path: root/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgRetConv.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+\section[CgRetConv]{Return conventions for the code generator}
+The datatypes and functions here encapsulate what there is to know
+about return conventions.
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module CgRetConv (
+ CtrlReturnConvention(..), DataReturnConvention(..),
+ ctrlReturnConvAlg,
+ dataReturnConvAlg,
+ mkLiveRegsBitMask, noLiveRegsMask,
+ dataReturnConvPrim,
+ assignPrimOpResultRegs,
+ makePrimOpArgsRobust,
+ assignRegs,
+ -- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
+ MagicId, PrimKind, Id, CLabel, TyCon
+ ) where
+import AbsCSyn
+import AbsPrel ( PrimOp(..), PrimOpResultInfo(..), primOpCanTriggerGC,
+ getPrimOpResultInfo, PrimKind
+ )
+import AbsUniType ( getTyConFamilySize, kindFromType, getTyConDataCons,
+ TyVarTemplate, TyCon, Class,
+ TauType(..), ThetaType(..), UniType
+ )
+import CgCompInfo -- various things
+import Id ( Id, getDataConSig, fIRST_TAG, isDataCon,
+ DataCon(..), ConTag(..)
+ )
+import Maybes ( catMaybes, Maybe(..) )
+import PrimKind
+import Util
+import Pretty
+%* *
+\subsection[CgRetConv-possibilities]{Data types that encode possible return conventions}
+%* *
+A @CtrlReturnConvention@ says how {\em control} is returned.
+data CtrlReturnConvention
+ = VectoredReturn Int -- size of the vector table (family size)
+ | UnvectoredReturn Int -- family size
+A @DataReturnConvention@ says how the data for a particular
+data-constructor is returned.
+data DataReturnConvention
+ = ReturnInHeap
+ | ReturnInRegs [MagicId]
+The register assignment given by a @ReturnInRegs@ obeys three rules:
+\item R1 is dead.
+\item R2 points to the info table for the phantom constructor
+\item The list of @MagicId@ is in the same order as the arguments
+ to the constructor.
+%* *
+\subsection[CgRetConv-algebraic]{Return conventions for algebraic datatypes}
+%* *
+ctrlReturnConvAlg :: TyCon -> CtrlReturnConvention
+ctrlReturnConvAlg tycon
+ = case (getTyConFamilySize tycon) of
+ Nothing -> -- pprPanic "ctrlReturnConvAlg:" (ppr PprDebug tycon)
+ UnvectoredReturn 0 -- e.g., w/ "data Bin"
+ Just size -> -- we're supposed to know...
+ if (size > (1::Int) && size <= mAX_FAMILY_SIZE_FOR_VEC_RETURNS) then
+ VectoredReturn size
+ else
+ UnvectoredReturn size
+@dataReturnConvAlg@ determines the return conventions from the
+(possibly specialised) data constructor.
+(See also @getDataConReturnConv@ (in @Id@).) We grab the types
+of the data constructor's arguments. We feed them and a list of
+available registers into @assign_reg@, which sequentially assigns
+registers of the appropriate types to the arguments, based on the
+types. If @assign_reg@ runs out of a particular kind of register,
+then it gives up, returning @ReturnInHeap@.
+dataReturnConvAlg :: DataCon -> DataReturnConvention
+dataReturnConvAlg data_con
+ = ASSERT(isDataCon data_con)
+ case leftover_kinds of
+ [] -> ReturnInRegs reg_assignment
+ other -> ReturnInHeap -- Didn't fit in registers
+ where
+ (_, _, arg_tys, _) = getDataConSig data_con
+ (reg_assignment, leftover_kinds) = assignRegs [node,infoptr]
+ (map kindFromType arg_tys)
+noLiveRegsMask :: Int -- Mask indicating nothing live
+noLiveRegsMask = 0
+ :: [MagicId] -- Candidate live regs; depends what they have in them
+ -> Int
+mkLiveRegsBitMask regs
+ = foldl do_reg noLiveRegsMask regs
+ where
+ do_reg acc (VanillaReg kind reg_no)
+ | isFollowableKind kind
+ = acc + (reg_tbl !! IBOX(reg_no _SUB_ ILIT(1)))
+ do_reg acc anything_else = acc
+ reg_tbl -- ToDo: mk Array!
