path: root/ghc/CONTRIB/pphs/docs/Uses.tex
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+\chapter{Uses for output}
+This chapter describes how the output from {\tt pphs} can be used. First,
+examples of the capabilities of {\tt pphs} are shown, then it is explained how
+the output is incorporated into \LaTeX\ documents, and how the user can alter
+the output using built in methods or by editing the output.
+\section{Examples of output} \label{examples}
+Up until now, only examples of input have been shown. Let us now see what
+{\tt pphs} actually does to this input. Take this earlier example.
+This is how this code is typeset by {\tt pphs}.
+Probably the most obvious thing about the typeset code is the highlighting
+of the identifiers. The reserved identifier or keyword {\keyword where} has been
+highlighted in boldface while all the other identifiers are in italics.
+The various symbols are in roman or math font as appropriate, these do not
+get put in italics. Less obvious is the indentation. Notice how the starts
+of the third, fourth and sixth lines all line up under {\iden state\/} on the
+second line, just like they do in the input. Similarly, the start of the fifth
+line is under the $|$ on the fourth. This demonstrates {\tt pphs}'s ability to
+recreate left indentation in \LaTeX. But note how the $=$ on the sixth line does
+not align under the $|$ on the fifth as it does in the input. This is because
+they are different characters and so {\tt pphs} does not recognise this as internal
+alignment. The only special case made in this part of the program was for $::$ and $=$.
+Alignment would have occurred by coincidence had the preceding characters on both lines
+been of the same width.
+To illustrate internal alignment, recall this earlier example.
+This code gets typeset like this.
+Notice here how the $=$ signs are aligned in a column, despite being preceded
+be characters that may be of different widths. This demonstrates the ability of
+{\tt pphs} to recreate internal alignment. Notice also how the {\tt '} signs
+have been interpreted as primes. This is because they are immediately preceded
+by identifiers. The {\tt *} signs have been transformed into multiplication signs,
+while the {\tt =>} has been replaced with $\Rightarrow$.
+Here is a new example, this time illustrating a comment and strings.
+This example gets typeset as follows.
+Note how {\tt pphs} puts the correct inverted commas at each end of the strings
+and how the strings themselves and the comment are in roman typeface.
+The $=$ signs show internal alignment.
+This next example demonstrates a comment, character quotes and the special case
+with internal alignment where {\tt =} are aligned under {\tt ::}.
+Typeset, this becomes
+The comment is typeset in roman, as are the character quotes. This example has
+the default double colon. Using the {\tt -w} option, the colons can be positioned
+further apart as illustrated below.
+It is a matter of taste which is used.
+\section{Incorporating output into \LaTeX\ documents}
+The motivation behind typesetting Haskell programs was so they could be incorporated
+into \LaTeX\ documents. This section describes how to do this with the output
+of {\tt pphs}.
+\subsection{The style file} \label{style-file}
+Before using the output generated by {\tt pphs}, it is necessary to incorporate the
+{\tt pphs.sty} style file (see Appendix~\ref{style-code}) into the document.
+This provides definitions of the non-standard
+commands produced by the program. The use of the style file is announced
+by adding {\tt pphs} to the option list of the documentstyle
+command like thus:
+Without {\tt pphs} in the option list, errors will occur when \LaTeX\ is run,
+unless all the non-standard commands used by {\tt pphs} have been defined elsewhere
+in the document.
+\subsection{Including the output file}
+To include the file containing the code output by {\tt pphs}, the \LaTeX\
+{\tt \char'134 input} command is used. If the file containing the output is called
+{\tt output.tex} then the following command is used.
+The code will appear at the left margin like this:
+This is useful for code listings.
+By using various different \LaTeX\ environments, the typeset Haskell code
+can be arranged differently.
+To have the code indented like the examples in Section~\ref{examples}, the
+{\tt quote} environment should be used. The code
+would produce
+The {\tt table} environment can be used to put the typeset Haskell code
+into a table and also allows the code to be captioned.
+The table will appear at the top of the current or next page depending on what
+space is available in the document. The \LaTeX\ code used to produce this is
+\caption{Typeset code in a table} \label{output-table}
+and this will produce a table, in this case Table~\ref{simple-table}.
