path: root/docs/users_guide/glasgow_exts.xml
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<indexterm><primary>language, GHC</primary></indexterm>
-<indexterm><primary>extensions, GHC</primary></indexterm>
-As with all known Haskell systems, GHC implements some extensions to
-the language. They can all be enabled or disabled by command line flags
-or language pragmas. By default GHC understands the most recent Haskell
-version it supports, plus a handful of extensions.
-Some of the Glasgow extensions serve to give you access to the
-underlying facilities with which we implement Haskell. Thus, you can
-get at the Raw Iron, if you are willing to write some non-portable
-code at a more primitive level. You need not be &ldquo;stuck&rdquo;
-on performance because of the implementation costs of Haskell's
-&ldquo;high-level&rdquo; features&mdash;you can always code
-&ldquo;under&rdquo; them. In an extreme case, you can write all your
-time-critical code in C, and then just glue it together with Haskell!
-Before you get too carried away working at the lowest level (e.g.,
-sloshing <literal>MutableByteArray&num;</literal>s around your
-program), you may wish to check if there are libraries that provide a
-&ldquo;Haskellised veneer&rdquo; over the features you want. The
-separate <ulink url="../libraries/index.html">libraries
-documentation</ulink> describes all the libraries that come with GHC.
- <sect1 id="options-language">
- <title>Language options</title>
- <indexterm><primary>language</primary><secondary>option</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>options</primary><secondary>language</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>extensions</primary><secondary>options controlling</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>The language option flags control what variation of the language are
- permitted.</para>
- <para>Language options can be controlled in two ways:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>Every language option can switched on by a command-line flag "<option>-X...</option>"
- (e.g. <option>-XTemplateHaskell</option>), and switched off by the flag "<option>-XNo...</option>";
- (e.g. <option>-XNoTemplateHaskell</option>).</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- Language options recognised by Cabal can also be enabled using the <literal>LANGUAGE</literal> pragma,
- thus <literal>{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}</literal> (see <xref linkend="language-pragma"/>). </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist></para>
- <para>The flag <option>-fglasgow-exts</option>
- <indexterm><primary><option>-fglasgow-exts</option></primary></indexterm>
- is equivalent to enabling the following extensions:
- &what_glasgow_exts_does;
- Enabling these options is the <emphasis>only</emphasis>
- effect of <option>-fglasgow-exts</option>.
- We are trying to move away from this portmanteau flag,
- and towards enabling features individually.</para>
- </sect1>
-<sect1 id="primitives">
- <title>Unboxed types and primitive operations</title>
-<para>GHC is built on a raft of primitive data types and operations;
-"primitive" in the sense that they cannot be defined in Haskell itself.
-While you really can use this stuff to write fast code,
-we generally find it a lot less painful, and more satisfying in the
-long run, to use higher-level language features and libraries. With
-any luck, the code you write will be optimised to the efficient
-unboxed version in any case. And if it isn't, we'd like to know
-about it.</para>
-<para>All these primitive data types and operations are exported by the
-library <literal>GHC.Prim</literal>, for which there is
-<ulink url="&libraryGhcPrimLocation;/GHC-Prim.html">detailed online documentation</ulink>.
-(This documentation is generated from the file <filename>compiler/prelude/primops.txt.pp</filename>.)
-If you want to mention any of the primitive data types or operations in your
-program, you must first import <literal>GHC.Prim</literal> to bring them
-into scope. Many of them have names ending in "&num;", and to mention such
-names you need the <option>-XMagicHash</option> extension (<xref linkend="magic-hash"/>).
-<para>The primops make extensive use of <link linkend="glasgow-unboxed">unboxed types</link>
-and <link linkend="unboxed-tuples">unboxed tuples</link>, which
-we briefly summarise here. </para>
-<sect2 id="glasgow-unboxed">
-<title>Unboxed types</title>
-<indexterm><primary>Unboxed types (Glasgow extension)</primary></indexterm>
-<para>Most types in GHC are <firstterm>boxed</firstterm>, which means
-that values of that type are represented by a pointer to a heap
-object. The representation of a Haskell <literal>Int</literal>, for
-example, is a two-word heap object. An <firstterm>unboxed</firstterm>
-type, however, is represented by the value itself, no pointers or heap
-allocation are involved.
-Unboxed types correspond to the &ldquo;raw machine&rdquo; types you
-would use in C: <literal>Int&num;</literal> (long int),
-<literal>Double&num;</literal> (double), <literal>Addr&num;</literal>
-(void *), etc. The <emphasis>primitive operations</emphasis>
-(PrimOps) on these types are what you might expect; e.g.,
-<literal>(+&num;)</literal> is addition on
-<literal>Int&num;</literal>s, and is the machine-addition that we all
-know and love&mdash;usually one instruction.
-Primitive (unboxed) types cannot be defined in Haskell, and are
-therefore built into the language and compiler. Primitive types are
-always unlifted; that is, a value of a primitive type cannot be
-bottom. We use the convention (but it is only a convention)
-that primitive types, values, and
-operations have a <literal>&num;</literal> suffix (see <xref linkend="magic-hash"/>).
-For some primitive types we have special syntax for literals, also
-described in the <link linkend="magic-hash">same section</link>.
-Primitive values are often represented by a simple bit-pattern, such
-as <literal>Int&num;</literal>, <literal>Float&num;</literal>,
-<literal>Double&num;</literal>. But this is not necessarily the case:
-a primitive value might be represented by a pointer to a
-heap-allocated object. Examples include
-<literal>Array&num;</literal>, the type of primitive arrays. A
-primitive array is heap-allocated because it is too big a value to fit
-in a register, and would be too expensive to copy around; in a sense,
-it is accidental that it is represented by a pointer. If a pointer
-represents a primitive value, then it really does point to that value:
-no unevaluated thunks, no indirections&hellip;nothing can be at the
-other end of the pointer than the primitive value.
-A numerically-intensive program using unboxed types can
-go a <emphasis>lot</emphasis> faster than its &ldquo;standard&rdquo;
-counterpart&mdash;we saw a threefold speedup on one example.
-There are some restrictions on the use of primitive types:
-<listitem><para>The main restriction
-is that you can't pass a primitive value to a polymorphic
-function or store one in a polymorphic data type. This rules out
-things like <literal>[Int&num;]</literal> (i.e. lists of primitive
-integers). The reason for this restriction is that polymorphic
-arguments and constructor fields are assumed to be pointers: if an
-unboxed integer is stored in one of these, the garbage collector would
-attempt to follow it, leading to unpredictable space leaks. Or a
-<function>seq</function> operation on the polymorphic component may
-attempt to dereference the pointer, with disastrous results. Even
-worse, the unboxed value might be larger than a pointer
-(<literal>Double&num;</literal> for instance).
-<listitem><para> You cannot define a newtype whose representation type
-(the argument type of the data constructor) is an unboxed type. Thus,
-this is illegal:
- newtype A = MkA Int#
-<listitem><para> You cannot bind a variable with an unboxed type
-in a <emphasis>top-level</emphasis> binding.
-<listitem><para> You cannot bind a variable with an unboxed type
-in a <emphasis>recursive</emphasis> binding.
-<listitem><para> You may bind unboxed variables in a (non-recursive,
-non-top-level) pattern binding, but you must make any such pattern-match
-strict. For example, rather than:
- data Foo = Foo Int Int#
- f x = let (Foo a b, w) = ..rhs.. in ..body..
-you must write:
- data Foo = Foo Int Int#
- f x = let !(Foo a b, w) = ..rhs.. in ..body..
-since <literal>b</literal> has type <literal>Int#</literal>.
-<sect2 id="unboxed-tuples">
-<title>Unboxed tuples</title>
-Unboxed tuples aren't really exported by <literal>GHC.Exts</literal>;
-they are a syntactic extension enabled by the language flag <option>-XUnboxedTuples</option>. An
-unboxed tuple looks like this:
-(# e_1, ..., e_n #)
-where <literal>e&lowbar;1..e&lowbar;n</literal> are expressions of any
-type (primitive or non-primitive). The type of an unboxed tuple looks
-the same.
-Note that when unboxed tuples are enabled,
-<literal>(#</literal> is a single lexeme, so for example when using
-operators like <literal>#</literal> and <literal>#-</literal> you need
-to write <literal>( # )</literal> and <literal>( #- )</literal> rather than
-<literal>(#)</literal> and <literal>(#-)</literal>.
-Unboxed tuples are used for functions that need to return multiple
-values, but they avoid the heap allocation normally associated with
-using fully-fledged tuples. When an unboxed tuple is returned, the
-components are put directly into registers or on the stack; the
-unboxed tuple itself does not have a composite representation. Many
-of the primitive operations listed in <literal>primops.txt.pp</literal> return unboxed
-In particular, the <literal>IO</literal> and <literal>ST</literal> monads use unboxed
-tuples to avoid unnecessary allocation during sequences of operations.
-There are some restrictions on the use of unboxed tuples:
-Values of unboxed tuple types are subject to the same restrictions as
-other unboxed types; i.e. they may not be stored in polymorphic data
-structures or passed to polymorphic functions.
-The typical use of unboxed tuples is simply to return multiple values,
-binding those multiple results with a <literal>case</literal> expression, thus:
- f x y = (# x+1, y-1 #)
- g x = case f x x of { (# a, b #) -&#62; a + b }
-You can have an unboxed tuple in a pattern binding, thus
- f x = let (# p,q #) = h x in ..body..
-If the types of <literal>p</literal> and <literal>q</literal> are not unboxed,
-the resulting binding is lazy like any other Haskell pattern binding. The
-above example desugars like this:
- f x = let t = case h x of { (# p,q #) -> (p,q) }
- p = fst t
- q = snd t
- in ..body..
-Indeed, the bindings can even be recursive.
-<!-- ====================== SYNTACTIC EXTENSIONS ======================= -->
-<sect1 id="syntax-extns">
-<title>Syntactic extensions</title>
- <sect2 id="unicode-syntax">
- <title>Unicode syntax</title>
- <para>The language
- extension <option>-XUnicodeSyntax</option><indexterm><primary><option>-XUnicodeSyntax</option></primary></indexterm>
- enables Unicode characters to be used to stand for certain ASCII
- character sequences. The following alternatives are provided:</para>
- <informaltable>
- <tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">
- <thead>
- <row>
- <entry>ASCII</entry>
- <entry>Unicode alternative</entry>
- <entry>Code point</entry>
- <entry>Name</entry>
- </row>
- </thead>
- to find the DocBook entities for these characters, find
- the Unicode code point (e.g. 0x2237), and grep for it in
- /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xml-dtd-*/ent/* (or equivalent on
- your system. Some of these Unicode code points don't have
- equivalent DocBook entities.
- -->
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry><literal>::</literal></entry>
- <entry>&#x2237;</entry>
- <entry>0x2237</entry>
- <entry>PROPORTION</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry><literal>=&gt;</literal></entry>
- <entry>&rArr;</entry>
- <entry>0x21D2</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry><literal>forall</literal></entry>
- <entry>&forall;</entry>
- <entry>0x2200</entry>
- <entry>FOR ALL</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry><literal>-&gt;</literal></entry>
- <entry>&rarr;</entry>
- <entry>0x2192</entry>
- <entry>RIGHTWARDS ARROW</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry><literal>&lt;-</literal></entry>
- <entry>&larr;</entry>
- <entry>0x2190</entry>
- <entry>LEFTWARDS ARROW</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry>-&lt;</entry>
- <entry>&#x2919;</entry>
- <entry>0x2919</entry>
- <entry>LEFTWARDS ARROW-TAIL</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry>&gt;-</entry>
- <entry>&#x291A;</entry>
- <entry>0x291A</entry>
- <entry>RIGHTWARDS ARROW-TAIL</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry>-&lt;&lt;</entry>
- <entry>&#x291B;</entry>
- <entry>0x291B</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry>&gt;&gt;-</entry>
- <entry>&#x291C;</entry>
- <entry>0x291C</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- <tbody>
- <row>
- <entry>*</entry>
- <entry>&starf;</entry>
- <entry>0x2605</entry>
- <entry>BLACK STAR</entry>
- </row>
- </tbody>
- </tgroup>
- </informaltable>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="magic-hash">
- <title>The magic hash</title>
- <para>The language extension <option>-XMagicHash</option> allows "&num;" as a
- postfix modifier to identifiers. Thus, "x&num;" is a valid variable, and "T&num;" is
- a valid type constructor or data constructor.</para>
- <para>The hash sign does not change semantics at all. We tend to use variable
- names ending in "&num;" for unboxed values or types (e.g. <literal>Int&num;</literal>),
- but there is no requirement to do so; they are just plain ordinary variables.
- Nor does the <option>-XMagicHash</option> extension bring anything into scope.
- For example, to bring <literal>Int&num;</literal> into scope you must
- import <literal>GHC.Prim</literal> (see <xref linkend="primitives"/>);
- the <option>-XMagicHash</option> extension
- then allows you to <emphasis>refer</emphasis> to the <literal>Int&num;</literal>
- that is now in scope. Note that with this option, the meaning of <literal>x&num;y = 0</literal>
- is changed: it defines a function <literal>x&num;</literal> taking a single argument <literal>y</literal>;
- to define the operator <literal>&num;</literal>, put a space: <literal>x &num; y = 0</literal>.
- <para> The <option>-XMagicHash</option> also enables some new forms of literals (see <xref linkend="glasgow-unboxed"/>):
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para> <literal>'x'&num;</literal> has type <literal>Char&num;</literal></para> </listitem>
- <listitem><para> <literal>&quot;foo&quot;&num;</literal> has type <literal>Addr&num;</literal></para> </listitem>
- <listitem><para> <literal>3&num;</literal> has type <literal>Int&num;</literal>. In general,
- any Haskell integer lexeme followed by a <literal>&num;</literal> is an <literal>Int&num;</literal> literal, e.g.
- <literal>-0x3A&num;</literal> as well as <literal>32&num;</literal>.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para> <literal>3&num;&num;</literal> has type <literal>Word&num;</literal>. In general,
- any non-negative Haskell integer lexeme followed by <literal>&num;&num;</literal>
- is a <literal>Word&num;</literal>. </para> </listitem>
- <listitem><para> <literal>3.2&num;</literal> has type <literal>Float&num;</literal>.</para> </listitem>
- <listitem><para> <literal>3.2&num;&num;</literal> has type <literal>Double&num;</literal></para> </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="negative-literals">
- <title>Negative literals</title>
- <para>
- The literal <literal>-123</literal> is, according to
- Haskell98 and Haskell 2010, desugared as
- <literal>negate (fromInteger 123)</literal>.
- The language extension <option>-XNegativeLiterals</option>
- means that it is instead desugared as
- <literal>fromInteger (-123)</literal>.
- </para>
- <para>
- This can make a difference when the positive and negative range of
- a numeric data type don't match up. For example,
- in 8-bit arithmetic -128 is representable, but +128 is not.
- So <literal>negate (fromInteger 128)</literal> will elicit an
- unexpected integer-literal-overflow message.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="num-decimals">
- <title>Fractional looking integer literals</title>
- <para>
- Haskell 2010 and Haskell 98 define floating literals with
- the syntax <literal>1.2e6</literal>. These literals have the
- type <literal>Fractional a => a</literal>.
- </para>
- <para>
- The language extension <option>-XNumDecimals</option> allows
- you to also use the floating literal syntax for instances of
- <literal>Integral</literal>, and have values like
- <literal>(1.2e6 :: Num a => a)</literal>
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="binary-literals">
- <title>Binary integer literals</title>
- <para>
- Haskell 2010 and Haskell 98 allows for integer literals to
- be given in decimal, octal (prefixed by
- <literal>0o</literal> or <literal>0O</literal>), or
- hexadecimal notation (prefixed by <literal>0x</literal> or
- <literal>0X</literal>).
- </para>
- <para>
- The language extension <option>-XBinaryLiterals</option>
- adds support for expressing integer literals in binary
- notation with the prefix <literal>0b</literal> or
- <literal>0B</literal>. For instance, the binary integer
- literal <literal>0b11001001</literal> will be desugared into
- <literal>fromInteger 201</literal> when
- <option>-XBinaryLiterals</option> is enabled.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <!-- ====================== HIERARCHICAL MODULES ======================= -->
- <sect2 id="hierarchical-modules">
- <title>Hierarchical Modules</title>
- <para>GHC supports a small extension to the syntax of module
- names: a module name is allowed to contain a dot
- <literal>&lsquo;.&rsquo;</literal>. This is also known as the
- &ldquo;hierarchical module namespace&rdquo; extension, because
- it extends the normally flat Haskell module namespace into a
- more flexible hierarchy of modules.</para>
- <para>This extension has very little impact on the language
- itself; modules names are <emphasis>always</emphasis> fully
- qualified, so you can just think of the fully qualified module
- name as <quote>the module name</quote>. In particular, this
- means that the full module name must be given after the
- <literal>module</literal> keyword at the beginning of the
- module; for example, the module <literal>A.B.C</literal> must
- begin</para>
-<programlisting>module A.B.C</programlisting>
- <para>It is a common strategy to use the <literal>as</literal>
- keyword to save some typing when using qualified names with
- hierarchical modules. For example:</para>
-import qualified Control.Monad.ST.Strict as ST
- <para>For details on how GHC searches for source and interface
- files in the presence of hierarchical modules, see <xref
- linkend="search-path"/>.</para>
- <para>GHC comes with a large collection of libraries arranged
- hierarchically; see the accompanying <ulink
- url="../libraries/index.html">library
- documentation</ulink>. More libraries to install are available
- from <ulink
- url="">HackageDB</ulink>.</para>
- </sect2>
- <!-- ====================== PATTERN GUARDS ======================= -->
-<sect2 id="pattern-guards">
-<title>Pattern guards</title>
-<indexterm><primary>Pattern guards (Glasgow extension)</primary></indexterm>
-The discussion that follows is an abbreviated version of Simon Peyton Jones's original <ulink url="">proposal</ulink>. (Note that the proposal was written before pattern guards were implemented, so refers to them as unimplemented.)
-Suppose we have an abstract data type of finite maps, with a
-lookup operation:
-lookup :: FiniteMap -> Int -> Maybe Int
-The lookup returns <function>Nothing</function> if the supplied key is not in the domain of the mapping, and <function>(Just v)</function> otherwise,
-where <varname>v</varname> is the value that the key maps to. Now consider the following definition:
-clunky env var1 var2 | ok1 &amp;&amp; ok2 = val1 + val2
-| otherwise = var1 + var2
- m1 = lookup env var1
- m2 = lookup env var2
- ok1 = maybeToBool m1
- ok2 = maybeToBool m2
- val1 = expectJust m1
- val2 = expectJust m2
-The auxiliary functions are
-maybeToBool :: Maybe a -&gt; Bool
-maybeToBool (Just x) = True
-maybeToBool Nothing = False
-expectJust :: Maybe a -&gt; a
-expectJust (Just x) = x
-expectJust Nothing = error "Unexpected Nothing"
-What is <function>clunky</function> doing? The guard <literal>ok1 &amp;&amp;
-ok2</literal> checks that both lookups succeed, using
-<function>maybeToBool</function> to convert the <function>Maybe</function>
-types to booleans. The (lazily evaluated) <function>expectJust</function>
-calls extract the values from the results of the lookups, and binds the
-returned values to <varname>val1</varname> and <varname>val2</varname>
-respectively. If either lookup fails, then clunky takes the
-<literal>otherwise</literal> case and returns the sum of its arguments.
-This is certainly legal Haskell, but it is a tremendously verbose and
-un-obvious way to achieve the desired effect. Arguably, a more direct way
-to write clunky would be to use case expressions:
-clunky env var1 var2 = case lookup env var1 of
- Nothing -&gt; fail
- Just val1 -&gt; case lookup env var2 of
- Nothing -&gt; fail
- Just val2 -&gt; val1 + val2
- fail = var1 + var2
-This is a bit shorter, but hardly better. Of course, we can rewrite any set
-of pattern-matching, guarded equations as case expressions; that is
-precisely what the compiler does when compiling equations! The reason that
-Haskell provides guarded equations is because they allow us to write down
-the cases we want to consider, one at a time, independently of each other.
-This structure is hidden in the case version. Two of the right-hand sides
-are really the same (<function>fail</function>), and the whole expression
-tends to become more and more indented.
-Here is how I would write clunky:
-clunky env var1 var2
- | Just val1 &lt;- lookup env var1
- , Just val2 &lt;- lookup env var2
- = val1 + val2
-...other equations for clunky...
-The semantics should be clear enough. The qualifiers are matched in order.
-For a <literal>&lt;-</literal> qualifier, which I call a pattern guard, the
-right hand side is evaluated and matched against the pattern on the left.
-If the match fails then the whole guard fails and the next equation is
-tried. If it succeeds, then the appropriate binding takes place, and the
-next qualifier is matched, in the augmented environment. Unlike list
-comprehensions, however, the type of the expression to the right of the
-<literal>&lt;-</literal> is the same as the type of the pattern to its
-left. The bindings introduced by pattern guards scope over all the
-remaining guard qualifiers, and over the right hand side of the equation.
-Just as with list comprehensions, boolean expressions can be freely mixed
-with among the pattern guards. For example:
-f x | [y] &lt;- x
- , y > 3
- , Just z &lt;- h y
- = ...
-Haskell's current guards therefore emerge as a special case, in which the
-qualifier list has just one element, a boolean expression.
- <!-- ===================== View patterns =================== -->
-<sect2 id="view-patterns">
-<title>View patterns
-View patterns are enabled by the flag <literal>-XViewPatterns</literal>.
-More information and examples of view patterns can be found on the
-<ulink url="">Wiki
-View patterns are somewhat like pattern guards that can be nested inside
-of other patterns. They are a convenient way of pattern-matching
-against values of abstract types. For example, in a programming language
-implementation, we might represent the syntax of the types of the
-language as follows:
-type Typ
-data TypView = Unit
- | Arrow Typ Typ
-view :: Typ -> TypView
--- additional operations for constructing Typ's ...
-The representation of Typ is held abstract, permitting implementations
-to use a fancy representation (e.g., hash-consing to manage sharing).
-Without view patterns, using this signature a little inconvenient:
-size :: Typ -> Integer
-size t = case view t of
- Unit -> 1
- Arrow t1 t2 -> size t1 + size t2
-It is necessary to iterate the case, rather than using an equational
-function definition. And the situation is even worse when the matching
-against <literal>t</literal> is buried deep inside another pattern.
-View patterns permit calling the view function inside the pattern and
-matching against the result:
-size (view -> Unit) = 1
-size (view -> Arrow t1 t2) = size t1 + size t2
-That is, we add a new form of pattern, written
-<replaceable>expression</replaceable> <literal>-></literal>
-<replaceable>pattern</replaceable> that means "apply the expression to
-whatever we're trying to match against, and then match the result of
-that application against the pattern". The expression can be any Haskell
-expression of function type, and view patterns can be used wherever
-patterns are used.
-The semantics of a pattern <literal>(</literal>
-<replaceable>exp</replaceable> <literal>-></literal>
-<replaceable>pat</replaceable> <literal>)</literal> are as follows:
-<listitem> Scoping:
-<para>The variables bound by the view pattern are the variables bound by
-Any variables in <replaceable>exp</replaceable> are bound occurrences,
-but variables bound "to the left" in a pattern are in scope. This
-feature permits, for example, one argument to a function to be used in
-the view of another argument. For example, the function
-<literal>clunky</literal> from <xref linkend="pattern-guards" /> can be
-written using view patterns as follows:
-clunky env (lookup env -> Just val1) (lookup env -> Just val2) = val1 + val2
-...other equations for clunky...
-More precisely, the scoping rules are:
-In a single pattern, variables bound by patterns to the left of a view
-pattern expression are in scope. For example:
-example :: Maybe ((String -> Integer,Integer), String) -> Bool
-example Just ((f,_), f -> 4) = True
-Additionally, in function definitions, variables bound by matching earlier curried
-arguments may be used in view pattern expressions in later arguments:
-example :: (String -> Integer) -> String -> Bool
-example f (f -> 4) = True
-That is, the scoping is the same as it would be if the curried arguments
-were collected into a tuple.
-In mutually recursive bindings, such as <literal>let</literal>,
-<literal>where</literal>, or the top level, view patterns in one
-declaration may not mention variables bound by other declarations. That
-is, each declaration must be self-contained. For example, the following
-program is not allowed:
-let {(x -> y) = e1 ;
- (y -> x) = e2 } in x
-(For some amplification on this design choice see
-<ulink url="">Trac #4061</ulink>.)
-<listitem><para> Typing: If <replaceable>exp</replaceable> has type
-<replaceable>T1</replaceable> <literal>-></literal>
-<replaceable>T2</replaceable> and <replaceable>pat</replaceable> matches
-a <replaceable>T2</replaceable>, then the whole view pattern matches a
-<listitem><para> Matching: To the equations in Section 3.17.3 of the
-<ulink url="">Haskell 98
-Report</ulink>, add the following:
-case v of { (e -> p) -> e1 ; _ -> e2 }
- =
-case (e v) of { p -> e1 ; _ -> e2 }
-That is, to match a variable <replaceable>v</replaceable> against a pattern
-<literal>(</literal> <replaceable>exp</replaceable>
-<literal>-></literal> <replaceable>pat</replaceable>
-<literal>)</literal>, evaluate <literal>(</literal>
-<replaceable>exp</replaceable> <replaceable> v</replaceable>
-<literal>)</literal> and match the result against
-<listitem><para> Efficiency: When the same view function is applied in
-multiple branches of a function definition or a case expression (e.g.,
-in <literal>size</literal> above), GHC makes an attempt to collect these
-applications into a single nested case expression, so that the view
-function is only applied once. Pattern compilation in GHC follows the
-matrix algorithm described in Chapter 4 of <ulink
-Implementation of Functional Programming Languages</ulink>. When the
-top rows of the first column of a matrix are all view patterns with the
-"same" expression, these patterns are transformed into a single nested
-case. This includes, for example, adjacent view patterns that line up
-in a tuple, as in
-f ((view -> A, p1), p2) = e1
-f ((view -> B, p3), p4) = e2
-<para> The current notion of when two view pattern expressions are "the
-same" is very restricted: it is not even full syntactic equality.
-However, it does include variables, literals, applications, and tuples;
-e.g., two instances of <literal>view ("hi", "there")</literal> will be
-collected. However, the current implementation does not compare up to
-alpha-equivalence, so two instances of <literal>(x, view x ->
-y)</literal> will not be coalesced.
- <!-- ===================== Pattern synonyms =================== -->
-<sect2 id="pattern-synonyms">
-<title>Pattern synonyms
-Pattern synonyms are enabled by the flag
-<literal>-XPatternSynonyms</literal>, which is required for defining
-them, but <emphasis>not</emphasis> for using them. More information
-and examples of view patterns can be found on the <ulink
-Pattern synonyms enable giving names to parametrized pattern
-schemes. They can also be thought of as abstract constructors that
-don't have a bearing on data representation. For example, in a
-programming language implementation, we might represent types of the
-language as follows:
-data Type = App String [Type]
-Here are some examples of using said representation.
-Consider a few types of the <literal>Type</literal> universe encoded
-like this:
- App "->" [t1, t2] -- t1 -> t2
- App "Int" [] -- Int
- App "Maybe" [App "Int" []] -- Maybe Int
-This representation is very generic in that no types are given special
-treatment. However, some functions might need to handle some known
-types specially, for example the following two functions collect all
-argument types of (nested) arrow types, and recognize the
-<literal>Int</literal> type, respectively:
- collectArgs :: Type -> [Type]
- collectArgs (App "->" [t1, t2]) = t1 : collectArgs t2
- collectArgs _ = []
- isInt :: Type -> Bool
- isInt (App "Int" []) = True
- isInt _ = False
-Matching on <literal>App</literal> directly is both hard to read and
-error prone to write. And the situation is even worse when the
-matching is nested:
- isIntEndo :: Type -> Bool
- isIntEndo (App "->" [App "Int" [], App "Int" []]) = True
- isIntEndo _ = False
-Pattern synonyms permit abstracting from the representation to expose
-matchers that behave in a constructor-like manner with respect to
-pattern matching. We can create pattern synonyms for the known types
-we care about, without committing the representation to them (note
-that these don't have to be defined in the same module as the
-<literal>Type</literal> type):
- pattern Arrow t1 t2 = App "->" [t1, t2]
- pattern Int = App "Int" []
- pattern Maybe t = App "Maybe" [t]
-Which enables us to rewrite our functions in a much cleaner style:
- collectArgs :: Type -> [Type]
- collectArgs (Arrow t1 t2) = t1 : collectArgs t2
- collectArgs _ = []
- isInt :: Type -> Bool
- isInt Int = True
- isInt _ = False
- isIntEndo :: Type -> Bool
- isIntEndo (Arrow Int Int) = True
- isIntEndo _ = False
- Note that in this example, the pattern synonyms
- <literal>Int</literal> and <literal>Arrow</literal> can also be used
- as expressions (they are <emphasis>bidirectional</emphasis>). This
- is not necessarily the case: <emphasis>unidirectional</emphasis>
- pattern synonyms can also be declared with the following syntax:
- pattern Head x &lt;- x:xs
-In this case, <literal>Head</literal> <replaceable>x</replaceable>
-cannot be used in expressions, only patterns, since it wouldn't
-specify a value for the <replaceable>xs</replaceable> on the
-right-hand side. We can give an explicit inversion of a pattern
-synonym using the following syntax:
- pattern Head x &lt;- x:xs where
- Head x = [x]
-The syntax and semantics of pattern synonyms are elaborated in the
-following subsections.
-See the <ulink
-page</ulink> for more details.
-<sect3> <title>Syntax and scoping of pattern synonyms</title>
-A pattern synonym declaration can be either unidirectional or
-bidirectional. The syntax for unidirectional pattern synonyms is:
- pattern Name args &lt;- pat
- and the syntax for bidirectional pattern synonyms is:
- pattern Name args = pat
-</programlisting> or
- pattern Name args &lt;- pat where
- Name args = expr
- Either prefix or infix syntax can be
- used.
- Pattern synonym declarations can only occur in the top level of a
- module. In particular, they are not allowed as local
- definitions.
- The variables in the left-hand side of the definition are bound by
- the pattern on the right-hand side. For implicitly bidirectional
- pattern synonyms, all the variables of the right-hand side must also
- occur on the left-hand side; also, wildcard patterns and view
- patterns are not allowed. For unidirectional and
- explicitly-bidirectional pattern synonyms, there is no restriction
- on the right-hand side pattern.
- Pattern synonyms cannot be defined recursively.
-<sect3 id="patsyn-impexp"> <title>Import and export of pattern synonyms</title>
- The name of the pattern synonym itself is in the same namespace as
- proper data constructors. In an export or import specification,
- you must prefix pattern
- names with the <literal>pattern</literal> keyword, e.g.:
- module Example (pattern Single) where
- pattern Single x = [x]
-Without the <literal>pattern</literal> prefix, <literal>Single</literal> would
-be interpreted as a type constructor in the export list.
-You may also use the <literal>pattern</literal> keyword in an import/export
-specification to import or export an ordinary data constructor. For example:
- import Data.Maybe( pattern Just )
-would bring into scope the data constructor <literal>Just</literal> from the
-<literal>Maybe</literal> type, without also bringing the type constructor
-<literal>Maybe</literal> into scope.
-<sect3> <title>Typing of pattern synonyms</title>
- Given a pattern synonym definition of the form
- pattern P var1 var2 ... varN &lt;- pat
- it is assigned a <emphasis>pattern type</emphasis> of the form
- pattern P :: CProv => CReq => t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tN -> t
- where <replaceable>CProv</replaceable> and
- <replaceable>CReq</replaceable> are type contexts, and
- <replaceable>t1</replaceable>, <replaceable>t2</replaceable>, ...,
- <replaceable>tN</replaceable> and <replaceable>t</replaceable> are
- types.
-Notice the unusual form of the type, with two contexts <replaceable>CProv</replaceable> and <replaceable>CReq</replaceable>:
-<listitem><para><replaceable>CReq</replaceable> are the constraints <emphasis>required</emphasis> to match the pattern.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para><replaceable>CProv</replaceable> are the constraints <emphasis>made available (provided)</emphasis>
-by a successful pattern match.</para></listitem>
-For example, consider
-data T a where
- MkT :: (Show b) => a -> b -> T a
-f1 :: (Eq a, Num a) => T a -> String
-f1 (MkT 42 x) = show x
-pattern ExNumPat :: (Show b) => (Num a, Eq a) => b -> T a
-pattern ExNumPat x = MkT 42 x
-f2 :: (Eq a, Num a) => T a -> String
-f2 (ExNumPat x) = show x
-Here <literal>f1</literal> does not use pattern synonyms. To match against the
-numeric pattern <literal>42</literal> <emphasis>requires</emphasis> the caller to
-satisfy the constraints <literal>(Num a, Eq a)</literal>,
-so they appear in <literal>f1</literal>'s type. The call to <literal>show</literal> generates a <literal>(Show b)</literal>
-constraint, where <literal>b</literal> is an existentially type variable bound by the pattern match
-on <literal>MkT</literal>. But the same pattern match also <emphasis>provides</emphasis> the constraint
-<literal>(Show b)</literal> (see <literal>MkT</literal>'s type), and so all is well.
-Exactly the same reasoning applies to <literal>ExNumPat</literal>:
-matching against <literal>ExNumPat</literal> <emphasis>requires</emphasis>
-the constraints <literal>(Num a, Eq a)</literal>, and <emphasis>provides</emphasis>
-the constraint <literal>(Show b)</literal>.
-Note also the following points
-In the common case where <replaceable>CReq</replaceable> is empty,
- <literal>()</literal>, it can be omitted altogether.
-</para> </listitem>
-You may specify an explicit <emphasis>pattern signature</emphasis>, as
-we did for <literal>ExNumPat</literal> above, to specify the type of a pattern,
-just as you can for a function. As usual, the type signature can be less polymorphic
-than the inferred type. For example
- -- Inferred type would be 'a -> [a]'
- pattern SinglePair :: (a, a) -> [(a, a)]
- pattern SinglePair x = [x]
-</para> </listitem>
-The GHCi <literal>:info</literal> command shows pattern types in this format.
-</para> </listitem>
-For a bidirectional pattern synonym, a use of the pattern synonym as an expression has the type
- (CProv, CReq) => t1 -> t2 -> ... -> tN -> t
- So in the previous example, when used in an expression, <literal>ExNumPat</literal> has type
- ExNumPat :: (Show b, Num a, Eq a) => b -> T t
-Notice that this is a tiny bit more restrictive than the expression <literal>MkT 42 x</literal>
-which would not require <literal>(Eq a)</literal>.
-</para> </listitem>
-Consider these two pattern synonyms:
-data S a where
- S1 :: Bool -> S Bool
-pattern P1 b = Just b -- P1 :: Bool -> Maybe Bool
-pattern P2 b = S1 b -- P2 :: (b~Bool) => Bool -> S b
-f :: Maybe a -> String
-f (P1 x) = "no no no" -- Type-incorrect
-g :: S a -> String
-g (P2 b) = "yes yes yes" -- Fine
-Pattern <literal>P1</literal> can only match against a value of type <literal>Maybe Bool</literal>,
-so function <literal>f</literal> is rejected because the type signature is <literal>Maybe a</literal>.
-(To see this, imagine expanding the pattern synonym.)
-On the other hand, function <literal>g</literal> works fine, because matching against <literal>P2</literal>
-(which wraps the GADT <literal>S</literal>) provides the local equality <literal>(a~Bool)</literal>.
-If you were to give an explicit pattern signature <literal>P2 :: Bool -> S Bool</literal>, then <literal>P2</literal>
-would become less polymorphic, and would behave exactly like <literal>P1</literal> so that <literal>g</literal>
-would then be rejected.
-In short, if you want GADT-like behaviour for pattern synonyms,
-then (unlike unlike concrete data constructors like <literal>S1</literal>)
-you must write its type with explicit provided equalities.
-For a concrete data constructor like <literal>S1</literal> you can write
-its type signature as either <literal>S1 :: Bool -> S Bool</literal> or
-<literal>S1 :: (b~Bool) => Bool -> S b</literal>; the two are equivalent.
-Not so for pattern synonyms: the two forms are different, in order to
-distinguish the two cases above. (See <ulink url="">Trac #9953</ulink> for
-discussion of this choice.)
-<sect3><title>Matching of pattern synonyms</title>
-A pattern synonym occurrence in a pattern is evaluated by first
-matching against the pattern synonym itself, and then on the argument
-patterns. For example, in the following program, <literal>f</literal>
-and <literal>f'</literal> are equivalent:
-pattern Pair x y &lt;- [x, y]
-f (Pair True True) = True
-f _ = False
-f' [x, y] | True &lt;- x, True &lt;- y = True
-f' _ = False
- Note that the strictness of <literal>f</literal> differs from that
- of <literal>g</literal> defined below:
-g [True, True] = True
-g _ = False
-*Main> f (False:undefined)
-*** Exception: Prelude.undefined
-*Main> g (False:undefined)
- <!-- ===================== n+k patterns =================== -->
-<sect2 id="n-k-patterns">
-<title>n+k patterns</title>
-<literal>n+k</literal> pattern support is disabled by default. To enable
-it, you can use the <option>-XNPlusKPatterns</option> flag.
- <!-- ===================== Traditional record syntax =================== -->
-<sect2 id="traditional-record-syntax">
-<title>Traditional record syntax</title>
-Traditional record syntax, such as <literal>C {f = x}</literal>, is enabled by default.
-To disable it, you can use the <option>-XNoTraditionalRecordSyntax</option> flag.
- <!-- ===================== Recursive do-notation =================== -->
-<sect2 id="recursive-do-notation">
-<title>The recursive do-notation
- The do-notation of Haskell 98 does not allow <emphasis>recursive bindings</emphasis>,
- that is, the variables bound in a do-expression are visible only in the textually following
- code block. Compare this to a let-expression, where bound variables are visible in the entire binding
- group.
- It turns out that such recursive bindings do indeed make sense for a variety of monads, but
- not all. In particular, recursion in this sense requires a fixed-point operator for the underlying
- monad, captured by the <literal>mfix</literal> method of the <literal>MonadFix</literal> class, defined in <literal>Control.Monad.Fix</literal> as follows:
-class Monad m => MonadFix m where
- mfix :: (a -> m a) -> m a
- Haskell's
- <literal>Maybe</literal>, <literal>[]</literal> (list), <literal>ST</literal> (both strict and lazy versions),
- <literal>IO</literal>, and many other monads have <literal>MonadFix</literal> instances. On the negative
- side, the continuation monad, with the signature <literal>(a -> r) -> r</literal>, does not.
- For monads that do belong to the <literal>MonadFix</literal> class, GHC provides
- an extended version of the do-notation that allows recursive bindings.
- The <option>-XRecursiveDo</option> (language pragma: <literal>RecursiveDo</literal>)
- provides the necessary syntactic support, introducing the keywords <literal>mdo</literal> and
- <literal>rec</literal> for higher and lower levels of the notation respectively. Unlike
- bindings in a <literal>do</literal> expression, those introduced by <literal>mdo</literal> and <literal>rec</literal>
- are recursively defined, much like in an ordinary let-expression. Due to the new
- keyword <literal>mdo</literal>, we also call this notation the <emphasis>mdo-notation</emphasis>.
- Here is a simple (albeit contrived) example:
-{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
-justOnes = mdo { xs &lt;- Just (1:xs)
- ; return (map negate xs) }
-or equivalently
-{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
-justOnes = do { rec { xs &lt;- Just (1:xs) }
- ; return (map negate xs) }
-As you can guess <literal>justOnes</literal> will evaluate to <literal>Just [-1,-1,-1,...</literal>.
- GHC's implementation the mdo-notation closely follows the original translation as described in the paper
- <ulink url="">A recursive do for Haskell</ulink>, which
- in turn is based on the work <ulink url="">Value Recursion
- in Monadic Computations</ulink>. Furthermore, GHC extends the syntax described in the former paper
- with a lower level syntax flagged by the <literal>rec</literal> keyword, as we describe next.
-<title>Recursive binding groups</title>
- The flag <option>-XRecursiveDo</option> also introduces a new keyword <literal>rec</literal>, which wraps a
- mutually-recursive group of monadic statements inside a <literal>do</literal> expression, producing a single statement.
- Similar to a <literal>let</literal> statement inside a <literal>do</literal>, variables bound in
- the <literal>rec</literal> are visible throughout the <literal>rec</literal> group, and below it. For example, compare
- do { a &lt;- getChar do { a &lt;- getChar
- ; let { r1 = f a r2 ; rec { r1 &lt;- f a r2
- ; ; r2 = g r1 } ; ; r2 &lt;- g r1 }
- ; return (r1 ++ r2) } ; return (r1 ++ r2) }
- In both cases, <literal>r1</literal> and <literal>r2</literal> are available both throughout
- the <literal>let</literal> or <literal>rec</literal> block, and in the statements that follow it.
- The difference is that <literal>let</literal> is non-monadic, while <literal>rec</literal> is monadic.
- (In Haskell <literal>let</literal> is really <literal>letrec</literal>, of course.)
- The semantics of <literal>rec</literal> is fairly straightforward. Whenever GHC finds a <literal>rec</literal>
- group, it will compute its set of bound variables, and will introduce an appropriate call
- to the underlying monadic value-recursion operator <literal>mfix</literal>, belonging to the
- <literal>MonadFix</literal> class. Here is an example:
-rec { b &lt;- f a c ===> (b,c) &lt;- mfix (\ ~(b,c) -> do { b &lt;- f a c
- ; c &lt;- f b a } ; c &lt;- f b a
- ; return (b,c) })
- As usual, the meta-variables <literal>b</literal>, <literal>c</literal> etc., can be arbitrary patterns.
- In general, the statement <literal>rec <replaceable>ss</replaceable></literal> is desugared to the statement
-<replaceable>vs</replaceable> &lt;- mfix (\ ~<replaceable>vs</replaceable> -&gt; do { <replaceable>ss</replaceable>; return <replaceable>vs</replaceable> })
- where <replaceable>vs</replaceable> is a tuple of the variables bound by <replaceable>ss</replaceable>.
- Note in particular that the translation for a <literal>rec</literal> block only involves wrapping a call
- to <literal>mfix</literal>: it performs no other analysis on the bindings. The latter is the task
- for the <literal>mdo</literal> notation, which is described next.
-<title>The <literal>mdo</literal> notation</title>
- A <literal>rec</literal>-block tells the compiler where precisely the recursive knot should be tied. It turns out that
- the placement of the recursive knots can be rather delicate: in particular, we would like the knots to be wrapped
- around as minimal groups as possible. This process is known as <emphasis>segmentation</emphasis>, and is described
- in detail in Section 3.2 of <ulink url="">A recursive do for
- Haskell</ulink>. Segmentation improves polymorphism and reduces the size of the recursive knot. Most importantly, it avoids
- unnecessary interference caused by a fundamental issue with the so-called <emphasis>right-shrinking</emphasis>
- axiom for monadic recursion. In brief, most monads of interest (IO, strict state, etc.) do <emphasis>not</emphasis>
- have recursion operators that satisfy this axiom, and thus not performing segmentation can cause unnecessary
- interference, changing the termination behavior of the resulting translation.
- (Details can be found in Sections 3.1 and 7.2.2 of
- <ulink url="">Value Recursion in Monadic Computations</ulink>.)
- The <literal>mdo</literal> notation removes the burden of placing
- explicit <literal>rec</literal> blocks in the code. Unlike an
- ordinary <literal>do</literal> expression, in which variables bound by
- statements are only in scope for later statements, variables bound in
- an <literal>mdo</literal> expression are in scope for all statements
- of the expression. The compiler then automatically identifies minimal
- mutually recursively dependent segments of statements, treating them as
- if the user had wrapped a <literal>rec</literal> qualifier around them.
- The definition is syntactic:
- <listitem>
- <para>
- A generator <replaceable>g</replaceable>
- <emphasis>depends</emphasis> on a textually following generator
- <replaceable>g'</replaceable>, if
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <replaceable>g'</replaceable> defines a variable that
- is used by <replaceable>g</replaceable>, or
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <replaceable>g'</replaceable> textually appears between
- <replaceable>g</replaceable> and
- <replaceable>g''</replaceable>, where <replaceable>g</replaceable>
- depends on <replaceable>g''</replaceable>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- A <emphasis>segment</emphasis> of a given
- <literal>mdo</literal>-expression is a minimal sequence of generators
- such that no generator of the sequence depends on an outside
- generator. As a special case, although it is not a generator,
- the final expression in an <literal>mdo</literal>-expression is
- considered to form a segment by itself.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- Segments in this sense are
- related to <emphasis>strongly-connected components</emphasis> analysis,
- with the exception that bindings in a segment cannot be reordered and
- must be contiguous.
- Here is an example <literal>mdo</literal>-expression, and its translation to <literal>rec</literal> blocks:
-mdo { a &lt;- getChar ===> do { a &lt;- getChar
- ; b &lt;- f a c ; rec { b &lt;- f a c
- ; c &lt;- f b a ; ; c &lt;- f b a }
- ; z &lt;- h a b ; z &lt;- h a b
- ; d &lt;- g d e ; rec { d &lt;- g d e
- ; e &lt;- g a z ; ; e &lt;- g a z }
- ; putChar c } ; putChar c }
-Note that a given <literal>mdo</literal> expression can cause the creation of multiple <literal>rec</literal> blocks.
-If there are no recursive dependencies, <literal>mdo</literal> will introduce no <literal>rec</literal> blocks. In this
-latter case an <literal>mdo</literal> expression is precisely the same as a <literal>do</literal> expression, as one
-would expect.
- In summary, given an <literal>mdo</literal> expression, GHC first performs segmentation, introducing
- <literal>rec</literal> blocks to wrap over minimal recursive groups. Then, each resulting
- <literal>rec</literal> is desugared, using a call to <literal>Control.Monad.Fix.mfix</literal> as described
- in the previous section. The original <literal>mdo</literal>-expression typechecks exactly when the desugared
- version would do so.
-Here are some other important points in using the recursive-do notation:
- <listitem>
- <para>
- It is enabled with the flag <literal>-XRecursiveDo</literal>, or the <literal>LANGUAGE RecursiveDo</literal>
- pragma. (The same flag enables both <literal>mdo</literal>-notation, and the use of <literal>rec</literal>
- blocks inside <literal>do</literal> expressions.)
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- <literal>rec</literal> blocks can also be used inside <literal>mdo</literal>-expressions, which will be
- treated as a single statement. However, it is good style to either use <literal>mdo</literal> or
- <literal>rec</literal> blocks in a single expression.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- If recursive bindings are required for a monad, then that monad must be declared an instance of
- the <literal>MonadFix</literal> class.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- The following instances of <literal>MonadFix</literal> are automatically provided: List, Maybe, IO.
- Furthermore, the <literal>Control.Monad.ST</literal> and <literal>Control.Monad.ST.Lazy</literal>
- modules provide the instances of the <literal>MonadFix</literal> class for Haskell's internal
- state monad (strict and lazy, respectively).
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Like <literal>let</literal> and <literal>where</literal> bindings, name shadowing is not allowed within
- an <literal>mdo</literal>-expression or a <literal>rec</literal>-block; that is, all the names bound in
- a single <literal>rec</literal> must be distinct. (GHC will complain if this is not the case.)
- </para>
- </listitem>
-<sect2 id="applicative-do">
- <title>Applicative do-notation</title>
- <indexterm><primary>Applicative do-notation</primary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>do-notation</primary><secondary>Applicative</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>
- The language option
- <option>-XApplicativeDo</option><indexterm><primary><option>-XApplicativeDo</option></primary></indexterm>
- enables an alternative translation for the do-notation, which
- uses the operators <literal>&lt;&dollar;&gt;</literal>,
- <literal>&lt;*&gt;</literal>, along with
- <literal>join</literal>, as far as possible. There are two main
- reasons for wanting to do this:
- </para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- We can use do-notation with types that are an instance of
- <literal>Applicative</literal> and
- <literal>Functor</literal>, but not
- <literal>Monad</literal>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- In some monads, using the applicative operators is more
- efficient than monadic bind. For example, it may enable
- more parallelism.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- Applicative do-notation desugaring preserves the original
- semantics, provided that the <literal>Applicative</literal>
- instance satisfies <literal>&lt;*&gt; = ap</literal> and
- <literal>pure = return</literal> (these are true of all the
- common monadic types). Thus, you can normally turn on
- <option>-XApplicativeDo</option> without fear of breaking your
- program. There is one pitfall to watch out for; see <xref
- linkend="applicative-do-pitfall" />.
- </para>
- <para>
- There are no syntactic changes with
- <option>-XApplicativeDo</option>. The only way it shows up at
- the source level is that you can have a <literal>do</literal>
- expression that doesn't require a <literal>Monad</literal>
- constraint. For example, in GHCi:
- </para>
-Prelude&gt; :set -XApplicativeDo
-Prelude&gt; :t \m -&gt; do { x &lt;- m; return (not x) }
-\m -&gt; do { x &lt;- m; return (not x) }
- :: Functor f =&gt; f Bool -&gt; f Bool
- <para>
- This example only requires <literal>Functor</literal>, because it
- is translated into <literal>(\x -&gt; not x) &lt;$&gt; m</literal>. A
- more complex example requires <literal>Applicative</literal>:
-Prelude&gt; :t \m -&gt; do { x &lt;- m 'a'; y &lt;- m 'b'; return (x || y) }
-\m -&gt; do { x &lt;- m 'a'; y &lt;- m 'b'; return (x || y) }
- :: Applicative f =&gt; (Char -&gt; f Bool) -&gt; f Bool
- </para>
- <para>
- Here GHC has translated the expression into
-(\x y -&gt; x || y) &lt;$&gt; m 'a' &lt;*&gt; m 'b'
- It is possible to see the actual translation by using
- <option>-ddump-ds</option>, but be warned, the output is quite
- verbose.
- </para>
- <para>
- Note that if the expression can't be translated into uses of
- <literal>&lt;&dollar;&gt;</literal>, <literal>&lt;*&gt;</literal>
- only, then it will incur a <literal>Monad</literal> constraint as
- usual. This happens when there is a dependency on a value
- produced by an earlier statement in the do-block:
-Prelude&gt; :t \m -&gt; do { x &lt;- m True; y &lt;- m x; return (x || y) }
-\m -&gt; do { x &lt;- m True; y &lt;- m x; return (x || y) }
- :: Monad m =&gt; (Bool -&gt; m Bool) -&gt; m Bool
- Here, <literal>m x</literal> depends on the value of
- <literal>x</literal> produced by the first statement, so the
- expression cannot be translated using <literal>&lt;*&gt;</literal>.
- </para>
- <para>In general, the rule for when a <literal>do</literal>
- statement incurs a <literal>Monad</literal> constraint is as
- follows. If the do-expression has the following form:
-do p1 &lt;- E1; ...; pn &lt;- En; return E
- where none of the variables defined by <literal></literal>
- are mentioned in <literal>E1...En</literal>, then the expression
- will only require <literal>Applicative</literal>. Otherwise, the
- expression will require <literal>Monad</literal>.
- </para>
- <sect3 id="applicative-do-pitfall">
- <title>Things to watch out for</title>
- <para>
- Your code should just work as before when
- <option>-XApplicativeDo</option> is enabled, provided you use
- conventional <literal>Applicative</literal> instances. However, if
- you define a <literal>Functor</literal> or
- <literal>Applicative</literal> instance using do-notation, then
- it will likely get turned into an infinite loop by GHC. For
- example, if you do this:
-instance Functor MyType where
- fmap f m = do x &lt;- m; return (f x)
- Then applicative desugaring will turn it into
-instance Functor MyType where
- fmap f m = fmap (\x -&gt; f x) m
- And the program will loop at runtime. Similarly, an
- <literal>Applicative</literal> instance like this
-instance Applicative MyType where
- pure = return
- x &lt;*&gt; y = do f &lt;- x; a &lt;- y; return (f a)
- will result in an infinte loop when <literal>&lt;*&gt;</literal>
- is called.
- </para>
- <para>Just as you wouldn't define a <literal>Monad</literal>
- instance using the do-notation, you shouldn't define
- <literal>Functor</literal> or <literal>Applicative</literal>
- instance using do-notation (when using
- <literal>ApplicativeDo</literal>) either. The correct way to
- define these instances in terms of <literal>Monad</literal> is to
- use the <literal>Monad</literal> operations directly, e.g.
