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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<chapter id="ghci">
- <title>Using GHCi</title>
- <indexterm><primary>GHCi</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>interpreter</primary><see>GHCi</see></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>interactive</primary><see>GHCi</see></indexterm>
- <para>GHCi<footnote>
- <para>The &lsquo;i&rsquo; stands for &ldquo;Interactive&rdquo;</para>
- </footnote>
- is GHC's interactive environment, in which Haskell expressions can
- be interactively evaluated and programs can be interpreted. If
- you're familiar with <ulink url="">Hugs</ulink><indexterm><primary>Hugs</primary>
- </indexterm>, then you'll be right at home with GHCi. However, GHCi
- also has support for interactively loading compiled code, as well as
- supporting all<footnote><para>except <literal>foreign export</literal>, at the moment</para>
- </footnote> the language extensions that GHC provides.
- <indexterm><primary>FFI</primary><secondary>GHCi support</secondary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>Foreign Function
- Interface</primary><secondary>GHCi support</secondary></indexterm>
- GHCi also includes an interactive debugger (see <xref linkend="ghci-debugger"/>).</para>
- <sect1 id="ghci-introduction">
- <title>Introduction to GHCi</title>
- <para>Let's start with an example GHCi session. You can fire up
- GHCi with the command <literal>ghci</literal>:</para>
-$ ghci
-GHCi, version 6.12.1: :? for help
-Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
-Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
-Loading package base ... linking ... done.
-Loading package ffi-1.0 ... linking ... done.
- <para>There may be a short pause while GHCi loads the prelude and
- standard libraries, after which the prompt is shown. As the banner
- says, you can type <literal>:?</literal> to see the list of
- commands available, and a half line description of each of them.
- We'll explain most of these commands as we go along, and there is
- complete documentation for all the commands in
- <xref linkend="ghci-commands" />.</para>
- <para>Haskell expressions can be typed at the prompt:</para>
- <indexterm><primary>prompt</primary><secondary>GHCi</secondary>
- </indexterm>
-Prelude> 1+2
-Prelude> let x = 42 in x / 9
- <para>GHCi interprets the whole line as an expression to evaluate.
- The expression may not span several lines - as soon as you press enter,
- GHCi will attempt to evaluate it.</para>
- <para>In Haskell, a <literal>let</literal> expression is followed
- by <literal>in</literal>. However, in GHCi, since the expression
- can also be interpreted in the <literal>IO</literal> monad,
- a <literal>let</literal> binding with no accompanying
- <literal>in</literal> statement can be signalled by an empty line,
- as in the above example.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="loading-source-files">
- <title>Loading source files</title>
- <para>Suppose we have the following Haskell source code, which we
- place in a file <filename>Main.hs</filename>:</para>
-main = print (fac 20)
-fac 0 = 1
-fac n = n * fac (n-1)
- <para>You can save <filename>Main.hs</filename> anywhere you like,
- but if you save it somewhere other than the current
- directory<footnote><para>If you started up GHCi from the command
- line then GHCi's current directory is the same as the current
- directory of the shell from which it was started. If you started
- GHCi from the &ldquo;Start&rdquo; menu in Windows, then the
- current directory is probably something like
- <filename>C:\Documents and Settings\<replaceable>user
- name</replaceable></filename>.</para> </footnote> then we will
- need to change to the right directory in GHCi:</para>
-Prelude> :cd <replaceable>dir</replaceable>
- <para>where <replaceable>dir</replaceable> is the directory (or
- folder) in which you saved <filename>Main.hs</filename>.</para>
- <para>To load a Haskell source file into GHCi, use the
- <literal>:load</literal> command:</para>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:load</literal></primary></indexterm>
-Prelude> :load Main
-Compiling Main ( Main.hs, interpreted )
-Ok, modules loaded: Main.
- <para>GHCi has loaded the <literal>Main</literal> module, and the
- prompt has changed to &ldquo;<literal>*Main></literal>&rdquo; to
- indicate that the current context for expressions typed at the
- prompt is the <literal>Main</literal> module we just loaded (we'll
- explain what the <literal>*</literal> means later in <xref
- linkend="ghci-scope"/>). So we can now type expressions involving
- the functions from <filename>Main.hs</filename>:</para>
-*Main> fac 17
- <para>Loading a multi-module program is just as straightforward;
- just give the name of the &ldquo;topmost&rdquo; module to the
- <literal>:load</literal> command (hint: <literal>:load</literal>
- can be abbreviated to <literal>:l</literal>). The topmost module
- will normally be <literal>Main</literal>, but it doesn't have to
- be. GHCi will discover which modules are required, directly or
- indirectly, by the topmost module, and load them all in dependency
- order.</para>
- <sect2 id="ghci-modules-filenames">
- <title>Modules vs. filenames</title>
- <indexterm><primary>modules</primary><secondary>and filenames</secondary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>filenames</primary><secondary>of modules</secondary></indexterm>
- <para>Question: How does GHC find the filename which contains
- module <replaceable>M</replaceable>? Answer: it looks for the
- file <literal><replaceable>M</replaceable>.hs</literal>, or
- <literal><replaceable>M</replaceable>.lhs</literal>. This means
- that for most modules, the module name must match the filename.
- If it doesn't, GHCi won't be able to find it.</para>
- <para>There is one exception to this general rule: when you load
- a program with <literal>:load</literal>, or specify it when you
- invoke <literal>ghci</literal>, you can give a filename rather
- than a module name. This filename is loaded if it exists, and
- it may contain any module you like. This is particularly
- convenient if you have several <literal>Main</literal> modules
- in the same directory and you can't call them all
- <filename>Main.hs</filename>.</para>
- <para>The search path for finding source files is specified with
- the <option>-i</option> option on the GHCi command line, like
- so:</para>
-<screen>ghci -i<replaceable>dir<subscript>1</subscript></replaceable>:...:<replaceable>dir<subscript>n</subscript></replaceable></screen>
- <para>or it can be set using the <literal>:set</literal> command
- from within GHCi (see <xref
- linkend="ghci-cmd-line-options"/>)<footnote><para>Note that in
- GHCi, and <option>--make</option> mode, the <option>-i</option>
- option is used to specify the search path for
- <emphasis>source</emphasis> files, whereas in standard
- batch-compilation mode the <option>-i</option> option is used to
- specify the search path for interface files, see <xref
- linkend="search-path"/>.</para> </footnote></para>
- <para>One consequence of the way that GHCi follows dependencies
- to find modules to load is that every module must have a source
- file. The only exception to the rule is modules that come from
- a package, including the <literal>Prelude</literal> and standard
- libraries such as <literal>IO</literal> and
- <literal>Complex</literal>. If you attempt to load a module for
- which GHCi can't find a source file, even if there are object
- and interface files for the module, you'll get an error
- message.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Making changes and recompilation</title>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:reload</literal></primary></indexterm>
- <para>If you make some changes to the source code and want GHCi
- to recompile the program, give the <literal>:reload</literal>
- command. The program will be recompiled as necessary, with GHCi
- doing its best to avoid actually recompiling modules if their
- external dependencies haven't changed. This is the same
- mechanism we use to avoid re-compiling modules in the batch
- compilation setting (see <xref linkend="recomp"/>).</para>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="ghci-compiled">
- <title>Loading compiled code</title>
- <indexterm><primary>compiled code</primary><secondary>in GHCi</secondary></indexterm>
- <para>When you load a Haskell source module into GHCi, it is
- normally converted to byte-code and run using the interpreter.
- However, interpreted code can also run alongside compiled code in
- GHCi; indeed, normally when GHCi starts, it loads up a compiled
- copy of the <literal>base</literal> package, which contains the
- <literal>Prelude</literal>.</para>
- <para>Why should we want to run compiled code? Well, compiled
- code is roughly 10x faster than interpreted code, but takes about
- 2x longer to produce (perhaps longer if optimisation is on). So
- it pays to compile the parts of a program that aren't changing
- very often, and use the interpreter for the code being actively
- developed.</para>
- <para>When loading up source modules with <literal>:load</literal>,
- GHCi normally looks for any corresponding compiled object files,
- and will use one in preference to interpreting the source if
- possible. For example, suppose we have a 4-module program
- consisting of modules A, B, C, and D. Modules B and C both import
- D only, and A imports both B &amp; C:</para>
- A
- / \
- B C
- \ /
- D
- <para>We can compile D, then load the whole program, like this:</para>
-Prelude> :! ghc -c -dynamic D.hs
-Prelude> :load A
-Compiling B ( B.hs, interpreted )
-Compiling C ( C.hs, interpreted )
-Compiling A ( A.hs, interpreted )
-Ok, modules loaded: A, B, C, D.
- <para>In the messages from the compiler, we see that there is no line
- for <literal>D</literal>. This is because
- it isn't necessary to compile <literal>D</literal>,
- because the source and everything it depends on
- is unchanged since the last compilation.</para>
- <para>Note the <literal>-dynamic</literal> flag to GHC: GHCi uses
- dynamically-linked object code (if you are on a platform that
- supports it), and so in order to use compiled code with GHCi it
- must be compiled for dynamic linking.</para>
- <para>At any time you can use the command
- <literal>:show modules</literal>
- to get a list of the modules currently loaded
- into GHCi:</para>
-*Main> :show modules
-D ( D.hs, D.o )
-C ( C.hs, interpreted )
-B ( B.hs, interpreted )
-A ( A.hs, interpreted )
- <para>If we now modify the source of D (or pretend to: using the Unix
- command <literal>touch</literal> on the source file is handy for
- this), the compiler will no longer be able to use the object file,
- because it might be out of date:</para>
-*Main> :! touch D.hs
-*Main> :reload
-Compiling D ( D.hs, interpreted )
-Ok, modules loaded: A, B, C, D.
- <para>Note that module D was compiled, but in this instance
- because its source hadn't really changed, its interface remained
- the same, and the recompilation checker determined that A, B and C
- didn't need to be recompiled.</para>
- <para>So let's try compiling one of the other modules:</para>
-*Main> :! ghc -c C.hs
-*Main> :load A
-Compiling D ( D.hs, interpreted )
-Compiling B ( B.hs, interpreted )
-Compiling C ( C.hs, interpreted )
-Compiling A ( A.hs, interpreted )
-Ok, modules loaded: A, B, C, D.
- <para>We didn't get the compiled version of C! What happened?
- Well, in GHCi a compiled module may only depend on other compiled
- modules, and in this case C depends on D, which doesn't have an
- object file, so GHCi also rejected C's object file. Ok, so let's
- also compile D:</para>
-*Main> :! ghc -c D.hs
-*Main> :reload
-Ok, modules loaded: A, B, C, D.
- <para>Nothing happened! Here's another lesson: newly compiled
- modules aren't picked up by <literal>:reload</literal>, only
- <literal>:load</literal>:</para>
-*Main> :load A
-Compiling B ( B.hs, interpreted )
-Compiling A ( A.hs, interpreted )
-Ok, modules loaded: A, B, C, D.
- <para>The automatic loading of object files can sometimes lead to
- confusion, because non-exported top-level definitions of a module
- are only available for use in expressions at the prompt when the
- module is interpreted (see <xref linkend="ghci-scope" />). For
- this reason, you might sometimes want to force GHCi to load a
- module using the interpreter. This can be done by prefixing
- a <literal>*</literal> to the module name or filename when
- using <literal>:load</literal>, for example</para>
-Prelude> :load *A
-Compiling A ( A.hs, interpreted )
-<para>When the <literal>*</literal> is used, GHCi ignores any
- pre-compiled object code and interprets the module. If you have
- already loaded a number of modules as object code and decide that
- you wanted to interpret one of them, instead of re-loading the whole
- set you can use <literal>:add *M</literal> to specify that you want
- <literal>M</literal> to be interpreted (note that this might cause
- other modules to be interpreted too, because compiled modules cannot
- depend on interpreted ones).</para>
-<para>To always compile everything to object code and never use the
- interpreter, use the <literal>-fobject-code</literal> option (see
- <xref linkend="ghci-obj" />).</para>
- <para>HINT: since GHCi will only use a compiled object file if it
- can be sure that the compiled version is up-to-date, a good technique
- when working on a large program is to occasionally run
- <literal>ghc --make</literal> to compile the whole project (say
- before you go for lunch :-), then continue working in the
- interpreter. As you modify code, the changed modules will be
- interpreted, but the rest of the project will remain
- compiled.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="interactive-evaluation">
- <title>Interactive evaluation at the prompt</title>
- <para>When you type an expression at the prompt, GHCi immediately
- evaluates and prints the result:
-Prelude> reverse "hello"
-Prelude> 5+5
-<sect2 id="actions-at-prompt"><title>I/O actions at the prompt</title>
-<para>GHCi does more than simple expression evaluation at the prompt.
-If you enter an expression of type <literal>IO a</literal> for some
- <literal>a</literal>, then GHCi <emphasis>executes</emphasis> it
- as an IO-computation.
