path: root/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
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Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs')
1 files changed, 154 insertions, 212 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
index 54348b99c8..cd531b8fc5 100644
--- a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename.lhs
@@ -14,245 +14,187 @@ IMP_Ubiq()
import HsSyn
-import RdrHsSyn ( SYN_IE(RdrNameHsModule), SYN_IE(RdrNameImportDecl) )
-import RnHsSyn ( RnName(..){-.. is for Ix hack only-}, SYN_IE(RenamedHsModule), isRnTyConOrClass, isRnWired )
---ToDo:rm: all for debugging only
---import Maybes
---import Name
---import Outputable
---import RnIfaces
---import PprStyle
---import Pretty
---import FiniteMap
---import Util (pprPanic, pprTrace)
-import ParseUtils ( ParsedIface(..), RdrIfaceDecl(..), RdrIfaceInst(..),
- UsagesMap(..), VersionsMap(..)
- )
-import RnMonad
-import RnNames ( getGlobalNames, SYN_IE(GlobalNameInfo) )
-import RnSource ( rnSource )
-import RnIfaces ( rnIfaces, initIfaceCache, IfaceCache )
-import RnUtils ( SYN_IE(RnEnv), extendGlobalRnEnv, emptyRnEnv )
+import RdrHsSyn ( RdrName, SYN_IE(RdrNameHsModule), SYN_IE(RdrNameImportDecl) )
+import RnHsSyn ( SYN_IE(RenamedHsModule), SYN_IE(RenamedHsDecl), extractHsTyNames )
-import Bag ( isEmptyBag, unionBags, unionManyBags, bagToList, listToBag )
-import CmdLineOpts ( opt_HiMap, opt_NoImplicitPrelude )
+import CmdLineOpts ( opt_HiMap )
+import RnMonad
+import RnNames ( getGlobalNames )
+import RnSource ( rnDecl )
+import RnIfaces ( getImportedInstDecls, getDecl, getImportVersions, getSpecialInstModules,
+ mkSearchPath, getWiredInDecl
+ )
+import RnEnv ( availsToNameSet, addAvailToNameSet, addImplicitOccsRn )
+import Id ( GenId {- instance NamedThing -} )
+import Name ( Name, Provenance, ExportFlag(..), isLocallyDefined,
+ NameSet(..), elemNameSet, mkNameSet, unionNameSets, nameSetToList,
+ isWiredInName, modAndOcc
+ )
+import TysWiredIn ( unitTyCon, intTyCon, doubleTyCon )
+import TyCon ( TyCon )
import ErrUtils ( SYN_IE(Error), SYN_IE(Warning) )
import FiniteMap ( emptyFM, eltsFM, fmToList, addToFM, FiniteMap )
-import Maybes ( catMaybes )
-import Name ( isLocallyDefined, mkWiredInName, getLocalName, isLocalName,
- origName,
- Name, RdrName(..), ExportFlag(..)
- )
---import PprStyle -- ToDo:rm
-import PrelInfo ( builtinNameMaps, builtinKeysMap, SYN_IE(BuiltinNames), SYN_IE(BuiltinKeys) )
import Pretty
-import Unique ( ixClassKey )
-import UniqFM ( emptyUFM, lookupUFM, addListToUFM_C, eltsUFM )
-import UniqSupply ( splitUniqSupply )
-import Util ( panic, assertPanic{-, pprTrace ToDo:rm-} )
+import PprStyle ( PprStyle(..) )
+import Util ( panic, assertPanic, pprTrace )
renameModule :: UniqSupply
-> RdrNameHsModule
- -> IO (RenamedHsModule, -- output, after renaming
- RnEnv, -- final env (for renaming derivings)
- [Module], -- imported modules; for profiling
- (Name -> ExportFlag, -- export info
- ([(Name,ExportFlag)],
- [(Name,ExportFlag)])),
- (UsagesMap,
- VersionsMap, -- version info; for usage
- [Module]), -- instance modules; for iface
- Bag Error,
- Bag Warning)
+ -> IO (Maybe -- Nothing <=> everything up to date;
+ -- no ned to recompile any further
+ (RenamedHsModule, -- Output, after renaming
+ InterfaceDetails, -- Interface; for interface file generatino
+ RnNameSupply, -- Final env; for renaming derivings
+ [Module]), -- Imported modules; for profiling
+ Bag Error,
+ Bag Warning
+ )
-ToDo: May want to arrange to return old interface for this module!
