path: root/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUpdate.lhs
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1 files changed, 155 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUpdate.lhs b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUpdate.lhs
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index 0000000000..40daf3714c
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+++ b/ghc/compiler/codeGen/CgUpdate.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1994
+\section[CgUpdate]{Manipulating update frames}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module CgUpdate (
+ pushUpdateFrame -- OLD: , evalPushRCCFrame
+ ) where
+import StgSyn
+import CgMonad
+import AbsCSyn
+import CgCompInfo ( sTD_UF_SIZE, cON_UF_SIZE,
+ spARelToInt, spBRelToInt
+ )
+import CgStackery ( allocUpdateFrame )
+import CgUsages
+import CmdLineOpts ( GlobalSwitch(..) )
+import Util
+%* *
+%* Setting up update frames *
+%* *
+\subsection[setting-update-frames]{Setting up update frames}
+@pushUpdateFrame@ $updatee$ pushes a general update frame which
+points to $updatee$ as the thing to be updated. It is only used
+when a thunk has just been entered, so the (real) stack pointers
+are guaranteed to be nicely aligned with the top of stack.
+@pushUpdateFrame@ adjusts the virtual and tail stack pointers
+to reflect the frame pushed.
+pushUpdateFrame :: CAddrMode -> CAddrMode -> Code -> Code
+pushUpdateFrame updatee vector code
+ = isSwitchSetC SccProfilingOn `thenFC` \ profiling_on ->
+ let
+ -- frame_size *includes* the return address
+ frame_size = if profiling_on
+ then sCC_STD_UF_SIZE
+ else sTD_UF_SIZE
+ in
+ getEndOfBlockInfo `thenFC` \ eob_info ->
+ ASSERT(case eob_info of { EndOfBlockInfo _ _ InRetReg -> True; _ -> False})
+ allocUpdateFrame frame_size vector (\ _ ->
+ -- Emit the push macro
+ absC (CMacroStmt PUSH_STD_UPD_FRAME [
+ updatee,
+ int_CLit0, -- Known to be zero because we have just
+ int_CLit0 -- entered a thunk
+ ])
+ `thenC` code
+ )
+int_CLit0 = mkIntCLit 0 -- out here to avoid pushUpdateFrame CAF (sigh)
+{- ---------------------
+ What actually happens is something like this; but it got macro-ised
+ = pushOnBStack (CReg CurCostCentre) `thenFC` \ _ ->
+ pushOnBStack (CReg SuA) `thenFC` \ _ ->
+ pushOnBStack (CReg SuB) `thenFC` \ _ ->
+ pushOnBStack updatee `thenFC` \ _ ->
+ pushOnBStack (CLabel sTD_UPD_RET_VEC_LABEL CodePtrKind) `thenFC` \ _ ->
+ -- Remember, SpB hasn't yet been incremented to account for the
+ -- 4-word update frame which has been pushed.
+ -- This code seems crude, but effective...
+ absC (AbsCStmts (CAssign (CReg SuA) (CReg SpA))
+ (CAssign (CReg SuB) (CAddr (SpBRel 0 4))))
+-------------------------- -}
+@evalPushRCCFrame@ pushes a frame to restore the cost centre, and
+deallocates stuff from the A and B stack if evaluation profiling. No
+actual update is required so no closure to update is passed.
+@evalPushRCCFrame@ is called for an @scc@ expression and on entry to a
+single-entry thunk: no update reqd but cost centre manipulation is.
+{- OLD: WDP: 94/06
+evalPushRCCFrame :: Bool -> Code -> Code
+evalPushRCCFrame prim code
+ = isSwitchSetC SccProfiling_Eval `thenFC` \ eval_profiling ->
+ if (not eval_profiling) then
+ code
+ else
+ -- Find out how many words of stack must will be
+ -- deallocated at the end of the basic block
+ -- As we push stuff onto the B stack we must make the
+ -- RCC frame dealocate the B stack words
+ -- We dont actually push things onto the A stack so we
+ -- can treat the A stack as if these words were not there
+ -- i.e. we subtract them from the A stack offset
+ -- They will be popped by the current block of code
+ -- Tell downstream code about the update frame on the B stack
+ allocUpdateFrame
+ (panic "pushEvalRCCFrame: mkRestoreCostCentreLbl")
+ (\ (old_args_spa, old_args_spb, upd_frame_offset) ->
+ getSpARelOffset old_args_spa `thenFC` \ old_args_spa_rel ->
+ getSpBRelOffset upd_frame_offset `thenFC` \ upd_frame_rel ->
+ let b_wds_to_pop = upd_frame_offset - old_args_spb
+ in
+ -- Allocate enough space on the B stack for the frame
+ evalCostCentreC
+ (if prim then
+ else
+ [
+ mkIntCLit (spARelToInt old_args_spa_rel),
+ {- Place on A stack to ``draw the line'' -}
+ mkIntCLit (spBRelToInt upd_frame_rel),
+ {- Ditto B stk. The update frame is pushed starting
+ just above here -}
+ mkIntCLit 0,
+ {- Number of words of A below the line, which must be
+ popped to get to the tail-call position -}
+ mkIntCLit b_wds_to_pop
+ {- Ditto B stk -}
+ ] `thenC`
+ code
+ -- If we actually pushed things onto the A stack we have
+ -- to arrange for the RCC frame to pop these as well
+ -- Would need to tell downstream code about the update frame
+ -- both the A and B stacks
+ )