-Prelude> "hello"
-Prelude> putStrLn "hello"
-This works even if the type of the expression is more general,
-provided it can be <emphasis>instantiated</emphasis> to <literal>IO a</literal>. For example
-Prelude> return True
-Furthermore, GHCi will print the result of the I/O action if (and only
- <listitem><para>The result type is an instance of <literal>Show</literal>.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>The result type is not
- <literal>()</literal>.</para></listitem>
-For example, remembering that <literal>putStrLn :: String -> IO ()</literal>:
-Prelude> putStrLn "hello"
-Prelude> do { putStrLn "hello"; return "yes" }
- <sect2 id="ghci-stmts">
- <title>Using <literal>do-</literal>notation at the prompt</title>
- <indexterm><primary>do-notation</primary><secondary>in GHCi</secondary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>statements</primary><secondary>in GHCi</secondary></indexterm>
- <para>GHCi actually accepts <firstterm>statements</firstterm>
- rather than just expressions at the prompt. This means you can
- bind values and functions to names, and use them in future
- expressions or statements.</para>
- <para>The syntax of a statement accepted at the GHCi prompt is
- exactly the same as the syntax of a statement in a Haskell
- <literal>do</literal> expression. However, there's no monad
- overloading here: statements typed at the prompt must be in the
- <literal>IO</literal> monad.
-Prelude> x &lt;- return 42
-Prelude> print x
- The statement <literal>x &lt;- return 42</literal> means
- &ldquo;execute <literal>return 42</literal> in the
- <literal>IO</literal> monad, and bind the result to
- <literal>x</literal>&rdquo;. We can then use
- <literal>x</literal> in future statements, for example to print
- it as we did above.</para>
- <para>If <option>-fprint-bind-result</option> is set then
- GHCi will print the result of a statement if and only if:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>The statement is not a binding, or it is a monadic binding
- (<literal>p &lt;- e</literal>) that binds exactly one
- variable.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>The variable's type is not polymorphic, is not
- <literal>()</literal>, and is an instance of
- <literal>Show</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <indexterm><primary><option>-fprint-bind-result</option></primary></indexterm><indexterm><primary><option>-fno-print-bind-result</option></primary></indexterm>
- </para>
- <para>Of course, you can also bind normal non-IO expressions
- using the <literal>let</literal>-statement:</para>
-Prelude> let x = 42
-Prelude> x
- <para>Another important difference between the two types of binding
- is that the monadic bind (<literal>p &lt;- e</literal>) is
- <emphasis>strict</emphasis> (it evaluates <literal>e</literal>),
- whereas with the <literal>let</literal> form, the expression
- isn't evaluated immediately:</para>
-Prelude> let x = error "help!"
-Prelude> print x
-*** Exception: help!
- <para>Note that <literal>let</literal> bindings do not automatically
- print the value bound, unlike monadic bindings.</para>
- <para>Hint: you can also use <literal>let</literal>-statements
- to define functions at the prompt:</para>
-Prelude> let add a b = a + b
-Prelude> add 1 2
- <para>However, this quickly gets tedious when defining functions
- with multiple clauses, or groups of mutually recursive functions,
- because the complete definition has to be given on a single line,
- using explicit semicolons instead of layout:</para>
-Prelude> let f op n [] = n ; f op n (h:t) = h `op` f op n t
-Prelude> f (+) 0 [1..3]
- <para>To alleviate this issue, GHCi commands can be split over
- multiple lines, by wrapping them in <literal>:{</literal> and
- <literal>:}</literal> (each on a single line of its own):</para>
-Prelude> :{
-Prelude| let g op n [] = n
-Prelude| g op n (h:t) = h `op` g op n t
-Prelude| :}
-Prelude> g (*) 1 [1..3]
- <para>Such multiline commands can be used with any GHCi command,
- and note that the layout rule is in effect.
- The main purpose of multiline commands is not to replace module
- loading but to make definitions in .ghci-files (see <xref
- linkend="ghci-dot-files"/>) more readable and maintainable.</para>
- <para>Any exceptions raised during the evaluation or execution
- of the statement are caught and printed by the GHCi command line
- interface (for more information on exceptions, see the module
- <literal>Control.Exception</literal> in the libraries
- documentation).</para>
- <para>Every new binding shadows any existing bindings of the
- same name, including entities that are in scope in the current
- module context.</para>
- <para>WARNING: temporary bindings introduced at the prompt only
- last until the next <literal>:load</literal> or
- <literal>:reload</literal> command, at which time they will be
- simply lost. However, they do survive a change of context with
- <literal>:module</literal>: the temporary bindings just move to
- the new location.</para>
- <para>HINT: To get a list of the bindings currently in scope, use the
- <literal>:show bindings</literal> command:</para>
-Prelude> :show bindings
-x :: Int
- <para>HINT: if you turn on the <literal>+t</literal> option,
- GHCi will show the type of each variable bound by a statement.
- For example:</para>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>+t</literal></primary></indexterm>
-Prelude> :set +t
-Prelude> let (x:xs) = [1..]
-x :: Integer
-xs :: [Integer]
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="ghci-multiline">
- <title>Multiline input</title>
- <para>Apart from the <literal>:{ ... :}</literal> syntax for
- multi-line input mentioned above, GHCi also has a multiline
- mode, enabled by <literal>:set +m</literal>,
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:set +m</literal></primary></indexterm>
- in which GHCi detects automatically when the current statement
- is unfinished and allows further lines to be added. A
- multi-line input is terminated with an empty line. For example:</para>
-Prelude> :set +m
-Prelude> let x = 42
- <para>Further bindings can be added to
- this <literal>let</literal> statement, so GHCi indicates that
- the next line continues the previous one by changing the
- prompt. Note that layout is in effect, so to add more bindings
- to this <literal>let</literal> we have to line them up:</para>
-Prelude> :set +m
-Prelude> let x = 42
-Prelude| y = 3
- <para>Explicit braces and semicolons can be used instead of
- layout:</para>
-Prelude> do {
-Prelude| putStrLn "hello"
-Prelude| ;putStrLn "world"
-Prelude| }
- <para>Note that after the closing brace, GHCi knows that the
- current statement is finished, so no empty line is required.</para>
- <para>Multiline mode is useful when entering monadic
- <literal>do</literal> statements:</para>
-Control.Monad.State> flip evalStateT 0 $ do
-Control.Monad.State| i &lt;- get
-Control.Monad.State| lift $ do
-Control.Monad.State| putStrLn "Hello World!"
-Control.Monad.State| print i
-"Hello World!"
- <para>During a multiline interaction, the user can interrupt and
- return to the top-level prompt.</para>
-Prelude> do
-Prelude| putStrLn "Hello, World!"
-Prelude| ^C
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="ghci-decls">
- <title>Type, class and other declarations</title>
- <para>At the GHCi
- prompt you can also enter any top-level Haskell declaration,
- including <literal>data</literal>, <literal>type</literal>, <literal>newtype</literal>, <literal>class</literal>, <literal>instance</literal>, <literal>deriving</literal>,
- and <literal>foreign</literal> declarations. For
- example:</para>
-Prelude> data T = A | B | C deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Enum)
-Prelude> [A ..]
-Prelude> :i T
-data T = A | B | C -- Defined at &lt;interactive>:2:6
-instance Enum T -- Defined at &lt;interactive>:2:45
-instance Eq T -- Defined at &lt;interactive>:2:30
-instance Ord T -- Defined at &lt;interactive>:2:34
-instance Show T -- Defined at &lt;interactive>:2:39
- <para>As with ordinary variable bindings, later definitions shadow
- earlier ones, so you can re-enter a declaration to fix a problem
- with it or extend it. But there's a gotcha: when a new type
- declaration shadows an older one, there might be other
- declarations that refer to the old type. The thing to remember is
- that the old type still exists, and these other declarations still
- refer to the old type. However, while the old and the new type
- have the same name, GHCi will treat them as distinct. For
- example:</para>
-Prelude> data T = A | B
-Prelude> let f A = True; f B = False
-Prelude> data T = A | B | C
-Prelude> f A
- Couldn't match expected type `main::Interactive.T'
- with actual type `T'
- In the first argument of `f', namely `A'
- In the expression: f A
- In an equation for `it': it = f A
- <para>The old, shadowed, version of <literal>T</literal> is
- displayed as <literal>main::Interactive.T</literal> by GHCi in
- an attempt to distinguish it from the new <literal>T</literal>,
- which is displayed as simply <literal>T</literal>.</para>
- <para>Class and type-family instance declarations are simply added to the list of available instances,
- with one exception. Since you might want to re-define one,
- a class or type-family instance <emphasis>replaces</emphasis> any earlier instance with
- an identical head or left hand side (respectively).
- (See <xref linkend="type-families"/>.)</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="ghci-scope">
- <title>What's really in scope at the prompt?</title>
- <para>When you type an expression at the prompt, what
- identifiers and types are in scope?
- GHCi provides a flexible
- way to control exactly how the context for an expression is
- constructed:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>
- The <literal>:load</literal>, <literal>:add</literal>,
- and <literal>:reload</literal> commands (<xref linkend="ghci-load-scope"/>).
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- The <literal>import</literal> declaration (<xref linkend="ghci-import-decl"/>).
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- The <literal>:module</literal> command (<xref linkend="ghci-module-cmd"/>).
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- <para>The command <literal>:show imports</literal> will show a summary of which modules
- contribute to the top-level scope.</para>
- <para>
- Hint: GHCi will tab-complete names that are in scope; for
- example, if you run GHCi and type <literal>J&lt;tab&gt;</literal>
- then GHCi will expand it to &ldquo;<literal>Just </literal>&rdquo;.
- </para>
- <sect3 id="ghci-load-scope">
- <title>The effect of <literal>:load</literal> on what is in scope</title>
- <para>
- The <literal>:load</literal>, <literal>:add</literal>, and <literal>:reload</literal>
- commands (<xref linkend="loading-source-files"/>
- and <xref linkend="ghci-compiled"/>) affect the top-level scope.
- Let's start with the simple cases; when you start
- GHCi the prompt looks like this:
- which indicates that everything from the module
- <literal>Prelude</literal> is currently in scope; the visible
- identifiers are exactly those that would be visible in a Haskell
- source file with no <literal>import</literal>
- declarations.</para>
- <para>If we now load a file into GHCi, the prompt will change:</para>
-Prelude> :load Main.hs
-Compiling Main ( Main.hs, interpreted )
- <para>The new prompt is <literal>*Main</literal>, which
- indicates that we are typing expressions in the context of the
- top-level of the <literal>Main</literal> module. Everything
- that is in scope at the top-level in the module
- <literal>Main</literal> we just loaded is also in scope at the
- prompt (probably including <literal>Prelude</literal>, as long
- as <literal>Main</literal> doesn't explicitly hide it).</para>
- <para>The syntax in the prompt
- <literal>*<replaceable>module</replaceable></literal> indicates
- that it is the full top-level scope of
- <replaceable>module</replaceable> that is contributing to the
- scope for expressions typed at the prompt. Without the
- <literal>*</literal>, just the exports of the module are
- visible.</para>
- <para>NOTE: for technical reasons, GHCi can only support the
- <literal>*</literal>-form for modules that are interpreted.
- Compiled modules and package modules can only contribute their
- exports to the current scope. To ensure that GHCi loads the
- interpreted version of a module, add the <literal>*</literal>
- when loading the module, e.g. <literal>:load *M</literal>.</para>
- <para>In general, after a <literal>:load</literal> command, an automatic
- import is added to the scope for the most recently loaded
- "target" module, in a <literal>*</literal>-form if possible.
- For example, if you say <literal>:load foo.hs bar.hs</literal>
- and <filename>bar.hs</filename> contains module
- <literal>Bar</literal>, then the scope will be set to
- <literal>*Bar</literal> if <literal>Bar</literal> is
- interpreted, or if <literal>Bar</literal> is compiled it will be
- set to <literal>Prelude Bar</literal> (GHCi automatically adds
- <literal>Prelude</literal> if it isn't present and there aren't
- any <literal>*</literal>-form modules). These
- automatically-added imports can be seen with
- <literal>:show imports</literal>:
-Prelude> :load hello.hs
-[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( hello.hs, interpreted )
-Ok, modules loaded: Main.
-*Main> :show imports
-:module +*Main -- added automatically
- and the automatically-added import is replaced the next time you
- use <literal>:load</literal>, <literal>:add</literal>, or
- <literal>:reload</literal>. It can also be removed by
- <literal>:module</literal> as with normal imports.</para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="ghci-import-decl">
- <title>Controlling what is in scope with <literal>import</literal></title>
- <para>We are not limited to a single module: GHCi can combine
- scopes from multiple modules, in any mixture of
- <literal>*</literal> and non-<literal>*</literal> forms. GHCi
- combines the scopes from all of these modules to form the scope
- that is in effect at the prompt.</para>
- <para>To add modules to the scope, use ordinary Haskell
- <literal>import</literal> syntax:</para>
-Prelude> import System.IO
-Prelude System.IO> hPutStrLn stdout "hello\n"
-Prelude System.IO>
- <para>The full Haskell import syntax is supported, including
- <literal>hiding</literal> and <literal>as</literal> clauses.
