path: root/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename4.lhs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ghc/compiler/rename/Rename4.lhs')
1 files changed, 829 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename4.lhs b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename4.lhs
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index 0000000000..746078bfe0
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+++ b/ghc/compiler/rename/Rename4.lhs
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+% (c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1992-1995
+\section[Rename4]{Fourth of the renaming passes}
+#include "HsVersions.h"
+module Rename4 (
+ rnModule4, rnPolyType4, rnGenPragmas4,
+ initRn4, Rn4M(..), TyVarNamesEnv(..), -- re-exported from the monad
+ -- for completeness
+ Module, Bag, InPat, ProtoNamePat(..), RenamedPat(..),
+ PolyType, Maybe, Name, ProtoName, GlobalNameFun(..),
+ SrcLoc, SplitUniqSupply, Error(..), PprStyle,
+ Pretty(..), PrettyRep
+ ) where
+IMPORT_Trace -- ToDo: rm (debugging)
+import Outputable
+import Pretty
+import AbsSyn
+import AbsUniType ( derivableClassKeys )
+import Errors
+import HsCore -- ****** NEED TO SEE CONSTRUCTORS ******
+import HsPragmas -- ****** NEED TO SEE CONSTRUCTORS ******
+import Maybes ( catMaybes, Maybe(..) )
+import ProtoName ( eqProtoName, elemProtoNames )
+import RenameBinds4 ( rnTopBinds4, rnMethodBinds4 )
+import RenameMonad4
+import Util
+This pass `renames' the module+imported info, simultaneously
+performing dependency analysis. It also does the following error
+Checks that tyvars are used properly. This includes checking
+for undefined tyvars, and tyvars in contexts that are ambiguous.
+Checks that local variables are defined.
+rnModule4 :: ProtoNameModule -> Rn4M RenamedModule
+rnModule4 (Module mod_name exports _ fixes ty_decls absty_sigs
+ class_decls inst_decls specinst_sigs defaults
+ binds int_sigs src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ mapRn4 rnTyDecl4 ty_decls `thenRn4` \ new_ty_decls ->
+ mapRn4 rnTySig4 absty_sigs `thenRn4` \ new_absty_sigs ->
+ mapRn4 rnClassDecl4 class_decls `thenRn4` \ new_class_decls ->
+ mapRn4 rnInstDecl4 inst_decls `thenRn4` \ new_inst_decls ->
+ mapRn4 rnInstSpecSig4 specinst_sigs `thenRn4` \ new_specinst_sigs ->
+ mapRn4 rnDefaultDecl4 defaults `thenRn4` \ new_defaults ->
+ rnTopBinds4 binds `thenRn4` \ new_binds ->
+ mapRn4 rnIntSig4 int_sigs `thenRn4` \ new_int_sigs ->
+ rnFixes4 fixes `thenRn4` \ new_fixes ->
+ returnRn4 (Module mod_name
+ exports [{-imports finally clobbered-}] new_fixes
+ new_ty_decls new_absty_sigs new_class_decls
+ new_inst_decls new_specinst_sigs new_defaults
+ new_binds new_int_sigs src_loc)
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection{Type declarations}
+%* *
+@rnTyDecl4@ uses the `global name function' to create a new type
+declaration in which local names have been replaced by their original
+names, reporting any unknown names.
+Renaming type variables is a pain. Because they now contain uniques,
+it is necessary to pass in an association list which maps a parsed
+tyvar to its Name representation. In some cases (type signatures of
+values), it is even necessary to go over the type first in order to
+get the set of tyvars used by it, make an assoc list, and then go over
+it again to rename the tyvars! However, we can also do some scoping
+checks at the same time.