+-- Completely opaque code. ADR
+-- What's wrong with: (untested)
+mkLiveRegsBitMask regs
+ = foldl (+) noLiveRegsMask (map liveness_bit regs)
+ where
+ liveness_bit (VanillaReg kind reg_no)
+ | isFollowableKind kind
+ = reg_tbl !! (reg_no - 1)
+ liveness_bit anything_else
+ = noLiveRegsBitMask
+ reg_tbl
+%* *
+\subsection[CgRetConv-prim]{Return conventions for primitive datatypes}
+%* *
+WARNING! If you add a return convention which can return a pointer,
+make sure you alter CgCase (cgPrimDefault) to generate the right sort
+of heap check!
+dataReturnConvPrim :: PrimKind -> MagicId
+#ifndef DPH
+dataReturnConvPrim IntKind = VanillaReg IntKind ILIT(1)
+dataReturnConvPrim WordKind = VanillaReg WordKind ILIT(1)
+dataReturnConvPrim AddrKind = VanillaReg AddrKind ILIT(1)
+dataReturnConvPrim CharKind = VanillaReg CharKind ILIT(1)
+dataReturnConvPrim FloatKind = FloatReg ILIT(1)
+dataReturnConvPrim DoubleKind = DoubleReg ILIT(1)
+dataReturnConvPrim VoidKind = VoidReg
+-- Return a primitive-array pointer in the usual register:
+dataReturnConvPrim ArrayKind = VanillaReg ArrayKind ILIT(1)
+dataReturnConvPrim ByteArrayKind = VanillaReg ByteArrayKind ILIT(1)
+dataReturnConvPrim StablePtrKind = VanillaReg StablePtrKind ILIT(1)
+dataReturnConvPrim MallocPtrKind = VanillaReg MallocPtrKind ILIT(1)
+dataReturnConvPrim PtrKind = panic "dataReturnConvPrim: PtrKind"
+dataReturnConvPrim _ = panic "dataReturnConvPrim: other"
+dataReturnConvPrim VoidKind = VoidReg
+dataReturnConvPrim PtrKind = panic "dataReturnConvPrim: PtrKind"
+dataReturnConvPrim kind = DataReg kind 2 -- Don't Hog a Modifier reg.
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+%* *
+\subsection[primop-stuff]{Argument and return conventions for Prim Ops}
+%* *
+ :: PrimOp -- The constructors in canonical order
+ -> [MagicId] -- The return regs all concatenated to together,
+ -- (*including* one for the tag if necy)
+assignPrimOpResultRegs op
+ = case (getPrimOpResultInfo op) of
+ ReturnsPrim kind -> [dataReturnConvPrim kind]
+ ReturnsAlg tycon -> let cons = getTyConDataCons tycon
+ result_regs = concat (map get_return_regs cons)
+ in
+ -- Since R1 is dead, it can hold the tag if necessary
+ case cons of
+ [_] -> result_regs
+ other -> (VanillaReg IntKind ILIT(1)) : result_regs
+ where
+ get_return_regs con = case (dataReturnConvAlg con) of
+ ReturnInHeap -> panic "getPrimOpAlgResultRegs"
+ ReturnInRegs regs -> regs
+@assignPrimOpArgsRobust@ is used only for primitive ops which may
+trigger GC. [MAYBE (WDP 94/05)] For these, we pass all (nonRobust)
+arguments in registers. This function assigns them and tells us which
+of those registers are now live (because we've shoved a followable
+argument into it).
+Bug: it is assumed that robust amodes cannot contain pointers. This
+seems reasonable but isn't true. For example, \tr{Array#}'s
+\tr{MallocPtr#}'s are pointers. (This is only known to bite on
+\tr{_ccall_GC_} with a MallocPtr argument.)
+See after for some ADR comments...