- The prompt shows the modules that are currently imported, but it
- omits details about <literal>hiding</literal>,
- <literal>as</literal>, and so on. To see the full story, use
- <literal>:show imports</literal>:</para>
-Prelude> import System.IO
-Prelude System.IO> import Data.Map as Map
-Prelude System.IO Map> :show imports
-import Prelude -- implicit
-import System.IO
-import Data.Map as Map
-Prelude System.IO Map>
- <para>Note that the <literal>Prelude</literal> import is marked
- as implicit. It can be overridden with an explicit
- <literal>Prelude</literal> import, just like in a Haskell
- module.</para>
- <para>With multiple modules in scope, especially multiple
- <literal>*</literal>-form modules, it is likely that name
- clashes will occur. Haskell specifies that name clashes are
- only reported when an ambiguous identifier is used, and GHCi
- behaves in the same way for expressions typed at the
- prompt.</para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="ghci-module-cmd">
- <title>Controlling what is in scope with the <literal>:module</literal> command</title>
- <para>Another way to manipulate the scope is to use the
- <literal>:module</literal> command, whose syntax is this:
-:module <optional>+|-</optional> <optional>*</optional><replaceable>mod<subscript>1</subscript></replaceable> ... <optional>*</optional><replaceable>mod<subscript>n</subscript></replaceable>
- Using the <literal>+</literal> form of the
- <literal>module</literal> commands adds modules to the current
- scope, and <literal>-</literal> removes them. Without either
- <literal>+</literal> or <literal>-</literal>, the current scope
- is replaced by the set of modules specified. Note that if you
- use this form and leave out <literal>Prelude</literal>, an
- implicit <literal>Prelude</literal> import will be added
- automatically.</para>
- <para>The <literal>:module</literal> command provides a way to do
- two things that cannot be done with ordinary
- <literal>import</literal> declarations:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>:module</literal> supports the
- <literal>*</literal> modifier on modules, which opens the
- full top-level scope of a module, rather than just its
- exports.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Imports can be <emphasis>removed</emphasis> from the
- context, using the syntax <literal>:module -M</literal>.
- The <literal>import</literal> syntax is cumulative (as in a
- Haskell module), so this is the only way to subtract from
- the scope.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="ghci-import-qualified">
- <title>Qualified names</title>
- <para>To make life slightly easier, the GHCi prompt also
- behaves as if there is an implicit <literal>import
- qualified</literal> declaration for every module in every
- package, and every module currently loaded into GHCi. This
- behaviour can be disabled with the flag <option>-fno-implicit-import-qualified</option><indexterm><primary><option>-fno-implicit-import-qualified</option></primary></indexterm>.</para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3>
- <title><literal>:module</literal> and
- <literal>:load</literal></title>
- <para>It might seem that <literal>:module</literal>/<literal>import</literal> and
- <literal>:load</literal>/<literal>:add</literal>/<literal>:reload</literal>
- do similar things: you can use both
- to bring a module into scope. However, there is a very important
- difference. GHCi is concerned with two sets of modules:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>The set of modules that are currently
- <emphasis>loaded</emphasis>. This set is modified by
- <literal>:load</literal>, <literal>:add</literal> and
- <literal>:reload</literal>, and can be shown with
- <literal>:show modules</literal>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>The set of modules that are currently <emphasis>in
- scope</emphasis> at the prompt. This set is modified by
- <literal>import</literal> and <literal>:module</literal>, and
- it is also modified automatically after
- <literal>:load</literal>, <literal>:add</literal>, and
- <literal>:reload</literal>, as described above.
- The set of modules in scope can be shown with
- <literal>:show imports</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>You can add a module to the scope (via <literal>:module</literal>
- or <literal>import</literal>)
- only if either (a) it is loaded, or
- (b) it is a module from a package that GHCi knows about.
- Using <literal>:module</literal> or <literal>import</literal>
- to try bring into scope a non-loaded module may result
- in the message &ldquo;<literal>module M is not
- loaded</literal>&rdquo;.</para>
- </sect3>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>The <literal>:main</literal> and <literal>:run</literal> commands</title>
- <para>
- When a program is compiled and executed, it can use the
- <literal>getArgs</literal> function to access the
- command-line arguments.
- However, we cannot simply pass the arguments to the
- <literal>main</literal> function while we are testing in ghci,
- as the <literal>main</literal> function doesn't take its
- directly.
- </para>
- <para>
- Instead, we can use the <literal>:main</literal> command.
- This runs whatever <literal>main</literal> is in scope, with
- any arguments being treated the same as command-line arguments,
- e.g.:
- </para>
-Prelude> let main = System.Environment.getArgs >>= print
-Prelude> :main foo bar
- <para>
- We can also quote arguments which contains characters like
- spaces, and they are treated like Haskell strings, or we can
- just use Haskell list syntax:
- </para>
-Prelude> :main foo "bar baz"
-["foo","bar baz"]
-Prelude> :main ["foo", "bar baz"]
-["foo","bar baz"]
- <para>
- Finally, other functions can be called, either with the
- <literal>-main-is</literal> flag or the <literal>:run</literal>
- command:
- </para>
-Prelude> let foo = putStrLn "foo" >> System.Environment.getArgs >>= print
-Prelude> let bar = putStrLn "bar" >> System.Environment.getArgs >>= print
-Prelude> :set -main-is foo
-Prelude> :main foo "bar baz"
-["foo","bar baz"]
-Prelude> :run bar ["foo", "bar baz"]
-["foo","bar baz"]
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>The <literal>it</literal> variable</title>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>it</literal></primary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>Whenever an expression (or a non-binding statement, to be
- precise) is typed at the prompt, GHCi implicitly binds its value
- to the variable <literal>it</literal>. For example:</para>
-Prelude> 1+2
-Prelude> it * 2
- <para>What actually happens is that GHCi typechecks the
- expression, and if it doesn't have an <literal>IO</literal> type,
- then it transforms it as follows: an expression
- <replaceable>e</replaceable> turns into
-let it = <replaceable>e</replaceable>;
-print it
- which is then run as an IO-action.</para>
- <para>Hence, the original expression must have a type which is an
- instance of the <literal>Show</literal> class, or GHCi will
- complain:</para>
-Prelude&gt; id
- No instance for (Show (a -&gt; a))
- arising from use of `print' at &lt;interactive&gt;:1:0-1
- Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Show (a -> a))
- In the expression: print it
- In a 'do' expression: print it
- <para>The error message contains some clues as to the
- transformation happening internally.</para>
- <para>If the expression was instead of type <literal>IO a</literal> for
- some <literal>a</literal>, then <literal>it</literal> will be
- bound to the result of the <literal>IO</literal> computation,
- which is of type <literal>a</literal>. eg.:</para>
-Prelude> Time.getClockTime
-Wed Mar 14 12:23:13 GMT 2001
-Prelude> print it
-Wed Mar 14 12:23:13 GMT 2001
- <para>The corresponding translation for an IO-typed
- <replaceable>e</replaceable> is
-it &lt;- <replaceable>e</replaceable>
- </para>
- <para>Note that <literal>it</literal> is shadowed by the new
- value each time you evaluate a new expression, and the old value
- of <literal>it</literal> is lost.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="extended-default-rules">
- <title>Type defaulting in GHCi</title>
- <indexterm><primary>Type default</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>Show</literal> class</primary></indexterm>
- <para>
- Consider this GHCi session:
- ghci> reverse []
- What should GHCi do? Strictly speaking, the program is ambiguous. <literal>show (reverse [])</literal>
- (which is what GHCi computes here) has type <literal>Show a => String</literal> and how that displays depends
- on the type <literal>a</literal>. For example:
- ghci> reverse ([] :: String)
- ""
- ghci> reverse ([] :: [Int])
- []
- However, it is tiresome for the user to have to specify the type, so GHCi extends Haskell's type-defaulting
- rules (Section 4.3.4 of the Haskell 2010 Report) as follows. The
- standard rules take each group of constraints <literal>(C1 a, C2 a, ..., Cn
- a)</literal> for each type variable <literal>a</literal>, and defaults the
- type variable if
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- The type variable <literal>a</literal> appears in no
- other constraints
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- All the classes <literal>Ci</literal> are standard.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- At least one of the classes <literal>Ci</literal> is
- numeric.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- At the GHCi prompt, or with GHC if the
- <literal>-XExtendedDefaultRules</literal> flag is given,
- the following additional differences apply:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Rule 2 above is relaxed thus:
- <emphasis>All</emphasis> of the classes
- <literal>Ci</literal> are single-parameter type classes.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Rule 3 above is relaxed this:
- At least one of the classes <literal>Ci</literal> is
- numeric, <emphasis>or is <literal>Show</literal>,
- <literal>Eq</literal>, or
- <literal>Ord</literal></emphasis>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- The unit type <literal>()</literal> is added to the
- start of the standard list of types which are tried when
- doing type defaulting.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- The last point means that, for example, this program:
-main :: IO ()
-main = print def
-instance Num ()
-def :: (Num a, Enum a) => a
-def = toEnum 0
- prints <literal>()</literal> rather than <literal>0</literal> as the
- type is defaulted to <literal>()</literal> rather than
- <literal>Integer</literal>.
- </para>
- <para>
- The motivation for the change is that it means <literal>IO a</literal>
- actions default to <literal>IO ()</literal>, which in turn means that
- ghci won't try to print a result when running them. This is
- particularly important for <literal>printf</literal>, which has an
- instance that returns <literal>IO a</literal>.
- However, it is only able to return
- <literal>undefined</literal>
- (the reason for the instance having this type is so that printf
- doesn't require extensions to the class system), so if the type defaults to
- <literal>Integer</literal> then ghci gives an error when running a
- printf.
- </para>
- <para>See also <xref linkend="actions-at-prompt"/> for how the monad of a computational
- expression defaults to <literal>IO</literal> if possible.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="ghci-interactive-print">
- <title>Using a custom interactive printing function</title>
- <para>[<emphasis role="bold">New in version 7.6.1</emphasis>]
- By default, GHCi prints the result of expressions typed at the prompt
- using the function <literal>System.IO.print</literal>. Its type
- signature is <literal>Show a => a -> IO ()</literal>, and it works by
- converting the value to <literal>String</literal> using
- <literal>show</literal>.
- </para>
- <para>
- This is not ideal in certain cases, like when the output is long, or
- contains strings with non-ascii characters.
- </para>
- <para>
- The <literal>-interactive-print</literal> flag allows to specify any
- function of type <literal>C a => a -> IO ()</literal>, for some
- constraint <literal>C</literal>, as the function for printing evaluated
- expressions. The function can reside in any loaded module or any
- registered package.
- </para>
- <para>
- As an example, suppose we have following special printing module:
- <programlisting>
- module SpecPrinter where
- import System.IO
- sprint a = putStrLn $ show a ++ "!"
- </programlisting>
- The <literal>sprint</literal> function adds an exclamation mark at the
- end of any printed value. Running GHCi with the command:
- <programlisting>
- ghci -interactive-print=SpecPrinter.sprinter SpecPrinter
- </programlisting>
- will start an interactive session where values with be printed using
- <literal>sprint</literal>:
- <programlisting>
- *SpecPrinter> [1,2,3]
- [1,2,3]!
- *SpecPrinter> 42
- 42!
- </programlisting>
- </para>
- <para>
- A custom pretty printing function can be used, for example, to format
- tree-like and nested structures in a more readable way.
- </para>
- <para>
- The <literal>-interactive-print</literal> flag can also be used when
- running GHC in <literal>-e mode</literal>:
- <programlisting>
- % ghc -e "[1,2,3]" -interactive-print=SpecPrinter.sprint SpecPrinter
- [1,2,3]!
- </programlisting>
- </para>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="ghci-debugger">
- <title>The GHCi Debugger</title>
- <indexterm><primary>debugger</primary><secondary>in GHCi</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>GHCi contains a simple imperative-style debugger in which you can
- stop a running computation in order to examine the values of
- variables. The debugger is integrated into GHCi, and is turned on by
- default: no flags are required to enable the debugging
- facilities. There is one major restriction: breakpoints and
- single-stepping are only available in interpreted modules;
- compiled code is invisible to the debugger<footnote><para>Note that packages
- only contain compiled code, so debugging a package requires
- finding its source and loading that directly.</para></footnote>.</para>
- <para>The debugger provides the following:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>The ability to set a <firstterm>breakpoint</firstterm> on a
- function definition or expression in the program. When the function
- is called, or the expression evaluated, GHCi suspends
- execution and returns to the prompt, where you can inspect the
- values of local variables before continuing with the
- execution.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Execution can be <firstterm>single-stepped</firstterm>: the
- evaluator will suspend execution approximately after every
- reduction, allowing local variables to be inspected. This is
- equivalent to setting a breakpoint at every point in the
- program.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Execution can take place in <firstterm>tracing
- mode</firstterm>, in which the evaluator remembers each
- evaluation step as it happens, but doesn't suspend execution until
- an actual breakpoint is reached. When this happens, the history of
- evaluation steps can be inspected.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Exceptions (e.g. pattern matching failure and
- <literal>error</literal>) can be treated as breakpoints, to help
- locate the source of an exception in the program.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- <para>There is currently no support for obtaining a &ldquo;stack
- trace&rdquo;, but the tracing and history features provide a
- useful second-best, which will often be enough to establish the
- context of an error. For instance, it is possible to break
- automatically when an exception is thrown, even if it is thrown
- from within compiled code (see <xref
- linkend="ghci-debugger-exceptions" />).</para>
- <sect2 id="breakpoints">
- <title>Breakpoints and inspecting variables</title>
- <para>Let's use quicksort as a running example. Here's the code:</para>
-qsort [] = []
-qsort (a:as) = qsort left ++ [a] ++ qsort right
- where (left,right) = (filter (&lt;=a) as, filter (&gt;a) as)
-main = print (qsort [8, 4, 0, 3, 1, 23, 11, 18])
- <para>First, load the module into GHCi:</para>
-Prelude> :l qsort.hs
-[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( qsort.hs, interpreted )
-Ok, modules loaded: Main.