+rnTyDecl4 :: ProtoNameTyDecl -> Rn4M RenamedTyDecl
+rnTyDecl4 (TyData context tycon tyvars condecls derivings pragmas src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ lookupTyCon tycon `thenRn4` \ tycon' ->
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars `thenRn4` \ (tv_env, tyvars') ->
+ rnContext4 tv_env context `thenRn4` \ context' ->
+ rnConDecls4 tv_env False condecls `thenRn4` \ condecls' ->
+ mapRn4 (rn_deriv tycon' src_loc) derivings `thenRn4` \ derivings' ->
+ recoverQuietlyRn4 (DataPragmas [] []) (
+ rnDataPragmas4 tv_env pragmas
+ ) `thenRn4` \ pragmas' ->
+ returnRn4 (TyData context' tycon' tyvars' condecls' derivings' pragmas' src_loc)
+ )
+ where
+ rn_deriv tycon2 locn deriv
+ = lookupClass deriv `thenRn4` \ clas_name ->
+ case clas_name of
+ PreludeClass key _ | key `is_elem` derivableClassKeys
+ -> returnRn4 clas_name
+ _ -> addErrRn4 (derivingNonStdClassErr tycon2 deriv locn) `thenRn4_`
+ returnRn4 clas_name
+ where
+ is_elem = isIn "rn_deriv"
+rnTyDecl4 (TySynonym name tyvars ty pragmas src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ lookupTyCon name `thenRn4` \ name' ->
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars `thenRn4` \ (tv_env, tyvars') ->
+ rnMonoType4 False{-no invisible types-} tv_env ty
+ `thenRn4` \ ty' ->
+ returnRn4 (TySynonym name' tyvars' ty' pragmas src_loc)
+ )
+@rnConDecls4@ uses the `global name function' to create a new
+constructor in which local names have been replaced by their original
+names, reporting any unknown names.
+rnConDecls4 :: TyVarNamesEnv
+ -> Bool -- True <=> allowed to see invisible data-cons
+ -> [ProtoNameConDecl]
+ -> Rn4M [RenamedConDecl]
+rnConDecls4 tv_env invisibles_allowed con_decls
+ = mapRn4 rn_decl con_decls
+ where
+ lookup_fn
+ = if invisibles_allowed
+ then lookupValueEvenIfInvisible
+ else lookupValue
+ rn_decl (ConDecl name tys src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ lookup_fn name `thenRn4` \ new_name ->
+ mapRn4 (rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env) tys
+ `thenRn4` \ new_tys ->
+ returnRn4 (ConDecl new_name new_tys src_loc)
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection{ABSTRACT type-synonym pragmas}
+%* *
+rnTySig4 :: ProtoNameDataTypeSig
+ -> Rn4M RenamedDataTypeSig
+rnTySig4 (AbstractTypeSig tycon src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ lookupTyCon tycon `thenRn4` \ tycon' ->
+ returnRn4 (AbstractTypeSig tycon' src_loc)
+ )
+rnTySig4 (SpecDataSig tycon ty src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ let
+ tyvars = extractMonoTyNames eqProtoName ty
+ in
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars `thenRn4` \ (tv_env,_) ->
+ lookupTyCon tycon `thenRn4` \ tycon' ->
+ rnMonoType4 False tv_env ty `thenRn4` \ ty' ->
+ returnRn4 (SpecDataSig tycon' ty' src_loc)
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection{Class declarations}
+%* *
+@rnClassDecl4@ uses the `global name function' to create a new
+class declaration in which local names have been replaced by their
+original names, reporting any unknown names.
+rnClassDecl4 :: ProtoNameClassDecl -> Rn4M RenamedClassDecl
+rnClassDecl4 (ClassDecl context cname tyvar sigs mbinds pragmas src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc [tyvar] `thenRn4` \ (tv_env, [tyvar']) ->
+ rnContext4 tv_env context `thenRn4` \ context' ->
+ lookupClass cname `thenRn4` \ cname' ->
+ mapRn4 (rn_op cname' tv_env) sigs `thenRn4` \ sigs' ->
+ rnMethodBinds4 cname' mbinds `thenRn4` \ mbinds' ->
+ recoverQuietlyRn4 NoClassPragmas (
+ rnClassPragmas4 pragmas
+ ) `thenRn4` \ pragmas' ->
+ returnRn4 (ClassDecl context' cname' tyvar' sigs' mbinds' pragmas' src_loc)
+ )
+ where
+ rn_op clas tv_env (ClassOpSig op ty pragma locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 locn (
+ lookupClassOp clas op `thenRn4` \ op_name ->
+ rnPolyType4 False True tv_env ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ recoverQuietlyRn4 NoClassOpPragmas (
+ rnClassOpPragmas4 pragma
+ ) `thenRn4` \ new_pragma ->
+ returnRn4 (ClassOpSig op_name new_ty new_pragma locn)
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection{Instance declarations}
+%* *
+@rnInstDecl4@ uses the `global name function' to create a new of
+instance declaration in which local names have been replaced by their
+original names, reporting any unknown names.