+The {\tt minipage} environment is required because \LaTeX\ interprets the {\tt tabbing}
+environment as occupying the full page width, even if the text doesn't actually
+use all that space. The width argument, here {\tt 5cm}, is set to the width of the typeset
+Haskell code. If centering is not required, omit the {\tt center} and
+{\tt minipage} environments.
+The table can be referenced if it is labelled with the {\tt \char'134 label}
+command, as above, and can be referred to in the text by using the code
+{\tt Table\char'176 \char'134 ref\char'173 output-table\char'175} which will
+keep the table number consistent with the numbering of the chapter and other tables.
+\caption{Typeset code in a table} \label{simple-table}
+Similarly, the {\tt figure} environment can be used. The code is
+\caption{Typeset code in a figure} \label{output-figure}
+which produces a figure, in this case Figure~\ref{simple-figure}.
+Again, it can be captioned and referenced, as with tables.
+\caption{Typeset code in a figure} \label{simple-figure}
+The result, once included in the final document, may have too
+much blank space under the typeset code such as is the case in
+this next example.
+This means there were extra blank lines at the end of the input file, caused
+by extra return characters. This can be
+rectified by removing the extra return characters and running {\tt pphs} again.
+\subsection{Lengthy lines}
+It is always possible that the lines of typeset Haskell code will run off
+the right-hand edge of the user's page in the final document. Where this happens,
+it is necessary to edit the input file and re-run {\tt pphs}. Be careful not to
+change the parse of the program by wrongly indenting the second part of the line.
+\section{User adjustments} \label{user-adj}
+The user is able to have some say on what the output looks like.
+This makes the program more flexible and doesn't dictate what a
+Haskell program should look like when typeset. There are two areas in which user
+choice is allowed, other than the double colon symbol described in Chapter~\ref{wide-colons}.
+The default settings for typefaces are bold for keywords, italics for identifiers and
+roman for everything else that is not in the math typeface. However, keywords, identifiers,
+strings, comments and numbers may be in whatever typeface the user chooses.
+This is done using the {\tt \char'134 def} command to redefine the typeface commands
+used by {\tt pphs}. These are {\tt \char'134 keyword}, {\tt \char'134 iden},
+{\tt \char'134 stri}, {\tt \char'134 com} and {\tt \char'134 numb} respectively.
+For example, to put all comments into typewriter font, use
+{\tt \char'134 def\char'134 com\char'173 \char'134 tt\char'175} in
+the document. The scope of the declaration will be from the point of introduction to
+the end of the document. To cancel a redefinition, use {\tt \char'134 def} to
+redefine it back to what it was originally.
+The different typefaces available in \LaTeX\ are shown in Table~\ref{fonts}.
+It should be noted that the emphatic typeface is just the same as italics, although
+nesting emphatic sections will alternate between italics and roman.
+\begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline
+{\em code\/} & {\em meaning\/} \\ \hline
+{\tt \char'134 bf} & {\bf Boldface} \\
+{\tt \char'134 em} & {\em Emphatic\/} \\
+{\tt \char'134 it} & {\it Italics\/} \\
+{\tt \char'134 rm} & {\rm Roman} \\ \hline
+\end{tabular} \hskip3mm \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline
+{\em code\/} & {\em meaning\/} \\ \hline
+{\tt \char'134 sc} & {\sc Small Caps} \\
+{\tt \char'134 sf} & {\sf Sans Serif} \\
+{\tt \char'134 sl} & {\sl Slanted\/} \\
+{\tt \char'134 tt} & {\tt Typewriter} \\ \hline
+\caption{Typefaces available in \LaTeX } \label{fonts}
+\subsection{Quote marks}
+Two types of quote mark are redefinable, forwards quotes and escape quotes.
+The default for both of them is ' but if it is wished to redefine one or
+both of them, use the {\tt \char'134 def} with either {\tt \char'134 forquo}
+or {\tt \char'134 escquo}. For example, to make escape quotes be
+printed as {\sf '} use {\tt \char'134 def\char'134 escquo\char'173 \char'134 hbox\char'173 \char'134 sf '\char'175 \char'175} in the document.
+\section{Altering the output}
+As {\tt pphs} produces code which is subsequently run through \LaTeX , it is possible
+to alter the code before it is run through \LaTeX . This is useful for correcting
+mistakes made by {\tt pphs}. However, it is recommended that only those experienced
+in \LaTeX\ try this. \ No newline at end of file