-instance Functor MyType where
- fmap f m = m &gt;&gt;= return . f
-instance Applicative MyType where
- pure = return
- (&lt;*&gt;) = ap
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <!-- ===================== PARALLEL LIST COMPREHENSIONS =================== -->
- <sect2 id="parallel-list-comprehensions">
- <title>Parallel List Comprehensions</title>
- <indexterm><primary>list comprehensions</primary><secondary>parallel</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>parallel list comprehensions</primary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>Parallel list comprehensions are a natural extension to list
- comprehensions. List comprehensions can be thought of as a nice
- syntax for writing maps and filters. Parallel comprehensions
- extend this to include the <literal>zipWith</literal> family.</para>
- <para>A parallel list comprehension has multiple independent
- branches of qualifier lists, each separated by a `|' symbol. For
- example, the following zips together two lists:</para>
- [ (x, y) | x &lt;- xs | y &lt;- ys ]
- <para>The behaviour of parallel list comprehensions follows that of
- zip, in that the resulting list will have the same length as the
- shortest branch.</para>
- <para>We can define parallel list comprehensions by translation to
- regular comprehensions. Here's the basic idea:</para>
- <para>Given a parallel comprehension of the form: </para>
- [ e | p1 &lt;- e11, p2 &lt;- e12, ...
- | q1 &lt;- e21, q2 &lt;- e22, ...
- ...
- ]
- <para>This will be translated to: </para>
- [ e | ((p1,p2), (q1,q2), ...) &lt;- zipN [(p1,p2) | p1 &lt;- e11, p2 &lt;- e12, ...]
- [(q1,q2) | q1 &lt;- e21, q2 &lt;- e22, ...]
- ...
- ]
- <para>where `zipN' is the appropriate zip for the given number of
- branches.</para>
- </sect2>
- <!-- ===================== TRANSFORM LIST COMPREHENSIONS =================== -->
- <sect2 id="generalised-list-comprehensions">
- <title>Generalised (SQL-Like) List Comprehensions</title>
- <indexterm><primary>list comprehensions</primary><secondary>generalised</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>extended list comprehensions</primary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>group</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>sql</primary></indexterm>
- <para>Generalised list comprehensions are a further enhancement to the
- list comprehension syntactic sugar to allow operations such as sorting
- and grouping which are familiar from SQL. They are fully described in the
- paper <ulink url="">
- Comprehensive comprehensions: comprehensions with "order by" and "group by"</ulink>,
- except that the syntax we use differs slightly from the paper.</para>
-<para>The extension is enabled with the flag <option>-XTransformListComp</option>.</para>
-<para>Here is an example:
-employees = [ ("Simon", "MS", 80)
-, ("Erik", "MS", 100)
-, ("Phil", "Ed", 40)
-, ("Gordon", "Ed", 45)
-, ("Paul", "Yale", 60)]
-output = [ (the dept, sum salary)
-| (name, dept, salary) &lt;- employees
-, then group by dept using groupWith
-, then sortWith by (sum salary)
-, then take 5 ]
-In this example, the list <literal>output</literal> would take on
- the value:
-[("Yale", 60), ("Ed", 85), ("MS", 180)]
-<para>There are three new keywords: <literal>group</literal>, <literal>by</literal>, and <literal>using</literal>.
-(The functions <literal>sortWith</literal> and <literal>groupWith</literal> are not keywords; they are ordinary
-functions that are exported by <literal>GHC.Exts</literal>.)</para>
-<para>There are five new forms of comprehension qualifier,
-all introduced by the (existing) keyword <literal>then</literal>:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
-then f
- This statement requires that <literal>f</literal> have the type <literal>
- forall a. [a] -> [a]</literal>. You can see an example of its use in the
- motivating example, as this form is used to apply <literal>take 5</literal>.
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
-then f by e
- This form is similar to the previous one, but allows you to create a function
- which will be passed as the first argument to f. As a consequence f must have
- the type <literal>forall a. (a -> t) -> [a] -> [a]</literal>. As you can see
- from the type, this function lets f &quot;project out&quot; some information
- from the elements of the list it is transforming.</para>
- <para>An example is shown in the opening example, where <literal>sortWith</literal>
- is supplied with a function that lets it find out the <literal>sum salary</literal>
- for any item in the list comprehension it transforms.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
-then group by e using f
- <para>This is the most general of the grouping-type statements. In this form,
- f is required to have type <literal>forall a. (a -> t) -> [a] -> [[a]]</literal>.
- As with the <literal>then f by e</literal> case above, the first argument
- is a function supplied to f by the compiler which lets it compute e on every
- element of the list being transformed. However, unlike the non-grouping case,
- f additionally partitions the list into a number of sublists: this means that
- at every point after this statement, binders occurring before it in the comprehension
- refer to <emphasis>lists</emphasis> of possible values, not single values. To help understand
- this, let's look at an example:</para>
--- This works similarly to groupWith in GHC.Exts, but doesn't sort its input first
-groupRuns :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [[a]]
-groupRuns f = groupBy (\x y -> f x == f y)
-output = [ (the x, y)
-| x &lt;- ([1..3] ++ [1..2])
-, y &lt;- [4..6]
-, then group by x using groupRuns ]
- <para>This results in the variable <literal>output</literal> taking on the value below:</para>
-[(1, [4, 5, 6]), (2, [4, 5, 6]), (3, [4, 5, 6]), (1, [4, 5, 6]), (2, [4, 5, 6])]
- <para>Note that we have used the <literal>the</literal> function to change the type
- of x from a list to its original numeric type. The variable y, in contrast, is left
- unchanged from the list form introduced by the grouping.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
-then group using f
- <para>With this form of the group statement, f is required to simply have the type
- <literal>forall a. [a] -> [[a]]</literal>, which will be used to group up the
- comprehension so far directly. An example of this form is as follows:</para>
-output = [ x
-| y &lt;- [1..5]
-, x &lt;- "hello"
-, then group using inits]
- <para>This will yield a list containing every prefix of the word "hello" written out 5 times:</para>
- </listitem>
- </sect2>
- <!-- ===================== MONAD COMPREHENSIONS ===================== -->
-<sect2 id="monad-comprehensions">
- <title>Monad comprehensions</title>
- <indexterm><primary>monad comprehensions</primary></indexterm>
- <para>
- Monad comprehensions generalise the list comprehension notation,
- including parallel comprehensions
- (<xref linkend="parallel-list-comprehensions"/>) and
- transform comprehensions (<xref linkend="generalised-list-comprehensions"/>)
- to work for any monad.
- </para>
- <para>Monad comprehensions support:</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Bindings:
- </para>
-[ x + y | x &lt;- Just 1, y &lt;- Just 2 ]
- <para>
- Bindings are translated with the <literal>(&gt;&gt;=)</literal> and
- <literal>return</literal> functions to the usual do-notation:
- </para>
-do x &lt;- Just 1
- y &lt;- Just 2
- return (x+y)
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Guards:
- </para>
-[ x | x &lt;- [1..10], x &lt;= 5 ]
- <para>
- Guards are translated with the <literal>guard</literal> function,
- which requires a <literal>MonadPlus</literal> instance:
- </para>
-do x &lt;- [1..10]
- guard (x &lt;= 5)
- return x
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Transform statements (as with <literal>-XTransformListComp</literal>):
- </para>
-[ x+y | x &lt;- [1..10], y &lt;- [1..x], then take 2 ]
- <para>
- This translates to:
- </para>
-do (x,y) &lt;- take 2 (do x &lt;- [1..10]
- y &lt;- [1..x]
- return (x,y))
- return (x+y)
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Group statements (as with <literal>-XTransformListComp</literal>):
- </para>
-[ x | x &lt;- [1,1,2,2,3], then group by x using GHC.Exts.groupWith ]
-[ x | x &lt;- [1,1,2,2,3], then group using myGroup ]
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Parallel statements (as with <literal>-XParallelListComp</literal>):
- </para>
-[ (x+y) | x &lt;- [1..10]
- | y &lt;- [11..20]
- ]
- <para>
- Parallel statements are translated using the
- <literal>mzip</literal> function, which requires a
- <literal>MonadZip</literal> instance defined in
- <ulink url="&libraryBaseLocation;/Control-Monad-Zip.html"><literal>Control.Monad.Zip</literal></ulink>:
- </para>
-do (x,y) &lt;- mzip (do x &lt;- [1..10]
- return x)
- (do y &lt;- [11..20]
- return y)
- return (x+y)
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <para>
- All these features are enabled by default if the
- <literal>MonadComprehensions</literal> extension is enabled. The types
- and more detailed examples on how to use comprehensions are explained
- in the previous chapters <xref
- linkend="generalised-list-comprehensions"/> and <xref
- linkend="parallel-list-comprehensions"/>. In general you just have
- to replace the type <literal>[a]</literal> with the type
- <literal>Monad m => m a</literal> for monad comprehensions.
- </para>
- <para>
- Note: Even though most of these examples are using the list monad,
- monad comprehensions work for any monad.
- The <literal>base</literal> package offers all necessary instances for
- lists, which make <literal>MonadComprehensions</literal> backward
- compatible to built-in, transform and parallel list comprehensions.
- </para>
-<para> More formally, the desugaring is as follows. We write <literal>D[ e | Q]</literal>
-to mean the desugaring of the monad comprehension <literal>[ e | Q]</literal>:
-Expressions: e
-Declarations: d
-Lists of qualifiers: Q,R,S
--- Basic forms
-D[ e | ] = return e
-D[ e | p &lt;- e, Q ] = e &gt;&gt;= \p -&gt; D[ e | Q ]
-D[ e | e, Q ] = guard e &gt;&gt; \p -&gt; D[ e | Q ]
-D[ e | let d, Q ] = let d in D[ e | Q ]
--- Parallel comprehensions (iterate for multiple parallel branches)
-D[ e | (Q | R), S ] = mzip D[ Qv | Q ] D[ Rv | R ] &gt;&gt;= \(Qv,Rv) -&gt; D[ e | S ]
--- Transform comprehensions
-D[ e | Q then f, R ] = f D[ Qv | Q ] &gt;&gt;= \Qv -&gt; D[ e | R ]
-D[ e | Q then f by b, R ] = f (\Qv -&gt; b) D[ Qv | Q ] &gt;&gt;= \Qv -&gt; D[ e | R ]
-D[ e | Q then group using f, R ] = f D[ Qv | Q ] &gt;&gt;= \ys -&gt;
- case (fmap selQv1 ys, ..., fmap selQvn ys) of
- Qv -&gt; D[ e | R ]
-D[ e | Q then group by b using f, R ] = f (\Qv -&gt; b) D[ Qv | Q ] &gt;&gt;= \ys -&gt;
- case (fmap selQv1 ys, ..., fmap selQvn ys) of
- Qv -&gt; D[ e | R ]
-where Qv is the tuple of variables bound by Q (and used subsequently)
- selQvi is a selector mapping Qv to the ith component of Qv
-Operator Standard binding Expected type
-return GHC.Base t1 -&gt; m t2
-(&gt;&gt;=) GHC.Base m1 t1 -&gt; (t2 -&gt; m2 t3) -&gt; m3 t3
-(&gt;&gt;) GHC.Base m1 t1 -&gt; m2 t2 -&gt; m3 t3
-guard Control.Monad t1 -&gt; m t2
-fmap GHC.Base forall a b. (a-&gt;b) -&gt; n a -&gt; n b
-mzip Control.Monad.Zip forall a b. m a -&gt; m b -&gt; m (a,b)
-The comprehension should typecheck when its desugaring would typecheck,
-except that (as discussed in <xref linkend="generalised-list-comprehensions"/>)
-in the "then f" and "then group using f" clauses,
-when the "by b" qualifier is omitted, argument f should have a polymorphic type.
-In particular, "then Data.List.sort" and
-"then group using" are insufficiently polymorphic.
-Monad comprehensions support rebindable syntax (<xref linkend="rebindable-syntax"/>).
-Without rebindable
-syntax, the operators from the "standard binding" module are used; with
-rebindable syntax, the operators are looked up in the current lexical scope.
-For example, parallel comprehensions will be typechecked and desugared
-using whatever "<literal>mzip</literal>" is in scope.
-The rebindable operators must have the "Expected type" given in the
-table above. These types are surprisingly general. For example, you can
-use a bind operator with the type
-(>>=) :: T x y a -> (a -> T y z b) -> T x z b
-In the case of transform comprehensions, notice that the groups are
-parameterised over some arbitrary type <literal>n</literal> (provided it
-has an <literal>fmap</literal>, as well as
-the comprehension being over an arbitrary monad.
- <!-- ===================== REBINDABLE SYNTAX =================== -->
-<sect2 id="rebindable-syntax">
-<title>Rebindable syntax and the implicit Prelude import</title>
- <para><indexterm><primary>-XNoImplicitPrelude
- option</primary></indexterm> GHC normally imports
- <filename>Prelude.hi</filename> files for you. If you'd
- rather it didn't, then give it a
- <option>-XNoImplicitPrelude</option> option. The idea is
- that you can then import a Prelude of your own. (But don't
- call it <literal>Prelude</literal>; the Haskell module
- namespace is flat, and you must not conflict with any
- Prelude module.)</para>
- <para>Suppose you are importing a Prelude of your own
- in order to define your own numeric class
- hierarchy. It completely defeats that purpose if the
- literal "1" means "<literal>Prelude.fromInteger
- 1</literal>", which is what the Haskell Report specifies.
- So the <option>-XRebindableSyntax</option>
- flag causes
- the following pieces of built-in syntax to refer to
- <emphasis>whatever is in scope</emphasis>, not the Prelude
- versions:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>An integer literal <literal>368</literal> means
- "<literal>fromInteger (368::Integer)</literal>", rather than
- "<literal>Prelude.fromInteger (368::Integer)</literal>".
-</para> </listitem>
- <listitem><para>Fractional literals are handed in just the same way,
- except that the translation is
- <literal>fromRational (3.68::Rational)</literal>.
-</para> </listitem>
- <listitem><para>The equality test in an overloaded numeric pattern
- uses whatever <literal>(==)</literal> is in scope.
-</para> </listitem>
- <listitem><para>The subtraction operation, and the
- greater-than-or-equal test, in <literal>n+k</literal> patterns
- use whatever <literal>(-)</literal> and <literal>(>=)</literal> are in scope.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Negation (e.g. "<literal>- (f x)</literal>")
- means "<literal>negate (f x)</literal>", both in numeric
- patterns, and expressions.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Conditionals (e.g. "<literal>if</literal> e1 <literal>then</literal> e2 <literal>else</literal> e3")
- means "<literal>ifThenElse</literal> e1 e2 e3". However <literal>case</literal> expressions are unaffected.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>"Do" notation is translated using whatever
- functions <literal>(>>=)</literal>,
- <literal>(>>)</literal>, and <literal>fail</literal>,
- are in scope (not the Prelude
- versions). List comprehensions, <literal>mdo</literal>
- (<xref linkend="recursive-do-notation"/>), and parallel array
- comprehensions, are unaffected. </para></listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Arrow
- notation (see <xref linkend="arrow-notation"/>)
- uses whatever <literal>arr</literal>,
- <literal>(>>>)</literal>, <literal>first</literal>,
- <literal>app</literal>, <literal>(|||)</literal> and
- <literal>loop</literal> functions are in scope. But unlike the
- other constructs, the types of these functions must match the
- Prelude types very closely. Details are in flux; if you want
- to use this, ask!
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
-<option>-XRebindableSyntax</option> implies <option>-XNoImplicitPrelude</option>.
-In all cases (apart from arrow notation), the static semantics should be that of the desugared form,
-even if that is a little unexpected. For example, the
-static semantics of the literal <literal>368</literal>
-is exactly that of <literal>fromInteger (368::Integer)</literal>; it's fine for
-<literal>fromInteger</literal> to have any of the types:
-fromInteger :: Integer -> Integer
-fromInteger :: forall a. Foo a => Integer -> a
-fromInteger :: Num a => a -> Integer
-fromInteger :: Integer -> Bool -> Bool
- <para>Be warned: this is an experimental facility, with
- fewer checks than usual. Use <literal>-dcore-lint</literal>
- to typecheck the desugared program. If Core Lint is happy
- you should be all right.</para>
-<sect2 id="postfix-operators">
-<title>Postfix operators</title>
- The <option>-XPostfixOperators</option> flag enables a small
-extension to the syntax of left operator sections, which allows you to
-define postfix operators. The extension is this: the left section
- (e !)
-is equivalent (from the point of view of both type checking and execution) to the expression
- ((!) e)
-(for any expression <literal>e</literal> and operator <literal>(!)</literal>.
-The strict Haskell 98 interpretation is that the section is equivalent to
- (\y -> (!) e y)
-That is, the operator must be a function of two arguments. GHC allows it to
-take only one argument, and that in turn allows you to write the function
-<para>The extension does not extend to the left-hand side of function
-definitions; you must define such a function in prefix form.</para>
-<sect2 id="tuple-sections">
-<title>Tuple sections</title>
- The <option>-XTupleSections</option> flag enables Python-style partially applied
- tuple constructors. For example, the following program
- (, True)
- is considered to be an alternative notation for the more unwieldy alternative
- \x -> (x, True)
-You can omit any combination of arguments to the tuple, as in the following
- (, "I", , , "Love", , 1337)
-which translates to
- \a b c d -> (a, "I", b, c, "Love", d, 1337)
- If you have <link linkend="unboxed-tuples">unboxed tuples</link> enabled, tuple sections
- will also be available for them, like so
- (# , True #)
-Because there is no unboxed unit tuple, the following expression
- (# #)
-continues to stand for the unboxed singleton tuple data constructor.
-<sect2 id="lambda-case">
-The <option>-XLambdaCase</option> flag enables expressions of the form
- \case { p1 -> e1; ...; pN -> eN }
-which is equivalent to
- \freshName -> case freshName of { p1 -> e1; ...; pN -> eN }
-Note that <literal>\case</literal> starts a layout, so you can write
- \case
- p1 -> e1
- ...
- pN -> eN
-<sect2 id="empty-case">
-<title>Empty case alternatives</title>
-The <option>-XEmptyCase</option> flag enables
-case expressions, or lambda-case expressions, that have no alternatives,
- case e of { } -- No alternatives
- \case { } -- -XLambdaCase is also required
-This can be useful when you know that the expression being scrutinised
-has no non-bottom values. For example:
- data Void
- f :: Void -> Int
- f x = case x of { }
-With dependently-typed features it is more useful
-(see <ulink url="">Trac</ulink>).
-For example, consider these two candidate definitions of <literal>absurd</literal>:
-data a :==: b where
- Refl :: a :==: a
-absurd :: True :~: False -> a
-absurd x = error "absurd" -- (A)
-absurd x = case x of {} -- (B)
-We much prefer (B). Why? Because GHC can figure out that <literal>(True :~: False)</literal>
-is an empty type. So (B) has no partiality and GHC should be able to compile with
-<option>-fwarn-incomplete-patterns</option>. (Though the pattern match checking is not
-yet clever enough to do that.)
-On the other hand (A) looks dangerous, and GHC doesn't check to make
-sure that, in fact, the function can never get called.
-<sect2 id="multi-way-if">
-<title>Multi-way if-expressions</title>
-With <option>-XMultiWayIf</option> flag GHC accepts conditional expressions
-with multiple branches:
- if | guard1 -> expr1
- | ...
- | guardN -> exprN
-which is roughly equivalent to
- case () of
- _ | guard1 -> expr1
- ...
- _ | guardN -> exprN
-<para>Multi-way if expressions introduce a new layout context. So the
-example above is equivalent to:
- if { | guard1 -> expr1
- ; | ...
- ; | guardN -> exprN
- }
-The following behaves as expected:
- if | guard1 -> if | guard2 -> expr2
- | guard3 -> expr3
- | guard4 -> expr4
-because layout translates it as
- if { | guard1 -> if { | guard2 -> expr2
- ; | guard3 -> expr3
- }
- ; | guard4 -> expr4
- }
-Layout with multi-way if works in the same way as other layout
-contexts, except that the semi-colons between guards in a multi-way if
-are optional. So it is not necessary to line up all the guards at the
-same column; this is consistent with the way guards work in function
-definitions and case expressions.
-<sect2 id="disambiguate-fields">
-<title>Record field disambiguation</title>
-In record construction and record pattern matching
-it is entirely unambiguous which field is referred to, even if there are two different
-data types in scope with a common field name. For example:
-module M where
- data S = MkS { x :: Int, y :: Bool }
-module Foo where
- import M
- data T = MkT { x :: Int }
- ok1 (MkS { x = n }) = n+1 -- Unambiguous
- ok2 n = MkT { x = n+1 } -- Unambiguous
- bad1 k = k { x = 3 } -- Ambiguous
- bad2 k = x k -- Ambiguous
-Even though there are two <literal>x</literal>'s in scope,
-it is clear that the <literal>x</literal> in the pattern in the
-definition of <literal>ok1</literal> can only mean the field
-<literal>x</literal> from type <literal>S</literal>. Similarly for
-the function <literal>ok2</literal>. However, in the record update
-in <literal>bad1</literal> and the record selection in <literal>bad2</literal>
-it is not clear which of the two types is intended.
-Haskell 98 regards all four as ambiguous, but with the
-<option>-XDisambiguateRecordFields</option> flag, GHC will accept
-the former two. The rules are precisely the same as those for instance
-declarations in Haskell 98, where the method names on the left-hand side
-of the method bindings in an instance declaration refer unambiguously
-to the method of that class (provided they are in scope at all), even
-if there are other variables in scope with the same name.
-This reduces the clutter of qualified names when you import two
-records from different modules that use the same field name.
-Some details:
-Field disambiguation can be combined with punning (see <xref linkend="record-puns"/>). For example:
-module Foo where
- import M
- x=True
- ok3 (MkS { x }) = x+1 -- Uses both disambiguation and punning
-With <option>-XDisambiguateRecordFields</option> you can use <emphasis>unqualified</emphasis>
-field names even if the corresponding selector is only in scope <emphasis>qualified</emphasis>
-For example, assuming the same module <literal>M</literal> as in our earlier example, this is legal:
-module Foo where
- import qualified M -- Note qualified
- ok4 (M.MkS { x = n }) = n+1 -- Unambiguous
-Since the constructor <literal>MkS</literal> is only in scope qualified, you must
-name it <literal>M.MkS</literal>, but the field <literal>x</literal> does not need
-to be qualified even though <literal>M.x</literal> is in scope but <literal>x</literal>
-is not. (In effect, it is qualified by the constructor.)
- <!-- ===================== Record puns =================== -->
-<sect2 id="record-puns">
-<title>Record puns
-Record puns are enabled by the flag <literal>-XNamedFieldPuns</literal>.
-When using records, it is common to write a pattern that binds a
-variable with the same name as a record field, such as:
-data C = C {a :: Int}
-f (C {a = a}) = a
-Record punning permits the variable name to be elided, so one can simply
-f (C {a}) = a
-to mean the same pattern as above. That is, in a record pattern, the
-pattern <literal>a</literal> expands into the pattern <literal>a =
-a</literal> for the same name <literal>a</literal>.
-Note that:
-Record punning can also be used in an expression, writing, for example,
-let a = 1 in C {a}
-instead of
-let a = 1 in C {a = a}
-The expansion is purely syntactic, so the expanded right-hand side
-expression refers to the nearest enclosing variable that is spelled the
-same as the field name.
-Puns and other patterns can be mixed in the same record:
-data C = C {a :: Int, b :: Int}
-f (C {a, b = 4}) = a
-Puns can be used wherever record patterns occur (e.g. in
-<literal>let</literal> bindings or at the top-level).
-A pun on a qualified field name is expanded by stripping off the module qualifier.
-For example:
-f (C {M.a}) = a
-f (M.C {M.a = a}) = a
-(This is useful if the field selector <literal>a</literal> for constructor <literal>M.C</literal>
-is only in scope in qualified form.)
- <!-- ===================== Record wildcards =================== -->
-<sect2 id="record-wildcards">
-<title>Record wildcards
-Record wildcards are enabled by the flag <literal>-XRecordWildCards</literal>.
-This flag implies <literal>-XDisambiguateRecordFields</literal>.
-For records with many fields, it can be tiresome to write out each field
-individually in a record pattern, as in
-data C = C {a :: Int, b :: Int, c :: Int, d :: Int}
-f (C {a = 1, b = b, c = c, d = d}) = b + c + d
-Record wildcard syntax permits a "<literal>..</literal>" in a record
-pattern, where each elided field <literal>f</literal> is replaced by the
-pattern <literal>f = f</literal>. For example, the above pattern can be
-written as
-f (C {a = 1, ..}) = b + c + d
-More details:
-Record wildcards in patterns can be mixed with other patterns, including puns
-(<xref linkend="record-puns"/>); for example, in a pattern <literal>(C {a
-= 1, b, ..})</literal>. Additionally, record wildcards can be used
-wherever record patterns occur, including in <literal>let</literal>
-bindings and at the top-level. For example, the top-level binding
-C {a = 1, ..} = e
-defines <literal>b</literal>, <literal>c</literal>, and
-Record wildcards can also be used in an expression, when constructing a record. For example,
-let {a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = 4} in C {..}
-in place of
-let {a = 1; b = 2; c = 3; d = 4} in C {a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d}
-The expansion is purely syntactic, so the record wildcard
-expression refers to the nearest enclosing variables that are spelled
-the same as the omitted field names.
-Record wildcards may <emphasis>not</emphasis> be used in record <emphasis>updates</emphasis>. For example this
-is illegal:
-f r = r { x = 3, .. }
-For both pattern and expression wildcards, the "<literal>..</literal>" expands to the missing
-<emphasis>in-scope</emphasis> record fields.
-Specifically the expansion of "<literal>C {..}</literal>" includes
-<literal>f</literal> if and only if:
-<literal>f</literal> is a record field of constructor <literal>C</literal>.
-The record field <literal>f</literal> is in scope somehow (either qualified or unqualified).
-In the case of expressions (but not patterns),
-the variable <literal>f</literal> is in scope unqualified,
-apart from the binding of the record selector itself.
-These rules restrict record wildcards to the situations in which the user
-could have written the expanded version.
-For example
-module M where
- data R = R { a,b,c :: Int }
-module X where
- import M( R(a,c) )
- f b = R { .. }
-The <literal>R{..}</literal> expands to <literal>R{M.a=a}</literal>,
-omitting <literal>b</literal> since the record field is not in scope,
-and omitting <literal>c</literal> since the variable <literal>c</literal>
-is not in scope (apart from the binding of the
-record selector <literal>c</literal>, of course).
-Record wildcards cannot be used (a) in a record update construct, and (b) for data
-constructors that are not declared with record fields. For example:
-f x = x { v=True, .. } -- Illegal (a)
-data T = MkT Int Bool
-g = MkT { .. } -- Illegal (b)
-h (MkT { .. }) = True -- Illegal (b)
- <!-- ===================== Local fixity declarations =================== -->
-<sect2 id="local-fixity-declarations">
-<title>Local Fixity Declarations
-<para>A careful reading of the Haskell 98 Report reveals that fixity
-declarations (<literal>infix</literal>, <literal>infixl</literal>, and
-<literal>infixr</literal>) are permitted to appear inside local bindings
-such those introduced by <literal>let</literal> and
-<literal>where</literal>. However, the Haskell Report does not specify
-the semantics of such bindings very precisely.
-<para>In GHC, a fixity declaration may accompany a local binding:
-let f = ...
- infixr 3 `f`
- ...
-and the fixity declaration applies wherever the binding is in scope.
-For example, in a <literal>let</literal>, it applies in the right-hand
-sides of other <literal>let</literal>-bindings and the body of the
-<literal>let</literal>C. Or, in recursive <literal>do</literal>
-expressions (<xref linkend="recursive-do-notation"/>), the local fixity
-declarations of a <literal>let</literal> statement scope over other
-statements in the group, just as the bound name does.
-Moreover, a local fixity declaration *must* accompany a local binding of
-that name: it is not possible to revise the fixity of name bound
-elsewhere, as in
-let infixr 9 $ in ...
-Because local fixity declarations are technically Haskell 98, no flag is
-necessary to enable them.
-<sect2 id="package-imports">
-<title>Import and export extensions</title>
- <title>Hiding things the imported module doesn't export</title>
-Technically in Haskell 2010 this is illegal:
-module A( f ) where
- f = True
-module B where
- import A hiding( g ) -- A does not export g
- g = f
-The <literal>import A hiding( g )</literal> in module <literal>B</literal>
-is technically an error (<ulink url="">Haskell Report, 5.3.1</ulink>)
-because <literal>A</literal> does not export <literal>g</literal>.
-However GHC allows it, in the interests of supporting backward compatibility; for example, a newer version of
-<literal>A</literal> might export <literal>g</literal>, and you want <literal>B</literal> to work
-in either case.
-The warning <literal>-fwarn-dodgy-imports</literal>, which is off by default but included with <literal>-W</literal>,
-warns if you hide something that the imported module does not export.
- <title id="package-qualified-imports">Package-qualified imports</title>
- <para>With the <option>-XPackageImports</option> flag, GHC allows
- import declarations to be qualified by the package name that the
- module is intended to be imported from. For example:</para>
-import "network" Network.Socket
- <para>would import the module <literal>Network.Socket</literal> from
- the package <literal>network</literal> (any version). This may
- be used to disambiguate an import when the same module is
- available from multiple packages, or is present in both the
- current package being built and an external package.</para>
- <para>The special package name <literal>this</literal> can be used to
- refer to the current package being built.</para>
- <para>Note: you probably don't need to use this feature, it was
- added mainly so that we can build backwards-compatible versions of
- packages when APIs change. It can lead to fragile dependencies in
- the common case: modules occasionally move from one package to
- another, rendering any package-qualified imports broken.
- See also <xref linkend="package-thinning-and-renaming" /> for
- an alternative way of disambiguating between module names.</para>
-<sect3 id="safe-imports-ext">
- <title>Safe imports</title>
- <para>With the <option>-XSafe</option>, <option>-XTrustworthy</option>
- and <option>-XUnsafe</option> language flags, GHC extends
- the import declaration syntax to take an optional <literal>safe</literal>
- keyword after the <literal>import</literal> keyword. This feature
- is part of the Safe Haskell GHC extension. For example:</para>
-import safe qualified Network.Socket as NS
- <para>would import the module <literal>Network.Socket</literal>
- with compilation only succeeding if Network.Socket can be
- safely imported. For a description of when a import is
- considered safe see <xref linkend="safe-haskell"/></para>
-<sect3 id="explicit-namespaces">
-<title>Explicit namespaces in import/export</title>
-<para> In an import or export list, such as
- module M( f, (++) ) where ...
- import N( f, (++) )
- ...
-the entities <literal>f</literal> and <literal>(++)</literal> are <emphasis>values</emphasis>.
-However, with type operators (<xref linkend="type-operators"/>) it becomes possible
-to declare <literal>(++)</literal> as a <emphasis>type constructor</emphasis>. In that
-case, how would you export or import it?
-The <option>-XExplicitNamespaces</option> extension allows you to prefix the name of
-a type constructor in an import or export list with "<literal>type</literal>" to
-disambiguate this case, thus:
- module M( f, type (++) ) where ...
- import N( f, type (++) )
- ...
- module N( f, type (++) ) where
- data family a ++ b = L a | R b
-The extension <option>-XExplicitNamespaces</option>
-is implied by <option>-XTypeOperators</option> and (for some reason) by <option>-XTypeFamilies</option>.
-In addition, with <option>-XPatternSynonyms</option> you can prefix the name of
-a data constructor in an import or export list with the keyword <literal>pattern</literal>,
-to allow the import or export of a data constructor without its parent type constructor
-(see <xref linkend="patsyn-impexp"/>).
-<sect2 id="syntax-stolen">
-<title>Summary of stolen syntax</title>
- <para>Turning on an option that enables special syntax
- <emphasis>might</emphasis> cause working Haskell 98 code to fail
- to compile, perhaps because it uses a variable name which has
- become a reserved word. This section lists the syntax that is
- "stolen" by language extensions.
- We use
- notation and nonterminal names from the Haskell 98 lexical syntax
- (see the Haskell 98 Report).
- We only list syntax changes here that might affect
- existing working programs (i.e. "stolen" syntax). Many of these
- extensions will also enable new context-free syntax, but in all
- cases programs written to use the new syntax would not be
- compilable without the option enabled.</para>
-<para>There are two classes of special
- syntax:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>New reserved words and symbols: character sequences
- which are no longer available for use as identifiers in the
- program.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>Other special syntax: sequences of characters that have
- a different meaning when this particular option is turned
- on.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
-The following syntax is stolen:
- <variablelist>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>forall</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>forall</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem><para>
- Stolen (in types) by: <option>-XExplicitForAll</option>, and hence by
- <option>-XScopedTypeVariables</option>,
- <option>-XLiberalTypeSynonyms</option>,
- <option>-XRankNTypes</option>,
- <option>-XExistentialQuantification</option>
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>mdo</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>mdo</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem><para>
- Stolen by: <option>-XRecursiveDo</option>
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>foreign</literal>
- <indexterm><primary><literal>foreign</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem><para>
- Stolen by: <option>-XForeignFunctionInterface</option>
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>rec</literal>,
- <literal>proc</literal>, <literal>-&lt;</literal>,
- <literal>&gt;-</literal>, <literal>-&lt;&lt;</literal>,
- <literal>&gt;&gt;-</literal>, and <literal>(|</literal>,
- <literal>|)</literal> brackets
- <indexterm><primary><literal>proc</literal></primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem><para>
- Stolen by: <option>-XArrows</option>
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>?<replaceable>varid</replaceable></literal>
- <indexterm><primary>implicit parameters</primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem><para>
- Stolen by: <option>-XImplicitParams</option>
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>[|</literal>,
- <literal>[e|</literal>, <literal>[p|</literal>,
- <literal>[d|</literal>, <literal>[t|</literal>,
- <literal>$(</literal>,
- <literal>$$(</literal>,
- <literal>[||</literal>,
- <literal>[e||</literal>,
- <literal>$<replaceable>varid</replaceable></literal>,
- <literal>$$<replaceable>varid</replaceable></literal>
- <indexterm><primary>Template Haskell</primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem><para>
- Stolen by: <option>-XTemplateHaskell</option>
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>[<replaceable>varid</replaceable>|</literal>
- <indexterm><primary>quasi-quotation</primary></indexterm>
- </term>
- <listitem><para>
- Stolen by: <option>-XQuasiQuotes</option>
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <replaceable>varid</replaceable>{<literal>&num;</literal>},
- <replaceable>char</replaceable><literal>&num;</literal>,
- <replaceable>string</replaceable><literal>&num;</literal>,
- <replaceable>integer</replaceable><literal>&num;</literal>,
- <replaceable>float</replaceable><literal>&num;</literal>,
- <replaceable>float</replaceable><literal>&num;&num;</literal>
- </term>
- <listitem><para>
- Stolen by: <option>-XMagicHash</option>
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>(&num;</literal>, <literal>&num;)</literal>
- </term>
- <listitem><para>
- Stolen by: <option>-XUnboxedTuples</option>
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <replaceable>varid</replaceable><literal>!</literal><replaceable>varid</replaceable>
- </term>
- <listitem><para>
- Stolen by: <option>-XBangPatterns</option>
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- <varlistentry>
- <term>
- <literal>pattern</literal>
- </term>
- <listitem><para>
- Stolen by: <option>-XPatternSynonyms</option>
- </para></listitem>
- </varlistentry>
- </variablelist>
-<sect1 id="data-type-extensions">
-<title>Extensions to data types and type synonyms</title>
-<sect2 id="nullary-types">
-<title>Data types with no constructors</title>
-<para>With the <option>-XEmptyDataDecls</option> flag (or equivalent LANGUAGE pragma),
-GHC lets you declare a data type with no constructors. For example:</para>
- data S -- S :: *
- data T a -- T :: * -> *
-<para>Syntactically, the declaration lacks the "= constrs" part. The
-type can be parameterised over types of any kind, but if the kind is
-not <literal>*</literal> then an explicit kind annotation must be used
-(see <xref linkend="kinding"/>).</para>
-<para>Such data types have only one value, namely bottom.
-Nevertheless, they can be useful when defining "phantom types".</para>
-<sect2 id="datatype-contexts">
-<title>Data type contexts</title>
-<para>Haskell allows datatypes to be given contexts, e.g.</para>
-data Eq a => Set a = NilSet | ConsSet a (Set a)
-<para>give constructors with types:</para>
-NilSet :: Set a
-ConsSet :: Eq a => a -> Set a -> Set a
-<para>This is widely considered a misfeature, and is going to be removed from
-the language. In GHC, it is controlled by the deprecated extension
-<sect2 id="infix-tycons">
-<title>Infix type constructors, classes, and type variables</title>
-GHC allows type constructors, classes, and type variables to be operators, and
-to be written infix, very much like expressions. More specifically:
- A type constructor or class can be any non-reserved operator.
- Symbols used in types are always like capitalized identifiers; they
- are never variables. Note that this is different from the lexical
- syntax of data constructors, which are required to begin with a
- <literal>:</literal>.
- </para></listitem>
- Data type and type-synonym declarations can be written infix, parenthesised
- if you want further arguments. E.g.
- data a :*: b = Foo a b
- type a :+: b = Either a b
- class a :=: b where ...
- data (a :**: b) x = Baz a b x
- type (a :++: b) y = Either (a,b) y
- </para></listitem>
- Types, and class constraints, can be written infix. For example
- x :: Int :*: Bool
- f :: (a :=: b) => a -> b
- </para></listitem>
- Back-quotes work
- as for expressions, both for type constructors and type variables; e.g. <literal>Int `Either` Bool</literal>, or
- <literal>Int `a` Bool</literal>. Similarly, parentheses work the same; e.g. <literal>(:*:) Int Bool</literal>.
- </para></listitem>
- Fixities may be declared for type constructors, or classes, just as for data constructors. However,
- one cannot distinguish between the two in a fixity declaration; a fixity declaration
- sets the fixity for a data constructor and the corresponding type constructor. For example:
- infixl 7 T, :*:
- sets the fixity for both type constructor <literal>T</literal> and data constructor <literal>T</literal>,
- and similarly for <literal>:*:</literal>.
- <literal>Int `a` Bool</literal>.
- </para></listitem>
- Function arrow is <literal>infixr</literal> with fixity 0. (This might change; I'm not sure what it should be.)
- </para></listitem>
-<sect2 id="type-operators">
-<title>Type operators</title>
-In types, an operator symbol like <literal>(+)</literal> is normally treated as a type
-<emphasis>variable</emphasis>, just like <literal>a</literal>. Thus in Haskell 98 you can say
-type T (+) = ((+), (+))
--- Just like: type T a = (a,a)
-f :: T Int -> Int
-f (x,y)= x
-As you can see, using operators in this way is not very useful, and Haskell 98 does not even
-allow you to write them infix.
-The language <option>-XTypeOperators</option> changes this behaviour:
-Operator symbols become type <emphasis>constructors</emphasis> rather than
-type <emphasis>variables</emphasis>.
-Operator symbols in types can be written infix, both in definitions and uses.
-for example:
-data a + b = Plus a b
-type Foo = Int + Bool
-There is now some potential ambiguity in import and export lists; for example
-if you write <literal>import M( (+) )</literal> do you mean the
-<emphasis>function</emphasis> <literal>(+)</literal> or the
-<emphasis>type constructor</emphasis> <literal>(+)</literal>?
-The default is the former, but with <option>-XExplicitNamespaces</option> (which is implied
-by <option>-XTypeOperators</option>) GHC allows you to specify the latter
-by preceding it with the keyword <literal>type</literal>, thus:
-import M( type (+) )
-See <xref linkend="explicit-namespaces"/>.
-The fixity of a type operator may be set using the usual fixity declarations
-but, as in <xref linkend="infix-tycons"/>, the function and type constructor share
-a single fixity.
-<sect2 id="type-synonyms">
-<title>Liberalised type synonyms</title>
-Type synonyms are like macros at the type level, but Haskell 98 imposes many rules
-on individual synonym declarations.
-With the <option>-XLiberalTypeSynonyms</option> extension,
-GHC does validity checking on types <emphasis>only after expanding type synonyms</emphasis>.
-That means that GHC can be very much more liberal about type synonyms than Haskell 98.
-<listitem> <para>You can write a <literal>forall</literal> (including overloading)
-in a type synonym, thus:
- type Discard a = forall b. Show b => a -> b -> (a, String)
- f :: Discard a
- f x y = (x, show y)
- g :: Discard Int -> (Int,String) -- A rank-2 type
- g f = f 3 True
-If you also use <option>-XUnboxedTuples</option>,
-you can write an unboxed tuple in a type synonym:
- type Pr = (# Int, Int #)
- h :: Int -> Pr
- h x = (# x, x #)
-You can apply a type synonym to a forall type:
- type Foo a = a -> a -> Bool
- f :: Foo (forall b. b->b)
-After expanding the synonym, <literal>f</literal> has the legal (in GHC) type:
- f :: (forall b. b->b) -> (forall b. b->b) -> Bool
-You can apply a type synonym to a partially applied type synonym:
- type Generic i o = forall x. i x -> o x
- type Id x = x
- foo :: Generic Id []
-After expanding the synonym, <literal>foo</literal> has the legal (in GHC) type:
- foo :: forall x. x -> [x]
-GHC currently does kind checking before expanding synonyms (though even that
-could be changed.)
-After expanding type synonyms, GHC does validity checking on types, looking for
-the following mal-formedness which isn't detected simply by kind checking:
-Type constructor applied to a type involving for-alls (if <literal>XImpredicativeTypes</literal>
-is off)
-Partially-applied type synonym.
-So, for example, this will be rejected:
- type Pr = forall a. a
- h :: [Pr]
- h = ...
-because GHC does not allow type constructors applied to for-all types.
-<sect2 id="existential-quantification">
-<title>Existentially quantified data constructors
-The idea of using existential quantification in data type declarations
-was suggested by Perry, and implemented in Hope+ (Nigel Perry, <emphasis>The Implementation
-of Practical Functional Programming Languages</emphasis>, PhD Thesis, University of
-London, 1991). It was later formalised by Laufer and Odersky
-(<emphasis>Polymorphic type inference and abstract data types</emphasis>,
-TOPLAS, 16(5), pp1411-1430, 1994).
-It's been in Lennart
-Augustsson's <command>hbc</command> Haskell compiler for several years, and
-proved very useful. Here's the idea. Consider the declaration:
- data Foo = forall a. MkFoo a (a -> Bool)
- | Nil
-The data type <literal>Foo</literal> has two constructors with types:
- MkFoo :: forall a. a -> (a -> Bool) -> Foo
- Nil :: Foo
-Notice that the type variable <literal>a</literal> in the type of <function>MkFoo</function>
-does not appear in the data type itself, which is plain <literal>Foo</literal>.
-For example, the following expression is fine:
- [MkFoo 3 even, MkFoo 'c' isUpper] :: [Foo]
-Here, <literal>(MkFoo 3 even)</literal> packages an integer with a function
-<function>even</function> that maps an integer to <literal>Bool</literal>; and <function>MkFoo 'c'
-isUpper</function> packages a character with a compatible function. These
-two things are each of type <literal>Foo</literal> and can be put in a list.
-What can we do with a value of type <literal>Foo</literal>?. In particular,
-what happens when we pattern-match on <function>MkFoo</function>?
- f (MkFoo val fn) = ???
-Since all we know about <literal>val</literal> and <function>fn</function> is that they
-are compatible, the only (useful) thing we can do with them is to
-apply <function>fn</function> to <literal>val</literal> to get a boolean. For example:
- f :: Foo -> Bool
- f (MkFoo val fn) = fn val
-What this allows us to do is to package heterogeneous values
-together with a bunch of functions that manipulate them, and then treat
-that collection of packages in a uniform manner. You can express
-quite a bit of object-oriented-like programming this way.
-<sect3 id="existential">
-<title>Why existential?
-What has this to do with <emphasis>existential</emphasis> quantification?
-Simply that <function>MkFoo</function> has the (nearly) isomorphic type
- MkFoo :: (exists a . (a, a -> Bool)) -> Foo
-But Haskell programmers can safely think of the ordinary
-<emphasis>universally</emphasis> quantified type given above, thereby avoiding
-adding a new existential quantification construct.
-<sect3 id="existential-with-context">
-<title>Existentials and type classes</title>
-An easy extension is to allow
-arbitrary contexts before the constructor. For example:
-data Baz = forall a. Eq a => Baz1 a a
- | forall b. Show b => Baz2 b (b -> b)
-The two constructors have the types you'd expect:
-Baz1 :: forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Baz
-Baz2 :: forall b. Show b => b -> (b -> b) -> Baz
-But when pattern matching on <function>Baz1</function> the matched values can be compared
-for equality, and when pattern matching on <function>Baz2</function> the first matched
-value can be converted to a string (as well as applying the function to it).
-So this program is legal:
- f :: Baz -> String
- f (Baz1 p q) | p == q = "Yes"
- | otherwise = "No"
- f (Baz2 v fn) = show (fn v)
-Operationally, in a dictionary-passing implementation, the
-constructors <function>Baz1</function> and <function>Baz2</function> must store the
-dictionaries for <literal>Eq</literal> and <literal>Show</literal> respectively, and
-extract it on pattern matching.
-<sect3 id="existential-records">
-<title>Record Constructors</title>
-GHC allows existentials to be used with records syntax as well. For example:
-data Counter a = forall self. NewCounter
- { _this :: self
- , _inc :: self -> self
- , _display :: self -> IO ()
- , tag :: a
- }
-Here <literal>tag</literal> is a public field, with a well-typed selector
-function <literal>tag :: Counter a -> a</literal>. The <literal>self</literal>
-type is hidden from the outside; any attempt to apply <literal>_this</literal>,
-<literal>_inc</literal> or <literal>_display</literal> as functions will raise a
-compile-time error. In other words, <emphasis>GHC defines a record selector function
-only for fields whose type does not mention the existentially-quantified variables</emphasis>.
-(This example used an underscore in the fields for which record selectors
-will not be defined, but that is only programming style; GHC ignores them.)
-To make use of these hidden fields, we need to create some helper functions:
-inc :: Counter a -> Counter a
-inc (NewCounter x i d t) = NewCounter
- { _this = i x, _inc = i, _display = d, tag = t }
-display :: Counter a -> IO ()
-display NewCounter{ _this = x, _display = d } = d x
-Now we can define counters with different underlying implementations:
-counterA :: Counter String
-counterA = NewCounter
- { _this = 0, _inc = (1+), _display = print, tag = "A" }
-counterB :: Counter String
-counterB = NewCounter
- { _this = "", _inc = ('#':), _display = putStrLn, tag = "B" }
-main = do
- display (inc counterA) -- prints "1"
- display (inc (inc counterB)) -- prints "##"
-Record update syntax is supported for existentials (and GADTs):
-setTag :: Counter a -> a -> Counter a
-setTag obj t = obj{ tag = t }
-The rule for record update is this: <emphasis>
-the types of the updated fields may
-mention only the universally-quantified type variables
-of the data constructor. For GADTs, the field may mention only types
-that appear as a simple type-variable argument in the constructor's result
-type</emphasis>. For example:
-data T a b where { T1 { f1::a, f2::b, f3::(b,c) } :: T a b } -- c is existential
-upd1 t x = t { f1=x } -- OK: upd1 :: T a b -> a' -> T a' b
-upd2 t x = t { f3=x } -- BAD (f3's type mentions c, which is
- -- existentially quantified)
-data G a b where { G1 { g1::a, g2::c } :: G a [c] }
-upd3 g x = g { g1=x } -- OK: upd3 :: G a b -> c -> G c b
-upd4 g x = g { g2=x } -- BAD (f2's type mentions c, which is not a simple
- -- type-variable argument in G1's result type)
-There are several restrictions on the ways in which existentially-quantified
-constructors can be use.
- When pattern matching, each pattern match introduces a new,
-distinct, type for each existential type variable. These types cannot
-be unified with any other type, nor can they escape from the scope of
-the pattern match. For example, these fragments are incorrect:
-f1 (MkFoo a f) = a
-Here, the type bound by <function>MkFoo</function> "escapes", because <literal>a</literal>
-is the result of <function>f1</function>. One way to see why this is wrong is to
-ask what type <function>f1</function> has:
- f1 :: Foo -> a -- Weird!
-What is this "<literal>a</literal>" in the result type? Clearly we don't mean
- f1 :: forall a. Foo -> a -- Wrong!
-The original program is just plain wrong. Here's another sort of error
- f2 (Baz1 a b) (Baz1 p q) = a==q
-It's ok to say <literal>a==b</literal> or <literal>p==q</literal>, but
-<literal>a==q</literal> is wrong because it equates the two distinct types arising
-from the two <function>Baz1</function> constructors.
-You can't pattern-match on an existentially quantified
-constructor in a <literal>let</literal> or <literal>where</literal> group of
-bindings. So this is illegal:
- f3 x = a==b where { Baz1 a b = x }
-Instead, use a <literal>case</literal> expression:
- f3 x = case x of Baz1 a b -> a==b
-In general, you can only pattern-match
-on an existentially-quantified constructor in a <literal>case</literal> expression or
-in the patterns of a function definition.
-The reason for this restriction is really an implementation one.
-Type-checking binding groups is already a nightmare without
-existentials complicating the picture. Also an existential pattern
-binding at the top level of a module doesn't make sense, because it's
-not clear how to prevent the existentially-quantified type "escaping".
-So for now, there's a simple-to-state restriction. We'll see how
-annoying it is.
-You can't use existential quantification for <literal>newtype</literal>
-declarations. So this is illegal:
- newtype T = forall a. Ord a => MkT a
-Reason: a value of type <literal>T</literal> must be represented as a
-pair of a dictionary for <literal>Ord t</literal> and a value of type
-<literal>t</literal>. That contradicts the idea that
-<literal>newtype</literal> should have no concrete representation.
-You can get just the same efficiency and effect by using
-<literal>data</literal> instead of <literal>newtype</literal>. If
-there is no overloading involved, then there is more of a case for
-allowing an existentially-quantified <literal>newtype</literal>,
-because the <literal>data</literal> version does carry an
-implementation cost, but single-field existentially quantified
-constructors aren't much use. So the simple restriction (no
-existential stuff on <literal>newtype</literal>) stands, unless there
-are convincing reasons to change it.
- You can't use <literal>deriving</literal> to define instances of a
-data type with existentially quantified data constructors.
-Reason: in most cases it would not make sense. For example:;
-data T = forall a. MkT [a] deriving( Eq )
-To derive <literal>Eq</literal> in the standard way we would need to have equality
-between the single component of two <function>MkT</function> constructors:
-instance Eq T where
- (MkT a) == (MkT b) = ???
-But <varname>a</varname> and <varname>b</varname> have distinct types, and so can't be compared.
-It's just about possible to imagine examples in which the derived instance
-would make sense, but it seems altogether simpler simply to prohibit such
-declarations. Define your own instances!
-<!-- ====================== Generalised algebraic data types ======================= -->
-<sect2 id="gadt-style">
-<title>Declaring data types with explicit constructor signatures</title>
-<para>When the <literal>GADTSyntax</literal> extension is enabled,
-GHC allows you to declare an algebraic data type by
-giving the type signatures of constructors explicitly. For example:
- data Maybe a where
- Nothing :: Maybe a
- Just :: a -> Maybe a
-The form is called a "GADT-style declaration"
-because Generalised Algebraic Data Types, described in <xref linkend="gadt"/>,
-can only be declared using this form.</para>
-<para>Notice that GADT-style syntax generalises existential types (<xref linkend="existential-quantification"/>).
-For example, these two declarations are equivalent:
- data Foo = forall a. MkFoo a (a -> Bool)
- data Foo' where { MKFoo :: a -> (a->Bool) -> Foo' }
-<para>Any data type that can be declared in standard Haskell-98 syntax
-can also be declared using GADT-style syntax.
-The choice is largely stylistic, but GADT-style declarations differ in one important respect:
-they treat class constraints on the data constructors differently.
-Specifically, if the constructor is given a type-class context, that
-context is made available by pattern matching. For example:
- data Set a where
- MkSet :: Eq a => [a] -> Set a
- makeSet :: Eq a => [a] -> Set a
- makeSet xs = MkSet (nub xs)
- insert :: a -> Set a -> Set a
- insert a (MkSet as) | a `elem` as = MkSet as
- | otherwise = MkSet (a:as)
-A use of <literal>MkSet</literal> as a constructor (e.g. in the definition of <literal>makeSet</literal>)
-gives rise to a <literal>(Eq a)</literal>
-constraint, as you would expect. The new feature is that pattern-matching on <literal>MkSet</literal>
-(as in the definition of <literal>insert</literal>) makes <emphasis>available</emphasis> an <literal>(Eq a)</literal>
-context. In implementation terms, the <literal>MkSet</literal> constructor has a hidden field that stores
-the <literal>(Eq a)</literal> dictionary that is passed to <literal>MkSet</literal>; so
-when pattern-matching that dictionary becomes available for the right-hand side of the match.