- </screen>
- <para>Now, let's set a breakpoint on the right-hand-side of the second
- equation of qsort:</para>
-*Main> :break 2
-Breakpoint 0 activated at qsort.hs:2:15-46
- <para>The command <literal>:break 2</literal> sets a breakpoint on line
- 2 of the most recently-loaded module, in this case
- <literal>qsort.hs</literal>. Specifically, it picks the
- leftmost complete subexpression on that line on which to set the
- breakpoint, which in this case is the expression
- <literal>(qsort left ++ [a] ++ qsort right)</literal>.</para>
- <para>Now, we run the program:</para>
-*Main> main
-Stopped at qsort.hs:2:15-46
-_result :: [a]
-a :: a
-left :: [a]
-right :: [a]
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main>
- <para>Execution has stopped at the breakpoint. The prompt has changed to
- indicate that we are currently stopped at a breakpoint, and the location:
- <literal>[qsort.hs:2:15-46]</literal>. To further clarify the
- location, we can use the <literal>:list</literal> command:</para>
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :list
-1 qsort [] = []
-2 qsort (a:as) = qsort left ++ [a] ++ qsort right
-3 where (left,right) = (filter (&lt;=a) as, filter (&gt;a) as)
- <para>The <literal>:list</literal> command lists the source code around
- the current breakpoint. If your output device supports it, then GHCi
- will highlight the active subexpression in bold.</para>
- <para>GHCi has provided bindings for the free variables<footnote><para>We
- originally provided bindings for all variables in scope, rather
- than just
- the free variables of the expression, but found that this affected
- performance considerably, hence the current restriction to just the
- free variables.</para>
- </footnote> of the expression
- on which the
- breakpoint was placed (<literal>a</literal>, <literal>left</literal>,
- <literal>right</literal>), and additionally a binding for the result of
- the expression (<literal>_result</literal>). These variables are just
- like other variables that you might define in GHCi; you
- can use them in expressions that you type at the prompt, you can ask
- for their types with <literal>:type</literal>, and so on. There is one
- important difference though: these variables may only have partial
- types. For example, if we try to display the value of
- <literal>left</literal>:</para>
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> left
- Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
- `Show a' arising from a use of `print' at &lt;interactive&gt;:1:0-3
- Cannot resolve unknown runtime types: a
- Use :print or :force to determine these types
- <para>This is because <literal>qsort</literal> is a polymorphic function,
- and because GHCi does not carry type information at runtime, it cannot
- determine the runtime types of free variables that involve type
- variables. Hence, when you ask to display <literal>left</literal> at
- the prompt, GHCi can't figure out which instance of
- <literal>Show</literal> to use, so it emits the type error above.</para>
- <para>Fortunately, the debugger includes a generic printing command,
- <literal>:print</literal>, which can inspect the actual runtime value of a
- variable and attempt to reconstruct its type. If we try it on
- <literal>left</literal>:</para>
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :set -fprint-evld-with-show
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :print left
-left = (_t1::[a])
- <para>This isn't particularly enlightening. What happened is that
- <literal>left</literal> is bound to an unevaluated computation (a
- suspension, or <firstterm>thunk</firstterm>), and
- <literal>:print</literal> does not force any evaluation. The idea is
- that <literal>:print</literal> can be used to inspect values at a
- breakpoint without any unfortunate side effects. It won't force any
- evaluation, which could cause the program to give a different answer
- than it would normally, and hence it won't cause any exceptions to be
- raised, infinite loops, or further breakpoints to be triggered (see
- <xref linkend="nested-breakpoints" />).
- Rather than forcing thunks, <literal>:print</literal>
- binds each thunk to a fresh variable beginning with an
- underscore, in this case
- <literal>_t1</literal>.</para>
- <para>The flag <literal>-fprint-evld-with-show</literal> instructs
- <literal>:print</literal> to reuse
- available <literal>Show</literal> instances when possible. This happens
- only when the contents of the variable being inspected
- are completely evaluated.</para>
- <para>If we aren't concerned about preserving the evaluatedness of a
- variable, we can use <literal>:force</literal> instead of
- <literal>:print</literal>. The <literal>:force</literal> command
- behaves exactly like <literal>:print</literal>, except that it forces
- the evaluation of any thunks it encounters:</para>
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :force left
-left = [4,0,3,1]
- <para>Now, since <literal>:force</literal> has inspected the runtime
- value of <literal>left</literal>, it has reconstructed its type. We
- can see the results of this type reconstruction:</para>
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :show bindings
-_result :: [Integer]
-a :: Integer
-left :: [Integer]
-right :: [Integer]
-_t1 :: [Integer]
- <para>Not only do we now know the type of <literal>left</literal>, but
- all the other partial types have also been resolved. So we can ask
- for the value of <literal>a</literal>, for example:</para>
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> a
- <para>You might find it useful to use Haskell's
- <literal>seq</literal> function to evaluate individual thunks rather
- than evaluating the whole expression with <literal>:force</literal>.
- For example:</para>
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :print right
-right = (_t1::[Integer])
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> seq _t1 ()
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :print right
-right = 23 : (_t2::[Integer])
- <para>We evaluated only the <literal>_t1</literal> thunk, revealing the
- head of the list, and the tail is another thunk now bound to
- <literal>_t2</literal>. The <literal>seq</literal> function is a
- little inconvenient to use here, so you might want to use
- <literal>:def</literal> to make a nicer interface (left as an exercise
- for the reader!).</para>
- <para>Finally, we can continue the current execution:</para>
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :continue
-Stopped at qsort.hs:2:15-46
-_result :: [a]
-a :: a
-left :: [a]
-right :: [a]
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main>
- <para>The execution continued at the point it previously stopped, and has
- now stopped at the breakpoint for a second time.</para>
- <sect3 id="setting-breakpoints">
- <title>Setting breakpoints</title>
- <para>Breakpoints can be set in various ways. Perhaps the easiest way to
- set a breakpoint is to name a top-level function:</para>
- :break <replaceable>identifier</replaceable>
- <para>Where <replaceable>identifier</replaceable> names any top-level
- function in an interpreted module currently loaded into GHCi (qualified
- names may be used). The breakpoint will be set on the body of the
- function, when it is fully applied but before any pattern matching has
- taken place.</para>
- <para>Breakpoints can also be set by line (and optionally column)
- number:</para>
- :break <replaceable>line</replaceable>
- :break <replaceable>line</replaceable> <replaceable>column</replaceable>
- :break <replaceable>module</replaceable> <replaceable>line</replaceable>
- :break <replaceable>module</replaceable> <replaceable>line</replaceable> <replaceable>column</replaceable>
- <para>When a breakpoint is set on a particular line, GHCi sets the
- breakpoint on the
- leftmost subexpression that begins and ends on that line. If two
- complete subexpressions start at the same
- column, the longest one is picked. If there is no complete
- subexpression on the line, then the leftmost expression starting on
- the line is picked, and failing that the rightmost expression that
- partially or completely covers the line.</para>
- <para>When a breakpoint is set on a particular line and column, GHCi
- picks the smallest subexpression that encloses that location on which
- to set the breakpoint. Note: GHC considers the TAB character to have a
- width of 1, wherever it occurs; in other words it counts
- characters, rather than columns. This matches what some editors do,
- and doesn't match others. The best advice is to avoid tab
- characters in your source code altogether (see
- <option>-fwarn-tabs</option> in <xref linkend="options-sanity"
- />).</para>
- <para>If the module is omitted, then the most recently-loaded module is
- used.</para>
- <para>Not all subexpressions are potential breakpoint locations. Single
- variables are typically not considered to be breakpoint locations
- (unless the variable is the right-hand-side of a function definition,
- lambda, or case alternative). The rule of thumb is that all redexes
- are breakpoint locations, together with the bodies of functions,
- lambdas, case alternatives and binding statements. There is normally
- no breakpoint on a let expression, but there will always be a
- breakpoint on its body, because we are usually interested in inspecting
- the values of the variables bound by the let.</para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3>
- <title>Listing and deleting breakpoints</title>
- <para>The list of breakpoints currently enabled can be displayed using
- <literal>:show&nbsp;breaks</literal>:</para>
-*Main> :show breaks
-[0] Main qsort.hs:1:11-12
-[1] Main qsort.hs:2:15-46
- <para>To delete a breakpoint, use the <literal>:delete</literal>
- command with the number given in the output from <literal>:show&nbsp;breaks</literal>:</para>
-*Main> :delete 0
-*Main> :show breaks
-[1] Main qsort.hs:2:15-46
- <para>To delete all breakpoints at once, use <literal>:delete *</literal>.</para>
- </sect3>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="single-stepping">
- <title>Single-stepping</title>
- <para>Single-stepping is a great way to visualise the execution of your
- program, and it is also a useful tool for identifying the source of a
- bug. GHCi offers two variants of stepping. Use
- <literal>:step</literal> to enable all the
- breakpoints in the program, and execute until the next breakpoint is
- reached. Use <literal>:steplocal</literal> to limit the set
- of enabled breakpoints to those in the current top level function.
- Similarly, use <literal>:stepmodule</literal> to single step only on
- breakpoints contained in the current module.
- For example:</para>
-*Main> :step main
-Stopped at qsort.hs:5:7-47
-_result :: IO ()
- <para>The command <literal>:step
- <replaceable>expr</replaceable></literal> begins the evaluation of
- <replaceable>expr</replaceable> in single-stepping mode. If
- <replaceable>expr</replaceable> is omitted, then it single-steps from
- the current breakpoint. <literal>:steplocal</literal> and
- <literal>:stepmodule</literal> work similarly.</para>
- <para>The <literal>:list</literal> command is particularly useful when
- single-stepping, to see where you currently are:</para>
-[qsort.hs:5:7-47] *Main> :list
-5 main = print (qsort [8, 4, 0, 3, 1, 23, 11, 18])
-[qsort.hs:5:7-47] *Main>
- <para>In fact, GHCi provides a way to run a command when a breakpoint is
- hit, so we can make it automatically do
- <literal>:list</literal>:</para>
-[qsort.hs:5:7-47] *Main> :set stop :list
-[qsort.hs:5:7-47] *Main> :step
-Stopped at qsort.hs:5:14-46
-_result :: [Integer]
-5 main = print (qsort [8, 4, 0, 3, 1, 23, 11, 18])
-[qsort.hs:5:14-46] *Main>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="nested-breakpoints">
- <title>Nested breakpoints</title>
- <para>When GHCi is stopped at a breakpoint, and an expression entered at
- the prompt triggers a
- second breakpoint, the new breakpoint becomes the &ldquo;current&rdquo;
- one, and the old one is saved on a stack. An arbitrary number of
- breakpoint contexts can be built up in this way. For example:</para>
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :st qsort [1,3]
-Stopped at qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
-_result :: [a]
-... [qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)] *Main>
- <para>While stopped at the breakpoint on line 2 that we set earlier, we
- started a new evaluation with <literal>:step qsort [1,3]</literal>.