+rnInstDecl4 :: ProtoNameInstDecl -> Rn4M RenamedInstDecl
+rnInstDecl4 (InstDecl context cname ty mbinds from_here modname imod uprags pragmas src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ let tyvars = extractMonoTyNames eqProtoName ty in
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars `thenRn4` \ (tv_env,_) ->
+ rnContext4 tv_env context `thenRn4` \ context' ->
+ lookupClass cname `thenRn4` \ cname' ->
+ rnMonoType4 False{-no invisibles-} tv_env ty
+ `thenRn4` \ ty' ->
+ rnMethodBinds4 cname' mbinds `thenRn4` \ mbinds' ->
+ mapRn4 rn_uprag uprags `thenRn4` \ new_uprags ->
+ recoverQuietlyRn4 NoInstancePragmas (
+ rnInstancePragmas4 cname' tv_env pragmas
+ ) `thenRn4` \ new_pragmas ->
+ returnRn4 (InstDecl context' cname' ty' mbinds'
+ from_here modname imod new_uprags new_pragmas src_loc)
+ )
+ where
+ rn_uprag (InlineSig var guide locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 locn (
+ lookupValue var `thenRn4` \ new_var ->
+ returnRn4 (InlineSig new_var guide locn)
+ )
+ rn_uprag (DeforestSig var locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 locn (
+ lookupValue var `thenRn4` \ new_var ->
+ returnRn4 (DeforestSig new_var locn)
+ )
+ rn_uprag (MagicUnfoldingSig var str locn)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 locn (
+ lookupValue var `thenRn4` \ new_var ->
+ returnRn4 (MagicUnfoldingSig new_var str locn)
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection{@SPECIALIZE instance@ user-pragmas}
+%* *
+rnInstSpecSig4 :: ProtoNameSpecialisedInstanceSig
+ -> Rn4M RenamedSpecialisedInstanceSig
+rnInstSpecSig4 (InstSpecSig clas ty src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ let tyvars = extractMonoTyNames eqProtoName ty in
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tyvars `thenRn4` \ (tv_env,_) ->
+ lookupClass clas `thenRn4` \ new_clas ->
+ rnMonoType4 False tv_env ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn4 (InstSpecSig new_clas new_ty src_loc)
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection{Default declarations}
+%* *
+@rnDefaultDecl4@ uses the `global name function' to create a new set
+of default declarations in which local names have been replaced by
+their original names, reporting any unknown names.
+rnDefaultDecl4 :: ProtoNameDefaultDecl -> Rn4M RenamedDefaultDecl
+rnDefaultDecl4 (DefaultDecl tys src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ mapRn4 (rnMonoType4 False nullTyVarNamesEnv) tys `thenRn4` \ tys' ->
+ returnRn4 (DefaultDecl tys' src_loc)
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection{Type signatures from interfaces}
+%* *
+Non-interface type signatures (which may include user-pragmas) are
+handled with @Binds@.
+@ClassOpSigs@ are dealt with in class declarations.
+rnIntSig4 :: ProtoNameSig -> Rn4M RenamedSig
+rnIntSig4 (Sig name ty pragma src_loc)
+ = pushSrcLocRn4 src_loc (
+ lookupValue name `thenRn4` \ new_name ->
+ rnPolyType4 False True nullTyVarNamesEnv ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ recoverQuietlyRn4 NoGenPragmas (
+ rnGenPragmas4 pragma
+ ) `thenRn4` \ new_pragma ->
+ returnRn4 (Sig new_name new_ty new_pragma src_loc)
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection{Fixity declarations}
+%* *
+rnFixes4 :: [ProtoNameFixityDecl] -> Rn4M [RenamedFixityDecl]
+rnFixes4 fixities
+ = mapRn4 rn_fixity fixities `thenRn4` \ fixes_maybe ->
+ returnRn4 (catMaybes fixes_maybe)
+ where
+ rn_fixity (InfixL name i)
+ = lookupFixityOp name `thenRn4` \ res ->
+ returnRn4 (
+ case res of
+ Just name2 -> Just (InfixL name2 i)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ )
+ rn_fixity (InfixR name i)
+ = lookupFixityOp name `thenRn4` \ res ->
+ returnRn4 (
+ case res of
+ Just name2 -> Just (InfixR name2 i)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ )
+ rn_fixity (InfixN name i)
+ = lookupFixityOp name `thenRn4` \ res ->
+ returnRn4 (
+ case res of
+ Just name2 -> Just (InfixN name2 i)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ )
+%* *
+\subsection{Support code to rename types}
+%* *
+rnPolyType4 :: Bool -- True <=> "invisible" tycons (in pragmas) allowed
+ -> Bool -- True <=> snaffle tyvars from ty and
+ -- stuff them in tyvar env; True for
+ -- signatures and things; False for type
+ -- synonym defns and things.
