path: root/ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCFuns.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/absCSyn/AbsCFuns.lhs')
1 files changed, 864 insertions, 0 deletions
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1995
+\section[AbsCFuns]{Help functions for Abstract~C datatype}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module AbsCFuns (
+ nonemptyAbsC,
+ mkAbstractCs, mkAbsCStmts,
+ mkAlgAltsCSwitch,
+ kindFromMagicId,
+ getAmodeKind, amodeCanSurviveGC,
+ mixedTypeLocn, mixedPtrLocn,
+ flattenAbsC,
+--UNUSED: getDestinationRegs,
+ mkAbsCStmtList,
+ -- printing/forcing stuff comes from PprAbsC
+ -- and for interface self-sufficiency...
+ AbstractC, CAddrMode, PrimKind, SplitUniqSupply
+ ) where
+import AbsCSyn
+import AbsPrel ( PrimOp(..)
+ )
+import AbsUniType ( kindFromType, splitTyArgs, TauType(..),
+ TyVar, TyCon, Arity(..), Class, UniType
+ )
+#ifndef DPH
+import CLabelInfo ( CLabel, mkReturnPtLabel, mkVecTblLabel )
+import CLabelInfo ( CLabel, mkReturnPtLabel,
+ isNestableBlockLabel, isSlowFastLabelPair )
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+import BasicLit ( kindOfBasicLit )
+import Digraph ( stronglyConnComp )
+import Id ( fIRST_TAG, ConTag(..), DataCon(..), Id )
+import Maybes ( Maybe(..) )
+import PrimKind ( getKindSize, retKindSize, PrimKind(..) )
+import SplitUniq
+import StgSyn ( StgAtom )
+import Unique -- UniqueSupply primitives used in flattening monad
+import Util
+infixr 9 `thenFlt`
+Check if there is any real code in some Abstract~C. If so, return it
+(@Just ...@); otherwise, return @Nothing@. Don't be too strict!
+It returns the "reduced" code in the Just part so that the work of
+discarding AbsCNops isn't lost, and so that if the caller uses
+the reduced version there's less danger of a big tree of AbsCNops getting
+materialised and causing a space leak.
+nonemptyAbsC :: AbstractC -> Maybe AbstractC
+nonemptyAbsC AbsCNop = Nothing
+--UNUSED:nonemptyAbsC (CComment _) = Nothing
+nonemptyAbsC (AbsCStmts s1 s2) = case (nonemptyAbsC s1) of
+ Nothing -> nonemptyAbsC s2
+ Just x -> Just (AbsCStmts x s2)
+nonemptyAbsC s@(CSimultaneous c) = case (nonemptyAbsC c) of
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ Just x -> Just s
+nonemptyAbsC other = Just other
+mkAbstractCs :: [AbstractC] -> AbstractC
+mkAbstractCs [] = AbsCNop
+mkAbstractCs cs = foldr1 mkAbsCStmts cs
+-- for fiddling around w/ killing off AbsCNops ... (ToDo)
+mkAbsCStmts :: AbstractC -> AbstractC -> AbstractC
+mkAbsCStmts = AbsCStmts
+{- Discarded SLPJ June 95; it calls nonemptyAbsC too much!
+ = BIND (case (nonemptyAbsC abc2) of
+ Nothing -> AbsCNop
+ Just d2 -> d2) _TO_ abc2b ->
+ case (nonemptyAbsC abc1) of {
+ Nothing -> abc2b;
+ Just d1 -> AbsCStmts d1 abc2b
+ } BEND
+ = case (nonemptyAbsC abc1) of
+ Nothing -> abc2
+ Just d1 -> AbsCStmts d1 abc2
+{- old2:
+ = case (nonemptyAbsC abc1) of
+ Nothing -> case (nonemptyAbsC abc2) of
+ Nothing -> AbsCNop
+ Just d2 -> d2
+ Just d1 -> AbsCStmts d1 abc2
+{- old:
+ if abc1_empty then
+ if abc2_empty
+ then AbsCNop
+ else abc2
+ else if {- abc1 not empty but -} abc2_empty then
+ abc1
+ else {- neither empty -}
+ AbsCStmts abc1 abc2
+ where
+ abc1_empty = noAbsCcode abc1
+ abc2_empty = noAbsCcode abc2
+Get the sho' 'nuff statements out of an @AbstractC@.
