path: root/ghc/GhciInfo.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/GhciInfo.hs')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/GhciInfo.hs b/ghc/GhciInfo.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2fa9a950e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/GhciInfo.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+-- | Get information on modules, expreesions, and identifiers
+module GhciInfo
+ ( ModInfo(..)
+ , SpanInfo(..)
+ , spanInfoFromRealSrcSpan
+ , collectInfo
+ , findLoc
+ , findNameUses
+ , findType
+ , getModInfo
+ ) where
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
+import Data.Data
+import Data.Function
+import Data.List
+import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Time
+import Prelude hiding (mod)
+import System.Directory
+import qualified CoreUtils
+import Desugar
+import DynFlags (HasDynFlags(..))
+import FastString
+import GHC
+import GhcMonad
+import Name
+import NameSet
+import Outputable
+import SrcLoc
+import TcHsSyn
+import Var
+-- | Info about a module. This information is generated every time a
+-- module is loaded.
+data ModInfo = ModInfo
+ { modinfoSummary :: !ModSummary
+ -- ^ Summary generated by GHC. Can be used to access more
+ -- information about the module.
+ , modinfoSpans :: [SpanInfo]
+ -- ^ Generated set of information about all spans in the
+ -- module that correspond to some kind of identifier for
+ -- which there will be type info and/or location info.
+ , modinfoInfo :: !ModuleInfo
+ -- ^ Again, useful from GHC for accessing information
+ -- (exports, instances, scope) from a module.
+ , modinfoLastUpdate :: !UTCTime
+ }
+-- | Type of some span of source code. Most of these fields are
+-- unboxed but Haddock doesn't show that.
+data SpanInfo = SpanInfo
+ { spaninfoSrcSpan :: {-# UNPACK #-} !RealSrcSpan
+ -- ^ The span we associate information with
+ , spaninfoType :: !(Maybe Type)
+ -- ^ The 'Type' associated with the span
+ , spaninfoVar :: !(Maybe Id)
+ -- ^ The actual 'Var' associated with the span, if
+ -- any. This can be useful for accessing a variety of
+ -- information about the identifier such as module,
+ -- locality, definition location, etc.
+ }
+-- | Test whether second span is contained in (or equal to) first span.
+-- This is basically 'containsSpan' for 'SpanInfo'
+containsSpanInfo :: SpanInfo -> SpanInfo -> Bool
+containsSpanInfo = containsSpan `on` spaninfoSrcSpan
+-- | Filter all 'SpanInfo' which are contained in 'SpanInfo'
+spaninfosWithin :: [SpanInfo] -> SpanInfo -> [SpanInfo]
+spaninfosWithin spans' si = filter (si `containsSpanInfo`) spans'
+-- | Construct a 'SpanInfo' from a 'RealSrcSpan' and optionally a
+-- 'Type' and an 'Id' (for 'spaninfoType' and 'spaninfoVar'
+-- respectively)
+spanInfoFromRealSrcSpan :: RealSrcSpan -> Maybe Type -> Maybe Id -> SpanInfo
+spanInfoFromRealSrcSpan spn mty mvar =
+ SpanInfo spn mty mvar
+-- | Convenience wrapper around 'spanInfoFromRealSrcSpan' which needs
+-- only a 'RealSrcSpan'
+spanInfoFromRealSrcSpan' :: RealSrcSpan -> SpanInfo
+spanInfoFromRealSrcSpan' s = spanInfoFromRealSrcSpan s Nothing Nothing
+-- | Convenience wrapper around 'srcSpanFile' which results in a 'FilePath'
+srcSpanFilePath :: RealSrcSpan -> FilePath
+srcSpanFilePath = unpackFS . srcSpanFile
+-- | Try to find the location of the given identifier at the given
+-- position in the module.
+findLoc :: GhcMonad m
+ => Map ModuleName ModInfo
+ -> RealSrcSpan
+ -> String
+ -> ExceptT SDoc m (ModInfo,Name,SrcSpan)
+findLoc infos span0 string = do
+ name <- maybeToExceptT "Couldn't guess that module name. Does it exist?" $
+ guessModule infos (srcSpanFilePath span0)
+ info <- maybeToExceptT "No module info for current file! Try loading it?" $
+ MaybeT $ pure $ M.lookup name infos
+ name' <- findName infos span0 info string
+ case getSrcSpan name' of
+ UnhelpfulSpan{} -> do
+ throwE ("Found a name, but no location information." <+>
+ "The module is:" <+>
+ maybe "<unknown>" (ppr . moduleName)
+ (nameModule_maybe name'))
+ span' -> return (info,name',span')
+-- | Find any uses of the given identifier in the codebase.
+findNameUses :: (GhcMonad m)
+ => Map ModuleName ModInfo
+ -> RealSrcSpan
+ -> String
+ -> ExceptT SDoc m [SrcSpan]
+findNameUses infos span0 string =
+ locToSpans <$> findLoc infos span0 string
+ where
+ locToSpans (modinfo,name',span') =
+ stripSurrounding (span' : map toSrcSpan spans)
+ where
+ toSrcSpan = RealSrcSpan . spaninfoSrcSpan
+ spans = filter ((== Just name') . fmap getName . spaninfoVar)
+ (modinfoSpans modinfo)
+-- | Filter out redundant spans which surround/contain other spans.