-In the example, the equality dictionary is used to satisfy the equality constraint
-generated by the call to <literal>elem</literal>, so that the type of
-<literal>insert</literal> itself has no <literal>Eq</literal> constraint.
-For example, one possible application is to reify dictionaries:
- data NumInst a where
- MkNumInst :: Num a => NumInst a
- intInst :: NumInst Int
- intInst = MkNumInst
- plus :: NumInst a -> a -> a -> a
- plus MkNumInst p q = p + q
-Here, a value of type <literal>NumInst a</literal> is equivalent
-to an explicit <literal>(Num a)</literal> dictionary.
-All this applies to constructors declared using the syntax of <xref linkend="existential-with-context"/>.
-For example, the <literal>NumInst</literal> data type above could equivalently be declared
-like this:
- data NumInst a
- = Num a => MkNumInst (NumInst a)
-Notice that, unlike the situation when declaring an existential, there is
-no <literal>forall</literal>, because the <literal>Num</literal> constrains the
-data type's universally quantified type variable <literal>a</literal>.
-A constructor may have both universal and existential type variables: for example,
-the following two declarations are equivalent:
- data T1 a
- = forall b. (Num a, Eq b) => MkT1 a b
- data T2 a where
- MkT2 :: (Num a, Eq b) => a -> b -> T2 a
-<para>All this behaviour contrasts with Haskell 98's peculiar treatment of
-contexts on a data type declaration (Section 4.2.1 of the Haskell 98 Report).
-In Haskell 98 the definition
- data Eq a => Set' a = MkSet' [a]
-gives <literal>MkSet'</literal> the same type as <literal>MkSet</literal> above. But instead of
-<emphasis>making available</emphasis> an <literal>(Eq a)</literal> constraint, pattern-matching
-on <literal>MkSet'</literal> <emphasis>requires</emphasis> an <literal>(Eq a)</literal> constraint!
-GHC faithfully implements this behaviour, odd though it is. But for GADT-style declarations,
-GHC's behaviour is much more useful, as well as much more intuitive.
-The rest of this section gives further details about GADT-style data
-type declarations.
-The result type of each data constructor must begin with the type constructor being defined.
-If the result type of all constructors
-has the form <literal>T a1 ... an</literal>, where <literal>a1 ... an</literal>
-are distinct type variables, then the data type is <emphasis>ordinary</emphasis>;
-otherwise is a <emphasis>generalised</emphasis> data type (<xref linkend="gadt"/>).
-As with other type signatures, you can give a single signature for several data constructors.
-In this example we give a single signature for <literal>T1</literal> and <literal>T2</literal>:
- data T a where
- T1,T2 :: a -> T a
- T3 :: T a
-The type signature of
-each constructor is independent, and is implicitly universally quantified as usual.
-In particular, the type variable(s) in the "<literal>data T a where</literal>" header
-have no scope, and different constructors may have different universally-quantified type variables:
- data T a where -- The 'a' has no scope
- T1,T2 :: b -> T b -- Means forall b. b -> T b
- T3 :: T a -- Means forall a. T a
-A constructor signature may mention type class constraints, which can differ for
-different constructors. For example, this is fine:
- data T a where
- T1 :: Eq b => b -> b -> T b
- T2 :: (Show c, Ix c) => c -> [c] -> T c
-When pattern matching, these constraints are made available to discharge constraints
-in the body of the match. For example:
- f :: T a -> String
- f (T1 x y) | x==y = "yes"
- | otherwise = "no"
- f (T2 a b) = show a
-Note that <literal>f</literal> is not overloaded; the <literal>Eq</literal> constraint arising
-from the use of <literal>==</literal> is discharged by the pattern match on <literal>T1</literal>
-and similarly the <literal>Show</literal> constraint arising from the use of <literal>show</literal>.
-Unlike a Haskell-98-style
-data type declaration, the type variable(s) in the "<literal>data Set a where</literal>" header
-have no scope. Indeed, one can write a kind signature instead:
- data Set :: * -> * where ...
-or even a mixture of the two:
- data Bar a :: (* -> *) -> * where ...
-The type variables (if given) may be explicitly kinded, so we could also write the header for <literal>Foo</literal>
-like this:
- data Bar a (b :: * -> *) where ...
-You can use strictness annotations, in the obvious places
-in the constructor type:
- data Term a where
- Lit :: !Int -> Term Int
- If :: Term Bool -> !(Term a) -> !(Term a) -> Term a
- Pair :: Term a -> Term b -> Term (a,b)
-You can use a <literal>deriving</literal> clause on a GADT-style data type
-declaration. For example, these two declarations are equivalent
- data Maybe1 a where {
- Nothing1 :: Maybe1 a ;
- Just1 :: a -> Maybe1 a
- } deriving( Eq, Ord )
- data Maybe2 a = Nothing2 | Just2 a
- deriving( Eq, Ord )
-The type signature may have quantified type variables that do not appear
-in the result type:
- data Foo where
- MkFoo :: a -> (a->Bool) -> Foo
- Nil :: Foo
-Here the type variable <literal>a</literal> does not appear in the result type
-of either constructor.
-Although it is universally quantified in the type of the constructor, such
-a type variable is often called "existential".
-Indeed, the above declaration declares precisely the same type as
-the <literal>data Foo</literal> in <xref linkend="existential-quantification"/>.
-The type may contain a class context too, of course:
- data Showable where
- MkShowable :: Show a => a -> Showable
-You can use record syntax on a GADT-style data type declaration:
- data Person where
- Adult :: { name :: String, children :: [Person] } -> Person
- Child :: Show a => { name :: !String, funny :: a } -> Person
-As usual, for every constructor that has a field <literal>f</literal>, the type of
-field <literal>f</literal> must be the same (modulo alpha conversion).
-The <literal>Child</literal> constructor above shows that the signature
-may have a context, existentially-quantified variables, and strictness annotations,
-just as in the non-record case. (NB: the "type" that follows the double-colon
-is not really a type, because of the record syntax and strictness annotations.
-A "type" of this form can appear only in a constructor signature.)
-Record updates are allowed with GADT-style declarations,
-only fields that have the following property: the type of the field
-mentions no existential type variables.
-As in the case of existentials declared using the Haskell-98-like record syntax
-(<xref linkend="existential-records"/>),
-record-selector functions are generated only for those fields that have well-typed
-Here is the example of that section, in GADT-style syntax:
-data Counter a where
- NewCounter :: { _this :: self
- , _inc :: self -> self
- , _display :: self -> IO ()
- , tag :: a
- } -> Counter a
-As before, only one selector function is generated here, that for <literal>tag</literal>.
-Nevertheless, you can still use all the field names in pattern matching and record construction.
-In a GADT-style data type declaration there is no obvious way to specify that a data constructor
-should be infix, which makes a difference if you derive <literal>Show</literal> for the type.
-(Data constructors declared infix are displayed infix by the derived <literal>show</literal>.)
-So GHC implements the following design: a data constructor declared in a GADT-style data type
-declaration is displayed infix by <literal>Show</literal> iff (a) it is an operator symbol,
-(b) it has two arguments, (c) it has a programmer-supplied fixity declaration. For example
- infix 6 (:--:)
- data T a where
- (:--:) :: Int -> Bool -> T Int
-<sect2 id="gadt">
-<title>Generalised Algebraic Data Types (GADTs)</title>
-<para>Generalised Algebraic Data Types generalise ordinary algebraic data types
-by allowing constructors to have richer return types. Here is an example:
- data Term a where
- Lit :: Int -> Term Int
- Succ :: Term Int -> Term Int
- IsZero :: Term Int -> Term Bool
- If :: Term Bool -> Term a -> Term a -> Term a
- Pair :: Term a -> Term b -> Term (a,b)
-Notice that the return type of the constructors is not always <literal>Term a</literal>, as is the
-case with ordinary data types. This generality allows us to
-write a well-typed <literal>eval</literal> function
-for these <literal>Terms</literal>:
- eval :: Term a -> a
- eval (Lit i) = i
- eval (Succ t) = 1 + eval t
- eval (IsZero t) = eval t == 0
- eval (If b e1 e2) = if eval b then eval e1 else eval e2
- eval (Pair e1 e2) = (eval e1, eval e2)
-The key point about GADTs is that <emphasis>pattern matching causes type refinement</emphasis>.
-For example, in the right hand side of the equation
- eval :: Term a -> a
- eval (Lit i) = ...
-the type <literal>a</literal> is refined to <literal>Int</literal>. That's the whole point!
-A precise specification of the type rules is beyond what this user manual aspires to,
-but the design closely follows that described in
-the paper <ulink
-unification-based type inference for GADTs</ulink>,
-(ICFP 2006).
-The general principle is this: <emphasis>type refinement is only carried out
-based on user-supplied type annotations</emphasis>.
-So if no type signature is supplied for <literal>eval</literal>, no type refinement happens,
-and lots of obscure error messages will
-occur. However, the refinement is quite general. For example, if we had:
- eval :: Term a -> a -> a
- eval (Lit i) j = i+j
-the pattern match causes the type <literal>a</literal> to be refined to <literal>Int</literal> (because of the type
-of the constructor <literal>Lit</literal>), and that refinement also applies to the type of <literal>j</literal>, and
-the result type of the <literal>case</literal> expression. Hence the addition <literal>i+j</literal> is legal.
-These and many other examples are given in papers by Hongwei Xi, and
-Tim Sheard. There is a longer introduction
-<ulink url="">on the wiki</ulink>,
-and Ralf Hinze's
-<ulink url="">Fun with phantom types</ulink> also has a number of examples. Note that papers
-may use different notation to that implemented in GHC.
-The rest of this section outlines the extensions to GHC that support GADTs. The extension is enabled with
-<option>-XGADTs</option>. The <option>-XGADTs</option> flag also sets <option>-XGADTSyntax</option>
-and <option>-XMonoLocalBinds</option>.
-A GADT can only be declared using GADT-style syntax (<xref linkend="gadt-style"/>);
-the old Haskell-98 syntax for data declarations always declares an ordinary data type.
-The result type of each constructor must begin with the type constructor being defined,
-but for a GADT the arguments to the type constructor can be arbitrary monotypes.
-For example, in the <literal>Term</literal> data
-type above, the type of each constructor must end with <literal>Term ty</literal>, but
-the <literal>ty</literal> need not be a type variable (e.g. the <literal>Lit</literal>
-It is permitted to declare an ordinary algebraic data type using GADT-style syntax.
-What makes a GADT into a GADT is not the syntax, but rather the presence of data constructors
-whose result type is not just <literal>T a b</literal>.
-You cannot use a <literal>deriving</literal> clause for a GADT; only for
-an ordinary data type.
-As mentioned in <xref linkend="gadt-style"/>, record syntax is supported.
-For example:
- data Term a where
- Lit :: { val :: Int } -> Term Int
- Succ :: { num :: Term Int } -> Term Int
- Pred :: { num :: Term Int } -> Term Int
- IsZero :: { arg :: Term Int } -> Term Bool
- Pair :: { arg1 :: Term a
- , arg2 :: Term b
- } -> Term (a,b)
- If :: { cnd :: Term Bool
- , tru :: Term a
- , fls :: Term a
- } -> Term a
-However, for GADTs there is the following additional constraint:
-every constructor that has a field <literal>f</literal> must have
-the same result type (modulo alpha conversion)
-Hence, in the above example, we cannot merge the <literal>num</literal>
-and <literal>arg</literal> fields above into a
-single name. Although their field types are both <literal>Term Int</literal>,
-their selector functions actually have different types:
- num :: Term Int -> Term Int
- arg :: Term Bool -> Term Int
-When pattern-matching against data constructors drawn from a GADT,
-for example in a <literal>case</literal> expression, the following rules apply:
-<listitem><para>The type of the scrutinee must be rigid.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The type of the entire <literal>case</literal> expression must be rigid.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The type of any free variable mentioned in any of
-the <literal>case</literal> alternatives must be rigid.</para></listitem>
-A type is "rigid" if it is completely known to the compiler at its binding site. The easiest
-way to ensure that a variable a rigid type is to give it a type signature.
-For more precise details see <ulink url="">
-Simple unification-based type inference for GADTs
-</ulink>. The criteria implemented by GHC are given in the Appendix.
-<!-- ====================== End of Generalised algebraic data types ======================= -->
-<sect1 id="deriving">
-<title>Extensions to the "deriving" mechanism</title>
-<sect2 id="deriving-inferred">
-<title>Inferred context for deriving clauses</title>
-The Haskell Report is vague about exactly when a <literal>deriving</literal> clause is
-legal. For example:
- data T0 f a = MkT0 a deriving( Eq )
- data T1 f a = MkT1 (f a) deriving( Eq )
- data T2 f a = MkT2 (f (f a)) deriving( Eq )
-The natural generated <literal>Eq</literal> code would result in these instance declarations:
- instance Eq a => Eq (T0 f a) where ...
- instance Eq (f a) => Eq (T1 f a) where ...
- instance Eq (f (f a)) => Eq (T2 f a) where ...
-The first of these is obviously fine. The second is still fine, although less obviously.
-The third is not Haskell 98, and risks losing termination of instances.
-GHC takes a conservative position: it accepts the first two, but not the third. The rule is this:
-each constraint in the inferred instance context must consist only of type variables,
-with no repetitions.
-This rule is applied regardless of flags. If you want a more exotic context, you can write
-it yourself, using the <link linkend="stand-alone-deriving">standalone deriving mechanism</link>.
-<sect2 id="stand-alone-deriving">
-<title>Stand-alone deriving declarations</title>
-GHC now allows stand-alone <literal>deriving</literal> declarations, enabled by <literal>-XStandaloneDeriving</literal>:
- data Foo a = Bar a | Baz String
- deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Foo a)
-The syntax is identical to that of an ordinary instance declaration apart from (a) the keyword
-<literal>deriving</literal>, and (b) the absence of the <literal>where</literal> part.
-However, standalone deriving differs from a <literal>deriving</literal> clause in a number
-of important ways:
-<listitem><para>The standalone deriving declaration does not need to be in the
-same module as the data type declaration. (But be aware of the dangers of
-orphan instances (<xref linkend="orphan-modules"/>).
-You must supply an explicit context (in the example the context is <literal>(Eq a)</literal>),
-exactly as you would in an ordinary instance declaration.
-(In contrast, in a <literal>deriving</literal> clause
-attached to a data type declaration, the context is inferred.)
-Unlike a <literal>deriving</literal>
-declaration attached to a <literal>data</literal> declaration, the instance can be more specific
-than the data type (assuming you also use
-<literal>-XFlexibleInstances</literal>, <xref linkend="instance-rules"/>). Consider
-for example
- data Foo a = Bar a | Baz String
- deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Foo [a])
- deriving instance Eq a => Eq (Foo (Maybe a))
-This will generate a derived instance for <literal>(Foo [a])</literal> and <literal>(Foo (Maybe a))</literal>,
-but other types such as <literal>(Foo (Int,Bool))</literal> will not be an instance of <literal>Eq</literal>.
-Unlike a <literal>deriving</literal>
-declaration attached to a <literal>data</literal> declaration,
-GHC does not restrict the form of the data type. Instead, GHC simply generates the appropriate
-boilerplate code for the specified class, and typechecks it. If there is a type error, it is
-your problem. (GHC will show you the offending code if it has a type error.)
-The merit of this is that you can derive instances for GADTs and other exotic
-data types, providing only that the boilerplate code does indeed typecheck. For example:
- data T a where
- T1 :: T Int
- T2 :: T Bool
- deriving instance Show (T a)
-In this example, you cannot say <literal>... deriving( Show )</literal> on the
-data type declaration for <literal>T</literal>,
-because <literal>T</literal> is a GADT, but you <emphasis>can</emphasis> generate
-the instance declaration using stand-alone deriving.
-The down-side is that,
-if the boilerplate code fails to typecheck, you will get an error message about that
-code, which you did not write. Whereas, with a <literal>deriving</literal> clause
-the side-conditions are necessarily more conservative, but any error message
-may be more comprehensible.
-In other ways, however, a standalone deriving obeys the same rules as ordinary deriving:
-A <literal>deriving instance</literal> declaration
-must obey the same rules concerning form and termination as ordinary instance declarations,
-controlled by the same flags; see <xref linkend="instance-decls"/>.
-<para>The stand-alone syntax is generalised for newtypes in exactly the same
-way that ordinary <literal>deriving</literal> clauses are generalised (<xref linkend="newtype-deriving"/>).
-For example:
- newtype Foo a = MkFoo (State Int a)
- deriving instance MonadState Int Foo
-GHC always treats the <emphasis>last</emphasis> parameter of the instance
-(<literal>Foo</literal> in this example) as the type whose instance is being derived.
-<sect2 id="deriving-extra">
-<title>Deriving instances of extra classes (<literal>Data</literal>, etc)</title>
-Haskell 98 allows the programmer to add "<literal>deriving( Eq, Ord )</literal>" to a data type
-declaration, to generate a standard instance declaration for classes specified in the <literal>deriving</literal> clause.
-In Haskell 98, the only classes that may appear in the <literal>deriving</literal> clause are the standard
-classes <literal>Eq</literal>, <literal>Ord</literal>,
-<literal>Enum</literal>, <literal>Ix</literal>, <literal>Bounded</literal>, <literal>Read</literal>, and <literal>Show</literal>.
-GHC extends this list with several more classes that may be automatically derived:
-<listitem><para> With <option>-XDeriveGeneric</option>, you can derive
-instances of the classes <literal>Generic</literal> and
-<literal>Generic1</literal>, defined in <literal>GHC.Generics</literal>.
-You can use these to define generic functions,
-as described in <xref linkend="generic-programming"/>.
-<listitem><para> With <option>-XDeriveFunctor</option>, you can derive instances of
-the class <literal>Functor</literal>,
-defined in <literal>GHC.Base</literal>. See <xref linkend="deriving-functor"/>.
-<listitem><para> With <option>-XDeriveDataTypeable</option>, you can derive instances of
-the class <literal>Data</literal>,
-defined in <literal>Data.Data</literal>. See <xref linkend="deriving-typeable"/> for
-deriving <literal>Typeable</literal>.
-<listitem><para> With <option>-XDeriveFoldable</option>, you can derive instances of
-the class <literal>Foldable</literal>,
-defined in <literal>Data.Foldable</literal>. See <xref linkend="deriving-foldable"/>.
-<listitem><para> With <option>-XDeriveTraversable</option>, you can derive instances of
-the class <literal>Traversable</literal>,
-defined in <literal>Data.Traversable</literal>. Since the <literal>Traversable</literal>
-instance dictates the instances of <literal>Functor</literal> and
-<literal>Foldable</literal>, you'll probably want to derive them too, so
-<option>-XDeriveTraversable</option> implies
-<option>-XDeriveFunctor</option> and <option>-XDeriveFoldable</option>.
-See <xref linkend="deriving-traversable"/>.
-<listitem><para> With <option>-XDeriveLift</option>, you can derive instances
-of the class <literal>Lift</literal>, defined in the
-<literal>Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax</literal> module of the
-<literal>template-haskell</literal> package.
-See <xref linkend="deriving-lift"/>.
-You can also use a standalone deriving declaration instead
-(see <xref linkend="stand-alone-deriving"/>).
-In each case the appropriate class must be in scope before it
-can be mentioned in the <literal>deriving</literal> clause.
-<sect2 id="deriving-functor">
-<title>Deriving <literal>Functor</literal> instances</title>
-<para>With <option>-XDeriveFunctor</option>, one can derive
-<literal>Functor</literal> instances for data types of kind
-<literal>* -> *</literal>. For example, this declaration:
-data Example a = Ex a Char (Example a) (Example Char)
- deriving Functor
-would generate the following instance:
-instance Functor Example where
- fmap f (Ex a1 a2 a3 a4) = Ex (f a1) a2 (fmap f a3) a4
-<para>The basic algorithm for <option>-XDeriveFunctor</option> walks the
-arguments of each constructor of a data type, applying a mapping function
-depending on the type of each argument. Suppose we are deriving
-<literal>Functor</literal> for a data type whose last type parameter is
-<literal>a</literal>. Then we write the derivation of <literal>fmap</literal>
-code over the type variable <literal>a</literal> for type
-<literal>b</literal> as <literal>$(fmap 'a 'b)</literal>.
-<listitem><para>If the argument's type is <literal>a</literal>, then
-map over it.
-$(fmap 'a 'a) = f
-<listitem><para>If the argument's type does not mention <literal>a</literal>,
-then do nothing to it.
-$(fmap 'a 'b) = \x -> x -- when b does not contain a
-<listitem><para>If the argument has a tuple type, generate map code for each
-of its arguments.
-$(fmap 'a '(b1,b2)) = \x -> case x of (x1,x2) -> ($(fmap 'a 'b1) x1, $(fmap 'a 'b2) x2)
-<listitem><para>If the argument's type is a data type that mentions
-<literal>a</literal>, apply <literal>fmap</literal> to it with the generated
-map code for the data type's last type parameter.
-$(fmap 'a '(T b1 b2)) = fmap $(fmap 'a 'b2) -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
-<listitem><para>If the argument has a function type, apply generated
-<literal>$(fmap)</literal> code to the result type, and apply generated
-<literal>$(cofmap)</literal> code to the argument type.
-$(fmap 'a '(b -> c)) = \x b -> $(fmap 'a' 'c) (x ($(cofmap 'a 'b) b))
-<literal>$(cofmap)</literal> is needed because the type parameter
-<literal>a</literal> can occur in a contravariant position, which means we
-need to derive a function like:
-cofmap :: (a -> b) -> f b -> f a
-This is pretty much the same as <literal>$(fmap)</literal>, only without the
-<literal>$(cofmap 'a 'a)</literal> case:
-$(cofmap 'a 'b) = \x -> x -- when b does not contain a
-$(cofmap 'a 'a) = error "type variable in contravariant position"
-$(cofmap 'a '(b1,b2)) = \x -> case x of (x1,x2) -> ($(cofmap 'a 'b1) x1, $(cofmap 'a 'b2) x2)
-$(cofmap 'a '[b]) = map $(cofmap 'a 'b)
-$(cofmap 'a '(T b1 b2)) = fmap $(cofmap 'a 'b2) -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
-$(cofmap 'a '(b -> c)) = \x b -> $(cofmap 'a' 'c) (x ($(fmap 'a 'c) b))
-For more information on contravariance, see
-<ulink url="">
-this wiki page</ulink>.
-<para>A data type can have a derived <literal>Functor</literal> instance if:
-<listitem><para>It has at least one type parameter.
-<listitem><para>It does not use the last type parameter contravariantly.
-<listitem><para>It does not use the last type parameter in the "wrong place"
-in any of the argument data types. For example, in:
-data Right a = Right [a] (Either Int a)
-the type parameter <literal>a</literal> is only ever used as the last type
-argument in <literal>[]</literal> and <literal>Either</literal>, so both
-<literal>[a]</literal> and <literal>Either Int a</literal> can be
-<literal>fmap</literal>ped. However, in:
-data Wrong a = Wrong (Either a a)
-the type variable <literal>a</literal> appears in a position other than the
-last, so trying to <literal>fmap</literal> an <literal>Either a a</literal>
-value would not typecheck in a <literal>Functor</literal> instance.
-Note that there are two exceptions to this rule: tuple and function types, as
-described above.
-<listitem><para>Its last type variable cannot be used in a
-<option>-XDatatypeContexts</option> constraint.
-<listitem><para>Its last type variable cannot be used in an
-<option>-XExistentialQuantification</option> or <option>-XGADTs</option>
-<sect2 id="deriving-foldable">
-<title>Deriving <literal>Foldable</literal> instances</title>
-<para>With <option>-XDeriveFoldable</option>, one can derive
-<literal>Foldable</literal> instances for data types of kind
-<literal>* -> *</literal>. For example, this declaration:
-data Example a = Ex a Char (Example a) (Example Char)
- deriving Functor
-would generate the following instance:
-instance Foldable Example where
- foldr f z (Ex a1 a2 a3 a4) = f a1 (foldr f z a3)
- foldMap f (Ex a1 a2 a3 a4) = mappend (f a1)
- (mappend mempty
- (mappend (foldMap f a3)
- mempty))
-The algorithm for <option>-XDeriveFoldable</option> is very similar to that of
-<option>-XDeriveFunctor</option>, except that <literal>Foldable</literal>
-instances are not possible for function types. The cases are:
-$(foldr 'a 'b) = \x z -> z -- when b does not contain a
-$(foldr 'a 'a) = f
-$(foldr 'a '(b1,b2)) = \x z -> case x of (x1,x2) -> $(foldr 'a 'b1) x1 ( $(foldr 'a 'b2) x2 z )
-$(foldr 'a '(T b1 b2)) = \x z -> foldr $(foldr 'a 'b2) z x -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
-Another difference between <option>-XDeriveFoldable</option> and
-<option>-XDeriveFunctor</option> is that <option>-XDeriveFoldable</option>
-instances can be derived for data types with existential constraints. For
-example, the following data type:
-data E a where
- E1 :: (a ~ Int) =&gt; a -> E a
- E2 :: Int -> E Int
- E3 :: (a ~ Int) =&gt; a -> E Int
- E4 :: (a ~ Int) =&gt; Int -> E a
-deriving instance Foldable E
-would have the following <literal>Foldable</literal> instance:
-instance Foldable E where
- foldr f z (E1 e) = f e z
- foldr f z (E2 e) = z
- foldr f z (E3 e) = z
- foldr f z (E4 e) = z
- foldMap f (E1 e) = f e
- foldMap f (E2 e) = mempty
- foldMap f (E3 e) = mempty
- foldMap f (E4 e) = mempty
-Notice that only the argument in <literal>E1</literal> is folded over. This is
-because we only fold over constructor arguments (1) whose types are
-syntactically equivalent to the last type parameter and (2) when the last type
-parameter is not refined to a specific type. Only <literal>E1</literal>
-satisfies both of these criteria. For more information, see
-<ulink url="">
-this wiki page</ulink>.
-<sect2 id="deriving-traversable">
-<title>Deriving <literal>Traversable</literal> instances</title>
-<para>With <option>-XDeriveTraversable</option>, one can derive
-<literal>Traversable</literal> instances for data types of kind
-<literal>* -> *</literal>. For example, this declaration:
-data Example a = Ex a Char (Example a) (Example Char)
- deriving Functor
-would generate the following instance:
-instance Foldable Example where
- traverse f (Ex a1 a2 a3 a4)
- = fmap Ex (f a)
- &lt;*&gt; pure a2
- &lt;*&gt; traverse f a3
- &lt;*&gt; pure a4
-The algorithm for <option>-XDeriveTraversable</option> is very similar to that
-of <option>-XDeriveTraversable</option>, except that
-<literal>Traversable</literal> instances are not possible for function types.
-The cases are:
-1812 $(traverse 'a 'b) = pure -- when b does not contain a
-1813 $(traverse 'a 'a) = f
-1814 $(traverse 'a '(b1,b2)) = \x -> case x of (x1,x2) -> fmap (,) $(traverse 'a 'b1) x1 &lt;*&gt; $(traverse 'a 'b2) x2
-1815 $(traverse 'a '(T b1 b2)) = traverse $(traverse 'a 'b2) -- when a only occurs in the last parameter, b2
-<sect2 id="deriving-typeable">
-<title>Deriving <literal>Typeable</literal> instances</title>
-<para>The class <literal>Typeable</literal> is very special:
-<literal>Typeable</literal> is kind-polymorphic (see
-<xref linkend="kind-polymorphism"/>).
-GHC has a custom solver for discharging constraints that involve
-class <literal>Typeable</literal>, and handwritten instances are forbidden.
-This ensures that the programmer cannot subvert the type system by
-writing bogus instances.
-Derived instances of <literal>Typeable</literal> are ignored,
-and may be reported as an error in a later version of the compiler.
-The rules for solving `Typeable` constraints are as follows:
-<listitem><para>A concrete type constructor applied to some types.
-instance (Typeable t1, .., Typeable t_n) =>
- Typeable (T t1 .. t_n)
-This rule works for any concrete type constructor, including type
-constructors with polymorphic kinds. The only restriction is that
-if the type constructor has a polymorphic kind, then it has to be applied
-to all of its kinds parameters, and these kinds need to be concrete
-(i.e., they cannot mention kind variables).
-<programlisting>A type variable applied to some types.
-instance (Typeable f, Typeable t1, .., Typeable t_n) =>
- Typeable (f t1 .. t_n)
-<programlisting>A concrete type literal.
-instance Typeable 0 -- Type natural literals
-instance Typeable "Hello" -- Type-level symbols
-<sect2 id="deriving-lift">
-<title>Deriving <literal>Lift</literal> instances</title>
-<para>The class <literal>Lift</literal>, unlike other derivable classes, lives
-in <literal>template-haskell</literal> instead of <literal>base</literal>.
-Having a data type be an instance of <literal>Lift</literal> permits its values
-to be promoted to Template Haskell expressions (of type
-<literal>ExpQ</literal>), which can then be spliced into Haskell source code.
-<para>Here is an example of how one can derive <literal>Lift</literal>:
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-}
-module Bar where
-import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
-data Foo a = Foo a | a :^: a deriving Lift
-instance (Lift a) => Lift (Foo a) where
- lift (Foo a)
- = appE
- (conE
- (mkNameG_d "package-name" "Bar" "Foo"))
- (lift a)
- lift (u :^: v)
- = infixApp
- (lift u)
- (conE
- (mkNameG_d "package-name" "Bar" ":^:"))
- (lift v)
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-module Baz where
-import Bar
-import Language.Haskell.TH.Lift
-foo :: Foo String
-foo = $(lift $ Foo "foo")
-fooExp :: Lift a => Foo a -> Q Exp
-fooExp f = [| f |]
-<option>-XDeriveLift</option> also works for certain unboxed types
-(<literal>Addr#</literal>, <literal>Char#</literal>,
-<literal>Double#</literal>, <literal>Float#</literal>,
-<literal>Int#</literal>, and <literal>Word#</literal>):
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift, MagicHash #-}
-module Unboxed where
-import GHC.Exts
-import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
-data IntHash = IntHash Int# deriving Lift
-instance Lift IntHash where
- lift (IntHash i)
- = appE
- (conE
- (mkNameG_d "package-name" "Unboxed" "IntHash"))
- (litE
- (intPrimL (toInteger (I# i))))
-<sect2 id="newtype-deriving">
-<title>Generalised derived instances for newtypes</title>
-When you define an abstract type using <literal>newtype</literal>, you may want
-the new type to inherit some instances from its representation. In
-Haskell 98, you can inherit instances of <literal>Eq</literal>, <literal>Ord</literal>,
-<literal>Enum</literal> and <literal>Bounded</literal> by deriving them, but for any
-other classes you have to write an explicit instance declaration. For
-example, if you define
- newtype Dollars = Dollars Int
-and you want to use arithmetic on <literal>Dollars</literal>, you have to
-explicitly define an instance of <literal>Num</literal>:
- instance Num Dollars where
- Dollars a + Dollars b = Dollars (a+b)
- ...
-All the instance does is apply and remove the <literal>newtype</literal>
-constructor. It is particularly galling that, since the constructor
-doesn't appear at run-time, this instance declaration defines a
-dictionary which is <emphasis>wholly equivalent</emphasis> to the <literal>Int</literal>
-dictionary, only slower!
-<sect3 id="generalized-newtype-deriving"> <title> Generalising the deriving clause </title>
-GHC now permits such instances to be derived instead,
-using the flag <option>-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving</option>,
-so one can write
- newtype Dollars = Dollars Int deriving (Eq,Show,Num)
-and the implementation uses the <emphasis>same</emphasis> <literal>Num</literal> dictionary
-for <literal>Dollars</literal> as for <literal>Int</literal>. Notionally, the compiler
-derives an instance declaration of the form
- instance Num Int => Num Dollars
-which just adds or removes the <literal>newtype</literal> constructor according to the type.
-We can also derive instances of constructor classes in a similar
-way. For example, suppose we have implemented state and failure monad
-transformers, such that
- instance Monad m => Monad (State s m)
- instance Monad m => Monad (Failure m)
-In Haskell 98, we can define a parsing monad by
- type Parser tok m a = State [tok] (Failure m) a
-which is automatically a monad thanks to the instance declarations
-above. With the extension, we can make the parser type abstract,
-without needing to write an instance of class <literal>Monad</literal>, via
- newtype Parser tok m a = Parser (State [tok] (Failure m) a)
- deriving Monad
-In this case the derived instance declaration is of the form
- instance Monad (State [tok] (Failure m)) => Monad (Parser tok m)
-Notice that, since <literal>Monad</literal> is a constructor class, the
-instance is a <emphasis>partial application</emphasis> of the new type, not the
-entire left hand side. We can imagine that the type declaration is
-"eta-converted" to generate the context of the instance
-We can even derive instances of multi-parameter classes, provided the
-newtype is the last class parameter. In this case, a ``partial
-application'' of the class appears in the <literal>deriving</literal>
-clause. For example, given the class
- class StateMonad s m | m -> s where ...
- instance Monad m => StateMonad s (State s m) where ...
-then we can derive an instance of <literal>StateMonad</literal> for <literal>Parser</literal>s by
- newtype Parser tok m a = Parser (State [tok] (Failure m) a)
- deriving (Monad, StateMonad [tok])
-The derived instance is obtained by completing the application of the
-class to the new type:
- instance StateMonad [tok] (State [tok] (Failure m)) =>
- StateMonad [tok] (Parser tok m)
-As a result of this extension, all derived instances in newtype
- declarations are treated uniformly (and implemented just by reusing
-the dictionary for the representation type), <emphasis>except</emphasis>
-<literal>Show</literal> and <literal>Read</literal>, which really behave differently for
-the newtype and its representation.
-<sect3> <title> A more precise specification </title>
-A derived instance is derived only for declarations of these forms (after expansion of any type synonyms)
- newtype T = MkT (t deriving (C
- newtype instance T = MkT (t deriving (C
- <itemizedlist>
-<literal></literal> are type variables, and <literal>t</literal>,
-<literal></literal>, <literal></literal> are types.
- The <literal>(C</literal> is a partial applications of the class <literal>C</literal>,
- where the arity of <literal>C</literal>
- is exactly <literal>j+1</literal>. That is, <literal>C</literal> lacks exactly one type argument.
- <literal>k</literal> is chosen so that <literal>C (T v1...vk)</literal> is well-kinded.
-(Or, in the case of a <literal>data instance</literal>, so that <literal>C (T</literal> is
-well kinded.)
- The type <literal>t</literal> is an arbitrary type.
- The type variables <literal></literal> do not occur in the types <literal>t</literal>,
- <literal></literal>, or <literal></literal>.
- <literal>C</literal> is not <literal>Read</literal>, <literal>Show</literal>,
- <literal>Typeable</literal>, or <literal>Data</literal>. These classes
- should not "look through" the type or its constructor. You can still
- derive these classes for a newtype, but it happens in the usual way, not
- via this new mechanism.
- It is safe to coerce each of the methods of <literal>C</literal>. That is,
- the missing last argument to <literal>C</literal> is not used
- at a nominal role in any of the <literal>C</literal>'s methods.
- (See <xref linkend="roles"/>.)</para></listitem>
-Then the derived instance is of form
-declaration is:
- instance C t => C (T v1...vk)
-As an example which does <emphasis>not</emphasis> work, consider
- newtype NonMonad m s = NonMonad (State s m s) deriving Monad
-Here we cannot derive the instance
- instance Monad (State s m) => Monad (NonMonad m)
-because the type variable <literal>s</literal> occurs in <literal>State s m</literal>,
-and so cannot be "eta-converted" away. It is a good thing that this
-<literal>deriving</literal> clause is rejected, because <literal>NonMonad m</literal> is
-not, in fact, a monad --- for the same reason. Try defining
-<literal>>>=</literal> with the correct type: you won't be able to.
-Notice also that the <emphasis>order</emphasis> of class parameters becomes
-important, since we can only derive instances for the last one. If the
-<literal>StateMonad</literal> class above were instead defined as
- class StateMonad m s | m -> s where ...
-then we would not have been able to derive an instance for the
-<literal>Parser</literal> type above. We hypothesise that multi-parameter
-classes usually have one "main" parameter for which deriving new
-instances is most interesting.
-<para>Lastly, all of this applies only for classes other than
-<literal>Read</literal>, <literal>Show</literal>, <literal>Typeable</literal>,
-and <literal>Data</literal>, for which the built-in derivation applies (section
-4.3.3. of the Haskell Report).
-(For the standard classes <literal>Eq</literal>, <literal>Ord</literal>,
-<literal>Ix</literal>, and <literal>Bounded</literal> it is immaterial whether
-the standard method is used or the one described here.)
-<sect2 id="derive-any-class">
-<title>Deriving any other class</title>
-With <option>-XDeriveAnyClass</option> you can derive any other class. The
-compiler will simply generate an empty instance. The instance context will be
-generated according to the same rules used when deriving <literal>Eq</literal>.
-This is mostly useful in classes whose <link linkend="minimal-pragma">minimal
-set</link> is empty, and especially when writing
-<link linkend="generic-programming">generic functions</link>.
-In case you try to derive some class on a newtype, and
-<option>-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving</option> is also on,
-<option>-XDeriveAnyClass</option> takes precedence.
-<sect1 id="type-class-extensions">
-<title>Class and instances declarations</title>
-<sect2 id="multi-param-type-classes">
-<title>Class declarations</title>
-This section, and the next one, documents GHC's type-class extensions.
-There's lots of background in the paper <ulink
-classes: exploring the design space</ulink> (Simon Peyton Jones, Mark
-Jones, Erik Meijer).
-<title>Multi-parameter type classes</title>
-Multi-parameter type classes are permitted, with flag <option>-XMultiParamTypeClasses</option>.
-For example:
- class Collection c a where
- union :: c a -> c a -> c a
- ...etc.
-<sect3 id="superclass-rules">
-<title>The superclasses of a class declaration</title>
-In Haskell 98 the context of a class declaration (which introduces superclasses)
-must be simple; that is, each predicate must consist of a class applied to
-type variables. The flag <option>-XFlexibleContexts</option>
-(<xref linkend="flexible-contexts"/>)
-lifts this restriction,
-so that the only restriction on the context in a class declaration is
-that the class hierarchy must be acyclic. So these class declarations are OK:
- class Functor (m k) => FiniteMap m k where
- ...
- class (Monad m, Monad (t m)) => Transform t m where
- lift :: m a -> (t m) a
-As in Haskell 98, The class hierarchy must be acyclic. However, the definition
-of "acyclic" involves only the superclass relationships. For example,
-this is OK:
- class C a where {
- op :: D b => a -> b -> b
- }
- class C a => D a where { ... }
-Here, <literal>C</literal> is a superclass of <literal>D</literal>, but it's OK for a
-class operation <literal>op</literal> of <literal>C</literal> to mention <literal>D</literal>. (It
-would not be OK for <literal>D</literal> to be a superclass of <literal>C</literal>.)
-With the extension that adds a <link linkend="constraint-kind">kind of constraints</link>,
-you can write more exotic superclass definitions. The superclass cycle check is even more
-liberal in these case. For example, this is OK:
- class A cls c where
- meth :: cls c => c -> c
- class A B c => B c where
-A superclass context for a class <literal>C</literal> is allowed if, after expanding
-type synonyms to their right-hand-sides, and uses of classes (other than <literal>C</literal>)
-to their superclasses, <literal>C</literal> does not occur syntactically in the context.
-<sect3 id="class-method-types">
-<title>Class method types</title>
-Haskell 98 prohibits class method types to mention constraints on the
-class type variable, thus:
- class Seq s a where
- fromList :: [a] -> s a
- elem :: Eq a => a -> s a -> Bool
-The type of <literal>elem</literal> is illegal in Haskell 98, because it
-contains the constraint <literal>Eq a</literal>, which constrains only the
-class type variable (in this case <literal>a</literal>).
-GHC lifts this restriction with language extension <option>-XConstrainedClassMethods</option>.
-The restriction is a pretty stupid one in the first place,
-so <option>-XConstrainedClassMethods</option> is implied by <option>-XMultiParamTypeClasses</option>.
-<sect3 id="class-default-signatures">
-<title>Default method signatures</title>
-Haskell 98 allows you to define a default implementation when declaring a class:
- class Enum a where
- enum :: [a]
- enum = []
-The type of the <literal>enum</literal> method is <literal>[a]</literal>, and
-this is also the type of the default method. You can lift this restriction
-and give another type to the default method using the flag
-<option>-XDefaultSignatures</option>. For instance, if you have written a
-generic implementation of enumeration in a class <literal>GEnum</literal>
-with method <literal>genum</literal> in terms of <literal>GHC.Generics</literal>,
-you can specify a default method that uses that generic implementation:
- class Enum a where
- enum :: [a]
- default enum :: (Generic a, GEnum (Rep a)) => [a]
- enum = map to genum
-We reuse the keyword <literal>default</literal> to signal that a signature
-applies to the default method only; when defining instances of the
-<literal>Enum</literal> class, the original type <literal>[a]</literal> of
-<literal>enum</literal> still applies. When giving an empty instance, however,
-the default implementation <literal>map to genum</literal> is filled-in,
-and type-checked with the type
-<literal>(Generic a, GEnum (Rep a)) => [a]</literal>.
-We use default signatures to simplify generic programming in GHC
-(<xref linkend="generic-programming"/>).
-<sect3 id="nullary-type-classes">
-<title>Nullary type classes</title>
-Nullary (no parameter) type classes are enabled with
-<option>-XMultiTypeClasses</option>; historically, they were enabled with the
-(now deprecated) <option>-XNullaryTypeClasses</option>.
-Since there are no available parameters, there can be at most one instance
-of a nullary class. A nullary type class might be used to document some assumption
-in a type signature (such as reliance on the Riemann hypothesis) or add some
-globally configurable settings in a program. For example,
- class RiemannHypothesis where
- assumeRH :: a -> a
- -- Deterministic version of the Miller test
- -- correctness depends on the generalised Riemann hypothesis
- isPrime :: RiemannHypothesis => Integer -> Bool
- isPrime n = assumeRH (...)
-The type signature of <literal>isPrime</literal> informs users that its correctness
-depends on an unproven conjecture. If the function is used, the user has
-to acknowledge the dependence with:
- instance RiemannHypothesis where
- assumeRH = id
-<sect2 id="functional-dependencies">
-<title>Functional dependencies
-<para> Functional dependencies are implemented as described by Mark Jones
-in &ldquo;<ulink url="">Type Classes with Functional Dependencies</ulink>&rdquo;, Mark P. Jones,
-In Proceedings of the 9th European Symposium on Programming,
-ESOP 2000, Berlin, Germany, March 2000, Springer-Verlag LNCS 1782,
-Functional dependencies are introduced by a vertical bar in the syntax of a
-class declaration; e.g.
- class (Monad m) => MonadState s m | m -> s where ...
- class Foo a b c | a b -> c where ...
-There should be more documentation, but there isn't (yet). Yell if you need it.
-<sect3><title>Rules for functional dependencies </title>
-In a class declaration, all of the class type variables must be reachable (in the sense
-mentioned in <xref linkend="flexible-contexts"/>)
-from the free variables of each method type.
-For example:
- class Coll s a where
- empty :: s
- insert :: s -> a -> s
-is not OK, because the type of <literal>empty</literal> doesn't mention
-<literal>a</literal>. Functional dependencies can make the type variable
- class Coll s a | s -> a where
- empty :: s
- insert :: s -> a -> s
-Alternatively <literal>Coll</literal> might be rewritten
- class Coll s a where
- empty :: s a
- insert :: s a -> a -> s a
-which makes the connection between the type of a collection of
-<literal>a</literal>'s (namely <literal>(s a)</literal>) and the element type <literal>a</literal>.
-Occasionally this really doesn't work, in which case you can split the
-class like this:
- class CollE s where
- empty :: s
- class CollE s => Coll s a where
- insert :: s -> a -> s
-<title>Background on functional dependencies</title>
-<para>The following description of the motivation and use of functional dependencies is taken
-from the Hugs user manual, reproduced here (with minor changes) by kind
-permission of Mark Jones.
-Consider the following class, intended as part of a
-library for collection types:
- class Collects e ce where
- empty :: ce
- insert :: e -> ce -> ce
- member :: e -> ce -> Bool
-The type variable e used here represents the element type, while ce is the type
-of the container itself. Within this framework, we might want to define
-instances of this class for lists or characteristic functions (both of which
-can be used to represent collections of any equality type), bit sets (which can
-be used to represent collections of characters), or hash tables (which can be
-used to represent any collection whose elements have a hash function). Omitting
-standard implementation details, this would lead to the following declarations:
- instance Eq e => Collects e [e] where ...
- instance Eq e => Collects e (e -> Bool) where ...
- instance Collects Char BitSet where ...
- instance (Hashable e, Collects a ce)
- => Collects e (Array Int ce) where ...
-All this looks quite promising; we have a class and a range of interesting
-implementations. Unfortunately, there are some serious problems with the class
-declaration. First, the empty function has an ambiguous type:
- empty :: Collects e ce => ce
-By "ambiguous" we mean that there is a type variable e that appears on the left
-of the <literal>=&gt;</literal> symbol, but not on the right. The problem with
-this is that, according to the theoretical foundations of Haskell overloading,
-we cannot guarantee a well-defined semantics for any term with an ambiguous
-We can sidestep this specific problem by removing the empty member from the
-class declaration. However, although the remaining members, insert and member,
-do not have ambiguous types, we still run into problems when we try to use
-them. For example, consider the following two functions:
- f x y = insert x . insert y
- g = f True 'a'
-for which GHC infers the following types:
- f :: (Collects a c, Collects b c) => a -> b -> c -> c
- g :: (Collects Bool c, Collects Char c) => c -> c
-Notice that the type for f allows the two parameters x and y to be assigned
-different types, even though it attempts to insert each of the two values, one
-after the other, into the same collection. If we're trying to model collections
-that contain only one type of value, then this is clearly an inaccurate
-type. Worse still, the definition for g is accepted, without causing a type
-error. As a result, the error in this code will not be flagged at the point
-where it appears. Instead, it will show up only when we try to use g, which
-might even be in a different module.
-<sect4><title>An attempt to use constructor classes</title>
-Faced with the problems described above, some Haskell programmers might be
-tempted to use something like the following version of the class declaration:
- class Collects e c where
- empty :: c e
- insert :: e -> c e -> c e
- member :: e -> c e -> Bool
-The key difference here is that we abstract over the type constructor c that is
-used to form the collection type c e, and not over that collection type itself,
-represented by ce in the original class declaration. This avoids the immediate
-problems that we mentioned above: empty has type <literal>Collects e c => c
-e</literal>, which is not ambiguous.
-The function f from the previous section has a more accurate type:
- f :: (Collects e c) => e -> e -> c e -> c e
-The function g from the previous section is now rejected with a type error as
-we would hope because the type of f does not allow the two arguments to have
-different types.
-This, then, is an example of a multiple parameter class that does actually work
-quite well in practice, without ambiguity problems.
-There is, however, a catch. This version of the Collects class is nowhere near
-as general as the original class seemed to be: only one of the four instances
-for <literal>Collects</literal>
-given above can be used with this version of Collects because only one of
-them---the instance for lists---has a collection type that can be written in
-the form c e, for some type constructor c, and element type e.
-<sect4><title>Adding functional dependencies</title>
-To get a more useful version of the Collects class, Hugs provides a mechanism
-that allows programmers to specify dependencies between the parameters of a
-multiple parameter class (For readers with an interest in theoretical
-foundations and previous work: The use of dependency information can be seen
-both as a generalisation of the proposal for `parametric type classes' that was
-put forward by Chen, Hudak, and Odersky, or as a special case of Mark Jones's
-later framework for "improvement" of qualified types. The
-underlying ideas are also discussed in a more theoretical and abstract setting
-in a manuscript [implparam], where they are identified as one point in a
-general design space for systems of implicit parameterisation.).
-To start with an abstract example, consider a declaration such as:
- class C a b where ...
-which tells us simply that C can be thought of as a binary relation on types
-(or type constructors, depending on the kinds of a and b). Extra clauses can be
-included in the definition of classes to add information about dependencies
-between parameters, as in the following examples:
- class D a b | a -> b where ...
- class E a b | a -> b, b -> a where ...
-The notation <literal>a -&gt; b</literal> used here between the | and where
-symbols --- not to be
-confused with a function type --- indicates that the a parameter uniquely
-determines the b parameter, and might be read as "a determines b." Thus D is
-not just a relation, but actually a (partial) function. Similarly, from the two
-dependencies that are included in the definition of E, we can see that E
-represents a (partial) one-one mapping between types.
-More generally, dependencies take the form <literal>x1 ... xn -&gt; y1 ... ym</literal>,
-where x1, ..., xn, and y1, ..., yn are type variables with n&gt;0 and
-m&gt;=0, meaning that the y parameters are uniquely determined by the x
-parameters. Spaces can be used as separators if more than one variable appears
-on any single side of a dependency, as in <literal>t -&gt; a b</literal>. Note that a class may be
-annotated with multiple dependencies using commas as separators, as in the
-definition of E above. Some dependencies that we can write in this notation are
-redundant, and will be rejected because they don't serve any useful
-purpose, and may instead indicate an error in the program. Examples of
-dependencies like this include <literal>a -&gt; a </literal>,
-<literal>a -&gt; a a </literal>,
-<literal>a -&gt; </literal>, etc. There can also be
-some redundancy if multiple dependencies are given, as in
- <literal>b-&gt;c </literal>, <literal>a-&gt;c </literal>, and
-in which some subset implies the remaining dependencies. Examples like this are
-not treated as errors. Note that dependencies appear only in class
-declarations, and not in any other part of the language. In particular, the
-syntax for instance declarations, class constraints, and types is completely
-By including dependencies in a class declaration, we provide a mechanism for
-the programmer to specify each multiple parameter class more precisely. The
-compiler, on the other hand, is responsible for ensuring that the set of
-instances that are in scope at any given point in the program is consistent
-with any declared dependencies. For example, the following pair of instance
-declarations cannot appear together in the same scope because they violate the
-dependency for D, even though either one on its own would be acceptable:
- instance D Bool Int where ...
- instance D Bool Char where ...
-Note also that the following declaration is not allowed, even by itself:
- instance D [a] b where ...
-The problem here is that this instance would allow one particular choice of [a]
-to be associated with more than one choice for b, which contradicts the
-dependency specified in the definition of D. More generally, this means that,
-in any instance of the form:
- instance D t s where ...
-for some particular types t and s, the only variables that can appear in s are
-the ones that appear in t, and hence, if the type t is known, then s will be
-uniquely determined.
-The benefit of including dependency information is that it allows us to define
-more general multiple parameter classes, without ambiguity problems, and with
-the benefit of more accurate types. To illustrate this, we return to the
-collection class example, and annotate the original definition of <literal>Collects</literal>
-with a simple dependency:
- class Collects e ce | ce -> e where
- empty :: ce
- insert :: e -> ce -> ce
- member :: e -> ce -> Bool
-The dependency <literal>ce -&gt; e</literal> here specifies that the type e of elements is uniquely
-determined by the type of the collection ce. Note that both parameters of
-Collects are of kind *; there are no constructor classes here. Note too that
-all of the instances of Collects that we gave earlier can be used
-together with this new definition.
-What about the ambiguity problems that we encountered with the original
-definition? The empty function still has type Collects e ce => ce, but it is no
-longer necessary to regard that as an ambiguous type: Although the variable e
-does not appear on the right of the => symbol, the dependency for class
-Collects tells us that it is uniquely determined by ce, which does appear on
-the right of the => symbol. Hence the context in which empty is used can still
-give enough information to determine types for both ce and e, without
-ambiguity. More generally, we need only regard a type as ambiguous if it
-contains a variable on the left of the => that is not uniquely determined
-(either directly or indirectly) by the variables on the right.
-Dependencies also help to produce more accurate types for user defined
-functions, and hence to provide earlier detection of errors, and less cluttered
-types for programmers to work with. Recall the previous definition for a
-function f:
- f x y = insert x y = insert x . insert y
-for which we originally obtained a type:
- f :: (Collects a c, Collects b c) => a -> b -> c -> c
-Given the dependency information that we have for Collects, however, we can
-deduce that a and b must be equal because they both appear as the second
-parameter in a Collects constraint with the same first parameter c. Hence we
-can infer a shorter and more accurate type for f:
- f :: (Collects a c) => a -> a -> c -> c
-In a similar way, the earlier definition of g will now be flagged as a type error.