+ :: PrimOp
+ -> [CAddrMode] -- Arguments
+ -> ([CAddrMode], -- Arg registers
+ Int, -- Liveness mask
+ AbstractC) -- Simultaneous assignments to assign args to regs
+makePrimOpArgsRobust op arg_amodes
+ = ASSERT (primOpCanTriggerGC op)
+ let
+ non_robust_amodes = filter (not . amodeCanSurviveGC) arg_amodes
+ arg_kinds = map getAmodeKind non_robust_amodes
+ (arg_regs, extra_args) = assignRegs [{-nothing live-}] arg_kinds
+ -- Check that all the args fit before returning arg_regs
+ final_arg_regs = case extra_args of
+ [] -> arg_regs
+ other -> error ("Cannot allocate enough registers for primop (try rearranging code or reducing number of arguments?) " ++ ppShow 80 (ppr PprDebug op))
+ arg_assts = mkAbstractCs (zipWith assign_to_reg arg_regs non_robust_amodes)
+ assign_to_reg reg_id amode = CAssign (CReg reg_id) amode
+ safe_arg regs arg
+ | amodeCanSurviveGC arg = (regs, arg)
+ | otherwise = (tail regs, CReg (head regs))
+ safe_amodes = snd (mapAccumL safe_arg arg_regs arg_amodes)
+ liveness_mask = mkLiveRegsBitMask arg_regs
+ in
+ (safe_amodes, liveness_mask, arg_assts)
+%* *
+\subsubsection[CgRetConv-regs]{Register assignment}
+%* *
+How to assign registers.
+Registers are assigned in order.
+If we run out, we don't attempt to assign
+any further registers (even though we might have run out of only one kind of
+register); we just return immediately with the left-overs specified.
+assignRegs :: [MagicId] -- Unavailable registers
+ -> [PrimKind] -- Arg or result kinds to assign
+ -> ([MagicId], -- Register assignment in same order
+ -- for *initial segment of* input list
+ [PrimKind])-- leftover kinds
+#ifndef DPH
+assignRegs regs_in_use kinds
+ = assign_reg kinds [] (mkRegTbl regs_in_use)
+ where
+ assign_reg :: [PrimKind] -- arg kinds being scrutinized
+ -> [MagicId] -- accum. regs assigned so far (reversed)
+ -> ([Int], [Int], [Int])
+ -- regs still avail: Vanilla, Float, Double
+ -> ([MagicId], [PrimKind])
+ assign_reg (VoidKind:ks) acc supply
+ = assign_reg ks (VoidReg:acc) supply -- one VoidReg is enough for everybody!
+ assign_reg (FloatKind:ks) acc (vanilla_rs, IBOX(f):float_rs, double_rs)
+ = assign_reg ks (FloatReg f:acc) (vanilla_rs, float_rs, double_rs)
+ assign_reg (DoubleKind:ks) acc (vanilla_rs, float_rs, IBOX(d):double_rs)
+ = assign_reg ks (DoubleReg d:acc) (vanilla_rs, float_rs, double_rs)
+ assign_reg (k:ks) acc (IBOX(v):vanilla_rs, float_rs, double_rs)
+ | not (isFloatingKind k)
+ = assign_reg ks (VanillaReg k v:acc) (vanilla_rs, float_rs, double_rs)
+ -- The catch-all. It can happen because either
+ -- (a) we've assigned all the regs so leftover_ks is []
+ -- (b) we couldn't find a spare register in the appropriate supply
+ -- or, I suppose,
+ -- (c) we came across a Kind we couldn't handle (this one shouldn't happen)
+ assign_reg leftover_ks acc _ = (reverse acc, leftover_ks)
+assignRegs node_using_Ret1 kinds
+ = if node_using_Ret1
+ then assign_reg kinds [] (tail vanillaRegNos) (tail datRegNos)
+ else assign_reg kinds [] vanillaRegNos (tail datRegNos)
+ where
+ assign_reg:: [PrimKind] -- arg kinds being scrutinized
+ -> [MagicId] -- accum. regs assigned so far (reversed)
+ -> [Int] -- Vanilla Regs (ptr, int, char, float or double)