+ -> TyVarNamesEnv
+ -> ProtoNamePolyType
+ -> Rn4M RenamedPolyType
+rnPolyType4 invisibles_allowed snaffle_tyvars tv_env (UnoverloadedTy ty)
+ = rn_poly_help invisibles_allowed snaffle_tyvars tv_env [] ty `thenRn4` \ (_, new_ty) ->
+ returnRn4 (UnoverloadedTy new_ty)
+rnPolyType4 invisibles_allowed snaffle_tyvars tv_env (OverloadedTy ctxt ty)
+ = rn_poly_help invisibles_allowed snaffle_tyvars tv_env ctxt ty `thenRn4` \ (new_ctxt, new_ty) ->
+ returnRn4 (OverloadedTy new_ctxt new_ty)
+rnPolyType4 invisibles_allowed snaffle_tyvars tv_env (ForAllTy tvs ty)
+ = getSrcLocRn4 `thenRn4` \ src_loc ->
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc tvs `thenRn4` \ (tvenv2, new_tvs) ->
+ let
+ new_tvenv = catTyVarNamesEnvs tvenv2 tv_env
+ in
+ rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed new_tvenv ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn4 (ForAllTy new_tvs new_ty)
+rn_poly_help invisibles_allowed snaffle_tyvars tv_env ctxt ty
+ = getSrcLocRn4 `thenRn4` \ src_loc ->
+ let
+ -- ToDo: this randomly-grabbing-tyvar names out
+ -- of the type seems a little weird to me
+ -- (WDP 94/11)
+ new_tyvars
+ = extractMonoTyNames eqProtoName ty
+ `minus_list` domTyVarNamesEnv tv_env
+ in
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc new_tyvars `thenRn4` \ (tv_env2, _) ->
+ let
+ tv_env3 = if snaffle_tyvars
+ then catTyVarNamesEnvs tv_env2 tv_env
+ else tv_env -- leave it alone
+ in
+ rnContext4 tv_env3 ctxt `thenRn4` \ new_ctxt ->
+ rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env3 ty
+ `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn4 (new_ctxt, new_ty)
+ where
+ minus_list xs ys = [ x | x <- xs, not (x `elemProtoNames` ys)]
+rnMonoType4 :: Bool -- allowed to look at invisible tycons
+ -> TyVarNamesEnv
+ -> ProtoNameMonoType
+ -> Rn4M RenamedMonoType
+rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env (MonoTyVar tyvar)
+ = lookupTyVarName tv_env tyvar `thenRn4` \ tyvar' ->
+ returnRn4 (MonoTyVar tyvar')
+rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env (ListMonoTy ty)
+ = rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env ty `thenRn4` \ ty' ->
+ returnRn4 (ListMonoTy ty')
+rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env (FunMonoTy ty1 ty2)
+ = andRn4 FunMonoTy (rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env ty1)
+ (rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env ty2)
+rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env (TupleMonoTy tys)
+ = mapRn4 (rnPolyType4 invisibles_allowed False tv_env) tys `thenRn4` \ tys' ->
+ returnRn4 (TupleMonoTy tys')
+rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env (MonoTyCon name tys)
+ = let
+ lookup_fn = if invisibles_allowed
+ then lookupTyConEvenIfInvisible
+ else lookupTyCon
+ in
+ lookup_fn name `thenRn4` \ tycon_name' ->
+ mapRn4 (rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env) tys `thenRn4` \ tys' ->
+ returnRn4 (MonoTyCon tycon_name' tys')
