path: root/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/GHCi/UI.hs')
1 files changed, 88 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs b/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
index 10a9cfa71d..d4dbfc7c60 100644
--- a/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
+++ b/ghc/GHCi/UI.hs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ import GHC.Runtime.Debugger
import GHC.Runtime.Interpreter
import GHC.Runtime.Interpreter.Types
import GHCi.RemoteTypes
-import GHCi.BreakArray
+import GHCi.BreakArray( breakOn, breakOff )
import GHC.ByteCode.Types
import GHC.Core.DataCon
import GHC.Core.ConLike
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ ghciCommands = map mkCmd [
("info", keepGoing' (info False), completeIdentifier),
("info!", keepGoing' (info True), completeIdentifier),
("issafe", keepGoing' isSafeCmd, completeModule),
+ ("ignore", keepGoing ignoreCmd, noCompletion),
("kind", keepGoing' (kindOfType False), completeIdentifier),
("kind!", keepGoing' (kindOfType True), completeIdentifier),
("load", keepGoingPaths loadModule_, completeHomeModuleOrFile),
@@ -352,7 +353,7 @@ defFullHelpText =
" :back [<n>] go back in the history N steps (after :trace)\n" ++
" :break [<mod>] <l> [<col>] set a breakpoint at the specified location\n" ++
" :break <name> set a breakpoint on the specified function\n" ++
- " :continue resume after a breakpoint\n" ++
+ " :continue [<count>] resume after a breakpoint [and set break ignore count]\n" ++
" :delete <number> ... delete the specified breakpoints\n" ++
" :delete * delete all breakpoints\n" ++
" :disable <number> ... disable the specified breakpoints\n" ++
@@ -362,6 +363,7 @@ defFullHelpText =
" :force <expr> print <expr>, forcing unevaluated parts\n" ++
" :forward [<n>] go forward in the history N step s(after :back)\n" ++
" :history [<n>] after :trace, show the execution history\n" ++
+ " :ignore <breaknum> <count> for break <breaknum> set break ignore <count>\n" ++
" :list show the source code around current breakpoint\n" ++
" :list <identifier> show the source code for <identifier>\n" ++
" :list [<module>] <line> show the source code around line number <line>\n" ++
@@ -1323,7 +1325,7 @@ afterRunStmt step_here run_result = do
st <- getGHCiState
enqueueCommands [stop st]
return ()
- | otherwise -> resume step_here GHC.SingleStep >>=
+ | otherwise -> resume step_here GHC.SingleStep Nothing >>=
afterRunStmt step_here >> return ()
@@ -3529,7 +3531,7 @@ completeBreakpoint = wrapCompleter spaces $ \w -> do -- #3000
-- Return all possible bids for a given Module
bidsByModule :: GhciMonad m => [ModuleName] -> Module -> m [String]
bidsByModule nonquals mod = do
- (_, _, decls) <- getModBreak mod
+ (_, decls) <- getModBreak mod
let bids = nub $ declPath <$> elems decls
pure $ case (moduleName mod) `elem` nonquals of
True -> bids
@@ -3556,7 +3558,7 @@ completeBreakpoint = wrapCompleter spaces $ \w -> do -- #3000
-- declarations. See Note [ModBreaks.decls] in GHC.ByteCode.Types
addNestedDecls :: GhciMonad m => (String, Module) -> m [String]
addNestedDecls (ident, mod) = do
- (_, _, decls) <- getModBreak mod
+ (_, decls) <- getModBreak mod
let (mod_str, topLvl, _) = splitIdent ident
ident_decls = filter ((topLvl ==) . head) $ elems decls
bids = nub $ declPath <$> ident_decls
@@ -3742,12 +3744,24 @@ traceCmd arg
tr [] = doContinue (const True) GHC.RunAndLogSteps
tr expression = runStmt expression GHC.RunAndLogSteps >> return ()
