path: root/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimKind.lhs
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diff --git a/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimKind.lhs b/ghc/compiler/prelude/PrimKind.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+\section[PrimKind]{Primitive machine-level kinds of things.}
+At various places in the back end, we want to be to tag things with a
+``primitive kind''---i.e., the machine-manipulable implementation
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module PrimKind (
+ PrimKind(..),
+ separateByPtrFollowness, isFollowableKind, isFloatingKind,
+ getKindSize, retKindSize,
+ getKindInfo, -- ToDo: DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE
+ showPrimKind,
+ guessPrimKind,
+ -- and to make the interface self-sufficient...
+ Id, DataCon(..), TyCon, UniType
+ ) where
+#ifdef DPH
+import TyPod
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+import AbsUniType -- we use more than I want to type in...
+import Id ( Id, DataCon(..) )
+import Outputable -- class for printing, forcing
+import TysPrim
+import Pretty -- pretty-printing code
+import Util
+#ifndef DPH
+#include "../../includes/GhcConstants.h"
+#include "../dphsystem/imports/DphConstants.h"
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+%* *
+\subsection[PrimKind-datatype]{The @PrimKind@ datatype}
+%* *
+data PrimKind
+ = -- These pointer-kinds are all really the same, but we keep
+ -- them separate for documentation purposes.
+ PtrKind -- Pointer to a closure; a ``word''.
+ | CodePtrKind -- Pointer to code
+ | DataPtrKind -- Pointer to data
+ | RetKind -- Pointer to code or data (return vector or code pointer)
+ | InfoPtrKind -- Pointer to info table (DPH only?)
+ | CostCentreKind -- Pointer to a cost centre
+ | CharKind -- Machine characters
+ | IntKind -- integers (at least 32 bits)
+ | WordKind -- ditto (but *unsigned*)
+ | AddrKind -- addresses ("C pointers")
+ | FloatKind -- floats
+ | DoubleKind -- doubles
+ | MallocPtrKind -- This has to be a special kind because ccall
+ -- generates special code when passing/returning
+ -- one of these. [ADR]
+ | StablePtrKind -- We could replace this with IntKind but maybe
+ -- there's some documentation gain from having
+ -- it special? [ADR]
+ | ArrayKind -- Primitive array of Haskell pointers
+ | ByteArrayKind -- Primitive array of bytes (no Haskell pointers)
+ | VoidKind -- Occupies no space at all!
+ -- (Primitive states are mapped onto this)
+#ifdef DPH
+ | PodNKind Int PrimKind
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+ -- Kinds are used in PrimTyCons, which need both Eq and Ord
+ -- Text is needed for derived-Text on PrimitiveOps
+%* *
+\subsection[PrimKind-predicates]{Follow-ness, sizes, and such---on @PrimitiveKinds@}
+%* *
+Whether or not the thing is a pointer that the garbage-collector
+should follow.
+Or, to put it another (less confusing) way, whether the object in
+question is a heap object.
+isFollowableKind :: PrimKind -> Bool
+isFollowableKind PtrKind = True
+isFollowableKind ArrayKind = True
+isFollowableKind ByteArrayKind = True
+isFollowableKind MallocPtrKind = True
+isFollowableKind StablePtrKind = False
+-- StablePtrs aren't followable because they are just indices into a
+-- table for which explicit allocation/ deallocation is required.
+isFollowableKind other = False
+separateByPtrFollowness :: (a -> PrimKind) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
+separateByPtrFollowness kind_fun things
+ = sep_things kind_fun things [] []
+ -- accumulating params for follow-able and don't-follow things...
+ where
+ sep_things kfun [] bs us = (reverse bs, reverse us)
+ sep_things kfun (t:ts) bs us
+ = if (isFollowableKind . kfun) t then
+ sep_things kfun ts (t:bs) us
+ else
+ sep_things kfun ts bs (t:us)
+@isFloatingKind@ is used to distinguish @Double@ and @Float@ which
+cause inadvertent numeric conversions if you aren't jolly careful.
+See codeGen/CgCon:cgTopRhsCon.
+isFloatingKind :: PrimKind -> Bool
+isFloatingKind DoubleKind = True
+isFloatingKind FloatKind = True
+isFloatingKind other = False
+getKindSize :: PrimKind -> Int
+getKindSize DoubleKind = DOUBLE_SIZE -- "words", of course
+--getKindSize FloatKind = 1
+--getKindSize CharKind = 1 -- ToDo: count in bytes?
+--getKindSize ArrayKind = 1 -- Listed specifically for *documentation*
+--getKindSize ByteArrayKind = 1
+#ifdef DPH
+getKindSize (PodNKind _ _) = panic "getKindSize: PodNKind"
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+getKindSize VoidKind = 0
+getKindSize other = 1
+retKindSize :: Int
+retKindSize = getKindSize RetKind
+%* *
+\subsection[PrimKind-type-fns]{@PrimitiveKinds@ and @UniTypes@}
+%* *
+@PrimitiveKinds@ are used in @PrimitiveOps@, for which we often need
+to reconstruct various type information. (It's slightly more
+convenient/efficient to make type info from kinds, than kinds [etc.]