-ToDo: Deal with instances (instance version, this module on instance list ???)
-renameModule us input@(HsModule modname _ _ imports _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
- = {-
- let
- pp_pair (n,m) = ppBesides [ppPStr m,ppChar '.',ppPStr n]
- in
- pprTrace "builtins:\n" (case builtinNameMaps of { (builtin_ids, builtin_tcs) ->
- ppAboves [ ppCat (map pp_pair (keysFM builtin_ids))
- , ppCat (map pp_pair (keysFM builtin_tcs))
- , ppCat (map pp_pair (keysFM builtinKeysMap))
- ]}) $
- -}
- -- _scc_ "rnGlobalNames"
- makeHiMap opt_HiMap >>= \ hi_files ->
--- pprTrace "HiMap:\n" (ppAboves [ ppCat [ppPStr m, ppStr p] | (m,p) <- fmToList hi_files])
- initIfaceCache modname hi_files >>= \ iface_cache ->
- fixIO ( \ ~(_, _, _, _, rec_occ_fm, ~(rec_export_fn,_)) ->
+renameModule us this_mod@(HsModule mod_name vers exports imports fixities local_decls loc)
+ initRn mod_name us (mkSearchPath opt_HiMap) loc $
+ getGlobalNames this_mod `thenRn` \ global_name_info ->
+ case global_name_info of {
+ Nothing -> -- Everything is up to date; no need to recompile further
+ returnRn Nothing ;
+ -- Otherwise, just carry on
+ Just (export_env, rn_env, local_avails) ->
+ -- We also add occurrences for Int, Double, and (), because they
+ -- are the types to which ambigious type variables may be defaulted by
+ -- the type checker; so they won't every appear explicitly.
+ -- [The () one is a GHC extension for defaulting CCall results.]
+ initRnMS rn_env mod_name SourceMode (mapRn rnDecl local_decls) `thenRn` \ rn_local_decls ->
+ addImplicitOccsRn [getName intTyCon,
+ getName doubleTyCon,
+ getName unitTyCon] `thenRn_`
+ -- Notice that the rnEnv starts empty
+ closeDecls rn_local_decls (availsToNameSet local_avails) []
+ `thenRn` \ (rn_all_decls, imported_avails) ->
+ -- We keep the ones that only mention things (type constructors, classes) that are
+ -- already imported. Ones which don't can't possibly be useful to us.
+ getImportedInstDecls `thenRn` \ imported_insts ->
- rec_occ_fn :: Name -> [RdrName]
- rec_occ_fn n = case lookupUFM rec_occ_fm n of
- Nothing -> []
- Just (rn,occs) -> occs
+ all_big_names = mkNameSet [name | Avail name _ <- local_avails] `unionNameSets`
+ mkNameSet [name | Avail name _ <- imported_avails]
- global_name_info = (builtinNameMaps, builtinKeysMap, rec_export_fn, rec_occ_fn)
+ rn_needed_insts = [ initRnMS emptyRnEnv mod_name InterfaceMode (rnDecl (InstD inst_decl))
+ | (inst_names, mod_name, inst_decl) <- imported_insts,
+ all (`elemNameSet` all_big_names) inst_names
+ ]
- getGlobalNames iface_cache global_name_info us1 input >>=
- \ (occ_env, imp_mods, unqual_imps, imp_fixes, top_errs, top_warns) ->
+ sequenceRn rn_needed_insts `thenRn` \ inst_decls ->
+ -- Maybe we need to do another close-decls?
- if not (isEmptyBag top_errs) then
- return (rn_panic, rn_panic, top_errs, top_warns, emptyUFM, rn_panic)
- else
- -- No top-level name errors so rename source ...
