path: root/ghc/compiler/main/BinIface.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/main/BinIface.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1051 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/BinIface.hs b/ghc/compiler/main/BinIface.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c507f2e4dc..0000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/BinIface.hs
+++ /dev/null
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-{-% DrIFT (Automatic class derivations for Haskell) v1.1 %-}
-{-% DrIFT (Automatic class derivations for Haskell) v1.1 %-}
--- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
--- Binary interface file support.
-module BinIface ( writeBinIface, readBinIface, v_IgnoreHiVersion ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import HscTypes
-import BasicTypes
-import NewDemand
-import HsTypes
-import HsCore
-import HsDecls
-import HsBinds
-import HsPat ( HsConDetails(..) )
-import TyCon
-import Class
-import VarEnv
-import CostCentre
-import RdrName ( mkRdrUnqual, mkRdrQual )
-import Name ( Name, nameOccName, nameModule_maybe )
-import NameEnv ( NameEnv, lookupNameEnv, nameEnvElts )
-import Module ( moduleName )
-import OccName ( OccName )
-import RnHsSyn
-import DriverState ( v_Build_tag )
-import CmdLineOpts ( opt_HiVersion )
-import Panic
-import SrcLoc
-import Binary
-import Util
-import DATA_IOREF
-import EXCEPTION ( throwDyn )
-import Monad ( when )
-#include "HsVersions.h"
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- We write out a ModIface, but read it in as a ParsedIface.
--- There are some big differences, and some subtle ones. We do most
--- of the conversion on the way out, so there is minimal fuss when we
--- read it back in again (see RnMonad.lhs)
--- The main difference is that all Names in a ModIface are RdrNames in
--- a ParsedIface, so when writing out a Name in binary we make sure it
--- is binary-compatible with a RdrName.
--- Other subtle differences:
--- - pi_mod is a ModuleName, but mi_mod is a Module. Hence we put
--- Modules as ModuleNames.
--- - pi_exports and pi_usages, Names have
--- to be converted to OccNames.
--- - pi_fixity is a NameEnv in ModIface,
--- but a list of (Name,Fixity) pairs in ParsedIface.
--- - versioning is totally different.
--- - deprecations are different.
-writeBinIface :: FilePath -> ModIface -> IO ()
-writeBinIface hi_path mod_iface
- = putBinFileWithDict hi_path (mi_module mod_iface) mod_iface
-readBinIface :: FilePath -> IO ParsedIface
-readBinIface hi_path = getBinFileWithDict hi_path
--- %*********************************************************
--- %* *
--- All the Binary instances
--- %* *
--- %*********************************************************
--- BasicTypes
-{-! for IPName derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for Fixity derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for FixityDirection derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for NewOrData derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for Boxity derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for StrictnessMark derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for Activation derive: Binary !-}
-instance Binary Name where
- -- we must print these as RdrNames, because that's how they will be read in
- put_ bh name
- = case nameModule_maybe name of
- Just mod
- | this_mod == mod -> put_ bh (mkRdrUnqual occ)
- | otherwise -> put_ bh (mkRdrQual (moduleName mod) occ)
- _ -> put_ bh (mkRdrUnqual occ)
- where
- occ = nameOccName name
- (this_mod,_,_,_) = getUserData bh
- get bh = error "can't Binary.get a Name"
--- NewDemand
-{-! for Demand derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for Demands derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for DmdResult derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for StrictSig derive: Binary !-}
-instance Binary DmdType where
- -- ignore DmdEnv when spitting out the DmdType
- put bh (DmdType _ ds dr) = do p <- put bh ds; put bh dr; return (castBin p)
- get bh = do ds <- get bh; dr <- get bh; return (DmdType emptyVarEnv ds dr)
--- TyCon
-{-! for DataConDetails derive: Binary !-}
--- Class
-{-! for DefMeth derive: Binary !-}
--- HsTypes
-{-! for HsPred derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for HsType derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for HsTupCon derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for HsTyVarBndr derive: Binary !-}
--- HsCore
