path: root/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/SplitUniq.lhs
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1 files changed, 305 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/SplitUniq.lhs b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/SplitUniq.lhs
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index 0000000000..3d408c95e2
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+++ b/ghc/compiler/basicTypes/SplitUniq.lhs
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+% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1995
+\section[Unique]{The @SplitUniqSupply@ data type (``splittable Unique supply'')}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module SplitUniq (
+ SplitUniqSupply, -- abstract types
+ getSUnique, getSUniques, -- basic ops
+ getSUniqueAndDepleted, getSUniquesAndDepleted, -- DEPRECATED!
+ SUniqSM(..), -- type: unique supply monad
+ initSUs, thenSUs, returnSUs,
+ mapSUs, mapAndUnzipSUs,
+ mkSplitUniqSupply,
+ splitUniqSupply,
+ -- to make interface self-sufficient
+ Unique
+#ifndef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__
+ ,TAG_
+ ) where
+import Outputable -- class for printing, forcing
+import Pretty -- pretty-printing utilities
+import PrimOps -- ** DIRECTLY **
+import Unique
+import Util
+#if defined(__HBC__)
+{-hide import from mkdependHS-}
+ Word
+ NameSupply renaming ( Name to HBC_Name )
+# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 26
+import PreludeGlaST
+# else
+import PreludePrimIO
+import PreludeGlaST ( unsafeInterleaveST
+ )
+# endif
+infixr 9 `thenUs`
+w2i x = word2Int# x
+i2w x = int2Word# x
+i2w_s x = (x :: Int#)
+%* *
+\subsection[SplitUniqSupply-type]{@SplitUniqSupply@ type and operations}
+%* *
+A value of type @SplitUniqSupply@ is unique, and it can
+supply {\em one} distinct @Unique@. Also, from the supply, one can
+also manufacture an arbitrary number of further @UniqueSupplies@,
+which will be distinct from the first and from all others.
+Common type signatures
+-- mkSplitUniqSupply :: differs by implementation!
+splitUniqSupply :: SplitUniqSupply -> (SplitUniqSupply, SplitUniqSupply)
+getSUnique :: SplitUniqSupply -> Unique
+getSUniques :: Int -> SplitUniqSupply -> [Unique]
+getSUniqueAndDepleted :: SplitUniqSupply -> (Unique, SplitUniqSupply)
+getSUniquesAndDepleted :: Int -> SplitUniqSupply -> ([Unique], SplitUniqSupply)
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Chalmers implementation of @SplitUniqSupply@}
+%* *
+#if defined(__HBC__)
+data SplitUniqSupply = MkSplit NameSupply
+mkSplitUniqSupply :: Char -> SplitUniqSupply -- NB: not the same type
+mkSplitUniqSupply _ = MkSplit initialNameSupply
+splitUniqSupply (MkSplit us)
+ = case (splitNameSupply us) of { (s1, s2) ->
+ (MkSplit s1, MkSplit s2) }
+getSUnique supply = error "getSUnique" -- mkUniqueGrimily (getName supply)
+getSUniques i supply
+ = error "getSUniques" -- [ mkUniqueGrimily (getName s) | s <- take i (listNameSupply supply) ]
+getSUniqueAndDepleted supply
+ = error "getSUniqueAndDepleted"
+ let
+ u = mkUniqueGrimily (getName supply)
+ (s1, _) = splitNameSupply supply
+ in
+ (u, s1)
+getSUniquesAndDepleted i supply
+ = error "getSUniquesAndDepleted"
+ = let
+ supplies = take (i+1) (listNameSupply supply)
+ uniqs = [ mkUniqueGrimily (getName s) | s <- take i supplies ]
+ last_supply = drop i supplies
+ in
+ (uniqs, last_supply)
+#endif {- end of Chalmers implementation -}
+%* *
+\subsubsection{Glasgow implementation of @SplitUniqSupply@}
+%* *
+Glasgow Haskell implementation:
+data SplitUniqSupply = MkSplitUniqSupply {-does nothing-}
+mkSplitUniqSupply :: Char -> PrimIO SplitUniqSupply
+mkSplitUniqSupply (MkChar c#) = returnPrimIO MkSplitUniqSupply
+splitUniqSupply _ = (MkSplitUniqSupply, MkSplitUniqSupply)
+getSUnique s = unsafe_mk_unique s
+getSUniques i@(MkInt i#) supply = get_from i# supply
+ where
+ get_from 0# s = []
+ get_from n# s
+ = unsafe_mk_unique s : get_from (n# `minusInt#` 1#) s
+getSUniqueAndDepleted s = (unsafe_mk_unique s, MkSplitUniqSupply)
+getSUniquesAndDepleted i@(MkInt i#) s = get_from [] i# s
+ where
+ get_from acc 0# s = (acc, MkSplitUniqSupply)
+ get_from acc n# s
+ = get_from (unsafe_mk_unique s : acc) (n# `minusInt#` 1#) s
+unsafe_mk_unique supply -- this is the TOTALLY unacceptable bit
+ = unsafePerformPrimIO (
+ _ccall_ genSymZh junk `thenPrimIO` \ (W# u#) ->
+ returnPrimIO (mkUniqueGrimily (w2i (mask# `or#` u#)))
+ )
+ where
+ mask# = (i2w (ord# 'x'#)) `shiftL#` (i2w_s 24#)
+ junk = case supply of { MkSplitUniqSupply -> (1::Int) }
+# else {- slight attention to referential transparency -}
+data SplitUniqSupply
+ = MkSplitUniqSupply Int -- make the Unique with this
+ SplitUniqSupply SplitUniqSupply
+ -- when split => these two supplies
+@mkSplitUniqSupply@ is used to get a @SplitUniqSupply@ started.