+stripSurrounding :: [SrcSpan] -> [SrcSpan]
+stripSurrounding xs = filter (not . isRedundant) xs
+ where
+ isRedundant x = any (x `strictlyContains`) xs
+ (RealSrcSpan s1) `strictlyContains` (RealSrcSpan s2)
+ = s1 /= s2 && s1 `containsSpan` s2
+ _ `strictlyContains` _ = False
+-- | Try to resolve the name located at the given position, or
+-- otherwise resolve based on the current module's scope.
+findName :: GhcMonad m
+ => Map ModuleName ModInfo
+ -> RealSrcSpan
+ -> ModInfo
+ -> String
+ -> ExceptT SDoc m Name
+findName infos span0 mi string =
+ case resolveName (modinfoSpans mi) (spanInfoFromRealSrcSpan' span0) of
+ Nothing -> tryExternalModuleResolution
+ Just name ->
+ case getSrcSpan name of
+ UnhelpfulSpan {} -> tryExternalModuleResolution
+ RealSrcSpan {} -> return (getName name)
+ where
+ tryExternalModuleResolution =
+ case find (matchName $ mkFastString string)
+ (fromMaybe [] (modInfoTopLevelScope (modinfoInfo mi))) of
+ Nothing -> throwE "Couldn't resolve to any modules."
+ Just imported -> resolveNameFromModule infos imported
+ matchName :: FastString -> Name -> Bool
+ matchName str name =
+ str ==
+ occNameFS (getOccName name)
+-- | Try to resolve the name from another (loaded) module's exports.
+resolveNameFromModule :: GhcMonad m
+ => Map ModuleName ModInfo
+ -> Name
+ -> ExceptT SDoc m Name
+resolveNameFromModule infos name = do
+ modL <- maybe (throwE $ "No module for" <+> ppr name) return $
+ nameModule_maybe name
+ info <- maybe (throwE (ppr (moduleUnitId modL) <> ":" <>
+ ppr modL)) return $
+ M.lookup (moduleName modL) infos
+ maybe (throwE "No matching export in any local modules.") return $
+ find (matchName name) (modInfoExports (modinfoInfo info))
+ where
+ matchName :: Name -> Name -> Bool
+ matchName x y = occNameFS (getOccName x) ==
+ occNameFS (getOccName y)
+-- | Try to resolve the type display from the given span.
+resolveName :: [SpanInfo] -> SpanInfo -> Maybe Var
+resolveName spans' si = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe spaninfoVar $
+ reverse spans' `spaninfosWithin` si
+-- | Try to find the type of the given span.
+findType :: GhcMonad m
+ => Map ModuleName ModInfo
+ -> RealSrcSpan
+ -> String
+ -> ExceptT SDoc m (ModInfo, Type)
+findType infos span0 string = do
+ name <- maybeToExceptT "Couldn't guess that module name. Does it exist?" $
+ guessModule infos (srcSpanFilePath span0)
+ info <- maybeToExceptT "No module info for current file! Try loading it?" $
+ MaybeT $ pure $ M.lookup name infos
+ case resolveType (modinfoSpans info) (spanInfoFromRealSrcSpan' span0) of
+ Nothing -> (,) info <$> lift (exprType string)
+ Just ty -> return (info, ty)
+ where
+ -- | Try to resolve the type display from the given span.
+ resolveType :: [SpanInfo] -> SpanInfo -> Maybe Type
+ resolveType spans' si = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe spaninfoType $
+ reverse spans' `spaninfosWithin` si
+-- | Guess a module name from a file path.
+guessModule :: GhcMonad m
+ => Map ModuleName ModInfo -> FilePath -> MaybeT m ModuleName
+guessModule infos fp = do
+ target <- lift $ guessTarget fp Nothing
+ case targetId target of
+ TargetModule mn -> return mn
+ TargetFile fp' _ -> guessModule' fp'
+ where
+ guessModule' :: GhcMonad m => FilePath -> MaybeT m ModuleName
+ guessModule' fp' = case findModByFp fp' of
+ Just mn -> return mn
+ Nothing -> do
+ fp'' <- liftIO (makeRelativeToCurrentDirectory fp')
+ target' <- lift $ guessTarget fp'' Nothing
+ case targetId target' of
+ TargetModule mn -> return mn
+ _ -> MaybeT . pure $ findModByFp fp''
+ findModByFp :: FilePath -> Maybe ModuleName
+ findModByFp fp' = fst <$> find ((Just fp' ==) . mifp) (M.toList infos)
+ where
+ mifp :: (ModuleName, ModInfo) -> Maybe FilePath
+ mifp = ml_hs_file . ms_location . modinfoSummary . snd
+-- | Collect type info data for the loaded modules.