-Although we have given only a few examples here, it should be clear that the
-addition of dependency information can help to make multiple parameter classes
-more useful in practice, avoiding ambiguity problems, and allowing more general
-sets of instance declarations.
-<sect2 id="instance-decls">
-<title>Instance declarations</title>
-<para>An instance declaration has the form
- instance ( <replaceable>assertion</replaceable><subscript>1</subscript>, ..., <replaceable>assertion</replaceable><subscript>n</subscript>) =&gt; <replaceable>class</replaceable> <replaceable>type</replaceable><subscript>1</subscript> ... <replaceable>type</replaceable><subscript>m</subscript> where ...
-The part before the "<literal>=&gt;</literal>" is the
-<emphasis>context</emphasis>, while the part after the
-"<literal>=&gt;</literal>" is the <emphasis>head</emphasis> of the instance declaration.
-<sect3 id="instance-resolution">
-<title>Instance resolution</title>
-When GHC tries to resolve, say, the constraint <literal>C Int Bool</literal>,
-it tries to match every instance declaration against the
-by instantiating the head of the instance declaration. Consider
-these declarations:
- instance context1 => C Int a where ... -- (A)
- instance context2 => C a Bool where ... -- (B)
-GHC's default behaviour is that <emphasis>exactly one instance must match the
-constraint it is trying to resolve</emphasis>.
-For example, the constraint <literal>C Int Bool</literal> matches instances (A) and (B),
-and hence would be rejected; while <literal>C Int Char</literal> matches only (A)
-and hence (A) is chosen.</para>
-Notice that
-When matching, GHC takes
-no account of the context of the instance declaration
-(<literal>context1</literal> etc).
-It is fine for there to be a <emphasis>potential</emphasis> of overlap (by
-including both declarations (A) and (B), say); an error is only reported if a
-particular constraint matches more than one.
-See also <xref linkend="instance-overlap"/> for flags that loosen the
-instance resolution rules.
-<sect3 id="flexible-instance-head">
-<title>Relaxed rules for the instance head</title>
-In Haskell 98 the head of an instance declaration
-must be of the form <literal>C (T a1 ... an)</literal>, where
-<literal>C</literal> is the class, <literal>T</literal> is a data type constructor,
-and the <literal>a1 ... an</literal> are distinct type variables.
-In the case of multi-parameter type classes, this rule applies to each parameter of
-the instance head. (Arguably it should be OK if just one has this form and the others
-are type variables, but that's the rules at the moment.)</para>
-<para>GHC relaxes this rule in two ways.
-With the <option>-XTypeSynonymInstances</option> flag, instance heads may use type
-synonyms. As always, using a type synonym is just shorthand for
-writing the RHS of the type synonym definition. For example:
- type Point a = (a,a)
- instance C (Point a) where ...
-is legal. The instance declaration is equivalent to
- instance C (a,a) where ...
-As always, type synonyms
-must be fully applied. You cannot, for example, write:
- instance Monad Point where ...
-The <option>-XFlexibleInstances</option> flag allows the head of the instance
-declaration to mention arbitrary nested types.
-For example, this becomes a legal instance declaration
- instance C (Maybe Int) where ...
-See also the <link linkend="instance-overlap">rules on overlap</link>.
-The <option>-XFlexibleInstances</option> flag implies <option>-XTypeSynonymInstances</option>.
-However, the instance declaration must still conform to the rules for instance
-termination: see <xref linkend="instance-termination"/>.
-<sect3 id="instance-rules">
-<title>Relaxed rules for instance contexts</title>
-<para>In Haskell 98, the class constraints in the context of the instance declaration
-must be of the form <literal>C a</literal> where <literal>a</literal>
-is a type variable that occurs in the head.
-The <option>-XFlexibleContexts</option> flag relaxes this rule, as well
-as relaxing the corresponding rule for type signatures (see <xref linkend="flexible-contexts"/>).
-Specifically, <option>-XFlexibleContexts</option>, allows (well-kinded) class constraints
-of form <literal>(C t1 ... tn)</literal> in the context of an instance declaration.
-Notice that the flag does not affect equality constraints in an instance context;
-they are permitted by <option>-XTypeFamilies</option> or <option>-XGADTs</option>.
-However, the instance declaration must still conform to the rules for instance
-termination: see <xref linkend="instance-termination"/>.
-<sect3 id="instance-termination">
-<title>Instance termination rules</title>
-Regardless of <option>-XFlexibleInstances</option> and <option>-XFlexibleContexts</option>,
-instance declarations must conform to some rules that ensure that instance resolution
-will terminate. The restrictions can be lifted with <option>-XUndecidableInstances</option>
-(see <xref linkend="undecidable-instances"/>).
-The rules are these:
-The Paterson Conditions: for each class constraint <literal>(C t1 ... tn)</literal> in the context
-<listitem><para>No type variable has more occurrences in the constraint than in the head</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The constraint has fewer constructors and variables (taken together
- and counting repetitions) than the head
-<listitem><para>The constraint mentions no type functions.
-A type function application can in principle expand to a
-type of arbitrary size, and so are rejected out of hand
-<listitem><para>The Coverage Condition. For each functional dependency,
-<replaceable>tvs</replaceable><subscript>left</subscript> <literal>-&gt;</literal>
-<replaceable>tvs</replaceable><subscript>right</subscript>, of the class,
-every type variable in
-S(<replaceable>tvs</replaceable><subscript>right</subscript>) must appear in
-S(<replaceable>tvs</replaceable><subscript>left</subscript>), where S is the
-substitution mapping each type variable in the class declaration to the
-corresponding type in the instance head.
-These restrictions ensure that instance resolution terminates: each reduction
-step makes the problem smaller by at least one
-You can find lots of background material about the reason for these
-restrictions in the paper <ulink
-Understanding functional dependencies via Constraint Handling Rules</ulink>.
-For example, these are OK:
- instance C Int [a] -- Multiple parameters
- instance Eq (S [a]) -- Structured type in head
- -- Repeated type variable in head
- instance C4 a a => C4 [a] [a]
- instance Stateful (ST s) (MutVar s)
- -- Head can consist of type variables only
- instance C a
- instance (Eq a, Show b) => C2 a b
- -- Non-type variables in context
- instance Show (s a) => Show (Sized s a)
- instance C2 Int a => C3 Bool [a]
- instance C2 Int a => C3 [a] b
-But these are not:
- -- Context assertion no smaller than head
- instance C a => C a where ...
- -- (C b b) has more occurrences of b than the head
- instance C b b => Foo [b] where ...
-The same restrictions apply to instances generated by
-<literal>deriving</literal> clauses. Thus the following is accepted:
- data MinHeap h a = H a (h a)
- deriving (Show)
-because the derived instance
- instance (Show a, Show (h a)) => Show (MinHeap h a)
-conforms to the above rules.
-A useful idiom permitted by the above rules is as follows.
-If one allows overlapping instance declarations then it's quite
-convenient to have a "default instance" declaration that applies if
-something more specific does not:
- instance C a where
- op = ... -- Default
-<sect3 id="undecidable-instances">
-<title>Undecidable instances</title>
-Sometimes even the termination rules of <xref linkend="instance-termination"/> are too onerous.
-So GHC allows you to experiment with more liberal rules: if you use
-the experimental flag <option>-XUndecidableInstances</option>
-both the Paterson Conditions and the Coverage Condition
-(described in <xref linkend="instance-termination"/>) are lifted.
-Termination is still ensured by having a
-fixed-depth recursion stack. If you exceed the stack depth you get a
-sort of backtrace, and the opportunity to increase the stack depth
-with <option>-freduction-depth=</option><emphasis>N</emphasis>.
-However, if you should exceed the default reduction depth limit,
-it is probably best just to disable depth checking, with
-<option>-freduction-depth=0</option>. The exact depth your program
-requires depends on minutiae of your code, and it may change between
-minor GHC releases. The safest bet for released code -- if you're sure
-that it should compile in finite time -- is just to disable the check.
-For example, sometimes you might want to use the following to get the
-effect of a "class synonym":
- class (C1 a, C2 a, C3 a) => C a where { }
- instance (C1 a, C2 a, C3 a) => C a where { }
-This allows you to write shorter signatures:
- f :: C a => ...
-instead of
- f :: (C1 a, C2 a, C3 a) => ...
-The restrictions on functional dependencies (<xref
-linkend="functional-dependencies"/>) are particularly troublesome.
-It is tempting to introduce type variables in the context that do not appear in
-the head, something that is excluded by the normal rules. For example:
- class HasConverter a b | a -> b where
- convert :: a -> b
- data Foo a = MkFoo a
- instance (HasConverter a b,Show b) => Show (Foo a) where
- show (MkFoo value) = show (convert value)
-This is dangerous territory, however. Here, for example, is a program that would make the
-typechecker loop:
- class D a
- class F a b | a->b
- instance F [a] [[a]]
- instance (D c, F a c) => D [a] -- 'c' is not mentioned in the head
-Similarly, it can be tempting to lift the coverage condition:
- class Mul a b c | a b -> c where
- (.*.) :: a -> b -> c
- instance Mul Int Int Int where (.*.) = (*)
- instance Mul Int Float Float where x .*. y = fromIntegral x * y
- instance Mul a b c => Mul a [b] [c] where x .*. v = map (x.*.) v
-The third instance declaration does not obey the coverage condition;
-and indeed the (somewhat strange) definition:
- f = \ b x y -> if b then x .*. [y] else y
-makes instance inference go into a loop, because it requires the constraint
-<literal>(Mul a [b] b)</literal>.
-The <option>-XUndecidableInstances</option> flag is also used to lift some of the
-restrictions imposed on type family instances. See <xref linkend="type-family-decidability"/>.
-<sect3 id="instance-overlap">
-<title>Overlapping instances</title>
-In general, as discussed in <xref linkend="instance-resolution"/>,
-<emphasis>GHC requires that it be unambiguous which instance
-should be used to resolve a type-class constraint</emphasis>.
-GHC also provides a way to to loosen
-the instance resolution, by
-allowing more than one instance to match, <emphasis>provided there is a most
-specific one</emphasis>. Moreover, it can be loosened further, by allowing more than one instance to match
-irrespective of whether there is a most specific one.
-This section gives the details.
-To control the choice of instance, it is possible to specify the overlap behavior for individual
-instances with a pragma, written immediately after the
-<literal>instance</literal> keyword. The pragma may be one of:
-<literal>{-# OVERLAPPING #-}</literal>,
-<literal>{-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}</literal>,
-<literal>{-# OVERLAPS #-}</literal>,
-or <literal>{-# INCOHERENT #-}</literal>.
-The matching behaviour is also influenced by two module-level language extension flags: <option>-XOverlappingInstances</option>
-and <option>-XIncoherentInstances</option>
-</primary></indexterm>. These flags are now deprecated (since GHC 7.10) in favour of
-the fine-grained per-instance pragmas.
-A more precise specification is as follows.
-The willingness to be overlapped or incoherent is a property of
-the <emphasis>instance declaration</emphasis> itself, controlled as follows:
-<listitem><para>An instance is <emphasis>incoherent</emphasis> if: it has an <literal>INCOHERENT</literal> pragma; or if the instance has no pragma and it appears in a module compiled with <literal>-XIncoherentInstances</literal>.
-<listitem><para>An instance is <emphasis>overlappable</emphasis> if: it has an <literal>OVERLAPPABLE</literal> or <literal>OVERLAPS</literal> pragma; or if the instance has no pragma and it appears in a module compiled with <literal>-XOverlappingInstances</literal>; or if the instance is incoherent.
-<listitem><para>An instance is <emphasis>overlapping</emphasis> if: it has an <literal>OVERLAPPING</literal> or <literal>OVERLAPS</literal> pragma; or if the instance has no pragma and it appears in a module compiled with <literal>-XOverlappingInstances</literal>; or if the instance is incoherent.
-Now suppose that, in some client module, we are searching for an instance of the
-<emphasis>target constraint</emphasis> <literal>(C ty1 .. tyn)</literal>.
-The search works like this.
-Find all instances I that <emphasis>match</emphasis> the target constraint;
-that is, the target constraint is a substitution instance of I. These
-instance declarations are the <emphasis>candidates</emphasis>.
-Eliminate any candidate IX for which both of the following hold:
- <listitem><para>There is another candidate IY that is strictly more specific;
- that is, IY is a substitution instance of IX but not vice versa.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- Either IX is <emphasis>overlappable</emphasis>, or IY is
- <emphasis>overlapping</emphasis>. (This "either/or" design, rather than a "both/and" design,
- allow a client to deliberately override an instance from a library, without requiring a change to the library.)
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
-If exactly one non-incoherent candidate remains, select it. If all
-remaining candidates are incoherent, select an arbitrary
-one. Otherwise the search fails (i.e. when more than one surviving candidate is not incoherent).
-If the selected candidate (from the previous step) is incoherent, the search succeeds, returning that candidate.
-If not, find all instances that <emphasis>unify</emphasis> with the target
-constraint, but do not <emphasis>match</emphasis> it.
-Such non-candidate instances might match when the target constraint is further
-instantiated. If all of them are incoherent, the search succeeds, returning the selected candidate;
-if not, the search fails.
-Notice that these rules are not influenced by flag settings in the client module, where
-the instances are <emphasis>used</emphasis>.
-These rules make it possible for a library author to design a library that relies on
-overlapping instances without the client having to know.
-Errors are reported <emphasis>lazily</emphasis> (when attempting to solve a constraint), rather than <emphasis>eagerly</emphasis>
-(when the instances themselves are defined). Consider, for example
- instance C Int b where ..
- instance C a Bool where ..
-These potentially overlap, but GHC will not complain about the instance declarations
-themselves, regardless of flag settings. If we later try to solve the constraint
-<literal>(C Int Char)</literal> then only the first instance matches, and all is well.
-Similarly with <literal>(C Bool Bool)</literal>. But if we try to solve <literal>(C Int Bool)</literal>,
-both instances match and an error is reported.
-As a more substantial example of the rules in action, consider
- instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} context1 => C Int b where ... -- (A)
- instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} context2 => C a Bool where ... -- (B)
- instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} context3 => C a [b] where ... -- (C)
- instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} context4 => C Int [Int] where ... -- (D)
-Now suppose that the type inference
-engine needs to solve the constraint
-<literal>C Int [Int]</literal>. This constraint matches instances (A), (C) and (D), but the last
-is more specific, and hence is chosen.
-<para>If (D) did not exist then (A) and (C) would still be matched, but neither is
-most specific. In that case, the program would be rejected, unless
-<option>-XIncoherentInstances</option> is enabled, in which case it would be accepted and (A) or
-(C) would be chosen arbitrarily.
-An instance declaration is <emphasis>more specific</emphasis> than another iff
-the head of former is a substitution instance of the latter. For example
-(D) is "more specific" than (C) because you can get from (C) to (D) by
-substituting <literal>a:=Int</literal>.
-GHC is conservative about committing to an overlapping instance. For example:
- f :: [b] -> [b]
- f x = ...
-Suppose that from the RHS of <literal>f</literal> we get the constraint
-<literal>C b [b]</literal>. But
-GHC does not commit to instance (C), because in a particular
-call of <literal>f</literal>, <literal>b</literal> might be instantiate
-to <literal>Int</literal>, in which case instance (D) would be more specific still.
-So GHC rejects the program.</para>
-If, however, you add the flag <option>-XIncoherentInstances</option> when
-compiling the module that contains (D), GHC will instead pick (C), without
-complaining about the problem of subsequent instantiations.
-Notice that we gave a type signature to <literal>f</literal>, so GHC had to
-<emphasis>check</emphasis> that <literal>f</literal> has the specified type.
-Suppose instead we do not give a type signature, asking GHC to <emphasis>infer</emphasis>
-it instead. In this case, GHC will refrain from
-simplifying the constraint <literal>C Int [b]</literal> (for the same reason
-as before) but, rather than rejecting the program, it will infer the type
- f :: C b [b] => [b] -> [b]
-That postpones the question of which instance to pick to the
-call site for <literal>f</literal>
-by which time more is known about the type <literal>b</literal>.
-You can write this type signature yourself if you use the
-<link linkend="flexible-contexts"><option>-XFlexibleContexts</option></link>
-Exactly the same situation can arise in instance declarations themselves. Suppose we have
- class Foo a where
- f :: a -> a
- instance Foo [b] where
- f x = ...
-and, as before, the constraint <literal>C Int [b]</literal> arises from <literal>f</literal>'s
-right hand side. GHC will reject the instance, complaining as before that it does not know how to resolve
-the constraint <literal>C Int [b]</literal>, because it matches more than one instance
-declaration. The solution is to postpone the choice by adding the constraint to the context
-of the instance declaration, thus:
- instance C Int [b] => Foo [b] where
- f x = ...
-(You need <link linkend="instance-rules"><option>-XFlexibleInstances</option></link> to do this.)
-Warning: overlapping instances must be used with care. They
-can give rise to incoherence (i.e. different instance choices are made
-in different parts of the program) even without <option>-XIncoherentInstances</option>. Consider:
-{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
-module Help where
- class MyShow a where
- myshow :: a -> String
- instance MyShow a => MyShow [a] where
- myshow xs = concatMap myshow xs
- showHelp :: MyShow a => [a] -> String
- showHelp xs = myshow xs
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}
-module Main where
- import Help
- data T = MkT
- instance MyShow T where
- myshow x = "Used generic instance"
- instance MyShow [T] where
- myshow xs = "Used more specific instance"
- main = do { print (myshow [MkT]); print (showHelp [MkT]) }
-In function <literal>showHelp</literal> GHC sees no overlapping
-instances, and so uses the <literal>MyShow [a]</literal> instance
-without complaint. In the call to <literal>myshow</literal> in <literal>main</literal>,
-GHC resolves the <literal>MyShow [T]</literal> constraint using the overlapping
-instance declaration in module <literal>Main</literal>. As a result,
-the program prints
- "Used more specific instance"
- "Used generic instance"
-(An alternative possible behaviour, not currently implemented,
-would be to reject module <literal>Help</literal>
-on the grounds that a later instance declaration might overlap the local one.)
-<sect3 id="instance-sigs">
-<title>Instance signatures: type signatures in instance declarations</title>
-<para>In Haskell, you can't write a type signature in an instance declaration, but it
-is sometimes convenient to do so, and the language extension <option>-XInstanceSigs</option>
-allows you to do so. For example:
- data T a = MkT a a
- instance Eq a => Eq (T a) where
- (==) :: T a -> T a -> Bool -- The signature
- (==) (MkT x1 x2) (MkTy y1 y2) = x1==y1 &amp;&amp; x2==y2
-Some details
-The type signature in the instance declaration must be more polymorphic than (or the same as)
-the one in the class declaration, instantiated with the instance type.
-For example, this is fine:
- instance Eq a => Eq (T a) where
- (==) :: forall b. b -> b -> Bool
- (==) x y = True
-Here the signature in the instance declaration is more polymorphic than that
-required by the instantiated class method.
-The code for the method in the instance declaration is typechecked against the type signature
-supplied in the instance declaration, as you would expect. So if the instance signature
-is more polymorphic than required, the code must be too.
-One stylistic reason for wanting to write a type signature is simple documentation. Another
-is that you may want to bring scoped type variables into scope. For example:
-class C a where
- foo :: b -> a -> (a, [b])
-instance C a => C (T a) where
- foo :: forall b. b -> T a -> (T a, [b])
- foo x (T y) = (T y, xs)
- where
- xs :: [b]
- xs = [x,x,x]
-Provided that you also specify <option>-XScopedTypeVariables</option>
-(<xref linkend="scoped-type-variables"/>),
-the <literal>forall b</literal> scopes over the definition of <literal>foo</literal>,
-and in particular over the type signature for <literal>xs</literal>.
-<sect2 id="overloaded-strings">
-<title>Overloaded string literals
-GHC supports <emphasis>overloaded string literals</emphasis>. Normally a
-string literal has type <literal>String</literal>, but with overloaded string
-literals enabled (with <literal>-XOverloadedStrings</literal>)
- a string literal has type <literal>(IsString a) => a</literal>.
- This means that the usual string syntax can be used, e.g.,
- for <literal>ByteString</literal>, <literal>Text</literal>,
-and other variations of string like types. String literals behave very much
-like integer literals, i.e., they can be used in both expressions and patterns.
-If used in a pattern the literal with be replaced by an equality test, in the same
-way as an integer literal is.
-The class <literal>IsString</literal> is defined as:
-class IsString a where
- fromString :: String -> a
-The only predefined instance is the obvious one to make strings work as usual:
-instance IsString [Char] where
- fromString cs = cs
-The class <literal>IsString</literal> is not in scope by default. If you want to mention
-it explicitly (for example, to give an instance declaration for it), you can import it
-from module <literal>GHC.Exts</literal>.
-Haskell's defaulting mechanism (<ulink url="">Haskell Report, Section 4.3.4</ulink>)
-is extended to cover string literals, when <option>-XOverloadedStrings</option> is specified.
-Each type in a <literal>default</literal> declaration must be an
-instance of <literal>Num</literal> <emphasis>or</emphasis> of <literal>IsString</literal>.
-If no <literal>default</literal> declaration is given, then it is just as if the module
-contained the declaration <literal>default( Integer, Double, String)</literal>.
-The standard defaulting rule
-is extended thus: defaulting applies when all the unresolved constraints involve standard classes
-<emphasis>or</emphasis> <literal>IsString</literal>; and at least one is a numeric class
-<emphasis>or</emphasis> <literal>IsString</literal>.
-So, for example, the expression <literal>length "foo"</literal> will give rise
-to an ambiguous use of <literal>IsString a0</literal> which, because of the above
-rules, will default to <literal>String</literal>.
-A small example:
-module Main where
-import GHC.Exts( IsString(..) )
-newtype MyString = MyString String deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance IsString MyString where
- fromString = MyString
-greet :: MyString -> MyString
-greet "hello" = "world"
-greet other = other
-main = do
- print $ greet "hello"
- print $ greet "fool"
-Note that deriving <literal>Eq</literal> is necessary for the pattern matching
-to work since it gets translated into an equality comparison.
-<sect2 id="overloaded-lists">
-<title>Overloaded lists</title>
-<para> GHC supports <emphasis>overloading of the list notation</emphasis>.
-Let us recap the notation for
-constructing lists. In Haskell, the list notation can be be used in the
-following seven ways:
-[] -- Empty list
-[x] -- x : []
-[x,y,z] -- x : y : z : []
-[x .. ] -- enumFrom x
-[x,y ..] -- enumFromThen x y
-[x .. y] -- enumFromTo x y
-[x,y .. z] -- enumFromThenTo x y z
-When the <option>OverloadedLists</option> extension is turned on, the
-aforementioned seven notations are desugared as follows: </para>
-[] -- fromListN 0 []
-[x] -- fromListN 1 (x : [])
-[x,y,z] -- fromListN 3 (x : y : z : [])
-[x .. ] -- fromList (enumFrom x)
-[x,y ..] -- fromList (enumFromThen x y)
-[x .. y] -- fromList (enumFromTo x y)
-[x,y .. z] -- fromList (enumFromThenTo x y z)
-<para> This extension allows programmers to use the list notation for
-construction of structures like: <literal>Set</literal>,
-<literal>Map</literal>, <literal>IntMap</literal>, <literal>Vector</literal>,
-<literal>Text</literal> and <literal>Array</literal>. The following code
-listing gives a few examples:</para>
-['0' .. '9'] :: Set Char
-[1 .. 10] :: Vector Int
-[("default",0), (k1,v1)] :: Map String Int
-['a' .. 'z'] :: Text
-List patterns are also overloaded. When the <option>OverloadedLists</option>
-extension is turned on, these definitions are desugared as follows
-f [] = ... -- f (toList -> []) = ...
-g [x,y,z] = ... -- g (toList -> [x,y,z]) = ...
-(Here we are using view-pattern syntax for the translation, see <xref linkend="view-patterns"/>.)
-<title>The <literal>IsList</literal> class</title>
-<para>In the above desugarings, the functions <literal>toList</literal>,
-<literal>fromList</literal> and <literal>fromListN</literal> are all
-methods of
-the <literal>IsList</literal> class, which is itself exported from
-the <literal>GHC.Exts</literal> module.
-The type class is defined as follows:</para>
-class IsList l where
- type Item l
- fromList :: [Item l] -> l
- toList :: l -> [Item l]
- fromListN :: Int -> [Item l] -> l
- fromListN _ = fromList
-<para>The <literal>IsList</literal> class and its methods are intended to be
-used in conjunction with the <option>OverloadedLists</option> extension.
-<listitem> <para> The type function
-<literal>Item</literal> returns the type of items of the
-structure <literal>l</literal>.
-The function <literal>fromList</literal>
-constructs the structure <literal>l</literal> from the given list of
-<literal>Item l</literal>.
-The function <literal>fromListN</literal> takes the
-input list's length as a hint. Its behaviour should be equivalent to
-<literal>fromList</literal>. The hint can be used for more efficient
-construction of the structure <literal>l</literal> compared to
-<literal>fromList</literal>. If the given hint is not equal to the input
-list's length the behaviour of <literal>fromListN</literal> is not
-The function <literal>toList</literal> should be
-the inverse of <literal>fromList</literal>.
-<para>It is perfectly fine to declare new instances
-of <literal>IsList</literal>, so that list notation becomes
-useful for completely new data types.
-Here are several example instances:
-instance IsList [a] where
- type Item [a] = a
- fromList = id
- toList = id
-instance (Ord a) => IsList (Set a) where
- type Item (Set a) = a
- fromList = Set.fromList
- toList = Set.toList
-instance (Ord k) => IsList (Map k v) where
- type Item (Map k v) = (k,v)
- fromList = Map.fromList
- toList = Map.toList
-instance IsList (IntMap v) where
- type Item (IntMap v) = (Int,v)
- fromList = IntMap.fromList
- toList = IntMap.toList
-instance IsList Text where
- type Item Text = Char
- fromList = Text.pack
- toList = Text.unpack
-instance IsList (Vector a) where
- type Item (Vector a) = a
- fromList = Vector.fromList
- fromListN = Vector.fromListN
- toList = Vector.toList
-<title>Rebindable syntax</title>
-<para> When desugaring list notation with <option>-XOverloadedLists</option>
-GHC uses the <literal>fromList</literal> (etc) methods from module <literal>GHC.Exts</literal>.
-You do not need to import <literal>GHC.Exts</literal> for this to happen.
-<para> However if you use <option>-XRebindableSyntax</option>, then
-GHC instead uses whatever is in
-scope with the names of <literal>toList</literal>, <literal>fromList</literal> and
-<literal>fromListN</literal>. That is, these functions are rebindable;
-c.f. <xref linkend="rebindable-syntax"/>. </para>
-<para>Currently, the <literal>IsList</literal> class is not accompanied with
-defaulting rules. Although feasible, not much thought has gone into how to
-specify the meaning of the default declarations like:</para>
-default ([a])
-<title>Speculation about the future</title>
-<para>The current implementation of the <option>OverloadedLists</option>
-extension can be improved by handling the lists that are only populated with
-literals in a special way. More specifically, the compiler could allocate such
-lists statically using a compact representation and allow
-<literal>IsList</literal> instances to take advantage of the compact
-representation. Equipped with this capability the
-<option>OverloadedLists</option> extension will be in a good position to
-subsume the <option>OverloadedStrings</option> extension (currently, as a
-special case, string literals benefit from statically allocated compact
-<sect1 id="type-families">
-<title>Type families</title>
- <firstterm>Indexed type families</firstterm> form an extension to
- facilitate type-level
- programming. Type families are a generalisation of <firstterm>associated
- data types</firstterm>
- (&ldquo;<ulink url="">Associated
- Types with Class</ulink>&rdquo;, M. Chakravarty, G. Keller, S. Peyton Jones,
- and S. Marlow. In Proceedings of &ldquo;The 32nd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT
- Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'05)&rdquo;, pages
- 1-13, ACM Press, 2005) and <firstterm>associated type synonyms</firstterm>
- (&ldquo;<ulink url="">Type
- Associated Type Synonyms</ulink>&rdquo;. M. Chakravarty, G. Keller, and
- S. Peyton Jones.
- In Proceedings of &ldquo;The Tenth ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on
- Functional Programming&rdquo;, ACM Press, pages 241-253, 2005). Type families
- themselves are described in the paper &ldquo;<ulink
- url="">Type
- Checking with Open Type Functions</ulink>&rdquo;, T. Schrijvers,
- S. Peyton-Jones,
- M. Chakravarty, and M. Sulzmann, in Proceedings of &ldquo;ICFP 2008: The
- 13th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Functional
- Programming&rdquo;, ACM Press, pages 51-62, 2008. Type families
- essentially provide type-indexed data types and named functions on types,
- which are useful for generic programming and highly parameterised library
- interfaces as well as interfaces with enhanced static information, much like
- dependent types. They might also be regarded as an alternative to functional
- dependencies, but provide a more functional style of type-level programming
- than the relational style of functional dependencies.
- Indexed type families, or type families for short, are type constructors that
- represent sets of types. Set members are denoted by supplying the type family
- constructor with type parameters, which are called <firstterm>type
- indices</firstterm>. The
- difference between vanilla parametrised type constructors and family
- constructors is much like between parametrically polymorphic functions and
- (ad-hoc polymorphic) methods of type classes. Parametric polymorphic functions
- behave the same at all type instances, whereas class methods can change their
- behaviour in dependence on the class type parameters. Similarly, vanilla type
- constructors imply the same data representation for all type instances, but
- family constructors can have varying representation types for varying type
- indices.
- Indexed type families come in three flavours: <firstterm>data
- families</firstterm>, <firstterm>open type synonym families</firstterm>, and
- <firstterm>closed type synonym families</firstterm>. They are the indexed
- family variants of algebraic data types and type synonyms, respectively. The
- instances of data families can be data types and newtypes.
- Type families are enabled by the flag <option>-XTypeFamilies</option>.
- Additional information on the use of type families in GHC is available on
- <ulink url="">the
- Haskell wiki page on type families</ulink>.
-<sect2 id="data-families">
- <title>Data families</title>
- <para>
- Data families appear in two flavours: (1) they can be defined on the
- toplevel
- or (2) they can appear inside type classes (in which case they are known as
- associated types). The former is the more general variant, as it lacks the
- requirement for the type-indexes to coincide with the class
- parameters. However, the latter can lead to more clearly structured code and
- compiler warnings if some type instances were - possibly accidentally -
- omitted. In the following, we always discuss the general toplevel form first
- and then cover the additional constraints placed on associated types.
- </para>
- <sect3 id="data-family-declarations">
- <title>Data family declarations</title>
- <para>
- Indexed data families are introduced by a signature, such as
-data family GMap k :: * -> *
- The special <literal>family</literal> distinguishes family from standard
- data declarations. The result kind annotation is optional and, as
- usual, defaults to <literal>*</literal> if omitted. An example is
-data family Array e
- Named arguments can also be given explicit kind signatures if needed.
- Just as with
- [ GADT
- declarations] named arguments are entirely optional, so that we can
- declare <literal>Array</literal> alternatively with
-data family Array :: * -> *
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="data-instance-declarations">
- <title>Data instance declarations</title>
- <para>
- Instance declarations of data and newtype families are very similar to
- standard data and newtype declarations. The only two differences are
- that the keyword <literal>data</literal> or <literal>newtype</literal>
- is followed by <literal>instance</literal> and that some or all of the
- type arguments can be non-variable types, but may not contain forall
- types or type synonym families. However, data families are generally
- allowed in type parameters, and type synonyms are allowed as long as
- they are fully applied and expand to a type that is itself admissible -
- exactly as this is required for occurrences of type synonyms in class
- instance parameters. For example, the <literal>Either</literal>
- instance for <literal>GMap</literal> is
-data instance GMap (Either a b) v = GMapEither (GMap a v) (GMap b v)
- In this example, the declaration has only one variant. In general, it
- can be any number.
- </para>
- <para>
- When the name of a type argument of a data or newtype instance
- declaration doesn't matter, it can be replaced with an underscore
- (<literal>_</literal>). This is the same as writing a type variable with
- a unique name.
-data family F a b :: *
-data instance F Int _ = Int
--- Equivalent to
-data instance F Int b = Int
- This resembles the wildcards that can be used in <xref
- linkend="partial-type-signatures"/>. However, there are some
- differences. Only anonymous wildcards are allowed in these instance
- declarations, named and extra-constraints wildcards are not. No error
- messages reporting the inferred types are generated, nor does the flag
- <option>-XPartialTypeSignatures</option> have any effect.
- </para>
- <para>
- Data and newtype instance declarations are only permitted when an
- appropriate family declaration is in scope - just as a class instance declaration
- requires the class declaration to be visible. Moreover, each instance
- declaration has to conform to the kind determined by its family
- declaration. This implies that the number of parameters of an instance
- declaration matches the arity determined by the kind of the family.
- </para>
- <para>
- A data family instance declaration can use the full expressiveness of
- ordinary <literal>data</literal> or <literal>newtype</literal> declarations:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para> Although, a data family is <emphasis>introduced</emphasis> with
- the keyword "<literal>data</literal>", a data family <emphasis>instance</emphasis> can
- use either <literal>data</literal> or <literal>newtype</literal>. For example:
-data family T a
-data instance T Int = T1 Int | T2 Bool
-newtype instance T Char = TC Bool
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para> A <literal>data instance</literal> can use GADT syntax for the data constructors,
- and indeed can define a GADT. For example:
-data family G a b
-data instance G [a] b where
- G1 :: c -> G [Int] b
- G2 :: G [a] Bool
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para> You can use a <literal>deriving</literal> clause on a
- <literal>data instance</literal> or <literal>newtype instance</literal>
- declaration.
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- <para>
- Even if data families are defined as toplevel declarations, functions
- that perform different computations for different family instances may still
- need to be defined as methods of type classes. In particular, the
- following is not possible:
-data family T a
-data instance T Int = A
-data instance T Char = B
-foo :: T a -> Int
-foo A = 1 -- WRONG: These two equations together...
-foo B = 2 -- ...will produce a type error.
-Instead, you would have to write <literal>foo</literal> as a class operation, thus:
-class Foo a where
- foo :: T a -> Int
-instance Foo Int where
- foo A = 1
-instance Foo Char where
- foo B = 2
- (Given the functionality provided by GADTs (Generalised Algebraic Data
- Types), it might seem as if a definition, such as the above, should be
- feasible. However, type families are - in contrast to GADTs - are
- <emphasis>open;</emphasis> i.e., new instances can always be added,
- possibly in other
- modules. Supporting pattern matching across different data instances
- would require a form of extensible case construct.)
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="data-family-overlap">
- <title>Overlap of data instances</title>
- <para>
- The instance declarations of a data family used in a single program
- may not overlap at all, independent of whether they are associated or
- not. In contrast to type class instances, this is not only a matter
- of consistency, but one of type safety.
- </para>
- </sect3>
-<sect2 id="synonym-families">
- <title>Synonym families</title>
- <para>
- Type families appear in three flavours: (1) they can be defined as open
- families on the toplevel, (2) they can be defined as closed families on
- the toplevel, or (3) they can appear inside type classes (in which case
- they are known as associated type synonyms). Toplevel families are more
- general, as they lack the requirement for the type-indexes to coincide
- with the class parameters. However, associated type synonyms can lead to
- more clearly structured code and compiler warnings if some type instances
- were - possibly accidentally - omitted. In the following, we always
- discuss the general toplevel forms first and then cover the additional
- constraints placed on associated types. Note that closed associated type
- synonyms do not exist.
- </para>
- <sect3 id="type-family-declarations">
- <title>Type family declarations</title>
- <para>
- Open indexed type families are introduced by a signature, such as
-type family Elem c :: *
- The special <literal>family</literal> distinguishes family from standard
- type declarations. The result kind annotation is optional and, as
- usual, defaults to <literal>*</literal> if omitted. An example is
-type family Elem c
- Parameters can also be given explicit kind signatures if needed. We
- call the number of parameters in a type family declaration, the family's
- arity, and all applications of a type family must be fully saturated
- w.r.t. to that arity. This requirement is unlike ordinary type synonyms
- and it implies that the kind of a type family is not sufficient to
- determine a family's arity, and hence in general, also insufficient to
- determine whether a type family application is well formed. As an
- example, consider the following declaration:
-type family F a b :: * -> * -- F's arity is 2,
- -- although its overall kind is * -> * -> * -> *
- Given this declaration the following are examples of well-formed and
- malformed types:
-F Char [Int] -- OK! Kind: * -> *
-F Char [Int] Bool -- OK! Kind: *
-F IO Bool -- WRONG: kind mismatch in the first argument
-F Bool -- WRONG: unsaturated application
- </para>
- <para>
- The result kind annotation is optional and defaults to
- <literal>*</literal> (like argument kinds) if
- omitted. Polykinded type families can be
- declared using a parameter in the kind annotation:
-type family F a :: k
-In this case the kind parameter <literal>k</literal> is actually an implicit
-parameter of the type family.
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="type-instance-declarations">
- <title>Type instance declarations</title>
- <para>
- Instance declarations of type families are very similar to
- standard type synonym declarations. The only two differences are that
- the keyword <literal>type</literal> is followed by
- <literal>instance</literal> and that some or all of the type arguments
- can be non-variable types, but may not contain forall types or type
- synonym families. However, data families are generally allowed, and type
- synonyms are allowed as long as they are fully applied and expand to a
- type that is admissible - these are the exact same requirements as for
- data instances. For example, the <literal>[e]</literal> instance for
- <literal>Elem</literal> is
-type instance Elem [e] = e
- </para>
- <para>
- Type arguments can be replaced with underscores (<literal>_</literal>)
- if the names of the arguments don't matter. This is the same as writing
- type variables with unique names. The same rules apply as for <xref
- linkend="data-instance-declarations"/>.
- </para>
- <para>
- Type family instance declarations are only legitimate when an
- appropriate family declaration is in scope - just like class instances
- require the class declaration to be visible. Moreover, each instance
- declaration has to conform to the kind determined by its family
- declaration, and the number of type parameters in an instance
- declaration must match the number of type parameters in the family
- declaration. Finally, the right-hand side of a type instance must be a
- monotype (i.e., it may not include foralls) and after the expansion of
- all saturated vanilla type synonyms, no synonyms, except family synonyms
- may remain.
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="closed-type-families">
- <title>Closed type families</title>
- <para>
- A type family can also be declared with a <literal>where</literal> clause,
- defining the full set of equations for that family. For example:
-type family F a where
- F Int = Double
- F Bool = Char
- F a = String
- A closed type family's equations are tried in order, from top to bottom,
- when simplifying a type family application. In this example, we declare
- an instance for <literal>F</literal> such that <literal>F Int</literal>
- simplifies to <literal>Double</literal>, <literal>F Bool</literal>
- simplifies to <literal>Char</literal>, and for any other type
- <literal>a</literal> that is known not to be <literal>Int</literal> or
- <literal>Bool</literal>, <literal>F a</literal> simplifies to
- <literal>String</literal>. Note that GHC must be sure that
- <literal>a</literal> cannot unify with <literal>Int</literal> or
- <literal>Bool</literal> in that last case; if a programmer specifies
- just <literal>F a</literal> in their code, GHC will not be able to
- simplify the type. After all, <literal>a</literal> might later be
- instantiated with <literal>Int</literal>.
- </para>
- <para>
- A closed type family's equations have the same restrictions as the
- equations for open type family instances.
- </para>
- <para>
- A closed type family may be declared with no equations. Such
- closed type families are opaque type-level definitions that will
- never reduce, are not necessarily injective (unlike empty data
- types), and cannot be given any instances. This is different
- from omitting the equations of a closed type family in a
- <filename>hs-boot</filename> file, which uses the syntax
- <literal>where ..</literal>, as in that case there may or may
- not be equations given in the <filename>hs</filename> file.
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="type-family-examples">
- <title>Type family examples</title>
- <para>
-Here are some examples of admissible and illegal type
- instances:
-type family F a :: *
-type instance F [Int] = Int -- OK!
-type instance F String = Char -- OK!
-type instance F (F a) = a -- WRONG: type parameter mentions a type family
-type instance F (forall a. (a, b)) = b -- WRONG: a forall type appears in a type parameter
-type instance F Float = forall a.a -- WRONG: right-hand side may not be a forall type
-type family H a where -- OK!
- H Int = Int
- H Bool = Bool
- H a = String
-type instance H Char = Char -- WRONG: cannot have instances of closed family
-type family K a where -- OK!
-type family G a b :: * -> *
-type instance G Int = (,) -- WRONG: must be two type parameters
-type instance G Int Char Float = Double -- WRONG: must be two type parameters
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="type-family-overlap">
- <title>Compatibility and apartness of type family equations</title>
- <para>
- There must be some restrictions on the equations of type families, lest
- we define an ambiguous rewrite system. So, equations of open type families
- are restricted to be <firstterm>compatible</firstterm>. Two type patterns
- are compatible if
-<listitem><para>all corresponding types and implicit kinds in the patterns are <firstterm>apart</firstterm>, or</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>the two patterns unify producing a substitution, and the right-hand sides are equal under that substitution.</para></listitem>
- Two types are considered <firstterm>apart</firstterm> if, for all possible
- substitutions, the types cannot reduce to a common reduct.
- </para>
- <para>
- The first clause of "compatible" is the more straightforward one. It says
- that the patterns of two distinct type family instances cannot overlap.
- For example, the following is disallowed:
-type instance F Int = Bool
-type instance F Int = Char
- The second clause is a little more interesting. It says that two
- overlapping type family instances are allowed if the right-hand
- sides coincide in the region of overlap. Some examples help here:
-type instance F (a, Int) = [a]
-type instance F (Int, b) = [b] -- overlap permitted
-type instance G (a, Int) = [a]
-type instance G (Char, a) = [a] -- ILLEGAL overlap, as [Char] /= [Int]
- Note that this compatibility condition is independent of whether the type family
- is associated or not, and it is not only a matter of consistency, but
- one of type safety. </para>
- <para>For a polykinded type family, the kinds are checked for
- apartness just like types. For example, the following is accepted:
-type family J a :: k
-type instance J Int = Bool
-type instance J Int = Maybe
- These instances are compatible because they differ in their implicit kind parameter; the first uses <literal>*</literal> while the second uses <literal>* -> *</literal>.</para>
- <para>
- The definition for "compatible" uses a notion of "apart", whose definition
- in turn relies on type family reduction. This condition of "apartness", as
- stated, is impossible to check, so we use this conservative approximation:
- two types are considered to be apart when the two types cannot be unified,
- even by a potentially infinite unifier. Allowing the unifier to be infinite
- disallows the following pair of instances:
-type instance H x x = Int
-type instance H [x] x = Bool
- The type patterns in this pair equal if <literal>x</literal> is replaced
- by an infinite nesting of lists. Rejecting instances such as these is
- necessary for type soundness.
- </para>
- <para>
- Compatibility also affects closed type families. When simplifying an
- application of a closed type family, GHC will select an equation only
- when it is sure that no incompatible previous equation will ever apply.
- Here are some examples:
-type family F a where
- F Int = Bool
- F a = Char
-type family G a where
- G Int = Int
- G a = a
- In the definition for <literal>F</literal>, the two equations are
- incompatible -- their patterns are not apart, and yet their
- right-hand sides do not coincide. Thus, before GHC selects the
- second equation, it must be sure that the first can never apply. So,
- the type <literal>F a</literal> does not simplify; only a type such
- as <literal>F Double</literal> will simplify to
- <literal>Char</literal>. In <literal>G</literal>, on the other hand,
- the two equations are compatible. Thus, GHC can ignore the first
- equation when looking at the second. So, <literal>G a</literal> will
- simplify to <literal>a</literal>.</para>
- <para> However see <xref linkend="ghci-decls"/> for the overlap rules in GHCi.</para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="type-family-decidability">
- <title>Decidability of type synonym instances</title>
- <para>
- In order to guarantee that type inference in the presence of type
- families decidable, we need to place a number of additional
- restrictions on the formation of type instance declarations (c.f.,
- Definition 5 (Relaxed Conditions) of &ldquo;<ulink
- url="">Type
- Checking with Open Type Functions</ulink>&rdquo;). Instance
- declarations have the general form
-type instance F t1 .. tn = t
- where we require that for every type family application <literal>(G s1
- .. sm)</literal> in <literal>t</literal>,
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>s1 .. sm</literal> do not contain any type family
- constructors,</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>the total number of symbols (data type constructors and type
- variables) in <literal>s1 .. sm</literal> is strictly smaller than
- in <literal>t1 .. tn</literal>, and</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>for every type
- variable <literal>a</literal>, <literal>a</literal> occurs
- in <literal>s1 .. sm</literal> at most as often as in <literal>t1
- .. tn</literal>.</para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- These restrictions are easily verified and ensure termination of type
- inference. However, they are not sufficient to guarantee completeness
- of type inference in the presence of, so called, ''loopy equalities'',
- such as <literal>a ~ [F a]</literal>, where a recursive occurrence of
- a type variable is underneath a family application and data
- constructor application - see the above mentioned paper for details.
- </para>
- <para>
- If the option <option>-XUndecidableInstances</option> is passed to the
- compiler, the above restrictions are not enforced and it is on the
- programmer to ensure termination of the normalisation of type families
- during type inference.
- </para>
- </sect3>
- </sect2>
-<sect2 id="assoc-decl">
-<title>Associated data and type families</title>
-A data or type synonym family can be declared as part of a type class, thus:
-class GMapKey k where
- data GMap k :: * -> *
- ...
-class Collects ce where
- type Elem ce :: *
- ...
-When doing so, we (optionally) may drop the "<literal>family</literal>" keyword.
- The type parameters must all be type variables, of course,
- and some (but not necessarily all) of then can be the class
- parameters. Each class parameter may
- only be used at most once per associated type, but some may be omitted
- and they may be in an order other than in the class head. Hence, the
- following contrived example is admissible:
- class C a b c where
- type T c a x :: *
- Here <literal>c</literal> and <literal>a</literal> are class parameters,
- but the type is also indexed on a third parameter <literal>x</literal>.
- </para>
- <sect3 id="assoc-data-inst">
- <title>Associated instances</title>
- <para>
- When an associated data or type synonym family instance is declared within a type
- class instance, we (optionally) may drop the <literal>instance</literal> keyword in the
- family instance:
-instance (GMapKey a, GMapKey b) => GMapKey (Either a b) where
- data GMap (Either a b) v = GMapEither (GMap a v) (GMap b v)
- ...
-instance Eq (Elem [e]) => Collects [e] where
- type Elem [e] = e
- ...
-Note the following points:
- The type indexes corresponding to class parameters must have precisely the same shape
- the type given in the instance head. To have the same "shape" means that
- the two types are identical modulo renaming of type variables. For example:
-instance Eq (Elem [e]) => Collects [e] where
- -- Choose one of the following alternatives:
- type Elem [e] = e -- OK
- type Elem [x] = x -- OK
- type Elem x = x -- BAD; shape of 'x' is different to '[e]'
- type Elem [Maybe x] = x -- BAD: shape of '[Maybe x]' is different to '[e]'
- An instances for an associated family can only appear as part of
- an instance declarations of the class in which the family was declared,
- just as with the equations of the methods of a class.
- The instance for an associated type can be omitted in class instances. In that case,
- unless there is a default instance (see <xref linkend="assoc-decl-defs"/>),
- the corresponding instance type is not inhabited;
- i.e., only diverging expressions, such
- as <literal>undefined</literal>, can assume the type.
- Although it is unusual, there (currently) can be <emphasis>multiple</emphasis>
- instances for an associated family in a single instance declaration.
- For example, this is legitimate:
-instance GMapKey Flob where
- data GMap Flob [v] = G1 v
- data GMap Flob Int = G2 Int
- ...
- Here we give two data instance declarations, one in which the last
- parameter is <literal>[v]</literal>, and one for which it is <literal>Int</literal>.
- Since you cannot give any <emphasis>subsequent</emphasis> instances for
- <literal>(GMap Flob ...)</literal>, this facility is most useful when
- the free indexed parameter is of a kind with a finite number of alternatives
- (unlike <literal>*</literal>). WARNING: this facility may be withdrawn in the future.
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="assoc-decl-defs">
- <title>Associated type synonym defaults</title>
- <para>
- It is possible for the class defining the associated type to specify a
- default for associated type instances. So for example, this is OK:
-class IsBoolMap v where
- type Key v
- type instance Key v = Int
- lookupKey :: Key v -> v -> Maybe Bool
-instance IsBoolMap [(Int, Bool)] where
- lookupKey = lookup
-In an <literal>instance</literal> declaration for the class, if no explicit
-<literal>type instance</literal> declaration is given for the associated type, the default declaration
-is used instead, just as with default class methods.
-Note the following points:
- The <literal>instance</literal> keyword is optional.
- There can be at most one default declaration for an associated type synonym.
- A default declaration is not permitted for an associated
- <emphasis>data</emphasis> type.
- The default declaration must mention only type <emphasis>variables</emphasis> on the left hand side,
- and the right hand side must mention only type variables bound on the left hand side.
- However, unlike the associated type family declaration itself,
- the type variables of the default instance are independent of those of the parent class.
-Here are some examples:
- class C a where
- type F1 a :: *
- type instance F1 a = [a] -- OK
- type instance F1 a = a->a -- BAD; only one default instance is allowed
- type F2 b a -- OK; note the family has more type
- -- variables than the class
- type instance F2 c d = c->d -- OK; you don't have to use 'a' in the type instance
- type F3 a
- type F3 [b] = b -- BAD; only type variables allowed on the LHS
- type F4 a
- type F4 b = a -- BAD; 'a' is not in scope in the RHS
- <sect3 id="scoping-class-params">
- <title>Scoping of class parameters</title>
- <para>
- The visibility of class
- parameters in the right-hand side of associated family instances
- depends <emphasis>solely</emphasis> on the parameters of the
- family. As an example, consider the simple class declaration
-class C a b where
- data T a
- Only one of the two class parameters is a parameter to the data
- family. Hence, the following instance declaration is invalid:
-instance C [c] d where
- data T [c] = MkT (c, d) -- WRONG!! 'd' is not in scope
- Here, the right-hand side of the data instance mentions the type
- variable <literal>d</literal> that does not occur in its left-hand
- side. We cannot admit such data instances as they would compromise
- type safety.
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3><title>Instance contexts and associated type and data instances</title>
- <para>Associated type and data instance declarations do not inherit any
- context specified on the enclosing instance. For type instance declarations,
- it is unclear what the context would mean. For data instance declarations,
- it is unlikely a user would want the context repeated for every data constructor.
- The only place where the context might likely be useful is in a
- <literal>deriving</literal> clause of an associated data instance. However,
- even here, the role of the outer instance context is murky. So, for
- clarity, we just stick to the rule above: the enclosing instance context
- is ignored. If you need to use
- a non-trivial context on a derived instance,
- use a <link linkend="stand-alone-deriving">standalone
- deriving</link> clause (at the top level).
- </para>
- </sect3>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="data-family-import-export">
- <title>Import and export</title>
- <para>
-The rules for export lists
-(Haskell Report
- <ulink url="">Section 5.2</ulink>)
-needs adjustment for type families:
- The form <literal>T(..)</literal>, where <literal>T</literal>
- is a data family, names the family <literal>T</literal> and all the in-scope
- constructors (whether in scope qualified or unqualified) that are data
- instances of <literal>T</literal>.
- </para></listitem>
- The form <literal>T(.., ci, .., fj, ..)</literal>, where <literal>T</literal> is
- a data family, names <literal>T</literal> and the specified constructors <literal>ci</literal>
- and fields <literal>fj</literal> as usual. The constructors and field names must
- belong to some data instance of <literal>T</literal>, but are not required to belong
- to the <emphasis>same</emphasis> instance.
- </para></listitem>
- The form <literal>C(..)</literal>, where <literal>C</literal>
- is a class, names the class <literal>C</literal> and all its methods
- <emphasis>and associated types</emphasis>.
- </para></listitem>
- The form <literal>C(.., mi, .., type Tj, ..)</literal>, where <literal>C</literal> is a class,
- names the class <literal>C</literal>, and the specified methods <literal>mi</literal>
- and associated types <literal>Tj</literal>. The types need a keyword "<literal>type</literal>"
- to distinguish them from data constructors.
- </para></listitem>
- <sect3 id="data-family-impexp-examples">
- <title>Examples</title>
- <para>
- Recall our running <literal>GMapKey</literal> class example:
-class GMapKey k where
- data GMap k :: * -> *
- insert :: GMap k v -> k -> v -> GMap k v
- lookup :: GMap k v -> k -> Maybe v
- empty :: GMap k v
-instance (GMapKey a, GMapKey b) => GMapKey (Either a b) where
- data GMap (Either a b) v = GMapEither (GMap a v) (GMap b v)
- ...method declarations...
