path: root/ghc/compiler/main
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/main')
11 files changed, 650 insertions, 2707 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/BinIface.hs b/ghc/compiler/main/BinIface.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c507f2e4dc..0000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/BinIface.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1051 +0,0 @@
-{-% DrIFT (Automatic class derivations for Haskell) v1.1 %-}
-{-% DrIFT (Automatic class derivations for Haskell) v1.1 %-}
--- (c) The University of Glasgow 2002
--- Binary interface file support.
-module BinIface ( writeBinIface, readBinIface, v_IgnoreHiVersion ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import HscTypes
-import BasicTypes
-import NewDemand
-import HsTypes
-import HsCore
-import HsDecls
-import HsBinds
-import HsPat ( HsConDetails(..) )
-import TyCon
-import Class
-import VarEnv
-import CostCentre
-import RdrName ( mkRdrUnqual, mkRdrQual )
-import Name ( Name, nameOccName, nameModule_maybe )
-import NameEnv ( NameEnv, lookupNameEnv, nameEnvElts )
-import Module ( moduleName )
-import OccName ( OccName )
-import RnHsSyn
-import DriverState ( v_Build_tag )
-import CmdLineOpts ( opt_HiVersion )
-import Panic
-import SrcLoc
-import Binary
-import Util
-import DATA_IOREF
-import EXCEPTION ( throwDyn )
-import Monad ( when )
-#include "HsVersions.h"
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- We write out a ModIface, but read it in as a ParsedIface.
--- There are some big differences, and some subtle ones. We do most
--- of the conversion on the way out, so there is minimal fuss when we
--- read it back in again (see RnMonad.lhs)
--- The main difference is that all Names in a ModIface are RdrNames in
--- a ParsedIface, so when writing out a Name in binary we make sure it
--- is binary-compatible with a RdrName.
--- Other subtle differences:
--- - pi_mod is a ModuleName, but mi_mod is a Module. Hence we put
--- Modules as ModuleNames.
--- - pi_exports and pi_usages, Names have
--- to be converted to OccNames.
--- - pi_fixity is a NameEnv in ModIface,
--- but a list of (Name,Fixity) pairs in ParsedIface.
--- - versioning is totally different.
--- - deprecations are different.
-writeBinIface :: FilePath -> ModIface -> IO ()
-writeBinIface hi_path mod_iface
- = putBinFileWithDict hi_path (mi_module mod_iface) mod_iface
-readBinIface :: FilePath -> IO ParsedIface
-readBinIface hi_path = getBinFileWithDict hi_path
--- %*********************************************************
--- %* *
--- All the Binary instances
--- %* *
--- %*********************************************************
--- BasicTypes
-{-! for IPName derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for Fixity derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for FixityDirection derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for NewOrData derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for Boxity derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for StrictnessMark derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for Activation derive: Binary !-}
-instance Binary Name where
- -- we must print these as RdrNames, because that's how they will be read in
- put_ bh name
- = case nameModule_maybe name of
- Just mod
- | this_mod == mod -> put_ bh (mkRdrUnqual occ)
- | otherwise -> put_ bh (mkRdrQual (moduleName mod) occ)
- _ -> put_ bh (mkRdrUnqual occ)
- where
- occ = nameOccName name
- (this_mod,_,_,_) = getUserData bh
- get bh = error "can't Binary.get a Name"
--- NewDemand
-{-! for Demand derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for Demands derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for DmdResult derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for StrictSig derive: Binary !-}
-instance Binary DmdType where
- -- ignore DmdEnv when spitting out the DmdType
- put bh (DmdType _ ds dr) = do p <- put bh ds; put bh dr; return (castBin p)
- get bh = do ds <- get bh; dr <- get bh; return (DmdType emptyVarEnv ds dr)
--- TyCon
-{-! for DataConDetails derive: Binary !-}
--- Class
-{-! for DefMeth derive: Binary !-}
--- HsTypes
-{-! for HsPred derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for HsType derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for HsTupCon derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for HsTyVarBndr derive: Binary !-}
--- HsCore
-{-! for UfExpr derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for UfConAlt derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for UfBinding derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for UfBinder derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for HsIdInfo derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for UfNote derive: Binary !-}
--- HsDecls
-{-! for ConDetails derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for BangType derive: Binary !-}
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (TyClDecl name) where
- put_ bh (IfaceSig name ty idinfo _) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh name
- lazyPut bh ty
- lazyPut bh idinfo
- put_ bh (ForeignType ae af ag ah) =
- error "Binary.put_(TyClDecl): ForeignType"
- put_ bh (TyData ai aj ak al am _ (Just generics) _) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ai
- put_ bh aj
- put_ bh ak
- put_ bh al
- put_ bh am
- -- ignore Derivs
- put_ bh generics -- Record whether generics needed or not
- put_ bh (TySynonym aq ar as _) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh aq
- put_ bh ar
- put_ bh as
- put_ bh c@(ClassDecl ctxt nm tyvars fds sigs _ _) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh ctxt
- put_ bh nm
- put_ bh tyvars
- put_ bh fds
- put_ bh sigs
- -- ignore methods (there should be none)
- -- ignore SrcLoc
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do
- name <- get bh
- ty <- lazyGet bh
- idinfo <- lazyGet bh
- return (IfaceSig name ty idinfo noSrcLoc)
- 1 -> error "Binary.get(TyClDecl): ForeignType"
- 2 -> do
- n_or_d <- get bh
- ctx <- get bh
- nm <- get bh
- tyvars <- get bh
- cons <- get bh
- generics <- get bh
- return (TyData n_or_d ctx nm tyvars cons
- Nothing (Just generics) noSrcLoc)
- 3 -> do
- aq <- get bh
- ar <- get bh
- as <- get bh
- return (TySynonym aq ar as noSrcLoc)
- _ -> do
- ctxt <- get bh
- nm <- get bh
- tyvars <- get bh
- fds <- get bh
- sigs <- get bh
- return (ClassDecl ctxt nm tyvars fds sigs
- Nothing noSrcLoc)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (ConDecl name) where
- put_ bh (ConDecl aa ac ad ae _) = do
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh ae
- -- ignore SrcLoc
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- ae <- get bh
- return (ConDecl aa ac ad ae noSrcLoc)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (InstDecl name) where
- put_ bh (InstDecl aa _ _ ad _) = do
- put_ bh aa
- -- ignore MonoBinds
- -- ignore Sigs
- put_ bh ad
- -- ignore SrcLoc
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- return (InstDecl aa EmptyMonoBinds [{-no sigs-}] ad noSrcLoc)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (RuleDecl name) where
- put_ bh (IfaceRule ag ah ai aj ak al _) = do
- put_ bh ag
- put_ bh ah
- put_ bh ai
- put_ bh aj
- put_ bh ak
- put_ bh al
- -- ignore SrcLoc
- get bh = do ag <- get bh
- ah <- get bh
- ai <- get bh
- aj <- get bh
- ak <- get bh
- al <- get bh
- return (IfaceRule ag ah ai aj ak al noSrcLoc)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (DeprecDecl name) where
- put_ bh (Deprecation aa ab _) = do
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- -- ignore SrcLoc
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (Deprecation aa ab noSrcLoc)
--- HsBinds
-instance Binary name => Binary (Sig name) where
- put_ bh (ClassOpSig n def ty _) = do put_ bh n; put_ bh def; put_ bh ty
- get bh = do
- n <- get bh
- def <- get bh
- ty <- get bh
- return (ClassOpSig n def ty noSrcLoc)
--- CostCentre
-{-! for IsCafCC derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for IsDupdCC derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for CostCentre derive: Binary !-}
-instance Binary ModIface where
- put_ bh iface = do
- build_tag <- readIORef v_Build_tag
- put_ bh (show opt_HiVersion ++ build_tag)
- p <- put_ bh (moduleName (mi_module iface))
- put_ bh (mi_package iface)
- put_ bh (vers_module (mi_version iface))
- put_ bh (mi_orphan iface)
- -- no: mi_boot
- lazyPut bh (mi_deps iface)
- lazyPut bh (map usageToOccName (mi_usages iface))
- put_ bh (vers_exports (mi_version iface),
- map exportItemToRdrExportItem (mi_exports iface))
- put_ bh (declsToVersionedDecls (dcl_tycl (mi_decls iface))
- (vers_decls (mi_version iface)))
- -- no: mi_globals
- put_ bh (collectFixities (mi_fixities iface)
- (dcl_tycl (mi_decls iface)))
- put_ bh (dcl_insts (mi_decls iface))
- lazyPut bh (vers_rules (mi_version iface), dcl_rules (mi_decls iface))
- lazyPut bh (deprecsToIfaceDeprecs (mi_deprecs iface))
- -- Read in as a ParsedIface, not a ModIface. See above.
- get bh = error "Binary.get: ModIface"
-declsToVersionedDecls :: [RenamedTyClDecl] -> NameEnv Version
- -> [(Version, RenamedTyClDecl)]
-declsToVersionedDecls decls env
- = map add_vers decls
- where add_vers d =
- case lookupNameEnv env (tyClDeclName d) of
- Nothing -> (initialVersion, d)
- Just v -> (v, d)
---NOT REALLY: deprecsToIfaceDeprecs :: Deprecations -> IfaceDeprecs
-deprecsToIfaceDeprecs NoDeprecs = Nothing
-deprecsToIfaceDeprecs (DeprecAll txt) = Just (Left txt)
-deprecsToIfaceDeprecs (DeprecSome env) = Just (Right (nameEnvElts env))
-{-! for GenAvailInfo derive: Binary !-}
-{-! for WhatsImported derive: Binary !-}
--- For binary interfaces we need to convert the ImportVersion Names to OccNames
-usageToOccName :: Usage Name -> Usage OccName
-usageToOccName usg
- = usg { usg_entities = [ (nameOccName n, v) | (n,v) <- usg_entities usg ] }
-exportItemToRdrExportItem (mn, avails)
- = (mn, map availInfoToRdrAvailInfo avails)
-availInfoToRdrAvailInfo :: AvailInfo -> RdrAvailInfo
-availInfoToRdrAvailInfo (Avail n)
- = Avail (nameOccName n)
-availInfoToRdrAvailInfo (AvailTC n ns)
- = AvailTC (nameOccName n) (map nameOccName ns)
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Reading a binary interface into ParsedIface
-instance Binary ParsedIface where
- put_ bh ParsedIface{
- pi_mod = module_name,
- pi_pkg = pkg_name,
- pi_vers = module_ver,
- pi_orphan = orphan,
- pi_usages = usages,
- pi_exports = exports,
- pi_decls = tycl_decls,
- pi_fixity = fixities,
- pi_insts = insts,
- pi_rules = rules,
- pi_deprecs = deprecs } = do
- build_tag <- readIORef v_Build_tag
- put_ bh (show opt_HiVersion ++ build_tag)
- put_ bh module_name
- put_ bh pkg_name
- put_ bh module_ver
- put_ bh orphan
- lazyPut bh usages
- put_ bh exports
- put_ bh tycl_decls
- put_ bh fixities
- put_ bh insts
- lazyPut bh rules
- lazyPut bh deprecs
- get bh = do
- check_ver <- get bh
- ignore_ver <- readIORef v_IgnoreHiVersion
- build_tag <- readIORef v_Build_tag
- let our_ver = show opt_HiVersion ++ build_tag
- when (check_ver /= our_ver && not ignore_ver) $
- -- use userError because this will be caught by readIface
- -- which will emit an error msg containing the iface module name.
- throwDyn (ProgramError (
- "mismatched interface file versions: expected "
- ++ our_ver ++ ", found " ++ check_ver))
- module_name <- get bh -- same rep. as Module, so that's ok
- pkg_name <- get bh
- module_ver <- get bh
- orphan <- get bh
- deps <- lazyGet bh
- usages <- {-# SCC "bin_usages" #-} lazyGet bh
- exports <- {-# SCC "bin_exports" #-} get bh
- tycl_decls <- {-# SCC "bin_tycldecls" #-} get bh
- fixities <- {-# SCC "bin_fixities" #-} get bh
- insts <- {-# SCC "bin_insts" #-} get bh
- rules <- {-# SCC "bin_rules" #-} lazyGet bh
- deprecs <- {-# SCC "bin_deprecs" #-} lazyGet bh
- return (ParsedIface {
- pi_mod = module_name,
- pi_pkg = pkg_name,
- pi_vers = module_ver,
- pi_orphan = orphan,
- pi_deps = deps,
- pi_usages = usages,
- pi_exports = exports,
- pi_decls = tycl_decls,
- pi_fixity = fixities,
- pi_insts = reverse insts,
- pi_rules = rules,
- pi_deprecs = deprecs })
-GLOBAL_VAR(v_IgnoreHiVersion, False, Bool)
--- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-{-* Generated by DrIFT-v1.0 : Look, but Don't Touch. *-}
--- Imported from other files :-
-instance Binary Dependencies where
- put_ bh deps = do put_ bh (dep_mods deps)
- put_ bh (dep_pkgs deps)
- put_ bh (dep_orphs deps)
- get bh = do ms <- get bh
- ps <- get bh
- os <- get bh
- return (Deps { dep_mods = ms, dep_pkgs = ps, dep_orphs = os })
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (GenAvailInfo name) where
- put_ bh (Avail aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (AvailTC ab ac) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh ac
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (Avail aa)
- _ -> do ab <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- return (AvailTC ab ac)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (Usage name) where
- put_ bh usg = do
- put_ bh (usg_name usg)
- put_ bh (usg_mod usg)
- put_ bh (usg_exports usg)
- put_ bh (usg_entities usg)
- put_ bh (usg_rules usg)
- get bh = do
- nm <- get bh
- mod <- get bh
- exps <- get bh
- ents <- get bh
- rules <- get bh
- return (Usage { usg_name = nm, usg_mod = mod,
- usg_exports = exps, usg_entities = ents,
- usg_rules = rules })
-instance Binary Activation where
- put_ bh NeverActive = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh AlwaysActive = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh (ActiveBefore aa) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (ActiveAfter ab) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return NeverActive
- 1 -> do return AlwaysActive
- 2 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (ActiveBefore aa)
- _ -> do ab <- get bh
- return (ActiveAfter ab)
-instance Binary StrictnessMark where
- put_ bh MarkedUserStrict = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh MarkedStrict = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh MarkedUnboxed = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh NotMarkedStrict = do
- putByte bh 3
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return MarkedUserStrict
- 1 -> do return MarkedStrict
- 2 -> do return MarkedUnboxed
- _ -> do return NotMarkedStrict
-instance Binary Boxity where
- put_ bh Boxed = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh Unboxed = do
- putByte bh 1
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return Boxed
- _ -> do return Unboxed
-instance Binary NewOrData where
- put_ bh NewType = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh DataType = do
- putByte bh 1
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return NewType
- _ -> do return DataType
-instance Binary FixityDirection where
- put_ bh InfixL = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh InfixR = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh InfixN = do
- putByte bh 2
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return InfixL
- 1 -> do return InfixR
- _ -> do return InfixN
-instance Binary Fixity where
- put_ bh (Fixity aa ab) = do
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (Fixity aa ab)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (FixitySig name) where
- put_ bh (FixitySig aa ab _) = do
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (FixitySig aa ab noSrcLoc)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (IPName name) where
- put_ bh (Dupable aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (Linear ab) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (Dupable aa)
- _ -> do ab <- get bh
- return (Linear ab)
-instance Binary Demand where
- put_ bh Top = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh Abs = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh (Call aa) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (Eval ab) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (Defer ac) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh (Box ad) = do
- putByte bh 5
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh Bot = do
- putByte bh 6
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return Top
- 1 -> do return Abs
- 2 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (Call aa)
- 3 -> do ab <- get bh
- return (Eval ab)
- 4 -> do ac <- get bh
- return (Defer ac)
- 5 -> do ad <- get bh
- return (Box ad)
- _ -> do return Bot
-instance Binary Demands where
- put_ bh (Poly aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (Prod ab) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (Poly aa)
- _ -> do ab <- get bh
- return (Prod ab)
-instance Binary DmdResult where
- put_ bh TopRes = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh RetCPR = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh BotRes = do
- putByte bh 2
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return TopRes
- 1 -> do return RetCPR -- Really use RetCPR even if -fcpr-off
- -- The wrapper was generated for CPR in
- -- the imported module!