+-- for unfoldings only:
+rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env (MonoTyVarTemplate name)
+ = --pprTrace "rnMonoType4:MonoTyVarTemplate:" (ppAbove (ppr PprDebug name) (ppr PprDebug tv_env)) (
+ lookupTyVarName tv_env name `thenRn4` \ new_name ->
+ returnRn4 (MonoTyVarTemplate new_name)
+ --)
+rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env (MonoDict clas ty)
+ = lookupClass clas `thenRn4` \ new_clas ->
+ rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn4 (MonoDict new_clas new_ty)
+#ifdef DPH
+rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env (MonoTyProc tys ty)
+ = mapRn4 (rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env) tys `thenRn4` \ tys' ->
+ rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env ty `thenRn4` \ ty' ->
+ returnRn4 (MonoTyProc tys' ty')
+rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env (MonoTyPod ty)
+ = rnMonoType4 invisibles_allowed tv_env ty `thenRn4` \ ty' ->
+ returnRn4 (MonoTyPod ty')
+#endif {- Data Parallel Haskell -}
+rnContext4 :: TyVarNamesEnv -> ProtoNameContext -> Rn4M RenamedContext
+rnContext4 tv_env ctxt
+ = mapRn4 rn_ctxt ctxt
+ where
+ rn_ctxt (clas, tyvar)
+ = lookupClass clas `thenRn4` \ clas_name ->
+ lookupTyVarName tv_env tyvar `thenRn4` \ tyvar_name ->
+ returnRn4 (clas_name, tyvar_name)
+%* *
+\subsection{Support code to rename various pragmas}
+%* *
+rnDataPragmas4 tv_env (DataPragmas cons specs)
+ = rnConDecls4 tv_env True{-invisibles allowed-} cons `thenRn4` \ new_cons ->
+ mapRn4 types_n_spec specs `thenRn4` \ new_specs ->
+ returnRn4 (DataPragmas new_cons new_specs)
+ where
+ types_n_spec ty_maybes
+ = mapRn4 (rn_ty_maybe nullTyVarNamesEnv) ty_maybes
+rnClassOpPragmas4 NoClassOpPragmas = returnRn4 NoClassOpPragmas
+rnClassOpPragmas4 (ClassOpPragmas dsel defm)
+ = recoverQuietlyRn4 NoGenPragmas (rnGenPragmas4 dsel) `thenRn4` \ new_dsel ->
+ recoverQuietlyRn4 NoGenPragmas (rnGenPragmas4 defm) `thenRn4` \ new_defm ->
+ returnRn4 (ClassOpPragmas new_dsel new_defm)
+rnClassPragmas4 NoClassPragmas = returnRn4 NoClassPragmas
+rnClassPragmas4 (SuperDictPragmas sds)
+ = mapRn4 rnGenPragmas4 sds `thenRn4` \ new_sds ->
+ returnRn4 (SuperDictPragmas new_sds)
+NB: In various cases around here, we don't @recoverQuietlyRn4@ around
+calls to @rnGenPragmas4@; not really worth it.
+rnInstancePragmas4 _ _ NoInstancePragmas = returnRn4 NoInstancePragmas
+rnInstancePragmas4 _ _ (SimpleInstancePragma dfun)
+ = rnGenPragmas4 dfun `thenRn4` \ new_dfun ->
+ returnRn4 (SimpleInstancePragma new_dfun)
+rnInstancePragmas4 clas tv_env (ConstantInstancePragma dfun constms)
+ = recoverQuietlyRn4 NoGenPragmas (
+ rnGenPragmas4 dfun
+ ) `thenRn4` \ new_dfun ->
+ mapRn4 name_n_gen constms `thenRn4` \ new_constms ->
+ returnRn4 (ConstantInstancePragma new_dfun new_constms)
+ where
+ name_n_gen (op, gen)
+ = lookupClassOp clas op `thenRn4` \ new_op ->
+ rnGenPragmas4 gen `thenRn4` \ new_gen ->
+ returnRn4 (new_op, new_gen)