-Here are some export lists and their meaning:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>module GMap( GMapKey )</literal>: Exports
- just the class name.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>module GMap( GMapKey(..) )</literal>:
- Exports the class, the associated type <literal>GMap</literal>
- and the member
- functions <literal>empty</literal>, <literal>lookup</literal>,
- and <literal>insert</literal>. The data constructors of <literal>GMap</literal>
- (in this case <literal>GMapEither</literal>) are not exported.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>module GMap( GMapKey( type GMap, empty, lookup, insert ) )</literal>:
- Same as the previous item. Note the "<literal>type</literal>" keyword.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>module GMap( GMapKey(..), GMap(..) )</literal>:
- Same as previous item, but also exports all the data
- constructors for <literal>GMap</literal>, namely <literal>GMapEither</literal>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>module GMap ( GMapKey( empty, lookup, insert), GMap(..) )</literal>:
- Same as previous item.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><literal>module GMap ( GMapKey, empty, lookup, insert, GMap(..) )</literal>:
- Same as previous item.</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- <para>
-Two things to watch out for:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>
- You cannot write <literal>GMapKey(type GMap(..))</literal> &mdash; i.e.,
- sub-component specifications cannot be nested. To
- specify <literal>GMap</literal>'s data constructors, you have to list
- it separately.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- Consider this example:
- module X where
- data family D
- module Y where
- import X
- data instance D Int = D1 | D2
- Module Y exports all the entities defined in Y, namely the data constructors <literal>D1</literal>
- and <literal>D2</literal>, <emphasis>but not the data family <literal>D</literal></emphasis>.
- That (annoyingly) means that you cannot selectively import Y selectively,
- thus "<literal>import Y( D(D1,D2) )</literal>", because Y does not export <literal>D</literal>.
- Instead you should list the exports explicitly, thus:
- module Y( D(..) ) where ...
-or module Y( module Y, D ) where ...
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- <sect3 id="data-family-impexp-instances">
- <title>Instances</title>
- <para>
- Family instances are implicitly exported, just like class instances.
- However, this applies only to the heads of instances, not to the data
- constructors an instance defines.
- </para>
- </sect3>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="ty-fams-in-instances">
- <title>Type families and instance declarations</title>
- <para>Type families require us to extend the rules for
- the form of instance heads, which are given
- in <xref linkend="flexible-instance-head"/>.
- Specifically:
- <listitem><para>Data type families may appear in an instance head</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>Type synonym families may not appear (at all) in an instance head</para></listitem>
-The reason for the latter restriction is that there is no way to check for instance
-matching. Consider
- type family F a
- type instance F Bool = Int
- class C a
- instance C Int
- instance C (F a)
-Now a constraint <literal>(C (F Bool))</literal> would match both instances.
-The situation is especially bad because the type instance for <literal>F Bool</literal>
-might be in another module, or even in a module that is not yet written.
-However, type class instances of instances of data families can be defined
-much like any other data type. For example, we can say
-data instance T Int = T1 Int | T2 Bool
-instance Eq (T Int) where
- (T1 i) == (T1 j) = i==j
- (T2 i) == (T2 j) = i==j
- _ == _ = False
- Note that class instances are always for
- particular <emphasis>instances</emphasis> of a data family and never
- for an entire family as a whole. This is for essentially the same
- reasons that we cannot define a toplevel function that performs
- pattern matching on the data constructors
- of <emphasis>different</emphasis> instances of a single type family.
- It would require a form of extensible case construct.
- </para>
-Data instance declarations can also
- have <literal>deriving</literal> clauses. For example, we can write
-data GMap () v = GMapUnit (Maybe v)
- deriving Show
- which implicitly defines an instance of the form
-instance Show v => Show (GMap () v) where ...
- </para>
- <sect2 id="injective-ty-fams">
- <title>Injective type families</title>
- <para>Starting with GHC 7.12 type families can be annotated with injectivity
- information. This information is then used by GHC during type checking to
- resolve type ambiguities in situations where a type variable appears only
- under type family applications.
- </para>
- <para>For full details on injective type families refer to Haskell Symposium
- 2015 paper <ulink
- url="">Injective
- type families for Haskell</ulink>.</para>
- <sect3 id="injective-ty-fams-syntax">
- <title>Syntax of injectivity annotation</title>
- <para>Injectivity annotation is added after type family head and consists of
- two parts:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>type variable that names the result of a type family.
- Syntax: <literal>= tyvar</literal> or <literal>= (tyvar ::
- kind)</literal>. Type variable must be fresh.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para>injectivity annotation of the form <literal>| A ->
- B</literal>, where <literal>A</literal> is the result type variable (see
- previous bullet) and <literal>B</literal> is a list of argument type and
- kind variables in which type family is injective. It is possible to omit
- some variables if type family is not injective in them.</para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- Examples:
- <programlisting>
-type family Id a = result | result -> a where
-type family F a b c = d | d -> a c b
-type family G (a :: k) b c = foo | foo -> k b where
- </programlisting>
- </para>
- <para>For open and closed type families it is OK to name the result but
- skip the injectivity annotation. This is not the case for associated type
- synonyms, where the named result without injectivity annotation will be
- interpreted as associated type synonym default.</para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="injective-ty-fams-typecheck">
- <title>Verifying injectivity annotation against type family equations
- </title>
- <para>Once the user declares type family to be injective GHC must verify
- that this declaration is correct, ie. type family equations don't violate
- the injectivity annotation. A general idea is that if at least one
- equation (bullets (1), (2) and (3) below) or a pair of equations (bullets
- (4) and (5) below) violates the injectivity annotation then a type family
- is not injective in a way user claims and an error is reported. In the
- bullets below <emphasis>RHS</emphasis> refers to the right-hand side of the
- type family equation being checked for injectivity.
- <emphasis>LHS</emphasis> refers to the arguments of that type family
- equation. Below are the rules followed when checking injectivity of a type
- family:
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem><para>If a RHS of a type family equation is a type family
- application GHC reports that the type family is not injective.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>If a RHS of a type family equation is a bare type variable we
- require that all LHS variables (including implicit kind variables) are
- also bare. In other words, this has to be a sole equation of that type
- family and it has to cover all possible patterns. If the patterns are
- not covering GHC reports that the type family is not injective.
- </listitem>
- <listitem>If a LHS type variable that is declared as injective is not
- mentioned on <emphasis>injective position</emphasis> in the RHS GHC
- reports that the type family is not injective. Injective position means
- either argument to a type constructor or injective argument to a type
- family.</listitem>
- <listitem><para><emphasis>Open type families</emphasis>Open type families
- are typechecked incrementally. This means that when a module is imported
- type family instances contained in that module are checked against
- instances present in already imported modules.</para>
- <para>A pair of an open type family equations is checked by attempting to
- unify their RHSs. If the RHSs don't unify this pair does not violate
- injectivity annotation. If unification succeeds with a substitution then
- LHSs of unified equations must be identical under that substitution. If
- they are not identical then GHC reports that the type family is not
- injective.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para>In a <emphasis>closed type family</emphasis> all
- equations are ordered and in one place. Equations are also checked
- pair-wise but this time an equation has to be paired with all the
- preceeding equations. Of course a single-equation closed type family is
- trivially injective (unless (1), (2) or (3) above holds).
- </para>
- <para>When checking a pair of closed type family equations GHC tried to
- unify their RHSs. If they don't unify this pair of equations does not
- violate injectivity annotation. If the RHSs can be unified under some
- substitution (possibly empty) then either the LHSs unify under the same
- substitution or the LHS of the latter equation is subsumed by earlier
- equations. If neither condition is met GHC reports that a type family is
- not injective.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- </para>
- <para>Note that for the purpose of injectivity check in bullets (4) and (5)
- GHC uses a special variant of unification algorithm that treats type family
- applications as possibly unifying with anything.</para>
- </sect3>
- </sect2>
-<sect1 id="kind-polymorphism">
-<title>Kind polymorphism</title>
-This section describes <emphasis>kind polymorphism</emphasis>, and extension
-enabled by <option>-XPolyKinds</option>.
-It is described in more detail in the paper
-<ulink url="">Giving Haskell a
-Promotion</ulink>, which appeared at TLDI 2012.
-<sect2> <title>Overview of kind polymorphism</title>
-Currently there is a lot of code duplication in the way Typeable is implemented
-(<xref linkend="deriving-typeable"/>):
-class Typeable (t :: *) where
- typeOf :: t -> TypeRep
-class Typeable1 (t :: * -> *) where
- typeOf1 :: t a -> TypeRep
-class Typeable2 (t :: * -> * -> *) where
- typeOf2 :: t a b -> TypeRep
-Kind polymorphism (with <option>-XPolyKinds</option>)
-allows us to merge all these classes into one:
-data Proxy t = Proxy
-class Typeable t where
- typeOf :: Proxy t -> TypeRep
-instance Typeable Int where typeOf _ = TypeRep
-instance Typeable [] where typeOf _ = TypeRep
-Note that the datatype <literal>Proxy</literal> has kind
-<literal>forall k. k -> *</literal> (inferred by GHC), and the new
-<literal>Typeable</literal> class has kind
-<literal>forall k. k -> Constraint</literal>.
-Note the following specific points:
-Generally speaking, with <option>-XPolyKinds</option>, GHC will infer a polymorphic
-kind for un-decorated declarations, whenever possible. For example, in GHCi
-ghci> :set -XPolyKinds
-ghci> data T m a = MkT (m a)
-ghci> :k T
-T :: (k -> *) -> k -> *
-GHC does not usually print explicit <literal>forall</literal>s, including kind <literal>forall</literal>s.
-You can make GHC show them explicitly with <option>-fprint-explicit-foralls</option>
-(see <xref linkend="options-help"/>):
-ghci> :set -XPolyKinds
-ghci> :set -fprint-explicit-foralls
-ghci> data T m a = MkT (m a)
-ghci> :k T
-T :: forall (k :: BOX). (k -> *) -> k -> *
-Here the kind variable <literal>k</literal> itself has a
-kind annotation "<literal>BOX</literal>". This is just GHC's way of
-saying "<literal>k</literal> is a kind variable".
-Just as in the world of terms, you can restrict polymorphism using a
-kind signature (sometimes called a kind annotation)
-data T m (a :: *) = MkT (m a)
--- GHC now infers kind T :: (* -> *) -> * -> *
-NB: <option>-XPolyKinds</option> implies <option>-XKindSignatures</option> (see <xref linkend="kinding"/>).
-The source language does not support an explicit <literal>forall</literal> for kind variables. Instead, when binding a type variable,
-you can simply mention a kind
-variable in a kind annotation for that type-variable binding, thus:
-data T (m :: k -> *) a = MkT (m a)
--- GHC now infers kind T :: forall k. (k -> *) -> k -> *
-The (implicit) kind "forall" is placed
-just outside the outermost type-variable binding whose kind annotation mentions
-the kind variable. For example
-f1 :: (forall a m. m a -> Int) -> Int
- -- f1 :: forall (k::BOX).
- -- (forall (a::k) (m::k->*). m a -> Int)
- -- -> Int
-f2 :: (forall (a::k) m. m a -> Int) -> Int
- -- f2 :: (forall (k::BOX) (a::k) (m::k->*). m a -> Int)
- -- -> Int
-Here in <literal>f1</literal> there is no kind annotation mentioning the polymorphic
-kind variable, so <literal>k</literal> is generalised at the top
-level of the signature for <literal>f1</literal>.
-But in the case of of <literal>f2</literal> we give a kind annotation in the <literal>forall (a:k)</literal>
-binding, and GHC therefore puts the kind <literal>forall</literal> right there too.
-This design decision makes default case (<literal>f1</literal>)
-as polymorphic as possible; remember that a <emphasis>more</emphasis> polymorphic argument type (as in <literal>f2</literal>
-makes the overall function <emphasis>less</emphasis> polymorphic, because there are fewer acceptable arguments.
-(Note: These rules are a bit indirect and clumsy. Perhaps GHC should allow explicit kind quantification.
-But the implicit quantification (e.g. in the declaration for data type T above) is certainly
-very convenient, and it is not clear what the syntax for explicit quantification should be.)
-<sect2> <title>Principles of kind inference</title>
-Generally speaking, when <option>-XPolyKinds</option> is on, GHC tries to infer the most
-general kind for a declaration. For example:
-data T f a = MkT (f a) -- GHC infers:
- -- T :: forall k. (k->*) -> k -> *
-In this case the definition has a right-hand side to inform kind inference.
-But that is not always the case. Consider
-type family F a
-Type family declarations have no right-hand side, but GHC must still infer a kind
-for <literal>F</literal>. Since there are no constraints, it could infer
-<literal>F :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2</literal>, but that seems <emphasis>too</emphasis>
-polymorphic. So GHC defaults those entirely-unconstrained kind variables to <literal>*</literal> and
-we get <literal>F :: * -> *</literal>. You can still declare <literal>F</literal> to be
-kind-polymorphic using kind signatures:
-type family F1 a -- F1 :: * -> *
-type family F2 (a :: k) -- F2 :: forall k. k -> *
-type family F3 a :: k -- F3 :: forall k. * -> k
-type family F4 (a :: k1) :: k -- F4 :: forall k1 k2. k1 -> k2
-The general principle is this:
-<emphasis>When there is a right-hand side, GHC
-infers the most polymorphic kind consistent with the right-hand side.</emphasis>
-Examples: ordinary data type and GADT declarations, class declarations.
-In the case of a class declaration the role of "right hand side" is played
-by the class method signatures.
-<emphasis>When there is no right hand side, GHC defaults argument and result kinds to <literal>*</literal>,
-except when directed otherwise by a kind signature</emphasis>.
-Examples: data and type family declarations.
-This rule has occasionally-surprising consequences
-(see <ulink url="">Trac 10132</ulink>).
-class C a where -- Class declarations are generalised
- -- so C :: forall k. k -> Constraint
- data D1 a -- No right hand side for these two family
- type F1 a -- declarations, but the class forces (a :: k)
- -- so D1, F1 :: forall k. k -> *
-data D2 a -- No right-hand side so D2 :: * -> *
-type F2 a -- No right-hand side so F2 :: * -> *
-The kind-polymorphism from the class declaration makes <literal>D1</literal>
-kind-polymorphic, but not so <literal>D2</literal>; and similarly <literal>F1</literal>, <literal>F1</literal>.
-<sect2 id="complete-kind-signatures"> <title>Polymorphic kind recursion and complete kind signatures</title>
-Just as in type inference, kind inference for recursive types can only use <emphasis>monomorphic</emphasis> recursion.
-Consider this (contrived) example:
-data T m a = MkT (m a) (T Maybe (m a))
--- GHC infers kind T :: (* -> *) -> * -> *
-The recursive use of <literal>T</literal> forced the second argument to have kind <literal>*</literal>.
-However, just as in type inference, you can achieve polymorphic recursion by giving a
-<emphasis>complete kind signature</emphasis> for <literal>T</literal>. A complete
-kind signature is present when all argument kinds and the result kind are known, without
-any need for inference. For example:
-data T (m :: k -> *) :: k -> * where
- MkT :: m a -> T Maybe (m a) -> T m a
-The complete user-supplied kind signature specifies the polymorphic kind for <literal>T</literal>,
-and this signature is used for all the calls to <literal>T</literal> including the recursive ones.
-In particular, the recursive use of <literal>T</literal> is at kind <literal>*</literal>.
-What exactly is considered to be a "complete user-supplied kind signature" for a type constructor?
-These are the forms:
-<listitem><para>For a datatype, every type variable must be annotated with a kind. In a
-GADT-style declaration, there may also be a kind signature (with a top-level
-<literal>::</literal> in the header), but the presence or absence of this annotation
-does not affect whether or not the declaration has a complete signature.
-data T1 :: (k -> *) -> k -> * where ... -- Yes T1 :: forall k. (k->*) -> k -> *
-data T2 (a :: k -> *) :: k -> * where ... -- Yes T2 :: forall k. (k->*) -> k -> *
-data T3 (a :: k -> *) (b :: k) :: * where ... -- Yes T3 :: forall k. (k->*) -> k -> *
-data T4 (a :: k -> *) (b :: k) where ... -- Yes T4 :: forall k. (k->*) -> k -> *
-data T5 a (b :: k) :: * where ... -- NO kind is inferred
-data T6 a b where ... -- NO kind is inferred
-For a class, every type variable must be annotated with a kind.
-For a type synonym, every type variable and the result type must all be annotated
-with kinds.
-type S1 (a :: k) = (a :: k) -- Yes S1 :: forall k. k -> k
-type S2 (a :: k) = a -- No kind is inferred
-type S3 (a :: k) = Proxy a -- No kind is inferred
-Note that in <literal>S2</literal> and <literal>S3</literal>, the kind of the
-right-hand side is rather apparent, but it is still not considered to have a complete
-signature -- no inference can be done before detecting the signature.</para></listitem>
-An open type or data family declaration <emphasis>always</emphasis> has a
-complete user-specified kind signature; un-annotated type variables default to
-kind <literal>*</literal>.
-data family D1 a -- D1 :: * -> *
-data family D2 (a :: k) -- D2 :: forall k. k -> *
-data family D3 (a :: k) :: * -- D3 :: forall k. k -> *
-type family S1 a :: k -> * -- S1 :: forall k. * -> k -> *
-class C a where -- C :: k -> Constraint
- type AT a b -- AT :: k -> * -> *
-In the last example, the variable <literal>a</literal> has an implicit kind
-variable annotation from the class declaration. It keeps its polymorphic kind
-in the associated type declaration. The variable <literal>b</literal>, however,
-gets defaulted to <literal>*</literal>.
-A closed type family has a complete signature when all of its type variables
-are annotated and a return kind (with a top-level <literal>::</literal>) is supplied.
-<sect2><title>Kind inference in closed type families</title>
-<para>Although all open type families are considered to have a complete
-user-specified kind signature, we can relax this condition for closed type
-families, where we have equations on which to perform kind inference. GHC will
-infer kinds for the arguments and result types of a closed type family.</para>
-<para>GHC supports <emphasis>kind-indexed</emphasis> type families, where the
-family matches both on the kind and type. GHC will <emphasis>not</emphasis> infer
-this behaviour without a complete user-supplied kind signature, as doing so would
-sometimes infer non-principal types.</para>
-<para>For example:
-type family F1 a where
- F1 True = False
- F1 False = True
- F1 x = x
--- F1 fails to compile: kind-indexing is not inferred
-type family F2 (a :: k) where
- F2 True = False
- F2 False = True
- F2 x = x
--- F2 fails to compile: no complete signature
-type family F3 (a :: k) :: k where
- F3 True = False
- F3 False = True
- F3 x = x
--- OK
-<sect2><title>Kind inference in class instance declarations</title>
-<para>Consider the following example of a poly-kinded class and an instance for it:</para>
-class C a where
- type F a
-instance C b where
- type F b = b -> b
-<para>In the class declaration, nothing constrains the kind of the type
-<literal>a</literal>, so it becomes a poly-kinded type variable <literal>(a :: k)</literal>.
-Yet, in the instance declaration, the right-hand side of the associated type instance
-<literal>b -> b</literal> says that <literal>b</literal> must be of kind <literal>*</literal>. GHC could theoretically propagate this information back into the instance head, and
-make that instance declaration apply only to type of kind <literal>*</literal>, as opposed
-to types of any kind. However, GHC does <emphasis>not</emphasis> do this.</para>
-<para>In short: GHC does <emphasis>not</emphasis> propagate kind information from
-the members of a class instance declaration into the instance declaration head.</para>
-<para>This lack of kind inference is simply an engineering problem within GHC, but
-getting it to work would make a substantial change to the inference infrastructure,
-and it's not clear the payoff is worth it. If you want to restrict <literal>b</literal>'s
-kind in the instance above, just use a kind signature in the instance head.</para>
-<sect1 id="promotion">
-<title>Datatype promotion</title>
-This section describes <emphasis>data type promotion</emphasis>, an extension
-to the kind system that complements kind polymorphism. It is enabled by <option>-XDataKinds</option>,
-and described in more detail in the paper
-<ulink url="">Giving Haskell a
-Promotion</ulink>, which appeared at TLDI 2012.
-<sect2> <title>Motivation</title>
-Standard Haskell has a rich type language. Types classify terms and serve to
-avoid many common programming mistakes. The kind language, however, is
-relatively simple, distinguishing only lifted types (kind <literal>*</literal>),
-type constructors (e.g. kind <literal>* -> * -> *</literal>), and unlifted
-types (<xref linkend="glasgow-unboxed"/>). In particular when using advanced
-type system features, such as type families (<xref linkend="type-families"/>)
-or GADTs (<xref linkend="gadt"/>), this simple kind system is insufficient,
-and fails to prevent simple errors. Consider the example of type-level natural
-numbers, and length-indexed vectors:
-data Ze
-data Su n
-data Vec :: * -> * -> * where
- Nil :: Vec a Ze
- Cons :: a -> Vec a n -> Vec a (Su n)
-The kind of <literal>Vec</literal> is <literal>* -> * -> *</literal>. This means
-that eg. <literal>Vec Int Char</literal> is a well-kinded type, even though this
-is not what we intend when defining length-indexed vectors.
-With <option>-XDataKinds</option>, the example above can then be
-rewritten to:
-data Nat = Ze | Su Nat
-data Vec :: * -> Nat -> * where
- Nil :: Vec a Ze
- Cons :: a -> Vec a n -> Vec a (Su n)
-With the improved kind of <literal>Vec</literal>, things like
-<literal>Vec Int Char</literal> are now ill-kinded, and GHC will report an
-With <option>-XDataKinds</option>, GHC automatically promotes every suitable
-datatype to be a kind, and its (value) constructors to be type constructors.
-The following types
-data Nat = Ze | Su Nat
-data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
-data Pair a b = Pair a b
-data Sum a b = L a | R b
-give rise to the following kinds and type constructors:
-Nat :: BOX
-Ze :: Nat
-Su :: Nat -> Nat
-List k :: BOX
-Nil :: List k
-Cons :: k -> List k -> List k
-Pair k1 k2 :: BOX
-Pair :: k1 -> k2 -> Pair k1 k2
-Sum k1 k2 :: BOX
-L :: k1 -> Sum k1 k2
-R :: k2 -> Sum k1 k2
-where <literal>BOX</literal> is the (unique) sort that classifies kinds.
-Note that <literal>List</literal>, for instance, does not get sort
-<literal>BOX -> BOX</literal>, because we do not further classify kinds; all
-kinds have sort <literal>BOX</literal>.
-The following restrictions apply to promotion:
- <listitem><para>We promote <literal>data</literal> types and <literal>newtypes</literal>,
- but not type synonyms, or type/data families (<xref linkend="type-families"/>).
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>We only promote types whose kinds are of the form
- <literal>* -> ... -> * -> *</literal>. In particular, we do not promote
- higher-kinded datatypes such as <literal>data Fix f = In (f (Fix f))</literal>,
- or datatypes whose kinds involve promoted types such as
- <literal>Vec :: * -> Nat -> *</literal>.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>We do not promote data constructors that are kind
- polymorphic, involve constraints, mention type or data families, or involve types that
- are not promotable.
- </para></listitem>
-<sect2 id="promotion-syntax">
-<title>Distinguishing between types and constructors</title>
-Since constructors and types share the same namespace, with promotion you can
-get ambiguous type names:
-data P -- 1
-data Prom = P -- 2
-type T = P -- 1 or promoted 2?
-In these cases, if you want to refer to the promoted constructor, you should
-prefix its name with a quote:
-type T1 = P -- 1
-type T2 = 'P -- promoted 2
-Note that promoted datatypes give rise to named kinds. Since these can never be
-ambiguous, we do not allow quotes in kind names.
-<para>Just as in the case of Template Haskell (<xref linkend="th-syntax"/>), there is
-no way to quote a data constructor or type constructor whose second character
-is a single quote.</para>
-<sect2 id="promoted-lists-and-tuples">
-<title>Promoted list and tuple types</title>
-With <option>-XDataKinds</option>, Haskell's list and tuple types are natively promoted to kinds, and enjoy the
-same convenient syntax at the type level, albeit prefixed with a quote:
-data HList :: [*] -> * where
- HNil :: HList '[]
- HCons :: a -> HList t -> HList (a ': t)
-data Tuple :: (*,*) -> * where
- Tuple :: a -> b -> Tuple '(a,b)
-foo0 :: HList '[]
-foo0 = HNil
-foo1 :: HList '[Int]
-foo1 = HCons (3::Int) HNil
-foo2 :: HList [Int, Bool]
-foo2 = ...
-(Note: the declaration for <literal>HCons</literal> also requires <option>-XTypeOperators</option>
-because of infix type operator <literal>(:')</literal>.)
-For type-level lists of <emphasis>two or more elements</emphasis>,
-such as the signature of <literal>foo2</literal> above, the quote may be omitted because the meaning is
-unambiguous. But for lists of one or zero elements (as in <literal>foo0</literal>
-and <literal>foo1</literal>), the quote is required, because the types <literal>[]</literal>
-and <literal>[Int]</literal> have existing meanings in Haskell.
-<sect2 id="promotion-existentials">
-<title>Promoting existential data constructors</title>
-Note that we do promote existential data constructors that are otherwise suitable.
-For example, consider the following:
-data Ex :: * where
- MkEx :: forall a. a -> Ex
-Both the type <literal>Ex</literal> and the data constructor <literal>MkEx</literal>
-get promoted, with the polymorphic kind <literal>'MkEx :: forall k. k -> Ex</literal>.
-Somewhat surprisingly, you can write a type family to extract the member
-of a type-level existential:
-type family UnEx (ex :: Ex) :: k
-type instance UnEx (MkEx x) = x
-At first blush, <literal>UnEx</literal> seems poorly-kinded. The return kind
-<literal>k</literal> is not mentioned in the arguments, and thus it would seem
-that an instance would have to return a member of <literal>k</literal>
-<emphasis>for any</emphasis> <literal>k</literal>. However, this is not the
-case. The type family <literal>UnEx</literal> is a kind-indexed type family.
-The return kind <literal>k</literal> is an implicit parameter to <literal>UnEx</literal>.
-The elaborated definitions are as follows:
-type family UnEx (k :: BOX) (ex :: Ex) :: k
-type instance UnEx k (MkEx k x) = x
-Thus, the instance triggers only when the implicit parameter to <literal>UnEx</literal>
-matches the implicit parameter to <literal>MkEx</literal>. Because <literal>k</literal>
-is actually a parameter to <literal>UnEx</literal>, the kind is not escaping the
-existential, and the above code is valid.
-See also <ulink url="">Trac #7347</ulink>.
-<title>Promoting type operators</title>
-Type operators are <emphasis>not</emphasis> promoted to the kind level. Why not? Because
-<literal>*</literal> is a kind, parsed the way identifiers are. Thus, if a programmer
-tried to write <literal>Either * Bool</literal>, would it be <literal>Either</literal>
-applied to <literal>*</literal> and <literal>Bool</literal>? Or would it be
-<literal>*</literal> applied to <literal>Either</literal> and <literal>Bool</literal>.
-To avoid this quagmire, we simply forbid promoting type operators to the kind level.
-<sect1 id="type-level-literals">
-<title>Type-Level Literals</title>
-GHC supports numeric and string literals at the type level, giving convenient
-access to a large number of predefined type-level constants.
-Numeric literals are of kind <literal>Nat</literal>, while string literals
-are of kind <literal>Symbol</literal>.
-This feature is enabled by the <literal>XDataKinds</literal>
-language extension.
-The kinds of the literals and all other low-level operations for this feature
-are defined in module <literal>GHC.TypeLits</literal>. Note that the module
-defines some type-level operators that clash with their value-level
-counterparts (e.g. <literal>(+)</literal>). Import and export declarations
-referring to these operators require an explicit namespace
-annotation (see <xref linkend="explicit-namespaces"/>).
-Here is an example of using type-level numeric literals to provide a safe
-interface to a low-level function:
-import GHC.TypeLits
-import Data.Word
-import Foreign
-newtype ArrPtr (n :: Nat) a = ArrPtr (Ptr a)
-clearPage :: ArrPtr 4096 Word8 -> IO ()
-clearPage (ArrPtr p) = ...
-Here is an example of using type-level string literals to simulate
-simple record operations:
-data Label (l :: Symbol) = Get
-class Has a l b | a l -> b where
- from :: a -> Label l -> b
-data Point = Point Int Int deriving Show
-instance Has Point "x" Int where from (Point x _) _ = x
-instance Has Point "y" Int where from (Point _ y) _ = y
-example = from (Point 1 2) (Get :: Label "x")
-<sect2 id="typelit-runtime">
-<title>Runtime Values for Type-Level Literals</title>
-Sometimes it is useful to access the value-level literal associated with
-a type-level literal. This is done with the functions
-<literal>natVal</literal> and <literal>symbolVal</literal>. For example:
-GHC.TypeLits> natVal (Proxy :: Proxy 2)
-These functions are overloaded because they need to return a different
-result, depending on the type at which they are instantiated.
-natVal :: KnownNat n => proxy n -> Integer
--- instance KnownNat 0
--- instance KnownNat 1
--- instance KnownNat 2
--- ...
-GHC discharges the constraint as soon as it knows what concrete
-type-level literal is being used in the program. Note that this works
-only for <emphasis>literals</emphasis> and not arbitrary type expressions.
-For example, a constraint of the form <literal>KnownNat (a + b)</literal>
-will <emphasis>not</emphasis> be simplified to
-<literal>(KnownNat a, KnownNat b)</literal>; instead, GHC will keep the
-constraint as is, until it can simplify <literal>a + b</literal> to
-a constant value.
-It is also possible to convert a run-time integer or string value to
-the corresponding type-level literal. Of course, the resulting type
-literal will be unknown at compile-time, so it is hidden in an existential
-type. The conversion may be performed using <literal>someNatVal</literal>
-for integers and <literal>someSymbolVal</literal> for strings:
-someNatVal :: Integer -> Maybe SomeNat
-SomeNat :: KnownNat n => Proxy n -> SomeNat
-The operations on strings are similar.
-<sect2 id="typelit-tyfuns">
-<title>Computing With Type-Level Naturals</title>
-GHC 7.8 can evaluate arithmetic expressions involving type-level natural
-numbers. Such expressions may be constructed using the type-families
-<literal>(+), (*), (^)</literal> for addition, multiplication,
-and exponentiation. Numbers may be compared using <literal>(&lt;=?)</literal>,
-which returns a promoted boolean value, or <literal>(&lt;=)</literal>, which
-compares numbers as a constraint. For example:
-GHC.TypeLits> natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (2 + 3))
-At present, GHC is quite limited in its reasoning about arithmetic:
-it will only evaluate the arithmetic type functions and compare the results---
-in the same way that it does for any other type function. In particular,
-it does not know more general facts about arithmetic, such as the commutativity
-and associativity of <literal>(+)</literal>, for example.
-However, it is possible to perform a bit of "backwards" evaluation.
-For example, here is how we could get GHC to compute arbitrary logarithms
-at the type level:
-lg :: Proxy base -> Proxy (base ^ pow) -> Proxy pow
-lg _ _ = Proxy
-GHC.TypeLits> natVal (lg (Proxy :: Proxy 2) (Proxy :: Proxy 8))
- <sect1 id="equality-constraints">
- <title>Equality constraints</title>
- <para>
- A type context can include equality constraints of the form <literal>t1 ~
- t2</literal>, which denote that the types <literal>t1</literal>
- and <literal>t2</literal> need to be the same. In the presence of type
- families, whether two types are equal cannot generally be decided
- locally. Hence, the contexts of function signatures may include
- equality constraints, as in the following example:
-sumCollects :: (Collects c1, Collects c2, Elem c1 ~ Elem c2) => c1 -> c2 -> c2
- where we require that the element type of <literal>c1</literal>
- and <literal>c2</literal> are the same. In general, the
- types <literal>t1</literal> and <literal>t2</literal> of an equality
- constraint may be arbitrary monotypes; i.e., they may not contain any
- quantifiers, independent of whether higher-rank types are otherwise
- enabled.
- </para>
- <para>
- Equality constraints can also appear in class and instance contexts.
- The former enable a simple translation of programs using functional
- dependencies into programs using family synonyms instead. The general
- idea is to rewrite a class declaration of the form
-class C a b | a -> b
- to
-class (F a ~ b) => C a b where
- type F a
- That is, we represent every functional dependency (FD) <literal>a1 .. an
- -> b</literal> by an FD type family <literal>F a1 .. an</literal> and a
- superclass context equality <literal>F a1 .. an ~ b</literal>,
- essentially giving a name to the functional dependency. In class
- instances, we define the type instances of FD families in accordance
- with the class head. Method signatures are not affected by that
- process.
- </para>
- <sect2 id="coercible">
- <title>The <literal>Coercible</literal> constraint</title>
- <para>
- The constraint <literal>Coercible t1 t2</literal> is similar to <literal>t1 ~
- t2</literal>, but denotes representational equality between
- <literal>t1</literal> and <literal>t2</literal> in the sense of Roles
- (<xref linkend="roles"/>). It is exported by
- <ulink url="&libraryBaseLocation;/Data-Coerce.html"><literal>Data.Coerce</literal></ulink>,
- which also contains the documentation. More details and discussion can be found in
- the paper
- <ulink href="">Safe Coercions"</ulink>.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- </sect1>
-<sect1 id="constraint-kind">
-<title>The <literal>Constraint</literal> kind</title>
- Normally, <emphasis>constraints</emphasis> (which appear in types to the left of the
- <literal>=></literal> arrow) have a very restricted syntax. They can only be:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>Class constraints, e.g. <literal>Show a</literal></para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><link linkend="implicit-parameters">Implicit parameter</link> constraints,
- e.g. <literal>?x::Int</literal> (with the <option>-XImplicitParams</option> flag)</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para><link linkend="equality-constraints">Equality constraints</link>,
- e.g. <literal>a ~ Int</literal> (with the <option>-XTypeFamilies</option> or
- <option>-XGADTs</option> flag)</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- With the <option>-XConstraintKinds</option> flag, GHC becomes more liberal in
- what it accepts as constraints in your program. To be precise, with this flag any
- <emphasis>type</emphasis> of the new kind <literal>Constraint</literal> can be used as a constraint.
- The following things have kind <literal>Constraint</literal>:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- Anything which is already valid as a constraint without the flag: saturated applications to type classes,
- implicit parameter and equality constraints.
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- Tuples, all of whose component types have kind <literal>Constraint</literal>. So for example the
- type <literal>(Show a, Ord a)</literal> is of kind <literal>Constraint</literal>.
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- Anything whose form is not yet known, but the user has declared to have kind <literal>Constraint</literal>
- (for which they need to import it from <literal>GHC.Exts</literal>). So for example
- <literal>type Foo (f :: * -> Constraint) = forall b. f b => b -> b</literal> is allowed, as well as
- examples involving type families:
-type family Typ a b :: Constraint
-type instance Typ Int b = Show b
-type instance Typ Bool b = Num b
-func :: Typ a b => a -> b -> b
-func = ...
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- Note that because constraints are just handled as types of a particular kind, this extension allows type
- constraint synonyms:
-type Stringy a = (Read a, Show a)
-foo :: Stringy a => a -> (String, String -> a)
-foo x = (show x, read)
- Presently, only standard constraints, tuples and type synonyms for those two sorts of constraint are
- permitted in instance contexts and superclasses (without extra flags). The reason is that permitting more general
- constraints can cause type checking to loop, as it would with these two programs:
-type family Clsish u a
-type instance Clsish () a = Cls a
-class Clsish () a => Cls a where
-class OkCls a where
-type family OkClsish u a
-type instance OkClsish () a = OkCls a
-instance OkClsish () a => OkCls a where
- You may write programs that use exotic sorts of constraints in instance contexts and superclasses, but
- to do so you must use <option>-XUndecidableInstances</option> to signal that you don't mind if the type checker
- fails to terminate.
-<sect1 id="other-type-extensions">
-<title>Other type system extensions</title>
-<sect2 id="explicit-foralls"><title>Explicit universal quantification (forall)</title>
-Haskell type signatures are implicitly quantified. When the language option <option>-XExplicitForAll</option>
-is used, the keyword <literal>forall</literal>
-allows us to say exactly what this means. For example:
- g :: b -> b
-means this:
- g :: forall b. (b -> b)
-The two are treated identically.
-Of course <literal>forall</literal> becomes a keyword; you can't use <literal>forall</literal> as
-a type variable any more!
-<sect2 id="flexible-contexts"><title>The context of a type signature</title>
-The <option>-XFlexibleContexts</option> flag lifts the Haskell 98 restriction
-that the type-class constraints in a type signature must have the
-form <emphasis>(class type-variable)</emphasis> or
-<emphasis>(class (type-variable type1 type2 ... typen))</emphasis>.
-With <option>-XFlexibleContexts</option>
-these type signatures are perfectly OK
- g :: Eq [a] => ...
- g :: Ord (T a ()) => ...
-The flag <option>-XFlexibleContexts</option> also lifts the corresponding
-restriction on class declarations (<xref linkend="superclass-rules"/>) and instance declarations
-(<xref linkend="instance-rules"/>).
-<sect2 id="ambiguity"><title>Ambiguous types and the ambiguity check</title>
-Each user-written type signature is subjected to an
-<emphasis>ambiguity check</emphasis>.
-The ambiguity check rejects functions that can never be called; for example:
- f :: C a => Int
-The idea is there can be no legal calls to <literal>f</literal> because every call will
-give rise to an ambiguous constraint.
-Indeed, the <emphasis>only</emphasis> purpose of the
-ambiguity check is to report functions that cannot possibly be called.
-We could soundly omit the
-ambiguity check on type signatures entirely, at the expense of
-delaying ambiguity errors to call sites. Indeed, the language extension
-<option>-XAllowAmbiguousTypes</option> switches off the ambiguity check.
-Ambiguity can be subtle. Consider this example which uses functional dependencies:
- class D a b | a -> b where ..
- h :: D Int b => Int
-The <literal>Int</literal> may well fix <literal>b</literal> at the call site, so that signature should
-not be rejected. Moreover, the dependencies might be hidden. Consider
- class X a b where ...
- class D a b | a -> b where ...
- instance D a b => X [a] b where...
- h :: X a b => a -> a
-Here <literal>h</literal>'s type looks ambiguous in <literal>b</literal>, but here's a legal call:
- ...(h [True])...
-That gives rise to a <literal>(X [Bool] beta)</literal> constraint, and using the
-instance means we need <literal>(D Bool beta)</literal> and that
-fixes <literal>beta</literal> via <literal>D</literal>'s
-Behind all these special cases there is a simple guiding principle.
- f :: <replaceable>type</replaceable>
- f = ...blah...
- g :: <replaceable>type</replaceable>
- g = f
-You would think that the definition of <literal>g</literal> would surely typecheck!
-After all <literal>f</literal> has exactly the same type, and <literal>g=f</literal>.
-But in fact <literal>f</literal>'s type
-is instantiated and the instantiated constraints are solved against
-the constraints bound by <literal>g</literal>'s signature. So, in the case an ambiguous type, solving will fail.
-For example, consider the earlier definition <literal>f :: C a => Int</literal>:
- f :: C a => Int
- f = ...blah...
- g :: C a => Int
- g = f
-In <literal>g</literal>'s definition,
-we'll instantiate to <literal>(C alpha)</literal> and try to
-deduce <literal>(C alpha)</literal> from <literal>(C a)</literal>,
-and fail.
-So in fact we use this as our <emphasis>definition</emphasis> of ambiguity: a type
-<literal><replaceable>ty</replaceable></literal> is
-ambiguous if and only if <literal>((undefined :: <replaceable>ty</replaceable>)
-:: <replaceable>ty</replaceable>)</literal> would fail to typecheck. We use a
-very similar test for <emphasis>inferred</emphasis> types, to ensure that they too are
-<para><emphasis>Switching off the ambiguity check.</emphasis>
-Even if a function is has an ambiguous type according the "guiding principle",
-it is possible that the function is callable. For example:
- class D a b where ...
- instance D Bool b where ...
- strange :: D a b => a -> a
- strange = ...blah...
- foo = strange True
-Here <literal>strange</literal>'s type is ambiguous, but the call in <literal>foo</literal>
-is OK because it gives rise to a constraint <literal>(D Bool beta)</literal>, which is
-soluble by the <literal>(D Bool b)</literal> instance. So the language extension
-<option>-XAllowAmbiguousTypes</option> allows you to switch off the ambiguity check.
-But even with ambiguity checking switched off, GHC will complain about a function
-that can <emphasis>never</emphasis> be called, such as this one:
- f :: (Int ~ Bool) => a -> a
-<emphasis>A historical note.</emphasis>
-GHC used to impose some more restrictive and less principled conditions
-on type signatures. For type type
-<literal>forall tv1..tvn (c1, ...,cn) => type</literal>
-GHC used to require (a) that each universally quantified type variable
-<literal>tvi</literal> must be "reachable" from <literal>type</literal>,
-and (b) that every constraint <literal>ci</literal> mentions at least one of the
-universally quantified type variables <literal>tvi</literal>.
-These ad-hoc restrictions are completely subsumed by the new ambiguity check.
-<emphasis>End of historical note.</emphasis>
-<sect2 id="implicit-parameters">
-<title>Implicit parameters</title>
-<para> Implicit parameters are implemented as described in
-"Implicit parameters: dynamic scoping with static types",
-J Lewis, MB Shields, E Meijer, J Launchbury,
-27th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'00),
-Boston, Jan 2000.
-(Most of the following, still rather incomplete, documentation is
-due to Jeff Lewis.)</para>
-<para>Implicit parameter support is enabled with the option
-A variable is called <emphasis>dynamically bound</emphasis> when it is bound by the calling
-context of a function and <emphasis>statically bound</emphasis> when bound by the callee's
-context. In Haskell, all variables are statically bound. Dynamic
-binding of variables is a notion that goes back to Lisp, but was later
-discarded in more modern incarnations, such as Scheme. Dynamic binding
-can be very confusing in an untyped language, and unfortunately, typed
-languages, in particular Hindley-Milner typed languages like Haskell,
-only support static scoping of variables.
-However, by a simple extension to the type class system of Haskell, we
-can support dynamic binding. Basically, we express the use of a
-dynamically bound variable as a constraint on the type. These
-constraints lead to types of the form <literal>(?x::t') => t</literal>, which says "this
-function uses a dynamically-bound variable <literal>?x</literal>
-of type <literal>t'</literal>". For
-example, the following expresses the type of a sort function,
-implicitly parameterised by a comparison function named <literal>cmp</literal>.
- sort :: (?cmp :: a -> a -> Bool) => [a] -> [a]
-The dynamic binding constraints are just a new form of predicate in the type class system.
-An implicit parameter occurs in an expression using the special form <literal>?x</literal>,
-where <literal>x</literal> is
-any valid identifier (e.g. <literal>ord ?x</literal> is a valid expression).
-Use of this construct also introduces a new
-dynamic-binding constraint in the type of the expression.
-For example, the following definition
-shows how we can define an implicitly parameterised sort function in
-terms of an explicitly parameterised <literal>sortBy</literal> function:
- sortBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
- sort :: (?cmp :: a -> a -> Bool) => [a] -> [a]
- sort = sortBy ?cmp
-<title>Implicit-parameter type constraints</title>
-Dynamic binding constraints behave just like other type class
-constraints in that they are automatically propagated. Thus, when a
-function is used, its implicit parameters are inherited by the
-function that called it. For example, our <literal>sort</literal> function might be used
-to pick out the least value in a list:
- least :: (?cmp :: a -> a -> Bool) => [a] -> a
- least xs = head (sort xs)
-Without lifting a finger, the <literal>?cmp</literal> parameter is
-propagated to become a parameter of <literal>least</literal> as well. With explicit
-parameters, the default is that parameters must always be explicit
-propagated. With implicit parameters, the default is to always
-propagate them.
-An implicit-parameter type constraint differs from other type class constraints in the
-following way: All uses of a particular implicit parameter must have
-the same type. This means that the type of <literal>(?x, ?x)</literal>
-is <literal>(?x::a) => (a,a)</literal>, and not
-<literal>(?x::a, ?x::b) => (a, b)</literal>, as would be the case for type
-class constraints.
-<para> You can't have an implicit parameter in the context of a class or instance
-declaration. For example, both these declarations are illegal:
- class (?x::Int) => C a where ...
- instance (?x::a) => Foo [a] where ...
-Reason: exactly which implicit parameter you pick up depends on exactly where
-you invoke a function. But the ``invocation'' of instance declarations is done
-behind the scenes by the compiler, so it's hard to figure out exactly where it is done.
-Easiest thing is to outlaw the offending types.</para>
-Implicit-parameter constraints do not cause ambiguity. For example, consider:
- f :: (?x :: [a]) => Int -> Int
- f n = n + length ?x
- g :: (Read a, Show a) => String -> String
- g s = show (read s)
-Here, <literal>g</literal> has an ambiguous type, and is rejected, but <literal>f</literal>
-is fine. The binding for <literal>?x</literal> at <literal>f</literal>'s call site is
-quite unambiguous, and fixes the type <literal>a</literal>.
-<title>Implicit-parameter bindings</title>
-An implicit parameter is <emphasis>bound</emphasis> using the standard
-<literal>let</literal> or <literal>where</literal> binding forms.
-For example, we define the <literal>min</literal> function by binding
- min :: [a] -> a
- min = let ?cmp = (&lt;=) in least
-A group of implicit-parameter bindings may occur anywhere a normal group of Haskell
-bindings can occur, except at top level. That is, they can occur in a <literal>let</literal>
-(including in a list comprehension, or do-notation, or pattern guards),
-or a <literal>where</literal> clause.
-Note the following points:
-An implicit-parameter binding group must be a
-collection of simple bindings to implicit-style variables (no
-function-style bindings, and no type signatures); these bindings are
-neither polymorphic or recursive.
-You may not mix implicit-parameter bindings with ordinary bindings in a
-single <literal>let</literal>
-expression; use two nested <literal>let</literal>s instead.
-(In the case of <literal>where</literal> you are stuck, since you can't nest <literal>where</literal> clauses.)
-You may put multiple implicit-parameter bindings in a
-single binding group; but they are <emphasis>not</emphasis> treated
-as a mutually recursive group (as ordinary <literal>let</literal> bindings are).
-Instead they are treated as a non-recursive group, simultaneously binding all the implicit
-parameter. The bindings are not nested, and may be re-ordered without changing
-the meaning of the program.
-For example, consider:
- f t = let { ?x = t; ?y = ?x+(1::Int) } in ?x + ?y
-The use of <literal>?x</literal> in the binding for <literal>?y</literal> does not "see"
-the binding for <literal>?x</literal>, so the type of <literal>f</literal> is
- f :: (?x::Int) => Int -> Int
-<sect3><title>Implicit parameters and polymorphic recursion</title>
-Consider these two definitions:
- len1 :: [a] -> Int
- len1 xs = let ?acc = 0 in len_acc1 xs
- len_acc1 [] = ?acc
- len_acc1 (x:xs) = let ?acc = ?acc + (1::Int) in len_acc1 xs
- ------------
- len2 :: [a] -> Int
- len2 xs = let ?acc = 0 in len_acc2 xs
- len_acc2 :: (?acc :: Int) => [a] -> Int
- len_acc2 [] = ?acc
- len_acc2 (x:xs) = let ?acc = ?acc + (1::Int) in len_acc2 xs
-The only difference between the two groups is that in the second group
-<literal>len_acc</literal> is given a type signature.
-In the former case, <literal>len_acc1</literal> is monomorphic in its own
-right-hand side, so the implicit parameter <literal>?acc</literal> is not
-passed to the recursive call. In the latter case, because <literal>len_acc2</literal>
-has a type signature, the recursive call is made to the
-<emphasis>polymorphic</emphasis> version, which takes <literal>?acc</literal>
-as an implicit parameter. So we get the following results in GHCi:
- Prog> len1 "hello"
- 0
- Prog> len2 "hello"
- 5
-Adding a type signature dramatically changes the result! This is a rather
-counter-intuitive phenomenon, worth watching out for.
-<sect3><title>Implicit parameters and monomorphism</title>
-<para>GHC applies the dreaded Monomorphism Restriction (section 4.5.5 of the
-Haskell Report) to implicit parameters. For example, consider:
- f :: Int -> Int
- f v = let ?x = 0 in
- let y = ?x + v in
- let ?x = 5 in
- y
-Since the binding for <literal>y</literal> falls under the Monomorphism
-Restriction it is not generalised, so the type of <literal>y</literal> is
-simply <literal>Int</literal>, not <literal>(?x::Int) => Int</literal>.
-Hence, <literal>(f 9)</literal> returns result <literal>9</literal>.
-If you add a type signature for <literal>y</literal>, then <literal>y</literal>
-will get type <literal>(?x::Int) => Int</literal>, so the occurrence of
-<literal>y</literal> in the body of the <literal>let</literal> will see the
-inner binding of <literal>?x</literal>, so <literal>(f 9)</literal> will return
-<sect3 id="implicit-parameters-special"><title>Special implicit parameters</title>
-GHC treats implicit parameters of type <literal>GHC.Types.CallStack</literal>
-specially, by resolving them to the current location in the program. Consider:
- f :: String
- f = show (?loc :: CallStack)
-GHC will automatically resolve <literal>?loc</literal> to its source
-location. If another implicit parameter with type <literal>CallStack</literal> is
-in scope, GHC will append the two locations, creating an explicit call-stack. For example:
- f :: (?stk :: CallStack) => String
- f = show (?stk :: CallStack)
-will produce the location of <literal>?stk</literal>, followed by
-<literal>f</literal>'s call-site. Note that the name of the implicit parameter does not
-matter (we used <literal>?loc</literal> above), GHC will solve any implicit parameter
-with the right type. The name does, however, matter when pushing new locations onto
-existing stacks. Consider:
- f :: (?stk :: CallStack) => String
- f = show (?loc :: CallStack)
-When we call <literal>f</literal>, the stack will include the use of <literal>?loc</literal>,
-but not the call to <literal>f</literal>; in this case the names must match.
-<literal>CallStack</literal> is kept abstract, but
-GHC provides a function
- getCallStack :: CallStack -> [(String, SrcLoc)]
-to access the individual call-sites in the stack. The <literal>String</literal>
-is the name of the function that was called, and the <literal>SrcLoc</literal>
-provides the package, module, and file name, as well as the line and column
-numbers. The stack will never be empty, as the first call-site
-will be the location at which the implicit parameter was used. GHC will also
-never infer <literal>?loc :: CallStack</literal> as a type constraint, which
-means that functions must explicitly ask to be told about their call-sites.
-A potential "gotcha" when using implicit <literal>CallStack</literal>s is that
-the <literal>:type</literal> command in GHCi will not report the
-<literal>?loc :: CallStack</literal> constraint, as the typechecker will
-immediately solve it. Use <literal>:info</literal> instead to print the
-unsolved type.
-<sect2 id="kinding">
-<title>Explicitly-kinded quantification</title>
-Haskell infers the kind of each type variable. Sometimes it is nice to be able
-to give the kind explicitly as (machine-checked) documentation,
-just as it is nice to give a type signature for a function. On some occasions,
-it is essential to do so. For example, in his paper "Restricted Data Types in Haskell" (Haskell Workshop 1999)
-John Hughes had to define the data type:
- data Set cxt a = Set [a]
- | Unused (cxt a -> ())
-The only use for the <literal>Unused</literal> constructor was to force the correct
-kind for the type variable <literal>cxt</literal>.
-GHC now instead allows you to specify the kind of a type variable directly, wherever
-a type variable is explicitly bound, with the flag <option>-XKindSignatures</option>.
-This flag enables kind signatures in the following places:
-<listitem><para><literal>data</literal> declarations:
- data Set (cxt :: * -> *) a = Set [a]
-<listitem><para><literal>type</literal> declarations:
- type T (f :: * -> *) = f Int
-<listitem><para><literal>class</literal> declarations:
- class (Eq a) => C (f :: * -> *) a where ...
-<listitem><para><literal>forall</literal>'s in type signatures:
- f :: forall (cxt :: * -> *). Set cxt Int
-The parentheses are required. Some of the spaces are required too, to
-separate the lexemes. If you write <literal>(f::*->*)</literal> you
-will get a parse error, because "<literal>::*->*</literal>" is a
-single lexeme in Haskell.