+mkAbsCStmtList :: AbstractC -> [AbstractC]
+mkAbsCStmtList AbsCNop = []
+--UNUSED:mkAbsCStmtList (CComment _) = []
+mkAbsCStmtList (AbsCStmts s1 s2) = mkAbsCStmtList s1 ++ mkAbsCStmtList s2
+mkAbsCStmtList s@(CSimultaneous c) = if null (mkAbsCStmtList c)
+ then []
+ else [s]
+mkAbsCStmtList other = [other]
+mkAbsCStmtList :: AbstractC -> [AbstractC]
+mkAbsCStmtList absC = mkAbsCStmtList' absC []
+-- Optimised a la foldr/build!
+mkAbsCStmtList' AbsCNop r = r
+--UNUSED:mkAbsCStmtList' (CComment _) r = r
+mkAbsCStmtList' (AbsCStmts s1 s2) r =
+ mkAbsCStmtList' s1 (mkAbsCStmtList' s2 r)
+mkAbsCStmtList' s@(CSimultaneous c) r =
+ if null (mkAbsCStmtList c) then r else s : r
+mkAbsCStmtList' other r = other : r
+mkAlgAltsCSwitch :: CAddrMode -> [(ConTag, AbstractC)] -> AbstractC -> AbstractC
+mkAlgAltsCSwitch scrutinee tagged_alts deflt_absc
+ = CSwitch scrutinee (adjust tagged_alts) deflt_absc
+ where
+ -- Adjust the tags in the switch to start at zero.
+ -- This is the convention used by primitive ops which return algebraic
+ -- data types. Why? Because for two-constructor types, zero is faster
+ -- to create and distinguish from 1 than are 1 and 2.
+ -- We also need to convert to BasicLits to keep the CSwitch happy
+ adjust tagged_alts
+ = [ (MachInt (toInteger (tag - fIRST_TAG)) False{-unsigned-}, abs_c)
+ | (tag, abs_c) <- tagged_alts ]
+%* *
+\subsubsection[AbsCFuns-kinds-from-MagicIds]{Kinds from MagicIds}
+%* *
+kindFromMagicId BaseReg = PtrKind
+kindFromMagicId StkOReg = PtrKind
+kindFromMagicId (VanillaReg kind _) = kind
+kindFromMagicId (FloatReg _) = FloatKind
+kindFromMagicId (DoubleReg _) = DoubleKind
+kindFromMagicId TagReg = IntKind
+kindFromMagicId RetReg = RetKind
+kindFromMagicId SpA = PtrKind
+kindFromMagicId SuA = PtrKind
+kindFromMagicId SpB = PtrKind
+kindFromMagicId SuB = PtrKind
+kindFromMagicId Hp = PtrKind
+kindFromMagicId HpLim = PtrKind
+kindFromMagicId LivenessReg = IntKind
+kindFromMagicId ActivityReg = IntKind
+kindFromMagicId StdUpdRetVecReg = PtrKind
+kindFromMagicId StkStubReg = PtrKind
+kindFromMagicId CurCostCentre = CostCentreKind
+kindFromMagicId VoidReg = VoidKind
+#ifdef DPH
+kindFromMagicId (DataReg _ n) = kind
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+%* *
+\subsection[AbsCFuns-amode-kinds]{Finding @PrimitiveKinds@ of amodes}
+%* *
+See also the return conventions for unboxed things; currently living
+in @CgCon@ (next to the constructor return conventions).
+ToDo: tiny tweaking may be in order
+getAmodeKind :: CAddrMode -> PrimKind
+getAmodeKind (CVal _ kind) = kind
+getAmodeKind (CAddr _) = PtrKind
+getAmodeKind (CReg magic_id) = kindFromMagicId magic_id
+getAmodeKind (CTemp uniq kind) = kind
+getAmodeKind (CLbl label kind) = kind
+getAmodeKind (CUnVecLbl _ _) = PtrKind
+getAmodeKind (CCharLike _) = PtrKind
+getAmodeKind (CIntLike _) = PtrKind
+getAmodeKind (CString _) = PtrKind
+getAmodeKind (CLit lit) = kindOfBasicLit lit
+getAmodeKind (CLitLit _ kind) = kind
+getAmodeKind (COffset _) = IntKind
+getAmodeKind (CCode abs_C) = CodePtrKind
+getAmodeKind (CLabelledCode label abs_C) = CodePtrKind
+getAmodeKind (CJoinPoint _ _) = panic "getAmodeKind:CJoinPoint"
+getAmodeKind (CTableEntry _ _ kind) = kind
+getAmodeKind (CMacroExpr kind _ _) = kind
+getAmodeKind (CCostCentre _ _) = panic "getAmodeKind:CCostCentre"
+@amodeCanSurviveGC@ tells, well, whether or not the amode is invariant
+across a garbage collection. Used only for PrimOp arguments (not that
+it matters).
