path: root/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs')
1 files changed, 46 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
index d2e757e373..8019f36282 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/hsSyn/HsUtils.lhs
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ import RdrName ( RdrName, getRdrName, mkRdrUnqual )
import Var ( Id )
import Type ( Type )
import DataCon ( DataCon, dataConWrapId, dataConSourceArity )
-import BasicTypes ( RecFlag(..) )
import OccName ( mkVarOcc )
import Name ( Name )
+import BasicTypes ( RecFlag(..) )
import SrcLoc
import FastString ( mkFastString )
import Outputable
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ mkHsPar e = L (getLoc e) (HsPar e)
mkSimpleMatch :: [LPat id] -> LHsExpr id -> LMatch id
mkSimpleMatch pats rhs
= L loc $
- Match pats Nothing (GRHSs (unguardedRHS rhs) [])
+ Match pats Nothing (GRHSs (unguardedRHS rhs) emptyLocalBinds)
loc = case pats of
[] -> getLoc rhs
@@ -93,10 +93,14 @@ mkHsTyLam tyvars expr = L (getLoc expr) (TyLam tyvars expr)
mkHsDictLam [] expr = expr
mkHsDictLam dicts expr = L (getLoc expr) (DictLam dicts expr)
-mkHsLet :: LHsBinds name -> LHsExpr name -> LHsExpr name
-mkHsLet binds expr
+mkHsDictLet :: LHsBinds Id -> LHsExpr Id -> LHsExpr Id
+-- Used for the dictionary bindings gotten from TcSimplify
+-- We make them recursive to be on the safe side
+mkHsDictLet binds expr
| isEmptyLHsBinds binds = expr
- | otherwise = L (getLoc expr) (HsLet [HsBindGroup binds [] Recursive] expr)
+ | otherwise = L (getLoc expr) (HsLet (HsValBinds val_binds) expr)
+ where
+ val_binds = ValBindsOut [(Recursive, binds)]
mkHsConApp :: DataCon -> [Type] -> [HsExpr Id] -> LHsExpr Id
-- Used for constructing dictinoary terms etc, so no locations
@@ -110,10 +114,6 @@ mkSimpleHsAlt :: LPat id -> LHsExpr id -> LMatch id
mkSimpleHsAlt pat expr
= mkSimpleMatch [pat] expr
-glueBindsOnGRHSs :: HsBindGroup id -> GRHSs id -> GRHSs id
-glueBindsOnGRHSs binds1 (GRHSs grhss binds2)
- = GRHSs grhss (binds1 : binds2)
-- These are the bits of syntax that contain rebindable names
-- See RnEnv.lookupSyntaxName
@@ -224,34 +224,35 @@ nlHsFunTy a b = noLoc (HsFunTy a b)
mkVarBind :: SrcSpan -> name -> LHsExpr name -> LHsBind name
mkVarBind loc var rhs = mk_easy_FunBind loc var [] emptyLHsBinds rhs
mk_easy_FunBind :: SrcSpan -> name -> [LPat name]
- -> LHsBinds name -> LHsExpr name
- -> LHsBind name
+ -> LHsBinds name -> LHsExpr name
+ -> LHsBind name
mk_easy_FunBind loc fun pats binds expr
- = L loc (FunBind (L loc fun) False{-not infix-}
- (mkMatchGroup [mk_easy_Match pats binds expr]))
-mk_easy_Match pats binds expr
- = mkMatch pats expr [HsBindGroup binds [] Recursive]
- -- The renamer expects everything in its input to be a
- -- "recursive" MonoBinds, and it is its job to sort things out
- -- from there.
+ = L loc (FunBind (L loc fun) False{-not infix-} matches placeHolderNames)
+ where
+ matches = mkMatchGroup [mk_easy_Match pats binds expr]
-mk_FunBind :: SrcSpan
- -> RdrName
- -> [([LPat RdrName], LHsExpr RdrName)]
- -> LHsBind RdrName
+mk_FunBind :: SrcSpan -> RdrName
+ -> [([LPat RdrName], LHsExpr RdrName)]
+ -> LHsBind RdrName
mk_FunBind loc fun [] = panic "TcGenDeriv:mk_FunBind"
mk_FunBind loc fun pats_and_exprs
- = L loc (FunBind (L loc fun) False{-not infix-}
- (mkMatchGroup [mkMatch p e [] | (p,e) <-pats_and_exprs]))
+ = L loc (FunBind (L loc fun) False{-not infix-} matches placeHolderNames)
+ where
+ matches = mkMatchGroup [mkMatch p e emptyLocalBinds | (p,e) <-pats_and_exprs]
+mk_easy_Match pats binds expr
+ = mkMatch pats expr (HsValBinds (ValBindsIn binds []))
-mkMatch :: [LPat id] -> LHsExpr id -> [HsBindGroup id] -> LMatch id
+mkMatch :: [LPat id] -> LHsExpr id -> HsLocalBinds id -> LMatch id
mkMatch pats expr binds
= noLoc (Match (map paren pats) Nothing
--- gaw 2004
(GRHSs (unguardedRHS expr) binds))
paren p = case p of
@@ -277,29 +278,30 @@ where
it should return [x, y, f, a, b] (remember, order important).