-As part of the same extension, you can put kind annotations in types
-as well. Thus:
- f :: (Int :: *) -> Int
- g :: forall a. a -> (a :: *)
-The syntax is
- atype ::= '(' ctype '::' kind ')
-The parentheses are required.
-<sect2 id="universal-quantification">
-<title>Arbitrary-rank polymorphism
-GHC's type system supports <emphasis>arbitrary-rank</emphasis>
-explicit universal quantification in
-For example, all the following types are legal:
- f1 :: forall a b. a -> b -> a
- g1 :: forall a b. (Ord a, Eq b) => a -> b -> a
- f2 :: (forall a. a->a) -> Int -> Int
- g2 :: (forall a. Eq a => [a] -> a -> Bool) -> Int -> Int
- f3 :: ((forall a. a->a) -> Int) -> Bool -> Bool
- f4 :: Int -> (forall a. a -> a)
-Here, <literal>f1</literal> and <literal>g1</literal> are rank-1 types, and
-can be written in standard Haskell (e.g. <literal>f1 :: a->b->a</literal>).
-The <literal>forall</literal> makes explicit the universal quantification that
-is implicitly added by Haskell.
-The functions <literal>f2</literal> and <literal>g2</literal> have rank-2 types;
-the <literal>forall</literal> is on the left of a function arrow. As <literal>g2</literal>
-shows, the polymorphic type on the left of the function arrow can be overloaded.
-The function <literal>f3</literal> has a rank-3 type;
-it has rank-2 types on the left of a function arrow.
-The language option <option>-XRankNTypes</option> (which implies <option>-XExplicitForAll</option>, <xref linkend="explicit-foralls"/>)
-enables higher-rank types.
-That is, you can nest <literal>forall</literal>s
-arbitrarily deep in function arrows.
-For example, a forall-type (also called a "type scheme"),
-including a type-class context, is legal:
-<listitem> <para> On the left or right (see <literal>f4</literal>, for example)
-of a function arrow </para> </listitem>
-<listitem> <para> As the argument of a constructor, or type of a field, in a data type declaration. For
-example, any of the <literal>f1,f2,f3,g1,g2</literal> above would be valid
-field type signatures.</para> </listitem>
-<listitem> <para> As the type of an implicit parameter </para> </listitem>
-<listitem> <para> In a pattern type signature (see <xref linkend="scoped-type-variables"/>) </para> </listitem>
-The <option>-XRankNTypes</option> option is also required for any
-type with a <literal>forall</literal> or
-context to the right of an arrow (e.g. <literal>f :: Int -> forall a. a->a</literal>, or
-<literal>g :: Int -> Ord a => a -> a</literal>). Such types are technically rank 1, but
-are clearly not Haskell-98, and an extra flag did not seem worth the bother.
-In particular, in <literal>data</literal> and
-<literal>newtype</literal> declarations the constructor arguments may
-be polymorphic types of any rank; see examples in <xref linkend="univ"/>.
-Note that the declared types are
-nevertheless always monomorphic. This is important because by default
-GHC will not instantiate type variables to a polymorphic type
-(<xref linkend="impredicative-polymorphism"/>).
-The obsolete language options <option>-XPolymorphicComponents</option>
-and <option>-XRank2Types</option> are synonyms for
-<option>-XRankNTypes</option>. They used to specify finer
-distinctions that GHC no longer makes. (They should really elicit a
-deprecation warning, but they don't, purely to avoid the need to
-library authors to change their old flags specifications.)
-<sect3 id="univ">
-These are examples of <literal>data</literal> and <literal>newtype</literal>
-declarations whose data constructors have polymorphic argument types:
-data T a = T1 (forall b. b -> b -> b) a
-data MonadT m = MkMonad { return :: forall a. a -> m a,
- bind :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
- }
-newtype Swizzle = MkSwizzle (forall a. Ord a => [a] -> [a])
-The constructors have rank-2 types:
-T1 :: forall a. (forall b. b -> b -> b) -> a -> T a
-MkMonad :: forall m. (forall a. a -> m a)
- -> (forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b)
- -> MonadT m
-MkSwizzle :: (forall a. Ord a => [a] -> [a]) -> Swizzle
-In earlier versions of GHC, it was possible to omit the <literal>forall</literal>
-in the type of the constructor if there was an explicit context. For example:
-newtype Swizzle' = MkSwizzle' (Ord a => [a] -> [a])
-As of GHC 7.10, this is deprecated. The <literal>-fwarn-context-quantification</literal>
-flag detects this situation and issues a warning. In GHC 7.12, declarations
-such as <literal>MkSwizzle'</literal> will cause an out-of-scope error.
-As for type signatures, implicit quantification happens for non-overloaded
-types too. So if you write this:
- f :: (a -> a) -> a
-it's just as if you had written this:
- f :: forall a. (a -> a) -> a
-That is, since the type variable <literal>a</literal> isn't in scope, it's
-implicitly universally quantified.
-You construct values of types <literal>T1, MonadT, Swizzle</literal> by applying
-the constructor to suitable values, just as usual. For example,
- a1 :: T Int
- a1 = T1 (\xy->x) 3
- a2, a3 :: Swizzle
- a2 = MkSwizzle sort
- a3 = MkSwizzle reverse
- a4 :: MonadT Maybe
- a4 = let r x = Just x
- b m k = case m of
- Just y -> k y
- Nothing -> Nothing
- in
- MkMonad r b
- mkTs :: (forall b. b -> b -> b) -> a -> [T a]
- mkTs f x y = [T1 f x, T1 f y]
-The type of the argument can, as usual, be more general than the type
-required, as <literal>(MkSwizzle reverse)</literal> shows. (<function>reverse</function>
-does not need the <literal>Ord</literal> constraint.)
-When you use pattern matching, the bound variables may now have
-polymorphic types. For example:
- f :: T a -> a -> (a, Char)
- f (T1 w k) x = (w k x, w 'c' 'd')
- g :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Swizzle -> [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b]
- g (MkSwizzle s) xs f = s (map f (s xs))
- h :: MonadT m -> [m a] -> m [a]
- h m [] = return m []
- h m (x:xs) = bind m x $ \y ->
- bind m (h m xs) $ \ys ->
- return m (y:ys)
-In the function <function>h</function> we use the record selectors <literal>return</literal>
-and <literal>bind</literal> to extract the polymorphic bind and return functions
-from the <literal>MonadT</literal> data structure, rather than using pattern
-<title>Type inference</title>
-In general, type inference for arbitrary-rank types is undecidable.
-GHC uses an algorithm proposed by Odersky and Laufer ("Putting type annotations to work", POPL'96)
-to get a decidable algorithm by requiring some help from the programmer.
-We do not yet have a formal specification of "some help" but the rule is this:
-<emphasis>For a lambda-bound or case-bound variable, x, either the programmer
-provides an explicit polymorphic type for x, or GHC's type inference will assume
-that x's type has no foralls in it</emphasis>.
-What does it mean to "provide" an explicit type for x? You can do that by
-giving a type signature for x directly, using a pattern type signature
-(<xref linkend="scoped-type-variables"/>), thus:
- \ f :: (forall a. a->a) -> (f True, f 'c')
-Alternatively, you can give a type signature to the enclosing
-context, which GHC can "push down" to find the type for the variable:
- (\ f -> (f True, f 'c')) :: (forall a. a->a) -> (Bool,Char)
-Here the type signature on the expression can be pushed inwards
-to give a type signature for f. Similarly, and more commonly,
-one can give a type signature for the function itself:
- h :: (forall a. a->a) -> (Bool,Char)
- h f = (f True, f 'c')
-You don't need to give a type signature if the lambda bound variable
-is a constructor argument. Here is an example we saw earlier:
- f :: T a -> a -> (a, Char)
- f (T1 w k) x = (w k x, w 'c' 'd')
-Here we do not need to give a type signature to <literal>w</literal>, because
-it is an argument of constructor <literal>T1</literal> and that tells GHC all
-it needs to know.
-<sect3 id="implicit-quant">
-<title>Implicit quantification</title>
-GHC performs implicit quantification as follows. <emphasis>At the top level (only) of
-user-written types, if and only if there is no explicit <literal>forall</literal>,
-GHC finds all the type variables mentioned in the type that are not already
-in scope, and universally quantifies them.</emphasis> For example, the following pairs are
- f :: a -> a
- f :: forall a. a -> a
- g (x::a) = let
- h :: a -> b -> b
- h x y = y
- in ...
- g (x::a) = let
- h :: forall b. a -> b -> b
- h x y = y
- in ...
-Notice that GHC does <emphasis>not</emphasis> find the innermost possible quantification
-point. For example:
- f :: (a -> a) -> Int
- -- MEANS
- f :: forall a. (a -> a) -> Int
- -- NOT
- f :: (forall a. a -> a) -> Int
- g :: (Ord a => a -> a) -> Int
- -- MEANS the illegal type
- g :: forall a. (Ord a => a -> a) -> Int
- -- NOT
- g :: (forall a. Ord a => a -> a) -> Int
-The latter produces an illegal type, which you might think is silly,
-but at least the rule is simple. If you want the latter type, you
-can write your for-alls explicitly. Indeed, doing so is strongly advised
-for rank-2 types.
-<sect2 id="impredicative-polymorphism">
-<title>Impredicative polymorphism
-<para>In general, GHC will only instantiate a polymorphic function at
-a monomorphic type (one with no foralls). For example,
-runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a
-id :: forall b. b -> b
-foo = id runST -- Rejected
-The definition of <literal>foo</literal> is rejected because one would have to instantiate
-<literal>id</literal>'s type with <literal>b := (forall s. ST s a) -> a</literal>, and
-that is not allowed.
-Instanting polymorpic type variables with polymorphic types is called <emphasis>impredicative polymorphism</emphasis>.
-<para>GHC has extremely flaky support for <emphasis>impredicative polymorphism</emphasis>,
-enabled with <option>-XImpredicativeTypes</option>.
-If it worked, this would mean
-that you <emphasis>could</emphasis> call a polymorphic function at a polymorphic type, and
-parameterise data structures over polymorphic types. For example:
- f :: Maybe (forall a. [a] -> [a]) -> Maybe ([Int], [Char])
- f (Just g) = Just (g [3], g "hello")
- f Nothing = Nothing
-Notice here that the <literal>Maybe</literal> type is parameterised by the
-<emphasis>polymorphic</emphasis> type <literal>(forall a. [a] -> [a])</literal>.
-However <emphasis>the extension should be considered highly experimental, and certainly un-supported</emphasis>.
-You are welcome to try it, but please don't rely on it working consistently, or
-working the same in subsequent releases. See
-<ulink url="">this wiki page</ulink>
-for more details.
-<para>If you want impredicative polymorphism, the main workaround is to use a newtype wrapper.
-The <literal>id runST</literal> example can be written using theis workaround like this:
-runST :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a
-id :: forall b. b -> b
-nwetype Wrap a = Wrap { unWrap :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a }
-foo :: (forall s. ST s a) -> a
-foo = unWrap (id (Wrap runST))
- -- Here id is called at monomorphic type (Wrap a)
-<sect2 id="scoped-type-variables">
-<title>Lexically scoped type variables
-GHC supports <emphasis>lexically scoped type variables</emphasis>, without
-which some type signatures are simply impossible to write. For example:
-f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
-f xs = ys ++ ys
- where
- ys :: [a]
- ys = reverse xs
-The type signature for <literal>f</literal> brings the type variable <literal>a</literal> into scope,
-because of the explicit <literal>forall</literal> (<xref linkend="decl-type-sigs"/>).
-The type variables bound by a <literal>forall</literal> scope over
-the entire definition of the accompanying value declaration.
-In this example, the type variable <literal>a</literal> scopes over the whole
-definition of <literal>f</literal>, including over
-the type signature for <varname>ys</varname>.
-In Haskell 98 it is not possible to declare
-a type for <varname>ys</varname>; a major benefit of scoped type variables is that
-it becomes possible to do so.
-<para>Lexically-scoped type variables are enabled by
-<option>-XScopedTypeVariables</option>. This flag implies <option>-XRelaxedPolyRec</option>.
-<para>The design follows the following principles
-<listitem><para>A scoped type variable stands for a type <emphasis>variable</emphasis>, and not for
-a <emphasis>type</emphasis>. (This is a change from GHC's earlier
-<listitem><para>Furthermore, distinct lexical type variables stand for distinct
-type variables. This means that every programmer-written type signature
-(including one that contains free scoped type variables) denotes a
-<emphasis>rigid</emphasis> type; that is, the type is fully known to the type
-checker, and no inference is involved.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Lexical type variables may be alpha-renamed freely, without
-changing the program.</para></listitem>
-A <emphasis>lexically scoped type variable</emphasis> can be bound by:
-<listitem><para>A declaration type signature (<xref linkend="decl-type-sigs"/>)</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>An expression type signature (<xref linkend="exp-type-sigs"/>)</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>A pattern type signature (<xref linkend="pattern-type-sigs"/>)</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Class and instance declarations (<xref linkend="cls-inst-scoped-tyvars"/>)</para></listitem>
-In Haskell, a programmer-written type signature is implicitly quantified over
-its free type variables (<ulink
-of the Haskell Report).
-Lexically scoped type variables affect this implicit quantification rules
-as follows: any type variable that is in scope is <emphasis>not</emphasis> universally
-quantified. For example, if type variable <literal>a</literal> is in scope,
- (e :: a -> a) means (e :: a -> a)
- (e :: b -> b) means (e :: forall b. b->b)
- (e :: a -> b) means (e :: forall b. a->b)
-<sect3 id="decl-type-sigs">
-<title>Declaration type signatures</title>
-<para>A declaration type signature that has <emphasis>explicit</emphasis>
-quantification (using <literal>forall</literal>) brings into scope the
-type variables, in the definition of the named function. For example:
- f :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
- f (x:xs) = xs ++ [ x :: a ]
-The "<literal>forall a</literal>" brings "<literal>a</literal>" into scope in
-the definition of "<literal>f</literal>".
-<para>This only happens if:
-<listitem><para> The quantification in <literal>f</literal>'s type
-signature is explicit. For example:
- g :: [a] -> [a]
- g (x:xs) = xs ++ [ x :: a ]
-This program will be rejected, because "<literal>a</literal>" does not scope
-over the definition of "<literal>g</literal>", so "<literal>x::a</literal>"
-means "<literal>x::forall a. a</literal>" by Haskell's usual implicit
-quantification rules.
-<listitem><para> The signature gives a type for a function binding or a bare variable binding,
-not a pattern binding.
-For example:
- f1 :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
- f1 (x:xs) = xs ++ [ x :: a ] -- OK
- f2 :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
- f2 = \(x:xs) -> xs ++ [ x :: a ] -- OK
- f3 :: forall a. [a] -> [a]
- Just f3 = Just (\(x:xs) -> xs ++ [ x :: a ]) -- Not OK!
-The binding for <literal>f3</literal> is a pattern binding, and so its type signature
-does not bring <literal>a</literal> into scope. However <literal>f1</literal> is a
-function binding, and <literal>f2</literal> binds a bare variable; in both cases
-the type signature brings <literal>a</literal> into scope.
-<sect3 id="exp-type-sigs">
-<title>Expression type signatures</title>
-<para>An expression type signature that has <emphasis>explicit</emphasis>
-quantification (using <literal>forall</literal>) brings into scope the
-type variables, in the annotated expression. For example:
- f = runST ( (op >>= \(x :: STRef s Int) -> g x) :: forall s. ST s Bool )
-Here, the type signature <literal>forall s. ST s Bool</literal> brings the
-type variable <literal>s</literal> into scope, in the annotated expression
-<literal>(op >>= \(x :: STRef s Int) -> g x)</literal>.
-<sect3 id="pattern-type-sigs">
-<title>Pattern type signatures</title>
-A type signature may occur in any pattern; this is a <emphasis>pattern type
-For example:
- -- f and g assume that 'a' is already in scope
- f = \(x::Int, y::a) -> x
- g (x::a) = x
- h ((x,y) :: (Int,Bool)) = (y,x)
-In the case where all the type variables in the pattern type signature are
-already in scope (i.e. bound by the enclosing context), matters are simple: the
-signature simply constrains the type of the pattern in the obvious way.
-Unlike expression and declaration type signatures, pattern type signatures are not implicitly generalised.
-The pattern in a <emphasis>pattern binding</emphasis> may only mention type variables
-that are already in scope. For example:
- f :: forall a. [a] -> (Int, [a])
- f xs = (n, zs)
- where
- (ys::[a], n) = (reverse xs, length xs) -- OK
- zs::[a] = xs ++ ys -- OK
- Just (v::b) = ... -- Not OK; b is not in scope
-Here, the pattern signatures for <literal>ys</literal> and <literal>zs</literal>
-are fine, but the one for <literal>v</literal> is not because <literal>b</literal> is
-not in scope.
-However, in all patterns <emphasis>other</emphasis> than pattern bindings, a pattern
-type signature may mention a type variable that is not in scope; in this case,
-<emphasis>the signature brings that type variable into scope</emphasis>.
-This is particularly important for existential data constructors. For example:
- data T = forall a. MkT [a]
- k :: T -> T
- k (MkT [t::a]) = MkT t3
- where
- t3::[a] = [t,t,t]
-Here, the pattern type signature <literal>(t::a)</literal> mentions a lexical type
-variable that is not already in scope. Indeed, it <emphasis>cannot</emphasis> already be in scope,
-because it is bound by the pattern match. GHC's rule is that in this situation
-(and only then), a pattern type signature can mention a type variable that is
-not already in scope; the effect is to bring it into scope, standing for the
-existentially-bound type variable.
-When a pattern type signature binds a type variable in this way, GHC insists that the
-type variable is bound to a <emphasis>rigid</emphasis>, or fully-known, type variable.
-This means that any user-written type signature always stands for a completely known type.
-If all this seems a little odd, we think so too. But we must have
-<emphasis>some</emphasis> way to bring such type variables into scope, else we
-could not name existentially-bound type variables in subsequent type signatures.
-This is (now) the <emphasis>only</emphasis> situation in which a pattern type
-signature is allowed to mention a lexical variable that is not already in
-For example, both <literal>f</literal> and <literal>g</literal> would be
-illegal if <literal>a</literal> was not already in scope.
-<!-- ==================== Commented out part about result type signatures
-<sect3 id="result-type-sigs">
-<title>Result type signatures</title>
-The result type of a function, lambda, or case expression alternative can be given a signature, thus:
- {- f assumes that 'a' is already in scope -}
- f x y :: [a] = [x,y,x]
- g = \ x :: [Int] -> [3,4]
- h :: forall a. [a] -> a
- h xs = case xs of
- (y:ys) :: a -> y
-The final <literal>:: [a]</literal> after the patterns of <literal>f</literal> gives the type of
-the result of the function. Similarly, the body of the lambda in the RHS of
-<literal>g</literal> is <literal>[Int]</literal>, and the RHS of the case
-alternative in <literal>h</literal> is <literal>a</literal>.
-<para> A result type signature never brings new type variables into scope.</para>
-There are a couple of syntactic wrinkles. First, notice that all three
-examples would parse quite differently with parentheses:
- {- f assumes that 'a' is already in scope -}
- f x (y :: [a]) = [x,y,x]
- g = \ (x :: [Int]) -> [3,4]
- h :: forall a. [a] -> a
- h xs = case xs of
- ((y:ys) :: a) -> y
-Now the signature is on the <emphasis>pattern</emphasis>; and
-<literal>h</literal> would certainly be ill-typed (since the pattern
-<literal>(y:ys)</literal> cannot have the type <literal>a</literal>.
-Second, to avoid ambiguity, the type after the &ldquo;<literal>::</literal>&rdquo; in a result
-pattern signature on a lambda or <literal>case</literal> must be atomic (i.e. a single
-token or a parenthesised type of some sort). To see why,
-consider how one would parse this:
- \ x :: a -> b -> x
- -->
-<sect3 id="cls-inst-scoped-tyvars">
-<title>Class and instance declarations</title>
-The type variables in the head of a <literal>class</literal> or <literal>instance</literal> declaration
-scope over the methods defined in the <literal>where</literal> part. You do not even need
-an explicit <literal>forall</literal>. For example:
- class C a where
- op :: [a] -> a
- op xs = let ys::[a]
- ys = reverse xs
- in
- head ys
- instance C b => C [b] where
- op xs = reverse (head (xs :: [[b]]))
-<title>Bindings and generalisation</title>
-<sect3 id="monomorphism">
-<title>Switching off the dreaded Monomorphism Restriction</title>
- <indexterm><primary><option>-XNoMonomorphismRestriction</option></primary></indexterm>
-<para>Haskell's monomorphism restriction (see
-<ulink url="">Section
-of the Haskell Report)
-can be completely switched off by
-<option>-XNoMonomorphismRestriction</option>. Since GHC 7.8.1, the monomorphism
-restriction is switched off by default in GHCi's interactive options (see <xref linkend="ghci-interactive-options"/>).
-<sect3 id="typing-binds">
-<title>Generalised typing of mutually recursive bindings</title>
-The Haskell Report specifies that a group of bindings (at top level, or in a
-<literal>let</literal> or <literal>where</literal>) should be sorted into
-strongly-connected components, and then type-checked in dependency order
-(<ulink url="">Haskell
-Report, Section 4.5.1</ulink>).
-As each group is type-checked, any binders of the group that
-an explicit type signature are put in the type environment with the specified
-polymorphic type,
-and all others are monomorphic until the group is generalised
-(<ulink url="">Haskell Report, Section 4.5.2</ulink>).
-<para>Following a suggestion of Mark Jones, in his paper
-<ulink url="">Typing Haskell in
-GHC implements a more general scheme. If <option>-XRelaxedPolyRec</option> is
-<emphasis>the dependency analysis ignores references to variables that have an explicit
-type signature</emphasis>.
-As a result of this refined dependency analysis, the dependency groups are smaller, and more bindings will
-typecheck. For example, consider:
- f :: Eq a =&gt; a -> Bool
- f x = (x == x) || g True || g "Yes"
- g y = (y &lt;= y) || f True
-This is rejected by Haskell 98, but under Jones's scheme the definition for
-<literal>g</literal> is typechecked first, separately from that for
-because the reference to <literal>f</literal> in <literal>g</literal>'s right
-hand side is ignored by the dependency analysis. Then <literal>g</literal>'s
-type is generalised, to get
- g :: Ord a =&gt; a -> Bool
-Now, the definition for <literal>f</literal> is typechecked, with this type for
-<literal>g</literal> in the type environment.
-The same refined dependency analysis also allows the type signatures of
-mutually-recursive functions to have different contexts, something that is illegal in
-Haskell 98 (Section 4.5.2, last sentence). With
-GHC only insists that the type signatures of a <emphasis>refined</emphasis> group have identical
-type signatures; in practice this means that only variables bound by the same
-pattern binding must have the same context. For example, this is fine:
- f :: Eq a =&gt; a -> Bool
- f x = (x == x) || g True
- g :: Ord a =&gt; a -> Bool
- g y = (y &lt;= y) || f True
-<sect3 id="mono-local-binds">
-An ML-style language usually generalises the type of any let-bound or where-bound variable,
-so that it is as polymorphic as possible.
-With the flag <option>-XMonoLocalBinds</option> GHC implements a slightly more conservative policy,
-using the following rules:
- <listitem><para>
- A variable is <emphasis>closed</emphasis> if and only if
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para> the variable is let-bound</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para> one of the following holds:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>the variable has an explicit type signature that has no free type variables, or</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>its binding group is fully generalised (see next bullet) </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- A binding group is <emphasis>fully generalised</emphasis> if and only if
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>each of its free variables is either imported or closed, and</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>the binding is not affected by the monomorphism restriction
- (<ulink url="">Haskell Report, Section 4.5.5</ulink>)</para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para></listitem>
-For example, consider
-f x = x + 1
-g x = let h y = f y * 2
- k z = z+x
- in h x + k x
-Here <literal>f</literal> is generalised because it has no free variables; and its binding group
-is unaffected by the monomorphism restriction; and hence <literal>f</literal> is closed.
-The same reasoning applies to <literal>g</literal>, except that it has one closed free variable, namely <literal>f</literal>.
-Similarly <literal>h</literal> is closed, <emphasis>even though it is not bound at top level</emphasis>,
-because its only free variable <literal>f</literal> is closed.
-But <literal>k</literal> is not closed, because it mentions <literal>x</literal> which is not closed (because it is not let-bound).
-Notice that a top-level binding that is affected by the monomorphism restriction is not closed, and hence may
-in turn prevent generalisation of bindings that mention it.
-The rationale for this more conservative strategy is given in
-<ulink url="">the papers</ulink> "Let should not be generalised" and "Modular type inference with local assumptions", and
-a related <ulink url="">blog post</ulink>.
-The flag <option>-XMonoLocalBinds</option> is implied by <option>-XTypeFamilies</option> and <option>-XGADTs</option>. You can switch it off again
-with <option>-XNoMonoLocalBinds</option> but type inference becomes less predicatable if you do so. (Read the papers!)
-<!-- ==================== End of type system extensions ================= -->
-<sect1 id="typed-holes">
-<title>Typed Holes</title>
-Typed holes are a feature of GHC that allows special placeholders written with
-a leading underscore (e.g., "<literal>_</literal>", "<literal>_foo</literal>",
-"<literal>_bar</literal>"), to be used as expressions. During compilation these
-holes will generate an error message that describes which type is expected at
-the hole's location, information about the origin of any free type variables,
-and a list of local bindings that might help fill the hole with actual code.
-Typed holes are always enabled in GHC.
-The goal of typed holes is to help with writing Haskell code rather than to
-change the type system. Typed holes can be used to obtain extra information
-from the type checker, which might otherwise be hard to get. Normally, using
-GHCi, users can inspect the (inferred) type signatures of all top-level
-bindings. However, this method is less convenient with terms that are not
-defined on top-level or inside complex expressions. Holes allow the user to
-check the type of the term they are about to write.
-For example, compiling the following module with GHC:
-f :: a -> a
-f x = _
-will fail with the following error:
- Found hole `_' with type: a
- Where: `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
- the type signature for f :: a -> a at hole.hs:1:6
- Relevant bindings include
- f :: a -> a (bound at hole.hs:2:1)
- x :: a (bound at hole.hs:2:3)
- In the expression: _
- In an equation for `f': f x = _
-Here are some more details:
-A "<literal>Found hole</literal>" error usually terminates compilation, like
-any other type error. After all, you have omitted some code from your program.
-Nevertheless, you can run and test a piece of code containing holes, by using the flag
-<option>-fdefer-typed-holes</option> flag. This flag defers errors
-produced by typed holes until runtime, and converts them into compile-time warnings.
-These warnings can in turn
-be suppressed entirely by <option>-fnowarn-typed-holes</option>).
-The result is that a hole will behave
-like <literal>undefined</literal>, but with the added benefits that it shows a
-warning at compile time, and will show the same message if it gets
-evaluated at runtime. This behaviour follows that of the
-<literal>-fdefer-type-errors</literal> option, which implies
-<literal>-fdefer-typed-holes</literal>. See <xref linkend="defer-type-errors"/>.
-All unbound identifiers are treated as typed holes, <emphasis>whether or not they
-start with an underscore</emphasis>. The only difference is in the error message:
-cons z = z : True : _x : y
-yields the errors
-Foo.hs:5:15: error:
- Found hole: _x :: Bool
- Relevant bindings include
- p :: Bool (bound at Foo.hs:3:6)
- cons :: Bool -> [Bool] (bound at Foo.hs:3:1)
-Foo.hs:5:20: error:
- Variable not in scope: y :: [Bool]
-More information is given for explicit holes (i.e. ones that start with an underscore),
-than for out-of-scope variables, because the latter are often
-unintended typos, so the extra information is distracting.
-If you the detailed information, use a leading underscore to
-make explicit your intent to use a hole.
-Unbound identifiers with the same name are never unified, even within the
-same function, but shown individually.
-For example:
-cons = _x : _x
-results in the following errors:
- Found hole '_x' with type: a
- Where: `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
- the inferred type of cons :: [a] at unbound.hs:1:1
- Relevant bindings include cons :: [a] (bound at unbound.hs:1:1)
- In the first argument of `(:)', namely `_x'
- In the expression: _x : _x
- In an equation for `cons': cons = _x : _x
- Found hole '_x' with type: [a]
- Arising from: an undeclared identifier `_x' at unbound.hs:1:13-14
- Where: `a' is a rigid type variable bound by
- the inferred type of cons :: [a] at unbound.hs:1:1
- Relevant bindings include cons :: [a] (bound at unbound.hs:1:1)
- In the second argument of `(:)', namely `_x'
- In the expression: _x : _x
- In an equation for `cons': cons = _x : _x
-Notice the two different types reported for the two different occurrences of <literal>_x</literal>.
-No language extension is required to use typed holes. The lexeme "<literal>_</literal>" was previously
-illegal in Haskell, but now has a more informative error message. The lexeme "<literal>_x</literal>"
-is a perfectly legal variable, and its behaviour is unchanged when it is in scope. For example
-f _x = _x + 1
-does not elict any errors. Only a variable <emphasis>that is not in scope</emphasis>
-(whether or not it starts with an underscore)
-is treated as an error (which it always was), albeit now with a more informative error message.
-Unbound data constructors used in expressions behave exactly as above.
-However, unbound data constructors used in <emphasis>patterns</emphasis> cannot
-be deferred, and instead bring compilation to a halt. (In implementation terms, they
-are reported by the renamer rather than the type checker.)
-<!-- ==================== Partial Type Signatures ================= -->
-<sect1 id="partial-type-signatures">
-<title>Partial Type Signatures</title>
-A partial type signature is a type signature containing special placeholders
-written with a leading underscore (e.g., "<literal>_</literal>",
-"<literal>_foo</literal>", "<literal>_bar</literal>") called
-<emphasis>wildcards</emphasis>. Partial type signatures are to type signatures
-what <xref linkend="typed-holes"/> are to expressions. During compilation these
-wildcards or holes will generate an error message that describes which type
-was inferred at the hole's location, and information about the origin of any
-free type variables. GHC reports such error messages by default.</para>
-Unlike <xref linkend="typed-holes"/>, which make the program incomplete and
-will generate errors when they are evaluated, this needn't be the case for
-holes in type signatures. The type checker is capable (in most cases) of
-type-checking a binding with or without a type signature. A partial type
-signature bridges the gap between the two extremes, the programmer can choose
-which parts of a type to annotate and which to leave over to the type-checker
-to infer.
-By default, the type-checker will report an error message for each hole in a
-partial type signature, informing the programmer of the inferred type. When
-the <option>-XPartialTypeSignatures</option> flag is enabled, the type-checker
-will accept the inferred type for each hole, generating warnings instead of
-errors. Additionally, these warnings can be silenced with the
-<option>-fno-warn-partial-type-signatures</option> flag.
-<sect2 id="pts-syntax">
-A (partial) type signature has the following form: <literal>forall a b .. .
-(C1, C2, ..) => tau</literal>. It consists of three parts:
- <listitem>The type variables: <literal>a b ..</literal></listitem>
- <listitem>The constraints: <literal>(C1, C2, ..)</literal></listitem>
- <listitem>The (mono)type: <literal>tau</literal></listitem>
-We distinguish three kinds of wildcards.
-<sect3 id="type-wildcards">
-<title>Type Wildcards</title>
-Wildcards occurring within the monotype (tau) part of the type signature are
-<emphasis>type wildcards</emphasis> ("type" is often omitted as this is the
-default kind of wildcard). Type wildcards can be instantiated to any monotype
-like <literal>Bool</literal> or <literal>Maybe [Bool]</literal>, including
-functions and higher-kinded types like <literal>(Int -> Bool)</literal> or
-not' :: Bool -> _
-not' x = not x
--- Inferred: Bool -> Bool
-maybools :: _
-maybools = Just [True]
--- Inferred: Maybe [Bool]
-just1 :: _ Int
-just1 = Just 1
--- Inferred: Maybe Int
-filterInt :: _ -> _ -> [Int]
-filterInt = filter -- has type forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
--- Inferred: (Int -> Bool) -> [Int] -> [Int]
-For instance, the first wildcard in the type signature <literal>not'</literal>
-would produce the following error message:
- Found hole &lsquo;_&rsquo; with type: Bool
- To use the inferred type, enable PartialTypeSignatures
- In the type signature for &lsquo;not'&rsquo;: Bool -> _
-When a wildcard is not instantiated to a monotype, it will be generalised
-over, i.e. replaced by a fresh type variable (of which the name will often
-start with <literal>w_</literal>), e.g.
-foo :: _ -> _
-foo x = x
--- Inferred: forall w_. w_ -> w_
-filter' :: _
-filter' = filter -- has type forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
--- Inferred: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
-<sect3 id="named-wildcards">
-<title>Named Wildcards</title>
-Type wildcards can also be named by giving the underscore an identifier as
-suffix, i.e. <literal>_a</literal>. These are called <emphasis>named
-wildcards</emphasis>. All occurrences of the same named wildcard within one
-type signature will unify to the same type. For example:
-f :: _x -> _x
-f ('c', y) = ('d', error "Urk")
--- Inferred: forall t. (Char, t) -> (Char, t)
-The named wildcard forces the argument and result types to be the same.
-Lacking a signature, GHC would have inferred <literal>forall a b. (Char, a) ->
-(Char, b)</literal>. A named wildcard can be mentioned in constraints,
-provided it also occurs in the monotype part of the type signature to make
-sure that it unifies with something:
-somethingShowable :: Show _x => _x -> _
-somethingShowable x = show x
--- Inferred type: Show w_x => w_x -> String
-somethingShowable' :: Show _x => _x -> _
-somethingShowable' x = show (not x)
--- Inferred type: Bool -> String
-Besides an extra-constraints wildcard (see <xref
-linkend="extra-constraints-wildcard"/>), only named wildcards can occur in the
-constraints, e.g. the <literal>_x</literal> in <literal>Show _x</literal>.
-Named wildcards <emphasis>should not be confused with type
-variables</emphasis>. Even though syntactically similar, named wildcards can
-unify with monotypes as well as be generalised over (and behave as type
-In the first example above, <literal>_x</literal> is generalised over (and is
-effectively replaced by a fresh type variable <literal>w_x</literal>). In the
-second example, <literal>_x</literal> is unified with the
-<literal>Bool</literal> type, and as <literal>Bool</literal> implements the
-<literal>Show</literal> type class, the constraint <literal>Show
-Bool</literal> can be simplified away.
-By default, GHC (as the Haskell 2010 standard prescribes) parses identifiers
-starting with an underscore in a type as type variables. To treat them as
-named wildcards, the <option>-XNamedWildCards</option> flag should be enabled.
-The example below demonstrated the effect.
-foo :: _a -> _a
-foo _ = False
-Compiling this program without enabling <option>-XNamedWildCards</option>
-produces the following error message complaining about the type variable
-<literal>_a</literal> no matching the actual type <literal>Bool</literal>.
- Couldn't match expected type &lsquo;_a&rsquo; with actual type &lsquo;Bool&rsquo;
- &lsquo;_a&rsquo; is a rigid type variable bound by
- the type signature for foo :: _a -> _a at Test.hs:4:8
- Relevant bindings include foo :: _a -> _a (bound at Test.hs:4:1)
- In the expression: False
- In an equation for &lsquo;foo&rsquo;: foo _ = False
-Compiling this program with <option>-XNamedWildCards</option> enabled produces
-the following error message reporting the inferred type of the named wildcard
-Test.hs:4:8: Warning:
- Found hole &lsquo;_a&rsquo; with type: Bool
- In the type signature for &lsquo;foo&rsquo;: _a -> _a
-<sect3 id="extra-constraints-wildcard">
-<title>Extra-Constraints Wildcard</title>
-The third kind of wildcard is the <emphasis>extra-constraints
-wildcard</emphasis>. The presence of an extra-constraints wildcard indicates
-that an arbitrary number of extra constraints may be inferred during type
-checking and will be added to the type signature. In the example below, the
-extra-constraints wildcard is used to infer three extra constraints.
-arbitCs :: _ => a -> String
-arbitCs x = show (succ x) ++ show (x == x)
--- Inferred:
--- forall a. (Enum a, Eq a, Show a) => a -> String
--- Error:
- Found hole &lsquo;_&rsquo; with inferred constraints: (Enum a, Eq a, Show a)
- To use the inferred type, enable PartialTypeSignatures
- In the type signature for &lsquo;arbitCs&rsquo;: _ => a -> String
-An extra-constraints wildcard shouldn't prevent the programmer from already
-listing the constraints he knows or wants to annotate, e.g.
--- Also a correct partial type signature:
-arbitCs' :: (Enum a, _) => a -> String
-arbitCs' x = arbitCs x
--- Inferred:
--- forall a. (Enum a, Show a, Eq a) => a -> String
--- Error:
- Found hole &lsquo;_&rsquo; with inferred constraints: (Eq a, Show a)
- To use the inferred type, enable PartialTypeSignatures
- In the type signature for &lsquo;arbitCs'&rsquo;: (Enum a, _) => a -> String
-An extra-constraints wildcard can also lead to zero extra constraints to be
-inferred, e.g.
-noCs :: _ => String
-noCs = "noCs"
--- Inferred: String
--- Error:
- Found hole &lsquo;_&rsquo; with inferred constraints: ()
- To use the inferred type, enable PartialTypeSignatures
- In the type signature for &lsquo;noCs&rsquo;: _ => String
-As a single extra-constraints wildcard is enough to infer any number of
-constraints, only one is allowed in a type signature and it should come last
-in the list of constraints.
-Extra-constraints wildcards cannot be named.
-<sect2 id="pts-where">
-<title>Where can they occur?</title>
-Partial type signatures are allowed for bindings, pattern and expression signatures.
-In all other contexts, e.g. type class or type family declarations, they are disallowed.
-In the following example a wildcard is used in each of the three possible contexts.
-Extra-constraints wildcards are not supported in pattern or expression signatures.
-{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-foo :: _
-foo (x :: _) = (x :: _)
--- Inferred: forall w_. w_ -> w_
- Anonymous wildcards <emphasis>can</emphasis> occur in type or data instance
- declarations. However, these declarations are not partial type signatures
- and different rules apply. See <xref linkend="data-instance-declarations"/>
- for more details.
-Partial type signatures can also be used in <xref linkend="template-haskell"/> splices.
- <listitem>Declaration splices: partial type signature are fully supported.
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, NamedWildCards #-}
-$( [d| foo :: _ => _a -> _a -> _
- foo x y = x == y|] )
- </listitem>
- <listitem>Expression splices: anonymous and named wildcards can be used in expression signatures.
- Extra-constraints wildcards are not supported, just like in regular expression signatures.
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, NamedWildCards #-}
-$( [e| foo = (Just True :: _m _) |] )
- </listitem>
- <listitem>Typed expression splices: the same wildcards as in (untyped) expression splices are supported.
- </listitem>
- <listitem>Pattern splices: Template Haskell doesn't support type signatures in pattern splices.
- Consequently, partial type signatures are not supported either.
- </listitem>
- <listitem>Type splices: only anonymous wildcards are supported in type splices.
- Named and extra-constraints wildcards are not.
-{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-foo :: $( [t| _ |] ) -> a
-foo x = x
- </listitem>
-<!-- ==================== Deferring type errors ================= -->
-<sect1 id="defer-type-errors">
-<title>Deferring type errors to runtime</title>
- <para>
- While developing, sometimes it is desirable to allow compilation to succeed
- even if there are type errors in the code. Consider the following case:
-module Main where
-a :: Int
-a = 'a'
-main = print "b"
- Even though <literal>a</literal> is ill-typed, it is not used in the end, so if
- all that we're interested in is <literal>main</literal> it can be useful to be
- able to ignore the problems in <literal>a</literal>.
- </para>
- <para>
- For more motivation and details please refer to the <ulink
- url="">HaskellWiki</ulink>
- page or the <ulink
- url="">original
- paper</ulink>.
- </para>
-<sect2><title>Enabling deferring of type errors</title>
- <para>
- The flag <literal>-fdefer-type-errors</literal> controls whether type
- errors are deferred to runtime. Type errors will still be emitted as
- warnings, but will not prevent compilation. You can use
- <literal>-fno-warn-deferred-type-errors</literal> to suppress these warnings.
- </para>
- <para>
- This flag implies the <literal>-fdefer-typed-holes</literal> flag,
- which enables this behaviour for <link linkend="typed-holes">typed holes
- </link>. Should you so wish, it is possible to enable
- <literal>-fdefer-type-errors</literal> without enabling
- <literal>-fdefer-typed-holes</literal>, by explicitly specifying
- <literal>-fno-defer-typed-holes</literal> on the command-line after the
- <literal>-fdefer-type-errors</literal> flag.
- </para>
- <para>
- At runtime, whenever a term containing a type error would need to be
- evaluated, the error is converted into a runtime exception of type
- <literal>TypeError</literal>. Note that type errors are deferred as much
- as possible during runtime, but invalid coercions are never performed,
- even when they would ultimately result in a value of the correct type.
- For example, given the following code:
-x :: Int
-x = 0
-y :: Char
-y = x
-z :: Int
-z = y
- evaluating <literal>z</literal> will result in a runtime <literal>TypeError</literal>.
- </para>
-<sect2><title>Deferred type errors in GHCi</title>
- <para>
- The flag <literal>-fdefer-type-errors</literal> works in GHCi as well, with
- one exception: for "naked" expressions typed at the prompt, type
- errors don't get delayed, so for example:
-Prelude> fst (True, 1 == 'a')
- No instance for (Num Char) arising from the literal `1'
- Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num Char)
- In the first argument of `(==)', namely `1'
- In the expression: 1 == 'a'
- In the first argument of `fst', namely `(True, 1 == 'a')'
-Otherwise, in the common case of a simple type error such as
-typing <literal>reverse True</literal> at the prompt, you would get a warning and then
-an immediately-following type error when the expression is evaluated.
- </para>
- <para>
- This exception doesn't apply to statements, as the following example demonstrates:
-Prelude> let x = (True, 1 == 'a')
-&lt;interactive&gt;:3:16: Warning:
- No instance for (Num Char) arising from the literal `1'
- Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num Char)
- In the first argument of `(==)', namely `1'
- In the expression: 1 == 'a'
- In the expression: (True, 1 == 'a')
-Prelude> fst x
- </para>
-<!-- ====================== TEMPLATE HASKELL ======================= -->
-<sect1 id="template-haskell">
-<title>Template Haskell</title>
-<para>Template Haskell allows you to do compile-time meta-programming in
-The background to
-the main technical innovations is discussed in "<ulink
-Template Meta-programming for Haskell</ulink>" (Proc Haskell Workshop 2002).
-There is a Wiki page about
-Template Haskell at <ulink url="">
-</ulink>, and that is the best place to look for
-further details.
-You may also
-consult the <ulink
-Haskell library reference material</ulink>
-(look for module <literal>Language.Haskell.TH</literal>).
-Many changes to the original design are described in
- <ulink url="">
-Notes on Template Haskell version 2</ulink>.
-Not all of these changes are in GHC, however.
-<para> The first example from that paper is set out below (<xref linkend="th-example"/>)
-as a worked example to help get you started.
-The documentation here describes the realisation of Template Haskell in GHC. It is not detailed enough to
-understand Template Haskell; see the <ulink url="">
-Wiki page</ulink>.
- <sect2 id="th-syntax">
- <title>Syntax</title>
- <para> Template Haskell has the following new syntactic
- constructions. You need to use the flag
- <option>-XTemplateHaskell</option>
- <indexterm><primary><option>-XTemplateHaskell</option></primary>
- </indexterm>to switch these syntactic extensions on.</para>
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>
- A splice is written <literal>$x</literal>, where <literal>x</literal> is an
- identifier, or <literal>$(...)</literal>, where the "..." is an arbitrary expression.
- There must be no space between the "$" and the identifier or parenthesis. This use
- of "$" overrides its meaning as an infix operator, just as "M.x" overrides the meaning
- of "." as an infix operator. If you want the infix operator, put spaces around it.
- </para>
- <para> A splice can occur in place of
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para> an expression; the spliced expression must
- have type <literal>Q Exp</literal></para></listitem>
- <listitem><para> a pattern; the spliced pattern must
- have type <literal>Q Pat</literal></para></listitem>
- <listitem><para> a type; the spliced expression must
- have type <literal>Q Type</literal></para></listitem>
- <listitem><para> a list of declarations at top level; the spliced expression
- must have type <literal>Q [Dec]</literal></para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- Inside a splice you can only call functions defined in imported modules,
- not functions defined elsewhere in the same module. Note that
- declaration splices are not allowed anywhere except at top level
- (outside any other declarations).</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- A expression quotation is written in Oxford brackets, thus:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para> <literal>[| ... |]</literal>, or <literal>[e| ... |]</literal>,
- where the "..." is an expression;
- the quotation has type <literal>Q Exp</literal>.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para> <literal>[d| ... |]</literal>, where the "..." is a list of top-level declarations;
- the quotation has type <literal>Q [Dec]</literal>.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para> <literal>[t| ... |]</literal>, where the "..." is a type;
- the quotation has type <literal>Q Type</literal>.</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para> <literal>[p| ... |]</literal>, where the "..." is a pattern;
- the quotation has type <literal>Q Pat</literal>.</para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- See <xref linkend="pts-where"/> for using partial type signatures in quotations.</para></listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- A <emphasis>typed</emphasis> expression splice is written
- <literal>$$x</literal>, where <literal>x</literal> is an
- identifier, or <literal>$$(...)</literal>, where the "..." is
- an arbitrary expression.
- </para>
- <para>
- A typed expression splice can occur in place of an
- expression; the spliced expression must have type <literal>Q
- (TExp a)</literal>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- A <emphasis>typed</emphasis> expression quotation is written
- as <literal>[|| ... ||]</literal>, or <literal>[e||
- ... ||]</literal>, where the "..." is an expression; if the
- "..." expression has type <literal>a</literal>, then the
- quotation has type <literal>Q (TExp a)</literal>.
- </para>
- <para>
- Values of type <literal>TExp a</literal> may be converted to
- values of type <literal>Exp</literal> using the function
- <literal>unType :: TExp a -> Exp</literal>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- A quasi-quotation can appear in a pattern, type, expression, or
- declaration context and is also written in Oxford brackets:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para> <literal>[<replaceable>varid</replaceable>| ... |]</literal>,
- where the "..." is an arbitrary string; a full description of the
- quasi-quotation facility is given in <xref linkend="th-quasiquotation"/>.</para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist></para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- A name can be quoted with either one or two prefix single quotes:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para> <literal>'f</literal> has type <literal>Name</literal>, and names the function <literal>f</literal>.
- Similarly <literal>'C</literal> has type <literal>Name</literal> and names the data constructor <literal>C</literal>.
- In general <literal>'</literal><replaceable>thing</replaceable>
- interprets <replaceable>thing</replaceable> in an expression context.</para>
- <para>A name whose second character is a single
- quote (sadly) cannot be quoted in this way,
- because it will be parsed instead as a quoted
- character. For example, if the function is called
- <literal>f'7</literal> (which is a legal Haskell
- identifier), an attempt to quote it as
- <literal>'f'7</literal> would be parsed as the
- character literal <literal>'f'</literal> followed
- by the numeric literal <literal>7</literal>. There
- is no current escape mechanism in this (unusual)
- situation.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para> <literal>''T</literal> has type <literal>Name</literal>, and names the type constructor <literal>T</literal>.
- That is, <literal>''</literal><replaceable>thing</replaceable> interprets <replaceable>thing</replaceable> in a type context.
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- These <literal>Names</literal> can be used to construct Template Haskell expressions, patterns, declarations etc. They
- may also be given as an argument to the <literal>reify</literal> function.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- It is possible for a splice to expand to an expression that contain
- names which are not in scope at the site of the splice. As an
- example, consider the following code:
-module Bar where
-import Language.Haskell.TH
-add1 :: Int -> Q Exp
-add1 x = [| x + 1 |]
- Now consider a splice using <literal>add1</literal> in a separate
- module:
-module Foo where
-import Bar
-two :: Int
-two = $(add1 1)
- Template Haskell cannot know what the argument to
- <literal>add1</literal> will be at the function's definition site, so
- a lifting mechanism is used to promote <literal>x</literal> into a
- value of type <literal>Q Exp</literal>. This functionality is exposed
- to the user as the <literal>Lift</literal> typeclass in the
- <literal>Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax</literal> module. If a type has a
- <literal>Lift</literal> instance, then any of its values can be
- lifted to a Template Haskell expression:
-class Lift t where
- lift :: t -> Q Exp
- In general, if GHC sees an expression within Oxford brackets (e.g.,
- <literal>[| foo bar |]</literal>, then GHC looks up each name within
- the brackets. If a name is global (e.g., suppose
- <literal>foo</literal> comes from an import or a top-level
- declaration), then the fully qualified name is used directly in the
- quotation. If the name is local (e.g., suppose <literal>bar</literal>
- is bound locally in the function definition
- <literal>mkFoo bar = [| foo bar |]</literal>), then GHC uses
- <literal>lift</literal> on it (so GHC pretends
- <literal>[| foo bar |]</literal> actually contains
- <literal>[| foo $(lift bar) |]</literal>). Local names, which are not
- in scope at splice locations, are actually evaluated when the
- quotation is processed.
- The <literal>template-haskell</literal> library provides
- <literal>Lift</literal> instances for many common data types.
- Furthermore, it is possible to derive <literal>Lift</literal>
- instances automatically by using the <option>-XDeriveLift</option>
- language extension. See <xref linkend="deriving-lift" /> for more
- information.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem><para> You may omit the <literal>$(...)</literal> in a top-level declaration splice.
- Simply writing an expression (rather than a declaration) implies a splice. For example, you can write
-module Foo where
-import Bar
-f x = x
-$(deriveStuff 'f) -- Uses the $(...) notation
-g y = y+1
-deriveStuff 'g -- Omits the $(...)
-h z = z-1
- This abbreviation makes top-level declaration slices quieter and less intimidating.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Outermost pattern splices may bind variables. By "outermost" here, we refer to
- a pattern splice that occurs outside of any quotation brackets. For example,
-mkPat :: Bool -> Q Pat
-mkPat True = [p| (x, y) |]
-mkPat False = [p| (y, x) |]
--- in another module:
-foo :: (Char, String) -> String
-foo $(mkPat True) = x : y
-bar :: (String, Char) -> String
-bar $(mkPat False) = x : y
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Nested pattern splices do <emphasis>not</emphasis> bind variables.
- By "nested" here, we refer to a pattern splice occurring within a
- quotation bracket. Continuing the example from the last bullet:
-baz :: Bool -> Q Exp
-baz b = [| quux $(mkPat b) = x + y |]
- would fail with <literal>x</literal> and <literal>y</literal>
- being out of scope.
- </para>
- <para>
- The difference in treatment of outermost and nested pattern splices is
- because outermost splices are run at compile time. GHC can then use
- the result of running the splice when analysing the expressions within
- the pattern's scope. Nested splices, on the other hand, are <emphasis>not</emphasis>
- run at compile time; they are run when the bracket is spliced in, sometime later.
- Since nested pattern splices may refer to local variables, there is no way for GHC
- to know, at splice compile time, what variables are bound, so it binds none.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- A pattern quasiquoter <emphasis>may</emphasis>
- generate binders that scope over the right-hand side of a
- definition because these binders are in scope lexically. For
- example, given a quasiquoter <literal>haskell</literal> that
- parses Haskell, in the following code, the <literal>y</literal>
- in the right-hand side of <literal>f</literal> refers to the
- <literal>y</literal> bound by the <literal>haskell</literal>
- pattern quasiquoter, <emphasis>not</emphasis> the top-level
- <literal>y = 7</literal>.
-y :: Int
-y = 7
-f :: Int -> Int -> Int
-f n = \ [haskell|y|] -> y+n
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Top-level declaration splices break up a source file into
- <emphasis>declaration groups</emphasis>. A
- <emphasis>declaration group</emphasis> is the group of
- declarations created by a top-level declaration splice, plus
- those following it, down to but not including the next
- top-level declaration splice. The first declaration group in a
- module includes all top-level definitions down to but not
- including the first top-level declaration splice.
- </para>
- <para>
- Each declaration group is mutually recursive only within
- the group. Declaration groups can refer to definitions within
- previous groups, but not later ones.
- </para>
- <para>
- Accordingly, the type environment seen by
- <literal>reify</literal> includes all the top-level
- declarations up to the end of the immediately preceding
- declaration group, but no more.
- </para>
- <para>
- Unlike normal declaration splices, declaration quasiquoters
- do not cause a break. These quasiquoters are expanded before
- the rest of the declaration group is processed, and the
- declarations they generate are merged into the surrounding
- declaration group. Consequently, the type environment seen
- by <literal>reify</literal> from a declaration quasiquoter
- will not include anything from the quasiquoter's declaration
- group.