+amodeCanSurviveGC :: CAddrMode -> Bool
+amodeCanSurviveGC (CTableEntry base offset _)
+ = amodeCanSurviveGC base && amodeCanSurviveGC offset
+ -- "Fixed table, so it's OK" (JSM); code is slightly paranoid
+amodeCanSurviveGC (CLbl _ _) = True
+amodeCanSurviveGC (CUnVecLbl _ _) = True
+amodeCanSurviveGC (CCharLike arg) = amodeCanSurviveGC arg
+amodeCanSurviveGC (CIntLike arg) = amodeCanSurviveGC arg
+amodeCanSurviveGC (CString _) = True
+amodeCanSurviveGC (CLit _) = True
+amodeCanSurviveGC (CLitLit _ _) = True
+amodeCanSurviveGC (COffset _) = True
+amodeCanSurviveGC (CMacroExpr _ _ args) = all amodeCanSurviveGC args
+amodeCanSurviveGC _ = False
+ -- there are some amodes that "cannot occur" as args
+ -- to a PrimOp, but it is safe to return False (rather than panic)
+@mixedTypeLocn@ tells whether an amode identifies an ``StgWord''
+location; that is, one which can contain values of various types.
+mixedTypeLocn :: CAddrMode -> Bool
+mixedTypeLocn (CVal (NodeRel _) _) = True
+mixedTypeLocn (CVal (SpBRel _ _) _) = True
+mixedTypeLocn (CVal (HpRel _ _) _) = True
+mixedTypeLocn other = False -- All the rest
+@mixedPtrLocn@ tells whether an amode identifies a
+location which can contain values of various pointer types.
+mixedPtrLocn :: CAddrMode -> Bool
+mixedPtrLocn (CVal (SpARel _ _) _) = True
+mixedPtrLocn other = False -- All the rest
+%* *
+\subsection[AbsCFuns-flattening]{Flatten Abstract~C}
+%* *
+The following bits take ``raw'' Abstract~C, which may have all sorts of
+nesting, and flattens it into one long @AbsCStmtList@. Mainly,
+@CClosureInfos@ and code for switches are pulled out to the top level.
+The various functions herein tend to produce
+A {\em flattened} \tr{<something>} of interest for ``here'', and
+Some {\em unflattened} Abstract~C statements to be carried up to the
+top-level. The only real reason (now) that it is unflattened is
+because it means the recursive flattening can be done in just one
+place rather than having to remember lots of places.
+Care is taken to reduce the occurrence of forward references, while still
+keeping laziness a much as possible. Essentially, this means that:
+{\em All} the top-level C statements resulting from flattening a
+particular AbsC statement (whether the latter is nested or not) appear
+before {\em any} of the code for a subsequent AbsC statement;
+but stuff nested within any AbsC statement comes
+out before the code for the statement itself.
+The ``stuff to be carried up'' always includes a label: a
+@CStaticClosure@, @CClosureUpdInfo@, @CRetUnVector@, @CFlatRetVector@, or
+@CCodeBlock@. The latter turns into a C function, and is never
+actually produced by the code generator. Rather it always starts life
+as a @CLabelledCode@ addressing mode; when such an addr mode is
+flattened, the ``tops'' stuff is a @CCodeBlock@.
+flattenAbsC :: SplitUniqSupply -> AbstractC -> AbstractC
+flattenAbsC us abs_C
+ = case (initFlt us (flatAbsC abs_C)) of { (here, tops) ->
+ here `mkAbsCStmts` tops }
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Flattening monadery}
+%* *
+The flattener is monadised. It's just a @UniqueSupply@, along with a
+``come-back-to-here'' label to pin on heap and stack checks.
