path: root/ghc/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs b/ghc/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs
index 98b653d912..1648773984 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/ghci/InteractiveUI.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{-# OPTIONS -#include "Linker.h" #-}
--- $Id: InteractiveUI.hs,v 1.175 2004/08/20 15:02:40 simonmar Exp $
+-- $Id: InteractiveUI.hs,v 1.176 2004/09/30 10:36:47 simonpj Exp $
-- GHC Interactive User Interface
@@ -532,17 +532,28 @@ showDecl want_name (IfaceSyn {ifName = tycon, ifTyVars = tyvars, ifSynRhs = mono
= hang (ptext SLIT("type") <+> pprIfaceDeclHead [] tycon tyvars)
2 (equals <+> ppr mono_ty)
-showDecl want_name (IfaceData {ifCtxt = context, ifName = tycon,
+showDecl want_name (IfaceData {ifName = tycon,
ifTyVars = tyvars, ifCons = condecls})
= hang (pp_nd <+> pprIfaceDeclHead context tycon tyvars)
2 (add_bars (ppr_trim show_con cs))
- show_con (IfaceConDecl con_name is_infix ex_tvs ex_cxt tys strs flds)
+ show_con (IfVanillaCon { ifConOcc = con_name, ifConInfix = is_infix, ifConArgTys = tys,
+ ifConStricts = strs, ifConFields = flds})
| want_name tycon || want_name con_name || any want_name flds
- = Just (pprIfaceForAllPart ex_tvs ex_cxt (show_guts con_name is_infix tys_w_strs flds))
+ = Just (show_guts con_name is_infix tys_w_strs flds)
| otherwise = Nothing
tys_w_strs = tys `zip` (strs ++ repeat NotMarkedStrict)
+ show_con (IfGadtCon { ifConOcc = con_name, ifConTyVars = tvs, ifConCtxt = theta,
+ ifConArgTys = arg_tys, ifConResTys = res_tys, ifConStricts = strs })
+ | want_name tycon || want_name con_name
+ = Just (ppr_bndr con_name <+> colon <+> pprIfaceForAllPart tvs theta pp_tau)
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ tys_w_strs = arg_tys `zip` (strs ++ repeat NotMarkedStrict)
+ pp_tau = foldr add pp_res_ty tys_w_strs
+ pp_res_ty = ppr_bndr tycon <+> hsep (map pprParendIfaceType res_tys)
+ add bty pp_ty = ppr_bangty bty <+> arrow <+> pp_ty
show_guts con True [ty1, ty2] flds = sep [ppr_bangty ty1, ppr con, ppr_bangty ty2]
show_guts con _ tys [] = ppr_bndr con <+> sep (map ppr_bangty tys)
@@ -553,10 +564,11 @@ showDecl want_name (IfaceData {ifCtxt = context, ifName = tycon,
= Just (ppr_bndr fld <+> dcolon <+> ppr_bangty bty)
| otherwise = Nothing
- (pp_nd, cs) = case condecls of
- IfAbstractTyCon -> (ptext SLIT("data"), [])
- IfDataTyCon cs -> (ptext SLIT("data"), cs)
- IfNewTyCon c -> (ptext SLIT("newtype"), [c])
+ (pp_nd, context, cs) = case condecls of
+ IfAbstractTyCon -> (ptext SLIT("data"), [], [])
+ IfDataTyCon (Just cxt) cs -> (ptext SLIT("data"), cxt, cs)
+ IfDataTyCon Nothing cs -> (ptext SLIT("data"), [], cs)
+ IfNewTyCon c -> (ptext SLIT("newtype"), [], [c])
add_bars [] = empty
add_bars [c] = equals <+> c