+mkSplitUniqSupply :: Char -> PrimIO SplitUniqSupply
+-- ToDo: 64-bit bugs here!!???
+mkSplitUniqSupply (MkChar c#)
+ = let
+ mask# = (i2w (ord# c#)) `shiftL#` (i2w_s 24#)
+ -- here comes THE MAGIC:
+ mk_supply#
+{- OLD:
+ = unsafe_interleave mk_unique `thenPrimIO` \ uniq ->
+ unsafe_interleave mk_supply# `thenPrimIO` \ s1 ->
+ unsafe_interleave mk_supply# `thenPrimIO` \ s2 ->
+ returnPrimIO (MkSplitUniqSupply uniq s1 s2)
+ = unsafe_interleave (
+ mk_unique `thenPrimIO` \ uniq ->
+ mk_supply# `thenPrimIO` \ s1 ->
+ mk_supply# `thenPrimIO` \ s2 ->
+ returnPrimIO (MkSplitUniqSupply uniq s1 s2)
+ )
+ where
+ -- inlined copy of unsafeInterleavePrimIO;
+ -- this is the single-most-hammered bit of code
+ -- in the compiler....
+ unsafe_interleave m s
+ = let
+ (r, new_s) = m s
+ in
+ (r, s)
+ mk_unique = _ccall_ genSymZh `thenPrimIO` \ (W# u#) ->
+ returnPrimIO (MkInt (w2i (mask# `or#` u#)))
+ in
+ mk_supply#
+splitUniqSupply (MkSplitUniqSupply _ s1 s2) = (s1, s2)
+getSUnique (MkSplitUniqSupply (MkInt n) _ _) = mkUniqueGrimily n
+getSUniques i@(MkInt i#) supply = i# `get_from` supply
+ where
+ get_from 0# _ = []
+ get_from n# (MkSplitUniqSupply (MkInt u#) _ s2)
+ = mkUniqueGrimily u# : get_from (n# `minusInt#` 1#) s2
+getSUniqueAndDepleted (MkSplitUniqSupply (MkInt n) s1 _) = (mkUniqueGrimily n, s1)
+getSUniquesAndDepleted i@(MkInt i#) supply = get_from [] i# supply
+ where
+ get_from acc 0# s = (acc, s)
+ get_from acc n# (MkSplitUniqSupply (MkInt u#) _ s2)
+ = get_from (mkUniqueGrimily u# : acc) (n# `minusInt#` 1#) s2
+# endif {- slight attention to referential transparency -}
+#endif {- end of Glasgow implementation -}
+%* *
+\subsection[SplitUniq-monad]{Splittable Unique-supply monad}
+%* *
+type SUniqSM result = SplitUniqSupply -> result
+-- the initUs function also returns the final SplitUniqSupply
+initSUs :: SplitUniqSupply -> SUniqSM a -> (SplitUniqSupply, a)
+initSUs init_us m
+ = case (splitUniqSupply init_us) of { (s1, s2) ->
+ (s2, m s1) }
+{-# INLINE thenSUs #-}
+{-# INLINE returnSUs #-}
+{-# INLINE splitUniqSupply #-}
+@thenSUs@ is where we split the @SplitUniqSupply@.
+thenSUs :: SUniqSM a -> (a -> SUniqSM b) -> SUniqSM b
+thenSUs expr cont us
+ = case (splitUniqSupply us) of { (s1, s2) ->
+ case (expr s1) of { result ->
+ cont result s2 }}
+returnSUs :: a -> SUniqSM a
+returnSUs result us = result
+mapSUs :: (a -> SUniqSM b) -> [a] -> SUniqSM [b]
+mapSUs f [] = returnSUs []
+mapSUs f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenSUs` \ r ->
+ mapSUs f xs `thenSUs` \ rs ->
+ returnSUs (r:rs)
+mapAndUnzipSUs :: (a -> SUniqSM (b,c)) -> [a] -> SUniqSM ([b],[c])
+mapAndUnzipSUs f [] = returnSUs ([],[])
+mapAndUnzipSUs f (x:xs)
+ = f x `thenSUs` \ (r1, r2) ->
+ mapAndUnzipSUs f xs `thenSUs` \ (rs1, rs2) ->
+ returnSUs (r1:rs1, r2:rs2)