+type FlatM result
+ = CLabel
+ -> SplitUniqSupply
+ -> result
+initFlt :: SplitUniqSupply -> FlatM a -> a
+initFlt init_us m = m (panic "initFlt:CLabel") init_us
+{-# INLINE thenFlt #-}
+{-# INLINE returnFlt #-}
+thenFlt :: FlatM a -> (a -> FlatM b) -> FlatM b
+thenFlt expr cont label us
+ = case (splitUniqSupply us) of { (s1, s2) ->
+ case (expr label s1) of { result ->
+ cont result label s2 }}
+returnFlt :: a -> FlatM a
+returnFlt result label us = result
+mapFlt :: (a -> FlatM b) -> [a] -> FlatM [b]
+mapFlt f [] = returnFlt []
+mapFlt f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenFlt` \ r ->
+ mapFlt f xs `thenFlt` \ rs ->
+ returnFlt (r:rs)
+mapAndUnzipFlt :: (a -> FlatM (b,c)) -> [a] -> FlatM ([b],[c])
+mapAndUnzipFlt f [] = returnFlt ([],[])
+mapAndUnzipFlt f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenFlt` \ (r1, r2) ->
+ mapAndUnzipFlt f xs `thenFlt` \ (rs1, rs2) ->
+ returnFlt (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)
+getUniqFlt :: FlatM Unique
+getUniqFlt label us = getSUnique us
+getUniqsFlt :: Int -> FlatM [Unique]
+getUniqsFlt i label us = getSUniques i us
+setLabelFlt :: CLabel -> FlatM a -> FlatM a
+setLabelFlt new_label cont label us = cont new_label us
+getLabelFlt :: FlatM CLabel
+getLabelFlt label us = label
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Flattening the top level}
+%* *
+flatAbsC :: AbstractC
+ -> FlatM (AbstractC, -- Stuff to put inline [Both are fully
+ AbstractC) -- Stuff to put at top level flattened]
+flatAbsC AbsCNop = returnFlt (AbsCNop, AbsCNop)
+flatAbsC (AbsCStmts s1 s2)
+ = flatAbsC s1 `thenFlt` \ (inline_s1, top_s1) ->
+ flatAbsC s2 `thenFlt` \ (inline_s2, top_s2) ->
+ returnFlt (mkAbsCStmts inline_s1 inline_s2,
+ mkAbsCStmts top_s1 top_s2)
+flatAbsC (CClosureInfoAndCode cl_info slow maybe_fast upd descr)
+ = flatAbsC slow `thenFlt` \ (slow_heres, slow_tops) ->
+ flat_maybe maybe_fast `thenFlt` \ (fast_heres, fast_tops) ->
+ flatAmode upd `thenFlt` \ (upd_lbl, upd_tops) ->
+ returnFlt (AbsCNop, mkAbstractCs [slow_tops, fast_tops, upd_tops,
+ CClosureInfoAndCode cl_info slow_heres fast_heres upd_lbl descr]
+ )
+ where
+ flat_maybe :: Maybe AbstractC -> FlatM (Maybe AbstractC, AbstractC)
+ flat_maybe Nothing = returnFlt (Nothing, AbsCNop)
+ flat_maybe (Just abs_c) = flatAbsC abs_c `thenFlt` \ (heres, tops) ->
+ returnFlt (Just heres, tops)
+flatAbsC (CCodeBlock label abs_C)
+ = flatAbsC abs_C `thenFlt` \ (absC_heres, absC_tops) ->
+ returnFlt (AbsCNop, absC_tops `mkAbsCStmts` CCodeBlock label absC_heres)
+flatAbsC (CClosureUpdInfo info) = flatAbsC info
+flatAbsC (CStaticClosure closure_lbl closure_info cost_centre amodes)
+ = flatAmodes (cost_centre:amodes) `thenFlt` \ (new_cc:new_amodes, tops) ->
+ returnFlt (AbsCNop, tops `mkAbsCStmts`
+ CStaticClosure closure_lbl closure_info new_cc new_amodes)
+flatAbsC (CRetVector tbl_label stuff deflt)
+ = do_deflt deflt `thenFlt` \ (deflt_amode, deflt_tops) ->
+ mapAndUnzipFlt (do_alt deflt_amode) stuff `thenFlt` \ (alt_amodes, alt_tops) ->
+ returnFlt (AbsCNop, mkAbstractCs [deflt_tops,
+ mkAbstractCs alt_tops,
+ CFlatRetVector tbl_label alt_amodes])
+ where
+ do_deflt deflt = case nonemptyAbsC deflt of
+ Nothing -> returnFlt (bogus_default_label, AbsCNop)