-continueCmd :: GhciMonad m => String -> m ()
-continueCmd = noArgs $ withSandboxOnly ":continue" $ doContinue (const True) GHC.RunToCompletion
+continueCmd :: GhciMonad m => String -> m () -- #19157
+continueCmd argLine = withSandboxOnly ":continue" $
+ case contSwitch (words argLine) of
+ Left sdoc -> printForUser sdoc
+ Right mbCnt -> doContinue' (const True) GHC.RunToCompletion mbCnt
+ where
+ contSwitch :: [String] -> Either SDoc (Maybe Int)
+ contSwitch [ ] = Right Nothing
+ contSwitch [x] = getIgnoreCount x
+ contSwitch _ = Left $
+ text "After ':continue' only one ignore count is allowed"
doContinue :: GhciMonad m => (SrcSpan -> Bool) -> SingleStep -> m ()
-doContinue pre step = do
- runResult <- resume pre step
+doContinue pre step = doContinue' pre step Nothing
+doContinue' :: GhciMonad m => (SrcSpan -> Bool) -> SingleStep -> Maybe Int -> m ()
+doContinue' pre step mbCnt= do
+ runResult <- resume pre step mbCnt
_ <- afterRunStmt pre runResult
return ()
@@ -3793,23 +3807,30 @@ enaDisaSwitch enaDisa idents = do
enaDisaOneBreak :: GhciMonad m => Bool -> String -> m ()
enaDisaOneBreak enaDisa strId = do
- sdoc_loc <- getBreakLoc enaDisa strId
+ sdoc_loc <- checkEnaDisa enaDisa strId
case sdoc_loc of
Left sdoc -> printForUser sdoc
Right loc -> enaDisaAssoc enaDisa (read strId, loc)
-getBreakLoc :: GhciMonad m => Bool -> String -> m (Either SDoc BreakLocation)
-getBreakLoc enaDisa strId = do
+checkEnaDisa :: GhciMonad m => Bool -> String -> m (Either SDoc BreakLocation)
+checkEnaDisa enaDisa strId = do
+ sdoc_loc <- getBreakLoc strId
+ pure $ sdoc_loc >>= checkEnaDisaState enaDisa strId
+getBreakLoc :: GhciMonad m => String -> m (Either SDoc BreakLocation)
+getBreakLoc strId = do
st <- getGHCiState
case readMaybe strId >>= flip IntMap.lookup (breaks st) of
Nothing -> return $ Left (text "Breakpoint" <+> text strId <+>
text "not found")
- Just loc ->
- if breakEnabled loc == enaDisa
- then return $ Left
- (text "Breakpoint" <+> text strId <+>
- text "already in desired state")
- else return $ Right loc
+ Just loc -> return $ Right loc
+checkEnaDisaState :: Bool -> String -> BreakLocation -> Either SDoc BreakLocation
+checkEnaDisaState enaDisa strId loc = do
+ if breakEnabled loc == enaDisa
+ then Left $
+ text "Breakpoint" <+> text strId <+> text "already in desired state"
+ else Right loc
enaDisaAssoc :: GhciMonad m => Bool -> (Int, BreakLocation) -> m ()
enaDisaAssoc enaDisa (intId, loc) = do
@@ -3854,6 +3875,41 @@ bold :: SDoc -> SDoc
bold c | do_bold = text start_bold <> c <> text end_bold
| otherwise = c
+ignoreCmd :: GhciMonad m => String -> m () -- #19157
+ignoreCmd argLine = withSandboxOnly ":ignore" $ do
+ result <- ignoreSwitch (words argLine)
+ case result of
+ Left sdoc -> printForUser sdoc
+ Right (loc, mbCount) -> do
+ let breakInfo = GHC.BreakInfo (breakModule loc) (breakTick loc)
+ count = fromMaybe 0 mbCount
+ setupBreakpoint breakInfo count
+ignoreSwitch :: GhciMonad m => [String] -> m (Either SDoc (BreakLocation, Maybe Int))
+ignoreSwitch [break, count] = do
+ sdoc_loc <- getBreakLoc break
+ pure $ (,) <$> sdoc_loc <*> getIgnoreCount count
+ignoreSwitch _ = pure $ Left $ text "Syntax: :ignore <breaknum> <count>"
+getIgnoreCount :: String -> Either SDoc (Maybe Int)
+getIgnoreCount str =
+ let checkJust :: Maybe Int -> Either SDoc (Maybe Int)
+ checkJust mbCnt
+ | (isJust mbCnt) = Right mbCnt
+ | otherwise = Left $ sdocIgnore <+> text "is not numeric"
+ checkPositive :: Maybe Int -> Either SDoc (Maybe Int)
