path: root/ghc/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeGen.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeGen.lhs')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeGen.lhs b/ghc/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeGen.lhs
index f526ed9907..19db7af16b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeGen.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ghci/ByteCodeGen.lhs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ import Bitmap ( intsToReverseBitmap, mkBitmap )
import OrdList
import Constants ( wORD_SIZE )
-import Data.List ( intersperse, sortBy, zip4, zip5, partition )
+import Data.List ( intersperse, sortBy, zip4, zip6, partition )
import Foreign ( Ptr, castPtr, mallocBytes, pokeByteOff, Word8,
withForeignPtr )
import Foreign.C ( CInt )
@@ -361,26 +361,28 @@ schemeE d s p (AnnLet binds (_,body))
zipE = zipEqual "schemeE"
-- ToDo: don't build thunks for things with no free variables
- build_thunk dd [] size bco off
- = returnBc (PUSH_BCO bco
- `consOL` unitOL (MKAP (off+size) size))
- build_thunk dd (fv:fvs) size bco off = do
+ build_thunk dd [] size bco off arity
+ = returnBc (PUSH_BCO bco `consOL` unitOL (mkap (off+size) size))
+ where
+ mkap | arity == 0 = MKAP
+ | otherwise = MKPAP
+ build_thunk dd (fv:fvs) size bco off arity = do
(push_code, pushed_szw) <- pushAtom dd p' (AnnVar fv)
- more_push_code <- build_thunk (dd+pushed_szw) fvs size bco off
+ more_push_code <- build_thunk (dd+pushed_szw) fvs size bco off arity
returnBc (push_code `appOL` more_push_code)
alloc_code = toOL (zipWith mkAlloc sizes arities)
where mkAlloc sz 0 = ALLOC_AP sz
mkAlloc sz arity = ALLOC_PAP arity sz
- compile_bind d' fvs x rhs size off = do
+ compile_bind d' fvs x rhs size arity off = do
bco <- schemeR fvs (x,rhs)
- build_thunk d' fvs size bco off
+ build_thunk d' fvs size bco off arity
compile_binds =
- [ compile_bind d' fvs x rhs size n
- | (fvs, x, rhs, size, n) <-
- zip5 fvss xs rhss sizes [n_binds, n_binds-1 .. 1]
+ [ compile_bind d' fvs x rhs size arity n
+ | (fvs, x, rhs, size, arity, n) <-
+ zip6 fvss xs rhss sizes arities [n_binds, n_binds-1 .. 1]
in do
body_code <- schemeE d' s p' body