path: root/ghc/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs
index e830170f58..cb3c70fa83 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ module HscStats ( ppSourceStats ) where
import HsSyn
import Outputable
+import SrcLoc ( unLoc, Located(..) )
import Char ( isSpace )
+import Bag ( bagToList )
import Util ( count )
@@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ import Util ( count )
-ppSourceStats short (HsModule _ exports imports decls _ src_loc)
+ppSourceStats short (L _ (HsModule _ exports imports ldecls _))
= (if short then hcat else vcat)
(map pp_val
[("ExportAll ", export_all), -- 1 if no export list
@@ -56,6 +58,8 @@ ppSourceStats short (HsModule _ exports imports decls _ src_loc)
("SpecialisedBinds ", bind_specs)
+ decls = map unLoc ldecls
pp_val (str, 0) = empty
pp_val (str, n)
| not short = hcat [text str, int n]
@@ -78,13 +82,13 @@ ppSourceStats short (HsModule _ exports imports decls _ src_loc)
real_exports = case exports of { Nothing -> []; Just es -> es }
n_exports = length real_exports
- export_ms = count (\ e -> case e of { IEModuleContents{} -> True;_ -> False})
+ export_ms = count (\ e -> case unLoc e of { IEModuleContents{} -> True;_ -> False})
export_ds = n_exports - export_ms
export_all = case exports of { Nothing -> 1; other -> 0 }
(val_bind_ds, fn_bind_ds)
- = foldr add2 (0,0) (map count_monobinds val_decls)
+ = foldr add2 (0,0) (map count_bind val_decls)
(import_no, import_qual, import_as, import_all, import_partial, import_hiding)
= foldr add6 (0,0,0,0,0,0) (map import_info imports)
@@ -95,21 +99,19 @@ ppSourceStats short (HsModule _ exports imports decls _ src_loc)
(inst_method_ds, method_specs, method_inlines)
= foldr add3 (0,0,0) (map inst_info inst_decls)
- count_monobinds EmptyMonoBinds = (0,0)
- count_monobinds (AndMonoBinds b1 b2) = count_monobinds b1 `add2` count_monobinds b2
- count_monobinds (PatMonoBind (VarPat n) r _) = (1,0)
- count_monobinds (PatMonoBind p r _) = (0,1)
- count_monobinds (FunMonoBind f _ m _) = (0,1)
+ count_bind (PatBind (L _ (VarPat n)) r) = (1,0)
+ count_bind (PatBind p r) = (0,1)
+ count_bind (FunBind f _ m) = (0,1)
count_sigs sigs = foldr add4 (0,0,0,0) (map sig_info sigs)
- sig_info (FixSig _) = (1,0,0,0)
- sig_info (Sig _ _ _) = (0,1,0,0)
- sig_info (SpecSig _ _ _) = (0,0,1,0)
- sig_info (InlineSig _ _ _ _) = (0,0,0,1)
- sig_info _ = (0,0,0,0)
+ sig_info (FixSig _) = (1,0,0,0)
+ sig_info (Sig _ _) = (0,1,0,0)
+ sig_info (SpecSig _ _) = (0,0,1,0)
+ sig_info (InlineSig _ _ _) = (0,0,0,1)
+ sig_info _ = (0,0,0,0)
- import_info (ImportDecl _ _ qual as spec _)
+ import_info (L _ (ImportDecl _ _ qual as spec))
= add6 (1, qual_info qual, as_info as, 0,0,0) (spec_info spec)
qual_info False = 0
qual_info True = 1
@@ -120,19 +122,20 @@ ppSourceStats short (HsModule _ exports imports decls _ src_loc)
spec_info (Just (True, _)) = (0,0,0,0,0,1)
data_info (TyData {tcdCons = cs, tcdDerivs = derivs})
- = (length cs, case derivs of {Nothing -> 0; Just ds -> length ds})
+ = (length cs, case derivs of Nothing -> 0
+ Just ds -> length (unLoc ds))
data_info other = (0,0)
class_info decl@(ClassDecl {})
- = case count_sigs (tcdSigs decl) of
+ = case count_sigs (map unLoc (tcdSigs decl)) of
(_,classops,_,_) ->
- (classops, addpr (count_monobinds (tcdMeths decl)))
+ (classops, addpr (foldr add2 (0,0) (map (count_bind.unLoc) (bagToList (tcdMeths decl)))))
class_info other = (0,0)
- inst_info (InstDecl _ inst_meths inst_sigs _)
- = case count_sigs inst_sigs of
+ inst_info (InstDecl _ inst_meths inst_sigs)
+ = case count_sigs (map unLoc inst_sigs) of
(_,_,ss,is) ->
- (addpr (count_monobinds inst_meths), ss, is)
+ (addpr (foldr add2 (0,0) (map (count_bind.unLoc) (bagToList inst_meths))), ss, is)
addpr :: (Int,Int) -> Int
add2 :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> (Int, Int)