+rnInstancePragmas4 clas tv_env (SpecialisedInstancePragma dfun specs)
+ = recoverQuietlyRn4 NoGenPragmas (
+ rnGenPragmas4 dfun
+ ) `thenRn4` \ new_dfun ->
+ mapRn4 types_n_spec specs `thenRn4` \ new_specs ->
+ returnRn4 (SpecialisedInstancePragma new_dfun new_specs)
+ where
+ types_n_spec (ty_maybes, dicts_to_ignore, inst)
+ = mapRn4 (rn_ty_maybe tv_env) ty_maybes `thenRn4` \ new_tys ->
+ rnInstancePragmas4 clas tv_env inst `thenRn4` \ new_inst ->
+ returnRn4 (new_tys, dicts_to_ignore, new_inst)
+And some general pragma stuff: (Not sure what, if any, of this would
+benefit from a TyVarNamesEnv passed in.... [ToDo])
+rnGenPragmas4 NoGenPragmas = returnRn4 NoGenPragmas
+rnGenPragmas4 (GenPragmas arity upd def strict unfold specs)
+ = recoverQuietlyRn4 NoImpUnfolding (
+ rn_unfolding unfold
+ ) `thenRn4` \ new_unfold ->
+ rn_strictness strict `thenRn4` \ new_strict ->
+ recoverQuietlyRn4 [] (
+ mapRn4 types_n_gen specs
+ ) `thenRn4` \ new_specs ->
+ returnRn4 (GenPragmas arity upd def new_strict new_unfold new_specs)
+ where
+ rn_unfolding NoImpUnfolding = returnRn4 NoImpUnfolding
+ rn_unfolding (ImpMagicUnfolding str) = returnRn4 (ImpMagicUnfolding str)
+ rn_unfolding (ImpUnfolding guidance core)
+ = rn_core nullTyVarNamesEnv core `thenRn4` \ new_core ->
+ returnRn4 (ImpUnfolding guidance new_core)
+ ------------
+ rn_strictness NoImpStrictness = returnRn4 NoImpStrictness
+ rn_strictness (ImpStrictness is_bot ww_info wrkr_info)
+ = recoverQuietlyRn4 NoGenPragmas (
+ rnGenPragmas4 wrkr_info
+ ) `thenRn4` \ new_wrkr_info ->
+ returnRn4 (ImpStrictness is_bot ww_info new_wrkr_info)
+ -------------
+ types_n_gen (ty_maybes, dicts_to_ignore, gen)
+ = mapRn4 (rn_ty_maybe no_env) ty_maybes `thenRn4` \ new_tys ->
+ recoverQuietlyRn4 NoGenPragmas (
+ rnGenPragmas4 gen
+ ) `thenRn4` \ new_gen ->
+ returnRn4 (new_tys, dicts_to_ignore, new_gen)
+ where
+ no_env = nullTyVarNamesEnv
+rn_ty_maybe tv_env Nothing = returnRn4 Nothing
+rn_ty_maybe tv_env (Just ty)
+ = rnMonoType4 True{-invisibles OK-} tv_env ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn4 (Just new_ty)
+rn_core tvenv (UfCoVar v)
+ = rn_uf_id tvenv v `thenRn4` \ vname ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoVar vname)
+rn_core tvenv (UfCoLit lit)
+ = returnRn4 (UfCoLit lit)
+rn_core tvenv (UfCoCon con tys as)
+ = lookupValueEvenIfInvisible con `thenRn4` \ new_con ->
+ mapRn4 (rn_core_type tvenv) tys `thenRn4` \ new_tys ->
+ mapRn4 (rn_atom tvenv) as `thenRn4` \ new_as ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoCon new_con new_tys new_as)
+rn_core tvenv (UfCoPrim op tys as)
+ = rn_core_primop tvenv op `thenRn4` \ new_op ->
+ mapRn4 (rn_core_type tvenv) tys `thenRn4` \ new_tys ->
+ mapRn4 (rn_atom tvenv) as `thenRn4` \ new_as ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoPrim new_op new_tys new_as)
+rn_core tvenv (UfCoLam binders body)
+ = mapRn4 (rn_binder tvenv) binders `thenRn4` \ new_binders ->