- _ -> do return BotRes
-instance Binary StrictSig where
- put_ bh (StrictSig aa) = do
- put_ bh aa
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- return (StrictSig aa)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (HsTyVarBndr name) where
- put_ bh (UserTyVar aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (IfaceTyVar ab ac) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh ac
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (UserTyVar aa)
- _ -> do ab <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- return (IfaceTyVar ab ac)
-instance Binary HsTupCon where
- put_ bh (HsTupCon ab ac) = do
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh ac
- get bh = do
- ab <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- return (HsTupCon ab ac)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (HsTyOp name) where
- put_ bh HsArrow = putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (HsTyOp n) = do putByte bh 1
- put_ bh n
- get bh = do h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> return HsArrow
- 1 -> do a <- get bh
- return (HsTyOp a)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (HsType name) where
- put_ bh (HsForAllTy aa ab ac) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh (HsTyVar ad) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh (HsAppTy ae af) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ae
- put_ bh af
- put_ bh (HsFunTy ag ah) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh ag
- put_ bh ah
- put_ bh (HsListTy ai) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh ai
- put_ bh (HsPArrTy aj) = do
- putByte bh 5
- put_ bh aj
- put_ bh (HsTupleTy ak al) = do
- putByte bh 6
- put_ bh ak
- put_ bh al
- put_ bh (HsOpTy am an ao) = do
- putByte bh 7
- put_ bh am
- put_ bh an
- put_ bh ao
- put_ bh (HsNumTy ap) = do
- putByte bh 8
- put_ bh ap
- put_ bh (HsPredTy aq) = do
- putByte bh 9
- put_ bh aq
- put_ bh (HsKindSig ar as) = do
- putByte bh 10
- put_ bh ar
- put_ bh as
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- return (HsForAllTy aa ab ac)
- 1 -> do ad <- get bh
- return (HsTyVar ad)
- 2 -> do ae <- get bh
- af <- get bh
- return (HsAppTy ae af)
- 3 -> do ag <- get bh
- ah <- get bh
- return (HsFunTy ag ah)
- 4 -> do ai <- get bh
- return (HsListTy ai)
- 5 -> do aj <- get bh
- return (HsPArrTy aj)
- 6 -> do ak <- get bh
- al <- get bh
- return (HsTupleTy ak al)
- 7 -> do am <- get bh
- an <- get bh
- ao <- get bh
- return (HsOpTy am an ao)
- 8 -> do ap <- get bh
- return (HsNumTy ap)
- 9 -> do aq <- get bh
- return (HsPredTy aq)
- _ -> do ar <- get bh
- as <- get bh
- return (HsKindSig ar as)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (HsPred name) where
- put_ bh (HsClassP aa ab) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (HsIParam ac ad) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh ad
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (HsClassP aa ab)
- _ -> do ac <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- return (HsIParam ac ad)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (UfExpr name) where
- put_ bh (UfVar aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (UfType ab) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (UfTuple ac ad) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh (UfLam ae af) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh ae
- put_ bh af
- put_ bh (UfApp ag ah) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh ag
- put_ bh ah
- put_ bh (UfCase ai aj ak) = do
- putByte bh 5
- put_ bh ai
- put_ bh aj
- put_ bh ak
- put_ bh (UfLet al am) = do
- putByte bh 6
- put_ bh al
- put_ bh am
- put_ bh (UfNote an ao) = do
- putByte bh 7
- put_ bh an
- put_ bh ao
- put_ bh (UfLit ap) = do
- putByte bh 8
- put_ bh ap
- put_ bh (UfFCall as at) = do
- putByte bh 9
- put_ bh as
- put_ bh at
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (UfVar aa)
- 1 -> do ab <- get bh
- return (UfType ab)
- 2 -> do ac <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- return (UfTuple ac ad)
- 3 -> do ae <- get bh
- af <- get bh
- return (UfLam ae af)
- 4 -> do ag <- get bh
- ah <- get bh
- return (UfApp ag ah)
- 5 -> do ai <- get bh
- aj <- get bh
- ak <- get bh
- return (UfCase ai aj ak)
- 6 -> do al <- get bh
- am <- get bh
- return (UfLet al am)
- 7 -> do an <- get bh
- ao <- get bh
- return (UfNote an ao)
- 8 -> do ap <- get bh
- return (UfLit ap)
- _ -> do as <- get bh
- at <- get bh
- return (UfFCall as at)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (UfConAlt name) where
- put_ bh UfDefault = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (UfDataAlt aa) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (UfTupleAlt ab) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (UfLitAlt ac) = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh ac
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return UfDefault
- 1 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (UfDataAlt aa)
- 2 -> do ab <- get bh
- return (UfTupleAlt ab)
- _ -> do ac <- get bh
- return (UfLitAlt ac)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (UfBinding name) where
- put_ bh (UfNonRec aa ab) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (UfRec ac) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ac
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (UfNonRec aa ab)
- _ -> do ac <- get bh
- return (UfRec ac)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (UfBinder name) where
- put_ bh (UfValBinder aa ab) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (UfTyBinder ac ad) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh ad
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (UfValBinder aa ab)
- _ -> do ac <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- return (UfTyBinder ac ad)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (HsIdInfo name) where
- put_ bh (HsArity aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (HsStrictness ab) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh (HsUnfold ac ad) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh HsNoCafRefs = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh (HsWorker ae af) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh ae
- put_ bh af
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (HsArity aa)
- 1 -> do ab <- get bh
- return (HsStrictness ab)
- 2 -> do ac <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- return (HsUnfold ac ad)
- 3 -> do return HsNoCafRefs
- _ -> do ae <- get bh
- af <- get bh
- return (HsWorker ae af)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (UfNote name) where
- put_ bh (UfSCC aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (UfCoerce ab) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh UfInlineCall = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh UfInlineMe = do
- putByte bh 3
- put_ bh (UfCoreNote s) = do
- putByte bh 4
- put_ bh s
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (UfSCC aa)
- 1 -> do ab <- get bh
- return (UfCoerce ab)
- 2 -> do return UfInlineCall
- 3 -> do return UfInlineMe
- _ -> do ac <- get bh
- return (UfCoreNote ac)
-instance (Binary name) => Binary (BangType name) where
- put_ bh (BangType aa ab) = do
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- return (BangType aa ab)
-instance (Binary name, Binary arg) => Binary (HsConDetails name arg) where
- put_ bh (PrefixCon aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh (InfixCon ab ac) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh (RecCon ad) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ad
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (PrefixCon aa)
- 1 -> do ab <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- return (InfixCon ab ac)
- _ -> do ad <- get bh
- return (RecCon ad)
-instance (Binary datacon) => Binary (DataConDetails datacon) where
- put_ bh (DataCons aa) = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh Unknown = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh (HasCons ab) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ab
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (DataCons aa)
- 1 -> do return Unknown
- _ -> do ab <- get bh
- return (HasCons ab)
-instance (Binary id) => Binary (DefMeth id) where
- put_ bh NoDefMeth = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (DefMeth aa) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh GenDefMeth = do
- putByte bh 2
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return NoDefMeth
- 1 -> do aa <- get bh
- return (DefMeth aa)
- _ -> do return GenDefMeth
-instance Binary IsCafCC where
- put_ bh CafCC = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh NotCafCC = do
- putByte bh 1
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return CafCC
- _ -> do return NotCafCC
-instance Binary IsDupdCC where
- put_ bh OriginalCC = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh DupdCC = do
- putByte bh 1
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return OriginalCC
- _ -> do return DupdCC
-instance Binary CostCentre where
- put_ bh NoCostCentre = do
- putByte bh 0
- put_ bh (NormalCC aa ab ac ad) = do
- putByte bh 1
- put_ bh aa
- put_ bh ab
- put_ bh ac
- put_ bh ad
- put_ bh (AllCafsCC ae) = do
- putByte bh 2
- put_ bh ae
- get bh = do
- h <- getByte bh
- case h of
- 0 -> do return NoCostCentre
- 1 -> do aa <- get bh
- ab <- get bh
- ac <- get bh
- ad <- get bh
- return (NormalCC aa ab ac ad)
- _ -> do ae <- get bh
- return (AllCafsCC ae)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
index 153c058c02..7a4799bc5b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/CmdLineOpts.lhs
@@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ data DynFlag
| Opt_D_dump_stix
| Opt_D_dump_simpl_stats
| Opt_D_dump_tc_trace
+ | Opt_D_dump_if_trace
| Opt_D_dump_splices
| Opt_D_dump_BCOs
| Opt_D_dump_vect
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/DriverFlags.hs b/ghc/compiler/main/DriverFlags.hs
index 28bb2857a9..701f2ba586 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/DriverFlags.hs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/DriverFlags.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- $Id: DriverFlags.hs,v 1.126 2003/09/24 13:04:50 simonmar Exp $
+-- $Id: DriverFlags.hs,v 1.127 2003/10/09 11:58:56 simonpj Exp $
-- Driver flags
@@ -371,6 +371,7 @@ dynamic_flags = [
, ( "ddump-worker-wrapper", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_dump_worker_wrapper) )
, ( "dshow-passes", NoArg (setVerbosity "2") )
, ( "ddump-rn-trace", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_dump_rn_trace) )
+ , ( "ddump-if-trace", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_dump_if_trace) )
, ( "ddump-tc-trace", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_dump_tc_trace) )
, ( "ddump-splices", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_dump_splices) )
, ( "ddump-rn-stats", NoArg (setDynFlag Opt_D_dump_rn_stats) )
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs b/ghc/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
index 87977cb1f7..e889a72845 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/DriverPipeline.hs
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import Module
import ErrUtils
import CmdLineOpts
import Config
+import RdrName ( GlobalRdrEnv )
import Panic
import Util
import BasicTypes ( SuccessFlag(..) )
@@ -95,29 +96,29 @@ preprocess filename =
-- NB. No old interface can also mean that the source has changed.
-compile :: GhciMode -- distinguish batch from interactive
+compile :: HscEnv
-> Module
-> ModLocation
-> Bool -- True <=> source unchanged
-> Bool -- True <=> have object
-> Maybe ModIface -- old interface, if available
- -> HomePackageTable -- For home-module stuff
- -> PersistentCompilerState -- persistent compiler state
-> IO CompResult
data CompResult
- = CompOK PersistentCompilerState -- Updated PCS
- ModDetails -- New details
+ = CompOK ModDetails -- New details
+ (Maybe GlobalRdrEnv) -- Lexical environment for the module
+ -- (Maybe because we may have loaded it from
+ -- its precompiled interface)
ModIface -- New iface
(Maybe Linkable) -- New code; Nothing => compilation was not reqd
-- (old code is still valid)
- | CompErrs PersistentCompilerState -- Updated PCS
+ | CompErrs
-compile ghci_mode this_mod location
+compile hsc_env this_mod location
source_unchanged have_object
- old_iface hpt pcs = do
+ old_iface = do
dyn_flags <- restoreDynFlags -- Restore to the state of the last save
@@ -154,20 +155,18 @@ compile ghci_mode this_mod location
-- -no-recomp should also work with --make
do_recomp <- readIORef v_Recomp
let source_unchanged' = source_unchanged && do_recomp
- hsc_env = HscEnv { hsc_mode = ghci_mode,
- hsc_dflags = dyn_flags',
- hsc_HPT = hpt }
+ hsc_env' = hsc_env { hsc_dflags = dyn_flags' }
-- run the compiler
- hsc_result <- hscMain hsc_env pcs this_mod location
+ hsc_result <- hscMain hsc_env' this_mod location
source_unchanged' have_object old_iface
case hsc_result of
- HscFail pcs -> return (CompErrs pcs)
+ HscFail -> return CompErrs
- HscNoRecomp pcs details iface -> return (CompOK pcs details iface Nothing)
+ HscNoRecomp details iface -> return (CompOK details Nothing iface Nothing)
- HscRecomp pcs details iface
+ HscRecomp details rdr_env iface
stub_h_exists stub_c_exists maybe_interpreted_code -> do
maybe_stub_o <- compileStub dyn_flags' stub_c_exists
@@ -202,7 +201,7 @@ compile ghci_mode this_mod location
let linkable = LM unlinked_time mod_name
(hs_unlinked ++ stub_unlinked)
- return (CompOK pcs details iface (Just linkable))
+ return (CompOK details rdr_env iface (Just linkable))
-- stub .h and .c files (for foreign export support)
@@ -620,14 +619,10 @@ runPhase Hsc basename suff input_fn get_output_fn _maybe_loc = do
hscStubCOutName = basename ++ "_stub.c",
hscStubHOutName = basename ++ "_stub.h",
extCoreName = basename ++ ".hcr" }
- hsc_env = HscEnv { hsc_mode = OneShot,
- hsc_dflags = dyn_flags',
- hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable }
+ hsc_env <- newHscEnv OneShot dyn_flags'
-- run the compiler!
- pcs <- initPersistentCompilerState
- result <- hscMain hsc_env pcs mod
+ result <- hscMain hsc_env mod
location{ ml_hspp_file=Just input_fn }
@@ -635,13 +630,14 @@ runPhase Hsc basename suff input_fn get_output_fn _maybe_loc = do
case result of
- HscFail pcs -> throwDyn (PhaseFailed "hsc" (ExitFailure 1))
+ HscFail -> throwDyn (PhaseFailed "hsc" (ExitFailure 1))
- HscNoRecomp pcs details iface -> do
+ HscNoRecomp details iface -> do
SysTools.touch "Touching object file" o_file
return (Nothing, Just location, output_fn)
- HscRecomp _pcs _details _iface stub_h_exists stub_c_exists
+ HscRecomp _details _rdr_env _iface
+ stub_h_exists stub_c_exists
_maybe_interpreted_code -> do
-- deal with stubs
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs
index 9b42afcc60..4de831c58c 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/HscMain.lhs
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
module HscMain (
- HscResult(..), hscMain, initPersistentCompilerState
+ HscResult(..), hscMain, newHscEnv
#ifdef GHCI
, hscStmt, hscTcExpr, hscThing,
, compileExpr
@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ module HscMain (
#include "HsVersions.h"
#ifdef GHCI
+import HsSyn ( Stmt(..) )
import TcHsSyn ( TypecheckedHsExpr )
+import IfaceSyn ( IfaceDecl )
import CodeOutput ( outputForeignStubs )
import ByteCodeGen ( byteCodeGen, coreExprToBCOs )
import Linker ( HValue, linkExpr )
@@ -25,51 +27,49 @@ import CorePrep ( corePrepExpr )
import Flattening ( flattenExpr )
import TcRnDriver ( tcRnStmt, tcRnExpr, tcRnThing )
import RdrHsSyn ( RdrNameStmt )
+import RdrName ( GlobalRdrEnv )
import Type ( Type )
import PrelNames ( iNTERACTIVE )
import StringBuffer ( stringToStringBuffer )
import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc )
import Name ( Name )
import CoreLint ( lintUnfolding )
+import DsMeta ( templateHaskellNames )
+import BasicTypes ( Fixity )
-import HsSyn
-import RdrName ( nameRdrName )
import StringBuffer ( hGetStringBuffer )
import Parser
import Lexer ( P(..), ParseResult(..), mkPState, showPFailed )
import SrcLoc ( mkSrcLoc )
-import TcRnDriver ( checkOldIface, tcRnModule, tcRnExtCore, tcRnIface )
-import RnEnv ( extendOrigNameCache )
-import PrelInfo ( wiredInThingEnv, knownKeyNames )
-import PrelRules ( builtinRules )
-import MkIface ( mkIface )
+import TcRnDriver ( tcRnModule, tcRnExtCore, tcRnIface )
+import IfaceEnv ( initNameCache )
+import LoadIface ( ifaceStats, initExternalPackageState )
+import PrelInfo ( wiredInThings, basicKnownKeyNames )
+import RdrName ( GlobalRdrEnv )
+import MkIface ( checkOldIface, mkIface )
import Desugar
import Flattening ( flatten )
import SimplCore
import TidyPgm ( tidyCorePgm )
import CorePrep ( corePrepPgm )
import CoreToStg ( coreToStg )
+import Name ( Name, NamedThing(..) )
import SimplStg ( stg2stg )
import CodeGen ( codeGen )
import CodeOutput ( codeOutput )
-import Module ( emptyModuleEnv )
import CmdLineOpts
import DriverPhases ( isExtCore_file )
-import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn, showPass )
+import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet, dumpIfSet_dyn, showPass )
import UniqSupply ( mkSplitUniqSupply )
-import Bag ( consBag, emptyBag )
import Outputable
import HscStats ( ppSourceStats )
import HscTypes
import MkExternalCore ( emitExternalCore )
import ParserCore
import ParserCoreUtils
-import FiniteMap ( emptyFM )
-import Name ( nameModule )
import Module ( Module, ModLocation(..), showModMsg )
import FastString
import Maybes ( expectJust )
@@ -77,27 +77,58 @@ import Maybes ( expectJust )
import Monad ( when )
import Maybe ( isJust, fromJust )
import IO
+import DATA_IOREF ( newIORef, readIORef )
%* *
-\subsection{The main compiler pipeline}
+ Initialisation
+%* *
+newHscEnv :: GhciMode -> DynFlags -> IO HscEnv
+newHscEnv ghci_mode dflags
+ = do { eps_var <- newIORef initExternalPackageState
+ ; us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'r'
+ ; nc_var <- newIORef (initNameCache us knownKeyNames)
+ ; return (HscEnv { hsc_mode = ghci_mode,
+ hsc_dflags = dflags,
+ hsc_HPT = emptyHomePackageTable,
+ hsc_EPS = eps_var,
+ hsc_NC = nc_var } ) }
+knownKeyNames :: [Name] -- Put here to avoid loops involving DsMeta,
+ -- where templateHaskellNames are defined
+knownKeyNames = map getName wiredInThings
+ ++ basicKnownKeyNames
+#ifdef GHCI
+ ++ templateHaskellNames
+%* *
+ The main compiler pipeline
%* *
data HscResult
- -- compilation failed
- = HscFail PersistentCompilerState -- updated PCS
- -- concluded that it wasn't necessary
- | HscNoRecomp PersistentCompilerState -- updated PCS
- ModDetails -- new details (HomeSymbolTable additions)
+ -- Compilation failed
+ = HscFail
+ -- Concluded that it wasn't necessary
+ | HscNoRecomp ModDetails -- new details (HomeSymbolTable additions)
ModIface -- new iface (if any compilation was done)
- -- did recompilation
- | HscRecomp PersistentCompilerState -- updated PCS
- ModDetails -- new details (HomeSymbolTable additions)
- ModIface -- new iface (if any compilation was done)
+ -- Did recompilation
+ | HscRecomp ModDetails -- new details (HomeSymbolTable additions)
+ (Maybe GlobalRdrEnv)
+ ModIface -- new iface (if any compilation was done)
Bool -- stub_h exists
Bool -- stub_c exists
(Maybe CompiledByteCode)
@@ -107,7 +138,6 @@ data HscResult
:: HscEnv
- -> PersistentCompilerState -- IN: persistent compiler state
-> Module
-> ModLocation -- location info
-> Bool -- True <=> source unchanged
@@ -115,35 +145,35 @@ hscMain
-> Maybe ModIface -- old interface, if available
-> IO HscResult
-hscMain hsc_env pcs mod location
+hscMain hsc_env mod location
source_unchanged have_object maybe_old_iface
= do {
- (pcs_ch, maybe_chk_result) <- _scc_ "checkOldIface"
- checkOldIface hsc_env pcs mod
- (ml_hi_file location)
- source_unchanged maybe_old_iface;
- case maybe_chk_result of {
- Nothing -> return (HscFail pcs_ch) ;
- Just (recomp_reqd, maybe_checked_iface) -> do {
+ (recomp_reqd, maybe_checked_iface) <-
+ _scc_ "checkOldIface"
+ checkOldIface hsc_env mod
+ (ml_hi_file location)
+ source_unchanged maybe_old_iface;
let no_old_iface = not (isJust maybe_checked_iface)
what_next | recomp_reqd || no_old_iface = hscRecomp
| otherwise = hscNoRecomp
- ; what_next hsc_env pcs_ch have_object
+ ; what_next hsc_env have_object
mod location maybe_checked_iface
- }}}
+ }
-- hscNoRecomp definitely expects to have the old interface available
-hscNoRecomp hsc_env pcs_ch have_object
+hscNoRecomp hsc_env have_object
mod location (Just old_iface)
| hsc_mode hsc_env == OneShot
= do {
when (verbosity (hsc_dflags hsc_env) > 0) $
hPutStrLn stderr "compilation IS NOT required";
+ dumpIfaceStats hsc_env ;
let { bomb = panic "hscNoRecomp:OneShot" };
- return (HscNoRecomp pcs_ch bomb bomb)
+ return (HscNoRecomp bomb bomb)
| otherwise
= do {
@@ -151,18 +181,14 @@ hscNoRecomp hsc_env pcs_ch have_object
hPutStrLn stderr ("Skipping " ++
showModMsg have_object mod location);
- -- Typecheck
- (pcs_tc, maybe_tc_result) <- _scc_ "tcRnIface"
- tcRnIface hsc_env pcs_ch old_iface ;
- case maybe_tc_result of {
- Nothing -> return (HscFail pcs_tc);
- Just new_details ->
+ new_details <- _scc_ "tcRnIface"
+ tcRnIface hsc_env old_iface ;
+ dumpIfaceStats hsc_env ;
- return (HscNoRecomp pcs_tc new_details old_iface)
- }}
+ return (HscNoRecomp new_details old_iface)
+ }
-hscRecomp hsc_env pcs_ch have_object
+hscRecomp hsc_env have_object
mod location maybe_checked_iface
= do {
-- what target are we shooting for?