+ Just deflt' -> flatAmode (CCode deflt) -- Deals correctly with the
+ -- CJump (CLabelledCode ...) case
+ do_alt deflt_amode Nothing = returnFlt (deflt_amode, AbsCNop)
+ do_alt deflt_amode (Just alt) = flatAmode alt
+ bogus_default_label = panic "flatAbsC: CRetVector: default needed and not available"
+flatAbsC (CRetUnVector label amode)
+ = flatAmode amode `thenFlt` \ (new_amode, tops) ->
+ returnFlt (AbsCNop, tops `mkAbsCStmts` CRetUnVector label new_amode)
+flatAbsC (CFlatRetVector label amodes)
+ = flatAmodes amodes `thenFlt` \ (new_amodes, tops) ->
+ returnFlt (AbsCNop, tops `mkAbsCStmts` CFlatRetVector label new_amodes)
+flatAbsC cc@(CCostCentreDecl _ _) -- at top, already flat
+ = returnFlt (AbsCNop, cc)
+-- now the real stmts:
+flatAbsC (CAssign dest source)
+ = flatAmode dest `thenFlt` \ (dest_amode, dest_tops) ->
+ flatAmode source `thenFlt` \ (src_amode, src_tops) ->
+ returnFlt ( CAssign dest_amode src_amode, mkAbsCStmts dest_tops src_tops )
+-- special case: jump to some anonymous code
+flatAbsC (CJump (CCode abs_C)) = flatAbsC abs_C
+flatAbsC (CJump target)
+ = flatAmode target `thenFlt` \ (targ_amode, targ_tops) ->
+ returnFlt ( CJump targ_amode, targ_tops )
+flatAbsC (CFallThrough target)
+ = flatAmode target `thenFlt` \ (targ_amode, targ_tops) ->
+ returnFlt ( CFallThrough targ_amode, targ_tops )
+flatAbsC (CReturn target return_info)
+ = flatAmode target `thenFlt` \ (targ_amode, targ_tops) ->
+ returnFlt ( CReturn targ_amode return_info, targ_tops )
+flatAbsC (CSwitch discrim alts deflt)
+ = flatAmode discrim `thenFlt` \ (discrim_amode, discrim_tops) ->
+ mapAndUnzipFlt flat_alt alts `thenFlt` \ (flat_alts, flat_alts_tops) ->
+ flatAbsC deflt `thenFlt` \ (flat_def_alt, def_tops) ->
+ returnFlt (
+ CSwitch discrim_amode flat_alts flat_def_alt,
+ mkAbstractCs (discrim_tops : def_tops : flat_alts_tops)
+ )
+ where
+ flat_alt (tag, absC)
+ = flatAbsC absC `thenFlt` \ (alt_heres, alt_tops) ->
+ returnFlt ( (tag, alt_heres), alt_tops )
+flatAbsC stmt@(CInitHdr a b cc u)
+ = flatAmode cc `thenFlt` \ (new_cc, tops) ->
+ returnFlt (CInitHdr a b new_cc u, tops)
+flatAbsC stmt@(COpStmt results op args liveness_mask vol_regs)
+ = flatAmodes results `thenFlt` \ (results_here, tops1) ->
+ flatAmodes args `thenFlt` \ (args_here, tops2) ->
+ returnFlt (COpStmt results_here op args_here liveness_mask vol_regs,
+ mkAbsCStmts tops1 tops2)
+flatAbsC stmt@(CSimultaneous abs_c)
+ = flatAbsC abs_c `thenFlt` \ (stmts_here, tops) ->
+ doSimultaneously stmts_here `thenFlt` \ new_stmts_here ->
+ returnFlt (new_stmts_here, tops)
+flatAbsC stmt@(CMacroStmt macro amodes)
+ = flatAmodes amodes `thenFlt` \ (amodes_here, tops) ->
+ returnFlt (CMacroStmt macro amodes_here, tops)
+flatAbsC stmt@(CCallProfCtrMacro str amodes)
+ = flatAmodes amodes `thenFlt` \ (amodes_here, tops) ->
+ returnFlt (CCallProfCtrMacro str amodes_here, tops)
+flatAbsC stmt@(CCallProfCCMacro str amodes)
+ = flatAmodes amodes `thenFlt` \ (amodes_here, tops) ->
+ returnFlt (CCallProfCCMacro str amodes_here, tops)
+--UNUSED:flatAbsC comment_stmt@(CComment comment) = returnFlt (AbsCNop, AbsCNop)
+flatAbsC stmt@(CSplitMarker) = returnFlt (AbsCNop, stmt)
+#ifdef DPH
+ -- Hack since 0.16 because Direct entry code blocks can be nested
+ -- within other Direct entry blocks...
