path: root/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AlphaDesc.lhs
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1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AlphaDesc.lhs b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AlphaDesc.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e9ea4d067b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/nativeGen/AlphaDesc.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+% (c) The AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1994-1995
+\section[AlphaDesc]{The Alpha Machine Description}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module AlphaDesc (
+ mkAlpha,
+ -- and assorted nonsense referenced by the class methods
+ PprStyle, SMRep, MagicId, RegLoc, StixTree, PrimKind, SwitchResult
+ ) where
+import AbsCSyn
+import AbsPrel ( PrimOp(..)
+ )
+import AsmRegAlloc ( Reg, MachineCode(..), MachineRegisters(..),
+ RegUsage(..), RegLiveness(..), FutureLive(..)
+ )
+import CLabelInfo ( CLabel )
+import CmdLineOpts ( GlobalSwitch(..), stringSwitchSet,
+ switchIsOn, SwitchResult(..)
+ )
+import HeapOffs ( hpRelToInt )
+import MachDesc
+import Maybes ( Maybe(..) )
+import OrdList
+import Outputable
+import PrimKind ( PrimKind(..) )
+import SMRep ( SMRep(..), SMSpecRepKind(..), SMUpdateKind(..) )
+import AlphaCode
+import AlphaGen ( alphaCodeGen )
+import Stix
+import StixMacro
+import StixPrim
+import SplitUniq
+import Unique
+import Util
+Header sizes depend only on command-line options, not on the target
+architecture. (I think.)
+fhs :: (GlobalSwitch -> SwitchResult) -> Int
+fhs switches = 1 + profFHS + ageFHS
+ where
+ profFHS = if switchIsOn switches SccProfilingOn then 1 else 0
+ ageFHS = if switchIsOn switches SccProfilingOn then 1 else 0
+vhs :: (GlobalSwitch -> SwitchResult) -> SMRep -> Int
+vhs switches sm = case sm of
+ StaticRep _ _ -> 0
+ SpecialisedRep _ _ _ _ -> 0
+ GenericRep _ _ _ -> 0
+ BigTupleRep _ -> 1
+ MuTupleRep _ -> 2 {- (1 + GC_MUT_RESERVED_WORDS) -}
+ DataRep _ -> 1
+ DynamicRep -> 2
+ BlackHoleRep -> 0
+ PhantomRep -> panic "vhs:phantom"
+Here we map STG registers onto appropriate Stix Trees. First, we
+handle the two constants, @STK_STUB_closure@ and @vtbl_StdUpdFrame@.
+The rest are either in real machine registers or stored as offsets
+from BaseReg.
+alphaReg :: (GlobalSwitch -> SwitchResult) -> MagicId -> RegLoc
+alphaReg switches x =
+ case stgRegMap x of
+ Just reg -> Save nonReg
+ Nothing -> Always nonReg
+ where nonReg = case x of
+ StkStubReg -> sStLitLbl SLIT("STK_STUB_closure")
+ StdUpdRetVecReg -> sStLitLbl SLIT("vtbl_StdUpdFrame")
+ BaseReg -> sStLitLbl SLIT("MainRegTable")
+ Hp -> StInd PtrKind (sStLitLbl SLIT("StorageMgrInfo"))
+ HpLim -> StInd PtrKind (sStLitLbl SLIT("StorageMgrInfo+8"))
+ TagReg -> StInd IntKind (StPrim IntSubOp [infoptr, StInt (1*8)])
+ where
+ r2 = VanillaReg PtrKind ILIT(2)
+ infoptr = case alphaReg switches r2 of
+ Always tree -> tree
+ Save _ -> StReg (StixMagicId r2)
+ _ -> StInd (kindFromMagicId x)
+ (StPrim IntAddOp [baseLoc, StInt (toInteger (offset*8))])
+ baseLoc = case stgRegMap BaseReg of
+ Just _ -> StReg (StixMagicId BaseReg)
+ Nothing -> sStLitLbl SLIT("MainRegTable")
+ offset = baseRegOffset x
+Sizes in bytes.
+size pk = case kindToSize pk of
+ {B -> 1; BU -> 1; W -> 2; WU -> 2; L -> 4; FF -> 4; SF -> 4; _ -> 8}
+Now the volatile saves and restores. We add the basic guys to the list of ``user''
+registers provided. Note that there are more basic registers on the restore list,
+because some are reloaded from constants.
+vsaves switches vols =
+ map save ((filter callerSaves) ([BaseReg,SpA,SuA,SpB,SuB,Hp,HpLim,RetReg,ActivityReg] ++ vols))
+ where
+ save x = StAssign (kindFromMagicId x) loc reg
+ where reg = StReg (StixMagicId x)
+ loc = case alphaReg switches x of
+ Save loc -> loc
+ Always loc -> panic "vsaves"
+vrests switches vols =
+ map restore ((filter callerSaves)
+ ([BaseReg,SpA,SuA,SpB,SuB,Hp,HpLim,RetReg,ActivityReg,StkStubReg,StdUpdRetVecReg] ++ vols))
+ where
+ restore x = StAssign (kindFromMagicId x) reg loc
+ where reg = StReg (StixMagicId x)
+ loc = case alphaReg switches x of
+ Save loc -> loc
+ Always loc -> panic "vrests"
+Static closure sizes.
+charLikeSize, intLikeSize :: Target -> Int
+charLikeSize target =
+ size PtrKind * (fixedHeaderSize target + varHeaderSize target charLikeRep + 1)
+ where charLikeRep = SpecialisedRep CharLikeRep 0 1 SMNormalForm
+intLikeSize target =
+ size PtrKind * (fixedHeaderSize target + varHeaderSize target intLikeRep + 1)
+ where intLikeRep = SpecialisedRep IntLikeRep 0 1 SMNormalForm
+mhs, dhs :: (GlobalSwitch -> SwitchResult) -> StixTree
+mhs switches = StInt (toInteger words)
+ where
+ words = fhs switches + vhs switches (MuTupleRep 0)
+dhs switches = StInt (toInteger words)
+ where
+ words = fhs switches + vhs switches (DataRep 0)
+Setting up a alpha target.
+mkAlpha :: (GlobalSwitch -> SwitchResult) -> Target
+mkAlpha switches =
+ let fhs' = fhs switches
+ vhs' = vhs switches
+ alphaReg' = alphaReg switches
+ vsaves' = vsaves switches
+ vrests' = vrests switches
+ hprel = hpRelToInt target
+ as = amodeCode target
+ as' = amodeCode' target
+ csz = charLikeSize target
+ isz = intLikeSize target
+ mhs' = mhs switches
+ dhs' = dhs switches
+ ps = genPrimCode target
+ mc = genMacroCode target
+ hc = doHeapCheck target
+ target = mkTarget switches fhs' vhs' alphaReg' id size vsaves' vrests'
+ hprel as as' csz isz mhs' dhs' ps mc hc
+ alphaCodeGen False mungeLabel
+ in target
+The alpha assembler likes temporary labels to look like \tr{$L123}
+instead of \tr{L123}. (Don't toss the \tr{L}, because then \tr{Lf28}
+turns into \tr{$f28}.)
+mungeLabel :: String -> String
+mungeLabel xs = '$' : xs