@@ -177,13 +203,13 @@ hscRecomp hsc_env pcs_ch have_object
showModMsg (not toInterp) mod location);
; front_res <- if toCore then
- hscCoreFrontEnd hsc_env pcs_ch location
+ hscCoreFrontEnd hsc_env location
- hscFrontEnd hsc_env pcs_ch location
+ hscFrontEnd hsc_env location
; case front_res of
Left flure -> return flure;
- Right (pcs_tc, ds_result) -> do {
+ Right ds_result -> do {
@@ -193,11 +219,15 @@ hscRecomp hsc_env pcs_ch have_object
; flat_result <- _scc_ "Flattening"
- flatten hsc_env pcs_tc ds_result
+ flatten hsc_env ds_result
+{- TEMP: need to review space-leak fixing here
+ NB: even the code generator can force one of the
+ thunks for constructor arguments, for newtypes in particular
; let -- Rule-base accumulated from imported packages
- pkg_rule_base = eps_rule_base (pcs_EPS pcs_tc)
+ pkg_rule_base = eps_rule_base (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
-- In one-shot mode, ZAP the external package state at
-- this point, because we aren't going to need it from
@@ -208,6 +238,7 @@ hscRecomp hsc_env pcs_ch have_object
| otherwise = pcs_tc
; pkg_rule_base `seq` pcs_middle `seq` return ()
-- alive at this point:
-- pcs_middle
@@ -217,21 +248,16 @@ hscRecomp hsc_env pcs_ch have_object
- ; simpl_result <- _scc_ "Core2Core"
- core2core hsc_env pkg_rule_base flat_result
+ ; simpl_result <- _scc_ "Core2Core"
+ core2core hsc_env flat_result
- ; (pcs_simpl, tidy_result)
- <- _scc_ "CoreTidy"
- tidyCorePgm dflags pcs_middle simpl_result
- -- ZAP the persistent compiler state altogether now if we're
- -- in one-shot mode, to save space.
- ; pcs_final <- if one_shot then return (error "pcs_final missing")
- else return pcs_simpl
+ ; tidy_result <- _scc_ "CoreTidy"
+ tidyCorePgm hsc_env simpl_result
+ -- Emit external core
; emitExternalCore dflags tidy_result
-- Alive at this point:
@@ -255,6 +281,9 @@ hscRecomp hsc_env pcs_ch have_object
; final_iface <-
if one_shot then return (error "no final iface")
else return new_iface
+ ; let { final_globals | one_shot = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $! (mg_rdr_env tidy_result) }
+ ; final_globals `seq` return ()
-- Build the final ModDetails (except in one-shot mode, where
-- we won't need this information after compilation).
@@ -270,36 +299,38 @@ hscRecomp hsc_env pcs_ch have_object
; (stub_h_exists, stub_c_exists, maybe_bcos)
<- hscBackEnd dflags tidy_result
- -- and the answer is ...
- ; return (HscRecomp pcs_final
- final_details
+ -- And the answer is ...
+ ; dumpIfaceStats hsc_env
+ ; return (HscRecomp final_details
+ final_globals
stub_h_exists stub_c_exists
-hscCoreFrontEnd hsc_env pcs_ch location = do {
+hscCoreFrontEnd hsc_env location = do {
; inp <- readFile (expectJust "hscCoreFrontEnd:hspp" (ml_hspp_file location))
; case parseCore inp 1 of
- FailP s -> hPutStrLn stderr s >> return (Left (HscFail pcs_ch));
+ FailP s -> hPutStrLn stderr s >> return (Left HscFail);
OkP rdr_module -> do {
- ; (pcs_tc, maybe_tc_result) <- _scc_ "TypeCheck"
- tcRnExtCore hsc_env pcs_ch rdr_module
+ ; maybe_tc_result <- _scc_ "TypeCheck"
+ tcRnExtCore hsc_env rdr_module
; case maybe_tc_result of {
- Nothing -> return (Left (HscFail pcs_tc));
- Just mod_guts -> return (Right (pcs_tc, mod_guts))
+ Nothing -> return (Left HscFail);
+ Just mod_guts -> return (Right mod_guts)
-- No desugaring to do!
-hscFrontEnd hsc_env pcs_ch location = do {
+hscFrontEnd hsc_env location = do {
@@ -307,26 +338,26 @@ hscFrontEnd hsc_env pcs_ch location = do {
(expectJust "hscFrontEnd:hspp" (ml_hspp_file location))
; case maybe_parsed of {
- Nothing -> return (Left (HscFail pcs_ch));
+ Nothing -> return (Left HscFail);
Just rdr_module -> do {
- ; (pcs_tc, maybe_tc_result) <- _scc_ "Typecheck-Rename"
- tcRnModule hsc_env pcs_ch rdr_module
+ ; maybe_tc_result <- _scc_ "Typecheck-Rename"
+ tcRnModule hsc_env rdr_module
; case maybe_tc_result of {
- Nothing -> return (Left (HscFail pcs_ch));
+ Nothing -> return (Left HscFail);
Just tc_result -> do {
; maybe_ds_result <- _scc_ "DeSugar"
- deSugar hsc_env pcs_tc tc_result
+ deSugar hsc_env tc_result
; case maybe_ds_result of
- Nothing -> return (Left (HscFail pcs_ch));
- Just ds_result -> return (Right (pcs_tc, ds_result));
+ Nothing -> return (Left HscFail);
+ Just ds_result -> return (Right ds_result);
@@ -393,7 +424,7 @@ myParseModule dflags src_filename
case unP parseModule (mkPState buf loc dflags) of {
- PFailed l1 l2 err -> do { hPutStrLn stderr (showPFailed l1 l2 err);
+ PFailed l1 l2 err -> do { hPutStrLn stderr (showSDoc (showPFailed l1 l2 err));
return Nothing };
POk _ rdr_module -> do {
@@ -456,50 +487,47 @@ A naked expression returns a singleton Name [it].
#ifdef GHCI
hscStmt -- Compile a stmt all the way to an HValue, but don't run it
:: HscEnv
- -> PersistentCompilerState -- IN: persistent compiler state
-> InteractiveContext -- Context for compiling
-> String -- The statement
- -> IO ( PersistentCompilerState,
- Maybe (InteractiveContext, [Name], HValue) )
+ -> IO (Maybe (InteractiveContext, [Name], HValue))
-hscStmt hsc_env pcs icontext stmt
+hscStmt hsc_env icontext stmt
= do { maybe_stmt <- hscParseStmt (hsc_dflags hsc_env) stmt
; case maybe_stmt of {
- Nothing -> return (pcs, Nothing) ;
+ Nothing -> return Nothing ;
Just parsed_stmt -> do {
-- Rename and typecheck it
- (pcs1, maybe_tc_result)
- <- tcRnStmt hsc_env pcs icontext parsed_stmt
+ maybe_tc_result
+ <- tcRnStmt hsc_env icontext parsed_stmt
; case maybe_tc_result of {
- Nothing -> return (pcs1, Nothing) ;
+ Nothing -> return Nothing ;
Just (new_ic, bound_names, tc_expr) -> do {
-- Then desugar, code gen, and link it
- ; hval <- compileExpr hsc_env pcs1 iNTERACTIVE
+ ; hval <- compileExpr hsc_env iNTERACTIVE
(ic_rn_gbl_env new_ic)
(ic_type_env new_ic)
- ; return (pcs1, Just (new_ic, bound_names, hval))
+ ; return (Just (new_ic, bound_names, hval))
hscTcExpr -- Typecheck an expression (but don't run it)
:: HscEnv
- -> PersistentCompilerState -- IN: persistent compiler state
-> InteractiveContext -- Context for compiling
-> String -- The expression
- -> IO (PersistentCompilerState, Maybe Type)
+ -> IO (Maybe Type)
-hscTcExpr hsc_env pcs icontext expr
+hscTcExpr hsc_env icontext expr
= do { maybe_stmt <- hscParseStmt (hsc_dflags hsc_env) expr
; case maybe_stmt of {
Just (ExprStmt expr _ _)
- -> tcRnExpr hsc_env pcs icontext expr ;
+ -> tcRnExpr hsc_env icontext expr ;
Just other -> do { hPutStrLn stderr ("not an expression: `" ++ expr ++ "'") ;
- return (pcs, Nothing) } ;
- Nothing -> return (pcs, Nothing) } }
+ return Nothing } ;
+ Nothing -> return Nothing } }
@@ -514,7 +542,7 @@ hscParseStmt dflags str
case unP parseStmt (mkPState buf loc dflags) of {
- PFailed l1 l2 err -> do { hPutStrLn stderr (showPFailed l1 l2 err);
+ PFailed l1 l2 err -> do { hPutStrLn stderr (showSDoc (showPFailed l1 l2 err));
return Nothing };
-- no stmt: the line consisted of just space or comments
@@ -540,26 +568,21 @@ hscParseStmt dflags str
#ifdef GHCI
hscThing -- like hscStmt, but deals with a single identifier
:: HscEnv
- -> PersistentCompilerState -- IN: persistent compiler state
-> InteractiveContext -- Context for compiling
-> String -- The identifier
- -> IO ( PersistentCompilerState,
- [TyThing] )
-hscThing hsc_env pcs0 ic str
- = do let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ -> IO [(IfaceDecl, Fixity)]
- maybe_rdr_name <- myParseIdentifier dflags str
+hscThing hsc_env ic str
+ = do maybe_rdr_name <- myParseIdentifier (hsc_dflags hsc_env) str
case maybe_rdr_name of {
- Nothing -> return (pcs0, []);
+ Nothing -> return [];
Just rdr_name -> do
- (pcs1, maybe_tc_result) <-
- tcRnThing hsc_env pcs0 ic rdr_name
+ maybe_tc_result <- tcRnThing hsc_env ic rdr_name
case maybe_tc_result of {
- Nothing -> return (pcs1, []) ;
- Just things -> return (pcs1, things)
+ Nothing -> return [] ;
+ Just things -> return things
myParseIdentifier dflags str
@@ -568,7 +591,7 @@ myParseIdentifier dflags str
let loc = mkSrcLoc FSLIT("<interactive>") 1 0
case unP parseIdentifier (mkPState buf loc dflags) of
- PFailed l1 l2 err -> do { hPutStrLn stderr (showPFailed l1 l2 err);
+ PFailed l1 l2 err -> do { hPutStrLn stderr (showSDoc (showPFailed l1 l2 err));
return Nothing }
POk _ rdr_name -> return (Just rdr_name)
@@ -584,20 +607,19 @@ myParseIdentifier dflags str
#ifdef GHCI
compileExpr :: HscEnv
- -> PersistentCompilerState
-> Module -> GlobalRdrEnv -> TypeEnv
-> TypecheckedHsExpr
-> IO HValue
-compileExpr hsc_env pcs this_mod rdr_env type_env tc_expr
+compileExpr hsc_env this_mod rdr_env type_env tc_expr
= do { let { dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env ;
lint_on = dopt Opt_DoCoreLinting dflags }
-- Desugar it
- ; ds_expr <- deSugarExpr hsc_env pcs this_mod rdr_env type_env tc_expr
+ ; ds_expr <- deSugarExpr hsc_env this_mod rdr_env type_env tc_expr
-- Flatten it
- ; flat_expr <- flattenExpr hsc_env pcs ds_expr
+ ; flat_expr <- flattenExpr hsc_env ds_expr
-- Simplify it
; simpl_expr <- simplifyExpr dflags flat_expr
@@ -621,7 +643,7 @@ compileExpr hsc_env pcs this_mod rdr_env type_env tc_expr
; bcos <- coreExprToBCOs dflags prepd_expr
-- link it
- ; hval <- linkExpr hsc_env pcs bcos
+ ; hval <- linkExpr hsc_env bcos
; return hval
@@ -631,40 +653,19 @@ compileExpr hsc_env pcs this_mod rdr_env type_env tc_expr
%* *
-\subsection{Initial persistent state}
+ Statistics on reading interfaces
%* *
-initPersistentCompilerState :: IO PersistentCompilerState
- = do nc <- initNameCache
- return (
- PCS { pcs_EPS = initExternalPackageState,
- pcs_nc = nc })
-initNameCache :: IO NameCache
- = do us <- mkSplitUniqSupply 'r'
- return (NameCache { nsUniqs = us,
- nsNames = initOrigNames,
- nsIPs = emptyFM })
-initExternalPackageState :: ExternalPackageState
- = emptyExternalPackageState {
- eps_rules = foldr add_rule (emptyBag, 0) builtinRules,
- eps_PTE = wiredInThingEnv,
- }
+dumpIfaceStats :: HscEnv -> IO ()
+dumpIfaceStats hsc_env
+ = do { eps <- readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
+ ; dumpIfSet (dump_if_trace || dump_rn_stats)
+ "Interface statistics"
+ (ifaceStats eps) }
- add_rule (name,rule) (rules, n_slurped)
- = (gated_decl `consBag` rules, n_slurped)
- where
- gated_decl = (gate_fn, (mod, IfaceRuleOut rdr_name rule))
- mod = nameModule name
- rdr_name = nameRdrName name -- Seems a bit of a hack to go back
- -- to the RdrName
- gate_fn vis_fn = vis_fn name -- Load the rule whenever name is visible
-initOrigNames :: OrigNameCache
-initOrigNames = foldl extendOrigNameCache emptyModuleEnv knownKeyNames
+ dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ dump_rn_stats = dopt Opt_D_dump_rn_stats dflags
+ dump_if_trace = dopt Opt_D_dump_if_trace dflags
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs
index 8e59f3c16f..e830170f58 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/HscStats.lhs
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ module HscStats ( ppSourceStats ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
import HsSyn
-import TyCon ( DataConDetails(..) )
import Outputable
import Char ( isSpace )
import Util ( count )
@@ -64,13 +63,13 @@ ppSourceStats short (HsModule _ exports imports decls _ src_loc)
trim ls = takeWhile (not.isSpace) (dropWhile isSpace ls)
- (fixity_sigs, bind_tys, _, bind_specs, bind_inlines)
+ (fixity_sigs, bind_tys, bind_specs, bind_inlines)
= count_sigs [d | SigD d <- decls]
-- NB: this omits fixity decls on local bindings and
-- in class decls. ToDo
tycl_decls = [d | TyClD d <- decls]
- (class_ds, data_ds, newt_ds, type_ds, _) = countTyClDecls tycl_decls
+ (class_ds, type_ds, data_ds, newt_ds) = countTyClDecls tycl_decls
inst_decls = [d | InstD d <- decls]
inst_ds = length inst_decls
@@ -102,17 +101,13 @@ ppSourceStats short (HsModule _ exports imports decls _ src_loc)
count_monobinds (PatMonoBind p r _) = (0,1)
count_monobinds (FunMonoBind f _ m _) = (0,1)
- count_mb_monobinds (Just mbs) = count_monobinds mbs
- count_mb_monobinds Nothing = (0,0)
+ count_sigs sigs = foldr add4 (0,0,0,0) (map sig_info sigs)
- count_sigs sigs = foldr add5 (0,0,0,0,0) (map sig_info sigs)
- sig_info (FixSig _) = (1,0,0,0,0)
- sig_info (Sig _ _ _) = (0,1,0,0,0)
- sig_info (ClassOpSig _ _ _ _) = (0,0,1,0,0)
- sig_info (SpecSig _ _ _) = (0,0,0,1,0)
- sig_info (InlineSig _ _ _ _) = (0,0,0,0,1)
- sig_info _ = (0,0,0,0,0)
+ sig_info (FixSig _) = (1,0,0,0)
+ sig_info (Sig _ _ _) = (0,1,0,0)
+ sig_info (SpecSig _ _ _) = (0,0,1,0)
+ sig_info (InlineSig _ _ _ _) = (0,0,0,1)
+ sig_info _ = (0,0,0,0)
import_info (ImportDecl _ _ qual as spec _)
= add6 (1, qual_info qual, as_info as, 0,0,0) (spec_info spec)
@@ -124,35 +119,31 @@ ppSourceStats short (HsModule _ exports imports decls _ src_loc)
spec_info (Just (False, _)) = (0,0,0,0,1,0)
spec_info (Just (True, _)) = (0,0,0,0,0,1)
- data_info (TyData {tcdCons = DataCons cs, tcdDerivs = derivs})
+ data_info (TyData {tcdCons = cs, tcdDerivs = derivs})
= (length cs, case derivs of {Nothing -> 0; Just ds -> length ds})
data_info other = (0,0)
class_info decl@(ClassDecl {})
= case count_sigs (tcdSigs decl) of
- (_,_,classops,_,_) ->
- (classops, addpr (count_mb_monobinds (tcdMeths decl)))
+ (_,classops,_,_) ->
+ (classops, addpr (count_monobinds (tcdMeths decl)))
class_info other = (0,0)
- inst_info (InstDecl _ inst_meths inst_sigs _ _)
+ inst_info (InstDecl _ inst_meths inst_sigs _)
= case count_sigs inst_sigs of
- (_,_,_,ss,is) ->
+ (_,_,ss,is) ->
(addpr (count_monobinds inst_meths), ss, is)
addpr :: (Int,Int) -> Int
- add1 :: Int -> Int -> Int
add2 :: (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> (Int, Int)
add3 :: (Int,Int,Int) -> (Int,Int,Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
add4 :: (Int,Int,Int,Int) -> (Int,Int,Int,Int) -> (Int, Int, Int, Int)
- add5 :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) -> (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) -> (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
add6 :: (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) -> (Int,Int,Int,Int,Int,Int) -> (Int, Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)
addpr (x,y) = x+y
- add1 x1 y1 = x1+y1
add2 (x1,x2) (y1,y2) = (x1+y1,x2+y2)
add3 (x1,x2,x3) (y1,y2,y3) = (x1+y1,x2+y2,x3+y3)
add4 (x1,x2,x3,x4) (y1,y2,y3,y4) = (x1+y1,x2+y2,x3+y3,x4+y4)
- add5 (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5) (y1,y2,y3,y4,y5) = (x1+y1,x2+y2,x3+y3,x4+y4,x5+y5)
add6 (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) (y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6) = (x1+y1,x2+y2,x3+y3,x4+y4,x5+y5,x6+y6)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
index 88fd6b9562..7cb86bfb42 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
@@ -1,64 +1,59 @@
% (c) The University of Glasgow, 2000
\section[HscTypes]{Types for the per-module compiler}
module HscTypes (
- HscEnv(..),