-{-! for UfExpr derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for UfConAlt derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for UfBinding derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for UfBinder derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for HsIdInfo derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for UfNote derive: Binary !-}
--- HsDecls
-{-! for ConDetails derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for BangType derive: Binary !-}
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (TyClDecl name) where
- put_ bh (IfaceSig name ty idinfo _) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh name
- lazyPut bh ty
- lazyPut bh idinfo
- put_ bh (ForeignType ae af ag ah) =
- error "Binary.put_(TyClDecl): ForeignType"
- put_ bh (TyData ai aj ak al am _ (Just generics) _) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ai
- put_ bh aj
- put_ bh ak
- put_ bh al
- put_ bh am
- -- ignore Derivs
- put_ bh generics -- Record whether generics needed or not
- put_ bh (TySynonym aq ar as _) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh aq
- put_ bh ar
- put_ bh as
- put_ bh c@(ClassDecl ctxt nm tyvars fds sigs _ _) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh ctxt
- put_ bh nm
- put_ bh tyvars
- put_ bh fds
- put_ bh sigs
- -- ignore methods (there should be none)
- -- ignore SrcLoc
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do
- name <- get bh
- ty <- lazyGet bh
- idinfo <- lazyGet bh
- return (IfaceSig name ty idinfo noSrcLoc)
- 1 -> error "Binary.get(TyClDecl): ForeignType"
- 2 -> do
- n_or_d <- get bh
- ctx <- get bh
- nm <- get bh
- tyvars <- get bh
- cons <- get bh
- generics <- get bh
- return (TyData n_or_d ctx nm tyvars cons
- Nothing (Just generics) noSrcLoc)
- 3 -> do
- aq <- get bh
- ar <- get bh
- as <- get bh
- return (TySynonym aq ar as noSrcLoc)
- _ -> do
- ctxt <- get bh
- nm <- get bh
- tyvars <- get bh
- fds <- get bh
- sigs <- get bh
- return (ClassDecl ctxt nm tyvars fds sigs
- Nothing noSrcLoc)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (ConDecl name) where
- put_ bh (ConDecl aa ac ad ae _) = do
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh ae
- -- ignore SrcLoc
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- ae <- get bh
- return (ConDecl aa ac ad ae noSrcLoc)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (InstDecl name) where
- put_ bh (InstDecl aa _ _ ad _) = do
- put_ bh aa
- -- ignore MonoBinds
- -- ignore Sigs
- put_ bh ad
- -- ignore SrcLoc
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- return (InstDecl aa EmptyMonoBinds [{-no sigs-}] ad noSrcLoc)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (RuleDecl name) where
- put_ bh (IfaceRule ag ah ai aj ak al _) = do
- put_ bh ag
- put_ bh ah
- put_ bh ai
- put_ bh aj
- put_ bh ak
- put_ bh al
- -- ignore SrcLoc
- get bh = do ag <- get bh
- ah <- get bh
- ai <- get bh
- aj <- get bh
- ak <- get bh
- al <- get bh
- return (IfaceRule ag ah ai aj ak al noSrcLoc)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (DeprecDecl name) where
- put_ bh (Deprecation aa ab _) = do
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- -- ignore SrcLoc
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (Deprecation aa ab noSrcLoc)
--- HsBinds
-instance Binary name => Binary (Sig name) where
- put_ bh (ClassOpSig n def ty _) = do put_ bh n; put_ bh def; put_ bh ty
- get bh = do
- n <- get bh
- def <- get bh
- ty <- get bh
- return (ClassOpSig n def ty noSrcLoc)
--- CostCentre
-{-! for IsCafCC derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for IsDupdCC derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for CostCentre derive: Binary !-}
-instance Binary ModIface where
- put_ bh iface = do
- build_tag <- readIORef v_Build_tag
- put_ bh (show opt_HiVersion ++ build_tag)
- p <- put_ bh (moduleName (mi_module iface))
- put_ bh (mi_package iface)
- put_ bh (vers_module (mi_version iface))
- put_ bh (mi_orphan iface)
- -- no: mi_boot
- lazyPut bh (mi_deps iface)
- lazyPut bh (map usageToOccName (mi_usages iface))
- put_ bh (vers_exports (mi_version iface),
- map exportItemToRdrExportItem (mi_exports iface))
- put_ bh (declsToVersionedDecls (dcl_tycl (mi_decls iface))
- (vers_decls (mi_version iface)))
- -- no: mi_globals
- put_ bh (collectFixities (mi_fixities iface)
- (dcl_tycl (mi_decls iface)))
- put_ bh (dcl_insts (mi_decls iface))
- lazyPut bh (vers_rules (mi_version iface), dcl_rules (mi_decls iface))
- lazyPut bh (deprecsToIfaceDeprecs (mi_deprecs iface))
- -- Read in as a ParsedIface, not a ModIface. See above.