- This new evaluation stopped after one step (at the definition of
- <literal>qsort</literal>). The prompt has changed, now prefixed with
- <literal>...</literal>, to indicate that there are saved breakpoints
- beyond the current one. To see the stack of contexts, use
- <literal>:show context</literal>:</para>
-... [qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)] *Main> :show context
---> main
- Stopped at qsort.hs:2:15-46
---> qsort [1,3]
- Stopped at qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
-... [qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)] *Main>
- <para>To abandon the current evaluation, use
- <literal>:abandon</literal>:</para>
-... [qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)] *Main> :abandon
-[qsort.hs:2:15-46] *Main> :abandon
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="ghci-debugger-result">
- <title>The <literal>_result</literal> variable</title>
- <para>When stopped at a breakpoint or single-step, GHCi binds the
- variable <literal>_result</literal> to the value of the currently
- active expression. The value of <literal>_result</literal> is
- presumably not available yet, because we stopped its evaluation, but it
- can be forced: if the type is known and showable, then just entering
- <literal>_result</literal> at the prompt will show it. However,
- there's one caveat to doing this: evaluating <literal>_result</literal>
- will be likely to trigger further breakpoints, starting with the
- breakpoint we are currently stopped at (if we stopped at a real
- breakpoint, rather than due to <literal>:step</literal>). So it will
- probably be necessary to issue a <literal>:continue</literal>
- immediately when evaluating <literal>_result</literal>. Alternatively,
- you can use <literal>:force</literal> which ignores breakpoints.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="tracing">
- <title>Tracing and history</title>
- <para>A question that we often want to ask when debugging a program is
- &ldquo;how did I get here?&rdquo;. Traditional imperative debuggers
- usually provide some kind of stack-tracing feature that lets you see
- the stack of active function calls (sometimes called the &ldquo;lexical
- call stack&rdquo;), describing a path through the code
- to the current location. Unfortunately this is hard to provide in
- Haskell, because execution proceeds on a demand-driven basis, rather
- than a depth-first basis as in strict languages. The
- &ldquo;stack&ldquo; in GHC's execution engine bears little
- resemblance to the lexical call stack. Ideally GHCi would maintain a
- separate lexical call stack in addition to the dynamic call stack, and
- in fact this is exactly
- what our profiling system does (<xref linkend="profiling" />), and what
- some other Haskell debuggers do. For the time being, however, GHCi
- doesn't maintain a lexical call stack (there are some technical
- challenges to be overcome). Instead, we provide a way to backtrack from a
- breakpoint to previous evaluation steps: essentially this is like
- single-stepping backwards, and should in many cases provide enough
- information to answer the &ldquo;how did I get here?&rdquo;
- question.</para>
- <para>To use tracing, evaluate an expression with the
- <literal>:trace</literal> command. For example, if we set a breakpoint
- on the base case of <literal>qsort</literal>:</para>
-*Main&gt; :list qsort
-1 qsort [] = []
-2 qsort (a:as) = qsort left ++ [a] ++ qsort right
-3 where (left,right) = (filter (&lt;=a) as, filter (&gt;a) as)
-*Main&gt; :b 1
-Breakpoint 1 activated at qsort.hs:1:11-12
- <para>and then run a small <literal>qsort</literal> with
- tracing:</para>
-*Main> :trace qsort [3,2,1]
-Stopped at qsort.hs:1:11-12
-_result :: [a]
-[qsort.hs:1:11-12] *Main>
- <para>We can now inspect the history of evaluation steps:</para>
-[qsort.hs:1:11-12] *Main> :hist
--1 : qsort.hs:3:24-38
--2 : qsort.hs:3:23-55
--3 : qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
--4 : qsort.hs:2:15-24
--5 : qsort.hs:2:15-46
--6 : qsort.hs:3:24-38
--7 : qsort.hs:3:23-55
--8 : qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
--9 : qsort.hs:2:15-24
--10 : qsort.hs:2:15-46
--11 : qsort.hs:3:24-38
--12 : qsort.hs:3:23-55
--13 : qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
--14 : qsort.hs:2:15-24
--15 : qsort.hs:2:15-46
--16 : qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
-&lt;end of history&gt;
- <para>To examine one of the steps in the history, use
- <literal>:back</literal>:</para>
-[qsort.hs:1:11-12] *Main> :back
-Logged breakpoint at qsort.hs:3:24-38
-_result :: [a]
-as :: [a]
-a :: a
-[-1: qsort.hs:3:24-38] *Main>
- <para>Note that the local variables at each step in the history have been
- preserved, and can be examined as usual. Also note that the prompt has
- changed to indicate that we're currently examining the first step in
- the history: <literal>-1</literal>. The command
- <literal>:forward</literal> can be used to traverse forward in the
- history.</para>
- <para>The <literal>:trace</literal> command can be used with or without
- an expression. When used without an expression, tracing begins from
- the current breakpoint, just like <literal>:step</literal>.</para>
- <para>The history is only available when
- using <literal>:trace</literal>; the reason for this is we found that
- logging each breakpoint in the history cuts performance by a factor of
- 2 or more. By default, GHCi remembers the last 50 steps in the history, but this can be changed with the <option>-fghci-hist-size=<replaceable>n</replaceable></option><indexterm><primary><option>-fghci-hist-size</option></primary></indexterm> option).</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="ghci-debugger-exceptions">
- <title>Debugging exceptions</title>
- <para>Another common question that comes up when debugging is
- &ldquo;where did this exception come from?&rdquo;. Exceptions such as
- those raised by <literal>error</literal> or <literal>head []</literal>
- have no context information attached to them. Finding which
- particular call to <literal>head</literal> in your program resulted in
- the error can be a painstaking process, usually involving
- <literal>Debug.Trace.trace</literal>, or compiling with
- profiling and using <literal>Debug.Trace.traceStack</literal>
- or <literal>+RTS -xc</literal> (see <xref
- linkend="prof-time-options" />).</para>
- <para>The GHCi debugger offers a way to hopefully shed some light on
- these errors quickly and without modifying or recompiling the source
- code. One way would be to set a breakpoint on the location in the
- source code that throws the exception, and then use
- <literal>:trace</literal> and <literal>:history</literal> to establish
- the context. However, <literal>head</literal> is in a library and
- we can't set a breakpoint on it directly. For this reason, GHCi
- provides the flags <literal>-fbreak-on-exception</literal> which causes
- the evaluator to stop when an exception is thrown, and <literal>
- -fbreak-on-error</literal>, which works similarly but stops only on
- uncaught exceptions. When stopping at an exception, GHCi will act
- just as it does when a breakpoint is hit, with the deviation that it
- will not show you any source code location. Due to this, these
- commands are only really useful in conjunction with
- <literal>:trace</literal>, in order to log the steps leading up to the
- exception. For example:</para>
-*Main> :set -fbreak-on-exception
-*Main> :trace qsort ("abc" ++ undefined)
-&ldquo;Stopped at &lt;exception thrown&gt;
-_exception :: e
-[&lt;exception thrown&gt;] *Main&gt; :hist
--1 : qsort.hs:3:24-38
--2 : qsort.hs:3:23-55
--3 : qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
--4 : qsort.hs:2:15-24
--5 : qsort.hs:2:15-46
--6 : qsort.hs:(1,0)-(3,55)
-&lt;end of history&gt;
-[&lt;exception thrown&gt;] *Main&gt; :back
-Logged breakpoint at qsort.hs:3:24-38
-_result :: [a]
-as :: [a]
-a :: a
-[-1: qsort.hs:3:24-38] *Main&gt; :force as
-*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
-[-1: qsort.hs:3:24-38] *Main&gt; :print as
-as = 'b' : 'c' : (_t1::[Char])
- <para>The exception itself is bound to a new variable,
- <literal>_exception</literal>.</para>
- <para>Breaking on exceptions is particularly useful for finding out what
- your program was doing when it was in an infinite loop. Just hit
- Control-C, and examine the history to find out what was going
- on.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2><title>Example: inspecting functions</title>
- <para>
- It is possible to use the debugger to examine function values.
- When we are at a breakpoint and a function is in scope, the debugger
- cannot show
- you the source code for it; however, it is possible to get some
- information by applying it to some arguments and observing the result.
- </para>
- <para>
- The process is slightly complicated when the binding is polymorphic.
- We show the process by means of an example.
- To keep things simple, we will use the well known <literal>map</literal> function:
-import Prelude hiding (map)
-map :: (a->b) -> [a] -> [b]
-map f [] = []
-map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
- </para>
- <para>
- We set a breakpoint on <literal>map</literal>, and call it.
-*Main> :break 5
-Breakpoint 0 activated at map.hs:5:15-28
-*Main> map Just [1..5]
-Stopped at map.hs:(4,0)-(5,12)
-_result :: [b]
-x :: a
-f :: a -> b
-xs :: [a]
- GHCi tells us that, among other bindings, <literal>f</literal> is in scope.
- However, its type is not fully known yet,
- and thus it is not possible to apply it to any
- arguments. Nevertheless, observe that the type of its first argument is the
- same as the type of <literal>x</literal>, and its result type is shared
- with <literal>_result</literal>.
- </para>
- <para>
- As we demonstrated earlier (<xref linkend="breakpoints" />), the
- debugger has some intelligence built-in to update the type of
- <literal>f</literal> whenever the types of <literal>x</literal> or
- <literal>_result</literal> are discovered. So what we do in this
- scenario is
- force <literal>x</literal> a bit, in order to recover both its type
- and the argument part of <literal>f</literal>.
-*Main> seq x ()
-*Main> :print x
-x = 1
- </para>
- <para>
- We can check now that as expected, the type of <literal>x</literal>
- has been reconstructed, and with it the
- type of <literal>f</literal> has been too:</para>
-*Main> :t x
-x :: Integer
-*Main> :t f
-f :: Integer -> b
- <para>
- From here, we can apply f to any argument of type Integer and observe
- the results.
-*Main> let b = f 10
-*Main> :t b
-b :: b
-*Main> b
- Ambiguous type variable `b' in the constraint:
- `Show b' arising from a use of `print' at <interactive>:1:0
-*Main> :p b
-b = (_t2::a)
-*Main> seq b ()
-*Main> :t b
-b :: a
-*Main> :p b
-b = Just 10
-*Main> :t b
-b :: Maybe Integer
-*Main> :t f
-f :: Integer -> Maybe Integer
-*Main> f 20
-Just 20
-*Main> map f [1..5]
-[Just 1, Just 2, Just 3, Just 4, Just 5]
- In the first application of <literal>f</literal>, we had to do
- some more type reconstruction
- in order to recover the result type of <literal>f</literal>.
- But after that, we are free to use
- <literal>f</literal> normally.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2><title>Limitations</title>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>When stopped at a breakpoint, if you try to evaluate a variable
- that is already under evaluation, the second evaluation will hang.
- The reason is
- that GHC knows the variable is under evaluation, so the new
- evaluation just waits for the result before continuing, but of
- course this isn't going to happen because the first evaluation is
- stopped at a breakpoint. Control-C can interrupt the hung
- evaluation and return to the prompt.</para>
- <para>The most common way this can happen is when you're evaluating a
- CAF (e.g. main), stop at a breakpoint, and ask for the value of the
- CAF at the prompt again.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- Implicit parameters (see <xref linkend="implicit-parameters"/>) are only available
- at the scope of a breakpoint if there is an explicit type signature.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="ghci-invocation">
- <title>Invoking GHCi</title>
- <indexterm><primary>invoking</primary><secondary>GHCi</secondary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary><option>--interactive</option></primary></indexterm>
- <para>GHCi is invoked with the command <literal>ghci</literal> or
- <literal>ghc --interactive</literal>. One or more modules or
- filenames can also be specified on the command line; this
- instructs GHCi to load the specified modules or filenames (and all
- the modules they depend on), just as if you had said
- <literal>:load <replaceable>modules</replaceable></literal> at the
- GHCi prompt (see <xref linkend="ghci-commands" />). For example, to
- start GHCi and load the program whose topmost module is in the
- file <literal>Main.hs</literal>, we could say:</para>
-$ ghci Main.hs
- <para>Most of the command-line options accepted by GHC (see <xref
- linkend="using-ghc"/>) also make sense in interactive mode. The ones
- that don't make sense are mostly obvious.</para>
- <sect2>
- <title>Packages</title>
- <indexterm><primary>packages</primary><secondary>with GHCi</secondary></indexterm>
- <para>Most packages (see <xref linkend="using-packages"/>) are
- available without needing to specify any extra flags at all:
- they will be automatically loaded the first time they are
- needed.</para>
- <para>For hidden packages, however, you need to request the
- package be loaded by using the <literal>-package</literal> flag:</para>
-$ ghci -package readline
-GHCi, version 6.8.1: :? for help
-Loading package base ... linking ... done.
-Loading package readline-1.0 ... linking ... done.
- <para>The following command works to load new packages into a
- running GHCi:</para>
-Prelude> :set -package <replaceable>name</replaceable>
- <para>But note that doing this will cause all currently loaded
- modules to be unloaded, and you'll be dumped back into the
- <literal>Prelude</literal>.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Extra libraries</title>
- <indexterm><primary>libraries</primary><secondary>with GHCi</secondary></indexterm>
- <para>Extra libraries may be specified on the command line using
- the normal <literal>-l<replaceable>lib</replaceable></literal>
- option. (The term <emphasis>library</emphasis> here refers to
- libraries of foreign object code; for using libraries of Haskell
- source code, see <xref linkend="ghci-modules-filenames"/>.) For
- example, to load the &ldquo;m&rdquo; library:</para>
-$ ghci -lm
- <para>On systems with <literal>.so</literal>-style shared
- libraries, the actual library loaded will the
- <filename>lib<replaceable>lib</replaceable>.so</filename>. GHCi
- searches the following places for libraries, in this order:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>Paths specified using the
- <literal>-L<replaceable>path</replaceable></literal>
- command-line option,</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>the standard library search path for your system,
- which on some systems may be overridden by setting the
- <literal>LD_LIBRARY_PATH</literal> environment
- variable.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>On systems with <literal>.dll</literal>-style shared
- libraries, the actual library loaded will be
- <filename><replaceable>lib</replaceable>.dll</filename>. Again,
- GHCi will signal an error if it can't find the library.</para>
- <para>GHCi can also load plain object files
- (<literal>.o</literal> or <literal>.obj</literal> depending on
- your platform) from the command-line. Just add the name the
- object file to the command line.</para>
- <para>Ordering of <option>-l</option> options matters: a library
- should be mentioned <emphasis>before</emphasis> the libraries it
- depends on (see <xref linkend="options-linker"/>).</para>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="ghci-commands">
- <title>GHCi commands</title>
- <para>GHCi commands all begin with
- &lsquo;<literal>:</literal>&rsquo; and consist of a single command
- name followed by zero or more parameters. The command name may be
- abbreviated, with ambiguities being resolved in favour of the more
- commonly used commands.</para>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:abandon</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:abandon</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Abandons the current evaluation (only available when stopped at
- a breakpoint).</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:add</literal> <optional><literal>*</literal></optional><replaceable>module</replaceable> ...