+ HscEnv(..), hscEPS,
- ModDetails(..), ModIface(..),
+ ModDetails(..),
ModGuts(..), ModImports(..), ForeignStubs(..),
- ParsedIface(..), IfaceDeprecs,
HomePackageTable, HomeModInfo(..), emptyHomePackageTable,
- ExternalPackageState(..), emptyExternalPackageState,
+ ExternalPackageState(..),
PackageTypeEnv, PackageIfaceTable, emptyPackageIfaceTable,
lookupIface, lookupIfaceByModName, moduleNameToModule,
- InteractiveContext(..), emptyInteractiveContext, icPrintUnqual,
+ InteractiveContext(..), emptyInteractiveContext,
+ icPrintUnqual, unQualInScope,
+ ModIface(..), mkIfaceDepCache, mkIfaceVerCache, mkIfaceFixCache,
+ emptyIfaceDepCache,
- IfaceDecls, mkIfaceDecls, dcl_tycl, dcl_rules, dcl_insts,
+ Deprecs(..), IfaceDeprecs,
- VersionInfo(..), initialVersionInfo, lookupVersion,
- FixityEnv, lookupFixity, collectFixities, emptyFixityEnv,
+ FixityEnv, FixItem(..), lookupFixity, emptyFixityEnv,
- TyThing(..), implicitTyThings,
+ implicitTyThings, isImplicitTyThing,
+ TyThing(..), tyThingClass, tyThingTyCon, tyThingDataCon, tyThingId,
TypeEnv, lookupType, mkTypeEnv, emptyTypeEnv,
- extendTypeEnvList, extendTypeEnvWithIds,
+ extendTypeEnvList, extendTypeEnvWithIds, lookupTypeEnv,
typeEnvElts, typeEnvClasses, typeEnvTyCons, typeEnvIds,
- WhetherHasOrphans, IsBootInterface, DeclsMap, Usage(..),
+ WhetherHasOrphans, IsBootInterface, Usage(..),
Dependencies(..), noDependencies,
- IfaceInsts, IfaceRules, GatedDecl, GatedDecls, GateFn,
+ Pool(..), emptyPool, DeclPool, InstPool,
+ Gated,
+ RulePool, addRuleToPool,
NameCache(..), OrigNameCache, OrigIParamCache,
Avails, availsToNameSet, availName, availNames,
GenAvailInfo(..), AvailInfo, RdrAvailInfo,
- ExportItem, RdrExportItem,
+ IfaceExport,
- PersistentCompilerState(..),
+ Deprecations, DeprecTxt, lookupDeprec, plusDeprecs,
- Deprecations(..), lookupDeprec, plusDeprecs,
- InstEnv, ClsInstEnv, DFunId,
+ InstEnv, DFunId,
PackageInstEnv, PackageRuleBase,
- GlobalRdrEnv, GlobalRdrElt(..), emptyGlobalRdrEnv, pprGlobalRdrEnv,
- LocalRdrEnv, extendLocalRdrEnv, isLocalGRE, unQualInScope,
-- Linker stuff
Linkable(..), isObjectLinkable,
Unlinked(..), CompiledByteCode,
- isObject, nameOfObject, isInterpretable, byteCodeOfObject,
- -- Provenance
- Provenance(..), ImportReason(..),
- pprNameProvenance, hasBetterProv
+ isObject, nameOfObject, isInterpretable, byteCodeOfObject
) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
@@ -67,48 +62,43 @@ module HscTypes (
import ByteCodeAsm ( CompiledByteCode )
-import RdrName ( RdrName, mkRdrUnqual,
- RdrNameEnv, addListToRdrEnv, foldRdrEnv, isUnqual,
- rdrEnvToList, emptyRdrEnv )
-import Name ( Name, NamedThing, getName, nameOccName, nameModule, nameSrcLoc )
+import RdrName ( GlobalRdrEnv, emptyGlobalRdrEnv,
+ LocalRdrEnv, emptyLocalRdrEnv,
+ GlobalRdrElt(..), unQualOK )
+import Name ( Name, NamedThing, getName, nameOccName, nameModule )
import NameEnv
import NameSet
-import OccName ( OccName )
+import OccName ( OccName, OccEnv, lookupOccEnv, mkOccEnv, emptyOccEnv,
+ extendOccEnv, foldOccEnv )
import Module
-import InstEnv ( InstEnv, ClsInstEnv, DFunId )
+import InstEnv ( InstEnv, DFunId )
import Rules ( RuleBase )
import CoreSyn ( CoreBind )
-import Id ( Id, idName )
+import Id ( Id, isImplicitId )
+import Type ( TyThing(..) )
import Class ( Class, classSelIds, classTyCon )
-import TyCon ( TyCon, tyConName, isNewTyCon, tyConGenIds, tyConSelIds, tyConDataCons )
-import TcType ( TyThing(..) )
-import DataCon ( dataConWorkId, dataConWrapId, dataConWrapId_maybe )
-import Packages ( PackageName, basePackage )
+import TyCon ( TyCon, isClassTyCon, tyConSelIds, tyConDataCons )
+import DataCon ( dataConImplicitIds )
+import Packages ( PackageName )
import CmdLineOpts ( DynFlags )
-import BasicTypes ( Version, initialVersion, IPName,
- Fixity, FixitySig(..), defaultFixity )
+import BasicTypes ( Version, initialVersion, IPName,
+ Fixity, defaultFixity, DeprecTxt )
-import HsSyn ( DeprecTxt, TyClDecl, InstDecl, RuleDecl,
- tyClDeclName, ifaceRuleDeclName, tyClDeclNames,
- instDeclDFun )
-import RnHsSyn ( RenamedTyClDecl, RenamedRuleDecl, RenamedInstDecl )
+import IfaceSyn ( IfaceInst, IfaceRule, IfaceDecl(ifName) )
+import FiniteMap ( FiniteMap )
import CoreSyn ( IdCoreRule )
import PrelNames ( isBuiltInSyntaxName )
-import InstEnv ( emptyInstEnv )
-import Rules ( emptyRuleBase )
-import FiniteMap
-import Bag ( Bag, emptyBag )
import Maybes ( orElse )
import Outputable
-import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc, isGoodSrcLoc )
-import Util ( thenCmp, sortLt )
+import SrcLoc ( SrcLoc )
import UniqSupply ( UniqSupply )
import Maybe ( fromJust )
import FastString ( FastString )
+import DATA_IOREF ( IORef, readIORef )
import Time ( ClockTime )
@@ -122,9 +112,28 @@ import Time ( ClockTime )
The HscEnv gives the environment in which to compile a chunk of code.
-data HscEnv = HscEnv { hsc_mode :: GhciMode,
- hsc_dflags :: DynFlags,
- hsc_HPT :: HomePackageTable }
+data HscEnv
+ = HscEnv { hsc_mode :: GhciMode,
+ hsc_dflags :: DynFlags,
+ hsc_HPT :: HomePackageTable,
+ -- The home package table describes already-compiled
+ -- home-packge modules, *excluding* the module we
+ -- are compiling right now.
+ -- (In one-shot mode the current module is the only
+ -- home-package module, so hsc_HPT is empty. All other
+ -- modules count as "external-package" modules.)
+ -- hsc_HPT is not mutable because we only demand-load
+ -- external packages; the home package is eagerly
+ -- loaded by the compilation manager.
+ -- The next two are side-effected by compiling
+ -- to reflect sucking in interface files
+ hsc_EPS :: IORef ExternalPackageState,
+ hsc_NC :: IORef NameCache }
+hscEPS :: HscEnv -> IO ExternalPackageState
+hscEPS hsc_env = readIORef (hsc_EPS hsc_env)
The GhciMode is self-explanatory:
@@ -141,9 +150,12 @@ type PackageIfaceTable = ModuleEnv ModIface -- Domain = modules in the imported
emptyHomePackageTable = emptyModuleEnv
emptyPackageIfaceTable = emptyModuleEnv
-data HomeModInfo = HomeModInfo { hm_iface :: ModIface,
- hm_details :: ModDetails,
- hm_linkable :: Linkable }
+data HomeModInfo
+ = HomeModInfo { hm_iface :: ModIface,
+ hm_globals :: Maybe GlobalRdrEnv, -- Its top level environment
+ -- Nothing <-> compiled module
+ hm_details :: ModDetails,
+ hm_linkable :: Linkable }
Simple lookups in the symbol table.
@@ -192,38 +204,58 @@ the declarations into a single indexed map in the @PersistentRenamerState@.
data ModIface
= ModIface {
- mi_module :: !Module,
mi_package :: !PackageName, -- Which package the module comes from
- mi_version :: !VersionInfo, -- Version info for everything in this module
+ mi_module :: !Module,
+ mi_mod_vers :: !Version, -- Module version: changes when anything changes
mi_orphan :: !WhetherHasOrphans, -- Whether this module has orphans
mi_boot :: !IsBootInterface, -- Read from an hi-boot file?
mi_deps :: Dependencies,
- -- This is consulted for directly-imported modules, but
- -- not for anything else
+ -- This is consulted for directly-imported modules,
+ -- but not for anything else (hence lazy)
- mi_usages :: [Usage Name],
-- Usages; kept sorted so that it's easy to decide
-- whether to write a new iface file (changing usages
-- doesn't affect the version of this module)
+ mi_usages :: [Usage],
-- NOT STRICT! we read this field lazily from the interface file
-- It is *only* consulted by the recompilation checker
- mi_exports :: ![ExportItem],
- -- What it exports Kept sorted by (mod,occ), to make
- -- version comparisons easier
+ -- Exports
+ -- Kept sorted by (mod,occ), to make version comparisons easier
+ mi_exports :: ![IfaceExport],
+ mi_exp_vers :: !Version, -- Version number of export list
- mi_globals :: !(Maybe GlobalRdrEnv),
- -- Its top level environment or Nothing if we read this
- -- interface from an interface file. (We need the source
- -- file to figure out the top-level environment.)
+ -- Fixities
+ mi_fixities :: [(OccName,Fixity)],
+ -- NOT STRICT! we read this field lazily from the interface file
- mi_fixities :: !FixityEnv, -- Fixities
- mi_deprecs :: Deprecations, -- Deprecations
- -- NOT STRICT! we read this field lazilly from the interface file
+ -- Deprecations
+ mi_deprecs :: Deprecs [(OccName,DeprecTxt)],
+ -- NOT STRICT! we read this field lazily from the interface file
- mi_decls :: IfaceDecls -- The RnDecls form of ModDetails
- -- NOT STRICT! we fill this field with _|_ sometimes
+ -- Type, class and variable declarations
+ -- The version of an Id changes if its fixity or deprecations change
+ -- (as well as its type of course)
+ -- Ditto data constructors, class operations, except that
+ -- the version of the parent class/tycon changes
+ mi_decls :: [(Version,IfaceDecl)], -- Sorted
+ -- Instance declarations and rules
+ mi_insts :: [IfaceInst], -- Sorted
+ mi_rules :: [IfaceRule], -- Sorted
+ mi_rule_vers :: !Version, -- Version number for rules and instances combined
+ -- Cached environments for easy lookup
+ -- These are computed (lazily) from other fields
+ -- and are not put into the interface file
+ mi_dep_fn :: Name -> Maybe DeprecTxt, -- Cached lookup for mi_deprecs
+ mi_fix_fn :: OccName -> Fixity, -- Cached lookup for mi_fixities
+ mi_ver_fn :: OccName -> Maybe Version -- Cached lookup for mi_decls
+ -- The Nothing in mi_ver_fn means that the thing
+ -- isn't in decls. It's useful to know that when
+ -- seeing if we are up to date wrt the old interface
-- Should be able to construct ModDetails from mi_decls in ModIface
@@ -247,7 +279,7 @@ data ModGuts
mg_deps :: !Dependencies, -- What is below it, directly or otherwise
mg_dir_imps :: ![Module], -- Directly-imported modules; used to
-- generate initialisation code
- mg_usages :: ![Usage Name], -- Version info for what it needed
+ mg_usages :: ![Usage], -- Version info for what it needed
mg_rdr_env :: !GlobalRdrEnv, -- Top-level lexical environment
mg_fix_env :: !FixityEnv, -- Fixity env, for things declared in this module
@@ -305,76 +337,35 @@ data ForeignStubs = NoStubs
[Id] -- Foreign-exported binders
-- we have to generate code to register these
-data IfaceDecls = IfaceDecls { dcl_tycl :: [RenamedTyClDecl], -- Sorted
- dcl_rules :: [RenamedRuleDecl], -- Sorted
- dcl_insts :: [RenamedInstDecl] } -- Unsorted
-mkIfaceDecls :: [RenamedTyClDecl] -> [RenamedRuleDecl] -> [RenamedInstDecl] -> IfaceDecls
--- Sort to put them in canonical order for version comparison
-mkIfaceDecls tycls rules insts
- = IfaceDecls { dcl_tycl = sortLt lt_tycl tycls,
- dcl_rules = sortLt lt_rule rules,
- dcl_insts = sortLt lt_inst insts }
- where
- d1 `lt_tycl` d2 = tyClDeclName d1 < tyClDeclName d2
- r1 `lt_rule` r2 = ifaceRuleDeclName r1 < ifaceRuleDeclName r2
- i1 `lt_inst` i2 = instDeclDFun i1 < instDeclDFun i2
-emptyModIface :: Module -> ModIface
-emptyModIface mod
- = ModIface { mi_module = mod,
- mi_package = basePackage, -- XXX fully bogus
- mi_version = initialVersionInfo,
- mi_usages = [],
- mi_deps = noDependencies,
+emptyModIface :: PackageName -> ModuleName -> ModIface
+emptyModIface pkg mod
+ = ModIface { mi_package = pkg,
+ mi_module = mkModule pkg mod,
+ mi_mod_vers = initialVersion,
mi_orphan = False,
mi_boot = False,
+ mi_deps = noDependencies,
+ mi_usages = [],
mi_exports = [],
- mi_fixities = emptyNameEnv,
- mi_globals = Nothing,
+ mi_exp_vers = initialVersion,
+ mi_fixities = [],
mi_deprecs = NoDeprecs,
- mi_decls = panic "emptyModIface: decls"
+ mi_insts = [],
+ mi_rules = [],
+ mi_decls = [],
+ mi_rule_vers = initialVersion,
+ mi_dep_fn = emptyIfaceDepCache,
+ mi_fix_fn = emptyIfaceFixCache,
+ mi_ver_fn = emptyIfaceVerCache
%* *
- Parsed interface files
-%* *
-A ParsedIface is exactly as read from an interface file.
-type IfaceDeprecs = Maybe (Either DeprecTxt [(RdrName,DeprecTxt)])
- -- Nothing => NoDeprecs
- -- Just (Left t) => DeprecAll
- -- Just (Right p) => DeprecSome
-data ParsedIface
- = ParsedIface {
- pi_mod :: ModuleName,
- pi_pkg :: PackageName,
- pi_vers :: Version, -- Module version number
- pi_orphan :: WhetherHasOrphans, -- Whether this module has orphans
- pi_deps :: Dependencies, -- What it depends on
- pi_usages :: [Usage OccName], -- Usages
- pi_exports :: (Version, [RdrExportItem]), -- Exports
- pi_decls :: [(Version, TyClDecl RdrName)], -- Local definitions
- pi_fixity :: [FixitySig RdrName], -- Local fixity declarations,
- pi_insts :: [InstDecl RdrName], -- Local instance declarations
- pi_rules :: (Version, [RuleDecl RdrName]), -- Rules, with their version
- pi_deprecs :: IfaceDeprecs -- Deprecations
- }
-%* *
\subsection{The interactive context}
%* *
@@ -382,10 +373,10 @@ data ParsedIface
data InteractiveContext
= InteractiveContext {
- ic_toplev_scope :: [Module], -- Include the "top-level" scope of
+ ic_toplev_scope :: [String], -- Include the "top-level" scope of
-- these modules
- ic_exports :: [Module], -- Include just the exports of these
+ ic_exports :: [String], -- Include just the exports of these
-- modules
ic_rn_gbl_env :: GlobalRdrEnv, -- The cached GlobalRdrEnv, built from
@@ -400,86 +391,111 @@ data InteractiveContext
= InteractiveContext { ic_toplev_scope = [],
ic_exports = [],
- ic_rn_gbl_env = emptyRdrEnv,
- ic_rn_local_env = emptyRdrEnv,
+ ic_rn_gbl_env = emptyGlobalRdrEnv,
+ ic_rn_local_env = emptyLocalRdrEnv,
ic_type_env = emptyTypeEnv }
icPrintUnqual :: InteractiveContext -> PrintUnqualified
icPrintUnqual ictxt = unQualInScope (ic_rn_gbl_env ictxt)
+@unQualInScope@ returns a function that takes a @Name@ and tells whether
+its unqualified name is in scope. This is put as a boolean flag in
+the @Name@'s provenance to guide whether or not to print the name qualified
+in error messages.
+unQualInScope :: GlobalRdrEnv -> Name -> Bool
+-- True if 'f' is in scope, and has only one binding,
+-- and the thing it is bound to is the name we are looking for
+-- (i.e. false if A.f and B.f are both in scope as unqualified 'f')
+-- Also checks for built-in syntax, which is always 'in scope'
+-- This fn is only efficient if the shared
+-- partial application is used a lot.
+unQualInScope env
+ = \n -> n `elemNameSet` unqual_names || isBuiltInSyntaxName n
+ where
+ unqual_names :: NameSet
+ unqual_names = foldOccEnv add emptyNameSet env
+ add [gre] unquals | unQualOK gre = addOneToNameSet unquals (gre_name gre)
+ add _ unquals = unquals
%* *
-\subsection{Type environment stuff}
+ TyThing
%* *
+isImplicitTyThing :: TyThing -> Bool
+isImplicitTyThing (ADataCon dc) = True
+isImplicitTyThing (AnId id) = isImplicitId id
+isImplicitTyThing (ATyCon tc) = isClassTyCon tc
+isImplicitTyThing other = False
+implicitTyThings :: TyThing -> [TyThing]
+implicitTyThings (AnId id) = []
+ -- For type constructors, add the data cons (and their extras),
+ -- and the selectors and generic-programming Ids too
+ --
+ -- Newtypes don't have a worker Id, so don't generate that?