- get bh = error "Binary.get: ModIface"
-declsToVersionedDecls :: [RenamedTyClDecl] -> NameEnv Version
- -> [(Version, RenamedTyClDecl)]
-declsToVersionedDecls decls env
- = map add_vers decls
- where add_vers d =
- case lookupNameEnv env (tyClDeclName d) of
- Nothing -> (initialVersion, d)
- Just v -> (v, d)
---NOT REALLY: deprecsToIfaceDeprecs :: Deprecations -> IfaceDeprecs
-deprecsToIfaceDeprecs NoDeprecs = Nothing
-deprecsToIfaceDeprecs (DeprecAll txt) = Just (Left txt)
-deprecsToIfaceDeprecs (DeprecSome env) = Just (Right (nameEnvElts env))
-{-! for GenAvailInfo derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for WhatsImported derive: Binary !-}
--- For binary interfaces we need to convert the ImportVersion Names to OccNames
-usageToOccName :: Usage Name -> Usage OccName
-usageToOccName usg
- = usg { usg_entities = [ (nameOccName n, v) | (n,v) <- usg_entities usg ] }
-exportItemToRdrExportItem (mn, avails)
- = (mn, map availInfoToRdrAvailInfo avails)
-availInfoToRdrAvailInfo :: AvailInfo -> RdrAvailInfo
-availInfoToRdrAvailInfo (Avail n)
- = Avail (nameOccName n)
-availInfoToRdrAvailInfo (AvailTC n ns)
- = AvailTC (nameOccName n) (map nameOccName ns)
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Reading a binary interface into ParsedIface
-instance Binary ParsedIface where
- put_ bh ParsedIface{
- pi_mod = module_name,
- pi_pkg = pkg_name,
- pi_vers = module_ver,
- pi_orphan = orphan,
- pi_usages = usages,
- pi_exports = exports,
- pi_decls = tycl_decls,
- pi_fixity = fixities,
- pi_insts = insts,
- pi_rules = rules,
- pi_deprecs = deprecs } = do
- build_tag <- readIORef v_Build_tag
- put_ bh (show opt_HiVersion ++ build_tag)
- put_ bh module_name
- put_ bh pkg_name
- put_ bh module_ver
- put_ bh orphan
- lazyPut bh usages
- put_ bh exports
- put_ bh tycl_decls
- put_ bh fixities
- put_ bh insts
- lazyPut bh rules
- lazyPut bh deprecs
- get bh = do
- check_ver <- get bh
- ignore_ver <- readIORef v_IgnoreHiVersion
- build_tag <- readIORef v_Build_tag
- let our_ver = show opt_HiVersion ++ build_tag
- when (check_ver /= our_ver && not ignore_ver) $
- -- use userError because this will be caught by readIface
- -- which will emit an error msg containing the iface module name.