- -- _scc_ "rnSource"
- case initRn True modname occ_env us2
- (rnSource imp_mods unqual_imps imp_fixes input) of {
- ((rn_module, export_fn, module_dotdots, src_occs), src_errs, src_warns) ->
+ getImportVersions imported_avails `thenRn` \ import_versions ->
+ getNameSupplyRn `thenRn` \ name_supply ->
- --pprTrace "renameModule:" (ppCat (map (ppr PprDebug . fst) (bagToList src_occs))) $
- let
- occ_fm :: UniqFM (RnName, [RdrName])
- occ_list = [ (rn,(rn,[occ])) | (rn,occ) <- bagToList src_occs]
- occ_fm = addListToUFM_C insert_occ emptyUFM occ_list
- insert_occ (rn,olds) (rn',[new]) = (rn, insert new olds)
- insert new [] = [new]
- insert new xxs@(x:xs) = case cmp new x of LT_ -> new : xxs
- EQ_ -> xxs
- GT__ -> x : insert new xs
- occ_warns = map multipleOccWarn (filter multiple_occs (eltsUFM occ_fm))
- multiple_occs (rn, (o1:o2:_)) = getLocalName o1 /= SLIT("negate")
- -- the user is rarely responsible if
- -- "negate" is mentioned in multiple ways
- multiple_occs _ = False
+ -- The "special instance" modules are those modules that contain instance
+ -- declarations that contain no type constructor or class that was declared
+ -- in that module.
+ getSpecialInstModules `thenRn` \ imported_special_inst_mods ->
+ let
+ special_inst_decls = [d | InstD d@(InstDecl inst_ty _ _ _ _) <- rn_local_decls,
+ all (not.isLocallyDefined) (nameSetToList (extractHsTyNames inst_ty))
+ ]
+ special_inst_mods | null special_inst_decls = imported_special_inst_mods
+ | otherwise = mod_name : imported_special_inst_mods
- return (rn_module, imp_mods,
- top_errs `unionBags` src_errs,
- top_warns `unionBags` src_warns `unionBags` listToBag occ_warns,
- occ_fm, (export_fn, module_dotdots))
- }) >>= \ (rn_module, imp_mods, errs_so_far, warns_so_far, occ_fm, export_stuff) ->
- if not (isEmptyBag errs_so_far) then
- return (rn_panic, rn_panic, rn_panic, rn_panic, rn_panic, errs_so_far, warns_so_far)
- else
- -- No errors renaming source so rename the interfaces ...
- -- _scc_ "preRnIfaces"
- -- split up all names that occurred in the source; between
- -- those that are defined therein and those merely mentioned.
- -- We also divide by tycon/class and value names (as usual).
- occ_rns = [ rn | (rn,_) <- eltsUFM occ_fm ]
- -- all occurrence names, from this module and imported
- (defined_here, defined_elsewhere)
- = partition isLocallyDefined occ_rns
- (_, imports_used)
- = partition isRnWired defined_elsewhere
- (def_tcs, def_vals) = partition isRnTyConOrClass defined_here
- (occ_tcs, occ_vals) = partition isRnTyConOrClass occ_rns
- -- the occ stuff includes *all* occurrences,
- -- including those for which we have definitions
- (orig_def_env, orig_def_dups)
- = extendGlobalRnEnv emptyRnEnv (map pairify_rn def_vals)
- (map pairify_rn def_tcs)
- (orig_occ_env, orig_occ_dups)
- = extendGlobalRnEnv emptyRnEnv (map pairify_rn occ_vals)
- (map pairify_rn occ_tcs)
- -- This stuff is pretty dodgy right now: I think original
- -- names and occurrence names may be getting entangled
- -- when they shouldn't be... WDP 96/06
- pairify_rn rn -- ToDo: move to Name?
- = let
- name = getName rn
- in
- (if isLocalName name
- then Unqual (getLocalName name)
- else case (origName "pairify_rn" name) of { OrigName m n ->
- Qual m n }
- , rn)
+ import_mods = [mod | ImportDecl mod _ _ _ _ <- imports]
+ renamed_module = HsModule mod_name vers
+ trashed_exports trashed_imports trashed_fixities
+ (inst_decls ++ rn_all_decls)
+ loc
--- ASSERT (isEmptyBag orig_occ_dups)
--- (if (isEmptyBag orig_occ_dups) then \x->x
--- else pprTrace "orig_occ_dups:" (ppAboves [ ppCat [ppr PprDebug m, ppr PprDebug n, ppr PprDebug o] | (m,n,o) <- bagToList orig_occ_dups])) $
- ASSERT (isEmptyBag orig_def_dups)
- -- _scc_ "rnIfaces"
- rnIfaces iface_cache imp_mods us3 orig_def_env orig_occ_env
- rn_module (initMustHaves ++ imports_used) >>=
- \ (rn_module_with_imports, final_env,
- (implicit_val_fm, implicit_tc_fm),
- usage_stuff,
- (iface_errs, iface_warns)) ->
- return (rn_module_with_imports,
- final_env,
- imp_mods,
- export_stuff,
- usage_stuff,
- errs_so_far `unionBags` iface_errs,
- warns_so_far `unionBags` iface_warns)
+ returnRn (Just (renamed_module,
+ (import_versions, export_env, special_inst_mods),
+ name_supply,
+ import_mods))
+ }
- rn_panic = panic "renameModule: aborted with errors"
- (us1, us') = splitUniqSupply us
- (us2, us3) = splitUniqSupply us'
-initMustHaves :: [RnName]
- -- things we *must* find declarations for, because the
- -- compiler may eventually make reference to them (e.g.,
- -- class Eq)
- | opt_NoImplicitPrelude
- = [{-no Prelude.hi, no point looking-}]
- | otherwise
- = [ name_fn (mkWiredInName u orig ExportAll)
- | (orig@(OrigName mod str), (u, name_fn)) <- fmToList builtinKeysMap ]
+ trashed_exports = {-trace "rnSource:trashed_exports"-} Nothing
+ trashed_imports = {-trace "rnSource:trashed_imports"-} []
+ trashed_fixities = []
-makeHiMap :: Maybe String -> IO (FiniteMap Module FilePath)
-makeHiMap Nothing = error "Rename.makeHiMap:no .hi map given by the GHC driver (?)"