+collectInfo :: (GhcMonad m) => Map ModuleName ModInfo -> [ModuleName]
+ -> m (Map ModuleName ModInfo)
+collectInfo ms loaded = do
+ df <- getDynFlags
+ liftIO (filterM cacheInvalid loaded) >>= \case
+ [] -> return ms
+ invalidated -> do
+ liftIO (putStrLn ("Collecting type info for " ++
+ show (length invalidated) ++
+ " module(s) ... "))
+ foldM (go df) ms invalidated
+ where
+ go df m name = do { info <- getModInfo name; return (M.insert name info m) }
+ `gcatch`
+ (\(e :: SomeException) -> do
+ liftIO $ putStrLn
+ $ showSDocForUser df alwaysQualify
+ $ "Error while getting type info from" <+>
+ ppr name <> ":" <+> text (show e)
+ return m)
+ cacheInvalid name = case M.lookup name ms of
+ Nothing -> return True
+ Just mi -> do
+ let fp = ml_obj_file (ms_location (modinfoSummary mi))
+ last' = modinfoLastUpdate mi
+ exists <- doesFileExist fp
+ if exists
+ then (> last') <$> getModificationTime fp
+ else return True
+-- | Get info about the module: summary, types, etc.
+getModInfo :: (GhcMonad m) => ModuleName -> m ModInfo
+getModInfo name = do
+ m <- getModSummary name
+ p <- parseModule m
+ typechecked <- typecheckModule p
+ allTypes <- processAllTypeCheckedModule typechecked
+ let i = tm_checked_module_info typechecked
+ now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ return (ModInfo m allTypes i now)
+-- | Get ALL source spans in the module.
+processAllTypeCheckedModule :: forall m . GhcMonad m => TypecheckedModule
+ -> m [SpanInfo]
+processAllTypeCheckedModule tcm = do
+ bts <- mapM getTypeLHsBind $ listifyAllSpans tcs
+ ets <- mapM getTypeLHsExpr $ listifyAllSpans tcs
+ pts <- mapM getTypeLPat $ listifyAllSpans tcs
+ return $ mapMaybe toSpanInfo
+ $ sortBy cmpSpan
+ $ catMaybes (bts ++ ets ++ pts)
+ where
+ tcs = tm_typechecked_source tcm
+ -- | Extract 'Id', 'SrcSpan', and 'Type' for 'LHsBind's
+ getTypeLHsBind :: LHsBind Id -> m (Maybe (Maybe Id,SrcSpan,Type))
+ getTypeLHsBind (L _spn FunBind{fun_id = pid,fun_matches = MG _ _ _typ _})
+ = pure $ Just (Just (unLoc pid),getLoc pid,varType (unLoc pid))
+ getTypeLHsBind _ = pure Nothing
+ -- | Extract 'Id', 'SrcSpan', and 'Type' for 'LHsExpr's
+ getTypeLHsExpr :: LHsExpr Id -> m (Maybe (Maybe Id,SrcSpan,Type))
+ getTypeLHsExpr e = do
+ hs_env <- getSession
+ (_,mbe) <- liftIO $ deSugarExpr hs_env e
+ return $ fmap (\expr -> (mid, getLoc e, CoreUtils.exprType expr)) mbe
+ where
+ mid :: Maybe Id
+ mid | HsVar (L _ i) <- unwrapVar (unLoc e) = Just i
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ unwrapVar (HsWrap _ var) = var
+ unwrapVar e' = e'
+ -- | Extract 'Id', 'SrcSpan', and 'Type' for 'LPats's
+ getTypeLPat :: LPat Id -> m (Maybe (Maybe Id,SrcSpan,Type))
+ getTypeLPat (L spn pat) =
+ pure (Just (getMaybeId pat,spn,hsPatType pat))
+ where
+ getMaybeId (VarPat (L _ vid)) = Just vid
+ getMaybeId _ = Nothing
+ -- | Get ALL source spans in the source.
+ listifyAllSpans :: Typeable a => TypecheckedSource -> [Located a]
+ listifyAllSpans = everythingAllSpans (++) [] ([] `mkQ` (\x -> [x | p x]))
+ where
+ p (L spn _) = isGoodSrcSpan spn
+ -- | Variant of @syb@'s @everything@ (which summarises all nodes
+ -- in top-down, left-to-right order) with a stop-condition on 'NameSet's
+ everythingAllSpans :: (r -> r -> r) -> r -> GenericQ r -> GenericQ r
+ everythingAllSpans k z f x
+ | (False `mkQ` (const True :: NameSet -> Bool)) x = z
+ | otherwise = foldl k (f x) (gmapQ (everythingAllSpans k z f) x)
+ cmpSpan (_,a,_) (_,b,_)
+ | a `isSubspanOf` b = LT
+ | b `isSubspanOf` a = GT
+ | otherwise = EQ
+ -- | Pretty print the types into a 'SpanInfo'.
+ toSpanInfo :: (Maybe Id,SrcSpan,Type) -> Maybe SpanInfo
+ toSpanInfo (n,RealSrcSpan spn,typ)
+ = Just $ spanInfoFromRealSrcSpan spn (Just typ) n
+ toSpanInfo _ = Nothing
+-- helper stolen from @syb@ package
+type GenericQ r = forall a. Data a => a -> r
+mkQ :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => r -> (b -> r) -> a -> r
+(r `mkQ` br) a = maybe r br (cast a)