path: root/ghc/compiler/deSugar/DsListComp.lhs
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1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+\section[DsListComp]{Desugaring list comprehensions}
+module DsListComp ( dsListComp ) where
+import AbsSyn -- the stuff being desugared
+import PlainCore -- the output of desugaring;
+ -- importing this module also gets all the
+ -- CoreSyn utility functions
+import DsMonad -- the monadery used in the desugarer
+import AbsPrel ( mkFunTy, nilDataCon, consDataCon, listTyCon,
+ mkBuild, mkFoldr
+ )
+import AbsUniType ( alpha_tv, alpha, mkTyVarTy, mkForallTy )
+import CmdLineOpts ( GlobalSwitch(..) )
+import DsExpr ( dsExpr )
+import DsUtils
+import Id ( getIdInfo, replaceIdInfo )
+import IdInfo
+import Match ( matchSimply )
+import Util
+List comprehensions may be desugared in one of two ways: ``ordinary''
+(as you would expect if you read SLPJ's book) and ``with foldr/build
+turned on'' (if you read Gill {\em et al.}'s paper on the subject).
+There will be at least one ``qualifier'' in the input.
+dsListComp :: PlainCoreExpr -> [TypecheckedQual] -> DsM PlainCoreExpr
+dsListComp expr quals
+ = let expr_ty = typeOfCoreExpr expr
+ in
+ ifSwitchSetDs FoldrBuildOn (
+ new_alpha_tyvar `thenDs` \ (n_tyvar, n_ty) ->
+ let
+ c_ty = expr_ty `mkFunTy` (n_ty `mkFunTy` n_ty)
+ g_ty = mkForallTy [alpha_tv] (
+ (expr_ty `mkFunTy` (alpha `mkFunTy` alpha))
+ `mkFunTy` (alpha `mkFunTy` alpha))
+ in
+ newSysLocalsDs [c_ty,n_ty,g_ty] `thenDs` \ [c, n, g] ->
+ dfListComp expr expr_ty
+ c_ty c
+ n_ty n
+ quals `thenDs` \ result ->
+ returnDs (mkBuild expr_ty n_tyvar c n g result)
+ ) {-else be boring-} (
+ deListComp expr quals (nIL_EXPR expr_ty)
+ )
+ where
+ nIL_EXPR ty = CoCon nilDataCon [ty] []
+ new_alpha_tyvar :: DsM (TyVar, UniType)
+ new_alpha_tyvar
+ = newTyVarsDs [alpha_tv] `thenDs` \ [new_ty] ->
+ returnDs (new_ty,mkTyVarTy new_ty)
+%* *
+\subsection[DsListComp-ordinary]{Ordinary desugaring of list comprehensions}
+%* *
+Just as in Phil's chapter~7 in SLPJ, using the rules for
+optimally-compiled list comprehensions. This is what Kevin followed
+as well, and I quite happily do the same. The TQ translation scheme
+transforms a list of qualifiers (either boolean expressions or
+generators) into a single expression which implements the list
+comprehension. Because we are generating 2nd-order polymorphic
+lambda-calculus, calls to NIL and CONS must be applied to a type
+argument, as well as their usual value arguments.
+TE << [ e | qs ] >> = TQ << [ e | qs ] ++ Nil (typeOf e) >>
+(Rule C)
+TQ << [ e | ] ++ L >> = Cons (typeOf e) TE <<e>> TE <<L>>
+(Rule B)
+TQ << [ e | b , qs ] ++ L >> =
+ if TE << b >> then TQ << [ e | qs ] ++ L >> else TE << L >>
+(Rule A')
+TQ << [ e | p <- L1, qs ] ++ L2 >> =
+ letrec
+ h = \ u1 ->
+ case u1 of
+ [] -> TE << L2 >>
+ (u2 : u3) ->
+ (( \ TE << p >> -> ( TQ << [e | qs] ++ (h u3) >> )) u2)
+ [] (h u3)
+ in
+ h ( TE << L1 >> )
+"h", "u1", "u2", and "u3" are new variables.
+@deListComp@ is the TQ translation scheme. Roughly speaking, @dsExpr@
+is the TE translation scheme. Note that we carry around the @L@ list
+already desugared. @dsListComp@ does the top TE rule mentioned above.