-makeHiMap (Just f)
- = readFile f >>= \ cts ->
- return (snag_mod emptyFM cts [])
- where
- -- we alternate between "snag"ging mod(ule names) and path(names),
- -- accumulating names (reversed) and the final resulting map
- -- as we move along.
- snag_mod map [] [] = map
- snag_mod map (' ':cs) rmod = snag_path map (_PK_ (reverse rmod)) cs []
- snag_mod map (c:cs) rmod = snag_mod map cs (c:rmod)
- snag_path map mod [] rpath = addToFM map mod (reverse rpath)
- snag_path map mod ('\n':cs) rpath = snag_mod (addToFM map mod (reverse rpath)) cs []
- snag_path map mod (c:cs) rpath = snag_path map mod cs (c:rpath)
+closeDecls :: [RenamedHsDecl] -- Declarations got so far
+ -> NameSet -- Names bound by those declarations
+ -> [AvailInfo] -- Available stuff generated by closeDecls so far
+ -> RnMG ([RenamedHsDecl], -- The closed set
+ [AvailInfo]) -- Available stuff generated by closeDecls
+ -- The monad includes a list of possibly-unresolved Names
+ -- This list is empty when closeDecls returns
+closeDecls decls decl_names import_avails
+ = popOccurrenceName `thenRn` \ maybe_unresolved ->
+ case maybe_unresolved of
+ -- No more unresolved names; we're done
+ Nothing -> returnRn (decls, import_avails)
+ -- An "unresolved" name that we've already dealt with
+ Just (name,_) | name `elemNameSet` decl_names
+ -> closeDecls decls decl_names import_avails
+ -- An unresolved name that's wired in. In this case there's no
+ -- declaration to get, but we still want to record it as now available,
+ -- so that we remember to look for instance declarations involving it.
+ Just (name,_) | isWiredInName name
+ -> getWiredInDecl name `thenRn` \ decl_avail ->
+ closeDecls decls
+ (addAvailToNameSet decl_names decl_avail)
+ (decl_avail : import_avails)
+ -- Genuinely unresolved name
+ Just (name,necessity) | otherwise
+ -> getDecl name `thenRn` \ (decl_avail,new_decl) ->
+ case decl_avail of
+ -- Can't find the declaration; check that it was optional
+ NotAvailable -> checkRn (case necessity of { Optional -> True; other -> False})
+ (getDeclErr name) `thenRn_`
+ closeDecls decls decl_names import_avails
+ -- Found it
+ other -> initRnMS emptyRnEnv mod_name InterfaceMode (
+ rnDecl new_decl
+ ) `thenRn` \ rn_decl ->
+ closeDecls (rn_decl : decls)
+ (addAvailToNameSet decl_names decl_avail)
+ (decl_avail : import_avails)
+ where
+ (mod_name,_) = modAndOcc name
+getDeclErr name sty
+ = ppSep [ppStr "Failed to find interface decl for", ppr sty name]
-Warning message used herein:
-multipleOccWarn (name, occs) sty
- = ppBesides [ppStr "warning:multiple names used to refer to `", ppr sty name, ppStr "': ",
- ppInterleave ppComma (map (ppr sty) occs)]