+from type info.)
+getKindInfo ::
+ PrimKind -> (String, -- tag string
+ UniType, TyCon) -- prim type and tycon
+getKindInfo CharKind = ("Char", charPrimTy, charPrimTyCon)
+getKindInfo IntKind = ("Int", intPrimTy, intPrimTyCon)
+getKindInfo WordKind = ("Word", wordPrimTy, wordPrimTyCon)
+getKindInfo AddrKind = ("Addr", addrPrimTy, addrPrimTyCon)
+getKindInfo FloatKind = ("Float", floatPrimTy, floatPrimTyCon)
+getKindInfo DoubleKind = ("Double", doublePrimTy, doublePrimTyCon)
+#ifdef DPH
+getKindInfo k@(PodNKind d kind)
+ = case kind of
+ PtrKind ->(no_no, no_no, no_no, no_no, no_no, no_no)
+ CharKind ->("Char.Pod"++show d, mkPodizedPodNTy d charPrimTy,
+ no_no, mkPodizedPodNTy d charTy, no_no, no_no)
+ IntKind ->("Int.Pod"++show d, mkPodizedPodNTy d intPrimTy,
+ no_no, mkPodizedPodNTy d intTy, no_no , no_no)
+ FloatKind ->("Float.Pod"++show d, mkPodizedPodNTy d floatPrimTy,
+ no_no ,mkPodizedPodNTy d floatTy, no_no, no_no)
+ DoubleKind->("Double.Pod"++show d, mkPodizedPodNTy d doublePrimTy,
+ no_no, mkPodizedPodNTy d doubleTy, no_no, no_no)
+ AddrKind ->("Addr.Pod"++show d, mkPodizedPodNTy d addrPrimTy,
+ no_no, no_no, no_no, no_no)
+ _ -> pprPanic "Found PodNKind" (ppr PprDebug k)
+ where
+ no_no = panic "getKindInfo: PodNKind"
+getKindInfo other = pprPanic "getKindInfo" (ppr PprDebug other)
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+%* *
+\subsection[PrimKind-instances]{Boring instance decls for @PrimKind@}
+%* *
+instance Outputable PrimKind where
+#ifdef DPH
+ ppr sty (PodNKind d k) = ppBesides [ppr sty k , ppStr ".POD" , ppr sty d]
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+ ppr sty kind = ppStr (showPrimKind kind)
+showPrimKind :: PrimKind -> String
+guessPrimKind :: String -> PrimKind -- a horrible "inverse" function
+showPrimKind PtrKind = "P_" -- short for StgPtr
+showPrimKind CodePtrKind = "P_" -- DEATH to StgFunPtr! (94/02/22 WDP)
+ -- but aren't code pointers and function pointers different sizes
+ -- on some machines (eg 80x86)? ADR
+ -- Are you trying to ruin my life, or what? (WDP)
+showPrimKind DataPtrKind = "D_"
+showPrimKind RetKind = "StgRetAddr"
+showPrimKind InfoPtrKind = "StgInfoPtr"
+showPrimKind CostCentreKind = "CostCentre"
+showPrimKind CharKind = "StgChar"
+showPrimKind IntKind = "I_" -- short for StgInt
+showPrimKind WordKind = "W_" -- short for StgWord
+showPrimKind AddrKind = "StgAddr"
+showPrimKind FloatKind = "StgFloat"
+showPrimKind DoubleKind = "StgDouble"
+showPrimKind ArrayKind = "StgArray" -- see comment below
+showPrimKind ByteArrayKind = "StgByteArray"
+showPrimKind StablePtrKind = "StgStablePtr"
+showPrimKind MallocPtrKind = "StgPtr" -- see comment below
+showPrimKind VoidKind = "!!VOID_KIND!!"
+guessPrimKind "D_" = DataPtrKind
+guessPrimKind "StgRetAddr" = RetKind
+guessPrimKind "StgInfoPtr" = InfoPtrKind
+guessPrimKind "StgChar" = CharKind
+guessPrimKind "I_" = IntKind
+guessPrimKind "W_" = WordKind
+guessPrimKind "StgAddr" = AddrKind
+guessPrimKind "StgFloat" = FloatKind
+guessPrimKind "StgDouble" = DoubleKind
+guessPrimKind "StgArray" = ArrayKind
+guessPrimKind "StgByteArray" = ByteArrayKind
+guessPrimKind "StgStablePtr" = StablePtrKind
+All local C variables of @ArrayKind@ are declared in C as type
+@StgArray@. The coercion to a more precise C type is done just before
+indexing (by the relevant C primitive-op macro).
+Nota Bene. There are three types associated with Malloc Pointers:
+@StgMallocClosure@ is the type of the thing the C world gives us.
+(This typename is hardwired into @ppr_casm_results@ in
+@StgMallocPtr@ is the type of the thing we give the C world.
+@StgPtr@ is the type of the (pointer to the) heap object which we
+pass around inside the STG machine.
+It is really easy to confuse the two. (I'm not sure this choice of
+type names helps.) [ADR]