+ checkPositive mbCnt
+ | isJust mbCnt && fromJust mbCnt >= 0 = Right mbCnt
+ | otherwise = Left $ sdocIgnore <+> text "must be >= 0"
+ mbCnt :: Maybe Int = readMaybe str
+ sdocIgnore = (text "Ignore count") <+> quotes (text str)
+ in Right mbCnt >>= checkJust >>= checkPositive
+setupBreakpoint :: GhciMonad m => GHC.BreakInfo -> Int -> m()
+setupBreakpoint loc count = do
+ hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
+ GHC.setupBreakpoint hsc_env loc count
backCmd :: GhciMonad m => String -> m ()
backCmd arg
| null arg = back 1
@@ -3972,7 +4028,7 @@ breakById inp = do
validateBP _ "" (Just _) = pure $ Just $ text "Function name is missing"
validateBP _ fun_str (Just modl) = do
isInterpr <- GHC.moduleIsInterpreted modl
- (_, _, decls) <- getModBreak modl
+ (_, decls) <- getModBreak modl
mb_err_msg <- case isInterpr of
False -> pure $ Just $ text "Module" <+> quotes (ppr modl)
<+> text "is not interpreted"
@@ -3991,13 +4047,12 @@ findBreakAndSet :: GhciMonad m
=> Module -> (TickArray -> [(Int, RealSrcSpan)]) -> m ()
findBreakAndSet md lookupTickTree = do
tickArray <- getTickArray md
- (breakArray, _, _) <- getModBreak md
case lookupTickTree tickArray of
[] -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "No breakpoints found at that location."
- some -> mapM_ (breakAt breakArray) some
+ some -> mapM_ breakAt some
- breakAt breakArray (tick, pan) = do
- setBreakFlag True breakArray tick
+ breakAt (tick, pan) = do
+ setBreakFlag md tick True
(alreadySet, nm) <-
recordBreak $ BreakLocation
{ breakModule = md
@@ -4266,7 +4321,7 @@ getTickArray modl = do
case lookupModuleEnv arrmap modl of
Just arr -> return arr
Nothing -> do
- (_breakArray, ticks, _) <- getModBreak modl
+ (ticks, _) <- getModBreak modl
let arr = mkTickArray (assocs ticks)
setGHCiState st{tickarrays = extendModuleEnv arrmap modl arr}
return arr
@@ -4301,29 +4356,27 @@ deleteBreak identity = do
let rest = IntMap.delete identity oldLocations
setGHCiState $ st { breaks = rest }
-turnBreakOnOff :: GHC.GhcMonad m => Bool -> BreakLocation -> m BreakLocation
+turnBreakOnOff :: GhciMonad m => Bool -> BreakLocation -> m BreakLocation
turnBreakOnOff onOff loc
| onOff == breakEnabled loc = return loc
| otherwise = do
- (arr, _, _) <- getModBreak (breakModule loc)
- hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
- liftIO $ enableBreakpoint hsc_env arr (breakTick loc) onOff
+ setBreakFlag (breakModule loc) (breakTick loc) onOff
return loc { breakEnabled = onOff }
getModBreak :: GHC.GhcMonad m
- => Module -> m (ForeignRef BreakArray, Array Int SrcSpan, Array Int [String])
+ => Module -> m (Array Int SrcSpan, Array Int [String])
getModBreak m = do
mod_info <- fromMaybe (panic "getModBreak") <$> GHC.getModuleInfo m
let modBreaks = GHC.modInfoModBreaks mod_info
- let arr = GHC.modBreaks_flags modBreaks
let ticks = GHC.modBreaks_locs modBreaks
let decls = GHC.modBreaks_decls modBreaks
- return (arr, ticks, decls)
+ return (ticks, decls)
-setBreakFlag :: GHC.GhcMonad m => Bool -> ForeignRef BreakArray -> Int -> m ()
-setBreakFlag toggle arr i = do
- hsc_env <- GHC.getSession
- liftIO $ enableBreakpoint hsc_env arr i toggle
+setBreakFlag :: GhciMonad m => Module -> Int -> Bool ->m ()
+setBreakFlag md ix enaDisa = do
+ let enaDisaToCount True = breakOn
+ enaDisaToCount False = breakOff
+ setupBreakpoint (GHC.BreakInfo md ix) $ enaDisaToCount enaDisa
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- User code exception handling