+implicitTyThings (ATyCon tc) = map AnId (tyConSelIds tc) ++
+ concatMap (extras_plus . ADataCon) (tyConDataCons tc)
+ -- For classes, add the class TyCon too (and its extras)
+ -- and the class selector Ids
+implicitTyThings (AClass cl) = map AnId (classSelIds cl) ++
+ extras_plus (ATyCon (classTyCon cl))
+ -- For data cons add the worker and wrapper (if any)
+implicitTyThings (ADataCon dc) = map AnId (dataConImplicitIds dc)
+extras_plus thing = thing : implicitTyThings thing
+extendTypeEnvWithIds :: TypeEnv -> [Id] -> TypeEnv
+extendTypeEnvWithIds env ids
+ = extendNameEnvList env [(getName id, AnId id) | id <- ids]
+%* *
+ TypeEnv
+%* *
+type TypeEnv = NameEnv TyThing
+emptyTypeEnv :: TypeEnv
typeEnvElts :: TypeEnv -> [TyThing]
typeEnvClasses :: TypeEnv -> [Class]
typeEnvTyCons :: TypeEnv -> [TyCon]
typeEnvIds :: TypeEnv -> [Id]
+lookupTypeEnv :: TypeEnv -> Name -> Maybe TyThing
+emptyTypeEnv = emptyNameEnv
typeEnvElts env = nameEnvElts env
typeEnvClasses env = [cl | AClass cl <- typeEnvElts env]
typeEnvTyCons env = [tc | ATyCon tc <- typeEnvElts env]
typeEnvIds env = [id | AnId id <- typeEnvElts env]
-type TypeEnv = NameEnv TyThing
-emptyTypeEnv = emptyNameEnv
mkTypeEnv :: [TyThing] -> TypeEnv
mkTypeEnv things = extendTypeEnvList emptyTypeEnv things
+lookupTypeEnv = lookupNameEnv
extendTypeEnvList :: TypeEnv -> [TyThing] -> TypeEnv
-- Extend the type environment
extendTypeEnvList env things
= foldl extend env things
extend env thing = extendNameEnv env (getName thing) thing
-implicitTyThings :: [TyThing] -> [TyThing]
-implicitTyThings things
- = concatMap extras things
- where
- extras_plus thing = thing : extras thing
- extras (AnId id) = []
- -- For type constructors, add the data cons (and their extras),
- -- and the selectors and generic-programming Ids too
- --
- -- Newtypes don't have a worker Id, so don't generate that
- extras (ATyCon tc) = map AnId (tyConGenIds tc ++ tyConSelIds tc) ++ data_con_stuff
- where
- data_con_stuff | isNewTyCon tc = (if (null dcs) then [] else [ADataCon dc1, AnId (dataConWrapId dc1)])
- | otherwise = concatMap (extras_plus . ADataCon) dcs
- dcs = tyConDataCons tc
- dc1 = head dcs
- -- For classes, add the class TyCon too (and its extras)
- -- and the class selector Ids
- extras (AClass cl) = map AnId (classSelIds cl) ++
- extras_plus (ATyCon (classTyCon cl))
- -- For data cons add the worker and wrapper (if any)
- extras (ADataCon dc)
- = AnId (dataConWorkId dc) : wrap_id_stuff
- where
- -- May or may not have a wrapper
- wrap_id_stuff = case dataConWrapId_maybe dc of
- Just id -> [AnId id]
- Nothing -> []
-extendTypeEnvWithIds :: TypeEnv -> [Id] -> TypeEnv
-extendTypeEnvWithIds env ids
- = extendNameEnvList env [(getName id, AnId id) | id <- ids]
@@ -490,6 +506,21 @@ lookupType hpt pte name
Nothing -> lookupNameEnv pte name
+tyThingTyCon (ATyCon tc) = tc
+tyThingTyCon other = pprPanic "tyThingTyCon" (ppr other)
+tyThingClass (AClass cls) = cls
+tyThingClass other = pprPanic "tyThingClass" (ppr other)
+tyThingDataCon (ADataCon dc) = dc
+tyThingDataCon other = pprPanic "tyThingDataCon" (ppr other)
+tyThingId (AnId id) = id
+tyThingId other = pprPanic "tyThingId" (ppr other)
%* *
\subsection{Auxiliary types}
@@ -500,35 +531,33 @@ These types are defined here because they are mentioned in ModDetails,
but they are mostly elaborated elsewhere
-data VersionInfo
- = VersionInfo {
- vers_module :: Version, -- Changes when anything changes
- vers_exports :: Version, -- Changes when export list changes
- vers_rules :: Version, -- Changes when any rule changes
- vers_decls :: NameEnv Version
- -- Versions for "big" names only (not data constructors, class ops)
- -- The version of an Id changes if its fixity changes
- -- Ditto data constructors, class operations, except that the version of
- -- the parent class/tycon changes
- --
- -- If a name isn't in the map, it means 'initialVersion'
- }
+mkIfaceVerCache :: [(Version,IfaceDecl)] -> OccName -> Maybe Version
+mkIfaceVerCache pairs
+ = \occ -> lookupOccEnv env occ
+ where
+ env = foldl add emptyOccEnv pairs
+ add env (v,d) = extendOccEnv env (ifName d) v
+emptyIfaceVerCache :: OccName -> Maybe Version
+emptyIfaceVerCache occ = Nothing
+------------------ Deprecations -------------------------
+data Deprecs a
+ = NoDeprecs
+ | DeprecAll DeprecTxt -- Whole module deprecated
+ | DeprecSome a -- Some specific things deprecated
+ deriving( Eq )
-initialVersionInfo :: VersionInfo
-initialVersionInfo = VersionInfo { vers_module = initialVersion,
- vers_exports = initialVersion,
- vers_rules = initialVersion,
- vers_decls = emptyNameEnv
- }
+type IfaceDeprecs = Deprecs [(OccName,DeprecTxt)]
+type Deprecations = Deprecs (NameEnv (OccName,DeprecTxt))
-lookupVersion :: NameEnv Version -> Name -> Version
-lookupVersion env name = lookupNameEnv env name `orElse` initialVersion
+mkIfaceDepCache:: IfaceDeprecs -> Name -> Maybe DeprecTxt
+mkIfaceDepCache NoDeprecs = \n -> Nothing
+mkIfaceDepCache (DeprecAll t) = \n -> Just t
+mkIfaceDepCache (DeprecSome pairs) = lookupOccEnv (mkOccEnv pairs) . nameOccName
-data Deprecations = NoDeprecs
- | DeprecAll DeprecTxt -- Whole module deprecated
- | DeprecSome (NameEnv (Name,DeprecTxt)) -- Some things deprecated
- -- Just "big" names
- -- We keep the Name in the range, so we can print them out
+emptyIfaceDepCache :: Name -> Maybe DeprecTxt
+emptyIfaceDepCache n = Nothing
lookupDeprec :: Deprecations -> Name -> Maybe DeprecTxt
lookupDeprec NoDeprecs name = Nothing
@@ -543,13 +572,6 @@ plusDeprecs NoDeprecs d = d
plusDeprecs d (DeprecAll t) = DeprecAll t
plusDeprecs (DeprecAll t) d = DeprecAll t
plusDeprecs (DeprecSome v1) (DeprecSome v2) = DeprecSome (v1 `plusNameEnv` v2)
-instance Eq Deprecations where
- -- Used when checking whether we need write a new interface
- NoDeprecs == NoDeprecs = True
- (DeprecAll t1) == (DeprecAll t2) = t1 == t2
- (DeprecSome e1) == (DeprecSome e2) = nameEnvElts e1 == nameEnvElts e2
- d1 == d2 = False
@@ -567,8 +589,7 @@ data GenAvailInfo name = Avail name -- An ordinary identifier
deriving( Eq )
-- Equality used when deciding if the interface has changed
-type RdrExportItem = (ModuleName, [RdrAvailInfo])
-type ExportItem = (ModuleName, [AvailInfo])
+type IfaceExport = (ModuleName, [GenAvailInfo OccName])
availsToNameSet :: [AvailInfo] -> NameSet
availsToNameSet avails = foldl add emptyNameSet avails
@@ -595,26 +616,31 @@ pprAvail (Avail n) = ppr n
-type FixityEnv = NameEnv (FixitySig Name)
- -- We keep the whole fixity sig so that we
- -- can report line-number info when there is a duplicate
- -- fixity declaration
+mkIfaceFixCache :: [(OccName, Fixity)] -> OccName -> Fixity
+mkIfaceFixCache pairs
+ = \n -> lookupOccEnv env n `orElse` defaultFixity
+ where
+ env = mkOccEnv pairs
+emptyIfaceFixCache :: OccName -> Fixity
+emptyIfaceFixCache n = defaultFixity
+-- This fixity environment is for source code only
+type FixityEnv = NameEnv FixItem
+-- We keep the OccName in the range so that we can generate an interface from it
+data FixItem = FixItem OccName Fixity SrcLoc
+instance Outputable FixItem where
+ ppr (FixItem occ fix loc) = ppr fix <+> ppr occ <+> parens (ppr loc)
emptyFixityEnv :: FixityEnv
emptyFixityEnv = emptyNameEnv
lookupFixity :: FixityEnv -> Name -> Fixity
lookupFixity env n = case lookupNameEnv env n of
- Just (FixitySig _ fix _) -> fix
- Nothing -> defaultFixity
-collectFixities :: FixityEnv -> [TyClDecl Name] -> [FixitySig Name]
--- Collect fixities for the specified declarations
-collectFixities env decls
- = [ fix
- | d <- decls, (n,_) <- tyClDeclNames d,
- Just fix <- [lookupNameEnv env n]
- ]
+ Just (FixItem _ fix _) -> fix
+ Nothing -> defaultFixity
@@ -646,12 +672,13 @@ data Dependencies
noDependencies :: Dependencies
noDependencies = Deps [] [] []
-data Usage name
- = Usage { usg_name :: ModuleName, -- Name of the module
- usg_mod :: Version, -- Module version
- usg_exports :: Maybe Version, -- Export-list version, if we depend on it
- usg_entities :: [(name,Version)], -- Sorted by occurrence name
- usg_rules :: Version -- Rules version
+data Usage
+ = Usage { usg_name :: ModuleName, -- Name of the module
+ usg_mod :: Version, -- Module version
+ usg_entities :: [(OccName,Version)], -- Sorted by occurrence name
+ usg_exports :: Maybe Version, -- Export-list version, if we depend on it
+ usg_rules :: Version -- Orphan-rules version (for non-orphan
+ -- modules this will always be initialVersion)
} deriving( Eq )
-- This type doesn't let you say "I imported f but none of the rules in
-- the module". If you use anything in the module you get its rule version
@@ -668,23 +695,10 @@ data Usage name
%* *
-\subsection{The persistent compiler state}
+ The External Package State
%* *
-The @PersistentCompilerState@ persists across successive calls to the
-data PersistentCompilerState
- = PCS {
- pcs_nc :: !NameCache,
- pcs_EPS :: ExternalPackageState
- -- non-strict because we fill it with error in HscMain
- }
type PackageTypeEnv = TypeEnv
type PackageRuleBase = RuleBase
@@ -714,35 +728,26 @@ data ExternalPackageState
-- Holding pens for stuff that has been read in from file,
-- but not yet slurped into the renamer
- eps_decls :: !DeclsMap,
+ eps_decls :: !DeclPool,
-- A single, global map of Names to unslurped decls
- eps_insts :: !IfaceInsts,
- -- The as-yet un-slurped instance decls; this bag is depleted when we
- -- slurp an instance decl so that we don't slurp the same one twice.
- -- Each is 'gated' by the names that must be available before
- -- this instance decl is needed.
- eps_rules :: !IfaceRules,
- -- Similar to instance decls, only for rules
- eps_inst_gates :: !NameSet -- Gates for instance decls
- -- The instance gates must accumulate across
- -- all invocations of the renamer;
- -- see "the gating story" in RnIfaces.lhs
- -- These names should all be from other packages;
- -- for the home package we have all the instance
- -- declarations anyhow
+ -- Decls move from here to eps_PTE
+ eps_insts :: !InstPool,
+ -- The as-yet un-slurped instance decls
+ -- Decls move from here to eps_inst_env
+ -- Each instance is 'gated' by the names that must be
+ -- available before this instance decl is needed.
+ eps_rules :: !RulePool
+ -- Rules move from here to eps_rule_base when
+ -- all their LHS free vars are in the eps_PTE
+ -- To maintain this invariant, we need to check the pool
+ -- a) when adding to the rule pool by loading an interface
+ -- (some of the new rules may alrady have all their
+ -- gates in the eps_PTE)
+ -- b) when extending the eps_PTE when we load a decl
+ -- from the eps_decls pool
-emptyExternalPackageState = EPS {
- eps_decls = (emptyNameEnv, 0),
- eps_insts = (emptyBag, 0),
- eps_inst_gates = emptyNameSet,
- eps_rules = (emptyBag, 0),
- eps_PIT = emptyPackageIfaceTable,
- eps_PTE = emptyTypeEnv,
- eps_inst_env = emptyInstEnv,
- eps_rule_base = emptyRuleBase
- }
The NameCache makes sure that there is just one Unique assigned for
@@ -767,31 +772,43 @@ data NameCache
-- Ensures that one implicit parameter name gets one unique
-type OrigNameCache = ModuleEnv (Module, OccNameCache)
- -- Maps a module *name* to a Module,
- -- plus the OccNameEnv fot that module
-type OccNameCache = FiniteMap OccName Name
- -- Maps the OccName to a Name
- -- A FiniteMap because OccNames have a Namespace/Faststring pair
-type OrigIParamCache = FiniteMap (IPName RdrName) (IPName Name)
+type OrigNameCache = ModuleEnv (OccEnv Name)
+type OrigIParamCache = FiniteMap (IPName OccName) (IPName Name)
-A DeclsMap contains a binding for each Name in the declaration
-including the constructors of a type decl etc. The Bool is True just
-for the 'main' Name.
-type DeclsMap = (NameEnv (AvailInfo, Bool, (Module, TyClDecl RdrName)), Int)
- -- The Int says how many have been sucked in
-type IfaceInsts = GatedDecls (InstDecl RdrName)
-type IfaceRules = GatedDecls (RuleDecl RdrName)
-type GatedDecls d = (Bag (GatedDecl d), Int) -- The Int says how many have been sucked in
-type GatedDecl d = (GateFn, (Module, d))
-type GateFn = (Name -> Bool) -> Bool -- Returns True <=> gate is open
- -- The (Name -> Bool) fn returns True for visible Names
+data Pool p = Pool (NameEnv p) -- The pool itself, indexed by some primary key
+ Int -- Number of decls slurped into the map
+ Int -- Number of decls slurped out of the map
+emptyPool = Pool emptyNameEnv 0 0
+instance Outputable p => Outputable (Pool p) where
+ ppr (Pool p n_in n_out) -- Debug printing only
+ = vcat [ptext SLIT("Pool") <+> int n_in <+> int n_out,
+ nest 2 (ppr p)]
+type DeclPool = Pool IfaceDecl
+type Gated d = ([Name], (ModuleName, d)) -- The [Name] 'gate' the declaration
+ -- ModuleName records which iface file this
+ -- decl came from
+type RulePool = Pool [Gated IfaceRule]
+addRuleToPool :: NameEnv [Gated IfaceRule]
+ -> (ModuleName, IfaceRule)
+ -> [Name] -- Free vars of rule; always non-empty
+ -> NameEnv [Gated IfaceRule]
+addRuleToPool rules rule (fv:fvs) = extendNameEnv_C combine rules fv [(fvs,rule)]
+ where
+ combine old _ = (fvs,rule) : old
+type InstPool = Pool [Gated IfaceInst]
+ -- The key of the Pool is the Class
+ -- The Names are the TyCons in the instance head
-- For example, suppose this is in an interface file
-- instance C T where ...
-- We want to slurp this decl if both C and T are "visible" in
@@ -861,156 +878,4 @@ byteCodeOfObject (BCOs bc) = bc
-%* *
-\subsection{Provenance and export info}
-%* *
-A LocalRdrEnv is used for local bindings (let, where, lambda, case)
-Also used in
-type LocalRdrEnv = RdrNameEnv Name
-extendLocalRdrEnv :: LocalRdrEnv -> [Name] -> LocalRdrEnv
-extendLocalRdrEnv env names
- = addListToRdrEnv env [(mkRdrUnqual (nameOccName n), n) | n <- names]
-The GlobalRdrEnv gives maps RdrNames to Names. There is a separate
-one for each module, corresponding to that module's top-level scope.
-type GlobalRdrEnv = RdrNameEnv [GlobalRdrElt]
- -- The list is because there may be name clashes
- -- These only get reported on lookup, not on construction
-emptyGlobalRdrEnv = emptyRdrEnv
-data GlobalRdrElt
- = GRE { gre_name :: Name,
- gre_parent :: Maybe Name, -- Name of the "parent" structure, for
- -- * the tycon of a data con
- -- * the class of a class op
- -- For others it's Nothing
- -- Invariant: gre_name g /= gre_parent g
- -- when the latter is a Just
- gre_prov :: Provenance, -- Why it's in scope
- gre_deprec :: Maybe DeprecTxt -- Whether this name is deprecated
- }
-instance Outputable GlobalRdrElt where
- ppr gre = ppr (gre_name gre) <+>
- parens (pp_parent (gre_parent gre) <+> pprNameProvenance gre)
- where
- pp_parent (Just p) = text "parent:" <+> ppr p <> comma
- pp_parent Nothing = empty
-pprGlobalRdrEnv env
- = vcat (map pp (rdrEnvToList env))
- where
- pp (rn, gres) = ppr rn <> colon <+>
- vcat [ ppr (gre_name gre) <+> pprNameProvenance gre
- | gre <- gres]
-isLocalGRE :: GlobalRdrElt -> Bool
-isLocalGRE (GRE {gre_prov = LocalDef}) = True
-isLocalGRE other = False
-@unQualInScope@ returns a function that takes a @Name@ and tells whether
-its unqualified name is in scope. This is put as a boolean flag in
-the @Name@'s provenance to guide whether or not to print the name qualified
-in error messages.
-unQualInScope :: GlobalRdrEnv -> Name -> Bool
--- True if 'f' is in scope, and has only one binding,
--- and the thing it is bound to is the name we are looking for
--- (i.e. false if A.f and B.f are both in scope as unqualified 'f')
--- Also checks for built-in syntax, which is always 'in scope'
--- This fn is only efficient if the shared
--- partial application is used a lot.
-unQualInScope env
- = \n -> n `elemNameSet` unqual_names || isBuiltInSyntaxName n
- where
- unqual_names :: NameSet
- unqual_names = foldRdrEnv add emptyNameSet env
- add rdr_name [gre] unquals | isUnqual rdr_name = addOneToNameSet unquals (gre_name gre)
- add _ _ unquals = unquals
-The "provenance" of something says how it came to be in scope.
-data Provenance
- = LocalDef -- Defined locally
- | NonLocalDef -- Defined non-locally
- ImportReason
--- Just used for grouping error messages (in RnEnv.warnUnusedBinds)
-instance Eq Provenance where
- p1 == p2 = case p1 `compare` p2 of EQ -> True; _ -> False
-instance Eq ImportReason where
- p1 == p2 = case p1 `compare` p2 of EQ -> True; _ -> False
-instance Ord Provenance where
- compare LocalDef LocalDef = EQ
- compare LocalDef (NonLocalDef _) = LT
- compare (NonLocalDef _) LocalDef = GT
- compare (NonLocalDef reason1) (NonLocalDef reason2)
- = compare reason1 reason2
-instance Ord ImportReason where
- compare ImplicitImport ImplicitImport = EQ
- compare ImplicitImport (UserImport _ _ _) = LT
- compare (UserImport _ _ _) ImplicitImport = GT
- compare (UserImport m1 loc1 _) (UserImport m2 loc2 _)
- = (m1 `compare` m2) `thenCmp` (loc1 `compare` loc2)
-data ImportReason
- = UserImport Module SrcLoc Bool -- Imported from module M on line L
- -- Note the M may well not be the defining module
- -- for this thing!
