path: root/ghc/CONTRIB/mira2hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/CONTRIB/mira2hs')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/CONTRIB/mira2hs b/ghc/CONTRIB/mira2hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ad61040f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/CONTRIB/mira2hs
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+# mira2hs - Convert Miranda to Haskell (or Gofer)
+# usage: mira2hs [infile [outfile]]
+# Input defaults to stdin, output defaults to <infile>.hs or stdout if
+# input is stdin
+# Copyright Denis Howe 1992
+# Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim or modified
+# copies of this program, provided that every such copy or derived
+# work carries the above copyright notice and is distributed under
+# terms identical to these.
+# Miranda is a trademark of Research Software Limited.
+# (E-mail:
+# Denis Howe <>
+# NOTE: This program needs a sed which understands \<word\> regular
+# expressions, eg. Sun or GNU sed (gsed).
+# partain: got it from
+# 1.05 18 Sep 1992 zip -> zipPair
+# 1.04 29 Jul 1992 Improve handling of ==, -- and whitespace round guards
+# $infix -> `infix`
+# 1.03 24 Apr 1992 Incorporate Lennart's miranda.hs functions
+# Replace most Miranda fns & operators
+# Use \<word\> patterns, ';' -> ',' in list comprehension
+# Provide example main functions
+# 1.02 30 Mar 1992 Mods to header, fix handling of type,type
+# Comment out String definition, Bool ops
+# num -> Int, = -> == in guards
+# 1.01 10 Dec 1991 Convert type names to initial capital
+# 1.00 27 Sep 1991 Initial version advertised to net
+# Does NOT handle:
+# continued inequalities (a < x < b)
+# boolean '=' operator -> '==' (except in guards)
+# main function
+# multi-line type definitions
+# guards on different line from body
+# diagonalised list comprehensions (//)
+# repeated variables in patterns (eg. LHS of function)
+# filemode -> statusFile, getenv -> getEnv, read -> readFile, system
+# include directives
+# conflicts with prelude identifiers
+# Miranda's num type (Integral+Floating) is changed to Int so won't
+# work for non-intger nums. Miranda has irrefutable ("lazy") tuple
+# patterns so you may need to add a ~, like ~(x,y) in Haskell.
+# Haskell functions "length" and "not" may need parentheses round
+# their arguments.
+# mira2hs copes equally well with literate and illiterate scripts. It
+# doesn't care what characters lines begins with - it assumes
+# everything is code. It will convert code even inside comments.
+# For literate programs you will have to turn the standard header into
+# literate form and rename the output .lhs. You might want to do this
+# to (a copy of) mira2hs itself if you have lots of literate progs.
+# ToDo: = inside brackets -> ==
+if [ -n "$1" ]
+then in=$1
+ out=`basename $in .m`.hs
+else in="Standard input"
+[ -n "$2" ] && out=$2
+# Prepend a standard header and some function definitions.
+echo -- $in converted to Haskell by $USER on `date` > $tmp
+cat << "++++" >> $tmp
+module Main (main) where
+-------------------- mira2hs functions --------------------
+cjustify :: Int -> String -> String
+cjustify n s = spaces l ++ s ++ spaces r
+ where
+ m = n - length s
+ l = div m 2
+ r = m - l
+e :: (Floating a) => a
+e = exp 1
+hugenum :: (RealFloat a) => a
+hugenum = encodeFloat (r^d-1) (n-d)
+ where r = floatRadix hugenum
+ d = floatDigits hugenum
+ (_,n) = floatRange hugenum
+subscripts :: [a] -> [Int] -- Miranda index
+subscripts xs = f xs 0
+ where f [] n = []
+ f (_:xs) n = n : f xs (n+1)
+integer :: (RealFrac a) => a -> Bool
+integer x = x == fromIntegral (truncate x)
+lay :: [String] -> String
+lay = concat . map (++"\n")
+layn :: [String] -> String
+layn = concat . zipWith f [1..]