+ let
+ bs = [ b | (b, ty) <- new_binders ]
+ in
+ extendSS bs (rn_core tvenv body) `thenRn4` \ new_body ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoLam new_binders new_body)
+rn_core tvenv (UfCoTyLam tv body)
+ = getSrcLocRn4 `thenRn4` \ src_loc ->
+ mkTyVarNamesEnv src_loc [tv] `thenRn4` \ (tvenv2, [new_tv]) ->
+ let
+ new_tvenv = catTyVarNamesEnvs tvenv2 tvenv
+ in
+ rn_core new_tvenv body `thenRn4` \ new_body ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoTyLam new_tv new_body)
+rn_core tvenv (UfCoApp fun arg)
+ = rn_core tvenv fun `thenRn4` \ new_fun ->
+ rn_atom tvenv arg `thenRn4` \ new_arg ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoApp new_fun new_arg)
+rn_core tvenv (UfCoTyApp expr ty)
+ = rn_core tvenv expr `thenRn4` \ new_expr ->
+ rn_core_type tvenv ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoTyApp new_expr new_ty)
+rn_core tvenv (UfCoCase expr alts)
+ = rn_core tvenv expr `thenRn4` \ new_expr ->
+ rn_alts alts `thenRn4` \ new_alts ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoCase new_expr new_alts)
+ where
+ rn_alts (UfCoAlgAlts alg_alts deflt)
+ = mapRn4 rn_alg_alt alg_alts `thenRn4` \ new_alts ->
+ rn_deflt deflt `thenRn4` \ new_deflt ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoAlgAlts new_alts new_deflt)
+ where
+ rn_alg_alt (con, params, rhs)
+ = lookupValueEvenIfInvisible con `thenRn4` \ new_con ->
+ mapRn4 (rn_binder tvenv) params `thenRn4` \ new_params ->
+ let
+ bs = [ b | (b, ty) <- new_params ]
+ in
+ extendSS bs (rn_core tvenv rhs) `thenRn4` \ new_rhs ->
+ returnRn4 (new_con, new_params, new_rhs)
+ rn_alts (UfCoPrimAlts prim_alts deflt)
+ = mapRn4 rn_prim_alt prim_alts `thenRn4` \ new_alts ->
+ rn_deflt deflt `thenRn4` \ new_deflt ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoPrimAlts new_alts new_deflt)
+ where
+ rn_prim_alt (lit, rhs)
+ = rn_core tvenv rhs `thenRn4` \ new_rhs ->
+ returnRn4 (lit, new_rhs)
+ rn_deflt UfCoNoDefault = returnRn4 UfCoNoDefault
+ rn_deflt (UfCoBindDefault b rhs)
+ = rn_binder tvenv b `thenRn4` \ new_b@(binder, ty) ->
+ extendSS [binder] (rn_core tvenv rhs) `thenRn4` \ new_rhs ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoBindDefault new_b new_rhs)
+rn_core tvenv (UfCoLet bind body)
+ = rn_bind bind `thenRn4` \ (new_bind, new_binders) ->
+ extendSS new_binders (rn_core tvenv body) `thenRn4` \ new_body ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoLet new_bind new_body)
+ where
+ rn_bind (UfCoNonRec b rhs)
+ = rn_binder tvenv b `thenRn4` \ new_b@(binder, ty) ->
+ rn_core tvenv rhs `thenRn4` \ new_rhs ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoNonRec new_b new_rhs, [binder])
+ rn_bind (UfCoRec pairs)
+ = -- conjure up Names; we do this differently than
+ -- elsewhere for Core, because of the recursion here;
+ -- no deep issue.
+ -- [BEFORE IT WAS "FIXED"... 94/05...]
+ -- [Andy -- It *was* a 'deep' issue to me...]
+ -- [Will -- Poor wee soul.]
