path: root/ghc/compiler/abstractSyn/AbsSyn.lhs
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1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/abstractSyn/AbsSyn.lhs b/ghc/compiler/abstractSyn/AbsSyn.lhs
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index 0000000000..b7f494a1f2
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+++ b/ghc/compiler/abstractSyn/AbsSyn.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+\section[AbsSyntax]{Abstract syntax definition}
+This module glues together the pieces of the Haskell abstract syntax,
+which is declared in the various \tr{Hs*} modules. This module,
+therefore, is almost nothing but re-exporting.
+The abstract syntax, used in the front end of the compiler, follows
+that of a paper on the static semantics of Haskell by Simon Peyton
+Jones and Phil Wadler.
+The abstract syntax is parameterised with respect to variables
+(abbrev: \tr{name}) and patterns (abbrev: \tr{pat}); here is a typical
+type ProtoNameExpr = Expr ProtoName ProtoNamePat
+type TypecheckedExpr = Expr Id TypecheckedPat
+Some parts of the syntax are unparameterised, because there is no
+need for them to be.
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module AbsSyn (
+ -- the mostly-parameterised data types
+ ArithSeqInfo(..),
+ Bind(..),
+ Binds(..),
+ ClassDecl(..),
+ ClassPragmas, -- abstract
+ ConDecl(..),
+ DefaultDecl(..),
+ Expr(..),
+ FixityDecl(..),
+ GRHSsAndBinds(..),
+ GRHS(..),
+ IE(..),
+ ImportedInterface(..),
+ IfaceImportDecl(..),
+ InPat(..),
+ InstDecl(..),
+ InstancePragmas, -- abstract
+ Interface(..),
+ Literal(..),
+ Match(..),
+ Module(..),
+ MonoBinds(..),
+ MonoType(..),
+ PolyType(..),
+ Qual(..),
+ Renaming(..),
+ Sig(..),
+ GenPragmas, -- abstract
+ ClassOpPragmas, -- abstract
+ TyDecl(..),
+ DataPragmas, -- abstract
+ TypePragmas, -- abstract
+ TypecheckedPat(..),
+ SpecialisedInstanceSig(..), -- a user pragma
+ DataTypeSig(..),
+ Context(..), -- synonyms
+ ClassAssertion(..),
+ -- synonyms for the (unparameterised) typechecker input
+ ProtoNameArithSeqInfo(..),
+ ProtoNameBind(..),
+ ProtoNameBinds(..),
+ ProtoNameClassDecl(..),
+ ProtoNameClassPragmas(..),
+ ProtoNameConDecl(..),
+ ProtoNameContext(..),
+ ProtoNameDefaultDecl(..),
+ ProtoNameExpr(..),
+ ProtoNameFixityDecl(..),
+ ProtoNameGRHSsAndBinds(..),
+ ProtoNameGRHS(..),
+ ProtoNameImportedInterface(..),
+ ProtoNameInstDecl(..),
+ ProtoNameInstancePragmas(..),
+ ProtoNameInterface(..),
+ ProtoNameMatch(..),
+ ProtoNameModule(..),
+ ProtoNameMonoBinds(..),
+ ProtoNameMonoType(..),
+ ProtoNamePat(..),
+ ProtoNamePolyType(..),
+ ProtoNameQual(..),
+ ProtoNameSig(..),
+ ProtoNameClassOpSig(..),
+ ProtoNameGenPragmas(..),
+ ProtoNameClassOpPragmas(..),
+ ProtoNameTyDecl(..),
+ ProtoNameDataPragmas(..),
+ ProtoNameSpecialisedInstanceSig(..),
+ ProtoNameDataTypeSig(..),
+ RenamedArithSeqInfo(..),
+ RenamedBind(..),
+ RenamedBinds(..),
+ RenamedClassDecl(..),
+ RenamedClassPragmas(..),
+ RenamedConDecl(..),
+ RenamedContext(..),
+ RenamedDefaultDecl(..),
+ RenamedExpr(..),
+ RenamedFixityDecl(..),
+ RenamedGRHSsAndBinds(..),
+ RenamedGRHS(..),
+ RenamedImportedInterface(..),
+ RenamedInstDecl(..),
+ RenamedInstancePragmas(..),
+ RenamedInterface(..),
+ RenamedMatch(..),
+ RenamedModule(..),
+ RenamedMonoBinds(..),
+ RenamedMonoType(..),
+ RenamedPat(..),
+ RenamedPolyType(..),
+ RenamedQual(..),
+ RenamedSig(..),
+ RenamedClassOpSig(..),
+ RenamedGenPragmas(..),
+ RenamedClassOpPragmas(..),
+ RenamedTyDecl(..),
+ RenamedDataPragmas(..),
+ RenamedSpecialisedInstanceSig(..),
+ RenamedDataTypeSig(..),
+ -- synonyms for the (unparameterised) typechecker output
+ TypecheckedArithSeqInfo(..),
+ TypecheckedBind(..),
+ TypecheckedBinds(..),
+ TypecheckedExpr(..),
+ TypecheckedGRHSsAndBinds(..),
+ TypecheckedGRHS(..),
+ TypecheckedMatch(..),
+ TypecheckedMonoBinds(..),
+ TypecheckedModule(..),
+ TypecheckedQual(..),
+ -- little help functions (AbsSynFuns)
+ collectTopLevelBinders,
+ collectBinders, collectTypedBinders,
+ collectMonoBinders,
+ collectMonoBindersAndLocs,
+ collectQualBinders,
+ collectPatBinders,
+ collectTypedPatBinders,
+ extractMonoTyNames,
+ cmpInstanceTypes, getNonPrelOuterTyCon,
+ getIEStrings, getRawIEStrings, ImExportListInfo(..),
+--OLD: getMentionedVars,
+ mkDictApp,
+ mkDictLam,
+ mkTyApp,
+ mkTyLam,
+ nullBinds,
+ nullMonoBinds,
+ isLitPat, patsAreAllLits, isConPat, patsAreAllCons,
+ irrefutablePat,
+#ifdef DPH
+ patsAreAllProcessor,
+ unfailablePat, unfailablePats,
+ pprContext,
+ typeOfPat,
+ negLiteral,
+ eqConDecls, eqMonoType, cmpPolyType,
+ -- imported things so we get a closed interface
+ Outputable(..), NamedThing(..),
+ ExportFlag, SrcLoc,
+ Pretty(..), PprStyle, PrettyRep,
+ OptIdInfo(..), -- I hate the instance virus!