- -- The Bool is true iff the thing was named *explicitly* in the import spec,
- -- rather than being imported as part of a group; e.g.
- -- import B
- -- import C( T(..) )
- -- Here, everything imported by B, and the constructors of T
- -- are not named explicitly; only T is named explicitly.
- -- This info is used when warning of unused names.
- | ImplicitImport -- Imported implicitly for some other reason
-hasBetterProv :: Provenance -> Provenance -> Bool
--- Choose
--- a local thing over an imported thing
--- a user-imported thing over a non-user-imported thing
--- an explicitly-imported thing over an implicitly imported thing
-hasBetterProv LocalDef _ = True
-hasBetterProv (NonLocalDef (UserImport _ _ _ )) (NonLocalDef ImplicitImport) = True
-hasBetterProv _ _ = False
-pprNameProvenance :: GlobalRdrElt -> SDoc
-pprNameProvenance (GRE {gre_name = name, gre_prov = prov})
- = case prov of
- LocalDef -> ptext SLIT("defined at") <+> ppr (nameSrcLoc name)
- NonLocalDef why -> sep [ppr_reason why,
- nest 2 (ppr_defn (nameSrcLoc name))]
-ppr_reason ImplicitImport = ptext SLIT("implicitly imported")
-ppr_reason (UserImport mod loc _) = ptext SLIT("imported from") <+> ppr mod <+> ptext SLIT("at") <+> ppr loc
-ppr_defn loc | isGoodSrcLoc loc = parens (ptext SLIT("defined at") <+> ppr loc)
- | otherwise = empty
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/Main.hs b/ghc/compiler/main/Main.hs
index 1731fa54a8..535cbe41a5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/Main.hs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/Main.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns -optc-DNON_POSIX_SOURCE #-}
--- $Id: Main.hs,v 1.133 2003/09/23 14:33:00 simonmar Exp $
+-- $Id: Main.hs,v 1.134 2003/10/09 11:58:57 simonpj Exp $
-- GHC Driver program
@@ -332,9 +332,9 @@ doMake :: [String] -> IO ()
doMake [] = throwDyn (UsageError "no input files")
doMake srcs = do
dflags <- getDynFlags
- state <- cmInit Batch
- graph <- cmDepAnal state dflags srcs
- (_, ok_flag, _) <- cmLoadModules state dflags graph
+ state <- cmInit Batch dflags
+ graph <- cmDepAnal state srcs
+ (_, ok_flag, _) <- cmLoadModules state graph
when (failed ok_flag) (exitWith (ExitFailure 1))
return ()
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f31e7019b..0000000000
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/MkIface.lhs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,870 +0,0 @@
-% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
-\section[MkIface]{Print an interface for a module}
-module MkIface (
- showIface, mkIface, mkUsageInfo,
- pprIface,
- ifaceTyThing,
- ) where
-#include "HsVersions.h"
-import HsSyn
-import HsCore ( HsIdInfo(..), UfExpr(..), toUfExpr, toUfBndr )
-import HsTypes ( toHsTyVars )
-import TysPrim ( alphaTyVars )
-import BasicTypes ( NewOrData(..), Activation(..), FixitySig(..),
- Version, initialVersion, bumpVersion
- )
-import NewDemand ( isTopSig )
-import TcRnMonad
-import TcRnTypes ( ImportAvails(..) )
-import RnHsSyn ( RenamedInstDecl, RenamedTyClDecl )
-import HscTypes ( VersionInfo(..), ModIface(..),
- ModGuts(..), ModGuts,
- GhciMode(..), HscEnv(..), Dependencies(..),
- FixityEnv, lookupFixity, collectFixities,
- IfaceDecls, mkIfaceDecls, dcl_tycl, dcl_rules, dcl_insts,
- TyThing(..), DFunId,
- Avails, AvailInfo, GenAvailInfo(..), availName,
- ExternalPackageState(..),
- ParsedIface(..), Usage(..),
- Deprecations(..), initialVersionInfo,
- lookupVersion, lookupIfaceByModName
- )
-import CmdLineOpts
-import Id ( idType, idInfo, isImplicitId, idCafInfo )
-import DataCon ( dataConName, dataConSig, dataConFieldLabels, dataConStrictMarks )
-import IdInfo -- Lots
-import CoreSyn ( CoreRule(..), IdCoreRule )
-import CoreFVs ( ruleLhsFreeNames )
-import CoreUnfold ( neverUnfold, unfoldingTemplate )
-import Name ( getName, nameModule, nameModule_maybe, nameOccName,
- nameIsLocalOrFrom, Name, NamedThing(..) )
-import NameEnv
-import NameSet
-import OccName ( OccName, pprOccName )
-import TyCon ( DataConDetails(..), tyConTyVars, tyConDataCons, tyConTheta,
- isFunTyCon, isPrimTyCon, isNewTyCon, isClassTyCon,
- isSynTyCon, isAlgTyCon, isForeignTyCon,
- getSynTyConDefn, tyConGenInfo, tyConDataConDetails, tyConArity )
-import Class ( classExtraBigSig, classTyCon )
-import FieldLabel ( fieldLabelType )
-import TcType ( tcSplitForAllTys, tcFunResultTy, tidyTopType, deNoteType, tyClsNamesOfDFunHead,
- mkSigmaTy, mkFunTys, mkTyConApp, mkTyVarTys )
-import SrcLoc ( noSrcLoc )
-import Module ( Module, ModuleName, moduleNameFS, moduleName, isHomeModule,
- ModLocation(..), mkSysModuleNameFS,
- ModuleEnv, emptyModuleEnv, lookupModuleEnv,
- extendModuleEnv_C, moduleEnvElts
- )
-import Outputable
-import DriverUtil ( createDirectoryHierarchy, directoryOf )
-import Util ( sortLt, dropList, seqList )
-import Binary ( getBinFileWithDict )
-import BinIface ( writeBinIface, v_IgnoreHiVersion )
-import ErrUtils ( dumpIfSet_dyn )
-import FiniteMap
-import FastString
-import DATA_IOREF ( writeIORef )
-import Monad ( when )
-import Maybe ( catMaybes, isJust, isNothing )
-import Maybes ( orElse )
-import IO ( putStrLn )
-%* *
-\subsection{Print out the contents of a binary interface}
-%* *
-showIface :: FilePath -> IO ()
-showIface filename = do
- -- skip the version check; we don't want to worry about profiled vs.
- -- non-profiled interfaces, for example.
- writeIORef v_IgnoreHiVersion True
- parsed_iface <- Binary.getBinFileWithDict filename
- let ParsedIface{
- pi_mod=pi_mod, pi_pkg=pi_pkg, pi_vers=pi_vers,
- pi_deps=pi_deps,
- pi_orphan=pi_orphan, pi_usages=pi_usages,
- pi_exports=pi_exports, pi_decls=pi_decls,
- pi_fixity=pi_fixity, pi_insts=pi_insts,
- pi_rules=pi_rules, pi_deprecs=pi_deprecs } = parsed_iface
- putStrLn (showSDoc (vcat [
- text "__interface" <+> doubleQuotes (ppr pi_pkg)
- <+> ppr pi_mod <+> ppr pi_vers
- <+> (if pi_orphan then char '!' else empty)
- <+> ptext SLIT("where"),
- -- no instance Outputable (WhatsImported):
- pprExports id (snd pi_exports),
- pprDeps pi_deps,
- pprUsages id pi_usages,
- hsep (map ppr_fix pi_fixity) <> semi,
- vcat (map ppr_inst pi_insts),
- vcat (map ppr_decl pi_decls),
- ppr pi_rules
- -- no instance Outputable (Either):
- -- ppr pi_deprecs
- ]))
- where
- ppr_fix (FixitySig n f _) = ppr f <+> ppr n
- ppr_inst i = ppr i <+> semi
- ppr_decl (v,d) = int v <+> ppr d <> semi
-%* *
-\subsection{Completing an interface}
-%* *
-mkIface :: HscEnv
- -> ModLocation
- -> Maybe ModIface -- The old interface, if we have it
- -> ModGuts -- The compiled, tidied module
- -> IO ModIface -- The new one, complete with decls and versions
--- mkFinalIface
--- a) completes the interface
--- b) writes it out to a file if necessary
-mkIface hsc_env location maybe_old_iface
- impl@ModGuts{ mg_module = this_mod,
- mg_usages = usages,
- mg_deps = deps,
- mg_exports = exports,
- mg_rdr_env = rdr_env,
- mg_fix_env = fix_env,
- mg_deprecs = deprecs,
- mg_insts = insts,
- mg_rules = rules,
- mg_types = types }
- = do { -- Sort the exports to make them easier to compare for versions
- let { my_exports = groupAvails this_mod exports ;
- iface_w_decls = ModIface { mi_module = this_mod,
- mi_package = opt_InPackage,
- mi_version = initialVersionInfo,
- mi_deps = deps,
- mi_usages = usages,
- mi_exports = my_exports,
- mi_decls = new_decls,
- mi_orphan = orphan_mod,
- mi_boot = False,
- mi_fixities = fix_env,
- mi_globals = Just rdr_env,
- mi_deprecs = deprecs } }
- -- Add version information
- ; let (final_iface, maybe_diffs) = _scc_ "versioninfo" addVersionInfo maybe_old_iface iface_w_decls
- -- Write the interface file, if necessary
- ; when (must_write_hi_file maybe_diffs) $ do
- createDirectoryHierarchy (directoryOf hi_file_path)
- writeBinIface hi_file_path final_iface
- -- Debug printing
- ; write_diffs dflags final_iface maybe_diffs
- ; orphan_mod `seq`
- return final_iface }
- where
- dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
- ghci_mode = hsc_mode hsc_env
- omit_pragmas = dopt Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas dflags
- must_write_hi_file Nothing = False
- must_write_hi_file (Just _diffs) = ghci_mode /= Interactive
- -- We must write a new .hi file if there are some changes
- -- and we're not in interactive mode
- -- maybe_diffs = 'Nothing' means that even the usages havn't changed,
- -- so there's no need to write a new interface file. But even if
- -- the usages have changed, the module version may not have.
- hi_file_path = ml_hi_file location
- new_decls = mkIfaceDecls ty_cls_dcls rule_dcls inst_dcls
- inst_dcls = map ifaceInstance insts
- ty_cls_dcls = foldNameEnv (ifaceTyThing_acc omit_pragmas) [] types
- rule_dcls = map ifaceRule rules
- orphan_mod = isOrphanModule impl
-write_diffs :: DynFlags -> ModIface -> Maybe SDoc -> IO ()
-write_diffs dflags new_iface Nothing
- = do when (dopt Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs dflags) (printDump (text "INTERFACE UNCHANGED"))
- dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_hi "UNCHANGED FINAL INTERFACE" (pprIface new_iface)
-write_diffs dflags new_iface (Just sdoc_diffs)
- = do dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_hi_diffs "INTERFACE HAS CHANGED" sdoc_diffs
- dumpIfSet_dyn dflags Opt_D_dump_hi "NEW FINAL INTERFACE" (pprIface new_iface)
-isOrphanModule :: ModGuts -> Bool
-isOrphanModule (ModGuts {mg_module = this_mod, mg_insts = insts, mg_rules = rules})
- = any orphan_inst insts || any orphan_rule rules
- where
- -- A rule is an orphan if the LHS mentions nothing defined locally
- orphan_inst dfun_id = no_locals (tyClsNamesOfDFunHead (idType dfun_id))
- -- A instance is an orphan if its head mentions nothing defined locally
- orphan_rule rule = no_locals (ruleLhsFreeNames rule)
- no_locals names = isEmptyNameSet (filterNameSet (nameIsLocalOrFrom this_mod) names)
-Implicit Ids and class tycons aren't included in interface files, so
-we miss them out of the accumulating parameter here.
-ifaceTyThing_acc :: Bool -> TyThing -> [RenamedTyClDecl] -> [RenamedTyClDecl]
--- Don't put implicit things into the result
-ifaceTyThing_acc omit_pragmas (ADataCon dc) so_far = so_far
-ifaceTyThing_acc omit_pragmas (AnId id) so_far | isImplicitId id = so_far
-ifaceTyThing_acc omit_pragmas (ATyCon id) so_far | isClassTyCon id = so_far
-ifaceTyThing_acc omit_pragmas other so_far
- = ifaceTyThing omit_pragmas other : so_far
-Convert *any* TyThing into a RenamedTyClDecl. Used both for
-generating interface files and for the ':info' command in GHCi.
-ifaceTyThing :: Bool -> TyThing -> RenamedTyClDecl
-ifaceTyThing omit_pragmas (AClass clas) = cls_decl
- where
- cls_decl = ClassDecl { tcdCtxt = toHsContext sc_theta,
- tcdName = getName clas,
- tcdTyVars = toHsTyVars clas_tyvars,
- tcdFDs = toHsFDs clas_fds,
- tcdSigs = map toClassOpSig op_stuff,
- tcdMeths = Nothing,
- tcdLoc = noSrcLoc }
- (clas_tyvars, clas_fds, sc_theta, sc_sels, op_stuff) = classExtraBigSig clas
- tycon = classTyCon clas
- data_con = head (tyConDataCons tycon)
- toClassOpSig (sel_id, def_meth)
- = ASSERT(sel_tyvars == clas_tyvars)
- ClassOpSig (getName sel_id) def_meth (toHsType op_ty) noSrcLoc
- where
- -- Be careful when splitting the type, because of things
- -- like class Foo a where
- -- op :: (?x :: String) => a -> a
- -- and class Baz a where
- -- op :: (Ord a) => a -> a
- (sel_tyvars, rho_ty) = tcSplitForAllTys (idType sel_id)
- op_ty = tcFunResultTy rho_ty
-ifaceTyThing omit_pragmas (ATyCon tycon) = ty_decl
- where
- ty_decl | isSynTyCon tycon
- = TySynonym { tcdName = getName tycon,
- tcdTyVars = toHsTyVars tyvars,
- tcdSynRhs = toHsType syn_ty,
- tcdLoc = noSrcLoc }
- | isAlgTyCon tycon
- = TyData { tcdND = new_or_data,
- tcdCtxt = toHsContext (tyConTheta tycon),
- tcdName = getName tycon,
- tcdTyVars = toHsTyVars tyvars,
- tcdCons = ifaceConDecls (tyConDataConDetails tycon),
- tcdDerivs = Nothing,
- tcdGeneric = Just (isJust (tyConGenInfo tycon)),
- -- Just True <=> has generic stuff
- tcdLoc = noSrcLoc }
- | isForeignTyCon tycon
- = ForeignType { tcdName = getName tycon,
- tcdExtName = Nothing,
- tcdFoType = DNType, -- The only case at present
- tcdLoc = noSrcLoc }
- | isPrimTyCon tycon || isFunTyCon tycon
- -- needed in GHCi for ':info Int#', for example
- = TyData { tcdND = DataType,
- tcdCtxt = [],
- tcdName = getName tycon,
- tcdTyVars = toHsTyVars (take (tyConArity tycon) alphaTyVars),
- tcdCons = Unknown,
- tcdDerivs = Nothing,
- tcdGeneric = Just False,
- tcdLoc = noSrcLoc }
- | otherwise = pprPanic "ifaceTyThing" (ppr tycon)
- tyvars = tyConTyVars tycon
- (_, syn_ty) = getSynTyConDefn tycon
- new_or_data | isNewTyCon tycon = NewType
- | otherwise = DataType
- ifaceConDecls Unknown = Unknown
- ifaceConDecls (HasCons n) = HasCons n
- ifaceConDecls (DataCons cs) = DataCons (map ifaceConDecl cs)
- ifaceConDecl data_con
- = ConDecl (dataConName data_con)
- (toHsTyVars ex_tyvars)
- (toHsContext ex_theta)
- details noSrcLoc
- where
- (tyvars1, _, ex_tyvars, ex_theta, arg_tys, tycon1) = dataConSig data_con
- field_labels = dataConFieldLabels data_con
- strict_marks = dropList ex_theta (dataConStrictMarks data_con)
- -- The 'drop' is because dataConStrictMarks
- -- includes the existential dictionaries
- details | null field_labels
- = ASSERT( tycon == tycon1 && tyvars == tyvars1 )
- PrefixCon (zipWith BangType strict_marks (map toHsType arg_tys))
- | otherwise
- = RecCon (zipWith mk_field strict_marks field_labels)
- mk_field strict_mark field_label
- = (getName field_label, BangType strict_mark (toHsType (fieldLabelType field_label)))
-ifaceTyThing omit_pragmas (AnId id) = iface_sig
- where
- iface_sig = IfaceSig { tcdName = getName id,
- tcdType = toHsType id_type,
- tcdIdInfo = hs_idinfo,
- tcdLoc = noSrcLoc }
- id_type = idType id
- id_info = idInfo id
- arity_info = arityInfo id_info
- caf_info = idCafInfo id
- hs_idinfo | omit_pragmas
- = []
- | otherwise
- = catMaybes [arity_hsinfo, caf_hsinfo,
- strict_hsinfo, wrkr_hsinfo,
- unfold_hsinfo]
- ------------ Arity --------------
- arity_hsinfo | arity_info == 0 = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just (HsArity arity_info)
- ------------ Caf Info --------------
- caf_hsinfo = case caf_info of
- NoCafRefs -> Just HsNoCafRefs
- _other -> Nothing
- ------------ Strictness --------------
- -- No point in explicitly exporting TopSig
- strict_hsinfo = case newStrictnessInfo id_info of
- Just sig | not (isTopSig sig) -> Just (HsStrictness sig)
- _other -> Nothing
- ------------ Worker --------------
- work_info = workerInfo id_info
- has_worker = case work_info of { HasWorker _ _ -> True; other -> False }
- wrkr_hsinfo = case work_info of
- HasWorker work_id wrap_arity ->
- Just (HsWorker (getName work_id) wrap_arity)
- NoWorker -> Nothing
- ------------ Unfolding --------------
- -- The unfolding is redundant if there is a worker
- unfold_info = unfoldingInfo id_info
- inline_prag = inlinePragInfo id_info
- rhs = unfoldingTemplate unfold_info
- unfold_hsinfo | neverUnfold unfold_info
- || has_worker = Nothing
- | otherwise = Just (HsUnfold inline_prag (toUfExpr rhs))
-ifaceTyThing omit_pragmas (ADataCon dc)
- -- This case only happens in the call to ifaceThing in InteractiveUI
- -- Otherwise DataCons are filtered out in ifaceThing_acc
- = IfaceSig { tcdName = getName dc,
- tcdType = toHsType full_ty,
- tcdIdInfo = [],
- tcdLoc = noSrcLoc }
- where
- (tvs, stupid_theta, ex_tvs, ex_theta, arg_tys, tycon) = dataConSig dc
- -- The "stupid context" isn't part of the wrapper-Id type
- -- (for better or worse -- see note in DataCon.lhs), so we
- -- have to make it up here
- full_ty = mkSigmaTy (tvs ++ ex_tvs) (stupid_theta ++ ex_theta)
- (mkFunTys arg_tys (mkTyConApp tycon (mkTyVarTys tvs)))
-ifaceInstance :: DFunId -> RenamedInstDecl
-ifaceInstance dfun_id
- = InstDecl (toHsType tidy_ty) EmptyMonoBinds [] (Just (getName dfun_id)) noSrcLoc
- where
- tidy_ty = tidyTopType (deNoteType (idType dfun_id))
- -- The deNoteType is very important. It removes all type
- -- synonyms from the instance type in interface files.