- throwDyn (ProgramError (
- "mismatched interface file versions: expected "
- ++ our_ver ++ ", found " ++ check_ver))
- module_name <- get bh -- same rep. as Module, so that's ok
- pkg_name <- get bh
- module_ver <- get bh
- orphan <- get bh
- deps <- lazyGet bh
- usages <- {-# SCC "bin_usages" #-} lazyGet bh
- exports <- {-# SCC "bin_exports" #-} get bh
- tycl_decls <- {-# SCC "bin_tycldecls" #-} get bh
- fixities <- {-# SCC "bin_fixities" #-} get bh
- insts <- {-# SCC "bin_insts" #-} get bh
- rules <- {-# SCC "bin_rules" #-} lazyGet bh
- deprecs <- {-# SCC "bin_deprecs" #-} lazyGet bh
- return (ParsedIface {
- pi_mod = module_name,
- pi_pkg = pkg_name,
- pi_vers = module_ver,
- pi_orphan = orphan,
- pi_deps = deps,
- pi_usages = usages,
- pi_exports = exports,
- pi_decls = tycl_decls,
- pi_fixity = fixities,
- pi_insts = reverse insts,
- pi_rules = rules,
- pi_deprecs = deprecs })
-GLOBAL_VAR(v_IgnoreHiVersion, False, Bool)
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-{-* Generated by DrIFT-v1.0 : Look, but Don't Touch. *-}
--- Imported from other files :-
-instance Binary Dependencies where
- put_ bh deps = do put_ bh (dep_mods deps)
- put_ bh (dep_pkgs deps)
- put_ bh (dep_orphs deps)
- get bh = do ms <- get bh
- ps <- get bh
- os <- get bh
- return (Deps { dep_mods = ms, dep_pkgs = ps, dep_orphs = os })
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (GenAvailInfo name) where
- put_ bh (Avail aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (AvailTC ab ac) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh ac
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (Avail aa)
- _ -> do ab <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- return (AvailTC ab ac)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (Usage name) where
- put_ bh usg = do
- put_ bh (usg_name usg)
- put_ bh (usg_mod usg)
- put_ bh (usg_exports usg)
- put_ bh (usg_entities usg)
- put_ bh (usg_rules usg)
- get bh = do
- nm <- get bh
- mod <- get bh
- exps <- get bh
- ents <- get bh
- rules <- get bh
- return (Usage { usg_name = nm, usg_mod = mod,
- usg_exports = exps, usg_entities = ents,
- usg_rules = rules })
-instance Binary Activation where
- put_ bh NeverActive = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh AlwaysActive = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh (ActiveBefore aa) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (ActiveAfter ab) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return NeverActive
- 1 -> do return AlwaysActive
- 2 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (ActiveBefore aa)
- _ -> do ab <- get bh
- return (ActiveAfter ab)
-instance Binary StrictnessMark where
- put_ bh MarkedUserStrict = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh MarkedStrict = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh MarkedUnboxed = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh NotMarkedStrict = do
- putByte bh 3
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return MarkedUserStrict
- 1 -> do return MarkedStrict
- 2 -> do return MarkedUnboxed
- _ -> do return NotMarkedStrict
-instance Binary Boxity where
- put_ bh Boxed = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh Unboxed = do
- putByte bh 1
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return Boxed
- _ -> do return Unboxed
-instance Binary NewOrData where
- put_ bh NewType = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh DataType = do
- putByte bh 1
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return NewType
- _ -> do return DataType
-instance Binary FixityDirection where
- put_ bh InfixL = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh InfixR = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh InfixN = do
- putByte bh 2
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return InfixL
- 1 -> do return InfixR
- _ -> do return InfixN
-instance Binary Fixity where
- put_ bh (Fixity aa ab) = do
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (Fixity aa ab)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (FixitySig name) where
- put_ bh (FixitySig aa ab _) = do
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (FixitySig aa ab noSrcLoc)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (IPName name) where
- put_ bh (Dupable aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (Linear ab) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (Dupable aa)
- _ -> do ab <- get bh
- return (Linear ab)
-instance Binary Demand where
- put_ bh Top = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh Abs = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh (Call aa) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (Eval ab) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (Defer ac) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh (Box ad) = do
- putByte bh 5
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh Bot = do
- putByte bh 6
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return Top
- 1 -> do return Abs
- 2 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (Call aa)
- 3 -> do ab <- get bh
- return (Eval ab)
- 4 -> do ac <- get bh
- return (Defer ac)
- 5 -> do ad <- get bh
- return (Box ad)
- _ -> do return Bot
-instance Binary Demands where
- put_ bh (Poly aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (Prod ab) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (Poly aa)
- _ -> do ab <- get bh
- return (Prod ab)
-instance Binary DmdResult where
- put_ bh TopRes = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh RetCPR = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh BotRes = do
- putByte bh 2
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return TopRes
- 1 -> do return RetCPR -- Really use RetCPR even if -fcpr-off
- -- The wrapper was generated for CPR in
- -- the imported module!