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:add</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Add <replaceable>module</replaceable>(s) to the
- current <firstterm>target set</firstterm>, and perform a
- reload. Normally pre-compiled code for the module will be
- loaded if available, or otherwise the module will be
- compiled to byte-code. Using the <literal>*</literal>
- prefix forces the module to be loaded as byte-code.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:back <optional><replaceable>n</replaceable></optional></literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:back</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Travel back <replaceable>n</replaceable> steps in the
- history. <replaceable>n</replaceable> is one if omitted.
- See <xref linkend="tracing" /> for more about GHCi's debugging
- facilities. See also:
- <literal>:trace</literal>, <literal>:history</literal>,
- <literal>:forward</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:break [<replaceable>identifier</replaceable> |
- [<replaceable>module</replaceable>] <replaceable>line</replaceable>
- [<replaceable>column</replaceable>]]</literal>
- </term>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:break</literal></primary></indexterm>
- <listitem>
- <para>Set a breakpoint on the specified function or line and
- column. See <xref linkend="setting-breakpoints" />.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:browse</literal><optional><literal>!</literal></optional> <optional><optional><literal>*</literal></optional><replaceable>module</replaceable></optional> ...
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:browse</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Displays the identifiers exported by the module
- <replaceable>module</replaceable>, which must be either
- loaded into GHCi or be a member of a package. If
- <replaceable>module</replaceable> is omitted, the most
- recently-loaded module is used.</para>
- <para>Like all other GHCi commands, the output is always
- displayed in the current GHCi scope (<xref linkend="ghci-scope"/>).</para>
- <para>There are two variants of the browse command:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>If the <literal>*</literal> symbol is placed before
- the module name, then <emphasis>all</emphasis> the
- identifiers in scope in <replaceable>module</replaceable>
- (rather that just its exports) are shown. </para>
- <para>The <literal>*</literal>-form is only available for modules
- which are interpreted; for compiled modules (including
- modules from packages) only the non-<literal>*</literal>
- form of <literal>:browse</literal> is available.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Data constructors and class methods are usually
- displayed in the context of their data type or class declaration.
- However, if the <literal>!</literal> symbol is appended to the
- command, thus <literal>:browse!</literal>,
- they are listed individually.
- The <literal>!</literal>-form also annotates the listing
- with comments giving possible imports for each group of
- entries. Here is an example:
-Prelude> :browse! Data.Maybe
--- not currently imported
-Data.Maybe.catMaybes :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
-Data.Maybe.fromJust :: Maybe a -> a
-Data.Maybe.fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
-Data.Maybe.isJust :: Maybe a -> Bool
-Data.Maybe.isNothing :: Maybe a -> Bool
-Data.Maybe.listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
-Data.Maybe.mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
-Data.Maybe.maybeToList :: Maybe a -> [a]
--- imported via Prelude
-Just :: a -> Maybe a
-data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
-Nothing :: Maybe a
-maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
- This output shows that, in the context of the current session (ie in the scope
- of <literal>Prelude</literal>), the first group of items from
- <literal>Data.Maybe</literal> are not in scope (althought they are available in
- fully qualified form in the GHCi session - see <xref
- linkend="ghci-scope"/>), whereas the second group of items are in scope
- (via <literal>Prelude</literal>) and are therefore available either
- unqualified, or with a <literal>Prelude.</literal> qualifier.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:cd</literal> <replaceable>dir</replaceable>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:cd</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Changes the current working directory to
- <replaceable>dir</replaceable>. A
- &lsquo;<literal>&tilde;</literal>&rsquo; symbol at the
- beginning of <replaceable>dir</replaceable> will be replaced
- by the contents of the environment variable
- <literal>HOME</literal>.
- See also the <literal>:show paths</literal> command for
- showing the current working directory.</para>
- <para>NOTE: changing directories causes all currently loaded
- modules to be unloaded. This is because the search path is
- usually expressed using relative directories, and changing
- the search path in the middle of a session is not
- supported.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:cmd</literal> <replaceable>expr</replaceable>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:cmd</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Executes <replaceable>expr</replaceable> as a computation of
- type <literal>IO String</literal>, and then executes the resulting
- string as a list of GHCi commands. Multiple commands are separated
- by newlines. The <literal>:cmd</literal> command is useful with
- <literal>:def</literal> and <literal>:set stop</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:complete</literal> <replaceable>type</replaceable>
- <optional><replaceable>n</replaceable>-</optional><optional><replaceable>m</replaceable></optional>
- <replaceable>string-literal</replaceable>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:complete</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>This command allows to request command completions
- from GHCi even when interacting over a pipe instead of a
- proper terminal and is designed for integrating GHCi's
- completion with text editors and IDEs.</para>
- <para>When called, <literal>:complete</literal> prints the
- <replaceable>n</replaceable><superscript>th</superscript> to
- <replaceable>m</replaceable><superscript>th</superscript>
- completion candidates for the partial input
- <replaceable>string-literal</replaceable> for the completion
- domain denoted by
- <replaceable>type</replaceable>. Currently, only the
- <literal>repl</literal> domain is supported which denotes
- the kind of completion that would be provided interactively
- by GHCi at the input prompt.</para>
- <para>If omitted, <replaceable>n</replaceable> and
- <replaceable>m</replaceable> default to the first or last
- available completion candidate respectively. If there are
- less candidates than requested via the range argument,
- <replaceable>n</replaceable> and
- <replaceable>m</replaceable> are implicitly capped to the
- number of available completition candidates.</para>
- <para>The output of <literal>:complete</literal> begins with
- a header line containing three space-delimited fields:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>An integer denoting the number
- <replaceable>l</replaceable> of printed
- completions,</listitem>
- <listitem>an integer denoting the total number of
- completions available, and finally</listitem>
- <listitem>a string literal denoting a common
- prefix to be added to the returned completion
- candidates.</listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- The header line is followed by <replaceable>l</replaceable>
- lines each containing one completion candidate encoded as
- (quoted) string literal. Here are some example invocations
- showing the various cases:</para>
-Prelude&gt; :complete repl 0 ""
-0 470 ""
-Prelude&gt; :complete repl 5 "import For"
-5 21 "import "
-Prelude&gt; :complete repl 5-10 "import For"
-6 21 "import "
-Prelude&gt; :complete repl 20- "import For"
-2 21 "import "
-Prelude&gt; :complete repl "map"
-3 3 ""
-Prelude&gt; :complete repl 5-10 "map"
-0 3 ""
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:continue</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:continue</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem><para>Continue the current evaluation, when stopped at a
- breakpoint.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:ctags</literal> <optional><replaceable>filename</replaceable></optional>
- <literal>:etags</literal> <optional><replaceable>filename</replaceable></optional>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:etags</literal></primary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:etags</literal></primary>
- </indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Generates a &ldquo;tags&rdquo; file for Vi-style editors
- (<literal>:ctags</literal>) or
- Emacs-style editors (<literal>:etags</literal>). If
- no filename is specified, the default <filename>tags</filename> or
- <filename>TAGS</filename> is
- used, respectively. Tags for all the functions, constructors and
- types in the currently loaded modules are created. All modules must
- be interpreted for these commands to work.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:def<optional>!</optional> <optional><replaceable>name</replaceable> <replaceable>expr</replaceable></optional></literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:def</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>:def</literal> is used to define new
- commands, or macros, in GHCi. The command
- <literal>:def</literal> <replaceable>name</replaceable>
- <replaceable>expr</replaceable> defines a new GHCi command
- <literal>:<replaceable>name</replaceable></literal>,
- implemented by the Haskell expression
- <replaceable>expr</replaceable>, which must have type
- <literal>String -> IO String</literal>. When
- <literal>:<replaceable>name</replaceable>
- <replaceable>args</replaceable></literal> is typed at the
- prompt, GHCi will run the expression
- <literal>(<replaceable>name</replaceable>
- <replaceable>args</replaceable>)</literal>, take the
- resulting <literal>String</literal>, and feed it back into
- GHCi as a new sequence of commands. Separate commands in
- the result must be separated by
- &lsquo;<literal>\n</literal>&rsquo;.</para>
- <para>That's all a little confusing, so here's a few
- examples. To start with, here's a new GHCi command which
- doesn't take any arguments or produce any results, it just
- outputs the current date &amp; time:</para>
-Prelude> let date _ = Time.getClockTime >>= print >> return ""
-Prelude> :def date date
-Prelude> :date
-Fri Mar 23 15:16:40 GMT 2001
- <para>Here's an example of a command that takes an argument.
- It's a re-implementation of <literal>:cd</literal>:</para>
-Prelude> let mycd d = Directory.setCurrentDirectory d >> return ""
-Prelude> :def mycd mycd
-Prelude> :mycd ..
- <para>Or I could define a simple way to invoke
- &ldquo;<literal>ghc --make Main</literal>&rdquo; in the
- current directory:</para>
-Prelude> :def make (\_ -> return ":! ghc --make Main")
- <para>We can define a command that reads GHCi input from a
- file. This might be useful for creating a set of bindings
- that we want to repeatedly load into the GHCi session:</para>
-Prelude> :def . readFile
-Prelude> :. cmds.ghci
- <para>Notice that we named the command
- <literal>:.</literal>, by analogy with the
- &lsquo;<literal>.</literal>&rsquo; Unix shell command that
- does the same thing.</para>
- <para>Typing <literal>:def</literal> on its own lists the
- currently-defined macros. Attempting to redefine an
- existing command name results in an error unless the
- <literal>:def!</literal> form is used, in which case the old
- command with that name is silently overwritten.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:delete * | <replaceable>num</replaceable> ...</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:delete</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Delete one or more breakpoints by number (use <literal>:show
- breaks</literal> to see the number of each breakpoint). The
- <literal>*</literal> form deletes all the breakpoints.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:edit <optional><replaceable>file</replaceable></optional></literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:edit</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Opens an editor to edit the file
- <replaceable>file</replaceable>, or the most recently loaded
- module if <replaceable>file</replaceable> is omitted.
- If there were errors during the last loading,
- the cursor will be positioned at the line of the first error. The
- editor to invoke is taken from the <literal>EDITOR</literal>
- environment variable, or a default editor on your system if
- <literal>EDITOR</literal> is not set. You can change the
- editor using <literal>:set editor</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:etags</literal>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>See <literal>:ctags</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:force <replaceable>identifier</replaceable> ...</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:force</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Prints the value of <replaceable>identifier</replaceable> in
- the same way as <literal>:print</literal>. Unlike
- <literal>:print</literal>, <literal>:force</literal> evaluates each
- thunk that it encounters while traversing the value. This may
- cause exceptions or infinite loops, or further breakpoints (which
- are ignored, but displayed).</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:forward <optional><replaceable>n</replaceable></optional></literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:forward</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Move forward <replaceable>n</replaceable> steps in the
- history. <replaceable>n</replaceable> is one if omitted.
- See <xref linkend="tracing" /> for more about GHCi's debugging
- facilities. See also:
- <literal>:trace</literal>, <literal>:history</literal>,
- <literal>:back</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:help</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:help</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <term>
- <literal>:?</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:?</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Displays a list of the available commands.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Repeat the previous command.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:history [<replaceable>num</replaceable>]</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:history</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Display the history of evaluation steps. With a
- number, displays that many steps (default: 20). For use
- with <literal>:trace</literal>; see <xref linkend="tracing"
- />. To set the number of history entries stored by GHCi,
- use
- <option>-fghci-hist-size=<replaceable>n</replaceable></option>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:info</literal><optional><literal>!</literal></optional><replaceable>name</replaceable> ...
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:info</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Displays information about the given name(s). For
- example, if <replaceable>name</replaceable> is a class, then
- the class methods and their types will be printed; if
- <replaceable>name</replaceable> is a type constructor, then
- its definition will be printed; if
- <replaceable>name</replaceable> is a function, then its type
- will be printed. If <replaceable>name</replaceable> has
- been loaded from a source file, then GHCi will also display
- the location of its definition in the source.</para>
- <para>For types and classes, GHCi also summarises instances that
- mention them. To avoid showing irrelevant information, an instance
- is shown only if (a) its head mentions <replaceable>name</replaceable>,
- and (b) all the other things mentioned in the instance
- are in scope (either qualified or otherwise) as a result of
- a <literal>:load</literal> or <literal>:module</literal> commands. </para>
- <para>
- The command <literal>:info!</literal> works in a similar fashion
- but it removes restriction (b), showing all instances that are in
- scope and mention <replaceable>name</replaceable> in their head.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:issafe</literal><optional><replaceable>module</replaceable></optional>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:issafe</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Displays Safe Haskell information about the given
- module (or the current module if omitted). This includes the trust
- type of the module and its containing package.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:kind</literal><optional><literal>!</literal></optional>
- <replaceable>type</replaceable>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:kind</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Infers and prints the kind of
- <replaceable>type</replaceable>. The latter can be an arbitrary
- type expression, including a partial application of a type constructor,
- such as <literal>Either Int</literal>. In fact, <literal>:kind</literal>
- even allows you to write a partial application of a type synonym (usually disallowed),
- so that this works:
-ghci> type T a b = (a,b,a)
-ghci> :k T Int Bool
-T Int Bool :: *
-ghci> :k T
-T :: * -> * -> *
-ghci> :k T Int
-T Int :: * -> *
- </para>
- <para>
- If you specify the
- optional "<literal>!</literal>", GHC will in addition normalise the type
- by expanding out type synonyms and evaluating type-function applications,
- and display the normalised result.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:list</literal> <replaceable>identifier</replaceable>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:list</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Lists the source code around the definition of
- <replaceable>identifier</replaceable> or the current
- breakpoint if not given. This requires that the identifier be
- defined in an interpreted module. If your output device
- supports it, then GHCi will highlight the active
- subexpression in bold.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:list</literal> <optional><replaceable>module</replaceable></optional> <replaceable>line</replaceable>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:list</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Lists the source code around the given line number of
- <replaceable>module</replaceable>. This requires that the module be
- interpreted. If your output device supports it, then GHCi will
- highlight the active subexpression in bold.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:load</literal><optional><literal>!</literal></optional> <optional><literal>*</literal></optional><replaceable>module</replaceable> ...