+ IdInfo, SpecEnv, StrictnessInfo, UpdateInfo, ArityInfo,
+ DemandInfo, Demand, ArgUsageInfo, ArgUsage, DeforestInfo,
+ FBTypeInfo, FBType, FBConsum, FBProd,
+ Name(..), -- NB: goes out *WITH* constructors
+ Id, DictVar(..), Inst, ProtoName, TyVar, UniType, TauType(..),
+ Maybe, PreludeNameFun(..), Unique,
+ FullName, ShortName, Arity(..), TyCon, Class, ClassOp,
+ UnfoldingGuidance, BinderInfo, BasicLit, PrimOp, PrimKind,
+ IdEnv(..), UniqFM, FiniteMap,
+ CoreExpr, CoreAtom, UnfoldingCoreAtom, UnfoldingCoreExpr,
+ UnfoldingPrimOp, UfCostCentre, Bag
+#ifndef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__
+ ,TAG_
+#ifdef DPH
+ ,ParQuals(..), ProtoNameParQuals(..),
+ RenamedParQuals(..), TypecheckedParQuals(..),
+ collectParQualBinders
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+ ) where
+import AbsSynFuns -- help functions
+import HsBinds -- the main stuff to export
+import HsCore
+import HsDecls
+import HsExpr
+import HsImpExp
+import HsLit
+import HsMatches
+import HsPat
+import HsPragmas
+import HsTypes
+import AbsPrel ( PrimKind, PrimOp
+ )
+import AbsUniType ( TyVar, TyCon, Arity(..), Class, ClassOp, TauType(..)
+ )
+import BasicLit ( BasicLit )
+import FiniteMap ( FiniteMap )
+import Id ( Id, DictVar(..), DataCon(..) )
+import IdInfo
+import Inst ( Inst )
+import Maybes ( Maybe )
+import Name
+import NameTypes ( ShortName, FullName ) -- .. for pragmas only
+import Outputable
+import Pretty
+import ProtoName ( ProtoName(..) ) -- .. for pragmas only
+import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc )
+import Unique ( Unique )
+import Util
+All we actually declare here is the top-level structure for a module.
+data Module name pat
+ = Module
+ FAST_STRING -- module name
+ [IE] -- export list
+ [ImportedInterface name pat]
+ -- We snaffle interesting stuff out of the
+ -- imported interfaces early on, adding that
+ -- info to TyDecls/etc; so this list is
+ -- often empty, downstream.
+ [FixityDecl name]
+ [TyDecl name]
+ [DataTypeSig name] -- user pragmas that modify TyDecls;
+ -- (much like "Sigs" modify value "Binds")
+ [ClassDecl name pat]
+ [InstDecl name pat]
+ [SpecialisedInstanceSig name] -- user pragmas that modify InstDecls
+ [DefaultDecl name]
+ (Binds name pat) -- the main stuff!
+ [Sig name] -- "Sigs" are folded into the "Binds"
+ -- pretty early on, so this list is
+ -- often either empty or just the
+ -- interface signatures.
+ SrcLoc
+type ProtoNameModule = Module ProtoName ProtoNamePat
+type RenamedModule = Module Name RenamedPat
+type TypecheckedModule = Module Id TypecheckedPat
+instance (NamedThing name, Outputable name, NamedThing pat, Outputable pat) =>
+ Outputable (Module name pat) where
+ ppr sty (Module name exports imports fixities
+ typedecls typesigs classdecls instdecls instsigs
+ defdecls binds sigs src_loc)
+ = ppAboves [
+ ifPprShowAll sty (ppr sty src_loc),
+ if (null exports)
+ then (ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("module"), ppPStr name, ppPStr SLIT("where")])
+ else (ppAboves [
+ ppCat [ppPStr SLIT("module"), ppPStr name, ppLparen],
+ ppNest 8 (interpp'SP sty exports),
+ ppNest 4 (ppPStr SLIT(") where"))
+ ]),
+ ppr sty imports, ppr sty fixities,
+ ppr sty typedecls, ppr sty typesigs,
+ ppr sty classdecls,
+ ppr sty instdecls, ppr sty instsigs,
+ ppr sty defdecls,
+ ppr sty binds, ppr sty sigs
+ ]