-collectGroupBinders :: [HsBindGroup name] -> [Located name]
-collectGroupBinders groups = foldr collect_group [] groups
- where
- collect_group (HsBindGroup bag sigs is_rec) acc
- = foldrBag (collectAcc . unLoc) acc bag
- collect_group (HsIPBinds _) acc = acc
+collectLocalBinders :: HsLocalBinds name -> [Located name]
+collectLocalBinders (HsValBinds val_binds) = collectHsValBinders val_binds
+collectLocalBinders (HsIPBinds _) = []
+collectLocalBinders EmptyLocalBinds = []
+collectHsValBinders :: HsValBinds name -> [Located name]
+collectHsValBinders (ValBindsIn binds sigs) = collectHsBindLocatedBinders binds
+collectHsValBinders (ValBindsOut binds) = panic "collectHsValBinders"
collectAcc :: HsBind name -> [Located name] -> [Located name]
-collectAcc (PatBind pat _ _) acc = collectLocatedPatBinders pat ++ acc
-collectAcc (FunBind f _ _) acc = f : acc
-collectAcc (VarBind f _) acc = noLoc f : acc
-collectAcc (AbsBinds _ _ dbinds _ binds) acc
- = [noLoc dp | (_,dp,_) <- dbinds] ++ acc
+collectAcc (PatBind pat _ _ _) acc = collectLocatedPatBinders pat ++ acc
+collectAcc (FunBind f _ _ _) acc = f : acc
+collectAcc (VarBind f _) acc = noLoc f : acc
+collectAcc (AbsBinds _ _ dbinds binds) acc
+ = [noLoc dp | (_,dp,_,_) <- dbinds] ++ acc
-- ++ foldr collectAcc acc binds
-- I don't think we want the binders from the nested binds
-- The only time we collect binders from a typechecked
-- binding (hence see AbsBinds) is in zonking in TcHsSyn
-collectHsBindBinders :: Bag (LHsBind name) -> [name]
+collectHsBindBinders :: LHsBinds name -> [name]
collectHsBindBinders binds = map unLoc (collectHsBindLocatedBinders binds)
-collectHsBindLocatedBinders :: Bag (LHsBind name) -> [Located name]
+collectHsBindLocatedBinders :: LHsBinds name -> [Located name]
collectHsBindLocatedBinders binds = foldrBag (collectAcc . unLoc) [] binds
@@ -320,13 +322,14 @@ collectSigTysFromHsBind :: LHsBind name -> [LHsType name]
collectSigTysFromHsBind bind
= go (unLoc bind)
- go (PatBind pat _ _)
+ go (PatBind pat _ _ _)
= collectSigTysFromPat pat
- go (FunBind f _ (MatchGroup ms _))
+ go (FunBind f _ (MatchGroup ms _) _)
= [sig | L _ (Match [] (Just sig) _) <- ms]
-- A binding like x :: a = f y
-- is parsed as FunMonoBind, but for this purpose we
-- want to treat it as a pattern binding
+ go out_bind = panic "collectSigTysFromHsBind"
@@ -348,7 +351,7 @@ collectLStmtBinders = collectStmtBinders . unLoc
collectStmtBinders :: Stmt id -> [Located id]
-- Id Binders for a Stmt... [but what about pattern-sig type vars]?
collectStmtBinders (BindStmt pat _ _ _) = collectLocatedPatBinders pat
-collectStmtBinders (LetStmt binds) = collectGroupBinders binds
+collectStmtBinders (LetStmt binds) = collectLocalBinders binds
collectStmtBinders (ExprStmt _ _ _) = []
collectStmtBinders (RecStmt ss _ _ _ _) = collectLStmtsBinders ss
collectStmtBinders other = panic "collectStmtBinders"