- </para>
- <para>
- Concretely, consider the following code
-module M where
- import ...
- f x = x
- $(th1 4)
- h y = k y y $(blah1)
- [qq|blah|]
- k x y = x + y
- $(th2 10)
- w z = $(blah2)
- In this example
- <orderedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- The body of <literal>h</literal> would be unable to refer
- to the function <literal>w</literal>.
- </para>
- <para>
- A <literal>reify</literal> inside the splice <literal>$(th1
- ..)</literal> would see the definition of
- <literal>f</literal>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- A <literal>reify</literal> inside the splice
- <literal>$(blah1)</literal> would see the definition of
- <literal>f</literal>, but would not see the definition of
- <literal>h</literal>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- A <literal>reify</literal> inside the splice
- <literal>$(th2..)</literal> would see the definition of
- <literal>f</literal>, all the bindings created by
- <literal>$(th1..)</literal>, and the definition of
- <literal>h</literal>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- A <literal>reify</literal> inside the splice
- <literal>$(blah2)</literal> would see the same definitions
- as the splice <literal>$(th2...)</literal>.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- The body of <literal>h</literal> <emphasis>is</emphasis>
- able to refer to the function <literal>k</literal>
- appearing on the other side of the declaration
- quasiquoter, as quasiquoters never cause a declaration
- group to be broken up.
- </para>
- <para>
- A <literal>reify</literal> inside the
- <literal>qq</literal> quasiquoter would be able to see
- the definition of <literal>f</literal> from the
- preceding declaration group, but not the definitions of
- <literal>h</literal> or <literal>k</literal>, or any
- definitions from subsequent declaration groups.
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </orderedlist>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Expression quotations accept most Haskell language constructs.
- However, there are some GHC-specific extensions which expression
- quotations currently do not support, including
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Recursive <literal>do</literal>-statements (see
- <ulink url="">
- Trac #1262</ulink>)
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Pattern synonyms (see
- <ulink url="">
- Trac #8761</ulink>)
- </para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>
- Typed holes (see
- <ulink url="">
- Trac #10267</ulink>)
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
-(Compared to the original paper, there are many differences of detail.
-The syntax for a declaration splice uses "<literal>$</literal>" not "<literal>splice</literal>".
-The type of the enclosed expression must be <literal>Q [Dec]</literal>, not <literal>[Q Dec]</literal>.
-Typed expression splices and quotations are supported.)
-<sect2> <title> Using Template Haskell </title>
- <listitem><para>
- The data types and monadic constructor functions for Template Haskell are in the library
- <literal>Language.Haskell.THSyntax</literal>.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- You can only run a function at compile time if it is imported from another module. That is,
- you can't define a function in a module, and call it from within a splice in the same module.
- (It would make sense to do so, but it's hard to implement.)
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- You can only run a function at compile time if it is imported
- from another module <emphasis>that is not part of a mutually-recursive group of modules
- that includes the module currently being compiled</emphasis>. Furthermore, all of the modules of
- the mutually-recursive group must be reachable by non-SOURCE imports from the module where the
- splice is to be run.</para>
- <para>
- For example, when compiling module A,
- you can only run Template Haskell functions imported from B if B does not import A (directly or indirectly).
- The reason should be clear: to run B we must compile and run A, but we are currently type-checking A.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- If you are building GHC from source, you need at least a stage-2 bootstrap compiler to
- run Template Haskell splices and quasi-quotes. A stage-1 compiler will only accept regular quotes of Haskell. Reason: TH splices and quasi-quotes
- compile and run a program, and then looks at the result. So it's important that
- the program it compiles produces results whose representations are identical to
- those of the compiler itself.
- </para></listitem>
-<para> Template Haskell works in any mode (<literal>--make</literal>, <literal>--interactive</literal>,
- or file-at-a-time). There used to be a restriction to the former two, but that restriction
- has been lifted.
-<sect2 id="th-view-gen-code"> <title> Viewing Template Haskell generated code </title>
- <para>
- The flag <literal>-ddump-splices</literal> shows the expansion of all top-level declaration splices, both typed and untyped, as they happen.
- As with all dump flags, the default is for this output to be sent to stdout.
- For a non-trivial program, you may be interested in combining this with the <literal>-ddump-to-file flag</literal> (see <xref linkend="dumping-output"/>.
- For each file using Template Haskell, this will show the output in a <literal>.dump-splices</literal> file.
- </para>
- <para>
- The flag <literal>-dth-dec-file</literal> shows the expansions of all top-level TH declaration splices, both typed and untyped, in the file <literal></literal> where M is the name of the module being compiled.
- Note that other types of splices (expressions, types, and patterns) are not shown.
- Application developers can check this into their repository so that they can grep for identifiers that were defined in Template Haskell.
- This is similar to using <option>-ddump-to-file</option> with <option>-ddump-splices</option> but it always generates a file instead of being coupled to <option>-ddump-to-file</option>. The format is also different: it does not show code from the original file, instead it only shows generated code and has a comment for the splice location of the original file.
- </para>
- <para>
- Below is a sample output of <literal>-ddump-splices</literal>
- </para>
-TH_pragma.hs:(6,4)-(8,26): Splicing declarations
- [d| foo :: Int -> Int
- foo x = x + 1 |]
- foo :: Int -> Int
- foo x = (x + 1)
- <para>
- Below is the output of the same sample using <literal>-dth-dec-file</literal>
- </para>
--- TH_pragma.hs:(6,4)-(8,26): Splicing declarations
-foo :: Int -> Int
-foo x = (x + 1)
-<sect2 id="th-example"> <title> A Template Haskell Worked Example </title>
-<para>To help you get over the confidence barrier, try out this skeletal worked example.
- First cut and paste the two modules below into "Main.hs" and "Printf.hs":</para>
-{- Main.hs -}
-module Main where
--- Import our template "pr"
-import Printf ( pr )
--- The splice operator $ takes the Haskell source code
--- generated at compile time by "pr" and splices it into
--- the argument of "putStrLn".
-main = putStrLn ( $(pr "Hello") )
-{- Printf.hs -}
-module Printf where
--- Skeletal printf from the paper.
--- It needs to be in a separate module to the one where
--- you intend to use it.
--- Import some Template Haskell syntax
-import Language.Haskell.TH
--- Describe a format string
-data Format = D | S | L String
--- Parse a format string. This is left largely to you
--- as we are here interested in building our first ever
--- Template Haskell program and not in building printf.
-parse :: String -> [Format]
-parse s = [ L s ]
--- Generate Haskell source code from a parsed representation
--- of the format string. This code will be spliced into
--- the module which calls "pr", at compile time.
-gen :: [Format] -> Q Exp
-gen [D] = [| \n -> show n |]
-gen [S] = [| \s -> s |]
-gen [L s] = stringE s
--- Here we generate the Haskell code for the splice
--- from an input format string.
-pr :: String -> Q Exp
-pr s = gen (parse s)
-<para>Now run the compiler (here we are a Cygwin prompt on Windows):
-$ ghc --make -XTemplateHaskell main.hs -o main.exe
-<para>Run "main.exe" and here is your output:</para>
-$ ./main
-<title>Using Template Haskell with Profiling</title>
-<indexterm><primary>profiling</primary><secondary>with Template Haskell</secondary></indexterm>
-<para>Template Haskell relies on GHC's built-in bytecode compiler and
-interpreter to run the splice expressions. The bytecode interpreter
-runs the compiled expression on top of the same runtime on which GHC
-itself is running; this means that the compiled code referred to by
-the interpreted expression must be compatible with this runtime, and
-in particular this means that object code that is compiled for
-profiling <emphasis>cannot</emphasis> be loaded and used by a splice
-expression, because profiled object code is only compatible with the
-profiling version of the runtime.</para>
-<para>This causes difficulties if you have a multi-module program
-containing Template Haskell code and you need to compile it for
-profiling, because GHC cannot load the profiled object code and use it
-when executing the splices. Fortunately GHC provides a workaround.
-The basic idea is to compile the program twice:</para>
- <para>Compile the program or library first the normal way, without
- <option>-prof</option><indexterm><primary><option>-prof</option></primary></indexterm>.</para>
- <para>Then compile it again with <option>-prof</option>, and
- additionally use <option>-osuf
- p_o</option><indexterm><primary><option>-osuf</option></primary></indexterm>
- to name the object files differently (you can choose any suffix
- that isn't the normal object suffix here). GHC will automatically
- load the object files built in the first step when executing splice
- expressions. If you omit the <option>-osuf</option> flag when
- building with <option>-prof</option> and Template Haskell is used,
- GHC will emit an error message. </para>
-<sect2 id="th-quasiquotation"> <title> Template Haskell Quasi-quotation </title>
-<para>Quasi-quotation allows patterns and expressions to be written using
-programmer-defined concrete syntax; the motivation behind the extension and
-several examples are documented in
-"<ulink url="">Why It's
-Nice to be Quoted: Quasiquoting for Haskell</ulink>" (Proc Haskell Workshop
-2007). The example below shows how to write a quasiquoter for a simple
-expression language.</para>
-Here are the salient features
-A quasi-quote has the form
-<literal>[<replaceable>quoter</replaceable>| <replaceable>string</replaceable> |]</literal>.
-The <replaceable>quoter</replaceable> must be the name of an imported quoter,
-either qualified or unqualified; it cannot be an arbitrary expression.
-The <replaceable>quoter</replaceable> cannot be "<literal>e</literal>",
-"<literal>t</literal>", "<literal>d</literal>", or "<literal>p</literal>", since
-those overlap with Template Haskell quotations.
-There must be no spaces in the token
-The quoted <replaceable>string</replaceable>
-can be arbitrary, and may contain newlines.
-The quoted <replaceable>string</replaceable>
-finishes at the first occurrence of the two-character sequence <literal>"|]"</literal>.
-Absolutely no escaping is performed. If you want to embed that character
-sequence in the string, you must invent your own escape convention (such
-as, say, using the string <literal>"|~]"</literal> instead), and make your
-quoter function interpret <literal>"|~]"</literal> as <literal>"|]"</literal>.
-One way to implement this is to compose your quoter with a pre-processing pass to
-perform your escape conversion. See the
-<ulink url="">
-discussion in Trac</ulink> for details.
-A quasiquote may appear in place of
-<listitem><para>An expression</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>A pattern</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>A type</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>A top-level declaration</para></listitem>
-(Only the first two are described in the paper.)
-A quoter is a value of type <literal>Language.Haskell.TH.Quote.QuasiQuoter</literal>,
-which is defined thus:
-data QuasiQuoter = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp :: String -> Q Exp,
- quotePat :: String -> Q Pat,
- quoteType :: String -> Q Type,
- quoteDec :: String -> Q [Dec] }
-That is, a quoter is a tuple of four parsers, one for each of the contexts
-in which a quasi-quote can occur.
-A quasi-quote is expanded by applying the appropriate parser to the string
-enclosed by the Oxford brackets. The context of the quasi-quote (expression, pattern,
-type, declaration) determines which of the parsers is called.
-Unlike normal declaration splices of the form <literal>$(...)</literal>,
-declaration quasi-quotes do not cause a declaration group break. See
-<xref linkend="th-syntax"/> for more information.
-The example below shows quasi-quotation in action. The quoter <literal>expr</literal>
-is bound to a value of type <literal>QuasiQuoter</literal> defined in module <literal>Expr</literal>.
-The example makes use of an antiquoted
-variable <literal>n</literal>, indicated by the syntax <literal>'int:n</literal>
-(this syntax for anti-quotation was defined by the parser's
-author, <emphasis>not</emphasis> by GHC). This binds <literal>n</literal> to the
-integer value argument of the constructor <literal>IntExpr</literal> when
-pattern matching. Please see the referenced paper for further details regarding
-anti-quotation as well as the description of a technique that uses SYB to
-leverage a single parser of type <literal>String -> a</literal> to generate both
-an expression parser that returns a value of type <literal>Q Exp</literal> and a
-pattern parser that returns a value of type <literal>Q Pat</literal>.
-Quasiquoters must obey the same stage restrictions as Template Haskell, e.g., in
-the example, <literal>expr</literal> cannot be defined
-in <literal>Main.hs</literal> where it is used, but must be imported.
-{- ------------- file Main.hs --------------- -}
-module Main where
-import Expr
-main :: IO ()
-main = do { print $ eval [expr|1 + 2|]
- ; case IntExpr 1 of
- { [expr|'int:n|] -> print n
- ; _ -> return ()
- }
- }
-{- ------------- file Expr.hs --------------- -}
-module Expr where
-import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
-import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
-data Expr = IntExpr Integer
- | AntiIntExpr String
- | BinopExpr BinOp Expr Expr
- | AntiExpr String
- deriving(Show, Typeable, Data)
-data BinOp = AddOp
- | SubOp
- | MulOp
- | DivOp
- deriving(Show, Typeable, Data)
-eval :: Expr -> Integer
-eval (IntExpr n) = n
-eval (BinopExpr op x y) = (opToFun op) (eval x) (eval y)
- where
- opToFun AddOp = (+)
- opToFun SubOp = (-)
- opToFun MulOp = (*)
- opToFun DivOp = div
-expr = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = parseExprExp, quotePat = parseExprPat }
--- Parse an Expr, returning its representation as
--- either a Q Exp or a Q Pat. See the referenced paper
--- for how to use SYB to do this by writing a single
--- parser of type String -> Expr instead of two
--- separate parsers.
-parseExprExp :: String -> Q Exp
-parseExprExp ...
-parseExprPat :: String -> Q Pat
-parseExprPat ...
-<para>Now run the compiler:
-$ ghc --make -XQuasiQuotes Main.hs -o main
-<para>Run "main" and here is your output:
-$ ./main
-<!-- ===================== Arrow notation =================== -->
-<sect1 id="arrow-notation">
-<title>Arrow notation
-<para>Arrows are a generalisation of monads introduced by John Hughes.
-For more details, see
-&ldquo;Generalising Monads to Arrows&rdquo;,
-John Hughes, in <citetitle>Science of Computer Programming</citetitle> 37,
-pp67&ndash;111, May 2000.
-The paper that introduced arrows: a friendly introduction, motivated with
-programming examples.
-&ldquo;<ulink url="">A New Notation for Arrows</ulink>&rdquo;,
-Ross Paterson, in <citetitle>ICFP</citetitle>, Sep 2001.
-Introduced the notation described here.
-&ldquo;<ulink url="">Arrows and Computation</ulink>&rdquo;,
-Ross Paterson, in <citetitle>The Fun of Programming</citetitle>,
-Palgrave, 2003.
-&ldquo;<ulink url="">Programming with Arrows</ulink>&rdquo;,
-John Hughes, in <citetitle>5th International Summer School on
-Advanced Functional Programming</citetitle>,
-<citetitle>Lecture Notes in Computer Science</citetitle> vol. 3622,
-Springer, 2004.
-This paper includes another introduction to the notation,
-with practical examples.
-&ldquo;<ulink url="">Type and Translation Rules for Arrow Notation in GHC</ulink>&rdquo;,
-Ross Paterson and Simon Peyton Jones, September 16, 2004.
-A terse enumeration of the formal rules used
-(extracted from comments in the source code).
-The arrows web page at
-<ulink url=""><literal></literal></ulink>.
-With the <option>-XArrows</option> flag, GHC supports the arrow
-notation described in the second of these papers,
-translating it using combinators from the
-<ulink url="&libraryBaseLocation;/Control-Arrow.html"><literal>Control.Arrow</literal></ulink>
-What follows is a brief introduction to the notation;
-it won't make much sense unless you've read Hughes's paper.
-<para>The extension adds a new kind of expression for defining arrows:
-<replaceable>exp</replaceable><superscript>10</superscript> ::= ...
- | proc <replaceable>apat</replaceable> -> <replaceable>cmd</replaceable>
-where <literal>proc</literal> is a new keyword.
-The variables of the pattern are bound in the body of the
-which is a new sort of thing called a <firstterm>command</firstterm>.
-The syntax of commands is as follows:
-<replaceable>cmd</replaceable> ::= <replaceable>exp</replaceable><superscript>10</superscript> -&lt; <replaceable>exp</replaceable>
- | <replaceable>exp</replaceable><superscript>10</superscript> -&lt;&lt; <replaceable>exp</replaceable>
- | <replaceable>cmd</replaceable><superscript>0</superscript>
-with <replaceable>cmd</replaceable><superscript>0</superscript> up to
-<replaceable>cmd</replaceable><superscript>9</superscript> defined using
-infix operators as for expressions, and
-<replaceable>cmd</replaceable><superscript>10</superscript> ::= \ <replaceable>apat</replaceable> ... <replaceable>apat</replaceable> -> <replaceable>cmd</replaceable>
- | let <replaceable>decls</replaceable> in <replaceable>cmd</replaceable>
- | if <replaceable>exp</replaceable> then <replaceable>cmd</replaceable> else <replaceable>cmd</replaceable>
- | case <replaceable>exp</replaceable> of { <replaceable>calts</replaceable> }
- | do { <replaceable>cstmt</replaceable> ; ... <replaceable>cstmt</replaceable> ; <replaceable>cmd</replaceable> }
- | <replaceable>fcmd</replaceable>
-<replaceable>fcmd</replaceable> ::= <replaceable>fcmd</replaceable> <replaceable>aexp</replaceable>
- | ( <replaceable>cmd</replaceable> )
- | (| <replaceable>aexp</replaceable> <replaceable>cmd</replaceable> ... <replaceable>cmd</replaceable> |)
-<replaceable>cstmt</replaceable> ::= let <replaceable>decls</replaceable>
- | <replaceable>pat</replaceable> &lt;- <replaceable>cmd</replaceable>
- | rec { <replaceable>cstmt</replaceable> ; ... <replaceable>cstmt</replaceable> [;] }
- | <replaceable>cmd</replaceable>
-where <replaceable>calts</replaceable> are like <replaceable>alts</replaceable>
-except that the bodies are commands instead of expressions.
-Commands produce values, but (like monadic computations)
-may yield more than one value,
-or none, and may do other things as well.
-For the most part, familiarity with monadic notation is a good guide to
-using commands.
-However the values of expressions, even monadic ones,
-are determined by the values of the variables they contain;
-this is not necessarily the case for commands.
-A simple example of the new notation is the expression
-proc x -> f -&lt; x+1
-We call this a <firstterm>procedure</firstterm> or
-<firstterm>arrow abstraction</firstterm>.
-As with a lambda expression, the variable <literal>x</literal>
-is a new variable bound within the <literal>proc</literal>-expression.
-It refers to the input to the arrow.
-In the above example, <literal>-&lt;</literal> is not an identifier but an
-new reserved symbol used for building commands from an expression of arrow
-type and an expression to be fed as input to that arrow.
-(The weird look will make more sense later.)
-It may be read as analogue of application for arrows.
-The above example is equivalent to the Haskell expression
-arr (\ x -> x+1) >>> f
-That would make no sense if the expression to the left of
-<literal>-&lt;</literal> involves the bound variable <literal>x</literal>.
-More generally, the expression to the left of <literal>-&lt;</literal>
-may not involve any <firstterm>local variable</firstterm>,
-i.e. a variable bound in the current arrow abstraction.
-For such a situation there is a variant <literal>-&lt;&lt;</literal>, as in
-proc x -> f x -&lt;&lt; x+1
-which is equivalent to
-arr (\ x -> (f x, x+1)) >>> app
-so in this case the arrow must belong to the <literal>ArrowApply</literal>
-Such an arrow is equivalent to a monad, so if you're using this form
-you may find a monadic formulation more convenient.
-<title>do-notation for commands</title>
-Another form of command is a form of <literal>do</literal>-notation.
-For example, you can write
-proc x -> do
- y &lt;- f -&lt; x+1
- g -&lt; 2*y
- let z = x+y
- t &lt;- h -&lt; x*z
- returnA -&lt; t+z
-You can read this much like ordinary <literal>do</literal>-notation,
-but with commands in place of monadic expressions.
-The first line sends the value of <literal>x+1</literal> as an input to
-the arrow <literal>f</literal>, and matches its output against
-In the next line, the output is discarded.
-The arrow <function>returnA</function> is defined in the
-<ulink url="&libraryBaseLocation;/Control-Arrow.html"><literal>Control.Arrow</literal></ulink>
-module as <literal>arr id</literal>.
-The above example is treated as an abbreviation for
-arr (\ x -> (x, x)) >>>
- first (arr (\ x -> x+1) >>> f) >>>
- arr (\ (y, x) -> (y, (x, y))) >>>
- first (arr (\ y -> 2*y) >>> g) >>>
- arr snd >>>
- arr (\ (x, y) -> let z = x+y in ((x, z), z)) >>>
- first (arr (\ (x, z) -> x*z) >>> h) >>>
- arr (\ (t, z) -> t+z) >>>
- returnA
-Note that variables not used later in the composition are projected out.
-After simplification using rewrite rules (see <xref linkend="rewrite-rules"/>)
-defined in the
-<ulink url="&libraryBaseLocation;/Control-Arrow.html"><literal>Control.Arrow</literal></ulink>
-module, this reduces to
-arr (\ x -> (x+1, x)) >>>
- first f >>>
- arr (\ (y, x) -> (2*y, (x, y))) >>>
- first g >>>
- arr (\ (_, (x, y)) -> let z = x+y in (x*z, z)) >>>
- first h >>>
- arr (\ (t, z) -> t+z)
-which is what you might have written by hand.
-With arrow notation, GHC keeps track of all those tuples of variables for you.
-Note that although the above translation suggests that
-<literal>let</literal>-bound variables like <literal>z</literal> must be
-monomorphic, the actual translation produces Core,
-so polymorphic variables are allowed.
-It's also possible to have mutually recursive bindings,
-using the new <literal>rec</literal> keyword, as in the following example:
-counter :: ArrowCircuit a => a Bool Int
-counter = proc reset -> do
- rec output &lt;- returnA -&lt; if reset then 0 else next
- next &lt;- delay 0 -&lt; output+1
- returnA -&lt; output
-The translation of such forms uses the <function>loop</function> combinator,
-so the arrow concerned must belong to the <literal>ArrowLoop</literal> class.
-<title>Conditional commands</title>
-In the previous example, we used a conditional expression to construct the
-input for an arrow.
-Sometimes we want to conditionally execute different commands, as in
-proc (x,y) ->
- if f x y
- then g -&lt; x+1
- else h -&lt; y+2
-which is translated to
-arr (\ (x,y) -> if f x y then Left x else Right y) >>>
- (arr (\x -> x+1) >>> g) ||| (arr (\y -> y+2) >>> h)
-Since the translation uses <function>|||</function>,
-the arrow concerned must belong to the <literal>ArrowChoice</literal> class.
-There are also <literal>case</literal> commands, like
-case input of
- [] -> f -&lt; ()
- [x] -> g -&lt; x+1
- x1:x2:xs -> do
- y &lt;- h -&lt; (x1, x2)
- ys &lt;- k -&lt; xs
- returnA -&lt; y:ys
-The syntax is the same as for <literal>case</literal> expressions,
-except that the bodies of the alternatives are commands rather than expressions.
-The translation is similar to that of <literal>if</literal> commands.
-<title>Defining your own control structures</title>
-As we're seen, arrow notation provides constructs,
-modelled on those for expressions,
-for sequencing, value recursion and conditionals.
-But suitable combinators,
-which you can define in ordinary Haskell,
-may also be used to build new commands out of existing ones.
-The basic idea is that a command defines an arrow from environments to values.
-These environments assign values to the free local variables of the command.
-Thus combinators that produce arrows from arrows
-may also be used to build commands from commands.
-For example, the <literal>ArrowPlus</literal> class includes a combinator
-ArrowPlus a => (&lt;+>) :: a b c -> a b c -> a b c
-so we can use it to build commands:
-expr' = proc x -> do
- returnA -&lt; x
- &lt;+> do
- symbol Plus -&lt; ()
- y &lt;- term -&lt; ()
- expr' -&lt; x + y
- &lt;+> do
- symbol Minus -&lt; ()
- y &lt;- term -&lt; ()
- expr' -&lt; x - y
-(The <literal>do</literal> on the first line is needed to prevent the first
-<literal>&lt;+> ...</literal> from being interpreted as part of the
-expression on the previous line.)
-This is equivalent to
-expr' = (proc x -> returnA -&lt; x)
- &lt;+> (proc x -> do
- symbol Plus -&lt; ()
- y &lt;- term -&lt; ()
- expr' -&lt; x + y)
- &lt;+> (proc x -> do
- symbol Minus -&lt; ()
- y &lt;- term -&lt; ()
- expr' -&lt; x - y)
-We are actually using <literal>&lt;+></literal> here with the more specific type
-ArrowPlus a => (&lt;+>) :: a (e,()) c -> a (e,()) c -> a (e,()) c
-It is essential that this operator be polymorphic in <literal>e</literal>
-(representing the environment input to the command
-and thence to its subcommands)
-and satisfy the corresponding naturality property
-arr (first k) >>> (f &lt;+> g) = (arr (first k) >>> f) &lt;+> (arr (first k) >>> g)
-at least for strict <literal>k</literal>.
-(This should be automatic if you're not using <function>seq</function>.)
-This ensures that environments seen by the subcommands are environments
-of the whole command,
-and also allows the translation to safely trim these environments.
-(The second component of the input pairs can contain unnamed input values,
-as described in the next section.)
-The operator must also not use any variable defined within the current
-arrow abstraction.
-We could define our own operator
-untilA :: ArrowChoice a => a (e,s) () -> a (e,s) Bool -> a (e,s) ()
-untilA body cond = proc x ->
- b &lt;- cond -&lt; x
- if b then returnA -&lt; ()
- else do
- body -&lt; x
- untilA body cond -&lt; x
-and use it in the same way.
-Of course this infix syntax only makes sense for binary operators;
-there is also a more general syntax involving special brackets:
-proc x -> do
- y &lt;- f -&lt; x+1
- (|untilA (increment -&lt; x+y) (within 0.5 -&lt; x)|)
-<title>Primitive constructs</title>
-Some operators will need to pass additional inputs to their subcommands.
-For example, in an arrow type supporting exceptions,
-the operator that attaches an exception handler will wish to pass the
-exception that occurred to the handler.
-Such an operator might have a type
-handleA :: ... => a (e,s) c -> a (e,(Ex,s)) c -> a (e,s) c
-where <literal>Ex</literal> is the type of exceptions handled.
-You could then use this with arrow notation by writing a command
-body `handleA` \ ex -> handler
-so that if an exception is raised in the command <literal>body</literal>,
-the variable <literal>ex</literal> is bound to the value of the exception
-and the command <literal>handler</literal>,
-which typically refers to <literal>ex</literal>, is entered.
-Though the syntax here looks like a functional lambda,
-we are talking about commands, and something different is going on.
-The input to the arrow represented by a command consists of values for
-the free local variables in the command, plus a stack of anonymous values.
-In all the prior examples, we made no assumptions about this stack.
-In the second argument to <function>handleA</function>,
-the value of the exception has been added to the stack input to the handler.
-The command form of lambda merely gives this value a name.
-More concretely,
-the input to a command consists of a pair of an environment and a stack.
-Each value on the stack is paired with the remainder of the stack,
-with an empty stack being <literal>()</literal>.
-So operators like <function>handleA</function> that pass
-extra inputs to their subcommands can be designed for use with the notation
-by placing the values on the stack paired with the environment in this way.
-More precisely, the type of each argument of the operator (and its result)
-should have the form
-a (e, (t1, ... (tn, ())...)) t
-where <replaceable>e</replaceable> is a polymorphic variable
-(representing the environment)
-and <replaceable>ti</replaceable> are the types of the values on the stack,
-with <replaceable>t1</replaceable> being the <quote>top</quote>.
-The polymorphic variable <replaceable>e</replaceable> must not occur in
-<replaceable>a</replaceable>, <replaceable>ti</replaceable> or
-However the arrows involved need not be the same.
-Here are some more examples of suitable operators:
-bracketA :: ... => a (e,s) b -> a (e,(b,s)) c -> a (e,(c,s)) d -> a (e,s) d
-runReader :: ... => a (e,s) c -> a' (e,(State,s)) c
-runState :: ... => a (e,s) c -> a' (e,(State,s)) (c,State)
-We can supply the extra input required by commands built with the last two
-by applying them to ordinary expressions, as in
-proc x -> do
- s &lt;- ...
- (|runReader (do { ... })|) s
-which adds <literal>s</literal> to the stack of inputs to the command
-built using <function>runReader</function>.
-The command versions of lambda abstraction and application are analogous to
-the expression versions.
-In particular, the beta and eta rules describe equivalences of commands.
-These three features (operators, lambda abstraction and application)
-are the core of the notation; everything else can be built using them,
-though the results would be somewhat clumsy.
-For example, we could simulate <literal>do</literal>-notation by defining
-bind :: Arrow a => a (e,s) b -> a (e,(b,s)) c -> a (e,s) c
-u `bind` f = returnA &amp;&amp;&amp; u >>> f
-bind_ :: Arrow a => a (e,s) b -> a (e,s) c -> a (e,s) c
-u `bind_` f = u `bind` (arr fst >>> f)
-We could simulate <literal>if</literal> by defining
-cond :: ArrowChoice a => a (e,s) b -> a (e,s) b -> a (e,(Bool,s)) b
-cond f g = arr (\ (e,(b,s)) -> if b then Left (e,s) else Right (e,s)) >>> f ||| g
-<title>Differences with the paper</title>
-<para>Instead of a single form of arrow application (arrow tail) with two
-translations, the implementation provides two forms
-<quote><literal>-&lt;</literal></quote> (first-order)
-and <quote><literal>-&lt;&lt;</literal></quote> (higher-order).
-<para>User-defined operators are flagged with banana brackets instead of
-a new <literal>form</literal> keyword.
-<para>In the paper and the previous implementation,
-values on the stack were paired to the right of the environment
-in a single argument,
-but now the environment and stack are separate arguments.
-Although only GHC implements arrow notation directly,
-there is also a preprocessor
-(available from the
-<ulink url="">arrows web page</ulink>)
-that translates arrow notation into Haskell 98
-for use with other Haskell systems.
-You would still want to check arrow programs with GHC;
-tracing type errors in the preprocessor output is not easy.
-Modules intended for both GHC and the preprocessor must observe some
-additional restrictions:
-The module must import
-<ulink url="&libraryBaseLocation;/Control-Arrow.html"><literal>Control.Arrow</literal></ulink>.
-The preprocessor cannot cope with other Haskell extensions.
-These would have to go in separate modules.
-Because the preprocessor targets Haskell (rather than Core),
-<literal>let</literal>-bound variables are monomorphic.
-<!-- ==================== BANG PATTERNS ================= -->
-<sect1 id="bang-patterns">
-<title>Bang patterns
-<indexterm><primary>Bang patterns</primary></indexterm>
-<para>GHC supports an extension of pattern matching called <emphasis>bang
-patterns</emphasis>, written <literal>!<replaceable>pat</replaceable></literal>.
-Bang patterns are under consideration for Haskell Prime.
-The <ulink
-prime feature description</ulink> contains more discussion and examples
-than the material below.
-The key change is the addition of a new rule to the
-<ulink url="">semantics of pattern matching in the Haskell 98 report</ulink>.
-Add new bullet 10, saying: Matching the pattern <literal>!</literal><replaceable>pat</replaceable>
-against a value <replaceable>v</replaceable> behaves as follows:
-<listitem><para>if <replaceable>v</replaceable> is bottom, the match diverges</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>otherwise, <replaceable>pat</replaceable> is matched against <replaceable>v</replaceable> </para></listitem>
-Bang patterns are enabled by the flag <option>-XBangPatterns</option>.
-<sect2 id="bang-patterns-informal">
-<title>Informal description of bang patterns
-The main idea is to add a single new production to the syntax of patterns:
- pat ::= !pat
-Matching an expression <literal>e</literal> against a pattern <literal>!p</literal> is done by first
-evaluating <literal>e</literal> (to WHNF) and then matching the result against <literal>p</literal>.
-f1 !x = True
-This definition makes <literal>f1</literal> is strict in <literal>x</literal>,
-whereas without the bang it would be lazy.
-Bang patterns can be nested of course:
-f2 (!x, y) = [x,y]
-Here, <literal>f2</literal> is strict in <literal>x</literal> but not in
-A bang only really has an effect if it precedes a variable or wild-card pattern:
-f3 !(x,y) = [x,y]
-f4 (x,y) = [x,y]
-Here, <literal>f3</literal> and <literal>f4</literal> are identical;
-putting a bang before a pattern that
-forces evaluation anyway does nothing.
-There is one (apparent) exception to this general rule that a bang only
-makes a difference when it precedes a variable or wild-card: a bang at the
-top level of a <literal>let</literal> or <literal>where</literal>
-binding makes the binding strict, regardless of the pattern.
-(We say "apparent" exception because the Right Way to think of it is that the bang
-at the top of a binding is not part of the <emphasis>pattern</emphasis>; rather it
-is part of the syntax of the <emphasis>binding</emphasis>,
-creating a "bang-pattern binding".)
-For example:
-let ![x,y] = e in b
-is a bang-pattern binding. Operationally, it behaves just like a case expression:
-case e of [x,y] -> b
-Like a case expression, a bang-pattern binding must be non-recursive, and
-is monomorphic.
-However, <emphasis>nested</emphasis> bangs in a pattern binding behave uniformly with all other forms of
-pattern matching. For example
-let (!x,[y]) = e in b
-is equivalent to this:
-let { t = case e of (x,[y]) -> x `seq` (x,y)
- x = fst t
- y = snd t }
-in b
-The binding is lazy, but when either <literal>x</literal> or <literal>y</literal> is
-evaluated by <literal>b</literal> the entire pattern is matched, including forcing the
-evaluation of <literal>x</literal>.
-Bang patterns work in <literal>case</literal> expressions too, of course:
-g5 x = let y = f x in body
-g6 x = case f x of { y -&gt; body }
-g7 x = case f x of { !y -&gt; body }
-The functions <literal>g5</literal> and <literal>g6</literal> mean exactly the same thing.
-But <literal>g7</literal> evaluates <literal>(f x)</literal>, binds <literal>y</literal> to the
-result, and then evaluates <literal>body</literal>.
-<sect2 id="bang-patterns-sem">
-<title>Syntax and semantics
-We add a single new production to the syntax of patterns:
- pat ::= !pat
-There is one problem with syntactic ambiguity. Consider:
-f !x = 3
-Is this a definition of the infix function "<literal>(!)</literal>",
-or of the "<literal>f</literal>" with a bang pattern? GHC resolves this
-ambiguity in favour of the latter. If you want to define
-<literal>(!)</literal> with bang-patterns enabled, you have to do so using
-prefix notation:
-(!) f x = 3
-The semantics of Haskell pattern matching is described in <ulink
-Section 3.17.2</ulink> of the Haskell Report. To this description add
-one extra item 10, saying:
-the pattern <literal>!pat</literal> against a value <literal>v</literal> behaves as follows:
-<itemizedlist><listitem><para>if <literal>v</literal> is bottom, the match diverges</para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>otherwise, <literal>pat</literal> is matched against
- <literal>v</literal></para></listitem>
-Similarly, in Figure 4 of <ulink url="">
-Section 3.17.3</ulink>, add a new case (t):
-case v of { !pat -> e; _ -> e' }
- = v `seq` case v of { pat -> e; _ -> e' }
-That leaves let expressions, whose translation is given in
-<ulink url="">Section
-of the Haskell Report.
-In the translation box, first apply
-the following transformation: for each pattern <literal>pi</literal> that is of
-form <literal>!qi = ei</literal>, transform it to <literal>(xi,!qi) = ((),ei)</literal>, and replace <literal>e0</literal>
-by <literal>(xi `seq` e0)</literal>. Then, when none of the left-hand-side patterns
-have a bang at the top, apply the rules in the existing box.
-<para>The effect of the let rule is to force complete matching of the pattern
-<literal>qi</literal> before evaluation of the body is begun. The bang is
-retained in the translated form in case <literal>qi</literal> is a variable,
- let !y = f x in b
-The let-binding can be recursive. However, it is much more common for
-the let-binding to be non-recursive, in which case the following law holds:
-<literal>(let !p = rhs in body)</literal>
- is equivalent to
-<literal>(case rhs of !p -> body)</literal>
-A pattern with a bang at the outermost level is not allowed at the top level of
-a module.
-<!-- ==================== ASSERTIONS ================= -->
-<sect1 id="assertions">
-If you want to make use of assertions in your standard Haskell code, you
-could define a function like the following:
-assert :: Bool -> a -> a
-assert False x = error "assertion failed!"
-assert _ x = x
-which works, but gives you back a less than useful error message --
-an assertion failed, but which and where?
-One way out is to define an extended <function>assert</function> function which also
-takes a descriptive string to include in the error message and
-perhaps combine this with the use of a pre-processor which inserts
-the source location where <function>assert</function> was used.
-Ghc offers a helping hand here, doing all of this for you. For every
-use of <function>assert</function> in the user's source:
-kelvinToC :: Double -> Double
-kelvinToC k = assert (k &gt;= 0.0) (k+273.15)
-Ghc will rewrite this to also include the source location where the
-assertion was made,
-assert pred val ==> assertError "Main.hs|15" pred val
-The rewrite is only performed by the compiler when it spots
-applications of <function>Control.Exception.assert</function>, so you
-can still define and use your own versions of
-<function>assert</function>, should you so wish. If not, import
-<literal>Control.Exception</literal> to make use
-<function>assert</function> in your code.
-GHC ignores assertions when optimisation is turned on with the
- <option>-O</option><indexterm><primary><option>-O</option></primary></indexterm> flag. That is, expressions of the form
-<literal>assert pred e</literal> will be rewritten to
-<literal>e</literal>. You can also disable assertions using the
- <option>-fignore-asserts</option>
- option<indexterm><primary><option>-fignore-asserts</option></primary>
- </indexterm>. The option <option>-fno-ignore-asserts</option> allows
-enabling assertions even when optimisation is turned on.
-Assertion failures can be caught, see the documentation for the
-<literal>Control.Exception</literal> library for the details.
-<!-- =============================== STATIC POINTERS =========================== -->
-<sect1 id="static-pointers">
-<title>Static pointers
-<indexterm><primary>Static pointers</primary></indexterm>
-The language extension <literal>-XStaticPointers</literal> adds a new
-syntactic form <literal>static <replaceable>e</replaceable></literal>,
-which stands for a reference to the closed expression
-<replaceable>e</replaceable>. This reference is stable and portable,
-in the sense that it remains valid across different processes on
-possibly different machines. Thus, a process can create a reference
-and send it to another process that can resolve it to
-With this extension turned on, <literal>static</literal> is no longer
-a valid identifier.
-Static pointers were first proposed in the paper <ulink
-Towards Haskell in the cloud</ulink>, Jeff Epstein, Andrew P. Black and Simon
-Peyton-Jones, Proceedings of the 4th ACM Symposium on Haskell, pp.
-118-129, ACM, 2011.
-<sect2 id="using-static-pointers">
-<title>Using static pointers</title>
-Each reference is given a key which can be used to locate it at runtime with
-<ulink url="&libraryBaseLocation;/GHC.StaticPtr.html#v%3AunsafeLookupStaticPtr"><literal>unsafeLookupStaticPtr</literal></ulink>
-which uses a global and immutable table called the Static Pointer Table.
-The compiler includes entries in this table for all static forms found in
-the linked modules. The value can be obtained from the reference via
-<ulink url="&libraryBaseLocation;/GHC.StaticPtr.html#v%3AdeRefStaticPtr"><literal>deRefStaticPtr</literal></ulink>
-The body <literal>e</literal> of a <literal>static
-e</literal> expression must be a closed expression. That is, there can
-be no free variables occurring in <literal>e</literal>, i.e. lambda-
-or let-bound variables bound locally in the context of the expression.
-All of the following are permissible:
-inc :: Int -> Int
-inc x = x + 1
-ref1 = static 1
-ref2 = static inc
-ref3 = static (inc 1)
-ref4 = static ((\x -> x + 1) (1 :: Int))
-ref5 y = static (let x = 1 in x)
-While the following definitions are rejected:
-ref6 = let x = 1 in static x
-ref7 y = static (let x = 1 in y)
-<sect2 id="typechecking-static-pointers">
-<title>Static semantics of static pointers</title>
-Informally, if we have a closed expression
-e :: forall a_1 ... a_n . t
-the static form is of type
-static e :: (Typeable a_1, ... , Typeable a_n) => StaticPtr t
-Furthermore, type <literal>t</literal> is constrained to have a
-<literal>Typeable</literal> instance.
-The following are therefore illegal:
-static show -- No Typeable instance for (Show a => a -> String)
-static Control.Monad.ST.runST -- No Typeable instance for ((forall s. ST s a) -> a)
-That being said, with the appropriate use of wrapper datatypes, the
-above limitations induce no loss of generality:
-{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StaticPointers #-}
-import Control.Monad.ST
-import Data.Typeable
-import GHC.StaticPtr
-data Dict c = c => Dict
- deriving Typeable
-g1 :: Typeable a => StaticPtr (Dict (Show a) -> a -> String)
-g1 = static (\Dict -> show)
-data Rank2Wrapper f = R2W (forall s. f s)
- deriving Typeable
-newtype Flip f a s = Flip { unFlip :: f s a }
- deriving Typeable
-g2 :: Typeable a => StaticPtr (Rank2Wrapper (Flip ST a) -> a)
-g2 = static (\(R2W f) -> runST (unFlip f))
-<!-- =============================== PRAGMAS =========================== -->
- <sect1 id="pragmas">
- <title>Pragmas</title>
- <indexterm><primary>pragma</primary></indexterm>
- <para>GHC supports several pragmas, or instructions to the
- compiler placed in the source code. Pragmas don't normally affect
- the meaning of the program, but they might affect the efficiency
- of the generated code.</para>
- <para>Pragmas all take the form
-<literal>{-# <replaceable>word</replaceable> ... #-}</literal>
- where <replaceable>word</replaceable> indicates the type of
- pragma, and is followed optionally by information specific to that
- type of pragma. Case is ignored in
- <replaceable>word</replaceable>. The various values for
- <replaceable>word</replaceable> that GHC understands are described
- in the following sections; any pragma encountered with an
- unrecognised <replaceable>word</replaceable> is
- ignored. The layout rule applies in pragmas, so the closing <literal>#-}</literal>
- should start in a column to the right of the opening <literal>{-#</literal>. </para>
- <para>Certain pragmas are <emphasis>file-header pragmas</emphasis>:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para>
- A file-header
- pragma must precede the <literal>module</literal> keyword in the file.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- There can be as many file-header pragmas as you please, and they can be
- preceded or followed by comments.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- File-header pragmas are read once only, before
- pre-processing the file (e.g. with cpp).
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para>
- The file-header pragmas are: <literal>{-# LANGUAGE #-}</literal>,
- <literal>{-# OPTIONS_GHC #-}</literal>, and
- <literal>{-# INCLUDE #-}</literal>.
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- </para>
- <sect2 id="language-pragma">
- <title>LANGUAGE pragma</title>
- <indexterm><primary>LANGUAGE</primary><secondary>pragma</secondary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>pragma</primary><secondary>LANGUAGE</secondary></indexterm>
- <para>The <literal>LANGUAGE</literal> pragma allows language extensions to be enabled
- in a portable way.
- It is the intention that all Haskell compilers support the
- <literal>LANGUAGE</literal> pragma with the same syntax, although not
- all extensions are supported by all compilers, of
- course. The <literal>LANGUAGE</literal> pragma should be used instead
- of <literal>OPTIONS_GHC</literal>, if possible.</para>
- <para>For example, to enable the FFI and preprocessing with CPP:</para>
-<programlisting>{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, CPP #-}</programlisting>
- <para><literal>LANGUAGE</literal> is a file-header pragma (see <xref linkend="pragmas"/>).</para>
- <para>Every language extension can also be turned into a command-line flag
- by prefixing it with "<literal>-X</literal>"; for example <option>-XForeignFunctionInterface</option>.
- (Similarly, all "<literal>-X</literal>" flags can be written as <literal>LANGUAGE</literal> pragmas.)
- </para>
- <para>A list of all supported language extensions can be obtained by invoking
- <literal>ghc --supported-extensions</literal> (see <xref linkend="modes"/>).</para>
- <para>Any extension from the <literal>Extension</literal> type defined in
- <ulink
- url="&libraryCabalLocation;/Language-Haskell-Extension.html"><literal>Language.Haskell.Extension</literal></ulink>
- may be used. GHC will report an error if any of the requested extensions are not supported.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="options-pragma">
- <title>OPTIONS_GHC pragma</title>
- <indexterm><primary>OPTIONS_GHC</primary>
- </indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>pragma</primary><secondary>OPTIONS_GHC</secondary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>The <literal>OPTIONS_GHC</literal> pragma is used to specify
- additional options that are given to the compiler when compiling
- this source file. See <xref linkend="source-file-options"/> for
- details.</para>
- <para>Previous versions of GHC accepted <literal>OPTIONS</literal> rather
- than <literal>OPTIONS_GHC</literal>, but that is now deprecated.</para>
- </sect2>
- <para><literal>OPTIONS_GHC</literal> is a file-header pragma (see <xref linkend="pragmas"/>).</para>
- <sect2 id="include-pragma">
- <title>INCLUDE pragma</title>
- <para>The <literal>INCLUDE</literal> used to be necessary for
- specifying header files to be included when using the FFI and
- compiling via C. It is no longer required for GHC, but is
- accepted (and ignored) for compatibility with other
- compilers.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="warning-deprecated-pragma">
- <title>WARNING and DEPRECATED pragmas</title>
- <indexterm><primary>WARNING</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>DEPRECATED</primary></indexterm>
- <para>The WARNING pragma allows you to attach an arbitrary warning
- to a particular function, class, or type.
- A DEPRECATED pragma lets you specify that
- a particular function, class, or type is deprecated.
- There are two ways of using these pragmas.
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>You can work on an entire module thus:</para>
- module Wibble {-# DEPRECATED "Use Wobble instead" #-} where
- ...
- <para>Or:</para>
- module Wibble {-# WARNING "This is an unstable interface." #-} where
- ...
- <para>When you compile any module that import
- <literal>Wibble</literal>, GHC will print the specified
- message.</para>
- </listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>You can attach a warning to a function, class, type, or data constructor, with the
- following top-level declarations:</para>
- {-# DEPRECATED f, C, T "Don't use these" #-}
- {-# WARNING unsafePerformIO "This is unsafe; I hope you know what you're doing" #-}
- <para>When you compile any module that imports and uses any
- of the specified entities, GHC will print the specified
- message.</para>
- <para> You can only attach to entities declared at top level in the module
- being compiled, and you can only use unqualified names in the list of
- entities. A capitalised name, such as <literal>T</literal>
- refers to <emphasis>either</emphasis> the type constructor <literal>T</literal>
- <emphasis>or</emphasis> the data constructor <literal>T</literal>, or both if
- both are in scope. If both are in scope, there is currently no way to
- specify one without the other (c.f. fixities
- <xref linkend="infix-tycons"/>).</para>
- </listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- Warnings and deprecations are not reported for
- (a) uses within the defining module,
- (b) defining a method in a class instance, and
- (c) uses in an export list.
- The latter reduces spurious complaints within a library
- in which one module gathers together and re-exports
- the exports of several others.
- </para>
- <para>You can suppress the warnings with the flag
- <option>-fno-warn-warnings-deprecations</option>.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="minimal-pragma">
- <title>MINIMAL pragma</title>
- <indexterm><primary>MINIMAL</primary></indexterm>
- <para>The MINIMAL pragma is used to specify the minimal complete definition of a class. I.e. specify which methods must be implemented by all instances. If an instance does not satisfy the minimal complete definition, then a warning is generated.
- This can be useful when a class has methods with circular defaults. For example
- </para>
-class Eq a where
- (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
- (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
- x == y = not (x /= y)
- x /= y = not (x == y)
- {-# MINIMAL (==) | (/=) #-}
- <para>Without the MINIMAL pragma no warning would be generated for an instance that implements neither method.
- </para>
- <para>The syntax for minimal complete definition is:</para>
-mindef ::= name
- | '(' mindef ')'
- | mindef '|' mindef
- | mindef ',' mindef
- <para>A vertical bar denotes disjunction, i.e. one of the two sides is required.
- A comma denotes conjunction, i.e. both sides are required.
- Conjunction binds stronger than disjunction.</para>
- <para>
- If no MINIMAL pragma is given in the class declaration, it is just as if
- a pragma <literal>{-# MINIMAL op1, op2, ..., opn #-}</literal> was given, where
- the <literal>opi</literal> are the methods
- (a) that lack a default method in the class declaration, and
- (b) whose name that does not start with an underscore
- (c.f. <option>-fwarn-missing-methods</option>, <xref linkend="options-sanity"/>).
- </para>
- <para>This warning can be turned off with the flag <option>-fno-warn-missing-methods</option>.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="inline-noinline-pragma">
- <title>INLINE and NOINLINE pragmas</title>
- <para>These pragmas control the inlining of function
- definitions.</para>
- <sect3 id="inline-pragma">
- <title>INLINE pragma</title>
- <indexterm><primary>INLINE</primary></indexterm>
- <para>
- GHC (with <option>-O</option>, as always) tries to inline
- (or &ldquo;unfold&rdquo;) functions/values that are
- &ldquo;small enough,&rdquo; thus avoiding the call overhead
- and possibly exposing other more-wonderful optimisations.
- GHC has a set of heuristics, tuned over a long period of
- time using many benchmarks, that decide when it is
- beneficial to inline a function at its call site. The
- heuristics are designed to inline functions when it appears
- to be beneficial to do so, but without incurring excessive
- code bloat. If a function looks too big, it won't be
- inlined, and functions larger than a certain size will not
- even have their definition exported in the interface file.
- Some of the thresholds that govern these heuristic decisions
- can be changed using flags, see <xref linkend="options-f"
- />.
- </para>
- <para>
- Normally GHC will do a reasonable job of deciding by itself
- when it is a good idea to inline a function. However,
- sometimes you might want to override the default behaviour.
- For example, if you have a key function that is important to
- inline because it leads to further optimisations, but GHC
- judges it to be too big to inline.
- </para>
- <para>The sledgehammer you can bring to bear is the
- <literal>INLINE</literal><indexterm><primary>INLINE
- pragma</primary></indexterm> pragma, used thusly:</para>
-key_function :: Int -> String -> (Bool, Double)
-{-# INLINE key_function #-}
- <para>The major effect of an <literal>INLINE</literal> pragma
- is to declare a function's &ldquo;cost&rdquo; to be very low.
- The normal unfolding machinery will then be very keen to
- inline it. However, an <literal>INLINE</literal> pragma for a
- function "<literal>f</literal>" has a number of other effects:
-While GHC is keen to inline the function, it does not do so
-blindly. For example, if you write
-map key_function xs
-there really isn't any point in inlining <literal>key_function</literal> to get
-map (\x -> <replaceable>body</replaceable>) xs
-In general, GHC only inlines the function if there is some reason (no matter
-how slight) to suppose that it is useful to do so.
-Moreover, GHC will only inline the function if it is <emphasis>fully applied</emphasis>,
-where "fully applied"
-means applied to as many arguments as appear (syntactically)
-on the LHS of the function
-definition. For example:
-comp1 :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
-{-# INLINE comp1 #-}
-comp1 f g = \x -> f (g x)
-comp2 :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
-{-# INLINE comp2 #-}
-comp2 f g x = f (g x)
-The two functions <literal>comp1</literal> and <literal>comp2</literal> have the
-same semantics, but <literal>comp1</literal> will be inlined when applied
-to <emphasis>two</emphasis> arguments, while <literal>comp2</literal> requires
-<emphasis>three</emphasis>. This might make a big difference if you say
-map (not `comp1` not) xs
-which will optimise better than the corresponding use of `comp2`.
-It is useful for GHC to optimise the definition of an
-INLINE function <literal>f</literal> just like any other non-INLINE function,
-in case the non-inlined version of <literal>f</literal> is
-ultimately called. But we don't want to inline
-the <emphasis>optimised</emphasis> version
-of <literal>f</literal>;
-a major reason for INLINE pragmas is to expose functions
-in <literal>f</literal>'s RHS that have
-rewrite rules, and it's no good if those functions have been optimised
-So <emphasis>GHC guarantees to inline precisely the code that you wrote</emphasis>, no more
-and no less. It does this by capturing a copy of the definition of the function to use
-for inlining (we call this the "inline-RHS"), which it leaves untouched,
-while optimising the ordinarily RHS as usual. For externally-visible functions
-the inline-RHS (not the optimised RHS) is recorded in the interface file.