+ getSrcLocRn4 `thenRn4` \ locn ->
+ namesFromProtoNames "core variable"
+ [ (b, locn) | ((b,_),_) <- pairs] `thenRn4` \ binders ->
+ extendSS binders (mapRn4 rn_pair (pairs `zip` binders)) `thenRn4` \ new_pairs ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoRec new_pairs, binders)
+ where
+ rn_pair (((b, ty), rhs), new_b)
+ = rn_core_type tvenv ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ rn_core tvenv rhs `thenRn4` \ new_rhs ->
+ returnRn4 ((new_b, new_ty), new_rhs)
+rn_core tvenv (UfCoSCC uf_cc body)
+ = rn_cc uf_cc `thenRn4` \ new_cc ->
+ rn_core tvenv body `thenRn4` \ new_body ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoSCC new_cc new_body)
+ where
+ rn_cc (UfAutoCC id m g is_dupd is_caf)
+ = rn_uf_id tvenv id `thenRn4` \ new_id ->
+ returnRn4 (UfAutoCC new_id m g is_dupd is_caf)
+ rn_cc (UfDictCC id m g is_caf is_dupd)
+ = rn_uf_id tvenv id `thenRn4` \ new_id ->
+ returnRn4 (UfDictCC new_id m g is_dupd is_caf)
+ -- the rest are boring:
+ rn_cc (UfPreludeDictsCC d) = returnRn4 (UfPreludeDictsCC d)
+ rn_cc (UfAllDictsCC m g d) = returnRn4 (UfAllDictsCC m g d)
+ rn_cc (UfUserCC n m g d c) = returnRn4 (UfUserCC n m g d c)
+rn_core_primop tvenv (UfCCallOp str is_casm may_gc arg_tys res_ty)
+ = mapRn4 (rn_core_type tvenv) arg_tys `thenRn4` \ new_arg_tys ->
+ rn_core_type tvenv res_ty `thenRn4` \ new_res_ty ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCCallOp str is_casm may_gc new_arg_tys new_res_ty)
+rn_core_primop tvenv (UfOtherOp op)
+ = returnRn4 (UfOtherOp op)
+rn_uf_id tvenv (BoringUfId v)
+ = lookupValueEvenIfInvisible v `thenRn4` \ vname ->
+ returnRn4 (BoringUfId vname)
+rn_uf_id tvenv (SuperDictSelUfId c sc)
+ = lookupClass{-EvenIfInvisible-} c `thenRn4` \ new_c ->
+ lookupClass{-EvenIfInvisible-} sc `thenRn4` \ new_sc ->
+ returnRn4 (SuperDictSelUfId new_c new_sc)
+rn_uf_id tvenv (ClassOpUfId c op)
+ = lookupClass{-EvenIfInvisible-} c `thenRn4` \ new_c ->
+ lookupClassOp{-EvenIfInvisible-} new_c op `thenRn4` \ new_op ->
+ returnRn4 (ClassOpUfId new_c new_op)
+rn_uf_id tvenv (DictFunUfId c ty)
+ = lookupClass{-EvenIfInvisible-} c `thenRn4` \ new_c ->
+ rn_core_type tvenv ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn4 (DictFunUfId new_c new_ty)
+rn_uf_id tvenv (ConstMethodUfId c op ty)
+ = lookupClass{-EvenIfInvisible-} c `thenRn4` \ new_c ->
+ lookupClassOp{-EvenIfInvisible-} new_c op `thenRn4` \ new_op ->
+ rn_core_type tvenv ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn4 (ConstMethodUfId new_c new_op new_ty)
+rn_uf_id tvenv (DefaultMethodUfId c op)
+ = lookupClass{-EvenIfInvisible-} c `thenRn4` \ new_c ->
+ lookupClassOp{-EvenIfInvisible-} new_c op `thenRn4` \ new_op ->
+ returnRn4 (DefaultMethodUfId new_c new_op)
+rn_uf_id tvenv (SpecUfId unspec ty_maybes)
+ = rn_uf_id tvenv unspec `thenRn4` \ new_unspec ->
+ mapRn4 (rn_ty_maybe tvenv) ty_maybes `thenRn4` \ new_ty_maybes ->
+ returnRn4 (SpecUfId new_unspec new_ty_maybes)
+rn_uf_id tvenv (WorkerUfId unwrkr)
+ = rn_uf_id tvenv unwrkr `thenRn4` \ new_unwrkr ->
+ returnRn4 (WorkerUfId new_unwrkr)
+rn_binder tvenv (b, ty)
+ = getSrcLocRn4 `thenRn4` \ src_loc ->
+ namesFromProtoNames "binder in core unfolding" [(b, src_loc)]
+ `thenRn4` \ [new_b] ->
+ rn_core_type tvenv ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn4 (new_b, new_ty)
+rn_atom tvenv (UfCoLitAtom l) = returnRn4 (UfCoLitAtom l)
+rn_atom tvenv (UfCoVarAtom v)
+ = rn_uf_id tvenv v `thenRn4` \ vname ->
+ returnRn4 (UfCoVarAtom vname)
+rn_core_type_maybe tvenv Nothing = returnRn4 Nothing
+rn_core_type_maybe tvenv (Just ty)
+ = rn_core_type tvenv ty `thenRn4` \ new_ty ->
+ returnRn4 (Just new_ty)
+rn_core_type tvenv ty
+ = rnPolyType4 True{-invisible tycons OK-} False tvenv ty