path: root/docs/users_guide/parallel.xml
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 203 deletions
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-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<sect1 id="lang-parallel">
- <title>Concurrent and Parallel Haskell</title>
- <indexterm><primary>parallelism</primary>
- </indexterm>
- <para>GHC implements some major extensions to Haskell to support
- concurrent and parallel programming. Let us first establish terminology:
- <itemizedlist>
- <listitem><para><emphasis>Parallelism</emphasis> means running
- a Haskell program on multiple processors, with the goal of improving
- performance. Ideally, this should be done invisibly, and with no
- semantic changes.
- </para></listitem>
- <listitem><para><emphasis>Concurrency</emphasis> means implementing
- a program by using multiple I/O-performing threads. While a
- concurrent Haskell program <emphasis>can</emphasis> run on a
- parallel machine, the primary goal of using concurrency is not to gain
- performance, but rather because that is the simplest and most
- direct way to write the program. Since the threads perform I/O,
- the semantics of the program is necessarily non-deterministic.
- </para></listitem>
- </itemizedlist>
- GHC supports both concurrency and parallelism.
- </para>
- <sect2 id="concurrent-haskell">
- <title>Concurrent Haskell</title>
- <para>Concurrent Haskell is the name given to GHC's concurrency extension.
- It is enabled by default, so no special flags are required.
- The <ulink
- url="">
- Concurrent Haskell paper</ulink> is still an excellent
- resource, as is <ulink
- url="">Tackling
- the awkward squad</ulink>.
- </para><para>
- To the programmer, Concurrent Haskell introduces no new language constructs;
- rather, it appears simply as a library, <ulink
- url="&libraryBaseLocation;/Control-Concurrent.html">
- Control.Concurrent</ulink>. The functions exported by this
- library include:
- <itemizedlist>
-<listitem><para>Forking and killing threads.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Synchronised mutable variables, called <literal>MVars</literal></para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Support for bound threads; see the paper <ulink
-the FFI with concurrency</ulink>.</para></listitem>
- <sect2><title>Software Transactional Memory</title>
- <para>GHC now supports a new way to coordinate the activities of Concurrent
- Haskell threads, called Software Transactional Memory (STM). The
- <ulink
- url="">STM
- papers</ulink> are an excellent introduction to what STM is, and how to use
- it.</para>
- <para>The main library you need to use is the <ulink
- url="">
- stm library</ulink>. The main features supported are these:
-<listitem><para>Atomic blocks.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Transactional variables.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Operations for composing transactions:
-<literal>retry</literal>, and <literal>orElse</literal>.</para></listitem>
-<listitem><para>Data invariants.</para></listitem>
-All these features are described in the papers mentioned earlier.
-<sect2><title>Parallel Haskell</title>
- <para>GHC includes support for running Haskell programs in parallel
- on symmetric, shared-memory multi-processor
- (SMP)<indexterm><primary>SMP</primary></indexterm>.
- By default GHC runs your program on one processor; if you
- want it to run in parallel you must link your program
- with the <option>-threaded</option>, and run it with the RTS
- <option>-N</option> option; see <xref linkend="using-smp" />).
- The runtime will
- schedule the running Haskell threads among the available OS
- threads, running as many in parallel as you specified with the
- <option>-N</option> RTS option.</para>
- <para>GHC only supports parallelism on a shared-memory multiprocessor.
- Glasgow Parallel Haskell<indexterm><primary>Glasgow Parallel Haskell</primary></indexterm>
- (GPH) supports running Parallel Haskell
- programs on both clusters of machines, and single multiprocessors. GPH is
- developed and distributed
- separately from GHC (see <ulink url="">The
- GPH Page</ulink>). However, the current version of GPH is based on a much older
- version of GHC (4.06).</para>
- </sect2>
- <sect2>
- <title>Annotating pure code for parallelism</title>
- <para>Ordinary single-threaded Haskell programs will not benefit from
- enabling SMP parallelism alone: you must expose parallelism to the
- compiler.
- One way to do so is forking threads using Concurrent Haskell (<xref
- linkend="concurrent-haskell"/>), but the simplest mechanism for extracting parallelism from pure code is
- to use the <literal>par</literal> combinator, which is closely related to (and often used
- with) <literal>seq</literal>. Both of these are available from the <ulink
- url="">parallel library</ulink>:</para>
-infixr 0 `par`
-infixr 1 `pseq`
-par :: a -&#62; b -&#62; b
-pseq :: a -&#62; b -&#62; b</programlisting>
- <para>The expression <literal>(x `par` y)</literal>
- <emphasis>sparks</emphasis> the evaluation of <literal>x</literal>
- (to weak head normal form) and returns <literal>y</literal>. Sparks are
- queued for execution in FIFO order, but are not executed immediately. If
- the runtime detects that there is an idle CPU, then it may convert a
- spark into a real thread, and run the new thread on the idle CPU. In
- this way the available parallelism is spread amongst the real
- CPUs.</para>
- <para>For example, consider the following parallel version of our old
- nemesis, <function>nfib</function>:</para>
-import Control.Parallel
-nfib :: Int -&#62; Int
-nfib n | n &#60;= 1 = 1
- | otherwise = par n1 (pseq n2 (n1 + n2 + 1))
- where n1 = nfib (n-1)
- n2 = nfib (n-2)</programlisting>
- <para>For values of <varname>n</varname> greater than 1, we use
- <function>par</function> to spark a thread to evaluate <literal>nfib (n-1)</literal>,
- and then we use <function>pseq</function> to force the
- parent thread to evaluate <literal>nfib (n-2)</literal> before going on
- to add together these two subexpressions. In this divide-and-conquer
- approach, we only spark a new thread for one branch of the computation
- (leaving the parent to evaluate the other branch). Also, we must use
- <function>pseq</function> to ensure that the parent will evaluate
- <varname>n2</varname> <emphasis>before</emphasis> <varname>n1</varname>
- in the expression <literal>(n1 + n2 + 1)</literal>. It is not sufficient
- to reorder the expression as <literal>(n2 + n1 + 1)</literal>, because
- the compiler may not generate code to evaluate the addends from left to
- right.</para>
- <para>
- Note that we use <literal>pseq</literal> rather
- than <literal>seq</literal>. The two are almost equivalent, but
- differ in their runtime behaviour in a subtle
- way: <literal>seq</literal> can evaluate its arguments in either
- order, but <literal>pseq</literal> is required to evaluate its
- first argument before its second, which makes it more suitable
- for controlling the evaluation order in conjunction
- with <literal>par</literal>.
- </para>
- <para>When using <literal>par</literal>, the general rule of thumb is that
- the sparked computation should be required at a later time, but not too
- soon. Also, the sparked computation should not be too small, otherwise
- the cost of forking it in parallel will be too large relative to the
- amount of parallelism gained. Getting these factors right is tricky in
- practice.</para>
- <para>It is possible to glean a little information about how
- well <literal>par</literal> is working from the runtime
- statistics; see <xref linkend="rts-options-gc" />.</para>
- <para>More sophisticated combinators for expressing parallelism are
- available from the <literal>Control.Parallel.Strategies</literal>
- module in the <ulink
- url="">parallel package</ulink>.
- This module builds functionality around <literal>par</literal>,
- expressing more elaborate patterns of parallel computation, such as
- parallel <literal>map</literal>.</para>
- </sect2>
-<sect2 id="dph"><title>Data Parallel Haskell</title>
- <para>GHC includes experimental support for Data Parallel Haskell (DPH). This code
- is highly unstable and is only provided as a technology preview. More
- information can be found on the corresponding <ulink
- url="">DPH
- wiki page</ulink>.</para>
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