-An INLINE function is not worker/wrappered by strictness analysis.
-It's going to be inlined wholesale instead.
-<para>GHC ensures that inlining cannot go on forever: every mutually-recursive
-group is cut by one or more <emphasis>loop breakers</emphasis> that is never inlined
-(see <ulink url="">
-Secrets of the GHC inliner, JFP 12(4) July 2002</ulink>).
-GHC tries not to select a function with an INLINE pragma as a loop breaker, but
-when there is no choice even an INLINE function can be selected, in which case
-the INLINE pragma is ignored.
-For example, for a self-recursive function, the loop breaker can only be the function
-itself, so an INLINE pragma is always ignored.</para>
- <para>Syntactically, an <literal>INLINE</literal> pragma for a
- function can be put anywhere its type signature could be
- put.</para>
- <para><literal>INLINE</literal> pragmas are a particularly
- good idea for the
- <literal>then</literal>/<literal>return</literal> (or
- <literal>bind</literal>/<literal>unit</literal>) functions in
- a monad. For example, in GHC's own
- <literal>UniqueSupply</literal> monad code, we have:</para>
-{-# INLINE thenUs #-}
-{-# INLINE returnUs #-}
- <para>See also the <literal>NOINLINE</literal> (<xref linkend="noinline-pragma"/>)
- and <literal>INLINABLE</literal> (<xref linkend="inlinable-pragma"/>)
- pragmas.</para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="inlinable-pragma">
- <title>INLINABLE pragma</title>
-<para>An <literal>{-# INLINABLE f #-}</literal> pragma on a
-function <literal>f</literal> has the following behaviour:
-While <literal>INLINE</literal> says "please inline me", the <literal>INLINABLE</literal>
-says "feel free to inline me; use your
-discretion". In other words the choice is left to GHC, which uses the same
-rules as for pragma-free functions. Unlike <literal>INLINE</literal>, that decision is made at
-the <emphasis>call site</emphasis>, and
-will therefore be affected by the inlining threshold, optimisation level etc.
-Like <literal>INLINE</literal>, the <literal>INLINABLE</literal> pragma retains a
-copy of the original RHS for
-inlining purposes, and persists it in the interface file, regardless of
-the size of the RHS.
-One way to use <literal>INLINABLE</literal> is in conjunction with
-the special function <literal>inline</literal> (<xref linkend="special-ids"/>).
-The call <literal>inline f</literal> tries very hard to inline <literal>f</literal>.
-To make sure that <literal>f</literal> can be inlined,
-it is a good idea to mark the definition
-of <literal>f</literal> as <literal>INLINABLE</literal>,
-so that GHC guarantees to expose an unfolding regardless of how big it is.
-Moreover, by annotating <literal>f</literal> as <literal>INLINABLE</literal>,
-you ensure that <literal>f</literal>'s original RHS is inlined, rather than
-whatever random optimised version of <literal>f</literal> GHC's optimiser
-has produced.
-The <literal>INLINABLE</literal> pragma also works with <literal>SPECIALISE</literal>:
-if you mark function <literal>f</literal> as <literal>INLINABLE</literal>, then
-you can subsequently <literal>SPECIALISE</literal> in another module
-(see <xref linkend="specialize-pragma"/>).</para></listitem>
-Unlike <literal>INLINE</literal>, it is OK to use
-an <literal>INLINABLE</literal> pragma on a recursive function.
-The principal reason do to so to allow later use of <literal>SPECIALISE</literal>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="noinline-pragma">
- <title>NOINLINE pragma</title>
- <indexterm><primary>NOINLINE</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>NOTINLINE</primary></indexterm>
- <para>The <literal>NOINLINE</literal> pragma does exactly what
- you'd expect: it stops the named function from being inlined
- by the compiler. You shouldn't ever need to do this, unless
- you're very cautious about code size.</para>
- <para><literal>NOTINLINE</literal> is a synonym for
- <literal>NOINLINE</literal> (<literal>NOINLINE</literal> is
- specified by Haskell 98 as the standard way to disable
- inlining, so it should be used if you want your code to be
- portable).</para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="conlike-pragma">
- <title>CONLIKE modifier</title>
- <indexterm><primary>CONLIKE</primary></indexterm>
- <para>An INLINE or NOINLINE pragma may have a CONLIKE modifier,
- which affects matching in RULEs (only). See <xref linkend="conlike"/>.
- </para>
- </sect3>
- <sect3 id="phase-control">
- <title>Phase control</title>
- <para> Sometimes you want to control exactly when in GHC's
- pipeline the INLINE pragma is switched on. Inlining happens
- only during runs of the <emphasis>simplifier</emphasis>. Each
- run of the simplifier has a different <emphasis>phase
- number</emphasis>; the phase number decreases towards zero.
- If you use <option>-dverbose-core2core</option> you'll see the
- sequence of phase numbers for successive runs of the
- simplifier. In an INLINE pragma you can optionally specify a
- phase number, thus:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem>
- <para>"<literal>INLINE[k] f</literal>" means: do not inline
- <literal>f</literal>
- until phase <literal>k</literal>, but from phase
- <literal>k</literal> onwards be very keen to inline it.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>"<literal>INLINE[~k] f</literal>" means: be very keen to inline
- <literal>f</literal>
- until phase <literal>k</literal>, but from phase
- <literal>k</literal> onwards do not inline it.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>"<literal>NOINLINE[k] f</literal>" means: do not inline
- <literal>f</literal>
- until phase <literal>k</literal>, but from phase
- <literal>k</literal> onwards be willing to inline it (as if
- there was no pragma).
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem>
- <para>"<literal>NOINLINE[~k] f</literal>" means: be willing to inline
- <literal>f</literal>
- until phase <literal>k</literal>, but from phase
- <literal>k</literal> onwards do not inline it.
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
-The same information is summarised here:
- -- Before phase 2 Phase 2 and later
- {-# INLINE [2] f #-} -- No Yes
- {-# INLINE [~2] f #-} -- Yes No
- {-# NOINLINE [2] f #-} -- No Maybe
- {-# NOINLINE [~2] f #-} -- Maybe No
- {-# INLINE f #-} -- Yes Yes
- {-# NOINLINE f #-} -- No No
-By "Maybe" we mean that the usual heuristic inlining rules apply (if the
-function body is small, or it is applied to interesting-looking arguments etc).
-Another way to understand the semantics is this:
-<listitem><para>For both INLINE and NOINLINE, the phase number says
-when inlining is allowed at all.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>The INLINE pragma has the additional effect of making the
-function body look small, so that when inlining is allowed it is very likely to
-<para>The same phase-numbering control is available for RULES
- (<xref linkend="rewrite-rules"/>).</para>
- </sect3>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="line-pragma">
- <title>LINE pragma</title>
- <indexterm><primary>LINE</primary><secondary>pragma</secondary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>pragma</primary><secondary>LINE</secondary></indexterm>
- <para>This pragma is similar to C's <literal>&num;line</literal>
- pragma, and is mainly for use in automatically generated Haskell
- code. It lets you specify the line number and filename of the
- original code; for example</para>
-<programlisting>{-# LINE 42 "Foo.vhs" #-}</programlisting>
- <para>if you'd generated the current file from something called
- <filename>Foo.vhs</filename> and this line corresponds to line
- 42 in the original. GHC will adjust its error messages to refer
- to the line/file named in the <literal>LINE</literal>
- pragma.</para>
- <para><literal>LINE</literal> pragmas generated from Template Haskell set
- the file and line position for the duration of the splice and are limited
- to the splice. Note that because Template Haskell splices abstract syntax,
- the file positions are not automatically advanced.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="rules">
- <title>RULES pragma</title>
- <para>The RULES pragma lets you specify rewrite rules. It is
- described in <xref linkend="rewrite-rules"/>.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="specialize-pragma">
- <title>SPECIALIZE pragma</title>
- <indexterm><primary>SPECIALIZE pragma</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>pragma, SPECIALIZE</primary></indexterm>
- <indexterm><primary>overloading, death to</primary></indexterm>
- <para>(UK spelling also accepted.) For key overloaded
- functions, you can create extra versions (NB: more code space)
- specialised to particular types. Thus, if you have an
- overloaded function:</para>
- hammeredLookup :: Ord key => [(key, value)] -> key -> value
- <para>If it is heavily used on lists with
- <literal>Widget</literal> keys, you could specialise it as
- follows:</para>
- {-# SPECIALIZE hammeredLookup :: [(Widget, value)] -> Widget -> value #-}
- <para>A <literal>SPECIALIZE</literal> pragma for a function can
- be put anywhere its type signature could be put. Moreover, you
- can also <literal>SPECIALIZE</literal> an <emphasis>imported</emphasis>
- function provided it was given an <literal>INLINABLE</literal> pragma at
- its definition site (<xref linkend="inlinable-pragma"/>).</para>
- <para>A <literal>SPECIALIZE</literal> has the effect of generating
- (a) a specialised version of the function and (b) a rewrite rule
- (see <xref linkend="rewrite-rules"/>) that rewrites a call to
- the un-specialised function into a call to the specialised one.
- Moreover, given a <literal>SPECIALIZE</literal> pragma for a
- function <literal>f</literal>, GHC will automatically create
- specialisations for any type-class-overloaded functions called
- by <literal>f</literal>, if they are in the same module as
- the <literal>SPECIALIZE</literal> pragma, or if they are
- <literal>INLINABLE</literal>; and so on, transitively.</para>
- <para>You can add phase control (<xref linkend="phase-control"/>)
- to the RULE generated by a <literal>SPECIALIZE</literal> pragma,
- just as you can if you write a RULE directly. For example:
- {-# SPECIALIZE [0] hammeredLookup :: [(Widget, value)] -> Widget -> value #-}
- generates a specialisation rule that only fires in Phase 0 (the final phase).
- If you do not specify any phase control in the <literal>SPECIALIZE</literal> pragma,
- the phase control is inherited from the inline pragma (if any) of the function.
- For example:
- foo :: Num a => a -> a
- foo = ...blah...
- {-# NOINLINE [0] foo #-}
- {-# SPECIALIZE foo :: Int -> Int #-}
- The <literal>NOINLINE</literal> pragma tells GHC not to inline <literal>foo</literal>
- until Phase 0; and this property is inherited by the specialisation RULE, which will
- therefore only fire in Phase 0.</para>
- <para>The main reason for using phase control on specialisations is so that you can
- write optimisation RULES that fire early in the compilation pipeline, and only
- <emphasis>then</emphasis> specialise the calls to the function. If specialisation is
- done too early, the optimisation rules might fail to fire.
- </para>
- <para>The type in a SPECIALIZE pragma can be any type that is less
- polymorphic than the type of the original function. In concrete terms,
- if the original function is <literal>f</literal> then the pragma
- {-# SPECIALIZE f :: &lt;type&gt; #-}
- is valid if and only if the definition
- f_spec :: &lt;type&gt;
- f_spec = f
- is valid. Here are some examples (where we only give the type signature
- for the original function, not its code):
- f :: Eq a => a -> b -> b
- {-# SPECIALISE f :: Int -> b -> b #-}
- g :: (Eq a, Ix b) => a -> b -> b
- {-# SPECIALISE g :: (Eq a) => a -> Int -> Int #-}
- h :: Eq a => a -> a -> a
- {-# SPECIALISE h :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a] #-}
-The last of these examples will generate a
-RULE with a somewhat-complex left-hand side (try it yourself), so it might not fire very
-well. If you use this kind of specialisation, let us know how well it works.
- <sect3 id="specialize-inline">
- <title>SPECIALIZE INLINE</title>
-<para>A <literal>SPECIALIZE</literal> pragma can optionally be followed with a
-<literal>INLINE</literal> or <literal>NOINLINE</literal> pragma, optionally
-followed by a phase, as described in <xref linkend="inline-noinline-pragma"/>.
-The <literal>INLINE</literal> pragma affects the specialised version of the
-function (only), and applies even if the function is recursive. The motivating
-example is this:
--- A GADT for arrays with type-indexed representation
-data Arr e where
- ArrInt :: !Int -> ByteArray# -> Arr Int
- ArrPair :: !Int -> Arr e1 -> Arr e2 -> Arr (e1, e2)
-(!:) :: Arr e -> Int -> e
-{-# SPECIALISE INLINE (!:) :: Arr Int -> Int -> Int #-}
-{-# SPECIALISE INLINE (!:) :: Arr (a, b) -> Int -> (a, b) #-}
-(ArrInt _ ba) !: (I# i) = I# (indexIntArray# ba i)
-(ArrPair _ a1 a2) !: i = (a1 !: i, a2 !: i)
-Here, <literal>(!:)</literal> is a recursive function that indexes arrays
-of type <literal>Arr e</literal>. Consider a call to <literal>(!:)</literal>
-at type <literal>(Int,Int)</literal>. The second specialisation will fire, and
-the specialised function will be inlined. It has two calls to
-both at type <literal>Int</literal>. Both these calls fire the first
-specialisation, whose body is also inlined. The result is a type-based
-unrolling of the indexing function.</para>
-<para>You can add explicit phase control (<xref linkend="phase-control"/>)
-to <literal>SPECIALISE INLINE</literal> pragma,
-just like on an <literal>INLINE</literal> pragma; if you do so, the same phase
-is used for the rewrite rule and the INLINE control of the specialised function.</para>
-<para>Warning: you can make GHC diverge by using <literal>SPECIALISE INLINE</literal>
-on an ordinarily-recursive function.</para>
-<sect3><title>SPECIALIZE for imported functions</title>
-Generally, you can only give a <literal>SPECIALIZE</literal> pragma
-for a function defined in the same module.
-However if a function <literal>f</literal> is given an <literal>INLINABLE</literal>
-pragma at its definition site, then it can subsequently be specialised by
-importing modules (see <xref linkend="inlinable-pragma"/>).
-For example
-module Map( lookup, blah blah ) where
- lookup :: Ord key => [(key,a)] -> key -> Maybe a
- lookup = ...
- {-# INLINABLE lookup #-}
-module Client where
- import Map( lookup )
- data T = T1 | T2 deriving( Eq, Ord )
- {-# SPECIALISE lookup :: [(T,a)] -> T -> Maybe a
-Here, <literal>lookup</literal> is declared <literal>INLINABLE</literal>, but
-it cannot be specialised for type <literal>T</literal> at its definition site,
-because that type does not exist yet. Instead a client module can define <literal>T</literal>
-and then specialise <literal>lookup</literal> at that type.
-Moreover, every module that imports <literal>Client</literal> (or imports a module
-that imports <literal>Client</literal>, transitively) will "see", and make use of,
-the specialised version of <literal>lookup</literal>. You don't need to put
-a <literal>SPECIALIZE</literal> pragma in every module.
-Moreover you often don't even need the <literal>SPECIALIZE</literal> pragma in the
-first place. When compiling a module M,
-GHC's optimiser (with -O) automatically considers each top-level
-overloaded function declared in M, and specialises it
-for the different types at which it is called in M. The optimiser
-<emphasis>also</emphasis> considers each <emphasis>imported</emphasis>
-<literal>INLINABLE</literal> overloaded function, and specialises it
-for the different types at which it is called in M.
-So in our example, it would be enough for <literal>lookup</literal> to
-be called at type <literal>T</literal>:
-module Client where
- import Map( lookup )
- data T = T1 | T2 deriving( Eq, Ord )
- findT1 :: [(T,a)] -> Maybe a
- findT1 m = lookup m T1 -- A call of lookup at type T
-However, sometimes there are no such calls, in which case the
-pragma can be useful.
-<sect3><title>Obsolete SPECIALIZE syntax</title>
- <para>Note: In earlier versions of GHC, it was possible to provide your own
- specialised function for a given type:
-{-# SPECIALIZE hammeredLookup :: [(Int, value)] -> Int -> value = intLookup #-}
- This feature has been removed, as it is now subsumed by the
- <literal>RULES</literal> pragma (see <xref linkend="rule-spec"/>).</para>
- </sect2>
-<sect2 id="specialize-instance-pragma">
-<title>SPECIALIZE instance pragma
-<indexterm><primary>SPECIALIZE pragma</primary></indexterm>
-<indexterm><primary>overloading, death to</primary></indexterm>
-Same idea, except for instance declarations. For example:
-instance (Eq a) => Eq (Foo a) where {
- {-# SPECIALIZE instance Eq (Foo [(Int, Bar)]) #-}
- ... usual stuff ...
- }
-The pragma must occur inside the <literal>where</literal> part
-of the instance declaration.
- <sect2 id="unpack-pragma">
- <title>UNPACK pragma</title>
- <indexterm><primary>UNPACK</primary></indexterm>
- <para>The <literal>UNPACK</literal> indicates to the compiler
- that it should unpack the contents of a constructor field into
- the constructor itself, removing a level of indirection. For
- example:</para>
-data T = T {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
- {-# UNPACK #-} !Float
- <para>will create a constructor <literal>T</literal> containing
- two unboxed floats. This may not always be an optimisation: if
- the <function>T</function> constructor is scrutinised and the
- floats passed to a non-strict function for example, they will
- have to be reboxed (this is done automatically by the
- compiler).</para>
- <para>Unpacking constructor fields should only be used in
- conjunction with <option>-O</option><footnote>in fact, UNPACK
- has no effect without <option>-O</option>, for technical
- reasons
- (see <ulink url="">tick
- 5252</ulink>)</footnote>, in order to expose
- unfoldings to the compiler so the reboxing can be removed as
- often as possible. For example:</para>
-f :: T -&#62; Float
-f (T f1 f2) = f1 + f2
- <para>The compiler will avoid reboxing <function>f1</function>
- and <function>f2</function> by inlining <function>+</function>
- on floats, but only when <option>-O</option> is on.</para>
- <para>Any single-constructor data is eligible for unpacking; for
- example</para>
-data T = T {-# UNPACK #-} !(Int,Int)
- <para>will store the two <literal>Int</literal>s directly in the
- <function>T</function> constructor, by flattening the pair.
- Multi-level unpacking is also supported:
-data T = T {-# UNPACK #-} !S
-data S = S {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
- will store two unboxed <literal>Int&num;</literal>s
- directly in the <function>T</function> constructor. The
- unpacker can see through newtypes, too.</para>
- <para>See also the <option>-funbox-strict-fields</option> flag,
- which essentially has the effect of adding
- <literal>{-#&nbsp;UNPACK&nbsp;#-}</literal> to every strict
- constructor field.</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="nounpack-pragma">
- <title>NOUNPACK pragma</title>
- <indexterm><primary>NOUNPACK</primary></indexterm>
- <para>The <literal>NOUNPACK</literal> pragma indicates to the compiler
- that it should not unpack the contents of a constructor field.
- Example:
- </para>
-data T = T {-# NOUNPACK #-} !(Int,Int)
- <para>
- Even with the flags
- <option>-funbox-strict-fields</option> and <option>-O</option>,
- the field of the constructor <function>T</function> is not
- unpacked.
- </para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2 id="source-pragma">
- <title>SOURCE pragma</title>
- <indexterm><primary>SOURCE</primary></indexterm>
- <para>The <literal>{-# SOURCE #-}</literal> pragma is used only in <literal>import</literal> declarations,
- to break a module loop. It is described in detail in <xref linkend="mutual-recursion"/>.
- </para>
-<sect2 id="overlap-pragma">
-The pragmas
- <literal>OVERLAPPING</literal>,
- <literal>OVERLAPPABLE</literal>,
- <literal>OVERLAPS</literal>,
- <literal>INCOHERENT</literal> are used to specify the overlap
-behavior for individual instances, as described in Section
-<xref linkend="instance-overlap"/>. The pragmas are written immediately
-after the <literal>instance</literal> keyword, like this:
-instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} C t where ...
-<!-- ======================= REWRITE RULES ======================== -->
-<sect1 id="rewrite-rules">
-<title>Rewrite rules
-<indexterm><primary>RULES pragma</primary></indexterm>
-<indexterm><primary>pragma, RULES</primary></indexterm>
-<indexterm><primary>rewrite rules</primary></indexterm></title>
-The programmer can specify rewrite rules as part of the source program
-(in a pragma).
-Here is an example:
- {-# RULES
- "map/map" forall f g xs. map f (map g xs) = map (f.g) xs
- #-}
-Use the debug flag <option>-ddump-simpl-stats</option> to see what rules fired.
-If you need more information, then <option>-ddump-rule-firings</option> shows you
-each individual rule firing and <option>-ddump-rule-rewrites</option> also shows what the code looks like before and after the rewrite.
-From a syntactic point of view:
- There may be zero or more rules in a <literal>RULES</literal> pragma, separated by semicolons (which
- may be generated by the layout rule).
-The layout rule applies in a pragma.
-Currently no new indentation level
-is set, so if you put several rules in single RULES pragma and wish to use layout to separate them,
-you must lay out the starting in the same column as the enclosing definitions.
- {-# RULES
- "map/map" forall f g xs. map f (map g xs) = map (f.g) xs
- "map/append" forall f xs ys. map f (xs ++ ys) = map f xs ++ map f ys
- #-}
-Furthermore, the closing <literal>#-}</literal>
-should start in a column to the right of the opening <literal>{-#</literal>.
- Each rule has a name, enclosed in double quotes. The name itself has
-no significance at all. It is only used when reporting how many times the rule fired.
-A rule may optionally have a phase-control number (see <xref linkend="phase-control"/>),
-immediately after the name of the rule. Thus:
- {-# RULES
- "map/map" [2] forall f g xs. map f (map g xs) = map (f.g) xs
- #-}
-The "[2]" means that the rule is active in Phase 2 and subsequent phases. The inverse
-notation "[~2]" is also accepted, meaning that the rule is active up to, but not including,
-Phase 2.
-Rules support the special phase-control notation "[~]", which means the rule is never active.
-This feature supports plugins (see <xref linkend="compiler-plugins"/>), by making it possible
-to define a RULE that is never run by GHC, but is nevertheless parsed, typechecked etc, so that
-it is available to the plugin.
- Each variable mentioned in a rule must either be in scope (e.g. <function>map</function>),
-or bound by the <literal>forall</literal> (e.g. <function>f</function>, <function>g</function>, <function>xs</function>). The variables bound by
-the <literal>forall</literal> are called the <emphasis>pattern</emphasis> variables. They are separated
-by spaces, just like in a type <literal>forall</literal>.
- A pattern variable may optionally have a type signature.
-If the type of the pattern variable is polymorphic, it <emphasis>must</emphasis> have a type signature.
-For example, here is the <literal>foldr/build</literal> rule:
-"fold/build" forall k z (g::forall b. (a->b->b) -> b -> b) .
- foldr k z (build g) = g k z
-Since <function>g</function> has a polymorphic type, it must have a type signature.
-The left hand side of a rule must consist of a top-level variable applied
-to arbitrary expressions. For example, this is <emphasis>not</emphasis> OK:
-"wrong1" forall e1 e2. case True of { True -> e1; False -> e2 } = e1
-"wrong2" forall f. f True = True
-In <literal>"wrong1"</literal>, the LHS is not an application; in <literal>"wrong2"</literal>, the LHS has a pattern variable
-in the head.
- A rule does not need to be in the same module as (any of) the
-variables it mentions, though of course they need to be in scope.
- All rules are implicitly exported from the module, and are therefore
-in force in any module that imports the module that defined the rule, directly
-or indirectly. (That is, if A imports B, which imports C, then C's rules are
-in force when compiling A.) The situation is very similar to that for instance
-Inside a RULE "<literal>forall</literal>" is treated as a keyword, regardless of
-any other flag settings. Furthermore, inside a RULE, the language extension
-<option>-XScopedTypeVariables</option> is automatically enabled; see
-<xref linkend="scoped-type-variables"/>.
-Like other pragmas, RULE pragmas are always checked for scope errors, and
-are typechecked. Typechecking means that the LHS and RHS of a rule are typechecked,
-and must have the same type. However, rules are only <emphasis>enabled</emphasis>
-if the <option>-fenable-rewrite-rules</option> flag is
-on (see <xref linkend="rule-semantics"/>).
-<sect2 id="rule-semantics">
-From a semantic point of view:
-Rules are enabled (that is, used during optimisation)
-by the <option>-fenable-rewrite-rules</option> flag.
-This flag is implied by <option>-O</option>, and may be switched
-off (as usual) by <option>-fno-enable-rewrite-rules</option>.
-(NB: enabling <option>-fenable-rewrite-rules</option> without <option>-O</option>
-may not do what you expect, though, because without <option>-O</option> GHC
-ignores all optimisation information in interface files;
-see <option>-fignore-interface-pragmas</option>, <xref linkend="options-f"/>.)
-Note that <option>-fenable-rewrite-rules</option> is an <emphasis>optimisation</emphasis> flag, and
-has no effect on parsing or typechecking.
- Rules are regarded as left-to-right rewrite rules.
-When GHC finds an expression that is a substitution instance of the LHS
-of a rule, it replaces the expression by the (appropriately-substituted) RHS.
-By "a substitution instance" we mean that the LHS can be made equal to the
-expression by substituting for the pattern variables.
- GHC makes absolutely no attempt to verify that the LHS and RHS
-of a rule have the same meaning. That is undecidable in general, and
-infeasible in most interesting cases. The responsibility is entirely the programmer's!
- GHC makes no attempt to make sure that the rules are confluent or
-terminating. For example:
- "loop" forall x y. f x y = f y x
-This rule will cause the compiler to go into an infinite loop.
- If more than one rule matches a call, GHC will choose one arbitrarily to apply.
- GHC currently uses a very simple, syntactic, matching algorithm
-for matching a rule LHS with an expression. It seeks a substitution
-which makes the LHS and expression syntactically equal modulo alpha
-conversion. The pattern (rule), but not the expression, is eta-expanded if
-necessary. (Eta-expanding the expression can lead to laziness bugs.)
-But not beta conversion (that's called higher-order matching).
-Matching is carried out on GHC's intermediate language, which includes
-type abstractions and applications. So a rule only matches if the
-types match too. See <xref linkend="rule-spec"/> below.
- GHC keeps trying to apply the rules as it optimises the program.
-For example, consider:
- let s = map f
- t = map g
- in
- s (t xs)
-The expression <literal>s (t xs)</literal> does not match the rule <literal>"map/map"</literal>, but GHC
-will substitute for <varname>s</varname> and <varname>t</varname>, giving an expression which does match.
-If <varname>s</varname> or <varname>t</varname> was (a) used more than once, and (b) large or a redex, then it would
-not be substituted, and the rule would not fire.
-<sect2 id="rules-inline">
-<title>How rules interact with INLINE/NOINLINE pragmas</title>
-Ordinary inlining happens at the same time as rule rewriting, which may lead to unexpected
-results. Consider this (artificial) example
-f x = x
-g y = f y
-h z = g True
-{-# RULES "f" f True = False #-}
-Since <literal>f</literal>'s right-hand side is small, it is inlined into <literal>g</literal>,
-to give
-g y = y
-Now <literal>g</literal> is inlined into <literal>h</literal>, but <literal>f</literal>'s RULE has
-no chance to fire.
-If instead GHC had first inlined <literal>g</literal> into <literal>h</literal> then there
-would have been a better chance that <literal>f</literal>'s RULE might fire.
-The way to get predictable behaviour is to use a NOINLINE
-pragma, or an INLINE[<replaceable>phase</replaceable>] pragma, on <literal>f</literal>, to ensure
-that it is not inlined until its RULEs have had a chance to fire.
-The warning flag <option>-fwarn-inline-rule-shadowing</option> (see <xref linkend="options-sanity"/>)
-warns about this situation.
-<sect2 id="conlike">
-<title>How rules interact with CONLIKE pragmas</title>
-GHC is very cautious about duplicating work. For example, consider
-f k z xs = let xs = build g
- in ...(foldr k z xs)...sum xs...
-{-# RULES "foldr/build" forall k z g. foldr k z (build g) = g k z #-}
-Since <literal>xs</literal> is used twice, GHC does not fire the foldr/build rule. Rightly
-so, because it might take a lot of work to compute <literal>xs</literal>, which would be
-duplicated if the rule fired.
-Sometimes, however, this approach is over-cautious, and we <emphasis>do</emphasis> want the
-rule to fire, even though doing so would duplicate redex. There is no way that GHC can work out
-when this is a good idea, so we provide the CONLIKE pragma to declare it, thus:
-{-# INLINE CONLIKE [1] f #-}
-f x = <replaceable>blah</replaceable>
-CONLIKE is a modifier to an INLINE or NOINLINE pragma. It specifies that an application
-of f to one argument (in general, the number of arguments to the left of the '=' sign)
-should be considered cheap enough to duplicate, if such a duplication would make rule
-fire. (The name "CONLIKE" is short for "constructor-like", because constructors certainly
-have such a property.)
-The CONLIKE pragma is a modifier to INLINE/NOINLINE because it really only makes sense to match
-<literal>f</literal> on the LHS of a rule if you are sure that <literal>f</literal> is
-not going to be inlined before the rule has a chance to fire.
-<sect2 id="rules-class-methods">
-<title>How rules interact with class methods</title>
-Giving a RULE for a class method is a bad idea:
-class C a where
- op :: a -> a -> a
-instance C Bool where
- op x y = ...rhs for op at Bool...
-{-# RULES "f" op True y = False #-}
-In this
-example, <literal>op</literal> is not an ordinary top-level function;
-it is a class method. GHC rapidly rewrites any occurrences of
-to a specialised function, say <literal>opBool</literal>, where
-opBool :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
-opBool x y = ..rhs for op at Bool...
-So the RULE never has a chance to fire, for just the same reasons as in <xref linkend="rules-inline"/>.
-The solution is to define the instance-specific function yourself, with a pragma to prevent
-it being inlined too early, and give a RULE for it:
-instance C Bool where
- op x y = opBool
-opBool :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
-{-# NOINLINE [1] opBool #-}
-opBool x y = ..rhs for op at Bool...
-{-# RULES "f" opBool True y = False #-}
-If you want a RULE that truly applies to the overloaded class method, the only way to
-do it is like this:
-class C a where
- op_c :: a -> a -> a
-op :: C a => a -> a -> a
-{-# NOINLINE [1] op #-}
-op = op_c
-{-# RULES "reassociate" op (op x y) z = op x (op y z) #-}
-Now the inlining of <literal>op</literal> is delayed until the rule has a chance to fire.
-The down-side is that instance declarations must define <literal>op_c</literal>, but
-all other uses should go via <literal>op</literal>.
-<title>List fusion</title>
-The RULES mechanism is used to implement fusion (deforestation) of common list functions.
-If a "good consumer" consumes an intermediate list constructed by a "good producer", the
-intermediate list should be eliminated entirely.
-The following are good producers:
- List comprehensions
- Enumerations of <literal>Int</literal>, <literal>Integer</literal> and <literal>Char</literal> (e.g. <literal>['a'..'z']</literal>).
- Explicit lists (e.g. <literal>[True, False]</literal>)
- The cons constructor (e.g <literal>3:4:[]</literal>)
- <function>++</function>
- <function>map</function>
-<function>take</function>, <function>filter</function>
- <function>iterate</function>, <function>repeat</function>
- <function>zip</function>, <function>zipWith</function>
-The following are good consumers:
- List comprehensions
- <function>array</function> (on its second argument)
- <function>++</function> (on its first argument)
- <function>foldr</function>
- <function>map</function>
-<function>take</function>, <function>filter</function>
- <function>concat</function>
- <function>unzip</function>, <function>unzip2</function>, <function>unzip3</function>, <function>unzip4</function>
- <function>zip</function>, <function>zipWith</function> (but on one argument only; if both are good producers, <function>zip</function>
-will fuse with one but not the other)
- <function>partition</function>
- <function>head</function>
- <function>and</function>, <function>or</function>, <function>any</function>, <function>all</function>
- <function>sequence&lowbar;</function>
- <function>msum</function>
- <para>
-So, for example, the following should generate no intermediate lists:
-array (1,10) [(i,i*i) | i &#60;- map (+ 1) [0..9]]
-This list could readily be extended; if there are Prelude functions that you use
-a lot which are not included, please tell us.
-If you want to write your own good consumers or producers, look at the
-Prelude definitions of the above functions to see how to do so.
-<sect2 id="rule-spec">
-Rewrite rules can be used to get the same effect as a feature
-present in earlier versions of GHC.
-For example, suppose that:
-genericLookup :: Ord a => Table a b -> a -> b
-intLookup :: Table Int b -> Int -> b
-where <function>intLookup</function> is an implementation of
-<function>genericLookup</function> that works very fast for
-keys of type <literal>Int</literal>. You might wish
-to tell GHC to use <function>intLookup</function> instead of
-<function>genericLookup</function> whenever the latter was called with
-type <literal>Table Int b -&gt; Int -&gt; b</literal>.
-It used to be possible to write
-{-# SPECIALIZE genericLookup :: Table Int b -> Int -> b = intLookup #-}
-This feature is no longer in GHC, but rewrite rules let you do the same thing:
-{-# RULES "genericLookup/Int" genericLookup = intLookup #-}
-This slightly odd-looking rule instructs GHC to replace
-<function>genericLookup</function> by <function>intLookup</function>
-<emphasis>whenever the types match</emphasis>.
-What is more, this rule does not need to be in the same
-file as <function>genericLookup</function>, unlike the
-<literal>SPECIALIZE</literal> pragmas which currently do (so that they
-have an original definition available to specialise).
-<para>It is <emphasis>Your Responsibility</emphasis> to make sure that
-<function>intLookup</function> really behaves as a specialised version
-of <function>genericLookup</function>!!!</para>
-<para>An example in which using <literal>RULES</literal> for
-specialisation will Win Big:
-toDouble :: Real a => a -> Double
-toDouble = fromRational . toRational
-{-# RULES "toDouble/Int" toDouble = i2d #-}
-i2d (I# i) = D# (int2Double# i) -- uses Glasgow prim-op directly
-The <function>i2d</function> function is virtually one machine
-instruction; the default conversion&mdash;via an intermediate
-<literal>Rational</literal>&mdash;is obscenely expensive by
-<sect2 id="controlling-rules">
-<title>Controlling what's going on in rewrite rules</title>
-Use <option>-ddump-rules</option> to see the rules that are defined
-<emphasis>in this module</emphasis>.
-This includes rules generated by the specialisation pass, but excludes
-rules imported from other modules.
- Use <option>-ddump-simpl-stats</option> to see what rules are being fired.
-If you add <option>-dppr-debug</option> you get a more detailed listing.
- Use <option>-ddump-rule-firings</option> or <option>-ddump-rule-rewrites</option>
-to see in great detail what rules are being fired.
-If you add <option>-dppr-debug</option> you get a still more detailed listing.
- The definition of (say) <function>build</function> in <filename>GHC/Base.lhs</filename> looks like this:
- build :: forall a. (forall b. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> b) -> [a]
- {-# INLINE build #-}
- build g = g (:) []
-Notice the <literal>INLINE</literal>! That prevents <literal>(:)</literal> from being inlined when compiling
-<literal>PrelBase</literal>, so that an importing module will &ldquo;see&rdquo; the <literal>(:)</literal>, and can
-match it on the LHS of a rule. <literal>INLINE</literal> prevents any inlining happening
-in the RHS of the <literal>INLINE</literal> thing. I regret the delicacy of this.
- In <filename>libraries/base/GHC/Base.lhs</filename> look at the rules for <function>map</function> to
-see how to write rules that will do fusion and yet give an efficient
-program even if fusion doesn't happen. More rules in <filename>GHC/List.lhs</filename>.
-<sect1 id="special-ids">
-<title>Special built-in functions</title>
-<para>GHC has a few built-in functions with special behaviour.
-In particular:
-<ulink url="&libraryBaseLocation;/GHC-Exts.html#v%3Ainline"><literal>inline</literal></ulink>
-allows control over inlining on a per-call-site basis.
-<ulink url="&libraryBaseLocation;/GHC-Exts.html#v%3Alazy"><literal>lazy</literal></ulink>
-restrains the strictness analyser.
-<ulink url="&libraryBaseLocation;/GHC-Exts.html#v%3AoneShot"><literal>oneShot</literal></ulink>
-gives a hint to the compiler about how often a function is being called.
-<sect1 id="generic-classes">
-<title>Generic classes</title>
-GHC used to have an implementation of generic classes as defined in the paper
-"Derivable type classes", Ralf Hinze and Simon Peyton Jones, Haskell Workshop,
-Montreal Sept 2000, pp94-105. These have been removed and replaced by the more
-general <link linkend="generic-programming">support for generic programming</link>.
-<sect1 id="generic-programming">
-<title>Generic programming</title>
-Using a combination of <option>-XDeriveGeneric</option>
-(<xref linkend="deriving-typeable"/>),
-<option>-XDefaultSignatures</option> (<xref linkend="class-default-signatures"/>),
-and <option>-XDeriveAnyClass</option> (<xref linkend="derive-any-class"/>),
-you can easily do datatype-generic
-programming using the <literal>GHC.Generics</literal> framework. This section
-gives a very brief overview of how to do it.
-Generic programming support in GHC allows defining classes with methods that
-do not need a user specification when instantiating: the method body is
-automatically derived by GHC. This is similar to what happens for standard
-classes such as <literal>Read</literal> and <literal>Show</literal>, for
-instance, but now for user-defined classes.
-<title>Deriving representations</title>
-The first thing we need is generic representations. The
-<literal>GHC.Generics</literal> module defines a couple of primitive types
-that are used to represent Haskell datatypes:
--- | Unit: used for constructors without arguments
-data U1 p = U1
--- | Constants, additional parameters and recursion of kind *
-newtype K1 i c p = K1 { unK1 :: c }
--- | Meta-information (constructor names, etc.)
-newtype M1 i c f p = M1 { unM1 :: f p }
--- | Sums: encode choice between constructors
-infixr 5 :+:
-data (:+:) f g p = L1 (f p) | R1 (g p)
--- | Products: encode multiple arguments to constructors
-infixr 6 :*:
-data (:*:) f g p = f p :*: g p
-The <literal>Generic</literal> and <literal>Generic1</literal> classes mediate
-between user-defined datatypes and their internal representation as a
-class Generic a where
- -- Encode the representation of a user datatype
- type Rep a :: * -> *
- -- Convert from the datatype to its representation
- from :: a -> (Rep a) x
- -- Convert from the representation to the datatype
- to :: (Rep a) x -> a
-class Generic1 f where
- type Rep1 f :: * -> *
- from1 :: f a -> Rep1 f a
- to1 :: Rep1 f a -> f a
-<literal>Generic1</literal> is used for functions that can only be defined over
-type containers, such as <literal>map</literal>.
-Instances of these classes can be derived by GHC with the
-<option>-XDeriveGeneric</option> (<xref linkend="deriving-typeable"/>), and are
-necessary to be able to define generic instances automatically.
-For example, a user-defined datatype of trees <literal>data UserTree a = Node a
-(UserTree a) (UserTree a) | Leaf</literal> gets the following representation:
-instance Generic (UserTree a) where
- -- Representation type
- type Rep (UserTree a) =
- M1 D D1UserTree (
- M1 C C1_0UserTree (
- M1 S NoSelector (K1 R a)
- :*: M1 S NoSelector (K1 R (UserTree a))
- :*: M1 S NoSelector (K1 R (UserTree a)))
- :+: M1 C C1_1UserTree U1)
- -- Conversion functions
- from (Node x l r) = M1 (L1 (M1 (M1 (K1 x) :*: M1 (K1 l) :*: M1 (K1 r))))
- from Leaf = M1 (R1 (M1 U1))
- to (M1 (L1 (M1 (M1 (K1 x) :*: M1 (K1 l) :*: M1 (K1 r))))) = Node x l r
- to (M1 (R1 (M1 U1))) = Leaf
--- Meta-information
-data D1UserTree
-data C1_0UserTree
-data C1_1UserTree
-instance Datatype D1UserTree where
- datatypeName _ = "UserTree"
- moduleName _ = "Main"
- packageName _ = "main"
-instance Constructor C1_0UserTree where
- conName _ = "Node"
-instance Constructor C1_1UserTree where
- conName _ = "Leaf"
-This representation is generated automatically if a
-<literal>deriving Generic</literal> clause is attached to the datatype.
-<link linkend="stand-alone-deriving">Standalone deriving</link> can also be
-<title>Writing generic functions</title>
-A generic function is defined by creating a class and giving instances for
-each of the representation types of <literal>GHC.Generics</literal>. As an
-example we show generic serialization:
-data Bin = O | I
-class GSerialize f where
- gput :: f a -> [Bin]
-instance GSerialize U1 where
- gput U1 = []
-instance (GSerialize a, GSerialize b) => GSerialize (a :*: b) where
- gput (x :*: y) = gput x ++ gput y
-instance (GSerialize a, GSerialize b) => GSerialize (a :+: b) where
- gput (L1 x) = O : gput x
- gput (R1 x) = I : gput x
-instance (GSerialize a) => GSerialize (M1 i c a) where
- gput (M1 x) = gput x
-instance (Serialize a) => GSerialize (K1 i a) where
- gput (K1 x) = put x
-Typically this class will not be exported, as it only makes sense to have
-instances for the representation types.
-<title>Generic defaults</title>
-The only thing left to do now is to define a "front-end" class, which is
-exposed to the user:
-class Serialize a where
- put :: a -> [Bin]
- default put :: (Generic a, GSerialize (Rep a)) => a -> [Bit]
- put = gput . from
-Here we use a <link linkend="class-default-signatures">default signature</link>
-to specify that the user does not have to provide an implementation for
-<literal>put</literal>, as long as there is a <literal>Generic</literal>
-instance for the type to instantiate. For the <literal>UserTree</literal> type,
-for instance, the user can just write:
-instance (Serialize a) => Serialize (UserTree a)
-The default method for <literal>put</literal> is then used, corresponding to the
-generic implementation of serialization.
-If you are using <option>-XDeriveAnyClass</option>, the same instance is
-generated by simply attaching a <literal>deriving Serialize</literal> clause
-to the <literal>UserTree</literal> datatype declaration.
-For more examples of generic functions please refer to the
-<ulink url="">generic-deriving</ulink>
-package on Hackage.
-<title>More information</title>
-For more details please refer to the
-<ulink url="">HaskellWiki
-page</ulink> or the original paper:
-Jose Pedro Magalhaes, Atze Dijkstra, Johan Jeuring, and Andres Loeh.
-<ulink url="">
- A generic deriving mechanism for Haskell</ulink>.
-<citetitle>Proceedings of the third ACM Haskell symposium on Haskell</citetitle>
-(Haskell'2010), pp. 37-48, ACM, 2010.
-<sect1 id="roles">
-Using <option>-XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving</option> (<xref
-linkend="generalized-newtype-deriving" />), a programmer can take existing
-instances of classes and "lift" these into instances of that class for a
-newtype. However, this is not always safe. For example, consider the following:
- newtype Age = MkAge { unAge :: Int }
- type family Inspect x
- type instance Inspect Age = Int
- type instance Inspect Int = Bool
- class BadIdea a where
- bad :: a -> Inspect a
- instance BadIdea Int where
- bad = (> 0)
- deriving instance BadIdea Age -- not allowed!
-If the derived instance were allowed, what would the type of its method
-<literal>bad</literal> be? It would seem to be <literal>Age -> Inspect
-Age</literal>, which is equivalent to <literal>Age -> Int</literal>, according
-to the type family <literal>Inspect</literal>. Yet, if we simply adapt the
-implementation from the instance for <literal>Int</literal>, the implementation
-for <literal>bad</literal> produces a <literal>Bool</literal>, and we have trouble.
-The way to identify such situations is to have <emphasis>roles</emphasis> assigned
-to type variables of datatypes, classes, and type synonyms.</para>
-Roles as implemented in GHC are a from a simplified version of the work
-described in <ulink
-type abstraction and type-level computation</ulink>, published at POPL 2011.</para>
-<sect2 id="nominal-representational-and-phantom">
-<title>Nominal, Representational, and Phantom</title>
-<para>The goal of the roles system is to track when two types have the same
-underlying representation. In the example above, <literal>Age</literal> and
-<literal>Int</literal> have the same representation. But, the corresponding
-instances of <literal>BadIdea</literal> would <emphasis>not</emphasis> have
-the same representation, because the types of the implementations of
-<literal>bad</literal> would be different.</para>
-<para>Suppose we have two uses of a type constructor, each applied to the same
-parameters except for one difference. (For example, <literal>T Age Bool
-c</literal> and <literal>T Int Bool c</literal> for some type
-<literal>T</literal>.) The role of a type parameter says what we need to
-know about the two differing type arguments in order to know that the two
-outer types have the same representation (in the example, what must be true
-about <literal>Age</literal> and <literal>Int</literal> in order to show that
-<literal>T Age Bool c</literal> has the same representation as <literal>
-T Int Bool c</literal>).</para>
-<para>GHC supports three different roles for type parameters: nominal,
-representational, and phantom. If a type parameter has a nominal role, then
-the two types that differ must not actually differ at all: they must be
-identical (after type family reduction). If a type parameter has a
-representational role, then the two types must have the same representation.
-(If <literal>T</literal>'s first parameter's role is representational, then
-<literal>T Age Bool c</literal> and <literal>T Int Bool c</literal> would have
-the same representation, because <literal>Age</literal> and
-<literal>Int</literal> have the same representation.) If a type parameter has
-a phantom role, then we need no further information.</para>
-<para>Here are some examples:</para>
- data Simple a = MkSimple a -- a has role representational
- type family F
- type instance F Int = Bool
- type instance F Age = Char
- data Complex a = MkComplex (F a) -- a has role nominal
- data Phant a = MkPhant Bool -- a has role phantom
-<para>The type <literal>Simple</literal> has its parameter at role
-representational, which is generally the most common case. <literal>Simple
-Age</literal> would have the same representation as <literal>Simple
-Int</literal>. The type <literal>Complex</literal>, on the other hand, has its
-parameter at role nominal, because <literal>Simple Age</literal> and
-<literal>Simple Int</literal> are <emphasis>not</emphasis> the same. Lastly,
-<literal>Phant Age</literal> and <literal>Phant Bool</literal> have the same
-representation, even though <literal>Age</literal> and <literal>Bool</literal>
-are unrelated.</para>
-<sect2 id="role-inference">
-<title>Role inference</title>
-What role should a given type parameter should have? GHC performs role
-inference to determine the correct role for every parameter. It starts with a
-few base facts: <literal>(->)</literal> has two representational parameters;
-<literal>(~)</literal> has two nominal parameters; all type families'
-parameters are nominal; and all GADT-like parameters are nominal. Then, these
-facts are propagated to all places where these types are used. The default
-role for datatypes and synonyms is phantom; the default role for classes is
-nominal. Thus, for datatypes and synonyms, any parameters unused in the
-right-hand side (or used only in other types in phantom positions) will be
-phantom. Whenever a parameter is used in a representational position (that is,
-used as a type argument to a constructor whose corresponding variable is at
-role representational), we raise its role from phantom to representational.
-Similarly, when a parameter is used in a nominal position, its role is
-upgraded to nominal. We never downgrade a role from nominal to phantom or
-representational, or from representational to phantom. In this way, we infer
-the most-general role for each parameter.
-Classes have their roles default to nominal to promote coherence of class
-instances. If a <literal>C Int</literal> were stored in a datatype, it would
-be quite bad if that were somehow changed into a <literal>C Age</literal>
-somewhere, especially if another <literal>C Age</literal> had been declared!
-<para>There is one particularly tricky case that should be explained:</para>
- data Tricky a b = MkTricky (a b)
-<para>What should <literal>Tricky</literal>'s roles be? At first blush, it
-would seem that both <literal>a</literal> and <literal>b</literal> should be
-at role representational, since both are used in the right-hand side and
-neither is involved in a type family. However, this would be wrong, as the
-following example shows:</para>
- data Nom a = MkNom (F a) -- type family F from example above
-<para>Is <literal>Tricky Nom Age</literal> representationally equal to
-<literal>Tricky Nom Int</literal>? No! The former stores a
-<literal>Char</literal> and the latter stores a <literal>Bool</literal>. The
-solution to this is to require all parameters to type variables to have role
-nominal. Thus, GHC would infer role representational for <literal>a</literal>
-but role nominal for <literal>b</literal>.</para>
-<sect2 id="role-annotations">
-<title>Role annotations
-Sometimes the programmer wants to constrain the inference process. For
-example, the base library contains the following definition:
- data Ptr a = Ptr Addr#
-The idea is that <literal>a</literal> should really be a representational
-parameter, but role inference assigns it to phantom. This makes some level of
-sense: a pointer to an <literal>Int</literal> really is representationally the
-same as a pointer to a <literal>Bool</literal>. But, that's not at all how we
-want to use <literal>Ptr</literal>s! So, we want to be able to say</para>
- type role Ptr representational
- data Ptr a = Ptr Addr#
-The <literal>type role</literal> (enabled with
-<option>-XRoleAnnotations</option>) declaration forces the parameter
-<literal>a</literal> to be at role representational, not role phantom. GHC
-then checks the user-supplied roles to make sure they don't break any
-promises. It would be bad, for example, if the user could make
-<literal>BadIdea</literal>'s role be representational.
-<para>As another example, we can consider a type <literal>Set a</literal> that
-represents a set of data, ordered according to <literal>a</literal>'s
-<literal>Ord</literal> instance. While it would generally be type-safe to
-consider <literal>a</literal> to be at role representational, it is possible
-that a <literal>newtype</literal> and its base type have
-<emphasis>different</emphasis> orderings encoded in their respective
-<literal>Ord</literal> instances. This would lead to misbehavior at runtime.
-So, the author of the <literal>Set</literal> datatype would like its parameter
-to be at role nominal. This would be done with a declaration</para>
- type role Set nominal
-<para>Role annotations can also be used should a programmer wish to write
-a class with a representational (or phantom) role. However, as a class
-with non-nominal roles can quickly lead to class instance incoherence,
-it is necessary to also specify <option>-XIncoherentInstances</option>
-to allow non-nominal roles for classes.</para>
-<para>The other place where role annotations may be necessary are in
-<literal>hs-boot</literal> files (<xref linkend="mutual-recursion"/>), where
-the right-hand sides of definitions can be omitted. As usual, the
-types/classes declared in an <literal>hs-boot</literal> file must match up
-with the definitions in the <literal>hs</literal> file, including down to the
-roles. The default role for datatypes
-is representational in <literal>hs-boot</literal> files,
-corresponding to the common use case.</para>
-Role annotations are allowed on data, newtype, and class declarations. A role
-annotation declaration starts with <literal>type role</literal> and is
-followed by one role listing for each parameter of the type. (This parameter
-count includes parameters implicitly specified by a kind signature in a
-GADT-style data or newtype declaration.) Each role listing is a role
-(<literal>nominal</literal>, <literal>representational</literal>, or
-<literal>phantom</literal>) or a <literal>_</literal>. Using a
-<literal>_</literal> says that GHC should infer that role. The role annotation
-may go anywhere in the same module as the datatype or class definition
-(much like a value-level type signature).
-Here are some examples:</para>
- type role T1 _ phantom
- data T1 a b = MkT1 a -- b is not used; annotation is fine but unnecessary
- type role T2 _ phantom
- data T2 a b = MkT2 b -- ERROR: b is used and cannot be phantom
- type role T3 _ nominal
- data T3 a b = MkT3 a -- OK: nominal is higher than necessary, but safe
- type role T4 nominal
- data T4 a = MkT4 (a Int) -- OK, but nominal is higher than necessary
- type role C representational _ -- OK, with -XIncoherentInstances
- class C a b where ... -- OK, b will get a nominal role
- type role X nominal
- type X a = ... -- ERROR: role annotations not allowed for type synonyms
-<sect1 id="strict-haskell">
- <title>Strict Haskell</title>
- <indexterm><primary>strict haskell</primary></indexterm>
- <para>High-performance Haskell code (e.g. numeric code) can
- sometimes be littered with bang patterns, making it harder to
- read. The reason is that lazy evaluation isn't the right default in
- this particular code but the programmer has no way to say that
- except by repeatedly adding bang patterns. Below
- <option>-XStrictData</option> is detailed that allows the programmer
- to switch the default behavior on a per-module basis.</para>
- <sect2 id="strict-data">
- <title>Strict-by-default data types</title>
- <para>Informally the <literal>StrictData</literal> language
- extension switches data type declarations to be strict by default
- allowing fields to be lazy by adding a <literal>~</literal> in
- front of the field.</para>
- <para>When the user writes</para>
- <programlisting>
- data T = C a
- data T' = C' ~a
- </programlisting>
- <para>we interpret it as if she had written</para>
- <programlisting>
- data T = C !a
- data T' = C' a
- </programlisting>
- <para>The extension only affects definitions in this module.</para>
- </sect2>
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