+ flatAbsC (CNativeInfoTableAndCode cinfo descr
+ (CCodeBlock slow_label
+ (AbsCStmts slow_abs_c
+ (CCodeBlock fast_label fast_abs_c))))
+ | isSlowFastLabelPair slow_label fast_label
+ = flatAbsC slow_abs_c `thenFlt` \ (slow_here, slow_top) ->
+ flatAbsC fast_abs_c `thenFlt` \ (fast_here, fast_top) ->
+ returnFlt (CNativeInfoTableAndCode cinfo descr
+ (CCodeBlock slow_label
+ (AbsCStmts slow_here
+ (CCodeBlock fast_label fast_here))),
+ mkAbsCStmts slow_top fast_top)
+ flatAbsC (CNativeInfoTableAndCode cinfo descr abs_C)
+ = flatAbsC abs_C `thenFlt` \ (heres, tops) ->
+ returnFlt (CNativeInfoTableAndCode cinfo descr heres, tops)
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+--flatAbsC stmt = panic ("flatAbsC: funny statement " ++ printRealC (\x->False) stmt)
+%* *
+\subsection[flat-amodes]{Flattening addressing modes}
+%* *
+flatAmode :: CAddrMode -> FlatM (CAddrMode, AbstractC)
+-- easy ones first
+flatAmode amode@(CVal _ _) = returnFlt (amode, AbsCNop)
+flatAmode amode@(CAddr _) = returnFlt (amode, AbsCNop)
+flatAmode amode@(CReg _) = returnFlt (amode, AbsCNop)
+flatAmode amode@(CTemp _ _) = returnFlt (amode, AbsCNop)
+flatAmode amode@(CLbl _ _) = returnFlt (amode, AbsCNop)
+flatAmode amode@(CUnVecLbl _ _) = returnFlt (amode, AbsCNop)
+flatAmode amode@(CString _) = returnFlt (amode, AbsCNop)
+flatAmode amode@(CLit _) = returnFlt (amode, AbsCNop)
+flatAmode amode@(CLitLit _ _) = returnFlt (amode, AbsCNop)
+flatAmode amode@(COffset _) = returnFlt (amode, AbsCNop)
+-- CIntLike must be a literal -- no flattening
+flatAmode amode@(CIntLike int) = returnFlt(amode, AbsCNop)
+-- CCharLike may be arbitrary value -- have to flatten
+flatAmode amode@(CCharLike char)
+ = flatAmode char `thenFlt` \ (flat_char, tops) ->
+ returnFlt(CCharLike flat_char, tops)
+flatAmode (CJoinPoint _ _) = panic "flatAmode:CJoinPoint"
+flatAmode (CLabelledCode label abs_C)
+ -- Push the code (with this label) to the top level
+ = flatAbsC abs_C `thenFlt` \ (body_code, tops) ->
+ returnFlt (CLbl label CodePtrKind,
+ tops `mkAbsCStmts` CCodeBlock label body_code)
+flatAmode (CCode abs_C)
+ = case mkAbsCStmtList abs_C of
+ [CJump amode] -> flatAmode amode -- Elide redundant labels
+ _ ->
+ -- de-anonymous-ise the code and push it (labelled) to the top level
+ getUniqFlt `thenFlt` \ new_uniq ->
+ BIND (mkReturnPtLabel new_uniq) _TO_ return_pt_label ->
+ flatAbsC abs_C `thenFlt` \ (body_code, tops) ->
+ returnFlt (
+ CLbl return_pt_label CodePtrKind,
+ tops `mkAbsCStmts` CCodeBlock return_pt_label body_code
+ -- DO NOT TOUCH the stuff sent to the top...
+ )
+flatAmode (CTableEntry base index kind)
+ = flatAmode base `thenFlt` \ (base_amode, base_tops) ->
+ flatAmode index `thenFlt` \ (ix_amode, ix_tops) ->
+ returnFlt ( CTableEntry base_amode ix_amode kind, mkAbsCStmts base_tops ix_tops )
+flatAmode (CMacroExpr pk macro amodes)
+ = flatAmodes amodes `thenFlt` \ (amodes_here, tops) ->
+ returnFlt ( CMacroExpr pk macro amodes_here, tops )
+flatAmode amode@(CCostCentre _ _) = returnFlt (amode, AbsCNop)
+And a convenient way to do a whole bunch of 'em.
+flatAmodes :: [CAddrMode] -> FlatM ([CAddrMode], AbstractC)
+flatAmodes [] = returnFlt ([], AbsCNop)
+flatAmodes amodes
+ = mapAndUnzipFlt flatAmode amodes `thenFlt` \ (amodes_here, tops) ->
+ returnFlt (amodes_here, mkAbstractCs tops)
+%* *
+\subsection[flat-simultaneous]{Doing things simultaneously}
+%* *
+doSimultaneously :: AbstractC -> FlatM AbstractC
+Generate code to perform the @CAssign@s and @COpStmt@s in the
+input simultaneously, using temporary variables when necessary.