- -- That in turn makes sure that when reading in instance decls
- -- from interface files that the 'gating' mechanism works properly.
- -- Otherwise you could have
- -- type Tibble = T Int
- -- instance Foo Tibble where ...
- -- and this instance decl wouldn't get imported into a module
- -- that mentioned T but not Tibble.
-ifaceRule :: IdCoreRule -> RuleDecl Name
-ifaceRule (id, BuiltinRule _ _)
- = pprTrace "toHsRule: builtin" (ppr id) (bogusIfaceRule id)
-ifaceRule (id, Rule name act bndrs args rhs)
- = IfaceRule name act (map toUfBndr bndrs) (getName id)
- (map toUfExpr args) (toUfExpr rhs) noSrcLoc
-bogusIfaceRule :: (NamedThing a) => a -> RuleDecl Name
-bogusIfaceRule id
- = IfaceRule FSLIT("bogus") NeverActive [] (getName id) [] (UfVar (getName id)) noSrcLoc
-%* *
-\subsection{Keeping track of what we've slurped, and version numbers}
-%* *
-mkUsageInfo figures out what the ``usage information'' for this
-moudule is; that is, what it must record in its interface file as the
-things it uses.
-We produce a line for every module B below the module, A, currently being
- import B <n> ;
-to record the fact that A does import B indirectly. This is used to decide
-to look to look for B.hi rather than B.hi-boot when compiling a module that
-imports A. This line says that A imports B, but uses nothing in it.
-So we'll get an early bale-out when compiling A if B's version changes.
-The usage information records:
-\item (a) anything reachable from its body code
-\item (b) any module exported with a @module Foo@
-\item (c) anything reachable from an exported item
-Why (b)? Because if @Foo@ changes then this module's export list
-will change, so we must recompile this module at least as far as
-making a new interface file --- but in practice that means complete
-Why (c)? Consider this:
- module A( f, g ) where | module B( f ) where
- import B( f ) | f = h 3
- g = ... | h = ...
-Here, @B.f@ isn't used in A. Should we nevertheless record @B.f@ in
-@A@'s usages? Our idea is that we aren't going to touch A.hi if it is
-*identical* to what it was before. If anything about @B.f@ changes
-than anyone who imports @A@ should be recompiled in case they use
-@B.f@ (they'll get an early exit if they don't). So, if anything
-about @B.f@ changes we'd better make sure that something in A.hi
-changes, and the convenient way to do that is to record the version
-number @B.f@ in A.hi in the usage list. If B.f changes that'll force a
-complete recompiation of A, which is overkill but it's the only way to
-write a new, slightly different, A.hi.
-But the example is tricker. Even if @B.f@ doesn't change at all,
-@B.h@ may do so, and this change may not be reflected in @f@'s version
-number. But with -O, a module that imports A must be recompiled if
-@B.h@ changes! So A must record a dependency on @B.h@. So we treat
-the occurrence of @B.f@ in the export list *just as if* it were in the
-code of A, and thereby haul in all the stuff reachable from it.
- *** Conclusion: if A mentions B.f in its export list,
- behave just as if A mentioned B.f in its source code,
- and slurp in B.f and all its transitive closure ***
-[NB: If B was compiled with -O, but A isn't, we should really *still*
-haul in all the unfoldings for B, in case the module that imports A *is*
-compiled with -O. I think this is the case.]
-mkUsageInfo :: HscEnv -> ExternalPackageState
- -> ImportAvails -> EntityUsage
- -> [Usage Name]
-mkUsageInfo hsc_env eps
- (ImportAvails { imp_mods = dir_imp_mods,
- imp_dep_mods = dep_mods })
- used_names
- = -- seq the list of Usages returned: occasionally these
- -- don't get evaluated for a while and we can end up hanging on to
- -- the entire collection of Ifaces.
- usages `seqList` usages
- where
- usages = catMaybes [ mkUsage mod_name
- | (mod_name,_) <- moduleEnvElts dep_mods]
- -- ToDo: do we need to sort into canonical order?
- hpt = hsc_HPT hsc_env
- pit = eps_PIT eps
- import_all mod = case lookupModuleEnv dir_imp_mods mod of
- Just (_, Nothing) -> True
- _ -> False
- -- ent_map groups together all the things imported and used
- -- from a particular module in this package
- ent_map :: ModuleEnv [Name]
- ent_map = foldNameSet add_mv emptyModuleEnv used_names
- add_mv name mv_map = extendModuleEnv_C add_item mv_map mod [name]
- where
- mod = nameModule name
- add_item names _ = name:names
- -- We want to create a Usage for a home module if
- -- a) we used something from; has something in used_names
- -- b) we imported all of it, even if we used nothing from it
- -- (need to recompile if its export list changes: export_vers)
- -- c) is a home-package orphan module (need to recompile if its
- -- instance decls change: rules_vers)
- mkUsage :: ModuleName -> Maybe (Usage Name)
- mkUsage mod_name
- | isNothing maybe_iface -- We can't depend on it if we didn't
- || not (isHomeModule mod) -- even open the interface!
- || (null used_names
- && not all_imported
- && not orphan_mod)
- = Nothing -- Record no usage info
- | otherwise
- = Just (Usage { usg_name = moduleName mod,
- usg_mod = mod_vers,
- usg_exports = export_vers,
- usg_entities = ent_vers,
- usg_rules = rules_vers })
- where
- maybe_iface = lookupIfaceByModName hpt pit mod_name
- -- In one-shot mode, the interfaces for home-package
- -- modules accumulate in the PIT not HPT. Sigh.
- Just iface = maybe_iface
- mod = mi_module iface
- version_info = mi_version iface
- orphan_mod = mi_orphan iface
- version_env = vers_decls version_info
- mod_vers = vers_module version_info
- rules_vers = vers_rules version_info
- all_imported = import_all mod
- export_vers | all_imported = Just (vers_exports version_info)
- | otherwise = Nothing
- -- The sort is to put them into canonical order
- used_names = lookupModuleEnv ent_map mod `orElse` []
- ent_vers = [(n, lookupVersion version_env n)
- | n <- sortLt lt_occ used_names ]
- lt_occ n1 n2 = nameOccName n1 < nameOccName n2
- -- ToDo: is '<' on OccNames the right thing; may differ between runs?
-groupAvails :: Module -> Avails -> [(ModuleName, Avails)]
- -- Group by module and sort by occurrence
- -- This keeps the list in canonical order
-groupAvails this_mod avails
- = [ (mkSysModuleNameFS fs, sortLt lt avails)
- | (fs,avails) <- fmToList groupFM
- ]
- where
- groupFM :: FiniteMap FastString Avails
- -- Deliberately use the FastString so we
- -- get a canonical ordering
- groupFM = foldl add emptyFM avails
- add env avail = addToFM_C combine env mod_fs [avail']
- where
- mod_fs = moduleNameFS (moduleName avail_mod)
- avail_mod = case nameModule_maybe (availName avail) of
- Just m -> m
- Nothing -> this_mod
- combine old _ = avail':old
- avail' = sortAvail avail
- a1 `lt` a2 = occ1 < occ2
- where
- occ1 = nameOccName (availName a1)
- occ2 = nameOccName (availName a2)
-sortAvail :: AvailInfo -> AvailInfo
--- Sort the sub-names into canonical order.
--- The canonical order has the "main name" at the beginning
--- (if it's there at all)
-sortAvail (Avail n) = Avail n
-sortAvail (AvailTC n ns) | n `elem` ns = AvailTC n (n : sortLt lt (filter (/= n) ns))
- | otherwise = AvailTC n ( sortLt lt ns)
- where
- n1 `lt` n2 = nameOccName n1 < nameOccName n2
-%* *
-\subsection{Checking if the new interface is up to date
-%* *
-addVersionInfo :: Maybe ModIface -- The old interface, read from M.hi
- -> ModIface -- The new interface decls
- -> (ModIface, Maybe SDoc) -- Nothing => no change; no need to write new Iface
- -- Just mi => Here is the new interface to write
- -- with correct version numbers
--- NB: the fixities, declarations, rules are all assumed
--- to be sorted by increasing order of hsDeclName, so that
--- we can compare for equality
-addVersionInfo Nothing new_iface
--- No old interface, so definitely write a new one!
- = (new_iface, Just (text "No old interface available"))
-addVersionInfo (Just old_iface@(ModIface { mi_version = old_version,
- mi_decls = old_decls,
- mi_fixities = old_fixities,
- mi_deprecs = old_deprecs }))
- new_iface@(ModIface { mi_decls = new_decls,
- mi_fixities = new_fixities,
- mi_deprecs = new_deprecs })
- | no_output_change && no_usage_change
- = (new_iface, Nothing)
- -- don't return the old iface because it may not have an
- -- mi_globals field set to anything reasonable.
- | otherwise -- Add updated version numbers
- = --pprTrace "completeIface" (ppr (dcl_tycl old_decls))
- (final_iface, Just pp_diffs)
- where
- final_iface = new_iface { mi_version = new_version }
- old_mod_vers = vers_module old_version
- new_version = VersionInfo { vers_module = bumpVersion no_output_change old_mod_vers,
- vers_exports = bumpVersion no_export_change (vers_exports old_version),
- vers_rules = bumpVersion no_rule_change (vers_rules old_version),
- vers_decls = tc_vers }
- no_output_change = no_tc_change && no_rule_change && no_export_change && no_deprec_change
- no_usage_change = mi_usages old_iface == mi_usages new_iface
- no_export_change = mi_exports old_iface == mi_exports new_iface -- Kept sorted
- no_rule_change = dcl_rules old_decls == dcl_rules new_decls -- Ditto
- && dcl_insts old_decls == dcl_insts new_decls
- no_deprec_change = old_deprecs == new_deprecs
- -- Fill in the version number on the new declarations by looking at the old declarations.
- -- Set the flag if anything changes.
- -- Assumes that the decls are sorted by hsDeclName.
- (no_tc_change, pp_tc_diffs, tc_vers) = diffDecls old_version old_fixities new_fixities
- (dcl_tycl old_decls) (dcl_tycl new_decls)
- pp_diffs = vcat [pp_tc_diffs,
- pp_change no_export_change "Export list",
- pp_change no_rule_change "Rules",
- pp_change no_deprec_change "Deprecations",
- pp_change no_usage_change "Usages"]
- pp_change True what = empty
- pp_change False what = text what <+> ptext SLIT("changed")
-diffDecls :: VersionInfo -- Old version
- -> FixityEnv -> FixityEnv -- Old and new fixities
- -> [RenamedTyClDecl] -> [RenamedTyClDecl] -- Old and new decls
- -> (Bool, -- True <=> no change
- SDoc, -- Record of differences
- NameEnv Version) -- New version map
-diffDecls (VersionInfo { vers_module = old_mod_vers, vers_decls = old_decls_vers })
- old_fixities new_fixities old new
- = diff True empty emptyNameEnv old new
- where
- -- When seeing if two decls are the same,
- -- remember to check whether any relevant fixity has changed
- eq_tc d1 d2 = d1 == d2 && all (same_fixity . fst) (tyClDeclNames d1)
- same_fixity n = lookupFixity old_fixities n == lookupFixity new_fixities n
- diff ok_so_far pp new_vers [] [] = (ok_so_far, pp, new_vers)
- diff ok_so_far pp new_vers (od:ods) [] = diff False (pp $$ only_old od) new_vers ods []
- diff ok_so_far pp new_vers [] (nd:nds) = diff False (pp $$ only_new nd) new_vers_with_new [] nds
- where
- new_vers_with_new = extendNameEnv new_vers (tyClDeclName nd) (bumpVersion False old_mod_vers)
- -- When adding a new item, start from the old module version
- -- This way, if you have version 4 of f, then delete f, then add f again,
- -- you'll get version 6 of f, which will (correctly) force recompilation of
- -- clients
- diff ok_so_far pp new_vers (od:ods) (nd:nds)
- = case od_name `compare` nd_name of
- LT -> diff False (pp $$ only_old od) new_vers ods (nd:nds)
- GT -> diff False (pp $$ only_new nd) new_vers (od:ods) nds
- EQ | od `eq_tc` nd -> diff ok_so_far pp new_vers ods nds
- | otherwise -> diff False (pp $$ changed od nd) new_vers_with_diff ods nds
- where
- od_name = tyClDeclName od
- nd_name = tyClDeclName nd
- new_vers_with_diff = extendNameEnv new_vers nd_name (bumpVersion False old_version)
- old_version = lookupVersion old_decls_vers od_name
- only_old d = ptext SLIT("Only in old iface:") <+> ppr d
- only_new d = ptext SLIT("Only in new iface:") <+> ppr d
- changed od nd = ptext SLIT("Changed in iface: ") <+> ((ptext SLIT("Old:") <+> ppr od) $$
- (ptext SLIT("New:") <+> ppr nd))
-%* *
-\subsection{Writing an interface file}
-%* *
-pprIface :: ModIface -> SDoc
-pprIface iface
- = vcat [ ptext SLIT("__interface")
- <+> doubleQuotes (ftext (mi_package iface))
- <+> ppr (mi_module iface) <+> ppr (vers_module version_info)
- <+> pp_sub_vers
- <+> (if mi_orphan iface then char '!' else empty)
- <+> int opt_HiVersion
- <+> ptext SLIT("where")
- , pprExports nameOccName (mi_exports iface)
- , pprDeps (mi_deps iface)
- , pprUsages nameOccName (mi_usages iface)
- , pprFixities (mi_fixities iface) (dcl_tycl decls)
- , pprIfaceDecls (vers_decls version_info) decls
- , pprRulesAndDeprecs (dcl_rules decls) (mi_deprecs iface)
- ]
- where
- version_info = mi_version iface
- decls = mi_decls iface
- exp_vers = vers_exports version_info
- rule_vers = vers_rules version_info
- pp_sub_vers | exp_vers == initialVersion && rule_vers == initialVersion = empty
- | otherwise = brackets (ppr exp_vers <+> ppr rule_vers)
-When printing export lists, we print like this:
- Avail f f
- AvailTC C [C, x, y] C(x,y)
- AvailTC C [x, y] C!(x,y) -- Exporting x, y but not C
-pprExports :: Eq a => (a -> OccName) -> [(ModuleName, [GenAvailInfo a])] -> SDoc
-pprExports getOcc exports = vcat (map (pprExport getOcc) exports)
-pprExport :: Eq a => (a -> OccName) -> (ModuleName, [GenAvailInfo a]) -> SDoc
-pprExport getOcc (mod, items)
- = hsep [ ptext SLIT("__export "), ppr mod, hsep (map pp_avail items) ] <> semi
- where
- --pp_avail :: GenAvailInfo a -> SDoc
- pp_avail (Avail name) = ppr (getOcc name)
- pp_avail (AvailTC _ []) = empty
- pp_avail (AvailTC n (n':ns))
- | n==n' = ppr (getOcc n) <> pp_export ns
- | otherwise = ppr (getOcc n) <> char '|' <> pp_export (n':ns)
- pp_export [] = empty
- pp_export names = braces (hsep (map (ppr.getOcc) names))
-pprOcc :: Name -> SDoc -- Print the occurrence name only
-pprOcc n = pprOccName (nameOccName n)
-pprUsages :: (a -> OccName) -> [Usage a] -> SDoc
-pprUsages getOcc usages = vcat (map (pprUsage getOcc) usages)
-pprUsage :: (a -> OccName) -> Usage a -> SDoc
-pprUsage getOcc usage
- = hsep [ptext SLIT("import"), ppr (usg_name usage),
- int (usg_mod usage),
- pp_export_version (usg_exports usage),
- int (usg_rules usage),
- pp_versions (usg_entities usage)
- ] <> semi
- where
- pp_versions nvs = hsep [ ppr (getOcc n) <+> int v | (n,v) <- nvs ]
- pp_export_version Nothing = empty
- pp_export_version (Just v) = int v
-pprDeps :: Dependencies -> SDoc
-pprDeps (Deps { dep_mods = mods, dep_pkgs = pkgs, dep_orphs = orphs})
- = vcat [ptext SLIT("module dependencies:") <+> fsep (map ppr_mod mods),
- ptext SLIT("package dependencies:") <+> fsep (map ppr pkgs),
- ptext SLIT("orphans:") <+> fsep (map ppr orphs)
- ]
- where
- ppr_mod (mod_name, boot) = ppr mod_name <+> ppr_boot boot
- ppr_boot True = text "[boot]"
- ppr_boot False = empty
-pprIfaceDecls :: NameEnv Int -> IfaceDecls -> SDoc
-pprIfaceDecls version_map decls
- = vcat [ vcat [ppr i <+> semi | i <- dcl_insts decls]
- , vcat (map ppr_decl (dcl_tycl decls))
- ]
- where
- ppr_decl d = ppr_vers d <+> ppr d <> semi
- -- Print the version for the decl
- ppr_vers d = case lookupNameEnv version_map (tyClDeclName d) of
- Nothing -> empty
- Just v -> int v
-pprFixities :: FixityEnv
- -> [TyClDecl Name]
- -> SDoc
-pprFixities fixity_map decls
- = hsep [ ppr fix <+> ppr n
- | FixitySig n fix _ <- collectFixities fixity_map decls ] <> semi
--- Disgusting to print these two together, but that's
--- the way the interface parser currently expects them.