- _ -> do return BotRes
-instance Binary StrictSig where
- put_ bh (StrictSig aa) = do
- put_ bh aa
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- return (StrictSig aa)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (HsTyVarBndr name) where
- put_ bh (UserTyVar aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (IfaceTyVar ab ac) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh ac
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (UserTyVar aa)
- _ -> do ab <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- return (IfaceTyVar ab ac)
-instance Binary HsTupCon where
- put_ bh (HsTupCon ab ac) = do
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh ac
- get bh = do
- ab <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- return (HsTupCon ab ac)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (HsTyOp name) where
- put_ bh HsArrow = putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (HsTyOp n) = do putByte bh 1
- put_ bh n
- get bh = do h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> return HsArrow
- 1 -> do a <- get bh
- return (HsTyOp a)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (HsType name) where
- put_ bh (HsForAllTy aa ab ac) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh (HsTyVar ad) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh (HsAppTy ae af) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ae
- put_ bh af
- put_ bh (HsFunTy ag ah) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh ag
- put_ bh ah
- put_ bh (HsListTy ai) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh ai
- put_ bh (HsPArrTy aj) = do
- putByte bh 5
- put_ bh aj
- put_ bh (HsTupleTy ak al) = do
- putByte bh 6
- put_ bh ak
- put_ bh al
- put_ bh (HsOpTy am an ao) = do
- putByte bh 7
- put_ bh am
- put_ bh an
- put_ bh ao
- put_ bh (HsNumTy ap) = do
- putByte bh 8
- put_ bh ap
- put_ bh (HsPredTy aq) = do
- putByte bh 9
- put_ bh aq
- put_ bh (HsKindSig ar as) = do
- putByte bh 10
- put_ bh ar
- put_ bh as
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- return (HsForAllTy aa ab ac)
- 1 -> do ad <- get bh
- return (HsTyVar ad)
- 2 -> do ae <- get bh
- af <- get bh
- return (HsAppTy ae af)
- 3 -> do ag <- get bh
- ah <- get bh
- return (HsFunTy ag ah)
- 4 -> do ai <- get bh
- return (HsListTy ai)
- 5 -> do aj <- get bh
- return (HsPArrTy aj)
- 6 -> do ak <- get bh
- al <- get bh
- return (HsTupleTy ak al)
- 7 -> do am <- get bh
- an <- get bh
- ao <- get bh
- return (HsOpTy am an ao)
- 8 -> do ap <- get bh
- return (HsNumTy ap)
- 9 -> do aq <- get bh
- return (HsPredTy aq)
- _ -> do ar <- get bh
- as <- get bh
- return (HsKindSig ar as)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (HsPred name) where
- put_ bh (HsClassP aa ab) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (HsIParam ac ad) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh ad
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (HsClassP aa ab)
- _ -> do ac <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- return (HsIParam ac ad)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (UfExpr name) where
- put_ bh (UfVar aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (UfType ab) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (UfTuple ac ad) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh (UfLam ae af) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh ae
- put_ bh af
- put_ bh (UfApp ag ah) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh ag
- put_ bh ah
- put_ bh (UfCase ai aj ak) = do
- putByte bh 5
- put_ bh ai
- put_ bh aj
- put_ bh ak
- put_ bh (UfLet al am) = do
- putByte bh 6
- put_ bh al
- put_ bh am
- put_ bh (UfNote an ao) = do
- putByte bh 7
- put_ bh an
- put_ bh ao
- put_ bh (UfLit ap) = do
- putByte bh 8
- put_ bh ap
- put_ bh (UfFCall as at) = do
- putByte bh 9
- put_ bh as
- put_ bh at
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (UfVar aa)
- 1 -> do ab <- get bh
- return (UfType ab)
- 2 -> do ac <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- return (UfTuple ac ad)
- 3 -> do ae <- get bh
- af <- get bh
- return (UfLam ae af)
- 4 -> do ag <- get bh
- ah <- get bh
- return (UfApp ag ah)
- 5 -> do ai <- get bh
- aj <- get bh
- ak <- get bh
- return (UfCase ai aj ak)
- 6 -> do al <- get bh
- am <- get bh
- return (UfLet al am)
- 7 -> do an <- get bh
- ao <- get bh
- return (UfNote an ao)
- 8 -> do ap <- get bh
- return (UfLit ap)
- _ -> do as <- get bh
- at <- get bh
- return (UfFCall as at)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (UfConAlt name) where
- put_ bh UfDefault = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (UfDataAlt aa) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (UfTupleAlt ab) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (UfLitAlt ac) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh ac
