path: root/docs/users_guide/parallel.xml
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<sect1 id="concurrent-and-parallel">
+<title>Concurrent and Parallel Haskell</title>
+<indexterm><primary>Concurrent Haskell</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>Parallel Haskell</primary></indexterm>
+Concurrent and Parallel Haskell are Glasgow extensions to Haskell
+which let you structure your program as a group of independent
+Concurrent and Parallel Haskell have very different purposes.
+Concurrent Haskell is for applications which have an inherent
+structure of interacting, concurrent tasks (i.e. `threads'). Threads
+in such programs may be <emphasis>required</emphasis>. For example, if a concurrent thread has been spawned to handle a mouse click, it isn't
+optional&mdash;the user wants something done!
+A Concurrent Haskell program implies multiple `threads' running within
+a single Unix process on a single processor.
+You will find at least one paper about Concurrent Haskell hanging off
+of <ulink url="">Simon Peyton
+Jones's Web page</ulink>.
+Parallel Haskell is about <emphasis>speed</emphasis>&mdash;spawning
+threads onto multiple processors so that your program will run faster.
+The `threads' are always <emphasis>advisory</emphasis>&mdash;if the
+runtime system thinks it can get the job done more quickly by
+sequential execution, then fine.
+A Parallel Haskell program implies multiple processes running on
+multiple processors, under a PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) framework.
+An MPI interface is under development but not fully functional, yet.
+Parallel Haskell is still relatively new; it is more about &ldquo;research
+fun&rdquo; than about &ldquo;speed.&rdquo; That will change.
+Check the <ulink url="">GPH Page</ulink>
+for more information on &ldquo;GPH&rdquo; (Haskell98 with extensions for
+parallel execution), the latest version of &ldquo;GUM&rdquo; (the runtime
+system to enable parallel executions) and papers on research issues. A
+list of publications about GPH and about GUM is also available from Simon's
+Web Page.
+Some details about Parallel Haskell follow. For more information
+about concurrent Haskell, see the module
+<literal>Control.Concurrent</literal> in the library documentation.
+<title>Features specific to Parallel Haskell
+<indexterm><primary>Parallel Haskell&mdash;features</primary></indexterm></title>
+<title>The <literal>Parallel</literal> interface (recommended)
+<indexterm><primary>Parallel interface</primary></indexterm></title>
+GHC provides two functions for controlling parallel execution, through
+the <literal>Parallel</literal> interface:
+interface Parallel where
+infixr 0 `par`
+infixr 1 `seq`
+par :: a -&#62; b -&#62; b
+seq :: a -&#62; b -&#62; b
+The expression <literal>(x `par` y)</literal> <emphasis>sparks</emphasis> the evaluation of <literal>x</literal>
+(to weak head normal form) and returns <literal>y</literal>. Sparks are queued for
+execution in FIFO order, but are not executed immediately. At the
+next heap allocation, the currently executing thread will yield
+control to the scheduler, and the scheduler will start a new thread
+(until reaching the active thread limit) for each spark which has not
+already been evaluated to WHNF.
+The expression <literal>(x `seq` y)</literal> evaluates <literal>x</literal> to weak head normal
+form and then returns <literal>y</literal>. The <function>seq</function> primitive can be used to
+force evaluation of an expression beyond WHNF, or to impose a desired
+execution sequence for the evaluation of an expression.
+For example, consider the following parallel version of our old
+nemesis, <function>nfib</function>:
+import Parallel
+nfib :: Int -&#62; Int
+nfib n | n &#60;= 1 = 1
+ | otherwise = par n1 (seq n2 (n1 + n2 + 1))
+ where n1 = nfib (n-1)
+ n2 = nfib (n-2)
+For values of <varname>n</varname> greater than 1, we use <function>par</function> to spark a thread
+to evaluate <literal>nfib (n-1)</literal>, and then we use <function>seq</function> to force the
+parent thread to evaluate <literal>nfib (n-2)</literal> before going on to add
+together these two subexpressions. In this divide-and-conquer
+approach, we only spark a new thread for one branch of the computation
+(leaving the parent to evaluate the other branch). Also, we must use
+<function>seq</function> to ensure that the parent will evaluate <varname>n2</varname> <emphasis>before</emphasis>
+<varname>n1</varname> in the expression <literal>(n1 + n2 + 1)</literal>. It is not sufficient to
+reorder the expression as <literal>(n2 + n1 + 1)</literal>, because the compiler may
+not generate code to evaluate the addends from left to right.
+<title>Underlying functions and primitives
+<indexterm><primary>parallelism primitives</primary></indexterm>
+<indexterm><primary>primitives for parallelism</primary></indexterm></title>
+The functions <function>par</function> and <function>seq</function> are wired into GHC, and unfold
+into uses of the <function>par&num;</function> and <function>seq&num;</function> primitives, respectively. If
+you'd like to see this with your very own eyes, just run GHC with the
+<option>-ddump-simpl</option> option. (Anything for a good time&hellip;)
+<title>Scheduling policy for concurrent threads
+<indexterm><primary>Concurrent scheduling</primary></indexterm></title>
+Runnable threads are scheduled in round-robin fashion. Context
+switches are signalled by the generation of new sparks or by the
+expiry of a virtual timer (the timer interval is configurable with the
+<option>-C[&lt;num&gt;]</option><indexterm><primary>-C&lt;num&gt; RTS option (concurrent,
+parallel)</primary></indexterm> RTS option). However, a context switch doesn't
+really happen until the current heap block is full. You can't get any
+faster context switching than this.
+When a context switch occurs, pending sparks which have not already
+been reduced to weak head normal form are turned into new threads.
+However, there is a limit to the number of active threads (runnable or
+blocked) which are allowed at any given time. This limit can be
+adjusted with the <option>-t&lt;num&gt;</option><indexterm><primary>-t &lt;num&gt; RTS option (concurrent, parallel)</primary></indexterm>
+RTS option (the default is 32). Once the
+thread limit is reached, any remaining sparks are deferred until some
+of the currently active threads are completed.
+<title>Scheduling policy for parallel threads
+<indexterm><primary>Parallel scheduling</primary></indexterm></title>
+In GUM we use an unfair scheduler, which means that a thread continues to
+perform graph reduction until it blocks on a closure under evaluation, on a
+remote closure or until the thread finishes.
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