-pprRulesAndDeprecs :: (Outputable a) => [a] -> Deprecations -> SDoc
-pprRulesAndDeprecs [] NoDeprecs = empty
-pprRulesAndDeprecs rules deprecs
- = ptext SLIT("{-##") <+> (pp_rules rules $$ pp_deprecs deprecs) <+> ptext SLIT("##-}")
- where
- pp_rules [] = empty
- pp_rules rules = ptext SLIT("__R") <+> vcat (map ppr rules)
- pp_deprecs NoDeprecs = empty
- pp_deprecs deprecs = ptext SLIT("__D") <+> guts
- where
- guts = case deprecs of
- DeprecAll txt -> doubleQuotes (ftext txt)
- DeprecSome env -> ppr_deprec_env env
-ppr_deprec_env :: NameEnv (Name, FastString) -> SDoc
-ppr_deprec_env env = vcat (punctuate semi (map pp_deprec (nameEnvElts env)))
- where
- pp_deprec (name, txt) = pprOcc name <+> doubleQuotes (ftext txt)
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/ParsePkgConf.y b/ghc/compiler/main/ParsePkgConf.y
index cfecbca2a6..abbbcea1eb 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/ParsePkgConf.y
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/ParsePkgConf.y
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ loadPackageConfig conf_filename = do
buf <- hGetStringBuffer conf_filename
let loc = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString conf_filename) 1 0
case unP parse (mkPState buf loc defaultDynFlags) of
- PFailed l1 l2 err -> do
- throwDyn (InstallationError (showPFailed l1 l2 err))
+ PFailed l1 l2 err ->
+ throwDyn (InstallationError (showSDoc (showPFailed l1 l2 err)))
POk _ pkg_details -> do
return pkg_details
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/main/TidyPgm.lhs b/ghc/compiler/main/TidyPgm.lhs
index 61b5b8ecc4..aaedea479b 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/main/TidyPgm.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/main/TidyPgm.lhs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module TidyPgm( tidyCorePgm, tidyCoreExpr ) where
#include "HsVersions.h"
-import CmdLineOpts ( DynFlags, DynFlag(..), dopt )
+import CmdLineOpts ( DynFlag(..), dopt )
import CoreSyn
import CoreUnfold ( noUnfolding, mkTopUnfolding )
import CoreFVs ( ruleLhsFreeIds, ruleRhsFreeVars, exprSomeFreeVars )
@@ -26,16 +26,15 @@ import Id ( idType, idInfo, idName, idCoreRules,
import IdInfo {- loads of stuff -}
import NewDemand ( isBottomingSig, topSig )
import BasicTypes ( Arity, isNeverActive )
-import Name ( getOccName, nameOccName, mkInternalName,
- localiseName, isExternalName, nameSrcLoc
+import Name ( Name, getOccName, nameOccName, mkInternalName,
+ localiseName, isExternalName, nameSrcLoc, nameParent_maybe
-import RnEnv ( lookupOrigNameCache, newExternalName )
+import IfaceEnv ( allocateGlobalBinder )
import NameEnv ( lookupNameEnv, filterNameEnv )
import OccName ( TidyOccEnv, initTidyOccEnv, tidyOccName )
import Type ( tidyTopType )
import Module ( Module )
-import HscTypes ( PersistentCompilerState( pcs_nc ),
- NameCache( nsNames, nsUniqs ),
+import HscTypes ( HscEnv(..), NameCache( nsUniqs ),
TypeEnv, extendTypeEnvList, typeEnvIds,
ModGuts(..), ModGuts, TyThing(..)
@@ -44,9 +43,9 @@ import ErrUtils ( showPass, dumpIfSet_core )
import UniqFM ( mapUFM )
import UniqSupply ( splitUniqSupply, uniqFromSupply )
import List ( partition )
-import Util ( mapAccumL )
import Maybe ( isJust )
import Outputable
+import DATA_IOREF ( IORef, readIORef, writeIORef )
import FastTypes hiding ( fastOr )
@@ -86,7 +85,7 @@ binder
[Even non-exported things need system-wide Uniques because the
byte-code generator builds a single Name->BCO symbol table.]
- We use the NameCache kept in the PersistentCompilerState as the
+ We use the NameCache kept in the HscEnv as the
source of such system-wide uniques.
For external Ids, use the original-name cache in the NameCache
@@ -118,16 +117,15 @@ throughout, including in unfoldings. We also tidy binders in
RHSs, so that they print nicely in interfaces.
-tidyCorePgm :: DynFlags
- -> PersistentCompilerState
- -> ModGuts
- -> IO (PersistentCompilerState, ModGuts)
+tidyCorePgm :: HscEnv -> ModGuts -> IO ModGuts
-tidyCorePgm dflags pcs
+tidyCorePgm hsc_env
mod_impl@(ModGuts { mg_module = mod,
mg_types = env_tc, mg_insts = insts_tc,
mg_binds = binds_in, mg_rules = orphans_in })
- = do { showPass dflags "Tidy Core"
+ = do { let { dflags = hsc_dflags hsc_env
+ ; nc_var = hsc_NC hsc_env }
+ ; showPass dflags "Tidy Core"
; let omit_iface_prags = dopt Opt_OmitInterfacePragmas dflags
; let ext_ids = findExternalSet omit_iface_prags binds_in orphans_in
@@ -146,9 +144,8 @@ tidyCorePgm dflags pcs
-- The second exported decl must 'get' the name 'f', so we
-- have to put 'f' in the avoids list before we get to the first
-- decl. tidyTopId then does a no-op on exported binders.
- ; let orig_ns = pcs_nc pcs
- init_tidy_env = (orig_ns, initTidyOccEnv avoids, emptyVarEnv)
- avoids = [getOccName name | bndr <- typeEnvIds env_tc,
+ ; let init_env = (initTidyOccEnv avoids, emptyVarEnv)
+ avoids = [getOccName name | bndr <- typeEnvIds env_tc,
let name = idName bndr,
isExternalName name]
-- In computing our "avoids" list, we must include
@@ -158,13 +155,10 @@ tidyCorePgm dflags pcs
-- since their names are "taken".
-- The type environment is a convenient source of such things.
- ; let ((orig_ns', occ_env, subst_env), tidy_binds)
- = mapAccumL (tidyTopBind mod ext_ids)
- init_tidy_env binds_in
+ ; (final_env, tidy_binds)
+ <- tidyTopBinds mod nc_var ext_ids init_env binds_in
- ; let tidy_rules = tidyIdRules (occ_env,subst_env) ext_rules
- ; let pcs' = pcs { pcs_nc = orig_ns' }
+ ; let tidy_rules = tidyIdRules final_env ext_rules
; let tidy_type_env = mkFinalTypeEnv omit_iface_prags env_tc tidy_binds
@@ -173,7 +167,8 @@ tidyCorePgm dflags pcs
-- to lookup the id in the TypeEnv too, because
-- those Ids have had their IdInfo stripped if
-- necessary.
- ; let lookup_dfun_id id =
+ ; let (_, subst_env ) = final_env
+ lookup_dfun_id id =
case lookupVarEnv subst_env id of
Nothing -> dfun_panic
Just id ->
@@ -195,7 +190,7 @@ tidyCorePgm dflags pcs
"Tidy Core Rules"
(pprIdRules tidy_rules)
- ; return (pcs', tidy_result)
+ ; return tidy_result
tidyCoreExpr :: CoreExpr -> IO CoreExpr
@@ -220,7 +215,7 @@ mkFinalTypeEnv :: Bool -- Omit interface pragmas
-- b) removing all Ids,
-- c) adding Ids with correct IdInfo, including unfoldings,
-- gotten from the bindings
--- From (c) we keep only those Ids with Global names;
+-- From (c) we keep only those Ids with External names;
-- the CoreTidy pass makes sure these are all and only
-- the externally-accessible ones
-- This truncates the type environment to include only the
@@ -397,10 +392,8 @@ addExternal omit_iface_prags (id,rhs) needed
-type TopTidyEnv = (NameCache, TidyOccEnv, VarEnv Var)
-- TopTidyEnv: when tidying we need to know
--- * ns: The NameCache, containing a unique supply and any pre-ordained Names.
+-- * nc_var: The NameCache, containing a unique supply and any pre-ordained Names.
-- These may have arisen because the
-- renamer read in an interface file mentioning M.$wf, say,
-- and assigned it unique r77. If, on this compilation, we've
@@ -412,91 +405,151 @@ type TopTidyEnv = (NameCache, TidyOccEnv, VarEnv Var)
-- are 'used'
-- * subst_env: A Var->Var mapping that substitutes the new Var for the old
+tidyTopBinds :: Module
+ -> IORef NameCache -- For allocating new unique names
+ -> IdEnv Bool -- Domain = Ids that should be external
+ -- True <=> their unfolding is external too
+ -> TidyEnv -> [CoreBind]
+ -> IO (TidyEnv, [CoreBind])
+tidyTopBinds mod nc_var ext_ids tidy_env []
+ = return (tidy_env, [])
+tidyTopBinds mod nc_var ext_ids tidy_env (b:bs)
+ = do { (tidy_env1, b') <- tidyTopBind mod nc_var ext_ids tidy_env b
+ ; (tidy_env2, bs') <- tidyTopBinds mod nc_var ext_ids tidy_env1 bs
+ ; return (tidy_env2, b':bs') }
tidyTopBind :: Module
- -> IdEnv Bool -- Domain = Ids that should be external
+ -> IORef NameCache -- For allocating new unique names
+ -> IdEnv Bool -- Domain = Ids that should be external
-- True <=> their unfolding is external too
- -> TopTidyEnv -> CoreBind
- -> (TopTidyEnv, CoreBind)
-tidyTopBind mod ext_ids top_tidy_env@(_,_,subst1) (NonRec bndr rhs)
- = ((orig,occ,subst) , NonRec bndr' rhs')
+ -> TidyEnv -> CoreBind
+ -> IO (TidyEnv, CoreBind)
+tidyTopBind mod nc_var ext_ids tidy_env1@(occ_env1,subst1) (NonRec bndr rhs)
+ = do { (occ_env2, name') <- tidyTopName mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env1 bndr
+ ; let { (bndr', rhs') = tidyTopPair ext_ids tidy_env2 caf_info name' (bndr, rhs)
+ ; subst2 = extendVarEnv subst1 bndr bndr'
+ ; tidy_env2 = (occ_env2, subst2) }
+ ; return (tidy_env2, NonRec bndr' rhs') }
- ((orig,occ,subst), bndr')
- = tidyTopBinder mod ext_ids caf_info
- rec_tidy_env rhs rhs' top_tidy_env bndr
- rec_tidy_env = (occ,subst)
- rhs' = tidyExpr rec_tidy_env rhs
- caf_info = hasCafRefs subst1 (idArity bndr') rhs'
-tidyTopBind mod ext_ids top_tidy_env@(_,_,subst1) (Rec prs)
- = (final_env, Rec prs')
+ caf_info = hasCafRefs subst1 (idArity bndr) rhs
+tidyTopBind mod nc_var ext_ids tidy_env1@(occ_env1,subst1) (Rec prs)
+ = do { (occ_env2, names') <- tidyTopNames mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env1 bndrs
+ ; let { prs' = zipWith (tidyTopPair ext_ids tidy_env2 caf_info)
+ names' prs
+ ; subst2 = extendVarEnvList subst1 (bndrs `zip` map fst prs')
+ ; tidy_env2 = (occ_env2, subst2) }
+ ; return (tidy_env2, Rec prs') }
- (final_env@(_,occ,subst), prs') = mapAccumL do_one top_tidy_env prs
- rec_tidy_env = (occ,subst)
- do_one top_tidy_env (bndr,rhs)
- = ((orig,occ,subst), (bndr',rhs'))
- where
- ((orig,occ,subst), bndr')
- = tidyTopBinder mod ext_ids caf_info
- rec_tidy_env rhs rhs' top_tidy_env bndr
- rhs' = tidyExpr rec_tidy_env rhs
+ bndrs = map fst prs
-- the CafInfo for a recursive group says whether *any* rhs in
-- the group may refer indirectly to a CAF (because then, they all do).
| or [ mayHaveCafRefs (hasCafRefs subst1 (idArity bndr) rhs)
| (bndr,rhs) <- prs ] = MayHaveCafRefs
- | otherwise = NoCafRefs
-tidyTopBinder :: Module -> IdEnv Bool -> CafInfo
- -> TidyEnv -- The TidyEnv is used to tidy the IdInfo
- -> CoreExpr -- RHS *before* tidying
- -> CoreExpr -- RHS *after* tidying
- -- The TidyEnv and the after-tidying RHS are
- -- both are knot-tied: don't look at them!
- -> TopTidyEnv -> Id -> (TopTidyEnv, Id)
- -- NB: tidyTopBinder doesn't affect the unique supply
-tidyTopBinder mod ext_ids caf_info rec_tidy_env rhs tidy_rhs
- env@(ns2, occ_env2, subst_env2) id
+ | otherwise = NoCafRefs
+-- tidyTopName
+-- This is where we set names to local/global based on whether they really are
+-- externally visible (see comment at the top of this module). If the name
+-- was previously local, we have to give it a unique occurrence name if
+-- we intend to externalise it.
+tidyTopNames mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env [] = return (occ_env, [])
+tidyTopNames mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env (id:ids)
+ = do { (occ_env1, name) <- tidyTopName mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env id
+ ; (occ_env2, names) <- tidyTopNames mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env1 ids
+ ; return (occ_env2, name:names) }
+tidyTopName :: Module -> IORef NameCache -> VarEnv Bool -> TidyOccEnv
+ -> Id -> IO (TidyOccEnv, Name)
+tidyTopName mod nc_var ext_ids occ_env id
+ | global && internal = return (occ_env, localiseName name)
+ | global && external = return (occ_env, name)
+ -- Global names are assumed to have been allocated by the renamer,
+ -- so they already have the "right" unique
+ -- And it's a system-wide unique too
+ -- Now we get to the real reason that all this is in the IO Monad:
+ -- we have to update the name cache in a nice atomic fashion
+ | local && internal = do { nc <- readIORef nc_var
+ ; let (nc', new_local_name) = mk_new_local nc
+ ; writeIORef nc_var nc'
+ ; return (occ_env', new_local_name) }
+ -- Even local, internal names must get a unique occurrence, because
+ -- if we do -split-objs we externalise the name later, in the code generator
+ --
+ -- Similarly, we must make sure it has a system-wide Unique, because
+ -- the byte-code generator builds a system-wide Name->BCO symbol table
+ | local && external = do { nc <- readIORef nc_var
+ ; let (nc', new_external_name) = mk_new_external nc
+ ; writeIORef nc_var nc'
+ ; return (occ_env', new_external_name) }
+ where
+ name = idName id
+ external = id `elemVarEnv` ext_ids
+ global = isExternalName name
+ local = not global
+ internal = not external
+ mb_parent = nameParent_maybe name
+ loc = nameSrcLoc name
+ (occ_env', occ') = tidyOccName occ_env (nameOccName name)
+ mk_new_local nc = (nc { nsUniqs = us2 }, mkInternalName uniq occ' loc)
+ where
+ (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply (nsUniqs nc)
+ uniq = uniqFromSupply us1
+ mk_new_external nc = allocateGlobalBinder nc mod occ' mb_parent loc
+ -- If we want to externalise a currently-local name, check
+ -- whether we have already assigned a unique for it.
+ -- If so, use it; if not, extend the table.
+ -- All this is done by allcoateGlobalBinder.
+ -- This is needed when *re*-compiling a module in GHCi; we want to
+ -- use the same name for externally-visible things as we did before.
+tidyTopPair :: VarEnv Bool
+ -> TidyEnv -- The TidyEnv is used to tidy the IdInfo
+ -- It is knot-tied: don't look at it!
+ -> CafInfo
+ -> Name -- New name
+ -> (Id, CoreExpr) -- Binder and RHS before tidying
+ -> (Id, CoreExpr)
-- This function is the heart of Step 2
-- The rec_tidy_env is the one to use for the IdInfo
-- It's necessary because when we are dealing with a recursive
-- group, a variable late in the group might be mentioned
-- in the IdInfo of one early in the group
- -- The rhs is already tidied
- = ASSERT(isLocalId id) -- "all Ids defined in this module are local
- -- until the CoreTidy phase" --GHC comentary
- ((orig_env', occ_env', subst_env'), id')
+tidyTopPair ext_ids rhs_tidy_env caf_info name' (bndr, rhs)
+ = ASSERT(isLocalId bndr) -- "all Ids defined in this module are local
+ -- until the CoreTidy phase" --GHC comentary
+ (bndr', rhs')
- (orig_env', occ_env', name') = tidyTopName mod ns2 occ_env2
- is_external
- (idName id)
- ty' = tidyTopType (idType id)
- idinfo = tidyTopIdInfo rec_tidy_env is_external
- (idInfo id) unfold_info arity
- caf_info
- id' = mkVanillaGlobal name' ty' idinfo
- subst_env' = extendVarEnv subst_env2 id id'
- maybe_external = lookupVarEnv ext_ids id
- is_external = isJust maybe_external
+ bndr' = mkVanillaGlobal name' ty' idinfo'
+ ty' = tidyTopType (idType bndr)
+ rhs' = tidyExpr rhs_tidy_env rhs
+ idinfo' = tidyTopIdInfo rhs_tidy_env (isJust maybe_external)
+ (idInfo bndr) unfold_info arity
+ caf_info
-- Expose an unfolding if ext_ids tells us to
-- Remember that ext_ids maps an Id to a Bool:
-- True to show the unfolding, False to hide it
+ maybe_external = lookupVarEnv ext_ids bndr
show_unfold = maybe_external `orElse` False
- unfold_info | show_unfold = mkTopUnfolding tidy_rhs
+ unfold_info | show_unfold = mkTopUnfolding rhs'
| otherwise = noUnfolding
-- Usually the Id will have an accurate arity on it, because
@@ -542,50 +595,6 @@ tidyTopIdInfo tidy_env is_external idinfo unfold_info arity caf_info
-- They have already been extracted by findExternalRules
--- This is where we set names to local/global based on whether they really are
--- externally visible (see comment at the top of this module). If the name
--- was previously local, we have to give it a unique occurrence name if
--- we intend to externalise it.
-tidyTopName mod ns occ_env external name
- | global && internal = (ns, occ_env, localiseName name)
- | global && external = (ns, occ_env, name)
- -- Global names are assumed to have been allocated by the renamer,
- -- so they already have the "right" unique
- -- And it's a system-wide unique too
- | local && internal = (ns_w_local, occ_env', new_local_name)
- -- Even local, internal names must get a unique occurrence, because
- -- if we do -split-objs we externalise the name later, in the code generator
- --
- -- Similarly, we must make sure it has a system-wide Unique, because
- -- the byte-code generator builds a system-wide Name->BCO symbol table
- | local && external = case lookupOrigNameCache ns_names mod occ' of
- Just orig -> (ns, occ_env', orig)
- Nothing -> (ns_w_global, occ_env', new_external_name)
- -- If we want to externalise a currently-local name, check
- -- whether we have already assigned a unique for it.
- -- If so, use it; if not, extend the table (ns_w_global).
- -- This is needed when *re*-compiling a module in GHCi; we want to
- -- use the same name for externally-visible things as we did before.
- where
- global = isExternalName name
- local = not global
- internal = not external
- loc = nameSrcLoc name
- (occ_env', occ') = tidyOccName occ_env (nameOccName name)
- ns_names = nsNames ns
- (us1, us2) = splitUniqSupply (nsUniqs ns)
- uniq = uniqFromSupply us1
- new_local_name = mkInternalName uniq occ' loc
- ns_w_local = ns { nsUniqs = us2 }
- (ns_w_global, new_external_name) = newExternalName ns mod occ' loc
------------ Worker --------------
tidyWorker tidy_env (HasWorker work_id wrap_arity)