+We use the strongly-connected component algorithm, in which
+ * the vertices are the statements
+ * an edge goes from s1 to s2 iff
+ s1 assigns to something s2 uses
+ that is, if s1 should *follow* s2 in the final order
+ADR Comment
+Wow - fancy stuff. But are we ever going to do anything other than
+assignments in parallel? If not, wouldn't it be simpler to generate
+the following:
+ x1, x2, x3 = e1, e2, e3
+ |
+ |
+ V
+ { int t1 = e1;
+ int t2 = e2;
+ int t3 = e3;
+ x1 = t1;
+ x2 = t2;
+ x3 = t3;
+ }
+and leave it to the C compiler to figure out whether it needs al
+those variables.
+(Likewise, why not let the C compiler delete silly code like
+ x = x
+for us?)
+tnemmoC RDA
+type CVertex = (Int, AbstractC) -- Give each vertex a unique number,
+ -- for fast comparison
+type CEdge = (CVertex, CVertex)
+doSimultaneously abs_c
+ = let
+ enlisted = en_list abs_c
+ in
+ case enlisted of -- it's often just one stmt
+ [] -> returnFlt AbsCNop
+ [x] -> returnFlt x
+ _ -> doSimultaneously1 (zip [(1::Int)..] enlisted)
+-- en_list puts all the assignments in a list, filtering out Nops and
+-- assignments which do nothing
+en_list AbsCNop = []
+en_list (AbsCStmts a1 a2) = en_list a1 ++ en_list a2
+en_list (CAssign am1 am2) | sameAmode am1 am2 = []
+en_list other = [other]
+sameAmode :: CAddrMode -> CAddrMode -> Bool
+-- ToDo: Move this function, or make CAddrMode an instance of Eq
+-- At the moment we put in just enough to catch the cases we want:
+-- the second (destination) argument is always a CVal.
+sameAmode (CReg r1) (CReg r2) = r1 == r2
+sameAmode (CVal (SpARel r1 v1) _) (CVal (SpARel r2 v2) _) = r1 == r2 && v1 == v2
+sameAmode (CVal (SpBRel r1 v1) _) (CVal (SpBRel r2 v2) _) = r1 == r2 && v1 == v2
+sameAmode other1 other2 = False
+doSimultaneously1 :: [CVertex] -> FlatM AbstractC
+doSimultaneously1 vertices
+ = let
+ edges :: [CEdge]
+ edges = concat (map edges_from vertices)
+ edges_from :: CVertex -> [CEdge]
+ edges_from v1 = [(v1,v2) | v2 <- vertices, v1 `should_follow` v2]
+ should_follow :: CVertex -> CVertex -> Bool
+ (n1, CAssign dest1 _) `should_follow` (n2, CAssign _ src2)
+ = dest1 `conflictsWith` src2
+ (n1, COpStmt dests1 _ _ _ _) `should_follow` (n2, CAssign _ src2)
+ = or [dest1 `conflictsWith` src2 | dest1 <- dests1]
+ (n1, CAssign dest1 _)`should_follow` (n2, COpStmt _ _ srcs2 _ _)
+ = or [dest1 `conflictsWith` src2 | src2 <- srcs2]
+ (n1, COpStmt dests1 _ _ _ _) `should_follow` (n2, COpStmt _ _ srcs2 _ _)
+ = or [dest1 `conflictsWith` src2 | dest1 <- dests1, src2 <- srcs2]
+-- (_, COpStmt _ _ _ _ _) `should_follow` (_, CCallProfCtrMacro _ _) = False
+-- (_, CCallProfCtrMacro _ _) `should_follow` (_, COpStmt _ _ _ _ _) = False
+ eq_vertex :: CVertex -> CVertex -> Bool
+ (n1, _) `eq_vertex` (n2, _) = n1 == n2
+ components = stronglyConnComp eq_vertex edges vertices
+ -- do_components deal with one strongly-connected component
+ do_component :: [CVertex] -> FlatM AbstractC
+ -- A singleton? Then just do it.
+ do_component [(n,abs_c)] = returnFlt abs_c
+ -- Two or more? Then go via temporaries.