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:load</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Recursively loads the specified
- <replaceable>module</replaceable>s, and all the modules they
- depend on. Here, each <replaceable>module</replaceable>
- must be a module name or filename, but may not be the name
- of a module in a package.</para>
- <para>All previously loaded modules, except package modules,
- are forgotten. The new set of modules is known as the
- <firstterm>target set</firstterm>. Note that
- <literal>:load</literal> can be used without any arguments
- to unload all the currently loaded modules and
- bindings.</para>
- <para>Normally pre-compiled code for a module will be loaded
- if available, or otherwise the module will be compiled to
- byte-code. Using the <literal>*</literal> prefix forces a
- module to be loaded as byte-code.</para>
- <para>Adding the optional "<literal>!</literal>" turns type
- errors into warnings while loading. This allows to use the
- portions of the module that are correct, even if there are
- type errors in some definitions. Effectively, the
- "-fdefer-type-errors" flag is set before loading and unset
- after loading if the flag has not already been set
- before. See <xref linkend="defer-type-errors" /> for further
- motivation and details.</para>
- <para>After a <literal>:load</literal> command, the current
- context is set to:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para><replaceable>module</replaceable>, if it was loaded
- successfully, or</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>the most recently successfully loaded module, if
- any other modules were loaded as a result of the current
- <literal>:load</literal>, or</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>Prelude</literal> otherwise.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:main <replaceable>arg<subscript>1</subscript></replaceable> ... <replaceable>arg<subscript>n</subscript></replaceable></literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:main</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- When a program is compiled and executed, it can use the
- <literal>getArgs</literal> function to access the
- command-line arguments.
- However, we cannot simply pass the arguments to the
- <literal>main</literal> function while we are testing in ghci,
- as the <literal>main</literal> function doesn't take its
- arguments directly.
- </para>
- <para>
- Instead, we can use the <literal>:main</literal> command.
- This runs whatever <literal>main</literal> is in scope, with
- any arguments being treated the same as command-line arguments,
- e.g.:
- </para>
-Prelude> let main = System.Environment.getArgs >>= print
-Prelude> :main foo bar
- <para>
- We can also quote arguments which contains characters like
- spaces, and they are treated like Haskell strings, or we can
- just use Haskell list syntax:
- </para>
-Prelude> :main foo "bar baz"
-["foo","bar baz"]
-Prelude> :main ["foo", "bar baz"]
-["foo","bar baz"]
- <para>
- Finally, other functions can be called, either with the
- <literal>-main-is</literal> flag or the <literal>:run</literal>
- command:
- </para>
-Prelude> let foo = putStrLn "foo" >> System.Environment.getArgs >>= print
-Prelude> let bar = putStrLn "bar" >> System.Environment.getArgs >>= print
-Prelude> :set -main-is foo
-Prelude> :main foo "bar baz"
-["foo","bar baz"]
-Prelude> :run bar ["foo", "bar baz"]
-["foo","bar baz"]
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:module <optional>+|-</optional> <optional>*</optional><replaceable>mod<subscript>1</subscript></replaceable> ... <optional>*</optional><replaceable>mod<subscript>n</subscript></replaceable></literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:module</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <term>
- <literal>import <replaceable>mod</replaceable></literal>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Sets or modifies the current context for statements
- typed at the prompt. The form <literal>import
- <replaceable>mod</replaceable></literal> is equivalent to
- <literal>:module +<replaceable>mod</replaceable></literal>.
- See <xref linkend="ghci-scope"/> for
- more details.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:print </literal> <replaceable>names</replaceable> ...
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:print</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Prints a value without forcing its evaluation.
- <literal>:print</literal> may be used on values whose types are
- unknown or partially known, which might be the case for local
- variables with polymorphic types at a breakpoint. While inspecting
- the runtime value, <literal>:print</literal> attempts to
- reconstruct the type of the value, and will elaborate the type in
- GHCi's environment if possible. If any unevaluated components
- (thunks) are encountered, then <literal>:print</literal> binds
- a fresh variable with a name beginning with <literal>_t</literal>
- to each thunk. See <xref linkend="breakpoints" /> for more
- information. See also the <literal>:sprint</literal> command,
- which works like <literal>:print</literal> but does not bind new
- variables.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:quit</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:quit</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Quits GHCi. You can also quit by typing control-D
- at the prompt.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:reload</literal><optional><literal>!</literal></optional>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:reload</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Attempts to reload the current target set (see
- <literal>:load</literal>) if any of the modules in the set,
- or any dependent module, has changed. Note that this may
- entail loading new modules, or dropping modules which are no
- longer indirectly required by the target.</para>
- <para>Adding the optional "<literal>!</literal>" turns type
- errors into warnings while loading. This allows to use the
- portions of the module that are correct, even if there are
- type errors in some definitions. Effectively, the
- "-fdefer-type-errors" flag is set before loading and unset
- after loading if the flag has not already been set
- before. See <xref linkend="defer-type-errors" /> for further
- motivation and details.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:run</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:run</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>See <literal>:main</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:script</literal> <optional><replaceable>n</replaceable></optional>
- <literal>filename</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:script</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Executes the lines of a file as a series of GHCi commands. This command
- is compatible with multiline statements as set by <literal>:set +m</literal>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:set</literal> <optional><replaceable>option</replaceable>...</optional>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:set</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Sets various options. See <xref linkend="ghci-set"/> for a list of
- available options and <xref linkend="interactive-mode-options"/> for a
- list of GHCi-specific flags. The <literal>:set</literal> command by
- itself shows which options are currently set. It also lists the current
- dynamic flag settings, with GHCi-specific flags listed separately.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:set</literal> <literal>args</literal> <replaceable>arg</replaceable> ...
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:set args</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Sets the list of arguments which are returned when the
- program calls <literal>System.getArgs</literal><indexterm><primary>getArgs</primary>
- </indexterm>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:set</literal> <literal>editor</literal> <replaceable>cmd</replaceable>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Sets the command used by <literal>:edit</literal> to
- <replaceable>cmd</replaceable>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:set</literal> <literal>prog</literal> <replaceable>prog</replaceable>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:set prog</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Sets the string to be returned when the program calls
- <literal>System.getProgName</literal><indexterm><primary>getProgName</primary>
- </indexterm>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:set</literal> <literal>prompt</literal> <replaceable>prompt</replaceable>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Sets the string to be used as the prompt in GHCi.
- Inside <replaceable>prompt</replaceable>, the sequence
- <literal>%s</literal> is replaced by the names of the
- modules currently in scope, <literal>%l</literal> is replaced
- by the line number (as referenced in compiler messages) of the
- current prompt, and <literal>%%</literal> is replaced by
- <literal>%</literal>. If <replaceable>prompt</replaceable>
- starts with &quot; then it is parsed as a Haskell String;
- otherwise it is treated as a literal string.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:set</literal> <literal>prompt2</literal> <replaceable>prompt</replaceable>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Sets the string to be used as the continuation prompt
- (used when using the <literal>:{</literal> command) in GHCi.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:set</literal> <literal>stop</literal>
- [<replaceable>num</replaceable>] <replaceable>cmd</replaceable>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Set a command to be executed when a breakpoint is hit, or a new
- item in the history is selected. The most common use of
- <literal>:set stop</literal> is to display the source code at the
- current location, e.g. <literal>:set stop :list</literal>.</para>
- <para>If a number is given before the command, then the commands are
- run when the specified breakpoint (only) is hit. This can be quite
- useful: for example, <literal>:set stop 1 :continue</literal>
- effectively disables breakpoint 1, by running
- <literal>:continue</literal> whenever it is hit (although GHCi will
- still emit a message to say the breakpoint was hit). What's more,
- with cunning use of <literal>:def</literal> and
- <literal>:cmd</literal> you can use <literal>:set stop</literal> to
- implement conditional breakpoints:</para>
-*Main> :def cond \expr -> return (":cmd if (" ++ expr ++ ") then return \"\" else return \":continue\"")
-*Main> :set stop 0 :cond (x &lt; 3)
- <para>Ignoring breakpoints for a specified number of iterations is
- also possible using similar techniques.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:seti</literal> <optional><replaceable>option</replaceable>...</optional>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:seti</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Like <literal>:set</literal>, but options set with
- <literal>:seti</literal> affect only expressions and
- commands typed at the prompt, and not modules loaded with
- <literal>:load</literal> (in contrast, options set with
- <literal>:set</literal> apply everywhere). See <xref
- linkend="ghci-interactive-options" />.
- </para>
- <para>
- Without any arguments, displays the current set of options
- that are applied to expressions and commands typed at the
- prompt.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:show bindings</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:show bindings</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Show the bindings made at the prompt and their
- types.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:show breaks</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:show breaks</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>List the active breakpoints.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:show context</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:show context</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>List the active evaluations that are stopped at breakpoints.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:show imports</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:show imports</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Show the imports that are currently in force, as
- created by <literal>import</literal> and
- <literal>:module</literal> commands.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:show modules</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:show modules</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Show the list of modules currently loaded.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:show packages</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:show packages</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Show the currently active package flags, as well as the list of
- packages currently loaded.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:show paths</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:show paths</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Show the current working directory (as set via
- <literal>:cd</literal> command), as well as the list of
- directories searched for source files (as set by the
- <option>-i</option> option).</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:show language</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:show language</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Show the currently active language flags for source files.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:showi language</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:showi language</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Show the currently active language flags for
- expressions typed at the prompt (see also <literal>:seti</literal>).</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:show [args|prog|prompt|editor|stop]</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:show</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Displays the specified setting (see
- <literal>:set</literal>).</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:sprint</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:sprint</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Prints a value without forcing its evaluation.
- <literal>:sprint</literal> is similar to <literal>:print</literal>,
- with the difference that unevaluated subterms are not bound to new
- variables, they are simply denoted by &lsquo;_&rsquo;.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:step</literal> <optional><replaceable>expr</replaceable></optional>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:step</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Enable all breakpoints and begin evaluating an
- expression in single-stepping mode. In this
- mode evaluation will be stopped after every reduction,
- allowing local variables to be inspected.
- If <replaceable>expr</replaceable> is not given, evaluation will
- resume at the last breakpoint.
- See <xref linkend="single-stepping" />.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:steplocal</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:steplocal</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Enable only breakpoints in the current top-level
- binding and resume evaluation at the last breakpoint.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:stepmodule</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:stepmodule</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Enable only breakpoints in the current module and
- resume evaluation at the last breakpoint.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:trace <optional><replaceable>expr</replaceable></optional></literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:trace</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Evaluates the given expression (or from the last breakpoint if
- no expression is given), and additionally logs the evaluation
- steps for later inspection using <literal>:history</literal>. See
- <xref linkend="tracing" />.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:type</literal> <replaceable>expression</replaceable>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:type</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Infers and prints the type of
- <replaceable>expression</replaceable>, including explicit
- forall quantifiers for polymorphic types. The monomorphism
- restriction is <emphasis>not</emphasis> applied to the
- expression during type inference.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:undef</literal> <replaceable>name</replaceable>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:undef</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Undefines the user-defined command
- <replaceable>name</replaceable> (see <literal>:def</literal>
- above).</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:unset</literal> <replaceable>option</replaceable>...
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:unset</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Unsets certain options. See <xref linkend="ghci-set"/>
- for a list of available options.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>:!</literal> <replaceable>command</replaceable>...