+deListComp :: PlainCoreExpr -> [TypecheckedQual] -> PlainCoreExpr -> DsM PlainCoreExpr
+deListComp expr [] list -- Figure 7.4, SLPJ, p 135, rule C above
+ = mkCoConDs consDataCon [typeOfCoreExpr expr] [expr, list]
+deListComp expr ((FilterQual filt): quals) list -- rule B above
+ = dsExpr filt `thenDs` \ core_filt ->
+ deListComp expr quals list `thenDs` \ core_rest ->
+ returnDs ( mkCoreIfThenElse core_filt core_rest list )
+deListComp expr ((GeneratorQual pat list1):quals) core_list2 -- rule A' above
+ = dsExpr list1 `thenDs` \ core_list1 ->
+ let
+ u3_ty@u1_ty = typeOfCoreExpr core_list1 -- two names, same thing
+ -- u1_ty is a [alpha] type, and u2_ty = alpha
+ u2_ty = typeOfPat pat
+ res_ty = typeOfCoreExpr core_list2
+ h_ty = mkFunTy u1_ty res_ty
+ in
+ newSysLocalsDs [h_ty, u1_ty, u2_ty, u3_ty]
+ `thenDs` \ [h', u1, u2, u3] ->
+ {-
+ Make the function h unfoldable by the deforester.
+ Since it only occurs once in the body, we can't get
+ an increase in code size by unfolding it.
+ -}
+-- getSwitchCheckerDs `thenDs` \ sw_chkr ->
+ let
+ h = if False -- LATER: sw_chkr DoDeforest???
+ then replaceIdInfo h' (addInfo (getIdInfo h') DoDeforest)
+ else h'
+ in
+ -- the "fail" value ...
+ mkCoAppDs (CoVar h) (CoVar u3) `thenDs` \ core_fail ->
+ deListComp expr quals core_fail `thenDs` \ rest_expr ->
+ matchSimply (CoVar u2) pat res_ty rest_expr core_fail `thenDs` \ core_match ->
+ mkCoAppDs (CoVar h) core_list1 `thenDs` \ letrec_body ->
+ returnDs (
+ mkCoLetrecAny [
+ ( h,
+ (CoLam [ u1 ]
+ (CoCase (CoVar u1)
+ (CoAlgAlts
+ [(nilDataCon, [], core_list2),
+ (consDataCon, [u2, u3], core_match)]
+ CoNoDefault)))
+ )] letrec_body
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection[DsListComp-foldr-build]{Foldr/Build desugaring of list comprehensions}
+%* *
+@dfListComp@ are the rules used with foldr/build turned on:
+TE < [ e | ] >> c n = c e n
+TE << [ e | b , q ] >> c n = if b then TE << [ e | q ] >> c n else n
+TE << [ e | p <- l , q ] c n = foldr
+ (\ TE << p >> b -> TE << [ e | q ] >> c b
+ _ b -> b) n l
+dfListComp :: PlainCoreExpr -- the inside of the comp
+ -> UniType -- the type of the inside
+ -> UniType -> Id -- 'c'; its type and id
+ -> UniType -> Id -- 'n'; its type and id
+ -> [TypecheckedQual] -- the rest of the qual's
+ -> DsM PlainCoreExpr
+dfListComp expr expr_ty c_ty c_id n_ty n_id []
+ = mkCoAppDs (CoVar c_id) expr `thenDs` \ inner ->
+ mkCoAppDs inner (CoVar n_id)
+dfListComp expr expr_ty c_ty c_id n_ty n_id ((FilterQual filt) : quals)
+ = dsExpr filt `thenDs` \ core_filt ->
+ dfListComp expr expr_ty c_ty c_id n_ty n_id quals
+ `thenDs` \ core_rest ->
+ returnDs (mkCoreIfThenElse core_filt core_rest (CoVar n_id))
+dfListComp expr expr_ty c_ty c_id n_ty n_id ((GeneratorQual pat list1):quals)
+ -- evaluate the two lists
+ = dsExpr list1 `thenDs` \ core_list1 ->
+ -- find the required type
+ let p_ty = typeOfPat pat
+ b_ty = n_ty -- alias b_ty to n_ty
+ fn_ty = p_ty `mkFunTy` (b_ty `mkFunTy` b_ty)
+ lst_ty = typeOfCoreExpr core_list1
+ in
+ -- create some new local id's
+ newSysLocalsDs [b_ty,p_ty,fn_ty,lst_ty] `thenDs` \ [b,p,fn,lst] ->
+ -- build rest of the comprehesion
+ dfListComp expr expr_ty c_ty c_id b_ty b quals `thenDs` \ core_rest ->
+ -- build the pattern match
+ matchSimply (CoVar p) pat b_ty core_rest (CoVar b) `thenDs` \ core_expr ->
+ -- now build the outermost foldr, and return
+ returnDs (
+ mkCoLetsAny
+ [CoNonRec fn (CoLam [p,b] core_expr),
+ CoNonRec lst core_list1]
+ (mkFoldr p_ty n_ty fn n_id lst)
+ )