path: root/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a32e5615d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ghc/compiler/profiling/SCCauto.lhs
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1994
+\section[SCCauto]{Automated SCC annotations}
+Automatic insertion of \tr{_scc_} annotations for top-level bindings.
+Automatic insertion of \tr{_scc_} annotations on CAFs is better left
+until STG land. We do DICT annotations there, too, but maybe
+that will turn out to be a bummer... (WDP 94/06)
+This is a Core-to-Core pass (usually run {\em last}).
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module SCCauto ( addAutoCostCentres ) where
+import CmdLineOpts
+import Id ( isTopLevId )
+import PlainCore
+import Outputable ( isExported )
+import CostCentre -- ( mkAutoCC )
+import Util -- for pragmas only
+ :: (GlobalSwitch -> SwitchResult) -- cmd-line switches
+ -> FAST_STRING -- module name
+ -> [PlainCoreBinding] -- input
+ -> [PlainCoreBinding] -- output
+addAutoCostCentres sw_chkr mod_name binds
+ = if not doing_something then
+ binds -- now *that* was quick...
+ else
+ map scc_top_bind binds
+ where
+ doing_something = auto_all_switch_on || auto_exported_switch_on
+ auto_all_switch_on = switchIsOn sw_chkr AutoSccsOnAllToplevs -- only use!
+ auto_exported_switch_on = switchIsOn sw_chkr AutoSccsOnExportedToplevs -- only use!
+ grp_name = case (stringSwitchSet sw_chkr SccGroup) of
+ Just xx -> _PK_ xx
+ Nothing -> mod_name -- default: module name
+ -----------------------------
+ scc_top_bind (CoNonRec binder rhs)
+ = CoNonRec binder (scc_auto binder rhs)
+ scc_top_bind (CoRec pairs)
+ = CoRec (map scc_pair pairs)
+ where
+ scc_pair (binder, rhs) = (binder, scc_auto binder rhs)
+ -----------------------------
+ -- Automatic scc annotation for user-defined top-level Ids
+ scc_auto binder rhs
+ = if isTopLevId binder
+ && (auto_all_switch_on || isExported binder)
+ then scc_rhs rhs
+ else rhs
+ where
+ -- park auto SCC inside lambdas; don't put one there
+ -- if there already is one.
+ scc_rhs rhs
+ = let
+ (tyvars, vars, body) = digForLambdas rhs
+ in
+ case body of
+ CoSCC _ _ -> rhs -- leave it
+ CoCon _ _ _ --??? | null vars
+ -> rhs
+ _ -> mkFunction tyvars vars
+ (CoSCC (mkAutoCC binder mod_name grp_name IsNotCafCC) body)