+ -> [Int] -- Data Regs ( int, char, float or double)
+ -> ([MagicId], [PrimKind])
+ assign_reg (k:ks) acc (IBOX(p):ptr_regs) dat_regs
+ | isFollowableKind k
+ = assign_reg ks (VanillaReg k p:acc) ptr_regs dat_regs
+ assign_reg (CharKind:ks) acc ptr_regs (d:dat_regs)
+ = assign_reg ks (DataReg CharKind d:acc) ptr_regs dat_regs
+ assign_reg (IntKind:ks) acc ptr_regs (d:dat_regs)
+ = assign_reg ks (DataReg IntKind d:acc) ptr_regs dat_regs
+ assign_reg (WordKind:ks) acc ptr_regs (d:dat_regs)
+ = assign_reg ks (DataReg WordKind d:acc) ptr_regs dat_regs
+ assign_reg (AddrKind:ks) acc ptr_regs (d:dat_regs)
+ = assign_reg ks (DataReg AddrKind d:acc) ptr_regs dat_regs
+ assign_reg (FloatKind:ks) acc ptr_regs (d:dat_regs)
+ = assign_reg ks (DataReg FloatKind d:acc) ptr_regs dat_regs
+ -- Notice how doubles take up two data registers....
+ assign_reg (DoubleKind:ks) acc ptr_regs (IBOX(d1):d2:dat_regs)
+ = assign_reg ks (DoubleReg d1:acc) ptr_regs dat_regs
+ assign_reg (VoidKind:ks) acc ptr_regs dat_regs
+ = assign_reg ks (VoidReg:acc) ptr_regs dat_regs
+ -- The catch-all. It can happen because either
+ -- (a) we've assigned all the regs so leftover_ks is []
+ -- (b) we couldn't find a spare register in the appropriate supply
+ -- or, I suppose,
+ -- (c) we came across a Kind we couldn't handle (this one shouldn't happen)
+ -- ToDo Maybe when dataReg becomes empty, we can start using the
+ -- vanilla registers ????
+ assign_reg leftover_ks acc _ _ = (reverse acc, leftover_ks)
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+Register supplies. Vanilla registers can contain pointers, Ints, Chars.
+vanillaRegNos :: [Int]
+vanillaRegNos = [1 .. mAX_Vanilla_REG]
+Only a subset of the registers on the DAP can be used to hold pointers (and most
+of these are taken up with things like the heap pointer and stack pointers).
+However the resulting registers can hold integers, floats or chars. We therefore
+allocate pointer like things into the @vanillaRegNos@ (and Ints Chars or Floats
+if the remaining registers are empty). See NOTE.regsiterMap for an outline of
+the global and local register allocation scheme.
+#ifdef DPH
+datRegNos ::[Int]
+datRegNos = [1..mAX_Data_REG] -- For Ints, Floats, Doubles or Chars
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+Floats and doubles have separate register supplies.
+#ifndef DPH
+floatRegNos, doubleRegNos :: [Int]
+floatRegNos = [1 .. mAX_Float_REG]
+doubleRegNos = [1 .. mAX_Double_REG]
+mkRegTbl :: [MagicId] -> ([Int], [Int], [Int])
+mkRegTbl regs_in_use = (ok_vanilla, ok_float, ok_double)
+ where
+ ok_vanilla = catMaybes (map (select (VanillaReg VoidKind)) vanillaRegNos)
+ ok_float = catMaybes (map (select FloatReg) floatRegNos)
+ ok_double = catMaybes (map (select DoubleReg) doubleRegNos)
+ select :: (FAST_INT -> MagicId) -> Int{-cand-} -> Maybe Int
+ -- one we've unboxed the Int, we make a MagicId
+ -- and see if it is already in use; if not, return its number.
+ select mk_reg_fun cand@IBOX(i)
+ = let
+ reg = mk_reg_fun i
+ in
+ if reg `not_elem` regs_in_use
+ then Just cand
+ else Nothing
+ where
+ not_elem = isn'tIn "mkRegTbl"
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}