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return UfDefault
- 1 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (UfDataAlt aa)
- 2 -> do ab <- get bh
- return (UfTupleAlt ab)
- _ -> do ac <- get bh
- return (UfLitAlt ac)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (UfBinding name) where
- put_ bh (UfNonRec aa ab) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (UfRec ac) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ac
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (UfNonRec aa ab)
- _ -> do ac <- get bh
- return (UfRec ac)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (UfBinder name) where
- put_ bh (UfValBinder aa ab) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (UfTyBinder ac ad) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh ad
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (UfValBinder aa ab)
- _ -> do ac <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- return (UfTyBinder ac ad)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (HsIdInfo name) where
- put_ bh (HsArity aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (HsStrictness ab) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (HsUnfold ac ad) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh HsNoCafRefs = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh (HsWorker ae af) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh ae
- put_ bh af
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (HsArity aa)
- 1 -> do ab <- get bh
- return (HsStrictness ab)
- 2 -> do ac <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- return (HsUnfold ac ad)
- 3 -> do return HsNoCafRefs
- _ -> do ae <- get bh
- af <- get bh
- return (HsWorker ae af)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (UfNote name) where
- put_ bh (UfSCC aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (UfCoerce ab) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh UfInlineCall = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh UfInlineMe = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh (UfCoreNote s) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh s
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (UfSCC aa)
- 1 -> do ab <- get bh
- return (UfCoerce ab)
- 2 -> do return UfInlineCall
- 3 -> do return UfInlineMe
- _ -> do ac <- get bh
- return (UfCoreNote ac)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (BangType name) where
- put_ bh (BangType aa ab) = do
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (BangType aa ab)
-instance (Binary name, Binary arg) => Binary (HsConDetails name arg) where
- put_ bh (PrefixCon aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (InfixCon ab ac) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh (RecCon ad) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ad
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (PrefixCon aa)
- 1 -> do ab <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- return (InfixCon ab ac)
- _ -> do ad <- get bh
- return (RecCon ad)
-instance (Binary datacon) => Binary (DataConDetails datacon) where
- put_ bh (DataCons aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh Unknown = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh (HasCons ab) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (DataCons aa)
- 1 -> do return Unknown
- _ -> do ab <- get bh
- return (HasCons ab)
-instance (Binary id) => Binary (DefMeth id) where
- put_ bh NoDefMeth = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (DefMeth aa) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh GenDefMeth = do
- putByte bh 2
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return NoDefMeth
- 1 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (DefMeth aa)
- _ -> do return GenDefMeth
-instance Binary IsCafCC where
- put_ bh CafCC = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh NotCafCC = do
- putByte bh 1
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return CafCC
- _ -> do return NotCafCC
-instance Binary IsDupdCC where
- put_ bh OriginalCC = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh DupdCC = do
- putByte bh 1
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return OriginalCC
- _ -> do return DupdCC
-instance Binary CostCentre where
- put_ bh NoCostCentre = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (NormalCC aa ab ac ad) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh (AllCafsCC ae) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ae
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return NoCostCentre
- 1 -> do aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- return (NormalCC aa ab ac ad)
- _ -> do ae <- get bh
- return (AllCafsCC ae)