+ do_component ((n,first_stmt):rest)
+ = doSimultaneously1 rest `thenFlt` \ abs_cs ->
+ go_via_temps first_stmt `thenFlt` \ (to_temps, from_temps) ->
+ returnFlt (mkAbstractCs [to_temps, abs_cs, from_temps])
+ go_via_temps (CAssign dest src)
+ = getUniqFlt `thenFlt` \ uniq ->
+ let the_temp = CTemp uniq (getAmodeKind dest) in
+ returnFlt (CAssign the_temp src, CAssign dest the_temp)
+ go_via_temps (COpStmt dests op srcs liveness_mask vol_regs)
+ = getUniqsFlt (length dests) `thenFlt` \ uniqs ->
+ let the_temps = zipWith (\ u d -> CTemp u (getAmodeKind d)) uniqs dests
+ in
+ returnFlt (COpStmt the_temps op srcs liveness_mask vol_regs,
+ mkAbstractCs (zipWith CAssign dests the_temps))
+ in
+ mapFlt do_component components `thenFlt` \ abs_cs ->
+ returnFlt (mkAbstractCs abs_cs)
+@conflictsWith@ tells whether an assignment to its first argument will
+screw up an access to its second.
+conflictsWith :: CAddrMode -> CAddrMode -> Bool
+(CReg reg1) `conflictsWith` (CReg reg2) = reg1 == reg2
+(CReg reg) `conflictsWith` (CVal reg_rel _) = reg `regConflictsWithRR` reg_rel
+(CReg reg) `conflictsWith` (CAddr reg_rel) = reg `regConflictsWithRR` reg_rel
+(CTemp u1 _) `conflictsWith` (CTemp u2 _) = u1 == u2
+(CVal reg_rel1 k1) `conflictsWith` (CVal reg_rel2 k2)
+ = rrConflictsWithRR (getKindSize k1) (getKindSize k2) reg_rel1 reg_rel2
+other1 `conflictsWith` other2 = False
+-- CAddr and literals are impossible on the LHS of an assignment
+regConflictsWithRR :: MagicId -> RegRelative -> Bool
+regConflictsWithRR (VanillaReg k ILIT(1)) (NodeRel _) = True
+regConflictsWithRR SpA (SpARel _ _) = True
+regConflictsWithRR SpB (SpBRel _ _) = True
+regConflictsWithRR Hp (HpRel _ _) = True
+regConflictsWithRR _ _ = False
+rrConflictsWithRR :: Int -> Int -- Sizes of two things
+ -> RegRelative -> RegRelative -- The two amodes
+ -> Bool
+rrConflictsWithRR s1 s2 rr1 rr2 = rr rr1 rr2
+ where
+ rr (SpARel p1 o1) (SpARel p2 o2)
+ | s1 == 0 || s2 == 0 = False -- No conflict if either is size zero
+ | s1 == 1 && s2 == 1 = b1 == b2
+ | otherwise = (b1+s1) >= b2 &&
+ (b2+s2) >= b1
+ where
+ b1 = p1-o1
+ b2 = p2-o2
+ rr (SpBRel p1 o1) (SpBRel p2 o2)
+ | s1 == 0 || s2 == 0 = False -- No conflict if either is size zero
+ | s1 == 1 && s2 == 1 = b1 == b2
+ | otherwise = (b1+s1) >= b2 &&
+ (b2+s2) >= b1
+ where
+ b1 = p1-o1
+ b2 = p2-o2
+ rr (NodeRel o1) (NodeRel o2)
+ | s1 == 0 || s2 == 0 = False -- No conflict if either is size zero
+ | s1 == 1 && s2 == 1 = o1 `possiblyEqualHeapOffset` o2
+ | otherwise = True -- Give up
+ rr (HpRel _ _) (HpRel _ _) = True -- Give up
+ rr other1 other2 = False
+%* *
+\subsection[gaze-into-simultaneous]{Registers live in a @CSimultaneous@?}
+%* *
+Hidden in a blob of ``simultaneous assignments'' is the info of how
+many pointer (``followable'') registers are live (i.e., assigned
+into). What we do here is merely fish out the destination registers.
+getDestinationRegs :: AbstractC -> [MagicId]
+getDestinationRegs abs_c
+ = foldr gather [{-acc-}] (en_list abs_c)
+ where
+ gather :: AbstractC -> [MagicId] -> [MagicId]
+ -- only CAssigns and COpStmts now possible...
+ gather (CAssign (CReg magic_id) _) acc | magic_id `not_elem` acc
+ = magic_id : acc
+ where
+ not_elem = isn'tIn "getDestinationRegs"
+ gather (COpStmt dests _ _ _ _) acc
+ = foldr gather2 acc dests
+ where
+ gather2 (CReg magic_id) acc | magic_id `not_elem` acc = magic_id : acc
+ gather2 _ acc = acc
+ not_elem = isn'tIn "getDestinationRegs2"
+ gather _ acc = acc