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:!</literal></primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>shell commands</primary><secondary>in GHCi</secondary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Executes the shell command
- <replaceable>command</replaceable>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="ghci-set">
- <title>The <literal>:set</literal> and <literal>:seti</literal> commands</title>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:set</literal></primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>:seti</literal></primary></indexterm>
- <para>The <literal>:set</literal> command sets two types of
- options: GHCi options, which begin with
- &lsquo;<literal>+</literal>&rsquo;, and &ldquo;command-line&rdquo;
- options, which begin with &lsquo;-&rsquo;. </para>
- <para>NOTE: at the moment, the <literal>:set</literal> command
- doesn't support any kind of quoting in its arguments: quotes will
- not be removed and cannot be used to group words together. For
- example, <literal>:set -DFOO='BAR BAZ'</literal> will not do what
- you expect.</para>
- <sect2>
- <title>GHCi options</title>
- <indexterm><primary>options</primary><secondary>GHCi</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>GHCi options may be set using <literal>:set</literal> and
- unset using <literal>:unset</literal>.</para>
- <para>The available GHCi options are:</para>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>+m</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>+m</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Enable parsing of multiline commands. A multiline command
- is prompted for when the current input line contains open layout
- contexts (see <xref linkend="ghci-multiline" />).</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>+r</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>+r</literal></primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>CAFs</primary><secondary>in GHCi</secondary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>Constant Applicative Form</primary><see>CAFs</see></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Normally, any evaluation of top-level expressions
- (otherwise known as CAFs or Constant Applicative Forms) in
- loaded modules is retained between evaluations. Turning
- on <literal>+r</literal> causes all evaluation of
- top-level expressions to be discarded after each
- evaluation (they are still retained
- <emphasis>during</emphasis> a single evaluation).</para>
- <para>This option may help if the evaluated top-level
- expressions are consuming large amounts of space, or if
- you need repeatable performance measurements.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>+s</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>+s</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Display some stats after evaluating each expression,
- including the elapsed time and number of bytes allocated.
- NOTE: the allocation figure is only accurate to the size
- of the storage manager's allocation area, because it is
- calculated at every GC. Hence, you might see values of
- zero if no GC has occurred.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>+t</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>+t</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Display the type of each variable bound after a
- statement is entered at the prompt. If the statement is a
- single expression, then the only variable binding will be
- for the variable
- &lsquo;<literal>it</literal>&rsquo;.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="ghci-cmd-line-options">
- <title>Setting GHC command-line options in GHCi</title>
- <para>Normal GHC command-line options may also be set using
- <literal>:set</literal>. For example, to turn on
- <option>-fwarn-missing-signatures</option>, you would say:</para>
-Prelude> :set -fwarn-missing-signatures
- <para>Any GHC command-line option that is designated as
- <firstterm>dynamic</firstterm> (see the table in <xref
- linkend="flag-reference"/>), may be set using
- <literal>:set</literal>. To unset an option, you can set the
- reverse option:</para>
- <indexterm><primary>dynamic</primary><secondary>options</secondary></indexterm>
-Prelude> :set -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns -XNoMultiParamTypeClasses
- <para><xref linkend="flag-reference"/> lists the reverse for each
- option where applicable.</para>
- <para>Certain static options (<option>-package</option>,
- <option>-I</option>, <option>-i</option>, and
- <option>-l</option> in particular) will also work, but some may
- not take effect until the next reload.</para>
- <indexterm><primary>static</primary><secondary>options</secondary></indexterm>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="ghci-interactive-options">
- <title>Setting options for interactive evaluation only</title>
- <para>
- GHCi actually maintains <emphasis>two</emphasis> sets of options:
- The <emphasis>loading options</emphasis> apply when loading modules
- The <emphasis>interactive options</emphasis> apply when evaluating expressions and commands typed at the GHCi prompt.
-The <literal>:set</literal> command modifies both, but there is
- also a <literal>:seti</literal> command (for "set
- interactive") that affects only the interactive options set.
- </para>
- <para>
- It is often useful to change the interactive options,
- without having that option apply to loaded modules
- too. For example
-:seti -XMonoLocalBinds
- It would be undesirable if <option>-XMonoLocalBinds</option> were to
- apply to loaded modules too: that might cause a compilation error, but
- more commonly it will cause extra recompilation, because GHC will think
- that it needs to recompile the module because the flags have changed.
- </para>
- <para>
- If you are setting language options in your <literal>.ghci</literal> file, it is good practice
- to use <literal>:seti</literal> rather than <literal>:set</literal>,
- unless you really do want them to apply to all modules you
- load in GHCi.
- </para>
- <para>
- The two sets of options can be inspected using the
- <literal>:set</literal> and <literal>:seti</literal> commands
- respectively, with no arguments. For example, in a clean GHCi
- session we might see something like this:
-Prelude> :seti
-base language is: Haskell2010
-with the following modifiers:
- -XNoMonomorphismRestriction
- -XNoDatatypeContexts
- -XNondecreasingIndentation
- -XExtendedDefaultRules
-GHCi-specific dynamic flag settings:
-other dynamic, non-language, flag settings:
- -fimplicit-import-qualified
-warning settings:
- </para>
-The two sets of options are initialised as follows. First, both sets of options
-are initialised as described in <xref linkend="ghci-dot-files"/>.
-Then the interactive options are modified as follows:
- The option <option>-XExtendedDefaultRules</option>
- is enabled, in order to apply special defaulting rules to
- expressions typed at the prompt (see <xref
- linkend="extended-default-rules" />).
- </para></listitem>
-<listitem> <para>
- The Monomorphism Restriction is disabled (see <xref linkend="monomorphism" />).
- </para></listitem>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="ghci-dot-files">
- <title>The <filename>.ghci</filename> and <filename>.haskeline</filename> files</title>
- <sect2 id="dot-ghci-files">
- <title>The <filename>.ghci</filename> files</title>
- <indexterm><primary><filename>.ghci</filename></primary><secondary>file</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>startup</primary><secondary>files, GHCi</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>When it starts, unless the <literal>-ignore-dot-ghci</literal>
- flag is given, GHCi reads and executes commands from the following
- files, in this order, if they exist:</para>
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para><filename>./.ghci</filename></para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal><replaceable>appdata</replaceable>/ghc/ghci.conf</literal>,
- where <replaceable>appdata</replaceable> depends on your system,
- but is usually something like <literal>C:/Documents and Settings/<replaceable>user</replaceable>/Application Data</literal></para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>On Unix: <literal>$HOME/.ghc/ghci.conf</literal></para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>$HOME/.ghci</literal></para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- <para>The <filename>ghci.conf</filename> file is most useful for
- turning on favourite options (eg. <literal>:set +s</literal>), and
- defining useful macros. Note: when setting language options in
- this file it is usually desirable to use <literal>:seti</literal>
- rather than <literal>:set</literal> (see <xref
- linkend="ghci-interactive-options" />).
- </para>
- <para>
- Placing a <filename>.ghci</filename> file
- in a directory with a Haskell project is a useful way to set
- certain project-wide options so you don't have to type them
- every time you start GHCi: eg. if your project uses multi-parameter
- type classes, scoped type variables,
- and CPP, and has source files in three subdirectories A, B and C,
- you might put the following lines in
- <filename>.ghci</filename>:</para>
-:set -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XScopedTypeVariables -cpp
-:set -iA:B:C
- <para>(Note that strictly speaking the <option>-i</option> flag is
- a static one, but in fact it works to set it using
- <literal>:set</literal> like this. The changes won't take effect
- until the next <literal>:load</literal>, though.)</para>
- <para>Once you have a library of GHCi macros, you may want
- to source them from separate files, or you may want to source
- your <filename>.ghci</filename> file into your running GHCi
- session while debugging it</para>
-:def source readFile
- <para>With this macro defined in your <filename>.ghci</filename>
- file, you can use <literal>:source file</literal> to read GHCi
- commands from <literal>file</literal>. You can find (and contribute!-)
- other suggestions for <filename>.ghci</filename> files on this Haskell
- wiki page: <ulink
- url="">GHC/GHCi</ulink></para>
- <para>Additionally, any files specified with
- <literal>-ghci-script</literal> flags will be read after the
- standard files, allowing the use of custom .ghci files.</para>
- <para>Two command-line options control whether the
- startup files files are read:</para>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <option>-ignore-dot-ghci</option>
- <indexterm><primary><option>-ignore-dot-ghci</option></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Don't read either <filename>./.ghci</filename> or the
- other startup files when starting up.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <option>-ghci-script</option>
- <indexterm><primary><option>-ghci-script</option></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Read a specific file after the usual startup files.
- Maybe be specified repeatedly for multiple inputs.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- <para>
- When defining GHCi macros, there is some important behavior you
- should be aware of when names may conflict with built-in
- commands, especially regarding tab completion.
- </para>
- <para>
- For example, consider if you had a macro named
- <literal>:time</literal> and in the shell, typed <literal>:t
- 3</literal> - what should happen? The current algorithm we use
- for completing commands is:
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>First, look up an exact match on the name from the defined macros.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Look for the exact match on the name in the built-in command list.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Do a prefix lookup on the list of built-in commands -
- if a built-in command matches, but a macro is defined with
- the same name as the built-in defined, pick the
- macro.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Do a prefix lookup on the list of built-in commands.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Do a prefix lookup on the list of defined macros.</para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- </para>
- <para>
- Here are some examples:
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>You have a macro <literal>:time</literal> and enter <literal>:t 3</literal></para>
- <para>You get <literal>:type 3</literal></para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>You have a macro <literal>:type</literal> and enter <literal>:t 3</literal></para>
- <para>You get <literal>:type 3</literal> with your defined macro, not the builtin.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>You have a macro <literal>:time</literal> and a macro
- <literal>:type</literal>, and enter <literal>:t
- 3</literal></para>
- <para>You get <literal>:type 3</literal> with your defined macro.</para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="dot-haskeline-file">
- <title>The <filename>.haskeline</filename> file</title>
- <indexterm><primary><filename>.haskeline</filename></primary><secondary>file</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>startup</primary><secondary>files, GHCi</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- GHCi uses <ulink url="">Haskeline</ulink>
- under the hood. You can configure it to, among other things, prune
- duplicates from ghci history. See:
- <ulink url="">Haskeline user preferences</ulink>.
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="ghci-obj">
- <title>Compiling to object code inside GHCi</title>
- <para>By default, GHCi compiles Haskell source code into byte-code
- that is interpreted by the runtime system. GHCi can also compile
- Haskell code to object code: to turn on this feature, use the
- <option>-fobject-code</option> flag either on the command line or
- with <literal>:set</literal> (the option
- <option>-fbyte-code</option> restores byte-code compilation
- again). Compiling to object code takes longer, but typically the
- code will execute 10-20 times faster than byte-code.</para>
- <para>Compiling to object code inside GHCi is particularly useful
- if you are developing a compiled application, because the
- <literal>:reload</literal> command typically runs much faster than
- restarting GHC with <option>--make</option> from the command-line,
- because all the interface files are already cached in
- memory.</para>
- <para>There are disadvantages to compiling to object-code: you
- can't set breakpoints in object-code modules, for example. Only
- the exports of an object-code module will be visible in GHCi,
- rather than all top-level bindings as in interpreted
- modules.</para>
- </sect1>
- <sect1 id="ghci-faq">
- <title>FAQ and Things To Watch Out For</title>
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>The interpreter can't load modules with foreign export
- declarations!</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>Unfortunately not. We haven't implemented it yet.
- Please compile any offending modules by hand before loading
- them into GHCi.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>-O</literal> doesn't work with GHCi!
- <indexterm><primary><option>-O</option></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem>
- <para>For technical reasons, the bytecode compiler doesn't
- interact well with one of the optimisation passes, so we
- have disabled optimisation when using the interpreter. This
- isn't a great loss: you'll get a much bigger win by
- compiling the bits of your code that need to go fast, rather
- than interpreting them with optimisation turned on.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>Unboxed tuples don't work with GHCi</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>That's right. You can always compile a module that
- uses unboxed tuples and load it into GHCi, however.
- (Incidentally the previous point, namely that
- <literal>-O</literal> is incompatible with GHCi, is because
- the bytecode compiler can't deal with unboxed
- tuples).</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>Concurrent threads don't carry on running when GHCi is
- waiting for input.</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>This should work, as long as your GHCi was built with
- the <option>-threaded</option> switch, which is the default.
- Consult whoever supplied your GHCi installation.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>After using <literal>getContents</literal>, I can't use
- <literal>stdin</literal> again until I do
- <literal>:load</literal> or <literal>:reload</literal>.</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>This is the defined behaviour of
- <literal>getContents</literal>: it puts the stdin Handle in
- a state known as <firstterm>semi-closed</firstterm>, wherein
- any further I/O operations on it are forbidden. Because I/O
- state is retained between computations, the semi-closed
- state persists until the next <literal>:load</literal> or
- <literal>:reload</literal> command.</para>
- <para>You can make <literal>stdin</literal> reset itself
- after every evaluation by giving GHCi the command
- <literal>:set +r</literal>. This works because
- <literal>stdin</literal> is just a top-level expression that
- can be reverted to its unevaluated state in the same way as
- any other top-level expression (CAF).</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>I can't use Control-C to interrupt computations in
- GHCi on Windows.</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>See <xref linkend="ghci-windows"/>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>The default buffering mode is different in GHCi to GHC.</term>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- In GHC, the stdout handle is line-buffered by default.
- However, in GHCi we turn off the buffering on stdout,
- because this is normally what you want in an interpreter:
- output appears as it is generated.
- </para>
- <para>
- If you want line-buffered behaviour, as in GHC, you can
- start your program thus:
- <programlisting>
- main = do { hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering; ... }
- </programlisting>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
- </sect1>
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