+ where
+ f :: Int -> String -> String
+ f n x = rjustify 4 (show n) ++ ") " ++ x ++ "\n"
+limit :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a
+limit (x:y:ys) | x == y = x
+ | otherwise = limit (y:ys)
+limit _ = error "limit: bad use"
+ljustify :: Int -> String -> String
+ljustify n s = s ++ spaces (n - length s)
+member :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> Bool
+member xs x = elem x xs
+merge :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
+merge [] ys = ys
+merge xs [] = xs
+merge xxs@(x:xs) yys@(y:ys) | x <= y = x : merge xs yys
+ | otherwise = y : merge xxs ys
+numval :: (Num a) => String -> a
+numval cs = read cs
+postfix :: [a] -> a -> [a]
+postfix xs x = xs ++ [x]
+rep :: Int -> b -> [b]
+rep n x = take n (repeat x)
+rjustify :: Int -> String -> String
+rjustify n s = spaces (n - length s) ++ s
+seq :: (Eq a) => a -> b -> b
+seq x y = if x == x then y else y
+shownum :: (Num a) => a -> String
+shownum x = show x
+sort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
+sort x | n <= 1 = x
+ | otherwise = merge (sort (take n2 x)) (sort (drop n2 x))
+ where n = length x
+ n2 = div n 2
+spaces :: Int -> String
+spaces 0 = ""
+spaces n = ' ' : spaces (n-1)
+tinynum :: (RealFloat a) => a
+tinynum = encodeFloat 1 (n-d)
+ where r = floatRadix tinynum
+ d = floatDigits tinynum
+ (n,_) = floatRange tinynum
+undef :: a
+undef = error "undefined"
+zipPair (x,y) = zip x y
+-- Following is UNTESTED
+data Sys_message =
+ Stdout String | Stderr String | Tofile String String |
+ Closefile String | Appendfile String |
+-- System String |
+ Exit Int
+doSysMessages :: [Sys_message] -> Dialogue
+doSysMessages requests responses = doMsgs requests []
+doMsgs [] afs = []
+doMsgs ((Appendfile f):rs) afs = doMsgs rs (f:afs)
+doMsgs ((Exit n) :rs) afs = []
+doMsgs (r :rs) afs
+ = doMsg r : doMsgs rs afs
+ where doMsg (Stdout s) = AppendChan stdout s
+ doMsg (Stderr s) = AppendChan stderr s
+ doMsg (Tofile f s) | elem f afs = AppendFile f s
+ | otherwise = WriteFile f s
+ doMsg (Closefile f)
+ = error "doSysMessages{mira2hs}: Closefile sys_message not supported"
+-- doMsg (Closefile f) = CloseFile f -- optional
+-- doMsg (System cmd)
+-- = error "doSysMessages{mira2hs}: System sys_message not supported"
+-- Pick a main. (If I was clever main would be an overloaded fn :-).
+main :: Dialogue
+-- main = printString s -- s :: String
+-- main = interact f -- f :: String -> String
+-- main = doSysMessages l -- l :: [Sys_message]
+-- main = print x -- x :: (Text a) => a
+printString :: String -> Dialogue
+printString s = appendChan stdout s abort done
+-------------------- mira2hs functions end --------------------
+# It's amazing what sed can do.
+sed '
+# Type synonyms and constructed types: insert "type" or "data". Add a
+# dummy :: to flag this line to the type name munging below. Beware
+# ====== in comments.
+/[^=]==[^=]/s/\(.*=\)=/::type \1/g
+/::=/s/\(.*\)::=/::data \1=/g
+# Change type variable *s to "a"s
+# List length & various other renamed functions (# reused below).
+s/ *# */ length /g
+# Miranda uncurried zip -> zipPair (above). Do before zip2->zip.
+# Miranda curried zip2 -> zip
+# Haskel div and mod are functions, not operators
+# Locate commas introducing guards by temporarily changing others.
+# Replace comma with # when after || or unmatched ( or [ or before
+# unmatched ) or ] or in string or char constants. Replace
+# matched () not containing commas with _<_ _>_ and matched []
+# with _{_ _}_ and repeat until no substitutions.
+: comma
+'"#change quotes
+"'#change quotes
+t comma
+# Restore () and []
+# The only commas left now introduce guards, remove optional "if"
+s/,[ ]*if/,/g
+s/[ ]*,[ ]*/,/g
+# Temporarily change ~=, <=, >=.
+# Replace every = in guard with == (do after type synonyms)
+: neq
+t neq
+# Fix other equals
+# Replace <pattern> = <rhs> , <guard> with <pattern> | (<guard>) = <rhs>
+s/=\(..*\),\(..*\)/| (\2) =\1/g
+# Restore other commas
+# List difference. Beware ------ in comments.
+# Comments (do after list diff)
+# Boolean not, or, and (do after comments)
+s/ *~ */ not /g
+s% *\\/ *% || %g
+# list indexing
+# Locate semicolon in list comprehensions by temporarily replacing ones
+# in string or char constants with #. Replace matched [] not
+# containing semicolon with _{_ _}_ and repeat until no substitutions.
+: semico
+'"#change quotes
+"'# change quotes
+t semico
+# Remaining [ ] must contain semicolons which we change to comas.
+: lcomp
+t lcomp
+# Restore [] and other semicolons
+# Miranda dollar turns a function into an infix operator
+' $1 >> $tmp
+# Create a sed script to change the first letter of each type name to
+# upper case.
+# Dummy definitions for predefined types (num is special).
+ echo ::type char =
+ echo ::type bool =
+ echo ::type sys_message =
+ cat $tmp
+) | \
+# Find type definitions & extract type names
+sed -n '/::data[ ].*=/{
+h;s/::data[ ]*\([^ =]\).*/\1/p
+g;s/::data[ ]*[^ =]\([^ =]*\).*=.*/\1/p
+/::type[ ].*=/{
+h;s/::type[ ]*\([^ =]\).*/\1/p
+g;s/::type[ ]*[^ =]\([^ =]*\).*=.*/\1/p
+}' | \
+# Read lower case initial, upper case inital and rest of type name.
+# Type is always after "::".
+echo ": loop"
+while read h; read H; read t
+do echo "/::/s/\<$h$t\>/$H$t/g"
+cat << "++++"
+# num -> Int
+# Loop round to catch type,type,..
+t loop
+# Remove the dummy :: flags from type definitions.
+# Comment out string type if defined.
+s/\(type[ ]*String[ ]*=\)/-- \1/
+) > $script
+if [ "$out" ]
+then exec > $out
+sed -f $script $tmp
+rm -f ${tmp}*