position within the
+ordering. Thus, the variables in ``f`` will be ``b``, then ``a``.
+In contrast, there is no reliable way to do this for ``g``; we will not know
+whether ``Eq a`` or ``Eq b`` will be listed first in the constraint in ``g``\'s
+type. In order to have visible type application be robust between releases of
+GHC, we thus forbid its use with ``g``.
+We say that the type variables in ``f`` are *specified*, while those in
+``g`` are *inferred*. The general rule is this: if the user has written
+a type variable in the source program, it is *specified*; if not, it is
+This rule applies in datatype declarations, too. For example, if we have
+``data Proxy a = Proxy`` (and :extension:`PolyKinds` is enabled), then
+``a`` will be assigned kind ``k``, where ``k`` is a fresh kind variable.
+Because ``k`` was not written by the user, it will be unavailable for
+type application in the type of the constructor ``Proxy``; only the ``a``
+will be available.
+When :ghc-flag:`-fprint-explicit-foralls` is enabled, inferred variables
+are printed in braces. Thus, the type of the data constructor ``Proxy``
+from the previous example would be ``forall {k} (a :: k). Proxy a``.
+We can observe this behavior in a GHCi session: ::
+ > :set -XTypeApplications -fprint-explicit-foralls
+ > let myLength1 :: Foldable f => f a -> Int; myLength1 = length
+ > :type +v myLength1
+ myLength1 :: forall (f :: * -> *) a. Foldable f => f a -> Int
+ > let myLength2 = length
+ > :type +v myLength2
+ myLength2 :: forall {a} {t :: * -> *}. Foldable t => t a -> Int
+ > :type +v myLength2 @[]
+ <interactive>:1:1: error:
+ • Cannot apply expression of type ‘t0 a0 -> Int’
+ to a visible type argument ‘[]’
+ • In the expression: myLength2 @[]
+Notice that since ``myLength1`` was defined with an explicit type signature,
+:ghci-cmd:`:type +v` reports that all of its type variables are available
+for type application. On the other hand, ``myLength2`` was not given a type
+signature. As a result, all of its type variables are surrounded with braces,
+and trying to use visible type application with ``myLength2`` fails.
+Also note the use of :ghci-cmd:`:type +v` in the GHCi session above instead
+of :ghci-cmd:`:type`. This is because :ghci-cmd:`:type` gives you the type
+that would be inferred for a variable assigned to the expression provided
+(that is, the type of ``x`` in ``let x = <expr>``). As we saw above with
+``myLength2``, this type will have no variables available to visible type
+application. On the other hand, :ghci-cmd:`:type +v` gives you the actual
+type of the expression provided. To illustrate this: ::
+ > :type myLength1
+ myLength1 :: forall {a} {f :: * -> *}. Foldable f => f a -> Int
+ > :type myLength2
+ myLength2 :: forall {a} {t :: * -> *}. Foldable t => t a -> Int
+Using :ghci-cmd:`:type` might lead one to conclude that none of the type
+variables in ``myLength1``'s type signature are available for type
+application. This isn't true, however! Be sure to use :ghci-cmd:`:type +v`
+if you want the most accurate information with respect to visible type
+application properties.
+.. index::
+ single: ScopedSort
+.. _ScopedSort:
+Ordering of specified variables
+In the simple case of the previous section, we can say that specified variables
+appear in left-to-right order. However, not all cases are so simple. Here are
+the rules in the subtler cases:
+- If an identifier's type has a ``forall``, then the order of type variables
+ as written in the ``forall`` is retained.
+- If any of the variables depend on other variables (that is, if some
+ of the variables are *kind* variables), the variables are reordered
+ so that kind variables come before type variables, preserving the
+ left-to-right order as much as possible. That is, GHC performs a
+ stable topological sort on the variables. Example::
+ h :: Proxy (a :: (j, k)) -> Proxy (b :: Proxy a) -> ()
+ -- as if h :: forall j k a b. ...
+ In this example, ``a`` depends on ``j`` and ``k``, and ``b`` depends on ``a``.
+ Even though ``a`` appears lexically before ``j`` and ``k``, ``j`` and ``k``
+ are quantified first, because ``a`` depends on ``j`` and ``k``. Note further
+ that ``j`` and ``k`` are not reordered with respect to each other, even
+ though doing so would not violate dependency conditions.
+ A "stable topological sort" here, we mean that we perform this algorithm
+ (which we call *ScopedSort*):
+ * Work left-to-right through the input list of type variables, with a cursor.
+ * If variable ``v`` at the cursor is depended on by any earlier variable ``w``,
+ move ``v`` immediately before the leftmost such ``w``.
+- Class methods' type arguments include the class type
+ variables, followed by any variables an individual method is polymorphic
+ in. So, ``class Monad m where return :: a -> m a`` means
+ that ``return``'s type arguments are ``m, a``.
+- With the :extension:`RankNTypes` extension
+ (:ref:`universal-quantification`), it is possible to declare
+ type arguments somewhere other than the beginning of a type. For example,
+ we can have ``pair :: forall a. a -> forall b. b -> (a, b)``
+ and then say ``pair @Bool True @Char`` which would have
+ type ``Char -> (Bool, Char)``.
+- Partial type signatures (:ref:`partial-type-signatures`)
+ work nicely with visible type
+ application. If you want to specify only the second type argument to
+ ``wurble``, then you can say ``wurble @_ @Int``.
+ The first argument is a wildcard, just like in a partial type signature.
+ However, if used in a visible type application/visible kind application,
+ it is *not* necessary to specify :extension:`PartialTypeSignatures` and your
+ code will not generate a warning informing you of the omitted type.
+The section in this manual on kind polymorphism describes how variables
+in type and class declarations are ordered (:ref:`inferring-variable-order`).